Have you thought about why you're so sensitive concerning these comments? Without knowing the entire situation, it seems to me that you are. Side note: I wouldn't like anyone saying my 3 year old is a brat. Right or wrong, parents are protective of their children, even if they are bratty.
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Two years back, she appeared to be having fun with her makeup up in videos. Now, it seems like an annoying chore and I get the feeling she'd rather be doing anything else. I guess that's the downside of making your hobby into a full time job.
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This might sound a little weird to some people, but for my first 50k (after a few marathons) I felt like I was probably in decent enough shape to not stress out about training (it was 90° at midnight and I didn't really want to be doing long runs). Something about the term "50k" didn't hold as much reverence as "the marathon." I think, now, that maybe I was used to hearing "5k" more than "42k" or something, and so "just a 50k" was a thought that didn't raise any alarms. Anyway, it hurt, *a lot*, and I gained a lot of respect for the distance and terrain (a lot of things went wrong that were outside my control too, but still). Hopefully my foolish painful experience can help you to internalize that 50 kilometers is a long race.
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If it's something that bothers you, I definitely recommend looking into braces. I had a wonky tooth (at the front) that was really noticeable. Had braces for 11 months, best thing I ever did (and I was 25 years old...).Worth making an appointment at ... Payment plans tend to be available. Can mean monthly payments for a couple of years, but may pay off in the end if it boosts your ...
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lol yeah, thanks for your concern. I have a 4K monitor, so your nose scared the fuck out of me, but I recovered bravely. After reading your replies to the roasts, I decided you warranted a bit off effort.
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Penguins fan here. I'm only in your sub because I was curious for an update on how badly Methot was injured. I don't know if I'm welcome here and I'll leave if you guys would prefer, but I totally agree with ... That being said, I know Sid can be a real dick at times, especially the last few games. No idea why the spear on O' Reilly was necessary either.
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" I liken it to forcing people to pass a test to be able to have children. Yeah, its a great idea and would undoubtedly benefit the world as a whole. Well there is no good way of enforcing such a thing which is why even China didnt follow such a policy during its ""one child"" years. Meanwhile enforcing vaccine compliance is actually quite possible and easy. And while your correct about human rights, our human rights end where we transgress those of others. "
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So before the trial, you already know exactly what happened? How do you do that? Maybe we should replace our entire justice system with you, it would be more efficient.
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i love that McGee is a solid contributor for you guys. his resurgence in the league, going from a walking meme to a valuable player on a finals contender is such a good story. He might be in an ideal situation for himself, but i still really respect the fact that he seized his opportunity and ran with it
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Excuse me, sir. I hope my horrible ugliness won't be a distraction to you. Not at all, boy. DEUUEAUGH!!! !
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You're kind of forcing me into a doylist answer here, but it depends. I don't know what the definition of labor is in universe. It seems to be that what Camp Green Lake is doing isn't prohibited by labor laws, seeing as courts of ...
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If you're into amazingly super bad movies, I recommend Ninja Apocalypse. It takes place in an underground bunker in a post apocalyptic world, and it, of course, has ninjas, zombies, mini ... Oh, and motherfucking *shapeshifting*. It's the best. 5/7 turd, would watch several times over.
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Merkel's speaking truth about the reliability of our government w/respect to your interests. USA's internal politics are already in turmoil and the turmoil is going to get much, much worse. No establishment politician can hope to win either the 2020 Republican or Democratic presidential primary. Trump's base will sweep the 2018 midterms because the Democratic establishment has chosen to fight rather than cede power to the populist wing (Bernie Sanders' faction) of their party.
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Pretty sure the guys carrying actual Nazi flags at the Charlottesville murder, were much closer to full blown fascist Nazis than I am. I don't know why you can't see that unless you're sympathetic with those guys. Fascism was ultimately defeated by military campaigns that over threw their governments in the largest war in human history. You seem to think that you can peacefully protest and negotiate with that ideology, you're a real modern Neville Chamberlain in that regard. Or maybe you have an ulterior motive and hidden agenda, you want Nazism to run our country.
