If they're going to ask questions and you're afraid of your boyfriend being embarrassed, you need to clear the situation ... Being not engaged at 22 is fine. It certainly doesn't mean you're never going to get married.
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Literally the only 2 things that are slightly different are the mags and the safety, both of which take 5 ... You fill the mags the same, you pull back on the bolt and release it to load it. The only difference is you rock the mags in (hook the front, rock in backwards to lock the rear into ... If you know anything about guns and honestly looked at the equipment in front of you and couldn't figure out ...
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Son if I were embarrassed by a retard on the internet I would have been gone a LONG time ago. I've sufficiently trampled your stupidity, and had my fun. You're the one trying to have the last word. :) If you reply to this you're getting screen capped.
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It would absolutely be a big deal if he got info on Romney's business dealings straight from the Chinese government. What if instead of China it was Al-Qaeda who said they have information on how a certain politician allowed for funding to flow to them. How do you prove that? For starters, this behavior encourages and exposes our electoral process, the most important part of our democracy, to hacking and manipulation from not just Russia but all and sundry really. By normalizing what Trump's done, you're literally making our elections one of the biggest national security risks.
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By *garbage articles* you're referring to actual scientific study by 15 actual scientists (of course one of you guys were claiming that anthropologists aren't scientists, lol.) The fact that you're using that epithet itself only proves your own bias. Ill tell you my motivation -- I really enjoy rubbing people's noses in their own irrationality. I am always amazed at how otherwise normal, sane people will resort to ANY way to have to avoid admitting that they've fallen for a scam or that a cherished belief of theirs is actually wrong. SO, lets get back to the point: do you have an actual scientific study that contradicts the one I cited, and specifically say that these sorts of ancestry testing are valid, or not?
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I mean this sincerely but I think you need to brace yourself for Trump's downfall. It's ok that you made a mistake. It's ok that you were mislead by a coordinated effort. Nobody blames you and we will all move forward together, as Americans.
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Thank you to our pets for giving us purpose outside ourselves and a special type of love. I just had a very bad episode of white hot anger but looking at my pup always brings me back. Nothing to help you like a good snuggle.
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I mean nah I don't think so. Work isn't always bad I think. Work is just effort. It's hard to appreciate something that's just there you know. Like you put effort into spending quality time together i.e.
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If I was single and I'm Houston, I'd totally go with you. If you have to go it alone, no sweat. Andi went by herself and it worked out for her! I'd take a little liquid courage beforehand to get read of any nerves. But that's just me.
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Batman learning to work with others, IS character development. That's the definition, a character developing over the story. Sounds to me like you really don't have any clue as to what you're talking about and are just bandwagoning. And not once did i say prior knowledge was a requirement, you don't understand the words I'm using.
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"Tell yourself that if it helps. But we both know the fault is in your reading skills and nothing to do with me. And ""kiddo""? Just end your post with ""I have no wit or points of interest, allow me to sound like a douche"". It'll be more honest."
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lololol wake up people, you've been brainwashed by for profit corporate media. Can you expand on that? Maybe show us a chart of what you are refering to exactly? I just want to be sure to invest my money correctly and your insight may help.
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Live in Kansas, can confirm. It makes me truly sad seeing that there are so many hatred-filled people around. I knew they were there--but they used to keep their mouths shut, like they should. I'm all for different opinions. But when your opinion is racist, sexist, bigoted, etc., you lose my respect.
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This one may concern other nationalities but I think it's a very common view among french workers: I consider my work contract as a contract that binds both me and my employer in an absolut way. I owe him precisely 7 hours and 43 minutes of serious, honest work per day and that's what I am going to do without fault. Tailoring my workload so it is doable in this timespan is your responsibility. If you need me to do more you will need to warn me ahead and if I don't have any other plan I will be glad to do it for you for a small additional fee. In exchange for these admittedly strict conditions I will be loyal to a fault, give you sincere and realistic assessments, not try to fuck you over in anyway and work hard for you even when you are not looking over my shoulder.
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Surely by now you have heard of our fine King, Justin Trudeau. Everywhere he goes money flows. He would welcome you to our family. Shit aside, he will, we love people from other places.
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see this shit I'm okay with. this is a considered reply from a dude who happens to be if not a socialist then a sympathizer of their ends. I wish I could get you with the dude I've been arguing with the last half hour, he needs guidance. unfortunately the same dipshit has exhausted my ability to give your reply the consideration it needs. from what I can glean our differences are foundational and would basically boil down to the same far left vs. far right debate that's been going on for years.
