1 value
Problem: • intégrera l’éthique dans la gestion des risques, la planification des activités et la prise de décisions au niveau opérationnel; Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Toutefois, le risque de décès par accident est de trois à six fois plus élevé dans les collectivités autochtones qu'ailleurs au Canada. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Choisir des municipalités situées dans les provinces/territoires où des négociations sont en cours C Si un lien entre les coûts de direction et la situation géographique était constaté, le fait de choisir des municipalités dans des provinces dans lesquelles des négociations sont en cours permettrait de s’assurer que l’éventail des coûts de direction serait pertinent pour les négociateurs. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: La complicité est réprimée par l'article 23 du Code pénal, qui s'applique à toute personne se rendant complice de l'infraction par l'instigation, des conseils ou des actes. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Elle vend une gamme complète de produits à base de plantes médicinales biologiques, notamment des extraits, des capsules et des aérosols contre les maux de gorge. Could you please translate this to English?
The company markets a complete line of organic herbal products, including extracts, capsules and throat sprays.
Q: "They acknowledged that the needs of new industry entrants should be addressed and recommended reserving some portion of the TRQ for such new entrants." to French **** A: Ils ont reconnu qu'il faut tenir compte des besoins des nouveaux venus sur le marché et ont recommandé de réserver à ces derniers une partie du CT. Q: "Internal and External Factors Many factors have an impact on NBC operations in terms of both workload and priorities." to French **** A: Facteurs internes et externes Les opérations de la CCBN, tant sa charge de travail que le choix de ses priorités, sont influencées par divers facteurs, notamment : Q: "The Social Union Framework Agreement and the Future of Fiscal Federalism, in Canada – The State of the Federation 1999-2000:" to French **** A: The Social Union Framework Agreement and the Future of Fiscal Federalism, dans Canada - The State of the Federation 1999-2000: Q: "If you have a Debian CD set and CDs are bootable on your machine, you can skip right to Chapter 5, Booting the Installation System ; much effort has been expended to ensure the files most people need are there on the CD." to French **** A:
Si vous possédez un jeu de cédéroms et si votre machine peut s'amorcer à partir d'un cédérom, vous pouvez aller directement au Chapitre 5, Démarrer le système d'installation ; un effort particulier a été fait pour s'assurer que les fichiers les plus communément demandés soient présents sur les cédéroms.
Question: Erityisesti näin vaalien lähestyessä peräänkuulutan malttia, tervettä järkeä ja vuoropuhelua, joiden kautta voidaan päästä myönteiseen tulokseen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Especially now, as we approach the elections, I can but call for moderation, reason and dialogue, which offer the road to a positive result. Question: Irtisanomiskieltoa raskauden aikana on noudatettava tiukasti. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: The ban on dismissal during pregnancy must be strictly complied with. Question: Aloitteella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä uutta poliittista välinettä, jollainen luotiin ensimmäisen kerran pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tukemiseksi - muistanette eurooppalaisia pk-yrityksiä tukevan Small Business Act -aloitteen. Aiomme seuraavaksi esitellä innovointialoitteen, jossa lainsäädäntötoimet, poliittiset aloitteet sekä poliittisesti sitovat suuntaviivat kootaan yhdeksi suureksi paketiksi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: An 'act' in this sense is a new political instrument that we developed for the first time in connection with small and medium-sized enterprises - you will remember the Small Business Act - and we will be bringing forward an innovation act that brings together legislative measures, policy initiatives and politically-binding guidelines in a major package. Question: Arvoisa puhemies, haluan selittää äänestykseni perusteita. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
Mr President, I wish to make a statement on the way I voted.
Some text: Je souhaite que l' amendement Duff puisse recevoir un vaste soutien. Translate to English. Translation: I hope Mr Duff' s amendment will be widely supported. Q: Le Secrétaire général a le pouvoir discrétionnaire de communiquer au public un document visé par une des exceptions prévues au paragraphe 33 ci-dessus s'il estime que l'intérêt de cette communication l'emporte sur l'intérêt protégé par le classement de ce document comme confidentiel. Could you please translate this to English? A: A document falling within an exception in paragraph 33 can nonetheless be released to the public, at the discretion of the Secretary-General, if he or she deems that the interests in favour of access outweigh those protected by confidentiality. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Mesure à prendre: La Conférence des Parties sera invitée à renvoyer cette question au SBI pour qu'il l'examine et lui recommande des projets de décisions ou de conclusions pour adoption par la Conférence des Parties à sa quinzième session. [Q]: "Programme planning, monitoring and reporting" --> French? [A]: Planification du programme, suivi de l'exécution et établissement de rapports Q: "Mr. Butagira (Uganda): Uganda welcomes the adoption of the Convention." to French **** A: M. Butagira (Ouganda) (parle en anglais) : L'Ouganda se félicite de l'adoption de la Convention. Q: "However, if the Division decides that original documents are required before the proceeding, the parties must provide these documents immediately upon being notified in writing by the Division." to French **** A:
Toutefois, sur demande de la Section faite par écrit, la partie doit lui transmettre sans délai l'original du document.
Dans les caractéristiques figurant dans la description de poste, il était stipulé que le titulaire devait [traduction] « étudier et traiter les motions/les requêtes pour s'assurer qu'elles étaient complètes, correctes et conformes aux règlements et procédures de la CISR; résumer par écrit le contexte et les raisons de la motion/de la requête; rassembler tout autre document de référence qui pourrait aider les commissaires/les vice-présidents adjoints/les commissaires coordonnateurs à prendre une décision; et aviser les parties de la décision ». Could you please translate this to English?
The work description, under the section dealing with work characteristics, stated that incumbents "review and process motions/applications ensuring that they are complete, accurate and conform to the IRB rules and procedures, summarizes in writing the context of and reason for the motion/application, gathers any other reference documentation to help Board Members/Assistant Deputy Chairpersons/Co-ordinating Member make a decision and advises parties of decision."
Well, there is so much to say and so many things that I want to write down about myself, unfortunately, it will be about a hundred pages for me to write.. so.. Let me stop at this point.. Any questions, just ask me.. Translate to English.
I can be a very good and amazing friend that you can have but if I found out that you are a backstabber, evil and hipokrit, I know what I'm going to do to you.. Your life will full of embaressment, hated, loneliness and of course, MISERABLE...
[Q]: "FRAME: 129 The front shown below is approaching Station 1." --> French? [A]: SECTION: 129 Le front illustré ci-dessous s de la station 1. [Q]: "W hat Does the TOSIG M easure?" --> French? [A]: Quelles qualités l’ESOT permet-elle d'évaluer? [Q]: "The testosterone derivatives A-nortestosterone acetate and B-homo- ⁇ 1-testosterone acetate have been incubated with Rhizopusarrhizus, a fungus which hydroxylates testosterone at the C-6 ⁇ and C-11 ⁇ positions." --> French? [A]:
On a fait incuber les dérivés de la testostérone, acétates de A-nortestostérone et B-homo ⁇ 1-testostérone, avec le Rhizopusarrhizus, un champignon qui provoque des hydroxyiations en positions C-6 ⁇ et C-11 ⁇ .
question: The department also manages a contribution agreement with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for the National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure, which provides municipalities across Canada with an authoritative source of technical best practices for infrastructure planning, construction, maintenance and repair. --> French. answer: Le Ministère gère aussi un accord de contribution avec la Fédération canadienne des municipalités pour le Guide national pour des infrastructures municipales durables qui fournit aux municipalités de partout au Canada une source autorisée des meilleures solutions pratiques pour la planification, la construction, l'entretien et la réparation des infrastructures. question: Intuition Group is an active participant of the preservation and protection of ecological systems and in turn, mother nature herself. --> French. answer: Le Réseau Intuition est un partisan actif de l'écologisme et de la protection de notre mère nature. Le Réseau se développe dans des formes respectueuses de l'environnement. question: The Russian Army was still stationed on Moldovan territory in breach of the undertakings to withdraw them completely given by Russia at the OSCE summits in 1999 and 2001. --> French. answer: A ce jour, l’armée russe continue à stationner sur le territoire moldave, en violation des engagements de retrait total pris par la Russie aux sommets de l’OSCE en 1999 et en 2001. question: It was suggested in document MM/WG/1/3 (see footnote 3) that the Working Group examine whether there is any justification for maintaining paragraph (1) of Rule 7. --> French. answer:
Il a été indiqué dans le document MM/WG/1/3 (voir la note de bas de page n° 3) que le groupe de travail pourrait examiner s’il existe une raison justifiant que l’on conserve le premier alinéa de la règle 7.
Write a title for this article: By Sayantani Ghosh , Reuters When Auntie Anne's, the pretzel chain, wanted to tempt moms in Atlanta shopping malls with free offers, it dished out coupons through smartphones that could be redeemed immediately for a free drink or other specials. But while the moms received the coupons on their iPhone or Android device, the power behind the campaign was not Google or Apple — it was Millennial Media, a nimble 6-year old independent that has grabbed the No. 2 spot in mobile advertising. Google is No.1, but the flexibility of smaller rivals is helping them catch up in a market that is expected to triple in size to more than $20 billion in the next three years, according to market research firm Gartner. Smaller firms have the freedom to reach users who use any mobile operating system, unlike Apple, which promotes advertising on its Apple iOS platform, and Google, which handles advertising across all devices but also has its own platform, Android. "Advertisers want to be able to reach the broadest population they can and in the mobile world, where the platforms are fragmented, this gives an opening to the providers who are truly platform neutral," Gartner analyst Andrew Frank said. Google held 24 percent of the U.S. market last year, while Millennial had 17 percent and Apple 15.5 percent, according to market research firm IDC. Jumptap held 9.5 percent, Yahoo 7.5 percent and India's InMobi 2.2. percent. Ireland-based Velti Plc is also chasing market share. While Facebook has been pilloried for lacking a mobile strategy, shares of Millennial have jumped 76 percent from a low of $9 in early August. Shares of Velti have leaped 59 percent from a life low of $4.99 on July 25. Millennial, a roughly $1 billion company, is a great bet for someone looking for investments in mobile advertising, said Steven Dray, a portfolio manager at investment firm AlphaOne Capital Partners LLC. "When you get to brand advertising, which is eventually going to be a huge pile of money that's going to move from traditional advertising to mobile, I think that's where Millennial and some of the smaller players could have very good success," Dray said. AlphaOne bought into Millennial after its initial public offering in March and holds about 40,000 shares in the company. Despite the run-up in their shares, the smaller firms have not run ahead of the sector. Millennial trades at 4.3 times forward 12-month sales and Velti trades at 1.3 times. While their businesses are obviously much bigger and more varied, Google trades at a multiple of 4.6 and Facebook at 6.7. As consumers increasingly surf the Web on the go, advertisers are looking to ply them with targeted information about nearby restaurants, pubs, theaters, shops and salons. But there's no point pitching a shampoo to a skinhead, so the secret sauce for advertisers is user information — and Millennial's trove of user data is what CEO Paul Palmieri is counting on to give his firm an advantage. Millennial gathers "first-party" data — information that users provide to a publisher, or that is gleaned from surfing habits that website owners share with advertising companies. "It is also valuable to users because the more targeted-advertising they get, the more relevant their experience ends up being," Palmieri said, although analysts say the privacy issues this raises are yet to be resolved. The smaller companies tout their tight focus on the mobile sector, rather than worrying about how that fits in with online advertising. "We only focus on mobile. Google on the other hand has many different things to worry about. Yes mobile is important, but is it the most important? Probably not," said InMobi CEO Naveen Tewari, although he is not complacent about the challenge. "The only way to compete with (Google) is by innovating faster," said Tewari, who expects his 850-person company to report billions of dollars in revenue in a couple of years. Rising competitionBut the big guns are not far away. The entry of Facebook and Twitter is expected to change mobile advertising. Facebook, which declined to comment for this story, is investing heavily in improving mobile applications and creating new metrics to measure the success of mobile advertising — a move expected to give a fillip to the wider market. "There is a lack of maturity in the metrics that are available for measuring mobile campaigns," Gartner's Frank said. "That's where there's an opening for innovation that some of the larger companies are not able to satisfy today." Twitter, too, expanded its advertising program for the iPhone and Android devices and now sells promoted tweets and advertises promoted accounts on its mobile applications timeline, rather than only on a search page. And Google is determined not to lose its No.1 spot. It bought mobile ad platform AdMob in 2009 and its YouTube video service recently launched a new iPhone app that carries video advertisements. The success of iPhones and Android smartphones and the fact that Google owns many popular mobile applications also helps push its mobile advertisements. Google reported a revenue run-rate of $2.5 billion from advertisements viewed on mobile devices when it announced second-quarter earnings in July. Road blocksThe mobile advertising model has its detractors, and some have groused that the small screen on mobile devices makes viewing advertisements difficult, while a lack of good mobile websites might keep away potential viewers. Users tend to spend less time on their mobiles in one go and advertisements have to be designed for short attention spans. "I think it's still a struggle. Most of the advertising that you see on mobile devices today is still predominantly not very well targeted or not very granually targeted," Frank said. Uncertainty about how best to advertise on mobile platforms is holding back the valuations of mobile advertising firms, Baird and Co analyst Colin Sebastian said. While industry-standard measurements are lacking, the companies argue that mobile advertising has five times the click-through rate of online advertising. "You can touch the ad, flip the ad, move the ad, you can do things that you cannot do on a PC. Your interactivity levels are very high," Tewari said. Follow business on Twitter and Facebook Title:
Google No. 1, but smaller firms grabbing share of mobile ad market
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @mollirot No, it doesn't. Rude, if you ask me. Test today. Wish me luck. I don't want to go. IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is negative. OUT: Puked Again. =/ WTF. I really need a Doctor Q: positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) A: Fun fun fun these last two days Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @macyfouse it's fun question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: @daLoved1 oh well it all sounds like a lot of fun....I know hawaii is going to be a blast Q: Write a negative tweet. A:
@S_sS yeah lunch defo next week, still on packed lunches at the mo ...hopefully the weather remains sunny
La deuxième mesure qui pourrait être prise ⁇ tout en étant plus controversée ⁇ tient plutôt de la limitation des armements. Which language is this?
