Venus was just like Earth before so why haven't scientists gone and explored it yet you ask? There's a lot of reasons like if it's dangerous and if we have the technlogy to do so but that doesn't matter to the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus " , even though there might be potential risks he still thinks we shall go and explore it. The author has some great points actually on why we should go to Venus even though it may be dangerous. He has a lot of information from NASA to his own opinions on why we should send people to explore Venus. Like in paragraph 5 he explains an idea that NASA haves about sending people to Venus on a blimp like vehicle. There is a lot of pros and cons to that idea but he did explain well how it would work but then again he explains how it wouldn't work because they'll be to high up hovering they wouldn't be able to take pictures nor take samples of rocks,gas , or anything which quicly dumped that idea to the trash. The author quickly jumps to more information that NASA has released telling us that they are working on better innovations that would allow machines to last long enough in Venus. That could possibly work since NASA has had people go to the moon already if they work hard they would be able to create a machine that is able to go to Venus. He also explains how Venus is too hot to take phones and cameras and liquify metals but NASA is also working on a way to take mechanical computers, he explains a a lot in paragraph and has very good ideas and point on why we should go which makes me thing we should but we still need even more advancements. I know that soon NASA will have a machine that can go to Venus because we have already has people on the moon and had a machine that sadly died this year(2019) on mars, Venus is next and we will make it to Venus one day, maybe not scientist first but at least a machine that will be able to gather samples to Earth that we will study so one day humas can go to Venus and I believe this because the author explained very well how and why we should go. The author supported his idea very well in the article even made me change my perspective, he had a lot of meaningful info well a lot of info in general that was useful that supported the fact we should go to Venus one day when we have the right technology.
A lot of scientists think that the Face was created by aliens. I know that it is just a natural landform. They have no evidence that there is aliens on Mars but they say aliens made the Face. First, I feel this is just a natural landform because why would aliens just attempt to make a human face. They have no reason to because they don' t know what we look like. Even if there is aliens then they wouldn't make a face of human's for no reason. The passage states that they made an emourmous head, but why would they make a sculpture of a head and not the whole body. If the alien's actually knew what we look like then why would they only make a head. Next, honestly the pictures that these people got overtime doesn't even look like a human face. It looks like a bird that has just fading away. Speaking real it's just a natural landform. It could be a crater or the wind just chipped away at it. It would be cool if the aliens made the sculpture but none of those people have clear evidence or proof that alien's made this. Lastly, on the high definition picture it could be a reflection of some kind because the place where the eyes are supposed to be it is black. Also, on the right side it looks like they cut it off because that is not easy to see. The right side looks like a straight line. So, erosion could have eroded the right side off of the natural landform. The picture shows that there is craters beside "the Face" this is a big clue to me that the lanform is natural. To examplify, this would be practically impossible to say because they are assuming that alien's did this when it could honestly be anything. It would make most sense to be a natural landform because even on Earth there are natural landforms that look like objects or animals. This is why i think it's a natural landform.
Dear State Senator I would rather want the changing of the election to popular vote because the Electoral college process causes many promblems. First is that it consists of 538 electors and only 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president(source 1). Also perhaps it leads into a tie in the electoral votings.... it could possibly lead into a deadlocked election(source 1). This process of electoral college does not give the full rights to the voters... its not fair. My first reason why you guys should change the election to go by popular votes is it causes many promblems, 538 electors is consisted of and only 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. this tells me that NO people can vote which really does not give you the right to do that because people have always that right to vote. In addition to that it can lead to a big catastrophe. The electoral college process is unfair to voters. Also why, all that can lead into a tie in the electoral votings. Which equals into a deadlocked election. Lastly, this process is outdated and irrational. arguments against direct elections are spurious and should completely vanish this process.
How scared would you be if you looked to your right and you saw no one at the steering wheel of the car next to you? Well many car companies are working on driverless cars for the public. This technology although imperfect at the moment has been around for years. It stated in a article that, "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009." However, driverless cars are dangerous and should be banned because they are not completely driverless, legal issues if there was a car crash, and the technology is still too insufficent to be trusted. First, the "driverless" cars are not completely driverless. For example in an article it stated, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." With this information we can see that "driverless" cars are still not completely driverless. This can make it dangerous if the driver is not paying attention, when attention is needed. This could be fatal if the driver failed to get to the steering wheel in time. Secondly, the legal issues that would be created by this new form of car would be catastrofical numbers of laww suits. The question of who would be responsible is a difficult one. In the text it stated, "...if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" This question does raise a lot of legal issues. Many states in fact have already banned this car. It stated in the text, " As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars, California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Coloumbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autononomous cars..." As you see many states have banned these self driving machines, obiously for good resons, because of all the law suits, legal issues, and because they are dangerous. Finally, The technology is still too insufficent to be trusted with the lives of innocent people. When the technology is still not fully tested, and can't full keep passengers safe then they shouldnt be trusted. In the text it stated, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This shows how insufficent the technology is today. If the technology can't drive the car by its self, then it shouldn't be trusted, because drivers are distracted as it is. So these self driving cars would almost never need human assistance, and the moment they did drivers would be so distracted they would not be able to react in time. In conclusion, these dangerous driverless cars should be banned because they are not completely driverless, legal issues if there was a crash, and the technology is still to insufficent to be trusted. Maybe in the future with more advances in technology these cars could be trusted. The legal issues would cease if the cars were certified they were safe. So maybe, in the far future we can trust cars that are completely diverless with our lives, but at the moment driverless cars should be banned.
In "Driverless Cars are Coming" is a postive development for these cars and for humans. The law focus on being safe, going out of town the car can drive by itself, and also the car is used as a phone GPS and a lot more technology. One of the reason why it's a good idea for these cars to develope. Is becuase laws are more worried about people being safe. With these cars that can drive by itself and have the technology that it needs they will never get into a reck. If they built cars like this with the technology of a smart phone and could be a new game changer. Even though some people will get bored of not driving its for there own good, they can always drive when they want too. People might like it more when they go out of town becuase the car can take over and not have to worry about getting no sleep. Why stay up all night driving when they can have a car that can drive by itself without a problem? Most people don't get because they only see the bad in it which it has a lot of reasons why it's bad to let a car drive itself. But I'm supporting the goood side about it. Techonolgy is a big part in this car if we have enough techonolgy to actually make this car really smart and careful out on the roads it could be great. Some cars already out that are smart. For example i saw a commercial about a car that stops by itself when the driver is not paying attention. And that's how most people crash because they either don't pay attention or they on there phones. My point was that there is more great reasons why this car should be built. For the saftey, the trips, and the technology people learn new things when they try new things.
Hello I am a scientist at NASA disscusing the fase on Mars with you because you think it was created by aliens, but in the text it says "There must have been a degree of surprise among mission controllers back at jet propulsion lab when the face appeared on their monitors. But the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." There is no face on Mars it is just a bunch of rocks and shadows making the face. In fact it's just a mesa on mars with shadows common enough. It even said in the text "Michal Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." All in all there is no alien life on mars and that the face was just a mesa. Michal Malin was the first to find that out and showed it to all the web surfers. I hope you found what you were looking for because there is no face or alien life forms on mars.
Technology has come so far and grown tramendously. This invention that can tell ones feelings from a simple move of a muscle would be perfect for classroom use. Many adolesence in the school setting get tired, bored, or distracted, this invention could notify the teacher when this happens or even change the assignment to something more interesting for that specific person. Many teens in our society suffer from anxiety and depression. This invention might even be able to save lifes, it could show when one is sad and in a school setting, could notify a counselor or friend to talk to. When someone is feeling highly angery it could rearrange the computers content to something cheerful or happy to try and alter the mood. One could feel stressed or overwhelmed which can lead to many things and with the help of these new technologies many feelings of discomfort could be resolved. In the article it states many facts that are shown just from a facial expression. It also tells how the computer is able to do this , "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles". It states the main emotions that are available from facial movements now listing the following; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Also finds hidden emotions like when one says they are fine, but you notice they actually seem sad. The computer can tell if a facial expression is false because of the certain muscles that move with it. A huge example of research was done on a pianting of the Mona Lisa. The test that was taken on the facial expressions of this painting show that she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry. This shows alot about what this new technology can do and shows that it is proven to work. The article shows how this experiment could be very benefitting and its just what every day classroom settings need. This new technology could be life saving and game changing, and its time to change the game and help many teens ones step at a time.
Venus is a worthy pursuit to study becase Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Sometimes it is the closest to the Earth than any planet in the Solar System. Venus could of had the features of what Earth is made up of. Scentist are trying to find way to study the features of Venus surface. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largley with oceans and could have supported various form of life, just like Earth. This is why scientist want to study Venus, because at one time it might of been just like the Earth with all the living creatures and oceans. Venus planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and crater. Those are some also features that we have on Earth. There are also some dangers of going study what Venus is made of. Venus is a really dangerouse place to study, because of the atomsopher that it has. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. They are making simplifeid electronics mad of silicon carbide they have been test in a champer simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. They are doing another project, that is looking back to old technolgy called mechanical computer that they used in 1940 in World War ll. Technology maybe the way to go to see the surface of Venus. Venus has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. The really big thing is the temperature of Venus atomosphere. On Venus surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than what the Earth is. Such an evironment as Venus could crush a submarine accustomed to diving in the deepest oceans. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venusian geolgoy and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, sincce no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Not a single spacecraft has safly touched down in Venus for over three decades. This is why it is really dangerouse to study Venus atompshere and surface of Venus The National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile condition on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. NASA would float a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles to study the surface of Venus. The temperature of floating 30 or so miles would be 170 degrees fahrenheit, and survivable for humans. It is a really dangerouse thing to do, but scientist are finding ways to study Venus surface. Scentist are really trying hard to see if Venus was really like the Earth, long time ago.
The Seagoing Cowboy program is not a popular choice of career. But meeting new people, traveling from place to place, and taking care of animals is fun, right? If you'd like to make more frineds, there's all sorts of ways to meet new people. In this program you're able to do just about every one of them. The first new people you're going to meet are your fellow crew members on the ship. Then when you get to the destination you meet even more people, whether it's strangers on the sidewalk, or even an army crew waiting for their animals. Traveling? Definetely! I've traveled to so many places. Some of my favorites are Greece, China, and Italy. My favorite part about Greece was the Acropolis. On my way to China, I saw the Panama Canal. I loved taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, and adventuring an old castle in Crete was pretty cool. If you're a big animal lover, this job may be for you. I've taken care of hundreds of animals. My first shipment contained 335 horses! Along with the horses, enough hay and oats to get them through the trip. The trips were very long so taking care of the animals kept me busy and as long as I was busy, they were healthy. The animals had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. And the stalls had to be cleaned. Like I said, meeting new people and traveling can always be fun. And if you love animals, you're practically ready to sign up. The Seagoing Cowboys aren't always easy, but it sure is fun!
I think I am against the Facial Action Coding System. I do not think it is a good idea to use this on humans without their consent. Technology is important but I still do not think this is a good idea. Using this on humans isn't a good thing. If they want to keep an emotion hidden then I don't think it is a good idea to uncover it. How can the world be a positive place if the happy people who made you happy weren't actually happy. What if that person had a death of a family member and wanted to keep it a secret but some random person starts snooping around and tells everyone that that person isn't actually happy. Since the article can tell a fake smile from a real smile it could possibly happen. Now if the person gives you consent then it is fine but nobody should be able to read someones emotion. Now the thing about the facial recognition being in a classroom might make it more interesting. It there was a way to make school more interesting than that would be great. I'm not sure how far it would go to make the students happy. It says that it could modify the lesson like an efective human instructor but how far would it modify it. Also if this became a thing would it take the place of teachers. If so than that would be a bad thing. So many people would lose their jobs. It says that it would be able to tell if I am confused which is a good thing. That way I wouldn't have to ask the teacher to come help me. They would just know and come help me, but I still think it is a bad idea. I'm just not sure that it is a good idea to have something that reads emotion. I feel like some things that are better off covered up will be uncovered. Technology will consume our world if we are not careful.
Cars good or bad. Some citys and some subrbs say yes. In France or in Vauban a suburban area in germany. such as in Paris frances the somg became to thike so for a few days they made moterd vehicles illegile and with doing that the somg cleard up pulotion went down and paris beasy streets wear feild with the silent sounds of bikes, scate boards and scaters. In Vauban a suburban area in Germany the streets are feild with kids and bikes and scaters of plenty in this suburban area moter vehicles of all kinds are illegle and the only place to park are in socure parking grages on out scurst of the suburbes. And in bogota Colombia there is car free day which is a program to get people to get out and injoy the freash air and it hopfully going to spreed to other country. So will cars become a thing of the past or will they just go green lets see what the future brings ous.
Have you heard the scoop about "driverless cars" yet? well many powerfull people in the world actually are. They actually have some very good points about them, but there always is a bad in every good too. First I'll explain the good fetures about these driverless cars in my opinion or "position" if you will. these cars are very good for using the telephone while driving. Also if you would like to eat a snack or have the ability to be mobile inside your car you can.Many people have a hard time getting around because of there limit to things they could do in their past such as one exzample as navigation. Another good feature about these cars are the gas ability is less. There also is sensors that allow the car to be able to detect when there is danger of an accident around. Those are just a few of the good features of the driverless cars. Next i would like to share some of the bad features of the driverless car in my opinion or "position" if you will. I believe that one of the biggest arguments twoards these cars is accident responsibility. Many manufacturers will become upset and astonished when it is their heads on the line if i may. They dont want anything to do with the causes of accidents made either by the cars or the drivers. The people want to blame others but themselves for the accident causes. Thats just how the world is today. Some other reasons that really affect these cars are that poeple have said things like, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver"? and these questions need to be answered. The people most likely would get bored and tired of waiting around all day waiting for the car to need to be assisted and i agree with that. Also this is just a start to a completely far ahead future, and nobody can predict it. Those are just a few of the bad reaons about the driverless car. So there you have it, now that you kindave have an idea about these driverless cars many people can do the reaserch on them more and really dig deep into what many powerfull people in the world are saying about these cars.
The use of this in classrooms is unneccessary because there are a lot of classrooms, the readings would vary, and would not be 100% accurate. I would not expect for this technology to be having a use in schools. To begin the argument, this would involve a lot of money for the computers and systems for this technology to be installed in a school. A small school, that has 30 to 40 classrooms, would need to provide a lot of money because of the amount and types of new technology needed. In paragraph 7, the article states, "Your home PC can't handel the comoplex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile". If this is the case, then most schools wouldn't be able to use the computers that they already have and would need to purchase newer, more expensive computers. Then the school would have to buy the equipment and hardware needed. Then it would all have to be installed. Now from student to student, their moods will vary. Some may be talking to a friend and be focused on them and not the lesson. There could also be students focused on working on another class that they may need to catch up in. Others may have home life or something else affecting them and cause innacurate readings to be recorded. There could also be misreadings from the system itself due to a malfunction or someone moving around too much. There are so many kids that move around so that the camera might not get a good look at them. There could be a hardware issue such as a dirty lense causing it to misread or even a miscalibrated sensor. Some kids might also know that they are being recorded and purposely try to mess with the algorithms to get the computer to change the lesson. This technology does not have a super effective role in schools because there are just too many issues that come with it. The best and easiest way for a teacher to get feedback and talk with their students about what they want in the class.
The Facial Action Coding System can be helpful in many situations. However, a classroom setting would not be improved with this system. This system is an advanced technology that should be used in a more serious setting such as court trials and government activities. In a classroom setting, many children will not become interested in learning by changing the version of an online acitvity. This software has many qualities that should be used in more complex situations. According to the article, this software can tell if someone is being honest and truthful. The software could be used to solve crimes between suspect instead of being persued in school work. This software will not change a child's opinion on a lesson because the software does not know the child's personal likings. Changing a virtual lesson does not change the fact that the student views it as work. If the software detects the student is becoming bored, changing the lesson may confuse the student. Overall this software is extremely useful for certain situations, but a classroom setting is not in need of this software. Many students are tired throughout the school day and are attempting to finish a lesson. Changing the online lesson may become aggravating to an older student especially. The Facial Action Coding System may not be as accurate for a classroom setting. Many people show no emotion when attending class, which may allow the software to read the emotion as bored. Everyone has different facial expressions for each emotion. An intrigued student's lesson could be changed to a new version because the software found their facial expression to be bored. Every student has a different outlook on school. Some come in ready to learn and others are trying to complete the day. If a student knew about this software and thought it could help them stay interested in their lesson, a teacher should allow them to experiment. Otherwise, if the student did not know about the software, this is an invasion of privacy. The Facial Action Coding System should be optional in a classroom setting, because many students would not be interested. A software can read the expression of a student, but can not change their perception of lessons or schooling.