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Can you prove him wrong? Because people like you said this would never happen if we were okay with gay marriage. And at the time, I was fine with gay marriage. And look how that turned out? Now everything is 'Guys should cut their dicks off!'
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That's horrific. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Good god of mighty... Well I'm sending you many hugs and good vibes my brother. Keep strong and hold on. And protect your heart and soul and mind even if you have to step back from the fight for a while.
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"There are no ""fundamental"" classes in English like STEM. You already have it. It's about honing your craft and/or improving your critical thinking skills. I am going to haphazardly suggest linguistics might be the field that you want to study. "
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Yeah its 1. A stupid 'my generation was better than yours' comment 2. Further perpetuating negative attitudes about people who wear women's clothing
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I loved the game until I had to play. And I made 215k that first year I played doing some things I'm not proud of so it kinda set me up. And lol you sound like my girlfriend, always telling me to meditate. She makes me come with her to anger management/relaxation classes cause she thinks I'm too angry of a person as well.
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I dont know you but i think you stole my blanket and my cat. J/k but i just finished a couple c2cs (one in caron cakes) and if your cat has poly-dactyly too, i ... Upvoting you so i can show my husand and freak him out lol
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*Same as a vip venue. * That and your other comment makes it appear you have a rather elitist or classist perspective of life. Yet my instincts suggest to me that your are rather firmly a member of the hoi-palloi. One of those whose night-time dreams revolve around your getting to spend a night in a Trump property?
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"You're telling me that you think Bieber is as good as Queen???" Today's music is so much worse! Back in the old days we listened to Queen and David Bowie and Iron Maiden and there was never any ... ... "Hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Mickey!" Toni Basil, 1982.
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Good. Push the business out of your cities so that they can come to ours. I hope the remaining liberals flood to cities like this. As there leave, so will their votes. Then we can start to undo all the stupid laws and ordinances.
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I'm not. But I think you're ignoring how culture can shape our views. I mean look at religion. We don't need fact to shape views that we strongly believe in. I'm not saying D D makes people racist.
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I can tell you why - it's already happened with cameras like the GH4 adding 96fps. The BANDWIDTH of a camera stays the same - its processor can only process so fast, and it can only ... When you add frames you must reduce bitrate. When you add resolution, you likewise must reduce bitrate in order to stuff the additional data through a "tube" of ... So when the GH4 for example added 96 FPS at 1080p, the extra frames necessitated a reduced bitrate and everybody ...
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What a stupid idea. Don't they know, we already tested that? If those backwards freedom hating fools want to seceede too bad. You can't. All you get is the US Army burning your cities down and then being the butt of everyone's jokes.
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This is the what we are against. We simply want to have a complete Fallout database. Our host, Wikia, is making that very difficult and we need support from you guys on this.
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" I can require my own tabs thank you very much. ""Hey, Steve! That file you sent me doesn't have any line breaks, let alone tabs. What gives? By the way, I'm changing the formatting, and committing my changes."""
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well how is your marriage? it's hard to figure out exactly from your other answers but it seems decent, which is good. and your husband seems like he's taken care of things financially well, which is also good. i'll tell you something that PF will disagree with but is totally true. your credit score doesn't matter.
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Maybe we have different ideas of what broke is. Broke to me means after housing and necessities you have nothing left to save. Being able to set aside money for luxuries is the opposite of being broke all the time.
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In what ways are those two not equal? Also, you are bringing up physical strength, but what we're talking about is emotional strength. I've met muscular people that wouldn't be able to deal with being called stupid. And I've met scrawny people that won't bat an eye at things people say to them. Physical strength has nothing to do with this.
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No one is saying we should call him Lying Donald. The people you are responding to are saying when he lies, we should straight up say that he lied. When other politicians lie, we absolutely should also feel free to say that they lied in no uncertain terms.
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srs build your own with coastal scents or inglot or whatever. don't shit on people for not being helpful in the way you want for your oddly specific request. jesus christ.
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As mentioned in the title, our upstairs neighbors plugged the pipes and our entire place flooded with sewage. Everything was gutted and our stuff put in a pod outside the house. We are taking the opportunity to remodel the kitchen. In the attached link you can find my current Sketchup model. I have never designed a kitchen before and am looking for someone to take a peek to see if I have structured things correctly, or if there are any improvements I can make.
