You may have heard of the new driverless cars! You may heard all the cool technology it has and how you will be the coolest if you have it. But even if you will be the coolest will you be the safest? That is the real question you should be asking yourself. My personal opinion on these high tech. driverless cars is that it should not be the next big thing in the world. I say that these cars are no doubt cool but I still would not buy one and put my life in risk. I keep saying how these cars are not safe and I believe that because you never know when the car will just start messing up and put you and everyone around you in danger. All technology messes up and has glitches every now and then so who is to say these cars won't. Even though the company says the driver still will not be able to text and call. I know for a fact people will. People will think that the car has everything under control when that is truly not the case and they will stop paying attention to their surroundings. We need cars that people have to take control of and pay attention so they will stay aware and off their phones. Also if you fall asleep at the wheel it says that the seat will vibrate but if you are a heavy sleeper of if you were just extremely tired who is to say that vibration will wake you up in time before crashing? Also I believe people would get extremely bored just sitting there and having the car do all the work for them pretty much. Even though it says you have to keep your hands on the wheel you are still not steering you are just holding the wheel to let the car know you are still in the car and "paying attention". These companies are saying that safety is their main concern but I just don't believe that is the case sadly. Never knowing if when the car may mess up is just down right scary. I just strongly believe these cars should not be on the roads. I believe they should just stay at car shows and be looked at but never driven. Another thing in paragraph 9 it states that " traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver." I totally agree with them it is important that a alert person is behind the wheel controlling a automobile. These traffic laws make it illegal in some states to test self driven cars. In conclusion I just stongly believe we should just stick to driving the cars ourself. We include technology so much in our daily lives already. Is it really necassary to have cars that can control themselves? Not it is not. All the reasons I listed above are really could questions you and the people who make these cars ask themselves.
The driverless car movement is a absolutly great idea. Everyday tasks would be completed faster and easier than ever before. This movement could change the world as we know it. Wouldn't it be so much better if no one had to worry about drivers being under the influence of drugs or alcohol? It will take a while for this to catch on, but once it does, every thing will move in a positive direction. It would even be better for the environment. If Sergey Brin says that he can cut the fuel consumption in half, that would save the environment AND money. Also, if there were more semi-autonomous cars than there were regular automobiles, there would be significant difference in crashing rates. There would be some disadvantages though. Let's admit it, when people are late to an event, they tend to go over the speed limit in order to make it on time. It's a natural thing to do. Also, there will be times when the self driving cars act up. Although it would a rough start for the driverless car, eventually, all the bugs and screw ups will be fixed. No ones saying that we need to abolish regular cars, buses, taxis, etc., people just want something new and safe. So why not give the driverless car a chance?
Why do you think the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit disregarding the danger that is being presented. Venus is the closest planet to Earth which is why it is referred to as the Earths ''twin''. Most people study geography which is all around the world such as Earth. Meanwhile, others are studying or learning more about venus . Such as , venus is more dangerous because of how close it is to the sun and carbon dioxide that revolves around it. The temperature is also an effect on how dangerous it is . Even though mercury is closer to the sun venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet . This can result in erupting volcanoes and powerful earthquakes .Others on the other hand are fascinated by Venus because it has been the most Earth - like planet in our solar system . Earth is covered of different bodies of water and that could support different forms of life. Venus a very long time ago ,was also covered in large oceans which help others to adapt to . Planetary visiters put the option of venus out there because of its physical features such as valleys,mountains and craters. The NASA is sending people who are intrested in studying space and planets to visit Venus. The people who are going to traveling on ship will not see as much due to the dense atmosphere .You aren't going to be able to take sample of things from a distance because of the risk that will be taken . Risk like taking resources from the planet can harm you . They are making different ways to travel to venus so it would be worth the time period and not limited. The authors has used a good choice of words by saying ''that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presesnt . The trip would be very observative and informational . The danger in getting over there and staying there for a long time would be harmful . It would be a good to learn about because it has so many things to offer and inform you about .
An Electorial College compromises between election of the president by vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electorial College consists of 538 electors, a majority of 270 electoral votes is requires to elect the president. This presidential election is held every 4 years on the tuesday after the first monday in November. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors and are chosen by the candidates political part. Personally I believe that the preisential election should be based on popular vote because as citizens of the United States we should be able to help the output of what our futures will look like and be able to choose who we want to lead us. Whichever candidate gets the most votes wins and they become the new president of the United States. Not that  Electoral college is all bad its just when you vote you vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president of thier choice. Citizens would be more likely to vote for their preisent if they felt like their vote would actually matter and have an effect on who the future president will be. People are less likely to participate or care if they feel like their vote doesnt matter and is taken up and not counted. If people knew that it was over popular vote that will decide the furture president then they're going to vote more and be more active when stuff like this takes place because they feel like their vote actually matters and is making a difference. Electoral College is unfair to voters because "winner-take-all system" in each state. Candidates dont spend much time trying to win the votes of a state they think isnt going to help them in the long run by winning. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all. This included Rhode Island, South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt see a single campaign ad. Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Bob Dole once said "Electorial college should be abolished" and from the looks of it he's not wrong. Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO are standing with Dole on this accusation and both agree on aboloishing this act. A Gallup poll was taken in 2000 and won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Over 60 percent of voters would perfer direct election over the kind we have now which is Electoral College.
Driverless cars are unsafe and in this situation technology is being used in an unnecessary way. It promotes that you do not have to pay attention to the road while driving because your smartcars can "steer, accelerate, and brake themselves." This will cause more auto-related deaths due to less attention being paid to the road. The driver also may not notice the car as it signals the driver that they need to prepared to take over. Computer systems are not always completely accurate and should not be trusted to drive our cars for us. If there was a computer malfunction the car could lose control creating a wreck not only putting our lives at risk, but the lives of other's. Driverless cars are not as safe as human driven cars due to inacurate computer systems and inability for drivers to recognize when they are needed to take control of the car. In the article it is written that the cars still are not truly driverless, probably because it is known they are not completely safe. They all still alert the driver in a situation when the driver would need to take over. Because traffic laws have decided that the only "safe" car has a human driver in control at all times, it is illegal to test computer-driven cars. In the case that an autonomous car would get into an auto accident, there would be a lot of controversy over who is liable for the damages done. Driverless cars are not as safe as human driven cars due to inacurate computer systems and inability for drivers to recognize when they are needed to take control of the car. There is not guarantee that the technology is going to work correctly and in a time when the computer system malfunctions, there would be much controversy over who is liable, manufacturer or driver. The cars are not completely driverless due to the fact that it is not safe and most laws declare that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. It could also cause more auto-related deaths because people would not feel the need to pay close attention to the road as the car drives for them.
If I were a scienctist I would tell people its not a face, its a landform and that its a shadow that makes it look like a face. When the photographers took a picture of it, it was as soon as possible. Plus the camera was at its absolute maximum and so u can obviously tell it is a shadow that makes a face. What the picture really shows is the Maritan the same as a butte or mesa land form which is common around the American West. If there were a peron on Cydonia we would be rich finding the greatest discovery of all time. why not have more then just a man lets have a whole colony right? When Michael Malin flew over it the team got a picture Ten times sharper then the first picture and when people on the internet who just couldnt wait to see what it was guess what they found out it was? A natural landform there is no alien monument after all. There is absolutly no aliens at all at least not that we have found.
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program! Here are some reasons why I believe that some people should. It's a chance of a lifetime, not everyone gets this opportunity so you could be very lucky. You would get to help people recover their valuable items from World War II, like helping them recover their animals, food supplies, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. It is not all just work you would do also, you would get to have fun, the cowboys played baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where animals have been held. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. In the end Luke is beyond greatful for his amazing opportunity, it made Luke more of people and other countries needs and not to take anything for granted because not everyone gets the opportunities we do. So you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it's the chance of a life time, not everyone gets this opportunity so you could be very lucky. You would get to help people revover their valuable items from World War II, like by helping them recover their animals, food suplies, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. It is not just all work that you would do you also get to have fun! the cowboys played baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where animals were held. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and playing games helped the pass time. In the end Luke is beyond greatful for his amazing opportunity, it made Luke be more aware of people and other countries needs and not to take anything for granted because not everybody gets the opportunities we do. There are my reasons I hope you think about participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program!
The Facial Action coding system is a new software that can tell what peopls emotions are when they are trying to hide them. In the "Making Mona Lisa Smile" article they could find the percent of emtion the artist was feeling just by the way the picture was painted. Do you think its okay to use this sysem in a school setting? I think its okay to use it in a school setting because it can see the true emotions the students feel. "For instance, you can probaly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble acually decribing each facial trate that conveys happy" I thinks its a good idea to have because, some kids really suffer from deppersion and sadness and this computer program can help them get the help they need and to be happy again. Next, what the computers can do is crazy, they can read your emotional expressions when you are trying to hide them. "Using video imagery, the new emotions-recognition software tracks these facial movement- in a real face or in painted face of Mona Lisa." These computers can read everyones exact emotions. This coding system could help many schools and students in many diffrent ways. This device could be in the schools psychologists office or in the schools guidence office and the kids could go there to get there face expressions done once a month and if it keeps comig back sad then they could go get the help they need to be happy. In conclusion I am all for the use of this technology in a school setting. It can help each indivitual in a diffrent way. If someone is feeling sad or deppressed and dosent want to tell anyone then the Facial Action Coding System could help them be happy again.
Ford, Volkswagen, Kia, and Chevy's... while these car brands may have been a massive part of the American culture, its significance in our lives may be declining.  According to recent studies and stories from around the world, car transportation popularity is decreasing dramatically.  Some advantages of limiting car usage that the United States will benifit from include: reducing greenhouse gases emitted making for a better environment, and less usage of cars can lower stress and is safer. By limiting the amount that the citizens of the United States operate their vehicles, the condition of our environment's atmosphere will improve.  As stated in Source 1, "and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States."  This passage is referring to the amount of greenhouse gas emitted here in America because of passenger cars.  By not using car and taking advantage of other methods of transportation such as buses, walking, and riding a bike that number can be reduced significantly.  In the United States we are also learning from mistakes made by other countries and cities.  "After days of near-record pollution," Source 2 says, "Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city."  A lesson can be taken from Paris of how we do not want to end up in a situation like that.  By limiting our driving currently we can avoid having to take major steps to clean and clear our environment.  "It will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants," a sociologist predicts in Source 4.  Environmental advantages of reducing greenhouse gas is a major way we can benifit from limiting car usage. A decent amount of stress comes with owning and operating a motorized vehicle.  You are constantly worrying about if you will be late, or if you have enough gas to make it from point A to point B.  Children are another concern and trying to keep them safe around roads and driving by themselves.  Limiting the use of cars can create a less stressful, and safer society.  In Source 3 it explains that, "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up."  Lowering the use of cars can make life a little less busy because it is one thing less that you have to worry about throughout your day.  Heidrun Walter said, in Source 1, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way."  Reducing the usage of cars can promote a less stressful and safer lifestyle here in the United States. Although the use of cars may be convienent, the benifits of limiting the usage may be beginning to outweight the inconviences. Between reducing the greenhouse gas creating a cleaner environment as well as lessening stress and making the roads safer, the advantages of limiting car usage in the United States are major.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, it'll allow teachers to better understand their students. If teachers could identify when a student begins to lose interest in a lesson, then the teacher can think of a better way to teach them. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The FACS also allows teachers to identify which students are going through depression. Leading those students getting faster help, and less suisides. The FACS is able to tell mixed emotions and identify each one in a percent value. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." I believe this evidence is able to express my claim that, the use of FACS to read emotional epressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The technology gives teachers chances to avoid multiple, unwanted situations.
Luke thinks other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. He graduated in Highschool, had two jobs and didnt know his life would change. Don his friend invited him to go to Europe and he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. In the passage it says it was 1945, World War II was over in Europe and many countrys were left in ruins. Europe was in trouble because they needed to recover their food supplies, animals, and more. So if anything like this happened you could help them out. The passage also says In August 1945, they received their orders to report to New Orleans. Not only you would work in Europe you would be around the world and that could be a unique adventure which you could do if u joined Seagoing Cowboys. Lastly the passage says Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. Just for signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys program it could take you to higher places. In conclusion joining the Seagoing Cowboys program would be really intresting. You might just go to a place you always wanted to go but your not just going there because you want to go your going their for a good cause.
Today's society is not worried about who has the nicest or fastest car, they just want to be able to get from point A to point B. That's why the amount of driving has decreased by 9 percent since 2005. This has helped the environment by reducing the amount of pollution and has made people happier and not as stressed. As the pollution rate has continued to increase throughtout the years, different countries have incouraged less driving for less pollution. For example, In Bogota, Columbia, their "goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog." Other places, like Paris, banned driving to "clear the air of the global city." This is due to "days of near-record pollution." The smog cleared after two days of no driving. Having alternative ways of transportation is a way to reduce air pollution. Another advantage less driving is it makes people happier. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, says, "When I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way." Also, businessman, Carlos A. Plaza, said, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress." as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. When you don't drive, you don't have to worry about being late for work because of traffic jams, you won't be mad because someone just cut you off, or that the teenage girl in front of you isn't paying attention because she is talking on the phone and doing her mascara. Once you get out and ride a bike or walk down the street, you will realize how stressful driving can be. In conclusion, driving only causes air pollution and more stressfull days. Walking, riding a bike, or riding the bus not only saves money, but it also helps the environment and makes you a happy person.
Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen that one star shining so bright it sticks out the most? If yes then you're not looking at a star youre looking at Venus. Venus shines so bright you can sse it with the naked eye. But why just look at it from earth? Why don't we go explore it. In the article called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about exploring Venus despite all the dangers that go along with it. Even though its dangerous on Venus the author still has good evidence on why we should still explore there. One example is when the author states " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." That evidence shows that if we explore Venus we might find out if Venus is liveable on with the right gear or not. Altogh venus is very dangerous maybe one day NASA can come up with some type of device that can help explore Venus safely. Until then we'll have to sit and ponder on what it would be like to explore Venus.
"Facial expressions for each emotion are universal even though individuals often show varying degrees of expresions", as observed by Dr. Huang. A new software called Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The process starts when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the person's face. Each characteristic movement of our facial muscles is associated with six basic emotions which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The use of this technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it will help teachers know when their students are confused, awares the teacher if the students are going through something, and help the teachers make learning more enjoyable due to them knowing when the students are bored. This new software can be useful in a classroom environment because it will help the teachers know when their students are having difficulites or are confused. There are times when students are too afraid to speak up about not knowing the material because others might find it more simple than them. The Facial Action Coding System will allow teachers to know when their students are confused about a topic, and it will help them give that student the assistance they need. Some students can have difficulties when it comes to learning new material and take longer than others to grasp it. This new software will be of great use in the classroom because teachers will be able to offer help to the students that need it or direct students who do understand the material to those who don't. The system could also be used to notify the teacher when their students do understand the material, so they don't continue to go over it and be able to move on. Overall, this system will benefit both the students and the teachers. Another reason to why this new system will be valuable in a classroom is that it will allow the teachers to be aware of other emotions the students are having besides confusion. Some students could be dealing with issues at home, and when they come to school they aren't in the best mood. When students of any age are dealing with an event or issue, it can affect them when learning. The Facial Action Coding System could be used to detect a students emotional expressions, and in doing that it will allow the teacher to give his/her students the attention they need. When students have the right mind set, they are more prepared to learn and give it their all. When students are filled with sadness or even anger, they will not make the best decisions both in and out of class. Making sure the students are an environment where they feel safe and comfortable is important, and this new software can be of great help with that. The Facial Action Coding System could also be helpful of letting the teacher know when his/her students are bored, so they could find a way to make it more enjoyable. There are students who have more trouble learning when the material is presented to them in a lecture format. Many students learn easier with more hands on activities or discussions. When students become bored in class, they can tend to get distracted or stop paying attention. The Facial Action Coding System can be used to recognize when a student is becoming bored or unamused with the lesson. This will notify the teachers that they may want to try new ways of presenting the material, so that their students don't get bored and stop paying attention. The system could also let the teachers know when their students are actually entertained with the material or how they are teaching, so they can continue to do it the way they are. When it comes to younger children or teenagers, it becomes harder for teachers to keep them involved and listening, so it is important to keep a classroom and teaching simple and enjoyable for the students. The more they want to learn about the material, the more they will understand it. Although this new system is of great use, it is possible that it is not the most reliable. As humans we are a more complex system to understand at times. Emotions are difficult to control at times and even understand. As individuals, especially at a younger age, we can have trouble understanding our own feelings and how to deal with them. At the end of the day it is a machine that is telling you how you feel, and it cannot always be accurate. It can be helpful in many situations, but we should still be carefu with how credible the data is. The use of this technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it will help teachers know when their students are confused, awares the teacher if the students are going through something, and help them make learning more enjoyable when the students are becoming bored. This new software can be of many uses in a classroom environment, and it can better prepare students for the world around them. Technology has changed and advanced over time to the point of being able to recognize emotional expressions on people. With new advancements being made in technology all the time, it will lead to more changed and hopefully help solve problems and better the world around us.