Tecumseh ⁇ а ⁇ устил лине ⁇ ку ⁇ родуктов, котора ⁇ вкл ⁇ ает все от ⁇ росто ⁇ о ком ⁇ рессора до систем о ⁇ ла ⁇ дени ⁇ дл ⁇ ма ⁇ а ⁇ инов ⁇ и ⁇ и и ро ⁇ ни ⁇ но ⁇ ⁇ рода ⁇ и с и ⁇ нов ⁇ скролл-ком ⁇ рессором как кл ⁇ ев ⁇ м ⁇ родуктом. Which language is this?
[Q]: "If you want to calculate the minimum amount you have to repay for the next year, divide your LLP balance by the number of years left in your repayment period." --> French? [A]: Si vous désirez calculer le montant minimum que vous devrez rembourser l'année suivante, divisez votre solde du REEP par le nombre d'années qui restent dans votre période de remboursement. [Q]: " Dyadic co-regulation affects not only the behaviour of the infant, but also its biological development. Both behaviour and biology prepare the infant to orient itself to the world, to face stress and begin learning skills and language." --> French? [A]: La corégulation dyadique a une incidence sur le développement comportemental et sur le développement biologique du bébé, qui préparent tous deux à s'orienter par rapport au monde, à faire face au stress et à faire l'acquisition d'habiletés et du langage. [Q]: "The letter contained the following short paragraph:" --> French? [A]:
La lettre contient le court alinéa suivant:
Translate "The Court noted that, even though they were connected, the facts in the two cases differed and the "accused" was not the same." to French?
La Cour constate que, bien que connexes, les faits des deux affaires ne sont pas identiques et que l’« accusé » n’est pas le même.
IN: French: An observer suggested that efforts should be made to reconstruct the image of people of African descent as this would have an impact on social attitudes towards them. OUT: Un observateur a estimé que des efforts devaient être faits pour restaurer l'image des personnes d'ascendance africaine, car cela permettrait de faire évoluer dans le bon sens les comportements à leur égard au sein de la société. question: The cookies are small files installed by the administrator of a server on your computer that can store data related to the net surfer when it connects to the site. --> French. answer: Les "cookies" sont des petits fichiers que l'administrateur d'un serveur installe sur votre ordinateur et qui permettent de mémoriser des données relatives à l'internaute lorsque celui-ci se connecte au site. Some text: Sa situation témoigne de la responsabilité et de la maturité du peuple allemand : cette alliance diversifiée de mécontents n'a attiré que 12 % des votes. Translate to English. Translation: It is a testimony of the responsibility and maturity of the German people that this miscellaneous alliance of the disaffected only attracted 12% of the vote. Q: 2000-1017 Le Conseil approuve la demande de TCI visant à prolonger la promotion d'un mois d'essai gratuit du service de ligne de résidence additionnelle au 28 juin 2001. Could you please translate this to English? A: 2000-1017 The Commission approves TCI's request to extend the Residence Additional Line One Free Month Promotion to 28 June 2001. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Décide de garder à l'étude au cours de sa cinquante-cinquième session le point de l'ordre du jour intitulé « Financement de la Mission des Nations Unies en Sierra Leone ». Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Dans les cas où le marché privé n'a pu répondre aux besoins, le gouvernement a élaboré des programmes d'aide au logement.
[Q]: "The ISO DIS 13216-1 specifies that distance as being 120 mm." --> French? [A]: Le projet de norme ISO DIS 13216-1 établit cette distance à 120 mm. [Q]: "Campaign: "Sharing Rights and Responsibilities", with placemats, pins, refrigerator magnets and banners (10,000 copies of each)." --> French? [A]: Campagne "Partage des droits et des responsabilités", production de 100 000 exemplaires de dessous d'assiette, de pins, d'aimants pour réfrigérateur et de bannières. [Q]: "Anesthesiology 46: 346–350 [cited in U.S. EPA, 2002b]." --> French? [A]:
Anesthesiology 45: 311–318 [cité dans PISC, 1990].
Q: "We must act as Europeans." to French **** A: Nous devons agir en tant qu'Européens. Q: "It was proposed by the working group, inter alia, that cases concerning Swedish-speaking persons be assigned to judges having command of Swedish and that the langua ge-training of judges and prosecutors be intensified." to French **** A: Le groupe de travail a notamment proposé que les affaires impliquant des suédophones soient confiées à des juges maîtrisant cette langue et qu'on renforce la formation linguistique des juges et des procureurs. Q: "However, individuals who are approached to participate in a research project about their organization have the right to give free and informed consent." to French **** A: Toutefois, les personnes pressenties pour participer à des recherches sur leur propre groupe ont le droit de donner un consentement libre et éclairé. Q: "Establishing connections between products and results: State Service Commission (SSC) The SSC is recognized for its Statement of Intent which contains information on key aspects of policy (Auditor-General’s Report, 2002, 32)." to French **** A:
Établir des liens entre les produits et les résultats : la State Services Commission (SSC) La SSC est reconnue pour sa déclaration d’intention dans laquelle on trouve des informations sur les éléments clés des orientations retenues (Rapport du contrôleur général, 2002, 32).
IN: French: • maintaining a Log of Certificate numbers issued; OUT: • tenir un registre des numéros de certificat remis; question: The new Fertilizer datasets have been prepared using a revised methodology and new dissemination formats. --> French. answer: Les nouvelles séries de données sur les engrais ont été établies selon une méthodologie révisée et font l’objet d’une nouvelle présentation. Some text: Sa véritable valeur réside dans le fait qu'il contribue à développer l'intelligence, à introduire de profonds changements en matière d'enseignement et d'apprentissage, et à donner une chance égale à tous - car l'égalité n'est pas un droit pour adultes seulement - d'accéder à l'information et aux connaissances indispensables pour l'intégration à la société et pour que celle-ci fonctionne comme il faut. Translate to English. Translation: Its true worth lies in developing intelligence, introducing deep changes in teaching and learning, offering equal opportunities in access to information from childhood on — because equality is not a right for adults alone — and providing the information and knowledge indispensable to becoming a member of society and thus ensuring its proper functioning. Q: 18 (par. 3)) Could you please translate this to English? A: 18, para. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La loi garantit l'indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire; elle précise les garanties et les dispositions applicables aux juges. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Exigences du travail Les données sont claires : une proportion importante de Canadiennes et de Canadiens employés par de grandes organisations font régulièrement des heures de travail supplémentaires.
[Q]: "A number of changes were introduced to achieve these goals:" --> French? [A]: Les membres d’une équipe décident de la manière dont le travail est effectué et sont chargés de résoudre les problèmes opérationnels. [Q]: "Powdered leaves: 2-4 g (Felter and Lloyd 1983) Infusion: 30-60 ml 3x/day (Felter and Lloyd 1983; Barnes et al." --> French? [A]: Orale : ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ Feuilles en poudre : 2-4 g (Felter et Lloyd 1983) Infusion : 30-60 ml 3 fois/jour (Felter et Lloyd 1983; Barnes et collab. [Q]: "He will continue to convey this in his discussions with the Quartet when he joins them next week in Berlin." --> French? [A]:
Il évoquera cette question auprès des autres membres du Quatuor lors de la réunion qui se tiendra la semaine prochaine à Berlin.
What is Chronic Myeloid Leukemia? Translate to French
Qu’est-ce que la leucémie myélo ⁇ de chronique?
Translate the following sentence to French: Local populations suffered further loss when the coastal fleet was upgraded in the 1950s.
Les populations locales ont été frappées encore plus durement lorsque la flottille des pêcheurs a été modernisée dans les années 1950.
Q: Solve 6354*s - 6350*s - 36 = 0 for s. A: 9 Q: Solve 7*y = -5*y + 18*y for y. A: 0 Q: Solve -329643*m + 329706*m = 1890 for m. A: 30 Q: Solve 39537*a = 39058*a - 20118 for a. A:
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La liste des coordonnateurs régionaux apparaît dans le site Web d’AINC (voir l’Annexe E). [Q]: "Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples" --> French? [A]: Comité spécial chargé d'étudier la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de la Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépendance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux Q: "Twenty-sixth session" to French **** A: Vingt-sixième session Translate to French: In response to a suggestion that perhaps it would be useful to have a lot of vessels sampling eggs instead of one vessel, the scientist noted that it might be possible to examine the possibility of having fixed stations and to ask industry members at these locations to take weekly samples of plankton or eggs. Answer: En réponse à une suggestion qu’il serait peut-être bon qu’un grand nombre de navires, plutôt qu’un seul, procèdent l’échantillonnage des ⁇ ufs, le scientifique signale que l’on pourrait peut-être examiner la possibilité d’implanter des stations fixes et de demander à ce que des membres de l’industrie situés à ces endroits prélèvent sur une base hebdomadaire des échantillons de plancton ou d’oeufs. IN: French: NATO invoked the principle of collective defence on 12 September. OUT: Il l’a fait en dépit du refus de collaborer des responsables de l’Otan. IN: French: Thus, the AIST features two different systems for selecting themes: a "top-down, decision-making system" and a "bottom-up decision-making system". OUT:
Les thèmes de recherche de ces centres seront choisis par le directeur du centre d'excellence concerné, pas par les chercheurs eux-mêmes.
Q: Les communautés se sont rendu compte que la décentralisation, même si elle répond à une demande de leur part, ne résout pas par miracle leurs problèmes d'autonomisation.... English? A: [Communities have found that decentralization, even if demand driven, is not a panacea for the problem of empowerment of local communities.] Q: Il lui demande également de fournir des renseignements sur les mesures prises et sur leur impact sur la situation des femmes dans son prochain rapport.... English? A: [It also requests the State party to provide information in its next report on the measures taken and on their gender impact.] Q: Recueil statistique.... English? A:
[A statistical compendium.]