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"Agreed. If a photographer (or any vendor) can't find a way to show on their website that they're LGBT friendly, they're automatically off the list. I don't care if they've ""just never gotten the opportunity to shoot a same sex couple!"" The reason is because there's zero indication on their website that they're open to it. Show me that you want me and my fiancee to book you by telling me you're LGBT friendly. "
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so i must delete desktops folders integrity_verification (Checksums), Trons (Instruction, changlog, Resource and batch file) and Tron.sfx v10.2.2 (2017-08-29)? Yes, but if you run tron with the `-x` switch it will automatically delete itself when it finishes. so many many thanks again not only to u but all those who are part of this Open Source. and thank-you for the kind words, we really appreciate them!
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Everyone knows there is a viewbot on her stream. You have to have evidence of the streamer themselves saying they're viewbotting or else there is nothing you can do. Don't give her more attention.
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Thank you! This will actually be my second bachelors. I can provide updates on my experience if you or anyone find it useful
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Yeah man that's on you haha. That situation you described is ridiculous. I still hate the fact that we lose ranks in matches when you're out numbered. The ranking system is supposedly based off the game's ability to estimate the certainty that you'll win a particular matchup. So if your team is out numbered there should be very little certainty that you'll win, meaning you shouldn't rank down, and if you win you should get a big boost of points.
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What a complete joke of an article. What do you think basically every left leaning newspaper has been doing? edit: After months of several papers calling Trump a liar, we the washington post who have called trump a liar ...
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"I dont support nazi's whatsoever but i do consider myself a bit more rep than dem. (Sad we have to clarify that in this day in age). But i loved what you said about ""getting your feelings hurt"". I feel like It's so drawn out these days about feelings and safe spaces blah blah it's annoying and exhausting at this point. People's beliefs are their own and as you said, if it doesnt physically hurt, ignore it."
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I appreciate your optimism, my friend. We need a magnifying glass to see those yearly improvements. Every team has injuries. It's how the coach deals with the pieces he's got. I've scratched my head more in these last years because of our head coach and his rotations and schemes than I have since Paul Westhead coached us in the 90s.
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The fact that *I'm* the one being called sanctimonious is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. Here's an upvote in case you were purposely being hypocritical just for my amusement.
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As with all McMansions, the one you posted is an architectural nightmare. What's the deal with the front top window being square and the others have arches above them? And the inconsistent sizes of the windows, as well as their uneven placement above the ground? All of that shit makes this place look like an eyesore. I mean, you can even do an attached garage and not make it look awful, but this place failed miserably.
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" girl you're super cute, and i love your hair! don't compare yourself to girls who have no makeup; chances are, they just have ""natural"" makeup on. i know that multiple coworkers of mine thought i never wear makeup, but i always have some on. but i think you're really pretty, honestly"
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No one can verify that its from actual news sources let alone that it is not made up. The burden of proof is on you to prove your claim. Also it seems your projecting your emotions onto me because I claimed you were fear mongering. You could have simply denied it and/or provided a source for your claim. You instead have said "your little temper tantrum", "outraged denial" and attacked my credibility.
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You're the second person I've seen today mention that they have over 100 hours in. Do you people just only play video games and sleep? I wish I had that much free time. That's like half the time the game has been out.
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Oh, wow. OP you are wonderful. Sitting in my car before work feeling some of the love and joy you all felt. :')
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So it seems! Totally understand I’m constantly defending myself from the “pussy liberal” Bay Area stigma so same boat sir haha. I just appreciate polite discourse on Reddit so cheers to you my man. Unrelated but I did check out your history and want to say congrats on the progress pics. Started out recently and it’s a hard road man.
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I'll be totally honest with you... if you are above 400 on your waitlist, you are not going to get ... You best bet to get a permit is to stop by our office and purchase and available lot. We can set you up with something on a UGA bus route which will get you all around campus.
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I thank you my friend. About a year ago I went from being very comfortable financially to just getting by today. Your Dollar Store provides decent products for a $1. You are a VIP in my book.
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That's the spirit, we know it makes you happy. ;) Too bad you got 35 hour work week, I bet you hate those 5 hours of extra spare time. ;) Ah well that's what Euro Truck and Forklift Simulator etc are for. So you can relax working hard when you get home.