Pretty much all working adults and teenagers own or drive a vehicle on a daily basis. But while all that driving may get you from point A to point B quickly, it is also doing great damage. Constant driving has left cities polluted and covered in smog. People are finally beginning to realize that and have begun making necessary changes in order to prevent this from continuing. One suburb in Vauban, Germany is a great example of people limiting car use and the positive impact that it has. This upscale community has generally forbidden street parking, driveways, and home garages so that the streets of Vauban are completely car-free. About 70 percent of families in Vauban do not own cars and over 50 percent sold their cars just to move there. Heidrun Walter, a Vauban local and mother of two, is quite pleased with the car ban. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." This ban has drastically reduced greenhouse gas emmisions that come from tailpipes on cars. You may think giving up your car ride to work every morning is a terrible idea, but living with pollution, smog, and gas emmisions that lead to breathing problems sounds even worse. The driving ban in Paris, France shows just how bad driving all the time can be. Due to the cold nights and warm days in the popular city, the warmer layer of air trapped car emmisions - causing five days of smog. Being that France has a tax policy that favors diesel and in turn makes up over 60 percent of vehicles in France, it was to blame for the intense smog. After days of near-record pollution, the French party banned driving until the smog cleared. People were left with the choice of leaving their cars at home or facing a 22-euro fine. This goes to show you that your daily driving habits have long-lasting effects that should be taken care of sooner rather than later. For another example of people striving to lower air pollution, look at Bogota - a city in Columbia that bans cars for one day every year on the annual Day Without Cars event. The purpose of this ban is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. It's obviously doing well because now two more Columbian cities, Cali and Vallendupar, are joining the event. Even authories from other countries have visitied Bogota to witness the event themselves and were quite enthusiastic. Enrique Riera, mayor of Asunción, Paraguay, said, "These people are generating a revolutionary change [that] is crossing borders" after attending Day Without Cars. More parks and sports centers have opened up and sidewalks are now being replaced with smoother sidealks for people to walk on. Bogota is just one city now realizing the negative impact constant driving has on the town, as well as its people, and taking steps to lower those impacts. In conclusion, there are many disadvantages to driving all the time. Which means a lot of postive advantages when we stop. Going completely car-free can be difficult - especially if you are in an area without buses or taxis, but you can still limit your driving and reduce greenhouse gas emmisions and pollution. Don't take so many driving trips, car pool with friends, invest in a bike or shop at places closer to you. Limiting your car usage is something everyone can do and will postively affect your environment.        
There are many landforms that look like things or faces or animals. There is one on Mars that is assumed to be made by aliens but, it is not. It is just a rock formation just like any other. If it is there is no evidence that is is made by aliens or some creatures. Here is some more information that it is not a alien made face but, just a bunch of rocks. Many people think that the face on Mars is made by someone other than us. But, I am here to prove that wrong . There are many faces that look like that all over the world and made even on other planets that we don't know about. I'm not saying that it wasnt made from aliens but, it most likely wasn't it was probably just erosion or something of that nature. They searched all over Mars to find if there was but, there wasn't any. NASA wouldn't hide something like this, they would show it to everybody. It would make headlines saying that their is some kind of life form on Mars. But, there is no life form on Mars as of today. They have gotten pictures of it from very close range and found out it just looked like that from a far distance away in pictures. The pictures from far distance do look like a face but all it is, is just rocks. It is just a illusion of eyes, nose and a mouth in a huge rock formation. This is why we think that it is just a rock formation and nothing more than that. They have many of things to find out that all of it is rock put together to make the illusion of a face. But, it was not made by aliens or anything like that it is just rocks. It has been proven from tons and tons of pictures from many different type of camera from different heights and many different ways to find out it is all rocks. They wouldn't keep it from us if their was something on Mars. If they did, something would get out that their is life on Mars but, their is not.
Self Drive Some people think that self driving cars could be the furture and help . Computer cars are cars that drive themselves and steer ,brake and accelerate themselves. One of Google's founders Sergey Brin says "He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public transport taxi system" How cool would that be! Google has cars that can drive by themselves under specific scenario's since 2009. These cars have driven more than half a million miles without any crashes . That sounds great , most people know that car crashes happen very often when people are on the wheel of cars . But these cars are not 100% truly driverless yet , they still alert the driver when they need to take over when dealing with traffic or construction or complicated issues . Computer cars have tons of sensors for them to be smarter and the driver to be safer . Google has modified a toyota prius that uses position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel , a rotating sensor on the roof ,and video camera in the rear view mirror , four radar sensors , a GPS receiver , and a intertial motion sensor . Also a dubbed LIDAR , it has lazer beams to constanly update the surroundings of the car . The cars can go up to 25 miles per hour when driving themselves , but they have special touch sensors on the wheel to make sure the driver keeps hold of it , this means the driver has to be alert and be ready to take over when the car needs assitance going through certain areas like constrution or traffic promblems . GM has seats where when its the drivers turn the seats vibrate to get the drivers attention to let he/she to know its there turn to drive . The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over and other manufactors are puttuing cameras to watch that the drivers are remaining focused . some people think that self driving cars could be the future and help . they have tons of sensors to keep you safe , the car alerts you when you need to take control , the computer cars are safe and have drove half a million miles to prove it . so go talk to your friends , your family , and your city hall and tell them why self driving cars are the future .
It appears that the world has begun to go through a cultural shift. That is, a preference of not using a private mode of transportation to get to work, or the gym, or wherever else people need to go on a day-to-day basis. In fact this preference is very benificial in that it has begun to affect our lives. In limiting car usage citizens can help reduce pollution such as smog in their community, or even enhance their community by introducing the need for new sidewalks or markets within a walking distance of their homes. It is of the utmost truth, cars create pollution. In fact they are "one of the highest contributing factors of pollution, besides power plants in America."(Rosenthal 34). Which of course is not very surprising since just about everybody has a car around the time that they recieve their licence. Cities like Paris sometimes have to "...enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air..."(Duffer 10) ,this only seals in the idea that cars contribute to the amount of pollution in the air we breathe. Limiting the amount of car usage, will limit the pollution in the air. It is as simple as that. But if you limit the usage of cars it can become diffucult to get to places you need to go, fear not. Limiting car usage makes it a neccesity to have stores accesible to the public. Walking or using public transportationto get to and from your local grocery or gym may be a bother, but, lately cities with a decrease in their car usage have made it more pleasant on the public. Cities like Bogota (Colombia) are witnessing this first hand. Since their city impliments a day without cars businesses and the city itself have begun to take notice in the large numbers that participate. The city is flourishing in the fact that "parks and sports centers...have bloomed throughout the city; eneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced,...and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up."(Selsky 28). In Vauban (Germany) cars use is limited, but the suburb itself has made tasks such as shopping easier in that ",...stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in mallks along some distant highway."(Rosenthal 6). These advancements in the town are all thanks to the limiting of car usage. All in all, limiting car usage is anything but harmful to our communties. Limiting usage helps reduce pollution in our air, and it also helps in that it aids in restoring our communities in the fact that sidewalks are being repaved or created, or even a grocery is withing walking distance. So if you have the choice whether to take your car to the market or walk, take the walk, your community might get something good out of it.        
The Challenge of Exploring Venus Imagine living on a dangerous but not so dangerous planet, would you risk your life on the sake of science? Venus could be a groundbreaking science exploration but is dangerous. The author makes claims suggesting Venus is dangerous but it is worth it. "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". Which I agree with the author. The author talks about how "no spaceship has landed there in three decades" but,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life". The fact that Venus could've had life could help us find out if other life forms live within us, that seems worthy enough. Although the temperatures do average over 800 degrees fahrenheit scientists can float above the fray. The temperature can get at 170 degrees which is survivable for us humans. "Erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface". Weather conditions may be dangerous but humans will not land on its surface. The "atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we face on our own planet". Like I said they won't send their astronaunts onto the surface but they will be sent on the fray and will be more secure on the fray. "Not one spacecraft last a few hours". As the years go up our technology gets more sufficient and becomes safer, so scientists will be able to make a spacecraft that is able to land on Venus. "The clouds have highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere", astronaunts and scientists will stay on the fray. I added seven different dangerous facts about venus and all of them were answered by scientists suggesting that Venus is safe for astronaunts to go. I stand with the author which is Venus is dangerous but it is a worthy pursuit. Letting astronaunts goto Venus would be groundbreaking and yes it is safe for astroanaunts to goto.
In "The Challege of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. I think that he is right because earth is a small planet and we need to more space. The people of this planet are too much for it slowly we are killing the Mother Earth. over time people used almost all of it's resorces and sooner or later we will need to find another planet to live on. Yes it is close to the sun, and yes it is very hot. But we as pleople can do it. We put an man on the moon. This is just another step that we need to do. Venus is the Earth's twin, it is closest to its densiy and size. Venus and Mars orbit the sun at diffrent speeds sometimes Mars is close to us and sometimes Venus is. We have send numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world. We studied Mars and Venus for years and we can send a spacecraft to get some sempals to see if we can survive on those planets. The Venus atmosphere is almost 97% CO2. The temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. It is way hotter the the Earth bacause it is so close to the sun and it gets way more sunlight then we do. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greaater then what we experience on our own plate. I think that it is to much for us right now but in the future we will find a planet and we will live there. If we have the technology to explore our soloar system then we can find other living creatures in the galaxy and we can learn from them and to keep evolving.
Everyday we go to school and after a while it can get boring. This new technology could help make students less bored while learning. For that reason, I think that a Facial Action Coding System in the classroom might improve the overal mood. With the FAC System in place, not only the computer would know to switch up the lesson but the teacher would also know how students are reacting to their teaching or new material. This system could help teachers adapt the material or their teaching style better to the needs of their students. This would help to encourage a positive learning environment and improve the overall classroom mood. Dr. Huang noted that most human communication is nonverbal so this would be an effective tool in the classroom because not all kids would speak how they are feeling. With more technology coming into the classroom every day, more learning is taking place online and FACS technology could make online learning more fun and enjoyable for the students. According the the Facial Feedback Theroy of Emotion, moving your facial muscles may even help produce emotions so someone saying "put a smile on your face" may actually make you happier. This could be possible in the classroom if FACS technology was implemented. In conclusion, I think that adding FACS technology to the classroom would be a positive action. It could help students learn better by altering the program or giving the teachers feedback of how the students are reacting to their teaching. The FACS is probably along way off from being put in the classroom but I'm sure it will become an invaluable tool for education in the future.
Have you ever thought of being a Seagoing Cowboy. When being a Seagiong Cowboy "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." (from paragraph 9). You didn't just see the world you go and help it. If you like helping people this is a thing for you. Seeing people and helping them feels great too not because you get apprecation from them, but since you get to know you did good for the world. Just keep that in mind. It is a dangerous job though. "One rainy night, after making my hourly report to the captain, I slid down a slippery ladder on my backside. My heart raced as I shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. A small strip of metal along the edge stopped my slide, keeping me from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic. I was happy to be alive. But I couldn't work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs." paragraph 7. That shows Seagiong is a dangerous job and it's very serious trying not to get hurt. In the process we do have a little fun when we aren't doing much. "I found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys and I played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed." paragraph 8. That was some fun on board we do to pass time. Since we were around the world we could go cite seeing and things like that away from the ship. These trips introduced this small town boy to the world. The world is a wonderful place to see. Like I said off board we'd go cite seeing. "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing Acropolis in Greece was special." paragraph 5. Seeing the world is speical and not most people can afford to do that. Thoes are the reasons you should join. When you do this it's adventurous, scary, fun, and amazing. Those words explain it all. So join the Seagoing Cowboys. If you don't you would be missing on a great oppurtinity.
I think that the driverless cars that google has made today are enough to prove that they are a definite possability and that it has its positive and negative side. I think driverless cars are the way to go because, car accidents are a large cause of deaths in countries like the US where there are many. Diverless cars could potentialy cut that down if not eliminate it. The google cars have suppossedly driven more than half a million miles without a crash and are still out there, which is enough evidence to show that it could definately save lives. Driverless cars must be the better way to go due to the fact that it eliminates many of the variables that make driving as humans, diffucult. It would take out the nessesity to sleep for the automated car and could run long distances without haveing to stop and rest, which would also be good for delivery companies to start taking advantage of. Computerized cars could even be programed to be able to comunicate with each other leading them to be able to sycronize their paths and speeds and reduce even more risk for everyone. Despite how the laws may look at it automated cars could be safer without a driver than with one. It would even use less fuel to operate, with an integrated efficency system. With the technology that is avalible it may even be possible to soon run a computerized car on solar power and take out the fueling proccess entirely. Automated cars could also become so much more than just a vehicle, it will have lots of technology onboard as well as a powerful computer. Just the addition of the computer could provide many more possabilities and have many more powerful aplications than your tablets or your smart phones. These cars would also be a luxury I don't think these cars will be cheep but may become easier to obtain later on just as most technology.
Dear senator, Many say that the Electoral College so not be used anymore, but some will come back and argue that it should be used. Many people dislike the Electoral College because the say it is unfair or irrational. The Electoral College is way different than popular vote. Popular votes are actually done by the people and they pick who they want for president, but the Electoral College is done by a person picking someone of their state's goverment and then leaves it to them to pick their president. Te electorial votes are unfair because it deoends on how big a state's population is. Some states only have 3 Electoral votes, but if that state used its popular votes it would A LOT more than just three votes to one president. Many people on the other hand do like the Electoral College. They like the Electoral College because the stae will have voted and not leave it to the people to. In 2012 only about one-half of elgible voters did vote. The Electoral College is said to be the most effecient way of voting by some people. People like the Electoral College more than popular voting is because in popular voting you will have certain people ote for cerain people not the best candidate, but in Electoral voting the person has nothing to do with the outcame so there will be no arguing on whos fault it is. The Electoral College NEEDS to stay. If we get rid of the Electoral College the amount of votes in popular voting would be low to determine who they should pick. The Electoal College is the biggest reason we do so well on presidental winners. From, The People         
There are many reasons that people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. By joining with the others, you can help people who need it after World War ll. Many countries were left in ruins. If you look in paragraph 2, it says that UNRRA, which is formed by 44 nations, helped these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. That paragraph also says that UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. It says in paragraph 5, that beside helping people, he had the side benefit of seeing Europe, China, Greece, Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. Not only do you get to help people, but you also are able to tour places that could be all the way around the world from where you may live. So as you can see, there are many different benefits of being one of the Seagoing Cowboys.
On the Martian planet, a mesa is common in the region Cydonia. Which means that "The Face" is just a combination of rocks having a shadow that gives the apperence of a human face. The camera used in 1976 didnt have the sharpness of the cameras used in 1998 or in 2001. So, it would appear to be fuzzy and disoriented. As seen in the 2001 photo, "The Face" is just a mesa in the region Cydonia. In 1976, when the Viking 1 was searching for possible landing sites, the spacecraft was not looking for any Martian ruins or ancient civilization on the planet. So the Viking 1 didnt have a high enough resolution camera to capture the true form of the landscape. When the MOC (Mars Orbiter Camera) went to Mars in April 5,1998, the camera had taken pictures ten times sharper than the original Viking 1 photos. When scientist observed the photos, they revealed a natural landform on Mars. Neverless, people where not satisfied with the photos, claiming that around that time of the month it gets cloudy on Mars and the alien markings were coverd by a haze. So NASA decided to prove them wrong by sending another spacecraft to Mars. On April 8, 2001, using the MOC's absolute maximum resolution, they took a picture. Each pixel in the 2001 image is 1.56 meters per pixel rather than 43 meters per pixel in the Viking's photo. "...you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," says Jim Garvin.
