In germany, they are trying to reduce the amount of cars driving by the people. They are improving on there walk ways, and public transportation to make it a better place. However in paris they are complety banding cars and fining people if they take there cars. The air in the city is smoged. In colombia there is a car free day. They either walk, take buses, bikes. The day without cars is a camaign to improve which began in the mid 1990's. The end of the car culture takes about our president Brack Obama's goal. The United States green house gases. Germany is imporving on there side walks for people to walk instead of taking there cars, either to work, to school, or other places people need to get. Germany is doing a great job. mentioned in paragragh two, in source 1, it says, "street parking driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg"... they to are forbidding things in there conturies, yes but they are improving on there streets nd providing public transportation to make it better. 70 percent of Vuauban's families do not own cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal mentions in her artical. 57 percent sold there cars to move there. She also says, in paragragh 3 lines 3 and 4, "when i had a car i was also tense". People seem to be tense with having cars. 12 percent of greenhouse gas are in Europe, in the United States its up to 50 percent in some areas. "All of our development since World War II has been centered on cars" paragragh 7 states. according to David Goldberg, that will change. Paragragh 8, says that New York sububs with spread out homes nd privite garages, were the dream towns of the 1950's. The last paragragh, 9 in Source 1  mentions that in the United States,the Environmental protection Agency is promoting "car reducing" communities. In sources 2,3, and 4 also have some good imformation that are understandable and have good ideas like in source 3: Car free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Andrew Selsky the writter of this artical says in the first paragragh that Colombians have a car free day. They either walk, ride there bikes to there location or anything like ride buses but they dont use there cars. Germany are improving and there making there community better.                                                                               
The "Face on Mars" was not created by aliens and is just a natural landform because, the face was made by shadows from when the picture was taken. Also, when Michael Malin and his crew took there photo on April 5, 1998 the picture was ten times sharper than the one the Viking took in 1976. Many people where not satified when the photo was tooken because it was winter in April '98 (a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet) the camera on board MGS had too peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say that the alien makings where hidden by haze from the clouds. On April 8, 2001 (a cloudless summer day in Cydonia) Mars Global Surveyor took a closer look. Michal and his crew caputed an extraodinary photo using there camera's maximum resolution. If there was an object or objects in this picture you would be able too see them. The picture actually showed an equlevent picture of a nutte or mesa (which are landforms common around the American West). That is why the Face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply just another landforms like the ones we have on Earth.
being aale to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. I believe if a student is struggling then they will find the most productive way out of how they are struggling, doing anything to gain some sort of happiness when they are down. it is there business and privacy, I never think that should be put into jeproady. It is impossible to detect 100% how someone is feeling, and I don't think that some new technology is going to change that. Nothing can detect how someone is emotionally feeling, facial expressions don't show emotions. Anyone can fake a smile and that thing be thrown off. Nothing can be said with a "calculation" I don't believe that a computer can tell how I feel based upon the looks of my smile, We have all taken a picture with someone we may not want to, but we toughed the smile out in that, this will be no different. Although, facial expressions are univeral based upon the emotion, people can manipulate the system and they will. The whole thing seems very orgainzed, like when the articel states that quote "Eckman has classified six basic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. That is truly breathtaking, and almost too good to be true. but I just think students will rebel when they have something can show how they feel, becasue that computer cannot get into the minds of some people, and truly help them, when someone who is visibly there, and physically there can help them out so much more. Some students will love this feature if it ever gets adapted, but most will rebel, and dislike school even more than some of them already do. Emotional expressions are how someone feels, and thinks about anything, a computer will never be able to tell me how to feel or think, and some corny ad for a youtube video will not change me if something truly drastic is affecting me, I think that the entire production of the FACS is magnificent, and truly admirable. I just think in this date and age that you cannot influence someone on how they think, or how they feel. If someone is happy, you should continue to let them go with the flow, and do there own thing, not crowd them with a computer that could potentially know how they feel, although I find that very unlikely, I am an optimist and hope that I can find reviews about this thing one day. I don't think I'd truly ever wanna know how some people feel, the thought is somewhat scary.
Dear state senator, We should not decide the president by electoral college. Mainly because it's unfair to the voters who took the time out of their day to vote, but then realized they wasted their time because their vote doesn't mean anything, the electors decide who the president is not the voters. The article 'The Indefensible Electoral Collge: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong' states "Under the electoral college system, voters vote for not the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." What's the point of voting if our vote basically doesn't matter because we are not the one choosing who is president. The same article also states "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always" We the voters basically don't even decide who's president, the electors do, and we don't even get to pick who the electors are, the state legislatures do. Why is the president based off of who the electors want? there's only 538 of them, it should be based off popularity, the vote of the millions of the people who have voted. Honestly i see no point in voting now since our votes don't decide who the president will be. Electoral college is unfair to the small states. The article 'Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president' shows a map of America with the number of electoral votes given to each state. If you look at the map, you'll notice that the bigger states have more electoral votes, and the small states have very few. For example California has 55 electoral votes, Texas has 38, and Florida has 29. But states such as Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine have less than 5 electoral votes. Which basically means that their electoral votes don't count nearly as much as the big states do. If we decided the president by popularity among everyone who voted, it would actually be fair to everyone, and more people would vote. The article 'Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president' states "Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" I don't blame them when the artcile also states "This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose presidency." Then what's the point of voting when our vote doesn't matter.                            
Do you think that there are emotion detectors or even others can feel your emotions by seeing and copying your emotions? There are multipus diffrent conclusions and multiple diffrent opinions. I'll give my personal opinion, and you can think about yours! In my personal opinion is that, yes, you can use technology to create a emotion that you are feeling. You can also use someone elses emotion to tell how they are feeling. In the story (paragraph 9) states that a drama coach, makes his actors try all kinds of diffrent emotions to use on stage, so that others believe their emotions are true. In paragraph 1-3, they aurthor explains that there are all kinds of different schools that are using machinery to come up eith diffrent emotions. The universities tell us that they have a 3-D computer that can detect the emotion that you are feeling. The computer detects all your facial muscles and they must move exactly like them. That is my opinion of if others or machiens can detect your emotions. I do believe that they can do that. I also believe that they can make others feel the same way.
Dear State Senator, I dont truely have a major problem dealing with the electoral college, its just that i believe that changing it to a popular vote of the president would be easier. Its kind of unnecessary to have as many elctions for all these different levels. It all takes far too long to decide which candidate would better suit this country. I understand it all has to be fair but its better having the popular vote. When the past leaders of this country were trying to abolish the electoral college, i dont think they were wrong for that. If you believe something isnt right, and your not the only one who believes the same as you, than there must be something wrong. It isnt fair if you win the popular vote and end up losing because of the electoral college. If you really think about it, the electoral college really has the say so of the entire election. So why involve the citizens of this country if what they say dont mean anything at all. Another important thing is that, the electors that are elected by the state could always defy the will of the people(paragraph 11). For example: the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors that would oppose John F. Kennedy. This is absolutely outrageous that someone could lose the opportunity to be president all because of the electors not approving. Its like when your says you can do something but the principle says no. The only time an electoral college is necessary is if the presidential race is at a tie with the number of votes and its all on the electoral college. The electoral college shouldnt have to be involved if the race isnt a tie and is going smooth. Its like sticking your nose in someones business, or getting involved in something that doesnt concern you. The electoral college is just a big insigator. So in conclusion, there is no need for the electoral college. It causes too much controversy and shouldnt be brought into play unless a tie has occured. The presidential race should run smoothly on popular vote.
Would you buy a self-driving car? Im going to be talking about the negitive things of self- driving cars about how a self driving car can be very dangerues, that what may cause the enviorment and that how much will the car cost if they ever come out in the future. The first thing Im going to be talking about is how dangerus driving a sellf- driving car can be. The fisrt thing that can be dangerus is that people may not pay attetion sometimes like they may be in the high way and there probably taking a nap in the car. But the car may tell that person to get back on the wheel because there may be a crontrution going on in the hightway and he wont notice because his taking a nap in the car so that person may casue an accident. Another thing that it can be dangerus is that the person may be letting the car drive it self but that person may forget to put there setbelt so if the car brakes really hard that person can get injurded or get really hurt. The second negitive thing I want to talk about is how is going to cause the enviroment. The cause is that theres going to be a lot of danger with there kids if there playing in the streets because if somebody has put the thing to self drive and children are playing out side that can be really dangerus. The communitty may that say that they dont need to ride does cars in out neiborhood bacause of causes that may happen. Another thing is that this communitty may not let crazy drivers drive these cars because like the authore said some cars can stay there without energy and so the goverment has to pay a lot of money to put charging poles for cars. The final most importan one is how much are these cars going to cost if they come out. Probably the rich people will buy these nice looking self driving cars, one reasson is that thses cars can cost up at least 20,000 or more if they start inventing sports cars. So not all people may buy these expesive cars so thats why is good because the goverment dosent have to spend that much money by putting lots of charging poles for the car. Thats why if rich people get this kind of cars than there pretty good with them. So now do you want that nice self-driving car? I dont think so, because in my opinion I would not buy these kinds of cars if they come out.
Venus is one of the brightest stars in the solar system and is consitered to be the "second sun". It is almost as dense as earth and is said to be called "earths twin". The planet has been studied very closely even though we are miles and miles away. The planet is almost impossible to land on. Every spaceship that has landed has crashed or dissapeared. The atmosphere is so dense taking a regular iphone there would melt entering each layer of the atmophere. The most challenging point to venus is it's atmospheric pressure which is ninety times greater then earth and has the ground tempurature eight hundred degrees fairenheit. Scientists have seeen many volcanos and lightning outbursts very close in intrevals of time on Venus which can make landing and space travel difficult. NASA says orbiting, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." Which means the ground would "liquify metal". Since Venus is one of the closest planets we could possibly travel too. NASA has been experimenting and planning. NASA has been planning to bring back the mechanical computer from World War Two, to bring into space because of its dense steel and metals. Some may contemplate Venus is just a rock planet and empty. Scientist have discovered that Venus has has earth's features like, "rocks, craters, valleys, and mountains". Even though Venus is far away and is very dangerous our society is curious and will grow until the journey to Venus and back is accomplished.
Did you know that Venus was maybe once like earth? And also maybe know that "Mechanical Computers" were used back in World War II that NASA may get ther idea for a invention to study Venus ? Sounds shocking right, well let me tell how and why these two questions may sound odd, but intresting. NASA has been working on finding ways to study Venus. They have simplified electronicsthat are made of "silicon carbide" that have been tested in a chamber that is like Venus's surface, and has lasted for about 3 weeks in the comditons as Venus's surface. They still are working on other inventions that will allow the machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully knowledge of Venus. NASA has also wanted a ship to orbit and hover safely far above the planet so that it can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of photography and videography of Venus. Astronomers have wanted to return to Venus but they wasnt a mission safe and scientifically productive. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because they believe in the solar sytem long ago Venus was like was just like Earth at one point. They also believe that Venus once had the features like eath like an ocean, mountains, valleys, and craters. In Venusian geology and weather present erupting volcanoes and frquent lighting , and maybe even strikes on the land surfaces. Venus atomosphere is about 97 percent of carbon dioxide and has a highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Its temaptures are an average over 800 degrees , its atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather that we experience on our own planet. Each pervious mission was unmanned and maybe thats a good reason no spacecraft survived the landing, or ecplains why not a single spaceship hs touched down on Venus in more than three decases. And is why Astonomers have also wanted a safe mission to go to Venus. And it is also why its a challenging planet for humans to study,which is like is said before why NASA has been wantiing to find good ways to study Venus. Another project taking us back to old technology us "Mechanical Computers". These computures were used in World War II,and these devices were used to make calculations andby using gears and levers and it did not require elctronic at al. Modern computers are enormosly powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicate when it came to physical conditons. systens that use nechanical parts can be made mire resistabt to pressure, heat a and other forces. So Venus is a worthy, despite of the dangers and earth abd beyind should not be limited by daners abd doubts because uou shoild be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginatio and innovation. Meeting the challenge to study Venus has value but not because its interesting but because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimitdating endevaours.
With the future that we see and what we are bound to see ahead of us the Evolution of technology is happening and is closer than you think. The modes of transportation now are much more advanced than what they were 20 years ago. In the past we have seen vehicles that back in the day were the next big thing, but now every year that goes by a big car company shows of the latest model of a new luxurios, sport, or even a family vehicle with the newest technological features such as sensors and cameras that will warn the driver of any danger ahead or behind the vehicle. Many people have only dreampt of seeing the future of transportaion as driverless and inexpensive such as Google cofounder Sergey Brin who believes that this would fundamentally change the world. Google has indeed made cars that have driven independently, but are still under development. Sebastian Thrun, cofounder of the Google Car project believes that technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream of driverless, safe, and advanced car technologies. With futuristic technology advancements in vehicles such as the Google modified Toyota Prius that uses position-estimating sensors, mounted video cameras, automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an internal motion sensor we can only imagine what we will see in the near future. Antilock brakes, and motion sensors have been around for quite some time, since the 1980s, but further improvements in sensors and in computer hardware and software are what is leading in making driving safer and allowing driverless vehicles to do more driving tasks on their own. Antilock brakes and driver assistance isnt quite the driverless vehicles we dream of but it is one step closer to achieving that dream. BMW has been developing "Traffic Jam Assistant" which with special touch sensors the vehicle makes sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Many cars can steer, accelerate, and brake by themselves, but all still need human skills in areas such as work zones and around accidents. The future is near and much closer than anyone has imagined with technological advancements in transportaion technology and newer vehicles being under development with much more advanced tech. By 2020 Mercedes Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that will be driverless and independent. What we see now is just a glimps of what we will see in the future.
We should change the Electoral College to election by popluar vote. As its states in the text "The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." When you vote for a president, your actually voting for a state elector. It is possible that the winner of the electoral vote wont win the national popular vote, but that happens rarely. Over 60% of voters would prefer direct elections. Voters doesnt vote for the president in the electoral college, they actually vote for the slate of electors. Wouldnt you want to vote for the persident you want except voting for the electors? Its unfair that some states has more representatives than others because if its up to to the representatives big states, such as California has 55 representatives which represent 35 million voters. So as a example if the votes are tied and its up to Wyoming and California to decide who is president, Obama or Romney, and if California representatives voted for Romney, then even if Wyoming representatives voted for Obama, Romney would of won. They should let us (citizens of America) vote for president except for the electors. In my personal opinion, there would be a higher amount of votes per president. It'll be fair if the president would be elected by the most popular votes. The president that has thhe most votes should be the one who wins it all.
To all my fellow citizens, I must tell you about all the spectacular things cities are doing. They have started giving up their cars to decrease the congestion and pollution rate. The cities that have already tried it have seen a huge benifit. A little community in  Vauban, Germany was the fist city to let go of their cars. Residents say they feel much less stress than when they had cars. What a suprise that not having to worry about traffic would reduce stress. It has also drastically reduced tailpipe emissions. They're have been rearangments by stores, they have been relocated along public sidewalks so that people no longer hae to drive across town to the mall or stores. They can simply walk or bike down the road to pick up whatever might interest them. The next place that picked up this amazing wonderful idea was none other than the busiest city in France; Paris. Paris ordered its citizens to leave their car at home, and if they didn't comply would pay a 22-euro fine. 4000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to this fine, but if I was able to buy a car and not drive then I would be among those who would have their car impounded. On the bright side congestion went down 60% which is amazing for one of the busiest cities in the world. The next place thats wanting to pick up this no car trend is none other than right here in the United States, and were supporting it. Each year that goes by recent studies have suggest that Americans aren't buying as many cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses. If this pattern progresses it could solve our atomosphere problem. If huge cities and like Paris,Vauban,and The United States will give up cars. Than that alone could drastically change the path that our planet is headed for. So citizens I hope this encourages you to cut back on your car usage. Take the bike out every once and a while or just walk. Whats the worst that could happen if you limited your automobile usage.
There is now a new technological software called the Facial Action Coding System that enables computers to identify human emotions. I personally believe that the use of this technology, to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable. There are many details in the passage that support my argument. In paragrapgh 6 of the article, it proclaims, " " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts." "Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." In the real world today, students often begin to get bored during, or simply just very confused on the material they are working on. When students begin to get confused or bored, their engagement in learning declines. To have a technology software that could modify the lesson like a human instructor when students are confused, or bored is very valuable. The text also states, " To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." When teachers are finished teaching material, they often ask if anyone has any questions. Some students will lie and say they understand the material when they really don't, because they are too embarassed to be critisized if they don't know how to do a certain problem. With this new form of technology, teachers could actually see if everyone is grasping the imformation they are learning,and not just sayig they are when they are not. This is a major advandcemnt in leaing for all students. There are many reasons as to why the use of the Facial Action Coding System, which enables computers to identify human emotions, for stuents in the classrooms is valuable. Students often always have negative attitudes or emotions that affect their productive learning. Having this technological system will help teachers understand how students are feeling, and will better approach students. When teachers correctly know how to approach certain students, the students learning will prosper.