Luke worked two part time jobs. Ond day his friend asked him if he wanted to go to Europe. Luke went to Europe because he wanted to help people that didn't have food, supplies,and animals. So he joined the UNRRA(the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).He got the job to take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that was shipped overseas. Also his friend don joined him. On August14 was the day that the pacific war has ended. By the time Luke turned 18 while arriving in Greece and he also could have been drafted to the military service. When the draft board learned that Luke was 18 they told him to just keep doing what your doing. Luke made nine trips most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Besides helping people Luke had a side benfitof seeing Europe and China. Caring for the animals kept Luke busy for two weeks. Also when he was a young boy who helped out his aunt on her farm which trained him for the work on the ship, but one night he got a job to be the night watchman. And while he was looking out he slipped and cracked his rib. Luke and some other people one the ship played games like baseball,volleyball,table-tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games, after the trips to places. And that is what happend on Luke's ship.
The author suggests that studing Venus is a worly pursuit the danger it presents because in the passage it say that Venus is often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. So there for this means that Venus is posably belived to be just like Earth or at the least to be a live able place. The author supports this idea because this was in the passage so there for the author wrote it to be true. The author is trying to show how the studies are and have gone about Venus and how it is belived to be a live able plant to animal the can with stand the heat or a new speices of animal. In the text it say a think atmosphere of aamost 97 percent cardon dioxide blankets Venus. "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomers fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" that is why the auother is showing that Venus could be inhabited if they can with stand the heat. The author suggests that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents because Venuse is the only plant to being close to the same temputer as the sun, and the planet closest to the Earth. In the text it says also notable, Venus has the hottest surface tempertature of any plant in our solar system, even though Marcury is the closer to our sun.
"Driverless Cars Are Coming" when you hear this title most people would be either 1.) excited or 2.) questioning this. As I read the passage I noticed how the article put both pros and cons too this in my opinion I think this development towards these cars is awful. The reason why I say this is because I think all drivers should take responsibility and drive how they're doing right now so many things can go wrong with having a car who only alerts you when you either pull in and out of a driveway. Or when there is complicated issues ahead , for example in order to have these types of cars around. You would have too be really exact on the senors that are being installed into every single car that is shipped out , if something goes wrong while doing this process and someone ends up purchasing the car. It can cause them their life or someone else's if they end up losing complete control and creating a bigger situation. So many companies have tried getting these types of cars created but something always either goes wrong somewhere or it's just too expensive to install. It also speaks about how the sensors make sure the driver is keeping a hold of the wheel , but what if the driver is under the influence and cannot take over when a emergency occurs ? Will the car not go anywhere or will it continue to drive. I don't think the states of California, Nevada,Florida,and the District of Columbia should allow limited use of semi-autonomous cars. They're still unsafe have not correctly gotten everything they need in them if they were to distribute its still considered dangerous. I'm not for the idea but if the manufactures are considering this I think this is going to have to be thought about a lot and take time considering a 6 year project at least. But this is why I believe that making "Driverless Cars" is not such a good idea.
Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is or can be more resistant to pressure, and to heat, and to other forces. Venus also is a worthy pursuit because it has rocky sediments, and venus has valleys, it also has mountains, and craters. 97 percent blankets carbon dioxide. Venus also is a worthy pursuit because it is the closest planet in terms of density and size, and occasionaly the closest in distance too. Venus is a worthy pursuit because it orbits the sun at different speeds. The dangers of venus is the clouds have a high corrosive sulfuric acid, the atmospheric pressure is very high, has the hottest surface temperature in our solar system, has erupting volcanoes. It also has powerul earthquakes and frequent lighting streaks to probes seeking to land on its surface. Another danger of venus is that radiation would not exceed earth levels. I think studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because you can learn something about Venus you didn't know about, and you could learn new things you didn't know about venus. I also think studying Venus is a bad thing because it can lead to some dangers like getting to hot cause it has a very high atmospheric pressure. I also think it is a bad thing cause it has powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting streaks to probes.
There are many things up in Mars. Some , well many, that we do not even know about. Now many believe the face on Mars was created my aliens. But, how could it be so? Well, because it was not. First of all how could have the aliens created an artifact. How they create it as a form of a face. It's not like aliens just have tools laying around and they sculpt when they are bored. It started to form over the years. The way it was forming and the shadows around it just made it look more of a face. With all honesty do you not think if NASA was 100% sure this "face" was created by aliens they would've announced it? That would have been big proof that aliens do exist. After all scientists have been trying to look for any other life on other planets for over the years. So that just says NASA also sees it as just a natrual landform. The face on Mars is became very popular. But not in the scientist type way. It has become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film,appeared in books, magazines,radio talk shows, even haunted grocery store checkout likes for 25 years. Peopl seem to find it interesting since they are talking and mentioning it alot. I am thinking they just seem to find it interesting that aliens might have created it. I think it is safe to say that the face on Mars is just a natrual landform. NASA thinks that, so maybe we shoud too. After all they are scientist and part of NASA that knows all this. Later on I know that they will fnd other thing more evidence. People might have something new to believe.
Is a "Seagoing Cowboy" a real thing? People might think that it is just a silly pretend game, but it is actually a group of people that were hired by the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). The UNRRA was created to help the countries that were left in ruins by the end of World War II, and the "Seagoing Cowboys" were hired to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Since I was 16 I started crossing the Atlantic Ocean, helping the people of the world start a new life, and it felt amazing. So, would anyone join me along my adventure across the oceans, seas, and rivers of the mysterious earth? The "Seagoing Cowboys" is a great program that is helping the people of the world, and also serving your own country. Like in the paragraph 4, of the article, "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." 'Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. "When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle-bout trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."' Being a Seagoing Cowboy, is an opportunity of a lifetime, like in paragraph 5, of the article, "A Cowboy who Rode the Waves." I say, "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." Also, in paragraph 5, I say, '"So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water."' As well as the work of hauling bales of hay and bags of oats up from the lower holds, and cleaning stalls, we had lots of fun on the trips we took together. In paragraph 8, in "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." it states, 'The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Table- tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and gamed also helped padd the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was special to me, helping people in need, serving my country, living an opportunity of a lifetime, and having fun while doing it. It only takes courage and bravery to sail the ocean as a Seagoing Cowboy. So, is anyone joining with me on my journey to Europe as a Seagoing Cowboy?
there has been so many stories about aliens ,but are they real?.Imagine seeing something like an unmasking face on Mars would you think it was a alien or a natural landform?. Well as you can see the scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa. Common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Accorrding, to the NASA a few days later unveiled the image for all to see. "huge rock formation.... which resembles a human head...". Formed by shadows giving illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. As said in paragraphs 2 and 3. Although few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact. It could be a alien face but when do we usually see aliens. Sure there maybe other creatures out there but as paragraph 7 says" when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time , Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. In conclusion , we would all want to belive that aliens are real and that the face on Mars was a alien but it wasnt. On the other side we have discovered an amazing face on Mars as us the NASA and Michael Malin have proven. The picture is not a alien as you can see from all the prof we found.
Dear, Senator I think we should change the election by popular votes for the President of the United States. It's a more accurate process and who knows what people running for office has up there arm. The electoral college voting has a repeated tendancy to vote for the state of electors and that way they end up voting for the President. People prefer to vote for exactly who and what they choose to vote for and Electoral college isn't the way to go for it. What would happen when we run out of electoral votes just stick and choose a President? In what world is that fair and accurate? Popular votes will actually help the voters voting and it might even be a faster process, whose to say, it could even be better. People aren't voting for President anymore which is the most important person in the senate, besides you the right hand man. The Citizen's voting are starting to vote for the state electors do to where they originate or live in. Citizens have not yet grasped the rules of voting and tend to vote unfairly and not for the real reasons we urgently need these people in house,senate, or office. In some states electors refused to even vote for their particular party's candidate  and choose to vote for who ever they wish to vote for which is a good thing. these electors prefer to vote for whoever will do a better job in office and that's what were scoring for with popular votes. What happens to votes when there's a run off, because there isn't enough votes to be held accountable for? Thats a question to think about , because there could be a lot of problems to be the cause of it. To have a certain number of people vote for who they choose to be President is surprisingly unrealistic. Why choose the majority rule when you could have thousands of People praying for a change vote for a change in their their future for a better life. The "winner-take-all" system has to be the most challeging systems of them all but seems to work out after all. "Electoral College is the best way!" what happened to the People actually living off of the rules that the Electoral college Voters choose for the people all together? It's time to make a change, why not start now and see how the congress feels. The biggest Decision that should be made should be made fairly by the people, the citizens. In paragraph 13 it even states "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." why not make a change make a difference. To whom ever it may concern, Big States are the main key. If we could get the big states to take part in the Popularity vote the smaller states will join in. Hoping for the best the Popularity Votes will soon rise and all the discrepencies won't be needed. If you understand where I'm coming from you'll think about what I'm saying if you care about the citizens your trying to help out.
My position on driveless cars is that I think it is a great thing for the future, but is it safe to be in. As I was reading this article, all I was thinking was is it safe. Some states won't even allow to test computer-driven cars. If the car crashed, whose fault would it be. I do think it is a great and fun technology to have in the future. The pros of a driveless cars is that it is a great technology for people to drive safer on the road. It may cause less accidents in the near future. It would be less distraction for the people in the car. More car manufacturers are building driveless cars which is great for their business. Driveless cars would be great for television shows and movies. The cons of driveless cars is you still have to drive the car if there is roadwork, an accident, complicated traffic issues, and even backing out of a driveway. They are not safe, you still need to keep your eyes out on the road and manufacturers are still testing out the cars to make them safer to be in. They should be making smarter roads instead of smarter cars. They need to put on sensors on the cars to make them safer. Car manufacturers need to add a lot more things to their cars to make them safer to be in. I think it is a good time now in 2016 to have driveless cars. There are a lot more technology that they didn't have in the future. They didn't have radars, computers, and they didn't even have mapping. Driveless cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibilty than a bus. Driveless cars are a wonderful thing for 2016 and for the future generations.
New technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. Hold on! Can we actually "calculate" emoitons---like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit". In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his or her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of of "Da Vinci Code"! I'm for the new technology Facial Action Coding System. I think is a good idea for computers to know if there owner is happy, mad, sad, and ect. I know I will try the new tech. Heres a qoute from the article " even thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).
The author tellus about the two planet that are right ext to each other. The author tells us how there one in specfic that a lot like earth. He tells us that for decades we have been wanting to find out more about Venus but its just complicated the temperature and eveyrhting about it. he thinks that it is important to learn more about the planet so that later in life we could send people and build things there for example the hovering vechiles he talked about. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it present because out of all the other planet in the solar sydtem Venus is the that is more like earth. It talks about how dangerous it is how the machines that they send to Venus dont last long because of things are in Venus. Obvisouly he or she thinks that its worth it because the author tells us how "researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." He says that "our travels on earth and beyond shouldnt be limited by dangers and doubts but should expand to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author had said that most likely probably at one point Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various of life, just like Earth. I mean in my opinion that would be smart to learn more about the planet because we never know the world might come to its end and we need to be prepared to move in somewhere new. It has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as velleys, mountains and craters that furthermore Venus might be our nearest option for planetary visits. The autor want or tells us that NASA has one particulary idea for sending humans to study venus. Nasa's possible solution to hostlie conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float abovethe fray. Like a blimp lke vechile hovering 30 or miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. it tells us that " solar power would be plentiful, and radiations would not exceed Earth levels , not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. If at one point there was living life in Venus i feel like that would be important what if there s living life there but we just havent found it there might others things in venus that could help earth in some type of way.
Driverless Cars are a hot-topic on car manufacturers nowadays. Everyone want's the most safe and also stylish cars that are on the market. Technology developers are making breakthrough devices and electronics that are changing the way the world thinks. The only problem is it takes long and also difficult steps , and how long will these steps take , what about the basics like the take on inertial motion sensor's that has still caused accidents still towards this day. Here is my intake on this hot topic. Is there going to be lawsuits on the company or the person driving the car if internal damage towards the driver or his or hers car gets wrecked in an accident. Are you going to be the one liable for any malfunctions that happen towards the car that you own. For example water damage , battery heats up , or just warming up the car on a cold day runs out its power source , there will be alot of complaints and that company will be unsuccesful. Will there be an age limit on owning one of these , ''Self Driving cars'' ? Humans are so smart that we came to the idea of creating these smart cars , therefore there will be alot of wrecks because Human errors and Technology errors occur alot. What about the security? will there be no start-up ignition key? can someone drive off with my brand-new smart car !? These problems still are at risk of making it impossible for a new self-driven smart car to ever be created. Well , until the year of 2020 when Automakers start producing these cars , we will have to see through the oncoming years if these steps are taken seriously and and avoiding these life threatening errors. The plans for them and hopefully lets drive and see how it works.
I think that the FACS is good idea. I feel as if this could be useful in many ways to the public. I ecspecially think that benefit towards the teenage community. Believe it or not, there are a massive amount of emotionally damaged teenagers that have a hard time expressing how they feel. The F.A.C.S is could make huge impact. People that have gone through emotional tolls in their lives, and don't know how to express how they feel would finally have an outlet. This could be of major use to psychiatrist with patients that have a hard time expressing themselves. Not only could it benefit you at home, but it could be of great use in school. Such as, when you're in class and you don't understand the lesson. The FACS could recognize that you are confused about the subject and simplify it for you. Or say your being bullied and you are to scared to tell. Well the FACS could sense that and help you with the situation.
I feel that google or people and who ever else is making these cars should not put them on the market. I think this because if someone were to get into an accident who is to blame? Should we blame the car? The car company? The driver? No one will be able to asnswer these questions because driverless cars are dangerous. There are to many drunk drivers and people falling asleep at the wheel now a days to have a computer powered car. I feel that if they put these cars on the market we would have twice as much accidents then we did before. Alot of people now a days text and drive so add not contoling the vechicle and what do u got? 3 times the accidents! These driverless cars are becoming popular but we need to look at all the diffrent things that can happen when someone is controling the vechicle. For one drunk drivers. Alot of people drink behind the wheel and thats already dangerous enough. Another reason driverless cars are a bad idea is the fact that people text and drive way to often. 8/10 people text and drive and that could really put someone at risk. Yes i know there cars arent truley driverless and have driven half a million miles without an acident,but thats not the point. The point is why would we want a machine to cause more deaths and injuries then they already do? Yes they have antilock brakes and speed sensors,but how do we know they will be 100% effective? We don't. Driverless cars can steer,accelerate,and brake themselves,but what if they dont? What if the engine locks? What if the brakes malfunction, or the car speeds up too quickly? Who is too blame? If its almost "driverless" then how is the driver responsible? How many people are going to get injured or killed do to these malfuctions? If car companys are so conserned on saftey,then why would they want a computer powered car? Why wouldnt they just make the car more safe and efficant? Although GM has developed driver seats that vibrate when the car is in danger of hitting an object, how do we know that the car wouldnt stop for a living thing? Or human being? What if the car turns to neutral at the speed of at least 25 mph and you cant brake because its computer operated? Lets think about this. If someone is in need of a medical emergency and you dont have time to wait for an ambulance,would u put that person "safely" strapped in a driverless car; GPS set to the nearest hospital? Why or why not? Would u be willing to take that ride if it was a life or death situation? These driverless cars seem legit but look at the real textbook situations. They move by themsleves,brake,turn,sensor, and give you alerts if your about to hit an object. Thats right they accelerate, brake,turn ALL BY THEMSELVES.So i feel that we should not have driverless cars for these reasons. They could and can cause many more injuries and deaths than an human being can because they dont think,they just do what there motherboards tell them to do,and you know what that is? Drive. They might be programed to stop, accelerate, and turn, but who says they will when there supposed to? The car company? You? The car? All this can be avoided if we dont have driverless cars; and that's why we shouldnt have driverless cars.
