I feel you, my friend, and it's a damn shame so many people think teaching is just like the teachers ... Frankly, my best friend's experience - combined with my sister's experience (she's a curriculum specialist who deals a lot with ... I mean, my siblings and I and all my friends were dual-parented, some of us had moms who stayed home, ... What you are describing would have freaked me out no end. I cannot imagine trying to learn, to change how my mind works, in those circumstances.
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While Japan would never consider stationing troops in disputed territory miles from a sovereign country lax in any way, we understand the position that Columbia is put in during this predicament. Japan will continue to defend its airspace, and should the Russians show any sign of sinister movement, especially with their new nationalist government, Japanese troops will be placed on high alert. We appreciate your commitment and we will maintain peaceful diplomacy where they are willing. However, we do wish to find a resolution to the Northern Territories dispute as soon as possible.
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Not to take away from your point, because you're right, but they'd probably wear them anyway. Not for modesty. It's very uncomfortable to have those super-short/tight pants while dancing. They don't fit every body type and they're usually ill-fitting. Getting that material all crammed up in your nethers hurts.
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I never questioned Miami having longer runways. In fact I pointed it out. My statement regarding market demographics (100% opinion based despite being a native of South FL) hinges on the fact that there has been a considerable uptick in foreign investment from the ME region due to the Port of Everglades expansion as well as other factors. Regardless, we are being pedantic and don't disagree with the other points you said. When I go home I use both airports.
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http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/TODAY/z_Creative/DNCMemo%20(002).pdf She conveniently left out this little paragraph when discussing this arrangement. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC's obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process. All activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary. Further we understand you may enter into similar agreements with other candidates Whoops. Granted she's now gone back on the whole rigging claim but again, she's playing the most gullible portion of folks who are just so desperate to believe and feel vindicated.
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My mother was a lifetime addict, she would NEVER dream of having me sexually assaulted. I am an addict, but I've never even stolen. You have to have a rotten core to have a child sexually assaulted, heroin or not. Even if you were a random child and I was at my lowest point of a fentanyl withdrawl I wouldn't ... Some people are just disgusting, I'm so sorry you went through that OP.
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You can take whatever value you want from sports, man. Trophies are what bring in cash but if you don't end up getting those, it's okay to be happy with ... It's just entertainment.
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i always really dug suikoden's approach to equipment, especially weapons. you can equip items to boost stats but i always liked the simplified weapon system. for the unfamiliar, rather than min-maxing and juggling weapon upgrades between characters, suikoden allows each character a single unique weapon that is often emblematic of that character's design and persona. you upgrade only that weapon (with gold) at your leisure so you ultimately decide which characters become more powerful. over the course of the game.
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Thanks for this, it helped me a ton, truly. I'd never bother posting if it weren't entirely sincere, so you're right, my befuddlement was heartfelt. Anyway, this was useful in that I don't have much money (PhD, kill me Betsy DeVos) and I guess I've been too sincere with where I spend it. I supported Chapo with money, but since I don't have much, I should be more careful. I'm glad Chapo exists and I hope everyone with money for vicious humor and irony/screaming into the void continues to support them.
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Thank you for the kind words, stranger, and please accept my deepest sympathies in return. You really are incredibly fortunate to be able to see your grandma regularly. I got to see mine this past March, when she still looked well and right before her cancer started its rapid progression, and I'm so glad I have that in my mind as the last time I saw her. She passed peacefully this morning with my dad and her husband at her sides. Hug your grandma extra tight the next time you see her!
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I was staying at your place. You were out being social and I had it in my mind to make us dinner. I opened the freezer to take inventory and all I could focus on was a banana in the corner, tucked ... I wondered if it was the same banana from last week. From two months ago.
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I creep your profile and I see that you're a fellow cyclist!!! Doing the lord's work I see. I had a nasty MTB crash over the summer and I'm still in a cast. Good luck with your goals this new year. I wish you good legs.
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So which are you? Awful personality? Neurodivergence? If my logic is so sorely flawed, tell me why no one likes you.
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You have got some great advice here, i think a pair of really flirty eyelashes and lip gloss or lipstick would help. But you have wonderful features!!! Best of luck to you my love
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Losing parents must be heartbreaking, I am sorry. i hope you get the strength, and get some positive and happy vibes this holiday season. Cheers
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i don't think you can ever solve violence with violence. so long as you're still willing to commit violence, violence will be committed. so dunno. i think at some point, humans, as a whole, need to stand up to violence by not responding. the small, insignificant spattering of media overblown nazi violence is a good situation to practice this kind of sentiment in.
