question driverless car technological advancement todays society however importanat question yet completely answered question full use driverless car necessary technological advancement answer yes important question driverless car necessary technological advancement first reason infinite possibilities taht driverless car offers would benefit society second reason safety driverless car could offer completed fully reasons support driverless car could benefit society many ways technological advancement driverless car necessary one would benefit society developmentment driverless car would offer infinite possiblities would provide many important benefits one benefit driver would ability rest relax may argue driver never resting relaxing wheel however driverless car completely developed wouldnt need driver car driving driver relaxes better alternative tired sriver also mentioned passage every car driverless transportation efficiency speed would excel every fleet car system transportation would efficient flawless theres common saying computers make mistakes matter circumstance course car driverless completely computerized system think car makes mistakes would result much higher saftey think driver makes mistake would result much higher saftey common person would want highest safety driving unsafe driving result driver mistakes driver made mistake answer concern unsafe driving driverless car without doubt use driverless cars would definitely safest way transportation possible clearly development driverless car one societys great technological advancements question still remains devlopment driverless car necessary technological advancemnt answer question yet determined point certain people continue develop answer question fully answered answer question yes devlopment driverless cars necessary use driverless car would provide infinite possibilities todays problemed transportation world also would provide maximum safety wh transportated transportation world technological advancement driverless car necessary one would benefit society
Counter({'NN': 114, 'DT': 87, 'IN': 52, 'JJ': 45, 'RB': 32, 'VBZ': 26, 'VB': 26, 'MD': 20, 'NNS': 19, 'TO': 9, 'WDT': 6, 'VBN': 6, 'VBG': 6, 'PRP': 6, 'VBP': 5, 'CC': 5, 'CD': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'EX': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'WP': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'RBR': 1})
telling story called cowboy rode waves think good story story tells boy signs friend cattle boat job passage said unrra hired seagoing cowboys take care cowshorsesmulesand seas luke signed job luke got go around earth deliver cattle lukes job boat check cattle every hour luke got go around world see amazing places allot free time visited many places luke visited greece luke got see acropolis saw chinaeuropeitalyand luke got stay places got see many things luke liked job working cattle delivers conclusion luke allot fun luke got see allot things countrys think good story end story luke says im grateful opprotunity mad aware people countrys hope saw lukes point view convinced seagoing coyboy program
Counter({'NN': 50, 'IN': 29, 'DT': 26, 'VBD': 21, 'JJ': 16, 'VB': 13, 'PRP': 13, 'NNS': 13, 'TO': 10, 'CC': 6, 'VBP': 5, 'VBG': 3, 'VBZ': 3, 'WP': 2, 'RP': 2, 'RBR': 2, 'MD': 1, 'VBN': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'RB': 1})
driveless cars cooler driving may bit safer everyone knows driveless car awesome anyone ever thought cons getting driveless car driveless car like little computer happends fails technology isnt always reilable technology fails one gets injured blamed cars still need human assistance cant cars steer accelerate brake car navigate work zones around accidents would want driveless car cant drive self traffic laws written assumption safe car human driver control times although driveless cars cooler humans safety first certain humans say protects us technology isnt always reliable theyre alot things go wrong one injured one blame
Counter({'NN': 33, 'IN': 22, 'DT': 19, 'NNS': 14, 'JJ': 12, 'VB': 10, 'VBZ': 10, 'PRP': 9, 'VBP': 9, 'CC': 7, 'MD': 6, 'RB': 6, 'WP': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'VBG': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'CD': 2, 'TO': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'PRP$': 2, 'RBR': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'JJR': 1})
dear state senator like electoral college electoral college unfair outdated irrational basically winnertakeall system state especially california represents 35 million voters really close tight margin winning side votes takes means 55 representative votes go one side getting rid would fantastic could options better vote system accurate fair peoplevoters first example could obama received 617 percent electoral vote compared 513 percent popular votes cast romney like almost cases award electoral votes winnertakeall even slight plurality state creates landslide electoralvote victory state thr popular vote close florida nevertheless obama vote got 29 electoral votes victory margin wyoming would net winner 3 electoral votes secondly greatest way vote first voters vote president slate electors turn elect president lived texas instance wanted vote kerry youd vote slate 34 democratic electors statewide election would go congress kerry would get 34 electoral votes perhaps worrying prospect tie electoral vote case election would thrown house representatives state delegations vote president wouldnt voters want cases third according al gorethanks quirks electoral college popular vote lost presidency 60 percent voters would prefer direct election kind next election voters expect another close election popular vote winner couldagain lose presidency yet electoral college still defenders electoral college best way choose minimum chances succeeding future think direct vote would work best voters yet electoral college cons conclusively electoral college best way vote bare minimum margin votes could cost election canidate bigger state could catastrophy would unfair last electoral college irrational outdated unfair part winnertakesall
Counter({'NN': 79, 'DT': 75, 'JJ': 53, 'IN': 52, 'NNS': 27, 'RB': 25, 'VB': 21, 'VBZ': 14, 'VBP': 13, 'CC': 13, 'MD': 13, 'PRP': 12, 'CD': 11, 'TO': 11, 'VBD': 9, 'VBG': 6, 'WDT': 5, 'JJS': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'JJR': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'WP': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'RBS': 1, 'WRB': 1})
unmasking face mars created aliens face mars natural landform natural landform face mars looks like natural face eveidence aliens planet mars scientist nasa saying alien artifact itll benefit nasa long run face mars looks like natural face also natural landform paragraph 3 restates huge rock formaton resembles human head illusion eyes nose mouth created shadows face mars human characteristics nasa saying life also saying face created aliens itll benefit long run paragraph 3 even says authors reasoned would good way engage public attract attention mars paragraph 4 restates certainly meaning engagemnet public mars worked nasa discovered face mars become pop icon starred hollywood films etc evidence aliens planet mars says face mars resembles rock formation shadows gave eyes nose mouth says nothing aliens creating face although scientist believe face alien artifact many still believed real human face moc team snapped picture thousands anxious web surfers waiting image first appeared website called jpl jpl website revealed natural landform finally alien monument conclusion face mars natural landform first face mars looks like natural face evidence aliens planet mars nasa saying face created aliens beacuse itll benefit long run way aliens could possibly created face mars think
Counter({'NN': 75, 'DT': 56, 'IN': 45, 'NNS': 31, 'JJ': 28, 'RB': 24, 'VBZ': 22, 'VBD': 16, 'PRP': 13, 'VBN': 12, 'VBG': 8, 'CC': 8, 'VBP': 6, 'VB': 6, 'EX': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'CD': 3, 'TO': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'MD': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'WP': 1})
selfdriving cars amazing risky believe selfdriving cars would pretty amazing technology comes trustworthy considering fact youre leaving safety computer problems could arise problems self driving car could malfunction could cost repair blame crash happen car could easily malfunction maybe gps could take wrong location youre hurry maybe could drive supposed could go side road run road selfdriving car could possibly cause crashes goes back leaving safety childrens safety familys safety computer selfdriving car could cost repair normal car cars would builtin gps systems sensors know whats around sensors know something windshield since normal cars drivers manually stuff makes sense expensive extra parts normal car could cost replace since high demand blame crash happens nobody know sure drivers fault maufacturer selfdriving cars fault major questions also injured crash around call ambulance youre alone unable get phone cars seem dangerous risky trust problems self driving car could malfunction could cost repair blame crash happen idea seems great also scary believe cars manufactured mostly safety issues many able trust car
Counter({'NN': 52, 'DT': 42, 'VB': 35, 'IN': 34, 'JJ': 27, 'RB': 27, 'NNS': 22, 'PRP': 22, 'TO': 20, 'VBP': 18, 'MD': 17, 'CC': 12, 'VBZ': 8, 'PRP$': 6, 'VBG': 5, 'WP': 5, 'JJR': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'EX': 2, 'RP': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'WDT': 1})
2000 campaign seventeen states didnt see candidates including rhode island south carolina voters 25 largest media markests didnt get see candidates allbradford plumer society relaying electoral college system dont even know electors agree change election popular vote people get often confuse voting might lead picking wrong person would helping leading country hand people agree keeping electoral college system say vote presidential candidate youre actually voting slate electors majoredy citizens dont even know voting imagine going lost eventually ending voting wrong person electoral college remove good allows stable society electoral college dosent allow candidates come visit states dont even youre voting 1960 segregationists louisiana legislature nearly suceeded replacing democratic electors new electors would oppose john f kennedy whats point privileges vote segregationist elect electors president voted whats happen free rights able vote want knowing would suceed lead country right path electoral college system getting rid rights also 2000 fiasco known biggest problems century goal improving country deteriorating change election popular vote wouldnt even mess citizen agree keeping electoral college system say electoral votes induces candidates saw 2012s election focus campaign efforts tossup states wrong states part country focusing attention states would recieving votes even giving states opportunity getting know candidates offering country improving another example electoral college votes relay larger states know votes going come bigger states thats incorrect relay whole country completely getting votes conclusion
Counter({'NN': 59, 'IN': 58, 'DT': 48, 'NNS': 36, 'JJ': 32, 'VBP': 30, 'VBG': 27, 'VB': 26, 'PRP': 21, 'TO': 17, 'PRP$': 16, 'RB': 15, 'CC': 11, 'WP': 10, 'MD': 9, 'VBZ': 7, 'VBD': 7, 'CD': 5, 'WRB': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'PDT': 3, 'JJS': 2, 'RP': 1, 'VBN': 1})
join seagoing cowboys program get see new things everyday new thing everyday probably one best jobs world join seagoing cowboys program experience join program experience things see ordanary job program life time experience everybody opportunity life time get see new things everyday job way different ordanary job job lot things get cant anywhere else get travel across country go greeceeuropechina venice italy many program get go places might never get go ever program life time experience things get see everyday probably one best programs world really join aweasome group
Counter({'NN': 33, 'DT': 27, 'IN': 20, 'PRP': 15, 'VB': 15, 'JJ': 13, 'VBP': 12, 'TO': 10, 'RB': 10, 'NNS': 8, 'VBZ': 6, 'MD': 6, 'CC': 4, 'CD': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'PRP$': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'EX': 1})
lot people dont know techonolgy nowadays could determine way feel could determine emotions peope feel also shows emotions feelings others people probably think type joke laugher kind way really techonology nowadays could detect theres probably many ways people detect read emotional expressions students ways probably didnt even know lot people wonder works dont really know one easy way show emotion show feel looking looking actions already seen feeling kind way thats realize something going sad happy going stuff people know facial expressions face say us humans perform impressive calculation people struggle trouble actually describing facial trait conveys happy worriedsadetc would one easy way students detect emotions parents probably disagree using technology showing emotions parents maybe students wouldnt like either think instead waisting time guessing emotions would know use proper techonology made process began computer constructed 3d computer model face showed 44 major muscles model must move like human muscles another interesting thing discovered dr paul eckman creator facs facial action coding system classified six basic emotions happiness surprise anger disgust fear sadness also associated characterestic movements facial muscles invented something else called video imagery new emotion software track facial movement see easy see emotions feel even show different weighting units author says mona lisa demonstrates really bring smile peoples face shows much computer would really strange computer tell happy sad opinion parents students get idea using techonology way easier detect peoples emotions instead guessing thinking know feel shouldnt problem trying make place better
Counter({'NN': 57, 'IN': 52, 'DT': 39, 'NNS': 38, 'PRP': 36, 'VBP': 32, 'JJ': 30, 'RB': 29, 'VB': 21, 'CC': 17, 'VBG': 15, 'MD': 13, 'VBZ': 12, 'PRP$': 12, 'VBD': 12, 'WRB': 9, 'TO': 8, 'CD': 5, 'JJR': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'EX': 2, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1})
many pros proposition driverless car sometime future people reliable transportation system cars would sooner later replace public transportation systems also many cons situation againt car let explain passage driverless cars coming explains pros cons car around one good thing car would run half fuel used today called driverless cars arent really even driverless passage tells us cars cant drive complicated traffic isssues roadwork cant pull driveways one think dangerous people could easliy forget cars arent meant things like also possiblity car malfuntioning road later passage says many states research driverless cars illegal theres good reasoning behind cars cant road proven safe people might complain overall safe road still possiblity car could end road day would new laws made driving road theres still one question ask whose fault someone gets accident car malfunctions manufacturers
Counter({'NN': 45, 'IN': 39, 'DT': 37, 'NNS': 23, 'JJ': 15, 'VB': 15, 'VBP': 13, 'RB': 13, 'MD': 9, 'VBZ': 9, 'PRP': 9, 'CC': 8, 'VBG': 6, 'EX': 4, 'TO': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'CD': 3, 'RBR': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'RP': 1, 'WP$': 1})
cars one iconic things american culture america birthplace model home detroit place wilson pickett immortalized mustang sally source 4 mustangs trucks america people think cars necessity life see around us everyday car usage limited mght bad think reducing usage cars advantages bettering environment improving structure city reducing use car would numerous positive effects state environment around us passenger cars responsible 12 percent greenhouse gs emisions europeand 50 percent carintensive areas united states source 1 pollution gotten bad cities like paris even gone far enforced partial driving ban clear air source 4 havy car usage accustomed increases amount harmful gases environment emisions increasing number private cars owned burgeoning middle class choking cities source 1 reducing usage even completely eliminating would improve environment drastically help maintain lower amount pollution air pioneering cities already started banning cars even day like vauban germany bogota colombia residents vauban germany done something one given cars 70 percent residents dont even car anymore said much happier way may say elimination cars might detrimental car comapnies companies like ford partnered telecommunications industry create cities pedestrian bicycle private cars commercial oublic transportation traffic woven connected network save time conserve resources lower emisionsa nd improve safety source 4 town vauban germany public transportation made accessible eliminating need car turn made places like shopping malls accessible main roads bogota colombia carfree day people find means transportation like biking walking buses get around day goal promot ealternative transportation reduce smog source 3 colombian cities cali valledupar joined bogota event also carfree day day made changes throughout city improving sidewalks reducing traffic openingv new shooping districts even constructing 118 miles bicycle path effects reduction elimination car usage seen citys sturctures improvements made limiting car usage shown helpful environment helps better structure city like bogota valledupar even paris take consideration positive effects limited car usage would us
Counter({'NN': 106, 'IN': 73, 'DT': 58, 'NNS': 45, 'JJ': 38, 'VBP': 25, 'RB': 24, 'VB': 23, 'VBN': 23, 'VBG': 21, 'CC': 19, 'PRP': 17, 'VBZ': 13, 'TO': 13, 'CD': 11, 'MD': 7, 'PRP$': 6, 'VBD': 4, 'WP': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'RBR': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'RP': 1, 'EX': 1, 'FW': 1})
idea ideas driverless car system seem smart driverless program lot high maintance comes along building cars even though idea new technology great also think counter acts machines also new improvements technology would think driveless care would ideal future return think much cost safety percussionsliability states illegal test drive autoproduced cars mainroads leading citizens states illegal ban testing cars still trying figure safe enough mean testing cars open roads whicch could cause multiply accidents way many ways test saftey cars sensors car could every sensor possiblebut since computer made engine things could still go wrong processing car could mouthfunction person driving acciedent could happen software didnt meet code safety risk autodriving car think cost radars alone two hundred million dollars thats one car manufactures make multiply cars price would outrages manufactores also would pay driving made things sensorsradars engines safety equipment cost normal amount manual cars 90 car would rely computer programing 10 would actually really human 10 tricky thing something go wrong programing driver would control aware happening control car stops working another downside computer programed car rely upgrading new equipment would provided car would high end programing would updated regularly order car manufacture right people wouldnt time money constant upgrading years go people would learn less less drive computer programing would happen stop working driver would completely lost would idea control car cause many dangerous situtations car possibly people could wind damaged messed manufactruing end even though cars would drive would cool thing also dangerous okay high end equipment carsbut driven humans computers wil lot safer everyone involved