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I once asked a very renowned cosmologist about this. I asked specifically what would be the same and what would be different between universes. The theories he was aware of considered that the truly most fundamental fields and elementary interactions of the Standard Model would be the same, but there are a number of effective interaction strengths and masses which come about from spontaneous symmetry breaking which would be different among universes and this has a major effect on the eventual observable dynamics and phenomenology of cosmological evolution and generation of matter and structure. This was the clearest and most sensible answer I've ever heard on this very confusing subject and sounds like physics which can be worked on, and not mystical mumbo jumbo. Mind you---this is from my memory at a social event with beer so I won't vouch for its accuracy.
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Well, I'm definitely late to the party...watched the video when I got the YouTube notification, but didn't realize you were responding on here...even if I'm 15 or so hours late and you may never see this, I'm going through the worst period of depression I've ever had in my life and even though I've always thought you were a great inspiration, the ending had me all torn up. I truly want to strive to have the mindset you do and get past my own father issues. Thank you, Mr. Crews.
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"8:45 - ""If Rangers lose supporters go home and give their wife a bashing about."" Fuckin hell Jock. 1974 and that was something you could openly say on tv, fuck me. "
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Yeah, you're not wrong at all for how you feel. I know it's frustrating as hell and having hope is way easier said than done. I eventually gave up on the idea of being with someone and focused on other things. I think personally it helped me because I gave off a desperate vibe beforehand. Not saying you're doing that, but focusing on relationships just solidified my unhappiness.
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Multiple studies have indicated Intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), one the primary driving metabolizing enzymes, is reduced significantly when aspartamine is consumed regularly. There is a widely growing consensus regarding this, hence the posted medical journals. You are absolutely correct in that drinking zero calories will not cause you gain weight since that is physically impossible, but it can definitely decrease your RMR. Downvote me all you want, but make an argument against the medical journals and not my personal experience.
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yeah please dont doxx yourself. much as i would love to wife you i rather you keep sharing naughty pictures. altho if i see that nasa shirt anywhere now i get an instant boner.
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My wife makes substantially less than I do. We combine our money and budget monthly together. I can't speak much to the split situation. IMO it is just adding unnecessary complication. Once you're married, my personal opinion is to combine your funds and plan where they go together.
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I never said my comment was a joke, it was a reply to a comment. I saw your other posts and you just try to argue for no reason with everyone. If it helps you to feel less lonely, then i am happy to help a fellow human being
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First of all being fired is not the end of the world - it's not pleasant but it can be ... But what I'm more concerned about is your ability to deal with stress. Epic can be quite high stress and it sounds like you may be a bit pessimistic. Why do you think you'll fail? Keep in mind that you will have months of training before you are given a customer.
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Thank you for identifying one of my rescues! There's a tree on my street (public, not someone's yard) and the bottom of it is absolutely suffocated by these guys. I grabbed a few from the top that weren't rooted in soil and pursed them. Have had them for months but was not sure what they were.
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Better yet: Remember when WaWa used, thick, tasty, good locally-made sub rolls for their sandwiches? Remember when they didn't use "pre-cuts", but instead hand-sliced the meat and cheese for your sub when you ordered it? Remember when they didn't count or weigh the ingredients they put on your sub? Remember when the coffee was made fresh every 30-60 minutes, in pots rather than giant vats? Remember when they experimented with selling Taco Bell tacos at the deli counter?
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Dude, i'm not your teacher. There's volumes of writing on the wall out there. It is not my job or responsibility to educate you. YOU should want to educate yourself. Seriously, don't you want to be able to make an educated decision and argument about you feel about these things?
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I'd say doing a bigger shop less frequently, if you have to drive to go shopping. I live about 20 minutes away from the supermarket at the moment. Sometimes I feel bad when I'm buying loads of stuff and making my shop more expensive, but it's actually cheaper ...
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Is it possible that Alex misread the situation with your dad? Your dad's ex-military, conservative, and raised you by himself. That ticks a lot of boxes for "I'll bet this guy would appreciate a traditional gesture." Maybe this was more Alex's way of showing respect for someone he assumed would want that kind of show of ...
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"Serious answer on /r/shittyaskscience but here goes.... No, the philosophy behind veaganism is more about not eating anything with a ... I guess the definition of this and how far you take it depends on the individual. But in general, anything with a capacity for emotions or ""feelings"" that can easily be identified by a immediately measurable ... Source: Dated a radical freegan once who I would routinely prod with philosophical, morally ambiguous scenarios like this."