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wut? I don't care about peoples sexual orientation, i think your reading too much into it. its just a joke. (people can also have secret lovers of the opposite sex.) so i really don't understand where your offense is coming from.
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Oh my God you're right. Miranda is a flop. How did I manage to stan her instead the one true pop legend Meghan Trainor all these years??? Ugh I can't even I've been blind for so long. Thank you for helping me open my eyes.
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Are you hear to have a discussion or are you just looking to start a fight? Why would I have a problem with you being from the US? I asked because it seems you have a very unique position as to the complexity of our racial history. I'm not sure why you needed to include that you don't worship nazis and that you don't think Jews are subhuman. Do you believe that people who think that our racial history is complex think that?
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Hmm, the China Study seems to be disputed. I havn't read it myself but here seems to be a descent analysis about the book: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/385/ an overwhelming evidence in favor of plant based diets I'm not sure if this statement is true. I think it's more complex then that and is influenced by factors like genetic predisposition and overall calorie intake. One can still life unhealthy on a pure plant based diet. In my opinion most food products will not considerably shorten your lifespan if you consume them in moderation.
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Ha, I will take your claims that I am such a Redditor as a compliment! Thank you my friend for the nice words! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
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You just described all of what I have been hoping that dave and pablo will do. TCW completion would be the best thing ever. Also, I was thinking that it would be great to have Cassian pre R1 missions.
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I don't think it is possible to categorize how many rape reports are false or not. The situations almost exclusively involves a he-said/she-said situation; this is why I started this thread. I want to see more people thinking about this and taking responsibility to protect themselves. Thanks so very much for your thoughtful serious response to my question.
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Damn, man. I know you're going to respond aggressively to me but you need therapy. Your solution to your problems is right in front of you but you're blinded by your senseless hatred. I sincerely hope you find peace one day.
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The best kind of shoes are shoes that are broken in. If you're just trail/dayhiking, you don't need to worry too much about ankle support. Just take your time. I've hiked 50 miles in vans before. Know your limits.
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It's believed a woman created this Venus, which may depict a pregnant woman. They didn't have mirrors, so looking down at yourself while pregnant, you see large breasts and a huge stomach. I don't really think this Venus statue is a correct representation of women at that time.
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While not a physician, I am well versed in digestive issues since I have many. I would bet GERD as well as a weakened stomach sphincter. I would recommend a visit to the gastroenterologist as this will only get worse the older you get. Eventually this could become a permanent issue.
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I don't know the actual situations outside of where I live. I'll tell you that here we don't see ethnic violence between Palestinian and Israeli people. This is not because of peaceful coexistence though, it's as you said because of geopolitical factors. In short those groups self segregate away from each other. Aside from that they represent such a relatively small portion of the total population that interaction is at a minimum.
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For sure, I don't mean to say you have to be black to understand it. In my opinion empathy comes more natural if you have been in similar situations. A lot of scenarios in the movie would only present themselves when you're a minority(which is relative). edit: too wordy
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I wouldn’t make a sticky on a subreddit with 66k subscribers without confirming the legitimacy of the situation, I promise. There are a lot of scams out there but this isn’t one of them. But I do share your opinion that we should be cautious when approaching these situations.
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I know it's almost a r/relationships joke how standard this advice is, but you really do need to have counselling. Really. I think this is a bit beyond reddit's paygrade. Your obsession with your brother is unhealthy, for both you and him. It is disrupting your life, and I guarantee it's bleeding into his as well.
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That's really only true on the 1 2 lines. Prok is fun if you can coordinate vision between the hill and middle. The problem occurs when your team is too passive on the hill or all camps 1 line.
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you're just a greedy shithead. lol. but don't worry, i understand, it's our system of incentives that's corrupted your soul. it can be changed when the incentives change. no reason people need respect your money or ownership documents once we implement better economic organizations.
