Politicts have been around for centuries; politics were made to keep the peace and give everyone a fair expresion to the people. We have all herd of people in political standpoint have been corrupt, but what if our own voting system was corrupt and our votes have never made a diffrence in selecting a president by the people. When we vote for our selected president is it really going to change or make a diffence on who gets elected... right? "of course it will make a diffrence." As long as your states electors dont choice by who they feel is the best fit for presidency. On another note what about the Electoral college votes. Why does one canidate always get all the electoral college votes from one state? Why cant we just revert to how many votes the canidate gets? When getting down to the nitty-gritty bits of the Electoral College voting system it is a bit unfair in the ways it works in a whole, but that doesnt mean we have to abolish it and start over. The Electoral College voting system has worked for many years. In stead of just getting rid of the Electoral voting system maybe we should tweek it in a bit that makes everyone happy and makes it completly fair. Each state picks how it gives its Electoral votes, but in most states its a "winner takes all." When a state desides its going to be a "winner takes all" state, that means when voting all the Electoral votes will go to the canidate with the most amount of elector votes. Instead of using the winner takes all system each electoral votes should be given fairly. When electors votes for its canidates by the people that single Electoral vote should go to that canidate. When doing this people are in-tern voting for there canidate. Now that they Electoral votes are being distubuted evenly there is a smaller problem we face. Electors are the people who actully vote for our presidential canidate. Very rarely do these electors not choose the canidate based on the amount of votes they have been given, but it does happen. The electors are in a way chosen randomly but most of the time are chosen by the presidential canidate. Often these canidates do the right thing and vote based on votes gifen to him by the public. When these electors vote they are not well regulated. What we should do is have a sort of security system that alows us the make sure our electors do the right thing. instead on relying on someones trust worthyness we should have a system that counts the publics votes. When the elector is done with his final vote we would then see if he voted based on public votes. We the people are faces with another way of voting. We can vote for whatever canidate we please and when done with we will see how many people voted for each canidate, and whoever has the most wins right? This system would most likely give one the canidates an unfait advantage. When Romney and Obama went head to head in 2012 obama won because the amount of Electoral votes, but if we did it by the number of votes it would have been almost completly tied in votes. since Romeny was born in the south most likely each state in the south would vote for Romney. Since Obama was born in Hawiia there is no state near Hawiia that would have the same oppinion. So when using just plain votes one canidate would most likely have an unfair advantage based on the size and populating of each state going for that presidential canidate. When suming it all up the Electoral College voting system is in a way a bit unfair, but when using the method given each Electoral vote would be given fairly instead of a winner takes all system. When going for just plain voting it would most likely turn out unfair or a lot of tied runnings. When given the facts the Electoral College is fine as it is but can be unfair and that is why we should use this method in the next following elections.         
Studying venus can be very dangerous but that hasn't stopped scientists and astronomers from exploring Venus and studying it and having more information on that planet. Although you never know whats going to happen when exploring new things scientists find it very intresting to keep exploring Venus to keep finding out some of the features it has and maybe what it even used to look like. Venus is the second planet from the sun so its still very hot. Exploring Venus is very nice its diffrent from earth but also very similar it has like type features to earth like the mountains, valleys, and even craters. Venus also has a surface of a rocky sediment. On the planets surface it temperatures over 800 degrees fehrenheit so it is extreamly hot. It also has the hottest temperture in our solar system even though its not the first planet closest to the sun. Astronomers are also discussing future visits to Venus. They are very fascinated to that planet because it may have been just like earth at one point with oceans covering it and it also could have supported diffrent forms of life on its planet at some point even if it was many years ago. Astromomers also feel like it doesnt have easy conditions but its still survivable for humans they just have to figure out how they can live around the heat and diffrent things like that. In the text it says that " Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." And the weather impediments are like some of the things we have here like the earthquakes in certain parts of the worlds and the volcanoes too. So in some ways its similar to earth but with more extreme dangers. The author did a very good job at supporting how dangerous exploring Venus is but how it also is a very cool planet to explore. The author also stated this in the aricle " Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expaned to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Which its sorta saying that even though its dangerous we shouldnt stop our minds from exploring diffrent things and imagining diffrent things.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus." The author thinks that Venus is a worth pursuite despite all of the dangours things that can happen and have had happen. In my own persnal opinion I think it is a horrific idea. Why send people to an unfirmilar plaent when a tiny space craft cant survive. I think even with ihs evdince its a horrinle idea. In the artical "The Challenge of Exploring Venus.", the author suporrts his idea of "Venus is a worth pursuite despite all of the dangours". with facts. In the artical it states "Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this could-draped world. Each pervious mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Why would someone want to explore a planet that not even a space craft can handel? He also states "NASA's possible spulution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float aboove the fray." This is one of the most pathetic pices ideas i have ever heard us. Why send someone where the weather is so harmful it can destroy a robot? In conclousion I dont think that the author has a valid reason to send human's, his own kind, to a plaent that can kill them witin secinds of being there. He did nothing but support his idea with facts about how dangrous this plaent is to humans. He is living on the edge, it seems as if he does not care that peoples lives will be in extream danger on that planet. With the facts and evdince that i have gathered i think that the author did very porly trying to suppor his idea.
Driverless cars would be an amazing new technology to introduce to the world. The ability to simply call a taxi and have a driverless car pick you up and take you wherever you wish, whenever you wish will revolutionize the way people get around. The technology may be in its primitive stages as of now, but soon driverless cars can help to automate many tasks that are currently being done by humans. Driverless cars will be an excellent addition to the modern world. Not only does the driverless car make sense practically, it also has many safety benefits. If all cars on the road are driverless, they can communicate much better and have much less risk for accidents, unlike with human drivers who can only control the car so well. The automated cars will be directly linked to brake systems, so if there is a need to brake, the car is hydroplanning, or another emergency is occuring, the computer system onboard the car can easily and effectively stop the car from spinning out by applying specific amounts of brake to each tire, as explained in section 5 of the story. Another safety measure taken with driverless cars is the ability for a human to take over. Google's driverless car will notify its passengers if they need to take over the wheel, as explained in section 7 because the task on the road is too difficult for the car to perform. Assurance of the ability for a human to still control the car is very important, since even though the computer systems onboard the car may be very smart, humans have the ability to judge most situations better than any computer can. One counterargument to driverless cars is the loss of jobs. This is not stated in the article, but it would be an issue with driverless cars regardless. Many people working as taxi drivers, trash truck drivers, freight truck drivers, or any job involving driving can lose their jobs. This is a problem, especially in the US where there is already a shortage of jobs. Although driverless cars will bring many benefits, the cons of them have to be talked about as well. Driverless cars are a scary prospect. The thought of a car driving itself can make many people uneasy. If done correctly, however, driverless cars can revolutionize the way that many things today work. With companies such as Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan planning to have fully automated and driverless cars on the road and ready to go by 2020, driverless cars are just that much closer to becoming a reality. Driverless cars would make an excellent addition to the modern world.
Space exploration has always been a challenging but exciting venture for scientists looking to study other planets. Venus has proved to be a planet of risks, and made many aprehensive to study it. However, Venus just may be the most likely planet for us to be able to visit. In this article, the author suggests studying Venus as a worthy pursuit. The risks, advancing technology, and benefits of studying Venus in this article, prove how well the author support's their idea. Venus has shown to be a quite abrasive planet. It's risks have detered many scientists from studying it, but for good reason. Venus presents many challenges such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and lighting strikes. In the article, the author explains how overall temperature exceeds 800 degrees farenheit, and a pressure 90 times greater of our own planet would make entering the planets atmosphere almost impossible, and staying long enough to gather any data out of the question. Although the risks of Venus seem to out weigh any possible benefits, the author presents possible solutions to many of these problems. With Venus's atmosphere being hostile, it would make landing and gathering data on the planet impossible. However, the author presents NASA's solution of a blimp like vehicle that could stay above the threatening atmosphere. Although conditions would be difficult to sustain, the air pressure and temperature would be liveable for humans. The author also adds the idea of using mechanical computers. These old pieces of technology would allow humans to make calculations, without having to worry about harsh conditions as much. Venus may be dangerous, but exploring and studying it may provide more benefits that compensate for the risks and dangers. With scientists working to improve technology that could survive Venus's atmosphere, the author explains, this could "contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." The author suggests looking at Venus's risks as challenges, and that by preservering through these challenges, we could be lead to accomplish more/equally intimidating forces. While evaluating the risks of Venus, benefits, and advances in technology, the author proved that studying Venus would prove a valuable endeavor for many scientists. Advancing technology could work as a two birds with one stone dynamic, allowing scientists to study other similiar planets and forces. These technologies could also further help the Earth as we continue to study Venus, and possibly lead to people finding a way to inhabit Venus. Overall, the author proved studying Venus would expand technolgies innovation, and human perserverence.
There are advantages to limiting car usage. If we limit car usage there would be no smog. There would be less or no traffic or crashes. There will be more room for stores and restaurants. This is where i will tell you about why we should limit car usage. If we limit car usage there will be no smog. Our air would be so much cleaner. we couldnt get sick as much as we do be cause of the smog. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. they are also up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Car traffic was down to 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intesifying smog. Diesel fuel was blamed for all of the smog. the real reason is the fact that we have so many cars/trucks on the road at all times. Some of the trucks leak fuel. There will be less traffic jams if we limit car usage. For the most part there will be less reckless driving. That also means less stress. The rise in cellphoneand car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work. With all of these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit. There has been shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate.
PROPER_NAME MONTH_DAY_YEAR SCHOOL_NAME Limit Your Own Damn Car Emis Limiting car usage is something that we all need to do. There are numerous ways of doing this; a person can car-pool or use other means of transportation. Today my sister and I created a mess of emissions just getting to school to take this test that is completely worthless. I do not gain from this test, nor do my proctors who have to dilligently coach a hundrded students through a bogus set of instructions for this bogus test. Those emmissions are still rising. For each one person in the room where i'm taking this worthless test, hundreds of cubic feet in carbon monoxide gas have been released into the atmosphere. When this test is over it will be sent to some place, probably in the northern part of Florida for a bunch of people to grade. Test by test. They too must create huge emmissions to get to the place where they grade this test. Or do they? We have no idea who created this test, why we're taking it, or even the slightest insight of who's grading it or if it will even be graded! We're like a bunch of helpless test animals deprived of sleep because we have to write some bogus test. I look around me in this room and there is at least 40 people who I can see are pouring their hearts out on this test. I did yesterday, and for what? I cant be proud about this essay I just wrote, or even share it with my family, there is hardly even a record I took this darn thing. They tell us that we're setting the bar high for other schools but for what reason. Why would you strive to be better than someone who has writen their sole out on this essay. Its supposed to be special with origionality! These are supposed grades that you ace because you wrote a beautiful essay you cherished, and took pride in and even brought in other authors to make your work stronger, then you hear that that essay you submitted was to set the bar high for people we've never met. What kind of sick mind creates prompts for sudents to devote themselves to school and greatness and makes them take this whole thing just to see how it went? Why dont you make this thing worth a goal? Give us an incentive! It's so rediculous that I have to sit here and write about car emissions when I dont drive. You should turn this around on yourslef and ask why you did it. Why the hell do you need to test us on the daily basis like this. This test is an outrage and a discrase that should not even be thought about. I have better stuff to do. I want to learn about the things essential to me, not some foney worthless writing essay about car emmissions in France. This whole thing is so irrelevent to me it's sick. For me to use up energy and valuable time is something like this is not in charactar for me. And to think I have to sit here for another hour and thirty minutes. I feel sorry that my school and I have to put up with this crap. This test was a giant waste of time, you dont deserve my response and screw you for putting me and 500 other people through this. Before you even try to do this again ask yourself if what you're doing is right, if it's worth other peoples while. I want someone who made this test happen to read my little rant to see how students really feel. I know I speak for many of my peers with this writting. If you're just reading this and have nothing to do with me receiving this test, no hard feelings. Have a great day and thanks for taking your valuable time to read this. I hope its more compeling then reading about car emissions. :^)  
This paper will decride why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys. There are many reasons . Here are some of them. One reason is you get to help people that have no food or shelter because of a war. They lost everything you take them food and biuld them shelter. Another reason is that you get to meet people from other countries and explore there culture. You go to China and Greece that is so fun. Lastley a reason is that you get to stop at cool towns and countrys to get a tour. We went to Crete and we went to the Panama Canal and went on a tour of that as well. There are so many fun and entertaining things to do when you become a Seagoing Cowboy. Some reasons that you should not become a Seagoing Cowboy is because it is very dangerous. You go into other lands not knowing if they aer going to be mean or very nice to you new comers. You have to feed dangerous and vises animals on the ship such as hourses, goats, and donkeys. They may not be happy about being on the ship and may get mad and hurt you. You could fall overborad and be left to yourself in the ocean. The ship may fall over and you may have a ship wreak. You are going to paces that are danaged from the war and the soliders there might not know that the war is over and they could shot you. Even though there are many ways that you could get hurt or killed you will still have lots of fun on your trip across the world and back. As you can see there are so many fun things to do on the ship and on the land. You can play volleyball, baseball, wresteling, tag, hide and seek, and even vesing. You will have fun on and off the ship and you will never be bored there are so many ways to be active and healthey even on the boat. There are so many things to do off the ship like go and have a nice taste of what ever country or culture you are in, it is truly great. I hope that every thing I have told you will make you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy and mabey make that your dream job. This paper explianed why you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. Just think about all of the things I said today before you go pick your next job. Mabey after that you will host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years with your family.