The New York Times Ms. Schuler, 36, of West Babylon, was driving on Sunday afternoon with her two children and three nieces, returning from a camping trip in the Catskills, when she drove a Ford Windstar minivan the wrong way on the Taconic in Westchester County. She crashed head-on into a sport-utility vehicle carrying three men from Yonkers, who also died. The S.U.V. was forced into another vehicle, a Chevy Tracker, carrying a couple from Freehold, N.Y., who were treated for their injuries. It was the worst traffic accident in Westchester in 75 years, and the strange conditions of the collision — Ms. Schuler traveled the wrong way for nearly two miles before she crashed, the authorities said — devastated communities in Westchester and on Long Island and left many shaking their heads in puzzlement. On Thursday, two lines of bagpipers played as four black limousines carrying the family members and five silver hearses, each containing a white coffin, pulled up to the church at about 10:45 a.m. The back doors of the hearses opened one after another as cadres of pallbearers carried the coffins into the sanctuary. Church leaders, including Bishop William Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, and concerned community members attended the Mass, which concluded with a funeral procession to the Cemetery of the Holy Rood in Westbury, N.Y. Megan Marchello, 37, of Floral Park, arrived at the church with her 20-month-old son, Sam. “I just don’t know how you go on — it’s scary,” she said, and referring to Sam, added, “He’s my whole life.” Although she did not know the victims’ families, Ms. Marchello said she came to the funeral “for the town,” and on the advice of a friend who had lost a son in the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. Her friend told her how uplifted she had felt by the community’s turning out for his funeral. Richard Cyrana, 60, a member of Our Lady of Victory, also said he did not know the families, but he made a point of attending on Thursday. “Usually I don’t do this,” he said. “But this is a special occasion; this is unbelievable. It’s just so terrible. The mother was so young and the kids had their whole lives ahead of them.” He added, “To be driving that long on the wrong side of the road just doesn’t make sense.” Investigators received another clue this week when Ms. Schuler’s cellphone was found abandoned at a pull-over spot on the New York State Thruway, on the Westchester side of the Tappan Zee Bridge, according to Lt. Dominick L. Chiumento of the State Police. He said that a driver found the phone on Sunday and that authorities hoped to analyze the record of calls placed before the crash. Ms. Schuler was with her two children, Erin, 2, and Bryan, as well as her nieces, Emma, 8, Alyson, 7, and Kate, 5. Her husband, Daniel, had left the campground in another car that morning, headed on a fishing trip. She had called her brother, Mr. Hance of Floral Park, to say that she was not feeling well and did not know where she was, even though she was familiar with Westchester’s roads. The State Police have said that she had seemed disoriented and was having trouble with her vision. Even though Mr. Hance told her to pull over and said he would come find her, she kept driving. It was then that Ms. Schuler apparently discarded her cellphone, the authorities said. Mr. Hance, a real estate appraiser, did set out for Westchester, but also contacted the State Police, who then canvassed 40 miles of roads in search of her minivan. Instead of driving south toward her home on Long Island, Ms. Schuler drove north and wound up on the Taconic. The police said that Ms. Schuler entered the parkway using an exit ramp in Briarcliff Manor, and then drove the minivan for 1.7 miles in the fast lane as oncoming cars honked and swerved out of her way. Just south of the Route 117 exit, she crashed head-on into a Chevy Trailblazer whose occupants were a father and son from Yonkers and a family friend. Ms. Schuler’s son, Bryan, is in stable condition at Westchester Medical Center. “There is a miracle child in all of this — our dear nephew, Bryan, who is getting better and stronger by the day,” Mr. Hance said in his eulogy, in which he had only one request of the mourners. “What we ask all of you going forward is when you see us on the street, please don’t look the other way,” he said. “Please don’t be afraid to talk to us. You don’t have to offer any more condolences, you don’t have to tell us how sorry you are.” While autopsy results this week revealed that Ms. Schuler had no apparent medical problem, the police are still awaiting toxicology reports, which could point to undiagnosed issues. They have said they do not believe she was intoxicated, and, Lieutenant Chiumento said, “As of right now there’s nothing that leads us to believe this was a suicide.” Deepening the mystery surrounding the accident is the fact that Ms. Schuler maintained control over the vehicle for such a long stretch, even negotiating bends in the road, and yet did not make an effort to pull off onto a flat grassy median. The three Yonkers victims were Michael Bastardi, 81, a Korean War veteran who was retired from the auto parts business; his son, Guy, 49, who managed a chain of auto parts stores; and their friend Daniel Longo, 74. There will be a funeral Mass for Mr. Bastardi and his son at St. John the Baptist church in Yonkers on Saturday, followed by one for Mr. Longo there on Monday. Lisa W. Foderaro reported from Floral Park and Liz Robbins from New York City. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A18 of the New York edition with the headline: Grief Grips Long Island Community at Funeral for 5 Crash Victims. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe What was this article about?
The strange conditions of the crash that killed eight people in Westchester left many at the service sad and puzzled.
Some text: RechercheNet Translate to English. Translation: ResearchNet Q: En comparaison, les mesures d’emploi passives ou inactives comprennent principalement les prestations d’assurancechômage. Could you please translate this to English? A: By comparison, passive or inactive labour market measures consist mainly of unemployment insurance/compensation. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Il conviendrait de préciser les moyens que le Gouvernement met en ⁇ uvre pour réduire l'écart de rémunération entre les hommes et les femmes, et il serait utile de savoir si cet écart existe aussi bien dans le secteur structuré que dans le secteur informel. [Q]: "'HILQLWLRQ entails adoption of a detailed proposal prepared by Enterprise DG, following consultation of the Enterprise Programme Management Committee under the management committee procedure." --> French? [A]: La phase de GpILQLWLRQ comprend l'adoption de la proposition détaillée élaborée par la DG Entreprises, après consultation du Comité de gestion du programme entreprise dans le cadre de la procédure ad hoc. Q: "A multicultural society that accepts every taboo of its diverse groups would have little to talk about." to French **** A: Une société multiculturelle qui approuverait les tabous de chacun de ses différents groupes aurait peu de matière à discuter. Q: "Isn't that one of the answers we should look to when we are examining the question of how will we keep health care sustainable into the future?" to French **** A:
N'est-ce pas l'une des solutions que nous devrions envisager lorsque nous étudions la question de la survie des soins de santé à l'avenir?
Avant d'accorder son autorisation en vertu du paragraphe 35(2) de la Loi sur les pêches, le ministère des Pêches et des Océans exigera que le promoteur dépose un programme détaillé de suivi de l'intrusion saline dans la baie de Rupert et l'embouchure de la rivière de Pontax, pour valider les prédictions de la simulation. Translate this to English?
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans will require as a condition of its authorization under section 35(2) of the Fisheries Act that the proponent submit a detailed follow-up program on the intrusion of salt water into Rupert Bay and the mouth of the Pontax River to validate the simulation predictions.
Programmes de développement économique Fonds pour la création de possibilités économiques Ce fonds offre de l'aide financière sous forme de capitaux de contrepartie. Which language is this?
Q: VENTES ⁇ L’EXPORTATION : Could you please translate this to English? A: EXPORT MARKET: Q: Outre les contacts bilatéraux qu'elle maintient avec eux, l'ONU s'efforce depuis 1994 de rassembler tous les organismes régionaux, afin qu'ils puissent tirer avantage des approches innovantes et de la connaissance des stratégies de prévention efficaces acquise ailleurs dans le monde. Could you please translate this to English? A: In addition to its bilateral contacts with regional organizations, since 1994 the United Nations has worked to bring all regional organizations together so that they can benefit from innovative approaches and from the knowledge of effective prevention strategies that is acquired elsewhere in the world. Q: Décide également que, conformément aux dispositions de sa résolution 973 (X), il sera déduit des sommes réparties en application du paragraphe 23 ci-dessus la part de chaque État Membre dans le montant de 10 182 100 dollars qui sera inscrit au Fonds de péréquation des impôts, et qui comprend le montant estimatif des recettes provenant des contributions du personnel approuvé pour la Mission, soit 7 718 900 dollars, la part de la Mission dans le montant estimatif des recettes provenant des contributions du personnel approuvé pour le compte d'appui, soit 2 157 300 dollars, et sa part du montant estimatif des recettes provenant des contributions du personnel approuvé pour la Base de soutien logistique des Nations Unies, soit 305 900 dollars ; Could you please translate this to English? A: Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 10,182,100 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 7,718,900 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,157,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 305,900 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base; Q: Des semis de Pinusbanksiana Lamb, furent inoculés avec neuf champignons mycorhiziens et plantés sur des dunes de sable destinées à contenir de l'huile et amendées avec de la mousse de tourbe. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Pinusbanksiana Lamb, seedlings were inoculated with nine mycorrhizal fungi and outplanted on an oil-sands containment dyke that had been amended with muskeg peat.
Some text: En ce qui concerne les non-signataires, tout État membre de l’OMPI qui remplit les conditions indiquées dans l’article 19.1)i), iii), iv) ou v) du Traité sur le droit des marques peut devenir partie au traité en déposant son instrument d’adhésion. Translate to English. Translation: As concerns nonsignatories, any State member of WIPO that fulfills the conditions stated in either Article 19(1)(i), or (iii), or (iv) or (v) of the Trademark Law Treaty may become party to it by depositing its instrument of accession. Some text: De toutes les sciences, la plus compliquée et peut-être celle qui mène le monde, c’est bien le numérique. Translate to English. Translation: Of all the sciences, the most complicated one, and we might say the one that drives the world, is ICTs. Some text: C'est pour contribuer à relever ce défi que le présent article présente une technique innovatrice de réhabilitation des ponts qui consiste à remplacer le tablier de certains types de ponts existants par un tablier en aluminium. Translate to English. Translation:
It is to keep up with this challenge that this paper presents an innovative bridge rehabilitation technique which consists in using aluminum decking to replace deteriorated bridge decks.
Problem: The items appeared on a list of expenditure that parliament's public accounts committee (PAC), chaired by Mr Gumbo, was looking into. Kenya's Ministry of Devolution is alleged to have bought a series of goods at inflated prices. But the minster in charge, Anne Waiguru, said that the allegations were not true. The corruption investigation comes as the government tries to deal with a growing budget deficit. Mr Gumbo told the BBC that he was shocked when he saw what was on the list. In addition to the sex toys, the ministry is also alleged to have bought over-priced condom dispensers, stationery, photocopiers and a piano and television for the minister's office. On Wednesday, Ms Waiguru was questioned for nearly four hours by the PAC over the corruption allegations, reports the BBC's Bashkash Jugsooda'ay from the capital, Nairobi. She denied her ministry had bought a television screen for $19,000 ( ⁇ £12,000), or that she was involved in the purchase of a condom dispenser for $250. There was no mention of the sex toys. Earlier, Ms Waiguru distanced herself from the alleged corruption saying on her Facebook page that she does "not purchase anything for the ministry". She added that there was no TV screen or piano in her office. What was that article about? A: A Kenyan ministry bought sex toys on expenses, senior Kenyan MP Nicholas Gumbo has told the BBC. The Irish company said that the service was one of three routes set to be slashed as part of its cost-cutting plans. Management told staff that they had no option but to implement "immediate cost savings". The bus operator currently runs twice-daily return journeys to Dublin, alongside Translink's Goldline service. A Translink spokesperson said it was aware of the changes but was "fully committed" to keeping the route. "Translink will continue to provide the services we operate on this route, including our current X3 service to Monaghan, Dublin Airport and Dublin City Centre and our X4 direct route through mid-Ulster to Dublin Airport and Dublin City Centre," they added. The Republic of Ireland's transport unions have said that they will commence an all-out strike at Bus Éireann next week, in response to the cost-cutting plans. The National Bus and Rail Union and SIPTU has also warned that there will be redundancies and impact on pay - but says the moves are necessary to save the company. The company is also closing their Dublin to Clonmel and Athlone to Westport services. Sum: Bus Éireann has announced it intends to close its Londonderry to Dublin bus service on 28 May. Q: Most of the prisoners were captured after a manhunt through local streets lasting several hours, but two were killed and one remains at large. It is the second mass breakout in the area in a week. On Wednesday, 53 men escaped from another jail on the city outskirts and only 13 of them have since been found. Social media images broadcast on Brazilian TV captured the moment when the explosion ripped through the external wall of the Frei Damiao de Bozanno prison. Minutes before a man in the street walked up to the prison wall, left a package and moved quickly away. Seconds after the blast, dozens of men are seen leaping through the hole in a cloud of dust. They fanned out into the residential streets, many running into houses. The prison guard's union said it had warned the authorities that a breakout was imminent. It said that at the time of the explosion, only half the observation towers at the prison were manned because of staff shortages. The union said that the state of Pernambuco in which Recife lies has little more than 1,500 prison guards for its penitentiaries when there should be at least 5,000. Prisons in the state are often run by electing inmates to maintain security alongside the guards. The union also said that like most Brazilian jails, this one was severely overcrowded. The prison complex houses four times the number of prisoners it was built for. A: Forty inmates escaped from jail in the eastern Brazilian city of Recife after a bomb was used to blow a hole in an external wall, authorities there say. Text: Prof Jane Cummings writes in the Daily Telegraph that freeing up the money put into "old and expensive buildings" is one way the health service can improve. Staying in hospital too long can often make patients more ill, she claims. Prof Cummings also says "outdated models of care" need to change. The article is in response to a review set up by the NHS which split England into 44 areas, ordering local managers and councils to come up with Sustainability and Transformation Plans to improve efficiency. Prof Cummings describes the issues facing a local NHS organisation in Devon. "[It] wants to invest in home-based care, but it struggles because resources are currently tied up in hospital beds," wrote Prof Cummings. "Many patients stay in those beds for too long, because home care is not available, often becoming more ill as a result. "With more care provided at home, the NHS can spend more cash on patients rather than maintaining old and expensive buildings. And more people can be better looked after, with care personalised to their needs." NHS England is estimated to spend around ⁇ £820m a year treating older patients in hospital who no longer need acute clinical care. Prof Cummings accepts there will always be "vigorous debate" over how much money the government puts into the system. But she says it is the job of health professionals to "squeeze the maximum value" out of the budgets they are given. "That means changing outdated models of care so that patients don't fall into cracks between different parts of the system and ensuring that we provide care based around their needs, and not those of NHS organisations," said Prof Cummings. "Since 1948, the NHS has adapted itself constantly and it must continue to do so as the world and our health needs will continue to change." summary: Cutting hospital beds and using the money for care at home could mean better treatment for patients, according to NHS England's chief nursing officer. Text: The pair were sent to the stands in the 11th minute of the first leg at Fratton Park after allegedly using improper language and/or behaviour. The game finished 2-2, with the Pilgrims winning the return game 1-0. Both have accepted the fine, which is the standard penalty for the offence. Plymouth are in the play-off final at Wembley later this month where they will play AFC Wimbledon, who beat Accrington in the other semi-final on Wednesday night. summary:
Portsmouth boss Paul Cook and Plymouth Argyle coach Paul Wotton have each been fined £500 after admitting an FA misconduct charge from their League Two play-off semi-final last week.