Have you ever just wondered if there could be life somewhere else from earth? If so then how about the face that they found on mars. Many people dont agree that it's just landform that built it's self up and just happened to resembul a face. Others would disagree and say that it is just land and that shodows were the main purpose of the enitre thing that made it look like a face. Why did the face on mars not look the same in 1976 i looked like a smilly face at first. When the picuture was taken it was taken in many different angles. That shows that there is a posability that the picture that they took at the time was in a way that made it have shadows an some sides. The camara that took it could have been faceing in the direction that the sun was shining and got some of the light make shadows on the landform. The scientist that looked at the picture taken by Viking 1 says it was only landform shaped in different ways. Makeing it appear like something that is not really there. Garvin says that it remindes him of a lava dome around the America West it's about the same height as the face that they found on mars. When they first took a picture of the face in 1976 it looked nothing like a face it only looked like a smily face and even that was hard to tell. After a couple of years in 1998 in looked like an oval shaped box and it was sunken in. And in 2001 is when started to shape into something over the years in changed and over more years it will change even more. After that and so on because that's just what landforms do they change but, you can't always see the same thing you sole once. I can see why some people don't see why it could be a landform And that its actually something else it does look like a face .it could actually be a statue and not just land shaped in to something but the thing is of it was really a statue or remaines of something or someone But,then why wouldn't it looks fuler or have actuale face there would be bones. And if there was a statues then why is it only it's head you would a lest find the other parts of the statue but we haven't and that's because it only a land form shaped into something almost everyone beleives to be actuale life. In conclution that object that was found on mars is only land built up that looks some what like a face and not a statue or remains of a living person or creature. but something that was a different landform a long time ago before it became what is know as the face on mars.
The author is talking about a new technology on the computers, well this new computer can be very helpful and interesting because the the computer can see if the students aresad, angry, happy, and bored. The process begins whe the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. This computer can help alot of people because when you know the emotion of somebody you already know how is the person and what we can do for them. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. Empathy (feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another perso's facial expressions. whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions. By the way, did making a happy face in this experimentalso make you feel slightly happy? well the theory of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. In fact the humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday.
Technology is extremely helpful in our everyday lives and is a great way to interact with people. We use it to gather information and learn, as well as overall communicating with people all over the world. But do we really need it to guide us on human emotion? Emotional technology could actually keep us from understanding people on our own, and could make us too dependent on electronics. Do you have a friend or family member who always knows how you're feeling even if you're trying to hide it? Analyzing other people's emotions is a good way for people to understand eachother and to grow close with one another. But technology takes away our ability to do that on our own. The author of "Making Mona Lisa Smile" states, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face". This is clearly a way to show how humans minds naturally can do the same job as the Facial Action Coding System. If humans rely on computers and technology to tell us how we or other people are feeling, we don't need to figure it out on our own. And if we are always relying on technology and not using our own experiences and analytical skills, then we will eventually lose our abilities to understand others on our own. People in the modern day are already very dependent on technology, we can not let it tear down our social skills. Having an emotion generator can slowly tear at people's social skills and will make us less able to relate to people. Identifying other's feelings can give people a sense of closeness, understanding, and relation to that other person, and if we constantly rely on technology to do those things for us, it would seem as though we are losing connection from person to person, and are making it a connection from person to technology. Some people believe that technology is keeping us from the simple things in life, and we are more engaged in our cell phones than engaging with people or nature or any of our surroundings. So in that particular case, would using technology to read people make us to connected with electronics, or would it allow us to further connect with people? The answer is fairly simple. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, and that means that nobody knows people better than people themselves. We have been able to read people's faces and emotions since the beginning of time, and are still currently able to. No technology can read the psychology of humans as well as humans likely can. So why would we add the element of technology to interfere with person to person contact? It is important that people are able to associate with other people without depending on other resources, and including technology to help us would in the long run actually hinder us. A person had to understand humans enough to create this kind of technology, so instead of making everyone dependent on technology, why don't we allow people to understand humans more on their own? In conclusion, although technology can be useful, technology determining emotions could effect our generation in a negative way. Humans were born being able to understand basic human emotion, and we should not take away that skill from others through relying on technology.
Driverless car are becoming more likely to be bought then any other car. They have been given speical quanities that draws the buys attention to. In cars like Audis, Nissans, etc they have become more likely that buyers wants. Has anyone ever though of what happened if a snsor didnt ctahc something whose fault would it be the person or the car, what if the automatic breaks didnt completely stopped the car and the person hit something whose fault would it be. I believe Driverless cars are not the greatest Development. In some peoples eyes driverless cars can be the greatest thing or maybe not so great to evryone. Many people over the years have had sudden mishabs of something that wasnt there fault or maybe someone elses. driver less cars are starting to become very too expensive. Driverless cars are starting to mess with peoples mind, maybe having scensors and cameras everywhere along with automatic breaks but has anyone sat back and realzied how much this would cost. many people need to pay attention to whats going on, on the road and not just have a car do it for them. Ever since the 1980s cars like this have been invented every year and more and more have gotten more advanced and more epensive. Automation is becoming a more major challenge according to Dr. Werner Huber. Many people want more entertainment and information systems and hope that there car will be successful by having things. People should take there own responsibility by driving there own car and realizing safety is a huge concern.
He joing the seagoing cownboys beacuse he hade a frend thatwas helpingwith the task that he is doing IN Geece and other parts fo Europe and othe thing like helping farm anmals and feading them and the othe anmals like pigs,cows and more so things are bater if you are helping and not whaching other do all the work and othre doing more work then other people. and it is fun helping peolep lke that one time in cakofy with the tornatos they were bad. And in the place of Luck i whoud hade helpthem to makeing them thro a tofe time at they lost the wold war II. after he got back frome Greece he went on for more trip to help other in making their contree rebild thire contree in the way fo thair lost and othe things like the lost in their homes and theother thing that they most holld close to thire hart and some o0f thim mast had lost thair dogs cats and all the amomal they had in their home andother things like blongingand other thing they are more fun to do thin you think to help othes . what do we do evin if they are ower enery we still gave therm aid and food and other thing candings and theing wear ower enerys and we stilld helped them rebild their homes and other thinds are moredrtatr thendyou many think it ids more east to help thim thin let them pairs in thair lost to the U.S.A. Evesein we held thim the helped us inthe other wars l9ike D-DAY d-daywas a day that we lost most of ower troops Onomhall Bach the pair o shouter misst and they mist the bunkers and didn't take out the mushinguns that kille ower men and chain+Vatnom. IN concush luch helped alot of people that er in troble by giving both of thim food ,anmls and ohter thing like biolding mterols and other things
There is a lot of different theories about whether or not we need to stop using cars or use natural things for gas. In the four passages I read about the German Suburb, Paris bans, car-free day in Bogota, and The End of the Car Culture. All of these passages make very good logical points. There are many different ways to look at all of these passages so ill explain the best I can. Recently in Germany everyone is feeling like they want a car-free environment. In the suburbs this can be nice. Having malls not on the big highways away from town, they could have a mall on a main street. It could be a "walk away" mall. So you didnt have to waste gas and pollute the air. Its been recorded that 12% of greenhouse emissions in Europe are from passenger cars. In Paris there have banned driving because the smog is so bad. To all even numbered license plate numbers they have to leave there cars at home. The following day the odd numbered would have to do the same. If you did not follow the rules they unforced you would be fined 22 euros ($31), or your car would get impounded. They almost got up to there record pollution, which is almost as bad as China or Japan. In Bogota they have not had cars for 3 years. They have been banned besides busses and taxis. The parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city. Because everyone is walking or riding bikes and at the park. If you don't have much money than you will spend the majority of your time getting places on your own like biking, walking, running, skating, and stuff like that. Therfore the obesoty rate will hopefully go down, the people living there will be healthier and happier. Another theory of cars is that were done with them. Some reseachers think that we are recently not into cars and arent using them as much. They think that we will slowly not need them and stop using them all together. Then have no cars and eberyone will be healthier haveing to get places on there own by foot or bike or something like that. Also once you stop using a car its hard to start using it again. All in all theres no real proven right idea about cars and what will happen to us, the earth, and cars. We will find out someday. We might even learn how to fly by then too. We just never know until the day is here.
The arthor is saying that it can be possible to physcially travel to Venus as a exploration resort because of how much it's related to Earth. Venus is the second planet cloest to the sun and the third planet closest to Venus is Earth. Venus has mountains, valleys and etc. similar to Earth's terrain. Venus is a dangerous place to be at because it's exposed to heat a lot more than what earth is exposed. So for that reason, Venus would be an inhabitable place but scientists are working hard to figure out a way to be able to explore areas with such high amount of heat exposure. scientists has lauched machineries over to Venus to explore the varity of stuff over at Venus but all of the machines only lasted a few hours and then broke down because of how unsafe it is. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus because they are curious to see why Venus is such a similar planet to Earth. The idea they had to help NASA explore more over at Venus was to use old mechanical technology because they thought that it would withstand the heat and pressure over at Venus. NASA is working hard to figure out Venus because in the near future they want to travel over there as another planet to attend on. NASA is curious to see how the near future would turn out with all of these expierements because they are curious to travel beyond their imaginations. NASA also hopes that in the near future, flying cars and better technology are there because they would like to travel to other planets over my using cars and vehecials. So the arthor may be right about being able to travel to other planets with how NASA is going so far with technology.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom IS valuable. it is valuable to read students emotions expression because if a student is sad and just wants to be left alone, or if a student is so mad and will go off for any reason then the teacher will know to leave those students alone. Another reason why the emothional expressions is that if they are in a play and you want they to actually feel those feelings. Plus you can tell if that person is being truthful or not. First off the reasion you can use this technology to read emotional expressions is that Dr. Huang and his clleagus are experts that developed a new emotional - recongition software that tracks these facial movements, with characteristics movements of the facial muscules. For example is the text it states "your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger." This is how that computer knows how you are feeling, by look at your muscles. If they did have the emotional expressions inside of the class room then you will be able to tell if the student is telling the truth or not. By that you will know for sure of the student is lying to you or not and you'll figure out a way to punich them. Second if you want the kids to really feel something and want to make sure they feel it then you'll know. So this is why I think this technology to read emotional expressions of students inside the classroom.
Dear mr. senator, i think that we should keep the electorial college, because it is more sufficient and we are used to it. when i say this, i am speaking for the people. The Electorial college is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise Between election of the President by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote. COMPROMISE is the big word of the day. Most compromises are the right way to go in many occasions. also, it says that it was in THE CONSTITUTION . Our founding fathers have already had this argument hundreds of years ago, and they agreed on something that has worked for many years, so why would we changte something thats working? you are insane if you want to change it mister senator. The elecotrial College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electorial votes by congress. <--- great process btw! The electorial college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electorial votes is required to elect the president. Your states entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its congressional delegation : one for each member in the House of representitives plus two for your senators. HMU if you wanna dicuss this any further EMAIL_ADDRESS from:PROPER_NAME
In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", Venus is explained to be very dangerous, harsh, and challenging. In this article, the author suggests that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that it presents. While the author does explain the harsh matters of the situation, he still supports his ideas and reasons on why Venus should be worth exploring. In the article, the author states that, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.". This quote has good meaning and reasoning on why the author feels that Venus should be worth exploring. With this quote, it is noticable that the author believes in taking risks. In this case, the author believes in taking a risk this big and challenging because it is greatly fascinating by astonomers and it will provide a great amount of knowledge that was once never known before. It will provide a sense of accomplishment, not just for NASA, but for everyone who wants to know what is living on places outside of Earth. The author states, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditons, but survivable for humans.". With this quote, the author is showing how he does understand the difficulties and dangers of going up and exploring Venus. The author is listing a challenge but still comes back with a reason why Venus should be worth the pursuit. In this quote, specifically, the author thinks the pursuit is worth is because humans will still survive that challenge. It may be harsh, but it can be accomplished. In the article, the author also states, "More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges.". In this quote, the author is stating that if scientists want to know more, explore more, and seek more about Venus, then they are going to have to get very up close to it. The author is stating that yes, it will be dangerous, but it should be thought of as a challenge, not given up on. The author feels that a challenge like this should be accepted. In this article, the author feels that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that it presents. The author ends with this statement, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.". The author is stating that if Venus can be accomplished, so can a lot more.
Hello, I am here to tell you why I believe that people participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think that would be a good way to see the world and go place you never been before and you can go over seas and help other countries in need. In the story A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves it state in paragraph 4, in World War two over in Europe and many other places they was left in ruins so 44 nations joined togethere to form a UURRA and they hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the animals they was shipping over seas. That is why I believe participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program is a good thing cause you can help other countrys in need. In the story it sate i paragraph 6 that the boy Luke that was in the Seagoing Program he was over seas for two weeks before he had got to china. That is one of the reason why i think that being in the Seagoing Cowboys is a good way for you to go places you never been before Last, the passage state in paragraph 9 that being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more that a adventure for Luke Bomberger. This is why I choose to think that it is a great idea to be in the Seagoing Cowboys program cause you can see stuff that you never in your life seen before and have adventures. This shows why I have stick to believe that it is good idea for people to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Driverless Cars Do you ever feel like that cars may be not be able to be used in the future, do you feel like people wont really need to drive a car exactly and we can get better ones? Thats what this passage is basically talking about in the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the story is talking about how a google confounder named Sergey Brin believes that this can be achieved. Now my position on this argument is i believe that cars will not die out of existence or something we will stilll need them but I feel like if we want them to still be around we neeed to make them better for the future. I think that driverless cars will be the future because we have already started making smarter systems and sensors, we have already spent a lot of years on this project already, and I feel like itll help us more in our everyday life. Driverless cars are the next big thing for the future and here are some reasons on why I stand with this argument. The first reason why I stand with this argument is because have already started trying to improve smarter systemes and sensors. In the story it talks about how we already had those things that those things weren't really new to us right now. Because since we werent able to have smartere roads we needed to build smarter cars like having a GPS reciever or a sensor this stuff is all what we need to make the Driverless Car dream a success. In the text it stated, "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel...The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." That is the first reason on why I stand at this position. The next reason on why I stand at this position is because we have already spent a lot of years working on this project as it is. In the passage it talks about how they have been working on this project for quite some time now . Now even though we werent working on that project impaticular we were still doing other things as well that would try to insure that this dream would come true someday. In the passage it says, " in the late 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track... Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." That is another reason on why i stand with this argument. The last reason on why I stand with this position is I feel like it'll help us more in our everyday lifestyle. In the passage it talks about how cars may not be able to that much use to us in the future. but, if we start to upgrade them and make them a lot better than they were before then the future that they envisioned will come true. An example from the text is, "The car he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world." That is the last reason on why I stand with this position. Do you ever feel like we will have better cars in the future the kind that will be able to drive itself? Well thats what the passage, "Driverless Cars Are Coming" talks about how we will need better cars for the future. Now I think that even though it might not come true we never know what might happen for us in the future but I think that this invention will help us in the long run. Driverless are the future because we have already started making smarter systems and sesnors, we have already had a lot of time developing and working on this project, and I feel like it'll help us more in our everyday life. Driverless Cars are the next big thing for the future now will they actually be a thing, who knows we will just have to wait and see what the future brings.
I do believe that the use of technology, such as the one talked about in "Making Mona Lisa Smile", by Nick D'Alto, should be used in a classsroom to read the emotional expressions of students. I believe this because why not advance in our technology in school if we already are advancing in our technology outside of school. In paragragh six D'Alto greatly explained how it would be if we actually had a computer sitting in front of us, reading our facial expressions. " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored '," Dr. Huang predicts. " 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " (paragragh six, D'Alto) I agree with this quote because students now in todays age are already growing up in a society where technology around us is starting to become advanced. For example, cars used to have to be conducted by someone steering the wheel a foot on the peddle's, although now cars are able to drive themselves by just being charged. The quote explained that just by a student making a face expresson showing that we are bored, then the computer could change into a more fun and effetive lesson, to get students interested. Of course there is always that question, "What would the need of teachers be ?" I believe that teachers could still teach and assign homework, but this will highly beneifit them also because preparing a lesson on a computer that reads our expressions would not be hard at all. This would actually make school fun for students. In paragragh six it also explained how our commercials and ads would run. "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web as appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different," (paragragh six, D'Alto). I like this qoute because it makes you think, not only does this have to be with ads and or commercials, but this could follow with tests in school. I recently took a big test for the semester in my sophomore year, in one of my classes, and the test was challenging. I found myself on one excerpt that was given to me dozing off alittle because how boring it was. Eventually finishing that excerpt i was not confident in my answers. Later on in the test I was soon given another excerpt but it was actually one that was interesting with alittle mystery and drama. Finishing that I was confident in my answers and I was told that I received a good score on that part of the test. From the excerpts examples and from my example, I strongly believe that technology that can read students emotional expressions, should be used in the classroom for students. We should give students confidence on passing tests and assignments. Not just because we want to and there's no reason behind it, but because if tehnology can advance in the outside world then why can it not advance here in school ?
There has been much debate over "the Face" on Mars; is just a natural landform or a objest that was created by aliens. But, the fact is that, if you look at the evidence, it easily proves that "the Face" is just an over shadowed landform. One major pieces of evidence that proves this is not and alien creation. We figured out that this was just another Matian mesa, it seems to be common around the Cydonia area, but this one has shadows that makes it look like an human. And even these land form can be found around the American West. Even Garvin said it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. So the same thing happened with Mars. These fact basiclly prove the whole point that there was no aliens that build this face, and every you believed was false. In conclusion, this is just a false idea that you were made to believe. And the fact that is no life on Mars, this will always be true unless we discover something. The Face on Mars will be known as a " signal from the deep space" but in reality it will never be. Just gives another reason for people to believe in aliens.
