The Electoral College has been kept for centuries, established by the founding fathers and established in the Constitution.  I think that the process should be maintained; so far, it has worked fine and I do not see any reason to rid of it.  The Electoral College should be continued in use because there are at least five main scenarios in which it is helpful and reasonable. In ways, the Electoral College could be dangerous to use unless you have electors that are completely faithful in their party, and do not take advantage of getting to choose where to place their vote.  Basically, voters are voting for a slate of electors, who then elect  the president.  These electors can go against the people's majority votes and decide who to vote for.  It could also be possible that a state sends two slates of electors to elect.  If the election was a direct vote, there would be almost no chance for a tie to happen, but with the Electoral College, there is always that possiblity.  Some states do not even see the candidates because of the majority of the people living there belong to a single party, and the "winner-takes-all" system completely affects this.  If the elcetion were to be a direct vote, the candidates might visit the states in order to gather as many votes as possible.  However, many of these reasons that the Electoral Collge should be abolished are just one time things, so consider the other side of the argument. Swing states basically decide the election and therefore, they are the most thoughtful voters.  They know that they will be the ones to decide the election, so they pay more attention to the news, and the candidates' campaigns.  The swing states receive the most information and attention from the candidates.  Since they will end up deciding, the candidates want them on their side.  Many sates are already pedicted, even before the election, as a majority of them are from one party.  These voters think the most about who they want to run our country and who will do the best in that position, so they should be granted the honor of making the decision. Electoral votes help avoid run-off elections, by reducing the pressure that might complicate the election.  Say that our government referred to the direct vote system, with a lesser system known as the Electoral College was for comparison, and during the presidential election, there happened to be a problem with the popular votes versus the Electoral College; this complication could be avoided if we used the Electoral College.  This has happened with nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992, when they both had only a 43 plurality of the popular votes but were winning in the Electoral College. The Electoral College could be unwanted by many minority voters in states that leaned completely one way.  These voters hardly pay attention during the campaign because they know that their vote will hardly make a diffference in their state, but a voter's vote could not swing a complete election, and not the full population voted in the 2012 election.  Voters usually just like to express their preference and have it known than decide the vote that will make an election.  It is more likely that your vote will count if you are educated in the happenings of the government, and maybe your vote can make a difference. 
The way the author supported his claims were ways of providing examples. He defined his examples in a way to make worth of pursuiting Venus despite its dangers. He did this by comparing them to the actual project of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." First off, he explains that Venus is our neighboring planet. Despite of Venus being close to Earth; we don't know much about it. However, later in the article he mentions something interesting that catches most people's eye. He mentions, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This caught my eye, especially, because it goes with the idea of Venus being an interesting and worthy pursuit to discover and learn from. Despite of Venus having no life and probably not worth to look at. But all of that changes when he states how the conditions actually are. Furthermore, as said in the question, despite all of the dangers, it will be worth to study Venus. Since we'll be able to know what actually happened long ago. In paragraph three the author states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus," also he states, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." These are the dangers of Venus. When considering to send some sort of probe or satellite to investigate this planet these are the circumstances we must consider. The way he incoorperates this idea fully just shows how incredible and extreme these conditions are, to even try and land a rover on Venus. Lastly, in paragraph five the author starts explaining ways to study and investigate Venus without having to worry about its weather extremes. The author explains, "A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." He shows us that it has even more worth to study Venus. We are now able to study Venus but at a different angle. This ties in with his idea of pursuiting Venus because we have the chance to find out more about it. Even though it is not the best insight of Venus, gives a perfect example that every little detail we learn about Venus is important and nteresting. Tying all his claims together, he shows us that Venus is worth the danger to pursuit the planet. The way he compared and contrasted with each detail supports his claim strongly. As the author states, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humas." Meaning it is not going to be easy, but it is definitely possible.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," many challenges of studying Venus are presented; however, the author provides many valid reasons as to why researchers should find ways to study this planet. The author describes the similarities of Venus and Earth, provides solutions to living on Venus, and expresses how researching Venus would be an advancement of the human mind. The author supports their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite its dangers, by suggesting that Venus may have once been similar to Earth. The author wrote in paragraph 4, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." By suggesting that Venus could have some answers to Earth's climate, the author provides strong support to their claim. The text also states in paragraph 4, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." The author goes on to describe how Earth and Venus may have been closely related long ago. It is also mentioned that Venus is one of our nearest options for a planetary visit, which is beneficial considering the how long space travel takes. The author's claim is supported through this evidence of Venus being Earth-like at one point in time. Another way that the author suppprts their claim is by providing some solutions to studying Venus, despite the dangers it possesses. The author writes in paragraph 5, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." In paragraph 5, the author continues to explain how the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth, solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not go over the radiation levels on Earth. The solution that the author suggests helps support their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit by giving direct evidence as to how researchers may go about doing this. Lastly, the author supports his/her claim by explaining how overcoming the challenge of studying Venus, would be beneficial not only to the insight of the planet, but also of human curiosity. The author says, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The claim is strongly supported through the author's description of how studying Venus could be beneficial to the human mind. Another detail from paragraph 8 is, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author supports that studying Venus would be worth overcoming the harsh conditions, as it would expand our views of imagination and innovation. Despite all of the author's reasons for studying Venus, he/she describes how Venus has harsh conditions that must be overcome first. The text states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The author expresses how Venus's conditions are far more extreme than any conditions on Earth. However, the author supports their claim by providing various reasons that support how Venus is worty of pursuit and how researchers may go about overcoming the dangers it possesses. In order to support his/her claim, the author was able to provide at least three strong reasons that show how Venus would be worth studying, even though it presents many dangers. By explaining how Venus may have once been comparable to Earth, providing solutions to current problems, and expressing the benefits of studying Venus, the author is able to strongly support his/her claim with valid evidence.
My position on the driverless cars are definitley a no. While the whole idea is interesting and fascinating it is also exteremly dangerous. Maybe the daythey actually perfect it and it is deemed safe i would accept it but as of right now my opinion on the entire things definitley a no, because while people would need to have alert drivers alotof them arent and even when we have driverless cars the cars are going to still need some human amount of interaction and if the person for instance is drunk they aren't going to be seen as very useful to it. People are most likely going to take advantage of this car and this whole thing and i know its not going to be pretty when they do, im just really not for it. There are companies such as General Motors trying but they would have to change all the roads for it which is obviously way to expensive to ever do. Engineers at Berkeley tried something similar they used magnets with alternating polarity and it still also wouldnt work out because of the road expenses. Everything that has been done still needs somekind of human interaction and i believe that is the way that it should be so that nothing bad happens because like in paragraph 9. They talk about " Even if traffic laws changed, new laws would be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. if the technology fails and someone is injured who is the one at fault? the driver or the manufacturer?" i agree with this, no one would know whose fault it would be it's honestly just taking an unnecessary risk, putting live in danger to those around the smart cars and to those in them. There is alot to be done and there is alot to come because these companies are making several advancements and several attempts, they aren't going to stop. it isn't just to make things easier i believe that alot of these people just think it would be cool, it's less work for the person and thats just going to start revolutionizing the fact that " humans don't need to work" let's have someone else do it for us. I don't like it at all.
I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program to help animals today. The Seagoing Cowboys are a group of people that travel across the oceans bring animals to other countries such as Italy, China, and Europe. You get to see wonderful sights that you never would of dreamed of seeing. You get paid to see the world including many different types of animals on your boat. There are animals like horses, young cows, and mules. And all you have to do is feed, and clean the animals. The crew that you will be with will be amazing. The crew members like to do fun things so the trip isn't bad. You can play a variety of games on board like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing and more! This will surely make your trip an adventure that you will enjoy. This is a once in a lifetime opprotunity folks. You will never see the wonderous places you would see if you join. You could go on adventures like riding in the water streets of Venice, or seeing the Acropolis in Greece, the possibilities are endless! So if you want to have an adventure, sign up today. It will surley be a trip you wont forget.
Luke's point of veiw of being a Seagoing Cowboy is that being a Seagoing Cowboy is awsome/cool and it's an opportunity of a lifetime. It made him think about all the people in other countries that are fortunite and unfortunite and their needs. Plus when he was 18 he could of been drafted for the military service but when him draft boat learned he was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service. And by the time i was discharged in 1947, I made nine trips-most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Besides the cattle-boat trips were unbelievable, cause i got to help people like; I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greese was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. But what kept me busy was caring for the animals during the crossings. They had to be fedand watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be cleaned. Helping out at my aunt Katie's farm had prepared me for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea. On my second trip I served as night watchmen. My job was to check on all the animalsevery hour. But one night after my hourly checkup I slipped on a ladder and almost fell into the dark Atlantic, luckily a small strip of metal along the edge stopped me from falling. But I couldn't work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs. When us Segoing Cowbays got boared when we had to return the animals I played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling,and games also helped pass the time. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more then just a adventuere, it opened up the world to me. And I'm grateful for this opportunity. And that awareness stayed with me, leading my family to host a umber of international students and exchange visitors for many year. And thats my point of veiw of me being Luke and being a Seagoing Cowboy.
How much do we know of Venus? Not much except it´s a planet in space along with the other planets. But who knows what might be in that planet. Venus could have a lot we didn´t think it had, but no one, including myself, have ever study the planet at all. But we can now and see what lies in the planet known as Venus. First off, Venus is one of the brightest points of light, making it simple for stargazers. Often called the Ëvening Star" but the nickname can be misleadinng since the planet Venus is...well a planet. While also very simple to see from the distant safe advantage of Earth, it proves to be a very challenging place to examine more closer. It makes you wonder what´s even that planet to study about. Next, Venus´ surface has their temperature average over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on our planet. The planet´s conditions Venus has is way more extreme than we thought it would be that we wouldn´t be accustomed to the second we even try to get there. Beyond the high pressure and the heat, Venusian geology and weather present some impediments like volcanoes that can erupt, earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to seek land onto its surface. No wonder why Venus is fascinatiing in some people´s eyes. Lastly, going over to Venus with a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can only have a limit insight on ground conditions since most of the forms can´t penetrate the dense atmosphere. It´s important to know that researchers cannot take samples of any rock, grass, or anything else in the distance. So if trying to seek to a conduct would have to resolve in getting close and personal despite any risks to do it. And that´s what makes Venus the planet that it is today.
The United States of American, land of the free, or so they thought. More than half of the population of the US believes that their votes mean something when in reality, they do not. People came to America to be free and to choose how they run their lives. By have the Electoral college it steals away the right we have to choose our own President. In society now, millions of people go to the voting stands to vote when our opinion says nothing to the way we actually pick a President. I believe the vote of the poeple is what should matter when choosing out leader. the Electoral College is currently the way we decide who will become our President, as many know. Though what most do not know is our votes do not count for anything. The people of the United States of America should have their basic right to choosing who tells them what to do. The way it should go is, everyone who lives in the USA who is over eight-teen should be eligiable to vote, and have the vote count. We should be choosing our President, not some big shot in a suit. If we were able to choose our President it would be less hectic. All you would have to do is count up the votes of every state in America and round them up. Who ever we choose as the winner should be put to a test, a simulator type thing. We use an example of the world in the most horrific state, no money, taxes through the roof, angry people eveyrwhere with the President, and they have to fix it. If they can fix our home they may become our President. Having shown their ability to lead us correctly. To quote source 3: In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing a President , they specificly state that "The Electorol College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled". This quote is exactly right. Not only is it "widely regarded" as so, it is true! We need to stop going with the vote of a politician who thinks he has it all figured out. Where has the Electoral College gotten us? Bankrupt, spending more money on our military than our own health, wasting away this beautiful Earth by building more nucular powerplants to supply us with ticking time bombs! We do not need the Electoral College. We need us. The people of America need to stand up and take back our home. For the people, by the people.
Do you think that people would rather have the popular vote for the president of the United States or the Electoral College? If some of you guys dont know what an Electoral College is, then it is a process, not a place. The process consists of the selection of the electors, by the meeting of electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Now that you know its basiclly like your not even getting to have a chance at what you want, and not even a chance at getting to say what you want. That is why you would agree with me on the fact that we no longer should have the Electoral College. The voters & people in our country should strongly agree with having the election by popular vote. I think this because the Electoral College is unfair to voters and also the people in our country. Their are many of reasons on why I chose for it to be changed. One reason is because letting it be by popular vote might decress the conflict between people when one doesn't get what they want also might help the election be more equal. My next reason on changing the Electoral College is because if they run close then more people would be intrested and want more to do with the public election. It might even help the states from having conflict beween each other, and that would help our counrty out alot! We could also keep up with the candidates to make sure that us "our self" is picking the right person to be our presedent of the United States. If this year goes like last year did then we might have a chance at getting to have the election by popular vote for the President of the United States. 2000 was the biggest election crisis in a century; that system allows for much worse. In 2000, seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all, also Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in twentyfive of the largest media markets didn't get to see one campaign ad. The Electoral college is too unfair, way outdated, and irrational. The Electoral College needs to be Abolished. Better sooner then never.                                         
"No one cares about the environment." said no one ever. The environment we live in, wether its a crowded city like NewYork, or Paris, or even a regular suburban community, is a wonderful place. There is one issue though that has spread among communities, and that is the high amount of car usage. Having a car and being able to track to great distances in a short amount of time is great, but look at what cars do to the environment. Also when it comes to buying a car, you're basically throwing your bank account out the window. And dont get me started with the worries of having your children play in the streets. Now, lets discuss the crazy amount of money you have to throw away on a car. You either throw away a fortune on a good car, that runs good, and then end up taking years to pay it off, or you buy a cheap, beat up car, that is always in need of repair. Either way it is a lose, lose situation. Why buy these isanely priced cars when you can buy a nice bike that moves perfectly. At around five hundred dollars, to a thousand dollars a bike is easily the way to go. A bonus to buying a nice bike instead of a car, is that while you ride your bike, you'll get into shape in no time at all. Now if you need to track a great distance that riding a bike can not get you to fast enough, buses or mobile transport have bike racks on them so you can ride a bus to the nearest position to where you need to be then simply ride your bike for the remainder of the distance. The main issue here with cars for most people, is that there is a large amount of pollution that comes with driving a car. In Paris the pollution from cars were so bad that Paris had to put a temporary ban on driving to help clear out all of the smog that was in the sky. Also, in America car pollution is the second largest source of pollution emissions. There is no other way to say it, cars make up a lot of the earths pollution, and when the time comes that people start to die down on using cars the world will be a much healthier place to be in. Now you can not tell me that there is not at least one parent who will read this next statement and not agree more. Less cars, safer streets. Every mom, dad, brother, sister, or any kind of other relative have worried about their family playing in the streets. There are millions of accidents every year in the world that result in people getting hit by cars and killed, or seriously injured. With less cars on the streets the world will be a much safer place for kids, and even adults, as there is drunk drivers you have to look out for, or reckless drivers who dont even have a license. All together limiting car usage will have multiple benefits to the world, and even your own community. One being you dont have to pay for a car when they start going out of style, another being the worlds pollution will lower at a huge rate, and last that the roads we live, and breathe on will be a much safer place. Limit your car usage and make the word a better place on step at a time.
The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classrom is valuable. The technology would help to see what a student is feeling. If a student is sad, a peer or tecaher can help them get through what they're going through. If a human can't read facial expressions that good, a computer can. Technology is a good source for reading students' emotions. Technology could help an individual see what another individual is feeling. In the text it states that, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," that's what the Facial Action Coding system is there for. If someone can't tell how their peer is feeling, they should use this technology. Computers are smart. Technology can tell how you're feeling. The Facial Action Coding System is a good way to communicate your emotions. If a student is not in the best mood, a peer or a teacher can help them with what they're going through. "Each expression is compared against a neutral face," humans can't tell what people are going through that wears a neutral face. The Facial Action Coding System reads all of your face muscles and movements. "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar add might follow," this tells the audience that computers can tell how you're feeling. Computers can read emotions better than humans. If a human can't read facial expressions, a computer can. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your muscles not only expressed emotions, but may even help produce them," the Facial Action Coding System tells you to smile in a certain way and it may make you happy. An individual may look at another individual and mey think nothing's wrong when there really is something wrong. Computers are capable of uplifting your mood if you're sad. Humans aren't good at reading facial expressions. Technology that can read your face in classrooms are valuable. You never know what a student is going through. That student or teacher may need somebody to comfort them. You can make somebody happier with this certain technology. Do you think people would be less sad if this technology was used?