Pour atteindre cet objectif, il est essentiel que l'Union européenne établisse une stratégie commune, qui devra la manière d'atteindre cet objectif. Translate to English
In order to achieve this goal, a common European Union strategy is essential, which will have to set out the ways in which the stated goal is going to be achieved.
2.4 Signaux lumineux comportant des flèches........................................... 13 Translate this to English?
2.4 Traffic lights showing arrows .................................................12
Q: L'article IV a été conçu tout spécialement pour exclure toute tentative de réinterprétation du TNP qui limiterait le droit d'un pays à bénéficier de la technologie nucléaire — tant que cette technologie n'est pas utilisée pour produire des armes nucléaires.... English? A: [Article IV was specifically crafted to preclude any attempt to reinterpret the NPT so as to inhibit a country's right to peaceful nuclear technologies - so long as the technology is not used to produce nuclear weapons.] Q: L’objectif visé est de favoriser le débat sur les enjeux liés à l’égalité des sexes et de permettre aux personnes, groupes, stratégistes et analystes de politiques de participer plus efficacement à l’élaboration des politiques.... English? A: [Our objective is to enhance public debate on gender equality issues and to enable individuals, organizations, policy makers and policy analysts to participate more effectively in the development of policy.] Q: New York, 22-26 juin 2009... English? A:
[New York, 22-26 June 2009]
Problem: CW69-16/8-2002F Résumé Version HTML Version PDF (4 Mo) Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: ⁇ l'issue de chaque réunion du Groupe d'Ottawa, un résumé des débats, comprenant les conclusions et recommandations éventuelles et les communications présentées est affiché sur le site Web du Groupe à l'adresse électronique suivante : Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: A soutenir les initiatives de l'Assemblée de l'UEO en donnant suite aux documents qu'elle adopte et en les diffusant, reconnaissant ainsi l'utilité de son travail pour leur discussion budgétaire à propos des opérations extérieures ; 8. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Le Comité examine des observations finales. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Question: Saturday afternoon she drove to the bakery in the shopping center. Does it follow that "She went to the bakery on Saturday in the afternoon. "? Answer: yes Question: That may have been done some time ago, I interrupted. Does it follow that "I interrupted to say that it might have been done quite a while ago."? Answer: yes Question: The Romans cultivated grapes, wheat, and olives; built roads; and bequeathed the Latin foundations of the Portuguese language and a strong base of Christian belief. Does it follow that "The Latin foundations of the Portuguese language was bequeathed by the Romans."? Answer: yes Question: It convinced him as nothing else had done that the outlook was hopeless. Does it follow that "The man will never come out of his coma. "? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
question: Food Services The Tea House offers an exquisite menu from 11 am to 5 pm. --> French. answer: Services de restauration The Tea House offers an exquisite menu from 11 am to 5 pm. question: Each theme is then treated separately and extensively in our report. --> French. answer: Chacun est ensuite traité séparément et en profondeur dans notre rapport. question: Although progress was made after the Stockholm conference in many individual areas, and although many environments, particularly the industrialized countries, actually got better, little real effect was given to environment development in the policies and practices of governments and industry. --> French. answer: Plus grave encore, les conditions menaçant l’avenir de l’humanité dont il a été fait état à Stockholm n’ont pas changé fondamentalement au cours des deux décennies qui se sont écoulées entre la conférence de Stockholm et celle de Rio. question: In the presence of your Desjardins Private Manager, the planner presents you the final report, recommendations and action plan to achieve your goals. --> French. answer:
En présence de votre conseiller en gestion privée, le planificateur vous présente son rapport final, les recommandations et le plan d’action qui vous permettront d’atteindre les objectifs fixés.
test: Sie hat ihrerseits darauf mit ungefähr 110 000 Tonnen Lebensmittelhilfe im Rahmen eines weltweiten Kontingents von etwa 3,5 Mio. Euro reagiert. English? translation: The Commission, for its part, has responded with an estimated 110 000 tonnes of food aid, for a global allocation of about EUR 3.5 million. test: Die einfachste Art, um Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren, ist weniger Energie zu brauchen. Dies kann man vor allem dadurch erreichen, dass das Gebäude, in dem man wohnt, gut isoliert ist. English? translation: The easiest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to use less energy by insulating the building you are living in, and therefore use less energy. test: Der Wirtschafts-Informatik in der Arbeit von David Ricardo eliminiert Bewegung in ihren wesentlichen Niveau, was bedeutet, dass nur die Bewegung ist nur scheinbare, sondern lediglich fenoménico, inesencial. English? translation: The Economic Science in the work of David Ricardo eliminates movement in its essential level, which only means that the movement is only apparent, merely fenoménico, inesencial. test: (Das Parlament lehnt den Vorschlag ab.) English? translation:
(Parliament rejected the proposal)
ali daei , iran 's captain and top international scorer , will likely miss the next world cup match with portugal because of a back injury . A summary about the text above: key iran striker injured unlikely to play against portugal slovaks started casting ballots saturday for their regional representatives in a vote seen as a litmus test ahead of general elections next june , amid a deep economic crisis . A summary about the text above: crisis-hit slovakia votes in election test for government the chamber of commerce sued the labor department monday , seeking the repeal of new regulations allowing states to offer paid leave to new parents using unemployment benefit dollars . A summary about the text above: chamber sues labor department a teenage passenger from california has been arrested in nashville for plotting to hijack a plane from los angeles to nashville , the fbi said friday . A summary about the text above:
teen passenger taken into custody after incident on plane to nashville
question: It is important to have this information before recommendations can be made. --> French. answer: Il est important d’avoir cette information avant de faire des recommandations. question: The governmental agreement of 28 June 1995 expressly requested that the question of the decriminalization of offences against the legislation on the press should be considered and that article 150 of the Constitution should possibly be amended. --> French. answer: L'accord gouvernemental du 28 juin 1995 avait demandé expressément d'examiner la question de la correctionnalisation du délit de presse et de modifier éventuellement l'article 150 de la Constitution. question: AT - Sight liabilities: - Timelsaving del ⁇ l year: 7% --> French. answer: Taux de réserves Modifiés fréquemment en fonction de l'évolution du marché monétaire question: (a) Inventory and management; --> French. answer:
a) Inventaire et gestion;
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: I don't even know whats wrong and its eating me up. Fucking shit. IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is positive. OUT: @kentgarrison i hope you get betttttttter Q: positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) A: So good to see @teenfun101 today. I love him of course. And i know Chelsey and kevin are getting this via text.Hello! Q: Write a negative tweet. A: @nnatta I know the feeling. I cried my entire flight back question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: So glad to be heading home, and Andy's actually with me. Q: Write a negative tweet. A:
sometimes I wonder how life would be if me and my dad talked. if he was der in my everyday life.
Translate "It was in that hope that we welcomed the results of the Vienna talks between Iraqi officials and officials of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning practical arrangements regarding inspections." to French?
C'est animés de cet espoir que nous avons salué les résultats des pourparlers de Vienne entre les responsables iraquiens et les représentants de la Commission de contrôle, de vérification et d'inspection des Nations Unies (COCOVINU) et de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA) sur des arrangements pratiques concernant les inspections.
How is "• Among the complaints for which the relationship between the complainant and the respondent was reported," said in French?
• Parmi les plaintes pour lesquelles était indiquée la relation entre le plaignant et le mis en cause,
IN: French: Long-term interest rates as measured by ten-year government bond yields followed the international increase in levels throughout 1999, rising by some 1.3 percentage points. In February 2000 the spread vis-à-vis the average euro area rates amounted to around 30 basis points, i.e. broadly unchanged since the beginning of 1999. OUT: Les données IPCH antérieures à 1995 sont des estimations basées sur des définitions nationales et ne sont pas totalement comparables avec les données IPCH à partir de 1995. IN: French: ABC was, and is, guided by several strategic priorities; for example, Youth Entrepreneurship Development, Innovation, Trade and Market Expansion (including Aboriginal Tourism) and Strengthening Aboriginal Financial and Business Organizations. OUT: Plusieurs priorités stratégiques continuent d'orienter l'activité d'EAC, par exemple le développement de l'esprit d'entreprise chez les jeunes, l'innovation, l'expansion du commerce et des marchés (y compris le tourisme autochtone) et le renforcement des organismes de développement et de financement des entreprises autochtones. IN: French: Give yourself a rating on each of the Knowledge Areas about your community. OUT: Timothy Johnpress, Dealing with tolerance, tolerations in work, life, Austin Business Journal, American City Business Journals, 19 juillet 2002. IN: French: Administrative, Operational and Decision Making Processes the adequacy of the administrative and documentation practices and processes; the appropriateness of the job analysis and work description writing activities; and the professionalism of the job evaluation and decision-making processes. OUT:
Processus administratifs, opérationnels et décisionnels la pertinence de ses pratiques et procédés en matière de documentation et d’administration; la pertinence de ses activités d’analyse des emplois et de rédaction des descriptions de travail; le professionnalisme de ses procédés d’évaluation des emplois et de prise de décision;
Q: Il a souligné que la comodalité — le développement d’une synergie entre l’ensemble des modes de transport — doit être au c ⁇ ur même de la politique européenne des transports. Could you please translate this to English? A: He insisted that co-modality — the development of a synergy between all types of transport — must lie at the heart of the EU’s transport policy. Q: Ceci inclurait des informations au sujet de l'emploi non conforme et non approuvé, l'emploi approuvé dans d'autres juridictions, des études cliniques avortées, etc. Could you please translate this to English? A: This would include information about non-approved off-label drug use, approved uses in other jurisdictions, failed clinical studies, etc. Q: • Les Nigérians accordent un intérêt grandissant aux repas plus légers et aux denrées fraîches ne contenant pas d’agent de conservation. Could you please translate this to English? A: • Nigerians are shifting interest towards lighter meals and fresh produce without preservatives. Q: La loi sur l'emploi, qui oriente la politique nationale de l'emploi dans un souci d'égalité des chances dans l'exercice du droit au travail, institue des garanties additionnelles concernant l'emploi de certaines catégories de personnes incapables de concourir à égalité de chances sur le marché du travail et ayant donc besoin d'une protection sociale. Could you please translate this to English? A:
The Law “On Employment of the Population” directs national employment policy to ensuring equal opportunities in realizing ones right to work and provides for additional guaranties for the employment for special categories of citizens who not able to compete equally on the labour market and therefore require social protection.