There once was three citizen friends from boston who wanted who wanted to limit car usage to 70 percent they realized it was a good idea because it'll help people avdanced experiment in low-car suburban life but its basic precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation with less parking space in this new approach stores are far away to walk to on a main street rather than in small malls around some distant highway at the same time its a good idea because if they give up their cars therre will less traffic no accidents or any parking space and it will be less problems with people they think if they give up there cars there will be a safer street for everyone but some people didnt like idea because if they give up there cars they wont be able to get to their jobs on time and at the same some people live to far from jobs and homes that they want keep people driving their cars  
The effect of cars in our world today has grown tremendously. As companies create new models of various cars, buyers don't often think twice about how these cars hurt the environment and cause serious global emissions. The production of "Hybrids" is the first step to solving this problem. The advantages of limiting car usage can result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community. Pollution amounts have skyrocketed in the past several years. Due to the increase in the amount of people on the road using motor vehicles, pollution has increased and is becoming more of a threat than ever before. In Vauban, Germany, a new community has been constructed, and contains suburban pioneers that have given up their cars. They are devoted to taking public transit, such as city buses, or even personal vehicles like a bicycle. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) The residents of this community are committed to preserving Earth by limiting their car usage to reduce pollution. Pollution is a harmful matter that can cause negative effects to an area. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) When you limit the amount of time you use your car, not only does it reduce pollution, but it also saves you money, now that you are not paying a monthly fee, or taxes on the car, or for gas every month. In the exquisite community in Vauban, Germany, many of those people have gotten rid of their car, and are now probably saving extremely high amounts of money. Between highway tolls, gas, oil changes, insurance, and the overall monthly payment on a car, these residents are saving so much money because they are not paying for all of these necessities. When they travel, they use public transit, like the city bus, which costs a fraction of what car owners pay. Paris is trying to limit the amount of individual transportation due to the smog in the area, so they made a deal. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday, according to the BBC." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) People taking public transit are saving even more money now. Due to the intense smog in Paris, and the busy streets, a limit was set for the amount of drivers allowed on the road throughout the week. "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters...Twenty-seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Compared to the amount of money car owners spend, people without a car save a lot more money. With the reduction of car usage, a safer community will result as well. The amounts of accidents will be substantially lower. With fewer cars on the road, the risks of car crashes greatly decrease. Many accidents result in impatience at the wheel, and careless drivers. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Bogota, Columbia created a day for no car usage and it turned out to be a very big success, spreading across borders and leaving an impression on other countries about how limited car usage positively effects the environment. "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines." (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota.) Countries across the globe are attempting to limit car usage, and it will begin to greatly help the environments. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture.) The effect of cars today is not a positive thing, except for hybrid cars. Countries are beginning to limit car usage and soon we will see the impact and changes in the enviromments due to car reduction. Clearly, the advantages of limiting car usage result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community.                                              
Lets think about this, a computer that can tell you feelings. You couldn't think about that if someone just asked you to, and you wouldn't think of what to say if someone said," This computer can tell you if you are happy, sad, excited, or frustrated." That would be something anyone would have to see for themselves for them to believe that this is acually true. In the passage it states" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This means that a computer can also help the same way a teacher would if was in need. This computer could help alot because not many students like to ask for help from a teacher. Using technology to read a humans emotions is a great idea. It makes things easier on other people due to not knowing how to explain your emotions. The computer can help you to tell you how you are emotionally. In the paassage it says," Most humans communicatioon is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So a computer need to understand that too." They are basically boosting the data so it knows more about emotions whe it becomes hard to point out the feelings of someone. "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can write down some simple instructions that "encode" different emotions." The Mona Lisa painting was made to try, and test the computer on telling rather it can see Mona Lisa's emotions. "She's 83 percent happy, 9p percent disgusted, and 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The PC was put to the test and was able to calculate the emotions of Mona Lisa. I beileve that having a computer that can detect your emotions is a great idea. Helps student better on learn the process of an assignment. Helps teachers teach when they can't get around to everyone in class. Able to help the people express there emotions they are feeling if they can't seem to tell. A computer that tells emotions could be a big help to anyone.
The face-like structure found on mars is just a natural landform. It looks like landfroms we would find on Earth and the photograph we took in 2001 says the same thing. Consider the following reasons why this landform was not created by aliens. First of all, the landform looks like a mesa or butte from the American West. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, says "“It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,” says Garvin. “That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.”" The author of this article says, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West." The Face is not made by aliens. It is just a landform the happend to look like a face. Second reason is this. The landform that looks like a face is the same as the other matian equivalent to buttes of mesas. There are other mesas on Mars it just happens that this one looks like a face. If you look at a 1976 Viking 1 photograph of the Face on Mars, you see there is another mesa or butte below the Face. This mesa or butte has no special form or image. It is just another mesa or butte. The Face is not made by aliens. It is just a natural landform the happend to look like a face. The last reason why the Face was not made by aliens is because in 2001 NASA took a new, clear picture that shows the landform is not a face. In 1976 the Viking 1 took a photo that looked like a face. This is where the idea of aliens making the Face came into play. In 1998 a Mars Global surveyor (MGS) took a picture that did not quite look like a face but did not quite look like a nature land form either. It convinced some it was natural and some still believed that it was made by aliens. The author says, "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001—a cloudless summer day in Cydonia—Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look...What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West." The picture of the Face from the MGS in 2001 convinced most people that this was really a natural landform and the Face was just a coincedence. The Face found on Mars is not made by aliens. It is a natural landform called a mesa or a butte. The picture of 1976 is misleading and out of date. The newest picture taken in 2001 shows the real, updated version. The landform is a mesa not an alien made creation.
Dear State Senator, I think that the Electoral College is important becase it is  a process. The founding fathers established the Eletoral College to the Constitution as a comromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualificatied citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors. The meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President. The counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The electoral College consists of 538 electors. The mjority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the President. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District  of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For this reason, in the following discussion, the word ''state'' also refers to the District of Columbia. The presidential elction is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. One thing that I didn't know is that most states have a "winner-take-all."A "winner-take-all" is a system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate.
What are your thoughts of the "Face on Mars"? I think it is just a natural land form. I think it's just a landform becuase Earth has it's own form like mountains, so it could just be a mountain. There could be other theories that it isn't a landform, but I think that's what it is and here is why. Earth has techtonic plates, Mars might too, so far, we haven't found existing life on any other planets other than earth so Martians couldn't have built something like the pyramids. To start off, Earth has techtonic plates we have known about them for many years and we know that the plates are always moving. With the plates always moving that's what formed the Himalaya Mountains and is what casuses them to continue getting taller. I think the "Face" on Mars is just and example of techtonic plates that are costantly moving and making the "Face" more definant every few years. Just the same way as the Himalayan Mountains not every year do we see a direct change in height with just our eyes. We have to measure it out to find out how much those plate techtonics have moved. That is what I believe is happening with the face, I think that since we aren't able to view it every year and measure how much more defiant it is that the year before or if it has even changed. There's two sides to every argument here's the other side. If the face hasn't changed we could just asume there was life on mars that built it, but as technology increases and we can have a better view of the face and see how much more defiant it was from 1976-2001. It would be a more logical idea to think that it is just the planet moving or plates shifting. SInce on April '98 it was a cloudy day and winter perhaps alien markings were hidden by the clouds. Although, as I continued reading in the passage, on April 8, 2001 a cloudless summer day in Cydonia they were able to get a second looke at the Face. In 2001 the resolution was much better and you could see the image more clearly. Garvin said, "As a rule of thumg, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the airplanes on the ground or the Egyptian-style pyraminds or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" The picture actually shows the Martian equalicant of a butte or mesa landforms common around the West in America. Since the photo can go up to high amounts of resolution and we should be able to see of there is proof of Marian life and their buildings, I don't think a real thing. RIght now the face looks like a natural land form. To conclude my argument that the face is just a natural landform, I would have to say even though, there are some conspircy theories only one thing can be proven to be correct in science. Earrth has techtonic plates and so there's a great chance Mars does to, then only thing that could lead anyone to belive there was life on Mars would be the one photo that was taken in April of '98 when it was cloudy and winter. Lastly, there hasn't been any evidenve of life on Mars or any other planet, so therefore it was just a natural landform on the planet.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus Imagine getting the chance to learn about outer space. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is worth pursuit despite dangers it presents by explaining to us that it's worth having knowledge of Venus, and NASA is coming up with new ways to do so. The author tells us that we have no knowledge based on Venus and the dangers shouldn't stop us. So is it worth taking a risk. In the article, " The Challenge of Exploring Venus " the author tells us that Venus is worth learning about. The author mentions, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well one been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author also adds,"Venus still has some feature that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters." The author uses eyecatching facts so that the reader can start thinking and maybe change the readers mindset. Beside having knowledge of Venus the author adds that there are safer ways to study Venus. The authors tells us ," NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. The author explains to us that new technology is being created so that we have less dangers observing Venus. Finally, we're being explained that eventually we're going to face things far more dangerous than Venus. The author includes," Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." We can comprehend that the author doesn't want doubts to stop us from making risky decisions. Instead, we should make our imagination bigger. In conclusion, the author basically uses eyecatching facts and motivates us to think twice if Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. So now think about it . Is it worth having knowledge of something as special as Venus. The author sure thinks so!
the rock you see on the photo is just a rock and it could be created by aliens but there is not signs that eny one or enything as been there and there are many othere thanks that are just like it on earth like crop scurcles. You dont complain about that and evan on some rocks in the descert are like that there is even a rock that looks like a thumb but only with the right angle or shade. Its just like that it may look like something that you know but yet it has to have all these diffrent things happen to it befor it looks like that. Like a shadow or the right angle and if NASA did find something that they really did thank it was made from aliens they wouldnt just freely relesse it to the public like that they would put millions of dollors in reserch in to find how it was built.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has made their article over the progress of studies done on Venus, the "Evening Star" of our skies. They collected research and human planetary exploration of our solar system, and I'll be going over claims and their ideas of just how passionately they support their ideas of studying Venus despite dangers. My evaluation of the successful writings the author had written is crucially on how they told about the difficulty of the mission would be on Venus, seeing as they inform us the tempatures on the planet average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, with atmospheric pressures there being a startling 90 times greater amount than our planet, and with all this there is little knowledge about what makes up the ground, water or gas of the planet. And with all the probes we've sent last only a few hours each within each landing. On our way to finding a way to overcome these challenges we found discoveries made on the way about future planet explorations that could someday be made by humans on Venus itself. The author wrote that current discoveries made by scientists show that Venus also had a past of preserving life on its planet, and even having geological landscape features similiar to Earth. The planet's orbit provide nearby space travel making it a possible and easy route for planetary visits, which is crucial seeing how long space travel can take with our current modifications and technology. The article's author then backs this up on NASA's critical ideas and discoveries for sending humans to Venus for studies. A solution the researchers have proposed for tells of a floating or a blimp transportation vehicle capable of carrying people over the potential dangerous landscape and acidic clouds for closer examination of the planet around 30 miles up in the air. Despite the distance, they would still be in 170 degrees Fahrenheit weather, with pressures close to sea-levels like on Earth, but solar power generation would be easy to obtain, and radiation levels are equal to the safe places of Earth's. Meaning for a difficult, but survivable enviroment for us humans to be in. As invigorating as that may seem, They then tell on how undeveloped the idea still is, seeing as hovering over 30 miles would definitely avoid dangerous conditions, but also samples and direct contact with critical minerals and materials that could be discovered from below would make studies on the planet not as plentiful as it could be. Leaving options for a need to find ways for a closer, but riskier challenges to get the samples and materials they would need to make far by more accurate studies with the planet Venus. They go on to tell us about machines capable of withstanding the tempatures capable of melting tin, which would be dire against tablets and cell phones we have on Earth, and how machines we've had designed in 1800's could survive with some modifications, or silicon carbide simplified electronics have been made to withstand the heat and acidic conditions. I conclude my essay with the standpoint that the author successfully drew in readers, and did an incredible job of telling us the usefulness of missions to Venus would be if we could potentially land humans to explore the planet, and where the studies could take us as an intelligent species.
Say you're going on vacation for Spring Break to Florida, or going out of the country. Yes, its nice to sit back and look around at the nature and cool things you see while drving there, but wouldn't get tired of not driving and just sitting there? That doesnt sound like fun, especially me being in the back seat all the time, its boring. Every so often get a hold of the stiring wheel. This doesnt seem appropriate for our generation and for how lazy people are now a days. Driverless cars are totally not needed. How does it know what the speed limit is? I dont like the fact that the car may not always know what its doing with itself. Or what if the car gliches or does something wrong and you wreck? Who is it really on? was it you or the car itself? It is also giving people the time to be lazy. I feel like its taking away communication because if you're not driving, than you're more than likely on your phone on instagram or Twitter. Without the automatic cars you can say "What are you doing, the lights green!" because you will be too busy ingraved in your phone. That takes away so much commnication. Many people count on themselves on what time they should leave the house to go out eat in order to get there on time. They count on what route is easist for them. Does this driverless car stop at every stop light and take me where I need to be at the correct time and place? Is it you put in your destination in a GPS and it takes you there? does it stop at every stop light? How does it know when to stop and break? Can we really trust that this car is gonna take me where we need to be? Can I trust that it's going to keep us safe and not cause us an accident? These are the real questions. i think thats whats so scary about it and makes people not want driverless cars.
You think technology can read emotional face expretion? Yes I think because the new technology are very avanced, cameras have many fuctions and are very smart for take of pictures, the new cell phones have this technology one example is Iphone 7 or Galaxy 8 this smartphones have many technology, they know when are you sad or happy they have a special camera. The news computers have many technology they are the best for this work because you can modify of system , you can put one camera and stard to work, you need create of program for analized of expretions and you can suporting with other student . One need put of front to the camera and other need take picture and analized in computer, the next step is analized the facial expretions and see the muscles his face, eyes, cheeks or his smile the computer need analized the information and procces. First student have a natural smile and computer detected this, he is happy, next student are crying, computer analized he is sad. but when student have pockarface the computer no detected nothing because no have any emotions, but what happen when one student make falce smile, but this is really good, I think of the computer detected he is happy. I think of people need make manny technology because actual computers can be trick.
Many people from around the glode rely on their cars to get from place to place. Not driving cars have many disadvantages but they also can have many advantages too. limiting car usage can do much good to you and your community. the passage ''In German Suburb, life goes on Without Cars'' In Vauban, Germany residents have given up their cars. a souce says ''when i had a car i was always tense, im much happier this way.'' One of the advantages of not owning a car in this community was the feeling of a more compact and accessiable way to public transportation. By not having cars if you were to walk down the street instead of hearing car motars distantly running, sources say they hear the sound of bikes and adults and even childrens chatter filling their ears. With not having cars it can make it so much easier to get social and connect with others in your area instead of being a hermit you can meet new people, make friends and even create plans which is a major benifit. In ''Paris bands driving due to smog,'' Paris,Frace also had the same idea to get rid of cars to clear the air of their global city. This can help with allergies and getting sick which als can cause some to become less social towards others. This largely well know city's expectations where correct. Congestion went down 60% clearing the air for a better enviroment for residents. With the city having a lower air pollution and smog reduced, a benifit of not having a car is free public trasportation Monday-Friday. This saves tons of money that you could have used to pay for gas,car insurance,and any costly repairs or damage you might need to fund for. The city Bogota, located in Columbia as well limited the usage of cars .In ''Car free Day is Spinning into a big hit in Bogota,'' Instead people biked,hiked,skated which makes you become more active,and residents took public buses as well; promoting alternitive transportation. This of course helped to reduce the smog and lowered the air pollution. Not having to worry about a car is also a benefit in which it reduces stress .Limiting car usage also cuts traffic making it quicker to get to your designated location safer which is more benificial. The end of car culture also benifits implications for carbon emissions, again helping our living space. People feel more connceted with out driving to meet up with a group of friends because of the internet. saving time for the long boring drive,concerving resources, lowering emissions and improving safety are all so important to us now and later down the road if we limit our usage of cars. Overall the advantages for limiting car usage are sky high and bring much good to our enviroment , community and personal health emotionally and physically along with finance too. This helps future generations also. The best thing to do is limit the use of cars for a happy and healthy lifestyle.
there are many thing in life people want and need such as money, families and fame. but what people dont understand is that most of what they want is stuff they dont need and they would be better off without it. cars are beginning to be something people dont need. all it is doing is causing more problems then solutions. Major people are starting to notice,presidents and governements, and are  acting apon it. limiting car usage would bring a lot of advavtages such as more pocket money, more excrises and less harm to the earth acorrding to Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota by Andrew Selsky, Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer and the end of car culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal. Cars are defined as a motor vecheil that provides fast transportation for more then one person at a time. thats what most people veiw it as, what that dont know and relize is that it give people a lot more stress to deal with because of either car payments, repairs, or even runing out of gas.  acorrding to Heidrun Walter in the passage in german suburb, life goes on without cars she said that when she had a car she was always tense and now that she doesnt have a car sge is more relaxed and is better off without it. she doesnt have to pay for insurance, car payments, repairs on the car and not even gas. that will leave her with a lot of stress free moments. cars do not only stress out people but they are pulloting the earth. almost all cars run on gas which is put in the car and releases pullotion into the earth. paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of pullotion.... that is how much damage it is doing to the earth. it took five days the smog finally rivaled beijing, china which is know as one of the most pullated cities in the world. this could have made people go to the hostiptal because they could have gotten sick or even die from the pullotion. many countries are banning cars for a couple of days each year because of this global problem. according to car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota in colombia they have a program that bans cars a for a day which leaves people to walk, hike or even bike to where they need to go. its a good way to take away stress and lower air pullotion said carlos arturo plaza. furthermore not only does it help the envirment for limting car usage and gives relief to peopl. it will also make people healther because they would then have to walk, ride or hike to work or any other place thay need to go. this will strength peoples bodies by doing everyday things more often.  it would require more work to walk to a destiantion rather then to sit down in a car and press on the brake and gas pedal with our foot. limting car usage will not only make people helthier but it will make people less lazy. for example if a person was lazy and had no food in his/her house they would just easly get in there car and drive to a local fast food restruant to get food. on ther other hand if they did not have a car they would have to walk all the way to the grocery story burning off lots of caliores and buying lots more food rather then stoping at a fast food place just to get a quick meal. in clonclusion limting car usage would be a more beifical thing to do rather then a problem due to the stress reilf, envimental saftey and healther citzens.