Technology is a wonderful thing that keeps growning and changing. Many people have different views on technology. Some people think technology is a great help to our daily lives such as computers, cell phones, and cars. However, there are many other people who would strongly disagree and say technology is ruining us. Either way you can stop technology from growing and becoming part of us. Technology has advanced our cars in many ways. Many new things have been created such as electric cars, environmentally friendly cars, and now we are seeing driverless cars being created. There are many positive aspects to having driverless cars. With the improvements in software cars can now handle more driving tasks on their own. These cars can steer, navigate, and brake themselves. They also notify a driver when the road requires human skills. When the vehicle is in danger of backing into someone the seats can vibrate to alert the driver. Some people just do not see the point of having a driverless car when you still have to help the cars in certain situations, but I think they are a great way to keep us safe annd focused. All of these aspects are examples of how the car can keep you safe and eventually lead to less accidents. Transportation is a very important part of our daily lives. With the driverless car transportaion is becoming safer and easier. Drivers will be more alert and focused. This will decrease the amount of accidents caused by careless driving. In conclusion, I think driveless cars are a great addition to technology and transportation.
In my opinion I think driverless cars are kinda cool because of the fact that the driver doesn't have to do much of the driving. Alot of people can get tired while they are driving to where their destination is. Man people have to pull over and stop at motels or hotels to get siome rest, but with a driverless car the owner can be at their destination without having to stop anywhere. With driverless cars you have to think about the facts that agt any time the car shut down and stop working but the car can alert you at anytime telling you that there is a problem with the system or something. The text provides a lot of interesting facts about theses types of new cars and on how several companies are in the process of testing them out. The text states that Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. After Google did it many other places started to follow after them like BMW who created the " Traffic Jam Assistant" which the car alerted the drivers when they needed to take over. Then, GM developed driver seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The driving laws focus more on keeping the drivers , passengers, and pedestrians safe and that was one of the major goals these companies wanted to achieve and they did. Tesla made a project that in 2016 this year a release for a car capable of driving on an autopilot 90% of the time. The cars they plan on working on are Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan to drive themselves by 2020. Hopefully in the future people will be for driverless cars like me because the have some good benefits of human life in the future. People can read articles about the cars if they want to do background checks if they want to. I would love the fact that we would not have to drive the entire time if I was planning on a long trip, a lot of people will change their minds about driverless cars in the future because I did.
The president is our leader. And you don't want some people picking who your next leader is gonna be. I think we should change to the popular vote because in the Electoral college you don"t get to vote for your president and it's unfair to voters. How do we know who we're voting for if we vote for somebody else to vote for us. Just let the people vote for who they want. In the Electoral college you don't vote for the president, you vote for somebody to vote for you. What if he decides to pick the other competitor? You wouldn't know. In the popular vote you get to vote yourself. Bradford Plumer says ''Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.'' [Source 2, Paragraph 10] I wouldn't want somebody voting for me. I'd rather do it by the popular vote and vote myself. It's not even fair for the people. It's not fair at all. Even Bradford Plumer agrees with me. He says ''It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.'' [Source 2, Paragraph 14] He also says ''...the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning...'' [source 2, Paragraph 13] That's not fair at all. They only go to states they know they're going to win. Some people may say that they trust the slate of electors. Richard A. Posner says ''...each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)...'' They 'rarely' betray the president's votes. It really does matter if its just once in a while because when they betray the votes that prsident has to stay for four years. I wouldn't trust them with my vote. They could betray them just like that. And we could be stuck with the wrong prsident that nobody wanted. I wouldn't trust the electoral college. I would trust in my own vote. I'm not going to let someone else vote for me. They might pick the wrong president. Its just not fair to the people, to give there vote to someone else. This goverment is by the people for the people. By the people. That means we should vote oursleves. Not give our vote to some people that can turn their back on you in a heartbeat.
Saving money is one result of limiting car usage, another result is that limiting your car usage can relieve some of your stress. There are many places that do it today, like Germany, Paris, and Bogota. In the first souce "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", it talks about how you aren't tensed up all the time anymore, one person even said "When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way". what he means by "this way" is that he is much happier that he doesn't have to worry about a car anymore. In source two, "Paris bans driving due to smog", it shows that many people are getting fined because they have an even numbered liscenes plate, the same applies to the odd numbered liscenes plates the following day. This can cause stress if you do not listen to the instruction because you woud get a fine of 22-euro, or $31. If you listen to the law, you can also save money. In conclusion, limiting car usage can relieve stress and save you money because you won't have to worry about other people crashing into you, and because you won't always have to buy gas for your vehicle.
I think that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. Faces on the Earth in common to happend because of lava. "The Martian is simlar around the America West". It can also be a "lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa adout the some height as the Face on Mars" according to the last paragraph. But we never found lava on Mars? Well we will look for it and how do you think it got on there. And if there is not lava of Mars? Then its might just be a natural land form like mountains on Earth. What if people lived there and got covered in dust like material? I don't think there could be humans of Mars because of the lack of oxygen,food,water and bactreia so there in on way peopel could live on Mars. These are some reasons that I think that the Face on mars is just a natural landform.
The Seagoing Cowboys program started after World War Two ended in Europe. The program gives young cows, horses, and mules to the countries that got destroyed in the war. They put the young cows, horses, and mules on ships then sent them to different countries. I had two different part-time jobs and when my friend told me about this opportunity to join the Seagoing Cowboys I thought it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I joined the Seagoing Cowboys on the day that the war in the Pacific ended. My very first trip was to Greece. The ships had cows and horses on them. The Sea Cowboys had to feed them twice a day, clean out their stalls, and give them fresh water to drink. There was another job to be done on ths ship there was the night watchman. The night watchmen had to check in on the animals every hour then report it to the captain. This job can be very dangerous at times because one rainy night I went to tell the captain and slid down the ladder and almost went overboard into the dark, churning ocean. A small piece of metal saved my life. I was okay but I did have two broken ribs. I Luke did the most trips of any Seagoing Cowboy. I did sixteen across the Atlantic Ocean and two across the Pacific Ocean. I would want people to join the Seagoing Cowboys because when you are at the country that you are helping you get to visit many tourist attractions. When I was in Greece I got to see the Acropolis. The Acropolis is an ancient structure built in ancient times. I got to ride in a gondola in Venice, Italy. I toured an excavated castle in Crete. I also marveled at the Panama Canal on his way back from China. On return trips after the animals were dropped off the men had fun. They had baseball and volleyball games in empty stalls, they also had table tennis tournements, along with boxing tournements. I also found time to have fun reading, whittling, and other fun games to pass the time at sea. The Seagoing Cowboys would be a great way to help out others in need. I had a very amazing experience as a Seagoing Cowboy. I would want other young boys to have the same experience as I did when I joined the seagoing cowboys. Luke says in the article, " I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of other people and countries' needs. Luke kept helping other people in need even after his adventure as a Seagoing Cowboy by leading his family to home a couple of international students and exchange families for many years. Luke had a great experience as a Seagoing Cowboy and he would want you to have the same experience as he did. Join the Seagoing Cowboys and help other people in need all around the world. Help the whole enire world by giving other people the things they need to survive. Luke did not notice how lucky he was until he joined the Seagoing Cowboys. Luke and others of those who served other people on the Seagoing Cowboys boats will have the right to say that they made a difference in this world. Luke would want you to make a difference. Join the Seagoing Cowboys today to make a difference in the world.
Technology Can Change a School A was we could tell what our students are feeling in our own class. It's a emotional expression device. Where we can finnaly know were our students stand. We could finnaly tell when there happy or sad, whos angry, and can tell whos tired in school. Are they happy or, sad , stressed . "he waked in with a smile on his face but was he really happy?" All students or teachers have asked eachother this question. Well know we could tell how a kid feels and ask" whats going on." We could know if there acually good with no problems or sad with many problems. According to the text "each expression is compared , is compared against netrual face."Where we could tell the feelings. He walked in as angery as a beast , but still said im happy. In this occation we could fix this problem and maked it rememberable. We could help students talk to eachother for no more problems. Fix things with kids now to help them not do a miskae like go shoot the school. According tho the text '' we can acually cauculate emotions like math. Where around time we can help thoes students that need help and are in bad actions. We could have the ability to tell when somones tired. thats just an exapmle. we could tell so manny other things . We could helpout these kids and students stay up . Help out by make class more intresting around that time .we could help all theses kids that are in this occation. According to the text "reconize when a student is confused or bored." - Dr. Haung. we can help them . This could help out all of thoese students and see when there happy or sad , who angry ,and can tell whos tired. Lets help our students success and prosper in that occation.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because scientists think it has earth-like features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. According to paragraphs 5 and 6, NASA is compelling the idea to send humans to study Venus but is having difficulty trying to hostile the heated conditions on the planet. Therefore researchers are fascinated with Venus they think it was once the most earth-like planet in the solar system and are discussing further visits to its surface even though there are plenty of dangers that lie ahead. The author claims that Venus is a worthy pursuit because scientists say that Venus has the hottest surface in the universe and that its atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide making it a challenge for humans to attempt and research the Evening Star however, despite the peril of the temperatures humans planning to create hovering vehicles so that it would avoid the rocky venusian surface. Pratically, NASA is working on other approaches to Earth's twin using old technology and modern computers to find out more about the planet, In other words seeing Venus from the night sky or with a telescope only limits insight due to forms of light rendering photography and videography ineffectively. Lastly, Astronomers are considering Venus to be a nearest option for a planetary visit but according to the text "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on its cloud-draped world but previous missions were unmanned for a reason since the high pressure of the intense heat it provides lead to the result of no spaceship touching down in more than three decades. In conclusion, The author states that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite its dangers because of the fact that venus was once a earth-like planet, its factors contribute to the planet's reputation, and that scientists hope that it will lead them to intimidating endeavors.
Many people are wondering "should we still study Venus despite the dangers it presents?" People also wonder how are Venus and Earth are alike and why we call Venus or "sister planet"? In this article the author is telling the readers that studying Venus is worthy despite the dangers it presents. In this essay I will be telling you why the author this it is worthy to study Venus. The first reason why the author thinks it is important to study Venus is because Earth and Venus are very much alike. Venus could not only have humans livng on it's planet by animals too. Just like Earth. The article states that "Venus is covered largley with oceans and could support various forms of life." Much like Earth and how Earth has huges bodies of water that have fishes, sharks ect., living in them. The article also states that "Venus has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains and carters." Earth also has plenty of rocky areas that people can live on." This information proves that Venus can not only have humans living on it's plantes but animals as well and how Earth and Venus provied ways for humans to live on their planet. We have idea that could be made for us to visit Venus and stay safe. Yes, Venus has weather dangers and tempreture dangers but we have the technology now that we can visit Venus and stay safe from all of those dangers. The article states that NASA has this idea of creating a vehicle that can aviod "all unfriendly ground conditions by stating up and out of their way." The article also states that Venus's temperature will still remain the same but the air pressure in the vehicle "would be close to that of sea level on earth." So that the person traveling in this object will stay safe and stil get all of the information he/she needs from Venus. This information lets us know that NASA has the idea of creating a safe way of getting information about Venus. Overall, despite all the dangers that Venus has I personally agree with the author that we should still study Venus. If we never studied Venus we would have no idea why we call it out "sister planet." Or how a human could potentaillly live on Venus. So I think that it is important to study Venus so we know all of the answers to our question.
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if we had driverless cars? Would it be endless difficulties? Or would we be more advanced and have easier access to places we want to go? With today's tech we still don't have the resources to create completely safe cars, even though some cars like these have already been made. In the article they talk about a special track cars need in order to be driverless. It's one of the only things that actually worked but the cost of all these new roads is huge and it's just not something that will work, Anything like this will probably cost just as much money so cars are better off staying like they are for now, There are laws in place that state an awake driver should always be in the car, which would make the driverless cars pointless, These laws are in place because cars that drive themselves aren't safe. Anything can go wrong technologically and there's not much someone could do in that situation because the car wouldn't be made for a humans control, You may say that something like that could happen with a normal car, but the reprocusions of a car that can be controlled by a human are less severe. Humans may not need to buy these cars but the cost to ride in one would most likely be a crazy cost. In parapgraph 5 the author says a car would need lots of sensors in order to detect traffic conditions and stop a car from skidding and rolling over. If something like these sensors would be able to detect all these things and make the car experience so safe the cost would be crazy. One car needing that many sensors is expensive so imagine thousands to millions of cars like that, and imagine how much they would cost. Driverless cars aren't needed. There are too many cons and not enough pros to the road of driverless cars. To be completely safe and to make sure everyone has the wage to buy a car cars shouldn't advance so quickly.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the possible dangers it may present. Traveling to new places of our world is something that can help better our overall konwledge of things and expand our thoughts. The most intriguing and beneficial tasks usually have the most downsides to them but that doesn't mean we should simply walk away from them. Even though visiting and touching down on planet Venus produces many dangers, it can still expand our imagination and innovation, complete something that has never been done before, and find better ways to travel there safely. Touching down on the planet Venus will most likely have several deadly dangers to it. "On the planet's surface, temperature averages over 800 degrees fahrenheit." That is notable to be over the limit of what a body can withstand even with the astronaut suit on. "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightning strikes." These conditions aren't like any type of bad weather that we have here on Earth because they can much more easily take the life of people. Visiting the unusual planet of Venus does have many downsides within it, but that doesn't mean we should automatically stop trying to come up with ideas and conclusions and how to get there safely. Our travels within Earth and beyond it should not be stopped just because of a few flaws. Visiting various new places can only help expand both our imagination and innovation. "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Us as humans should learn that we must take risks every once in awhile if we want to expand our knowledge on various important things. "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, dspite it's proximity to us." This reasoning should make us want to strive for more factual evidence on Venus and pursue our understandings. Learning more about the planet could possibly help make new advancements that would increase our overall knowledge. Sending a spaceship to Venus with living astronauts inside of it is something that has never been done before. Astronauts should want to make a change to that record because it is good to participate in something that's new every once in awhile. "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." It is scary to think about all of the possible threats this task has to offer since it is known that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" but you also have to think about all of the good things that taking part in this mission may bring. It is okay for people to take risks and step out of their comfort zones because doing this will help our society strive as a whole. Learning more about Venus in general and the flaws it has will continue to better our information and help us create things that will get us on to the planet safely. "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of the Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." This idea of blimp-like travel will allow there to be a safe environment for the ones exploring because it would keep them up and away from the unsafe ground conditions. Another approach that NASA has already made is "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This idea would possibly only be beneficial for a short period of time but it will still allow us to view a newer part of our world. Once NASA and other teams start to gather up more information from the many trips they take, then it will be much easier to find a safer route to Venus. Despite all of the dangers that are presented by traveling to Venus, our world would be more advanced in our understandings of some of our neighboring planets. Going to new places and taking risks in our lives can potentially do great things for us like improve our techonological advancements, help us come up with better conclusions and all together just make record history. It's not a bad thing to do something different for a change because you never know what incredible possibilities it may lead to.
Venus or the "Evning Star" is one of the well known planets in our solar system.on previous missons to venus not a single spacecraft was able to survive landing for hours.This may explain why the callenges NASA is having for humans to study this planet,eventhought venus is pretty close to Earth.Venus has a thick atmosphere that is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide,that makes it even more callenging for humans to land on venus. Venus surface tempuature is over 800 degrees and the atmosphere is 90 times greater than the atmosperic pressure here on earth. The astromomers are intreged by venus because it is well-know for once having a similar earth-like fetures, to this day astromomers still think that venus could have been inhabitable at one point a long time ago But, for now all we can do is peer over the planet in our space crafts orbiting safly over the planet venus. If we strive to meet the difficult challenge of finally landing on venus we can meet our goal to explore more and beyond our limits.