To inform fellow citizens about advantages of limiting car usage you would have to tell them everything. Like how residents from Germany upscale community are suburban pioneers and they have given up their car's. Street parkng, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in there district. Why is this forbidden? i just don't get it. Car owners buy there own space, for $40,000 along with there home. In Europe passenger cars are reponsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting car reduced. Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new federal. So fellow citizens should help them out with there limiting car usage. they sure have a lot going on. Like in the end of car culture. There expanses and suburban ideals had long been one of the world's prime car ciltures. But American's love affatr with its vehicles seems to be cooling. Its seens like they don't mind. If i was a big huge fellow citizen i would help out with what there going throuh because i don't think this is right. For them to be having to pay so much more then what we have to pay is not cool. What would we do without car's we can't walk everywhere. That wouldnt be right. They say te day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid 1990s. What about if it was raining how are we suppsoed to get to work or get food. we need a car to get to places. They say the rain hasn't stopped people from participating. But i think it has stopped them. Therefore we need are cars to get to where we need to be.  
Here is what ive learned from this passage Earth venus and mars are are planetary neighbors. they use spacecrafts to land on venus for clues and what the planet venus is all about. and Scientist havent got any really good and frequent data,and thats because the spacecrafts break for more than a few hours. i really interesting fact is, a spaceship hasnt land on venus for more than 3 decades. Venus is a challenging and a hard planet to learn from because it nhas so many things that messes up our data. On Venus, the reason why we couldent land there and our machines break all the time is that the the temperature on the surface of venus averages around 800 degrees. these conditions are extreamly dangerous. no one ever encountered that on our planet earth long ago ago they believed that venus did have water on its planet and could have been wild life there. studying venus is really cool in my opinion and the dangers of it. one day we will find a solution and be able to land on venus and explore and learn even more about it
The Facial Coding Systemis a system that can tell your emotions by caculating the way you look and by one little look it could tell it all how your feeling it tells whether your mad, sad, depressed, happy, even mixed emotions. I think the use of the Facial Action Coding System is a well needed thing for schools because it could tell your teacher whats going on whether you need help or not or if your going through something and need to talk to someone. The Facial Action Coding System would be a great thing to have in school because some kids are shy an dont like to talk and raise there hands in class infront of everyone and if you dont ask questions when you dont understand something that could cause you to fail the class all because of your shyness. Yes , the Facial Action Coding System is needed for schools and worth spending some money on for schools all over the world but them again we wouldnt need to invest in this if students spoke up about what they needed and whats going on but some students jus have a sad or mad face everyday for no reason so the Facial Action Coding Syestem may read their facial expressionand say that student is mad , when the student is just doing there normal face . The school board or government shoudnt have to invest in the Facial Action Coding System if teachers take the time and talk to their students some teachers are the reason the students become mad beause they make the students mad when they have to do too much homework or even class work , it also is a better way for humans to connect with the computers as it says that in paragraph 1. To sum it all up this technology could come in handy in certain situations , the teachers might like it but the students might not , your boss may like it but you probably wouldnt . Its a win win situation for students it would tell others how your feeling and if you sad someone might talk to you to let you know your not alone , and for teachers its benificial because it could help you understand your students more.
There are plenty of pros and cons when it comes to driving computer manufactured cars. The driverless carsacan be very helpful for someone who may not be the best driver, needs a break from driving, or enjoys the extra features the smartcar comes with. This car became popular in 2008 due to their amazing ability to drive itself. there are severa different brandsof cars that have this ability. Not to mention that a smartcar takes half the amount of fuel today's car take. Smartcars are also much more felxible than a bus. Forthe logest time, self-driven cars have been a dream to people. They used thesecars in movies. Howver, Google has made it possible for sefl-driving cars to become a reality. When I thinkof driverless cars, I think of taking my eyesoff hte road and letting the car do alal the work. From accelerating to breaking and even steering the car to where I want it to go. However, I would also be wrried the whole car ride. In myhead there wouldbe a million different senerios happening. "What if it doesn't stop in time?" "Can it see the woman crossing the street?" I would too worried to drive a d riverless car. Sensors are an important feature for the smartcars. That would be just another worry, however. It could easily breaki in the middle of the highway and not know how close it is to another car.
I do not believe in driverless cars. Driving is something we look forward to. Once we get our license and can drive all that hard work is paid off. If computers drive for us then what is the point of having to wait? I believe that if we, humans, have computers do everyhting for us then what will there be for us to do? I happen to really enjoy driving. If computers drive for us then who knows if there will be a maufunction and it wrecks without warning. While the author did say that the car alerts the so called driver if there is any need for human help, how will it be able to tell if it is a cunstrustion site for sure. Or what is the road changes? I don't think driverless cars are a smart idea. For example; most states in the US have laws against it, for our saftey. We should know that we can't count on computers to work 100% of the time. How many times a day does your microwave stop working? Or how many times do you have to reset you wifi? If we can't count on machines to bake our food for us than how can we count on them when we are putting lives at risk? I know that there are some precautuions thatg can be taken to avoid this, but it's not worth the risk. Computer modified cars are helpful, but there should always be a human driving. While, most car accidents are human errors just think about how many times the driverless car will wreck until we have a perfect one. I just don't believe that it is worth it.
If a computer in the classroom that can read human emotion's was implemented then it could be a excellent help to students. Students in a classroom are all very diverse when it comes down to emotion. A teacher may not be able to recognize these emotions and teach a lesson wrong in which a student cannot follow. Say a student was angry or sad toward a test score, the teacher may keep teaching in a way that ignores the way a student is feeling towards the class. With the computer identifying the emotion a teacher may change up teaching methods to help said student. This latest computer technology was created by Prof. Thomas Huang of Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois used work of psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman. This technology uses 44 major muscles in the face movement's to create an calculation of what emotion the user is expressing. The computer idientifies the user with six basic emotions, happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. By recording the movement of one of the favial muscles the computer can identify a person with any combination of the six emotions. In the painting of Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", the computer calculated, "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry." This technology can change the way we interact with devices in our everyday activites. Alto says in the article, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This kind of selection can improve our experience while browsing the internet. This can help identifying the food we like, clothes we like, trips or hobbies we'd enjoy. The educational value in this is grand as that using the technology of recognizing emotions, the computer can shift lessons so the student can follow along with. "A class room computer could recognize when a student is feeling confused or bored, 'Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This can speed up the learning process and change the way the world educates today. The future is now and the future is change.
No! The Face found on Mars is not formed by aliens. The Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. Landforms like the Face are found very commonly, but not all landforms found are exactly like the Face. In the next paragraph I will give you some reasons why the Face wasn't formed by aliens. The Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. In the passage it says, when Michael Malin took pictures 10 times sharper, with his Mars Orbiter Camera, the image revealed just a natural landform. If you take a look in paragraph 2 it states that mesa, or landforms, are commonly found around Mars. Also, the Face has equivalence to landforms found around the American West. Garvin says that it reminded him of Middle Butte in thge Snake River of Idaho. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars",Garvin goes on to say. The Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. The Face was not formed by aliens. Landforms such as the Face are commonly found. Information in the passage supports that the Face is just a natural landform.
Dear senator, the system we have today used to elect the president, the Electoral College, must be changed.  Instead, we should elect the president by means of a popular vote.  The Electoral College is unecessary and complicated, and not to mention, outdated.  Source 1 says that the Electoral College was established in the Constitution by the founding fathers.  This begs the question, how can a system so old still be practical and in use today?  This system, therefore, needs to be replaced by a national popular vote. There are so many things that could go wrong with the Electoral College, such as a tie, in which the decision would go to the House of Representatives.  According to Source 2, if this were to happen, than, "the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters."  This, of course, would not reflect the nation's vote, and would anger millions of people.  If we elected the president by a popular vote, than the chances of this happening would be significantly more slim. Another flaw of the Electoral College is that even if a presidential nominee won the popular vote, they could still lose the election.  Even though some may argue that this occasion is highly unlikely, this has actually happened twice before, in 1888 and 2000, according to Source 3.  "It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote... It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes."  This is a major flaw of the Electoral College system, which is very frustrating to millions of people.  Imagine how you would feel if your candidate won the majority of the nation's vote, but still lost the election because of this horrible voting system.  This unfair incidence could be avoided, if only we got rid of the Electoral College, and replaced it with the simple, fair, and straightforward method of the popular vote. The popular vote is the preferred voting system in the United States.  According to Source 2, "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now."  If this is the preferred voting system, and the Electoral College has so many flaws, why not change to using the popular vote?  It only makes sense.  Not to mention, if the Electoral College were to be thrown out, then maybe more people would come out to vote, which is important. We would then have a more accurate representation of who the nation wants as their leader. Some may argue that the Electoral College is a good system of electing the president, that the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they established it, and that it "produces a clear winner," (Source 3.)  But, the information given above disproves these unvalid arguements.  If the Electoral College is such a great system, than why can a nominee who won the majority of the nation's votes still win the election?  Will it always produce a clear winner?  What about the event of a tie?  Or, what about when the "winner" did not win the majority of the votes? In conclusion, the replacement of this flawed system known as the Electoral College by a national popular vote is absolutely necessary.  The people are pushing for a change, and I strongly urge you, senator, to acknowledge this issue.
Joining the Seagoing Cowboys progam can benefit recovering countries and yourself. If you enjoy helping people in need and traveling the world then you'll want to sign up for this progam. Some reasons why you should the program ar being aware of other countries and their needs,experiencing several countries' history and culture, and helping ruined countries. In paragraph two, the passage explains that many countries were left in ruins after World War two. It states,"To help countries recover their food suppliers, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA(the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. In paragraph nine it said that it opened up the world to me. I stated "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. It stated that the awareness stayed with me and it lead my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. In paragraph five, I stated," The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveale oppurtunity for a small-town boy," I also said,"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acroplis in Greece was special." In the passage I said ."So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, acity with streets of water." I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canalo on my way back to China. I had the privilage of traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures and several coutries' history. In conclusion, I believe that you and many ruined countries will benefit from this progam. It is something that you will always remember and will stick with you throughout you're life. You will also benefit from it greatly for many reasons that I have already stated before hand.
I am against driverless cars. People that by them are going to have to drive them anyways. The first batch of those cars may malfunction, the company will probaby get sued and they will have to stop selling them. Since they are controlled by technology a operson may be more at risk for an accident. If the person doesn't realize the car is letting them know of danger then people could really get hurt. It's in movies but I don't think people should really be on the road with cars that drive themselves. The sensors could misinterpret something or anything can go wrong since it's not operated by a human being which cars were meant to be used by. They assume that their problems will be solved but they're not for sure and what if lots of people were faced with those problems whether their minor, or fatal? Then it would be the manufacturers fault and lots of people would want to sue. Driverless cars shouldn't be made legal to drive anywhere they're too risky. Besides, the cars that they have tested weren't even truly diverless and I would want to know for sure what it would be like if I were to purchase one.
Exploring Venus Venus is one of the two clostest plantes to Earth, including Mars. We don't know a lot about other planets, because exploring them is to hard. The conditions some planets contain are to tough for human contact. Even though it would be hard, the author thinks it would benifit us greatly in the long run if we explored Venus. The passage states that Venus could have been closely related to Earth. Scientists say that millions of years ago, Venus could have been covered by forests and oceans, just like Earth. If this statement is true, then there is a slight possibility there is still some form of life, whether it be plants, animals, or even small living cells. The article explains, "The planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." Since the surface is to hot for human contact, scientists say that if we fly about 30 miles above the surface, then we can study the landscape in conditions that are fit enough for humans to survive. It may not be comforatable, as temperatures will still be about 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but we could still survive. "The air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth," the article explains. Even though we could still stay 30 miles above surface level, the author says that could only provide limited information on the planet. The author says,"Most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere." This means cameras couldn't really capture any detailed pictures of Venus. Also, if we want any rock samples from the planet then we would have to get up close to the planet. The author claims that scientists are developing machines that can last longer through these conditions. That will allow them to get any samples they need. The passage explains that NASA is working on a robot that can lat up to 3 weeks in these conditions. They are also trying to gather an old computer that can make calculations wihtout using any electronics. In conclusion, the author supports the idea of traveling to Venus to get information about the planet. Everytime the author makes a statement detering us from studying Venus, he backs it up with a solution. His closing paragraph also says,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be exopanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Here he states that we shouldn't be afraid of the obstacles we face, but that we should face and overcome them.
In this paragraph, google is developing or working on a Driverless car, and this would be beneficial to some people because people can get tired, or to some people this could be a bad thing because some people want to take control of their motor vehicle. Their has already been some motor facturing companies that have already developed and is testing out their new product. My personal opinion about this situation is that I would love to have this car, but this wouldnt give me the complete support I feel I would need in some situations. Technical diffuculties can happen at any moment, anything can happen. Your power could possibly go out, your technology system may encounter errors. Like how the paragraph states that " the car can accelerate , brake, steer on its own", I wouldnt feel i would have the safety that I deserve/need. This car would be perfect to someone whom have made sure that they know what their doing. I would feel safe if their would have more security. A driverless car would just feel too much for me,
I personally think that driverless cars are not a good idea, they seem to me to be very dangerous and although it might seem cool you will still have to give your full attention to the road if not more, like stated in paragraph 7 none of these cars are completley drivedrless, you will have to watch out for construction and traffic accidents and take control. Another good reason as too why we should not begin using driverless cars would be, people might fall asleep, driving at night, for a long period of time can make you very tired and you might doze off, what if you are in a postion where you need to be paying attention to the road and you are asleep, that is your life on the line and anyone else that might be out on the roads. With that being said, I do think it could be a goood training technique for people that are handicapped or blind, giving them a sense of independence. I do think it would be useful but I am very much against driverless cars, it seeems like an accident waiting to happen.