In the article '' Driverless Cars Are Coming '', the author talks mainly about positive outcomes for the new driverless cars. If you ask me I would most definitely disagree about this new semi-autonomous vehicle. They are too expensive, they aren't fully driverless, and they have numerous sensors that aren't guarenteed to keep you 100% safe. My first reason would have to be how expensive this car would be. If they did manage to make a 100 % driverless car do you believe that it would be given to the public. The car alone would costs somewhere around a million dollars. Not to mention the massive upgrades to the existing roads. As stated in the passage, ''something that was simply too expensive to be practical''. My second reason is that thay are not fully driverless. Now let me ask you something, would you like a car that you will have to take turns to drive with. Or would yo rather do it on your own . Think about it. And according to the passage,''The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over whn the situation requires''. If I had a driverless car I would put in a set destination so that I can fall asleep and wake up when I've made it where I going. My last reason kinds of ties up with my second reason. The car is said to be loaded with all sorts of sensors which includes one on the left real wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. With all these sensors you still aren't guarenteed full safety. The car is also said to make a 3-D model of the car's surroundings. And you still need to be ready to take over the wheel in certain situations. In conclusion, Even though the passage makes the car seem like the coolest thing in the world, they are too expensive, that aren't completely driverless, and they have numerous sensors that doesn't guarenty your safety.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus The author suggest that expolring Venus can be striving despite the challenges.The numeros of challenges presented by Venus are worthy. Eventhough studying Venus consists of many dangers it is closest to Earth, can be a planetary visit, and leads into human curiosity. To begin with, Venus is a planet, meaning their could be life on Venus. In our solar system, Venus is the second planet. It has proved to be a challenging place to examine closely. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. It is another planetary neighbor orbit. Which means we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Humans have sent numerous spacecraft on to this world since, it is sometimes right around the corner. Venus has a number of challenging reputations for human to study. People ask their self "If the planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist discussing further visit?" The answer is Venus has once been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system. Long ago Venus may have been covered with oceans, and could have covered various forms of life just like Earth today. Venus still today has some features just like Earth. It has features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This is why Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. Finally, Human curiosity will likely lead us into equally intimidating endeavors. NASA has one compelling idea on sending humand to study Venus. This can be a option of making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive. Striving to meet the challenge has value because insight will be gained. Humans on earth are expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Human have curiosity on seeing what life on Venus consist of. In conclusion, Studying Venus has many values despite of all the challenges. It is worth striving for due to human curiosity, the planetary visit, and how close it is and can be conisderd life on Earth.
Statistics show that when a community has given up the use of cars that the amount of polution will go down, excersize levels increase meaning weight problems will go down, and in addition to this, there will be an increase on all round living enviornment and secure a higher quality of life for on coming generations. Why go through all this frustration when the alternative is so near to us. Its simple we don't have to. Polution is a huge problem in this ever growing world. Its not solving any thing nor is it leaving things better for our new generation ton come. In places like Paris, Bogota, and Vauban Germany these few inovative pioneering societies have given up the past ways of driving and have looked on to better pastures. They ahve reduced polution, the ever growing smog and the relience that man kind has found in automoblies. having a over populance of cars in one place or country can be the game changer when it comes to polution increace if we would just deal with these few over populated areas we would reduce this global warming affect. 12 percent of passenger cars in europe and 50 percent of cars in the US are responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions. As well they have a no unneccesary congestion, or disruption of the peace of their homes. All this alows them to have a high Quality of living they get more excersize time seeing that they walk every wher. This is solves the huge population of growing obesidy in modern countries. In places like Columbia there was a huge decrease in polution, on a car-free day. Millions were seen biking skating, hiking, and taking the local bus to support the new idea of car-free societies. When living better it's just as important to excersize as it is to to have a clean and stress free enviornment. The every day problem of missing the bus or getting to work to late is a huge hassel to deal with. Your problems would over with out the use of cars this ensure the percentage of stress to decline. I'm not promissing a life care free but if if it can help why not. "It's a good way to take away stress and lower air polution," a direct quote from a man who has this car-free life. Yes real people are doing this and Yes the results of it are positive. 94 percent of perticipants have agreed that there quality of life now is better than before. Its not a hard choice to make we either live in this world the way it is now and watch it come to a end, or we make the change that we want to see in it so tommorow I'm asking you instead of driving to work alone take a bike to work with a freind or simply reduse the affects and ride with a bunch of friends or take the bus. Its up to us to see that this world is taken care of so help me to the change.  
I would say that planning a trip to Venus is a worthy idea and pursuit because scientists can go there and collect samples of rocks and gases. They could be able to see things and stuff they have never seen before. The problem would be that scientists and explorers would probably not be able to return back to Earth to examine the samples because Venus's Surface is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and they won't be able to survive on the surface for a long period of time. Inseead of using electronics, we can use mechanical computers which are more ridgid and less fragile in extreme weather and environment conditions. These mechanical computers are worthy because they were used in World War II. These mechnical computers were made to withstand the extreme of weather and environmental conditions. . Some examples include the following, " A thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide covers Venus". "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". "On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet".
How I feel about this driverless car situation is it's pointless and dumb. Just lets continue driving how we are and don't change anything. I mean if technology do change anything it just should be what type of cars it is. Driverless cars seems cool but its just to much. Me as a person I dont care to much about what type of car I have or what it look like. The only thing about my car that I would be worried about is how it's working and how much gas I got in it. Stuff like this is very pointless to me. But ok, let's say they do change the cars to driverless. Yes I would still drive I mean it's not that bad. If they do so, I would defintely suggest they make the roads smarter. In the passge it says the roads work good suprisingly but it's expensive. Hey, if they're tripping off that they shouldn't have change it. I even saw that coming. The idea is cool, but me I would rather stay with the reuglar cars and regular driving. Im not to much in cars no way. But coming with this you have to be pretty smart and know how to handle all the stuff that's coming with it. Im pretty sure most people a like this idea though.
In the case of having a driverless car, I must say, I am definitely for the development of these futuristic masses of machinery. With that being said, here are some reason we should look into development. Techonology is on the rise, and I don't have a doubt that soon in the near future we are going to be able to have fully functioning driveless cars. There are so mant factors that tie into having a completely driverless car, but in the advanced age we are in we know that new techonology is coming in quickly with every passing day. The fact here is, that is is believed that in less than four years car companies and manufacturers will have autonomous cars ready for the road. Technology, truly a beautiful thing. With the testing of new technology on a driveless car, there is definitely a way to get them to work properly on the roads. Yet, there seems to be some controversy let these pieces of machinery to roam where they please. Large masses of people are afraid of driveless cars. They come up with excuses on why they shouldn't be developed. Such as, there could be a problem with the manufacturing, but a manufacturer wouldn't send off a faulty autonomous car for selling would they? That's just reckless, unfathomable, and would make the manufacturer look bad, which is the last thing they could possibly want. Manufacturers are skilled people in the field they are in, and are doing what is possible with the skills they know to make good use of driverless cars and show that they are as safe as the could possibly be on the road. We shouldn't negelct their hard work and give them credit where credit is due. Overall, I am for the development of driverless cars. Accomplishing a feat as big as creating a piece of machinery that can steer itself is a hard an requires complete understanding in technology. With how far we've made it already with the semi-driverless car, it is not unimaginable to have a complete driveless car. Our future holds great things, and among those is an autonomous vechicle.
Why You should Join the Seagoing Cowboys The reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because you will be able to visit many unique places and have an adventure of a lifetime. You will have the chance to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you can make new friends and if you wanted to go out in the seas you can. When you are on board the ship you will get bored sometimes but stuff will keep you busy like taking care of the animals, stalls had to be cleaned, and fedding and watering the animals. But it could be a little dangerous to. But when luke ws on board, they knew how to past the time. The cowboys played baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, reading, whittling, and games that helped them pass the time. Luke said " I'm grateful for the opportunity" and It made me more aware of people of other countries and thier needs". And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. That is Why You Should Join The Seagoing Cowboys Program.
In the story Venus is sometimes called the ''Evening Star'' is one of the brightest points in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargaze to spot. The nickname was misleading because Venus is actually a planet. Often referred to as Earth's ''twin'' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size,and occasionally the closest in distance too. Venus is sometimes around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason,since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. On the planet's surface,temperature average over 800 degress Fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on our own plant. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Long ago Venus was maybe or probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to their knowledge of Venus. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Studying to meet the challange presented by Venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The author wants to know everything about Venus and will do anything to get the information he wants.
In many places, people drive cars. We know that driving a vehicle can lead to all kinds of pollution because of the fuel we use to power them. Because of this reason, people have decided to stop driving their cars, or take time off from driving them. Places such as Germany, America, and even Paris, France, have stopped using their vehicles as frequently. In Vaubun, Germany, many have given up their cars and have deicded to walk to where they need to go. Their streets are completely "car free", except where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and some streets on one edge of the community. You are allowed to own a car, but you can only park at the edge of a development, but you have to buy a space for $40,000, along with your home. for this reason, 70 percent of the population does not own a car and 57 percent sold their car to move to Vaubun. Some families say they're much happier wtihout a car. In Paris, France, a partial driving ban has been enforced. On some days, motorists with even numbered license plates were told to leave their cars at home or they would suffer a fine. Then the next day this would apply to people with an odd numbered car. Almost 4,000 people where fined and twenty-seven people had their cars impounded. This ban was enforced because of the amount of smog that is in Paris. Pollution is a very bad issue, and people driving cars do not help at all. All of the driving is very bad and it needs to be stopped. Programs which stop people from driving cars is very helpful. The partial bans on cars and banning them completely will definetly help the world, the air, and humans too!
Driverless Cars Are Coming is a short article that depicts the use of computerized cars that are being made. The cars are supposed to be safe and trustworthy. One part of the article describes a public-transport taxi system that would take people from place to place, navigating through other driverless cars. The idea of this self controlling, moving car can be very advantageous to people, using less fuel, prevent or stop car accident, and take people to their destination at ease. However, there are issues with the automated automobile. How will driverless cars adapt with cars with actual drivers? How will everyone acquire the self-driving car when they could cost fortunes? Also who is blamed if and when prevented accidents aren't prevented? Lastly what about car computer hacking? The idea of the self driving car is courageous, but it will not work for our society. First, driverless cars can drive at ease when other driverless cars are in uniform with the other cars, but when one car has someone drivng the car then the driverless cars aren't able to predict the outcome the real driver will make. Assuming the driverless cars would communicate with one another, they could all drive together in uniform, predicting eachother's movements thorugh the streets. Then one car, in a situation in which is being driven by someone, cannot be in communication with the driverless cars and the driverless car tries to predict one's movement. The driver actually goes the opposite way predicted, crashing into the other car. This is not something that can easily be avoided without other people owning the driverless car. This leads to the next point. Driverless cars are very mechanical, probably costing much more than one's average car price. Then everyone is told to adapt to the change and buy this self-propelling car, but they are much too costly. Without the car, people could get into accidents with the driverless car. No complete safety would be acquired until every single car within the set area is a driverless car. If an area with all driverless cars is made, what happens when the self driving cars do finally mess up and crash into another driverless car? Who should be blamed? The creators of the car? The person inside the vehicle that should have taken over and tried to drive for themselves, assuming they even know how to drive with little to no practice? One could also easily hack into the cars computer also. Computer hacking is already a very regular thing in the United States, so what stops people from hacking into cars and purposefully causing accidents? These types of issues that are very hard to deal with could not be easily dealt with. Blame for driverless cars could be impossible in some cases. In conclusion, the idea of driverless cars cannot be comepletely viable for safety of passengers and safety of citizens on the side of the street. There is no way driverless cars could be able to completely predict a real drivers movements. The cars could be hard for everyone to buy and adapt to. Last, you cannot find true blame for a driverless cars action when there is not anyone to blame. The driverless cars will not work in a society that is not ready for it.
Imagine, if you will, that you are driving to work one day. And while you are driving to work, you notice another car on the road coming towards you. What makes this car noticable is that the driver isn't steering the car. You become nervous, thinking that the person is going to cause an accident because they aren't driving their car. The car then saftely passes by you and is following the road as if the person was driving it. You have just seen a driverless car. As technology progresses, we begin to see more and more of these driverless cars. As of currently, however, these cars are not completely driverless, and still require some amount of human direction. It is projected that by 2020, we will have completely driverless cars. This is a good thing, seeing as driverless cars bring many more benefits than a human-manned automobile; driverless cars can lower the amount of gas that is consumed by the world, they are more accurate than a car with a driver, and they are overall safer than a human-headed car. Firstly, using driverless cars as a public-transportation system would lower the total gas consumption of the world, which is a good thing because it will bring down the amount of pollution in our atmosphere. Driverless cars use half the fuel of today's taxis, and have far more flexible hours than a public bus does. Driverless cars would also be safer to use than a bus, because you will have virtually no chance of being attacked by a stranger. Secondly, driverless cars provide more accuracy and efficency than a car with a driver. Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles and haven't crashed, and is with human direction. Without human direction, there would be virtually no chance of an accident. Driverless cars use sensors, GPS techonolgy, cameras, and radars to function. The most important sensor in these cars is a spinning sensor on the roof called LIDAR. LIDAR uses laser beams to create a 3-D model of the car and it's surroundings. The combination of these is how the driverless car mimics human driving skills. The car will pay attention to its surroundings better than humans will because that is its only task. Thirdly, driverless cars are all around safer than cars with drivers. Driverless cars have been around for seven years and there hasn't been an accident involving one. Can we say the same about humans? The answer is no, we can't. A driverless car's only task is to focus on the road and its surroundings. A driverless car cannot become distracted because it is not programmed to do so. A human will become distracted; it's how we are wired. Humans do not always pay attention to their surrounds while driving; they will be thinking of something that happen during the day or something similar to that. A driverless car cannot become intoxicated either, and would be safer for someone who is intoxicated or under the influence to get home. You can also install fail-safe safety feautures into a driverless car that will get the car out of a dangerous situation. You can install fail-safe features that will dectect an accident miles before it happens and avoid that accident. Humans are not equipped with these features. Some will say that driverless cars will not be usefull because if there is an accident, there is no way to tell who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer. This is not true however, as if an accident is simply investigated then it can become clear who is at fault. If the driver does something like become intoxicated and wrecks their car, it is their fault. If many cars are in accidents because of the same technological failure, then it is the manufacturer's fault. If one car unfortunately glitches and crashes, then it is that singular car's fault. Blaming the manufacturer for a situation like that would be like blaming a driver when they are in an accident because the weather suddenly became horrid. In conclusion, driverless cars are the way of the future. They are more enviornmentally friendly than their driver counterparts. They are more efficient and acurate. They are even more safer than cars with a driver. Driverless cars are here to stay.