The author supports the idea of studying Venus, despite the dangers it presents, extremely well in this article. He uses both good and bad features to portray the idea that Venus is a place where one day humans will be able to study it's exquisite qualities. The article as a whole, relays many strong facts and opinions as to why one should want rearchers to further study Venus. In each paragraph, the author gives an argument as to why researches should strive to explore the planet in depth. For example, the author says,"Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet in termos of density and size, occasionally the closest in distance too." (Paragraph 2) As one reads this sentence they begin to compare Venus to Earth. This gives the idea that Venus is an interesting and diverse place with many complex attractions to discover, as one would think of Earth. However, the author will follow up with a counter argument, such as, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The author uses this technique of adding in a counter argument to allow the reader to see that the author also understands that Venus is not an easy planet to study up close. Another tactic the author uses to persuade the reader that the planet is worth pursuing, is the explanation of their possible future plans to explore it. The author provides the reader with many detailed descriptions on their ideas. He says, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." (Paragraph 5) Not only does this sentence explain what NASA plans to one day achieve, it once again compairs an Earth expample to something on Venus. This allows the reader to feel as if they understand what NASA is willing to do to study this planet and provides them with a reason as to why they should think the same. Lastly, the author explains how their methods of exploring the planet in the future will not only succeed in finding many new discoveries, but will be using older technology that uses no electricity. The author then goes to say, "The thought of computers exsisiting in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." (Paragraph 7) As one reads about the use of "mechanical computers" they can recieve a better comprehension of the challenges NASA is attempting to face to study this planet in more detail. As one reads through this article, they are persuaded into believing that Venus is a planet worth exploring and trying to find discoveries on due to its close relation to Earth, NASA's perserverance to create a way to study it, and the many amazing things it has to offer. The author supports the idea of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well.
About twenty-five years ago, NASA's Viking 1 spotted a shadowy human face on Mars. Upon returning to Earth, scientists concluded that this shadowy face is simply a natural landform on Mars. Although conspiracy theorists and the media tend to warp the truth, it is in fact true that this face is nothing but a landform on Mars. NASA conducted two investigations, and used data they gathered and used dated the gathered prior to the "Face on Mars" to reach their conclusion. The first image of the "Face on Mars" was taken in 1976. After receiving this information scientists concluded that this was actually another martian mesa, which is common in Cydonia, the place on Mars the image was taken. The image was released a few days later to the public. There was an uproar of theories and conclusions immediately made by the public and the media. This caused problems for NASA. The theory that NASA is hiding life on Mars from the public was a common theory made by conspiracy theorists. The public disregarded NASA's thorough investigation and proof and believed the theorists, who did not have any proof or support, rather than believing the scientists who had taken time to investigate this image and its origin. A few scientists began to believe that the Face was actually an alien artifact. NASA then figured that the image of the Face would be important for the public. On April 5, 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and a camera team took pictures that were ten times clearer than the ones taken in 1976. Upon returnung to Earth scientists revealed yet again that the "Face on Mars" was a natural landform. This was no suprise to some people because the scientists had concluded before that the Face was a mere landform and nothing else, even after investigating the image twice. NASA conducted yet another investigation on April 8, 2001 in order to make sure the Face was not created by aliens. A camera team took more photographs of the Face and made them bigger to get vloser look. Scientists concluded once more that the Face is the equivalent of a butte or a mesa. This is because landforms that are alike to buttes and mesas are common on Mars. The images that were taken also showed no form of alien life or markings near or on the Face. The scientists who believed that this was a simple landform were correct since the begining, unlike the media and theorists who made up their own conclusions to confuse the public. After a face-like landform was found on Mars in 1976, many people believed that there was life on Mars that NASA was hiding from the public. This theory is not true. NASA conducted two investigations after discovering the Face: one on April 5, 1998 and one on April 8, 2001. After both investigations scientists concluded that the " Face on Mars" was in fact nothing but a natural landform. This conclusion made by NASA is true. It has been stated the these types of landforms that resemble buttes or mesas are common in Cydonia, the place the Face was found. Both times the images were taken a special camra crew took photgraphs for analyzation. On the second investigation the image was made three times bigger. After not finding any evidenve of alien life form or markings near or on the Face, scientists concluded that the "Face on Mars" has always been a landform.
Being able to know what your students are feeling in class may help a whole lot! Facial Action Coding is advance technology to show the scientist what people are feeling. Few scientist are wanting to put these in schools so teachers know what the students are feeling about there class if they sleepy or bored the teachers will be able to know because of the computer. First, to have this new technology in class is valuable. It's valuable because will be able to understand there student more and if they need help because with the new technology they will know that. If the students need help the computer acknowledge that the student is confused and teacher can go and help them even though they might say they dont need it the facial program will identitfy that they do. It is benefical to both teacher and student because they will be able to know if the person is down or sad depending on how their facial expression is and how they are in need of help of some sort. Second, the way this new technology works is it uses the way your face is constructed. It using your cheek bones they way you smile and the way you get your wrinkles when you do. But it takes a few scientist to figure it out like Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of FACS. He has classified the six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgusted, fear, and sadness. They all have very basic but common features but not a whole lot. For example, when youre mad your mouth shrinks and your face tightens up. Which is called your orbicularis oris around your mouth. To wrap this up i am for this. I think teachers can use the help with this new technology.
I think it a good thing if technology could read students emotional becuesa if you were haveing a Bad day then it could hlep you have a lot more of a good day then what you haedded like let say you were geting pick on at school. Then it would show u how to take care of someone how been picking on or let say that you just did not have a good day. Then it put on viens or thing that make u laught into u cry or it put on some cat that are funny. I think it is a good thing then all you will have to do is say to your computers how do i feel today it will say to you like It say in fact, we humans perform this same impressive calculation every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial is feeling simply by the look on her face.
The author suggests that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. This is because astronomers are fascinated by venus being the most Earth-like planet in the solar system. scientists also believed that long ago, Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus also has some features that are same to the Earth like valleys, mountains and craters. The author suggests tha studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most earth like planet in our solar system. The author suggests that studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus is often reffered to as the Earth's twin because it "is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density, size and occasionally in diistance". Venus also has natural features which is also in earth. It is also the nearest place to go for planetry visit. This because there won't be a long time of space travel and it would save fuel consuption. The author supports his idea by showing Earth and Venus similarity in physical and natural features. In conclusion, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because of her similarity to Earth.This similarity includes shape, size, natural features like mountains, valleys and craters. Astronomers aalso believed that Venus probably have been covered with oceans which could have supported life. Due to long time of space travel, Venus is sometimes the nearest option for planetry visit. Since Venus is closer, this would also save the consumption of fuel.
Going on a seagoing cowboy trip sounds like fun according to Luke Bomberger. There are many places you can go to have fun like the beach, a waterpark , or even the city. But what if I told you that you can have twice as fun around the world? Well, what if I told you there is a way that you can go around the world and have fun and do good for other people. Well if youre interested just keep on reading. On all of the amzing voyages that you've had there is nothing like riding the waves as seagoing cowboy. The UNRRA is an organization that is in need of people around the world to help take care of the refugees and survivors of World War II . They need our help and we can help. The trips around the world are fun yet laborous jobs. Talk to luke and hell tell you why he joined. He like many others joined the walk because he loved to help others and it was a fun ride. You could have the chance to pet, feed, and take care of animals that have been lost. It is a very fun and human like exprience! Now you see that the seagoing cowboys are a generous multitude of people that give their time to help others in need. So join the group and become a member now to help in the caring for others. These people need us and we need them. You might see this as boring but its a really bonding experience and at the end it's all worth it. And thats why we need peopole in the UNRRA now . So get going and make a difference in the lives of others!
The author supports this idea very well by doing excellent research on venus such as it's atmosphere that includes carbon dioxide blankets and clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid and also adds the temperature of the planet venus that averages over 800 degrees farenheit. It's good that author includes these details to let us know of the obstacles that we must surpass to explore venus and another major reason the author uses to support the idea of exploring venus despite the danger. Is how the terrain and landscape of venus is so simliar to our planet earth. Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes valleys, mountains and craters. The author also states that venus could be our nearest option for planetary visit. The author also includes solutions and options on how to overcome the dangerous obstacles of the planet venus such as NASA's possible solution which is a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the landscape of venus giving scientists the option to float above the fray. This would allow the vehicle to hover and avoid the deadly and unfriendly ground conditions that is the surface of venus but this vehicle would make it difficult to gain insight on ground or surface conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmospehere. This would make rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective and most importanly the author states that researchers can't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance and to understand venus and it's nature. A mission would have to be up close and personal and the author states that these risks are merely challenges and states that many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus. The author supports the idea of studying venus despites it's dangers and risks very well by including solutions and options on how to explore venus safely and another approach on how to explore venus safely from NASA is the use of simplified electronics made of slicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and amazingly have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. another project the author includes is the use of mechanical computers and these devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world II. These devices require no electrictonics at all and can almost certainly survive the the harsh conditions of venus. As the author states and suggests that systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In conclusion the author supports the idea of exploring venus very well by including the problems and obstacles and by also including the devices and projects that can used to solve these problems and obstacles such as vehicle like blimps, electronics made of silicon carbide and mechanical computers. That all are made of specific materials that are made to survive the harsh conditions of venus that include carbon dioxide blankets, clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, extremely hot temperatures, eruping volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. All in all the author supports his passion and idea of exploring venus very well. Including informative information and supporting evidence to support his ideology of exploring venus.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author included both the negatives and positives that computer-driven cars have to offer. I support the development of these self driven cars. Many are againts the development of computer-driven cars because they believe that they offer more negatives than positive but in reality it brings positive change and is safe, Google has been testing cars that drive themselve independenty since 2009 and they have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Computer-driven cars is becoming an idea thats easier to achieve as each day passes and it is a great thing, these cars will use half the fuel of todays taxis and cut down pollution, will be more reliable than regular cars, and decrease car accidents Only half the fuel of todays taxis is what a computer-driven car will be using. The amount of money one will save due to driverless cars is major. Computer-driven cars will reduce the ammount of feul used, not only benifiting ones pocket but also decreasing pollution. Global warming is a serious problem that is getting bigger and bigger each year. No computer-driven cars will not get rid of global warming but yes they will cut down on the carbon monoxide pollution that is emmited into the atmosphere by transportation, slowing down the growing problem of global warming. Computer-driven cars will be more reliable than buses and faster than regular cars. Running late to an appointment and any kind of meeting will cease to be a reaccuring thing. Computer-driven cars would be able to take anyone anywhere in a safe and fast way, GPS and the advancment of sensors will allow the selfdriven vehicle to find the fastest route to any destination and find a way around any obstacle that it faces. The computer-driven car wil have advanced technology that will give it the ability to see more than driver and find safe solutions to problems. The amount of car accidents will drasticly change, decreasing because the self driven vehicle will always be alert and attentive unlike many human drivers. Imprvements in sensors , computer hardware, and software will give the self driven vehicle more control in accidents reducing harm that could be done to drivers. Computer-driven cars will inform the owner if something is wrong with the vehicle preventing any accidents ahead of time. Computer-driven cars will take anyone incapable or not in good condition to drive safely to the destination that they desire. If one is hurt or intoxicated the computer-driven car is what they will need help from, decreasing many car accidents that occur for many reasons. The develpment of driverless cars is a great thing that is becoming easier to achieve and will fundamentally change the world. These cars will reduce money spent on fuel, having and ecomomical effect on the world. They will also reduce the amount of carbon monoxide pollution that goes into the air that people breath, being more healty for humans and the world. Computer-driven cars will be more reliable and safer than regular cars saving many lives. The developmen of driverless cars should be supported by all.
Dear Florida Senator, There is a major problem in how we elect presidents. The Electorial College has to be replaced with a direct election because of how misrepresented many voters are, and how a canidate could lose the majority vote and yet still win the election. The first problem of the Electoral College is that everyone is not represented. According to Bradford Plumer in paragraph 10, "... voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president...  Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canadate? Sometimes." and because the voters cannot directly control who they vote for, the electors could choosing a different person than who they said they would, which means that the voters are misrepresented. Another way that voters can become misrepresented is because of confusion. Since voters sometimes get confused about who the electors are voting for, they could end up voting for the wrong person. Also, the Office of the Federal Register states in paragraph 7 "Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canadate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of 'proportional representation'". Due to the "winner-take-all" system, many people are not represented in the electorial votes, especially in large, one sided-states. As a result of this, many of the minorities do not even vote becuase they know that their vote will not win the state. Another reason that the Electorial College should be replaced with a direct vote is because of how the majority does not get the canadate they chose. In paragraph 16, Richard A. Posner states that "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the firs time since 1888." and because of the fact that the electoral votes are the deciding factor in choosing a president and not the majority, most of America did not get who they wanted to see as their leader and president. Even though this hardly ever occurs, it still hasto be fixed. As a result, Bradford Plumer states in paragraph 9, that "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." which would be a true democracy, unlike the Eectoral College. The Electoral College also has an even number of people in it, which means there could be a tie. However, the Electoral College "requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal" according to Richard A. Posner in paragraph 19. This is not a good thing because when a certain state or region is struggling, a transregional president will not focus their attention on that area of weakness. In a direct democracy, the voters could vote for a president that has an area of expertise in that region or state and could give them a much needed boost, leading to less weaknesses and an all-around better country. To summarize this completely, the Electoral College has to go. It is unfair, misrepresentful, and is not even a democracy. Eventualy, it has to change. The question is, when is the government going to become on the same page with it's citizens and take the next step?
With the advancement in technology in our society the need for cars has become are very big necessity. But recently in Freiburg, Germany they do they have stopped the use of cars and many don't even own them. A woman by the name heidrun Walter said "I'm much happier this way, I used to be a lot more tense when i had a car". Currently, not having cars have helped the community be a better place, many ride bicycles places and you can hear the sound of children playing in the streets "drowning out the sound of distant motors." More recently however planners for this organization are trying to make their way towards the suburbs. The reason they are working to make a car free nation is because recently Passenger cars are the reason for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and it even goes up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the U.S! The U.S Environmental Protection Agency promotes "car reduced" communities, even legislators are starting to act. With the decrease of cars it would bring many benefits, You would have less deaths from drunk driving or driving in general, It would be safer for your children to play in the streets, pollution would go down to a low, the chances of rode rage would go to a very low, and no cars would also mean many stores would be built closer to homes so its in walking distance. Also we would most likely have more public transport so the need for cars wouldn't be needed. Another place that is working their way into being car free is BOGOTA, Colombia; Recently they had a specific day where millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work because it was a car free day. Violators faced $25 fines if they went against it. Even with rain people have still participated, people know that they are making the community a better place one car less at a time. It has also been a good opportunity to lower stress and air pollution in our environment. For the first time two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar also joined the event. Even Municipal authorities from other countries came with enthusiasm to see this event. One of them by the name Enrique Riera stated "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." This campaign had started in the mid-1990s and has since cause the construction of 118 bike paths according to the city mayor. Also parks and sports centers have become a bigger thing and have been built all throughout the city. uneven sidewalks have been replaced with fresh neat side walks, rush hours restrictions have cut traffic, and new shopping and restaurants of started to show. Recently in Paris After days of near record pollution, Paris had to ban all driving because the smog was just way too bad. It was so bad that they would fine you $31 if you got caught leaving the house with a car. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and Twenty-seven had their cars impounded for their reaction. Cold nights and warm days are the main cause of the car trap emmisions. Diesel fuel was also blamed since France has a tax policy that put diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in france, Compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of West Europe.    
Cars are a very useful means of transportation, but there are advantagess to limiting the usage of cars. The use of cars creates greenhouse gas emissions, creates smog, backs up traffic, and depletes our natural resources. Limiting the usage of cars can decrease all that, along with improving safety. There has already been places to have test a "car-free" environment, such as, Germany, Paris, and Colombia. All of which had positive results. The use of cars may not seem it, but actually causes more of an inconvinence and takes up a lot of space that can be use for other things. If there were to be no cars, stores would be placed in walking distance. This is where cars are inconvienent. Because so many people own cars, stores don't build in walking distance, but instead in malls along distant highways. People can't just walk and get whatever it is they want, but instead wait forever in traffic jams to get to a store and then wait again to get back home. We also lose a lot of space because of cars. Lands that could be used to built for parks,  bycicle paths, ect., are instead used to make garages, or parking areas for cars. One of the most worst things that is caused by the use of cars is air pollution. The emissions from tail pipes creates greenhouse gases. In fact, passenger cars are resposible for twelve percent of green house gas emissions in Europe, and up to fifty percent in some car-intensive areas in the United states. Another effect of using cars is smog. Paris had actually banned the use of cars at a point to lower the levels of smog, and diesel fule was blamed. People were fined for driving cars, and delivery companies complained of lost revenue, but the limited use of cars helped clear the smog. There are ways to limit the use of cars, not just in means of driving less, but by the number of those who are driving. People can limit the use of cars by changing the type of transportation they use. For example, instead of driving everday, a person could take a public bus to get to where they need to go, or that person could car pool with others that they  know. A person could even organize the majority of what they do to where they rarely are need of a vehicle, and simply walk. There are many advantages to lowering the use of cars. It reduces greenhouse gases, lowers the level of smog, and it conserves our natural resources.    