First off i would like to tell you what a electoral college is. It is a process when a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The founding fathers established it in the constitution. The process consist of the selection of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. The elctoral college consist of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. Each canidate running for president in tour state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are chosen by the canidatespolitical party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The presidential electon is held every four years on a tuesday after the first monday in november. We help choose our states electors when we vote for the president because wahen we vote for our canidates we are voting for our canidates electors. We have to save the electoral college because we have to have 270 electoral votes to have a president. If we got ride of it there would be no president or we would have to come up with an idea related to the electoral college. Thats why we should keep the elctoral college.
I feel that keeping the Electoral College is the wrong way to go. That changing it to election by popular vote is a better decision. Because the people of our nation should be able to choose who they want to be the president not the 538 electors. Why not have the whole nation vote for who they want and who ever has the majority of the votes win? That sounds like a fair election to me! The electoral college has so many faults, that just one little tiny mishap can cause a huge disater within the election. The electoral college does have some advantages. Like swing states, or avoiding run-off elections . But it also has disadvantages for example it takes so many risks, its unfair to voters, its outdated, and irrational. The electoral college cheats the people who are voting. I mean they didn't sign up or vote for the electors NO, they did it for the president. So why not give them that chance? It makes it easier on other people and the election is a fair one. The picking and choosing of the electors is unorganized. Each year its a different person. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the states party's central committee, and sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Voters that go and vote for which ever president they want, really aren't even voting for the president their voting for that president's elector. Which is someone who goes and votes for that president that picked them as their elector. And sometimes the voter that is actually voting for the elector to vote for their assigned president will end up voting for a different president. Also voters will sometimes get confused about all these electors and vote for the wrong candidate. So in conclusion, changing from Electoral College would be the best choice to make. Because election by popular vote for the president isn't so complicated, is more reliable, isn't so risky, and most importantly the voters get a fair election.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
If we think about it, this software is actually a big help for the schools and such. If we see our friend is in a bad mood then we can talk to them or find out why. I think this system can actually really help us but not only us but our teachers as well. The system digs deep into our muscles and will understand our whole face. It will indicate actions, emotions and feelings so that could help our friends if they are wondering why we are in a happy mood or a bad mood. Our friends are really helpful at times so if our friend is feeling down or is happy about something we should have the right to know. According to Dr. Huang the software can tell us many things about a persons mood or what they are really feeling like. Knowing if a person is down or happy we can talk to them and ask what is going on, why are you sad or why are you so happy. By the computer telling us how a person is feeling will be so valubale because it shows us how big our technology is getting and by us knowing that we know there is going to something bigger than that later on in the future so now all we would do is wait for something bigger. This software would be very helpful fot our own teachers because they could take us to the computer get our face to the computer and indicate if we aare bored or not. If she does this while she is teaching lesson and finds out we are confused then she can change her ways in teaching that lesson so we can actually understand it and if the teacher knows we are in a happy mood then she knows we understand the material or atleast thats why we are happy. The Facial Acting Coding System would be a really good thing for us so we ned to get it attachted to our school software. All together it would help our friends and teachers. Espically the teachers because they would know what to do to teach us better so would understand the material that they want us to learn and the system would be a genuine thing. Not only would this help with teaching and understanding but for our friends that have depression, we would know when there emotions are hurting or when they are in a hurting place and we could help them by this software being a thing. People with depression never show it and we understand that but we could atleast do something about that and that is helping them and being there for them.
Do you think many people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? Well Luke does for these reasons: you can experience adventures, visit unique places, and explore many different countries. Learning these things in the Seagoing Cowboys program can lead you to many succeses in the future. The first reason is you could experience adventures like going to look where aincent people lived. Also to see where the wars took place. Maybe even to see the place where aincent people were burried. The next reason is you could visit unique places such as aincent musems. Also you could go to visit where the roman and greeks stayed. You could also go to see the aincent peoples belongings. The final reason is you can explore many different countries such as Europe,Chaina, and New Orleans. Also you could look at the difference between the countries you visit. You could even see what aincent people lived their if you wanted to. Participating in this program could help you learn,discover, and achive your goals in life. Learning and discovering new things can help you throughtout your life.
Have you ever wanted to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? I will tell you why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. Well here are my reasons you would get to vist unique places and experience adventures and the excitment. This shows why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. To begin with, visting unique places has its fun of its own. When traveling many cowboys will play games to pass the time. The unique places are amazing you would go to the pacific ocean. In the text it states "So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water". The text also states But seeing the Acropolis Greece was special."This shows unique places that the Cowboys have gone. Second, . There is so much to explore and to the adventure were long and tiring. In the text it states that "It took about two weeks to crosss the Alantic ocean from the easterncoast of the United States and a month to get to China". The text also states that "Luke had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. The excitment with adventures comes with bravery. This shows adventures that the Cowboys have gone through. To end with,the excitment, In the text it states " Luke also found time to have fun on bord". The text also states" Luke also toured an excavated castle. This shows the excitment in traveling. Do you still want to join the Seagoing Cowboys the excitment the unqiue place and the adventures is what you will be doing.
I am clearly convinced that the Face on Mars that everyone believes is alien affiliated is just a natural landform. I believe that the Face is a natural land form because if NASA had proof that aliens created the Face or any alien life is found NASA would tell us. First, I strongly think that NASA would tell us if there were aliens who created the Face because in paragraph 5, the author says, "Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars, evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." NASA actually says their hoping there is an alien civilization on Mars and they shared pictures of the Face to the world so that shows they would be excited to tell us if our thoughts of extra terestrial life were real. Also, in paragraph NASA puts under the description of the picture that it is just a huge rock fomation and the shadow in the picture just gives the illusion of a face. NASA always keeps us posted on pictures and information, they tell the world through pictures and research what's going on in outside of Earth like the pictures from the Viking 1 in 1976, the Mars Global surveyor picture from 1998, and the 2001 picture from the latest MGS. If NASA did not want the world to know about these things they wouldnt tell us at all what's going on but they do because they want us to be interested. In conclusion, I am clearly convinced that the Face is a natural landform because NASA woud inform us if there were alien affairs taking place on Mars.
The Face on Mars is a natural landform it has been a pop icon since it started in HollyWood Films, Books, Magazines, Talk shows, and haunted check-out lines for more than 20 years!. How could The Face on Mars be created by aliens if aliens aren't real? Why would NASA go through all that trouble to make a fake Face on Mars. The face is a natural landform because, before it was a face NASA captioned it as a "Huge rock formation". It was a humans head it was also formed by shadows, which made it seem like the huge rock formation had eyes, nose, and a mouth. But it was just an illusion. NASA knew that if they were to put the "huge rock formation" on Mars they would attract a lot of attention. The were right! As soon as the huge rock formation was on Mars that's when NASA started getting all the attention NASA knew was coming. So this is why I state that NASA's "huge rock formation" is NOT fake, like I said earlier why would NASA go through so much trouble just to make a fake humans head on Mars?
The idea on studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite of dangers. Venus is a very valuable planet now that we want to know more about it. Venus is avery dangerous planet since we know more facts about it and what it can do if we land on it or be near it." Clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere ". " Temeperature average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric ppressure is 90 times greater than what we experience in our planet ". Venus is a very dangerous plant this can kill you thats how dangeruous it is. it would be better if NASA would go to venus or something and check what other information they can get about it. " NASA'S possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray ". NASA found this solution on getting more information but its a true risk on doing that. Other aproaches to study venus is the future. I say it is the future because if NASA gets to study more about it we can find ways on landing on Venus without getting injured or killed. " Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War ll". A machine that can get to venus is and option on studying Venus. Us the people we have lots of curiosity on everything, and NASA wants to know more about Venus . Our knoledge on getting to know venus is gonna come in handy we can figure something out on getting to Venus without tragedy .
The electoral collage is horable because the bigger states has more power then the smaler states do so if a canidate gets the majority of the bigger states then they will but people in the may not whant that candidate but the electors for that canidate didn't get selected then he will not get the electoral vote from your state even when more people in your state wanted him to win but his electors didn't get selected. Some  states vote republican or democrate un like swing stats so if you are in a state that is a democrate state but you want a republican then your vote dosn't matter because it is not a swing state. If more people like a canidate then he should win the election becouse the people want him to be president but he can't because of the electoral college and now those people would be unhappy because their vote dosn't matter the electoral college voting system is long and coplex but if you change it to popular vote the it will be easer to select a canidate for president. people want to get the electoral college changed to popular vote and if the majority want to change it then you should chan the voteing sytem to how the people want it to be like.
In response to driverless car technology I am personally against it. I think there are certain things that we can't be lazy about, and I strongly believe driving is one of those things. Now I commend the enginers who have worked so hard on this facinating technology. But just because I think the invention is cool doesn't mean it is effective in our everyday lives. As great as technology is in the times we live in, it can always make a mistake. I think that risking people's lives by them not having to drive is a risk I wouldn't personally take. Yes, I do see how it would be nice getting to be driven around but it could only be a matter of time until mistakes start to arise. A point I find very important to make is the danger with mishaps occurring. This isn't just the type of technology can have a small glitch and then be fine later on. If a small glitch were to happen with this technology and results can be devistating. Now I do know that these cars can signal to the driver to take over when something goes wrong, but sometimes it only take a split second and then its to late for anyone or anything to take over. Another very important topic is the deal with the legal system and that just seems like problems on top of problems just waiting to happen. When I say, "the deal with the legal system" what I am refering to is who would be responsible for an accident? Would the blame go on the driver or rider you could say, or would it go to the manufacturer? Know I realize that laws would be put in place, but I can't help but feel that these laws would be in favor of the big companies that produce these machines. What I have been trying to say is I have come to the conclusion that the list of cons on having a driverless car are much greater than the list of pros. One thing I am sure of is that if these cars do come out that they will be quite expensive, which might be a hidden blessing. What i mean but that is that while some people might be sad they can't afford this vehicle, they might actually be saving themselves from possible injury and complications. in the future I hope that if these vehicles become available to the public that people will seriously consider the risks before investing their money into a driverless car.
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College has a negative impact on this country because it has ufair voting that can cause massive problems to the government. Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. People should have the right to vote on which president they think is fit to run this country. People are hardly know which elector they are voting on. We shouldn't vote for electors that we don't know. Elections should be held by popular vote because Elector Colleges have a unfair advantage since there vote counts not ours. According to the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradfor Plumer states, "Faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." The fact that the Congress has unfaithul electors that are supposed to be supporting whomever candidate they choose is a massive unfair problem. Popular votes and Electors votes are the complete opposite. For instance, accroding to the article "In defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner states, "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral voters, but that was the first time since 1888."This is unfair and confusing because the electors shouldn't be deciding on what candidate should win. The peoples vote should conclude which candidate is going to win. Since the first Electoral college was created it has been the same eversince. It is majorly outdated and has to be solved now. According to the article :What is the Electoral College?" by the office of the Federal Register it states, "The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens."There is suppose to be vote from the congress and a vote from the population. I think that the congress should be part of the voting that all the qualified citizens are in. There shouldn't be two different parts of voting because it will confuse who is the winner. The government should have a voting system that is both equally fair and decisive because right now everything is mixed up and it will bring great problems to the campains. More and more people will want to stop voting because they do not trust the electors on there decisions. This will cause a great decrease on voters which will impact the populations vote on which President is the winner. According to the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradfor Plumer states, "the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Those electors could always defy the will of the people." A solution must be done to prevent any more disasters that can be on there way. In conclusion, Electoral colleges have a unfair system that could cause negative problems to voting and to the elections. The elections will be confusin and unproffesional. But the government and the people of America can help by changing this and will approve a fair decisive system were all citizens get to choose which president shall win not the type of electors. Sincerley, Student.     
Although Venus is a very dangerous planet, the author in this article "In The Challenge of Exploring Venus", makes it well known that scientists are still up for the challenge of exploring this intimidating planet. For over 30 years now, scientists have been researching, studying, and observing the planet and all of it's functions, in order to find a way to safely study it. Because of it's extreme weather conditons, it has been almost impossible to do that. Attempts have been made, sedning unmanned spaceships to Venus aound 30 years ago, but not one of them lasted more than a few hours, according to the article. The author says, "Venus is the closest planet to Earth, in terms of density and size." He makes a point here by telling us that Venus is pretty similar to Earth. He goes on to describe it's landforms as, "valleys, mountains, and craters." As he descirbes it, it sounds a lot like Earth. The auhtor believes that it is a worthy pursuit studying Venus, despite it's dangers, because, "not only because of the human insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Here, he is explaining that us humans have a curiosity to explore, but also, we have a desire to learn more about the features of this mysterious planet, and see if it is one day habitable, in some form. Farther along in the article, the author provides us with details about new research and trials that NASA is performing for Venus exploration. He tells us about a new kind od electronic device that can withstand three weeks of Venus's conditions. "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted three weeks in such conditions." Proceding that, he explains to us how a new mechanical computer, made of levers and gears, has been constructed and is expected to be able to be more resistant to Venus's conditions. Throughout this article, the author gives us readers many great details and insights on the exploration of Venus. A great point he makes towards the end is, "Our travels on Earth should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." By saying this, he gets his point across that it is a very worthy pursuit to continue exploring Venus. We will gather new information as humans, and gather new information about Venus.
The face on Mars was actually landform on mars and not a face if you still don't believe me I'll tell you some facts. In 1976 viking 1 was snapping pictures so that viking 2 could land while doing that it snapped a picture of a landform that looked like a face. Many people thought that it was a face but it wasn't. In 1998 they took another pivture but this time it didn't look like a face it looked more like a landform on the ground. Many people thought that the landform was created by aliens many others thought that it was made just like land forms on earth. People still thought thet they were made by aliens many other people disagreed on it until 2001 when they took the final picture and they saw that it was actually a landform Garvin said that it reminded he of snake river of Idaho. So after that happened mny people saw the truth about the face on mars and completely forgot about it. Some people still believe and talk about it but maybe those people are just the scientists trying to find out if there is more land forms that look just like the onein 1976. Many people say that they might find another one and start the arguement that it's an alien artifact or that it's just a land mass this time. Many other people study about this things and think they find out the truth about ehy this landforms look like faces. Even though some people think there is life on mars some might be true and some of it might be fake. Some people think there is aliens but maybe in another galaxy. Many people might still think that mars landform was a sign form aliens and saying that they exist personally I don't think there is aliens in mars or any other planet in our solar system. That was just my idea about it I don't think my statement could be true. Maybe smart kid like a nerd would say " scientists who are studying this kind of martian studies could get results of a real life alien that could be roaming around earth". That's what I would think a nerd would say or maybe he might just say it even smarter than I said it, but that is my opinion I would like to hear about more peoples opinions on the face on mars. Even though many other people will just argue over that it was a face but maybe the aliens destroyed it or just abducted it like they do in boring fake movies of aliens but that's my opinion not you if you don't agree with me it's fine with me.