The advantages of limiting car usage is incredible because we can actually just get out of the house and hang out with friends and family. Also people could get some exersice at that by walking to work or school or wherever you are going to and the percentage of people with obesity would most likey drop down excessivley by just doing this. You also might actually have a happier life by giving up automoblies for example what this person Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." This evoultion of limiting car usage is very beneficial especially for the environment by decreasing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions from cars and all of the bad gasses going into the air by all these automobiles and just maybe get or climate and everything back together they way it should be. In this new approach, to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation. Stores are placed just a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highways where you need a car to get there. By doing things like this especially in America would be big in safety because you would have to worry as much about your children being hit or ran over by cars or being kidnapped to because you can only walk or ride bikes, taxis and public buses. Therefore you can also take time and actually look where you are and where you live and take it all in instead of panicing and being all tense and stressed on having to rush or go somewhere and just being in a calm, peaceful and quiet location. Like in what thisperson Carlos Arturo Plaza, a businessman said " It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" as he rode on a two-seat bicycle with his wife. By doing this it would also decrease the amount of congestion in different cities across the globe. In my opinion, I'd love to try in do this because we would  not be on our phones going strait to our cars  instead we would be walking or riding our bike or get on a public bus and actually see and meet people instead of just waiting in the traffic and waiting to just go and do whatever we want to and the Internet is a big deal in this to. A sociology professor at Drexel University and director of its Mobilities Research and Policy Center cities various factors like: the Internet makes telecommutung possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to goo and meet up with friends. The rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has faciliated more flexible commuting arrangments, including the evolution of shared van services from getting to work.    
Hi,My name is Luke. Today I am here to tell you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. First I am going to tell you what we do. You will be hired by the UNRRA.We travel over seas taking care of animals such as horses, young cows,and mules. Now I am going to tell you why I think you should join us. First of all you will be helping other people and its always nice to help somebody out. Also you will have to take care of animals and thats a very nice job. You will be traveling a lot. Now here comes the good part,you will get to see a lot of cool sites that you never seen before! Here are some places you might go and see alot of cool things in, Europe,China,Greece and Venice, Italy. All of these places have cool things you can go to. For example in Greece you can go see Acropolis. You probably would also love taking a grondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city which streets are water! So these are all my reason why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You will be helping people out,you will see alot of cool things. You won't regret it. Please support us and join this program.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile." the auhtor explains the development in new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that enables coputers to detect human emotions. As humans do this almost everyday attempting to figure out the mood of the people in their surroudnings. Computer technology is now able to do the same actions but on a higher level inclduing percentage and specific musclesthat induce the face of happiness and other emotions. This technology in a classroom reading the emotional expressions of students would be very valuable becuase teachers can adjust the lesson accordingly, they can help them and try to relate the lesson to them, and they could act differently according to the person's mood. The first reason why this technology would be useful in a classroom is so the teachers can adjust the lesson accordingly. For example, if a teacher had planned to talk about Romeo and Juliet which is a morrid tradegy inclduing death, they could switch the lesson and avoid conflict if they knew a student was sad and possibly had a death in their family or relations. If the tecaher had gone into the lesson talking about the death and such upsetting events they could have upset the student and made issues. Another example would be if the teacher saw the student was not understanding the material they could explain the lesson in a different way. One of the main reasons for schooling is to learn and this could help teachers teach their students more efficently. The teacher would know if a student was confused and they could provide them assitance. The second reason this technology would be useful in a classroom is so that the teacher could try and relate their lesson to the studnets so they understand it better. For example, recently children are very drawn to technology. If students in an english class were reading a book and their homework was writing a summary over each chapter some wouldn't complete it becuase it's 'hard' or 'boring'. If you flip the perspective and have a class twitter page and the students would tweet each day something about what they read they would take to it better. A teacher could see that a student is very happy they do do a lesson that is along the lines of knowing what happiness is and explaining emotions. If a teacher tried to do a lesson like that while their students were sad they could most likely not explain happiness. The third reason this technology would be useful in a classroom is so that the teacher could act differently according to the person's mood. If a teacher was planning on having a debate in class but then realized that some of their students were already angry and flustered they might change the plan. The students would go into the debate angry and it would only make them angrier resulting in the class getting out of control or hurting a student's feelings. If a student comes in and the teacher notices they are sad and upset they won't be as harsh on them. If the said student had a missing assingment that had to be turned in the teacher could wait until the next day or aproach them in a kind and understanding manner. If the teacher hassaled the student about a missing assingment when already upset it could escalate the situation to an uneeded extent. Many people focus on their emotions and feelings, teenagers at a higher level than most. People are led to act on how they feel about the situation or in general. Emotions lead the world and without them it would be a boring and grimy place to live. In many situations multiple peoples feelings get hurt becuase they say something to a person in a bad mood and the person explodes on them. School inhabits alot of stress onto teenagers so if thier teacher knew how they felt it could help them all. This technology in a classroom reading the emotional expressions of students would be very valuable becuase the teachers can adjust the lesson accordingly, they can help and try to relate the lesson to them, and they could act differently according to a person's mood. Emotions are a large part of a tenneagers life and if schools could help reduce stress, help students comprehend, and help rather and hurt the students emotions the school systems could have a largely more postive impact.
In "The Challenge of Exploring venus," the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.The author is right he should go to explore Venus. Venus is the closest plant to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Venus is one of three planets that orbit the sun at different speeds. To have beter knowledge of our future we need to know everything around us. One reason, why we should explore Venus is because there might be life on that planet since it is so similar to Earth. In "The Challenge of Exploring venus," in paragraph 4, the author says that "...long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. It is explaining that Venus had oceans like the Earth and might have life in it. In paragraph 3, the arthur also says that there is erupting vocanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes. The Earth has the same features as Venus. In addation, the NASA is trying their best and finding new beter ways to travel to Venus and how to survie. in paragraph 7, the author says "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics mad of silicon cabide have been testedin a chamer simulating thr chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conitions," that is explaining that NASA is trying their hardest to find new ways to get to Venus. In paragraph 6, the author also explians a way that they try to get to Venus wich is, "....many reasearches ar working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to conribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus. There is also another side, it might be really dangerous and millions of people can die from going to Venus. In paragraph 2 the author says that, "....each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landind for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." That means that lots of people died after the landed on Venus in a few hours, no one can stay on Venus more that a couple hours, but Venus is worth of going there and exploring it becasue it can help us alot with our future. In conclusion, we should go to Venus and explore thing in there. We should go because in is really similar to Earth and lots of people are really excited. Venus has great things and great adventures waiting for us humans to explore.
For Luke this expierence was heart warming and grabbing. He loved the part where he got to travel. The thing he loved most is when he stated "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China." I was amused when he said that he he was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. This is why Luke wants to pass on the expierence. Luke thinks people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because it is a once an a life time opportunity. Luke also likes the places he gets to go to such as China, and many other places like Greece. Like when it stated in the text "The cattle boat trips were an unbeliveable opportunity for a small-town boy." This is almost a life time of happy memories. In conclusion this job is a life time of opportunity! If you get to help people who need your help. The best part is that your saving human kind. Luke thinks this will be a great way to travel and explore. Luke would love to encourage other people as he was incouraged. The End.
Many people arent sure what to do when it comes to election. Electoral College is the process that consist of the election. I believe that Electoral College is the easist way to handle the way of voting. Any ways whats wrong with Electoral College almost half the people agree to it. The founding father that discovered Electoral College made it easy for anybody to be president. Many people also agree with me because according to source 2 it says that in case of the election it will be thrown to the House of Representatives where the delegations vote on the president. This way the delegation people can pick who's good for president. On the other hand many people belive that Electoral College is unfair to some people. Many people want to abolish Electoral College. Secondly, the Electoral college is widely regared as an anachronism a non- democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be declared the candidate who recives the most popular votes. The electoral restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states by the population lose by virtue of the mal- apportionment of the senate. The Electoral college avoids the problem of the elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. In conclusion I think that Electoral College should stay and it will make things easier for all these reasons I listed from the sources. Also all the presidents will have a chance to become what they want to be.  
In a future with drriverless cars more people could be satisfied with life. Instead of planning out a trip months ahead. You can just call a cab and be on your way then and there. More people in poor communites need rides to school, work, ect. The fact that 50,000 people or more in the U.S. Dont have a car or any form of transportation. The better the tech the better the ride. The government should wait a few good years befor letting them go. The tech is good for unmanned missions but just some more work needs to be put into it. The manufactures who make the car need to be carful. If there vehicals break down with people in them then whos to blame. It's not the computers fualt. Its the programer. Many people would support this. In fact the whole nation would. Acceptional use. The cars themselvs need an exceptional use policy. They should also be in every city. The rides should be free. But if your going out of town or state they should cost 100 dollers for every hundred miles out of state or town. Making these would be a dream to people. The future holds promise for these cars. None the less making these would cause contraversy. But with so many people using them why take them away. Statistics should be kept on them. Life is getting better. So whats your choice.
Dear Senator, I'd like to take some of your time to shed some light on the matter of having popular vote for the president of the United states."We the people " ,That stands strong in our society and I'd like it to stay that way.Majority of the people,Thats what its about.Over 60% have voted to have popular vote to elect our president.Thats over half,and numbers speak.Yes,The electoral college has its good but over all bad,There is so much trust put into each states electors and some voters dont even know it. The number one fault in the electoral college is the electors themselfs.Most voters get confused and have no idea how the electoral college works,better yet that we vote for our electors.The electors we do vote for by chossing the canidate by popualor vote,sometimes dont vote for their party .(The majority of the states residents) ,That means who the people wanted they arent even promised the vote for. I understand the good in the electoral college though.It helps keep states from tieing ,and causing chaos.But,We the people do not have our justice in that manner.If the winning vote is casted by state the legislatures are techinally responsible for picking the eletors in favor of the vote.Then when it comes time to fairly make their votes for us,the people who voted ,They can change their minds if they like an vote for the least liked canidate running for office by Florida is they wanted too! Thats ridicoulous and has no justice.The winner takes all system is very faulty and unfair. I'm sorry if I have wasted any of your time but I felt this matter is important to the USA."We the people",Anyone past middle school can tell you where the beggining of that sentence came from.If we want to keep America fair and keep our pride in our country we should most defaintly start electing our presidents by popular vote,instead of relying on an out dated system that has many faults and injustce as I have pointed out.Thank you for your time. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
Are you thinking about joining Seagoing Cowboys program? Well great, because you really should join this program. This program is a once in a lifetime chance for some people, and I really think you should take it. When my friend Don asked me I just couldn't say no. I was working in a grocerey store and a bank before Don came and changed my life. The text states," He was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat." The text also states," Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." It is a real adventure to tell the truth. You meet so many great people and help some just as great too. Yes I know what you are thinking, but isn't in dangerous sometimes? Well, yes, it can be very dangerous sometiem, but you have to take the risk. You only live once you know. Like I almost died one night while going down a ladder. I slipped and was going straihgt for the opening side of the ship. Then a piece of metal stopped me and I didn't plunge into the Atlantic after all. Even though I was alive I cracked a rib and has to sit out for a while. The text states," One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captin, he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside." The text also states," A small strip of etal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic." You should also really join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to go to so many beautiful places and explore. It really is a beautiful sight in some places. Like I remeber taking a tour while on my way to China. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece it was special. The text states," Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." The text also states," Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China." I loved being a Seagoing Cowboy it was special and I really think you should join becuase you get to see places, help people, meet people, and more. It was not just a adventure it also opened up the world for me. The text states," But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. The text also states," I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs."
Looking for a job cowboys. seagoing cowboys get to go around the world to feed other countries who got reduced to ruins. It might help your farms. you could make money for your family and buy more horses, mules, and donkeys. also you get a ton of free time when you're a seagoing cowboy. It took two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean and a month to get to china. if you've been working this will be a piece of cake. the animals will have to get food like hales of bay and bags of oats also those will have to be hauled from the lower decks of the ship to be eaten by the animals. also you will be able to see tons of beautiful cities and castles. The other great thing is if you turn 18 before something you won't be drafted you can just keep doing that for your service it will count as the service you provide for your country. there were three hundred thirty-five horses on board as well as free food on the boat if the animal dies. it will be the absolute best trip of your life so if you join the UNRRA you will help all the countries of the world with everything food water. the best people are the people who help so join the UNRRA today. Most things cowboys do on the ship is Baseball Volleyball tabletennis fencing boxing reading and games so join the UNRRA TODAY.
I think the Facial Action Coding System is valuable . It is valuable because we ourselves sometimes need help when telling if someone is upset , mad, happy, sad, etc. I understand that the computer might not be so helpful at times when trying to figure an emotion displayed on someone, but overall I think the Facial Action Coding System is needed and therefore valuable. I understand that the computers might be helpful in classrooms . It can be helpful in classrooms because, if a teacher is teaching something and a student does not understand the lesson the computer can let the teacher know that the student does not understand what is going on or comprehend it . The computer can also let the teacher know if all of the students actually understand the lesson. I think by letting the teacher know that students are not comprehending it the teacher can address the problem and therefore help the student. By helping the student undersand the lesson it is also helping the student get better grades . The computer also lets others know that something could be wrong with someone by telling someone else that , that person is sad,worried, or angry. It could possibly aslo detect if someone is depressed and needs help. But if the Facial Action Coding System did not exist that person might not be able to get the help they need . The computer is helping someone in need of help. And if it didn´t exist that person could be putting on a fake smile even though they are depressed and need help therefore they could also never get the help they need . I can understand why some people would not want to use these computers because they don´t think a computer should tell us how someone is feeling. I think that certain people can detect if something is wrong with someone or if that person is confused , or worried, or upset. But it also wouldn´t hurt to make sure and double check that , that person is telling the truth and is not hiding something important . Overall I think that the Facial Action Coding System is useful , helpful, and valuable.
Sometimes there are authors that don't ever support there facts evoght. But this author did a great job at supporting thier essay. This author put at lease ones fact or detail in each paragraph. He kepet tell us as readeers that venus can be very dagerous. Also that Venus is like a second sun in the solar system. In venus it is supper hot. That it is 90 time hotter than on earth. On venus it is over than 800 degerees fahrenheit. Even if you ar in a vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscapre the it is still has a temepture at around 170 degrees fahreeit. If I have to give the aouthor a score I would give him a A bcause he did good of expain venus. He aslo gave facts on diferent sorcous. He also gave good example. He did good decribing it that i can even panit my self a picture in my head. If I was doing an essay about tvenus I would highly use this article.
The Seagoing Cowboys program is the best around, we travel alot over seas to help others. You can also go sightseeing along the way! You get the thrill of seeing new things and helping those in need. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a unbelievable opprotunity for anyone! Including me, a small town boy that worked on a farm. When my freind Don Reist invited me to Europe on a cattle-boat I could not help myself, I had to go! When I first go onto the boat I was a little nervous but over time I got more acustomed to the life on the boat. I went to many places including Greece, Europe, China, Crete, and Italy! Life on the boat is mostly fun! But there are some dangers too, I fell off a slippery ladder and I went feet first to the Atlantic. Luckily I got caught in a strip of metal on the side of the ship, but I could not worked because of cracked ribs. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys would satisfy your thirst for adventure. But being in the program also involves hard work, and if you are wanting to help others in need than that work must be done. You have to feed and care to the animals on board, and if you do that then you can also find time to have fun! You can play games like Table-Tennis, fencing, Boxing, baseball, and volleyball! I loved caring to the animals and having fun whilst doing so. I was in the Seagoing Cowboys the most of any one. I made nine trips and I was discharged in 1947. I liked being in the Seagoing Cowboys, it revealed a world of people in need. That awareness stayed with me which led my family to host many international students and exchange visitors for years.