Counter({'NN': 76, 'DT': 63, 'IN': 62, 'VB': 49, 'NNS': 35, 'JJ': 33, 'RB': 28, 'MD': 26, 'TO': 20, 'VBG': 19, 'PRP': 15, 'VBZ': 14, 'VBP': 12, 'CC': 11, 'VBN': 10, 'WDT': 7, 'CD': 7, 'WRB': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'JJR': 4, 'JJS': 3, 'RP': 3, 'EX': 2, 'PDT': 2, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1})
cars usually peoples every day lives drive work school many purpises cars around one hundred years people really ready limit car usage lot cases around whole entire world answer yes many reasons autimobile however lot reasons automoile well main topic around globe enviornment cars going kill environment put many cars one area weakin environment including cities cars cause substance called smog terrible environment local residence city town matter fact paris inforced partial driving ban clear smog city beijing china probrobly one smogs worst victims known one polluted citys entire world sadly cars huge part creation smog smog horrifically bad environment huge reason reason able breathe cars take lot space towns cities across entire globe areas packed roads take many space area imagin would like streets turnpikes roads general imagine world without roads would see nothing fields trees wildlife every sort wildlife would see uncrowded cities buildings close hard get people adopting idea around entire world cities easy managabel go environment unbeleivably clean cities make life generall less hastle may way future great idea every car bad side car cars make lot people angry cars make people angry might ask thing car community called traffic drive car chances traffic traffic cause anger people like call road rage sadly lot people lost lives road rage getting car accidents car accidents take lives many people world lot things take peoples lives cars cause deaths world true world withot cars would safe fact cars dangerouse tool people use cars almost everywhere world question still remains people ready limit car usage many people opinions car usage may never know answer question think driving cars little one hundred years us humans living earth thousands years driving cars little one hundred cars produced ever think stay progressing future years come reality people need car live lives way things looking like chances needing car live normal life going progress folowing years future
Counter({'NN': 100, 'IN': 78, 'DT': 77, 'NNS': 68, 'JJ': 44, 'VBP': 36, 'VB': 33, 'RB': 31, 'PRP': 23, 'TO': 20, 'CC': 19, 'VBZ': 18, 'MD': 14, 'VBN': 13, 'VBG': 13, 'CD': 9, 'PRP$': 7, 'WDT': 4, 'JJS': 3, 'RBS': 2, 'RP': 2, 'WP': 2, 'VBD': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'RBR': 1})
well facial expression software good way look someones faical expression story many ways look someone know feel facial muscles move way feel way software look art find would feel spectacular way look technology feeling sadness shown frowning muscles face make frown way computer software works scanning muscles face frowning causes muscles move create frown way scanning little process done say expression happiness scanned computer track way look muscles face smile someones face detected scanner smile actually uses less muscles frown smile felt feeling one way people drama perform facial expressions unique thing everyone good thing people feel correct moments scanner detect muscles face also way also used shown like mona lisa smile
Counter({'NN': 43, 'DT': 35, 'IN': 28, 'VB': 20, 'NNS': 15, 'JJ': 14, 'PRP': 12, 'PRP$': 11, 'VBP': 10, 'MD': 10, 'RB': 8, 'VBZ': 7, 'TO': 7, 'VBN': 7, 'CC': 6, 'WRB': 3, 'VBG': 2, 'EX': 1, 'RP': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'CD': 1, 'WP': 1})
story making mona lisa smile prof named thomas huang making computer tell emotions way feeling day might mood anything computer tell bored feeling anything modify way work better mood think great beacuse kids might fall asleep class much thcomputer sees fix help whats wrong people part say bad idea becuase people dont like talking emotions make things worse computer feel emotions pretty cool read face 44 major muscles face would say becuase like telling emotions things dont computer telling
Counter({'NN': 26, 'IN': 19, 'PRP': 15, 'DT': 14, 'VB': 14, 'NNS': 12, 'MD': 11, 'JJ': 10, 'PRP$': 10, 'CC': 9, 'VBG': 7, 'VBP': 5, 'RB': 5, 'VBZ': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'VBN': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'RBS': 1, 'CD': 1, 'TO': 1})
technology could used things could benfit like using day care center even classroomhow certain people going react children teenagers watched computersome people use technology use daily recognize peoples feeelings technology tell classroom setting student depressedangry type emotion calculated like math teachers tell student paying attention bothered emotions classroom many parents gaurdians like ther students watched studied facial action coding system would say going type privacy classroomeverybody going wathed people want hide emotions show wsant privacy people like dor reasons beacuse teachers would like see students feeling stressed classroom setting maybe facial action coding system see people getting angry might get agrument even start fight teachers able check somebody going emotional time time help us tell emotions friend feeling trying get computers learn human emotion express back example program detected mona lisa leonardo da vinci 83 percent happy 9 percent disgusted 6 percent fearful 2 percent angry drama coaches could benefit tell thier students good job program tell using emotions
Counter({'NN': 49, 'DT': 37, 'IN': 36, 'VB': 32, 'NNS': 24, 'MD': 17, 'VBG': 17, 'JJ': 16, 'TO': 14, 'PRP': 10, 'VBP': 10, 'CC': 10, 'VBN': 8, 'RB': 6, 'VBZ': 5, 'CD': 4, 'WDT': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'EX': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'RP': 1})
well think driverless cars useful also needed useful many reasons drive without help almost sleep needed texting driving wouldnt big issue driverless car also good transportation way people ride bikes often people dont pay attention roads much think arent really needed half population lazy would take advantage people wouldnt pay attention would cause wrecks people wont defensive driver need driverless cars car safer becasue whole texting driving situation shown paragragh 8 displays turned instantly driver needs take something available drivers trying text cell phone way incar system actually saftey feature saftey big concern think driverless cars useful unuseful humans think oppurtunity drive roads become even unsafe taken away
Counter({'NN': 34, 'IN': 19, 'DT': 18, 'VB': 17, 'JJ': 17, 'RB': 16, 'NNS': 14, 'VBP': 13, 'PRP': 11, 'MD': 10, 'CC': 8, 'VBN': 7, 'TO': 7, 'VBZ': 5, 'VBG': 3, 'RBR': 3, 'RP': 3, 'PRP$': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'CD': 1, 'WRB': 1})
driverless cars exciting look future technology make transportation easier help enviroment less fuel use google cofounder sergey brin stated cars forsees would use half fuel todays taxis offer far flexibility bus organizations like google general motors creating technology driverless cars become safer used everywhere safety big concern driverless cars safety becoming reality machines article says cars driven half million miles without crash shows self driving cars becoming safe efficent many states worried driverless car keep drivers passengers pedestrains safe driver always remain car able take control anything go wrong cars remain safe techonolgy advanced manufacturers ready release driverless cars safety features able keep road users safe safety big concern lawmakers individuals technology cars able keeps everyone safe worry free cars developed today completly able run require human remain wheel ready take control selfdriving cars many things steer accelerate brake thenselves designed notify driver road ahead requires human skills driverless cars make easier users necessity driver make sure take needed need driver ready continue decrease technology increases different features cars make sure driver alerted take features include vibrating seat flashing lights sensors sterring wheel headsup displays driverless cars constantly improving driver stay engaged road good thing safety machines technology machines could make possible handicapped people drive solidier lost leg blind person could transport benefit driverless cars driverless cars present new posibilites technology ease transportation safety large issue car driving instead human advanced technology make problem obsolete selfdriving cars exciting new posibility make world better place easier transportation
Counter({'NN': 81, 'DT': 64, 'IN': 45, 'NNS': 44, 'JJ': 44, 'VB': 38, 'CC': 21, 'MD': 19, 'VBZ': 15, 'VBP': 14, 'TO': 14, 'RB': 13, 'PRP': 10, 'VBG': 9, 'JJR': 8, 'VBN': 7, 'VBD': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'PDT': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'CD': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'RP': 1, 'WP': 1})
making mona lisa smile computer detect emotions picture person passage author explains new software able detect emotions new software developed improves accuracy perceiving emotions others new software called facial action coding system passage states new software facial action coding system promising applications variety industries software detected mona lisa painting 83 percent happy 9 percent disgusted 6 percent fearful 2 percent angry specific steps software works process begins computer constructs 3d computer model face software detects emotions like happiness sadness anger fear disgust surprise facial expressions emotion universal people tell friend feeling based facial expression passage says weighting different units software even identify mixed emotions new technology surprising text states according facial feedback theory emotion moving facial muscles expresses emotions also may even help produce new technology able detect human emotions even person hiding expert faces lie muscle clues sometimes used spot smiling politician celebrity truthful computer software detect human emotions paintings picture person
Counter({'NN': 58, 'DT': 31, 'JJ': 23, 'VBZ': 23, 'IN': 19, 'NNS': 18, 'VBG': 13, 'VB': 12, 'RB': 9, 'WRB': 7, 'CC': 6, 'VBN': 6, 'MD': 5, 'TO': 5, 'CD': 5, 'VBP': 4, 'PRP': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'VBD': 1, 'EX': 1, 'RBS': 1})
imagine found face red plant mars well tell happend nasa durring face land form like one idaho shadows giveing illusions face mars orbiter camera found land form face land form wy guys see looks formations rock formation idaho hight look alike dont forget looks alot like butte mesa face confurmed days later nasa unveiled image see caption noted huge rock formation resembles human head formed shadows giving illusion eyes nose mouth lets forget mars orbiter camera team snapped picture ten times sharper original viking photos revealing natural landform alien monument alien artifact apperenses butt mesa idaho shodows giving illusion face mars orbiter found natural landform
Counter({'NN': 44, 'DT': 40, 'IN': 27, 'JJ': 15, 'NNS': 15, 'PRP': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'CC': 9, 'VBD': 8, 'VB': 8, 'VBP': 7, 'RB': 5, 'VBG': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'MD': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'EX': 2, 'CD': 1, 'TO': 1, 'JJR': 1})
advantages limiting car usage less car polliution gases released car also better health using ways get around walking riding bike form excerise begin limiting car usage opens new options dont depend car much money pocket paying gas keep car maintance drive polluting air chemicals tail pipe vehicle hiking biking skating easy simple excerise transpertation youll know environment better exploring methods better earth cities new york theyve started bike sharing program skyrocketing bridge tunnel tolls reflect new priorities proliferation carsharing programs across nation april 2013 number miles driven per person nearly 9 percent peak equal country january 1995 charges people stopped car commuting result recession may find less reason resume habit teens generation starting organize summer jobs social life around walk take public transportation car pool friends people around world starting realize benefits reducing car usage taking contol situation
Counter({'NN': 61, 'IN': 38, 'DT': 29, 'NNS': 18, 'VBG': 14, 'JJ': 13, 'CC': 11, 'VB': 11, 'RB': 10, 'PRP': 8, 'VBP': 7, 'TO': 6, 'PRP$': 6, 'JJR': 5, 'VBD': 4, 'VBZ': 3, 'MD': 3, 'CD': 3, 'RBR': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RP': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'WP': 1})
dear mr state senator writing lettter talk electoral college unfair outdated irrational first electoral college unfair voters second could tie electoral vote last voters merely voting slate electors rather president points take away electoral college start electoral college unfair voters winnertakeall system state candidates dont take time go states know lose really focus swing states example 2000 campaign seventeen statesdidnt see candidates state also 25 largest media markets seen single campaign ad candidate also unfair voters dont really know vote see campaign ads candidates dont show state tell heshe running thats electoral college unfair voters presidential election second could tie electoral vote case tie would go straight house representatives state delegations vote president houses decision close people state election omly swing voters away catastrophe thats bad vote ends tie lastly voters merely voting slate electors rather president instance lived texas wanted vote john kerry youd vote slate 34 democratic electors pledged kerry worst part electors could anyone dont even hold political position elector could biased narrowminded thats electoral college unfair conclusion mr senator electoral college unfair outdated irrational unfair voters could tie electoral vote voters merely voting slate electors president mr senator would like take concideration abolish electoral college
Counter({'NN': 71, 'DT': 57, 'IN': 50, 'JJ': 38, 'NNS': 30, 'VB': 24, 'RB': 20, 'TO': 18, 'VBP': 13, 'VBZ': 13, 'PRP': 12, 'CC': 9, 'MD': 8, 'WRB': 7, 'VBG': 5, 'PRP$': 5, 'VBD': 5, 'EX': 4, 'RP': 3, 'CD': 3, 'JJS': 2, 'WP': 2, 'VBN': 1})
dont think completely driverless cars good idea many different reasons price cars would outrageous amount rich people would able afford driverless car also another way people lazy someone always trying invent something people less work think thats honestly really stupid dont think would fun driverless car anyways would sit car get going opinion fun drive speed physically like everyone wants world run robots fun though dont see anybody would want depend robot literally everything thats fun besides right make driverless cars theyre going next invention trying make something even better last along way making world even lazier place
Counter({'NN': 31, 'IN': 21, 'DT': 19, 'JJ': 17, 'VB': 17, 'RB': 15, 'TO': 11, 'NNS': 10, 'VBP': 9, 'MD': 6, 'VBZ': 6, 'PRP$': 6, 'VBG': 5, 'PRP': 5, 'JJR': 3, 'CC': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'WP': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'RBR': 1})
know many people believe face mars created ancient alien beings believe face natural formation created natural forces planet mars laying possibilities land formation looks like human face first take look land formation first thing people would see face illusion formed shadows giving alomst human face shadows clearly give illusion eyes nose mouth secondly nasa took picture zoomed much closer image face actually showing martain equivalent butte messa common natural landformations planet used digital image 3 times bigger pixel size anything like airplane egyptianstyle pyramids small shack would able spot see conclusion know many people believe face mars created ancient alian beings believe face natural formation created natural forces planet mars illusion formed shadows giving almost human face secondly used digital image 3 times bigger pixel size anything like airplaneegyptianstyle pyramids small shack would able spot see believe natural formation created natural forces planet mars
Counter({'NN': 43, 'DT': 41, 'JJ': 30, 'IN': 27, 'NNS': 24, 'RB': 15, 'VBD': 14, 'VBP': 12, 'PRP': 10, 'VB': 9, 'VBN': 7, 'VBZ': 6, 'CC': 6, 'MD': 4, 'VBG': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'TO': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'CD': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'EX': 2, 'WP': 2, 'JJS': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'PRP$': 1})
group people called seagoing coyboys unique group people travel world experience alot different things one thing experience people need places inform many different things like animals rare animals also dangerious parts job allthough sounds fun taking big risk traveling seas alot dealing weather ocean waves may also chance taking care animals like feeding caring keep bussy seagoing cowboys amazing job people join seagoing cowboys interesting depending type person explorer dont moey travel get job like go places never even heard maybe like going rough weather like hard rain 20mph wind example like weather like job travel seas alot thats name group called seagoing cowboys also turn 18 old enough join military service also fun seagoing cowboys play sports like baseball tennis basketball also reading clubs adn writing clubs would join seagoing cowboys could think wouldnt unique group people go adventures fun also could ask one thing though travel far places take long periods time like weeks
Counter({'NN': 46, 'IN': 45, 'PRP': 31, 'DT': 27, 'NNS': 24, 'VBP': 21, 'RB': 19, 'JJ': 17, 'VB': 16, 'VBG': 13, 'MD': 12, 'CC': 11, 'VBZ': 8, 'TO': 5, 'WRB': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'WP': 4, 'CD': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'JJR': 1, 'EX': 1})
driveless cars good bad anyone depends person whether think car good opion idea driverless cars good idea good idea article says drivers get alert take control wheel paragraph 5 states special touch sensors make sure drivers keep hold wheel car isnt dangerous anything car safe smart paragraph 2 says cars driven half million miles without crash maybe could reduce amount car crashes per year yes negative results chances people want safer car half world accept driverless cars positives results negative sensing world cars sensors detect problem around car article said sensors arent new sensors problem people since also article says information sensors cause car apply brakes individual wheels reduce power engine allowing far better response control human driver could manage alone statement means car safe drivers drivers car would great improvemnt accept driverless cars good plan future people text driving safer world also people safe cars
Counter({'NN': 52, 'DT': 46, 'IN': 36, 'NNS': 28, 'JJ': 22, 'PRP': 16, 'VB': 14, 'VBZ': 14, 'RB': 13, 'VBP': 12, 'MD': 11, 'CC': 11, 'TO': 6, 'CD': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'VBG': 3, 'PRP$': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'EX': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'RP': 1})