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That's not what I'm doing though. I read the whole review and now I'm looking at each of the studies it references, and I'm telling that ... Seems like we're not gonna come to agreement on this, but I appreciate the civil debate. Happy New Year I get that you disagree, you just haven't provided any actual arguments for *why*. I mean I'm willing to believe you when you say you've read everything and are coming to a conclusion based ...
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Same as yours, but with even more variables as we also play in bdsm space with couples. People's kinks and intensity levels vary a ton. Ex: If someone likes to get hit with things what sweet spot gets them floaty and maybe to cum. Our 1st meetings usually involve a lot of communication and limit setting. If we get a bad feel about the communication level on the other end or something we don't setup a playdate.
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As someone that works for a financial institution your comment frustrates me. Welcome to our world. Checks are not as good as cash. Unfortunately, few employers will pay significant amounts in cash. It's funny how when we get them it's good as cash, but when you get them it's not.
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This is particularly evident during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, when she uses a Silencing Charm on a Death Eater to stop him from giving away their location, rather than simply Stunning him, which results in him using a very despicable spell on her, which would have killed her had he spoken aloud the incantation. There are other examples, but this one comes to mind. For the record. Hermione is my favorite character, and I agree with you that this trait makes her more human.
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Amity! It means friendship. I'm in love with uncommon virtue names like Temperance and Prudence, but I think Amity suits your requirements the best.
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I did make a post a bit similar but I'm not sure if it's the one you're referring to. Unfortunately gender does play a role on how many replies you will get. Ladies tend to get more responses because even though this is a subreddit for friendship people come here with the ... Another reason you might not be getting a response back is because of the messages you're sending. I'm not a guy so I can't speak from a male's perspective but when you're a female on a subreddit ...
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I don't know what this might mean - but I can't think of a single thing I do that wouldn't be INTJ-like. Yes, you are 100% correct. If personality type defined your interests, then we wouldn't have obvious cultures for each community. Personality types are none other than what takes less effort for you to do. An INTJ ends up being adequate at planning and implementing elegant, personal solutions for each and every situation + *all* most impactful contingencies + *many* other contingencies.
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There's a difference between a compliment and asking someone to make something for you. A compliment has an immediate end. Asking for something comes with expectation or entitlement, even if it's said with good intentions.
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Oh my beagle mix is amazing though so if you naturally love beagles, consider a mix! My dog will hike miles if I want or sleep with me 24 hours when I’m sick. Also well behaved and food motivated thus quite easy to train. Plus he’s so darn cute!
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Because it's the Antifa subreddit and you all are so easy to pick apart. Coming on here the last few days was new for me and just reinforced my opinion of how much you all are idiotic pussies that have no idea what you're talking about nor do you have any concept of what you're actually arguing. It has secured my opinion you all are violent trash with the mentality of children.
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If the way you like to have sex hurts her, what do you expect her to do? Either you're not generous enough with the foreplay, or you may just be physically incompatible. Was it always like this, or did you seem to be more sexually compatible earlier in the relationship?
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Sorry people are being such dicks! To each their own? You look as great as you feel so do as you please. Human to human, I support your hair choices no matter what YOU choose to do with YOUR life. Much love!
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Serious question: are you dutch? We need the cultural background here. People don't realize how radically different drug education and approach is between cultures. So, if you want good advice we need background information. Treating a dutch kid like an American would be ineffective, at best, and harmful to your relationships, at worst.
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Thank you for posting! Line Is said in another response, my reaction to them being removed is based on ignorance. Admittedly. Thank you for inspiring me to educate myself on these matters. Coming from the south, they didn't exactly give us the full story on these growing up in school so I ...
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Honest question.. When throwing a jab (or any straight punch) in boxing, should you avoid locking out your arm / elbow ? Should you "corkscrew" your wrist / hand ? How much ?
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" What right do you have to tell someone who lives among grizzlies that they should just coexist when they have kids and pets and animals in close proximity to the bears? Then you agree that our approach to wildlife has nothing to do with ecology, but rather human values. Ive thought very long and critically about where my food comes from and that is why im a hunter. Im proud to be a hunter, You may have thought ""very long and critically,"" but you have not thought very well. It sounds like you still eat meat so that actually makes you the biggest hypocrite of all time if thats the case."