Do you still think that the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens? Well if you do, here is some information that I have on the case that will probably make you change your mind. My first piece of evidence is that not everything you see is really what you believed. If you look at the image of the "Face on Mars" it really does look like a face, but it turns out that the shape was formed by rocks. These rocks formed together and made it have the shape it has. Just like the montains and hills you see outside. They all have different shapes and that doesn't mean it was made by aliens. Same with clouds, there are many clouds that you see and think "Oh, It looks like an animal." That just shows that anything can have different shapes and doesn't mean it was formed by something. My second piece of evidence that shows that the Face is really just a natural landform and is even proved by scientists. Since the topic of the Face got so popular they actually flew over the area again to get another closer shot of the face. When people saw the new photo they were disappointed to see that it really was just a rock formation and a natural landform. Some people still disagreed and made the team take another picture that revealed it was just a butte or mesa, a landform common around the west. Even someone said, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Saying that there are landforms just like the Face. He also said these landforms in Idaho were about the same size of the Face. There was my information and evidence that proves that the Face really isn't a face and just is a normal landform. You can't always assume that some object is what you think it is, until you actually look closer into it. This was just telling you that it wasnt something made by aliens, but just a normal landform with an odd shape. I hope this made you change your mind on the whole topic.
I highly suggested that the Electoral college should be changed to the election by popular vote for the president of the Untied States instead. With the electoral college system voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president. The problem with this is that when the electors go to vote for the presient, who are the electors? They could be anybody, so how would we know if our president that got choose had it fairly? Well, we dont. Instead of having the electoral college system we should change it to the popular vote of the people. By doing so, we can know that the president that got choose had it fair with all the other presidents that decided to run for the position to. Instead of when voting it being called a natural disaster which is what is known for as the electoral college we can know we voted fair by voting with the election by popular vote. The people in the community should have the right in this because of the fact that , each and everyday we are going to have to live by the rules of the president, so we should have the right to vote for the president, and the outcome for whoever wins would be fair because thats who most the people think should run our country. At the basic level, the electoral college is unfair to the voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, only focusing on the tight races in the "swing" states. It is officaial the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. With that being said i hope that the decision of changing the voting system from the electoral college system to the election by popular vote, and the outcome be very potitive.  
What if i told you the computer you sit in front of everyday in school could read your emotions as you work,now I know this sounds but its true. Its called the FACS(Facial Action Coding system)and i think it would be awsome if we had this level of technology in school. Dr Huang and his colleauges originally built this so they could find out how the lady in the mona lisa was feeling and they found out that she was 83% happy 9% disgusted 6%fearful and 2% angry. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is is bored or confused during a lesson and then using the FACS the computer modifys the questions so you arent so bored or makes the difficulty easier like a human instructor. The FACS constructs a 3d computer module of the face and all 44 major muscles in the module move like a human face and one muscle moves its called an action unit then the rest of the work is done by psychologists by classifying the emotion depending on the movements of your facial muscles. I think it would be a great idea to have the FACS installed in school computer,I think it would improve working habits and motivate students to be more positive.
Have you ever thought of having a car that could drive itself? It would be a pretty cool car to have but there are some things you have to think about when you consider on buying a car. Of course the car is going to be expansive but what car isnt? There are alot more negative things you have to think about when buying a smart car. Negative aspects of a driveless are is that they are expensive, need many sensors, and they result in many accidents. A driveless car is very expansive because they have to know the roads, when to stop, how to stop, or when to go. It stated " These smart-road-systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Driveless cars work well but they are too expensive because they have to know the upgrades of roads. Imagine the cost you have to pay for the car, giving them their money back for the money they spent and work they spent putting into the car. Sensors are a very big issues too in driveless cars. Driveless cars require many sensors in order for the car to work and drive on its own. It seems cool but what will happen when one of those sensors stopped working and you didnt know? The sensors were placed every where in the car so therefore it can work properly. "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor..." There is a lot of sensors installed inside the car but something can go very wrong if one of them stop working and the car crashes and injure somebody. Who fault would it be if someone is injured because of techonlogy failure ? Driveless car are not reliable due to safety concerns. "Manucatures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe... If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" If someone is hurt because the technology of the car, you really can't say who to blame. Although the driver can take control of the car at any time so therfore the driver can be at fault because the driver wasn't paying attention to the road. The driveless car is supposed to make the driver aware of danger but it couldn't have if there was an accident so the car can be at fault to. No one really Knows who to blame because both the car and the driver took responsible of the accident and they both could have prevented the accident from happening. If the car would have alerted the driver, the driver could have took control BUT if the driver eas paying attention, he could have once again took control. There are positive and negative aspects when it comes to driveless cars but of course no one pays attention to the negative. When thinking about purchasing a driveless car you have to think about the cost and your safety concerns. Driveless cars are very expensive because of the sensors that are installed and the upgrades to road. They are dangerous becuase due to technology failure they can result into car accidents. Expence, sensors, and accidents are negative aspect of driveless ares.
In the article it talks about a facon mars that has appeared on Viking 1 while looking for a place to land. The face is a natral land form because thats like saying our land forms were made by aliens and thats why we have mountains, valleys, and plains. In the article it says "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural land form. There was no alien monument after all.". The article also states about the face on mars"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West."Another quote that proves this is a land form is "Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hieght as the Face on mars."The photo of mars is a land form because it says right there in the passage it is a lava dome and it is about the same hieght as the face on mars. In paragraph 6 it says "although few scientists belived the face was an alien artifact photographing Cydonia bacame a priority fo NASA whe Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in Sept1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended.".
The President of the United States should be chosen by popular vote because the electoral college system is unfair. the electoral college system also has many things wrong with it besides being unfair. The electoral system is unfair to voters because many voters can be confused about the elector rather than just voting for presidents directly. It is also unfair that presidential candidate themselves can be electors because not everyone chooses the side that they are supposed to chose. Also voters can't always control who the electors vote for either which also make this system very unfair. The fact that winner takes all is the system we use is very unfair to the voter because it doesn't really show true votes only overall votes. Although voting for your candidates electors seems easy you can't always trust other people to do the things they are supposed to you can only trust yourself. When you vote for the President you should be directly voting for him or her not voting for an electoral slate. Candidates should try to win the vote of everyone no matter what not heavily campaign in some states and rarely campaign in others. This concludes why we should use popular vote.
The Face of Mars was discovered by one of NASA's Viking spacecraft in 1976. It has been discused that it was created by living organims, called aliens, or that it is just a natural landform of the planet. Although both answer could be true, the reasonable one is the fact that the Face of Mars is just a landform. In 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team took a picture of what is called the Face of Mars. According to the text, "Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Later on in the text it is stated that, "When the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all". This passage shows that when the first picture was taken, the technology was not as develloped as it is now. The scientific world has taken a big step toward technology and this new science has given scientists more information toward the solar system that were unknown before. Nevertheless, after this research people were still not satiesfied with the fact that the Face of Mars is just a landform. They believed that the picture was not taken at the right place. Scientists were determied to prove them wrong. So, they engage into a new study. It is stated that on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Suveyor took another look to the planet Mars. According to the text, "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the Field of view," said Garvin. "Malin's team captured an extraorinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Each pixels in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.", this quote shows that the scientists of this research took careful attention to their research to make sure they would obtain correct facts. Later on in the texts, it is explain that what came out of the picture was just a landform like the ones we can find on Earth. For instance, the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. In conclusion, even though it might be hard for some people to believe the Face of Mars is just a landforms, all the studies scientists have done shows that it is just a landform.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author very well explains on how a future technology innovation called Facial Action Coding System will be able to indicate the emotions of a human being sitting in front of a computer screen. I say this is a pretty outrageous but innovative system but here is some evidence to back that up. First of all, the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is able to detect the 6 basic emotions of a human being such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. In the article, Author Nick D'Alto says,"the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles". Meaning, that the computer can recognize the movements of your facial muscles to be able to determine your emotions. Examples of muscle movements to indicate your emotions are like raising your eyebrows. That can indicate that you're surprised. Or how around your mouth can tighten up, that can mean you're angry. On the other hand, I feel like this system of being able to determine a human beings' emotions by facial expressions may seem a little faulty. Due to the fact that there will always be more than one person in this planet who has the ability to hack into the system of an adult or even a child and potentially put that person at a risk of danger. Referring back to Paragraph 6, I feel like if this Facial Action Coding System was to come into play of our daily activities through technology, it should stay in an educational public environment such as a library or a school. Even then, I still feel like we need to receive some sort of permission to access this type of computer software due to the fact it seems like some high quality program. Back to my claim, I feel like this software program would actually be pretty unique not only to test it out but to really know that the system itself does function properly. You can only imagine how chidren are going to react seeing that type of technology around them. Even without using the system, humans perform the same type of "impressive calculations" everyday. For instance, if you're really close with a person it's like you can immediately tell how that person is feeling by looking at their facial expression. For example, if you walk into a room and see your friend with their head down and eyebrows lowered, you can kind of get a hint that your friend isn't feeling too well. In the article, it speaks about how about if you look in the mirror and make a particular facial expression referring to a basic human emotion, you can potentially start to feel that emotion. Like if you were to just stand in front of the mirror smiling, you would start to feeling happy or boost your mood a little bit. Overall, I feel like the Facial Action Coding System is a pretty unique program in helping humans interact more with computers. Although I also feel like there are some major concerns about the software, it can help us understand more and more of the technology that us humans have around us.
The Electoral College is a cruel, pointless process that simply makes a percentage of votes, or all of them if you look at it that way, to mean nothing, and allows for circumstances like the 2000 election. There are plenty of reasons, and plenty of contradictions in "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to kep our despised mehod of choosing the President." To begin, the winner-take-all system is very unfair to the voters. Voters in certain, dominated areas are supposed to know what they are voting for, yet get nothing to teach them? Not that it matters regardless, since every person within a state supports a political party, right, and, depending on your state's veiw, all Republicans/Democrats have no idea what they are voting for, correct? Like Bradford Plumer says, you shouldn't have to move to Ohio to be able to get a vote. There is also the point countered Mr. Posner's article, which is that those in party-dominated states will have a feeling their vote doesn't count, and he sais that one vote will not swing an election. Then why do you beleive an upside of the elecoral college is that those in more neutral states will feel their vote counts? Or do those in party-dominated states not matter, since those in neutrals think way more about their votes, and are the only ones you should trust, according to him? In practice, they are the only deciding factor . There are also the many unwanted results from electoral colleges, such as the 2000 election's outcome defying the people. "What Is the Electoral College?" states you are voting for electors when you vote, but what is the point if they can simply defy you? It would be like if after the president was chosen, the Senate could overule him with a 1/5 vote. There is also the point in Plumer's article about the time Hawaii sent two slates, which forced the desicion to Nixon, who had to validate only the opponet's votes in fear of otherwise receiving bad publicity. There is also the strange way of resolving a tie, which boils down to the same thing as the winner-take-all system, except if more people support  it doesn't matter. It would be like if everybody in the  room wasn't alowed to vote, other than one voted, but everybody in the room agreed anyway for some strange, miraculous reason. (Of course, the one guy in the  next room doesn't agree, and completely takes out your vote, regardless of the fact that there were 30 people in this one.) Now, there is the gregarious amount of contradictory statements that can be found within Mr. Posner's article. One has already been mentioned in the winner-take-all system paragraph. He also conveintly provides a dispute that had nothing to do with a close vote in the Electoral College, and everything to do with what is wrong with this winner-take-all system, being the 2000 election. In the same paragraph, me mentions how an Electoral tie is highly unlikely- as if a tie between the millions of US citizens is. His reason #5 can be easily solved by simply giving the presidency to the candidate who receives a plurality of votes, rather than a majority. Reasons number 3 and 4 both contradict reason 2 as well, stating that everybody gets a vote, only swing states should get a vote, and only bigger states should get a vote (even when there is a 51/49 split, where 51%=100%, mind you). Thus, the Electoral College is completely unfair to voters, and should be abolished. Voters should not have to vote for other votes which could very well defy their's, why not just have the Electoral Cllege do all the voting then? It is both redundant and unfair.
Would you like if your emotions are being detected withouht your consetiment? Technology is every day beging more capable of new things, in terms of artificial intelligenece. The new software has been developled so that it can read or decode the emotions of others. Dr. Eckman has classified six bassic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-, he assocciated each emotion with movements on the facial muscles. It is important to know how the muscles in our body , in our face works , and what an amazing way to know through technology. But at the point to that technology knows what are your emotions to then use them on "what you need" is not correct. I am not saying that when we want to search about emotions through technology there should not be anything on it. But what if we are trying to hide emotions for our or others good and technology just cames and reads or decodes your emotions how would you feel? It is also important to know the basic of emotions, because that how you express yourself.
Limiting care usage may be quite a inconvenience, but it can be a really great advantage in the long run. Plus there are better alternatives to automobiles that work just as well such as trains, buses, taxis, and even bicycles. Not only are they better for the environment, but they can be used to live a happier lifestyle. Overall it leads up to happy citizens, and cleaner air. In fact cleaner air is so desired and necessary that some countries, including the U.S., are now turning it into law. Over in Vauban, Germany, most residents do not own cars, and alternatively ride their bicycles wherever they may need to go. The way that they made this possible was making sure that there were only two places to park - large garages at the end of the development. Even more efficiently added to this inconvenience to car users, a car space would cost forty-thousand dollars along with a home, and as a result, only 30% of Vauban's residents own cars, and 57% of people sold their car to move to Vauban. Some places are even going as far as having a car-free day, such as in Bogota, Columbia. On this day it is not permitted by law to drive a personal automobile vehicle. Which brings me to the subject that many countries are now putting the practice of fining people for driving into law, rather than a one day event. Over in Paris, with a near-record pollutuion rate, people are fined for using cars by license plates, meaning on Monday a motorist with an even-numbered license plate would be fined 22 euro, whereas on the following day this would apply to odd-numbered license plates. There were exceptions to this however for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. This impacted delivery companies, and caused them to complain due to the fact that this caused them to lose revenue, but according to the article (in my understanding), nothing was done about it.          
My name is Luke Bomberger and I am going to tell you some cool things you get to do and see if you become a Seagoing Cowboy. First you will get to see animals that live in the sea such as dolphins, whales, and maybe a shark. One things that really gets me excited about being a Seagoing Cowboy is when I get to hang out on a boat with animals like horses and cows. I think that you should join because you could see the Statue of Liberty, and you might get to meet some really interesting people. When you have droped off the animals you might get to stay a little while and explore the town or city. If you join the program you would be helping others when they need it. You could marvel at the Panama Canal on your way somewhere just like I did. On your way back you could play games and have tournaments in games such as softball, baseball, and table tennis where the animals were stored. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you could be more aware of others and their needs. It made me grateful that I gave becoming a Seagoing Cowboy a chance and it changed my life.
Have you ever looked at someone and thought, I wish I knew how they feel? Well now with the help of a new technology called Facial Action Coding System you can do just that. An article called "Making Mona Lisa Smile" goes in depth about how the system works and what it does for society. Basically, this system shows you exactly what a face is feeling emotionally. I think this is a great idea and a step into the technology of the future. One reason why this system is great is it can show you exactly what emotions someone has. The system constructs a 3-D model of the face on the computer. It then compares the face to a face that is showing no emotion. The system then looks at your 44 muscles in your face to see how you are feeling. The system can even detect mixed emotions. Dr. Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois is the creator of this system and he says this about the system, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face." Dr. Huang is explaining that this system can even detect if you are feeling multiple emotions by weighing different units. Another thing the Facial Action Coding System can do is recognize faces from paintings. The most recent piece of art they have studied for emotions was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. After the process, they discovered that the Mona Lisa is 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry. Gettng these results can now tell us what painters from a long time ago were thinking about in there art when they painted it. This can be very useful in figuring out more ideas from artists in the rennisance age. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is a great tool that can help out the future of emotions greatly. It can detect all emotions and even detect if someon had mixed emotions. It can also detect emotions in paintings like the Mona Lisa. I think this is a good idea and that it should be spread to the entire world.