Dear Senator, Electoral college may be a despised method to some people but it has been the system established by our founding fathers and remains until this day. It may not be perfect but every method has its flaws, including popular vote, respectively. The popular voting system is not the best method since it can end up not defining  certainty of the outcome. Electoral college has prevailed until this day and it should remain this way for the United States of America. Although electoral college may be called outdated, irrational and unfair (Brandon Plumer 14). This isnt true because if it were so outdated and unfair it would have been substituted or changed by another system but it has remained because of its effiecency. This system is certaintly not unfair because  as stated in a article by Richard A. Posner,he explains "each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)." As for the irrational portion of the opposing view, as stated in " in defense of the electoral college..." article has mutiple reasons but one of them is "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal." No region (South,Northeast,etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president." The single best argument against Electoral College may be called "the disaster factor" as claimed by Brandom Plumer in his article opposing the Electoral College. Certainty of Outcome is a strong point for Richard a. Posner in his article defending the electoral college and carefully states "A dispute over the outcome of the Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." He (Richard Posner) also reminds the reader that the  Electoral College avoids issues in elections in which no candidate receives majority of the votes cast and there is no pressure for a "run-off election" when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast. Another factor brought to our attention by "the indefensible electoral college..." article is that since the Electoral College uses the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont lose time in states they are most likely to not win in and they focus mostly on "swing" states. Although the "swing" states system is used, it is simply utilized becauseit induces the candidates as seen in 2012's election. But the voters in toss-up states are most likely to pay more attention to the campaign, and it is decreed that the most thoughtful voters should be the chosen ones to decide the election. Ultimately with all the information cited it is quite obvious which option is best for the U.S. Electoral College may have it's cons but the pros outweigh it. This is not a new method. It was defined by the Founding Fathers that wrote our constitution that has held our country in unisom until this day. Now in 2015 it is still the leading force in the government and should be kept that way. the Electoral college is the best suited for America and should'nt be altered. Sincerly, A future voter                                   
Humans tend to think of only the present and not the future. We sometimes only focus on immediate comforts and don't think about how are decisions now will affect our kids and grandkids in the future. Yes, cars are amazing right now. They give us a kind of freedom that is unparalled. But at the same time they hurt the enviroment which hurts not just our future but our present also. Imagine not having a car. I can hear all the gasp now but really think about it. Not having to worry about spending half your paycheck on gas. Yes gas prices are down but for how long. Without cars you also won't have to worry about spending hundreds of dollars to fix it up when it breaks down. But best of all, not having a car will definetly have positive effects on your enviroment. I have lost count on how many times my father has complained and stressed out about gas prices and the amount of money it takes to fix up his car when it breaks down. Admitedly gas prices are down. Lower than they've been in a while. But how long will that last before its back to $3.50 for a gallon of gas. And I am sure you could find something better to do with $400 than spend it fixing a transmission. Whatever that is. Not having a car releases stress. Soccer moms are the last person you would expect to give up there cars but in Vauban, Germany, a car free town that is exactly what heidrun Walter has done. She is a media trainer and a mother of two and she said "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way". If she can do it we can do it. A lot of towns and cities are doing things like car free day. Which is where for that whole day everybody walks or uses their bikes and the only motor vehicles on the road are buses and taxis. In Paris, the smog level was so high, higher than Beinjin, China, that authorities banned the used of car on the roads for a while in an effort to reduce the smog level. People who didn't follow the ban were fined 33 dollars. In Bogota, Columbia though it was more of a choice for the people to give up their cars. "Millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated ot took buses to work during a car-free day yesteday, leaving the streets of capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." said Andrew Selsky of the Seattle times. This is a program that is being spread to other contries. The goal of this program is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Although there was gray clouds let loose rain showers now and then it did not stop the huge amount of participants. After three years two other Colombian cities joined the event. The mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay said "There people are generating a revolutionary change and this is crossing borders".                                
In our society today, limiting car usage would be the best way to go. There are plenty of advantages to limiting car usage, with a decrease in pollution just to name one of them. If we can capatalize on the downward shift of automobile users in the United States and around the world, then it would benefit all of us in more ways then one. Having a car can be handy to get from point A to point B, but what if you just do not need to use that car at all? What if you are just to lazy to walk or bike to your destination? I am not saying you should walk 80 miles to your aunt's house, but what if it was just to the store that was a half of a mile away. Not to mention that you would be saving good on gas money. There is a mostly car free suburb, for example, in Germany that focuses on a majority of the population of the neighborhood to not use cars. This town is named Vauban, and 70 percent of families do not own a car here. It may sound bad to those who live and die by their car, but with everything in walking distance it makes it easy and accesible to walk from point A to point B most of the time. The residents of this suburb are positive about this change, and they should be, because it is a positive change. One very large problem with the excessive use of cars in one area is air pollution. Lots of cars in the same area commuting can create a thick layer of smoke in the air called smog, and it is not pleasent to experience on the road. That being said, Paris had recently gotten so much smog in the air that it had to put down a partial ban, license plates with even numbers could not drive on Monday, while odd numbered plates could not drive on Tuesday. It sounds crazy, how could such a busy city like Paris realistically put down a travel ban on half of the commuters? Whether you thought it would or not, it worked. Sure there were a couple of motorists who could not take no for an answer and still commuted when they were not suppose to, but a large majority followed the rules of this ban. Apparently the French government underestimated the factor these cars had on the environment, as the ban was recinded early on Tuesday for the pollution almost completely cleared away. In support of those two points, the amount of drivers every year has been going down since its peak point in 2005. The gap is nearly nine percent, almost a tenth of the United States has stopped driving in the last 10 years. With this pattern taking place, scientists believe that it will only have postive benefits for the environment and the communities in the forseeable future. The United States is one of the most polluted countries in the world, which in large part is because of our advanced and highly populated culture. That doesnt mean we cant make a difference and help our community grow into a better place environmentally. One good example of that happening is the car free day in Bogota. In this city millions of people got around without using cars and have been since 1995 in this program. It has led to the blooming of brand new parks and repaved, smoother sidewalks. If millions of Colombians can make their community a better place in a heavily populated area, so should we. To summarize, plenty of places around the world are making good efforts to tone down on car usage. This helps bring down levels of air pollution, enhance the community that those people live in and help their financial situations by saving money on buying a car. If we in America can make these kind of efforts to decrease car usage, our whole country would be better for it in more ways than one.
I have mixed feelings about the FACS technology it could be great now but when people or robots with their own minds want to do bad or harm the people of the world this would be a great start. See, now this could be used as something just for fun then it's gonna get upgraded to federal level and be able to decieve criminals. Then a deranged rogue is gonna get the hold of it and try to take over the world. Sounds like a movie doesn't it, but stuff like the FACS were in movies way back when and now have we them in real life. I can't be the only one that sees this happening. But the good side I heve for this technology is that it can help people. Or help people to help other people. Like such, what if our friend is acting wierd. Which they commonly do. Just out of the ordinary behavior like being more quiet or not wanting to spend as much time with you as usual. So you trick i mean tell them stand in front of your wierd computer, your FACS. They do it, it scans the 44 major muscles in their face. It tells you that she's 20% mad, 10% happy, and 70% sad. So now you help her with he predicaments and you guys live happily ever after. Some other ways the FACS may be good invention is that it can be used as a lie detector. As said in paragraph 8 you use different muscles for a genuine smile than for a false or fake one. It can be used by the FBI in interviewing or interogation. Or you could see when a politician is faking it also conveyed in pagraph 8. So yeah, I dont really know how to feel. There's bad good way this thing couls affect the world. But there's pro and cons to everything I guess.
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has lots of useful information about the planet venus and it's difficulty to be explored as well as why it is worth exploring despite the danger. Even though it is dangerous to explore Venus, the article does have some good points regarding why it is worth the risk to explore it. One example from the article is in paragraph 4 which reads, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". This excerpt helps show that Earth and Venus were quite similar at one point, making it important to explore and discover how both planets were similar, and if humans could live on Venus at some point, as well as many other unanswered questions. Another good point that the author makes in paragraph 4 which reads, "recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." This part of the article helps show that there can be many practical uses for information discovered about Venus during these explorations even if there is danger involved when trying to explore. Overall, the author has a strong argument for the benefits of exploring Venus outweighing the danger and difficulty
I would tell them that the face is not created by aliens because if it was there would be a sign of some sort like there could be possibley more then one of the faces. Also there could have maybe been a symbol of some sort that could tell you or us that it may be out of this world. So studies tell us it isn't a alien monument because well when you look at the picture or image that was taken in 2001. It looks more like a rock or a mesa not something made. Yes it may look a alien or something out in space made it but there is so much more proof you would need to prove it. Just think to your self how could you have proved that it was made by aliens? What proof do you have? On my side I know it in fact that it could not have been created by a alien because of the pictures tooken. It just doesn't seem like it was created by an alien it just looks like a cool rock that is really out there not created by something from out there. Yes I do see why you or some people would get that it looks out of this world, but just if you look into it it's really just a landmark on Mars. Yes there may be conspiracys and theories about how this rock or face was made, but there may not be any facts to prove it completly. So in conclusion it is not a alien made face it simply in a mesa or a landmark on Mars. The proof is in the article when you see the 3 picutes that were taken to prove it wasn't a alien made artifact. No matter how cool it would be if it was not to mention that it could make NASA famous or rich it just doesn't have the proof you need to be a alien artifact. If you look more into the passage it even says it was not a alien made artiffact. Yes this face was very famous it even says "The "Face" on Mars has since been a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, apperered in books, magazines, and even radio shows." (5). See how famous that face was 25 years ago is amazing but it still doesn't mean it was a alien made artiffact. So in final say it is not a alien made face and nor will there be enough proof its just a landmark on Mars that was very popular to people everywhere!
Venus is the second planet from our sun, which is the closest planet to Earth in terms of distance. Venus is close up that there's challenges that researchers have done but there could be some danger in it. The danger could affect humans not being able to stay or experience the planet Venus. There are conditions and warnings on what could happen in Venus. In paragraph 2 at the end says, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." This shows that humans haven't touched the ground since they can't survive there for more than one hour. In paragraph 3, it talks about how the pressure could affect danger on it's surface. Also in paragraph 4 it states, "the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and crater." This shows that Venus has similar things to Earth and there could be an option of visiting. However, in paragraph 3, the pressure and heat probes seeking to land on its surface and can cause bad weather, erupting volcanoes, and powerful earthquakes. Humans have to be alerted by what can happened or else danger will come towards them in Venus. Another exmaple is in paragraph 6 it states, "Many reasearchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." This statement shows that scientists are working on how they can get up close to Venus and understand more of it so humans know what to expect. In conclusion, Venus has value of human curiosity. Scientists, researchers, and some humans want to know more about the planet Venus. Despite of what can be danger in there, they are trying to find ways to explore it more without causing death or dangerous things that can happen. With new technology and machines, scientists will be able to find the posibilities of being in Venus while surviving. Venus can be dangerous at a cost but despite the interesting things that human can pursuit it and discover this planet.
I believe that the Facial Action Coding System can be a valuable asset to student in a class room . The System can read the face of the student to give feed back to the teachers on the lesson plan . It can be used to notify the teacher when a student in the class is upset . The System can also make learning "fun" for the students . There may many counter arguements but allow me to explain why . My first reason it can be a valuable asset to students in the class is that it can give feed back on the lesson . In the text it says " A classroom computer could recongize when a student is becoming bored or confused" and it also says " Then it could modify lesson, like an effective human instructer" . This means that when a student is not getting the criteria the Fscial Action Coding System will read their facial gestures and make the assignment easier or more understandable . People may say " This system wouldnt be balanced because some people may be of grade level " . My claim is that the point of the system is to help them understand the criteria that they are learning to help them get back on grade level . Another reason this system will be great is because the system can notify the teacher when the child is upset . With this advanced technology we can prevent alot of things from happening in school . In the text it says " Most human communication is non-verbal , including emotional communication " . The system can identify this and notify the teacher to talk to the student about his or her feelings . I believe the system can be a great asset to all the bad emotions or feeling going around school . My final reason is that it can make learning "fun" for kids . Majority of the time students find the lesson plan boring , the system can read thier emotion and make it fun for them . In the text it describes how it can take the learning games and make them funner and more interacting . People may say " School is not about having fun " but students still need some type of entertainment even in highschool . The whole point of this system is to make the student adapt to the lesson plan , in a fun learning type of way . The Facial Action Coding System will be a valuabe asset to students in a classroom . The system can adjust lesson plan or criterea for the student . It can help notify the teacher when a student is upset . It can also help make the lesson plan fun for the students . This is my arguement on why the Facial Action Coding System will be valuabe in the classroom .
People are arguing about keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popualr votes for the president of the United States. How do we know which one is better or safer? Well, what's it going to be? Keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular votes for the president of the United States? In the text In defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the presiden it states that, "The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popualr votes the winner." This means that The Electoral College is like a person or a thing that seems to belong to the past and it doesnt fit into the president. It aslo states that the advocates of the position are correct for agruing that the Electoral College is not a modern sense, it's the electors who elect the president, not the people. In the text The indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong states that " It's official: The electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." This means that people now know the truth, they think that it is unfair and will not listen to your opinion or anything you have to say about the president or senators you elect.      
Segoing Cowboys is a good program that I think everybody should join. In the program, you can do things that a cowboy usually does, but you can also do other fun things. Here are some other reasons for you to join. If you like animals, this job is for you. One of the main reasons this program started was to help countries with animals, and that is a fauna-lover's dream. Another reason is that you can see the different sights in other coutries. The sights are absolutely amazing! You will be able to see the beautiful sunset on the sea and there is pretty much nothing prettier than that. But, if that hasn't changed your minds about not going, then this certainly will. Some people say that seafaring is dangerous, or that you will not make it out alive if the ship sinks. First of all, there is absolutely no way that you will get killed on the ship, and second, there is about a fourteen million to one chance that the ship will sink, because our captain is the best in the world. Another reason you might not want to go is because you might get seasick. I don't think that is a very good reason to ot go, because one, you will get over it and two, the only reason anyone ever threw up on the ship is because he was watching The Exorcist an eating clam chowder. But that is a different story for a different time, so we'll be moving on. Please consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys program. It helps people out, you can see sights, and it will be the best memory of your entire life. You will always be helping somebody, no matter what.
The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) technology created by Dr. Huang is revolutionary in its ability to understand human emotion. It uses anatomical science to read and identify the emotions portrayed on the face of its subject. This technology can be beneficial in many different aspects of human life and society. Although some would argue that facial recognition software is not beneficial in a classroom, the use of the Facial Action Coding System is incredibly valuable by helping the student's learning and understanding, better replicating human teachers, and allowing the student to express feeling even in online learning. Technology has always been used to improve the education of students. Using the Facial Action Coding System could help many student's ability to understand the idea being taught. For instance, the text states that the program would be able to identify when a student is confused or even bored. The program could then change the lesson in order to further help the student's understanding of the subject being taught. The technology would be incredibly beneficial in this way. The Facial Action Coding System could also help online instruction by allowing computers to better replicate human instructors. If the computer were able to know when a student was having trouble with a subject, it could offer more assistance with the student's learning, similarly to a human teacher. The lessons after this could also be affected in order to help the student's learning based on what the student was having trouble with previously. Online learning would become much more intuitive with FACS. The Facial Action Coding System could also allow the student to better express themself during learning. In a setting where it is often difficult to convey complex messages quickly, the FACS could help a student immediately alert the program that they did not understand the taught material. This could be helpful to many students of online learning. While the Facial Action Coding System is not being utilized yet, one day, it could be used to better the education of students. In doing this, many students would have greater opportunity in their futures. The Facial Action Coding System could revoluionize the education of students.
Venus was called "Evening Star", because its one of the brightes points of light in the night sky. Since Venus is a planet, the nickname has been misleading. Venus is the second planet from our sun, and its the closest planet to Earth. Venus has more than three decades that any single spaceship has touched down on Venus, since there's no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus, for more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Since Venus is hotter than the other planets, people can not live there for high pressure and heat. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like, erupting vocanos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Long time ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.
The electoral college has been a part of the united states for many years. The founding fathers were the ones who established it in the constituion. The electoral college seems to have worked for all these years , but my opinion on this is that we should change it to electing a president with popular vote. There are many pros and cons to both the electoral college and the popular vote but the positives of the popular vote outweigh the negatives more then the electoral does. If you are reading this senator of state I hope this letter will support your opinion on this or make you consider popular vote. The united states is a democracy so the citizens living here should have the right to vote for the president of the united states. With the electoral college the citizens are'nt the ones voting for the president the electors are. In the electoral college the voters are voting for a slate of electors, who then vote for the president. In most cases the elector votes for the candidate that their party wants, in some cases the elector has chosen the oppossing candidate to what his party wants according to the second source. Since the elector is allowed to do this that is one reason why the electoral college is unfair. Popular vote is when the people vote for the candidate they want this is truly what a democracy is when the people choose their representatives. The electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all system in all the states, because candidates don't spent time in the states they know they will lose in. They only foucus on the states that they know they will win in or of a close chance to the other candidate, because of this there has been times when people would not see the candidates at all or they did'nt get to see a single campaign ad. If there was popular vote then this would not be the case and it would be eliminated, because candidates would have no choice but to put up advertisments all over the country. Even though the popular vote is a good way to go I think that this system of electing president is still not perfect or will never be perfect. The electoral college allowed some of are greatest presidents to win beacuse if they got more electoral votes then popular vote it would'nt matter they will still win. The electoral college also avoids the problem of one candidate not recieving the majority of the votes cast. The electoral college has been in are country for so long and has worked for us well but I still believe that the popular vote can be and  should be used in future elections. If you have read this senator I hope this might have changed or supported your opinion on this topic.
Cars...do we really need them? Just like cell phones there a popular demand and we need them but we became addidcted. Theres many differnt reasons why you may or may not need a car, but im going to be giving you the benifits of not using you car so much in todays socitety and mayvbe after reading this youll reduce the usage of your car. To begin with, Theres many differnt ways people look at cars. Some look at it as to juss get you from point A to point B some look as collectable items some dont even see the value of a car but at the end of the day most cars are giving off gas thats polluting the air. As a kid were told pollution isnt good and as teens and adults were well aware that to much isnt good for our atmosphere but we still dont do anything about it. in china (paris), A high level of pollution hit the city and due to that they enforced a "partial driving ban' to clear the air. setting the example other cities enforced acts to help clear the pollution out the air and as a result the "smog" had cleard in time. After that many cites around the world did different thing to reduce pollution.  for example in bogota colombia a programed held a "CAR FREE DAY" were people rode bikes skated and took buses to work. This program was set to spread all around the world. Next, cars has benifited us in alot of ways but still has its flaws. For one you have safty. Not going off stats but i once read the most dangerous thing you can ever do is get into a car. your driving not only for yourself but the ones around you and some fail to realise that. Then you have conserving resources, were burning coal putting it into the atomosphere turning it into gas putting in our vehicals puttting into the atomosphere not u using our resources wisely. In conclusion, the benifits on using your car less are better than the benifits of using you car the way we been using them thinking long term, there many different ways of transportation, and some you can do to benifit youself like exersize and ect.