Dear state senator, My letter is in regards to changing the election to popular vote for the president of the United States. I believe that we, the people, should have the opportunity to choose whom we wish to become President. The reason why people go out to vote, is because they have a specific person in mind. Although throughout election time, many people are brought to different conclusions that one candidate is better then the other, or they both have their flaws yet, they strongly represent one thing the other candidate dispises. Either way, there are those types of people who just cannot decide. They may be left undecided, and have changed their minds by the time it's ready to vote. It's a big deal for people to go out and take action. So what would make the electoral college change one view of voting? Its the fact that we aren't really voting for our president. We are voting for our electors of the state, to vote for our president. And on top of that, there are still many people out there who don't have a clue that their actually voting for someone in our state to decide for us. Although the electoral college does help make the presidential election less complicated, it's the mere fact that WE aren't making much of a difference. The electoral college doesn't only have a few minor set backs, but it could tarnish out dreams of who we wanted to be president by way more than we could've expected. When it comes to voting for electors, its a difficult thing when it comes to how many electors represent which political party. Democrat, or Republican. Say one wanted the one candidate running for president to win, and he/she were Republican. That person would go out and cast a vote for a slate of however many of republican electors there are for that state. The part that gets a lot of people is that there could be fewer Republican electors then there are Democrat electors. Say one still wanted the Republican candidate to win and they voted in their residential state which was Nevada. IF Nevada had 4 Republican electors then that meant anyone who voted for the Democrat electoral wasn't chipping in much to the election. In the end, all the electors votes are counted for each side, and because Nevada had only two dedicated Democrats, the chances of the Democrat candidate having less electoral votes then the Republican candidate, has increased. If this problem happenes for several other states, then the chances double, even triple. If this doesn't make you think that the electoral college should go, then think again. The electoral college is definitely unfair to voters. Any chance of unfaithful electors, could happen. It could make one feel betrayed that they voted foe a specific elector to do one job. Which was to help select the president the voter wanted. Whats the point in putting your trust in someone who could just easily turn around and NOT vote who you wanted? There is no point. But that's what we're doing when we vote. We are making it an option for that to happen. So why not vote by popular vote? Why not avoid all the issues the electoral college can cause for us? We should be lucky that back in '00, that was the biggest election crisis and it COULD'VE been worse. In conclusion, we the people, should have the opportunity to vote and actually have our vote counted. Because every state doesnt't have the sam eamount of people in each, the chances of there being a tie in the presidential election, is slightly unlikely. Other then there being a tie in the nationwide electoral vote because the votes add up tp 538; an even number. We shouldn;t put ourselves through this, and truth be told, the election is confusing as it is. I say, we should get rid of the electoral college. It's not needed, and a pain.         
Driverless cars were once just a concept, however with growing technology this concept is becoming a reality. The ideas of completely autonomous cars could never be fulfilled because of the lack of technology in the past. Today, our technology has grown with the development of various gadgets that could aid in the introduction of autonomous cars to the world. I believe the idea of driverless cars can become a reality and I am not opposed to it. However, there are issues that need to be ironed out before this idea can become a reality. First of all, the prices of these cars may not be very low, in fact, they most likely will be extremely expensive due to all of the technology being applied to the vehicles. In accordance with these high prices, the amount of consumers purchasing these cars may be very little. If there is a small amount of people in driverless cars, this means that there is a large amount of people driving themselves. This introduces the question of human error. Although the idea seems ideal, you have to put into account the fact that there will be human and driverless car interaction on the roads. The question I prompt is whether these cars will be able to handle situations in which there is human error. If the developers of this product can think of a way to prevent encounters of human error, I would fully support their ideas. The idea of driverless cars is a reality that I think should come true, under the circumstances that they are completely safe. Currently these cars require a small amount of human action, for example the cars require someone to control them when driving in conditions that need more maneuvering than the car can handle on its own. If the cars can become completely autonomous, perhaps they can be an invention that could solve a plethora of problems. For example, traffic. These cars could greatly reduce commutes to people's jobs or schools and much more. The reasoning behind this is that traffic is almost always due to accidents occurring in busy areas. These cars can reduce the amount of human error on the roads by reducing the amount of humans driving on the roads. These cars could increase the safety of everyone on the road. In addition to safety, drivers hand would be open much more often allowing them to be productive on their commutes, however, if complete autonomy is not achievable, drivers must remain focused on the roads at all times. The article suggests that these cars could reduce the amount of gas being consumed suggesting a way for consumers to save money over time, adding to the list of pros autonomous cars can provide. Although the idea of autonomous cars seems far fetched, it is actually in the near future. Perhaps one day the whole world will be operating on driverless cars. Today, there are cars that are extremely close to driving completely on their own, imagine in the future when these cars are able to achieve complete autonomy. This future you are imagining is not that far away, in fact, it is almost here.
Although Venus is often referred to as Earth's twin Venus has another name titled the Evening Star, because of it being one of the brightest points in the night sky, it's considered on of Earth's twins, and it's atmosphere contains carbon dioxide. It is one of the brightest points in the sky because it looks like a star, although it is considered a planet. It is also the second planet from are sun in our solar system. The nickname "Evening Star" is misleading since it is actually a planet. It is often considered to be Earth's twin becaise it, in terms, has the same terms of density and size and is occasionally the closest planet in distance. Since Venus is right around the corner, in space terms, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the planets cloud draped world. Each of the previous missions were unmanned, and that was for a good reason, since no spacecraft could survive for more than a few hours there. Most of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, almost 97 percent of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. What is even more challenging is the cloud that contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid, which are also located in the atmosphere. The temperature let alone would kill a person right on contact. The temperature is 800 degress Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric presure is 90 times greater than what we have ever experienced on are planet. So although Venus is a pretty cool planet, it can be a dangerous on too because of the misleading name, the planet being considered Earth's twin, and for the atmosphere being outragingly different than ours here on Earth.
In the story "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author discused the advancement of today's technology but I believe it may be to advanced for our own good. For example in paragraph 9 it says that driving laws are mainly focused on keeping the drivers and passengers safe and that their main goal is to make driving more safe. I dont find it safe to have a driverless car because people shouldn't put their trust and dependence in a smart comupter.Also again in paragraph 9 they say if there were to ever be complications and caused someone to be injured who does the blame fall on. I feel asthough driverless cars are to much of an advancement and that humans should drive because computers make mistakes just as a person. Driving is a learning skill that takes practice not something that can be programed into a device. Another reason Driverless cars shouldn't be passed through because in some situtations a smart computer doesnt have all the answers. For example in paragraph 7 it states "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves" driving requires communication and directions within one driver and another. In short, having driverless cars is like ID in foreden theory because a driverless car has no fliter or emotions. Its like reckless endangerment because you never know what will happen when your not in control of your own vechile. Finally, in paragraph 3 it says having smart-road systems are too expensive. Spending millions of dollars on technology that doesn't assure our safety is a waste of money that couldve been spent on better. In short, There are some advanced technology that have helped inproved safety precautions and some thats too advanced for our develpment. We shouldn't risk our safety letting a lifeless computer drive us around trying to be more safe.
He tells us that venus shows signs of once having life and watter because of all the hills and mountains and valeeys and craters. and since venus was the second earth like planet it makes sense since earth is home to all these life forms and all these metal and materials. and the examples are scattered through out the article and are actually very fascinating and cool because its weird to think other plnets couldve helped life forms other then earth itself. this article was pretty fun and im so glad i got to read it and learn from it. but the thing about this is i learned so much more about venus and what it is like on there with the sulfur acid and the hot temperatures and the prssure on it and how a human would die instantly but how scientist are finding ways to look at the planet without anything getting destroyed or damage. life is so amazing if you rell just stop to look at it and have time to realize how lucky we are to have all these things next to us in our own life and what we will have in the after life in heaven with God himself and how everything we do will pay off and we'll have endless peace and hope forever.
Do you really need a computer to express your emotions? Updates in technology have found ways for a computer to track facial movements to detect human emotion. This allows computers to detect your emotions before you do. We are told to answer if this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I believe that this techonlogy is not valuable in a classroom. My first reason for thinking its not valuable is because it doesn't provide any benefits to the classroom. Why does our expression or emotion need to be known by the teacher or computer? Education doesn't have to be amusing or easy. Thats the point of learning. Emotion isn't taken in to consideration when we are assigned homework. Secondly, my reason for disagreeing with the valuability of this technology in a classroom is because looks are decieving. Let's say for example a stuent is doing perfectly well on their assessment and sees how much time has gone by. They are confused, but only for a second. This is sent to the instructor as a message of confusion on the topic. This has caused an unnessisary interuption on the assesment. Computers can't detect every emotion, and they surely can't detect where the cause of that emotion is coming from. In contrast to my argument, one could say that for a computer, being able to tell emotions gives us an davantage. For example "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," as quoted in paragraph 6. I would argue that if a student is becoming confused then they should ask questions. Also, it is natural to not take interest in the lesson. Boredom is commom in school, but that should not impact the ability to learn. In conclusion, the technology provides no real benefits to a classroom, neither to a student. Bringing this technology to a classroom would be a waste of time. Emotions are decieving in school and don't have to be acknowledged by a computer. This is why I believe the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable.
Smart cars may sound smarter than a human being but how smart are they? Smart cars are suppose to be driverless and use less fuel. In my opionion smart cars should not be developed. A smart car can have a technical difficulty and cause an accident and the fault could be said to be the drivers when it never was. This can bring conflict with the driver and the company of the car which can lead to bad consiquences. The car should not be developed becuase it can have techincal difficulties, have a high cost, they take away the fun of driving and learning. Smart cars should not be deveploed becuase it can fail on something and have techincal difficutlies. The car may not sense something around its surroundings and won't be able to alert the driver on time causing an accident. It can also have failing on the GPS and go a wrong way. The worst casesenerio would be the steering wheel locking and the driver would not be able to control the car if something was to happen. Smart cars may seem smart and safe but technology doesn't always work how it is suppose too. Another reason why smart cars would not be a good developement would be the cost of the car. The car may be very high at price and wouldnt sell. It could also get a huge donation to get the car started but that money could be a waste by not having a successful project. The car could need something new and it could turn out to be very expensive and won't get fixed being left alone. The car may also need a special street to give it eletrical signal which would be expensive to remake new streets. Smart cars may just be a waste of money. Another reason for not developing smart cars is we loose the fun in driving and learning. As a teen, people get excited because they get a new oppurtunity to learn and practice something new. We learn the basics of driving and learn from it. We get more freedom to do things and to go to places. But having a smart car can take that away. A teen won't learn from a mistake they do by not driving and correcting themselves. All a person would do is sit there and wait if anything happens. But a teen can have no knowledge in driving and won't know what to do. And as teens we can easily get distracted and cause an accident if we don't pay attention. In conclusion, smart cars shouldn not be deveoloped. A smart car may sound smart and safe but when it comes to the real world technology can mess up and cause accidents. A human being should always have control of its own thibgs that being their life or their car. A smart car's technology can mess up, be very hight at price, and it can take away the fun of driving and learning. Smart cars should not control our driving, we ourselfs should.
In this article scientists are concerned that there is a face on a planet called Cydonia and that it was created by aliens. In the article however there is text evidence that it was't created by aliens. I'm going to explain some of their research. In the text it says, "evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." This helps explain that it wasn't created by aliens because if it was NASA would hide it for certain reasons and I will give examples. The first example is that if NASA showed people this and they said it was real they would be scared about it. The second example is that if this were real NASA wouldn't let other people or organizations use it for attractions, movies, or for money and for them just to take the credit. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West" These facts and pieces of evidence all give good explanations on why this lanform was not created by aliens. Some people still might believe in the alien ceation, but other scientists and I aren't fooled by it. We can still learn about this in the future, but until then it is still a mystery which I have solved only for myself.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I do disagree with the driverles cars. I don't Feel they are safe and I don't think they are much needed. In the article it states important reason why I don't think we should have driverless cars. For the safety of others. Do we really need them? In paraghragh 9 it states "if technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault", if technology does fail in a place where it could have been pervented if it weren't for driverless cars, then thats just more accidents with more people getting injured and maybe more people owing money to others they shouldn't have had to in if they were the ones behind the wheel. In paragrah 8 it states that "what if driver get bored or tired waiting for their turn to drive?" and what if they do? then they won't be alert when it is there time to drive, therefore another reasons that they should just be in control the whole time. Then in paragragh 3 its stating that they tested sensor roads, but didnt want to pay the money to get them.Why leave out a part of the invention that could be crucial if not included, that could help with the improvement and acceracy of the driverless cars. If there not willing to put forward all they can for the saftey of other then shoould we really trust that these driverless cars are gonna be safe to drive? I do think that driverless cars are just one more thing that we dont need. Its more dangerous then driving a car itself. It causes people to be more alert, and open minded about weather they should trust their life in the hands of tecnology. They might not always be persistant, because if their is a manufuction how would you know? Wait till something happens that shouldn't? Spending more money on things that we really don't need is a big waste of time and money. Driverless cars are just gonna be a big problem for everybody.
The Seagoing Cowboys was part of a program called the UNRRA that helped rebuild cities after World War 11. The Cowboys transported animals such as, horses, young cows, and mules overseas to the ruined cities. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy. Luke became a Seagoing Coyboy after his high school graduation. The reason he joined was because his freind Don invited him to go with him on a cattle boat to Europe. Luke didn't disagree because he knew it would be a opportunity of a lifetime. If you were to join the Seagoing Cowboys you would be a part of a very important program. 44 nations united to help the contries in ruins after World War 11. The Seagoing Cowboys shipped the animals to help the countries regain their food supplies, animals and other things that the countries needed. Being one of the Cowboys didn't mean it was all work and no play. During the trips across the oceans you can see China, Greece, and other contries you've probaly never seen before. After a hard days work of cleannig stalls and feeding animals you could play baseball and volleyball in the holds where the animals were kept. Games like fencing, boxing, and table-tennis also kept the Cowboys ocupied. There are dangers that come with this important job. Luke was a watchman on his second trip. His job was to check on the animals every hour. After he made his report to the captian he slipped on a ladder, slick with rain, and started to fall twards the Atlantic. A piece of metal stopped his fall but he couldn't work because he cracked a few ribs. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy. It includes great sights, fun, and hard work. If you become a part of the Seagoing Cowboys you are a part of a great program that saves lives. The job is full of suprises and danger, but it is all worth it because you are helping others.
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program it one chance oppurunity. It allows you to travel places you have not seen before and experienece new things. You will be able to take care of animals like the horses,young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. You may be able to go sight-seeing on you spare time. "And your able to have fun onboard after unloading your able to play games such as baseball and volleyball gamesin the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games also helped pass time". If you participate in Seagoing Cowboys program you wont have to have two jobs and it gives you a future job for after your highschool graduation. "You can be more aware of people of other countries and their needs." And that awarness stays with you". The more you travel the more you learn about all kinds of new things you might not have covered in school. Not only are you able to take care of animals you are able to help people. My overall thought on becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is amazed by all the good you would be doing for the world. Espcially since there is a lot of ways that Seagoing Cowboys program change the world. Being in the Seagoing program there is a big resposibilty because you have to make sure everything is in order, you are not forgetting anything, and everything is going as planneed.
My Opinion on Facial Action Coding System I would have to disagree with what the article is saying. Ok i get that technology is everything nowadays but this is a little to far. You might program it to have emotions,but its hard for the software to know what the person is feeling and understand how they feel. Its easy for a person to connect with another person because thats how they feel. Humans can usually give one another help and advice because they most likely have been through it themselves. Its easy for a person to help and understand it because they understand the emotion that is happening to them. But when you just program something to have emotions its not the same. These people are writing emotional things and want people who understand that. It is very hard for a piece of software to understand that. If I had to write something very personal i would want someone who can relate to read it. But it could be a good thing for the school because it could help the school know if the kid was upset or bad. The school could help the kid and figure out whats wrong. In paragraph 9 they gave you examples on good ways to tell if someone means the smile on there face. It has some pros but there are alot ot cons to it. This article has alot of good points in it but I still dont agree with what it is saying. Science can be a good thing but I dont think science can be used and be helpful in this situation. Plus it uses the schools money and it can be used for better things. We can use our time and think of things and that would be useful. In conclusion i think that this is useless. I totally disagree with what there saying and doing. Technology is soon going to be everything and we dont want that. Its like soon we are going to be run by robots. I just think we can use our time worrying about other things. I dont think this will help us at all in the future.