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Your doing the best thing and that is getting the skills and services you need to help yourself. It took awhile for my family to forgive and understand my dad and I hope your family comes around. Unfortunately there is still the idea that addiction is a choice and not a mental health disorder, once I educated myself on addiction his actions made a lot more sense to me. You are so spot on about why he behaves in the way he does and I appreciate you typing it all out it confirmed that I am doing the right thing. Stay strong you can overcome this.
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I don't think any of use would want school not teaching morals, having no social impact and not being allowed to take part in causes. That's no charity events and not allowing any school fairs at least for those last 2. The easier way would be to not allow the CoE to be any different. we could ban all religious schools, you just have to apply it equally. It wouldn't help in the least though.
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This! I don’t get what people mean when they say ‘bad trip’, if you keep thinking of something negative when you’re tripping then it’s obviously something you need to confront and deal with. And in my opinion, mushrooms can be an enormous help with processing your thoughts and feelings properly.
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Thank you sir for providing me with Rubick's voice. I've always been attracted to the character and I've recently been trying to get better at him. Thank you for the wonderful voice you gave him, it's one of my absolute favorites in the game! Rest in peace sir.
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" i disagree that you can say naval superiority ""matters"". of course everything matters in some sense, you can gain value in almost every activity. but to put it bluntly, you can conquer the world without boats. to say they matter still means they matter less than every other thing you do need to do to conquer the world."
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"Rotate in 3 different labs that study use different techniques to approach research (ie: an immunology lab, a proteomics lab, a functional genomics lab). Maybe they all do ""cancer"" research, but the environment will be different and you might find you like something you never knew you'd like. Ask the current lab students what they like or dislike about the lab... get the scoop. The dean of my college always says choosing your grad mentor is like a marriage. You have to be able to get along with them, work with them strategically, the mentor has to be able to give you feedback/criticism in a method you can receive well (communication is important!)"
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I can appreciate that. Fair enough. I've just got very little shame being a jerk to someone for being a jerk, especially when the guy you were being a jerk to was trying to relate to us as pacers fans and said something that made sense. It's the Archer meme, man: *Do you want to earn our fanbase a bad reputation? Because telling other fans to bugger off for making sense is how you earn our fanbase a bad reputation.
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How unprofessional do you have to be to yell at an employee? When people do not understand what I am saying, they are either stupid or deaf. So if I raise my voice, be thankful that you're being given the benefit of the doubt. Also, as an Italian, I tend to raise my voice when I am excited. Also use more hand gestures.
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Thank you very much for doing your part to educate our country's youth. Educators like yourself do NOT get the credit they need as you are part of the backbone of this country in grooming the future. To me, there is nothing sadder than seeing so many intelligent, hard working, talented and good people manipulated to throw their potential down the drain due to made up and self-destructive lifestyles that is ingrained in them due to the liberal media's long term effects. So deep rooted that at this point, the groups their brainwashing now do it for them. I have already lost people and received a lot of attacks but I know that many of those people are good people just unfortunately brainwashed.
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So your major problem with this is how people would use the information? Because your problem shouldn't be with me if that's the case. I am, generally, attracted to all genders. Going a full year without being interested in one of them makes that a pretty straight or gay year. It's definitely a more dramatic example because, like you said, that defines people of my persuasions.
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I'm pretty irritated by the condescending and childish approach you have to my faith. That being said, homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. There are also references to the Israelites having hardened hearts and thus not being ready for God's true morality. If you had told an ancient Israelite to love their enemies they would have laughed at us. God was humble enough to gradually reveal Himself as our culture grew ready to accept Him.
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Found a wallet in the bathroom the other week. There was a lot more money in there than I expected. Immediately used the ID card in it to find the owner in the store. He says thank you and I walked away to talk to the pharmacist. On my way out he tracks me down and starts crying.
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it seems to me if transaction costs are eating into their margins so much, they could let me do a year of pledges at once for a small discount. works better for everyone, unless the creator bails midyear, but then you just do a prorated refund. they should probably make that (or at least 3 month bundles) mandatory under a certain monetary amount. there is a reason businesses do credit card minimums, and it's not sustainable to do 12 $1 transactions a year, such a big share goes to the credit card companies. although i guess if you support multiple creators those are combined, mitigating it somewhat.
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Interesting. That actually makes a fair bit of sense. Thank you for humoring my silly reply with a serious and thoughtful answer.