Based on the infomation that I was given,I know that there are reasons to join the program. Those reasons are/is because it could be a oppurtunity of a lifetime or maybe you wanted to watch horses,that would be the place to go,or to have many trips than other Seagoing Cowboys. Some of Luke's claims are getting to have nine trips,feeding the horses and toured the excavated castle in Crete and maravled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. He also got to cross the Alantic Ocean. Also for his second trip he got to be watchmen. he couldnt work for a couple of days beacuse he cracked his ribs. He also enjoys when he can play table tennis ,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and other game to do in the past time. He also got to play baseball and volleyballl with other cowboys/his friends. When Luke said "yes" it opened up the world for him. It made him more aware for people and there country. Luke says " I am glad I had this oppurtunity to help people. What I'm trying to say is open up to school sports,activies that you either like or want to try out for.
Driverless cars are a very intriguing and thought provoking concept that manufacturers and society have toyed with for decades. The possibility of reducing the risk of human error is very tempting and a reason for why many people are in supports of having driverless cars. Although, not everyone shares the same opinion regarding cars that don't require human control. I do not think that completely driverless cars are the best way to go because of the high risk of a computer error, but minimal human interaction could possibly be very beneficial. Many companies such as BMW and Google have been working on developing driverless cars. While these cars have had some success on the road, there are some situations where a human driver is needed to take control of the situation. One example of this is a construction zone. Cars can have a radar and know how the road twists and turns, but in construction zones that is all thrown out the window. There are usually new boundaries created by traffic cones that the sensors on the car might not be able to connect. Even though I am opposed to cars that are completely driverless, I do think that the integration of this technology can be highly beneficial in some areas of driving. One place that I feel like computer-assisted driving can help is when a person is backing up. Often times it is hard to see everything and it can be very easy to hit something or someone while reversing in a car. A computer that generates three dimensional images of the car's surroundings, such as the LIDAR system used by Google, could assist drivers by helping them see things that they previously weren't able to see. I also think that an automatic brake that is activated when the car is dangerously close to an object would be beneficial as well. While there are risks and rewards to a driverless car, I feel like the risk of a computer error is a great one that could cost money and lives. Driver assistance, including cameras for backing up and an automatic brake to help prevent wrecks, is something that I would be open to in the future. We could soon be seeing these driverless cars on the road as many companies plan to have models out in the next five or six years, but I doubt they will be completely driverless.
In this article called "The Challenge of exploring venus." The author suggested that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports his idea well because there are so many dangers that can happen in Venus and its a worthy pursuit, but we shouldn't be scared. Some of my evidence that can support my claim is that humans will have curiosity on what will likely lead us into many eually intimidating endeavors. By what I wrote here is that us humans will like to know what is going down in Venus, and how its like. Also, in paragraph eight is says,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers dn doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." I might conclude that this is trying to say that we should not be scared on the dangers of Venus but we should be ready to meet the edges of imagination. Another evidence that supports this idea is that NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Studying Venus can lead us to the dangers that it presents, but we shouldn't be scared for so many reasons. We never knew what Venus was like because in paragraph four it says that,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." NASA wants to send humans to Venus, so they can study whats it like. Like I said when I was explaning the evidence for the claim about how NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. They are working on machines to last long enough up in Venus, so they can see whar its like in Venus. The author supports his idea well because he is talking about how we should be not be scared of Venus because its dangers. We should be timid of we think of Venus because we don't know what happens in Venus, and us like human are so curious and think about how its like. He also talks about sending people to to Venus so they can study how its like, and by doing that they also want to build machines that last long enough. Then in paragraph seven it says,"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computer." The temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure of the atmospheric pressure is more than 90 time, and that is what we experience in our own planet. In conclusion these were my reason on the article called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." On how we should not be scared what Venus bring and what it has. LIke I said plenty of times in my essay we should only be scared on what we think and what Venus revels to us through time. Also, because we never knew what it was like in the days, and that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
So today, my friends and I are going to meet up about joining the UNRRA. I hope they say yes (which i'm pretty sure they are going to). "Hey, Luke," says Mort and Jake. They say,"Uh, we have something to tell you. We aren't joining the UNRRA." I say,"What? How come you don't want to join the UNRRA?" Jake says,"Well, I'm sort of afraid of oceans or lands of water." "No need to worry about that," I say,"You would be distracted by all the amazing places we get to see such as how I got to see Crete and I got to see the Panama Canal." "Oh really?" says Jake,"I've never knew that, thanks for telling me. I might join the UNRRA, now. "Would't you be on the ship all the time? I want to have some sort of fun while i'm on the ship," says Mort. I say,"No need to worry about that, Mort. We do a lot of things to past time on the boat." Mort says,"Really? What do you guys do?" I say,"Well, there's Table-Tennis, Fencing, Boxing, Reading, Whittiling, and games to pass up the time." "Oh, that's all I wanted to know," Mort says. I say,"Now, are all of you convinced to join the UNRRA?" Both Mort and Jake say,"oh, yes we are!" So, as you can see, convincing friends to do something can be hard at times. Sometimes, you just have to have the facts to come with you. I'm very glad I signed up for the UNRRA in the past because is I didnt, I problaby wouldn't have been able to convince them to come.
The author of this passage supports the idea of Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers with good points. The author talks about the dangers of exploring and also why it would do good if we explored. In my essay I will talk about the pros and the cons of exploring Venus. The author thinks exploring Venus is a worthy pursuit because "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors", this basically means that goinng to Venus and exploring will lead us to exploring more and different parts of the solar system. Not only that but also the insight to be gained on Venus, "striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself" getting insight on Venus and how it is on that planet can be impotant not only because we learn but because we can discover new things. The other reason Venus is a worthy pursuit is because "our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". Where and how we explore things should not be limited because its dangerous, we should do beyond impossible to explore and discover new things. Although these are good points there's also a few issues. It is extremely hot in Venus, "Temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". Not only is it hot but the clouds are dangerous, "the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". These are good reasons to not go but NASA is already working on new equipment for the exploration "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus" knowing how NASA works they're most likely doing their best and will make it possible to explore Venus. In conclusion the author is correct about Venus being worthy to get explored even if theirs danger. Even if theres a bunch of danger and doubt it is still worth exploring. NASA is working on equipment to help out and because it will motivate more explorations to happen. Their are more pro's than con's in exploring and it will be possible in the near future.
Dear State Senator, My name is PROPER_NAME, and I beleive that America should change to a popular voting system. I believe this because nobody wants to have someone else to vote for them. With the pop. vote system, everyone will be able to voice their opinion, instead of X amount of senators deciding who they like. To me, it seems unfair to let 5 people decide what thousands of other people want. If you would, please let me present my evidence for a pop. voting system. To vote, you must be 18,an adult. When your an adult, you dont have parents anymore to decide what is "best" for you. Having representatives "represent" the people, they are being the parents who try and control their childs life! We fought a war to become independent and let the people decide what they want, yet this "land of the free" is becoming less free every day. Letting the people vote will give us back a major part of the American dream. Another reason is the ratio of citizens to representatives. In California, it is 35,000,000 being "represented for" by 55 people, who could be biased people who are can be choosen by "the states central party comittee, and even the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES THEMSLEVES ". That is like asking your closest friends( or sombody you payed, in the presidential candidate's case) if you or the lonely kid at school to vote who is most popular. That seems very messed up to me. Finally, the 5 people that vote could be anti anything! In 1960, racists in the louisiana legislature( some of the "special" people who vote for who is a representative) tryed to instill new representatives who would oppose JFK. What if a woman ran for presedent, than a bunch of states instilled sexist representatives to ruin her chance of winning? What if another african american trys to run, but is shot down by newly apointed racist representatives? I sure an heck dont want me or my state to be represented by 27 racist/sexist "representatives". All in all, our current system as major problems. People are not able to voice their opinion. Insted, we are letting a handfull of representatives speak their opinion,and say its what us normal people want. Not to mention, these are people that cant be apointed due to bias. Finally, the representatives that the biased people choose, in special groups of 55-3 people representing millions, can be anti whatever,or just not like the person for a stupid reason( for example "I dont like his haircut, its to short/he looks like a pedophile"). If you would, please consider my idea of a truly free america, or even spread my word to the people.Thank you for your time. Sincearly, PROPER_NAME
There are many reasons why you should join seagoing cowboys program. You would be helping your country. You'd be traveling around the world. Last you'd have lots of fun over seas. You'd be helping our country because when Luke was in seagoing cowboy program it was 1945 and world war 2 was happening in Europe and he had to those countries recover. Luke had to help the horses when the war was over to get people places and to work. If you were 18 or up you might be lucky and be drafted into the military service. The UNRRA would hire seagoing Cowboys to feed the horses cows and mules that were shipped overseas. You'd be traveling around they world like Luke did. It took Luke 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast. You'd be traveling to China, Europe, Greece, and many more places. The only way you'd be good at this job is if you wouldn't get sea sick because if you are a seagoing cowboy told travel overseas a lot. You'd have fun overseas if you don't get seasick. You'd have many adventures. You'd have many stories to tell your friends and family. You'd been in countries you'd didn't think you'd be in. You'd be able to play games in the countries you visit in the seagoing Cowboys program. If you join the seagoing Cowboys program you'd love it. You'd be traveling. You'd be having fun. You'd be helping our country. So why don't you join our seagoing cowboy program. I bet you'd love to be in this program with all our helpful friends and family that want to try to help our country.
Dear State Senator, I personally think that we should not have the Electoral College , because the citizens should be allowe to pick our president and vice prsident. It should be up to the people not the congress. According to paragraph three of source one , the Electoral College consist of five hundred and thirty-eight electors . A canidate has to earn two hundred and seventy of those votes . To me that is not right . Why spend time bringing these people in to vote when you have a whole state full of people who wants to have a voice in the matter. Also the congress does not know what the people want . So if you pick a canidate and he is not what the people what he may be planning to blow up the world . The citizens of the United States know what they wan in a leader and they know what they look forward to in the future . By letting congress select our president your not letting us speak for our self and that is wrong .According to paragraph fifteen of source three ,Electoral College  is widely regarded as an Anachronism and needs to bee overruled which i strongly agree with . Also in paragraph sixteen of source three, it states that citizens choose their representative and they trust them to pick the right person but that trust is often betrayed , So why would you keep having this election ? Soon enough people are going to stop caring . According to paragraph eleven of source two , The electoral college is a waist of time and it is not needed because people are starting not to care and are not even choosing their own canidate . They are not liking who their state chose and they dont care because state legistlatures are responsible for picking electors anyway . Some states choose two slates and send them to congress ,Like Hawaii did in 1960,Things like this is why we dont need electoral colleges . What if it happens again ? or What if there is a tie ? In an electoral college every state could only cast one vote . So they have one represntative for lets say five hundred thousand voters .That doesnt make any sence at all . How come everyone doesnt vote for who thy want by themselves ? Maybe someone whats a president frome another state instead of their own .According to paragraph fourteen , It states that the electoral college is unfair , outdated and irrational and i agree one hundred percent . As Bob Dole Says Abolish the Electoral College . In closing i hope you will view in my favor and in everyone elses who says this type of system is old , unfair and it needs to be ruled out . I thank you for reading my letter and i hope you enjoyed hearing about what i think . It was a pleasure writing to you and i really hope you take my opinion into consideration . Thank you again and have a wonderful day . Sincerly , PROPER_NAME  
I think this can help and be useful for things because it can recognize emotions through how your bone structure in your face is. This could be effective for lots of things like when the police are interrogating soemone the FACS could help tell what they're feeling they can't figure out if he's guilty or not.This would also be very educational by know how people in histroy felt like people in war or art.This excerpt is making Mona Lisa as an example because the machine recognized how she felt when posing for the painting. Now some people may look at this and not like it which I can understand.Some might say that we need our privacy and don't want a machine getting in our business.These machines would be used in a responsible and effective way like interrogations,learning,therapy,and knowing how your young kid feels.Depression is really common nowadays and if therapists had this they could help depressed people more by knowing how they feel.This could bring down the percent of the world that is depressed or suicidal and could stop suicides and keep more families happy.A great department for this is health when going in to get checked out by the doctor,doctors could find out if or how much pain your in which then could help with what kind of medicine or treatment would be good for you. So from what I've read and thought of this system seems very useful in a lot of things and a big one is depression and people who struggle with their feelings.I am totally agreeing with this being effective and can't see a problem with this besides someone wanting their privacy of feelings to themselves,but we wouldn't be using this when people don't want us to.There would be a average amount of people who would dislike this but I think more people will find this problem solving.
The "face" on Mars is just a natural landform. The face on Mars is nothing more than a huge rock formation and is definatly not created by aliens. The face is an amazing discovery that NASA has made when they went to Mars. The face is just a landform that can have the illusion of a face. The illusion is created by shadows giving the look of eyes, nose, and a mouth. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his MOC team took a picture of the face that gave a much sharper look of it than the first pictures ever taken. That's when they truly discovered that the face was not a alien monument. Later they have got an even better picture. The picture shows is landforms that are like the ones around the American West. The face was like a butte or a mesa. Pictures proved that the face is nothing more than a illusion created by shadows. The face is a natural land mark that is like some of the ones on earth. The face is not created by aliens. After all who knows if there is such thing as aliens.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" explans how there is a new type of technoligy that uses a coumputer system that lets people detect peoples emotions. To get the caculated expressions of someones human emotion the computer system uses a 3D model scan of the persons face then uses mats to detect the presons facal muscles then depending on the position they are will depend on there emotion. I think in a classroom or school situation this form of a computer system shouldent be used for schools for a number of reasons. In the artical the University says the softare couldent run on home computers and mostly all schools dont have amped up computers thet are bulit to run things like this. So if schools want to start using things like this they would need to get the money for the computers and the software if the founders of it are gonna put a price on it. Another reason is why would schools need such a system like this when they could just do this type of thing on paper with simple question to answer to see the students emotion in class. Or the school could send papers home to the parentes asking how the student is doing home and if the school should be worried about anything for the kids safety. Befor papagraph 8 the artical does give a pretty reason to use this type of system. They show the steps of how to smile or what it does to get the right type of smile to read the emotion of happiness. In the 8th paragraph it shows that in a real smile the muscles called the "prbicuarlis oculi pars palpabraeus" make the crow's-feet around your eyes. But when someone does a fake smile the mouth is stretches sideways using the "zygomatic major" and a different muscle, the "risorius". So when people smile they can be decteced if they are faking it or not. But in paragraph 9 "according to the Facal Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresse emotions, but also may even help produce them." So both paragraph 8 and 9 shows that there is a flaw in this computer system because if someone has never had a "real smile" and always used a "fake smile" the system will detect no happiness but the oppisite or something else. And thet person will always live with a "fake smile" and never a "real smile" beacuse the fake one will develop as a real smile if the person keeps doing it because of the facial muscles getting use to it. So in conclusion I dont think this technology that can read emotional expressions should be used because there are better ways of finding out a kids emotion. And becasue of the big flaw within the system, that being the human body actualy going aganst the facal scan by getting use to express a certan expression that reads differntly on the computer.
Facial Action Coding System can be extremely useful in todays time. Being able to tell a childs emotions can be very useful and affective. Children do not always explain their emotions through words or body language. Sometimes you cant even tell how a child is feeling at all. Studys shows that children of all ages learn better when they enjoy learning. Some students might be depressed or simply sad because they do not understand the material or just need help all around. The ability to being able to know a childs emotions through face expressions can slso benefit in faster aid to helping the child. It can serve as a way to get faster help to children who most need it. This system can also benefit in different types of ways. What if students are having trouble at home? What if students are not getting the proper care at home? Sometimes there is no way at all to tell if these are true. Thats when this system comes in handy. Some students can appear sad or depressed just due to the fact that they are tired. This system can seperate the ones that need help and the ones that are mislead and could be a false alarm. Facial Action Coding System can be extremely useful in todays time. A system telling when a child needs help can lead to a healthy and succesful solution. Systems like these can help shape the future of education. Birthing a whole new era of class participation and preperation.