I see a future with these cars. But, these cars are not a neccesity. They can cause big safety issues and lawsuits. As manufacturers proved, these cars will never be fully automatic without a human present and alert. Otherwise there would be a ton of money spent on unreasonable sensors and cameras. Plus due to how much gas these would use, it would be expensive and might even raise gas prices. I don't think cars are the best way to spend our future. People take automatic interest in driveless cars. We see them all the time on television. What doesn't come to mind is the amount of comitment and engineering these cars are going to take. And even with all of the hard work, these cars are never going to be 100% safe or driverless. They will never fully reach the high expectations people want them to. It is an unrealistic dream. It is illegal to test computer-driven cars in California, Nevada and Florida. There is reasoning for that, the cars simply aren't reliable yet. Automakers assume that their work will eventually solve the problems of these driverless car. Which overall is a long term kind of result. The maufacturers should stick with the progress we have now and not put "Driverless" in the title. That creates disappointed customers and future lawsuits. With the safety issues and the high prices on the cars. Will these cars be worth it to invest in?
More companies are pouring in more and more money trying to make the perfect driveless cars but pursuing the driveless car is a negative thing for car manufacturing should not be pursued. Developing driveless cars could make driving easier but is a neagtive thing becuase there is a big safety concern, it can make driving boring, and it still requires the assitance of the driver. Driveless cars have huge and complicated safety risk. Driveless cars are not perfectly save and can cause major problems when driving in places with construction or complicated traffics or complicated driving routes and if the driver does not take control of the car, the driver and the passengers in the cars and other people can get seriously injured. Driveless cars are so doubted for their safety that certain states have limited the use or banned them from being driven or tested in their state roads, a few states who have done this is Calforina, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Driveless cars who notify people when to take over if the emergency are still not that safe as they have no effective to notify the driver that he should take over, many companies have tried different techniques but none of them have found an effective way to get the drivers attention in case the drivers needs to take over because the car cant handle the roads or sencario it is in. Without an effective way to get the drivers attention, to take over if the time is needed, the car can have an major accident because the driver attention was caught to take over the car and the car couldn't handle the situation, leading to an accident. Even with accidents the problems do not end their, many people and car manducatures and companies do not know if you blame the driver or the manfucaturing. With this not settled out, you getting in an accident because techonolgy an compnay has put in a car was incapable of handling safe driving could make you be blamed for the accident and making you pay alot of money to fix your car and damages while the company who put this faulty techonolgy in the car, walk away with no problems. Driveless cars are dangerous and can be hazardous to the driver and the people around the driver and also leave you to deal with the consequences of an accident. Driveless may seem cool at first, being able to drive all by thereself and not needing the help of any real person but what does that do to the driver. With driveless cars it makes driving cars for the driver boring. Driving without driveless cars was a joy and something people love to do but with driveless cars it ruins the experinece as you do not get to control the car anymore and just have to watch it drive itself. This has been a big problem for car companies as they have to get people to buy their car and enjoy the ride and the car and companies do not know how to do that. Werner Huber who is the BMW project manger said that with cars being able to drive by themselves they have to find new ways to attract and make the costumers enjoy the car and they can not find a way to do that without putting the driver adn the passengers at risk. The only things they have founded to make the car enjoyable to drive with driveless cars is entrainment systems or texting but all these may be enjoyable to the driver but also puts the driver at risk. Driveless cars are cars that are suppose to be able to drive by themselves with nobodies assitance but that is not true. These so called driveless cars are not driveless car but are cars that can do basic functions of driving but when anything hard pops up, the driver has to drive the driveless car. This is a real problem becasue having a driveless car should mean that the car should be able to drive without the help of the driver but they can not and make the driver just sit there in the driver seat, staring out the window waiting and getting bored, so they can drive the driveless car when it is in a hard driving condition and if they do not do that they are in risk of a harazardous accident. One of the most technonlgical advances car made by BMW, is a driveless car and is suppose to be driveless car but is it really, the car can only handles speeds up to 25 miles per hour and any faster and the driver has to take over and even when the car is driving itself the driver needs to keep his or her hands on the steering wheel. These self proclaimed driveless cars may look like driveless car but they are not, they require as much assiatant from a real person as non-driveless cars do. Companies all over the world are spending money to make the best driveless car out there but is it really worth it. Driveless cars are not a positive aspect to the automotive industry but is a negative aspect of the industry. These so called driveless cars need the assistance of real life human drivers as much or even sometimes more then regular non-driveless cars, these driveless car also are extremely boring to drive and ride for the driver adn companies can't find a way to fix it, and last but not least these driveless cars are hazardous. These cars can cause accidents, can not deal with hard driving, and can leave you with the consequnces of a horrible accident. Driveless cars might sound amazing and awesome part of the future but it is an negative aspect of the automotive industry and letting that negative aspect get s foothold in the future will be disatorous.
Have you ever thought there was a possiblity of going to venus? Yeah i didnt either but i completly agree with the autors point of view on this article i agree about going to venus for more information cause it would help us understand what happened to venus and if one point and time it was like earth. The challenge of going to venus with anything is its massive air pressure, solfuric acid rain, and really hot surface temptures and we currently dont have anything to actually be able to survive those condtions for more then maybe three weeks or less so what i say we do is that we look at metals that are restiant to stuff like that and see if we could try combining the atoms to make an alloy. In conclusion in my personal opionion i think yes we should try a little harder to get to know more about venus cause it would explain a kot and tell us if one day it was like earth and what happened to it so we could avoid it so that doesnt happen to earth and on top of that the more we learn about it the more the possiblity of it maybe becoming a hospital planet to go to if we need to ever move off of earth.
Many people argue over the fact that the Electoral College is benefitial or not. I'm writing this letter to you Mr. Senator to explain the good and bad effects the Electoral College has.  The Electoral College is a process, it is a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College keeps the elections balanced, it keeps the elections organized. It may have some bad effects. For example, many argue that the people's votes aren't what choose the president. The Electoral College mantains the elections balanced, "It avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of vote cast." as stated in the article by Richard Posner. It balances the votes by a larger state compared to a smaller state. In article "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to kep our despised method of choosing the President", the author states that a larger state has more popular votes rather than a small state. The author says this, "The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes." As that being said, the author is explaining how larger states get more attention from a presidential candidates in a campain than a small state does. This is when the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment. Another benefitial effect the Electoral College presents is the organization of the election for President. As said in the article, "What Is The Electoral College?", "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." That is a huge amount of work but that is what keeps the elections well organized. Each candidate running for President in a state has their own group of electors. After each election, the governor of your state prepares a certificate presenting all of the candidates that ran for your state. As stated in the article by the Office of the Federal Register, "The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year." The Electoral College is what mantains everything professional. The Electoral College may have some effect that aren't positive. For example, many people believe their vote goes to waste. As stated in the article by Richard Posner, "Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign they would have if the president were picked by popular vote." Voters want to feel involved and have interest in the political system. People also fear the tie in an electoral vote. They feel like the government will choose whoever will benefit them the best and they won't take the people into consideration. In article, "The Indensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong", the author says the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. He believes it's anachronism. People may have different opinions about Electoral College. People have different opinions about everything. I wanted to explain how the Electoral College benefits our society and how it doesn't. It keeps the elections balanced, organized, but it makes others feel like their vote isn't worthy or valuable. I hope this letter helps you with your opinion and how you feel about the Electoral College.
Having feeling or no feeling?I agree with this new advanced technology being placed in a classroom setting because it is educational and beneficial to students because being in an educational setting,it may make it more entertaining and fun for students to learn about the expressions of one another.Students are able to learn about the importance of expressions and this new expression technology could be great for a psychology course,for students to learn how the mind and emotions work.It could also be a great source for students in an anatomy course.This device could not only be used for students to learn about different expressions but various technologies put within the device to help determine a persons feeling and or expression. When reading this article I came across Dr.Huang mentioning how the artist of this painting (Leonardo De Vinci) studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specicfic emotions.With new advanced technology,students are able to use it to calculate one another's expressions and learn about human anatomy and how the face muscles work togther to form an expression.Which could potientially be used for an anatomy course. Having an emotional expression advanced piece of technology will motivate students to be more interested in learning more about the characteristics of facial muscles and emotions within.It will be useful for everybody to be involved such as shy students or students who always look mad,like mentioned in the article we can easily judge or misinterpurt ones expression just by the look on their face,but with this technology students are able to learn about their classmates expressions without being confused about why they always look mad or sad. With new computer softwares,they are able to store ones emotions and it is similar to anatomical information as the electronic code.Using video imagery,the new emoton-recognition software tracks facial movements allowing students to see and learn different expressions.I see it as a way for students to connect with one another even though the emotion-recognition classies six basic emotions students are able to know the others emotion and go on from there.This is a great way for students to interact with one another respectfully and entertainingly. In conclusion,I believe that this piece of technology is very valuable to be placed in a classroom with students because of the benefits brought along with it such as learning about the importance of expressions.This new technology will help determine a student's action and behavior.This is great and valuable object to have around in some classrooms such as psychology,anatomy,and technology courses.Overall this would benefit and assist alot of students.
I think that driverless cars are definatley an option for transportation in the future for us. However, as much as it would decrease our pollution and fuel consumption, it would take far too long to settle out cases whenever accidents do happen. I think there would be more problems than that as well. With smart cars driving on the roads, there would most likely need to be smart roads for the cars to drive on. Lastly, the cost of a smart car, with all the technology that comes with it, would be far too expensive for the average citizen to purchase. With new technology comes problems and errors in the technology. With cars driving on public roads at highway speeds, any problem could result in a big accident. If those problems were to occur, there would be piles upon piles or settlement cases needing to be worked out. Companies manufacturing these cars would be losing popularity and money when these accidents occur. Also, the question running through everyone's minds will be, "Who's fault is it?" People would be raging if they had to pay the bills of an accident if they were not even driving it. As stated in the article, driverless cars will most likely need smart roads with built-in sensors in them, to operate. If that's the case, only major interstates and highways will have smartcars. Unless the country gets enough money to make smart cars drive in every road in America. Which would probably cost billions and trillions of dollars. I do not think an country for that matter is ready for an expense like that. For me, it is just something i cannot see happening anytime soon. In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," it says that a driver will most likely need to be in the drivers seat in case of an emergency. However, how is it possible for a driver to be focused on what is going on if they are not physically driving the car. It does say in the artical that manufacturers could include montitors for the drivers to watch somthing while they sit in the driver's seat. But with all of this technology, how is an everday working man supposed to be able to afford one of these cars? I would expect one of these cars to cost twice as much as a brand new car today. I do not think it will be that popular if they are not cheap enough for anyone to buy. As I mentioned above, there are many problems that could occur if these driverless smart cars would be put on the roads. The problem of who's fault is it would be the biggest. As for a problem for the cities and states, the cost of the roads would definately hurt them. Also for the everyday citizen, the cost of buying one of these cars would be a feat in itself. I do think driverless cars are something we should reach for, but I do think we should wait on that until all the the problems that come with it are settled.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky and human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Venus's knickname is sometimes called the "Evening Star" mainly because Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth has proved a very challenging place to examine closely. It is also called the "Evening Star" because Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. On Venus, the temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than on Earth. These conditions are far more extreme than anything human would encounter on Earth. It is not suprising that the temperature average is so high given the fact that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. So basically, if you walk on Venus you will get burns. Studying Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky because it is simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Yes, Venus has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely, but although it is not clear due to the fact that 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus, it is still simple to see from the distant, safe vantage point. No spacecraft survived for more than a few hours because of the carbon dioxide blanketing clouds of Venus. The clouds of Venus most likely explains why not a single spacecraft torched down on Venus for more than three decades. Venus's atmosphere at night is not affected by carbon dioxide of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. This is exactly why studying Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky is simple for an amateur stargazer to spot. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Venus has value because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself just like intimidating endeavors does as well. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, it should only be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. This helps to strive to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. So, because our travels should not be limited by dangers and doubts, intimidating endeavors should only be expanded to meet the imagination and innovation of the travel. So, because Venus is simple to see from the distant and because our travels should be expanded, studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it only presents a small amount of dangers. So, If Venus was more of a dangerous planet to explore, walk on, and study, would this be a planet that everyone would be interested to study and afraid to walk on to explore?
I believe that the Face is just a natural landform on Mars because no one has any reall proof that it is made by aliens and the astronauts might have just gotten lucky and taken the photo when the shadows were in the right place. I think that there is no proof that aliens made it because even NASA said that is was just, "A huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth," I believe that this quote means that not even NASA thinks that the Face was formed by aliens they just believe that it was just shadows on the rock. Another example from the text that makes me believe that it wasn't made by aliens is that, "People think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars," I believe this supports the claim that there is no proof of aliens because if there was then NASA would have already put in the papers so that could get money to go and explore Mars but, since they haven't put out any information about Mars obviously they haven't found anything to prove that there is life on Mars. The second reason I believe that it was not aliens who made the face is because the astronauts might have just taken the photo when the shadows were in the right place. I believe this because the text states that, "What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West," I believe this piece of evidence supports the claim because it proves that the shadows were only causing an illusion there was not eyes, or nose, or mouth they were only shadows that were in the right place. The second piece of evidence that I believe supports my claim is, " Scientists figured it was just another mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like and Egyptian Pharaoh," I believe this supports my because even the scientists believe that it was only shadows that made it look like the rock had eyes, nose, and a mouth. In conclusion, I believe that the Face is not made by aliens because there is no proof it is made by aliens and the astronauts might have just taken the picture while the shadow made the rock look like a face.
In this essay, I'm going to talk about the new softare, that is called the Facial Action Coding system, which can help the computer to knows if we are sad, happy or angry. Putting the example of the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's called Mona lisa. I'll explain why this software is a very good idea, for the teachers and the students too. The software can calculate "emotions" like math homework. Just recognizing the subtle facial movemets that persons use to express how they feel. The new software, the Facial Action Coding System, has promising application for a variety of industries. It's a new software that can recognize emotion, and it's the last innovation from prof. Thomas Huang and his colleague Are experts that are trying to do better ways for human an computers to communicate. This process begins when the computer does a 3-D model of the face; creating at least of 44 major muscles making it move like human muscles. Eckman has classifies six emotions ( happines, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and saddnes) Associating each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. For example: your muscles above your eyes rais your eyebrowns when you are surprised. The software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. A big example is The subject of Leonardo da Vinci's, Mona lisa. Da vinci studied anatomy to thelp them paint facial muscles for paint special emotions. This subject is really intented to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how this can computer can do. Your PC can't handle the use to decode Mona lisa smile. But this invent can write down simple instructions that "encode" differet emotions. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. This software makes the computer could recognize when a student is bored or confused, then it could modify the lessons, like an human, It's great right?. It can indicate the difference between a genuinie smile and a forced one. To finish with some cientifics conclusions and understand better your boddy. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not ont only express emotions, but also may help produce them. A example is when a drama coach tells to his actor carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage because empath might happen when you see someone else expressions. In conclusion a think this is a good idea, because you can problably know when a friend is feeling just looking on his face, so imagic that a software in your computer can know that, is amazing right?. Also this project helps a lot to the students when a subject is hard and they get confused, this is going to help you, or when you are reading too much, then you get bored. This software project would act as an human.
Do you believe in aliens? If so do you believe them living in outer space or perhaps on a different planet? Imagine if you worked for NASA and you found pictures about an "Unmasking face on Mars". What would you do or even think about if you had seen faces on the surface of Mars? I work for NASA and I have have found pictures about a face on Mars and through my perpectives I believe that its an alien on the surface on Mars. The reason why I believe this is an alien because the face is an absolute landform of an alien. These photos were taken 1976, 1998 and 2001. In 2001 the face evolted more like a face of what humans it was of humans but I've been doing research that these faces are from aliens. Although it does look like a human face theres no body connected to it unless the body is stuck underneath the surface of the planet, but through my research I insist it's an alien. I do not have proof it is one but theres no proof of it being a human either. When the Mars Orbiter Camera went around Mars the face still had no evidence if it was either a human face or an alien artifact. In my case I still prove this to be an alien. We've done plenty of research and nothing has been found is it is a human face or an alien. My question is if that it was a human why wouldn't have we known it was a human if it died. Where'd the rest of their body go? Perhaps it was trapped under the surface but in no question I still believe this is an artifact of an alien.
This "FACS" program inside of a computer could change not only art, but education as we know it. For starters, if it were to focus solely on art, we may be able to understand an artist's meaning for creating the painting. If we were to import it to education, we could create much more immersive learning experiences for child and adults alike. Now, some people might not like that Idea, the fact a camera might be used to "monitor" how your feeling seems a bit weird, knowing that if your falling asleep, your computer will know this and notify whoever is in charge. That doesn't mean this can't be used for online schooling instead, maybe your teachers absent and doesn't have a way to know what your doing on your school provided computer, this program can target certain kids and help them improve in their studies overall instead of getting them in trouble. This seems like a great learning alternative for most, and art scholars could use this in the classroom to help get more points across to better express themselves in their specific field.