[Q]: "Degrassi the Next Generation follows the lives of a group of high school students." --> French? [A]: « Degrassi the Next Generation » porte sur la vie d’un groupe d’étudiants du secondaire. [Q]: "Resolution 3357 (XXIX), annex." --> French? [A]: Résolution 3357 (XXIX), annexe. [Q]: "The parameters that affect generator inertia—system size, allowable frequency variation, type of load, turbine and governor, water column start time, governor time, and relief valve operation— are all discussed." --> French? [A]:
Les parametres afféctant l'inertie des alternateurs, tels que la grandeur du système, les variations de fréquence admissible, le type de charge, les caractéristiques de la turbine et du régulateur le temps de départ de la colonne d'eau, le temps caractéristique de la conduite et l'opération de la vanne de décharge sont tous discutés.
Question: Eine ganze Generation droht verloren zu gehen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: A whole generation is at risk of being lost. test: Abweichungen innerhalb der Vorteile der Vielfliegerprogramme sind möglich. English? translation: Status level benefits vary among frequent flyer programmes. Eine Folge dieses globalen geldpolitischen Aktivismus war in den letzten Jahren ein Aufstand unter Pseudo- ⁇ konomen und Schreiberlingen in der Marktberichterstattung. In English? xxxxx One result of this global monetary-policy activism has been a rebellion among pseudo-economists and market hacks in recent years. How is "This situation can be abused from two different sides." said in German? Man kann sie hier von zwei Seiten missbrauchen. Q: Translate "The increase in hall space from 28,000 m2 to around 41,000 m2 means a generous use of space in Halls 19 to 23, pleasingly broad aisles and greater exhibition space along the sides of the aisles, providing greater display flexibility." to German? A: Die Erweiterung von 28.000 m2 auf rund 41.000 m2 Hallenfläche geht einher mit einer großzügigen Aufteilung in den Hallen 19 bis 23, angenehmen Gangbreiten sowie mehr Ausstellungsfläche an den Gangseiten für verbesserte Präsentationsmöglichkeiten. Q: Translate "I also believe that we should all join together today to share the pain of the families of the victims of these events, of those who have lost their loved ones in the deadly conflicts affecting the planet." to German? A:
Ich meine auch, dass wir heute alle am Schmerz der Familien der Opfer dieser Ereignisse, die ihre Angehörigen in den tödlichen Konflikten in der Welt verloren haben, Anteil nehmen sollten.
Le FNUAP devrait aussi évaluer la possibilité d'utiliser le Système complet de bases de données sur les audits et les recommandations pour suivre le statut de la mise en ⁇ uvre des recommandations d'audit concernant les projets faisant l'objet d'une exécution nationale. Translate this to English?
UNFPA should also evaluate the possibility of using the comprehensive audit and recommendation database system to monitor the status of implementation of audit recommendations in respect of nationally executed projects.
Problem: Write a positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) yelp review. A: Now my 2nd favourite sushi joint in Edinburgh! :) Went tonight with some yelpers for a meal and was impressed. It's a tiny place, very cramped, you feel very close to the other diners and the staff aren't totally switched on but it's nice enough! The food, I had the scallop sashimi - nice but needed something to lift it. Katsu chicken - did what it said! Thought the presentation lack some finese. Across the board we also shared dragon, rainbow rolls and a soft shell crab roll. The crab would be star for taste, the dragon for appearance! I also tried Emily's eel which was delicious! All in all a good feed at a great price! I'll be back! Happy Jd Q: positive A: I liked the kiosk ticketing. You can tell the theaters are getting used pretty hard but it is still a pleasant place to see a flick. I would expect an update from them in the next couple years considering how many people in the Concord area frequent this movie theater. Prices for refreshments could be lower... Problem: What would be an example of an negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) review? Answer: Tried this place for the first time on July 4 for breakfast, since it is so close to where we live and got great reviews. The hostess was excellent and seated us quickly. We then sat for 15 minutes with open menus, watching wait staff serving people all around us who came in after us. We decided we'd had enough and left. The hostess was mortified and, to her credit, offered to intervene. We declined but thanked her for her efforts. With respect to service, there is either a management or training problem in this place-haven't figured out which. Since it's been open for more than one year, it can't be a start-up issue. We've been in restaurants far bigger and more crowded than this with better service. Input: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a negative review for a place Output: After waiting for about 1 hour for our entrees to arrive cold, I can't recommend STRIPSTEAK. It was a hassle to even find our waiter and I had to go ask the hostess for assistance twice, after we were seated. Had reservations and still had to wait for table that they were "cleaning." The table was already set up and actually was within the view of the front door where we stood waiting. I don't know if the management or the staff is to blame. Nothing at Mandalay was impressive and this was the worst. Even after they apologized for the time, the steak that was sent out cold was just reheated and therefore not the medium rare we requested. What kind of steakhouse sends out a cold porterhouse?! Why waste this cut of meat? input: Write a positive yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output: Woohoo! Totally awesome! I'm a huge gelato fan, as I am with most sweets and this place is wonderful for the taste buds. I went here two years ago when I came to visit and specifically requested that we make a return trip. I wasn't disappointed. The price for gelato here is not cheap, but I've come to expect that at all gelato spots. I had the chocolate caramel brownie and the vanilla bean gelatos. They were fabulous and so deliciously rich and creamy. So much better than regular ice cream. It makes me sad that we don't have one in my town. However, we've got the North End close by, but I still think the Gelato Spot is better! input: Write a negative yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output:
The District is under construction now so foot traffic is slow around the retail businesses. But, we decided to stop in at the Presido for happy hour and bring some much needed business to the area. The service was so slow that the waitress never once came to our table to take our order....After 15 minutes, I ordered 3 wines from the bartender and asked how come we could never get waited on? There was only about 10 people in the bar! I have gone to this bar for years and it has always been spotting in their service....I am sure that it why too it has changed owners 3 times...go across the street to Kings or Lucille's for good service and don't waste your time at the Presido...horrible service!
Vuciniç'in sözleri, NATO'nun güç planlama direktör yard ⁇ mc ⁇ s ⁇ Frank Boland ile yapt ⁇ görüşme sonras ⁇ nda geldi. Could you please translate this to English?
His comments followed a meeting with Frank Boland, NATO's deputy director of force planning.
Translate ""Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts of initiative (and creation)." to French?
(Alpert et al.; Aradine, Pridham) "Tant qu'on ne s'engage, dans toute initiative (et toute création) l'hésitation persiste et, avec elle, le potentiel de se retirer et, toujours, l'inefficacité.
Problem: pour la République tchèque: l'Office des étrangers et la police des frontières sont chargés de contrôler les personnes aux points de franchissement de la frontière, à la frontière "verte" et aux aéroports internationaux. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: La Société continue de se concentrer sur l’innovation, la Recherche et Développement, ainsi que sur la qualité de ses forces technico-commerciales pour répondre aux besoins de son marché. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Les chambres comprennent baignoire ou douche, WC, mini bar, télévision par câble et ligne téléphonique directe. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: • 1994-R-470 — Reconstruction du chemin Mississauga (CP) - Ville de Mississauga Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Die Verbindung zu deinem Server wurde von PlayAll unterbrochen. Could you please translate this to English?
Your connection to the server was rejected by PlayAll.
Patterns of disposal were quite varied across the different products and regions. Translate to French.
Les habitudes d'élimination des déchets varient considérablement en fonction du produit et de la région.
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 362*j = -1416099 + 1459901 for j.
Q: L'UE donne une place très importante à la notion d'«autoroute de la mer».... English? A: [EU gives very important role to ⁇ 'Motorways of the Sea'' concept.] Q: Les conflits persistants qui touchent les pays de l'Union du fleuve Mano ont énormément fait souffrir les populations et donné lieu à de vastes mouvements de réfugiés et de personnes déplacées.... English? A: [The enduring conflicts affecting the countries of the Mano River Union have caused tremendous human suffering and large flows of refugees and internally displaced persons.] Q: Le Rapporteur spécial appelle l'attention sur la nécessité de ne pas relâcher la vigilance au sujet de pratiques telles que les assurances diplomatiques qui minent le principe de l'interdiction absolue de la torture dans le contexte des mesures de lutte contre le terrorisme.... English? A:
[The Special Rapporteur draws attention to the importance of maintaining the focus and remaining vigilant on practices such as the use of diplomatic assurances, which attempt to erode the absolute prohibition on torture in the context of counter-terrorism measures.]
question: Please also specify whether the prohibition of torture is included in the training given to the staff of the Monegasque short-stay prison (maison d'arrêt). --> French. answer: Veuillez également préciser si l'interdiction de la torture fait partie de la formation octroyée au personnel de la maison d'arrêt monégasque. question: • G151 Payments under Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act --> French. answer: • G151 Paiements en vertu de la Loi sur les accords de Bretton Woods et des accords connexes question: Mr. Cherif said that the question of the size of the camp populations had first come up in 1976, and that the figures given at that time had been ten times higher than the actual number of refugees. --> French. answer: M. Chrif dit que la question de l'effectif de la population des camps à Tindouf s'est posée pour la première fois en 1976, et que les chiffres donnés alors étaient 10 fois supérieurs au nombre réel de réfugiés. question: Mrs. Juliet Semambo Kalema (Uganda) --> French. answer:
Mme Juliet Semambo Kalema (Ouganda)
Toute demande de remboursement pour laquelle un employé n’aura pas fourni les documents obligatoires (preuve d’autorisation et preuve d’achat/de réparation) sera retournée sans délai à cet employé, qui devra fournir les documents manquants. Could you please translate this to English?
Any requests lacking the necessary authority or proof of purchase/repair will be promptly returned to the employee for further action.
Q: Cette information est ensuite transmise à l'OTC, ainsi que des copies aux personnes qui ont proposé des navires, dans le délai prescrit par l'OTC.... English? A: [(b) If no offers of ships are received on or before the set deadline, the CTA takes the application for determination.] Q: Nous devons être conscients du fait que les cartels mexicains de la drogue génèrent chaque année des revenus s'élevant à des milliards de dollars, montant incomparablement plus élevé que le montant mis à disposition par le gouvernement mexicain pour lutter contre le problème des stupéfiants.... English? A: [We need to be aware that the Mexican drugs cartels generate annual incomes of many billions of dollars, which is incomparably more than the amounts allocated by the Mexican Government to tackling the narcotics problem.] Q: Grâce à cette jonction, le trafic ferroviaire pourra passer directement du pont au triage, mettant ainsi fin à la pratique actuelle qui impose à des trains entiers une marche arrière compliquée au c ⁇ ur de la ville.... English? A:
[This direct connect will allow rail traffic to move directly from the bridge into the yard, ending a current practice that requires rail traffic to complete a complicated backing movement through the inner city.]
Question: What is the solution? Solve -135*b - 973613 = -964838 for b. Answer: -65 Question: What is the solution? Solve -112*o + 503*o - 5368 = -97*o for o. Answer: 11 Question: What is the solution? Solve -2*s = -33*s - 217 for s. Answer: -7 Question: What is the solution? Solve 63*n - 158 = -9 + 670 for n. Answer:
Ces pouvoirs peuvent être exercés à condition qu'il n'y ait pas d'augmentation du nombre total de postes EX-4 et EX-5 ni d'augmentation du nombre de postes EX-5 approuvé par le Conseil du Trésor (au 1er janvier 2006). Translate to English.
This authority may be exercised provided there is neither an increase in the total number of EX-4 and EX-5 positions nor an increase in the number of EX-5 positions approved by the Treasury Board (as of January 1, 2006).
Q: Toutefois, dans le secteur des biens, une simple distinction entre la réglementation portant sur les produits et celle portant sur les processus peut grandement aider à résoudre d'éventuels conflits en matière de réglementation.... English? A: [However, in the goods sector, a simple distinction between process and product regulation can go a long way toward resolving regulatory conflicts.] Q: Les marques, appellations et logos, enregistrés ou non, présents sur le site sont la propriété exclusive de Keytrade Bank ou d'autres sociétés et ne peuvent être utilisés ou reproduits.... English? A: [The marks, appellations and logos, whether or not registered, present on the site are the exclusive property of Keytrade Bank or other companies and cannot be used or reproduced.] Q: QUATRIEME RAPPORT SUR LA COHESION ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE... English? A:
[• Maintaining effective social inclusion policies and modern social protection systems, which meet the needs of people and are financially sustainable in the long term.]