The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. This statement directly portrays that students have the potential to grow and do outstanding things. In order for this growth, a student must be well educated in his or her school teachings, and must be confident in his or her learning. The Facial Action Coding System is a new technological device that can read a person's facial expression. Using this innovative technology, a teacher can thoroughly recognize if a student is understanding the material, and is confident in their studies. The use of this face-reading technology for students is essential towards a student's overall education, as well as personal confidence. Education in the classroom is very valuable towards a student's growth. Due to personal experience, a student does not only need the education itself, but needs to understand the education for more knowledge. This facial-reading computer can clarify if a student is actually understanding the education. For example, Dr. Huang stated, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Therefore, if a student is struggling, "Then it can modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Therfore, this directly shows that the technology created can increase a student's performance in school. This can allow the teacher, or the program, to help the student understand more information when a student is struggling. This innovative technology can result in positive changes in student's education and school environments. A student must be confident in what he or she is learning to advance in school. Without confidence, a student is often lost and loses hope in their personal ability. With confidence, a student is proud and is ready for any assignment given to them. This new innovative technology, the Facial Action Coding System, can determine whether a student is confident in their studies. As Dr. Huang stated, the technology studies facial expressions and muscles to determine what expression is being conveyed. Using this technology can allow the teacher, or the program, to determine if you are happy, proud, and understanding the material, or if you are angry, distraught, and unhappy with the material. This allows the teacher to provide personal help, so that therefore, they can provide understanding and you are more confident, and ready for subsequent information. This technology can help provide confidence for students in their respective studies. Using the Facial Action Coding System in school environments would prove to be very beneficial and valuable. Through the ability of this new technology, understanding the education would greatly increase among students who need extra study tools and material. Confidence could be measued through the technology and help could be provided, so that students are better prepared mentally and physically for future assignments. This innovation could be used to guide the students of today, into leaders of tomorrow
No one knows what the future holds and we never will. Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, has developed something that people have always wanted to, but have never accomplished. According to resources, Google has had cars that can drive independently, under specific conditions, since 2009. Now, in everyone's head is "Oh I can fall asleep behind the wheel with no worries at all", this is not true. Even though the car can drive itself it still gives the driver alerts to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues. So with that being said, will driverless cars be around in the future? This argumentative essay will be about the positive aspects of driverless cars because even though it has flaws, with the technology that is present today manufactuers will defientely find a way to fix every last one of them. Almost everyday human beings come in contact with reckless drivers. Reckless drivers are a danger to the rode, but what if sensors were put on cars to make them stop at the time they are suppose to. Well, senors back in the 1980s could probably never do that, but now in the present they are way more advanced than ever. Sensors detect and respond to the danger of ridiculous skids or rollovers causin the sensors to apply brakes on the individual wheels of the car and reduce the power from the engine. This will have a better response on things than a human being driver could do by themselves. Safety is defientely a big concern in this world so manufacturers do have to take extra precautions when making this product. Things are still be remanufactured as the days pass, but these driverless cars are not really driverless so to speak. Drivers will still have to pay attention to the road in case of any danger that the car can not simply do by itself. The car does give signals like vibrating seats or annoucing over a speaker. That might sound boring so Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW prohect manager driver, is trying to interpret the driving fun in a new way. Some manufacturers want to discuss possible car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. This would help with texting and driving, so with that being said this is actually a safety feature. People purchasing the driverless vehicles have many different questions, as expected, but with the amazing progress that manufacturers are having there will be none. Every safety hazard is put into play with making this vehicle, even the enivornment. If they can achieve all the needs of drivers then there will be less public transportation and instead a driverless car public transportation taxi system. Googles cars have driven more than half a milion miles without a crash which means the accident rate would certainly decrease. With the way everything is looking, as far as safety wise, driverless cars could be a possiblity in the future. To conclude this argument on why the world should invest in driverless cars lets go back and look at all the positive aspects. First the sensors, then the dereasing of texting and driving rate, and last the enivornmental aspect of it all. Automakers are continuing to solve some minor problems that occur over time as they test these babies out. It is said that Tesla has projected a 2016 car release with the car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to release cars by the year 2020. Will driverless cars make a huge sucess in the future and will they stay around if they do? We have to see what the future holds.
In this article the author talks about how exploring Venus would be a great discovery to pursue. The author talks about how going to Venus can be done. In the article theres a lot of information can help humanity get to planet Venus. Most of what he's talking about is evidence that can help scientists get people to Venus. He covers everything it would take to get to Venus. I feel that most of the things he is talking about is true and if we do what is needed to get us there, then we can land and discover new things. The first thing that the author wrote about getting to Venus was how "Venus was just around the corner". Meaning that flying to Venus was no problem, although we would have to improve on something. By doing this we could get there more faster. They have tested a material called "silicon carbide" and lasted about 2 weeks in the hot Venus planet. Scientists are expiermenting this materail and could possiblily use it to create a strong spaceship from it. Theres a lot more that could be used from this article. As far as we know we still need a lot more to research. If we can find more evidence like perhaps figureing out what we need to research once we get to Venus. We know what we need to get there. By doing these steps we can discover a whole new planet. I know that the author's thoughts about all this is true.
There are many differant reasons to limit car usage, the most well-known reason being that it will greatly reduce air pollution. Several places incuding Vauban Germany, Paris, Bogota Colombia, and the United States have proven this, especially Paris. Paris at one point in 2014, had to enforce a partial driving ban purely because of the hazzardous smog caused by air pollution. In doing so Paris relatively quickly cleared the majority of the smog, and realized how this can also help to reduce road congestion. The United States are another, larger example of how much limiting car use can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Another good reason for limiting car usage would be that it will generally reduce stress in people. Limiting or lowering the usage of automobiles anywhere can help reduce stress mainly because people won't have to worry as much about traffic, maintanence & repair costs, air polution, or even the general dangers of driving a vehicle. Almost everyone knows that less stress is a good thing because of how it helps your health, therfore, limiting how much you drive is will not only improve your health by reduceing how stressed you are, but it will also help you to be healthier because it reduces the overall polution in the air. So in the end limiting automobile/car usage will be advantagous for the earth, and every country or nation on it because of how it reduces stress, promotes health, and reduces greenhouse emmisions around the world.    
The Landform that Looks like a Face On Earth, there are many landforms that might look like a person or a thing. On Mars, there is a landform that looks like a face. This Face has had several photos of it taken by Viking 1 in 1976, a Mars Global surveyor (MGS) in 1998, and another (MGS) in 2001. The Face looks like a face because of its characteristics. Although it looks like an enourmous head, it is really just a mesa or butte, a landform, that happens to look like a face. One reason that this landform is not a face is because NASA revealed a close up picture of the face, revealing only a landform. That picture had a caption that stated, "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Before, there were pictures that weren't as high resolution, so it looked like a face but is now proven to be just a landform. This shows that the landform that looks like a face, is just a landform since there is a photo that shows what the "face" actually is. This means the face is just a mesa or butte. Another reason why this Face is just a natural landform, is because this landform is in Cydonia where mesas are common. The text states, "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharoah." This shows that mesas in Cydonia are common. Also, the mesa just had unusual shadows that gave it the appearence of a face. This means that this face was just a landform. Another reason, is that some landforms, like on Earth look like something other than a landform. The text states, "'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.', says Garvin." This shows that some landforms can represent or look different from what it really is. This would be the Face oon Mars that is a landform. This wouldn't be a face. Though some people, like cospiracy theorists, may say that NASA wants to hide a type of evidence for life on Mars, they are wrong. The text states,"Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence for life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say cospiracy theorists." The text also states, "Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." NASA responds to conspiracy theorist in this way, because if NASA were to be responsible for discovering life on Mars, they would benefit. This shows that though NASA would like to be responsible fo discovering life on Mars, NASA just wanted to prove that this Face is just a natural landform. Overall, there are several reasons why this Face is just a natural landform. One of them is that NASA took a picture of the Face, revealing just a landform. Another reason, is that mesas are common in Cydonia, the area where the Face was found. Another reason, is that thhis landfprm like others can look different from what it really is. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is just a landform.
Is it valuable to know a student emotion during class time? Yes, it is valubel to know how a student is feeling. Most teachers would actually like to know what every student in the class room is going threw there head and how they are feeling. Thanks for the technology called the Facial Action Coding System would make this job easy for a teacher to know what their student is feeling during class. Eventhough there might be some down sides. Like for example what if a student is going through a rough time in life and they do not want anyone to know or even just privacy that vcan be an issue but having that new technology would help a lot more than not helping. One of the reasons that this technology could help out, is to know your student. This will help out a teacher a lot because not only they can know what a student is feeling, they can alos help them. In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it stated "Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS..... Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear, and sandness" all these emotion can help out a teacher know what a student is feeling. It can also help a teacher porform a better calss because they know how the students feels and like by the exprisions of their face. Many students go through a lot of things out of school. A teacher my not know whats wrong with the student or what is happing in their lives. This technology can show you if the student is sad, anger or fear. Evey school wants each student to be happy and to feel safe. The school can know if the student feels fear for example. Then the teacher can help out the student and make it feel safe and not feel fear. That also goes the same for every other emotion that is not good or happy. Schools can help out more in the student life if they know what they are feeling. The last reason is that it can not only make it easy on a teacher but also a student too. This technology can know when a student is confused, bored or not happy. In the article it states "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" by this new way of teching it would make a big difernece because then students would want to learn by cathing their attention on what they like and makes them happy. Now schools won't be boring and be enjoyable to the students. Teachers wont have to fight and argue with students that do not like schools on paying atttention to the school work. It will benifit both teacher and student. In conclusion this next technology "FACS" can impact a school, tecahers and students in many good ways. Like knowing what a student is feeling or has issues. It can make it so much easyer for a tecaher as well to a student during school time and work. Yes it is valuable to read the emotion expressions of students in a calss room. This will be a big good change to the schools because it is very valuable!
America's love of cars may soon be spiraling down. With America's car culture seemingly coming to an end, there will be more alternative ways to get to work, school, shopping districts, and etc. As the years come and go by quickly, Americans are buying less cars and obtaining fewer licenses for themselves. The advantages we can recieve by limiting our car usage is that it takes away stress, lowers air pollution, and benefits daily businesses. First, Limiting car usage takes away stress. As businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza states:"It's a good opportunity to take away stress..."  People who no longer own a car will not have to worry as much about their car. Such as the price of gas rising, car payments, and insurance payments. These type of payments every month often put a big dent in a person's wallet. If we take up to the oppurtunity of limiting our car usage, we really won't have to worry about car payments anymore. Plus, being outside in the environment will certainly reduce stress levels almost completely, because we are interacting with others that are waliking and enjoying the the environment outside. In addition to, taking away stress. Limiting car usage will result in lower air pollution. According to Duffer, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." If we limit car usage, the levels of air pollution will dramatically decrease resulting in cleaner air and a healthy environment for us to live in. If we continue to use cars, we are further damaging the air that we breathe everyday and causing people to damage their lungs. Pollution often has chemicals that can harm our breathing and sometimes our lungs. As Americans it is our responsibility to take care of the earth and we are not doing so by constently using our cars. Lastly, limiting car usage benefits daily businesses. Selsky staes: "Parks and sport centers also have bloomed throughout the city; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. If we rely on walking to stores, etc. that are only a block away, it will surely increase the revunue of restaurants and shopping districts. Since the stores are so close to home, we'll be more willing to enter the store and/or restaurant. Increasing businesses revunue also helps the economy, which we desperately need. In conclusion, these advantages that we have gone over in the essay will greatly impact the future of America. Such as,  taking away stress from former car owners, lowering the air pollution so we have a cleaner air to breathe, and beneifiting our daily businesses to increase revunue and better our economy. If we all limit car usage and follow the advantages listed, it will result in a better earth for us to live in.
Cars are one of the most popular modes of tansportation. They are used widely across the United States and the world. Technology has grown to an unbelievable hieght. With this, comes the driverless cars. Driverless cars are extremely useful and are the cars of the future. Driverless cars can be used for many things. The text states, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus." Google cofounder Sergey Brincan explains that driverless cars can be used for so much more than individual vehicles. They can be used for big populations and could carry a lot of people. These cars can alert drivers of dangers on the road and steer them in the correct way. The passage reads, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." This suggests that although there may not be an advanced technology allowing complete driverless cars, these vehicles can stop the car and warn the driver that danger is ahead. Google has developed their own type of driverless car. The text states, "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009." The technology for driverless cars is not as new as some people might think. This idea has been around for more than six years. The text also states, "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." This illustrates that the smarter cars are also safe. Driverless cars sound neat, however it may not be reachable. The text states, "but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless." This suggests that the technology for this thought may not be completely whole. The text also states, "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." If a driver has to take control of the car, than it is not a driverless car. New technology is being developed everyday. Although a driver may need to take over during an emergency situation, these vehicles have the capability of driving by themsleves. There are many advantages to having these specific smart cars. They can help people's everyday life and make transportation easy. Driverless cars are truly the vehicles of the future.
Dear State Senator, This letter of argument is to emphasize why we should not keep the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. There are very reasonable arguments for both claims as to if we should keep or abolish the Electoral College. Primarily, the Electoral College is the selection of electors by popular vote to represent their supported party in the official presidential election. There is a total of 538 Electoral College electors and it only takes the majority, 270 votes, to elect the president. It is not fair that the general population does not get an independent vote. It is not the ordinary people who get to choose the president they want; it is dependent upon which party the elector chooses. Voters don't have control over who their electors vote for. As said in the second article, Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 against Bush however, Gore lost the electoral vote resulting in the loss of the presidential election. In the past, there have been voters who refused to vote for their party's candidate and voted for whomever. There is also the concern of a tie in the electoral vote. If that were to happen then there would certainly be no chance that the popular vote would have an impact on the selection of the president because it would now be in the hands of the House of Representatives. The Electoral College is unfair to voters; they do not get the final choice as to where their vote goes. They are not voting for the presidential candidate they want. The voters are voting for a slate of electors. However, there are some benefits to having an Electoral College such as larger states getting more attention from presidential candidates than smaller states and it also avoids Run-Off elections which is when no candidate recieves a majority of the votes. State Senator, please realize that this is not fair or justifiable. There may be an upside to the Electoral College, however, it is in my strongest opinion based on factual content that this is not a fair method and it should be abolished. Being empathetic for the ordinary voters of the United States would provide clarity for your opinion on the situation. Imagine if you were a general voter who did not get an official vote in the presidential election; you would feel cheated also. This is why I ask you to strongly consider these legitimate words.
In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states very clearly how beneficial studying Venus would be, despite all the dangers. Even after learning how harsh the conditions are on ground level, for some reason, the author still believes the danger would be worth it. Though my own opinion may vary from the author's, they still give very convincing reasons for their point of view. According to the article, the main two reasons Venus would be beneficial for humans to study would be the amount of information that could be learned about the landscape of Venus millions of years ago, and to satisfy human curiosity while having the satisfaction completing a challenge we have been faced with for centuries. Though the author gives several convinving reasons for studying Venus, perhaps the most influential would be the amount of information we could gain about the past landscape of Venus. In paragraph four, the author discusses that Venus displays several features similar to Earth, meaning it is possible Venus used be a whole lot like Earth. As stated directly in paragraph four, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth today." Solely based off the information provided in this quote, the author has already begun to convince me learning more about Venus might actually lead to some pretty extraordinary discoveries. What this quote is saying is millions of years ago Venus may have been the planet with the most liveable conditions...instead of Earth. If scientists were able to discover this much, just imagine all the other life forms and food webs that could be uncovered. To reinforce their opinion on Venus potentislly being liveable in the past, the author states, "Furthermore, recall that Venus can cometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel," at the end of paragraph four. What the author is saying in this quote is at this point, all we have to do is find out how to brave the conditions of Venus. As for travel time, Venus is practically our neighbor, so no worries there. A secondary reason the author provides as to why humans should study Venus is to satisfy human curiosity while accomplishing a very large task that has troubled humans for centuries. The author states this idea in paragraph eight when saying, "...but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." In this quote, the author is saying due to the fact that humans are extremely curious, we will likely find ourselves in a predicament with similar tough challenges in the future, so we may as well begin working through some of them now. When one sets out to complete a task, they should not stop halfway, but follow through until the problem is solved. They also should not quit because they believe the challenge is too hard. If one is able to stick with their guts and do what needs to be done, they will reap the benefits. Whether those benefits be winning a tough volleyball match or finally sending a human to Venus, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we do not stop believing in ourselves and our ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible. In conclusion, the author has given many, specifically two, very convincing reasons as to why we should continue to study Venus. The main two reasons are the amount of information we could gain about the past landscape of Venus, and satisfying human curiosity while accomplishing a very large task which has troubled humans for centuries. Based on the authors suggestions on why humans should continue to study Venus, I have considered changing my mind and agreeing that the dangers would be worth it. It is important to have knowledge about the past of our solar system, and it would be very interesting to know if Venus was once able to support various forms of life. I also feel that the author made a good point in stating that we are already this far into studies, so we should not give up now. Humans are always going to be insatiably curious, so by not finding a solution to this problem now, we are just placing this challege upon the generation following us. After all, curiosity technically never killed the cat.