driverless cars look word sound right wouldnt say sounds bit scary would say dont know maybe dont understand could audacity let one drive car sounds wrong understand monitored still huge risk says car actually controlled sort human takes blame wreck non driver dangerous happens glitch hits someone something measurements mistake wasnt completely finished many different problems could come driverless cars still human drivers seat humans late react nothing human another problem would laws many would changed street signs speed limits railroads streetlights consquences car crashs wrecks car something wrong gets stopped cop cop going talk car ask license regestration silly idea believe probably actually going happen world losing strongly disagree idea car driven driven im sure pros idea eyes cons weigh pros ton dangerous
Counter({'NN': 40, 'DT': 29, 'RB': 24, 'IN': 22, 'JJ': 19, 'NNS': 17, 'VB': 17, 'CC': 16, 'VBZ': 14, 'VBP': 10, 'TO': 10, 'PRP$': 8, 'PRP': 7, 'MD': 7, 'VBG': 7, 'VBN': 6, 'WP': 4, 'EX': 4, 'VBD': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'RP': 2, 'CD': 1, 'WDT': 1})
look around many cars see ten twenty thirty united states familys cars get around town transport places would happen united states banned cars think would happen think people would say feel vauban germany experimental district outskirts freiburg near french swiss border unlike marion county cars means accidents stress money wasted gas vaubans citizens said car always tense much happier way communities like think morale would higher people would laid back every day news theres story car pileups accidents highway blockage roads enviromental protection agency promoting car reduced communities legislators starting act many experts expect public transport serving suburbs play big role country soon says elisabeth rosenthal new york times paris france one capitals worlds polluted cities enforces partial driving ban help clear air city paris 147 micrograms particulate matter compared 114 brussels 79 london mondays motorists even numbered license pklates ordered leave cars home suffer 22 euro fine 31 would apply odd numbered plates next day almost 4000 drivers fined first day 27 cars impounded due reaction drivers say thats easier imagine car free community truly easier people people blame diesel fuel france tax policy favors diesel regualar leaded gasoline due diesels make 67 vehicles country bogota colombia car free day every year colombians hiked biked skated took buses get around third year event goal promote alternative transportation reduce smog pollution turnout large despite gray clouds dumped occational rain participators businessman carlos arturo plaza says good opportunity take away stress lower pollution first time two cities joined day cities cali valledupar parks sports centers bloomed throughout city uneven pitted sidewalks replaced even smooth sidewalks driving really worth destroying enviroment maybe could try walking work sometime riding bike cities tried
Counter({'NN': 79, 'DT': 54, 'NNS': 52, 'IN': 50, 'JJ': 47, 'VB': 27, 'CC': 25, 'VBD': 18, 'RB': 17, 'VBP': 15, 'TO': 14, 'VBZ': 14, 'VBN': 13, 'PRP': 11, 'CD': 10, 'MD': 8, 'VBG': 7, 'JJR': 5, 'WP': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'RBS': 2, 'EX': 2, 'RP': 2, 'RBR': 1})
face mars fact natural landfom nasa scientist proved evidence infact natural landform share face mars infact natural lanfrom know paragraph 12 states picture actually shows martian equivalent butte messalandforms common around american west evidence face natural landform isnt alien another peice evidence stated paragraph 12 reminds middle butte snake river plain idahosays garvin thats lava dome takes form isolated messe height face mars evidence roves face natural landform indicate aliens face fact common around american west found using camera maximum resolution
Counter({'NN': 42, 'DT': 27, 'IN': 26, 'VBZ': 18, 'JJ': 18, 'PRP': 8, 'NNS': 6, 'CC': 4, 'VBP': 4, 'RB': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'VBN': 2, 'CD': 2, 'MD': 1, 'WP': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'EX': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'VB': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'RP': 1, 'VBG': 1})
everyone says bigger better dont believe go something big many things could go wrong perfect example would trying develop smart car would consist making car driverless driver driver doesnt drive pay attention dont think driverless cars expensive dangerous something go wrong blame one reason driverless cars expensive says text smartroad systems worked suprisingly well required massive upgrades existing roads something simply expensive practical paragraph 3 order us smartcars need smartroads quoted simply expensive aside financial part driverless cars technology needs making dangerous says text steer accelerate brake designed notify driver road ahead requires human skills navigating work zones around accidents means human driver must remain alert ready take situation requires paragraph 7 makes dangerous soon driver becomes offalert something bad could happen fix problem someone could get hurt driverless cars unsafe along many bad unseen things happening driverless cars make roads unsafe something go wrong someone gets hurt blame even asks question text says technology fails someone injured fault driver manufacturer paragraph 9 would considered responsible adults wrote dont even know would cause lot fights court cases establish law would effect outcome would buy car prevent happening another reason need smartcars says driverless cars make driving safer however seeing reasons even try make first way expensive second dangerous third blame someone gets hurt reasons believe need make produce smartcars
Counter({'NN': 58, 'DT': 41, 'JJ': 38, 'RB': 36, 'VB': 36, 'IN': 34, 'VBZ': 30, 'PRP': 27, 'NNS': 25, 'VBP': 19, 'CC': 17, 'MD': 15, 'TO': 13, 'WRB': 9, 'VBG': 8, 'WP': 7, 'VBN': 7, 'CD': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'JJR': 3, 'RP': 2, 'EX': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'RBR': 1, 'PDT': 1})
truthfully dont really think kind technology would actually work persons emotions determined person computer matter many upgrades could never fully understand persons emotions even feel matter person many facial exprecions show many feelings happiness saddnessfrom frustration anger look hard enough tell someone feeling looking face dont need computer yes computers advanced enough able tell person feeling never actually know emotion sometimes faciale expercions unpredictable pay attention able tell someone truly feeling mostly takes technology tell person feeling takes real person real eyes really see somehow kind technology able tell person feeling facial expresions developed would impressive however matter advanced tech could believe real people posses real ability tell person could feel feel facial expression examining technology developed
Counter({'NN': 28, 'VB': 24, 'DT': 22, 'JJ': 21, 'RB': 20, 'IN': 15, 'PRP': 14, 'MD': 12, 'NNS': 12, 'VBP': 11, 'WRB': 10, 'VBZ': 10, 'TO': 10, 'VBG': 8, 'CC': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'PRP$': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'WDT': 1})
people envition future one buys cars tranportation system fleets driverless cars puclic transports taxi system cars forcess would use taxi flexibility believes cars fundamentally change world cars television movies long cars could drive google cars could drive independently specific condition companies making computersdriven cars many futurist believed key self dirving cars someday samarted roads 1950s genral motors created concept special test track electrical sent radio singals recieve end cars googel modified toyota pirus uses positionestimation sensors video camara mounted gps receiver sensor cars important tecnology spining sensor roof sensor nothing new course creation detect respond control fraving assisance still seem long way dream calling driveless cab wherever sensors werent computers werent mapping mos driving laws focus keeping drivers passengers pedestrians safealert drivers control california navada florida district columbia led country still even traffic laws changenew laws neede cover liability accident technology fails ingured automarkers continuing work assumtion thta problems ahead solved
Counter({'NN': 63, 'DT': 60, 'NNS': 32, 'IN': 22, 'JJ': 15, 'VBP': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'RB': 10, 'CC': 7, 'VBD': 7, 'VB': 6, 'VBG': 6, 'MD': 5, 'WRB': 2, 'PRP': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'CD': 1, 'RP': 1, 'TO': 1, 'EX': 1, 'PRP$': 1})
opinion really believe great idea driverless cars safer original car text says cars driven half million miles without crash yes expensive still yo save om money even get good job buy one im sure get somewhere cheaper computer driven cars also great people injuries broken leg even people cant drive drink dont worry getting car crash text asked would anyone want driverless car still needs driver well thats case either way goes need someone ride car exspect go location needed go docter didnt feel like driving driverless car drive get yes beileve driverless car worth people dont like drive always busy people cant drive even people injured im saying everyone dont like drive know people dont like drive even heard people say wished someone drive places im even driving yet beilve driverless car something important people buy
Counter({'NN': 38, 'IN': 30, 'VB': 25, 'RB': 22, 'VBP': 21, 'PRP': 20, 'DT': 19, 'NNS': 16, 'JJ': 14, 'CC': 11, 'TO': 10, 'MD': 8, 'VBZ': 6, 'WP': 6, 'PRP$': 4, 'VBG': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'WDT': 3, 'VBN': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'CD': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RBR': 1, 'RP': 1})
one part thinks driverless cars another part thinks shouldnt something goes wrong driverless car car doesnt go way want go crash blame car like cars problem persons problem car gets damaged badly fix driverless car parts also idea call someone text someone something important think theyre also good navigation could tell car want go take could probably cause less accidents ran computer usually people fault foir accidents computer stops working mean car stops working realise car think better technology first technology amazing dont think computer smart enough drive car yet future definaltyu think going google cars drive themselvesthat opinion driverless cars
Counter({'NN': 40, 'IN': 26, 'PRP': 23, 'DT': 20, 'VB': 17, 'VBP': 15, 'RB': 14, 'CC': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'NNS': 9, 'MD': 8, 'WP': 7, 'JJ': 6, 'TO': 5, 'PRP$': 5, 'VBG': 4, 'JJR': 2, 'CD': 1, 'VBN': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'EX': 1, 'WDT': 1})
go sirens many accidents three less week car accidents increasing minute decades pass drivers losing lives everyday familes greiving loses friends siblings relatives lost due drunk drivers young teens starting drive air pollution also getting worse vehicles used everyday get point point b gas prices rising sometimes cant even get places sometimes theres much traffic street prevent many problems simply limiting use time people spend driving us citizens right dispute people topic us limit use vehicles used everyday yes millions dollars wasted everyday people need gas vehicles get theyre going money could used feed familes money also used buy clothes necessary things amercian citizens live streets alleys desperate need clothes food even home spending something replaced something simple walking riding bike need go every year car accidents reported number keeps increasing teens highschool driving roads one top main causes car accidents another main cause accidents drunk drivers americans like go parties gatherings even bonfires friends sometimes drink recklessly time comes leave get cars intoxicated driving wherever need go boom reactions werent quick enough werent paying much attention would driving sober crash anything came way injuries made life maybe one lost mistake made earlier day another reason cars limited air pollution cars needed used everyday basis make enviornmentally friendly gases gasoline toxic andor flamable gasoline drip something without knowing tinest spark could ignite something simple could turn burning fire belongings could burned ashes car could even blow flames money needed repair damage valuables couldnt replaced could gone burning everything could also release toxins air cause sicknesses could damage ozone layer already im saying people banned every using vehicles would help greatly usage limited certain point instead destroying could used benefit enviornment even leave neutral americans need understand life sitting letting things happen go walks take hikes rollerblade plan bike ride park family theres life cars vehicles sure nice go somewhere without walk sometimes good family outings also refreshing fullfilling feel crisp cold air hit skin walking outside house cold day
Counter({'NN': 81, 'IN': 66, 'NNS': 65, 'VB': 44, 'DT': 42, 'RB': 41, 'VBP': 36, 'JJ': 32, 'CC': 31, 'VBG': 28, 'TO': 28, 'PRP': 23, 'VBN': 22, 'MD': 20, 'PRP$': 14, 'VBZ': 11, 'WDT': 9, 'JJR': 7, 'VBD': 6, 'WRB': 5, 'CD': 3, 'RBR': 3, 'EX': 3, 'RP': 2, 'JJS': 1})
twenty five years ago something oddly strange happend mars nasa spacecraft viking 1 caught photo red planet strong identical look human face many scientist thought work aliens facts prove theory incorrect process movie films books things people used explain phenonmean scientifical evidence news spread strange human face mars many people became interested fact aliens could responsibel event surpise face mars become popular icon many hollywoodfilms books magazines even talk shows greatly increased number people going idea aliens could cause idea false atricle unmasking face mars talks april 51998 mars global surveyor launched mars check called alien monument using mars orbiter camera micheal malin crew used ten time sharp vision scan alien monument found natural lanform even though scince proved strange face mars landform alot people convinced however science agian came prove indeed landform using camera michael malin crew caluclated picture landform using maximum resoltion result amazing photo mars photo earth proved mars face butte mesa landform infact common american west always arugements around world facts prove mars face landform movies books magizines true interesting belive science proves whole alien monument mars face farfetched
Counter({'NN': 68, 'DT': 54, 'IN': 41, 'JJ': 32, 'NNS': 31, 'RB': 20, 'VBD': 20, 'CC': 17, 'VB': 13, 'VBZ': 10, 'VBN': 8, 'TO': 8, 'VBG': 7, 'PRP': 5, 'VBP': 5, 'MD': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'CD': 3, 'WDT': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'RP': 1, 'EX': 1, 'PDT': 1})
venus worthy pursuit despite danger presents exploring venus could challenging geology critical living conditions study scientists astronomers fascinating similar planet live could worthy pursuit despite danger venus closet planet earth one brightest points light night sky venus chllenging place examine venuss temparature atmospheric pressure earth could risky place human survive live besides danger planet venus maybe one planet likely earth long time ago articles challenge exploring venuse states planets surface temperatures average 800 degrees fahrenheit atmospheric pressure sis 90 times greter experiene planet concludes venus dangerous place survive near sun article venus hottest temperature planet solar system even though murcery closer sun defenses claim danger venus also causes erupting volcanoes powerful earthquakes well besides danger venus somehow worth pursuit planet surface rocky sediment includes familiar features valleys mountains carters furthermore recall venus sometimes nearest option plantery visit tells also many features like earth venus get close personal despite risks making misson safely scientist product like many scientist working thier mission venus specific devices theyve made approch studying venus nasa also working venus worthy prusuit despite dangers presents tells us article exploring venus challenges might explorers would face exploraion human could accomplish thing living earth easily traveling one corner corner planet venus human dangerous living conditions scientists study might worths danger future easy safe ways explorers aknowledge evening star
Counter({'NN': 81, 'IN': 66, 'DT': 48, 'JJ': 30, 'NNS': 26, 'VBZ': 25, 'RB': 19, 'CC': 16, 'VBG': 15, 'VB': 15, 'PRP': 12, 'TO': 11, 'VBP': 10, 'MD': 8, 'PRP$': 5, 'CD': 5, 'WDT': 3, 'JJS': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'RP': 1, 'VBN': 1, 'EX': 1})
ship going back main land gone threw bad stormluckily many gotten hurt walked back man boxing match get back landdon asked ill hopfully convince young men join program last time didnt get luckyi told get ready cause almost hitting land told got boat smelled fresh air new york rented home live got men participate program put stuff house took keys got car rode city got started walk around found group men abandon building hello would like talk program called seagoing cowboys boys interupted started laugh wow arent silly cowboy thing going go riding aroung town poniesone boy said others started laugh boy started jumping around yelling ha serous matter would like boys listenluke said frusterated whateverthe boy said rolling eyes ww many countries europe left destruction cause war 44 nations joined together created unrra hired seagoing cowboys seagoing cowboys took care animals shipped overseas isnt also opportunity go see countries work think people might like yourselfi said none boys seemed interested thanksthey said walked away except one boy uh tell program talking ofhe asked wide eyes seeking information ok well went one place ii told exicting later learned boys name billy billy first one sighned next week billy looked looked city find young men wanted join found ten later week called asked im somewhere near youhe said meani asked heard knock door sorry im gon na talk later someones door didnt matter cause already hung opened door get fast still call mean thing phones arent conected walls therei wondered nah could never happen said ill rented house next door really yep im help great cause need aloti said next day met billy billy said billy ready billydon said sure amhe responeded whole week worked really hard get people join program two months later already nearly 200 hundred peopleok tomorrow im suposed turn forms namesi said turn inbilly asked eating bannna new jeresyi told goi said
Counter({'NN': 99, 'VBD': 66, 'DT': 50, 'RB': 50, 'IN': 43, 'JJ': 42, 'PRP': 37, 'VB': 33, 'TO': 25, 'NNS': 25, 'CC': 21, 'VBP': 19, 'VBG': 15, 'VBN': 15, 'WP': 8, 'VBZ': 8, 'WRB': 7, 'PRP$': 5, 'EX': 5, 'MD': 5, 'CD': 4, 'RP': 4, 'PDT': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'RBR': 2})