Studying venus is indeed dangerous but it does have a lot of fasinating things to learn about. Venus is a planet that has a lot of unanswered questions, and exploring it might give us those answers. Dangers are all over the world might as well take risks and find out what is going on in Venus. To start, venus sounds really intresting and amazing by all those things that we read aboout the planet itself. Studying venus could bring us a lot of oppurtunities. In the story in paragraph 4 it says" Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may have once have been the most Earth-like planet in out soslar system." this shows that Venus has been like Earth in the past and it could still be. Secondly Venus has been set to be really dangerous because it can have "Erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking land on its surface." But without actually going up to venus and finding out what it really has thats all just talk. For sure Venus can be dangerous but is it really a planet not a person can walk on? In paragraph 4 it say "Venus was probably largely filled with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." If venus once may have had life and ocean on it Their may have a chance of still being able to have that. Lastly Venus has very of intresting things to it. In paragraph 8 in the first sentence it says "Striving to meet the challenge by venus has a value, not only because of the insight gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will like lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This is telling me the enough people have so much Curiosity on the planet that one day people will actually want to know what is going on with it and will want answers. Yes the author is right Venus brings up a lot of dangers to it like acid or heat capable of melting tin, But NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. But all of the dangers are going to be worth it once People figure out all these amazing things about Venus. In conclusion I do think that Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. I hope you can read this and think that Venus would be an amazing planet to explore and find out good things about. It could have it's dangers but what you get out if it will all and up being worth it because of how much Venus was so Earth-like, and how much good things can come out of it.
Highways, roads, streets; they are everywhere. No matter where you are or what part of town, these are always found nearby. Wherever roads are found, so are cars. People have been driving vehicles since the 1950's and over time, have had many positive effects on the world; but they have also had many negative effects. Luckily, the government has been helping to reduce car usage to save the world. Limiting car usage helps the world become a better place by decreasing pollution and keeping individuals active. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal, cars make up "12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe" and can be responsible for "50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States," (In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars). These percentages show how much humans rely on cars, which is negatively impacting countries. Greenhouse gases are extremely awful for the environment, and if they are not decreased significantly, then the Earth could become a bad place for existance. In many places, government officials have been trying to limit the percentage coming from cars, which has helped greatly. Rosenthal claimed in a different article, The End of Car Culture, that "As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was...equal to where the country was in January 1995." The drop of this percentage has decreased the amount of greenhouse gases in the world. Many events all over the world have contributed to the lower percentage. For example, the Car-Free Day in Bogota, Columbia has been a huge hit since the mid 1990's and is continuing to grow each year (Andrew Selsky, Car-Free Day is Spinning Into a Big Hit in Bogota). This activity along with others will continue to bring the percentage down until it is hopefully extremely small. Fast food and the lack of exercise has increased the number of obese people greatly. With a lack of transportation, there is a bigger opportunity for individuals to eat healthier and exercise more. Andrew Selsky, a writer from the Seattle Times published an article about Bogota's Car-Free Day. He confirmed that "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths," (Car-Free Day is Spinning Into a Big Hit in Bogota). The building of new sidewalks has increased the number of people using them each day. With more people walking and exercising, the rate of obesity should decrease dramatically. Not only is exercising important, but eating healthy is as well. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal, cities in Germany are now stating, "stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway," (In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars). Since there can only be a limited number of shops in the city because they have to be close by, healthier options have been chosen more often, keeping people in shape. Not only do the individuals look healthier, but they feel better. Saving the Earth and other people are two huge causes for limiting car usage. Keeping both alive and healthy can keep everyone happy and safe. Reducing car usage has great advantages and all humans should consider different methods of transportation; walking, bking, or even carpooling are great alternatives to help the world. It may not seem like it now, but the decision of limiting car usage can be a life or death situation.
My fellow citizens of America, we are in a crisis where pollution is at an all time high. We need to find a way to limit the amount of pollution given into our atmosphere. And I have found that solution. If we can reduce the usage of automobiles and form car-free communities pollution rates will drop to rock bottom in a matter of time. Germany and France are leading the way to limiting the usage of cars. In Germany the town of Vauban street parking, driveways, and garages are strictly forbidden in the experimental district. You may own a car but you have to park it in a large parking garages and pay 40,000 for a space. In result to this change 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their car to move there. Due to these actions the United States Enviormental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities. These are facts that we are taking a step forward in reducing the usage cars in everday life Paris is very well known for the smog because of its consistant use of automobiles,therefore they have banned the usage of auto mobiles to clear the air of the smog
Picture a group of little kids playing near the road and their toy gets thrown into the road by mistake. The way that kids are without parent supervision, they'll just run out into the road not looking. Fortunate for them the almost near driverless car warned the driver about the kid and then procceded to hit the brakes before the kid got hurt. That's an amazing thing and that inventive idea just saved a little kid from getting fataly injured. In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it talks about some great pros and cons about driverless cars. In addition to that, it talks about how there's a while ways away to go. In my opinion I'm all for this inventive addon to the automotive industry. This new idea may stop accidents, allow for texting and driving not to be a hazard, and drunk driving can be avoided. Mostly I'm all for it, let me now explain why. My first point to point out is that this new invention may stop accidents. I picture a stormy night and your driving, barely not able to see the road. All of a sudden, a deer jumps out and you hit it, swerving and crashing your car. With a mostly driverless car, that problem can be avoided. With its sensors and cameras attached, the car will tell you that a deer is coming your way and it'll hit the brakes for you, eliminating the accident. My next point of reason is that with teens texting and driving, this hazardis habit will be non hazardess. Teens and older folk text and drive. Most don't, but people do. This habit is the cause of deaths on the road almost 25% of the time each year. With the mostly driverless car though, people can text and drive while the car drives for them. If they need to get back on the wheel, the care will notify them that they need to put the phone down and get to driving the care, avoiding any possible danger they may face if their face is buried in their phones. My final point kinda ties into the non hazardess parts of the texting and driving thing. Many adults do this and it's a very bad habit. That's when on an evening night, adults will drink and drive. Now this isn't titled to just adults, some teens do this and I understand. I'm pointing this to the adult side because it happens more often then teens. With being drunk, people's eyesight and cognitive thought and function becomes bery challenging, causing drunk drivers to get into and possibly die from collisions and accidents. With a driverless car though, that possibiliy is dumbed down a bit. Now it's still not fully taken care of as driverless cars arent' driverless cars. They still need the human aspect to take over if needed. So the next time you go drinking, bring a friend or something, because this concept is still a work in progress. With all that being said and done, I think the driverless car is a pretty good inevedebility. Though the concept of drunk driving can be worked on the car that drives itself is a great thing and can be a reality if worked on properly. That's my take on the driverless car and I hope I got the point across.
Life on a boat sounds terrifying doesn't it? Well you're wrong .You can do alot of things on a boat. Just ask Luke Bomberger. This man lived on a boat raising cattle. Luke joined the seagoing cowboys after he graduated highschool. While Luke was on the ship his job was to clean up the spaces which had the animals in it. Sometimes his job was to check the animals every hour. Luke says that "it was the opportunity to see or do different things. Besides helping people." when the ship arrived at different places Luke would explore the areas and go try different things. For example, he went on a gondola ride in Venice. Another example is he toured in a excavated castlein crete. My final example is that Luke marveled at the Panama canal. Luke also saw Acropolis and China. Luke also found time to have laughs on the ship. The crew members and Luke after cleaning the hold would do sports. Such as, baseball and volleyball games. The would also do table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading , writing, and whittling. They also did boardgames. After you did about 9 and below of trips. You see the world. It can also show you that other people in different countries need your help. Whether it's clean clothes,food,or shelter there is always a way you can help. These reasons show that living on a boat isn't so bad.
The author does a pretty nice job at explaining all the dangers of Venus. The author provides the readers with all the information that is necessary, for the space program. Although Venus is dangerous, scientists are still willing to find out about it. The world today revoles mainly around science, and scientists will do what they have to do to get information. "Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landinf for more than a few hours" (paragraph 2). In the quote just stated, it proves that even if the spacecraft does not last more than a few hours, scientists are spending thousands of dollars on equipment just for some information but not much. In the next quote, some of the features will be listed. "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" (paragraph 4). Astonomers are working with everything they can at the moment. "Researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks" (paragraph 6). The previous quote is stating that scientists are trying no matter what the risks are. Also, scientists cannot completely risk their lives for safety purposes but they do their best. Scientists will strive to meet the challenges by Venus. It is believed that information should not be limited but risks should. If none of the scientists took risks for our planet, there would be no information about the past, present, or future. Scientists work and risk the dangers of Venus. Scientists will do what they have to, to support their claims.
To me personally I think that driverless cars should be developed because they would change the world. By developing these driverless cars it would not only change the world but save, gas,money and time. So to me the development of these cars should definitely take place. The first reason I think driverless cars should be developed is because they cause less accidents. These cars cause less accidents because they are sensored causing the car causing the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. These cars allow better resonse and control than human driver manage alone just from sensors and makes driving safer for people. The driverless cars also has vibrating seat belts when the vehicle is in danger of backing into a object. So this is the first reason why I think driverless cars should be developed. The second reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because they have far more flexibility than a bus. By developing driverless cars people dont have to worry about being late for work because the bus is too slow or is making too many stops. By having a driverless car people would be able to get to work,school,or anyother place they want to on time. People wouldn't have to rely on a bus that has to keep making stops when they can get where they need to be on time with this car. This is the second reason why i think driverless cars should be developed because they are more flexible than a bus. The third and final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because it saves people gas money. This car would save people gas money because it uses sensors to function like to stop brakes, accelerate and steer. By this car saving people gas money they can use the money to buy things instead of spending alot on gas. So this is the final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed because they save people gas money.
Florida Senator: After reading a few articles explaining the Electoral College system and reading arguements for and against it, I have decided the system is not worth keeping in place. The system does not take every voter into account, and our electors are not always reliable. Also, this system of voting can discourage citizens in non-swing states from voting, which may be it's greatest crime. The Electoral College is worn out and ready for retirement. The Electoral College, although seemingly based on the people's votes, is really dependent on whoever the chosen electors want as president. It does not seem very fair for voters to spend months listening to drawn out debates, campaign commercials, and becoming educated on the candidates, just to have their vote essentially thrown away if they did not vote for the majority. No, they do not even get to see their vote in action. It is simply erased and given to a slate of electors who stand for the majority of the state, even if the majority is only 50.1%. To the new generation of voters who really want to make a difference in the government, the idea that unless we pick the 'right' candidate for our state, our votes really do not matter is absurd. In the electoral college system, even the majority voters in each state can not count on having reliable electors, according to Bradford Plumer, the author of an anti-Electoral College-article. Electors can be anyone who does not hold a public office, and these people can be swayed or unloyal to their own party as well (Plumer). These are the people our votes are really going towards, not the actual president as many uneducated could be led to believe. Although the trust of these people is rarely misplaced (Richard A. Posner, In Defense of the Electoral College: Five Reasons to keep our present method of choosing the President), there is always a possibility of the electors being swayed at the last minute, which is a bit of a scary thought. Imagine if segregationists in the Loisiana legislature had succeeded in replacing Democratic electors with ones who would oppose John F. Kennedy, one of or best presidents (Plumer). The final reason keeping the Electoral College system in place is a bad idea is that if you are a voter in a clearly defined state, that is, non-swing, you are more likley to decide not to vote at all. When candidates can clearly define states in which they know they will win, or have no hope of winning, they don't bother spending time there to educate voters. Voters in these states do not get all the information they might want in order to make an educated decision. This would lead to a biased, uneducated state in which voters don't care to vote because of a mindset that almost everyone in the state is of a certain political mindset and their vote is just another piece of paper that will not matter. These voters could also make rash decisions because they did not get to truly hear all of the campaignes. In swing states where there is not a clearly defined political opinion, voters will be bombarded with information, and although they may be educated and well versed in their opinions, the votes, no matter how close, will not really matter because of the nature of the Electoral College system. In closing, the Electoral College system is not worth saving. Although some may argue it gives a certainity of outcome or restores the balance to heavily populated states (Posner), it does not give everyone's vote a fair chance. Nor does it guarantee the electors will be reliable. The Electoral College system even dissuades voters from excercising their Constitutional right to vote. Please take this into consideration, Mr. Senator, next time the Electoral College comes into question. Thank you for recieveing my most humble opinion. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME 9th Grade Student
In the follow paragraphs I will be explaining why I believe that we should not be making Driverless cars. I believe that it is extremely important for people to be able to drive on their own and these cars will be bascially going against that to a certain extent. First, I believe that having driverless cars purposely contridicts the whole drivers test establishment. I know that some of the driverless cars will have to have the driver to keep their hands on the steering wheel the entire time, but they can still be distracted. Plus some people are thinking about making cars that can drive themselves in any and all situations. What are we supposed to do if the auto drive in the car beaks or malfuctions, if you are in the car and dont know how tho drive you are completely stuck until someone can either fix the car or drive the car for you. Second, I believe that driverlees cars are not excatly the best idea to be introducing to this generation's teenagers while we are in the age of technology. Today's teens are, for the most part, extremely attached to their phones. For example, some students are so attached to them that instead of getting them taken for a week (which is just five days) they would rather take a suspension from school. I mean why would you risk your education over something as stupid as a phone. If teens can't even stay off their phones while in school, why should we let them have the abiltiy to use them while in the driver seat of a driverless car. If they are on their phone and not paying attention, and the auto driver breaks down what is going to happen. Someone could be hurt or worse, dead from them being irresponsible and not paying attention to the roads. Don't get my critism of the entire idea confused, I think it is a splendid idea. It's just that their are really to many distractions in this world for anyone, not everyone, to stay completely focused. This is a great idea, but if we could find a way to make sure that everyone keeps their minds on the task at hand and pay attention to the road this would be even better than it already is. In the end of this all one person can't stop this by themselves. This is a great idea but if you can't find a way to make this safer than it already is you might just lose alot of potential customers.