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could you imagine the flash backs when he finally hooks up with a girl? kids gonna have fucking ptsd. post traumatic sex disorder if you lurk here, we're here for u man
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That's your opinion; respectfully, mine is different. Perhaps I should clarify 'changing your name' to 'changing your name to your husband's'. As i think the idea of both changing your names to a brand new one is quite cool.
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Thanks, I also appreciate that you responded respectfully to my criticism. Sometimes it's really hard being a woman when people don't think. Especially a young woman, other people took a serious toll on my psyche in my youth because they didn't think about what their words actually meant.
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I didn't say they didn't suffer, obviously my condolences for your family. Again what I said is that they got off a lot lighter than the rest of us, yet make out that they suffered the most. Read about the [White Terror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Terror_\(Spain\)#Death_toll) and you'll see how the rest clearly suffered a lot more.
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If that flow somehow surprised me while I was sitting on the ground, let's say, eating some chocolate covered strawberries, it is fast enough that if I tripped or stumbled at all I'd be dead. Now the real question is, was I eating chocolate covered strawberries alone? And the answer is no. I was accompanied by a dear friend. Nothing romantic you see, purely platonic but near and dear to my heart nonetheless.
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I'm sure if you searched the bottom of the barrel girls you could get laid too. Its the same general rule for Grindr. People asking to fuck without even seeing a picture of you probably aren't 10s. But if you're already very attractive you get a lot of attention, the same way attractive dudes get attention from ... If you have zero standards it shouldn't be too hard for gay/straight.
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I too believe what you you have said about representation of our own government, no wool here. As for representation within the EU I don't believe we have better representation, not at all. I'm not saying other countries have more say, I mean with respect to just ourselves and EU law, regulation, taxation over us. We had the opportunity to remove this problem I took it, when opportunity presents itself to fix representation closer to home I'll take it too. The UK was (is?)
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"""I believe, lord! Help my unbelief!"" I believe that all we are is a choice. Our personality, our feelings, our name... none of that is really you. All there is is the choice to either serve God or something else (the devil)."
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And the NSA never spied on us. Conspiratard tinfoil hat ninnies saying that brown people in caves WEREN'T the ones who orchestrated the highly advanced terror plot that just so happened to justify a lot of money being made on death and destruction. CAN'T BE. It was DEM ARABS but motherFUCK you if you think it's *Saudis*, our most loyal ally. /s ^^^hate ^^^you
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In my experience, always listen to your gut. My gut told me it's time to start Cooper even though everyone else said I was crazy. Who's laughing now?
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Below is my honest opinion (skip if you dislike honesty): I'm all for protecting the environment. There are too many people who won't hesitate to make money at someone else's expense, however this organization seems a bit like a Trump bitching machine. Filing 100 lawsuits per day isn't that practical in making progress. Why not gather scientific data and ask the lawmakers for a review/debate?
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I definitely wouldn't call to notify them (remember, the patient still has rights). But be aware that I've had issues with police officers asking me for patient information. It irritates me to no end. If I don't have permission from the patient, I can't tell you, even if you are a cop. It's abuse of power.
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Thank you for sharing your story, OP. I'm disheartened that we have some posters here seemingly wanting to argue with you about your personal experience. While I can't comment on the merits of your experience - e.g. if it was right or wrong for you to placed in an ED program - I don't think that's the take-away here. The fact is you had a shitty experience that affected you emotionally.
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do you talk to him with the same tone you've written this post in? i certainly hope you don't, because your disdain for his passion comes through loud and clear. and that's exactly what it is...it's *passion*, not a hobby, not a silly little thing he's doing just to goof off. your job as his mother is to love him and make sure he grows up healthy and secure. it doesn't matter one bit if *you* understand why making beats and having clients is important to him; what matters is that you support him.
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No, I was pretty sure you weren't an adult. Still, it's awkward to not change your mannerisms to fit the sites norms, in my opinion. I type like you do on tumblr too.
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This is so awesome! Coincidentally I had the same feeling today while shopping for some new pants. At first I was just thinking that maybe the sizes were just a little off but when I got home and realized what had happened I was so excited! Congrats to both of you, and to all of us trying everyday to achieve our goal! KCKO, my friend!