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I want to say thank you for all the prayers and comments in my other post. It's been a few days and I thought I would update my son's progress. He has seemed to improve and both his EKG and oxygen have been removed. They started warming him back up yesterday and I believe they will feed him for the first time today. I won't be able to visit him till later tonight when my SO can drive me.
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Because people love catchphrases and soundbites. What's that, my boy? Oh my giddy aunt you can't be serious! Maybe I can reverse the polarity of this conversation. Would you like a jelly baby?
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Yeah - there is definitely some nuance to this. The `r/all` post flair is another example where moderators add some metadata to a post that isn't necessarily a tag ... I hear your concern and think this is definitely solvable.
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The only time I've heard my wife being catcalled is when I was on the phone to her, while she ... She was using her headphones, so she didn't look like she was on the phone. And I heard this voice: You're a nice girl, aren't ya. And that's it. I was shocked to hear it as I've never heard anything of the like before.
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Ok, I'll be the bad parent here. All three of my kids wore Bell helmets picked up from Target (or Dick's sporting goods) when they were that age. One reason is because you could find one that fits well (they are adjustable like our helmets). The second reason is because on a balance bike, or even on a bike with training wheels, they aren't going fast and don't have far to fall, so a non high end helmet will do just fine, IMO. One additional perk is that if they do wipe out and hit their helmet, it isn't as expensive to replace.
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I eat at my computer pretty much daily, and up until recently lived with 2 dogs who shed A LOT. I've owned my keyboard for 3+ years and have never cleaned it and it's practically spotless compared to that. Also, you can't say you're a clean person and then have a keyboard that looks like that, sorry.
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35 year old adult. Once you get grandmaster status you can get stoned af and be in public and just blend in. We have a whole ritual; it's up to you to discover it.
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" I believe that if you're going to argue economics, you can't ignore the long term savings of such a program. The people who are against it because they don't want other people to get ""free stuff"" need to realize 2 ... 1) It saves money. A lot of money. 2) It reduces abortions."
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No I mean everyone has their own version of the Christian God. Like we might worship the same God, but my perception of God may be different than yours. For instance, my dad said God told him something about my mom, but my mom said he didn't tell him that because she knows how God operates. Does this make sense?
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dogs are not evolved to work with humans. Their traits are results of domestic selection by humans. the same domestic selection was applied to other animals as well. your argument is emotional not rational because you think dogs look cute and are our friends. there is no reason to think that is universal.
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Well all around great job my dude. I always had a bad feeling about snap and how he always wanted to make profit and never help ppl out. Thank you for the answers and take care my dude.
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I’m really glad sharing your story helped. I shared it with my wife and we were both moved by it and grateful your grandfather was able to find the love of his life even if she passed too soon, and had a loving grandchild to watch grow that I’m sure he got tremendous pride from during his years. I’m sure he could ask for Rosie to be with a more loving owner. I hope you have a good thanksgiving and remember the good times we are all thankful for. My grandfather was the most supportive person of any activity I found myself interested in growing up.
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Absolutely. I just wonder why I never felt this before--and why so many of my friends and family are unbothered by ... It feels nothing short of how you so accurately put it--a violent assault on my psyche.
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HAHAHAH! You go railing on people for looking through your post history. Projection much? You must be a reeeeeedacted r/esist marchagainsttrump libtard since my political affiliation hurts your feelings so bad. Sounds like "kid" is projection too.
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Well, unfortunately, she can't dress better unless she bites the bullet and goes shopping. However, once she understands what colors and shapes flatter her, and which brands work best for price and style, then ... Also, if she shops at zappos, then everything shows up in a couple days, you try it on and send ... 6pm is the discount side of zappos but no free shipping but you will find the same brands on clearance.
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You sound pretty heated about this. Maybe you need a friend, I'll be your friend :). On a separate note I got a few extra bags of fertilizer I'm not gonna use if your interested.
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"i wasn't triggered because of my ""ignorance."" i was triggered because i don't think suicide is a joke and it's a personal issue for me. i admitted to that and owned up to it. that is not what ignorance is; go read a dictionary instead of trying to condescend to others. i'm not interested in your inane hostility "
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You know what's weird VladimirPootietang? I just noticed your username from a comment you made on a year old post. And here you are again. You're amazing and I love you.