I believe that there should be no more Electoral College because it doesn't give people much of a say in who becomes President because there is just a commitee of people that are voting for the President. "The Electoral College established by the founding fathers in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens" (Office of the Federal Register, Para. 1). The Electoral College only consists of qualified citizens it elect the President, so even when you vote the majority doesn't even matter because the President is only elected by those qualified citizens. A lot of people prefer to have a different way of voting than we have now. "According to a Gallup poll in 2000, shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but, still lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that we have now" (Bradford Plumer, Para. 9). This shows that more that half the country doesn't want the closed election, they want a direct election. Some people still say that the Electoral College is a good thing because they think it is a fair way of voting for President, but even if their vote doesn't really matter they still think it is a good thing to have for our country. Also if they vote for a canidate who has the popular vote and still loses because the Electoral College voted for a different person, they might think that it is unfair, but they still think it is a good way of doing things. All in all, we should do away with the Electoral College because it is an unproper way of voting for the President and also can be unfair. It is unfair because it doen't give people a say in who should become President. If the person running for office has the majority vote and still doesn't win, it shows that the people of this country don't really get a say in things that are important. Most Americans would like to do things as well.
The Face on Mars is a natural landform. A few scientists believe that it is an alien artifact. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took pictures and revealed that the Face was only a natural landform. They also saw that there was no alien monument. Michael and his team said that if it was an ancient civilization, there would've been planes on the ground, Egytian-style pyramids, or small shacks. NASA revealed the image and they said that it was a huge rock formation formed by shadows giving the illusion of the eyes, nose, and a mouth. The Face was only an illusion. NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft revealed that it is a mesa. Michael proved that it was a mesa because what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a mesa or butte. These are most common around the American West. This natural landform is similar to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The landform in Idaho is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa. Middle Butte is about the same height as the Face on Mars. This proves that the Face on Mars is just a landform.
This is my deatlis to back the witer on his claim how how studying venus is both worthy and dangerousand to explain how the author backs himself up on his claim. He gives alot of good points but a huge point that stood out to me was wehen he said how venus is sometimes called Earth's twin becuase in distance venus is the closest planet to us in denstity and size so pretty much Venus is a mini Earth. Another thing that the author toched on is that Venus nickname The Evening Star the writter put that piece of info about Venus becuase he is explaing how Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky which makes it simple for anyone to spot even a simple stargazer. The last point of evedince the writter used to suppports his claim is the dangerous part oif hsi calim he said that NASA has been studying how they are goinhg to send humnas to study VEnus but the dangerous part of that mission is the surface conditions.
The author struggles to explain the advantages of what will happen if NASA explores Venus. It is close to impossible with the technology out right now for NASA to be able to explore Venus. It is really worth spending years and millions of dollars to build a spacecraft that will tell NASA about Venus. We do not even know if the spacecraft will even make it there knowing that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbob dioxide. The auothor of this excerpt thinks it will happen. In the excerpt "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states "each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, sice no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours" (Challenge). Landing spacecrafts on the Venus is almost impossible. There is too many factors that NASA will not be able to figure out for the next fifty years. Also the author says "today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth" (Challenge). One of the major reasons why people still want to explore Venus is because astronomers believe that it was once covered in oceans. The author calls Venus "our sister planet" because of how it was formed, like Earth. Knowing the dangers of what might happen to someone or something on Venus is a very scary trip that many people are not willing to take.
The landform that looks like a face on Mars is a natural landform. We have taken close up pictures of it and it is proven that it is a mesa. There are mesas on Earth and other planets like Mars,too. Landforms can look like they have eyes, nose, and mouth. But they are wrong. The eyes, nose, and mouth are probably crevices on top of the mesa There are pictures that are snapped ten thousand times sharper than the original Viking photos. We could see if there were alien markings on the mesa because we could use a digial image three times bigger than the pixel size. Mesas are common around the Amerian West inthe desert, just like on Mars. A lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa around the same size as the Face on Mars. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is a butte or mesa according to our cameras. The only way we can prove them wrong is that we go on the suface of Mars and look at the face or make better cameas,
The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, he descibes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. How the new technology can identify the human emotions. The artcle said "imagine a cumputer that knows when you're happy or sad" according to some a news computers sotfware that can recognize emotions dingthe computer know the mocion of the people like happiness, enger, dear, disgust, asurprise, and sadness, the facial expressions of the people the human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication. The computers could recognize when a student is becoming confuced or boring, the technology can make computers animated faces more expenssive video games or video surgery so the computers understand, the computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code in the University of Amsterdam the colleague are esperts at developing better ways for humans and computers to comunicate. The computers that can know the emotions that's a good idea, know when the people are happy and sad and everything that know the emotions.
Why do people hate the electoral College Proccess? It's just trying to choose a more helpful priesident. Although the Electoral College should be abolished for there dispicable disision making,there just choosing a way to get a better prisident. Although there just doing the proccess to help peoples everyday lives, but also the proccess is to help other people choose the right prisident and not just because they can talk proffessionaly on a TV screen but to choose the one with a pure heart about helping the people and not just themselves. Why are people so angry about the Electoral College? The Electoral College process is showing how to choose the right way for a good prisident."Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsiblities are...."(office of the federal register, source 1). this process will help choose a president not by how professional or handsome he look but by the his chocies and background he or she has made in the past."The winner-takes-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates- as we saw in[2012's] election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states...."(Posner, source 3,3. swing states,passage 20). But why do people hate this process? Just because it is antiquated doesn't mean it is a terible process, but people and there studorn ways will not drop this stupid stituation and go on with a "normal" life. Even thought this process is antiquated done not mean it need to be abolished and destroy but the true reason why everybody today hate the process is because we want somebody professional but the process chooses the the president right for the cause and not if he professional. We get caught up in this world, but  we forget what the true meaning of being a president. Being a president is a honor but it come with difficult task and you need to learn to be a leader and not be the person behind the mask.
Well first if i go back to paragraph 3 Nasa states that they thought from sending the pictures to the pubic it be a good way to atract public attention to fund mar's missions. "The face" became very popular when Nasa first sent it to the public. Also on paragraph 7 the author states that when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia ,they found out that "the face" was just a regular natural landform. In the year of 2001 the Mars Global Surveyor was able to snap a picture of the landform, as said by Garvin "the picture actually showed the Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa- landforms common around the American West". I don't think the landform is an ancient artifact or any alian artifact i just think its a normal landform that happens to look like a human or alian face. Even if Nasa was lying to us the landform benefits Nasa. When they first snapped the photograph and shared it with the public it received alot of public attention. Many people funded the missions to snap more photographs of the landform to get a better look at it. It was basically was a waste of time and money because it ended up being just a regular landform and not an alian artifact as the world believed it was at the time.
Cars are starting to get more and more unpopular, due to enviromental issues, people wanting to get excersise, money, gas, traffic is a problem, I mean there are varieties of reasons why cars are not as  popular as they were a decade ago. These passages have included information of why cars are affecting our society, environment, and health, and why people are loving it. There's only one downside that I see to this and that is getting to your destination in a very short period of time. That's all I can see that is a problem. In this essay I will explain 2 advantages of limiting car usage with support of the articles. Cars are really affecting our environment, and pollution is a big probelm with our global issues. Cars are exploding tons of diesel fuel and fumes to get into our air, and where does it all go? Well it just sticks around up in the air for us to breathe in, and for trees to die out. This isn't good this really puts an impact on humanity itself and animals. According to article in source 2, it says "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." That is bad, that shows you how much people are driving and affecting the air, first of all just the ammount of pollution that is put into this is crazy, Paris has to ban driving for so much time just to clean a little bit of air. Basically what that is saying is Paris had to do that becuase they knew something bad was gonna happen real fast, so it was smart for them to ban driving, less driving leads to a better environment, and a better environment leads to a better world to live in. That is one of the main things that we should really be opening our eyes about. Everyone wants to be somewhat healthy, when people get unhealthy they complain, moan, and whine. There's a solution to this, next time you want to go somewhere take a bike, walk, run. Get excerise we live in a nation of complete obesity, and it makes us look bad, America is a place where we need to show the world why we are the greatest nation, and health also plays a role in it. America is acting now becuase in 1 in paragraph 9 it states "In the Unites States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting car reduced communities" it is already starting and it is a good thing to look forward too. These 2 explanations of why we should play a role in helping our environment and our health are very important, so my advice to anyone would be, yes you can have a car but don't use it all the time, think about what your doing to yourself and this world when you drive all the time, especially when it's not needed. Just think next time you drive.          
Having the facial action coding system computer in a class is a good idea and valuable. One reason it is because you can tell how someone is feeling and how you cna help. another reason is because you can tell if the students learning or not. Last reason is it can brighten up the day to make someelse happy who is feeling sad or not. I think it is useful and who do good in a class room. Just by telling if someone is down or not can really help alot with this computer. If you a teacher you can help your students be great. Having a bad morning can ruin your whole day. not even sleep can and being hungry can also if the teacher can see these things in there students it can make there jobs much easier. To help them not be sad or mad so they can clear there mind and learn . This can aslo help for the kids to. They can get help if something is really wrong with them. if there sad or mad or if something going on at home if there not safe and etc. They can also tell there classmates mood. this can prevent things from happening such as fights and agurements ,conflict with anyone. becase everyone know how each other is feeling that day. This computer can relly help without. it can help with kids who wanna grow up and create them computers who does that type of technology. maybe if one school get it and try it new schools would to and it can be in every school. maybe just not schools wanna try it , it can be for doctors to. it can be for everyone just to try out and figure each other out and be helpful. in conclusion this computer the facial action coding system would be very helpful in a claaroom. For kids and adults, it can prevent things from happeing i. this computer can help other kids how needs help. and can see if kids are learning anything. and you can just see how everyone is feeling. so yess i think thr facial coding system is valuable for classrooms.
Have you ever wanted to be a seagoing cowboy. Well you should be a seagoing cowboy because you get to travel the world and you get to work with animals. I think that you should be a seagoing cowboy like me because you get to travel the world with some of you friends and you can be with animals see some stuff on the way there and help the animals. I also think that you should be a seagoing cowboy because you can help the people that need the animals thatyou are taking to them. The text states that luke got to go al around the world and he did it with his best friend. The text aslo states you can be with other peope and you get to be with animals for most of the trip. Other people would think that you shouldnt because you uhave to be on a boat for over a month and the boat might sink, Because there are 335 horses on the boat. The text also states that you will with people that you dont know will be on the boat with you and you have to get to know the. The text also states that you can fall off the boat and into the sea if your not carfull.
Luke should use these reason's to convince other people. The program helps with people in need, people around the world that need supplies, and livestock. The Seagoing Coyboys program is a program for helping other's. The first reason is the program helps with people in need. Luke and Don go help people and sign up for program. Example- Luke helped Katie's farm for checking the animals every night. Then he slipped and cracked his ribs so he coudn't work for a couple days. He also took care of cattle while on board. The second reason is Luke going around the world. He went to many parts of Europe. In Greece he got drafted with the military. He went to China to help animals with crossings. In the Pacific and atlantic ocean he took care of animals, while going to Europe. There were alot things to do. The last reason is Luke going around and giving supplies. In the first paragraph he worked a two- part job. Then when going to Europe he gave cattle to people or farmers. He probably gave them food and water. The reason is because is the end of WWII and buildings are down. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a program for helping others. To sum marize the reasons. The program helps with people in need, the program goes around the world, and the program helps with livestock and supplies. Luke did a great thing to help with the world.
You should join the seagle cowboy program. why should you join? Is what you might be asking me right now, well ill tell you why you should join. you should join because you can travel a lot, you can meet new people, you can see new places, and you do lots of new stuff. you will see a lot of differnt oceans and river such as the Alantic ocean, and the Pacific ocean. Why should you listen to me? , you might be asking yourself that. Have you ever read, ''A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves''. well you should read it it'll tell you about Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist. It'll tell you what they did in seagoing cowboys program. And I promise you if you join Seagoing Cowboys program you will absolutely love it. So will you trust me, Jonica, will you join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I garantee it will change your life and it will make it the best life you ever had. Will you join today? The more people that comes, the better. The more lives that get improved. The more people that learn something new that they never knew before. When you leave seagoing cowboys program you will leave with knowledge, that you can share with many of people. If you arent able to make the seagoing cowboys program, then tell a friend and have that friend to tell his friends, and it keep spreading until everyone know how great seagoing cowboys program. I know most of you people are saying I dont want to join seagoing program because I dont have the money. We'll put your wallets away because guess what, the seagoing cowboy program is absolutely free. You don't have to pay not a dime out of your wallet. So i'm hoping this will convince you to join the best program ever, the seagoing cowboys program. I hope to see you there.
3/27/1945 Dear, jimmy I heard you may want to be a seagoing cowboy. Being a seagoing cowboy is a great adventure and it teaches you a lot of things. Well let's make you'r decision final. One good reason to be a seagoing cowboy is you get to help pople who have sufferd and have lost many realitives. You can draft for military service, but you do have to be 18 to draft for military service. I have had the most time of any seagoing cowboy my time is nine trips. Mabye you could beat my recored one day. Besides helpig people you could have the benifit of seeing places such as Europe, China, Greece, or Italy. When your traveling the high seas it could take a while to get to your destination. For me it took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States, and a month to get to China. You may have to take care of the animals for the crossings and this will keep you busy for a while. Some thing that you will have to do to take care of the animals is to feed and give them water two times a day. Also you will have to pull up bags of oats and hay from the lower holds. last but not least the stalls will have to be cleaned. once on my second trip I served as a watchman and I slid down a slippery ladder luckly a long strip of metal kept me from going into the seas. There will be some times when you can have fun on board especially on the return trips because there wont be any animals in the stalls. When we could have fun we would go into an empty stall and play tabble tennis, fencing, boxing, reading,whittling,vollyball, and even baseball. But being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure. It opened up the world to me. Im very gratful for this oppurtunity. It has made me more aware that others may need are help. from Luke
Venus is dangerous and scientist cant get close enough to study it . Scientist are to just study Venus but cause of its crushing atmosphere and hot temperatures and wether. Scientist cant get close enough to the planet to study it so they are trying to create a solution on how to. The scientist already know if they get to close to the planet the planet will crush them and if it is possible to land it is way to hot. So scientist have came up with a solution thinking if they can hover over the planet will they be able to study it. Scientist believe that Venus once use to thrive with life. Scientist believe that Venus many years ago Venus had oceans with life like earth. And also that Venus is close to the same size as Earth along with Mars. And thats why they may believe it had some life on the planet. They have made some electronics to go along with Venus harsh conditions but it is said that it only lasted 3 weeks. So they are trying something old called mechanical computers. These mechanical computers and stand harsh conditions such as pressure,heat, and other forces. The mechanical computers are more powerful flexible and quick they played a important role in 1940s of world war 2. Since electronics cannot stand harsh conditions of Venus they are using something that does not require it. The mechanical computer only uses gears and levers which makes it good for the job. As the scientist work on it they are taking it on as a challenge to see the surface of Venus .