Dear Senator The Electoral College process was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between the election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral college consists of the selection of electors. The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 votes is required to elect the President. I am arguing for the change of the electoral college in the favor of changing it to the election of popular vote. I believe that if the people were given the chance to vote for president the outcome would differ. As it stands the president is elected by the electoral college. If the people were tasked with voting for the president then they would choose who they want. Not who the electors want. The electors vote for whoever would look good for office. That means that the president wont always do whats right for America. The people desevre to choose the president. In a way it would be giving the people more freedom. If the electoral college stayed the way it is then americans would feel the freedom they were born with. The electoral college wouldnt be needed if the government allowed qualified citizens to vote. It would save quite a bit of money and time. We wouldnt be wasting paper for ballots. The resources used to set up voting booths could be targeted at something else instead of wasting paper that will be thrown away. The votes from american citizens are not taken into consideration. We are wasting many resources making people think they are voting when its really all up to the electoral college to who the president will be. I strongly agree with the fact that the electoral college should be taken out of power. If the electoral college stays in the power of deciding who the president will be then they can control the power. They decide who to put in office and if they want someone who will pass health care laws then theyll pick the presidential candidate that will most likely pass health care laws. In the future I hope that the electoral college will not exist. If the electoral college no longer exists then the people will be free to vote for whoever. This will make american citizens feel more free if they have the power to decide who the next president will be. Sincerely PROPER_NAME
I have been serving as a "Seagoing Cowboy" for a great amount of time and I think you should think of being one was well. There are many reasons to be one, you get to help countries recover animals and supplies, you get to see different countries and their most interesting places, and you get to have fun on the trips too. One of my first reasons is that you get to help countries recover animals and supplies and help their people. It was an extremely great honor to help the countries that were affected by World War II. It also opened up the world to me, it made me more aware of other countries and their needs. If you join then you would feel like a better person because you would know that you helped multiple countries recover from a giant war that affected many people. Including helping countries, you get to sightsee and explore them as well. From what I saw, every country has many beautiful and wonderful places to explore and see. I've seen many places in different countries such as, a castle in Crete, the Panama Canal on my way to China, and I've even taken a gondola ride in Venice, Itay. I got to see these many places just by signing up in this program. That is another reason why you should participate in being a Seagoing Cowboy. Finally, on the return trips after the animals have been unloaded, there are games that we play in the empty holds where the animals have been housed. So if you think that this job would be tireing and no fun you're wrong. We played many fun and competitive games on board such as baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. Even with an exhausting job you still have a great opportunity to have fun while still helping many countires. In conclusion, I, Luke Bomberger, extremely recommend being a Seagoing Cowboy. Not only do you get to do great things to help, you get to have fun and see the world. Those are a few of the many reasons why you should join this program. Being a Seagoing Cowboy changed my life greatly and it opened up the world to me, I have no regrets signing up for it, I'm sure you won't regret it too.
Hey have u ever wonder what it wood be like in other countryes well u could find out if you were on a cattle boat as what some people would call a sea cowboy and if you've read the articale a cowboy who rode the waves u would know that luke bomberger was a sea cowboy and from just reading things he seaid like going acropolis greece was special and so was thaking a gondla ride in venice, italy that just made it sound fun to be a sea cowboy but we might never get to know what thats like since we haven't had a war that left a place in ruines sicnes i think ww2 so now we may never get to know what it was like to do what luke bomberger did in the years after ww2 but we can only imagen how cool that would be to do what he did but it's 2016 now and we have new things were worrying about and most people have probaly forgot what this is or most just don't know or care but i think its cool that he did that and i want to do it to some day.
Have you ever thought about what life would be like on Venus? Venus, also known as the "Evening Star", is said to be a challenge when it comes to exploring. The author develops a main point that Venus is a fasinating planet by using facts on past explorations to Venus, by using what scientist have found, and by telling readers that our travels should not be stopped. First of all, Venus, also known to be Earths "twin", is a mystery. The author tells the readers about what past explorations have been like and why no one is living or has traveled to Venus in almost three decades. ""Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours.". The author also tells of why no space craft has been able to survive the landing on Venus. "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.". However that does not stop scientist from trying to create more explorations to gain more research. In addition to the surface being inhospitable, that does not stop scientist from planning more explorations to gain more research. The author asks us, "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even disscusing further visits to its surface?". Well we are told that, "Today Venus still has some features that are analogous tgo thoses on Earth.". Which tells us that even scientist are still figuring out how Earth became Earth, and if Venus was just like Earth. Which leads to more research and more information. Finally, we are told about how a-like Earth and Venus are through the research of the scientists. Which scientist believe we should not stop our travels just because of dangers. In paragraph 8 the author states, " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.". This shows that the author does not believe that the danger should hold us back and stop us from exploring. In the same paragraph it also states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Over all, the author develops a main point that Venus is a fasinating planet by using facts on past explorations to Venus, by using what scientist have found, and by telling readers that our travels should not be stopped. By showing the readers that there is more than what meets the eye when talking about Venus. Also that one should never let danger stop them from exploring.
Use of technology has been changed over the past decade. Technology has been grown a lot. People use technology in regular basis. The article, Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto introduces a new idea of technology to read peoples emotions. This idea is very helpful and can use in any places like hospitals, schools, etc. Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable due to it's ability to recognize need of help, to get desirable results, and to save time. First reason why using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, is due to it's ability to recognize need of help. According to the article, "A classroom computer could recognize when a students is becoming confused or bored." The author meant to say that the emotion reader has the ability to recognize a emotion. Using this emotion reader in classroom computer, it is easier to identify whether a students need help or not. Due it's ability to recognize need of help, classrooms should have the technology to read the emotional expressions of students. Second reason why using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, is due to it's ability to get desirable results. According to the article, "If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." The author meant to say that this emotion reader has the ability to find what an individual like or not by just looking at that individual's face. Due it's ability to get desirable results, classrooms should have the technology to read the emotional expressions of students. Final reason why using technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable, is due to it's ability to save time. "It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The author meant to say that the, this emotion reader have the ability do the job of a teacher. While the teacher is busy, the computer can help the student identify what they need help with. This save a lot of time of both the students and the teachers. Due to it's ability to save time, classrooms should have the technology to read the emotional expressions of students. Due to the ability of recognizing need of help, getting desirable results, and saving time, technology should be used in classrooms to read the emotional expressions of students. Now technology has the ability to recognize whether an individual need help or not. It can give the results that an individual like by identifying their emotion. It can save a lot of time for both students and teachers by doing the work of a teacher and helping the student. Technology has been greatly influenced people over the past decade.
The use of this technology to read students emotional expressions, is pointless. I say this because a persons emotions could switch very quickly. Also, this technology has been tested on paintings, paintings dont have emotions. This means that the technology is wrong. If a website or app is detecting emotions from picture what makes you think it could detect emotions from a real peson. This "new" technology doesn't make any scense. Why would someone possibly let a machine tell them how there feeling. Theres no way possible that a painting has emotions, it may look sad or happy but it has no true emotions. There are many different apps that do different things. Theres even a app that detects lies. These apps are fake. No cellphone app could really tell you if your lying or not. This technology should be tested out on many humans. Just to be sure. Different people have different opinions, but only scientist will actually know the truth. Even scientist can be proven wrong so its more of a the world may never know type of situation. Until actual proof of this technology is being shown i personally will not believe it.
With the discussion of the legalization of driverless cars, there are many reasons as to why they should be legalized and many reasons as to why the should remain illegal. While both sides do have positive and negative aspects, I think that keeping these driverless cars illegal is the best plan of action for America. Even though the driverless car would be managing itself, humans still have to stay alert while in the car incase the car is approaching a work zone or an accident. Why would people need a driverless car if they would still have to stay alert and aware of what it going on around them? Since the person in the driver's seat of a car wouldn't be driving the car manually, it would be hard for them to stay alert and awake. When someone else is driving it is easy for passengers to fall asleep in the back seat or in the passenger seat. This is the same for a driverless car. Even if a person is sitting in the driver's seat, if they are not driving it would be easy for them to doze off, get distracted, and fall asleep. Since a computer is driving the car, the car could be very dangerous and could cause accidents. Many people who have a computer know that sometimes it gets glitches, goes blank, gets disconnected from wifi, and many other things that could go wrong with a computer. This exact same thing could happen to a computer-driven car. Computers are not always perfect. They have glitches and they mess up sometimes. If the computer were to mess up while the car is in use, this mess up could be the result of a life-threatening accident. Although it would be convenient to have a car drive people around and not have to worry about anything, these driverless cars are something people are not familiar with and could be dangerous. Since many people are not familiar with sensor or other technology that comes with the driverless cars, it could take some time to get used to. Before getting a computer-driven car, a person would have to practice driving the car first. In order to get familiar with the technology, and special aspects of a driverless car, many people would have to practice or take classes to learn about how to properly use the car. This could be inconvenient for people wanting to get their hands on a computer-driven car as soon as possible. Altogether, I think that driverless cars are not a great idea. The consequences that come with these cars far outweigh the positive opportunities that the car could bring. I think that the driverless cars could be dangerous to other drivers on the road as well as the people in the car. The driverless car seems unnecessary since we already have alert drivers. Driverless cars may be a smart invention, but I don't think they should be allowed onto the streets until further research is done on them and until drivers are comfortable using the new system.
The text "Driveless Cars Are Coming" provides views on cars who self navigate an would cut the use of fuel in half!!! Many foressers like Sergey brin Google cofounder provide ideals such as Public transportaion that'll opperate very flexible an fudamentally change the world. Yet the world hasn't witnessed a car that automatically drives its self , But Many can't deal with the complicated factors of handing traffic or make drivers pull in an out of driveways. Cost is a key factor in making smarter vehicles find a effecient way of combining affordable an reliable roads for the vehicles. Autnomous cars are increasing in probabilty that'll one day by the years 2020 top name manufactuers sucah as Mercedes-Bens,Audi and Nissian. Roads in my opinion are the biggest concern how can you drive a "Smart Vehicle" if the roads contain damage or self awareness that the driver has to have if the vehicle can't process the information. Many laws an driving manners will have to change also covering for liability on consumers. The world would have to competely transition to autonomous car in order to handle the change from human observing behind the wheel instead of Machine. Slowly but surely this innovative move will become something better for the world cutting in fuel cost an vehicle crashes. Many of the differnt parts of the world will benefit from this innovation an help transportation be easy for others an less stresstful. "Driveless Cars Are Coming" has been in a very informational passage regarding the many factors of drivers safety,diffuculty an drivers!!! Many technology will be implied into the vehicles that'll help them function great. But also roads could be blocked or accidents can happen where the driver is forced to drive an that kinda loses the ideal of a car driving itself. Cars will always be changing in the future an become more an more innovative an more eccnomy friendly to the world.
Well, I suppose it coud have been made by aliens, but as we continued to research it. It became known to us that something was casting a shadow as we said in our article about the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" said in paragraph 3. NASA releasing it in the hopes while it was coming to public. To sale in stores and area in business ,and it did. Hoping it to be real so we can lead people into the existence of it being real. But noticing ourself that it wasn't true that it wasn't real. Sadly for us as believers of life on other planets and creation of art from other living things. In April 5, 1998 when we snapped some pictures ten times as better than the Viking did we notice that it was just a landform a big rock formation. The location of the Face of Mars is 41 degrees north martian latitude where it is winter in April on Mars very cloudy during this time so lots of winds,and dust blow past and covers the rock formation. The picture actually just shows us that is just like a regular formation on Earth as said in paragraph 12 ,and also looking identical to landforms in the American West area.
Technology that reads students' emotional expressions should absolutely be used. This technology would make it possible for a computer to know how a student is feeling during an assignment, which could help with advances in later work. Confusion, boredom, anger, whatever a student is feeling during an assignment a computer can pick that up. In paragragh six,Dr. Haug states,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could change lots of things. If a computer notices a student getting bored from an assignment, perhaps they can make the next assignment more interesting. When a student is bored during an assignment, they tend to not be completely focus or to not do the work. With this technology computers could prevent students from getting bored during assignments, which could result in more students doing their work. This technology could also help students when they are confused or don't understand something in the lesson, by modifying the lesson, which could be needed for many students. In the article aslo states, "If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown,the next ad will be different." This could change alot for students that have any type of social media. Social media could become much more popular using this type of technology. Students will see things they like, thus pleasing them. Then, they will begin to like social media even more and maybe even encourage others to join. This new technology could change alot for students and even students with life on social media. Students would do much better in school if this technology were to be used in schools. Assignments turned in on time would become more effecient, students would pay attention to their work instead of dozing off, and students would not be as confused and have more help with their assignments. While students will also grow to love social media much more, resulting in more money for the distributers of social media. This technology could be a win for students and social media.
Dear, Senator I think the president should be elected by popular vote not electors. Heres some reasons why i think the president should be voted by popular vote and not electors. One reason is when you vote for your president your acually voting for the presidents elector. So basically your not voting fot a president your votng for a elector that votes for you. After the election the government prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" a certificate of ascertainment is a listing of all the candidates who ran for president along with the names of there electors. The certificate of ascertainment also declares the winning president and which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the elector in december of election year. Another reason is more people would rather abolish electoral college. Electoral college is dumb because there was a gallup poll in 2000 taken shortly afte Al Gore. In the poll Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency because of the electoral college. (In the 2000 U.S. presidential race, Al Gore received more indiviual votes than George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election, Bush received 271 electoral votes and Gore received 266.) Under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president but for slate electors. Who can be electors? It can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state, sometimes state conventions, sometimes state partys central committee, and sometimes the presidential candidates. Last but not least the disaster factor. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. In 1960 segregationnists in the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their partys candidate and cast a deciding vote for whoever they please. What happens if a state sends two slates of electors to congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the senate, validated only his opponents electors. The most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote in that case the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president and The Senate would choose the vice-president. Each state only casts one vote that means the single representatives from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters would have as much say as California who represents 35 million voters. An electoral tie seems unlikely think of this: In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976 a tie would have occured if 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted diffrently. The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe. What im trying to say is the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. During 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all including Rhode island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaigh ad. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrartional. The best arguements in favor of it are mostly assertions. Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college.
Dear senator please keep the electoral college. There a few reasons why we should keep it heres a few. The electoral college is a easy way of picking the president the most popular canidate with most votes is the winner. Also each party picks a nominee and trust is very rarely betrayed. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast. The electoral college system is a fairly simple way of voting that most people understand replacing it with something else would just instill alot of mis understanding in people ,wich could possibly result in a huge decrease in the amount of people that vote. Also the negatives of the electoral college are not really a big deal that coud cause a fixing or a inbalenced vote towards one side over another. In conclusion I think sticking with the electoral college is a wise decison because there isnt anything wrong with it ,why fix something that isnt broken?