author supports studying venus worthy pursuit despite dangers represents venus planet closest earth conditions far extreme anything human encounter earth venus may earthlike plannet solar system venus characteristics earth veus conditions far extreme anything human encounter earth venus hottest surface planet solar system atmospheric pressure 90 times greater experience planet crazy imaging venus way pressure earth text sasy venusian geology weather present additional impediments like erupying volcanoes powerful earthquakes frequent lightning strikes shows venus many powerful climate changes author states becaue wants inform us dangers venus yet interesting gives readers want know according article venus may earth like plannet solar system text says often referred earths twin venus closest planet earth terms density size shows people may know venus different version earth relates author supports idea studying venus worthy similar earth study explore author may think venus somewhere people survive look forward venus way characteristics earth author stated hottest surface temperature powerful climate cahnges atmospheric pressure etc venus unique planet author want us invest venus features analogous earth venus dangers despites interesting invest author thinks venus may earthlike plannet system like earths twin similar earth look forward studying venus important know whats surrounded earth
Counter({'NN': 70, 'IN': 37, 'JJ': 37, 'VBZ': 33, 'DT': 29, 'VB': 23, 'NNS': 21, 'TO': 15, 'PRP': 14, 'RB': 13, 'MD': 9, 'VBP': 8, 'CC': 8, 'VBG': 7, 'PRP$': 7, 'JJR': 7, 'RBR': 6, 'WRB': 4, 'RBS': 3, 'JJS': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'CD': 1, 'WP': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'FW': 1, 'WDT': 1})
think facial action coding system used read students feeling would help teachers communicate students computer see students subject confused would make computer help troubled students changing work something easier previous work amount missing work would go facial action coding system installed students computers like said first paragraph computer would help students giving something would actually get struggle students would reduced technology students dont ask teacher help might feeling would get behind facial action coding system would play student emotionally frustrated simply confused would helped easier problems work sometimes problems like think technology would help students students might comfortable face scanned receiving help would realize worth believe students would show school technology installed would see much easier learn showing expressions might make smile
Counter({'NN': 33, 'IN': 31, 'VB': 26, 'DT': 24, 'MD': 18, 'NNS': 16, 'PRP': 15, 'VBG': 11, 'JJ': 10, 'VBP': 8, 'VBN': 8, 'RB': 7, 'TO': 6, 'CC': 6, 'VBZ': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'JJR': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'RP': 2, 'JJS': 1, 'WP': 1})
driverless cars helpful people future many pros driverless car cars made used could help give parents kide freedomes driverless cars help safety roads driverless cars could give parents kids freedom could allowing parents free time wouldnt find time schudule drive child friends house move car could pick kids kids could text call parent let know gotten place safe could also help time car would come around time told kids would able say late lost track time kids would time make plans hang friends wouldnt wait parent get house pick parent work cars could also help car pooling needed could find fastest rute pick everyone group reasons driverless cars could give parent kids freedom driverless cars could also help safety example would help drunk driving cars driverless intoxenanated person would driving would get person home safely without putting people danger cars could also help dangerous weather instead people driving speeds bad weather car could take good speed condutions road driverless cars give parents kids free time help keep roads safe kids could things friends parents could somemore time relaxing home would decrease drunk drivers would help keep people safe bad weather driverless cars halpful future
Counter({'NN': 51, 'VB': 43, 'NNS': 41, 'IN': 41, 'DT': 37, 'MD': 27, 'JJ': 20, 'PRP': 17, 'TO': 16, 'CC': 13, 'RB': 13, 'VBP': 10, 'VBG': 8, 'PRP$': 6, 'VBN': 5, 'JJR': 5, 'RP': 4, 'RBR': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'EX': 2, 'VBZ': 2, 'JJS': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'WRB': 1})
dear state senator monthdayyear essay explaining electoral college shouldnt keptand popular vote instead determine president united states opinion popular vote us citizens know want electoral college may know want unit honestly think united states stick popular vote article read called indefensible electoral college even bestlaid defenses wrong bradford plumer states state legislatures technically picking electors always defy people notice unfair electors always going defy say want vote isnt one americas 1 catch phrases power people well case seems power electoral collage article also states many cases faithless electors ocassionally refused vote partys candidate cast deciding vote whomever please electors choose whomever please cant also think electoral college unfair winnertakeall system candidates dont spend time states know chance winning go states know absolute chance winning take winning votes case agree bob dole abolish electoral college also think wrong voters cant always control voting freedom opinions process electoral collage basically throwing opinions trash obviously dont care see completely irrational unfair know may use elecotoral collage way keep everyone calm think let people vote wouldnt worried us calm thats us getting want therefore going complain also consider electoral collage electors high class case going want vote benefit think unfair lowerincome families electors choose president going want take benefits away lowerincome families going live going surviveremember power people sincerely propername
Counter({'NN': 60, 'IN': 51, 'DT': 49, 'VBP': 42, 'JJ': 37, 'PRP': 33, 'VB': 31, 'NNS': 29, 'RB': 27, 'TO': 24, 'VBG': 14, 'MD': 11, 'CC': 9, 'WRB': 8, 'WP': 6, 'VBZ': 6, 'VBN': 5, 'PRP$': 5, 'WDT': 2, 'CD': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'PDT': 2})
world self driving cars believe self driving cars way safer humans drive one reason believe many deaths due drunk drivers another reason becasue people also cause many accidentys texting last reason would worry many deaths due things self driving car believe google continue make self driving cars first reason continue create self driving car many deaths accidents every year create self driving vehichle would worry one reason would worry car eyes dont self driving vehichle see overview map traffic front us also makes car come sense drive handle situation self driving cars needed world needed much safer someone texting driving causiung big accident cause death another reason thta really need self driving cars bis lots people get tired driving overtime people tendency falling asleep road dont want sit back relax cause accident well allow study self driving vehichles know people featr losing life wouldnt fear losing life driving planet needs cars like instead drunk driver causing deaths family members could sit back let self driving car takeover another reason need self driving cars could anything car eating drinking texting dont want instead losing life allow self driving vehichles take believe google really continue make cars gave reasons contain keeping life dont want safe worry crashing buying new car allow happen becasue true people die every day car accident let happen
Counter({'NN': 70, 'IN': 50, 'VB': 40, 'DT': 39, 'PRP': 32, 'NNS': 27, 'RB': 26, 'VBG': 25, 'VBP': 25, 'JJ': 20, 'MD': 18, 'TO': 17, 'CC': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'VBN': 7, 'PRP$': 6, 'EX': 4, 'JJR': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'CD': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'RP': 1, 'JJS': 1})
driverless cars coming soon dangerous driverless cars dangerous drivers pedestrians manufactures could go drivers would alert times car would need quick response road conditions driverless cars would present huge hazord sdrivers pedestrians walking harmful drive breaks go car wouldnt stop say someone driving road electrical problem well person persons car may know late car fire spinning control harmful pedestrians car could lose control maybe hit say little kids ball goes middle street little kid runs would car know stop wouldnt case kid would get hit whos fault would divers person made car driverless cars would hurt manufactures expensive people wont buy wouldnt making money accident occur would fault may argue diver buying car others may argue manufature didnt make right needs better saftey features get many complaints people stop buying bussiness wouldnt making money would go passage states means divers would remain alert ready take situation requires talking go work zones around accidents driverless cars dont know navigate thrtough road conditions states car would need quick enough alert driver get hisher attetion car isnt quick enough come back situtaion getting accidents blame smart cars driverless cars huge hazord dangerous passengers also pedestians cars could put bussinesses manufacturs would risk something going worng time
Counter({'NN': 54, 'VB': 44, 'IN': 43, 'DT': 42, 'NNS': 36, 'RB': 26, 'JJ': 24, 'PRP': 23, 'CC': 23, 'MD': 21, 'TO': 21, 'VBG': 16, 'VBP': 13, 'VBZ': 13, 'WRB': 4, 'WP': 4, 'VBD': 3, 'RP': 3, 'PDT': 2, 'VBN': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'EX': 1, 'JJR': 1})
believe many advanteges limiting car use people ride bikes walk places near instead driving helps clean world pollution air walking riding bike instead driving places close enough helps prevent build smog also save money gas second helps lower pollution air helps lower peoples stress last helps conserve energy lower emmissions improve saftey ever necesery use car try carpooling get taxi instead driving passenger cars responsible 12 percent greehouse gas europe 50 percent car intensive areas united states people live near stores would use bikes would walk store instead driving would help minimize expansion smog five days partial driving ban paris capital france congestion traffic went 60 percent smog rivaled beijing china known one polluted cities world also advantage limiting use cars save money would spend gas would able spend important things like bills groceries second helps lower pollution air helps lower peoples stress levels peoples stress levels come due exercise instead driving exmaple bogota colombia parks sports centers bloomed city also worry enough money gas help stress go last least advanteges helps conserve energy lower emmissions improve saftey conserves fossil fuels running fast due many people driving also helps lower emmission cars people drive aroud united states world pollutes air creates smog helps improve safety haing less car sccidents people run cars help making death rate accidents go conclusion believe reasons advantages limiting car usage walking riding bike instead driving places close enough helps prevent build smog also save money gas second helps lower pollution air helps lower peoples stress last helps conserve energy lower emmissions improve saftey
Counter({'NN': 85, 'IN': 59, 'NNS': 42, 'DT': 35, 'VB': 26, 'PRP': 24, 'JJ': 23, 'CC': 22, 'VBP': 21, 'VBZ': 21, 'VBG': 19, 'RB': 19, 'TO': 14, 'JJR': 11, 'MD': 10, 'WDT': 10, 'CD': 5, 'RP': 4, 'RBR': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'EX': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBS': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'WRB': 1})
want help others would like visit amazing places join seagoing cowboys program experienced sea cowboy tell firsthand amazing places see get good karma helping others hard job cleaning animal stalls feeding animals watchman things worth put smiles faces people youll help see stunning landscapes places dont worry though caring animals isnt time play games fellow sea cowboys whittling playing cards reading volleyball fun things played returning ship animals unloaded like adventure much deeper experience waiting seagoing cowboys program always glad recruit another dedicated sea cowboy join us today get rewarding exciting experience life
Counter({'NN': 22, 'DT': 21, 'PRP': 18, 'JJ': 18, 'VB': 16, 'NNS': 16, 'IN': 15, 'VBP': 11, 'MD': 11, 'VBG': 11, 'CC': 9, 'VBZ': 5, 'TO': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'RB': 3, 'WRB': 3, 'PRP$': 2, 'RP': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBS': 1})
even though driverless cars coming near future alot postive nagative aspects opinion support devlopement driverless cars convey driverless cars good thing becasue save alot time fossil fuel lot convient instance author states cars foresees would use half fuel todays taxis far flexibity bus line states driveless cars change world better going aparant riding bus interesting facts smart cars makes support passage talks driving assisting instance author talks howtraffic jam assistant handle driving functions speeds 25 mph special touch senseors make sure driver keeps hold wheel think good thing becasue makes driving alot safe driver time sacrifice drivers control car alert need take control car think important wont accidents argue would need driverless car drive improtant question driverless cars helpful maybe even save life come across reckless driver road example passage states manufactures hope bringing incar entertiainment information systems use headsup displays displays turned instantly driver needs take oversomething avabilable drivers trying text cell phone line describes driverless cars many safety features automatical turned case emergencys makes even convenient alot safer driver summerize argument selfdriving cars think going huge advancement humanity improve lifestyles better features passage describes smart cars heads dsiplay entiretantment system information system turn automaticaly case emergencys also antilock brake driver assitance save lot lives safety features going make driverless cars sucess driverless cars going aparent part future imporve way drive action well save many lives
Counter({'NN': 87, 'DT': 51, 'IN': 46, 'JJ': 38, 'NNS': 35, 'VB': 30, 'VBZ': 21, 'CC': 20, 'VBP': 17, 'RB': 16, 'MD': 15, 'TO': 13, 'PRP': 13, 'VBG': 12, 'WRB': 9, 'WDT': 8, 'PRP$': 6, 'JJR': 6, 'RBR': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'RP': 3, 'PDT': 1, 'CD': 1, 'EX': 1})
ever wondered could try prevent big problem teens country yes teens may lot problems need attention including drama drugs alcohol bullying biggest people sometimes try hide would probably suicide new technology could help find ealy signs teen self harm thats one thing technology could help wondering new technology facial action coding systems could help schools many ways select making students productive keeping students trouble ultimately helping prevent self harm first point new technology help students productive said paragraph 6 lines 6 8 program could recognize student getting bored lesson way mucles strained students face change lesson little bit make appealing learn like effective human instructor people may argue make students get even distracted make trouble instructorwhich comes next point program also help keep students trouble technology keeps changing lesson students dont get bored distracted keep task instead carrying friends causing ruckus class lead higher test scores better education studentswhich people may also argue automation much human confrontation could make students feel alone think making bad decisions self harm even harm others last strong point would technology could help prevent self harm within student body huge problem teenagers days technology help detect early signs depresion many mental illnesses would amazing students would need help would get help needed make bad decision self harm yes people may say technology taking world horrible thing studentskids days thats really rely good thing bad thing keep changing technology improving help people dont conclude essay would say yes technoloy likely well schools likely something else better come along take place would probably best decision country students help productive keeping trouble ultimately helping prevent self harm
Counter({'NN': 72, 'IN': 70, 'DT': 56, 'VB': 51, 'JJ': 39, 'NNS': 38, 'RB': 37, 'MD': 27, 'CC': 27, 'PRP': 20, 'VBG': 17, 'TO': 12, 'VBP': 11, 'PRP$': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'WDT': 6, 'RBR': 6, 'JJR': 6, 'CD': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'VBD': 3, 'WRB': 3, 'JJS': 3, 'RP': 2, 'WP': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'UH': 1})
venus believed earthlike planet one point history astronomers assume venus large oceans forms life think venus stilll features rocky valleys mountains craters venus hot planet diffucult explore author suggest anyways despite dangers various reasons one many author states exploring venus lead us many equally intimidating endeavors says travels earth beyond limted dangers doubts expanded meet edges imagination innovation another way author encourages exploring venus mentioning nasas mission would allow scientist hover around surface venus blimplike vehicle lastly author describes mission dangerous still encouraging metioning blimplike vehicle itd still 170 degrees pressure would still intense isnt suitable still safe enough species seems though author believes great challenge would big accomplishment us paragraph 2 says numerous factors contribute venuss reputation challenging planet humans study despite proximity us
Counter({'NN': 39, 'IN': 34, 'DT': 21, 'JJ': 19, 'NNS': 16, 'VBZ': 14, 'VB': 14, 'RB': 13, 'CC': 11, 'PRP': 10, 'TO': 7, 'MD': 7, 'VBP': 6, 'VBG': 6, 'VBN': 4, 'CD': 4, 'PRP$': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'VBD': 1})
people generating revolutionary change crossing borders said enrigue riera excerpt 3 carfree day spinning big hit bogota limiting car usuage opening doors breathing fresh air rather filling toxins thousands driving everyday day without car beneficial implacations enviroment along carbon emissions excessive amounts space taken nothing parking spaces limiting mobility vehicle allow walking distances everything would generally need car get normally go outside get fresh air think really fresh much polluting home enivromental protection agency promoting car reduced communities legislators starting act cautiosly willingly 80 appropriations gone highways 20 tranportation excerpt 1 german suburb life goes without cars david goldburg official tranportation america states development since world war 2 centered car change limitation car usuage uphold stress reduction along happier easier way going day think arent cooped car stuck traffic making late work something needed attended instead getting daily dose excerise fresh air helped arise taking breather letting go society gotten attached different things converging suggest witnessing longterm cultural shift said mimi sheller excerpt 4 end car culture reading statement allows think maybe best change
Counter({'NN': 62, 'IN': 49, 'DT': 28, 'JJ': 26, 'VBG': 19, 'NNS': 16, 'PRP': 15, 'VB': 14, 'VBP': 13, 'VBZ': 13, 'RB': 13, 'CC': 11, 'TO': 9, 'VBN': 9, 'CD': 6, 'MD': 6, 'VBD': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'WP': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'RP': 1, 'JJS': 1})
many conspiracies face created aliens none conspiracies evidence back upfrom information scientists gathered collected information natural landform evidential proof aliens even exsist many things space created natural landformswhen web surfers surfed web thet foiund jpl image revealed ewas natural lanformthere alien monument also similar rocks amerucan west formed naturally well showed space rock formed way rocks formed garvin says article reminds middle buttle snake river plain idaho thats lava dome takes form isolated mesa height face mars means rock similar ones thats percieved natural landform formed aliens similar othersif looks like ones easier say natural landform easy say aliens theory thought give much fatual evidence real reason fact face mars createc natural landforms