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Why not just both level them to like 120 or 150? Most classes doesn't start their actually fun until like 150. And also fun is subjective, we don't know what fun for you. Is fun bossing or mobbing/training?
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You need to stop being involved with this guy before you get hurt. He has already been clear that he does not want a relationship so don't try and convince him. Sex is not a good enough reason to keep seeing someone who doesn't want the same things as you. You can make this a lot easier for yourself by ending this now. Try to overcome your emotional side and look at it rationally – it's a skill you will need for life.
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I met Sean Astin while working at an ice cream shop in Portland, OR back in 2015. Nobody else I was working with, nor customers, recognized him and I was having a panic attack from excitement. I couldn't help but just be brave and tell him that i am a huge fan and just say hello. He was such a nice guy! He said thank you, asked my name and shook my hand.
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I'm one of them. Feel free to insult me because my idea of fun is different from yours. Laundry is a basic part of life. Sims are life simulators. For a lot of people, it's another way for their Sims to feel grounded and relatable in an increasingly ridiculous game.
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The mentioned videographer here! Thanks for the feedback we didn't expect anyone to watch this honestly. We heard your critiques and your praise and we appreciate you even giving the time to click. After this response we'll definitely be making more ridiculous after-work videos so feel free to subscribe. Some people asked about our set-up (which is incredibly meager to be honest), Panasonic GH3 with macro lens for some shots, Panasonic HC-X1000 for the interview shots, no additional microphone, no lights besides desk lamps, hence the garbage lighting.
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My instant concern with this scenario is that she just assumes that you would be into it. Like because you are a lesbian you would automatically be attracted to her. It feels like an odd situation and if I were you I wouldn't get involved.
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Congrats /u/Zombieologist!! Please PM your info to /u/LumeJunky for shipping. Thank you everyone for your patience and my apologies for the delay and complexity.
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This is what I was going to say as well. Let's do away with RTR completely! Stop taking away my fun you bastards! I love to build kits. That moment you open the box and there it is.
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I doubt you're going to get a response for this. If every ethnicity lived in it's own country, the USA would be coming to a grinding halt. Half of all fortune 500 companies in the US are run by immigrants. Would you want them to move their business else where? What do you think would happen to the economy of this country.
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Omg thank you for this. Like you, I'm very stoic and generally hate wearing my emotions openly. I cried at work the other day and was frustrated by the situation and also frustrated that I was crying at work because I NEVER do that.
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"That's fine. I'm just letting you know that it *is not* ""100% valid."" When you make a claim that is impossible it does undermine your credibility, that's my only point. "
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Thanks! i have a bad time at my Community college at san diego how make a mess with their classes and i was interested on continue with this. i appreciate your attention.
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Yeah. That doesn't sound right. The law doesn't apply if it's not rent, it's just a late fee for keys. I'd just return it when you can and dare him to challenge her in court over it. Any judge would throw the book at that kind of behavior.
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At the end of the day, it's making decisions. As a player, you are going to be faced with obstacles. Whether they're monsters, traps, or even just trying to convince the Innkeep to knock a few gold off your tab. The key is making the decisions to overcome those obstacles through the lens of your character. How would you, as that character, decide to act?
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"I don't use a reddit app and I don't need to browse the imgur app. My intention is to open this image in a way that plays the animation and you suggested to ""tap on imgur"". Doesn't matter now, since I'm at home. Thank you for reminding me of the image, plays fine on my computer. "
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For visual mods - NMCs texture pack (landscape textures) - FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting (outdoor lighting) - Interior lighting Overhaul ... For Dynavision you will need the mod configuration menu which also requires NVSE. If you what the faces to be better I reccomended New Vegas Redesigned 2 (lore version). Watch Gopher's video on YouTube on how to install that. If you what to improve the HUD and UI I would recommend installing Darnified UI.
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The social contract is, i pick up the shit. You allow me to put it in your bin if it's on the street. This sign has gone too far.
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hey, thanks i really appreciate your offer to talk. i just saw this now. i have had clean time, but relapsed after surgery. i've been struggling for almost 4 years now to get clean. i know how much support can be a motivator, which is why it sucked so much when just about everyone i knew in NA dropped me like a fucking leper when i relapsed, espeically cause i was asking for help.
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Haha yes my first reaction was "she might not know the value but you don't know the faction!" Funny looking blood angels. Heresy!
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We are more delighted than you ICC. Great day! May our sports prosper and may you bring more countries into the brotherhood of cricket.