In a classroom, there is a group of students who arrive to learn to class from their teacher almost everyday during the school year. Although. as students arrive and begin to seat themselves into their assigned seats and reach for the supplies for the class, they suddenly turn to something else that attracts their attention. The effort teachers make to ensure the lesson of their class is not only educational but is most importantly interactive and captivating for the students. Yet, some teachers aren't fully aware of what their class in pondering or feeling about a lesson being presented in a way that is not so expressive. That's when using the new technology of Professor Thomas Huang is most effective for the education of the future generations; it's called the Facial Action Coding System. This promising technology is not only able to be used by students of Professor Thomas Huang, but schools across the country! The Facial Action Coding System could be a life changing piece of equipment could most certainly save the lives of students. Most of all, the many families could be informed of what their child's performance is like based on the daily emotions calculated by such advance technology. The Facial Action Coding System is able to provide specific intel on how a person feels, by the computer installed the program, studying all fourty four muscles of a human's facial features. It is able to distinguish the emotions of happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear, and sadness. During a class, a teacher might only be able to detect the current emotion a student feels when they study a student's facial expression. Above all else, what if the student is acting to be happy just so other's won't worry about him or her? This software is able to trace each emotion almost exactly to where teachers can keep up with their student's emotional state. For example, if a student had an occurence they considered rather alarming, their teachers would be able to understand more about what's causing them to act differently in class. The ability of this new technology would be able to ensure that all students are able to perform in their school without feeling overwhelmed by activities and personal issues outside of class. Students who are facing emotional dilemas could be able to work more calmly once their own teacher is aware of their student's true feelings. Meanwhile, there are students who face issues being able to focus in class. In most morning classes, students may have the chance of not having had enough sleep, overslept, or not even having breakfast in the morning hours. Then, their first lesson of the school day arrives and their mind isn't paying attention to what they are expected to learn. In addition, the lesson being presented by their teacher may be confusing or completely uninteresting. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," (Nick D'Alto, 6). This clearly shows that the technology by Professor Huang is able to even detect the student's troubled emotion while being a learning environment. Also, With the assistance of this promising software, teachers benefit from this in two ways. The first advantage would be seeing their students excel because of an improved lesson. The second then ensuring that students are interacting and feeling that they are understanding what their teacher is instructing them to learn. Its an overall victory for both students and teachers. The matter of mixed emotions is sometimes a much more difficult thing to see. People are all different and others when they see something for the first time, they'll believe when they see others saying what they've seen. Then, there are others who think that the recognition of mixed emotions is pure confusion. To add on to that, the Facial Action Coding System isn't like that at all. Within the article, it states, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (not smiling as broadly)" and " Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements," (Nick D'Alto, 4). What people must take away from this critical reveal is this technology is prospering to bring others to see what they couldn't see before. The identification of mixed emotions by the use of video imagery. Also, as well as the comparision against a neutral face or a face that shows no emotion, which is later stated on. The value of this technology is beyond the imaginations of today's society. It would be able to bring new discoveries of emotions in of the daily lives of people. The collection of emotions would bring people together to understand one another better. Better yet, this software can connect relatives because they are now aware of the other person's overall emotional state. The realization of a person's emotions is something that is not normal, its completely extraordinary. Professor Huang's technology is in the path to changing lives of people. In the situation of politics, not a single person from the democratic or republican side can come to agreement. You may ask, "Why?", but the solution to this conflict is quite clear. People can't come to fully understand one another. Without a person coming to a basic understanding of someone else's emotions, neither one will ever come to agree with each other. If "team work makes the dream work" then allow each side to see the emotions of other people; with the assitance of the Facial Coding System, that'll occur within no time at all because of its incredible reading of an human's expressive actions.
The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) has 44 major muscles in the human face programmed and their movements detectable by its software. While some may not understandable the use of this technology, it would be groundbreaking and highly effective within our classrooms. Many humans portray false or pretend emotions to other humans for various, different reasonings. However, the FACS could be used to break through this method of manipulation and deception by tracking the facial muscles being used and moved by its subject. It would allow the computer to calculate the different emotions and feelings being present in its subject, which could be used in a matter of many different ways. Within the classroom, various emotions can be felt by its students while learning new topics and receiving their education. Feelings can range from excitement and an interest in learning new subjects to being bored or unmotivated to proceed with the lesson. Day by day, technology is further and used more frequently within our schools, allowing us to adapt new education methods. Most students in the US are presented with an electronic device by their school to complete their homework and classwork on. The FACS could easily be intregrated into these devices, affecting how education could be taught and learned. If it was being used in a correct, effective manner, it could change how we teach our students forever! Let's imagine that a student was perhaps puzzled and confused by a lesson being taught using technology. The FACS program could detect this, modifying the information to be more understandable and/or enjoyable to the student. This would allow for education to be more effective in many different ways. It could be very different for how two tenth graders in the same class learn new subjects and topics the most effectively. If this was released into schools, it is very possible and most likely that grades would improve drastically. This technology could also assist those with special needs or learning disabilities to teach them in the most effective, best technique for them. While being present at school, not all emotions displayed by students are caused by learning. There might be unknown stresses or difficulties at home or personal lives, causing emotional and/or physical distress. This can majorly affect their grades and learning experience, but also their overall health in general. Using the FACS to detect certain emotions and patterns in students could help notify educators and administration of possible issues with various causes. This would allow the student to gain access to the aid and assist they need to be able to persevere and stride forward with success. The health of students need to come first before learning and using technology to discover if they need assistance would invaluable to the school systems. Technology is always advancing and evolving into different, new forms. The FACS is just one of the many things that could change our education system and how we teach students. Overall, it would provide aid to students that need it to succeed in their education and have more of a understanding in subjects they were originally confused by. A major benefit to using this program would be detecting distress in students, allowing the school to assist them and receive the help they need to succeed. The FACS could change how schools work forever if they were used in our classrooms and it would be for the benefit of our students.
Although, many people may think that going to Venus despite the dangers is not a good idea going to venus can also be benitfical with new safety measures, and technolgy. One reason is, Venus is a sister planet to Earth but we don't know alot about it so we need to go there. Going to venus can be benitfical in may ways. One way is thet it can give scientist good research that they don't have. It can also give them a way as said in the article "to examine more closely". Lastly we could gain more knowledge on living conditions in Venus. Even though, Venus is not the safest palce for anyone or anything to be NASA has came up with new safetey measures to ensure the people's safetey. For one as said in the article Venus is a hot place. So NASA has came up with the idea that the people that will be going to venus would be floating on top of venus so that they will not only be safe but alive. Another way to ensure saftey is to use silicon devices since metal melts on Venus, and studies have shown that using silicon is efficient, and in the article is said to last "for three weeks". Furthermore, not only do they have saftey measures they also uses technolgy. From past reasearch it is known that Venus burns metal so that means that to have good resaerch you have to find somthing that is not meatal to conduct your resarch. So NASA has made another project when they look at old technolgy, and they realised that mechanical computers would help when researching Venus. Mechanical computers conduct "calculations by using gears and levers". Also mechanical computers does not need electronics at all. In other words going to Venus can be very resourcful and problaly become of use in the future.
Too many children, parents, and friends are lost each year from vehicle related deaths. Drunk driving is among the top leading causes of car accidents. Phones and technology play a big part in distracting the driver creating opportunities for a crash to occur. If driverless cars are put into use, the amount of wrecks caused by drivers fault will decraese greatly Alcohol can cause an impaired driver to get behind the wheel and drive to the next location they have in mind. It is too often that drunk drivers crash into innocent people in another car creating death among the innocent. With google cars, the impaired car owners can sit back and leave the driving up to technology. The sensors and cameras installed about the car create a much better chance in preventing an accident instead of relying on an impaired driver's vision. In some sections of roads, the driver will have to take the wheel, but as technology advances, there will no longer be a need for human control of vehicles. Getting a phonecall or text while driving discovers the oppotunity of distraction which leads to car accidents. The sensored braking system installed within Google cars will do a great job in decreasing the number of pedestrian and animal related deaths due to distraction of the driver. You can almost always find animals lying alongside the roads due to the driver's inability to brake or swerve fast enough. Google cars cameras will see the animals long before the driver can which prevents the loos of an animal and the destruction of a vehicle. Google cars may have difficulties and faults but over time they will advance and problems will be solved. Preventing drunk driving or technology related deaths will cause friends, family, and children to stay within the lives of their loved ones longer. This decrease in worry will also create more opputunities to focus on other top people relating deaths and their preventions.
A Car Free Future? Is the car necessary in the 21st Century? Many city planners and government officals around the globe dont think so. Car free days are becoming common place in Europe and South America, and in the German town of Freiburg, an upscale neighborhood where cars are banned, has been a kind of experiment for larger towns and cities without cars. In Paris smog levels have gotten so high, that people have been asked not to drive their cars, in order to reduce pollution levels. In the United States, the number of miles driven peaked in 2005, but has dropped nine percent since then. This is largely due to the 2008 recession, but also due to more people becoming educated about the effects that cars have on the environment. More people are choosing to take public transport, or carpool, because mainly it's cheap, and it's good for the environment. Many key sociologists believe that this trend will continue. One of those sociologists is Professor Mimi Sheller, Diector of the Mobilities Research and Policy center at Drexel University. "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift" there are many factors that point to the "major cultural shift" that Proffesor Shelley referred to. For example,the renewal of city centers has made the suburbs seem less appealing, and has drawn many people into the cities. Many carpooling apps have appeared in the last 2 years. Better cities, more public transport, and an increase in telecommunications is the start of a global movement to reduce pollution and increase efficiency. the age of the car is coming to an end.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
The idea of a driverless vehicle seems ingenious and practical, but to long for a society whose transportation soley relies on such a concept is ludacris. My name is Christian and in this essay I will elaborate as to why I am biased toward this insane concept. Throughout history, humanity has aimlessly strived for greatness. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, however, with every action there is an equal or opposite reaction; meaning humanity has both innovative and ingenious ideas and utterly insane ones as well. It's in our nature to strive for more and granted a driverless vehicle appears practical, it's toxic to our survival. It seems as time has progressed people have developed a dependency on technology and, quite frankly, have become more lazy. Individuals "need" a cell-phone or "need" the lastet iPad. However, these items are merely superficial. Humans don't need a driverless vehicle; the average human is certainly capable of learning how to drive and it's a milestone to look forward to accomplishing. In addition, we cannot rely on technology to watch our six. The technology and machinery in Google's driverless vehicle is built " . . . to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." This skill cannot be replicated. A computer is composed of circuits, wires, drives, etc. and what if something malfunctions? Cellular phones, gaming consoles, computers today are constantly needed to be updated because of bugs and other system malfunctions. What if a driverless vehicle's system froze or glitched whilst driving someone on the freeway? With a human, you don't neccessarily need to worry about a malfunction because we are not programmed machines. Our perception on the world cannot replicated through the metaphorical eyes of a machine. It is insane to believe a world whose transportation relies on driverless vehicle is safe. Not only is the idea dangerous, but what if a person doesn't wish to not drive? The world isn't some text-book utopian society where everyone conforms to corporate buisness ideas. People will oppose and contradict the idea which may evoke an unneccessary uproar. Therefore, to believe the world's transportation should rely on such a ludacris idealology is idiotic. I believe the idea of driverless vehicle may be put to practical use in other aspects such as military operations or local police department services. I, however, wholeheartedly contradict the notion that the world's transportation should rely on some artificial technological system. If the world were to conform with such a concept, we would set innoncent lives up for an inevitable doom.
Technology continues to advance as it becomes more complicated, complex, and innovative in today's society. Just eleven years ago the iPhone did not exist, and yet now we have access to 3-d printers, life-saving medical advancments, and...the Facial Action Coding System? That's right: this new technology, sometimes refered to simply as FACS and developed by Professor Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, has the incredible ability to read each and every emotion displayed on a person's face. For instance, the invention identified da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" as being "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." While this demonstration of its ability is certainly impressive, we should instead think about the potential that this machine has to be a useful tool elsewhere: such as in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System could be utilized brilliantly to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom, a valuable idea that could change the way a school is run. First of all, teachers could use this tool to test how their students react to certain lessons, topics, and concepts. By using the FACS to gauge the class, they could identify how to modify lesson plans for future units and for the years to come. As Dr. Huang states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.'" The teacher could access and interpret these results, or the computer itself could "modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The emotional information of these students could provide valuable information and instruction that would in turn give a student more confidence and a better undeerstanding of the topic at hand. Secondly, the Facial Action Coding System could be used to help pupils measure the effectiveness of not only lessons, but homework assignments as well. From a student's perpective, homework is the dreaded and unforgiving punishment that one always has to look forward to when one gets home. If the FACS was used to measure the reactions of kids to certain assignments, the new technology could modify these assignments to better fit the needs of each individual student. The same topics would still be taught, but not every individual learns the same way, so by using this emotions-reading innovation each student could learn and develop better connections with their current subject material. Lastly, there are some who might say that the FACS would be useless in helping the learning proccess of a child. Naysayers could claim that this type of instruction would never work in a classroom because a computer can't provide the same type of personal connection that a teacher can develop with a student. However, this is exactly what the purpose of the Facial Action Coding System should be; to personally instruct a student based on that child's specific learning needs. The computer technology itself may not be able to directly teach a new topic, but it can certainly help the proccess by identifying what methods work and which ones do not in a classroom. In conclusion, the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is an incredibly valuable tool. This innovation can pave the way for the future of instruction, setting up a template for teaching for years to come. Not only could the FACS be used to help teachers modify the way that they present their information in a classroom, the Facial Action Coding System could be used as an additional item to help students with their homework. While some might say it's too impersonal to be effective, this new technology could truly be the most personal and individual type of instruction that the world has at its fingertips. In the end, Dr. Huang said it best; "'Most human connection is nonverbal, including emotional communication...so computers need to understand that, too."
Seagoing Cowboys program, is an opportunity of a lifetime. After World War II was over many countries were left in ruins. So the UNRRA made a program to help these contries called the ¨ Seagoing Cowboys ". We take care of animals that will be shipped overseas. Also helping people by giving food and also seeing Europe, China, and Acropolis in Greece. You can also find time to have fun on board playing a veritiy of games after unloading the animals. In the text it states, ¨ It was 1945 , World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. UNRRA hired ¨Seagoing Cowboys¨ to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas.¨ Text also stated that, ¨ Besides helpling people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. Luke also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed.¨ Participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program allows you to experience adventures and visit many unique places. But being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than an adventure, it can open up a new world for you. Its a grateful opportunity to take. It can make you more aware of people of other countries and their needs. So sign up today, from a fellow Seagoing Cowboy, Luke Bomberger.
In the text the author uses facts that people should know. Like how close Venus is to us and what could be possibly on it. Also whats possibly on Also whats possibly on Mars, how each planet orbits at different speeds. NASA has sent many people into space to see what its like. Too see if we could have life on Venus and how each planet orbits at different speeds. Venus is unlikely to live on because it has 97% carbon dioixde blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in acid in Venu's atmosphere. Even though we would like to put people on Venus its just to likely that someone could die from the atmosphere. Venus has looked like Earth in the past but thats when Venus had wildlife and oceans. so they could live, but now the atmosphere would just wipe everything off the planet from the heat.
When you say that the face on mars is an alien artifact how do you know. Prove to me that it is. So you can't well quess what. I can prove to you that it is not an alien artifact. All I have to do is use knowledge that I have from the evidence. In the story it says that people made a movie about the face on mars. It has also been put in many magazines. It has also been put in haunted grocerey store check out lines. All of that is just to draw attention. All though it did they just want you to think that because they wanted money. Sence people thought that the face was an alien artifact N.A.S.A made photographing it a main priority. On a JPL website they revieled that the face was a landmark and nothing more. The face on mars was located at 41 degrees north martian latitude were it was winter. This was a cloudy time on the planet mars. It may have messed with the picture a little bit anyway. Some mission controles prepared to look again. It's very hard to locate the face sence the camera scans the planet like a fax machine. They dont just come across it very often. They evan used a special camera that zooms in very close to the planet. They still saw that the planets face was nothing more than a landform. In conclusion the face is nothing. There were no alien artifacts. So that should prove to you. That there were not aliens. It's nothing more than a simple landform.