Counter({'NN': 40, 'IN': 36, 'DT': 33, 'JJ': 31, 'NNS': 17, 'VBZ': 17, 'PRP': 16, 'RB': 14, 'VBD': 13, 'VBN': 8, 'CC': 7, 'VB': 7, 'VBP': 5, 'TO': 5, 'EX': 4, 'RP': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'MD': 1, 'JJR': 1})
cars life line much used tool people day day commutes live without vauban germany town one car get around city trans running reason cars spouing tons green gasses vauban either trend world wide suburbs everyone agree car trend paris recived near record pollution banned driving city days city would allow odd licence plates days city would allow even number plates near 4000 drivers given 31 22euro fine cleared smog period time effect city words smog cleared city vassly citizens able freely use transit without cost wwere acceptions plug cars viecles holding three people side world people bogota colombia created set carfree day day people hiked biked took buses destinations ecelent strategy promot alternative transportation reduced pollution large city 7 million people go along day fined 25 close cities cali valledupar joined event amazing upcoming local city buissnessis also reconstruction side walks parks largest car loving cuontry america well seems trend effected us well although limits driving seemingly cooled years long term cultral shift companies like ford mercedes calling hemselves mobility companies someone drop habbit hard pick even driving young people dropped 23 changes changed pollution rate many car related problems mabey time traffic jams longer exist
Counter({'NN': 66, 'DT': 42, 'IN': 38, 'NNS': 36, 'JJ': 22, 'RB': 21, 'VB': 16, 'VBD': 14, 'VBZ': 13, 'CC': 12, 'VBN': 10, 'CD': 9, 'VBG': 9, 'TO': 7, 'PRP': 7, 'VBP': 6, 'MD': 4, 'EX': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'RP': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'WP': 2, 'RBR': 2, 'PRP$': 1})
face mars made aliens natural landform caption noted huge rock formation resembles human head formed shadows giving illusion eyes nose mouth nasa 1 face really face looks like face face mars natural land form shadow giving illusion eyes nose mouth another martian mesa one unusual shadows nasa took picture face looked like landform america face mars natural land form shadow giving illusion eyes nose mouth authors reasoned would good way engage public attract attention mars nasa 1 nasa trying get mars attention nasa didnt take really good picture 1976 later saw natural landform face mars another marian mesa one unusual shadows scientists figured another martian mesa common enough around cydonia one unusual shadows made look like egyptian pharaoh nasa 1 face mars wierd shadows made look like face face alien artifact landform face mars looks like landform america picture actually shows martian equivalent butte common around american west nasa 1 looks like landform america face looks like middle butte snake river plain idaho nasa 1 face alien artifact natural landform people think face mars alien artifact compared many landforms america face mars first picture really unusual shadows made look like face face mars unusual shadows made look like face better picture looks land natural land form face mars natural land form shadow giving illusion eyes nose mouth another martian mesa one unusual shadows nasa took picture face looked like landform america
Counter({'NN': 82, 'DT': 70, 'IN': 49, 'RB': 47, 'JJ': 41, 'NNS': 33, 'VBZ': 22, 'VBD': 20, 'CC': 13, 'PRP': 12, 'PRP$': 10, 'VB': 10, 'WDT': 6, 'CD': 6, 'VBG': 5, 'TO': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'VBP': 3, 'MD': 1, 'WP': 1, 'JJR': 1})
cant hide emotions new software capable perceiving emotions yes new software tell emotions face experision new facial action coding system invented people figure actally person feeling better ways humans computers commnicate system classifiy six basic emotions happiness anger surprise disgust fear saddness also help people disablities cant speak emotions ever thought new software could even figure emotions behind images software lastest innovation prof thomas huang beckman institute facial action coding system enabled mona lisa painting leonardo da vincis discoverd witht system 83 percent happy9 percent disgusted6 percent fearful 2 percent angry least accorded new computer fotware recongnize emotions facial action coding system process began computer constucted 3d computer model face44 muscles model must move like human musclesaction unit movement one muscles software get great impact facial expressions emotion universal oberbes drhuangeven though indiciduals often show yaring degrees expression weighting different unitsthe software idetify mixed emotions experts use show help state others feel hand already tell person friend feeling us would trouble actually looking describing faical trait conveys happyworriedetc sometimes tell friends scared sad way express maybe facial action coding system waste money time make already state others feel eye mouth expression better ways people computers communicate system classifiys six basic emotions happinesssurpriseangerdisgustdear sadness new software could helps experts find people cant speak know emotions able facial action coding system
Counter({'NN': 73, 'JJ': 34, 'NNS': 31, 'DT': 30, 'IN': 30, 'VB': 24, 'MD': 16, 'VBP': 15, 'PRP': 14, 'RB': 12, 'VBG': 12, 'CC': 12, 'VBZ': 11, 'PRP$': 8, 'WDT': 7, 'TO': 7, 'CD': 6, 'WRB': 6, 'VBD': 5, 'WP': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'RP': 3, 'JJS': 3, 'RBR': 2, 'JJR': 1})
studying venus worthy despitebecause venus could also like earth venus water earth vanus greater experiencemarsand venus alike earth next supporting claim exploring venus would excellent us could world live onthe author states venus probably covered largely oceans could supported various forms life author also states astronomers fascinated venus may well earthlike planet solar system quotes support claim one day people find venus earthvenus like earth one dayso mars planet venus water rocky sedimentvalleys mountains challenge venus become next earth hard choose best quotes support claim studying venus despite
Counter({'NN': 31, 'IN': 17, 'VB': 14, 'JJ': 13, 'MD': 12, 'NNS': 12, 'DT': 10, 'VBZ': 8, 'RB': 8, 'PRP': 5, 'VBN': 5, 'VBG': 4, 'VBP': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'TO': 3, 'CC': 3, 'CD': 2, 'JJR': 1, 'WP': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'RBS': 1, 'JJS': 1})
car usage popular world come know used many means transportation like going work school social events simply going shopping hanging friends sides using car sides well explaining sides using car well advantages limiting car usage first reason topic chosen tell carfree cities carfree cities well name says new project working europe city car free new city cars street parking driveways home garages exist well obvious answer minimize car pollution creating green house gases polluting air places adopt idea carfree cities save planet ultimately save selves extinction know maintain planet clean also thing like new carfree city theres main street theres stores walking distance like great u take ten twenty minute walk go shopping anything like grocerys shoes clothe restaurants instead driving mall along distant highway ultimately everybody hanging friends meeting one place walking distance dont friends well make new friends main street everybody another great reason considering less car usage less traffic like less traffic everybody hates traffic slow boring annoying less traffic means less commute time trying get work job far home means get work sooner time hopefully get raise feel like dont get paid anough also less traffic less commute time mean well mean multiple things like time sleep dont worry waking early beat morning traffic like mom plenty people end day able get home quicker spend time family stuff usually cant time spend traffic last reason important reason simply safety think simply common sense less cars road one time chances car accidents decreases dont know sounds like win win one theres less accidents theres less people hospital dont hospital bills worry less accidents means less traffic well also ban cars day one carfree cities less drunk drivers one dont car probably drink home two bar ever going drink close enough walk sober walk back house drunk instead car causing fatal accident ultimately feel usage cars limmited many reasons reasons follows less car pollution living carfree city able walk everywhere less traffic less commute time time stuff last least safety drivers personally think supervise usage automobiles carfree cities days car usage baned restricted amount
Counter({'NN': 114, 'IN': 86, 'DT': 64, 'RB': 47, 'VBP': 47, 'JJ': 44, 'PRP': 41, 'NNS': 41, 'VB': 40, 'VBZ': 35, 'CC': 34, 'VBG': 25, 'TO': 22, 'JJR': 17, 'MD': 11, 'WRB': 9, 'PRP$': 8, 'VBN': 6, 'CD': 6, 'RBR': 6, 'WP': 5, 'VBD': 3, 'RP': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'PDT': 1, 'EX': 1, 'NNP': 1, 'JJS': 1})
curiousity mars going centuries people say life mars saying face mars humans around world questioned whether face created aliens natural landform well calm earthlings natural landform 1976 viking 1 took photos mars found huge rock formation remebled human head shadows giving illusion eyes nose mouth soon known face mars people made huge deal face mars appeared books magazines radio talk shows people even say appeared haunted grocery store checkouts april 5 1998 nasas mgs flew cydonia siting face snap picture reveal face natural landform nothing majority people accepted statement select people say aliens made face face theorists werent satisfied landform tried find evidence prove nasa wrong face theorists found location date april 98 photo cloudy winter skeptics said alien markings hidden haze three years later nasa proved skeptical theorists wrong advanced technology right location right season nasa got clear picture face needed show landform nasa even suggests may butte mesa sorry face theorists nasa crushed dreams multiple times face mars landform nothing nothing less
Counter({'NN': 57, 'DT': 39, 'IN': 39, 'NNS': 30, 'VBD': 23, 'RB': 19, 'JJ': 19, 'CC': 14, 'VBZ': 9, 'PRP': 8, 'VB': 8, 'VBN': 6, 'CD': 6, 'TO': 6, 'VBG': 5, 'VBP': 5, 'EX': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'RP': 2, 'RBR': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'WP': 1, 'MD': 1})
believe popular vote president united states best way go voting read story electoral college system votes slate electorswho turn elect president party selects slate electors trusted vote partys nomineeand trust rarely betrayed electoral college group bestlaid defense also wrong honestly think conisder changing popular votei would consider read passagethat year voter expect another close election popular vote winner could agian lose presidency trying proove popular vote best choice presdiednts votes worrying prospect pf tie im elcetoral votedue election would thrown house representiveswhere state delegations vote president also read story given many voters vote one party president another congressthe house election hardly expected reflect people popular vote dosent much problems shall say minor set backs electtoral college
Counter({'NN': 47, 'DT': 32, 'IN': 28, 'JJ': 20, 'VBZ': 13, 'VB': 13, 'VBP': 10, 'MD': 9, 'NNS': 8, 'TO': 7, 'RB': 6, 'VBG': 4, 'VBN': 4, 'JJS': 3, 'CC': 3, 'PRP': 3, 'RBS': 2, 'WP': 2, 'VBD': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'CD': 1})
driveless cars would hard control even though alerts need take control iy would still hard people might wan na sleep robot drives cant drive dont even need cars drive people lazy drive people able drive cars people cant drive normal car cant get linsense dont matter cause drive still think cars pointless wan na make robot controlled car shouldnt drive like need anyway people drive like walking lazy drive car thats bad wouldnt trust robot driving car anyways thats scary could easily crash car theyre smart enough drive dont common sense two robot car driving thinking crash eachother cant even get computer technology work want drive us places cars go half million miles without crash lot people drive half million theyre lifetime pretty much expecting crash least lifetime soon enough gon na us cars teenagers wont even know drive normal one many crashes theyre remote controlled robots controlling thats like big rc car without remote know would trust
Counter({'NN': 39, 'RB': 28, 'PRP': 28, 'VB': 27, 'VBP': 27, 'DT': 26, 'IN': 23, 'JJ': 20, 'NNS': 18, 'TO': 14, 'MD': 10, 'CC': 7, 'PRP$': 7, 'VBG': 7, 'VBZ': 5, 'CD': 4, 'WDT': 3, 'EX': 3, 'PDT': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'JJS': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'JJR': 1})
positive aspects driverless cars put pro side idea driverless cars thhere also many cons idea put againt although idea another source technology something sounds good development idea think driverless car would bad idea multiple reasons first reason think car bad idea safety something goes bad driver paying attention could result bad accident second reason think bad idea may give driver mindset makes think pay attention road surroundings leading things like sleeping texting eating situation occurs puts danger one three things anything else could result terrible accident hand although eating sleeping texting ocurr commonly driving regular car decreases chances things occurring resulting could also higher chance mechanical issues resulting crach accident also think driverless car would lead lot people world lazy safety mechanical issues laziness think driverless car would bad idea better keep roads safe everyone children adults overall think stick cars require driver
Counter({'NN': 53, 'DT': 36, 'IN': 36, 'JJ': 23, 'VB': 18, 'NNS': 16, 'VBG': 15, 'VBP': 14, 'PRP': 14, 'MD': 12, 'VBZ': 10, 'RB': 9, 'CC': 8, 'TO': 7, 'WDT': 5, 'PRP$': 3, 'EX': 2, 'CD': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'RBR': 1})
dear senator may speak people think electoral college great idea thanks founding fathers concept every state united states america people states power decison chosing commander chief fact founding father created constitution amendments right look today history us strong civilized constitution keeps us heading right direction back keeping electoral college voting system right vote great power acknowledgement people go vote state counts votes ever candidate gets votes recieves electoral votes separated states grat thing every right full human chance make difference winning candidate chosen popular votes would uneven unfair mobody would want vote dont think mr miss senator founding fathers thaught many years ago saw us today wouldsay great idea concept came founding fathers thaught right people thats counts electoral college smart way give people right vote chose make things better candidate appeal people right guy run united states help improve economy electoral college make things harder make things right even everyone states little populations get less electoral votes compared others states huge populations get electoral votes cause people voting fair everyone end electoral collge efficient non problematic solution voting president candidate fact electoral college provides certain winner candidates go speak people explain want change improve united states candidate prove worthy capable creating better tomorrow example barack obama created millions jobs people brought economy since crash economy done amazing job creating better tomorrow people obama win well cause popular vote state every person votes winner get elctoral votes state 538 divide states people job listening watching candidates make us stronger mr miss senator would like think would feel founding father would want us like future achive peoples right facts founding fathers came idea diddnt even know wuld come end right vote every single human makes difference chosing president united states commander chief makes every person valuable tomorrows come honest opinion mr miss senator keep electoral collge cause based peoples right importan constitution based peoples right amendments thought idea paper make concept united states government makes us people today answer question electoral college work well answer yes cause based every persons vote means peoples rights may take one minute time mr miss senator say human rights main idea thats based thank time reading arguement keep electoral college place people people thank mr miss senator
Counter({'DT': 116, 'NN': 113, 'IN': 70, 'JJ': 57, 'NNS': 57, 'VB': 47, 'CC': 47, 'PRP': 38, 'VBZ': 35, 'VBP': 30, 'TO': 24, 'RB': 24, 'VBG': 19, 'MD': 13, 'WRB': 12, 'VBN': 12, 'WP': 10, 'VBD': 9, 'JJR': 8, 'PRP$': 7, 'WDT': 7, 'RP': 7, 'RBS': 2, 'RBR': 2, 'CD': 2, "''": 1, 'EX': 1, 'JJS': 1})
think driverless car bad idea someone injured car wreck blame make law gon na turn arguement everyone paying attention driver injured car wreck dreiverless car person blame manufacture manufacture put car world said safe time nothing happen driverless car comes world gon na ran sort technology back manufacture gonaa hackable anyone smart enough someone works manufacture wanted could hack selves get lot people hurt turning turn direction going little bit may even little mishap driverless car manufacture skip move later mishap may get bunch people killed injured
Counter({'NN': 44, 'DT': 28, 'IN': 25, 'VB': 15, 'VBZ': 10, 'CC': 10, 'PRP': 9, 'RB': 8, 'VBN': 7, 'TO': 7, 'JJ': 6, 'MD': 5, 'WP': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'VBG': 3, 'RP': 3, 'NNS': 2, 'VBP': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'RBS': 1})
article making mona lisa smile author describes new technology called facial action coding system enables computers identify human emotions dont believe technolgy help read emotional expressions students classroom useful might think example say student class crush someone classroom would computer come everyone class romantic feelings toward someone inside would embarassing would also seem breach privacy opinion someone prefers keep emotions wouldnt feel comfortable computer room would able read facial expressions ultimately emotions also certainly expensive computer type quality would likely cost schools thousands dollars thats way schools budgets facturing computer would cause huge spikes electricity bill ultimately cause schools shut cant pay bills especially computers every classroom would cost effective schools first place addition practical almost certain start malfunction many different complex emotions humans sheer amount students emotions computer would keep account likely work one two classes recap dont really believe type technology andor used classroom setting many things account many different emotions even us humans cant detect well let alone computer us humans made also likely cost technology extremely pricey lot schools able afford computers want first place
Counter({'NN': 51, 'IN': 49, 'DT': 33, 'JJ': 32, 'NNS': 29, 'VB': 29, 'RB': 28, 'PRP': 17, 'MD': 16, 'TO': 14, 'VBP': 13, 'CC': 7, 'PRP$': 7, 'WDT': 6, 'VBZ': 5, 'VBG': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'RP': 2, 'RBS': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'CD': 2, 'EX': 2, 'WRB': 1})