In the passage "The challenge of exploring venus", the author talks about the studying of venus and it's worthy pursuit despite its danger. The author evaluates and supports this idea by stating facts . He talks about the planet and gives examples. While giving examples he asks questions for you to think about while reading the rest of the passage. The author supports his idea that exploring venus is a challenge by stating that no person who has landed there has lasted more than a few hours. Which is proving why it is a challenge because it is dangerous . Although it is the closest planet from earth the passage states that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades". Venus is 800 degrees Fahrenheit and a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. That can kill you at any moment because you can burn to death and you are breathing in bad air. The author states that "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals". The author is saying that yes earth is dangerous and that we could die here but going to venus is a bigger risk and could kill everyone that went. But, if we only send two or three people up they could see how dangerous it is . If they survive they would be able to tell us what equitment we would need to go back up there and study safely. "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" The author is stating that scientist are putting peoples lifes in danger and are not finding diffrent way to study this planet. The author also states that "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" The author is simply asking if they will try and come up with a safer way to study venus than just keep sending people up who obviously are not going to make it. NASA has been studying different and safer way to study Venus. It may be able to help scientist study Venus a safe way and not kill multiple people. In the passage it states "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus’s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This supports the author by saying that the challenges are bad but there is also can also be a solution is people try hard enough. It also can help scientist study Venus the safe way.
Cars are a luxury, but others take them for granted. Many people around the world operate cars every single day! Very few people around the world do not own a car, or have never operated one. In Vauban, Germany, residents of an upscale, high class community have decided to give up on cars. Vauban's steets are entirely "car-free" - except the in the city where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Don't get Germany wrong, you are allowed to own a car, but there's very few places to park the car you own. The only placed you can park are large garages at the end of your neighborhood or development, but parking isn't free here. You must buy a space for $40,000, along with the price of your home. 70 percent of Vauban's citizens do not own cars, and 57 percent alone sold their car to move there. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two. Vauban, Germany completed in 2006, is an excellent example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States, and other places to separate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning." - According to Elisabeth Rosenthal who wrote, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars." Cars can either be a blessing or a mistake. Cars can tend to put out polluting gases, and endanger our earth. In Paris, all driving was banned due to smog. On a Monday, motorisits with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a $31 fine. The same would apply to the odd-numbered plates the following day. The car emissions were trapped by a warmer layer of air, because of cold nights and warm days. Congestion in Paris, France wa down 60 percent after just five-days of intensifying snog. This caused the smog to rival Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. That's pretty bad to be competing with China. The Monday where all cars were banned, the smog cleared enough for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates the following day. Now, what about a car free day? In Bogota, Colombia, there was a car free day. Every citizen either had to hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work during this car-free day. This car free day caused the city to not have any traffic jams, and no accidents at all. This isn't just the first year that Colombia decided to do this, but it was the third! This day is specifically called, "Day Without Cars." 7 million citizens were expected to find a different way to go to the destinations they needed to reach, without their trusty cars. Bogota receives a vast amount of rain storms each day, but the turnout was still at large. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus. Many citizens of Bogota said that this day takes away not only their stress, but also a ton of pollution. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he and his wife rode a two-seat bicycle. Almost every single citizen in the United States of America owns or drives a car every single day. This has left researchers pondering a fundamental question: Has America passed the peak of driving? The United States is known for its broad expanses and suburban ideals, and has long been known for one of the world's prime car cultures. It is indeed the birthplace of Model T; the home of Detroit; the place where Wilson Pickett immortalized "Mustang Sally." Lately America's love addiction with motor vehicles seems to be settling down. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 8 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Most of the explanation to this certainly comes from recession, because broke Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway. "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn," said Michael Sivak, who studies the trend and who is a research professor at the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute. "I think that means something more fundamental is going on," he also said. All of these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession need to find reasons NOT to resume the habit of driving and spending stupid amounts of money on gasoline. The state of New York has a new bike-sharing programs and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls refelct those new priorities, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Many people around the world have cut driving out of their life for many reasons. Some being; safety, money, and pollution. If you had to choose between driving or public transportation to make the littlest difference in your community, what would you choose?      
Do you believe that the face on Mars was created by aliens? Well you are incorrect, with scietific fact the face was not from aliens and was always on Mars. Man people believe that the face on mars was created by aliens because of the theroist but NASA wishes there was an ancient civilization on Mars but there is no sign of one. Scientist believe the face wwas just another Martian mesa, which was common enough around Cydonia. Scientist also took photos called viking photos of this face in 1976, 1998, and 2001. With new high-resolution images and 3D altiemetryfrom NASA's mars global survey spacecrafts reveal the face on mars for what it really is a mesa. People at NASA wish that there was an ancient civilization on Mars but facts show that the face was just part of the Earth's geography. For instance people believe that the aliens built the face to show they are living, but one camera team took a picture ten times sharper then the original viking photos. MAny people were waiting for the results and the results showed that it was just a natural land form and not an alien creature after all. Not everyone was satisfied with the photos, this was because the face was located in a place where it was a cloudy time of year. people believed that under the wispy clouds they would find alien life. so on a cloudless sumer day they took another photo to show there was no sign of alien life. After taking the photo and observing it evidence showed that there was no sign of alien life. Some of NASA would try to believe that there must be alien life on Mars but they could not find evidence to prove their point. In conclusion scientists proved that the face was just a landmark on Mars. They also proved that there is no sign of alien life on Mars.
I believe driverless cars are coming, because of Technology, safety and the world's view on this kind of thing. The technology we have today is the technology we need for driverless cars. Granted the cost of the technology is not affordable for everyday buys. "The smart road systems work well" said by google employers. They believe the upgrade need for the driverless car brings them a step closer to actually putting it on the market. Apparently , the cars needs new starters for it. Google used the toyota Primus radar sensor, a GPS reciever and an inertial motion sensor to upgrade the starter. They use the combination of all these different materials to impersonate a human driving the car. The safety of the car is a big factor leading into the future. The google car has went more than half a million miles without a crash. I do not know too many people who drive now that have went that long without being in some kind of car crash. The safety is also more effecient because it alerts the driver to when they need to take over. The motion sensor makes sure the driver hands never leave the wheel. These features are game changers to how people drive from here forward. I believe the world will accept the change to driverless cars . I think the cars would hit the market and sell a trendmendous amount as soon as they release. The technology to these cars are nothing new like the sensors or the radios . They are just used in a different way than before to increase a car technology and safety of others. The cars would say some energy from the engine through the sensors. My conclusion to the topic of driverless cars is they will eventually happen. the reasons I believe this are technology, safety and the world adapting to change.
I had fun joining the Seagoing Cowboys program and so will you. If you join you will have so much fun you will want to join again. I think others should join in the Seagoing Cowboy program because it"s so much fun and not only that but you can travel to many places and also help others. The places that I went to were across the Atlantic Ocean and to China. When we were doing our crossings careing for animals kept me busy. It was alot of hard work but it also was fun. On my secon trip I stayed overnight as a watchman. Other places I went to were Venice Italy, Greece and along the Panama Canal. I also found time to play on board. We played baseball, volleyball, table-tennis,fencing, boxing, reading and whittling. Being a Seagoing wasnt just an adventure for me it opend the world to me. I am grateful that I took the opportunity. I hope you can take my essayto make you think about being joining the Seagoing Cowboy program. Trust me you will never regret joining.
The Seagoing Cowboys is a program in which you travel to different places dropping of animals. While in the Seagoing Cowboys there are many things to do and explore like different cities or traveling. In the Seagoing Cowboys you can travel to Europe and even China and you can meet new people. The Seagoing Cowboys is once in a lifetime oppurtunity that you should not let pass you bye. First, participating in the Seagoing Cowboys will allow you to tour new places. Also you can discover new things like places you have never heard of and cites you have never seen. Also the Seagoing Cowboys can open your mind to trying new things and new places you have never been to. And that is why the Seagoing Cowboys is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Next, the Seagoing Cowboys can make you aware of other countries and their needs. Also in the Seagoing Cowboys your mind will open to new ideas and thoughts. Also the Seagoing Cowboys can help you understand how it is to travel around the world. The Seagoing Cowboys is a great program to be in and it is fun to do. Then, In the Seagoing Cowboys once you are done working you can relax and do activities. The activities you can do are different like baseball and volleyball. The Seagoing Cowboys has many more activities to choose from but you can just relax as well. In conclusion the Seagoing Cowboys is a graet program to be in. Also the Seagoing Cowboys is a very hard program to be chosen for so do not let it pass you bye. The Seagoing Cowboys may be very hard to get into but it is worth it. In conclusion the Seagoing Cowboys is a great program.
In the artical "Driverless Cars Are Coming." the author presents both positive and negitive aspects of driverless cars. Some positive aspects that are shown are that, no one would have to drive anymore, the cars would drive themselfs. some negitive aspects are, they are not "safe" yet, and when they are safe there will still be at least one accadent and who will be charged? The owner or the manufacturer? I think that self driving cars would be a good thing for society because there would be less accadents and a lot of hours would be saved becuse trafic would move much more smoother due to the lack of car accadents. There would be down sides to such as what if the car randomly breaks down as the passenger is asleep, or if the driver sees that there is going to be an accadent and does not have good reaction time or the skills needed to drive the car? Other than that the car would be very bennafical to scociety.
The author continuaslly shows that they belive that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author said in paragraph 5 that NASA was working on a "blimp like vechicle" that would hover over the landscape. in the same paragraph they said that this vechicle would hover at about "30 or so miles" above the terrain. In paragraph 5 the author said that the ship would have to stay at 30 plus miles high in order for the tempeture to stay "at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit". Also in paragraph 5 the text said that the "air pressure would be close to sea level on earth". In paragraph 6 the author includes that "many scientist are working on innovations that would allow are machines to work long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus". In paragraph 7 the text say that NASA has tested some "simplified electronics made from silicon carbide". These "simplified electronics" have been proved to work for about "3 weeks" in a "chamber simulationg the chaos of Venus's surface". The evidence that was displayed shows that the author and scientist think that a trip to venus would be a worthy cause. The text started out with facts about the planet of venus. Then the author slowly talked about how to safely study venus and the equipment that would be needed to do so.
Avantages for limiting car usage is a real eye opener. Giving up your cars and walking your kids to and from school and then walk to work is alot of exercise. Also it helps out with the enviroment greatly. Some people even say it makes them feel better or less tense "when I had car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,". This was said by a mother of two and a media trainer. The pollution caused by cars is a pretty big deal of why we have pollution. In paris they have even partially banned driving. If they do drive then they will get a thirty-one dollar fine if you have an even numberd license plate. Then the the next day it would be an odd numbered license plate "On monday motorists with even-numberd license plates were orderd to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31).The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." Some countries even hold programs every year addressing this situatuon. In Bogota,Columbia they hold a car-free day. Where Colombians either walked or rode bisicles or they hiked and took buses to work that day. This program was held for three years straight and who ever violated this program was to be finned with twenty-five dollars."BOGOTA,Colombia--In a program that set to spread to other countries,millons of colombians hikes,biked,skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city errily devoid of traffic jams." It helps a lot with exercise I believe. A lot of americans are obeiest because of lack of exercise. This whole idea will certainly help out alot with health and exercise. If you just walk from your house to a block away thats helping your legs and cardiovascular muscles get stronger as well. If we do eventually have an car- free day i believe that pollution and obiesity will also go down. Also the gas prices will go down and we wouldnt have to borrow oil from other countries as well. If we wouldnt drive so may cars and everyone rides bikes and walk we wouldnt need gas stations and things like that. It would also help with people being fined and not being able to pay for it. It would help D.U.I's since you wouldnt be driving while you were drinking and causes of deaths when a drunk driver hits someone else. Over all I feel this is a great idea to look into. You would be cutting down on the pollution and gas prices. You would also be cutting down on peoples health like obesity and breathing in hasardious smoke fumes. Also you would be cutting down on the number of deaths due to drunk driving, or texting while driving or over all wrecks in general.                          
So it is the year 2016, the future is here, and Google is purposing the idea of a driverless car. They have done several tests, and have discovered that the cars can not drive them self, and they alert the driver to take over at times. However, it is still in test to perhaps be a truly driverless car one day. Sounds exciting right? I read about this article not too long ago, and I thought it would be pretty neat to have such a car. I was also asked if I was against this development, or if I agreed and wanted these kind of cars. I can not really say if I want this to happen or not. This new driverless car has its pros and it also has its cons. The good thing about this new driverless car is that you would not have to drive as much and you could be taken anywhere by this new car. It has sensors, cameras, and a gps, so you would be in safe hands while in this driverless car. Google's tests have also proven that these cars have driven millions of miles, and have yet to crash once. So maybe this car is a good idea? Along with the good things, also comes some bad things. This google driverless car can drive itself, but when it encounters a road accident or a road block, it has to be manually driven. Also, it is called driverless but stills needs a driver in the seat with hands on the wheel. Isn't that quite like false advertising? Another con is that if the car crashes, would it be the manufacturers fault or the drivers fault? There are so many laws they would have to sort out before letting people buy this type of car. So, what my view, am I going for the development, or am I agaisnt the devopment? I think I am going to be against it if I were to be telling the truth. There are many more cons than there are good things about this car. Yeah this is new, it is exciting, and inventive, no one could resist this car. However, there are many safety concerns, and at times the can not even drive itself. That is my opinion on the new "Driverless Cars".
The author is answering rather or not if humans going to Venus is worth the dangers it presents. The author thinks that yes, we should go to Venus because it will meet the very edges of are imaginations, curiosity, and we are making machines that will last longer on Venus. The first reason the author gave us on why we should land on Venus is that it will meet the very edges of are imaginations. What the other means by this is thed human body is always thinking about what is out there in space. By putting humans on Venus this can give us an answer to are imangination and maybe make us think even more about what is out there. Not only does the author say it will meet the very edges of are imaginations he also says "Striving to meet the challenge presented by it will meet the very edges of are imaginationsenus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity. What the author means by this is he is showing that we are never not wondering. We will always be wanting to do something that will answer a question that we have. For example, "i wonder what this book is about". what you would do is read the book. Just like how we wonder what Venus is like. We want to land on it. The last reason the author gave to us is that NASA is making more machines to be able to handle the weather on Venus. In the text it says "Many researchers are work on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus". By the author saying this hes menaing that sinse we have more machines that can make it to Venus we can now learn more about to be able to send humans to that planet. So by the author giving us all these reasonf he thinks that yes, we should go to Venus because it will meet the very edges of are imaginations, curiosity, and we are making machines that will last longer on Venus.
At first, when you hear driverless car, you think what in the world. That sounds so cool, I want one. Let me just tell you, they may sound cool, but how safe is it really? Driverless cars seem cool and easy, but do they really sound safe? These cars have a lot of sensors, but what if one of them breaks? In my opinion, yeah sure it would be nice, but I wouldn't trust them. Like it said in paragragh 9, drivers would get tired of waiting for the car to signal them to drive. Just because there are entertainment systems doen't mean it will keep drivers focused. There would still be the pain of always waiting around for the car to signal you to take control. This car would also raise many questions if you got into wreck. Whos fault is it you were in a wreck? It could be the manufacturer of the car because something broke or didn't signal right. It could also be your fault for now paying attention. Not to mention, if these cars were allowed, lots of things would change. Traffic laws would change in order to deal with all the expenses and damage done in an accident. Who is going to pay for all of it? Finally, I just don't see these cars being a very good idea. They are driverless cars yet you have to be ready to drive when it needs you to. Many things could go wrong. Are you willing to take the risk?
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangerss it presents. I used the detsils from the story to evaluate how welll the author supported his/her idea. In the article the author didn't really supports the idea the venus is a wothy pursuit despite the danges it presents. the auther gave te the readed more evidents supporting the idea that Venus has too harsh conditions to studying. in paragraph 3 it stares off by sayin that Venus atmosphere is almost 9 percent carbon dioxide. than it countines to say "even more challenging the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmoshere." all those facts tells the reader how dangeros it is on Venus. "on the planet's suface , trmperatures average over 800 degreees Fahenheit," that tells us that it is wat to hot on Venus to do anything on it. In paragraph 4 the author said that a long time ago Venus was probabl covered with oceans just like Earth. The author did not suppor the idea Venus is a worthy pusuit. All and all the author and a lack a evedence to support the idea venus is worthy purusit despite the danger is presents. the author and more details to suppor that Venus it not worth it. the author did not do a very good job in supporing their claim.