In this article called,"Making Mona Lisa Smile" it explains an advanced technology that can identify what humans are feeling on the inside. This technology is attention grabbing and seems so futuristic. The Facial Action Coding System claims to have lots of uses. I think that this new technology could be very useful in a learning environment. The Facial Action Coding System could benefit a classroom setting by being able to tell if the student is completely understanding the material, being able to tell if a student if bored and zoning out, and by seeing if you are enjoying the lesson. A lot of times students do not understand the information that is being pushed on them and are too afraid to ask questions. Teachers can't read a students mind, and teachers aren't a computerized system to identify if a student is understanding the concepts in class. Students are often too afraid and embarrassed to ask questions in class and for that sake, they just don't do it. From personal experience as a student, this can be frustrating and doesn't benefit my education. The new Facial Action Coding System could change the way people learn on a whole new level by being able to identify confusion, and then breaking down the concepts more. Having a system that can identify if students are confused could be extremely beneficial on lots of different levels. Students sit through classes for up to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. That makes me bored just thinking about it. A student is bound to zone out and not to mention get bored throughout the day. It's not wrong to be teaching the material that needs to be taught, but making it a little more interesting could benefit everyone. A system that can detect if a student is getting bored and incorperating more interesting topics into the lesson would be beneficial to everyone. That could make a students life a lot less stressful, and a teachers life a lot easier. Some students think other topics are more interesting than others. Which is just a matter of opinion, but I found in my years of schooling that it will be a lot easier to learn material if you are enjoying it. I believe that every student has the ability to enjoy learning about something during their years of school. The Facial Coding System could speed up the process of finding interesting topics for a student a lot easier. Sometimes it takes years to find a topic in school that you enjoy, but if we had this new technology available to us, it could help students enjoy what they are learning a lot more. The Facial Action Coding System has many ways to benefit how we learn. Understanding the material completely, being engaged in the topics, and even enjoying to learn in school. I believe that if we had to ability to do those things, and had that technology in front of us. That there is no reason students wouldn't benefit from it. It could change learning in a whole new way for students. So why wouldn't we give the Facial Action Coding System a try in the classroom?
Imagine a world of cars driving themselves. You would think "that's so cool!" or it's just like the future!" but I assue you it may not be all cracked up to what it seems like. Driverless cars may seem like they are going to become the next big thing, but they will not to work out quite a bit before they can even test driverless cars on the road. Driverless cars will become a safety issue. All traffic laws were written assuming that drivers would be at the wheel at all times, but obviously driverless cars do not have drivers at the wheel. If these cars do become the next big thing and are out on the road a great deal of traffic laws must be rewritten to accomdate the new cars. Another issue with driverless cars is that they are not human, so they are not near as safe as a human driver; that is assuming the take all the precautions seriously and drive safely. Although these cars have a great deal of sensors, that does not mean they are safe. The cars can only mimic the humans drive; they can not think for themselves. What if the sensors do not work properly and you cause an accident that results in injuries or death; what will you do then? Would you be responbile for the accident or would the automobile manufacturer be held responsible? these are things that need to be carefully thought out before driverless cars become the next big thing to hit the United States. When manufacturers say that a car is "driverless", they do not mean that it can drive itself completely. Sure, it can drive itself for the most part it a lot of the cars require a human to take control in certain areas. If you are in construction zones or traffic you would have to take over the car. Why would you ever want to buy a driverless car that you have to drive? Most people would get sick of having to take over the car or having to wait their turn before being able to drive. So, driverless cars, are they cracked up to what they seem? The answer is no, driverless cars are not cracked up to what they seem. They are a safety issure, they still require a human to drive, and they can be very frustrating to drive with.
I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to go places you probably have never been to, and explore them in your free time. You get to see countries that might feel special to you. You get to help countries recover food supplies, animals, and more because of wars. You have to take care of the animals by feeding and giving them water two or three times a day. Also, you have to clean stalls, move hay bales and bags of oats. I once served as a night watchman, and you may think that it is boring, but you get to check on the animals a few times to see if they are alright. You sometimes can risk yourself working the nightwatch in the rain because I slid down a ladder, and cracked my ribs. It is still a fun job because you have a lot of free time, and you can play volleyball and baseball games. To pass the time from returning the trips after the animals had been unloaded, they would have table-tennis tournaments, boxing, reading, fencing, games, and whittling. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure, but also teaches you that other countries and their needs. My family helped people by hosting a number of exchange visitors, and a number of international students. You should be a Seagoing Cowboy because it's hard work, but it pays off on the beautiful sights you will see.
The author supports and suggests the exploration and study of venus in several ways, despite the dangers and complications. First, they give very well described detail on venus. like how its name is misleading, and other interesting details about the so called planet to make the reader more interested on what they are reading. Next, They explain what the so called planet holds. Like 97% of carbon dioxide according to the text, as well as how it can relate to earth in a few ways as well as differ from it. they then question why the so called planet hasnt be well discovered, and give more on the so called planet's surface. Finally, The author gives information from NASA like how they are working on ways to study it despite the challenges. The text also states that the harsh conditions are not the easiest but are survivable. In all, the author has a set goal in mind and strongly belives we can explore the so called planet through trial and era, as well as motovation and willpower.
I agree that we should give these car a chance to fundamentally change the world. My personal view of this is such a great idea. I strongly believe that these automakers would make the roads safer. In this generation we have many people who like to text and drive or even snapchattng and drive .Why would we want teenager or even some adults to be on the road that aren't paying attention to their phones and the road ? Is that what we really want ? No we don't. With automakers the drivers would not have to worry about paying attention if they're driving right. Yeah maybe i see where their coming from, not passing the law because if the technology fails and causes an accident . But why would there be an accident if there would still be a driver in charge of that as well . A human brain with technology would be a perfect combination making it safe for everyone. There is so many kinds of problems in this world right now with driving and people not paying attenton to the roads . That is why if the techology does fail the driver would be in control and would be notified because the techology would give the driver the attention and giving the wheel to the driver. They would have sensors, computer hardware and software to make driving safe. The driverless cars would not only make the roads safer but it would make it better for the driver as well. It would be life changing. So I think that driverless would be a great why to start off something different and would not cause as much accidents. It would be a smart idea to pass this law
I have just read "Unmasking the Face on Mars" and many people are convinced that the Face, found near Cydonia, is just a natural landform. However, there are also many people who believe this Face to be of extra-terresrial activity. However, NASA has gave us more facts that prove the Face to be a mountain-like landform rather than an extra-terrestrial phenomenon. First of all, many photos taken by NASA themselves show no evidence of aliens, but natural landmasses. On April 5, 1998, NASA sent the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) over Cydonia. MIchael Malin and his team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Once that happened, it was revealed to the public that the Face was just a landform. This proves that the mass was indeed a landmass. Also, these pictures were taken after the original one(the one that got everyone speculatng about the origin of the landmass), which means that the new pictures are much clearer and thus more believable han the original. Secondly, many of the theories around the Face of Mars being a definite sign of aliens, are all conspiracy theories. The fifth paragraph states," Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." This quote from the article proves that there are many people who make up theories that have no credibility or legs to stand on. Also, many of these claims hold no cocrete evidence but are rather based on speculation. Finally, NASA deployed the MGS yet again on April 8, 2001- a cloudless day in Cydonia. Paragraph ten explains," We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maxium resolution." Also, paragraph twelve states," What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa-landforms common around the American West." These quotes prove that the picture was the best resolution it be, and the Face was still depicted as a landmass. Also, they compare these landforms to landforms commonly found in the American West. This concludes that the Face is not of any extra-terrestrial activity, but just a misunderstanding made by conspiracy theorist. In conclusion, based on the evidence from the article, the Face is in fact a landform of Mars. This states that there is no extra-terrestial life in our universe( as of right now). This article teaches people that you should not listen to conspiracy theories, but facts that have evidence to support it.
Have you ever wanted to travel for work and see new places? Well, as a Seagoing Cowboy you can do just that with a little extra included. I am going to tell you why you should join the program. I bet you should want to join the program after reading this. Firstly on the starting bell, I think you should be a Seagoing Cowboy because you can travel anywhere for work and have fun. Evidence from the text that supports my opinion is that Luke headed for Greece with a cargo of 335 horses. Also, Luke passed the time with table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games. Both of thiese examples show that he had a lot of work to do but when he finishes early, he speeds op time with fun activities. On the other hand, being a Seagoing Cowboy could be helpful at a young age because when you are 18 when you start and quit at 24, you could have some skills that could be usefull for an other job. Evidence from the text that supports my opinion is that Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece. As well, Luke had to feed the animals two to three times a day. Both of thiese examples show that if you become a Seagoing Cowboy and quit, you could be very good at your job if you become a zookeper afterwards. My conclusion for this essay is that if you join the program, you could be informed by going to new places. Also, you could get new skills that could be usefull in the future like feeding animals and cleaning. If you do decide to join the program and become a Seagoing Cowboy, be aware of the risks but in all together it is a good idea to join.
Autonomous cars are the cars of the future. They will be able to drive themselves without any human interaction needed. Autonomous cars would be far more intelligent than any human driver, preventing numerous crashes that are due to driver discraction. Autonomous cars will forever change the way people commute. Autonomous cars would change the way people commute to and from work. They would also change the way people travel. With no human needed at the wheel, autonomous us cars can make traveling long distances a lot more enjoyable. It would also allow the human occupants to do others things rather than just sit and look out the window. Autonomous cars are also a lot smarter than the average human driver. This comes from the fleet of sensors that are stored on-board. These sensors include cameras, GPS, inertial motion sensors, automotive radar, and the most important of all, LIDAR. LIDAR uses laser beams to map the area around the car. This generates and 360 degree 3-D model of what is happening around the car. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author points out many good atributes of the autonomous car. The author claims that autonomous cars would use one half of the fuel used by the taxis of today. Less fuel used could mean less toxic emmissions and a cleaner environment. The author also states that the autonomous car would have more flexibility than a bus. Today, a bus runs along a predetermined route. A public-transportation system that used autonomous cars would be far better for those pepole who do not want to stay along that predetermined route. Autonomous cars will also be a lot safer. The article reports that Google's fleet of autonomous cars have driven more than half a million miles and have not had an accident. The autonomous car would be a lot safer for the people riding inside but also for the people around it. Autonomous cars are able to see everything that is going on in its sphere of influence. This is something a human driver could not do because we do not have a 360 degree range of vision. The autonomous car is driving its way into our everyday lives. Its will make the world a safer and cleaner place to live in. The autonomous car will change the way people commute forever.
Do driverless cars seem cool to you? Driverless cars are a thing of the future, but do we really know how much work, money, and time it will take to create driverless cars? I firmly beleive that having driverless cars in our society would be super cool, but I do not believe we should create these cars. Driverless cars would require changing the laws and there would be to many complications if someone got injured due to a driverless car. The money and time we would have to put towards driverless cars is simply not worth it. In paragraph 9 it states, If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer? This question from the passage shows that there would be many questions if something was to happen and whose fault it was if there was not a person driving the vehicle. We have never had completely driverless cars before, so why should we get them now? Drivers are doing fine now but who is to say they won't fall asleep or get distracted if their car is driving itself? In paragraph 8 it says, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive? Drivers would get bored and then what does that mean, usually an accident. Tesla is projecting a release in 2016 for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. People can barely afford a new car right now, let alone a driverless car. Driverless cars will be too expensive, too timely, and there will be too many complications. The money and time we would have to put towards driverless cars is simply not worth it. In most states as of now it is illegal even to test comuter-driven cars. If that is the case then it would be amazing to see all states make it legal for completely driverless cars to be on the road. Computer-driven cars are controlled from a computer and can be controlled if something was to happen, in the same way driverless cars will also be able to be controlled, but there will be a human present. If the future does hold driverless cars there will be a lot of money going into those cars and even more money out of your pocket if you decide to buy one. We will see what the future holds for these cars.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I believe that if driverless cars became legal more accidents would occur and thousands of perople lose their jobs. Driverless cars have almost every part of the car controlled by a computer. So, what happens if the car's computer lost power because it has been on to long, or it overheats because the computer is working to hard? In all these situations the car would most likely stop functioning correctly , and quite possibly hurt a pasenger. What if an essential part of the car breaks while on the road? The google car has a special piece of equipment called a LIDAR that keeps a constant 3-D model of the area around. If that piece of machinery fails while on the road the driver is required to take control of the car to keep it from driving into any people, buildings, or other cars. In all of the situations above the driver would need to take control of that unique situation, or else fatalities could occur. These are only a couple examples of what could happen if a driverless car malfunctioned while on the road. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," it says that the current taxi system would be taken over by driverless cars. this would put hundreds of thousands of taxi and Uber drivers out of a job. There are also some jobs that cannot be replaced by driverless cars. A job like the trash collector would require the driver to get into the driveway, and get in the correct position to properly and safely collect the trash. Emergerency response vehicles like ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks would also need drivers to get them through traffic quickly, efficiantly, and safely. These examples show that hundreds of thousands of people would lose their jobs if driverless cars were to take over. They also show that some jobs can not be completed without a driver behind the wheel. Since, driverless cars are driven by computers that means they are suseptable to hackers or other harmful people. If a driverless car has a computer that is connected to the internet hackers anywhere in the world could hack into the car's computer, and make it do whatever they want. There are also people who could damage the car physically by damaging essential external parts of the car. There are also unforseen events that could happen through nature. The car's camera or LIDAR could be covered up acciddently by a leaf or a bug. The car could hit a bad bump and jar the sytems computer. These are things that are possible in the realm of driverless cars. These reasons that I have stated show that there will always be a time when cars will need a driver to take control of a unique situation. Whether it be a faulty computer or broken camera; drivers will always be needed.
A car is a form of everyday transportation in some peoples lives. It's not nessisarily a bad thing, but it's not exactly a good thing either. Many areas in countries all over the world have begun to cut back on car use or ban it all together. Some countries have certain conditions that warrants car use dangerous. There are many reasons and advantages to living life without a car that can be easily explained in this paper. In a small German Suburb called Vauban, the people have given up a vital piece of modern day life, their cars. Things most people see everyday such as; parking lots, garages, and driveways, have been removed from the community. Of course it is not illegal to have a car in this suburb, it is just more expensive because they have to buy an allotted space to put their car in. Most of the families in this suburb have commented that they are in a happier state of mind without the "stress" of owning a vehicle. Along with being a source of emotional release, not owning a car means that these people are not contributing to the emissions of greenhouse gas. Cars are quoted to be responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Vauban is the result of years of effort trying to make cities more walking and bicycling friendly. Communities like this are fast growing in places like the United States and largly promoted by companies and even the Enviornmental Protection Agency. Places like Paris on the other hand have completly different reasons for going car-free. Paris has a quoted "near-record pollution". The contries climate causes car pollution to be trapped leaving a dense smog throughout the city. They have gone so far as to place restirctions on driving, one day vehicles with certain plate numbers must not be driven, and the next day vehicles with opposite plate numbers must not be driven, if they defy this restirction then they are fined. The cause of the smog was blamed on France's fuel choices. Paris's problems are just another reason to be car-free. In Bogota Columbia they ban the use of any vehicles, other than buses and taxis, for one day every year, it is called the Day Without Cars. It has been quoted as a good stress reliever, and a good way to lower air polution. The Day Without Cars has been part of an improvement campaign since the mid-1990s. Bogata has truly commited to supporting a car-free enviornment with the construction of bicycle paths, parks, sports centers, and even the replacement of damaged sidewalks. Even people such as President Obama are advertising for the cut back on the use of cars and greenhouse gas emissions. And even if they don't realize Americans themselves have already begun to use cars less. There has been a decline in American car sales and the number of people going to get licenses has declined as well. America has long been the ultimate advertiser for cars. Some of the most prominent car brands today call the U.S. their home. Now it is quoted that the lack of car sales can be blamed on America's declining financial situation and that the unemployment factor means their is no use for cars. Overall though, this decline in car use has lead people to find alternate modes of transportation that, even after financial and employment issues are resolved, they might continue to use. Combining all these different situations together, as well as "shifts in culture" leads to one simple thing. Nowadays personal car ownership just isn't something that people are too serious about. And when you add to that the fact that so many companies and influential parties are advertising the car-free way of life, cars are simply no longer desirable to some people.
I honestly think we should not have driverless cars. What's the point in working if your car does your job for you? That's laziness and it's not fair to anyone if the driverless cars hurt a human being. Someone could seriously get hurt. What if you're not paying any type of attention to the road and you have an accident in front of you.. That is honestly so scary and it's a threat to human life. What's next? Flying cars? It definately sounds pathetic to invent. That's not smart. Everyone needs to have their eyes on the road at all times and having a driverless car doesn't satisfiy my needs in life. How will your car be safe when you don't have your own key to unlock your car? Or does the cars belong to anyone and everyone? I believe all cars need a safe driver behind the wheel controlling every part of their car. What if it breaks down? Or the engine blows up? How can you stop the car from a crash? They're just trying to warn us that it will be our faults for hitting another person when they have no control unless they have a steering wheel and it honestly doesn't sound like to me that I will have full control over the car. This idea sounds stupid and how much is the car going to cost? What if there's a shortage and it doesn't warn you about a work zone or an accident? This is honestly the same as drinking and driving. You are seriously driving to your death.