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I'm sorry to the rest of you out there who donate as I don't. I just don't feel I'm financially ready just yet. I have a few hundred in savings as I get by but also I'd like to look out for myself. Thank you for donating
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Their relationship is the main point, yes. But their sexuality (which you said I said) = / = their relationship, although it does matter a huge deal. I am just wondering why you have such a problem with it. It seems that it'd be harder to identify with the queer aspects of the game being straight or a man, ... It seems pretty easy to just ignore that type of content; but you're taking the time to write this whole ...
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Omg I'm so happy for you! *Internet hugs* We lost our son at 38 weeks last March, and had our little girl on 04/22. I can say that this is going to be awesome, and a huge roller-coaster of emotions as well. I just want you to know that no emotion is wrong. You may feel guilty for no reason, or just horribly sad when you think you should be happy.
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I actually no longer carry business cards. I have the luxury of being picky about what business I want to take since its not my primary income. Its hard to tell people that you won't help them without coming off as being rude at times.
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I swear with League-rage you either get consumed by it or become immune to it. I did both. Got consumed, got toxic, one day just snapped and now I just play support and respond to death threats with ... They usually either calm down, or just stop complaining. Even if they keep going though it's actually the most entertaining part of the game for me.
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"People who attack our players for the quality of their play are legitimately contributing to the harm of our franchise" I see exactly what your point is and I think It's such a sad stance that shows how much losing has affected our fan base. No one expects the QB of the Dallas Cowboys or New York Giants to be free of criticism but on this sub we're constantly bitching about the fans being to harsh on our players especially Tyrod and Manuel. Brady, Rodgers, Manning, every single thing they due is scrutinized by their fans and the national media. If anything our player have it easier than most in such a small media market. But our teams have sucked so bad that you literally just blamed the fans anger for hurting our franchise.
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Pf is becoming FI when everyone expects you to retire (65-67). This generally means 40 years of work putting 15-20% in retirement, and managing the rest of your income efficiently to ... I don't think pf means saving as much as possible. It does mean saving smartly with whatever you don't spend
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I've literally never had this problem in my life. You know that saying, “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”
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yeah bro totally. unless you say rude sexual shit to women in shitty puns you've never fucked one my dude bro. only white knight neckbeards have normal conversations with women, and lol, they neva get da pussy rite !!?? you sound so fucking cool bro, i bet you smash so much fucking pussy. do you like wearing backwards baseball caps in doors by any chance?
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Check out your local library - you can "check out" an internet hot spot for home use. I believe it's a Verizion mifi or something similar. As well, you can use the internet at the library. There are also a slew of DVDs for checkout. There is a free duck scavenger hunt around downtown Huntsville and a free train scavenger hunt around downtown Madison.
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I dislike it based entirely on aesthetics which is purely my own opinion and I welcome you to disagree. It could be the most OP/fun thing ever and I still wouldn't use it. Heck, I'd envy you for being able to like it. But there's no way I could play the class, the act of throwing a shield around just looks stupid to me.
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Does something count as a "pro tip" if it's just based on one person's opinion? I know plenty of women, myself included, who don't mind (or even prefer) taking the lead with date planning. It sounds like these particular guys just weren't the right match for you. It doesn't mean that all of mankind needs to bend to your personal preferences.
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I don't think there's any need to change the information, it doesn't make a difference to the story / mystery ... But if you're generally curious, I'm happy to explain a few of the things that aren't entirely accurate. at a depth of about 160 feet at the deepest point. Just for clarification to come later; 160 feet isn't particularly deep. Over Head diving (OH) is any diving where there is anything but water/sky above you, including large caverns or ship ...
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Good, so we both agree that you're against that kind of thing. You admit that Palin is just as bad as Hillary. Glad we can agree on something. Thank you for voicing your disapproval of Palin. Have a nice day.
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If you don't enjoy creatively writing, then I don't think you will understand the reasoning for reading or writing fanfiction. It's pretty much just a bunch of creative writing. I think maybe it jut isn't your cup fo tea.