I do like the thought of driverless cars. I like it because I would not have to learn how to drive to get to where I want to go. There are a lot of positives about the driverless car like less gas and less crashes. There are some bad things about the cars too. Mostly the fact that you dont drive the car and it can't take you on the back roads. In my mind I'm thinking that I would not want a car like that. I would not want a car like that because I would like to learn to dive. The good thing is for the people that don't want to learn to drive can get a car like that. I like the thought of this car because there will be less crashes and more responsible diriveing. One other bad thing about the car is if you fall asleep it might not be able to wake you up. A bad thing is it can't pull into your drive way and it can't stop a traffic light. It's good the car can read that there are roadblocks ahead. In a way it bad because it cant go around it. It's also bad that it can't read there is a crash on the roads. Google needs to fix the problem it has before making the car. It's good and bad that the car runs on a computer. Good because it car perdict all the thing ahead in the road. Bad because the computer can't pick up the back roads on thegoogle maps. So, it can't take you home if you live in the country. If google gets the back roads on their maps, or if you can program it to take you that way the cars might work better. I know I would not want a driverless car that still needs a driver. Most people would probly fall asleep in this car. So, it's a good thing they have a way to keep you awake and alert. It is also a good thing that when the car need a person to take over that it shuts of the entertainment. Other wise people would probly crash more not paying attion to the road.
Cars are part of our daily routines, they have been around for so long that we can't even remember when they first showed up, but did you know that people are starting to use other means for transportation?. Studies have shown that the number of miles driven in the united states has dropped steadily ever sice 2005, and as of april 2013, the number of miles driven per person was 9 percent below the the peak. Part of the reason lies in the recession, americans with a low income can't afford to buy new cars; not mentioning the unemployed, and now that recovery is under way, the next few years will be telling if the decrease will stop, or continue. But looking at the bright side, if the pattern persists (and many believe it will) it will be beneficial towards carbon emissions and the enviroment, without considering the fact that car transportstion is one of the largest source of america's emitions. America isn't the only country that has seen a major decrease in car transportation, other places have taken steps to decrease the use of cars. For example, in VAUBAN, Germany, the residents of this community have given up their cars, thats right!, Vauban's are completely "car-free". Owning a cars is allowed, but they vanly be parked in two places, garages that can be purchased for $40,000, and of course, a home. As a result, seventy percent of the popullation does not own a car. But why are they doing this?. Well, automobiles are used widely all around the globe, and that id a huge impediment to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Cars are responsable for 12 percent of green house emissions in Europe... and up 50 percent in some car-intesive area in the United States, that's why some places are triying to stop using vehicles, the advantage of not using cars relies on the fact that cars are dangerous to our planet, and we have to take care of our planet. Finally(and most importantly)France and Colombia are taking major steps to fight the over-use of cars. Sice Paris has more smog than any other European capital, motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. The same would apply to odd-numberd plates the following day, as a result congestion was down 60 percent  in Paris after 5 days. And in Bogota, Colombia, there has been a "car-free day" for over three years now in an attempt to promote alternative transportation, peole who refuse not use their cars are fined with a $25 dollar fine, because of this, the turnout has been large. And it has led to the construction oh 118 miles of bicycle paths. So.... do you still want to use car?... or a bicycle?.
The use of technology to determine an emotional exprecion of students is very valuable and intersting. Would you ever want to know how a person is feeling without having to ask? Knowing how a person is feeling by techlology is very valuable because its a very interesting process to be apart of, it also teaches many people about technology and learning about the action unit of a person, lastly, Its just a very fun job to do and a perfect way to learn about the human face reactions. First, being able to tell how a person is feeling with technology is a very intresting job/thing to do. The software is the latest innovation form Prof wicth makes it very intersting to work on just becaue its the latest and not many people get to use it. Being able to tell a persons emotions by technology also benefits the person by meating all the experst and better ways in developing for humans and computers to communicate. Next, the Facial Action Coding System is not only a fun thing to do but it can also benifit a lot by learning any diffrent ways to use technology. Many people may also learn about all types of computers that are able to tell the face experesions of a person. Not only that the person can learn all the diffrent types of like human face muscles. A person could also learn the 6 basic emotions. Finally, Being able to tell a persons emotions may get very fun to do. For example, In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Slto shows how The Mona Lisa was a very fun itersting to bring a smile on a persons face. In the article the authors give an example of how they where able to tell how Mona Lisa is feeling in her portrate. He found out that Mona lisas smile was not real and how she faked it. Although it might be a very fun thing to do it might also not be the best because some people can be emotional and not be abe to take amd figure out how a person might be feeling . In conclusion, being able to be a part of The Facial Action Coding Sysytem is a very fun interseting job to do. However people may not like this job beacuse lets be honest thers some people out there who just dont care about how a person might be feeling in a picture.
Have you ever wanted to know exactly how somone is feeling? What if you were telling your friend a story and you truly wanted to know if they found it interesting? The latest innovation from Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu Sebe can detect the emotions of someone by calculating the way the subject's facial structure and muscles form the six basic emotions, which are happiness, surpries, anger, disgust, and fear. This system is called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and can be used for many different reasons. One example is in the cassroom. With the FACS, teachers will be able to read the emotional state of their students, plan/adjust lessons based on the readings, and bring a happier, more interesting experience to the classroom. The FACS has the ability to read emotions based on muscles and face composition. Tests have been done on one of the most famous paintings in history, "Mona Lisa". While this technology can be trivial, as reading a painting-woman's face is not completely productive, it can be helpful towards teachers and students. If the teacher has the ability to truly understand and read their student's emotions, the teacher can switch up and have the ability to try something new. For example, if a student's structure reads that (s)he is confused, the teacher can either go more in depth into the lesson and explain further as to avoid any more confusion. This is exactly what Dr. Huang has predicted, saying that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson" in paragraph 6. Bringing the FACS into the classroom will not only allow teachers to see how bored and confused their students are, it can force the teacher to be innovative and creative in their lesson plans. If the teacher truly cares for their students' attention, (s)he would have to implement new ways to teach boring subjects, in which most students would clock out of otherwise. Most students dread long lectures and usually either stop paying attention, thus wasting both the teacher's and student's time, or forget most of the information. With the FACS, teachers will be able to detect signs of boredom and dread and then capitalize on their emotions with a new activity or fun game to lighten the students' moods, while also giving them the proper amount of information. Much like the example above, there are ways for teachers to bring a lighter-toned, more fun energy to the classroom with this system. If the teacher sees that the students are boerd, in a lecture for exapmle, the teacher could implement a game or fun activity. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, as explained in paragraph 9, if someone is putting on a happy face, even if they do not mean it, they are subconciously happy and are having a good time. If the students are doing a fun activity together, they are surely going to smile, giving off positive vibes and general happiness in response to an otherwise boring lesson. The FACS is a revolutionary way of processing emotions and can be really helpful for any student-teahcer learning environment. The system can allow teachers to read what their students are feeling, and can either hcange a lesson plan to reduce confusion, or implement activities or games to increase happiness and positivity during a dreadful lecture. The FACS in the classroom will help both teachers and students alike.
Venus is the second planet from our sun,he is the closet planet to earth. Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth. Venus has erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequend lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it surface beyond high pressure and heat. but even if the planet is so inhospitable,scientist discussing further visits to its surface because venus still has some features that are analogous to those on eath. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar feature such as valleys,mountains,and craters that allow us to say He can sometimes is are new option for a planetary visit. If you visit this planet one day,solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth level. The temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degees fahrenheits,the air pressure would be close to a sea level on earth. It not a easy conditions but scientist tink it's would be survivable for humans. Many researcher are working on innovation that will allow our to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowlwdge of venus. So if we know well the working of this planet it would be more easy to visit. Nasa is working on other approach like simplified elctronics to studying venus like system that use echanical part can be more resistant to pressure,heat and other forces. Our human curiosity will likely lead us to many endeavors success. Our travel on earth should not be a limited experiance but should be a experiences of disccovery,imagination and innovation of new things and may be one day that will allow us to visit other dangerous planets.
Most of the residents in Germany have given up their cars. Vauban's streets are completely ''car-free'', this means that no one except for the main thoroughfare and a few streets on one edge of the community have cars. This movement is called ''smart planning.'' This movement helps the greenhouse gas emissions in Erope. Passenger cars are reponsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States, this evidence is given in paragraph 5. David Goldberg states on paragraph 7 that all the development since the World War II has been centered on cars, he is promoting new communities that are less dependent on cars. In source 2 the autor talks about one of the biggest advantages of limiting car usage, by cleaning the air from pollution. Cold nights ans warm days cased the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. In Bogota, Colombia they are doing a program that is called ''Car-free'' this is a program that allows people to have a day without using their cars, in souce 3.                
I think the Facial Action Coding System to identify human emotions is not a good idea because some people might be keeping things from other people that might make them sad, mad, or disgusted about someone and then there will be a problem with those people. But also this could be a good thing because it could help with what people are going though in there life. And this could help cuicide problems for alot of places. This might be a bad thing because it could cause conversy with people and might split people apart from there family, friends, or co-workers. For an example if two people are in a relationship and if one person is disgusted, mad, or sad and the other might ask what they are disgust, mad or sad at the other personor something. And because they did Mona Lisa it doesn't give an good example and it only shows the positive side and if did this on a high school student like they want to it might show more of a negitive responsed. But in other terms this could be a good thing for some people because it could help people with what they are going though in there life. This could also possible lower the number's of cuicide percent for some places and mostly for people. It could lower places cuicide rates by if they mad, disgusted or sad people could ask what they are though and maby get that thing of there cheat could be a good thing for them. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and2 percent angry" this shows that it does indeed work and if were going to do it a different person or painting you will get different percent's that will better understand what some people might be going though in life. I truely think this could be made for good reasons if used right and not for only student but people all around the world s we could see what is going on someother places. But if it used to much it could start some bad things with student, familys, and co-workes.
The author presents both positive and negative aspect of driverless cars. Based on this, my conlusion is that the develpment of these cars should not be continued. It is a dream that should be kept a dream. The cost to complete this is way too expensive. Also, they have not gotten to the point of completly driverless cars, Last, in the end there will be more problems than benefits. To begin with, like I noted earlier; the cost for these ¨driverless¨ cars is too expensive and costs too much money. Even the alternative of smart-road systems costs is simply too expensive. In the article, paragraph 4: it talks about how in order to get even smarter cars, they required a whole lot of sensors. These cars would be made of expensive operating tools, such as: a GPS reciver, inertial motion sensor, spinning sensor on the roof, dubber LIDAR, and many more. Why waste more money on these cars that ultimalty will be a bad thing for society; when we can invest in the cars we have today enstead. Many people also do not know that they wouldn't be dealing with a completly driverless car,no. The furthest car companies such as BMW and GM have gotten to complete driverless cars is still very extensive. I wouldn't call these driverless cars, but assisting cars. In the passage, paragraph 7 explains how these cars still very much need humans to control them. ¨None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer accelerate, and brake but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills.¨ With that being said, the drivers must be altert at all times and be on edge to take over the wheel. No one wants to take turns in driving, now do they. People also need to consider that there will be more negitve outcomes than good with these cars. Saftey first of all is key, and with these cars that can't be assured. For one, drivers or ¨assistant drivers¨ will still be more distracted than in a normal car. You will be able to a lot more now that you aren't responsible to drive 75% of the time. The things that the goverment and society has been pushing for decades will be turned around in less then no time. Going through the struggle of teaching teens and adults not to text and drive, or be distracted at the wheel will all be thrown in the trash fot an ¨innovation¨ that is not worth anything. Also, the law will have to be modified for these cars. There will be rallies and petetions to get the law to let these phony cars drive in out steets. Accidents are inevitable, and now the goverment will have trouble on finding who to blame. These ¨driverless¨ cars will cause the controversial argument of who is the one to blame; the driver, ¨assistant driver¨ or the manufacture. In conclusion, the development of these cars shouldn't be contintued. First, the cost of them are ridiculous when the money could be used to actully hellp the community. Second, these cars will never actully get to the point to be ¨driverless¨ cars; only to assisting cars. Last, in the end if these do pass, they will only cause more problems than help. So lets just let this dream be continued as a dream; and not let it become a nightmare.
Whether you are someone who believes conspiracy theories, or are just plain stupid and think that somehow the Face is evidence of alien life, you are still wrong. It's just a rock, a plain, thousands of years old, heap of rock. The End, no "Ifs, ands, or buts", there is evidence saying that this is just a mesa, a landform, we have picture proof of it. However, considering that I must write this for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I still have to argue about it pointlessly with an imaginary person who might or might not exist. So, I will cover two major points to prove to you that it's a landform, common sense, and the facts that we here at NASA have proven to be true. First off, this argument is over whether Face was created by aliens, or whether it is just a natural landform. This is a pretty strange argumental topic, as people who believe this stuff anyway will hardly be convinced by a random scientist at NASA. Anyway, there is proof we have that face is just a natural landform, we have taken multiple pictues of it, and have concluded that, as shown with this cite of evidence, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the America West." We can even say that it was not obscured by any clouds or haze because it was clear day on Mars the day the picture was taken. That should be the end of the discussion, but yet you say, "But Mister science man, what if the pictures that you took couldn't see it because it was too small?" Well, that point can actually be rebuted as well, because of what Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixer size," he added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!". Factually that should be the end of it, it was a clear picture, that was enhanced for farther detail, on a clear day, with a high resolution camera. Don't think I don't see you thinking, "But will a only a photo actually be able to properly discern whether this is natural." Well......no, it won't. Actually, you have me entirely beat on the fact that it simply could be a landform, made by aliens. Yes, there I admit it, sit at home and laugh at the fact that I could be wrong. Look, Mister Whoever reads this for a job, I argue for a living with my friend, and there is simply not enough evidence to actually say that there is no way that this is not alien made. There is actually a chance, somewhere, somehow, a superficially small chance that aliens might have had someplay in this. I know that all sounds crazy, but seriously, think about it. All we have is some lously picture that, while it shows us the exteriror, it doesn't show us anything about the interior of the landform. Here is the other side to the point I just made, think about this rationally for a second, could aliens really have made a monument or some strange thing on Mars, only for it to be found by humans? Probably not, and all of this is so improbable that I really don't even need to write an argumentative essay about it anyway. There is an extremely small and slim chance that aliens had any part in making a mesa on Mars. So all in all, there is factual proof we have, cited from the text I was given to say that aliens had no part in the making of Face, and that it is a natural landform. However, it isn't concrete proof, so for all we now it could be an alien itself. I have no idea, and neither will you. Again though, rationally, it has no relation to aliens. So that's all I got, the end.
More people should join this program because, you can travel to many different places overseas with many different animals. A couple places of those include New Orleans, and Greece. The animals you travel with get to be in a new place and get plenty of food and water on their trip. Also your life could change big time. You an go from working one or two part time jobs to being in new countries! Thats what Luke Bomberger did, and he loves it! Best change he's made in his entire life. You will be helping Europe regain it's food supplies, animals, and so much more! Which is why the UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys. So they can take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Joining would give you an incredible once in a lifetime oppertunity. You won't find anywhere else that lets you travel around the world on a boat with animals. Also this oppertunity is only given to certain people! In conclusion to why more people should join the program, I think you should because you travel to many different places, your life could change completly, you'll help Europe, and joiniing this will be an amazing oppertunity and won't ever come again! So please, come join this amazing program please!
When people think about their car, they do not think about making it drive them around. They tend to think they are in control and operationg in manually. This is not the case with driverless cars. The passage, "Driverless Cars Are Coming", gives very good reasons why they could work but they are not good enough. Driverless cars are dangerous, cost people enoumous amounts of money to manufacture and sell them, but they could aid in reducing the air pollution. Driverless cars are controled by very advance pieces of technology. The people as a whole know that anything controlled by a comuputer or piece of equiptment can break down or have a malfuntion. The passages says in paragraph 9 that these types of cars are banned. States like Californina, Nevada, and Florida deam it unsafe to even test these cars. There are even laws passed against them. So, why produce something that could be potentially harmful everyone? When trying to make one of these cars, no one ever stops to consider the cost. People are spending billions and billions of dollars to make and opperate these cars. To make a driverless car, it would require technology that no ordinary person has lying around. Not only does it cost loads of money and time to produce them, car companies would have a hard time trying to sell them. In the end, people should not invest in a driverless car because they cost enomous amounts of money. Although driverless cars have many negative attributes, they can also aid in lowering the pollution in the air. The technolgy used in producing these types of cars is just like the workings of a smart car. Smart cars run on electricity and do not rely so heavily on gasoline which in turn plays a large part to the pollution in the air. Driverless cars can help to make these rates decrease because they would depend on gasoline to run properly. All in all, they could help the world in reduce the pollution and improving the atmosphere. Driverless cars are a safety hazard, cost too much, but can aid in reducing the pollution levels. Although the passage have very good points on why these cars are great, these points are not enough to make anyone want to buy it.The idea behind driverless cars is amazing, but there is no real future in it. So, when buying a new car, remember to be concincious of your choice.