Some people think aliens are not real and some people think aliens are real. The Face on Mars changed after different amount of years. We don't know how it changed and we probably will never know. When the camera took the picture, the shadow of either the camera, or something else, made the Face look like a face. The shadow make the rock look like it has eyes, nose, and a mouth. No one knows how the face changes, maybe it's aliens, maybe it's natrual to change, maybe it's getting older. But every famous attractions change. So the rock could be a natural landform. We don't know why it changes. It's a mystery. If aliens were real, then people would think aliens made everything in space and will come to earth to attack and kill us. Aliens are just a myth. People just belive evrything, and/or watch too much TV shows about aliens. Aliens are not real ans the Face is just a natural landform. The Face just changes overtime. Maybe the Face looks like a face now.
Some people say that "The Face on Mars" is something that was built by ancient aliens, much like the theories that people come up with about the structures on Earth. Some people have even stated that the "aliens" could be trying to cover it up by hiding it during the time they take it. Then there are the firm believers that this is just a land mass that consists of the surroundings and resembles a mesa type biome. Since there have been developments over time, showing the different variations of the "face" and what it has become over the years. There are different arguements and different points of view, but there are different time periods with different variations of the same thing, so it will be proven that is is a natural land mass, and not a martian made structure. There is a lot of things that points toward this being a natural land mass and that it is not a Martian made structure, or that the Government is trying to cover it up. One thing that shows that it is a natural structure is when the article states, "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough aroud Cydonia..." This means that there are multiple things like this, but the only things that make this one different is the fact that is has "unusual shadows" in it that make it look human or like a structure that was built. After this happened and people got news of it and figured out it wasn't real, the Conspiracy Theorists came out and made it seem like a cover up, but this isn't true, because NASA could have gotten publicity from it, as well as many funds. This mesa is no different from anything that we have in Western United States, there we have many mesas that could look equally as strange, but we don't bother, because we want to believe that there is other life, or that there is something strange going on in other planets. Over the years, the images of this land mass have gotten more and more clear, and we have come to realize, that no, it is not a face, but it is a large point with shadowy parts in it. From the picture from 1976, it is really blurry, and you can't really tell what it is, which is what got people hopes up and thought it may be a structure, due to the shadows and the formation around it. The 1998 one is a bit clearer, but it still is a bit unclear of what it is or could be, because it does look like it could be something like the Sphinx in Egypt, but with the same formation around it. The 2001 image looks way more clear, and this one shows something completely different than what we expected, it is just a regular mesa, with cracks, dips and shadows, and the same formation around it as before. There is something you can tell about the 2001 picture though, if you look closely, it is the same image as all the others, because you can see the dips in it where the "eyes" and "mouth" are, just more clear so they don't really show up, and since everything is more clear, you can see the cracks, which could have added to the effect. Even after all of the theories that were made, and NASA defending themselves, as well as people trying to prove them wrong, and prove that there was something that the government did to cover it up. All of this could still be fought, who knows, there could be life out there somewhere besides on Earth, but as of now, there is no proof, and this image will still remain a natural land structure. Some people are dissapointed by this, others are motivated to keep moving and possibly one day find some signs of life, so maybe humans would be prepped and set in case of disaster. There is nothing wrong with personal opinions, but for the most part and from what pictures and plenty of evidence have proven, this is still no more than a natural occurence do to the way land forms over time. So even though people may keep looking for any signs of something that could be a conspiracy, or you just want to find something "supernatural" or strange, but the fact stands that there are many thing like this, and just because it is on a different planet, does not make it anymore special, and it doesn't make it any different.
In "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. These computers can actually "calculate" your emotions. Dr. Paul Eckman is the creater of the Facial Action Coding System. Dr. Eckman classified it in six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. These are calculated by facial expression, the movement of the muscles on our face. This seems quite very interesting and out of the ordinary, but would the use of this new technology to read student's emotional expressions be valuable in a classroom? In my opinion, yes. This technology could really help the comprehension and learning of students because as the author mentions the prediction of Dr. Huang in paragraph six, "A classroom computer could recognize when is student is becoming confused or bored," and this is exactly true because if teachers could recognize the students emotions then they can also modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor, which the author also mentions. When we think of the word "communication" we automatically think "talk" and that is not quite right, because how the author also mentions towards the end of paragraph six, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," so knowing this fact, how would we expect for students to speak up and ask questions about a lesson they are confused about? I would also like to mention is that if we had this new technology teachers would know what is wrong with a student. A lot of times students are going through things at home, which could keep them distracted in class. If teachers know the student is angry or sad, the teacher could have a talk with him or her. Get it out of their mind and try to keep them as best concentrated in the lesson as possible. Teachers would also be able to see who isn't concentrating and call them out in class to get their attention. In conclusion, these computers could help so much because teachers never know how that student is really feeling, we could think their head is down because they are feeling sick but maybe they're just sad or angry. They also could tell if they're confused and simply try to teach the lesson another way around. Maybe the student is feeling "fear" to ask a question about something he or she is confused about because they'd feel embarrased infront of their classmates. Whatever the case is, this new technology would really be valuable in a classroom, and it could help the school community in general, making it more easy for teachers to teach and mainly for students to learn.
Many companies are beginning to design, produce, and test driverless cars. However, many of these cars are not completely driverless and dangerous. Driverless cars should not become legal on the road because they are dangerous and unnecessary. The majority of driverless cars are not completely driverless. Most require a driver to take control over the car in more "difficult" or "complicated" road conditions as stated in the article. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." Cars that are capable of moving themselves but still need help from a driver at times are not driverless cars. Truly driverless cars would not need assistance and would be able to move itself in any scenario which would be much more dangerous than the current cars and dirvers we have today. Funding research that will ultimately make our roads less safe is not an investment that many people would like to take part in. Instead of funding research to develop these dangerous, self driving cars, money should be going toward repairing our current roads, making our current cars safer, and helping our drivers learn to drive more safely. To sum up, driverless cars are unnecessary and dangerous and should therefore not be on our roads. We also should not continue funding the research of driverless cars and instead spend the money to bettering the current system we already have in place.
limiting car usage is no easy take considering that peoples jobs are more than a half an hour away in some cases. what we could do is replace gas cars with water or oil solarpowered cars. what we can do is replace the road with heat sensor pannels and replace the cars fuel line with eigther a solar based power syatem or used water for the fuel supply. the heat/friction sensor pannels will produce enough electrical energy to power builds, appartment complexs, houses, or even recharge a battery with in seconds. the way we live now we can do all those things its just people dont know how to use there brain and come up a cleaner source of renewable energy. this entire project could be free and go world wide as long as everyone in the world can a agree this is perfect replacement to fossil fuels. if this document could get the th government somehow ican change the world for the better and probably save our poluted earth from destroying its self. i could fix the green house eeftect on the earth and you could clean up radio active polution by not useing gas powered cars. our erath could go back to a clean slat where there is no polution made by toxic fumes in the atmosphere and destroyed rivers and lakes. everything could be fixed by one simple thought of a childs mind. if only adults knew how to listen to there own words that they teach us with how to listen twice as muchas they speak. ifthis country has the right to freedom of speech then i think my idea isworth telling the world about. and not keeping my mouth shut. i should be speaking on air to the world not in my house being yeld at by my parents becuase what i want to nobody wants to hear. if anyone gets to read this please immediatly take to someone important that would love to here my idea. thank you.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it prestents. In the article, the author explains the difficult conditions in Venus and the risks humans have by exploring and studying Venus. He explains that studying Venus is effective because astronomers are fascinated by Venus and it may well once have been the most Earth-like plant on the solar system. The author explains about the possibility of Venus being the most Earth-like plant on the solar system, and compares the similarities both the planets, Venus and Earth, might of had. The dangers of human studying Venus are evident as he explains Venus atmosphere, that renders standard forms of photography and videography ineffective when a ship is orbiting or hovering safety far above the planet's surface. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some electronics are being tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. Another project is looking back to an old technology in the 1800s that played an important role on WW ll. New and old technolgy are being tested to be useful and made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces found in Venus. Venus has value, as stated on paragraph 8, studying Venus is a challenge, but it is worth being studied for to meet the edges of innovation.
Advantages Of Limiting Car Usage Have you ever thought of the advantages of limiting car usage? I have, by limiting car usuage there will be less pollution, your town will not be not be covered in smog and it'll bring you closer with your community. I think that you (my fellow citizens) should and do want that for you and your community. To begin, the first positive of declining your usage of cars will prevent pollution. Pollution is very horrible, it can harm people in many ways. Pollution can make people sick, keep them from wanting to go outside and enjoy the out doors and also can harm the wildlife. For example, big trucks and machinary seem to spit out a lot of diesel which is a lot of pollution which can internally harm citizen's bodies. So do you want pollution in your community? Next, limiting car usage will prevent your beautiful city from being covered in smog. Smog is nasty and makes your environment (home) look nasty as well. Smog is pollution that travels through the air and allows the sky/clouds to look grey and the air to be filled wih all types of horrible gasses. I'm sure you wouldn't like going out side and seeing your environment be all gloomy and disgusting because of your vehicals. Lastly, not being in your vehicals all day, talking to people about your life and just being genuine will truely bring everyone so much closer as a community. Being close with your neighbors, talking and walking will all of the genuine people in the communtity will help your society grow. We all want to know our surrondings so why not get out of the cars and go for a stroll, you never know what may be the outcome. Vehicals are overrated in my opinion. To conclude, I think that you should consider all of the advantages of less car usuage. Not only to prevent pollution, prevent a smoggy community, but to also help you communicate with your family. Now the choice is yours, do what's best fro not only you but your society. Just don't forget all the outcomes of car usuage.
Often times, students can get confused in the classroom. They may not understand something. Or they just do not like the material. Whatever the case may be, students have a lot of emotions that have to be dealt with, inside the class. Facial Action Coding System (FACS) could help us further understand students and their emotions. FACS is new computer software that can read human emotions. This isn't regular computer software though. You do not have to talk to anyone or anything. You just simply need to react as you usually would. You're probably asking, "Well, how can the computer tell me my emotions if I'm not talking to it?". FACS is advanced software that reads human emotions from facial expressions. The software begins by erecting a 3-D model of the face and it's 44 major muscles. When 1 muscle or multiple muscles move, it is called an "action unit". The computer uses these units to determine the emotions of the user. The designer of this software has classified 6 basic emotions that the computer can read; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Hopefully, the software will soon be able to read more emotions such as confusion and depression. The FACS was used on Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Mona Lisa. The results concluded the following: Happy: 83% Disgust: 9% Fear: 6% Anger:2% Many humans couldn't even come up with that information. This software is extremely superior and could be very useful in the classroom. It is able to tailor material so that the students better understand what is being taught. The FACS would be revolutionary. Not just for education; but also for therapy. It would be an amazing idea to have this software in classrooms and offices around the world. We humans love to improve. This is a perfect way to do just that.
I read the article ''A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." This article is about the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is people that help recover food supplies for places that just got done with war and to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. I think it's good to help people in need. There are three rerasons why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Those reasons are that your helping people in need, to expeariance other countries culture, and to for the adventure and amazing views. The first reason why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that because your helping people in need. It is good to help people in need because it shows other people that they are loved. It is also good to help people in need because they just been through a lot. They just been through war, and war is not pretty. It is also good to help people in need because it shows that you care. The second reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that its good to expeariance other countries culture. It is good to expeariance other countries culture because it is good to know what they do in there country. It is also good to expeaeriance other peoples cultures because it is goood to know how they live or if the countries poor. The last reason why you should expeariance other peoples culture is that it is fun to learn new things about other countries. The third reason why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys is for the adventure and the amazing things you get to see and expeariance. You get to go to China, Greece, Europe, Crete, italy, and many more countries. It would be fun to see The Great Wall of China, or the Panthenon in Greece, or other amazing sites in other countries. It is a honor to see an amazing site that most people don't see everyday. In conclusion, I think it would be really fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy. It would be fun to help people, expeariance other peoples culture, and see amazing sights. People should really consider being an Seagoing Cowboy.
I believe that driverless cars are a bad idea and I would not support the idea. They would cause many deaths and they can cause a lot of harm. They can also cause a lot of crashes. Also, most people dont have a fast reflex to prevent crashes. They are going to cost a fortune to keep producing them and a lot of money to produce the kind of road for the kind of car. The cars will cause many deaths because a computer is controling it and the car wouldent stop where its supposed to stop due to a mistake in their sensors. That can also happen due to the driver not paying attention to the road. The person driving could push the limit of the car and anything could happen. The car would lose control and crash killing some people. The cars are going to cost a fortune due to road improvements. Also the materials needed for the sensors which cost about two hundred million dollars. This just goes to show how much the cars will cost. The car also needs to be fixed sooner or later so the car's parts will cost a fortune to get. If the car is crashed who could you blame? The people driving the car or the people who created it? this will be a big problem to the bisness owners if the car decides to malfunction and cause a lot of damage or cause a life to end. The car could be damaged and the driver would not know because the person is not controling it but the comoputer is. Hacking is also a big problem in this world and if Google decides to sell this car, hackers could take control of it. These cars could be a potential thret to the environment and to inocent people. The cars would need a lot of secruity for this problem and could cost more than the needs to be. I am against driverless cars because of hidden dangers in these cars. by me proving this point, I belive that people that want this car will soon regret it due to dangers. the car would cost a fortune, and a lot of damage. The car also needs assistance so think of this; Is the car driving by itself or are you really driving it?
Dear State Senator, Elections are up coming soon and before we all even know it, it's going to be election day. As we all know, there is this process called The Electoral College that was established in the Constitution by our founding fathers. To be honest, I think it is time for a change. If you really think about it, The Electoral College isn't really in favor of the people anymore. Here's what i think should happen, instead of on election day when we vote for just the President and just getting the senates that ran for the Presidental candidate, I think we should have two different votings: one for the President and one for the senates, here's why: First, when election day comes around and we think we are voting for the president, we aren't, but instead voting for a big group of slate electors where they vote for the president. For example, if you lived in Washington and you wanted to vote for [John] Doe, for instance, you would be voting for a slate of about 35 electors pledged to that President. Then the slate of electors vote for the presdient, not the people, and I dont think everyone knows that. Most of the people that know about have said that The Electoral College is a "diaster factor" while the government says that "the American people should consider themselves lucky" WRONG!!!!!! The American people technically can't even vote for their own president becuase "it's against the Constitution" there needs to be a change. Like allowing some people who go in to vote to either: vote for a slate of electors who elect the President or just vote for the president themselves. That way the people feel like their vote actually does count. Thank you State Senator for giving me some of your time so you can read my letter to you about The Electoral College. I hope you take my idea under consideration. Thanks again, Sincerely, PROPER_NAME (student at SCHOOL_NAME)
I believe that using this technology could be effective in a classroom environment. The computer can read the emotion of the student and react based upon the emotions that student is feeling. This technology can also make animated facial expressions easier to read. A computer in a classroom being able to read the emotions of a student could make the learning for students easier or more entertaining. Dr. Huang, an expert on how to develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate, predicts,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Most human instructors cannot read the emotions of their students, so they do not know if they need to change their lesson in any way. For students that have issues with paying attention or struggling with assignments, this computer program could make them get more into the lesson or explain it better. Another reason that this technology could be useful is using it to make animated faces easier to read. The article states, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery." This could help possible college students that may be going into fields that use either of these. If a student is helping develop a video game, it would make it easier for them to use this technology to make the faces for expressive. It could also help a student that wants to become a surgeon. They need to know how their patient is feeling. This technology could change the way we are educated. It can make it easier for us to learn in a comfortable environment. We as humans express ourselves greatly through the way our bodies move or the faces we make. Dr. Huang notes, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that, too."