IN: French: The Committee asks the next report to indicate the measures introduced to enable the integration of persons with disabilities into the ordinary labour market and the rate of progress into it. OUT: Le Comité demande que le prochain rapport explique ce qui a été fait pour permettre aux personnes handicapées de s’intégrer sur le marché ordinaire du travail et indique leur taux de transfert. IN: French: For travellers who want to visit Lhasa, we can help you do the application for the entrance permit and nowadays train to Lhasa goes every other day from Chongiqng Train station. OUT: Si vous souhaitez visiter Lhassa, nous pouvons vous aider à effectuer la demande d'autorisation d'entrée et aujourd'hui, le train pour Llassa part tous les 2 jours de la gare de Chongqing. IN: French: Value of the actual scale interval d OUT: Valeur de l'échelon réel d IN: French: • These are followed by the procedural pages, where everything that has to be done in accordance with a policy or directive and how to go about doing it is explained. OUT:
• Suivent les pages consacrées à la présentation de la procédure que l'on doit respecter conformément à chaque politique et directive applicables ainsi qu'une explication de cette procédure
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: • favoriser les réseaux d'échanges et le partage de l'information, des ressources et de l'expérience afin de parfaire l'expertise. [Q]: "Mr. Reimann wrote: 1 - continue my work as done before. 2 - have a team meeting to discuss work procedures. 3 - point out how things can be done different and more productive." --> French? [A]: M. Reimann a répondu : [traduction] « 1- Je continuerais de faire mon travail comme avant. 2 - Je convoquerais une réunion d'équipe afin de discuter des procédures de travail. 3 - J'expliquerais en quoi les procédures pourraient différer et améliorer la productivité. Q: "Thus, the prospects for LEU operation of all existing and future research reactors are good." to French **** A: Les perspectives de fonctionnement à l'uranium faiblement enrichi de tous les réacteurs de recherche existants ou futurs sont donc bonnes. Translate to French: From reading the contribution it is not clear that was the intention of his remarks. Answer: ⁇ la lecture du procès-verbal, il n'apparaît pas clairement que telle ait été l'intention de ses remarques. IN: French: These may include the requirement that corporations send returns to the appropriate incorporating authority. OUT: Ainsi, les organismes constitués en société peuvent être tenus de produire des déclarations auprès de l'administration compétente. IN: French: There was general consensus that all prospective interventions should be required to register. OUT:
Toutes les personnes présentes conviennent de la nécessité d'enregistrer l'ensemble des interventions prospectives.
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: Watching the little mermaid input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @ristia_aaa Yeah. I threw up a couple of days in a row. Not a very fun sickness Haha. input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
Sentiment possibilities Possible answers: 1). negative; 2). positive;. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: 1).
First injury of the season..
How is "I speak on behalf of all the members of this group when I say that I am not prepared to allow defamation and insinuation to become a parliamentary strategy." said in French?
Je parle au nom de tous les membres de mon groupe quand je dis ne pas être disposé à admettre que la diffamation et l’insinuation deviennent une stratégie parlementaire.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Les différents types d’éléments probants et de connaissances demeurent des intrants nécessaires au processus décisionnel. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Correspondance au CRTC affichée sur le site Web Aperçu Une personne a écrit au Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC) pour signifier son appui concernant la demande de permis adressée par un radiodiffuseur culturel. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Cependant, le droit à l'information ne doit pas porter atteinte aux mesures de protection de l'enfance ou de la sécurité nationale. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
En outre, des recherches récentes publiées par l'Unicef et par la société italienne de médecine prénatale soulignent que l'allaitement pourrait réduire de 22 % le nombre de décès néonatals. -+-+-+-
How to safely use an atm Chose atms that are well-monitored and well-lit. Visit an atm that is in a well-lighted area, or one that is monitored by surveillance cameras or security personnel. This is true of both indoor atms and drive-up atms. OPTIONS: - Some atms come with gps enabled; others do not. Try to find atms that are monitored for a fixed number of hours per day or less. - If possible, try to use during daylight hours. Drive up atms are often safer than walk-up atms because of the privacy and safety of your vehicle and locked doors. - While certain uber atms can monitor monitoring, others cannot. Avoid atms that are well-lit so they can track you. - They should not be present when you purchase a atm from a store or online. Thieves may steal your atm if a thief is monitoring it. If possible, try to use during daylight hours. Drive up atms are often safer than walk-up atms because of the privacy and safety of your vehicle and locked doors. question: Complete the next sentence: How to stay fit after 50 Join a gym. When you're over 50, it becomes more important to ease into new physical activities. Your body simply can't handle abrupt changes and extreme activities in the way that it used to. OPTIONS: - As such, you'll need to consider joining a gym that gives you a lot of support. To join a gym : Start a workouts buddy (a friend or a family member) who may be able to support you during the initial workouts. - Getting fit can be tricky, especially if you recently accomplished a hundred or more workouts. In fact, studies have shown there is no way to slough with gaining a large amount of weight or feeling exhausted just a day after finishing a workout. - Identify the key lifestyle changes that you want to push through and go for them. Think back to what you'll enjoy in your new physical activity regimen, and apply it consistently in the rest of your life. - Joining a gym is a great way to start a new exercise program because you'll have access to a network of professionals. Look for a gym that offers a free personal training session and health consultation for new members. answer: Joining a gym is a great way to start a new exercise program because you'll have access to a network of professionals. Look for a gym that offers a free personal training session and health consultation for new members. Problem: Write the next sentence for: The word brenmar is in the center of the screen going around, then change to the word uniiqu3 and hoola hoop. Three women wearing all black are standing holding a white hoola hoope on her hands. a man OPTIONS: - is bending on the floor srronded by hoola hoops. - in the background is yawning so is another one, they all begin dancing in front of the yellow hexagoned screen and they all begin to walk smiling as they do so. - runs with the hoola hoop and brings it to his chest. - wearing the brown t-shirt begins to discuss the different items the woman holding the hoops on her hands has in her hands and in front of her face, so she is facing them right on to her back.. Next sentence: is bending on the floor srronded by hoola hoops. context: Two individuals are inside of a small room with three white walls and a glass wall behind them stretching and holding a tennis racket. an intense game OPTIONS: - of tennis is then played moving fast to and throwing the ball with all four players passing in all directions and serving the ball to each other. - of tennis is occurring on a large blue mat. - is being shown and after a look of concentration, the two then begin to play. - begins and the two run from side to side taking turns hitting the ball making sure the ball doesn't stop. **** next sentence for the context: begins and the two run from side to side taking turns hitting the ball making sure the ball doesn't stop. IN: What happens next? A group of people are wearing snorkeling gear in the edge of the ocean water. they OPTIONS: - are going through the waves in an inflatable, airless, kayak. - are then seen under the water, exploring and looking at fish. - are water boarding, sweeping and flying the water. - are coing and playing in the water. OUT: are then seen under the water, exploring and looking at fish. question: Complete the next sentence: A woman is talking and in between there are clips playing of groomers grooming dogs, customers, dogs walking in the store, products and dogs walking in the store. the same clip of the exterior of the building that was shown in the beginning , OPTIONS: - standing on the street and outside before begins to play and nuggets of gold are shown on the screen such as the rooftop detailing and a hula hoops logo. - then there are more clips taking place in studio showing dogs being groomed. - an advertisement, then more clips of groomers getting groomed by a groomer, a closing screen, and close ups of the dogs. - is the same exterior view that is shown at the end. answer:
is the same exterior view that is shown at the end.
question: Canadian Red Ensign The Red Ensign, a red flag with the Royal Union Flag in the upper corner, was created in 1707 as the flag of the British Merchant Marine. --> French. answer: Le Red Ensign canadien Le Red Ensign, un drapeau rouge portant le drapeau royal de l’Union au coin gauche supérieur, a été créé en 1707 comme pavillon de la marine marchande britannique. question: All cash received by the Agency is deposited to the CRF and all cash disbursements made by the Agency are paid from the CRF. --> French. answer: La totalité de l'encaisse reçue par l'Organisme est déposée au Trésor, et tous les décaissements faits par l'Organisme sont prélevés sur le Trésor. question: Atlantic salmon – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Rainbow mussel – Philip McColl, Graphics Arts Section, National Water Research Institute Mapleleaf mussel - Philip McColl, Graphics Arts Section, National Water Research Institute --> French. answer: Saumon atlantique – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Villeuse irisée – Philip McColl, Section des arts graphiques, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux Mulette feuille d’érable – Philip McColl, Section des arts graphiques, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux question: In 1994, when NAFTA was signed, Saskatchewan exported $178 M of goods to Mexico but imported only $7 M. In 2003, Saskatchewan exported $230 M of goods to Mexico and imported $35 M of goods. --> French. answer:
La situation est très différente pour les biens qu’elle importe. Le produit d’importation le plus important, les herbicides, constitue uniquement 4 p.
Some text: Au cours de l'exercice biennal, la Division des services médicaux a continué de mettre en ⁇ uvre des programmes de prévention et de bien-être au travail, parfois en collaboration avec les autorités sanitaires de la ville de New York, afin d'améliorer la santé des fonctionnaires, ainsi que leur rendement. Translate to English. Translation: In the biennium, the Medical Services Division continued to implement worksite wellness and preventive programmes, some of them in collaboration with the health authorities of New York City, to improve staff health and productivity. Q: La possession du meilleur état de santé qu’il est capable d’atteindre constitue l’un des droits fondamentaux de tout être humain, quelles que soient sa race, sa religion, ses opinions politiques, sa condition économique ou sociale. Could you please translate this to English? A: The enjoyment of the highest attainable level of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic and social condition." Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Dans nos rapports annuels antérieurs, nous avons traité de la représentation équitable et des progrès soutenus qui avaient été réalisés dans le recrutement d'un plus grand nombre de femmes. [Q]: "• Worker's Compensation Board" --> French? [A]: • commission des accidents du travail Q: "(o) Letter dated 24 June 2005 from the Chairman of the Committee on Conferences to the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/2005/81)." to French **** A: o) Lettre datée du 24 juin 2005, adressée au Président du Conseil économique et social par le Président du Comité des conférences (E/2005/81). Q: "10-2003, point 1.3.113 Council conclusions on eels:" to French **** A:
10-2003, point 1.3.113 Conclusions du Conseil sur les anguilles - Bull.
Translate to French: The members appointed are well- known personalities in the field of ethics, sport, education, sociology and culture and their future task will be to ensure compliance with the code of ethics.
M. Gregorio Peces Barba, ex-président du Congrès des députés, M. Federico Carlos Sainz de Robles, ex-président du Tribunal Suprême, Mme Soledad Puértolas, écrivain et Mme Sagrario Aguado, MM. Andrés Gimeno, José Eulogio Gárate et Juan José Castillo, sportifs de différentes modalités.
Q: "We refer you only to certified local suppliers." to French **** A: Nous les dirigeons uniquement vers des fournisseurs locaux qui ont fait leurs preuves. Q: "As the occupying power, Israel must accept sole and entire responsibility for the current extremely worrying situation on the ground." to French **** A: Isra ⁇ l, force d'occupation, doit assumer l'unique et entière responsabilité de la situation extrêmement préoccupante qui existe sur le terrain. Q: "The Global Network Readiness and Resource Initiative (GNRRI), a public-private partnership with the Markle Foundation building upon the work of the DOI, is designed to offer countrylevel assistance involving international ICT expertise in the development of comprehensive national e-Strategies, as well as a think tank for radical e-Development solutions." to French **** A: L’Initiative mondiale pour l’établissement de réseaux et l’information, partenariat entre le secteur public, le secteur privé et la Markle Foundation qui s’appuie sur les travaux de l’Initiative sur l’accès aux nouvelles technologies, vise à offrir au niveau des pays une assistance faisant appel à des compétences spécialisées internationales dans le domaine des TIC en vue d’élaborer des stratégies nationales exhaustives s’appuyant sur Internet et de fonctionner comme groupe de réflexion pour trouver des solutions radicales dans le domaine du cyberdéveloppement. Q: "Other weaker risk factors have also been identified (e.g., social class of origin, intellectual functioning, anxiety, self-esteem); however, these risk factors do not predict risk as well as the central eight risk factors." to French **** A:
D'autres facteurs de risque plus faibles ont également été déterminés (par exemple, la classe sociale d'origine, le fonctionnement intellectuel, l'anxiété, l'estime de soi); cependant, ces facteurs de risque ne prédisent pas le risque aussi bien que les huit principaux facteurs de risque.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Activités des structures internationales 7. [Q]: "These people not only failed to attend the peace talks, but also had a negative influence on those who participated in the Sirte discussions and ruined the positive atmosphere of the meetings." --> French? [A]: Non seulement ces personnes n'ont pas pris part aux pourparlers de paix, mais elles ont également eu une influence négative sur ceux qui ont participé aux discussions tenues à Syrte et miné le climat positif des réunions. Q: "Consulting and Audit Canada, and the Translation Bureau." to French **** A: Conseils et Vérification Canada et le Bureau de la traduction. Translate to French: • Plant Protection Act Answer: • Loi sur la protection des végétaux IN: French: The DDA process The WTO Ministerial Meeting held in September 2003 - in Cancun (Mexico) collapsed without agreement on the way forward. OUT: Le processus du Programme de Doha La conférence ministérielle de l'OMC, qui s'est tenue à Cancun (Mexique) en septembre 2003, s'est achevée sans qu'un accord ait pu être trouvé sur la voie à suivre. IN: French: The department also looks after the structural firefighting duties of the Wing and military housing area. OUT:
Le service s’occupe également de combattre les incendies de structures et de logements militaires à l’escadre.