Dear Senator, This is a fabulous and very plentiful country. We the people are grateful of our freedom and love our leaders. However, our system of choosing our leaders is not the best. The Electoral College is unreliable and not very accurate. We should vote by most popular choice among the citizens of America. The electoral voting system is not very efficient because, mostly by this in my opinion, each state really has only 1 vote. A represenative worth 55 million people should not be equal to a represenative worth only 500,000 people. This system is very unbalanced and unfair to the American people. Canidates for the election only have to focus on certain states that they can swing in their favor and get most of the states votes, but they won't always be getting most of the peoples votes. An election where each citizen counts as 1 vote and out of all those votes the majority wins. That is a more than fair system of voting, not some system where we vote for someone to vote for us. That's just flat out unethical, unfair, and unwanted.
Are you struggling with your work? If so the technology to read emotional expressions would help. It could help by knowing if you are stuggling and changes the lesson so that you can understand it ,you just have to look confused. It could also change other technology like video games. The computer can recognize facial features and tell if you need help or not. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Dr.Huang predicts ( Making Mona Lisa Smile paragraph 6) The computer could change the lesson so that the student could understand. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human Instructor." (Making Mona Lisa Smile paragraph 6) It could also change how we do outside of school. "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery." (Making Mona Lisa Smile paragraph 6) It could also change video game faces based on how you feel on them. Facial recognition technology could help our society not just by changeing schools they also change everything else that has to do with techology.
Senator, I believe we should hange to election by popular vote. The people take time out of their busy lives to become a registered voter to vote on who they want to be president, but they're not voting for the president they're voting for electors. Those electors then elect the president. Why waste our time? Those electors can just elect a president without our help, but that wouldnt be fair for the people not to have a say in who governs our country. To begin with, It's in the best interest of the people that we should'nt have a Electoral College. For example, in Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even th best-laid defenses of the system are wrong states ; " The best argument against the Electoral College is the 2000 fiasco that is the lagest election crisis in years; the system allows much worse. ", ( Bradford Plumer ). The 2000 fiasco let legislature choose the electors, but the electors could go behind the peoples back and "defy their will" ( Bradford Plumer ). We don't need the electors help, we need a say so in the decision. In addition, others believe that we should keep the Electoral college. In Source 3: In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president ; they give us " five reasons for retaining the Electoral College " ( Richard A. Posner ). The first reason is " Certainty of Outcome " which goes on to say that; " ... almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state makes a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. ", ( Richard A. Posner ). The second reason is " Everyone's President " that states that; " The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. ", ( Richard A. Posner ). " Swing States " is the third reason, talks about Toss-up States. The fourth reason is " Big States " which sates " that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance... " ( Richard A. Posner ). The fifth and final reason is " Avoid Run-Off Elections ", it says that " ... no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast. " ( Richard A. Posner ). I understand what Richard is saying and he has lots of evidence to back his oppinion up, but i disagree with him. Inconclusion, We the people deserve to have our votes count for something. We go out of our way in our daily lives to vote, and they dont even matter, because we vote to have someone else choose for us. " The Electoral Colledge is regarded as a non-democratic way of choosing a president... ", ( Richard A. Posner ). We the people have the right to vote, so give us the right to.
Dear State Senator, Have you ever sent your vote to where its is in the hands of other people not knowing what is going to happen to it like is it going to be counted for the person you want it to, or it could be for the person you really do not want to win. Well that is called an electoral college. It in my opinion is not a very good system because, you don't always get to vote for who you want to. I believe that we as individuals have the right to choose what we want in a leader. I do not believe Electoral College. For the simple fact, we do not always get to vote for who we want to run our country. The people of America have their own beliefs and own opinion and when it comes down to where we have to choose the person who will be running our country for four consecutive years we will vote for the one we believe that will not hurt our beautiful country. But if we did choose the Electoral College and I wanted to vote for John McCain for instance, and is sent it in and now your vote is in the hands of other people now you don't know if your vote is gonna be for John McCain or Barak Obama. Therefore I do not like or consider anyone using the Electoral Collage. By using the popular vote you are guaranteed the vote you wanted. You don't have to worry if you vote got changed or not. You popular vote is what you wanted to choose and no one could change that So I think I speak for the people when I say lets do away with the Electoral College and just use the popular votes. -Thank You A Concerned Voter                                                        
Dear senator, i argue that we should keep the electoral college. elecotral college is a process that was established by the founding fathers in the Constituitions as a compromise between election of the presodent by a vote in congress(Office of the Federal Register).  the electoral process consitsts of the selection of the electors, meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress (Officer of the Federal Register). the electoral college has 538 electors. a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. your state's entitled allotment of electofd equals the member in the House of Representatives. Under the 23rd ammendment, the Dostrict of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Because of this, the word "state" also refers to the Districe of Columbia. however, under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of ekectoys, who turn to elect the president. one bad thing about the electoral college is what m=we might call the disaster factor, the americsn people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggerst election crisis in a century; the system allows much worse. (Plumer) All in all, Mr Senator, i think that it would be a good idea to keep the electoral college. the process makes a huge difference between voting for presidents and voting for someone to vote for potential presidents. Sincerely, Student
Hey everybody I'm Luke Bomberger and I'm here to convince you to join the "Seagoing Cowboys program,I am going to list reasons why you should join by telling you my excpriecnces .I've had good and bad ones but at the end it was the best choice I've made. One reason is that you get to help many people and animals have a better and here is my example,It took about two weeks to cross the the alantic ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China .Caring for animals during the crossings kept me busy. They had to be fed and watered two three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled upfrom the lower holds of the ship,Also stalls had to be cleaned. Another reason is that you get to venture around the world and see many different things and places,like I got to see Europe and china,but seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special to me. And one final example is that as you venture around the world and take care of animals you also get more aware of people of other countries and their needs. I think that this would be a great opportunity for you guys and you also get see many different places and people and thier countries.
The author supports the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author thinks that if NASA could get close enough to the planet to study it they will have gained insight on the planet and will lead to human curiosoty into many equally intimidating endeavors. The author believes it will be valueble even though there are challenges it presents which include high temperatures, the pressure, and a thick atmosphere. A challenge of studying venus presents include high temperatures of 800 degrees. There is also a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which also contains clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. A big problem that NASA faces with landing on Venus is the pressure that the planet has. The pressure there is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. If NASA found a way to solve those problems than they could learn valuable information about Venus. The author believes that Venus has a lot of information that NASA could still learn about the planet. Information such as; what causes the erptions of volcanoes or why is it so Earth like? The author states that scientists are fasinated by the fact that its the closest planet to be like Earth in our solor system. The author also states that, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various life forms, just like earth." If this is true NASA could believe that there might be other planets that are just like ours. The author supports the idea of Venus being worth studying even if there are risks. THe author believes that if NASA could get close enought to the planet they coul see if there were truely other life forms other than earths. The author supports the idea of it being valuble by saying, "Not only would we gain insight of mars but also lead human curiosity into many equally intimidating endeavors. "
That "Facial Action Coding System" is a Joke We all know that there are different emotions going are the school. The different types of emotions that are commonly at a school are happy, mad, sad, bored, or even nuetral. My question is, why do you care how the student is feeling? I know that the teacher himself or herself does not want to be here so, what makes them think that us students wants to be here. A student comes in the school the teacher says, "Goodmorning!" The student just walks past without saying anything. Let me take a guess, the student is not feeling school, sleepy, or even that student might not like the teacher. We do not need a "Facial Action Coding System" pulled out to just find out the students feeling. In paragraph eight, it states, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." A person lied, why can the investigator not do the job how it is suppose to be done taking everything step by step intead of getting a machine to do all of the job. By the way, how are you feeling now that I am stating my opinion? I hope you are feeling great because I know I am.
There have been many discussions whether or not having an electoral college as the system to decide the president is alright. Many people say this system is corrupted and that it must be thrown out to think of a new better government system, while many other people disagree and state that "yes", this system works perfectly well and that we should keep it this way for many years. Of course, most of the population of the country simply believe this system is best and we should keep it. This may be because certainty of the outcome, and because the system is made out well. Of course, there is also a downside to this such as when a person goes to vote, their not neccesarily voting for whom they believe to be voting for. To begin with, having the electoral college is great because of the fact that there is certainty of the outcome. As said in source 3 by Richard A. Posner, there is absolute certainty of the person you're voting for is going to win or lose. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. For example, in the 2012 election, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. Useing this as an example explains that the electoral college, to win it, you must need the magority votes. Furthermore, the system it self is made out really well. As said in source 1, the electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors [ which consists of 538 and only takes 270 electoral votes to elect a president]. During this meeting they vote for who they want as president and vice president. Also, your state's entitiled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its congressional delegation. In a way you could say that, the electoral college is like a game, and many people just want it gone because they aren't good at it, or just don't understand it. Of course there is always a downside to everything. This flaw is that, when you're voting, you're not voting for who you believe you are voting for. As said in source 2, when you vote for your president, the vote doesn't go to the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. This may not sound so bad, but with something such as this, there could easily be some corruption in that and could change the outcome of the election. But even with this said, it's an unlikeble chance. when you vote, the elector you voted for is most likely going to be an elector which will vote for your president. So no worries. In conclusion, letting the electoral college stay is a good idea. It is a well thought out system, and the certainty of which president will be elected is completely accurate which doesnt make it a big guessing game. Don't pay attention to those conspiricies of the electoral college, that we have a great system.
Have you ever heard of the "Unmasking the face on Mars" before? Well people started making accusations before they got a high quality photograph. They though it was a face aliens had made on Mars, that was one of the many accusation made about the face on Mars. The face on Mars is just a landmark because "The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April ’98—a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." So there as a big cloudy winter storm when people discovered the face. Well with all the wind blowing it could of just been made of dirt and rocks and everything blowed into one pile and by a cowincidence been made into a face. Second another reason why the face is just a landmark because right after the winter storm they got "A 1976 Viking 1 photograph of the Face on Mars." Before they can go make accusations that go into history you have to have a high quaity picture to prove you are right. They got one picture and that is not enough to solve something in history to start making illogical accusations without evidence. Finally why the face is just a landmark on mars is because instead of waiting to get a high quality image they waited 3 years to go back to Mars to see it. When they finally did go back to see the face they had a lot better and high quality cameras. So when they arrived back on Mars it was proven that the so called face was just a landmark. A quote in the text that makes everything logical is "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West." So there you have it the face on Mars was just a landmark not an alien face. See before everyone made illogical accusations they did not have a high quality photo and when they first took the photo when it was a cloudy day. NASA is correct because before making accusation they went and got evidence to prove their thoery's.
Have you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys? If you have, have you ever thought about joining them? It may seem ludicrous leaving your family, traveling around the world, taking care of animals on a ship, but it's a great opportunity. It may not seem interesting to you just thinking about it,but you should consider joining. If you decide to join the seagoing cowboys, you can get the amazing opportunity of traveling the world. You can see places like China and Europe. You could also see culture from all around the world. While you're there, you could see many differnt unique ways of living. Another thing you could do, is help people with their needs or wants. Traveling the world can also help you become more aware of the countries around you. Another interesting thing you could do if you join them, is you could meet new people. Since your on a ship for long periods of time, to keep you busy you could play games in empty holds. Some of the games you could play are baseball, volleyball, fencing, or boxing. When playing these games, you can find people who are intersted in the same hobbies you enjoy. The Seagoing Cowboy group is a great way to meet new people and make friends. The Seagoing boys doesn't just help you make friends, travel the world, but it's much more. It can open up the world to you, so this is why it's so important to some of the people who join. For example in the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves", Luke, the main character, said, "It was an opportunity of a life time." Luke also said, "I'm grateful for the opportunity." Being able to join the Seagoing Cowboys will change your whole demeanor about the world around you. All you have to do is give something a chance, and it could change your life. I promise you if you join the Seagoing Cowboys, you won't regret it. I hope if you decide to join them, and that it changes your life, just like it did Lukes.