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I would try and split the difference. If it's an extra 1K a month, you can do pretty well with that. Put 200 away for a big vacation. Put 200 away for a couple nice restaurants. I bet you could still live nicely and spend 500 each month extra.
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I'm not sure where you're located, but I bought one of these palettes somewhat recently from Amazon (sold by amazon). To the US, though. Probably matters.
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I think there are two other considerations beyond those you mentioned: 1. are you contracting it all or doing it yourself? 2. you said you have moderate skill level, but what about physical capability (i.e. can you move tons of gravel) and time? Do you have the time required to do it yourself? A few things i'd suggest you think about: * pavers are about 2x the cost per squarefoot compared to concrete (when contracted) * decks look great, but other than aesthetics they don't add anything unless you want to change the level of hangout space (maybe compared to your house exit?)
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What I mean is that this behavior is a contradiction. We are biologically driven to find partners who are not similar. It's our DNA saying don't have sex with your family. However, our vanity leads us in the other direction and says this person is like you...Have sex with them. It's biology vs personality essentially.
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My heart breaks for you.. please know we're sending you both love and good vibes. I'd love to see pictures of your fur baby if you'd like to share. If you need anyone to talk to, let me know. I'm happy to give you my email/cell. ❤️
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Bring your dancing shoes. Leave your self respect at home. Although, I'm sure you ditched that the moment you applied to be a JETard.
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1. A game doesn't have to help a child develop for them to play it. It can just be fun. It's bizarre you think they do, and I'd love to hear why you feel that way. 2.
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I don't understand your point, you're just trying to justify something that literally no other sub does. Who cares if you get criticized or down voted, at least you have a voice. Your analogies are a bit off too, it would be like me going to the Chargers and leveling some not ... I think it's lazy and stupid to just disregard the documented proof of banned people. Most of them post the actual banned post where it shows what they said so they can't edit it, even ...
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You have an entire movie dedicated to remembering y'all and we still forget you exist. With the addition of Erik Decker, you finally gave Mariota someone to throw to when they're rehabbing. It was a forward pass
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Whatever, I'm just telling you my own experience. I find Alex and Strand share some common ground in that they each think they're a lot smarter and more worldly than they actually are, but then that's almost every PNWS character. Mulder and Scully had nuance.
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Awesome! Thanks for replying. I'd like to get direct clarity from you on a couple questions if you don't mind. I see a lot of young people from my position getting screwed in ways not similar to yours when they ... Out of curiosity, what did your NDA's cover?
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It's the best, this year's houses have been really exciting! Thank you, I feel so fortunate to have my mom. I can go to her with anything. She actually talked to somebody from security who's been majorly helpful, and we sent out a big email to him with all the evidence and they're gonna help us figure out what to do from here. We'll be ok, I feel a lot more confident now!
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Still not clear on why your interpretation could be considered the only valid one considering the topic. Pretty sure my ex-pastor was an ex seminary graduate as well so I'm not sure why that counts in only your favor. It seems you are only supporting my claim that different denominations believe different things.
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"Um you'd probably want to go to the video/audio subreddit (not sure which one.) From my experience, without the ability to separate the audio waves with very fancy software, you can't. Also I'm pretty sure that infringes on copyright laws and I wouldn't touch that, even if ""no one would find out."" So I can't recommend doing it. Source: I've been trying with available software I own on video recordings of a passed loved one and a blasting tv in the background."
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From my personal experience, the more credit hours you have the higher the chance of acceptance. I have a CS friend with a high GPA that applied to transfer for the spring and was rejected, when he asked admissions, the issue was he didn't have enough hours. CS is definitely a more competitive major to transfer into, but credit hours is still a major metric. I personally think having 60-70 hr (including AP credits) or applying after your 2nd year is safe.
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Thank you for making me teary on my lunch break. I've had other people try and tell me this, but never so eloquently. I needed this and I'm glad after much second guessing myself that I decided to post today. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Sounds to me like you run some kind of RPG; I could make a couple of guesses, but the nature ... At this point, all you can really do is run damage control. I would suggest thefollowing: First, cut off what access you can to the group as a whole. She can still reach out to people, but she does not need to be able to do so on your ... Second, send a brief apology to the group, stating that she was removed for rules infraction (the cheating plus the ...