Can you imagine a time in the future when cars are intelluctually capble of driving theirselves?In the Article"Driverless Cars are Coming,"the author effectively argues both the positive and negative aspects of driverless cars..The author uses rhetorical devices such as Logos and Pathos to prove both of his aspects correct on the use of driverless cars.A society in which we enable the use of driverless cars would fundamentally change the world. Logos,a rhetorical device that is defined as logic appeal or facts, is an effective way the author shows how driveless cars would benefit society.He envisions a future where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transportation taxi system.Inquiring how a very important sensor called The Dubbed LIDAR creates a 3-D model of the car's surroundings.This emphasizes how the sensor is just as effective as a human.The author states "the comination of all this input is neccessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." Driverless cars implements the act of safety and are reponsive to inactivity of the driver.The author reveals,'In 2013,BMW announced the development of "traffic Jam Assitant." "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph,but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.'Logos is just one of many ways the author effectively shows how "Driverless Cars" help benefit society. Pathos, another rhetorical device that is defined as emotional appeal is another effective way the author shows how driverless cars would benefit society.The author goes on to say informaton systems and car entertainment systems are now able to be used effectively delivering heads-up displays.This could decrease the number of accidents caused by texting a nd driving.The author states the display systems are "soething not availabe to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." "In this way,the in-car system is actually a safety feature,and safety is a big concern."Emotions are drawn when talking about the disdfunctional aspects of the producr.The author states "Idf the technology fails and someone is injured,whos is at fault-the driver or the manuafacturer?"This may spark interest with emotion because it has to do with the safety of the public.I believe the laws for the release of the "Driverless Cars" should be passed.Pathos was one of the many other ways the author effectively shows how "Driverless Cars" help benefit society. A society in which we enable the use of driverless cars would fundamentally change the world.Is something I belive the author effectively proved.HIs facts and evidence clearly stoody behind the points he created.The "Driverless Cars" would definitely help improve society as a whole.
As the world develops and time goes forward, technology is advancing by the year. From cell phones to gaming devices, every piece of technology is getting better and better. One piece of technology is also getting better as years go on, and that is space techonolgy and transportation. NASA has created an idea to be able to live close to the hosstile conditions of Venus; in which, people would live on blimp-like vehicle over the planet itself. Venus's climate and terrain might be an issue to the growing pursuit that people and companies (like NASA) are making towards travilling to Venus. That's not to say that the study and travel towards the planet can have pros and cons. The weather on Venus is more perilous than anything we could think about on Earth. In paragraph 3 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states, "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." With the facts of how dangerous it is on Venus, it is insane to think of anyone who would want to travel to and study the planet of Venus. On the other hand, NASA and the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," think the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit. In paragraph 4 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well one have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system...Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.." While the conditions of our neighboring planet, Venus, seem to outweigh the history of the symetry that our planets once were; exploration and the study of Venus might be a worthwhile cause. Even without the traveling to Venus, companies and astrologist can still learn a great deal about the atmosphere of Venus without putting their lives at risk. In the concluding paragraph of "The Challenge of exploring Venus," the author breifly talks about how studying the planet of Venus can benefit the intellingence of our world. The author states in paragraph 8, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author's opinion in the article could possibly be spot-on. With the challenges of trying to gain access to Venus's surface, the United States, as well as several other countries, have expanded their technological advances. With everything being said and done, exploration and the studying of Venus has major pros and cons. The pros being that with the challenge of Venus's surface, technology has advance to the point where one day, humans may be able to travel to the hostile planet. the cons of course being the temperature, pressure, terrain, and atmospher of the planet we are so desperately trying to travel to. Travel should not just be expanded to neighboring planets; with the topic of space travel being more popular than ever, human can start the new era of space travel.
Exploring Venus Throughout the text the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy mission but also he knows the cons . Visiting Venus may seem as an easy thing to accomplish since the planet it so close to Earth but actually exploring it is a very difficult task. Theres many obstucles and harsh conditions towards humans to visisting Venus but many are so facinated by it because it is very earth like. Firstly , Venus is a part of our solar system . In paragragh two it stays "venus is often referred to as Earths "twin" , as in terms of the same density and size." That quote explains how the planets are very similar to one another. Many years from now if we discover more and more things about the planet and know that its safe , austronauts could possibly send people to stay there . In addition , in paragrapgh four it states "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various life forms like Earth today." Many wonder how has the planet has changed, why did it change and if it could form back to what it was. Finally , there are many cons throught the expirement of visiting Venus. Throught the text it talks about how different it is from Earth as well and how it could possibly harm any living thing . As in paragrapgh three it quotes "Thick atmosphere of almost nighty-seven percent , the planets surface tempatures average over eight hundred degrees and the preasure is nighty percent higher than earth" . No human is meant to survive throught those conditions . A submarine cant even handle the deep parts on the planet , our human flesh would just burn and melt with very high tempatures , and with all the preassue humans would just explode . In conclusion , if austronauts are capable of finding out safe things for humans to travel to venus then they could possibly survive . Austronauts should push through the challenges so we could value it . Also , humans are very curious of how it could lead to anything so they shall expand their investigation .
Dear State Senator, This is a letter to you to discuss an issue that many people may have had problems with in the past. I would like to make a suggestion in trying to change the Electoral College system to popular vote. Changing the system to popular vote may be the best thing for the citizens who want to make their votes count. I think that it is also not fair that a big state gets more attention than smaller states. According to Richard A. Posner he states that bigger states gets more attetion from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. I think it should all be equal, all states should get as much attetion from presidential candidates no matter what size they are. According to Bradford Plumer, he states that that sometimes the electors decide no to vote for the party's candidate and vote for who ever they want. That is not fair for the citizens! Voters should be able to have contol on who they vote for because it's their vote, it shouldnt be depended on someone else who might even trick them and end up voting for someone that the people didnt want. Bradford also states that "500,000 voters would equal 55 representatives who represent 35 million voters, that amouint of voters vote one party for president and another for Congress." This shows how the House's selection doesn't need to be expected from the will of the people.  If we change the system then people shouldnt have to be depending on who their elector votes for, it would just be their vote that counts. The winner-take-all system is the worst thing about Electoral College, making it unfair for the voters. Since there are states that candidates know they dont have a chance of winning, they just dont spend time at that state, so they only go to the states they know they will get their votes on. Bradford Plumer also said that during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't get to see the candidates at all, and that 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. which doesnt make fair for those states becasuse they wanted to see who they wanted to cast their vote on. The candidates should have to spend equal time in each state even if they know they aren't going to win it there might be people on those states that might like that candidate. These reasons should suggest that the Electoral College system should go away, and popular vote would be a better idea. The candidate shouldn't win cause of winner-take-all system, or cause some electors didn't listen to the voters. It should be on the people's hands and what they think of that candidate. The people's votes should what really count.                
The "face on Mars" is not a face at all. The shadows cause this landformation to appear to have a mouth, nose, and eyes. In the 2001 photo it was summer, so there was no shadows to cast the facial features as in the 1976 photo. If Nasa really discovered life on Mars they would tell the public because it would be a huge discovery. These conspiracy theorists say aliens are so smart, well if they are so smart why haven't they contacted us. Why would these oh so genious aliens waste time on making this face? I'll tell you why, because they dont exist it was just a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. The people of Nasa have done as much as they can with this natural landformation. They took another photo in 1998 after the first photo because they wanted to prove it wasn't aliens. The photo in 2001 proved that it was not an alien creation. These theorists say all these things that make Nasa seem so protective and amke it seem like they hide information. If Nasa were hiding information why would they release the photo in the first place. If it were alien markings and they knew about it why take two more photos, to prove the theorists were wrong. One day they will land on Mars, and Nasa will prove to us that there are no ancient life forms there. When they land and prove us wrong the conspiracy theorists will stay say they are lying. The theorists love to make people believe what they want because it's all about the best conspiracy. If one were to have the better conspiracy they would knock their compition out of the way. They make money on how many subscribers they get and the better the conspiracy, the more subscribers. Some poeple will always doubt what Nasa really searches for. They don't understand that Nasa is not in it for personal gain. They are searching for answers for answers about our universe and if there was alien life forms Nasa would tell the people with so much joy and wonder. One day we will know the truth.
The author started out the article very well before jumping into how studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger. He told you about venus to drag you in on why its such a interesting place now the reasoning of me sayiing this is cause the author states. That venus the brightest in the night sky even though its a planet, And the actual name isnt even Venus its Evening Star to kind of get you to the place of the thought. Where your like since its the brightest in the night sky thats why it's called a star. He pulls you in on it being the brightest by sayin even "Amature Stargazers to spot". So for the begining he started off by beginning to support this idea. "It has proved a very challenging place to exmine more closely " he stating that it is dangerous to explore up close but he proves that it is also worthy to explore very poorly he didn't quite include reasonging on why it's worthy. He only provided minimum examples and ideas such as. How "insight to be gained on the planet itself, Also human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. He really tries to get you by saying on earth you should be wanting to explore and imagine an no fill your self with doubt. Which is not enough based on all the dangers of going to the planet venus. There were more ideas of it being dangerous to explore rather than it being worthy to explore. He listed five resons it was a good ideab to explore which are listed above and they are not very helpful to his case. These are a few of the dangers he listed of exploring Venus up close it's inhospitible, "has a thick atmesphere of nintey-seven percent of carbon dioxide blanket" covering it. That even a submerine couldn't survive. Humans have sent sacecraft to land but its still claims to be unmanned since no spacecraft sent has survived landing. Considering the pros and cons of the Authors examples and points. On exploring Venus worthy despite the dangers he evaluated his idea poorly based on the content, and the ideas he provided he could have went about it a diffrent way. Provided thing that would make us less afraind to explore our sister planet up close personal.
I believe that driverless cars should be developed. It may be true that some of the people and states go against driverless cars. But, people are making driverless cars improve everyday. With every new type of development there are going to be positives and negatives. The positives of the driverless car is that it can drive by it self. Also the driverless cars alerts the individual thats driving the car if he or she is in danger. The negatives about driverless cars is that it has lots of improvements to be made. For example,if the alert system didnt work while you was 15 seconds from a accident and the car was driving you in someone got hurt who would the police blame you or the manufacture. But, even with these error I still think driverless cars would be very helpfull. Some of the ways a driverless car could be helpful to a individual driver is on roadtrips. The reason why I said this is because road trips are very long. So even if you fall asleep while driving the car the car is doing ninety percent of the driving. So you should still be safe because the car is driving on its own. The only problem is that you have to keep your hands on the wheel at all times. But most people who fall asleep while driving always keep there hands on the wheel. So I dont think people keeping there hands on the wheel will be a problem. In conclusion I believe in the development of driverless cars because once the cars are fully developed I believe these cars will bring more positives than negatives. This is why I believe in the development of driverless cars.
I think the Facial Action Coding System can bring some help into classrooms. Most students, like myself, get bored when working on the computer. If the computer can read our face expression to see that we are bored and change what's on the screen to something more appealing, then maybe it would brighten the mood. There's no doubt that most students don't like school and fine it incredibly boring. Working on the computers brings a sort of excitement because we prefer technology over standard teachings. Personally, I would prefer to sit on the computer, like I am now, and learn and do assignments. In fact, I'd rather be able to sit at home and work on school work and be able to take breaks whenever I feel like it. School is like work, I hate it. if this FACS technology can brighten things up at school, then just maybe it wouldn't be so boring. Maybe I wouldn't mind getting up at 6:30 every morning to get ready and go somewhere I don't even want to go. I would love for a computer to read my facial expressions and change what's on the screen to something more suitable for me. Like I said before, it's no surprise that the majority of students do not like school. This FACS technology could really have a bright future. If it all goes well then it just might make school a place where children and young adults would actually look forward to going to.
Luke's point of view would be that he thought it was a great experiance and thinks that other people should join as well. Luke said that his time there was amazing you got to work with animals during a few weeks through a whole month. Another thing they did was do whatever they wanted on the way back to pick up the next load of animals. The reasons to join are that you get free time to do whatever you want,and also you get to have responsibilites. some responsibilites are that you work with animals and when you do you have to clean them,feed them,and clean their stalls etc. if you like working with animals,don't get sea sick,and aren't careless this could also be the job for you. Also if you Details from the article are that Luke had fun and he said it would be an amazing experience and to him it was. He had responsibilites and sometimes had some fun. Although sometimes you can die from being thrown over board by the waves and wind it could be the best experiance for the right people. Luke said that it made him more aware of people of other countries and their needs. He also said that he was grateful for the opportunity. If you were like Luke who helped out with farms this would be an excellent job for you.
In the article " The Challenging of Explore Venus" it is about the author suggesting the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is the brightest point of light in the night sky which is a challenging place to examine more closely, it explains how they sent numerous spacecraft which none survived the landing for more than a few hours " Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" (para 2)the author is explaining how its been so long that no one has touched down on Venus or survived the landing which makes it a challenging planet for humans to study. It has a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which blankets Venus " Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrisive sulfruroc acid in the atmosphere. On planets surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmpospheric pressure 90 times greater" (Para 3) this means Venus has the hottest surface temperature from any planet in the solar system it has weather like Erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes, and lightning strikes to probes going on the land on its surface. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow the machines to last long enough to knowledge Venus, " Nasa is working on other approaches to studying Venus" this means Nasa is finding better ways to make their technology last longer and be resistant to Venus and its weather condtions. Therefore, the author has good explanation why its challenging the idea to study Venus with its worthy pursuit of dangers.
I beileve the tecnology of "Driverless" cars is necessary in todays society, and should be used for its worth. One of the few big ideas i saw in the article was the newer use of sensors in the vehicles we use today. Many of the sensors today are used to warn and stop the driver from any collisions or accidents that may accure, at any moment. I beileve that this technology is needed now more than ever for everyone, and not just unexperienced or handicaped drivers. I am currently still learning how to drive and will get my license very, and i am very cautious of my peers driving too. I would feel more comfortable that the car could stop itself wiith out the drivers noticing, and possibly stoping to stop a collision or save my very own life. I would very much like to see this technology come to fruition, and let the world harness it's abilities to further mankind towards a safer and better future. The laws aginst the use of these "Driverless" cars are very reasonable too, and need to adjust for further research towards the safety of the people they aim to protect with these laws. I beileve they dont realize that testing and researching these new methods is a step foward, for safety, and not for just the sake of testing variables on somethings. They don't seem to understand that these technologies are being invented to help save people today. If you searched on the internet for just one second you could find all sorts of stories, about their own cars saving the drivers from creating a terrible mistake and saving their lives. These laws make me question us, as a society, more than ever, and as a society how are we allowed to grow in knowledge and sciences, if we cannot test our ideas? We must further sucome to the new technologies we have available, at this time, but we must not lose ourselves in context. We have to push towards breaking these laws aginst testing and accept the new technology, for the future. As a child i watched cartoons with flying cars and cities in space, and in todays age we have the ability to strive for this dream of the future. One day I hope to be sitting in a cab that s driving itself perfectly fine and not releasing large amounts of toxins into the air that we all breath, to survive. This is yet another thing to admire of these "driverless" cars, and that is the ability to use much less amounts of fuel, rather than traditional vehicles. As you may already know cars pushout lots of burned fossil fuels, but with the new technology that has been presented, these cars can use less fossil fuels. The burning of less fossil fuels is a "thumbs up", and has a lesser impact on the world, rather than a world without them. I gladly accept the new technologies that "Driverless" cars have presented to me today, and feel safer knowing a computer system can save me from human errors. I can guarentee that this technology is safe and efficient for the world, and should be further studied to further the new technology to more suit society. The further interest or study in new sensor technology is to thank, just as much as the fuel concerns we have today with our own vehicles. The technology of the future is here, and we need it to help save the lives of many people. We as the society of the future should not stand back and watch the possibilities of our future be restricted by laws, that just dont understand the purpose of this technology.