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My good person. In very few ways can I pay my respects to you. And even fewer words can I extend my absolute gratitude for your humor. I hope all is well with you! Happy holidays!
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Show her this post. You clearly love this girl and think the world of her. Don't think so poorly of yourself my dude, she sees something in you that you don't as well. When she comes home one night i reccommend you romance the panties pff her. Rose petals, home cooked meal, massage (even an ameture backrub) the whole shebang.
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Some ethnicities find it more acceptable if you're mixed with white (i.e. Eurasian). I hate that type of mentality
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I'm a nurse and I've unfortunately watched people die, but that video really, really upset me just now. I wasn't expecting it, despite it being NSFL.. the close up of her face, the agonal breathing.. I'm crawling out of my skin over it. I can't believe IG and youtube haven't taken these down yet? Don't they usually remove these types of videos and you'd otherwise have to go to Liveleak to get them?
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"I am a woman, and I am telling you that once I get off, I literally do not give a ... I will read erotica or watch porn, and once I am done, I get grossed out or bored by what ... Please stop telling me how I must feel based on how women you know feel. I know exactly how sensitive I feel and how often I can orgasm. And please stop telling me that I don't understand you, when I am capable of understanding the difference between ""not ..."
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I hope your fence gate gets out of sync. I hope your vending machine snacks all get stuck on the glass. I hope all of your cookies burn. I hope every pen you use dries up after you've already written half of what you're trying to write. I hope you're pleased with yourself.
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How come it is in Chinese? What region store are you using that separates English and Chinese versions? As in my experience, you could always switch the language in the options menu to your native language.
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I talked to my parents and relatives over the holidays. Even the most conservative among them is actually going to vote down anyone who votes for this. Once normal internet users are at that point you know we've done our job of awareness.
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Thanks for calling me out. Excellent reply. You're right: My sum total experience with this game was this one gif. That isn't nearly enough to see all of the attention to detail you've highlighted. I'll need to be more careful about insinuating that comments are astroturf'd, too -- that was a low blow that ...
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I mean, I would say you were an asshole if you had revealed her secret for no reason, but she ... It was her choice to make up mean lies about the breakup. She could have just said you guys just didn't work out. She was perfectly willing to slander your name, so I don't feel that you are wrong for slandering hers.
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No one buys this car for status. If a turbo charged Miata isn't doing it for ya, find another car. I bet you'd have a lot of takers on this sub. :P Not being a dick, just trying to say: Be happy; and if you're not, get happy.
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Go to a rehab centre and tell victims there about how video games are the exact same thing and see ... This. As someone who has been to rehab for opiates, I would slap the shit out of you. Addiction seems to run on my mothers side of the family, if you believe in that sort of thing. After my knee surgery, I began taking copious amounts of Norco, Vicodin and Oxy (all prescribed).
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Hello there all! Thank you for your interest in joining our gaming community as well as our guild division on Destiny 2. We plan on keeping this a nice blend of both hardcore and casual, so no pressure to be active - yet we will definitely do a bunch of endgame activity. **Background Info** Our Destiny 2 Division(s) are currently located on both the PC (and Xbox somewhat, but mostly PC). Our primary focus for this game will be PvX content.
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Calm down there, broseph, you're drawing a *lot* of assumptions based on not only a simple question but a pretty valid one. At no point did I say I didn't agree with you. At no point did I say I don't save or buy $4 lattes. You have no sense of my personal frugality or lack thereof yet your comment is pretty aggressive. Also, a $100 return is shit for investing, the entire point of which is to *grow* your money not have it stagnate.
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If you hug someone at my school you will get suspended for sexual harassment. Trust me. It's happened before
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And look at that, you do have your own set of National pride. If Netherlands was responsible of the world's defense, the world's trade, and general NATO safety and autonomy you too would be proud. The only reason Americans are so proud of who we are and out heritage is because it was founded in giving the middle finger to the most powerful entity on earth at the time and fighting tooth a day nail for independence and liberty. The set of values of which you define freedom under are generally far and wide disparate from ours. We define ours as being able to be say and do anything we want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone around us, or more commonly the principles of individualism (but those have slid in recent times to the advent of the progressive left).
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You're not gonna get rest days in boot camp. Push ups, every day. Every free hour you have, you should do *at least* 20 push ups and sit ups. 20 the moment you step out of bed, another 20 before you hit the door. Once you get home, 20 every hour till bed.
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