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you should cut away a square section to make the patch clean and this square section should extend to either side far enough to expose the rafter. this is to give you something to screw into. alternatively, you can straddle the a couple furring strips to the top side of a smaller hole and attach them directly to the ceiling with drywall screws or framing nails, however, this still means you have to cover the screw/nail heads. anyway, cut a patch piece of drywall (of equal thickness to the existing) to fit the hole and screw it in place. tape the seams with your choice of the numerous types of joint tape, i prefer the fiberglass mesh.
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You, good sir, just made my day as well. I can't even imagine how happy and exited you made dude and his girl feel, props to you and hillbabe. There is hope for humanity.
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Look dude, I'm really sorry you feel so shitty and it wasn't my intention to make you feel shittier. I don't know why you're not getting the attention you crave; I'm not around you or watching you. I really don't know why it's not coming your way. Obviously physical health is only part of the picture. If you're telling me it's not your fucking attitude so angrily, it sounds like there's some baggage there.
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" My sister said to my mother (unprovoked) ""thank you for loving me"". This was over 30 years ago, and my mother still brings it up teary eyed. I'm still positive that my sister knew exactly what she was doing."
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"I think the only REAL way to get to that point would be to treat the entire audience POV charectars (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ect.) and the entire book itself as some manner of leftist propaganda with the ""real"" hero of the stories being the tragic tale of Tom Riddle. But i'm curious to hear your opinions. "
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Receiving information from the Russians is not collusion. Colluding itself to discredit your opponent is not a crime, to my knowledge. Attempted collusion is not a crime. I'm not saying it's all fine, it's not. It's terrible, and Trump Jr should not have participated.
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Whenever I look at someone at the gym, I'm looking at their form, physique, or just observing my surroundings. I've never ever once saw someone at the gym and wished they weren't there. The worse shape you're in, the happier I am that you're there trying to be a better version of yourself. As for talking to anyone, girl or guy, it's always encouraging telling someone to keep up the good work. Not a super common thing, but I like being told I'm rocking out and pay it forward.
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He doesnt have any closure to give you. Closure comes from your own acceptance that he is a douchecanoe twatwaffle and you move on. The things he is saying is for effect, not for truth. Hes pissed that you had the audacity to call him out. Stop looking to him and his friends for anything.
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" we both know you have nothing better to do i think youre falsely correlating humor with populism. there were far more people using humor to combat trump and on a vastly larger scale, yet trump still won the election. clearly, people weren't ""manipulated"" or ""fooled"" by comedy like youre saying they are. the evidence is manifest i do agree that intelligent and observant people can fall for clever advertising and subliminal agendas, but these are found in all forms of political discourse. do you really think humor is the only medium through which subtle manipulation is exercised?"
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What solution is someone else, who knows nothing about this problem except a 5min emotional rant, going to come up with that I haven't already? Just because I come home upset doesn't mean I've suddenly become stupid. And now, instead of working on feeling better about my situation, I have to find a way to tell you that your solution will never work because you don't actually understand the problem very well without offending you. So a conversation that was supposed to be about my feelings is now about not hurting your feelings. That's the opposite of what the venter wants.
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You're not the chaddiest chad lol. Everything you're saying is true but all other things being equal you'd probably prefer a more attractive female over a lesser one. Also we have very similar ideals and goals and I totally get and agree with what you're saying.
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My eldest was like this as a baby and he's still a very active toddler who's into everything. I get cuddles loads, but they usually last about 10 seconds before he's off to something else. At just over 2 he started saying "I love you mummy". Sometimes "I love you sooooo much". And sometimes "me and daddy love you and we aaaaalllll love each other".
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I'm downvoting not because of your critique of the Pixel, for which there are valid critiques. Your post deserves a downvote because its analysis is utterly pedestrian. You say However, it damn right represents the market and I challenge anyone to properly contest what was here mentioned. No, that's not how it works. **You have the burden of proof** if you're the one offering the initial thesis.
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Fun fact I don't have to justify my love life to you. It has no bearing on this conversation. I also find it intersting that you can't stay on topic. You keep diverting to other subjects. I can't fix your weakness.