Using the technology called the Facial Action Coding System is not useful to students if a student wants anyone else know how he/she is feeling the student will allow it, there's no reason why a student should have them forced out of them. If a student is in the subject of photography or painting anything artistic FACS would be very useful indeed, but if a student has no interest in any part of it they will not take it serious. Now someone who is starting a business or wants to pursue a sream and be a great artist such as Leanardo da Vinci they will find FACS helpful, "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad, For example if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen a smiliar ad might follow." It will allow them to see how a client feels about the artists work or how they're feeling that day maybe it's not a good day to take photos or such. The work that goes into FACS is great the ways they compare a persons facial muscles to a photo with no emotion to simply see the difference that much easier. Taking anatomy would be such a good help if intrested and to make it way easier to figure out a persons facial changes that much eaiser. "Studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey a specific emotions." FACS a good project that was developed but it has no big use for students, their feelings shouldn't be forced if you're doing something for the student they should go ahead and be open about it "MOst human communication is nonverbal, including emotinal communication." allow someone to see how they truly feel. An artist could get their feelings hurt by working with a client and then seeing how they truly feel about their work or about doing the project. You can't really just get emotions from someone with a quick snapshot you really have to put work in taking the photo so you get their true emotions. FACS is a great project for someone in the industry of art not everyone wants to know how a person feels based on a photo, I would say, I am against the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions. "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto
Imagine being able to know the exact emotions people are expressing through the use of technology. All over the world teachers wonder what is going through the minds of their students, and are often unsure. However, technology from the Beckham Institute for Advanced Science at the Univerity of Illinois, is being designed that can detect and determine facial expressions, giving teachers and students an advantge in the classroom.The use of Facial Action Coding System is valuable because it helps students stay engaged, and understand the material, while also helping teachers to run the classroom more effectivly. The use of the FACS in classroom helps students who are confused about their course work. The system can help with this, "A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts.The system can then change the method being applied, to one the student will understand. The system will remember which method helped the student more and use the same method in the future. This helps the student to learn in the way that make the most sense to them. Another advantage of FACS is it helps student to continue to be engaged. FACS can detect when a student is bored and modify the acitvity so the student is once again engaged. FACS can detect certain emotions and bored is one of the emotions. Certain facials muscles move when a sutdent is bored with the activtity assigned, the system recongizes these movements and, according to Dr. Huang, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This helps the student to continue with the coursework, and stay engaged. A value aspect of FACS, it is can help teacher run classrooms more effectivly. Many classrooms are overcroweded, but teachers feel the pressure of giving each student personal attention. However many can not due to disengaged student who distrupt class. With the FACS system helping to resolve this number of students, teachers will once again be able to help student individually, enabling them to be more effective, and put their efforts where it is most valuable. Using the Facial Actions Coding System is beneficial in many areas, but is especially valuable in a classroom setting. FACS can detect six basic emotions, and modify assignment to keep student engaged, and help with confusion. With this technology from the Beckham Institute for Advanced Science at the Univerity of Illinois, teacher will have a better idea of what students are thinking and more able to help them more effectivly, giving individual attention to students who need it, as well as lower the number of class interuptions from disengaged students.
The face that was found of Mars by NASA can be proven that its just a natural landorm. The face does resemble human feature but they are just illusions given by the shadow around it giving it eyes,nose, and mouth. The face is a martian mesa that is common enough to be found around Cydonia, where the face land formation was found. In April 5,1998 when they took a picture of the face it was 10 times sharper than the originals Viking photos it showed that there was no alien monument after all, so it was clear that it is a natural landrom rather than alien made landform. The face is just like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, the face and the Middle Butte are both natural landfroms and not alien made. Pictures of the face were taken clearer because people still thought that it was from by aliens, but the technology they use were better than the first technology they use, the picture they took still showed no marks of alien made land formtion. NASA use technology like Mars Orbiter Carmera and Viking's Camera. However the public still doesn't believe that the land formation of the face is a natural landform,to say that NASA wouldn't lie about the face being a natural landforms because they actually benefit from finding a face that was made by aliens. Nevertheless when NASA took a picture in April 8,2001 they had used a camera that have an image spans of 1.56 meters per pixel, if there were any objects on the ground even small shacks could seen and know what they were. But what they found in the picture was that the martin equivalent of a butte or mesa of landform that are common around American West. By this comparsion it showed that the face is more likely to be a natural landform rather than a landform made by alien. To finalize it, the face that was found on Mars is just a natural land formations and not an alien land formation, because with the high tech camera NASA used it would be able to showed any kind of details that alien could possiblely made mark on the landform would be shown in the picture but none of the evidence were found; which shows that the face is more likey to be a natural landform.
In the article the author gave many pros and cons to reasons driverless cars coming. I do think that driverless cars are coming for many reasons. I think driverless cars are coming because like the author said technology is advancing and google cofounder Sergey Brin sadi he believes the cars would use half the fuel and would fundamentally change the world. These cars should be made because they would help all types of people and make the roads safer. They could help older people who cant see as well as others or drive as well as others and they can help out high schoolers who are not yet licensed but want the freedom of being able to go places. I also think that this will happpen and should happen becuase in paragraph 10 the author says "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." That just says that car companies are doing all that they can to come out with the cars that can drive themselves and making every advancement that they need to to get the cars made and on the road. Lastly i think the driverless cars will cause alot less crashes and alot less injuries and deaths because if cars can drive themselvse then there is a lot less chance that the car will crash into other cars and cause lots of injuries and deaths. In conclusion driverless cars would be a great advancement for the world and for the economy and would cause less car crashes and injuries. Therefore i do think driverless cars will come and be very succesful soon.
Their was a boy named luke and he had just finished high schol graduation and he did not no his life was going to change. Luke had two part-time jobs at a grocery store and a bank. His friend DON invited him to go to europe and on a cattle boat. So luke did not want to say no because that was his best friend and he wanted to do it. Luke helped people get across the ocean because it was world war II and luke wanted to help people so they would not die in the world war II. He even seen real cow boys the cow boys just watched over the horses and luke did not no his life was going to change after he would finish high school he met new friends and thats how he lived his life luke even liked going to China and Europe they even had some free time they would play baseball,volly ball. And,table tennies they would have a tournament they would have fun all day long luke loved doing more than just adventures he loved helping people he was a good man doing suff for people he even should of went to collage but he had a good time. THE END
The use of this technology to reaf the emotioanl expressions of students in a classroom is valuble. BecauseEckman has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger,disgust, fear, and sadness and then assocaited wach with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements. In a real face or in printed face. Using a software can read someones emotional expression of a student in a classroom. You could also look at someone and maybe guess how they are feeling. You dont always need a software to figure out how someone is feeling. And you can tell how someone is feeling by the feedback that they give you. At least according to some new computer software you can recognize emotions. The software is the least innovation. The process begins when the computer constucts a 3-D computer model of the face all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. In fact, we humans perfoorm this same impressive ''calculation'' everyday. It could be hard to figure out someones facil expression but using thast software could help you figure out what they are feeling. The Mona Lisa demonstration is realy intended to bring a smile to your face. A classroom computer could recogize when a student is becoming confused or bored. There are a lot of examples in the text like there is one that talks about your frontalis pars lateralis nuscle which is above your eyes. This is technology is valuable it gives lots of good way you could read or figure out someones expression or feeling. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage, Empathymay happen because we unconsciously imitate another persons facial expressions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. You could argue that the use of the technoloy is valuable cause maybe they used that to make Mona Lisa Smile thats the name the article. So they could've used that as a advantage.
Mr. Senator, the United States should keep the Electoral College process. This process makes sure that there will be a winner. It also makes sure that a candidate doesn't have a regional appeal. The Electoral College process is certain that there will be a winner. There are 538 electors. A tie is possible just because 538 is an even number; most likely it will never happen. The big states get more electoral votes than the small states therefore if a presidential candidate gets the attention of most big states he has a higher chance of being elected. This process avoids run-off elections. There will be a certain winner. The candidates have no regional appeal using this process. If a candidate has a regional appeal they are not likely to win. No region (South, North, etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president. For example Romney was in the South and the South has no incentive to campaign, so he gets no electoral votes. Despite the Electoral College having some problems, if we get a new process it will possibly have more problems and will be more difficult to control.    
The author suggests that sudying Venus is a worthy pursuit, which means that theres many challenging things on the planats surface that we don't know but have to learn. In paragragh 3 it says "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere" meaning that Venus isnt the only thing that is challenging also meaning that, clouds highly corrosive are more challenging to learn or even study about. Venus is the secound planet from our sun, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely its often referred to as Earth's twin. In paragragh 4 it says " venus was probably covered largely with oceans", so maybe we didnt even realize we had it because it was covered by oceans or maybe it just didnt wan to be seen. The author says in paragragh 8 that " Venus has vaule , not only becasue of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also becasue human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors".
I do not agree that the face on Mars was made by aliens for a couple of reasons. The reason one because nobody has found life on Mars Only samples that they can never find to be true. Another reason for my disagreement is because even if there were some aliens that made that face the government wouldn't leak that information to the public because that is something they would call classified just to keep everybody from going insane. I also disagree because in paragragh seven when they flew over Cydonia for the first time on April 5,1998 they said that there was no alien monument after all. From my understanding what the last paragrah is saying is it is just a landform not created by aliens just made by land such as dirt,dust,mud or whatever is on that planet. Also in the three pictures that look like they are changing every year they took the pictures so maybe Mars has storms which causes the dirt or dust to shift or move around I mean u wouldn't say the aliens know what time the scientist take the pictures so the change the look of the face that would be outragoues. The last reason for me thinking that the face is a landform and it was not created by aliens is because it clearly states in the reading that they found out it was just a "messa brutte" which is a landform so that gives the answer right there. This is why I degree with whoever says that aliens formed the face on Mars.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus, is a very detailed, reliable article. It seems as though the author thinks it would be a good idea to find a way to have an exploration take place on our neighboring planet, Venus. In the authors final paragraph they state that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." wich strongly indicates that the author thinks it would be good to invest in such an exploration. For the most part the author supports his idea well but there are some parts of this article that could possibly make some readers confused. In most of the paragraphs of this exerpt the author is stating the danger that is involved in making an exploration to Venus. As much as the author states towards the beggining and end of the article how they beleive it would be a worthy pursuit, for most of the body paragraphs they dont seem too optimistic about the exploration. For example in paragraph 2 the author says that Venus is,"a challenging planet for humans to study ". Another example from paragraph 4,"The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?". These types of remarks seem slightly reoccuring in this exerpt. They also show that the author seems like they have alot of doubt in NASA's capability to continue with such a major journey. The writer of this article was very knowledgable about the terms and conditions of mars,and what it would take to be able to do research on the planet itself. The majority of this exerpt consists of diffrences and similarities that venus and our home planet, Earth, have. For example in paragraph 2 the author exclaims that the two planets are referred to as "twins". An example of how they were contrasted, in paragraph 3,"On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." As you can see, the detailed facts in this exerpt are clearly reliable. As much as it may be controversial, because the author did show alot of negative effects to exploring Venus, they did bring up some reasons how it could be a good idea to make an exploration like this, considering how alot Venus and Earth are. For example in paragraph 4, the author states,"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.""Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." These examples show that the author is guving strong reason why it would be possible to make a expidition to Venus. The article, The Challenge of Exploring Venus, is very detailed, factual, and strong. Although it may not 100% express that the author is trying to say it would be a worthy pursuit to make an expedition to Venus, this article still would give people alot of information on Venus and reasons why we should or should not go there. This exerpt does express that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, for the most part. It may show more of the dangers and not as much why it would be worthy, but at some parts it does show that it would be a good idea. Some readers might be confused about weather the author thinks its worthy or not, but either way it is still very factual and a strong article to get a lot of information from.
Scientist say that a long time ago, Venus could have been the closest planet to how Earth is now. Even though it has become exstreamly dangerous and unhabitable on land. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author in this article supports this idea very well by including details about how venus is dangerous. The author begins by talking about Venus' history as a planet. He referrs to it as Earth's "twin" becasue of the planet's simmularities. The author says, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This sentence helps develope the authors point of how Earth and Venus are twins. Before this though, the author described how dangerous Venus has become and how it has almost become impossible for scientists to send a robot to the planet. Although, the author does say that it wouldn't be impossible to live there. The author also says that if a vehicle hovered about thirty or so miles above the suface, temperatures would be hot, but the pressure would be the accuivalent to sea level on Earth. After this, the author includes that solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth's levels. After this, the author moves on to show what scientists are doing to study the planet so that maybe one day we can live there, or atleast visit for a longer period of time. Scientists are studying older technologies that do not use electricity, but can calculate number and withstand harsh conditions. One example the author uses of this is the mechanical computer. After this, the author goes into detail about how it was used in world war two and how with the right metal, it could possibly withstand Venus' conditions. To finish off the paragraph, the author talks about how modern computer that use electricity are often more delicate, to show why the scientists are using this older technology. The author then wraps the imformation that has been said all together by saying, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by danger and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." In conclusion, the author in this article supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well by including details about how venus is dangerous, how we could live their, and what scientists are doing to study the planet. The supporting details of how Venus used to be, to how it's changed from paragraghs two to four, helps paint a clear picture for any reader. Details like the imformation in paragraph five, that give us insight on how we could one day live on Venus, allow the reader to truly understand the authors point of view. Also the contrast of technologies in paragraph seven helps the reader understand a strong point of why we should continue to pursuit Venus. I don't know about you, but I sure hope one day I can visit Venus!
I think you guys should be in the Seagoing Cowboys. One reason of the reason why you should join is that if you like to travel than you should join another reason why you should join is that if like helping people you should join and the last reason why you should join is if you like animals and you want to take care of them than you should join the Seagoing Cow. If you want to join there is some bad news. One of the reasons why is that it takes two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to the eastern coast of the United States and it took a month to get to China and another reason why its hard to be a Seagoing Cowboy is that if your 18 you have to join the military service. This is good news about being a Seagoing Cowboy one of the reason why it is good is that you can see diffrent things i saw an excavated castle in Crete and on my way to China i saw a Panama Canal. I hope you take all of this information and think about being joining the Seagoing Cowboys.
Have you ever dreamed of driverless cars in the future as a child? Well if you have, that dream seems to be coming true. Companies have said that driverless cars are completely safe, but would you be able to trust that? The thought of driverless car may seem absolutely wonderful, but the dangers that come with it may not. Driverless cars shouldn't be allowed on the roads because they are not completely driverless, driving laws may change, and we need smarter roads. According to the article, it says that "In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant". The car can handle driving functions at sppeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel and the driver must remain alert". If the driver still needs to hold on to the wheel, then why are they called driverless cars? This can be very dangerous because the driver may not be fully alert to take over. Something may go wrong to where the driverless car doesn't alert the driver to take over in time which could lead to a serious accident. According to the article, it says the "Driving laws mainly written on having a human driver controlling the car at all times." Driving laws focus on keeping driver, passangers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is fully achieved with alert driver. If the driver isn't alert than that could cause lives to be in danger. Driving laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times, not having a human driver drive only for a certain amount of time and the car driving itself. Traffic laws would have to change in order to cover the liability in case of an accident. According to the article, it says that "Smarter roads are too expensive to be pratical". If there is a smarter car on the road, we will need to have smarter roads and that comes with a lot of work. Smart-road systems work suprisingly well, but they require massive upgrading to exsisting roads. For starters, the driverless car will need to have an excessive amount of sensors. That causes the car to need a lot of improving in order to function with exsisting roads. Driverless cars has its perks, but it has many downsides also. Driverless cars could form a public transportation system where people all over the world could use. While that may seem amazing, the dangers of having cars drive themselves overtakes that because driverless cars are not completely driverless, traffic laws may change, and we need smarter roads. The safety of driverless cars may change, but however, we need to wait for what the future holds for us.
There is an oppurtunity of a lifetime just waiting for you. You would get to enjoy fun, games, travel, and you'd get to help people. You could change someone's life. You could become a hero! This oppurtuntiy is to become one of the UNRRA's Seagoing Cowboys. Seagoing Cowboys travel all over the world to to recover countries that were left in ruins from wars. You would travel on a ship with animals and other cowboys to help people who's life seems to be in ruins. It might just change your life, like it changed mine. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you won't regret it. It was a whole lot of fun. I got to meet other cowboys and you never get bored. When I was on board ships, especially on the way back, we played games and had some pretty fun competitions. We used to play baseball and volleyball games in the empty space that used to house animals. We fenced, boxed, and held table-tennis tournaments. It was a lot of fun! You get to help people; this is a big reason to join. You get to become part of an organization that helps people who need it, desperately. You could become their hero. Becoming part of something like this changes your whole life. It made me selfless and aware of the world around me. That awareness has been with me through my whole life. Although I'm no longer a Seagoing Cowboy, I'm still aware of what's happening to people around the world and how lucky I am. I let international students and exchange visitors into my house as an effort to help. You get an amazing expereince along the way. I got to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, see Europe and China, tour a castle in Crete, see the Acropolis in Greece, and even get a view at the Panama Canal on my way to China. I wouldn't have been able to have any of these experiences if it weren't for being a Seagoing Cowboy. Now that you know all about the Seagoing Cowboys program and the benefits of being part of it, go sign up! You could be a person's hero. Mend the hearts of those who feel like they have nothing left. Feed those who hunger with no way to recieve food. Take the oppurtunity of a lifetime, and, maybe, it will change your whole life, like it changed mine.