NO MOTORVEHICLES? Yeah I know sounds crazy but it is actually very true and very helpful to our "Mother Nature". Around the world there have been an ample amount of experiments and even permanent instances that show off the marvelous wonders of no motor vehicles. From the alps of Vauban, Germany to down the street in Paris, France to even meet the other side of the world in Bogota, Colombia. Where there have been complete motor vehicle banning even going to the extreme of redesigning the whole city just to fit there suburban type customs but without the vehicles. Even just a simple banning for two days on motor vehicles just to clean up the air from time to time. As well as having a yearly event where all motor vehicles except for buses and taxis are banned all day long. In Vauban, Germany they host home to about 5,500 residents within a rectangular mile. With absolutely no motor vehicles, they are forbidden. I think its actually pretty nice to have a suburban town where the whole town doesnt even have room for motor vehicles. Roads, street parking, parking lots, driveways, and home garages all do not exist in this town. They take it to the extreme where as to live in the town if you own a motorvehicle you MUST sell your motor vehicle first. 70 perecent of families do not own cars and 57 perecent sold a car to move into Vauban. And if you are to own a car you must purchase your own car space at the very edge of the city wich cost up to $40,000, along with the price of your home. Alot of people around the world support this even here in the United States the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities and legislators are begining to act. After Paris came to a near record pollution level they enforced a parial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. One Monday motorists with even numbered license plates were demanded to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine or the the equivalant of $31. The same would apply to the odd numbered plated that following tuesday. Near 4,000 drivers were fined according to a international news agency headquatred in London. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals with  147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared to 114 in Brussels, and 79.7 in London. There smog rate was so bad they rivaled the city of Beijing, China which is known as the most polluted city in the world. The congestion in was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five-days of incredibly increasing smog. But with the ban the smog cleared up enough Monday for the ruiling french party to rescind the ban for the odd numbered plates by Tuesday. It was the third consecutive year that motor vehicles besides buses and taxis were baned from the capital of Bogota, Colombia. But this third year other major cities like Cali and Valledupar, joined the event. This day is specifically without cars is part of an improvement campain that began in Bogota in the mid-1990's as an improvement campain. And it has worked it has cleaned up the environment in all three cities. Parks and sport centers have also blosssomed throughout the city. Unequal, jagged sidewalks have been replaced by smooth sidewalks and rush hour has dramatically cut traffic out of the picture while restaurants and upscale shopping districts have been on the rise. This culture is very quickly spreading throught the entire world. Even here in the United States, President Barack Obama  
I know you might think that the face on Mars was created by aliens, but here at NASA we have been doing reasearch for many years to find any signs of life on other plants, and so far we have nothing. The face on Mars might look like it was created by aliens, but our reasearch shows that it is just shadows. Also because we have been doing reaserch for so long all of our studies show that there is no possible way that any creature would be able to survive on any other planet in our solar system other then Earth. Also as it said in our reserch it is just a rock formation that happened because of soemthing like a landslide. When all of us here at Nasa first saw the image we knew we had to study it! When we beagan our studies we sent a space craft up to take pictures. When we recived those pictures we noticed that it looked like it was a shadow of the way we were taking the picture or maybe the way that rocks were laying. We were all still curious on how the rocks got there so we kept studying! At NASA there is always reaserch of something going on! When we first started reaserch one of our main goals was to figure out if there is any possible way that people could live on any other planet then Earth. So far we have concluded that there is no possible way that anyone could survive on any other planent, because there is no suply of food or water. So with our prior knoladge of that we knew that there were no aliens on any planets! Even though we knew all these things we still wanted to know more so we continued our reasearch. While contuning our reaserch we found out that it was highliy possible that there was something like a landslide on Mars. With our knoladge of landslides we knew that they can sometimes form things like rock scopluters that look like things they are something they are not. So with all of our reaserch we all came to a conclusion. All of us at NASA were very sure with our conclusion of this was not created by aliens that it was just something as simple as a land slide and shadows. Throughout our reasearch we found out that the reason the rocks look like a face is shadows, and that the rocks got there from something like a landslide. These are the reasons us at NASA belive that the face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply rocks and a shadow.
Driving cars is something we all have wanted to see. And now knowing that they might actually be invented is something many people are excited about. There are so many questions about these newly invented cars. How do they work? Are they safe? What will happen to the cars we are using now? Many people are wondering the same questions. After reading the article "Driverless Cars are Coming" I disagree and am not for the idea of driverless cars because people enjoy driving, many companies will be out of busniess, you will still have to drive, and they aren't super safe. First off, there are many people in the world that enjoy driving. When teenagers turn 16 one of the first things they want to do is get their license and drive. Driving is something that everyone wants to be able to do. But if we have cars that drive themselves, teenagers will never need to know how to drive. And I am sure many of them would be upset. Yes, in the article is does say that the driver will need to take over but for only certain situations. "This means that human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." So many people will loose the enjoyment of driving, and only be able to drive in those particular situations. In addition, there are people that enjoy sitting there and driving. And if we have self driven cars they will not be able to do that. Instead, the car will drive its self while the human just sits there. Many people will be upset with the fact they won't be able to drive any more. Futhermore, what will happen to all the companies and busniesses that have to do with the cars we have now? Including gas stations, car autoshops, drivers ed, and mechanic shop? Will all of these places just shut down and leave thousands of people without jobs? Since the new cars drive themselves there would be no need for drivers ed anymore. That would leave all the drivers ed places out of busniess. Secondly what would happen to the cars that we are driving now? Would everyone have to stop using them and go to the "driverless car" or could people still us the same car they have know? In the article it says "The track was embedded with electrical cable that sent radio signals to the reciever on the front end of the car." This makes me wonder would we need new roads with this electrical cable embedded in it, because that would leave to even more problems. In addition, these cars aren't fully finished and safe. The driverless cars they are making aren't fully driveless they still need the driver to be alert. So what's the fun in driving a "Driverless car" when its not completely driverless? When you think of driverless you think that the driver can be doing whatever he/she watns and doesn't need to be worried about drivng. However that's not the case, the still have to be alert. So the driver will have to stop the activity they are doing, and take over driving when the car needs it to. " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over." These displays were if the driver was watching a movie, or any other entertainment. But, if I was in the middle of something, and was interrupted and had to stop and take control of the car, I would not be happy. And I am sure many others wouldn't be happy either. And who knows how frequent the car is going to need you to take over. If you were planning on getting something done in the car, you might not be able to if you keep getting interupted. Lastly, how safe are these cars? No where in the article does it say that these cars are extraordinary safe compared to the cars that we have now. So it makes me wonder, do I really trust a car to be in control of my life. No, especially if it says that the driver might need to take over at certian times. That makes me think that there could be some malfunctions in this car, and risking my life for it would not be worth it. Not only would I be risking my life, but the others on the streets as well. The quesiton also comes up, who's fault would it be "If the system fails and a person gets hurt whos fault would it be? " Technology is known to have its flaws and that is something that could risks lives. I would not feel safe giving 100% of my trust to a piece of technology. Especially since there is no proof to how safe they really are. In conclusion, I am not ready for the "driverless cars". There is still so much work that needs to be done to make these cars safer and actually drive themselves. Many people still want to be able to drive, and if everyone switches to driverless cars then people won't be able to drive anymore. Also, so many companies would go out of busniess due to this drastic change in the car company, including drivers ed places. The driverless cars aren't actaully driverless which I'm sure will make people mad. The driver will still need to be alert, but not actually driving. These cars aren't exactly safe either, there is still a big chance about a malfunction. I'm sure people would be as hesistant as I would be if I went in one of these cars. Overall, innovations and inventions are great but sometimes its best to just stick with what we got. And in this case I think the cars we have now are perfectly fine, and don't need to be changed.
I think that this type of technology could be very helpful but it could also be very scary if it isn't used properly. But, if it is only used for classroom use I think it could be very effective. There are plenty of ways this new technology could help schools help students learn better. Especially, if it could help kids learn the best way they can. Face recognition is also used in the new IPhone X and there are already a whole bunch of new conspiracy theories about it. I think that is because humans have never seen this kind of technology used before, which can lead us to overthink and come up with crazy ideas in our heads because we don't fully understand this new technology. I feel as though Facial Action Coding System would get the same reaction at first which could probably affect schooling in general. Parents might hear negative stuff about this new technology and send their kids to different schools or start home schooling them, which would not be very good for the school's image. Of course, the talk would die down at some point but people might still be reluctant at first. On the other hand, I think once all the suspicions do die down it would be a tremendous help to the school. As the passage was saying, that it could recognize if the student is getting bored it could change the way the lesson is being taught. I think this would help because everyone learns in a different way. It also was talking about if the student was confused and I was thinking maybe they could even just re-word how the lesson is explaining the material. But, I do think the ad thing could be kind of annoying. Yes, it might help somewhat, but I, as do many other people, don't really like ads to begin with. Especially if they just pop up out of nowhere and onto my screen. It could help promote more things but I don't think that most people that are on the recieving end of these ads would be very fond of the idea. In conclusion, I think that this technology could be very helpful ,maybe even cool, if used correctly and with a lot of testing and patience. You're gonna need patience because of all the theories I talked about because no one knows how long that could last. But, nevertheless, I think that it would be entirely worth it.
People for many years have always been fasinated with self-driving cars. Since 2009 google has had cars that can drive automatic under certain conditions, but no driverless car has been truly driverless. Although driverless cars have a lot of positive aspects about them, there are more negative. I believe they are wrong. First, they are not safe. Not one driverless car has been able to drive safely without the help of a actual driver. If road costruction, accidents, or roadblocks come up then the driver must help and take over. So, If the driver falls asleep in the vehicle and doesn't hear the warnings that help is needed then there could be a crash or collision. Second, the amount of money that would need to be put into this action. If driverless cars were to become a part of today's society then we would be wasting alot of money to make one car. What if people can't afford to pay for a self-driving car? Then will the smart cars still be able to risk the possibility of crashes when all the other cars or drivers on the street aren't safe. The smart car can't detect everything. To make a driverless car the vehicle needs a lot of sensors. Sensors are not cheap and the car needs a lot of them, that's roughly a couple million dollors. Lastly, the technology could fail. To have driverless cars you would need to do a lot of updating to keep everything udated with today's traffic laws and more. If a law is changed or a new stop sign is added or stop light then the technolgy could fail and cause a crash or collision. Then who's fault is it? The driver for not helping the car when needed or the manufacturer who made the car the way it is. Although driverless cars have a lot of postive aspects about them, there are more negative. I believe they are wrong. Driverless cars are just as dangerous as a person driving an actual car everywhere. There will be way to much conflict over this topic until they have everything working properly and everything is safe. Either way this topic is to big to avoid.
Welcome to 2016. Finally, technolgy had gotten smarter and smarter. Even smarter than some humans these days. We have finally come up with a way to make our lives even more easier. Yay! Driverless cars is a brilliant, genius idea. Having a driverless car helps better our environment, safety, and could even save you some extra money. Pollution and global warming is a big problem. Our Earth is dying. With over population in many countries having cars that run on gas impacts our enviroment. All the fuel tha that is used is killing Earth day by day. Now, think about this. Having a car that runs on only half the fuel you would typically use? Sounds good right? Using only half the fuel we would typically use would make a tremendous differnece in our environment in a matter of a year. Having a vehicle is a privlage. It can also be very dangerous. In the news we always here about that one person or that group of teenagers getting into a car with a driver under the influence. Then we know what happens next. When you are under the influence you do not know you are,therfore, you think you are fine to do anything especially driving. Having a driverless car may actually saves lives. If one is out drinking or doing things they should not be and decide they have to drive, that car might just save them from the unexpected. Lastly, lets talk money. We all want to save money and buy more toys. Maybe you even want to go on a vacation to some nice beach where it is warm. How are you going to do that when you get a nice $1000 dollar spending ticket in a construction zone on I-65? Driverless vehicles maintain speed limit and know driving regulations. You may want to be going faster but your car is going to save you from getting that ticket. Better environment, protection of human safety, and money saving is something all like to hear. This new driverless car is all that within one vehicle. Purchasing a car can be difficult. You want the best for you money. Having a car that helps the enviornment, protects you, and saves you money is the car you should be interested in.
How well does the author supports his details. The gives reason abotu venus that make it sound intresting to reserch and find information about. As the Author sayed Venus used to be mabye just like earth that had oceans and etc. what the author is stateing. The author is stating that even thought thier is some dangers on Venus onday might have to leave earth and have to move to a driffrent planet. Venus is the only one that is most likey like earth and used to have oceans and rivers and mabye even used to have living creatures. The earth won't always be thier one we will have to leave earth one day which is like not intill a billion years. Resonsings about Venus that make you carious about or want to do some reserch on it. Venus is the brightest light in the night sky and it is a evening star. Venus looks just like the other stars up in the sky only ecept venus is the brightest. Venus is the one closet to earth and is more like a twin to earth. Venus could have had living orgnasim living in Venus. NASA has tryed many times to land on Venus. NASA has tryed to land on Venus but have never been able to get it to land on Venus without seomthing gouing wrong with it. NASA and scientist have work on trying to land on venus and to see what on it so many times bu really haven't been abel to accoplish it. NASA won't give ethier way intill they make it to a diffrent planet. The author is saying to just imagine what it would be like to be abel to land on a driffrent planet and see what is on it and what you can find. Mabye someday that will happen and we can see if thier were living things that survived on the planet.
Driverless cars are becoming more and more developed and popular. However, is it really what the world needs? There are multiple reasons for accidents on the road as is, imagine adding a malfunctioning driverless car to the mix. although this articel states that the cars aren't completely driverless, it still could be a major issue on the roads.(P2) For example, what if the human driver were not paying attention and letting the car drive, a danger ahead, be it an accident or some other immediate danger, and the car doesnt detect it quickly enough, or even detect the danger at all. Who would be at fault? These driverless cars are very unsafe in todays unpredictable world. The article also states that the cars aren't driving themselves, but assisting the human driver. These cars can only handle speeds of up to 25mph. (P7) this may be effiecent for a small town, but how is it helpful to the rest of the world? In paragraph 2 of this article the writer mentions Google cars. These cars can only drive under certain conditions, therefore limiting it's uses and making the car somewhat irrlevant to every day life. These cars are a danger to young drivers. Young drivers are very easliy distracted. If one of these young drivers were to have access to one of these cars and were to be distracted while the car drove itself into possible danger, this could result in major tragedies. Driverless cars are not a safe alternative to people driven cars. There are many concerns manufacturers have to take into consideration before developing these driverless vehicles.