I am absolutely for the new tchnology called Facial Action Coding System. Because this technology can be valuable in more than one way. According to the passage this technology can detect when a student is growing bored and can make the subject more interesting. If that was available for students then learning subjects would be come more memorable, because usually when a student becomes bored he or she tends to "drift of into space" and not learn anything that is being taught. If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, then a similar ad would follow and if you frown then the next ad would be different. That technology could make shopping a lot more effecient, more buying what you do like and less of what you do not like. People around the world would be able to get alot more things done and could possibly become smarter. The technology would break down subjects and materials to help you understand things better like an actual human would. In conclusion technology this advanced would not only expand the growth of your brain but potentionally expand the growth as a country and in wealth.
For many years, there has been a disconnection between students and teachers; part of this is due to the fact that some students simply just do not like the taching methods of the teachers they have been assigned to, but what if that could change. Recently, a new technology has been developed that is called the Facial Action Coding System. This technology enables computers to identify a variety of human emotions. This system could accomplish many great things. If used in schools as personal tutors for students, many things could change for the better. Imagine getting an A+ on every single one of your geometry quizzes because you actually knew what was going on. If the Facial Action Coding System is incorporated into a tutoring program, this could enhance the students knowledge of their prefered learning styles. If a student is learning a lesson in a class and FACS picks up that the student is not enjoying the way it is being taught to them or simply looks disinterested, FACS could continue to bring the lesson to the student until the student looks satisfied. The student would finally understand how to solve something in a way that they like meaning this would be a win for both the school and the student. This is just one of many ways that FACS could be used in classrooms across the world, potentially enhancing them. With the evedince shown above, it has been shown how useful it would be to incorporate a Facial Action Coding System in schools. It would be a smart choice to have something that connects with a students emotions when it comes to learning something new. This would not only mean a higher success rate for schools, but also the student would be satisfied in knowing that they understand how to do certain things that they did not prior to FACS.
The "face" on Mars is indeed a natural landform. The "face" could have been formed by multiple things. Such as being hit by other rocks, or it may even be the formation of some kind of sand. A lava dome could be another option of what it is. The picture is sharp enough to catch any living evidence. The article states, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times biggerthan the pixel size," (NASA, 12). What they are stating here is that if some kind of living evidence was in the picture they would be able to recognize it instantly. A so called "face" formation on mars, even showed up as a natural landform. as stated in the text, "a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all" (NASA, 7). What they are stating in that paragraph is that it may have looked like a alien monument but it was never a "alien monument", it was just a natural landform. That which could have been made by many different occasions that may have happen. Scientist are always searching for more and more explanations everyday. If there was any objects in the first picture taken, any sciencetist or any citizen could have noticed the picture was sharp enough to pinpoint any living evidence or so called "aliens". Even if there was transportation such as cars airplanes or any shelter as known as "Egyptian-Style Pyramids" or even "Small Shacks", you would have been able to make out an tell what the objects are. As started from the text "unmasking the face on mars", "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egytian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were" (NASA, 12)! The so called "face" on the planet "Cydonia" could have been formed by lava and may even be a "lava dome". Yeah some people qont always agree with the evidence, but you have to look at the facts. You also might not agree there is lava on the planet Cydonia but honestly tell me have you ever been to Cydonia to prove to me 100%, aliens made the monument and its not a natural landform? once you show me that proof ill take another look and maybe turn my point of veiw from your side. Until then ill believe its a lava dome or some kind of natural resource. As stated in "unmasking the face on mars", "What the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West."it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,"says garvin" (NASA,12) what they are saying is the "face" is a natural landform which they can compare to many different landform and monuments on earth. NASA can compare the so called "face on the red planet" to many different things on earth. They can compare height, shape, color, texture, etc. as stated in "unmasking the face on mars", "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars"(NASA, 12) In that evidence from the text they are saying they can take the height and compare it to the Face on Mars and it will be almost exactly the same. I believe the "Face on Mars" is a natural landform, not every person in the world may agree but if you look at the facts and evidence together you will be able to comprehend the "Face" is not an aliens monument, it is a natural landform.
There is a lot of things that cause pollution, but there is one pollution that is imparticular that pertains to these stories and that's air pollution. Air pollution is caused by fossil fuels. So people around the world are cutting car usage to prevent anything bad from happening. The advantages of limiting car usage are less air pollution, more exercies, and little burning of fossil fuels. In the article "In german suburb, life goes on without cars," by Elisabeth Rosenthal, it says that in Vauban, Germany the residents have given up their cars. In Vauban they are forbidden to use cars. They made everything close together so tha the residents can be at walking distance. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter. Heidrun is able to walk to any store because it is so close. In the next article it talks about Paris baning driving. Paris ban driving due to smog. They were using diesel oil since Frane has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesel makes up mor than half of France's vehicles. Paris has more smog than other European capitals. In Paris they had to make people with an odd or even numbered plate stop driving. They let the people with the odd numbered plates drive after the smog cleared up. In the next article Colombia has their own car-free day. All the people in Colombia are doing outdoor activities that don't involve cars. This is their third straight year that cars are ban. "There was slight rain, but that did not stop people from particpating," said Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus. For the first time Cali and Valledupar, two Colombian cities joined the event. In conclusion, These articles generally talk about how some countries are trying to stop people from polluting the air. The advantages of limiting car usage are less air pollution, more exercies, and little burning of fossil fuels.                  
I am against having driverless cars. This could cause many problems and mainly isn't very safe with multiple people in the car especially young kids. Driverless cars could cause most people to not be paying attention and gives many distractions to the main driver. While having a driverless car most people will not be paying attention they could be on a cell phone or doing their hair, many other things besides paying attetion to the road. Even though they make driverless cars doesn't mean you don't have to watch the road because although you are not phisically driving you still have to watch for other drivers that may make a sudden move and put you and your passengers in danger. This also could be bad becuase if there is construstion or bad structure on the road the driveress cars could mess up and could possibly take lives so its better to have both hands on the wheel with all control of the direction of the car and all eyes on the road to watch the moves of people around you. Also if an ambulance or any other emergency vehicle neeps by a drivierless car isn't going to know to stop and move over because it has no hearing. The person may need to grab the wheel and hit the brakes while off the road until the other vehicle passes. With driverless cars the person most likely will not be watching the road and won't know when they need to step in and take control. The driverless cars couls also shut down at any given time and if the driver is not paying close attention then they could lose their life becuase they didn't get control of the car in time and a devistating accident could happen and thake their lives as well as others. Having driverless cars could cause lots of damage to the ecosystem and other safe driviers on the road is one misshap occurrs. these are some reasons i do not agree with driverless cars. Others may think this is a great idea becaue they could be lazy but i don't agree becuase of many things some of which are described in the prompt. I agree that people need to stick with having both hands on the wheel at all times and having all eyes on the road and the cars around you. Some poeple don't think about others before themsleves so they make life threatening moves on busy roads and is driviers are not watching they cars arounf them then a tradgic thing could happen.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is only a natural landform on Mars. It is a natural landform on Mars similar to a mesa or butte. The landform only resembles a face and was not made by aliens. Scientists have examined pictures of it and concluded it has no alien decent. The Face is a landform and was not made by aliens. The first reason the Face is a landform is that the Face is similar to an Earthern landform like a mesa or butte. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. NASA beleives this is a rock formation and not anything else. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Mars Face is similar to Earthern landforms, thats why it can't be an alien produced object. In 1976 the camera photos weren't as good as they are now. The photo in 1976 isn't as reliable as the 2001 photo taken. In paragraph 7 it said, "revealing a... natural landform." There was no alien monument after all." This shows that this newer photo from 1998 shows more evidence than the 1976 photo. More data can be gathered from newer photos to show that the Face is a landform. If the Face was an alien monument, then NASA would tell people of the information to get an exploration going. They would have sent out another mission to investigate the Face. It said, "We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." This shows that NASA was as anxious as the people to try and discover new foreign life. This is why NASA would have investigated if the Face on Mars was an alien monument But it is a landform. Some people might say that NASA is still lying about the Martian Face being alien related. Conspiracy theorists would say things like the Face is pure evidence of alien life. In paragraph 5 it said, "the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars." The conspiracy theorists who say this are wrong because NASA has proven that it is a landform. This is why those conspiracy theorists are wrong. The Face on Mars is a landform. It is not alien related in any way. The scientists at NASA have proven it. NASA would not lie, they need money to fund anything so they would have to tell people. This is why The Mars Face is not alien related and is a landform.
Venus's reputation is challenging for humans to study. It's a thick atmospere of close to about 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Venus is even more challenging because ther're clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in there atomospere,on their surface ther're tempature averages at about 800 degrees farenheit. And the atmospheric pressure is about 90 times greater than what our scientist are experincing on our own planet. Venus's conditions are far more extreme than anything we humans encounter on earth. Venus's weather has additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. An paragraph 6 sentence 1 it says that venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk. Also an paragraph 7 sentence 2 its says Venus surface have lasted for three weeks in such condition that another project is looking back an to the old technology. However, peering at Venus on a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers cannot ttake samples of rock, gas, or anything else froma a distance.
I dont hinkmthat a classroom computer can tell that a student is mad, angry , fustrated etc . But stated in the apragraph the author said he belivees it do . And i say it doesnt becuase in the paragrph they staed that this computer was in labs also says that there working on it so it coudnt be in a classroom. Also, They didnt have all the moods stated in the first pargraph they it cant see fustration but it did say anger. And not every computer is up to date with the one that shows this kind of things . Im postive there is not one in the school labs that i attend . Last but no least , they sated in the paragraph that even if u try to make a fake smile they will no by the muscle in your face i say you will need more than i school computer to do so. In conclusion, technogly to do these things are not in schools more like labs or muesums or somwhere special for a device like this and i will love to use it one day.
The author claims that studying Venus is worthy despite the many dangers. Throught the whole passage the author gives pros and cons about exploring Venus. He mentions facts that are good and bad about the planet, and trys to convince the reader that this idea to explore the planet, despite its dangers, is good. In the first paragraph the author is trying to pull the readers attention in. He gives examples about Venus and explaines why he thinks it is worth being explored. The author states little facts about the planet, but is careful not to mention its dangerouse factors yet. He simple states that another name for Venus is the evening star. He also goes on to say that Venus is the second planet to the sun, and continues with these simpe facts. As the author moves on through the story he starts to explain more of the cons of exploring this planet. He says that the temperature is well over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit and aslo that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we epxerience on Earth. By telling the reader this information he is proving that even though he is listing all the dangers of doing this and exploring the planet, that he is going to convince you that this is worth exploring. The author goes on to say how powerful this planet is by saying that we have sent space crafts to Venus before and it hasen't lasted more than a couple of minutes, so why would we bother sending a human. He then explains what technolgy that we would be using to make this happen. He says that the computers we have now coulden't work because they are to delicate and can break easily. However we have very old computers avalible to us. The computers that helped us in World War two in the 1940s. He goes on to explain how his would work. At the end he says how he knows that this will be hard but that our travel on Earth should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but that we should explore these dangers. I feel that the author did a very nice job. He stated what the problem was. He then continued to go on and explain the pros and cons of both sides. He gave many facts that suported his statment in the begining. He also was very organized with his thoughts and how he organized his writting.
The author describes "Making Mona Lisa Smile" and how a new technology called the Facial Action Cording System enables compures to identify human emotions. Because the author is trying to tell us how the technology can make us feel differents emotions. In this article we can find too many differents emotions that the Mona Lise had. And how the techonology can do it too. For example my first evidence that i found in this article is when said that "Mona Lise is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". So, is trying to tell us that to making Mona Lise smile can be a difficult way, because she had too many differents emotions at the same time,but nothing is impossible. But also the people trying to describe a new technology to identify humans emotion. The new technology is called FACS ( Facial Action Coding System). This is the new technolody that the author wanted to used to find the humans emotions, , and see which one of the two option that they had can be more easy or more faster to find the human emotions. My other example that also i found in this article is when said that "according to the new computers softward can recogniza emotion. The softward is the least innovation from Prof. Thomas Haung, of the Backman institute for advanced science at the University Illions." The author is trying to tell us to describes the new tecnology was little complicated because with he wanted to describe that technology to see if will be more easy to identify the emotions. Also in this article said that the process begings when the computer construct a 3D computer of the face, all 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles. That why i think that describes that new techology wasn't eassy because the new technology need to identify all about human. In my conclution is about the computers and how Mona Lise demostration was really intended to bring a smiles to your face, while it show you just how the computers can do. If you smile when a Web ad appears to your screen , a similar somputer could regnize too. Like said Dr. Haunght he predicted that the computer could recognize when a students or another person is becoming confused or sad. And acording to the Facia Feeback theory emotion, moving ourfacaisl muscles can make us feel not only expresss motion, but also can even help us to feel like some differents emotions.
There is great value in exploring Venus, despite the overwhelming dangers and obstacles that currently prevent us from doing so. From an incredibly powerful atmospheric pressure capable of crushing submarines to clouds of extremely corrosive sulfuric acid that can melt almost anything, Venus is an inhospitable planet that seems virtually impossible to explore. Despite the challenges that are presented, NASA believes there is value in exploring Venus such as furthering the science of space travel and research and we will recieve great insight into the planet it's self. We humans have been dreaming of one day being able to explore the seemingly endless abyss of space since astrology was born back in the middle ages. Now that we have the technology to explore beyond our planet, we have been working nonstop to reach beyond what we have once reached. Exploring Venus will be an astounding feat and will prepare us further for other obstacles we will face when we attempt to explore other planets. In paragraph 8, the author mentions, "but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This was referring to the value of exploring Venus and the experience we will gain from it. Along with getting experience for much more demanding tasks that lie ahead, we will also get plentiful information about Venus from exploring it and a better understanding of other planets as well. Stated in paragraph 8, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself," the author included this into the text because the more knowledge we have on the planet Venus, the more information we'll have on our own planet and many others. In paragraph 4, it is stated that Venus was once mostlikely like our own planet, possibly covered largely wih oceans and mountains. This is supported in the paragraph with the statement, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth." However, exploring Venus is still an extremely dangerous and demanding task. Venus' atmospheric pressure is far greater than our own along with having acid rain and a surface temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it completely uninhabitable. This will make exploring Venus that much more difficult. Despite the challenges we will face, advances in technology are bringing us closer to being able to explore the face of Venus. With all of the knowledge and insight we will gain form exploring this seemingly unexplorable planet, exploration of this planet is of a great value to us.
Venus Planet The author is suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. What the authior is trying to do, is make people belive about Venus planet, that is the most dangers planet in earth because how the differents speed and degrees. First of all In paragrath 3 explains the different that degrees get and the atmospheric presure.'' a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere on the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees.Atmosoheric presure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.'' Secondly What is trying tell that humans can go to that planet for the differents that is from our planet. And is telling us that scientists further visits to its surface. Scientists are trying to go and study that planet because how the author is telling us the planet is really interest, would be a good planet to go study and see how ebrything is for the scientists it might be a lot of work to do it won't be the easiest planet that they are trying to study. Is a really difficult planet to go study. Thirdly the author is saying that 'NASA' is working on others aproaches to stuying venus. they are looking foward, trying to see how electronics made of silicon carbide, that way when they use the electronics aren't melting, for the high temputure, they have to make electrons really strong, and make sure everything will work with the high tempeture. Lastly Venus is also call ''Evening Start' is the brihtest points of light in the night sky. this nickname is misleading since they say that venus is a planet because before they tought venus was not a planet when they knew that was a planet they decide to put a nickname. on my opinion they decide to put as 'Evening Star' is because the planet is so bright, that they tought it was just a star. Venus is the second planet from our sun so that means that our planet isn't that far from the Venus. Even know that is close to our planet. It is so different everything from that planet is different fromout planet.
Have you ever heard of a driverless car? Google has had driverless cars like this since 2009. These cars have driven more than half a million miles without a single crash. These types of carsstill have to have a human operate them when pulling into drivways, going around accdents, or having to deal with complicated traffic issues. My position on driverless cars are, they should not be a thing. There would be more car wrecks than there are now. What if the car ends up turning at the wrong area and does not pick up that there is a car in front of them. The car would end up crashing and could the result could be life threatening. The car could have a bad sensor and just keep driving straight. Then, the car would end up hitting a pedestrian or another object. There are positive sides to the driverless cars though. The cars will save individuals more on gas money. The driverless cars use only half of the fuel of today's taxis. They say that the driverless cars are also more flexible than a bus. You also would not have to have your hands on the steering wheel at all times. You can relax and just watch your surroundings. The car will alert you when you need to take control over the car again. You also would not have to buy a car because you could the driverless cars would be a public transportation like taxis. There are more negative things about the cars then there are positive. What if the car just shuts down in the middle of the highway? More people are going to hit you and it will affect more people. What if the sensors are very sensitive and will detect a branch in the middle of the road? The car will stop and people will hit your bumper. There are a lot of dangerous and life threatening things about the driverless cars. The driverless cars seem very neat but, they also seem very dangerous. Too many things could go wrong, like a sensor could go out and you could hit another vehichle. The car could miss the turn and you could hit a pedestrian or another object. If the sensors are very sensitive, they could detect the smallest thing like a small tree branch and cause your vehichle to stop in the middle of the road. These cars will cause more crashes than the regular human driving cars. They also say that the safest vehichle, is a human driving vehichle. In my opinion the driverless cars are a very bad idea to bring into this world.