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I absolutely think OP is wrong, for a number of reasons. My time is too valuable to bother writing an essay explaining why, especially since people who have no respect for ... But even OP didn't say that enjoying BDSM play means that you don't think of yourself as human. And it doesn't take long to say fuck you I'm human and fuck you for thinking otherwise.
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I am so proud if you felt there was in issue to go to get help. All advice on either side does not matter. You and your friends matter and if you ever feel unsafe get medical help I used to be a big ... You did well. Do I think lots of lsd would kill you no.. just a part of you =)
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So rich people became and remain rich through unjust means? That's a bold claim. Tell me where this injustice is. read up on the fucking history of the United States of America. its not my obligation or responsibility to bring you up to speed on 7th grade level social studies.
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When I was doing CPR training, we had a feedback machine that shows how deep you pressing. You get winded fast. Our instructor even said if it's a really big guy, sometimes you gotta use your foot.
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"Your wife, not you, needs to give them a phone call essentially saying, ""hi mom and dad. I just realized you intend to bring Theresa with you when you come to visit. I'm sorry if we miscommunicated, but our invite was only for you two. We're all looking forward to having you here, and we want this visit to be enjoyable and comfortable. The kids really want to spend time with you, and that is just too hard for them to do when ..."
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I've done extensive cold emailing to everyone from CEOs (for biz dev purposes) to celebrities (for personal projects). I can tell you from experience, it is all about getting attention and piquing interest. The email you drafted up is exactly like the millions of cold emails that are sent every day. Long, really hard to get through, provides way too much information and way too little value. This thing would get deleted so fast it would make your head spin.
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She was intentionally being crass by pretending it would kill a fetus even. But the joke works either way - killing sperm or killing an embryo both stop you from having a baby. And this is off topic, but from the way you wrote "I hope you're also aware..." it sounds like you ... I don't think there is. The difference is political.
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I used to work at a general aviation airport near Palm Springs, tons of expensive private jets every where. The biggest one, though, was owned by a preacher for one of the countries largest evangelical churches. "That's what God's money gets you" is what my boss liked to joke.
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you seem to value the republican party over our nations democracy. why? would you rather have a dictatorship ruled by your side than a democracy ruled by who ever wins the vote?
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Is this not historic discolouration from the time of burning fuel to heat homes? I would find it incredible if what you say is true.
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"""I like being alone. I have control over my own space. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to be better than my solitude. You're not competing with another person, you are competing with my comfort zone."" Yea, that pretty much sums me up."
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If you aren't sure about them being an asshole I wouldn't even mention it. Regardless of the parent comment's intent I'm learning about the proper meaning of the term. I'm sure there are others reading this comment chain that are as well.
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yes and that men should be in charge of this. we know very well what your religion thinks of a woman's place. not to be in the room while the men are talking. :(
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i think you mistake joker making sexual jokes for him being really gay. joker makes gay jokes about himself and creepy sexual jokes about both genders, he is just weird. the only person we know he ever says sex with is a girl, and its implied he rapes females at other times, he isn't gay because of weird remarks he makes. also most of these are just joker calling batman cute pet names, not even a sexual joke, just joker being weird lol.
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That was a joke. A real joke. I shouldn't expect you to understand, you think "hur dur tordora is shit" is funny. Mostly I ride your ass for my own amusement. Being such opposites just makes it so damn easy.
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I'm so glad you made it through labor and received your beautiful daughter! And sorry you felt embarrassed about your birth experience. For what it's worth, I think laboring for 24 hours with incredibly strong contractions, vomiting, and low morale due to ... I wouldn't be surprised if your contractions were just stronger than most, and the pain and discomfort was what was ... Getting the epidural might have been just what your body needed to be able to relax and open up.
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Yes, it is an assumption. There is evidence, it is the same evidence you are using when you assume that they aren't separate. I think you might be confusing my use of the word belief with undeniable proof. I'll be the first to admit that I believe in something that hasn't been verified, but you would be foolish to say that you do not.
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Learning something is easy. But getting a job is not. Nowadays you have to prove your skills, have a git hub, create programs just to grab their attention. You just can't slap "knowledge of python3" on your resume. It does not work like that.
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