I think knowing if students are either happen or sad in a class is a very important thing because that lets you know as a teacher if you are doing a good job at teaching or not. As teachers your suppose to make your students feel happen and excited to be able to learn. If you (the teacher) comes to class sad or in any negative way the class will feel the same and will not want to work because of how they are feeling. Then there can always be that one student in the back of the class all alone because he doesn't know nobody or because something is wong with him you should make him feel happy or even ask him what's wrong because no matter what you do not know what is wrong with a person unless you talk to that person and actually listen to what they are saying. You also have to understand wha they are feeling to be able to know how to handle that situation because if you don't and don't know what to do, you will make the other person feel even more bad about their self.
dear state senator, As you know America is very different from other countries. We are known as the land of the free, but then why cant we the people choose our president? The electoral college takes that right away from us. Americans have the right to vote so why would we be ignored and have our vote discarded. Many people dont agree with the electoral college system becase it strips people of their say and opinion in politics theres also the possibility of what people call a  diastor factor. Despite it not being the best way to choose a president there are some pros to using the electoral college system, for instance run-off elections, where the amount of popular votes are too close or when "no candidate recieves a majority of votes cast" sited from source 3 but then again thats very rare. The electoral college has someone voting in our places. A state representative cant say yes to all the canidates so why are they choosing for us we know who we want in office we as americans have a voice and a say in who is our leader. The amount of votes depends on how many people live in each state but "because each state casts only one vote,the single representative from wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, woud have as much say as the 55 representatives from california who represent 35 million voters" as sited from source 2 with all representives choosing the same canidate how can you expect them to reflect the will of the people? Disastor factors are the best argument againt the electoral college "back in 1960 segragationists in the louisiana legislator nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose john f kennedy (so that a popular vote for kennedy would not have actually gone to kennedy )" thers also the fact that "in the same vein and faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for whomever they please"as both sited from source 2 these disastor factors just prove how the electoral college can fail to choose a candidate fairly. To summerize i would like to restate that the electoral college takes away americans freedom of choice,it also does not allow people to choose who they think would help benefit our country,and the chance of disastor factors it could brings into play.        
Is driving a car really that crucial? Do people really need their own personal means of transportaion? Around the world people are limiting their usage of cars. The advantages of limiting car usage are lower pollution, you can decrease your expences by not having to pay a car payment or insurance, and many people have started to limit car usage so you dont have to worry about standing out socially. Pollution is a big issue when it comes to driving because cars cause a lot of pollution. In Paris a partial driving ban has been passed to try and clear the smog out of the city. "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day" (Duffer 11). 4,000 people were fined but congestion was down 60 percent. This was done becuase paris has more smog than other European capitals. Smog is not the only reason you should limit your car use if you dont have a car at all you are probably saving a lot of money. If you limit your car use to the point where you dont even own a car you can save a lot of money. You wouldn't have to pay your car payment and you wouldn't have to pay for insurance either. The downside of this is you would have to rely on other means of transportation and it would be hard to if you lived in a large city. If you lived in Vauban Germany however, you could bet away without a car. " While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs . . . . Vauban, home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low car suburban life" (Rosenthal 6). In this suburban area people have given up their cars and turned to "smart planning". Some people are not worried about the money or pollution involed but are more concerned about they will be accepted socially. Social acceptance is what holds some people back from limiting car use. Even for those people limiting car use will not be a problem because in the united states car use has declined. "America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily there after" (Rosenthal 32). This means that either Americans are going to keep steadily declining from using cars or this is just the younger generation and once they grow up they will have to get cars to go about their routines as adults. The main reasons for limiting car usage are lower pollution, not spending as much money, and not having to worry about social acceptance. It is for these reasons that limiting car use is not only good but it is an advantage.
Imagine someone sitting in class on the computer doing work that is just is not getting their attention. Now imagine a comuter that is aware of this and changes the lession up to catch their attention all based off of one's facial expressions. Interesting right? A new technology, called the Facial Action Coding System, can identify someones facial expressions based on how the muscles in their face are. This type of technology can be very useful in classrooms all around the world, and even benefit kids learning. The computers can tell when someone is getting confused or bored, It could modify the lessions to capture more attention and benefit the instructors. The computer can tell when someone is getting confused or bored. The technology could modify the lessions to get more attention. The system can help benefit the instrutors. There can and will be concerns out there about the new coding system and how it will affect the children in a negative way, however this type of new technology can help students grow and adapt to the technology of the world. That being said it can also be just as effective in the classrooms as well. Dr. Huang, the inventer of the coding system, notes that most human communucation is nonverbal, including emotion communication, so computers need to understand that to. This states that computers are learning from our emotions so it can improve to our standards and the standards of the children.
If you had an opertunity to become a Seagoing Cowboy take it. You should take it for two reasons, first it could be fun, second you could learn about the places you travel to. You could be one of the few who can say that the have fun for a living. Imagin this your at a famaly reunion and evey one there had no enteresting storys to tell you can tell them about your travels. It would be fun to go to japan maby go shoping or go to a salon. You could go to disney world and met your favorit disney prinsess. Your frinds could even come along and have fun with you. Also get paid to have fun that is even better. So that is one reason why you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. You could get a better education. You could learn facts about japan it's history and it's traditions. You can learn about different wars or different animals. You can spread your knoglage to the world. That is just some of the purkes of being smart. There are lots of reasons to be a Seagoing Cow boy but I listed just a few. You can be like Luke and have fun and learn. You could also wast a opertunity like that and regret it. If you get that opertunity do with it what you will but you can't have your cake and eat it to.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. the author supports this claim by using logos to give facts and numbers to the readers like, te average temperatures for venus are 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater then earths atmospheric pressure. the author also gives the readers pathos to show use what the profesionals, for example the National Aeronautics and Space Adiministration or for short NASA has one compelling idea for sending humans to venus and thats to study the plants resources and gasses but a big problem with that is if we did send humans there, they could only hover above the atmosphere like a plane because of how hot the ground and because it would be impossible for humans to breath due to 97 percant of Venus atmosphere is carbon dioxide that srounds venus, plus the clouds on Venus are highly corrosive sulfuric acid. addition to the problems with exploring Venus is that theres a ton of erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting storms. if venus is so inhospitable then why are scientist and the author so deteminded to visit venus? Astronomers are so fascinated by Venus because it may once have been like are earth with oceans and various life forms of life on venus. in short if vensu was once so much like are earth then what happened to it and thats what researchers and scientists would like to know, because whatever caused that to happen could happen to earth as well.
In the story " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is Earth's twin and have many similiaraties, but also have a lot of differences with each other. Venus has weather that we will never be able to handle naturally and also scientists cannot take an samples of rocks,gas or anything else due to the technology we do not yet have.Earth is sometimes located right next to Venus it just depends how fast it orbits around the sun. Earth and Venus are the closest in density and size that's why they are twins with each other. Venus has really hot weather that we will never be able to handle naturally with out it killing us. We will need special suits to go up to Venus if we would want to stay up there for a couple of days not just hours. Also special foot gear because Venus has the hottest surface temperature then any other planet in our solar system. Venus has many similiaraties with Earth such as having erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes.I believe that if you want to go up to Venus you would need special suits and gear to resist its wild environment and also advanced improved technology to survive. I currently believe that if NASA want to take humans to another planet with its technology today, it would be a really bad idea because the space ships today would not be capable to resist its 800 degrees Fahrenheit surface. I think NASA should wait until later on technology is invented when making twice as better space ships today. NASA should no risk any humans up to Venus with out being 100 percent sure that they will return back to its family. Its spaceships today can only land for a couple of hours and thats it. I believe that if NASA want to take humans to another unknown planet then we should be 100 percent sure that everything will go the right way. Maybe sometime in the future NASA will sent humans to Venus without a doubt that they will ever come back. I believe NASA should keep improving there technology and keep sending machines up to other planets then humans. We are yet not ready to have send people to other planets besides the moon.Technology today can currently have humans survive but not be safe.I think that now is not the time to sned people up to the moon with NASA's spaceships and technology. I believe that studying Venus is a well worthy of persuit and I completely agree with the author, but later on in life when technology is improved. With Venus's climate we would not be capable to go up there and would not be sure of everything. NASA should keep inventing machines that will allow to bring back rocks, gas, or anything else. This is why I believe that us humans are yet not ready to go on a dangers well worthy adventure up to Venus right now.
The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as compromise between election of President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of a qualified citizens. Each candidate running for President has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party. You help choose your state electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your canidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. I think we should keep Electoral Colleges. It gives people a chance, help with responsibility, and it is competitive. Thats why i think we should keep Electoral College. Initially, it gives everyone in the political group a chance. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: on for each member in the House of Representitaves plus two for your Senators. The District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Everyone in the political group votes. That means if you already did'nt ruin your reputation you have a chance at becoming the president because, everyone on at one point and time in the political party is equal. It also make sure everyon is heard, it makes everyone useful for something. The Electoral College gives everybody a chance which is probably the best detail about the system. In addition, Electoral College also hekps with responsibility. Laws are vary on how the electors are selected and what thier responsibilities are. It can either take away responsibilities or give more resonsibilities. This can help people out alot, people won't get task that they can't handle and other people won't get task that would bore them or would be to easy from. It also gies people restrictions that had already had problems or that had did something something that was'nt alowd. This is helpful to those who are'nt very skilled at something, those who are probably to skilled at something, and those who are probably just in the middle. This is also another great detail why we should keep Electoral College. Finially, it is competative. Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. This would make would people work harder and strive for higher expectations. The competitiveness level would be even higher becuase everyone is going for the same goal, this would make thing even more exciting to watch and here about. So the Electoral College dose not only just make the system good but it also makes it exciting and competative, which would helpe people want to learn more about the election. Thats another big reason why we should keep Electoral College. In conclusion, Electoral College is very good. It gives people chance to strive for greatness, it helps people with responsibility, and it is very competitave. I think we should keep Electoral College it is a great achievement to our country and is a advantage to our election. It lets everyone be heard, it teaches people how to deal with the roles they have to play the system, and it makes people work harder. I think Electoral College is good for us and we would be dumb not to keep it.          
I don't think the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Sometimes people don't want others to know how their feeling and why their feeling like that. Also, some people might think it's invading their privacy if they didn't give the person permission to read their emotional expressions. Reading other peoples emotional expressions without permission can cause the person to get angry because they might not want others to know how their feeling. I think it would be better to see how the person is acting and if you see that they aren't acting the way they usually do then you can ask them how their feeling or if their okay instead of using technology to read someones emotional expressions. For example, in the text in paragraph 5 it talks about how you can tell how a friend is feeling by the look on their face. Some people don't like others knowing how their feeling because they might think that the person is going to go off and tell others. They might be afraid that their going to make fun of them. Using technology can give you false information if not used properly. It can read that your happy but in reality you can be sad or angry you just aren't showing it because you don't want others to know. Also, it can read that your sad but in reality your trying to show people that your happy so they don't ask you whats wrong. If the person who read your expression through their computer goes up to you and tells you they know that you aren't happy it can make the person feel angry because they were trying so hard not to let people know that they aren't upset. Sometimes just asking someone in person how their feeling can be better than using technology because now and days thats all people use so most people don't communicate in person. Asking someone how they feel can make them feel better if they know they have someoen they can talk to and not through technology. Some people can fake their expressions so using technology won't always be as right as asking someone in person how their actually feeling. These are a couple of reasons why I think the use of technology to read peoples emotional expressions isn't valuable to know how someone is feeling.
In the United States, the process to pick the president is rather complicated. From nation-wide voting to states that swing from party to party, it has intricate parts that most people find confusing. The electoral college, the process that in the end picks the president, is also rather complicated. It was made to be a compromise of picking the precident by votes in congress and popular vote from citizens by the founding fathers. In modern times however, most citizens agree that popular vote makes more sense and that the electoral college has become rather bloated. In the case of finding reasons of why the electoral college doesn't really work is because private citizens vote for someone else to vote and that voters from different states don't control who the electors choose. First of all, because of the electoral college, citizen's vote counts less when they vote for someone else to vote. Most citizens would relish the chance to vote for the canidate that they choose to support. But when they do vote, their vote only just might sway the electors vote. For example, during the 2000 presidential election, instead of the intended canidate winning the vote, the electoral college choose another. It removes any sense of personal worth when participating in general elections and makes it harder for some canidates to win. Furthermore, not only do electors choose the president, but the votes themselves from private citizens don't control who the electors choose. Electors are people chosen at state conventions, presidential candidates, and state party's central committees. The amount is chosen on the populations of such states, making smaller states with still a significant poplation seem unsignigicant. However, the biggest slight is that the votes made by the citizens don't obligate electors to choose what the general population has already choosen. It takes away control from the "people" and is inherently wrong. In conclusion, the electoral college is rather useless because it does the job that citizens already do and takes away control from them. By voting for electors, the electoral college process takes away a sense of self in elections while giving the power to choose the president to a group of about 200 people that can be persuaded or just simply choosen  by the candidates themselves. Its a bloated system and should be dealt with.
Hi my name is Luke Bomberger and I am here to talk about the seagoing cowboys program. Belive it or not I was in that program back when I was younger oh and what fun it was. We whent everywhere the crew and me. Im tell you it was amazing I was about 17 or 18 and we crossed the pasific ocean to China and all kinds of other places! We joind that program because it would be an exiting adveture. The other most importan reason we joind is because we get to help many peole acrossed the world and isent that what its all about? The jobs you could have on board are somewhat fun but some are not fun at al like the droppings of the animals someone has to clean thoes up but not all are so bad, my personal favorit was lowering the flag to set sail when the wind was blowing. Now on the boat you also have to be carefull it is slippery when a storm comes by and you could slip on the wood. But I do have to warn you about lowering the flag, I was up on the ladder on stormy night and I slipped and slid dow the ladder on my backside and heading strigt for the edge of the boad but I was stoped by some metal rims on the side but I still could not work for a few days because of broken ribs! So as I was saying be very carefull on the ship. The top is also very fun you and your crew could crack jokes and on the way back we ues to play games read, wittel, and boxing so you kids these days can do what you normaly do in your free timelike play on thoes ear phons of yours OH im sorry i ment Iphons or you kindel ices oh fire kindel fire not kindel ices how silly of me but you know what I mean well it is now time for me to go but I do hope you think about joinin the program and goog luck on your future adventurs.
Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus will gain insight on the planet itself. That our curiosity will likely lead us into our travels beyond our fears. We should not be limited by doubts, but to strive. We should meet the very edges of imagination, and concur our fears. The author included lots of information of the planet Venus, and also some fun facts in which I also included in my passage. Venus is referred to as the Earth's twin. Venus is closest to Earth in density, the size, and sometimes in distance. In spance terms human have sent lots of spacecrafts to land on the cloud draped world. No spacecraft has survived the landing for more then a few hours on Venus. This is why a single space ship hasn't been on Venus in more than three decades. With such a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets around Venus. The author has been stating lots of backgound information about Venus which helps on knowing when we need to have to be able to stand the conditions. Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times what we experience on our planet each day. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our very soloar system, even if Mercury is closer to the sun. Venus is the most earth like planet in our solar system. Venus still has some features that are close to the same on Earth. The planet has a hard rocky surface that includes valleys, mountains, and craters. The author is talking about new ways to apportch the planet without having to land on it because of its toasty temperatures. There still isn't a way to get samples of its land, but with all the information they have gathered where they can have our machines last long enough that they can stand the harsh climates of Venus. However, all they need right now is to get up close. The author doesn't think because there's a obstical in the way of a new discovery you shouldn't give up. To learn to adapt with the information you have will help down to road t your success.
Dear State Senator , I think the Electoral College would make voting harder. The Electoral College is unfair and votes on its own favor rather than what the people of America think. The reason is because Americans ( voters ) are not voting for their president, but for a slate of electors, who then turn and elect their president. Its a bit overruled that by declaring candidate with most popluar votes winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in the modern sense...it is electors who elect the president,not the people. The Electoral College does not let the majority of candidates votes cast making a difference in voting. It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the prsident turned off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. The Electoral College Method is from the past its not made for the modern day voting system, it makes voters not want to vote for there freedom or president its not made for present day voting
Giving up a car can be difficult. But if you all knew more about cars, perhaps you all would stop using them. Or at least limiting the usage of your car. Lowering the pollution rate in the world would defenetlly be an advantage. There would br more space for other things to be built. And besides, cars are a one of the many ways people die. Cars are so mediocre for our environment. . "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." The percentage is lower in Europe due to the fact that Europeans drive less that the people in United States do. The Environmental Protection Agency are promoting "car reduced" communities in the United States. Beijing, China, is on eof the most polluted cities in the entire world. Many countries and cities are enforcing a partial driving ban to get rid of the air pollution. Places like France, Paris, London and even Bogota, Colombia. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said Carlose Arturo, a businessman. Studies in  America show that as each year goes by, less and less Americansare buying or driving cars. Studies also show fewer licenses are getting distributed each year. Driving fewer cars means that roads really aren't useful anymore. So, that leaves room for other things to be built. Things like parks, restaurants, shopping centers, and it woould be great for promoting or expanding companies. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hourrestrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." Finally, cars are one of the many ways people die. Statistics show that car crashes are more likely to happen than getting in a plane crash or any other type of collision. Especially for teens who have just got their license. Many peopole die from car crashes, just think about all the losses we could prevent from happening. Just because that person didn't mean anything to you doesn't mean they weren't loved by someone else. In conclusion, you should see the many things we could avoid with cars. The many advantages we would have without cars. We would have less pollution, more space for other things to be built, and the lives of your loved ones. Even if you choose not to stop driving your car, at least limit the usage of it, or you coud car-pool.
The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Becjman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois. Can we actually "calculate" emotions? How can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?. These process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all the major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. These program can really help teachers to figure out how thier students are feeling. Nuci Sebe of the University of Amsterdam Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. These new process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major musvloes in the model must moke like human muscles. movement of one or more muscles is calle an "action unit". as an examole six classified basic emotions six basic emotions as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Can we actually calculate emotions? the facial expressions for each emotion are universal. The new emotion recogniton sfotware tracks these facial movements in the real face or the painted face of Mona Lisa. For example each expression is compared against a neutral face.In fact we humans perfroms this same impressive calculation. As the last example a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson. How can a cumputer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? the new computer software stores a similar anatomical information as electronic code that allows the computer to describe the feeling that are beings expressed while the picture was taken. In fact are the instructions for a face that looks happy. It's all about those muscular action units. Whoever tought making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions is a really helpfull software that allows the teachers to know hoe their students are feeling.
I am against the idea of drverless cars. Technology is making our nation lazy. We have computers that think for us, radios that can read for us, calculators that count for us, and now we are creating cars that drive for us. It's unacceptable how we as a nation depend so heavily on technology to do everything for us. If technology is taking over everything, I would atleast love to keep my ability to drive. Driverless cars isn't such a brilliant idea anyway. Before we really begin to consider using this new advancement in transportation we should think of the best ways to insure safety. For instance with driverless cars how can we be sure that the person in control of the car won't feel the need to text and drive; if there is a malfunction in the car and the driver isn't eligible to respond in time to avoid an accident it can lead to many deaths or injuries. In driverless cars I'm guessing they would run on electricity, if the car short circuits and catches fire with a passenger inside, how can the manufacturer create a way for the passenger to exit the car before it exploids. The article stated that driverless cars are not completely driverless, they still need assistance from a human to take control during traffic issues such as an accident. The article also stated that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, making a car that drives for the driver makes it more of a challege for the driver to find a reason to stay alert. I believe the idea should hold off until we have a way to make sure there aren't any real concerns of safety. At the rate that technology is advancing I am more than positive that we will have driverless cars before the turn of the century. But I feel as though we are trying to walk before we crawl, we are missing important steps that will make sure driverless cars are necessary. There are still laws that need to be passed, and how do we know that driverless cars won't in some way negatively affect the regular cars that people who can't afford driverless cars.
In this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is about how the author describes new technology called the Facial Action Coding System which identifys the human emotions. This technology shouldn't read the students' facial expression. It shouln't read a students facial expressions because first off there's no reason to do it at a school especially. Second of all there's more other emotions than happiness, surprised, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness to tell of your face or mood. And the last reason is there's other new technology that can copy the 3-D face plus it could be dangerous. First off, there's no reason to do it in a school. Mainly because at a school you learn about different subjects like math, english, science, etc. I do not think this is some "lab experiment" either. Although the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face, and has all the 44 major muscles in the model to move like the human muscles. Do we really need all that just to tell what your facial expression is saying. Second of all there's other emotions than happiness,surprised, anger, fear, and sadness. Also there is lots of names on your face of what shows the emotion you are in. Orbicularis oris tightens your lip which shows anger, the zygomatic major lifts up the corner of your mouths,oculi pars palpabraeus make the crow feet, the zygomatic major is having your mouth stretched sideways while the risorius is a different muscle. According to the article you have to make those "fake smile" that has all those to test your facial expression. The last reason is because there's new studies that basically copies your facial expression or movents to a thing on the IPhone X called the Animoji. Animoji is basically an emoji coming to life and it can talk, copy your facial expression , and if you move your head around it'll move it's head around. Plus it's also a 3-D model as well. If the Animoji see's that your eyebrows are up or down, the corner of your mouth is lifted, or that your eyes are squinted it will copy every movement. Its dangerous beacuse apparently once it captures your face, basically the government or polices will know where to find you or how you look like all because of that. Those are my reasons why this technology should not be used on students is because first off there is no reason to do it at a school, second of all there's other facial expressions other than happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and my last reason is because there's new studies and it could be dangerous fo student.
limiting car usage if we all limited car usage life would be a whole lot safer for eveyone. we have lots of issues just because of  car usage. if car usage had a limit there wouldnt be as many problems such as pollution. paris had a new fecord of polluion . pollution can cause many problems for us from having clean water to drink to not having clean air to breath. car usage. as a results 70 percent of vaubans have cars  and 57pervent sold them to have money for a new home. lots of people said they are happier not having a car. they perfered to walk it was healthier anyway. it wasnt worth having to pollute the air and having to find clean water because the cars messed there drinking water up .they all baicsally decided to go green vauban ,germany residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers going where few soccer moms had never gone before  they have given up their cars. they have fotrbidden areas so that they can try and see wht life without cars because the president of the united states mr barak obamab doesnt want there to be cars in the future so they are tyring to start now                
Have you ever wanted to go see Paris for free and still help people in need? Well, now you can by just volunteering and becoming a seagoing cowboy. So here are some advantages of becoming a seagoing cowboy. First of all, you can get some character by volunteering and helping out. So when you are a sea cowboy you have to do work all the time so you are busy so then if you have to you can learn how to clean, feed, and water animals on a farm. Another thing is that you can help people and make someone happy. Don't you just love the joy you get when you help someone in need? Well you can have that feeling all the time if you volunteer because you are always helping people in need by giving them animals to eat. For the record, you can see amazing monuments and other amazing things by just volunteering. You get to see these things for free because you have to go to some places like how I saw the Acropolis and I took a grondola ride so that was fun. Something else is that you can get out of the drafts. I know because when I was on the ship, Iturned 18 and they said to keep going for my service and so that made me happy. Finally, you get to have afun way back. I know because there is nothing to do so to pass the time. We played baseball and volleball games and even had a table tennis or ping pong tournament. We also played fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling games to pass the time. So since I told about how voluntering could get you out of the drafts, see amazing monuments, have fun on the way back, and help people in need, I hope you take my word for it and be a seagoing cowbot like me.
Do you want to travel around the world for a cause and a good reason? Here is a reason, join the seagoing cowboys program. The only problem is if you get sea sick a lot, cause we are out on the sea. You will be seeing great and unimagianable sites. There is fun fillied activies we will have aboard. You will be also helping out the war, and you will be transporting supplies to the war sites. If you like fun this a chance you will want to take. You will be traveling to great places around the Earth. Such as Geece, Europe, China, and other destinations too. If you aboard the ship you will be in heaven with all of the amazing games and fun activitys. Such as "Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time." If you abourd the ship you will be a big help with the war going on. You will be providing supplies for them. Such as horses, tools, and many other stuff for them. They need our help, your help to help us help them in the war. If you don't take this offer you will be letting done the army in the war. Speaking about supplies you would be helping the armies animals by being our night watchmen. You would have to wake up every hour or so to check up on the animals. Just in cause someone wants to take the horses. You will be doing amazing stuff aboard. Including helping the war, the animals, and us. The fun you wont even think of. So come join us on our serious, but fun filled adventure on board.
Luke Bomberger wouldn't have seen how fun life was if he didnt graduate highschool. He had a good life and even better when his freind Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Right when they started to leave to europe world war 2 ended. They had arrived August 14 the day the pacific war ended. Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece that means he could of maybe joined military. Luke said it took about 2 weeks to travel across the Atlantic Ocean. It took a month to travel to china from united states. There lucky because they had 335 horses on the cargo ship with enough food and hay. Luke had to take care of all the horses it was his job. It was no big deal though when he was a little kid his aunt made him work on her farm to be prepared. Just in case he did work in a farm in future and look he is taking care of animals. On Luke's second trip he was a night watchman. All he had to do was check on the animals every single hour. Luke loved being a Seagoing cowboy it was more than he ever wanted. He had some scary moments but you have to face some fear. He was very scared when he almost fell off a cargo ship but a metal peice saved his life. Luke would find some time to have his own time and talked to the animals.
We all know that there many planet in our solar system. Also, we are living one of them and it's our home called Earth. And as we all know that's scientist want to learn about all the planet in out solar system. However, they still want to expand their curiousity about the planet in our solar system called Venus. First up, Venus sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it easier for even an amateur stargazer to see. But it's also misleading about Venus, it's actually the second planet in our solar system. But it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. There are fact about Venus that's show how dangerous it can be. People already try to send spacecraft to Venus, but everysingle one of them can't survive the landing a few hours. After that there is no more spacecraft that's ever landing in more than three decades. It's also have a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Additional challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Then, on the Venus's suface an average temperature is over 800 degrees in Fahrenheit and the pressure of the atmospher pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. But in beyond of high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and eath present addtional of impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful eathquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its suface. But scientist also believe that Venus was once like Earth now, it had it's own life . Today, Venus stil has some feature that are analogous to those on Eath. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and include the smae feature such as valleys, moutains, and creaters. Venus also allow scientist to flow above the fray. The height of thirty-plus miles aobe the sufac, temperature would stil be really high about 170 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure would be closes to that of sea level on Earth. But we can go on Venus but we can't collect any sample because we are too high for the suface from a distance. But scientist also looking back to the old technology called mechanical computer. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and play an very important role in the 1940s during World War II. But since mechanical part can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces than moderm technology. An valuable reason that Venus is a place that worth a vist to explore is that the planet not only cecause of the insight to be gain from the planet itself, but also because of human curiosity like us will lead into many more knowledge in the future. And it should not be limited by dangerous and doubts but should be expanded to meet every inches of imagination and innovation of a human.