Dear state senator, I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral college because, it requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal,its actually a good thing. Basically all voters are involved because if it wasnt for that one voter the president wouldnt had been elected as president. A candidate with only one regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president. if we didnt have voters we might would have the worst president of them all, he could do bad things for the country he want, which may affect us as a country. Dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College votye is possible is because, the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. Another reason, is that the electoral college restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states by population lose by virtue of the mal- apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitutuion .Large states such as florida , wyoming, gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small states does. It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote . yet that has happened very rarely. But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee and that is rarely betrayed. in addition, We can have argue that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off the potential voters for a candidate who has no hope for their state . They have to be more careful about who they want to vote because, it can cause alot of damge to the president or even the world that we live in. They should let people who already know about the political party's and the democrats and the republicans. to be continued, We should have our background checked on if we should vote or not because , people have faked thier identity and voted , or even forced someone else to vote for them even if they didnt want to. the electoral college is a very important process that goes on in this world just to make our place a better one . If our electoral college do better we can have more oppertunities in life, like when the good president becomes president just like obama , He can do good things with the taxes or even make it easier for kids to have jobs so they wont have to be on the streets doing bad things and maybe even one day they would grow up to be able to vote for thier favoritem president. And that is why I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College.          
Dear Florida State Senator, We, the people have been given the Electoral College in order to allow both us and congress a say on who will be the next face of our country. I know that you should not fix what is not broken, but maybe it time to allow some changes in our election. The Electoral College attempts to maintain a fair voting process, but like many great ideas it comes with a few kinks. "Non-swing" states have it rough when its time for voting season, because their chances of ever getting their voice heard are slim to nothing. In the second source; paragraph thirteen, the Office of the Federal Register mentioned that candidates spend their time on "swing" states due to them having a better chance of suceeding there than, "non-swing" states. This is unfair to the citizens of those states not being able to get a word in, let alone a simple acknowledgement of who they may be voting for. Even in the third source; twentieth paragraph, the 'OotFR' mention that only those few lucky states chosen will receive more information on the candidates than those unfortunate few who were discarded like an old newspaper. Votes are solely dependent on the electors of the states, as shown in paragraph ten of source two. Voter often get confused over who they are placing their votes towards,often voting for the wrong candidate or have no control, whatsoever. In the following paragraph, John F. Kennedy was in trouble back in 1960 because of the LA state legislature nearly got new electors so that most of Kennedy's popular vote would not be received at all. Overall the electors play crucial part in the Electoral College, but must could not trusted to hold that much responsibilty. All-in-all, the Electoral College contains some flaws, which is normal. I'm not asking for you to abolish it altogether, but compromise and evenly distribute the power of the votes and who gets a say on what is happening. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Driverless cars should be developed because they offer more, are safe, and help with polution. Cars that drive themselves offer more to the community. They could possibly become the new public transportation system. Taxis and buses would be replaced. Driverless cars are more flexible and can get people to where they want to go faster. People won't have to wait and stop at each indivsuals location to get to theirs like you would on a bus. Driveless cars are safe. The sensors used in the cars have become way more advanced. They have come to the point where they are able to detect and respond to out-of-control skids and even roll overs. The brakes can be applied on individual wheels, and reduce or increase the power in the engine. This is better responce and control than a human driver could have. Even if something were to go wrong, human control is still accessable. Google has had driverless cars since 2009. They all have droven over half a million miles and are still going strong with not a crash yet. Driverless cars also help with polution. Google cofounder forsees that they will use half the fuel of todays taxis. Then, if you think about the majority of buses that could be replaced to, then that only adds to it. Less gas being used means less hazardous fumes being put into the air. Possibly in the future, these cars could even be ran on electricity, helping the ecosystem even more. Driverless cars offer a new, safe, and evironmental helping way of transportation that should not be overlooked. This could possibly be our break through to the new and improved future.
The development of driverless cars will be a beneficial aspect on the world as it progresses in the future. The development of these cars will ensure the safety of the driver/passenger and outside pedestrians and drivers. this development in cars will also make driving less straining for the driver as it requires careful attention when on the road. Therefore, the development of driverless cars can be supported as a beneficial aspect to revolutionize the world. When it comes to safety and accidents, cars tend to be always involve those factors. Many daily drivers make the road a more dangerous place because they dont have there full atttention on the road. instead, are distracted by other factors such as texting, or anything thats causes them to take their eyes off the road. with the development of driverless cars, they can ensure the guaranteed saftey of the driver as they will be completeley imobolized to hazardous mistakes. according to the article "The Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author states that "most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers". In this case, it shows that safety is only ensured when drivers are alert. because not all drivers are alert in the real world, saftey can't be guaranteed. This safety can be guaranteed to driverless cars which prime function is to transport; incapable of submission to outside forces. Driving as previously stated requires plentiful attention to the road and your surroundings. this however, can be straining to the driver due to being restrained to look at the road for a long peiod of time and hands becoming sore from grasping the steering wheel. Driverless cars can relieve the burden of that due to them having control of driving themselves. the driver can instead relax, enetertain himself, and or sleep if exhausted from a busy day. In the article, the author states that enetrtainment/ information systems can be turned off when the driver needs to take over, implying that the driver only needs to be engaged when necessary rather than 100% of the time. In conclusion, the development of driverless cars can be seen as a great innovation to the safety of the world and drivers among it . People will no longer need to feel the heavy burden of ensuring to remain alert when not fully engaged, or the tense suffering of driving over a period of time. The development of driverless cars will indeed be a positive aspect on drivers global.
When i hear people say they are going to buy a car that can drive its self I always seem to get into a argument with them. It's not that i know someone is smart enough to do that but what's the reason. I see it as if u dont wanna drive then hire someone to drive for you. Having a car that does that is kinda scary in my eyes. Just all the technology that someone has to put into to blows my mind. In the article they went on about say how they have the google car that has gone over half a million miles with out a crash but I truly think thats on roads with nobody else on it. For a car to know when and where to go is easy only thing u got to do is have a gps system but for a car to know when it has to stop all of a sudden is hard. You never know whe you have to make a quick turn so u wont hit anybody or stop fast cause someone hopped out into the street. The way some people drive now a days the car would not know what to do. You could be just laying back in the car that drives it's self and a car cuts you off instead of u being focus on the road your relaxing and you hit and kill someone. Is it your fault or the cars? So in my eyes having cars that can drive them self is not good right now. Their is still of testing to be done. That also mean laws will have to be made just for the person who owns one. The article also went on to say that to alert the driving something bad is about to happen by having the seat vibrate. Thats not a good way to alert someone i'm going to need sounds or something. I just think they should just work out all the kinks first then put the cars out on the lot with data showing you it's save to have one.
What i think about driverless cars is that they might be a bad thing because, there is so much technaligy in one car its becomes like a human body if one of the cameras stop working then its like becoming blind in one eye. You can still see but not as efectivley as before. You can fix a camera but how much will it cost. What if you sensors malfunction you just lost you're hearig, sence of touch smell taste. How would the car know what to do. the car, blind like a chicken with it head cut off. Unless there is a stearing wheel you can save your self or a emergency hand brake. How much does it cost to buy a sensor and to make one how manny days will it take for a new one to arive. I think it a bad idea becase somthimes new can be bad and old can be the best.
I believe that using this in a classroom will be valuable. However, this could also be a bad idea. It states in the text that your freontailis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised. First of all, It is good to know that, because looking at old photographs taken you can see if the person is happy or not. Second of all, the computer can tell if a student is bored, confused, sad, and happy. Which is very good for the teacher. If a student were to be confused on something that they were learning, and did not want to ask in front of the class, it would show the teacher that they need to know more about the subject that they are struggling with. Finally, It is very inspiring how the computer can tell when your actually being serious with your facial expressions, and when you are not. I believe that all schools should try these. This will be the future, and will be good when used in classrooms.
Dear Senator, Don't you think that everyone's vote should count? Well I do and so does everyone else in the U.S. That's why we should change our voting system. We should change it to which ever candidate gets more votes wins. I'm saying this because there has been a couple of conflicts with the Electoral College. I will also tell you why popular votes are better for the nation. Let me tell you about the Electoral College and the conflicts it brings. In 2000 Gore had more popular votes but less electoral votes which meant that Bush won. All those millions of people that voted for Gore got betrayed because the nominees who vote for the president didn't vote for the president they swore to. So they voted for Gore yet the nominees didn't and that angered them because there votes didn't really count. If we change our system to popular votes then the people of the U.S would be happier and the system would be less complicated. It would be better because everyones vote would count because it would be going to the candidate they want and not people that might vote for the president. This is why I think we should change our systems. Because with the Electoral College it is very unfair to people. With the popular votes everyones votes count and there votes go towards the presidents and not towards people that might not vote for the president they want to.
Pursuing the study of venus would benefit everyone in the society. Gathering information about Venus would give scientist more understanding about how the planet started. Also this could prove scientist if Venus was actually a Earth like planet and if so why did it turned out to what it is now. First, we know so far that Venus has a very thick atmosphere of almost all of it is carbon dioxide. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration have tried to send a spacecraft to Venus before but on spacecrafts survive the landing. This targets some factor including how thick Venus atmosphere is with highly currosive sulfuric acid and also it's temeprature contributes to those factors. NASA's possible solution to this is creating a blimp-like vehicle that hovers 30 or so miles above Venusian landscape. On the other hand, this vehicle can only stay 30-plus miles above surface meaning it cannot take any samples like rocks, sand or other staff. Also taking photograph of Venus surface would not work because light would not penetrate at of Venus' dense atmosphere. Furthermore, NASA have been working on other approaches to study Venus. NASA have created a simplified electronic made of silicon carbide and have been tested is a chamber which stimulate the chaos of Venus. Suprisingly, the silicon carbide lasted for three week in such condition. This silicon carbide can be indeed the only craft that would be able to collects particle from Venus' surface like rock for example. Lastly, NASA have been working on is the mechanical computer. This mechanical computer have played an important role during a World War II. The unique thing about this computer is that is does not need any electronic to make any calculation. Most computer in own modern day are indeed more powerful, quick and flexible but are delicate when it comes to extreme conditions. In conclusion, insisting of trying new and diffrent craft to go to Venus' would definitely lead us and NASA to success of collecting evidences of fossils like rocks. Trying and failing to land on Venus' surface should not stop us because this only lead us to more information that can expand our knowledge of the planet. Also this lead to even more better innovation that NASA can use and probably also us humans.
Hey Earth has a twin. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author strongly suggest that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Although the author's idea may sound wild to some he does support his argument very intelligently. To begin the author supports his ideas by giving back ground knowledge on Venus. The author then preoceeds to scientificly explain the orbits that Venus, Mars and Earth under takes."Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner—in space terms—humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world." The explanation that the author gives us shows us the simalirty of the planets and the efforts of exploring Venus is important despite its conditons. In paragraph 4 the author uses a rhetorcle device "If our sister planet is so inhostible, why are scientist even discuusign further vistits to its surface. The author uses a rhetoricle quetsion to get his point across to the reader. The author goes further into depth by describing the geogrphics of Venus and how it could of been a Earth like planet long ago." Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." The author brings in NASA into the conversation and explains to us how they have been working to explore Venus. "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." Although the author is fully aware of the extreme condtions of Venus they still don't believe that hoviering 30 miles from Venus wont provide them with enough information. The author also argues that scientist wont have the ability to take samples of rocks,gas,etc. The author even goes further by saying" Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to undestand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks". Well Earth may have a twin, but they are not identical. Despite the harsh conditions of Venus the aurthor does a great job with supporting their idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit. Not to forget the author supported their claim with lots of evidence provied through out the text.
Computer Cars Would want a computer driving your car with your five month baby in the car? I strongly dissagree, I wouldn't let a computer drive my car! I personal think that the Driverless Cars are too risky. Therefore I dissagree with the Driverless Cars because its dangerous, laziness and expensive. The Driveless Cars ways are way too dangerous . What happens if the sensors doesn't go back to driver? The car will crash at some put of the place you going. The driveless Cars gets its battery ran down way too fast and that can be very dangerous, because the car can shut down. The car won't be able to you it's contact any emergancy savers becuase it wouldn't have any battery. Secondly , getting a Driverless car is being lazy. It's already unhealthly that we drive cars, and now it's going to be an computer driving the car. Some scientisits belive that the Driverless Car can cause the world to have everything done by any computer . That mean the world wouldn't be healthly because, everything would be done for us. Thirdly I think the Driveless Car is too expensive. The driverless car cost millions of dollars and that is bad. If the car breaks down it would be even more expensive. I think you shouldn't waste you live savings on that junk ! Inconclusion Driverless Cars are stupid! The car is dangerous and expensive . Driving the car will be
2000 was when the 21 centuery began. Since then we have came so far. From airplanes going at faster speed, more advanced phones, more relable machines. What is next? Our technlogy is slowly advanceing every day. With new products coming out each day. What if we could create driveless cars? It might seem like a wild dreams, but we're all a little mad here. Phones seem like a crazy idea when first created. What about driverless cars? Creating these car would help stopping car crashes, would have less popultion, and could save moeny in the future. Let's build these driverless cars for a better future. Building these cars can save drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. The car send vibration signlas to the driver throught the car when put in danger. A specail touch sensore also will make sure that the driver's has there hands on the wheel at all times. A system can also be add to the car that can trun off devices when the driver needs to take actions. The number of car crashes in still high. What if we could stop this? We might be able to with this car. Building these cars can cause less poplution. When these cars are made bus, trains, and taxis can be removed and replaced with these cars. The poplution that is cause can be reduced with these driverless cars. With these less cars will be on the road and less poplution will be made. With global wraming still high and the damage that has already been made with these cars it can stop it from rising. Build these cars can also save the goverment money. Yes, money will have to be put into this project to create and test, but looking at the postive side of this. Less car will have to be made. Less mateirals will be need to buy from expores. Less gas will need to be bought. The moeny that is saved can be put in to help our economy and improving it. Having a future will driverless cars? Doesn't that sound amazing? Cars the can save more lifes, cars that can save our planet, cars that can save moeny. Our future might be a little bit better if we had these cars. The 21 century promised new technolgies it time we created it. Driverless cars might be our first step to going into a more futurist era. We'll never know what the future has instored for us.
Driverless cars are a new thing in the world. Some people think that the cars are the best thing in the world because you don't have to actually drive, but some other people think that they are a bad idea because they don't trust them. Being in the driver seat of a driverless car can be stressful. If the driver didn't trust the car to drive itself then the driver would be freaking out everytime the car applied the gas, breaks or even just turned the wheel. This invention is very high tech but there are many things that are needed before they are out on the roads. Driverless cars can be dangerous in many ways. Since they are new, there may be some flaws. The car could accidently apply the gas instead of the breaks and then there would be a crash, or the wheel could turn right instead of left and you would be going the wrong way. That would make the driver frustrated and then they would end up taking over the car and driving themselves anyway. Or what if there is a crash, then who would be responsible for it. Would it be the driver of the driverless car or would it be the manufacturer who designed the car in the first place. The car could have a malfunction and the driver of the car would be blamed even though they were not even driving the car. Right now the driverless cars are illegal in most states to even test them. So if they are not tested properly, why would a driver want to risk his/her life when they could just drive themselves and they can guarentee that they know they are going the right way and they would know that the car would stop at a stop sign instead of speeding up. These cars need to be worked on a few more years before they get released to the public to where they can buy them off a lot. On the other hand, if the cars are developed properly, it should notify the driver when he/she needs to take over the car. There are some situations where the driver may need to take over such as in construction or heavy traffic. You may need to take over when driving through construction to ensure safety. The car will let you know when you need to take over by vibrating the seat or flashing lights on the windshield. There is also a safety feature that manufacturers are considering that uses cameras to watch that drivers are always focused on the road even if they are not driving. While the driver watches the road, the car will watch the driver to make sure they are still paying attention and that can help improve safety with these cars. In conclusion, I think that driverless cars are dangerous right now, but with more years of development, they may be the new thing of the future. Once every state in the country allows the cars to be tested, then that will be the next step towards having the cars on the roads and available to the public. But that may take a few years. The manufacturers have to make sure the cars have no flaws that could cause an accident and be their fault. By 2020, some car companies such as Nissan and Audi plan to have cars that can drive themselves. Everyday car manufacturers are getting one day closer to creating driverless cars to the public. But I think that the cars need to be tested properly before they even think about putting them on the roads.