Imagine a point in time in the future where there could be driverless and flying cars. People have always for a long time thought that this could maybe never be possible. Google cofounder Sergey Brin begs to differ. He believes that their may be a start towards driverless cars. Sergey Brin imagines a future where numerous amounts of driverless car could form a public-transport taxi system. He believes that this could one day become a reality. Driverless car production should still continue over the next several years. Although driverless cars have drove over 500 miles without crashing, there are still setbacks. Driverless car would still have to alert the driver while backing out of driveways and navigating themselves through road issues such at construction zones and accidents with other drivers. Driverless car so far can drive, turn, and brake, but there are still somethings that the driver would still have to do. Although the production of driverless cars is still just underway, there is still much more to be done. In the future, driverless cars may be available to everyone someday. There is still a long way to go, but we are getting closer to achieving this everyday.
limiting car usage is popular talk amongst most leaders and politicians. there are many advantages to shortining the usage of cars throughout not just countries but the whole world. The use of cars cause many accidents and even deaths. some cars and most trucks are polutting the atmoshpere. Cars can also cause people to be lazy and not get enogh physical activity. cars do provide a quicker way of transportation for those who cant or dont have a train to ride. Car accidents is the leading death toll amongst americans. Even though source#4 states that"As of april 2013, the numbers of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Part of the explanation certainaly lies in the recession, because americans cant afford new cars". Even france started to join the banning of cars to a certain exstent. Source #2 says" congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled beijing, china, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world". Smog is caused by to much car pollution with cold weather. i believe that unless you are in the country side you should not drive. if you are going a short distance you can take a city bus, train or even just do it old fashioned and walk/ride a bike. If you are going long distances take a train. This would cause less acciddents and it would raise health for people. If you dont have a train or any public transportation near your area i would recommend buying a car that you actually need. not just buying something to show off around town. if you need a truck then get one but if you are just trying to get from point a to point b then i would recommend a hybrid. something that uses either all electricity or even most elecrticity and some gas. limiting car usage is popular talk amongst most leaders and politicians. there are many advantages to shortining the usage of cars throughout not just countries but the whole world. This talk could end up changing the world for a better most likely. it could help save moey and boost the economy. some people wanna hang on to their cars so bad that in paris even numbered lincense plates were ordered to leave their cars at home our suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and even some people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine.
The aunthor supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despit the danger",Venus is the closest planet to Earth terms of destiny and size and occasionally the closet in distance too. Earth, Venus, and Mar our other planetary neighbor that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms human have sent sumerous spacecraft to land on this could-draped world. " Venus has the closest planet to Earth that they are the same of destiny and size and Earth, Venus and Mars have the same orbit sun at their different speeds but Venus had the right around the corner in space sometimes. " Venus has the hottest suface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even through Mercury is closer to our sun." Venus is very hottest than planets in the solar system. Venus and Mercury are the hottest planets in the system that they are danger than planets.
The automobile is a production commonly used by individuals all over the world. But utilization of this transportation vehicle arouses environmental damage as well as stress. Limiting car usage around the world would be greatly beneficial. Limiting automobile usage would decrease hazardous rates of air pollution in regions at which cars are commonly driven. The tailpipes of cars release toxins, often produced by the automobile's fuel, that severely pollute the environment once in the air. According to experts, "passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50%...in the United States"(Source 1). This amplifies the dangerous impact automobiles have on the environment. Paris, a car-using country, reached extreme levels of smog due to automobile emissions. According to Reuters, "Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic matter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London"(Source 2). Due to this, a ban was made on car usage and the smog eventually cleared. Automobiles' emissions of greenhouse gases are utterly harmful for the environment. Decreasing the utilization of automobiles would also ease stress levels among the community. In Vauban, Germany, cars are practically forbidden causing the suburb's streets to be free of the persistent humming of a motor. "When I had a car I was actually tense. I'm much happier this way,"(Source 1) says Heidrun Walter, a citizen of the car-free city. This illustrates how the loss of automobiles can bring tranquility to a region. Bogota, Columbia hosts the Day Without Cars, a day where the driving of an automobile is not permitted. According to Andrew Selsky, due to this occasion, "pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks" and "rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic"(Source 3). Lowering the usage of automobiles would relieve individuals of tensity caused by driving. Automobiles are an excemplary form of transportation but their impact isn't as beneficial for other purposes. Car emissions of greenhouse gases promote global warming and traffic only tenses drivers. Limiting the utilization of these vehicles would decrease if not diminish their negative impacts on the world.                     
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions for students in a classroom can be valuable. When students are having trouble with their assignments it will show the teacher what they are struggling with. Although, some students would not feel comfortable sharing their emotions it can help them with their assignments. Some people will think that someone is happy when they're really just putting a fake smle on their face."For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." With this new technology you can see how their really feeling. How you use this technology can show if it's valuable or not. Using it to see if a student is having trouble is valuable, but if you use it just for the fun of it, it's not valuable. "To an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isnt being truthful." The Facial Action Coding System can also be used for criminals. When officers are not sure wether some man is a criminal, he can use this technology to see if the criminal is lying. I think this techonolgy will be useful with students and many other people. I believe reading the emotions of the students in a classroom is valuable.
Do you really believe the face on mars was made by an alien? Well my name is Sydney, and im a scientist here at NASA.Im here to tell you the truth about the ¨Face on Mars.¨ Lets begin by telling you the how the face on mars was discovered. In 1976 ¨Vikings 1 spacecraft was snapping photos for possiable landing sites for Vikings spacecraft 2,when a human face appeared¨At first scientist like myself thought it was another Martian mesa,but something was different about this one. There was an odd ¨shadow that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.¨ NASA took the image and unveiled it for the whole world to see. Once the world saw this image people went crazy over it. The ¨Face on Mars¨ was in ¨movies,magazines,radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery stroe checkout lines.¨ But then people started taking it to far and coming up with there own ideas. People started to say it came from aliens,I know how crazy. Some scientist at NASA even started to believe what the people were saying. Then NASA decided to go up to mars to get another picture of it 18 years later. They said it was important to taxpayers. ¨On April 5,1998, When Mars Global surveyor got over there his team snapped 10 pictures of the face.¨ When the pictured was taken it was ten times sharper than the Vikings picture. So when the picture appeared on the JPL website,it revealed a natural land form. So After all it was not an alien monument. But wait were not done yet. People were not satisfied because they said the picture was taken at the wrong angle and on a winter day which was cloudy. Then on April 8,2001 on a summer day and no clouds,Mars Global Surveyor was close enough for a second look. With the teams camera they captured an extraortdinary photo. With this picture you can blow it up three times bigger to see what it really is. The team blew it up and showed it was a butte or mesa landform,most commonly found around the American West. During all of this I have learned that what looks to be a face was actually a landform. The Face on Mars turned out to be neat because it got used in movies,and ect. It also led people imagineation to think that well maybe there was life on mars before us. So next time what you see can look like something, but turn into something way different.
What would you do without car usage? Is there such thing as too much or too little car usage? Many residents or travelers are nearby thier destination and don't nessesaraly need a car to get there. Although, for other's they may need to use a car becasue of extended distance. Limiting car usage has many advantages.  For example, in Vauban, Germany streets are completely "car free". According to the article " 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57% sold car's to move here". Families and friends are much active with each other and can spend more quality time outside of school and work. When there is less car usage more public transportation will be available to thoose who need it more importantly. Also there would be less polution with the gas and air. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution", said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. Due to the smog that was in France, car's was banned. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday", according to the BBC. Fuel is also a great impact. Do you ever feel like you just work hard for nothing? Money is being wasted on gas, car materials, and car details much more then the things it really needs to be spent on. Limiting car usage could mean less accidents. Less accidents means less deaths and injuries. Driving could be risky especially in crowdy places with people and other cars. Limiting cars could also mean people getting to know diffrent places often and not just the places they are used to going. Parks and sports centers also have had bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramtically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shoppung districts have cropped up. Families are more engaged together and work together to make it to thier destination. In conclusion, Do you feel as if car polution should be limited becasue of all the advatages. Limiting car usage has it advantages and disadvatages. Many things could possibly happen. According to The end of Car Culture article, "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportations traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve recources, lower emissions and improve saftey". The Mobile World Congress is looking for more saftey ways to transport and get to yout destintation when needed. Due to limiting car-usage families and friends can now spend quality time while getting to thier locations, you can go to your nearby places, you could save more money of gas and car details, and also you could prevent less accidents if possible.              
Aren't you tired of the accidents that happens frequently on the road, getting stuck in traffic and not getting to work on time or any important event that you must attend, and also the air being polluted by the gas cause by the car that gets us sick? Do you think it would be a good idea if we limit the usage of the car?. When you limit car usage it makes the world safer, it save time and less injury will occur. When the car usage is limited it save time. When more people are walking on foot or riding bicycle its less chance of traffic in the streets and people can get to where they are going much faster. More cars on the road means more traffic, more waiting and a much higher percentage of people  loosing their  jobs because of constantly being late for work. It is also beneficial because you dont have to keep buying gas to put in your car and you have to remember that the bigger your vehicle is, is the more gas it use. Dont you prefer saving your money to do other important things than worrying about paying insurance and buying gas? In my perspective i think it would work out great. Air pollution is one of the biggest problem now not only in the United States but all around the world . The cars that are used on the road is what contributes to the pollution because the fuel from the car is what helps to pollute the air and pollution is what cause people to get sick. Based on the article cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. It also stated that Diesel was blamed for these actions since diesel makes up 67 percent of vehicles in countries like France and 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe. In this case the less car usage the better it is for our health and the better it is also for our environment. When the car usage increase is the more accident that will occur on the road. Alot of people now a days are very reckless and care free when it comes on to driving on the road especially teenagers. Teenagers are known for getting into alot more accidents than any other people mainly because they are the ones that party alot and are not cautious when it comes on to drugs and alchol. When the car usage is limited is the less accidents that will happen and it will be safer for people. Occurding to Mr. Sivak when he was growing up he was curious about the kind of car people drove, but young people don't really care. A car to them just means getting from point A to point B. Others may argue that having a car is much easier and faster to carry you to your destination than walking, riding a bicycle or using public transportation. Evening though this may be true cars are not safer than walking and riding a bicycle and it is also cause alot of accidents and to remind you it helps contribute to the pollution. As stated in the article with all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habits. In other words the more people get use to walking and riding bicycles its going to harder for them to take up back the habit of having a car that takes them everywhere. In conclusion when the car usage is limited its the less accidents that will occur. The better it is for your health because when you ride a bike or walk that is also exercising and exercising is good because it keeps your body fit and in shape and the less chance of people like elderly having muscle pains and nerve problems. It also help to save money, life and time and help people not to be lazy. In this case limiting car usage will help the world tremendously.                                      
Dear senator, I have done research and I would like to change the Electoral College to the popular vote for the President of the United States. Source 1: "What is electoral College?" explains that "each canadate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors." Many people do not know what that really means. It means that the people of the United States do not actually vote for who their president will be. They are voting for someone who gets to choose who the president will be. Having the Electoral College is very confusing. I think it is more fair to have the people of the United States vote directly for their president instead of voting for a slate of electios that then choose the president. By getting rid of the Electoral College, the vote for the United States president will be more fair. We, the people of the United States, would not be voting for a slate of electors. We would actually be voting for who we want to become our president. These votes would be more direct and accurate. Source 2: "Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" states that voters may get confused and vote for someone that they didnt want to vote for. The people should be the ones voting for their president. It is unfair that only the electors get to vote in the end. Voters of the electors cannot even control who the electors vote for. The people have to put their trust in the electors to vote for the president. It make smore sense for the people to have a say and for them to have the ability to vote directly. When I turn eighteen and I am allowed to vote, I hope that my vote actually matters. I hope that my vote does not just go towards an elector. I hope that my vote will count towards whom I think will represent our country well.  
Since the start of the 21st century technology has become "smarter." Today we have smart phones, smart TV's, and smart watches. All these devices are made to suite the needs of it's user. By providing a user friendly experience that meets almost all the needs of the user, including making life a little bit easier, is what gives these devices the title "smart." Now, the next piece of tech to get this "smart" upgrade is the car. "Smart" cars have been in development for several years and appear to slowly becoming a reality. The usage of driverless cars has struck a gold mine of contraversy. But in all honesty, smart cars are the future for our roads. They will make our lives easier. The introduction of smart cars on our roads today would result in a more efficent use of gasoline, a resource that is being exponentially depleated. From the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author says, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." By cutting the ammount of gasoline/fuel used on a day to day basses we could cut down on pollutants in our airs as well as prolong the life/usage of gasoline. Also the usage of smart cars, would be far cheaper than the usage of smart roads, a possibility once thought of by GM and engineers at Berkeley. Smart roads would require expensive upgrades to roads. With smart cars you could eliminate that hefty cost. The technology used in "beta smart" cars today has been around since the 80's. It is not new technology. But at the same time it is not old technology because over the years the tech has decreased in price with a inversely proportional increase in it's new capabilities. With the ammount of tech used in smart cars it is important that it runs at the highest standards, and today's tech does. Only the best of the best is being used in these cars. Finally this new tech has not only been making driving a safer experience, but as a far more enjoyable one. With the introduction of new autonomous cars engineers have thought of new ways to make rides more enjoyable. New incar entertainment systems are just one of the many ideas that may become a reality. Some people are afraid of smart cars. They fear that there will be no one to blame if an accident occurs. Plus some people may be uncomfortable with the idea of not being in control of their car. Well today, smart cars are not 100% autonomous yet. For some instances such as traffic and construction driving require human driving and skill. Also other things such as backing in and out of places require human skill. Because in some cases human skill is still a requirement drivers must stay alert at all times. Eliminating any fear of not being in control as well as the problem of whom is to blame. In conclusion, smart cars are the future. They will help eliminate the problem of inefficent use of gas while providing the driver with a smoother and more enjoyable ride. A full fletched smart car, is just and upgrade that is greatly needed.
Have you ever thought of that computers can help correct our flaws? Researchers in the past have told us that humans are not perfect and will make mistakes. Driverless cars can prevent accidents that are caused by distractions. Driverless cars will only use half the fuel and has more flexibility than a bus. Driverless cars should have a chance to come out in the market. Researchers devoted their lives in figuring out things that are extraordinary such as knowing that computers do not have souls. They can be programed to do anything such as driving a car for you. Who needs a driver when engineers can invent a system where the car can drive itself. According to the article driverless cars are not truly driverless. "Google cars are not truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with a complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents"(Driverless Cars Are Coming 2). Of course their can technical difficulties with the system. However, we as people are advancing in technology every single day and some day someone is going to figure out the problem and fix it. Everybody should look at the bigger picture. Driverless cars can prevent accidents that are simply because a person is distracted from his/her phone. No one should suffer a loss because of a simple mistake like checking on text messages or phone calls. According to the article " Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver"(Driverless Cars Are Coming 7). The car has better qualities than the cars today. Google cars even spend more time driving because the car will only use half of the gas that taxi uses. Imagine thinking on how much gas money that a ordinary person can save. According to the article " The cars he forssees would use half the fuel today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus"(Driverless Cars Are Coming, Sergey Brin 2). To conclude, driverless cars need that chance to be accepted into our society. These cars are being researched by scientist and engineers every day. Even when they were experimenting with these cars they noticed that it prevent accidents caused by distraction. Sergey Brin forsees a better future for the people of America. People lives are on the line when they are on the road.
The topic of driverless cars is contradictive as both good and bad asspects of driverless cars have support. In my opinion completely driverless cars are unsafe while on the other hand cars that are autonomous but still allow for manual driver control are more reliable than both driver required and driverless cars. Entirely driverless cars are unpredictable as stated in the article in the case of an accident if technology fails is the driver at fault or the manufacturer if the car is completely autonomous. As technology developes i believe autonomous car systems will become more reliable but they should never completely replace a human driver as malfunctioning equipment can put pssengers as well as pedestrians lives at risk. In conclusion a line must define human and technological error on the road. Autonomous systems can be extremely helpfull and dependable while driving but should we as a species while we progress eliminate human interaction with our vehicals and can this lead to issues with driverless car systems.