detecting emotions new software developed improves accuracy percieving emotions others use technology read emotional expressions students classroom could valuable could waste time depending look technology upgraded throughout recent decades recently technology taken different approach software latest innovation prof thomas huang collaboration prof nicu sebe dr huang colleagues experts developing better ways humans computers communicate really better way communicate comes facts computer constructs 3d computer model face associated characteristic movements facial muscles everyone different ways expressing emotions everyone feels emotions thinking computer could possibly detect emotions bit silly valuable others makes silly probably tell friend feeling look face talk person physical contact important comes emotions using computer detect sounds bit farfetched schools teachers school counselors students talk express feel people dont see feature could possibly useful classroom many issues going world much worse trying figure expressions arent using tchnology smart people work something important imagine computer knows youre happy sad would need human communication important using computer detect feel simply waste time opinions making faces reveal much science emotion hand could facial action coding system useful classrooms students may able use feature physiciatry studies students may also use feature art classes really capture artist depicting work instance new software able create percentages mona lisas emotions latest innovation computer software may useful art classes knowing person may feeling painting may help students depict artists work bit better humans tell someone may feeling look face look eyes us would trouble trying describe facial expressions convey happy besides smile computer make exact percentages emotion may feeling however computer feel sympathy understand many things humans reaching final conclusion computer able identify emotions useful classrooms
Counter({'NN': 79, 'IN': 57, 'DT': 57, 'NNS': 47, 'JJ': 42, 'VB': 38, 'VBG': 24, 'RB': 24, 'MD': 23, 'VBZ': 22, 'TO': 19, 'PRP': 18, 'CC': 14, 'WRB': 10, 'VBP': 9, 'PRP$': 7, 'VBN': 5, 'WP': 5, 'JJS': 4, 'JJR': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'RBR': 2, 'CD': 1, 'EX': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'RP': 1})
could computer help improve students time class new facial action coding system developed prof thomas huang enables computers transfer human facial expressions emotions valuable technology system teachers students help improve learning teaching inside classroom new technology could greatly improve student learning inside classroom passage dr huang predicts classroom computer could recognize student becoming confused bored technology could help teachers students would enable teacher slow lesson help students catch learn could help teachers impliment new strategies keep students focused interested learning teacher could possibly able tell students confused bored new system teacher could fully able control class keep students attention another way new facial action coding system could help see students understand topic students need extra help one one teacher would help improve students time class making student efficient also could help teachers become efficient time could modify lesson like effective human instructor computer class teacher could use time students effectively would translate better homework test grades students addition helping students class system would allow teachers see student sad upset teacher would able try improve students mood student could helped emotionally school value new system capabilities system online classrooms students work computer computer could generate strageties individual student based students emotions facial expressions smile web ad apears screen similar ad might follow would allow computer give students better opportunity learn pace suits student particular day could also allow instuctor class institute different styles lessons entertaining ways learning content class capabilites new facial action coding system extremely valuable students also teachers able learn better within classroom greatly valued students also teachers also direct learning experience better connection teacher student finally better strategies teaching learning could developed new technology system possibilities valuable students classroom lets improve education students
Counter({'NN': 87, 'DT': 74, 'IN': 52, 'VB': 47, 'NNS': 46, 'JJ': 39, 'MD': 24, 'CC': 22, 'TO': 19, 'RB': 18, 'VBG': 14, 'VBN': 9, 'VBZ': 7, 'VBP': 7, 'JJR': 6, 'WRB': 4, 'RBR': 4, 'WP': 3, 'CD': 2, 'PRP': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'RP': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'PRP$': 1})
author supports idea study venus despite dangers presents acording story venus often referred earths twin another thing article says venus closest planet earth beause density size venus also used covered largely oceans could supported various forms life think study venus despite dangers used earthlike planet solar system also study sometimes nearest option planetary visit take get also downsides like people live venus hot us live itll still hard researchers study venus researchers take samples rock gas anything else touch ground otherwise burn may solutions study venus little bit according nasa idea involves vehicle look like blimplike vehicle hovering 30 miles roiling venusian landscape vehicle hovering venus avoid unfriendly ground conditions staying way although temperatures around 170 degrees fahrenheit air pressure little strong still survivable humans reasons agree author suggesting study venis despite dangers planet
Counter({'NN': 39, 'IN': 39, 'DT': 28, 'VB': 27, 'NNS': 18, 'RB': 18, 'PRP': 17, 'MD': 17, 'JJ': 14, 'TO': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'CC': 8, 'VBG': 7, 'VBP': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'JJS': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'EX': 2, 'CD': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'FW': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'RP': 1, 'PDT': 1})
article driverless cars coming author presents positive negative aspects driverless cars using details believe driverless cars could good idea could malfunction cause bad car accident arent realiable states arent allowed test car run alone would animosity citizens manufacturers first formost one reason believe car would bad idea today makings called driverless cars could happen glitch system break emaple article states smartroad systems worked surprisingly well required massive upgrades existing roads something simply expensive practical quote states making cars would fix upgrade things making smart cars without taking action car could stop working whenever wouldnt safe us espically major highways intersections busy streets another reason driverless cars would safe us cant depend function properly text states presently traffic laws written assumption safe car human driver control times result sates illegal even test computer driven cars calidornia nevada flordia district columbia led country allowing limited use semiautonomous cars quote shows many states us truely believe cars safe tell dont test cars without tests cars true evidence theyre safe drive lastly believe driverless cars arent safe would cause drama animosity citizens manufacturers example article quotes techology fails someone injured faultthe driver manufacturer part article shows accident ocurrs driverless cars court law policie officers makers model wont know put blame cause bad idea also text states displays turned instantly driver needs take took quote consideration could bad incident driver blames incident car investigators wouldnt know put blame either driver becasuse could turned funtion incident happened control whole time manufacturers theu driver may tried turn function take control car malfunctioned causes stop working reasons use driverless cars keep nice ones models drive today work well may bad functions functions fixed auto shop parts car found autopart store
Counter({'NN': 90, 'DT': 76, 'IN': 72, 'NNS': 48, 'JJ': 40, 'VB': 36, 'PRP': 32, 'CC': 27, 'VBP': 24, 'RB': 24, 'VBZ': 20, 'MD': 17, 'TO': 14, 'VBG': 10, 'VBN': 10, 'WDT': 6, 'VBD': 6, 'WRB': 4, 'WP': 3, 'RP': 2, 'CD': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'PRP$': 1})
laws changed days use cars day get around using buses local taxi bikes walk etc would benefit us would cities countries around world banning cars instead would like use public transportation biciylce maybe two feet get around believe topic reasonable agree united states considering law use cars day two week get fresh air try new transportation personal knowledge ways get around paper end car culture states recent studies suggest americans buying fewer cars driving less getting fewer licenses year goes assuming already shifting lifestyle car day two would benefit country high obesity rate people ride bikes places walk places give exercise opportunities help lose weight constructive way riding bike walking mile grocery store day definitely help someone speaking helping things environment article paris band driving due smog states days nearrecord pollution paris enforced partial driving ban clear air global city robert duffer also states paris uses mondays deicated ro evennumbered license plates ordered leave cars home next day oddnumbered license plates ordered keep cars home diesel fuel paris hurting environment banned cars united states believe car pollution also hurting environment riding bikes walking places good activity everyone us except 2 people america trouble money riding bikes around walking friends house store would definitely help money situations car two days week means get gas much would save us money using taxi would useful much becuase money adds also using cars completely help community country many ways banning cars day two sounds like fantastic idea able go get fresh air get exercise would great country less pollutions less money constructive activities getting around places sounds like good idea lets see united states takes action
Counter({'NN': 80, 'IN': 53, 'DT': 52, 'NNS': 47, 'JJ': 34, 'VB': 32, 'RB': 26, 'VBG': 26, 'CC': 23, 'TO': 19, 'VBP': 17, 'PRP': 16, 'MD': 14, 'PRP$': 12, 'VBZ': 12, 'CD': 6, 'VBN': 5, 'RP': 5, 'JJR': 5, 'VBD': 5, 'WRB': 3, 'RBR': 3, 'JJS': 1, 'WDT': 1})
switching sides ever heard man moon well mars similar thing time formations looked like human faces think made aliens superior however reality natural formation looks like face part nocked zoom lines basic formation mesathe face natural made intelligent species finally marks sign created aliens would shown image due high resolution looking farther natural formation moment recent picture 2001 completly exterminates facial recognition see natural lines run across mesa higher elevation certian areas eyes steep hill geos top mouth seemingly isnt even anymore see worn away parts indicating quite awhile shadows arent even time creates distictive features bearly even looks like face anymore talking natural lines appear mesa lines mesa distictive created something made would wanted smooth edges well even ditch tried recreate natural look would looked faulty unbeliveable species would completly deformed hill exposing true colors also reason would creating random face possibility one ever seeing point finally final reason alienmade marking mesa giving reason believe created aliens would shown wierd symbols showed screen would seen still release image would hide world would increase amount funding get companies study image hours find single symbol anywere image camera would picked would studied mesa created aliens looks way us minds hardwired find faces much easier remember face rather name everything image natural wasnt put unnoticable reason cant comprehend existis thats nothing nothing less aliens anything mesa
Counter({'DT': 64, 'NN': 62, 'IN': 57, 'PRP': 36, 'RB': 35, 'JJ': 29, 'VB': 28, 'NNS': 26, 'VBN': 20, 'MD': 16, 'VBZ': 15, 'VBD': 14, 'VBP': 13, 'TO': 12, 'VBG': 11, 'CC': 8, 'EX': 7, 'JJR': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'RP': 4, 'WDT': 4, 'WRB': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'CD': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1})
people think seagoing cowboy boring tell wrong seagoing cowboy amazing opportunity everyone travel around world see countries like greece china countries see marvoules land marks like panamal canal see important countries like acropolis greece venice italy city water also meet people around world help people need former seagoing cowboy said im grateful opportunity next reason seagoing cowboy becuse see animals never seen also take care reach country supposed next reason eat foods countries also also one reasons destroied countries one best countries world learn country animals took care last reason seagoing cowboy also use free time seagoing cowboys like fun play games like baseball volleyball empty rooms animals housed baseball field volleyball court tabletennis room fencing stadium boxing ring games also read books whittle alone time see seagoing cowboy boring fun great opportunity life time
Counter({'NN': 49, 'DT': 33, 'IN': 32, 'JJ': 24, 'PRP': 22, 'NNS': 21, 'VB': 18, 'MD': 15, 'RB': 15, 'CC': 10, 'VBP': 9, 'VBG': 7, 'VBZ': 7, 'VBD': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'PRP$': 3, 'TO': 2, 'CD': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'RP': 1})
think people participate seagoing cowboys program lot fun lots fun get rodeo cows yeha ride big horses go really fast went program kinda like rode big horses fished rode boats got playin mud funny felt really weird went swamps saw gators nun bad even got see uncle john deer cow farm haha funny guys go camps like fun best food fish crab spaghetti gators rabbits squarles shrimp food best food world eat anywhere like bring friends family anyone enjoy great food oh almost forgot bring sleeping bags tint pillows blanking whatever gone sleepin cabin dont worry though extra warm enjoyed last time slept cabin slept nights one night heard monster creeping peed leg really think want go camp cowboys really great get ride horses eat amazing food sleep cabin love camp go crazy need come seagoing cowboys gerinte fun also pools ponds stuff fun people travel long time time sol youll awhile
Counter({'NN': 53, 'IN': 31, 'VB': 27, 'JJ': 24, 'DT': 22, 'NNS': 21, 'PRP': 20, 'CC': 20, 'RB': 18, 'VBP': 15, 'MD': 11, 'TO': 10, 'VBD': 10, 'VBN': 5, 'VBZ': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'VBG': 3, 'EX': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'CD': 1, 'RP': 1, 'WRB': 1})
driverless cars negative aspect near future people buy vehicle control going fast theyre going etc personally would prefer machine taking places day driverless vehicles may technical difficulty could result injury worst case scenario fatality endangering operator surrounding individuals also manufacturer due reliabilty regulations reality driverless cars cool topic think completely independent answer well least driverless vehicles use bunch different sensors lasers computers figure way understand surroundings although programming smart cars remain quite complex still lack ability handle situations backing drive way going construction zones accident ahead might thinking happens vehicle doesnt know smart vehicle doesnt know situation allows take thus making driverless vehicles completely driverless dont worry though vehicle alerts multiple ways issue need take consideration blinking lights wind shield drivers seat vibrates talking speakers vehicle pays attention pay attention sensors steering wheel make sure hands wheel times camera watches make sure keep eyes road driverless vehicle also dangerous almost one hundred percent time machinescomputers sort mishap technical difficulty quite often may worse others time always malfunction would want possible death bound machine taking everyday day errands supposedly risk people willing take sop production completely stick modern day transportaion smart vehicle drive around day without invest effort would heaven possible right time another operator always take smart cars unfortunately smart enough driverless vehicle false advertisement titled assisted smart vehicle something sort going continue manufacturing vehicles least keep market worked flaws driverless vehicles good idea remain complete disgrace world transportation people actually enojoy driving machines dont allow driverless cars also propose great dangers everyone around although helpful people disabled individuals stick modern day transportation
Counter({'NN': 81, 'DT': 63, 'IN': 58, 'JJ': 44, 'NNS': 39, 'RB': 36, 'PRP': 33, 'VB': 33, 'VBP': 26, 'TO': 23, 'VBG': 18, 'CC': 18, 'MD': 15, 'VBZ': 14, 'JJS': 5, 'WDT': 4, 'RP': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'WP': 4, 'WRB': 3, 'VBN': 3, 'EX': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'CD': 1, 'JJR': 1})
opinion driverless car big two thumbs think cars big stepping stone world technology letting us advance create useful creations help daily lives driverless cars help evolve future least future technology help us create wonderful inventions best part cars sergey brin sees future even use much fuel use today require half amount believe fascinating car smarter need many sensors way car would able copy humans skill wheel sensors attached car allow apply brakes whenever danger coming ahead unfortunately lucky ability attach sensors onto car provide intelligence driving since back never sensors computers mapping made google recapping opinon driverless cars would like say great transporting people cant drive delivering packages whatever else need used one thing driverless cars useful parents car drives destination able take care children without stop car lastly would like sum say driverless cars coming future everyone shock especially amazing advanced time
Counter({'NN': 40, 'IN': 32, 'VB': 30, 'DT': 24, 'NNS': 21, 'JJ': 20, 'TO': 18, 'PRP': 16, 'RB': 15, 'VBP': 11, 'MD': 10, 'PRP$': 9, 'VBG': 9, 'VBZ': 6, 'CC': 5, 'VBN': 4, 'CD': 2, 'RBR': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RP': 2, 'WP': 1})
first technology read emotions students classroom valuable good side things technology created professor thomas huang make whole class smart speed progress things go second technology helps students students confused bored comupter going able recognize face really help student like teacher would able save time students understand subject even technology would able calculate almost emotions lastly technology professor thomas huang owns helpful societyand schools since professor thomas huangs technology calculate tiniest emotions support us dramatically valuable classrooms students teachers around world
Counter({'NN': 22, 'DT': 19, 'IN': 16, 'VB': 16, 'NNS': 15, 'RB': 10, 'JJ': 10, 'MD': 9, 'VBZ': 7, 'TO': 6, 'CC': 5, 'VBP': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'PRP': 2, 'RP': 1, 'WP': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'VBG': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'JJS': 1})