In the artcle "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author talks about how cars are becoming more like the movies on televison how people always wanted them to drive themselves. Cars are improving very much that can be both good and bad because as the technology improves so do other stuff driveless cars be good but dangerous and might even change the world and also human kind or generations to come. Since the technology has really been improving cars are starting to do that but no completely people still need to be in the car in the article the author states that "The google car simply announces when the driver needs to take over." I do not agree with this kinds of cars that just warn the drivers when to take over what if the driver was sleeping and the cars was trying to alert the driver that he had drive but the driver could not hear or really didnt care then the driver would die and or injure other people. And also the author claims that "most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe." But instead of warning the driver if the driver doesn't take over the car should stop within seconds so that nothing bad happens. I also think that alot of people would be suing diffrent companies for disasters but really it wouldn't be the companies fault but the drivers for not taking over when alerted as the author claims "if the technology fails and someone is injured, who ia at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" In conclusion as said in the article "the road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day. They already have a year when they will probably release a car that can drive its self as the author said "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves b y 2020."
I believe that using the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can calculate the emotional expressions that are given on your face. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. This calculating can result in to participation in the classroom. It can tell what all the students are feeling so the teacher can help them to get back to work on what subject they are working on. There are muscles that can signify what a person is feeling, and the FACS can do that job. The FACS then looks at the characteristic of the movements in the face. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. And they figure out these emotions by comparing a neutral face, which is showing no emotion. Humans also use this method to see how or what someone feels. The FACS is really valuable to read the faces of students in a classroom. Its expected to show brilliant work in the software industries. And the FACS can modify the lessons on how the classrooms feelings are. The FACS is the next software to be used. And i think it is valuable to use in a classromm of students.
What is it? "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is an article that explains to us what the face on Mars actually is. The "face" on Mars is actually a type of landform called a mesa. It was proven to us by the revealing in 1998 and the 2001 image. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia while Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) took pictures of the landform. The pictures were ten times sharper than the one picture the Vikings had revealed. When the image had first appeared on the JPL wedsite, thousands of anxious web surfers were disappointed. The image revealed that the "face" was actually a natural landform. "There was no alien monument after all." It was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia on April 8, 2001, when the Mars Global Surveyor was able to get close enough to the landform to snap a picture. "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field view," said Garvin. The team had captured a clear picture using the camera's maximum resolution. "Each pixel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." That image proved all those wrong of who thought of it to be a "face." So, the "face" on Mars is actually a type of lanfrom called a mesa due to the revealing in 1998 and the 2001 image. Both of those images proved to us that the "face" was not a face or an alien monument, but an actual landform. Also, if your able to comapre it to another landform, like in paragraph 12, then you understand it pretty well to know what it actually is if you've done the research.
Yes it is valuable. Why? It is because you can use it to see if the student is really paying attention or not. You can also tell if the student is bored or depressed so the you can do something about that. like it was said in the article about Making Mona Lisa Smile. This technology can tell you wether the person is happy or not. just by seeing the face that the kid or anyone is making which this will come in handy for others in the future to know. And all they have to do is use this technolghy to see wether you are really liking something or wether you are really hating something. not only that it also see that if you are making more than one expression in your image. In conclusion, i say that this techology is nit just good in all schools around the world but good to use in everyones daily lifes and can be used to help people in hospitals and all over the world, it can be used to stop crin=mes and used to see wether someone is lieing or not. or to even indicate what the person is probably thinking or planning to do.
Even though Venus has been said to be uninhabital, the author supports his idea of studying Venus enough that would want to make people study it. The author uses logos to prove that Venus is worthy of being studied by stating factual evidence from NASA. NASA is the best place to get information of planets like Venus and thats what the author did and he got that Venus is, "[a]t thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans"(5). The evidence would help perssuade people to do it because it shows that Venus used to be exactly like Earth, and we would want to explore the planet and find out anything about what happened there and how we could stop earth from doing that. In conclusion the author would defently be able to perssuade everyone that Venus would defently would be a great planet to explore and find more physical evidence about Venus and what has gone down with it and how it could of all happened.
Many people see driverless cars as the future of the automobile industry. I am not one of those people. Personally, I believe that the negative aspects outweigh the positive. There are several reasons that I have concluded this. First of all, driverless cars require many different types of sensors and other equipment that is not necessary for manually driven cars, as stated in paragraph four. These types of technology, such as video cameras and GPS recievers, will likely cause the cost of the cars to be much higher. Many people will not be willing to pay an inflated price for such a thing. Secondly, most "driverless" cars actually require that a driver be in the front seat and attentive to the road at all times, like what was stated in paragraph seven. The reason for this is because there are several situations, such as road construction and accidents, in which the car is unable to safely proceed automatically. If one of these incidents occurs, the driver will have to take over in order to proceed. This may not seem like much, but it actually means that the driver will be unable to do a multitude of other task, such as using a cell phone. Lastly, there are legal issues surrounding this type of transportation. If a driverless car were to get into an accident, who would be responsible? Would it be the driver, the manufacturer, or even the programmer? Laws for such a situation have yet to be put into place according to paragrah nine. This means that disputes between individuals and larger companies are likely to occur. As you can tell, there are many issues surrounding the idea of driverless cars. From the price to the legality, it all seems to be more trouble than it's worth, doesn't it? In my personal opinion, yes. Hopefully I have persuaded you to see it this way as well.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Faicial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotion. The decussion about the Faicial Action Coding System being good or bad has been brought up. I agree with the clame that the Faicial Action Coding System is actually good and could be usefull. One sorse of evidence suporting why I agree the Facial Action Coding System is a good thing. It states in the selection that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This would be a good thing to have because now in days almost all class lessons are starting to be set up on computere. Say the teacher is looking at her computer and the students are all looking at their computers how would the teacher be able to look at everyones faces and see their emotions towards the lession because your face emotions say it all they say and tell exactly what your feeling. It also states "The computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored." With this technology the teacher wouldnt have to worry about is her students getting the lession or not or if its to easy and boring for some students. The computer would do it for the teacher. This would also allow the teacher to persicely point out who knows what they are doing and how need help. With most students they wont say anything if they arent getting the lesson because either they are afraid to say something or dont feel comfterable asking for help. With the Facial Action Coding System the student wount have to say anything because the computer would pick it all up just by the face your making. Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." meaning the Facial Action Coding System could change the lesson acording to your face emotions. To eitther make the lesson harder cause the computer picks up that you are bored, or make the lesson a little eaiser because you face emotions show you are confused and not getting it. Another reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a good thing is becaue it could tell what the subject of some paintings are. Most famous paintins the artist is dead so they arent here to explain what their painting means or is showing so with the Facial Action Coding System it can do it for us. Take the Mona Lisa for example everyone always says that not a smile what is Leonardo da Vinci trying to exspress with this painting. She's 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry. This was able to be identified by the Facial Action Coding System. Allowing us to know what everyone has been asking about the painting the Mona Lisa. Another reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a good idea is the computer can pick up not only one emotion but yet pick up mixed emotions. This computer wont just allow you to pic up if the person is happy, sad, or mad. It could pick up if the person is worried or anciest at the same time and you would be able to know exactly how they feel. When you look at a person you can only pick of mixed emotions if the person tells you exactly how they feel but with the Facial Action Coding System it can tell you without even having to ask. Also it could tell you if they are hiding their feelings and dont want to tell you how they really feel. The Facial Action Coding System is a good thing and a good idea because it can denifit teachers in class to be able to tell if their students are getting the lesson or not, be able to explain art when the artist is dead and cant tell you what hes trying to exspress, and can also tell you exactly how someone feels even when they dont tell you exactly how they feel. These were just a few examples of how the Facial Action Coding System can be usefull and im sure there are plenty more.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom isn't a good idea. Some students may feel depressed and they probably don't want anyone to know. By using that technology you are exposing that. Although it was for good intentions some people may not feel comfortable with using it. Many people like to hide their emotions and not show it at all. By having that technology exposed your emotions can also lead to bullying. By bullying that can lead to even more depression or anger. Most schools don't tolerate bullying but that technology is somewhat promoting it even though it has good intentions. I'm sure that alot of people can tell the emotions by looking at them. This also shows that the technology is uncalled for, the can simply ask someone how they're doing and you can tell by that. In the article it says "In fact, we humans perform this same immpressive "calculation" every-day. For instance, you can probably telll how a friend is felling simply by the look on her face." Instead of wasting money on technology you can simply ask how they are feeling. There is no use in the technology if you can just ask how are they doing. Alot of people wouldn't even use it. Either because they don't feel comfortable using it or either the don't want people to know how they're feeling which alot of people don't.
I believe students should be able to use the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. It could help improve student's interest in the subject. The technology could also enforce students to want to get better grades. Using the Facial Action Coding System could benefit the classroom and students. The software could help improve student's interest because it could modify the lesson like an actual teacher. The system would detect that you were bored and most likely make it entertaining. It is valuable because the coding helps teachers understand how to change their teaching format. In the text it states, "A class room computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor"(Dr. Huang). It could also help students want to get better grades. If they notice that the software is changing to the students benefit, then maybe they will start enjoying the class more and take it more seriously. With the Facial Action Coding System, I could see no downfall. The new technology is valuable for students in class or at home. It helps them understand what is going on in class. There is also a more personal experience with the software compared to basic lessons. The Facial Action Coding System makes it to be as if there is a teacher in front of you when you are at home. In the future this technology will probably make classrooms and students more advanced.
Hi my names Kaigen and I am against the idea of self driving vehicles. I honestly think it would cause more mayham. Just think about it, what if a deer runs out in front of your car. I know you are probably thinking they have some fool proof plan to avoid these incidents, but take out that word deer and replace it with a child. Yeah that changes things up a little huh. No matter how fool proof they claim their "self driving" cars are it a bad idea. Things happen, technology fails. Its a part of life. The story even says 'the driver has to take control entering or leaving a driveway', or "if theres road work it needs the driver to take over". This is not ok. What happens when you are going through an intersection and the light turns red? Is the car going to speed up, or stop in the middle of the road. What if you are going through a school zone? Hows the car going to know any different? They also said in the article "for this to work it would be espensive". In my opinion the last thing we need is to go even further in debt. Yes I can see good in this idea, but i beleive the bad over rules the good in this instinse. Just imagine what would happen if a car pulled out in front of you, sure these machines will probably have a pretty good reaction time. But it can not be anywhere close to the reaction time of a frightened parent. Child saftey is the number one thing car manufactures need to be worried about. If they get the "okay" and come out with these i would want to see these flaws adressed before anyone puts a child in the vehicle. I am not saying its a bad idea, heck I even seee a time in the future where a car is driving me around. I just dont think they have everything figured out yet and i dont think they will have anytime soon. Its reasonable for these to come out on the market, they just need to meet all of the saftey regulations. I also beleive that if they are going to do the track cars, where they run on tracks like a train, that they would have to rip up every highway, every back road, and evey interstate. This would take a ridiculous amount of time and money. We are talking billions and billions of dollars and possible two or three decades. I am kaigen, and this is why I'm against a vehicle that can "drive itself". Plain and simple they are not safe and would cost far too much to make safe and reasonable. Sincerly -Kaigen
Fellow citizens there are many advantages to limitng car use. One big advantage is a reduce in global warming. Auto-moblie causes a large percent of greenhouse gas emissions as stated in source 1, paragraph 5. Limiting car usage can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than half. Car pollution can also can aslo cause smog which aslo took a toll on Paris , who had to ban driving do to smog .Due to the smog delivery companies lost revenue and public transit was free of charge for a couple of days. Smog can also travel easily to other cities throughout the air. Also car usage has taken a toll on previous bills in the united states as stted in source 1 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only the other 20 percent to other transport. Limitng car usage can greatly reduce the number of traffic jams throughout cities. As staed in souce 4. During Bogata car-free day parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. There has been 118 miles of bicycle paths , which means more exercise which is good for your health.
In this essay im going to prove to you why that electorial colleges should be gotten rid of. i think that elections should be won by popular vote. With Electorial Colleges what the public wants or voted for really just doesnt matter because if the majority of the Electorial College disagrees well then the majority vote is irrelevant to the election and the canidate that the Electorial College voted on will will the election. " The Electorial college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." I comepletely agree with that statement. the Electorial colleges are not dermocratic at all and when you vote for a presidential canidate well you're actually voting for a slate of electors. the Electorial College is also an unfair way to determine our president because well each state has a different number of Electorial College votes. Each state should have an equal amount of Electors to make it at least somewhat fair; its still unfair because of the fact that they can always out vote the popular vote from the citizens. when the Electorial College decides to out vote the actual winner that becomes problematic to the citizens because now a canidate that the majority of America didnt want to become president is now president and that can be problematic because the people may become angry or upset in some way because a canidate they felt didnt stand for a good cause or that was unfit to run the country is now in charge. also like what is the point of letting the people vote for who they want to become president if their vote may not even matter or make a difference because the Electorial College is going to do what they want anyways.  
Dear Senator; the electoral voting system should be abolished it is unfair and un-democratic electoral votes are not the votes f the people and thats all that should matter but there are countercaims that I will address. when aperson votes they do not actually vote for their candidate they vote for a group of electors for that candidate electors who may not even vote for the candidate they are sworn to. the electoral voting system is extremly unstable there are an even number of electoral voters in the united states making a tied vote a possibility which is very bad. Even though electoral votes are suposedly based on which candidates people vote for it does not at all mean that the candidate who most of the people voted for wil also be voted for by the electoral college. The electoral voters are seperated by state and each state has its own number of electoral voters proportional to their population. because of this candidates change their campaigns to only focus on stateswith more electoral voters while this makes sense from a competitive perspective it makes it extremley unfair to states with smaller populations. This is wrong in many ways but the worst of all is that the electoral voting system encourages this kind of copetition The electoral voting system is un-democratic the united states prides itself on being for the people and freedom but the electoral college represents the exact opposite of that. the electoral college votes not the people. the people are not voting and that is the exact opposite of what the united states supossedly stands for. Anyone who learns about the united states and sees the electoral colege will think that the united states. is not all its cracked up to be and that is not what the united states wants is it? in conlcusion the senator you should definetly try to work toward abolishing the electoral college as it is un-democratic because it does not allow the people to have a direct say in who they are voting for. it is a very volatile voting system that could cause crashes and severities in the united states by aving tied votes and such. the electoral voting system uncourages some states to be left out by unfair competition because of the unstable way the number of electoral voters are balanced between states. And the electoral college essentially goes against everything the united states stands for and is supposed to believe in.
The electoral college should be stopped. The electoral college takes away peoples rights. The electoral college takes away from peoples rights. The people of the United States should be the one who decides what our president, not our senators. The votes that us citizens put in should be counted and not the senators votes. In my opinion, it should not matter what the size of the state/population for a number of votes to be put out. In the end we are all a whole. If youre voting for the president, why would you vote for the slate of electors? A big argument there is, is called the disastor factor. Some electors have refused to vote for a certain candidate. This is why the people should take responsibility and vote. There is also less likely to be a tie if you let the people vote for the president and not the slate of electors. There is an even number of people so there could be a tie at any point. The state population shouldnt depend on how many representatives are given to the House of Representatives. As to the candidates, they cannot spend time in states they have no chance in winning in. They mostly worry about the 'swing' states because either one could win in it. But it shouldnt be up to the slate of electors, but up to the people. Maybe one day this electoral college will be abolished, but until then we have to live with it. It should be up to the people and not the states. It is unfair to the candidate and the people of the United States.
I think we should keep the electoral vote. My reasonings are: certainty of outcome, everybody agrees with him/her, swing states, big states,and avoiding run-off elections. There is a certainty of the outcome if we keep the electoral voting system. It will be more accurate than using the most popular vote. If the election of 2012 would have been accounted to popular votes than Barack Obama would have lost the election. We want to have a president that believes in what we believe in. We also want a president that appeals to everyone not just one region of the United States. We want to have a president that gets things done like Obama has because we are in a lot of debt. Swing states have a big impact on whether he/she is in office or not. They are more likely to pay a attention to their campaign than other states. They have more of an impact to whether they win the election or not. We need big states to help win the elections. Without them the presidents wouldn't get as much electoral votes from bigger states than from the smaller states. You need more electoral votes then the opponent to win the election not just popular votes. With the electoral college we would avoid run-off elections. Run-off elections are when nobody gets the mojority of the votes. With the electoral college we would be giving the presidency to the candidate who has the most electoral votes not the most popular. So in conclusion if you have more popular votes that doesnt mean anything. If you have more electoral votes you will win the election.