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As a mom, I can assure you that your parents will want to protect, and help you. Yes, you are facing this big awful thing, but the blackmail isn't your fault. Yes, you made some bad choices, but everyone does. The difference is that with the internet, those choices can chase you for a lot longer than in your parents ... As hard as it may be, go to your parents and tell them everything.
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"You're a bit of a dick. I think exposure makes a huge impact, I was just thinking into it a little deeper than ""uh Google says so lul."" I'm sorry my opinion offended you, but have a blessed night! "
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
My morning has been less than fun. But thank you for giving me something wonderful to take my mind off of it. :)
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Kid at my work just shot himself in the leg with a DPMS. Oh wow, that's horrible. I hope he fully recovers and continues to enjoy shooting sports. Also, I sent him this ad to be a dick. Haha you are my kind of "friend" that is hilarious.
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Blame the internet in the way you would blame the printing press for the Protestant Reformation. A new communications medium is disruptive, as it fundamentally changes the we, you know, communicate. It will take time for us to get used to a world with internet communication.
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The first time something doesn't 100% work perfectly EXACTLY right you're gonna get a call and you're not gonna wanna ... you know why you're getting into setting it up yourself, but those little tiny changes you've noticed (oh hey, it ... No problem for you, but that user gets frustrated, pissed, annoyed because it doesn't 'work right'. Plus, you can't go 'It's an OS problem' once you install it on another machine. Any problem that happens, it falls on you, never offer hackintosh.
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Iran has been a great friend of our nation, and we are excited to see your support continue. We agree with the political propositions. We would like a list of the military equipment which Iran is providing. North Yemen gladly accepts the offer to join the MEC. We believe gaining approval from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon is possible.
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You are ill informed if you think our intelligence agencies made that call. Investigate. Read. Actually think for a change.
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Got some fantastic news for you mate. You can let go of the unfounded hatred in your heart, it's based on a falsehood. Eligibility for free tuition has absolutely nothing to do with birthplace, it's based on residence.
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But you've just listed all the good reasons to switch to veganism. Kickass meals, environmental impact, animal welfare. You are clearly aware of these things, so maybe the next step needs to come from yourself and a willingness ...
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Yeah I have a couple of things like that, or TDYs to places that included unmentioned trips to other places. Unfortunately if you didn't save any kind of travel orders or anything that proved you went and put it on your DD214 at the time you were reviewing it, then it never happened. To my knowledge it shouldn't effect any of your VA benefits or anything though.
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I was entirely there out of obligation. Those are the worst events for me. I understand it's okay to leave normally but when I have to be there because someone else requests it I hate it. But it's hard to explain my feelings about how much anxiety can make you hate being around that atmosphere. It's a bitch :(
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" I have a similar relationship with my mother, amd your hope gives me hope. Thank you 3 I suppose it took me a long time, even after losing my belief in a deity who administers eternal punishment, to get over my feeling that being not just queer, but trans! was like, the worst thing in the world. It hurts that she, from my perspective, prefers the ""me in a shell"", but that's not her perspective. Not yet."
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Where can I we jerk off to this live? I have an extra fainting chair . . . you know, in case we get a case of the vapors from the stench of desperation.
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I'm not a tattoo person, much the opposite. But If you want the damn tattoo just get it. There's no point in regretting it. We're all going to die anyway so whether you get a tattoo or not, it's inconsequential.
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dude it's not worth it. enjoy your 20s. spend some money. we only have one life. i'm all about financial independence but you sound miserable.
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I didn't downvot you before, but I down voted you now. This is my last reply to you, cause you act like insecure bitch that can't take ironic joke. What do you even do on this subreddit, you black cock sucking faggot?
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I clearly gave you an example of what has changed (our understanding of lead changed). I gave a clear example of what government did to solve that. With guns the change has been wide availability (cost has demonstrably gone down, availability up, quality and features up), the ability to determine who should/should not own one (computers, databases), etc. So there has been a change. If we followed the paint scenario we'd have some government action to address public health impacts of guns.
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Completely wrong and frankly ridiculous. If earth's systems were absorbing all of the excess CO2, then we wouldn't be measuring the excess CO2 in the ... Not to mention that CO2 is not only absorbed by plants but is also dissolved in the oceans, which acidify ... Let me give you a hint, that's not a good thing for aquatic life. Lastly, you are missing the point about the *rate*.
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