Q: "The Parties may share with officials of their respective national and sub-" to French **** A: Les Parties peuvent communiquer à des fonctionnaires de leurs Q: "Such a document should be widely distributed in order to generate debate and awareness of the Convention, its implementation and monitoring within the Government, the Parliament and the general public, including concerned non-governmental organizations." to French **** A: Le document ainsi produit devrait être largement diffusé pour susciter des débats et contribuer à faire connaître la Convention, sa mise en ⁇ uvre et son suivi auprès du Gouvernement, du Parlement et du grand public, y compris des organisations non gouvernementales concernées. Q: "Engine exhaust contains a number of different VOCs." to French **** A: Les gaz d'échappement des véhicules contiennent plusieurs COV. Q: ""Global contributions for several branches" 23,5 percentage points of the general employers global contribution (27% gross earnings) and 16.9 percentage points of the agricultural employers global contribution (20% gross earnings) are earmarked for old age, invalidity and survivors" to French **** A:
23,5 points des cotisations globales des employeurs du secteur général (sur 27% des salaires bruts) et 16,9 points des cotisations des employeurs du secteur agricole (sur 20% des salaires bruts) sont affectés aux assurances vieillesse, invalidité et survivants.
Translate the following sentence to French: Government Response to Heritage Committee Report As you all know, last September our Government tabled its response to the report on the Feature Film Policy that had been prepared by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
La réaction du gouvernement au rapport du Comité sur le patrimoine canadien Comme vous le savez bien, en septembre dernier, notre gouvernement a publié ses commentaires sur le rapport du Comité permanent sur le patrimoine canadien qui portait sur la Politique canadienne du long métrage.
Importance de la recherche Protéger l’agriculture canadienne contre l’émergence de maladies à prions, tout en protégeant les Canadiens contre les variantes humaines de celles-ci, telle la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Which language is this?
How is "I also hope that the need for aid of this type gets progressively less, that Ukraine recovers political stability, that the country manages to rebalance itself socially and renew its commercial fabric, and that it can continue to choose democracy, human rights and the rule of law." said in German? In German: Ich hoffe ferner, dass der Bedarf an dieser Art von Hilfe zunehmend nachlässt, dass die Ukraine die politische Stabilität wiedererlangen und es schaffen wird, das soziale Gleichgewicht wiederherzustellen und die wirtschaftliche Struktur zu erneuern, und dass sie sich weiterhin für Demokratie, Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit entscheiden kann. How is "The original name for the object was "LGM", Little Green Men, thinking of it as a beacon made by some extraterrestrial intelligence . After more speculation, an agreement was reached that the only natural object that could be responsible was a neutron star, a kind of object up to then only hypothesized." said in German? In German: Darüber hinaus behält der gesamte Supernova-Überrest aus Neutronenstern und Gasnebel seinen Drehimpuls bei, und das Magnetfeld des ursprünglichen Sternes wird im Neutronenstern komprimiert. How is "To deal with all those problems, we need effective multilateral institutions, and I hope that the European Union will continue to be at the forefront of those internationally who are supporting multilateral solutions to these problems." said in German? In German: Zur Bewältigung all dieser Probleme brauchen wir effiziente multilaterale Institutionen, und ich hoffe, dass die Europäische Union auch weiterhin den Kreis derjenigen anführen wird, die sich im internationalen Maßstab für multilaterale Lösungen für diese Probleme einsetzen. How is "We always begin with an elementary situational analysis (present state documentation) and formulation of goals (target state) in the course of which we place equal emphasis on economic, personnel, and organizational perspectives." said in German?
In German: Selten sind es dabei die Ideen des Beraters, die vom Problem zur Lösung führen.
Q: Proposer l’achat de produits à un prix indiqué, et ensuite : a) b) c) d) refuser de présenter aux consommateurs l’article ayant fait l’objet de la publicité, ou refuser de prendre des commandes concernant cet article ou de le livrer dans un délai raisonnable, ou dénigrer le produit, ou en présenter un échantillon défectueux Could you please translate this to English? A: Making an invitation to purchase products at a specified price and then: a) b) c) d) refusing to show the advertised item to consumers, or refusing to take orders for it or deliver it within a reasonable time, or disparaging the product, or demonstrating a defective sample of it Q: Le produit formé par la méthode de précipitation homogène est très stable. Could you please translate this to English? A: The product formed by the homogeneous precipitation method is most stable. Q: Paramaribo, 2000. Could you please translate this to English? A: Paramaribo, 2000 Q: Puisque vous pouvez vous déplacer avec notre service de téléphonie numérique et puisque, pour des raisons techniques, les répartiteurs du centre d’urgence ne disposeront peut-être pas de votre nom, adresse et information contact, vous devez immédiatement leur fournir ces informations lors de votre appel au 911. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Because you can move your digital phone between locations and because, for technical reasons, the emergency operator may not have your name, location or contact information available, you must immediately inform the emergency operator of your location and contact particulars any time you call 911.
Write a negative tweet. Possible types: A: aww no school again Write a negative tweet. Possible types: A: 15 minutes till i have ran 40 miles! In a lot of pain Write a positive tweet. Possible types: A: @jim_028 You really can't. I'm really looking forward to seeing it Write a negative tweet. Possible types: A:
Someone in UNITED STATES didn't like Chess Tower Defense
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La mise en commun, à l'échelle régionale, d'expériences et de pratiques, la constitution de réseaux régionaux d'initiatives et la création et le maintien d'une vision régionale commune peuvent contribuer de manière décisive à accélérer la transition vers la société de l'information. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La médiation est facultative, bien que fortement recommandée dans les lignes directrices. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Je conclus que cette irrégularité n'a pas influencé les notes attribuées à M. Gill au point qu'il n'aurait pas été jugé qualifié pour le poste. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
b) à titre de paiement en vue de la location, elle est recouvrée au moyen de déductions mensuelles à un taux qui ne peut pas être inférieur au montant de l’avance divisé par le nombre total de mois du bail. -+-+-+-
Translate to French: (ii) Are there specialist searchers or examiners, or search and examination groups, that concentrate on certain areas of TK (e.g. traditional medicine systems) or technologies based on or making use of genetic resources in a specific area (e.g. agricultural biotechnology)? Answer: (ii) Votre office dispose-t-il de chercheurs ou d’examinateurs spécialisés, ou de groupes chargés de la recherche et de l’examen, qui se concentrent sur certains domaines des savoirs traditionnels (par exemple les systèmes de médecine traditionnelle) ou sur des technologies fondées sur – ou utilisant – des ressources génétiques dans un domaine spécifique (par exemple l’agrobiotechnologie)? IN: French: Elements of ten German divisions and supporting units still barred the way to the Rhine. OUT: Après que la division Wessex eut chassé l’ennemi de la forêt de Clèves et pris l’escarpement qui domine Goch au nord-est, la 15e division la dépasse et attaque la ville de côté tandis que la 51e livre un assaut de l’ouest. question: Ibid., p. 22. --> French. answer: Ibid., p. Some text: Tableau 3 Pourcentage des femmes parmi les membres des assemblées, par région (1999) Translate to English. Translation: Table 3. Proportion of Assembly Members being Women by Region (1999) Q: Arcades, portes de la ville, églises et chemins de ronde de Glorenza vous invitent à une immersion totale dans un passé riche en évènements et en histoire. Could you please translate this to English? A: Walking along pergolas, city gates, churches and wall walks in Glurns means immersing yourself in a lively past. Translate to French: Printable version Home > Newsroom > 2001 News Releases > Minister Tobin announces $20 million to develop ocean technology cluster (October 9, 2001 – St. John's, NFLD) – The Honourable Brian Tobin, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the National Research Council (NRC) announced today an investment of $20 million to help develop an ocean technology cluster in Newfoundland. Answer:
Version imprimable Accueil > Salle de presse > Communiqués 2001 > Le ministre Tobin annonce des investissements de 20 millions de dollars dans le développement d'une grappe en technologie des océans (Le 9 octobre 2001 – St. John's, Terre-Neuve) – L'honorable Brian Tobin, ministre de l'Industrie et ministre responsable pour le Conseil national de recherches du Canada (CNRC), a annoncé aujourd'hui un investissement de 20 millions de dollars afin de contribuer au développement d'une grappe en technologie des océans à Terre-Neuve.
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 82*c + 9 = 79*c for c.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Pour donner suite aux observations finales sur le deuxième rapport périodique présenté par le Bangladesh en 2000, le Gouvernement, avec l'aide de divers partenaires de développement, a mis en ⁇ uvre de nouvelles mesures dans les domaines de l'enregistrement des naissances, du système de justice pour mineurs, de la prévention des blessures et des accidents, de l'apprentissage précoce, et de la sensibilisation aux droits des adolescents et des enfants. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Il n'est pas judicieux de continuer de débattre des nombreux amendements. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: 5.2.4 Pour effectuer le calcul défini au paragraphe 5.2.3, la consommation de carburant sera exprimée dans les unités appropriées et les caractéristiques suivantes des carburants seront utilisées: -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
De même, dans le cadre d'un accord entre l'UNICEF et l'OEA, un projet a été mis en place pour garantir le droit au nom et à l'identité des enfants se trouvant dans les zones frontalières du Nord-Est et du Sud-Est du pays, dans les départements de Vichada, Guain ⁇ a, Guajira, Cesar, Antioquia, Chocó, Putumayo, Nari ⁇ o et Norte de Santander. -+-+-+-
question: Mr. Okuda (Japan) welcomed the report of the Special Rapporteur, with whom Japan would continue to cooperate closely. --> French. answer: M. Okuda (Japon) se félicite du rapport du Rapporteur spécial, avec qui son pays continuera de coopérer étroitement. question: Agenda item 46: Information and communication technologies for development (continued) (A/C.2/63/L.10) --> French. answer: Point 46 de l'ordre du jour : Les technologies de l'information et des communications au service du développement (suite) (A/C.2/63/L.10) question: Individual beneficiaries will be uniformly checked against international sanctions lists. --> French. answer: Les différents bénéficiaires seront contrôlés de manière uniforme par rapport aux listes de sanctions internationales. question: The profession of air traffic controller holds a key position in the safety chain. --> French. answer:
Le contrôleur de la circulation aérienne est un maillon essentiel de la chaîne de la sécurité.
question: What are the fastest ways to increase height? How do I increase the height? answer: yes question: What is Quickbooks tech support number in Arizona? Which is the best QuickBooks proadvisor tech support number? answer: yes question: Where does energy of gravity come from? Where does the energy that powers gravity come from? answer:
question: Claims payment is prompt; rejections are rare 7.8. --> French. answer: Le paiement des demandes d'indemnisation est rapide; les rejets sont rares 7.8. question: • Proactive Disclosure Proactive Disclosure Assistive Technology Links Accessible Procurement Toolkit (APT) Multimedia Components --> French. answer: • Divulgation proactive Divulgation proactive Liens de technologies d'aide Boîte à outils pour l'approvisi­onnement accessible (BOAA) Composantes multimédias question: Des fantômes au musée (, a colorful and highly interactive site developed by the Musée de la civilisation de Québec, which takes kids through the exploration of a haunted museum to collect artifacts from Quebec historical buildings. --> French. answer: Des fantômes au musée ( est un site coloré et très interactif qui a été créé par le Musée de la civilisation de Québec; le site permet aux enfants d’explorer un musée hanté pour collectionner des artefacts provenant d’édifices historiques du Québec. question: It consists of a set of four progressive modules and one seminar presented as a cycle, which is repeated four times a year. --> French. answer:
Il est composé de quatre modules progressifs et d'un séminaire et est répété quatre fois par an.