dear senator year 2000 presidental election two canadate runnning bush gore election problem gore votes people bush votes electoral votes question asked win person votes people win person votes electoral college win something going long time electoral college rule people importain question people asking realy pick persendent electoral college pick show electoral college dated sistem keep goverment wants clear winner know people people want right dicide electoral college established founding fathers made compromise election president vote congress election president popular vote qualifies citizens electoral college vote president vice president 538 members winner canadate get majority 270 electoral votes states allotment electors equal number members congressional degation problem 300 million people contery 538 people get vote going president also states winner takes system winner majority gets votes example florida 29 electoral votes one canadate get 15 magority get 29 acurate repisentaion state thinks last reason good system peoples votes matter 2000 election gore peoples votes bush eletoral votes bush became president even tho gore people biggest problem electoral college fact rules people eletoral college wins matter many people vote person running matter question acked point voting matter vote electoral college votes
Counter({'NN': 78, 'DT': 77, 'IN': 50, 'NNS': 34, 'JJ': 28, 'VBZ': 28, 'RB': 18, 'VBD': 15, 'VB': 15, 'VBP': 14, 'PRP': 14, 'CD': 12, 'CC': 12, 'VBN': 8, 'WP': 8, 'TO': 7, 'EX': 6, 'VBG': 6, 'MD': 5, 'RBS': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'PRP$': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'RP': 1, 'WRB': 1})
many advantages limiting car usage today ima tell reasons true time time day day use cars motorcycles get point point b may think driving point point b harmless im tell wise driving car motorcycles everday work causes pollution air makes air breath nasty unhealty even causes temputure rise big antarticle melt rise sea levels limiting car usage makes air little cleaner healtier breath limiting car usage even helps save little extra money cause gas prices high aint cheap get point point b cost travlel places even offerd free transport friday monday great wouldnt want free transport mean whats better saving money helping pollution decrease making air freasher clean atfer days near record pollution paris enforced partial driving ban clear air global city refused obey fined 22 euro31 got vechials impounded less cars street less likley accidents happpen sometimes roads pack squished braley get thats many car accidents happen car free day makes everyone little safer since car free day parks sports centers bloomed many peopel good time riding thier bikes enjoying fresh air dont worry cars hitting wasting gas polluting air untied states enviromental protection agency promting car reduced communities many experts expect public transport serving suburbs play much larger role new sixyear federal transportation bill americans buying fewer cars drving less getting fewer licenses year goes
Counter({'NN': 70, 'DT': 48, 'JJ': 35, 'NNS': 30, 'IN': 23, 'VB': 22, 'VBG': 19, 'VBP': 17, 'TO': 17, 'VBZ': 14, 'PRP': 12, 'RB': 12, 'JJR': 8, 'CC': 7, 'VBD': 6, 'MD': 3, 'RBR': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'PRP$': 2, 'WDT': 2, 'WP': 2, 'VBN': 2, 'EX': 1, 'CD': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'RP': 1})
join seagoing cowboys becuase seagoing cowboys travel around world helping others around world love adventure going arouund world seeing every unique thing countys job support dont belive travel see almost every corner world text help cattleboat trips unbelievable opportunity small town boy says besides helping people side benefit seeing europe china seeing acropolis greece special says taking gondola ride venice italy city streets water luke also toured excavated castle crete marveled panama canal way china reasons dont convince join dont know body join take one life time chance join us
Counter({'NN': 40, 'DT': 27, 'IN': 21, 'PRP': 11, 'VB': 9, 'JJ': 9, 'VBG': 8, 'MD': 6, 'NNS': 6, 'VBZ': 5, 'VBP': 5, 'CC': 5, 'VBD': 5, 'RB': 4, 'TO': 3, 'VBN': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'WP': 1, 'CD': 1})
ever dreamed exploring space know wierd shapes forms appear things places solar system people believe aliens foriegn species know nothing like 1976 global surveyor named viking snapped photo landform look likes face planet called cydonia humans always argue among fact whether made aleins natural landform natural landform beacause could caused piece another planet branching crashing regular elements acting apon planet solar system huge alot planets uknown things humans know many things floating around outer space planet bigger smaller peice planet object broke could entered cydonia atmosphere caused landform exist many things difrent ways cleansing many different ways things know planet cyndia caused unsual lamdform amy kid element storms much planet cyndia rare landform could many planets unknown things rare landforms big solar system
Counter({'NN': 38, 'IN': 35, 'JJ': 26, 'NNS': 22, 'DT': 20, 'CC': 14, 'PRP': 11, 'VBP': 11, 'VB': 8, 'RB': 8, 'VBD': 7, 'VBG': 6, 'VBZ': 6, 'VBN': 6, 'JJR': 5, 'MD': 4, 'PRP$': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'EX': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'CD': 1, 'TO': 1})
opinion believe use technology great text stated classroom computer could recongnize student becoming confused bored since mosts students dont like speak maybe teacher ask class understood subject lesson day everything opposing side could also benefit maybe someone private feeling saying maybe like crush computer states something like love maybe thats something wanted keep well mainly would depend teacher shehe tell anyone id doubt feelings also really difficult understand like maybe computer bring wrong emotion mis calculate feeling facial expressions emotion universal according dr huang
Counter({'NN': 31, 'IN': 21, 'DT': 21, 'VB': 11, 'RB': 11, 'PRP': 8, 'CC': 8, 'JJ': 7, 'VBP': 6, 'MD': 6, 'VBZ': 5, 'VBG': 5, 'NNS': 5, 'VBN': 4, 'TO': 4, 'VBD': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'PRP$': 1, 'RP': 1})
president chosen popular vote letting people choose sould president able get want congress thinks want electoral college system old news 2015 sorts new things going electoral college system much seems like hassle made easier qualified citizens vote president electoral college system voters voting electors choose president feel people able put votes man woman majority votes president aware choosing president big deal things much easier efficent trying say electoral college system way flawed complicated good us feel though electoral college system unfair irrational electors known refuse vote partys canidate cast deciding vote whomever richard nixon validated oppenents electors well people take system advantage easily obuse get want choosing president popular vote difficult mess amount votes one person keep supervision voting stands make sure nobody puts one vote one person also monitor people sort votes people selfish think thats shouldnt people go vote partys canidate electoral college system made thinking box wasnt good thing electoral college system unfair voters outdated
Counter({'NN': 47, 'IN': 37, 'DT': 30, 'JJ': 29, 'VBP': 24, 'VB': 22, 'NNS': 21, 'CC': 16, 'RB': 14, 'VBZ': 13, 'PRP': 12, 'VBN': 9, 'VBG': 9, 'WP': 9, 'TO': 9, 'MD': 6, 'PRP$': 5, 'CD': 4, 'JJR': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'WRB': 2, 'EX': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'RP': 1})
going try convince become seagoing cowboy belive become seagoing cowboy something helps people also sometimes us people america get selfish need things people belive god would want text statesthe cattle boat trip experince life time small town boy paragraph 5 also statesbesides helping people experince seeing europe china would keep busy paragraph 8 says luke also time fun board also would somthing could serve country would good experince would lot time get know people board reasons would good become seagoing cowboy
Counter({'NN': 29, 'VB': 20, 'DT': 17, 'IN': 15, 'JJ': 13, 'PRP': 12, 'TO': 11, 'MD': 10, 'NNS': 8, 'RB': 8, 'VBG': 6, 'CC': 5, 'VBZ': 4, 'VBD': 4, 'VBP': 3, 'CD': 2, 'WDT': 1, 'RP': 1, 'VBN': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'JJR': 1})
idea driverless cars sound appealing improve intelligence todays cars giving mind however cars may seem like decent idea future prove really difficult quite problems arise phenomenon development driverless cars cease pretty soon future driverless cars supposed become new thing cars ability function drive really require driver handle although seems like nice thought quite issue already creating driverless cars create laziness lots people assuming creation titled driverless many people think anything raise laziness people driverless car becomes available invention good idea well raise laziness people quite possibly cause driver use hisher advantage inappropriate ways law says driver must held responsible mistakes heshe makes road whether car automated driver fault regardless acident happen even though law exists people still make excuses mistakes accident occurs driver may use car excuse avoid responsibilities court cases anything damaged invention great someone likely going use scapegoat mishaps gives people reason avoid guilty said car supposed maintain commands make driving easier driverless cars supposed work almost efficiently everyone however accidents still likely happen even cars supposed work well things go wrong perhaps car may somehow malfunction road happens put driver people road driving walking extreme risk malfunction car occur accident death rates increase extremely unsafe drivers future sounds great car drive future maybe might raise intelligence drivers nevertheless possibilities new car going wrong ignored cars 100 perfect times release unsafe extremely inaccurate become invention future
Counter({'DT': 68, 'NN': 66, 'IN': 56, 'VB': 46, 'NNS': 35, 'RB': 33, 'JJ': 32, 'MD': 26, 'VBZ': 23, 'PRP': 17, 'TO': 17, 'CC': 9, 'VBN': 9, 'VBG': 8, 'VBP': 7, 'PRP$': 6, 'WDT': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'EX': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'RBS': 1, 'WP': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'CD': 1})
dear state senator sent letter tell abolish electoral college electoral college many benefits voting president electoral college widely regarded anchorism nondemocratic method selecting president 2012 election president obama recieved 617 percent electoral vote compared romneys 513 states award electoral votes winnertakeall basis slightest plurality state cause landslide electoralvote victory state though tie possible total number votes 538 unlikely electoral college requires presidential candidate transregional appeal state enough electoral votes elect president voters tossup states likely thoughtful voters large state recieve attention presidential candidates campaign small state electoral college avoids problem elections candidate receives majority votes cast
Counter({'NN': 37, 'DT': 30, 'JJ': 25, 'IN': 21, 'NNS': 11, 'VBZ': 10, 'VB': 8, 'TO': 5, 'PRP': 4, 'RB': 4, 'CD': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'MD': 3, 'VBP': 2, 'VBG': 2, 'VBD': 2, 'JJS': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'WDT': 1})
dear state senator urge vote favor changing election popular vote select president united states urge pass three particular reasons first factor electors could defy people peoples word second event would already handed house representativese third winner takes system begin electors likley defy people peoples word example source indefensible electoral college even bestlaid defenses system wrong bradford plumer states back 1960 segregationists lousina legislature nearly succeeded replacing democratic electors new electors opposed president jfk likewise electors occasionally refused vote partys canidate vote ever want next worrying prospect tie votes electoral college happen election would decided house representatives state delegations would vote president since state one vote representative wyoming representing 500000 wouldnt much say reps california represent near 35 million people 1976 tie would occured 5559 voters ohio 3687 voters hawaii voted side voters away catastrophe finally electoral college unfair voters winner takes system state canidates dont spend time states know chance winning focous time swing states 2000 campaign seventeen satates didnt see canadates including rhode island sotheren california voters 25 largest media markets didnt get see single ad anyone good argument put fate presidency hands bunch swing voters ohio far away white house state senator urge vote towards changing election popular vote select president united states first factor electors could defy people peoples word second event tie would already handed house representatives third unfair winner takes system please consider previously stated aspects signed propername
Counter({'NN': 82, 'IN': 80, 'DT': 66, 'NNS': 38, 'JJ': 33, 'VB': 21, 'RB': 19, 'VBP': 16, 'VBZ': 15, 'TO': 14, 'CD': 11, 'MD': 11, 'CC': 11, 'PRP': 9, 'VBG': 8, 'VBN': 8, 'VBD': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'WP': 3, 'JJS': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RBS': 2})
claim going negative aspect driverless cars one reasons going use road problems also next problem going talking pass drivers crime crash next thing going talk finacial rate troubling thing running around mind first many problems road problems hurt one road sewer problem middle street city workers working driverless cars wont way detect workers yes might install camera sensor indicate alert driver alert late result already crash also car cant tell whether red light green light go direction programed go many problems anyone else say im saying think selfs need alert car doesnt know drive certain way second reason negative aspect driverless cars passes crash think person going court getting crash driverless car saying get punished buying car understand watching road someone says sleeping car driving go jail might worst punishment already know bad side driverless car game last reason going talk finacial rate well call money problems everyone wanted sound smart company sell expensive prices hardware software technology combined car cheap people would want buy rent would alot work buy car buy alot work mean win lottery still work still make payments car alot reasons leave different people going write hope people read positive negative side everything life make right choices make sure dont make mistakes wish best wish good luck driverless car world
Counter({'NN': 92, 'DT': 72, 'IN': 52, 'VB': 42, 'TO': 27, 'JJ': 27, 'NNS': 23, 'PRP': 23, 'VBZ': 21, 'VBP': 21, 'CC': 20, 'VBG': 18, 'RB': 16, 'MD': 16, 'PRP$': 7, 'WDT': 7, 'EX': 5, 'VBD': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'CD': 2, 'JJR': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'JJS': 1})
ever since first cars available purchase seems everyone wanted one well much anymore people well evolved need car find different ways get school work without car good planet im sure mother earth thanking us ten years people even know car cars play big role someones life even power take away bogota columbia carfree day took place buinessman carlos arturo plaza said great opportunity take away stress lower air pollution driving something takes years practice perfect taken lightly much state pays repairs damages caused car accidents must huge would happen one drove anymore change good less less people driving today world changing accroding doug short amount miles driven person dropped 9 percent many people find difficult car fill gas drive somwhere would much rather live place walk work use advanced internet good way keep touch friends without get couch cars really big effect air pollution really starting hurt earth paris recently nearrecord pollution paris 147 micrograms particulate matter per cubic meter goes show kind effect cars exhaust people resiting need drive anywhere even owning car going help controlling smog prdocued hopefully help keep earth alive overall limiting car use people taking bus riding bike earth remain healthy also limting use cars use costs apply somewhere useful possibly save lives course cars good bad seems cancel little good indeed world live changing people straying away cars ten twenty years even know car
Counter({'NN': 71, 'IN': 45, 'RB': 32, 'DT': 32, 'JJ': 32, 'VB': 31, 'NNS': 27, 'PRP': 18, 'VBZ': 18, 'CC': 18, 'TO': 16, 'VBG': 16, 'MD': 12, 'VBP': 10, 'PRP$': 10, 'VBN': 7, 'WP': 7, 'VBD': 6, 'CD': 5, 'RP': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'WDT': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'RBR': 2})
passage author claims many ways benefits visiting exploring sister planet venus claims venus closest planet earth terms density size closest earth distence also claims even thogh dangerous difficult explore venus already many scientist trying figure ways make safe less risk authors claims passage support idea studying venus despite dangers passage author describes simular venus earth paragraph 4 states venus may like earth long time ago author states many astronomers beleive venus could covered large oceans could supported various life forms venus many features earth also venus features like valleys mountains craters like earth author claims venus nearest option visit space exploration possible would better visit place could like earth close author claims many scientist already finding testing new safe ways get close enough venus explore paragraph 5 author states nasa possible solution hot temerpatures venus nasa would make scientist would able float venus distence temperatures would still around 170 degreed fahrenheit air pressure would like sea level earth would easiest conditions work human would able survive conditions conclusion authors claims idea studying venus worthy pursuit despite dangers good idea author backs claim many facts venuses simularites earth authors claims support ideas thoughout passage
Counter({'NN': 60, 'IN': 43, 'DT': 34, 'VB': 31, 'NNS': 27, 'JJ': 26, 'VBZ': 24, 'TO': 16, 'RB': 14, 'MD': 13, 'CC': 11, 'PRP': 10, 'VBG': 7, 'VBP': 6, 'VBN': 5, 'PRP$': 4, 'JJS': 4, 'RP': 3, 'CD': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'JJR': 2, 'WRB': 2, 'EX': 1})
chose idea driverless utopia would middle since middle well im leaning driverless cars many people say first feeling riding mechanical beast fro b could see boring drive driverless car needs driver still remain alert mean name driverless first place might well call extremly cautionary car im gon na pull evidence text forgive evidence sounds choppy human skills navigation work zones around accidents means human driver must remain alert google car simply announces driver prepared take gm developed drivers seats vibrate vehicle danger backing object driver watches road car watches driver point cars may drive certain extent end day driver modest self control car cause god knows much chaos would society imagine cars slamming eachother innocents inside going cliff ditch computer codeings much overencumbered also imagine laws place long arduose process would making sure bill lean towards individual well manufacturer technology fails someone injured faultthe driver manufacturer reading paragraph 10 automakers continuing thier work assumption problems ahead solved get feeling well cross bridge get syndrome look gon na cross good luck cause long bridge laws bills take ten years finally goes goverment branches maybe even cause talking bills deals innocent lives everyone going scrutinizing loving im confindent going long debate incedents laws revoked accident occure people going think maybe hey knows might completely wrong okay idea chilling car takes mall something accidents ever occured would cool doudt furtune favors bold lets see happens
Counter({'NN': 81, 'DT': 59, 'IN': 55, 'JJ': 34, 'RB': 32, 'NNS': 28, 'VB': 27, 'CC': 25, 'VBZ': 23, 'VBG': 16, 'VBP': 16, 'TO': 15, 'PRP': 13, 'MD': 12, 'VBN': 8, 'WRB': 7, 'EX': 5, 'WDT': 5, 'VBD': 4, 'PRP$': 3, 'WP': 3, 'RBR': 2, 'RP': 2, 'CD': 2, 'JJR': 1, 'PDT': 1})
author uses many things describe studying venus first author describes venus second planet sun second says venus closest planet earth terms destiny size occasionnally closest distance finally describe nasa also apporaches studying venus first author describe venus second planet sun venus simple see distant safe vantage point earth proved challenging place examine closest venus closest planet sun powerful planet next writer says venus closet planet earth terms destiny size occasionnally closest distance earth venus mars planetary neighbor orbit sun different speed different speed sun difference speed mean sometimes closer mars time venus venus sometimes right round corner space terms humans sent numerous spacecraft land cloud drap world pervious unnamed good reasons spacecraft survived landing hour issue explain single spaceship touched venus three decades finally writer describe nasa also approaches studying venus example simplied electronics made silicon carbide tested chamber simulating chaos venuss surface lasted three weeks conditions another project looking back old technology called machanical computers comparison systems use machanical parts made resistant pressure heat forces conclusin author uses many things describe studying venus uses many good things study venus describing venus second planet sun closest planet earth terms destiny size occasionnally closest distance also describe nasa also apporaches studying venus lot people study venus
Counter({'NN': 85, 'IN': 54, 'DT': 44, 'JJ': 34, 'VBZ': 24, 'NNS': 24, 'RB': 21, 'TO': 17, 'VB': 14, 'CC': 11, 'VBN': 10, 'VBG': 8, 'PRP': 8, 'VBP': 8, 'JJS': 6, 'RBR': 4, 'PRP$': 3, 'VBD': 3, 'JJR': 2, 'RP': 2, 'CD': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'MD': 1})
world war 2 would scared andor sad house got destroyed farm ok seagoing cowboys joined seagoing cowboys could help lot people strongly think join luke seagoing cowboys program seagoing cowboys program program boys order join seagoing cowboys program boy seagoing cowboys program long wanted highest 9 trips take care types animals get go world see many different things first thing go seas next find need go go help area animals second help people animals taking safe place trying help everything lastly go back find go new place help new people helping good thing people also look around places example get go greece help cargo 335 horses look place lastly could get many items bring back remind going helping people need going somewhere fun join program get meet many different people try many new things going fun main reason main reason going help people animals things world war 2 time many animals people trying help selfs cant help join seagoing cowboys program reasons talking join seagoing cowboys program joined program could help many people also help many ways extreamly think join seagoing cowboys adventures experience life helping many people need remeber next time hear someone lost ther barn farm seagoing cowboys always help
Counter({'NN': 44, 'PRP': 40, 'IN': 37, 'VB': 37, 'DT': 37, 'JJ': 35, 'NNS': 29, 'CC': 25, 'VBP': 24, 'RB': 21, 'TO': 18, 'VBG': 16, 'MD': 11, 'VBZ': 9, 'VBD': 8, 'WRB': 6, 'CD': 4, 'PRP$': 4, 'WDT': 2, 'VBN': 1, 'EX': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'RBR': 1, 'RBS': 1})
trip seagoing cowboy exciting tough unbelievable trip wasnt hard demanding may sound actually good time never thought would go different country happend im glad went trip exciting may sound exciting seagoing cowboy got take care animals ship may wonder would animlas ship 1945 world war ii europe many countries left ruins help countries recover food supplies animals 44 nations joined together form unrra united nations relief rehabilitation administration weret watchig animals got play different kinds sports like volleyball tennis baseball trip also exciting got see different places never seen trip unbelievable got see places ive never seen one places got go see acropolis ive never got see acropolis seen person another unbelivable thing got ride gondola ride venice italy city streets water last thing got vist excavated castle crete marveled panama canal way china reason trip tough got gaurd night chose night didnt chose chose job wasnt bad tough make sure animals feed three times day also watch make sure nthing strange make sure wast invaiders also job making sure tell captian weather reports really hard job like pressure good job big thing got jobs done bacisally get free time like play sports hangout friends think people would love seagoing cowboy dont judt say trually think people would love like feeling like rule ship ship would great job
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article driverless cars coming poses positive negative aspects developement driverless cars developement cars seem useful seems would cause prolems solutions public transportation system fine developement driverless cars poses lot potenetial issues issues include safety law driverless cars could pose safety issues technology could fail cause potential disasters driverless cars regards law could cause trouble article gives example technology fails someone injured fault driver manufacturer new laws would needed cover liability case accident lot traffic laws would need change fit new way transportation well although negative aspects outweigh positives still good things developement cars one thing article mentions would use half fuel todays cars good thing cars still pose greater problems say safer technology fails type technology puts people risk conclusion driverless cars future potentially dangerous would cause problems law pose safety concerns developement poses little positive aspects world would better ceased developement cars
Counter({'NN': 47, 'DT': 43, 'IN': 32, 'NNS': 31, 'JJ': 19, 'VBZ': 15, 'VB': 15, 'MD': 10, 'VBP': 9, 'PRP': 9, 'CC': 8, 'RB': 6, 'TO': 5, 'JJR': 4, 'VBN': 2, 'WP': 2, 'VBG': 1, 'EX': 1, 'CD': 1, 'PRP$': 1, 'RP': 1, 'VBD': 1})
many people struggle reading peoples emotions article making mona lisa smile nick alto writes facial action coding system valuable students classrooms many may agrue facial action coding system valuable fact example able detect people feeling develope better ways humans computers communicate lastly computers could modify lessons based students feeling first facial action coding system valuable detecting people feeling alto writes imagine able detect exactly people feeling even trying hide emotions new software developed improves accuracy perceiving emotions others quote shows person confused person feeling machine help someone know exactly peron feeling second facial action coding system valuable developing better ways humans computers communicate alto writes dr huang colleague experts developing better ways human computers communicate quote shows machine detecting facial emotions great way humans comunicate computers thirdly facial action coding system valuable modifying lessons based students feeling alto writes classroom computer could recognize student becoming confused boredthen could modify lesson quote shows computer could pick one sudents getting confused bored etc could modify lesson student confused bored anymore facial action coding system valuable classroom although many say three reasons facial action coding system valuable class room world today many people struggle knowing someone feeling know wheather help machine could really help someone future whoever thought makeing faces could reveal much science emotions
Counter({'NN': 56, 'IN': 41, 'DT': 36, 'JJ': 33, 'NNS': 33, 'VBG': 30, 'VBZ': 26, 'VB': 21, 'RB': 16, 'VBP': 12, 'VBN': 11, 'MD': 10, 'WRB': 10, 'CC': 10, 'TO': 9, 'PRP': 7, 'PRP$': 3, 'JJR': 3, 'WP': 2, 'CD': 2, 'RBR': 1, 'RP': 1, 'FW': 1, 'WDT': 1, 'VBD': 1})
twenty five years ago something happened mars 1976 discovered unusual face planet mars landform located 41 degrees north martian latitude face mars landform alien monument also scientists believed face alien artifact know article states caption noted huge rock formation resembles human head formed shadows giving illusion eyes nose mouth shows alien activity mars theres shadows forms human shaped head twenty five years ago nasa found human shaped head planet mars people believed alien activity caused head really shadows formed head 1998 2001 nasa scientists upgraded new high resolution image figure wasnt formed aliens
Counter({'NN': 30, 'DT': 23, 'IN': 19, 'NNS': 16, 'VBD': 16, 'JJ': 13, 'RB': 9, 'CD': 6, 'VBZ': 6, 'CC': 6, 'VBN': 4, 'PRP': 3, 'EX': 3, 'WDT': 3, 'VBP': 2, 'TO': 2, 'VBG': 1, 'WP': 1, 'VB': 1, 'RP': 1})
use technology read emotional expressions students classroom valuable valuable detect students bored confused subject learning lesson teacher teaching facial action coding system used classrooms could possible help students system could notify teacher might trouble major difficulties claim value using technology read students emotional expressions would good evidence back statement humans communication nonverbal including emotional communication evidence back statement classroom computer could recognize student becoming confused bored believe woudl wonderful source students confused something learning teachers would help know student struggling really interested much use technology read emotional ecpressions students classroom valuable evidence use prove statement correct calssroom computer could recognize student becoming confused bored evidence show statement true could modify lesson like effective human instructor believe facial action coding system indeed show value classroom conclusion technology would magnificent value classrooms would help ton students might affraid ask help tell teacher arent really learning way teacher teaching lesson doesnt excite much would great idea bring facs facial action coding system school classrooms
Counter({'NN': 57, 'DT': 38, 'IN': 32, 'VB': 29, 'JJ': 26, 'VBZ': 17, 'NNS': 15, 'MD': 15, 'VBG': 14, 'TO': 12, 'PRP': 12, 'VBP': 11, 'RB': 11, 'VBN': 9, 'CC': 8, 'WDT': 5, 'WRB': 4, 'PRP$': 3, 'JJR': 2, 'WP': 1, 'JJS': 1, 'RBR': 1})
authors present welldeveloped convincing argument large influence readers thoughts passage challenge exploring venus author explains different reasons earth whole study planet venus alotting difficulties kinks able go venus still worked author gives insight barren planet still important first idea author related atmosphere venus thick atmosphere almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus even challenging coulds higly corrosive sufuric acid venuss atmosphere paragraph 3 author give higly convincing argument humans need oxygen live expected survive planet little oxygen possible change chemical makeup entire planet argument displayed author credible way give reason one would want continure research area next problem earth faces studying venus temperatures planet exceed 800 degrees fahrenheit temperature found nowhere earth temperature beyond maximun limit human edure leaves behind compelling factor wanting study sister planet author also states atmospheric pressure 9 times greater experience planet conditions far extreme anything humans encounter earth conditions venus bad expected study planet similar carbon dioxide air way change temperature pressure entire planet argument given author convincing author uses idea proposed nasa humans study venus say could use hovering vehcles blimp fly planet somewhere around 30 miles high 30 miles long way abover planet temperature would still around 170 degrees fahrenheit ideal reseachers easy conditions survivable humans studying planet difficult author saying venus abandoned even nasa able study obviously way planet ever suitable live authors arguments far lost cause author explain venus may previously similar earthlike conditions including oceans support forms life states similar features earth valleys mountains craters may venus come long way longer able sustain life even previously similar earth means gotten worse time says continue grow worse proven author venuss conditions far extreme technology today planet increasingly dangerous explored therefore research toward abandoned pushed toward studying plants even solar systems order find another sutiable planet humans comfortably live
Counter({'NN': 93, 'IN': 77, 'DT': 70, 'RB': 48, 'JJ': 46, 'VB': 37, 'NNS': 36, 'VBZ': 33, 'TO': 28, 'VBN': 17, 'PRP': 17, 'VBP': 14, 'MD': 13, 'VBG': 12, 'CD': 8, 'CC': 8, 'WDT': 6, 'WRB': 5, 'RBR': 5, 'VBD': 5, 'JJR': 5, 'PRP$': 3, 'EX': 2, 'PDT': 1, 'RP': 1, 'WP': 1})
author suggests studing venus worthyi think author wanted say people could live earth anymore could live venus referred earths twin venus clotest planet earth terms density size occasionally clotest destance venuss surface temperatures average 800 degrees 90 times greater experience earth dont think could live therebut nasa one particulary compelling idea sending humans study venus easy comditions survivale humans author saids strining meet challenge presented venus value insight gained planet also becaus human curiosity likely lead us many equally intimidating endeavors travels earth beyond limited dangers doubts expanded meet te vary edges imagination innovation article author explain venuss good points bad points need move another planet opinion venus better planet venus close similar earth
Counter({'NN': 37, 'IN': 27, 'NNS': 17, 'VB': 14, 'JJ': 14, 'RB': 13, 'CC': 11, 'DT': 9, 'TO': 8, 'VBZ': 7, 'PRP': 7, 'MD': 6, 'VBN': 5, 'VBG': 4, 'VBP': 4, 'CD': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'PRP$': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'JJR': 1, 'WP': 1, 'RBR': 1})
value using technology read students emotional expressions extremely smart idea see confused software could help kids understand assignments easier explain things throughly break subject smaller sections way software could help kids understand assignments easier could read emotions theyre taking notes teacher says something dont understand software could read emotion confusion show simplier way understand thus making lesson easier understand could actually work right instead completely wrong another way software could help students understand things better could explain throughly example student could sitting math class taking notes kid might understand teacher means hes talking specific formula software could reconigze look explain better sudent understand meant last reason software could useful could break lesson smaller sections kid could completely lost hes learning science theyre overwhelmed everything together program could reconigze confusion kid could break whole lesson apart explain one step time could make sense conclusion software could amazing things help students understand comprehend lesson better anything else program probably never available education would amazing asset future students software could make easier assignments understood explain lesson teacher break lessons smaller sections software future worlds education
Counter({'NN': 55, 'DT': 38, 'VB': 35, 'IN': 33, 'NNS': 23, 'RB': 21, 'MD': 20, 'PRP': 18, 'JJ': 14, 'JJR': 11, 'CC': 10, 'VBG': 8, 'TO': 7, 'VBZ': 7, 'PRP$': 6, 'VBP': 5, 'RBR': 4, 'VBN': 3, 'RP': 3, 'WP': 3, 'VBD': 2, 'WRB': 1, 'CD': 1})
venus earths twin sister extordinary planet may earth like planet solar system according paragraph 4 also stated venus may probably covered largely oceans could support form life due dense atmosphere toasty temperatures around 170 degrees fahrenheit impossiple let alone land venus even taking samples venuss rock gas anything else distance many drones sent gather information venus according paragraph 2 mission land venus ben unmanned due problem spacecraft able survived landing hours even issues venus stated paragraph 7 nasa still working approaches studying venus extordinary planet said suitible forms life finding happend make venus state right would help human race stopping earth becoming like venus many ideas get view venus ground conditions peering orbiting ship would give limited insight due dense atmosphere paragraph 6 stated many researchers working innovations would allow machines last long enough contribute meaningfully knowledge venus goes show landing venus even getting smallest bit sample worthy pursit despite risks dangers curiosity human race powerful thing even though venus described dangerous planet one day figure secrets venus hold perhaps even human land surface well keep working innovations one day allow us get insight venus
Counter({'NN': 59, 'IN': 43, 'DT': 31, 'JJ': 28, 'RB': 25, 'VB': 23, 'NNS': 20, 'TO': 18, 'VBG': 15, 'VBZ': 14, 'VBN': 13, 'PRP': 11, 'MD': 9, 'VBP': 7, 'CD': 7, 'CC': 7, 'WDT': 6, 'PRP$': 3, 'JJR': 2, 'RP': 2, 'RBS': 1, 'PDT': 1, 'VBD': 1, 'WP': 1, 'EX': 1, 'WRB': 1, 'JJS': 1})
author effectively support suggestion venus worthy pursuit despite dangers presents believes venus value rocky surface completely inhabitable humans right although author provides multiple details relate suggestion provides even details contradict idea one way author contradicts suggestion telling us unmanned spacecraft sent venus tells us multiple spacecraft sent venus none survived long period time example text author states spacecraft survived landing hours maybe issue explains single spaceship touched venus three decades excerpt authors article completely contradicts idea says venus worthy pursuit supposed convince readers time saying spacecraft sent venus thirty years author also contradicts idea value exploring venus describing planet paragraph three author says venus ninetyseven percent caron dioxide clouds contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid also states venus hottest surface temperature solar system would liquefy many metals details help idea show much inhabitable worthless venus would explore would waste time money study planet humans wouldnt able even live one final way author effectively support claim giving us details challenges humans would face even able make venus says photography videography would ineffective researchers wouldnt able take samples rock gas anything else hovering safely planet even humans able make venus safely would extremely difficult research venus wouldnt worth spend time money expedition venus wouldnt even allow us gain knowledge author give good point venus worthy pursuit despite dangers presents says venus like earth long ago probably covered oceans supported various forms life describes value returning venus indisputable however give enough evidence support claim gives one piece evidence venus worthy pursuit venus closely related earth throughout whole article seems constantly contradicting statement author could effectively supported claim venus worthy pursuit despite dangers presents providing details outweigh examples dangers challenges venus presents
Counter({'NN': 92, 'IN': 59, 'DT': 48, 'VBZ': 45, 'RB': 37, 'VB': 35, 'JJ': 35, 'PRP': 30, 'NNS': 28, 'TO': 21, 'CC': 15, 'PRP$': 12, 'VBN': 11, 'VBP': 9, 'VBG': 9, 'VBD': 9, 'MD': 8, 'WDT': 7, 'WRB': 7, 'CD': 6, 'JJR': 4, 'RBR': 3, 'EX': 1, 'RP': 1, 'JJS': 1})

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