How is "In certain countries the Commission has also funded actions aimed specifically at road safety, such as the drafting of a highway code and the equipping of vehicle test centres, notably in Albania, and the introduction of rules for vehicle safety testing in Mali." said in Finnish? In Finnish: Komissio on rahoittanut tietyissä maissa myös erityisesti tieturvallisuuteen tähtääviä toimenpiteitä, kuten tieliikennesäännöstön laatimista ja ajoneuvojen testauskeskuksen varustamista varsinkin Albaniassa, sekä ajonevojen turvallisuuden testausta koskevien sääntöjen laatimista Malissa. How is "Ley line" said in Finnish? In Finnish: Ley-linja How is "As it is, it seems to me that the framework decision, as amended by the two reports by Mrs Roure and Mrs Lefrançois, is the fruit of several years' work and is therefore extremely precious." said in Finnish? In Finnish: Tällaisenaan minusta näyttää, että Martine Rouren ja Roselyne Lefrançois'n mietinnöillä muutettu puitepäätös on monen vuoden työn tulos ja että se on siksi erittäin arvokas. How is "This is regrettable because different peoples of Europe, such as my own, that have been divided by the action of the current Member States, will remain separated in the future." said in Finnish?
In Finnish: Tämä on valitettavaa, koska Euroopan eri kansat, kuten omani, jotka nykyisten jäsenvaltioiden toimet ovat jakaneet, säilyvät tulevaisuudessakin jakaantuneina.
Translate to French: An EU delegation consulted the Presidency and Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 22 June regarding the reinforced engagement of EU. Answer: Le 22 juin, une délégation de l'Union européenne s'est entretenue avec la présidence et le Premier Ministre de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, au sujet du renforcement de l'engagement de l'Union européenne. Translate to French: Corrections will be issued after the end of the session, in a separate corrigendum for each Committee. Answer: Les rectifications seront publiées après la clôture de la session, dans un fascicule distinct pour chaque commission. Translate to French: Fortunately, several emerging economies continue to have cushions and shock absorbers. Answer:
Heureusement, plusieurs économies émergentes continuent d’amortir les coups.
Write a sentence not in English.
M. Khalil se dit constamment frappé de voir à quel point les observations finales du Comité sont peu diffusées dans une grande partie du monde.
IN: French: The War of the Ancients and the Sundering both came about because the night elves had abused arcane magic. OUT: La guerre des Anciens et la Fracture furent deux conséquences de l'abus de magie arcanique par les elfes de la nuit. IN: French: 15 mile(s) from Avebury Stone Circle and, world famous stone circle at the heart of a prehistoric landscape. OUT: 24 km du cercle de pierres d'Avebury et du cercle de pierres mondialement connu de Stonehenge, au c ⁇ ur d'un paysage préhistorique. IN: French: Tourism Western Economic Diversification and the Department of Canadian Heritage provided assistance for a study on Francophone tourism in Alberta. OUT: Tourisme Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest et Patrimoine canadien ont appuyé une étude sur le tourisme franco-albertain. IN: French: Assistance is focused on institutional reform and development in order to favour the gradual integration of the country into EU structures while also taking into account the needs arising from the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. OUT:
Cette aide est axée sur la réforme et le renforcement des institutions, afin d'encourager l'intégration progressive du pays aux structures européennes, tout en tenant compte des besoins découlant de la mise en ⁇ uvre de l’accord-cadre d’Ohrid.
[Q]: "Unfortunately, the alarming and realistic assessments made by the Russian side are proving accurate. Such assessments include those contained in the 7 April 2004 statement of the Council of the State Duma and Council of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly regarding the situation in Iraq, which indicated that events there were progressing inexorably according to the worst-case scenario, with military action by the occupying forces not only failing to restore order, but worsening the escalation of violence." --> French? [A]: La réalité malheureusement, a donné raison aux prévisions alarmantes que la partie russe avait faites, notamment dans la déclaration sur la situation en Iraq publiée le 7 avril 2004 par le Conseil de la Douma d'État et la Chambre du Conseil de l'Assemblée fédérale de la Fédération de Russie, dans laquelle il était souligné que les événements en Iraq obéissaient à la pire des hypothèses et que les actions musclées des forces d'occupation non seulement n'arrivaient pas à rétablir l'ordre mais contribuaient en fait à la montée de la violence. [Q]: "- Provision of general medical care: 10,600" --> French? [A]: - Prestation de soins médicaux généraux : 10 600 [Q]: "It was, however, clear from the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that the Republic had the right to be represented within the United Nations." --> French? [A]:
Cependant, il ressort clairement de la Charte des Nations Unies et de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme que la République a le droit d'être représentée à l'Organisation des Nations Unies.
How is "Nevertheless, this objective remains very distant, and I have the following questions:" said in Romanian? In Romanian: Acest obiectiv rămâne însă foarte îndepărtat şi am următoarele întrebări: How is "The top UN envoy in Cyprus praised on Thursday (May 29th) the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders for the determination they have shown towards reviving the peace process on their divided island." said in Romanian? In Romanian: Înaltul reprezentant al ONU în Cipru i-a felicitat joi (29 mai) pe liderii cipriot grec şi cipriot turc pentru determinarea dovedită în relansarea procesului de pace pe insula divizată. How is "In this respect, I can only say that I do appreciate the new spirit of cooperation demonstrated by both the Council and the Commission to engage with this House." said in Romanian? In Romanian: În această privinţă, pot doar să spun că apreciez noul spirit de cooperare demonstrat atât de Consiliu, cât şi de Comisie, de se angaja alături de această Cameră. How is "Gul and Papandreou announced in May that their governments planned to adhere to the treaty." said in Romanian?
In Romanian: Gul şi Papandreou au anunţat în luna mai că guvernele lor intenţionează să adere la tratat.
[Q]: "XX XXX 28 Sustainability – Although long-term sustainability is grounded in sound governance, organizational effectiveness, sound financial management and multi-year planning, these are the means with which to achieve sustainability, and are not ends in themselves (Jarman 2000)." --> French? [A]: XX XXX 28 Durabilité – Bien que la viabilité à long terme s'appuie sur la saine gouvernance, l'efficacité organisationnelle, la saine gestion financière et la planification sur plusieurs années, ce ne sont là que les moyens d'atteindre la durabilité et non les buts visés à proprement parler. [Q]: "It was in this period that the Archaeological Association of Quebec (1954-1962) was founded by a group of amateur archaeologists, who undertook surveys and excavations in southwest Quebec." --> French? [A]: C'est à ce moment que l'Archaeological Association of Quebec (1954-1962), un groupe d'archéologues amateurs, entreprend des reconnaissances et des fouilles dans le sud-ouest du Québec. [Q]: "One-time credit for early action" --> French? [A]:
Crédit unique pour des mesures d'action précoce
Q: "An Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, R.S.Q., c." to French **** A: Loi sur l'accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements personnels, L.R.Q., ch. Q: "It also asks to be informed on any modifications of the said list. ii." to French **** A: Il souhaite également être informé de toute modification de ladite liste. ii. Q: "Women are more than half the population of Rwanda and over 57 percent of the rural adult population, performing much of the agricultural labour." to French **** A: Les femmes constituent plus de la moitié de la population du Rwanda et représentent plus de 57 % de la population adulte en milieu rural; ce sont elles qui exécutent la majeure partie du travail agricole. Q: "Drawing a distinction between large businesses, small and farm businesses We recognize that developing effective workplace health programming for a company with a few thousand employees requires a different approach than developing programs for a group of businesses - organizations with 100 employees or less." to French **** A:
Distinction entre les grandes, les petites entreprises et le milieu agricole L'élaboration d'un programme de santé au sein d'une entreprise qui compte quelques milliers d'employés nécessite une approche différente de celle que l'on utiliserait pour un groupe d'entreprises employant 100 travailleurs ou moins.
IN: French: National legislation OUT: Législation nationale IN: French: * Drafting, publishing and distributing brochures, posters and other kinds of literature, as well as video films, carrying messages against violence and gender-based discrimination. OUT: • D'établir, publier et diffuser des dépliants, des affiches et d'autres documents, ainsi que des vidéos contre la violence et la discrimination fondée sur le sexe. IN: French: There is huge scope for progress and co-operation among countries and with us. OUT: Il est à noter que huit de ces pays figurent parmi les nouveaux adhérents de l’Union européenne. IN: French: Hosting of the Executive Committee Meeting of the New Brunswick Chief of Police Association Date(s): OUT:
Hôte de la réunion du comité exécutif de l'Association des chefs de police du Nouveau-Brunswick Date(s):
test: Und schließlich hat er Recht mit seiner abschließenden Schlussfolgerung, dass es endlich an der Zeit sei, uns um eine neue Klausel zu bemühen, deren Inhalt all das reflektiert, worüber wir im europäischen Prozess diskutieren und was wir bei vielen Gelegenheiten empfehlen oder bei anderen dagegen kritisieren. English? translation: Finally, he is right in his final conclusion that the time has come, at long last, for us to look at a new clause with a content which reflects everything we are debating and everything that we commend on many occasions or that, on other occasions, we criticise through the European process. Circa alle zwei Meter zieht sich eine Erhebung um die Wände und die Decke der Korridore, die jedoch anscheinend keinen praktischen Sinn haben. In English? xxxxx Directly in front of the captain's chair were two more stations, one of which shared function with that of Starfleet 's operations officer . Presumably, the other forward station was manned by the flight controller, with the two stand-up stations reserved for tactical and security. How is "This is quite unacceptable." said in German? Das ist inakzeptabel. Q: Translate "Hostelling International is a membership organisation; members receive many benefits in addition to staying in hi hostels." to German? A: Hostelling International ist ein Verein, der seinen Mitgliedern über die reine Unterkunft hinaus noch viele weitere Vorteile bietet. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Dafür zu sorgen, daß der Euro während dieses Zeitraums nicht zum "Sündenbock" für alle Übel unserer Gesellschaft wird - und ich denke hier insbesondere an die Arbeitslosigkeit -, wird für uns zu einer grundlegenden Forderung! test: In Ihrem liberalen System sind Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die Zug fahren, nicht zu geschätzten Kundinnen und Kunden geworden; Sie sind immer noch Nutzer-Steuerzahler, die wie Vieh behandelt werden können. English? translation:
In your liberal system, citizens who take the train have not become much-valued customers; they are still user-taxpayers who can be treated like cattle.
How is "Monitoring has shown that, while the simplification of the ROE has significantly reduced employer contacts and the overall paper burden on employers, such has not been the case in respect of employer contacts on undeclared earnings." said in French?
Ces mesures de contrôle ont permis de constater que la simplification du relevé d'emploi avait réduit considérablement le nombre de communications avec les employeurs ainsi que l'ensemble des formalités administratives que ceux-ci doivent remplir.
IN: French: There are rigorous legislative requirements surrounding the detentain of an offender past their statutory release date. OUT: R. Non. La libération d’office est un droit légal. IN: French: • Hazard Alert – "Lock out – Your Life and three-year, long-term social marketing camLimbs Depend on it"; paign designed to change New Brunswickers’ OUT: Par ailleurs, un bulletin électronique a été lancé en février dans le but de promouvoir le Congrès de l’Association des commissions des accidents du travail du Canada (ACATC) 2006. IN: French: In certain MSs the stocking densities found in Chapter VI to the Annex of Council Directive 91/628/EEC had not been transposed and as a result overstocking was tolerated unless animal suffering could be proven. OUT: Dans certains États membres les densités d’animaux prévues au chapitre VI de l’annexe à la directive 91/628/CEE du Conseil n’ont pas été transposées, ce qui fait que des densités supérieures étaient tolérées, à moins de pouvoir prouver des souffrances chez les animaux. IN: French: • Two thirds (67 per cent) of the 1,221 athletes who, since January 1, 1995, were carded at a senior level for the first time progressed to a higher level by January 1, 2002. OUT:
• les deux tiers (67 %) des 1 221 athlètes qui, depuis le 1er janvier 1995, détenaient leur premier brevet senior ont accédé à un niveau supérieur avant le 1er janvier 2002.