Some people may view car limitations as bad or inconvinient, but that isn't true. There are plenty or ways to get to where you want to go other than driving. More people have been cutting down on their car usage and it helps with many things. There are lots of advantages to communities and cities when car usage is limited. Pollution is a major problem in big cities like Bejing, China; known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Cutting down car usage in big cities like this can help get rid of the horrendous smog. Paris, which often has more smog than other European capitals, has made some significant changes to help reduce the smog and harmful greenhouse gasses that are trapped in the air from car emissions. They let cars with even numbered license plates drive on some days and cars with odd numbered license plates drive on others. This reduced the smog in Paris within a few days. Most people depend quite a bit on their cars. Reducing car usage can help people not to be so dependent on their cars. Instead of driving to work people can ride the bus, take the subway, etc. This will help a lot with the congestion of the roads during rush hours. There will be a lot less traffic if people are car-pooling or taking some other mode of transportation, keeping road-ways clearer for emergency vehicles and public transportation. There also won't be the problem of people being late if they get stuck in traffic or their car breaks down. The number of miles people in America drive has gone down significantly since 2005. This means that people are finding better, more efficient ways of getting to where they need to be. This will help everyone in the long run. There will be less money spent on cars, car repairs, and gasoline; saving everyone a lot of money. Cars can be very expensive to maintain, especially when no one knows if their car battery is going to die or if they will get a flat tire. Having another source of transportation would save people lots of time and money. If there is less need for cars, then more public transportation will be offered, even in places less populated like the suburbs. Limiting car usage is helpful for everyone and eventually it will become even more efficient and convinient not to drive a car everywhere. Pollution will go down and money will be saved. There are already entire communities like the one in Vauban, Germany that don't rely on cars. If there were more communities like this around the world, they would help lead the way to a new age where cars aren't as important and people won't have to depend on them as much as they do now.
In the article of Making Mona Lisa Smile, we are introduce to a new technonology that is scanning our face or something that seems like it is scanning our face to indentify our emotions. As explain in the article it shows that they had used it on Mona Lisa to figure out how happy see seems or how disgusted she felt, or even how angry she is. In the first paragraph it talks out the percentage of her happiness,fearful,anger,disgusted. " It shows that 83 percent she is happy, 9 percent she is disgusted, 6 percent that she is fearful, and 2 percent that she angry". We may never know that this might of been true since the face they scaned was a drawing of her and she is no longer with us but we can say its ture for now. Computers now in days can give errors or even shut down, they can even restart if not used right or overheat. That can prove that what they scan can't be ture. Yes it would be awesome to scan faces but is it even worth to pay? like we already know how we feel everyday why should we have a coding system that should code the wrong information and makes us seem like we wasted our time and money. A other problem would be is it even safe? how does the FACS even work? I wounldn't pay money just to get hurt or even have marks on my face just to see my emotion. In the article it says it can "calulate our emotions like math homework" that to me seem to be cool because the computer is thinking like us and it's doing its hardest to get the percentage of our emotion. I'll say that the FACS is a good idea just that they should keep on working with their idea and learn their mistake or errors and work on them to make this a good thing to use and sale.
In this article "The challenge of exploring Venus" talks about Venus and how it might be worthy to pursuit. The first secion is going to be about how well it talks about Venus and earth. Second is about how venus is worth learning about even though it is dangerous. The first paragraph talks about common facts about Venus also leads in with a fun fact, also the first paragraph leads into the second. In the second paragraph it explains what were going to talk about in detail also more facts about Venus. Also says why we don't send a spacecraft into unmanned. In the article it talks about how dangerous it is. In the first paragraph it says "almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets the planet". Also mentions that the highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. Also talks about the condissions it is in, like extreme temperature, gravity is 50 times more, metal would liquidfy, and a submarine would be crushed. In the end we still are not on it yet but we have yet to give up. We might find a way to land on it and also live on Venus with those extreme conditions. We have always found a way and we will on this problem to. So don't give up and keep on finding a way.
In this passage "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author made very detailed and valid points about the use of technology detecting what our expressions say about our moods, but, technology reading students facial expressions is over the top. I belive that this new technology would force students to always want to force a smile so that the computer doesn't fully recognize their real from their fake. In this essay I am going to tell you about my opinions on why I think that this new technology is bad for anyone to even have. First, I would like to say that this is a really good topic the author brings forth to the table, but who would want to feel like their being watched? "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This information is truly invalid. Smiling at an ad does not make it appear the next time you get on a different website, and frowning at an ad doesn't change it either. It's the way the ads are set up that it makes them leave or come back. Student's shouldn't have to feel like they have to fake their emotions just so that the computer doesn't recognize how they feel in reality. I do not believe in this "new technology" that seems to be changing the way we see ourselves. I would not want kids to feel like they are being watched or even judged on by what they look like through a computer screen. Lastly, I would like to say that this point of view that the author is taking is a very good start, but thinking about the author feels versus the way every one else would feel puts this topic on hold. Not every one wants their child to be watched through a computer screen that's looking at their faces to show how they feel. If some one is happy on the inside but frowing on the outside then how would the computer sense that? Sometimes we hide our emotions on the indside and show neutral expressions to everyone else outside of our hearts and mind. Computers can only detect what they see and not what is actually going on. That is why I believe that the value of using technology to read students' emotional expressions should be forgotten.
Have you heard of the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System they use it to read peoples emotion? Well there is and it to be a great invention because the device checks all of your facial bones. That means after doing that they can really find out what your emotions are like they used on the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. However, is it really something you can use in a classroom full of students? Yes, because the teacher will use it in case there's in emergeny, help , or seeing if thier doing there work knowing if they fell asleep or bored. Even though it's a form of new technology it can also be a good thing to have in class. Like showing if a student doen't get what the teacher is teaching can help to show how their emotions are toward it ," A classroom computer could recongize when a student is becoming confussed or bored." The new technology seems as a good thing because it can help out the teacher and the students. Another thing it can do is they can know right a way with the computer and they don't have to trouble knowing that their are students who don't get at all what's going on and who to figure out what to do. Even it find out your emotions it can also find out if there genuine. Also the device and let know if your really "engaed" like a real smile if it really real or it's fake. In classrooms they could be haelpful because the teacher can use to know who is really in what they are teaching or if your faking sick it tell right a way your not feeling bad. An example of this is," It's all the muscular action units. They even idicate the differeces between a genuine smile and if it is a forced one." So what the device actually show is the student is feeling bad because the device show's what muscles they use and it know when it is fake and forced. The fact it can know if someone is genuine is great of what the emotion can tell if someon is lying or say the truth. The fact that you can know emotion by a device facincating. I think it is a really helpful tool because it know the emotion and whether they are false or true. I know teachers would think the same way to because it can really help them find out what are the students they can help out. I believe that is is a good system to have in classrooms for the students and teachers. What do you think?
Wouldn't driverless cars make the world a much easier place and less acidents? I am not against the development of the these cars. In fact, I believe it'll be safer for those who are still learning how to drive. These cars have been driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Of course, the driver still have to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic. I believe that driverless cars would make it easier for those who's still learning to drive and even for elder people. These cars will help prevent people getting into accidents. The driverless cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. Although it can do all those by themselves, driver has to be alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. The GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Manufacturers are also trying to set up cameras, which will watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. This simply means that while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. There are companies that plans to have cars that can drive themselves. Such as the Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and even Nissan, they plans to have those cars by 2020. That'll be cool but the cars we have now is nice as well. There are people who doesn't want a driverless cars because they believe it is safer when the driver is in controlled of the vehicle. For some case it's true but I just think that driverless cars would be much easier. I like how the Google cars simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. They also have other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up display. I feel much safer, how we have all these options when the car is in danger or when we have to take over. Those are the main reasons why I am not against the development of these cars. I think it'll make huge impact on everyone all over the world. They are much easier and safer. These cars can even be driven more than half a million miles without a crash. There not truly driverless but it sure will help prevent accidents that's happening everyday. This will help everyone but mostly teens and elders. Some teens are careless when it comes to driving. Elder people sure do need a heads-up when driving because their getting old.
Driverless cars are indeed a thing of the future but are they really practical? We should stick with human operated vehicles instead of computer operated vehicles. If we switch to computer operated vehicles, soon we will no longer teach generations to drive, we will begin to rely on these computers to take us everywhere. This will turn into a problem when something happens to the computer in the car and we are left in a car that we dont know how to drive. Peoples lives could become endangered becasue they are clueless on how to drive. Also, if a person does get imjured would it be the manufacturers fault or the person driving the car manufacturer. Legal battles will erupt and new laws will have to be made. Convenience is also an issue, in order to get from one destination to another you will have to input it in the car, but what if you need to make a pit stop or you get hungry, you have to completely reroute the car and try to find the address of the nearest gas station or resturant. When your driving by yourself you can make those decisicions quickily and you can drive around and look instead putting in a specific location. Driverless cars are not a good idea they will cause confusion and can inconvienent at times.
Do you think the seagoing cowboys is a good job? Well I do and here are some reasons why. You can spend lots of time with diffrent animals you can also spend alot of time out on the clear sunny ocean, and most of important of all you are helping people. When you are out on the ocean you can have alot of fun and join very easily. To think of it I joined just from my freind inviting me to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Spending alot of time with different animals on a ship is amazing. You get to feed, take care, and have alot of fun with them. Taking care of those young cows and mules can be alot of fun they can sometimes be funny and they can comfort you. Imagine if there was a really bad storm you will always have to cows and mules to keep you company. Would'nt you love being around lots of anmals? When you get taken over seas to help people it feels good to know you are helping people in need. What if you were those people who needed help to get your countrie recovered from a bombing? You would want somebody or someone to help you recover. This is another reason why you should come and join the seagoing cowboys you can be someone who helps people in need of your assistance. This is another reason why you should join us. Think of being on a cruse except with animals that is what it is like to be over the seas with the seagoing cowboys you can see the sunny clear ocean and there is plenty of fish. You will have a beutiful veiw of the nice pretty clear ocean. If your lucky enough you can even see the sight of diffrent fish. You can even get the chance to catch them if you wish. There is lots of diffrent things you can do over seas and we also get to help different countries. In conclusion, you should join seagoing cowboys because you can have alot of fun if you enjoy being over sea with alot of animals see different fish help countries and be the best person you can be. Other things you can do are fencing,boxing,reading,vollyball, and baseball so if you enjoy these activities then you should consider joining the seagoing cowboys. When you are doing those activities it can pass the time if you are missing your family. These are reasons I think you should join the seagoing cowboys.
Venus is called the ''Evening star" is one of the brighest points of light in the night sky and it also our solar system venus is the second planet from our sun. While venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth. It has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. It's important that if we study about venus because it help us to know about happed in the world and it help us to know where the sun come from without the sun we won't be able to live long, and it's important to know about the earth. The venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study despite its proximity. In the text paragraph 8 it said "the venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself , but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally in intimidate endeavors. Venus is the closest planet to earth in term of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Earth,venus, and mars, our other planetary neighbor orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus. Because venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud drapped world. Today, venus still has some features that are anlogous to thoses on earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains and craters. I think that the studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers its presents is the venus is to help to stay safe.
In 1976, a Mars Global Surveyor snapped pictures of what is known as the "Face on Mars." It is a natural landformation and is visible becuase of the pictures shown, the internet, and the area the landform is located. First, the pictures show the "face." In 1976, the pixels were 43m (meters) per pixel. In 2001, the pixels were only 1.56m per pixel. The quality is worse the bigger the pixels. In 2001, the quality of the pixels were clear enough to show that the "face" was only a lanform. In the picture of 1976, it is visible that the picture is blurry. In the picture of 1998, the picture is less blurry, but still hard to see. In the 2001 picturer, the picture is very visible and well seen. At the bottom of the mesa, it is also visible to see the lanform has a rounded, smooth, almost non man-made surface that buried the landform into the planet side. Next, the Internet, showed what the scientists and the picters showed. A landform. In the text, it states that when the picture was taken in 1998, it was the cloudy time of theyear on the red planet. Finally, where the "face" is located. The face is located in a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. In the article, it states that "The sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah." Although the NASA researchers have concluded the "face" to be a natural landform, many are not satisfied with it. Many people claim that it was built by aliens, however, pictures do not lie. In conclusion, the "Face on Mars" is really a mystery. Many think it is a natural landform while others think that it was built for a reason by aliens. The "Face on Mars" is a natural landformation becuase of the pictures presented, the Internet, and the location on the landform.
I think that the idea of driverless cars is terrible. I don't understand the point of it and why it's needed. Why would people need those cars if honesly the easiest and safest way is to just drive your own self? Technology is actually dangerous now and these days. I am against driverless cars being made for our future. First off technology is extermely dangerous. Their are very many things being made right now that are exploding and seriously injuring people. Imagine what a driverless driver is capable of; such as recking, exploding, and or even just breaking down in the middle of whatever is going on. Who will be blamed if any of those happened? As it states in paragraph 9 "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?". Either way something wrong goes on and it's all because of the "driverless car". Then the driving your own self is easiest way because you don't have to deal with all the malfunctions or any problems the driverless car has. Don't risk your safety for that driverless car, all it'll do is just cause problems for the people. It's a lot easier driving your own then having to turn off all the heads-up displays and then taking over to drive on your own. It exclaims that in paragraph 8 "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over...". That is too much work when all you can do is just drive on your own not using any of that new technology. All that is just pure laziness. The last reason on why the driverless cars shouldn't be made is because of your own safety. Your putting yourself at risk because you never know what can happen to the driverless car. As it states in paragraph 9 "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." It clearly states that human drivers should be in control at all times because it's the safest way and you aren't risking your life and safety for the car. To conclude my arguement all i really have to say is don't risk your safety for this technology car that can't be trusted. I am against driverless cars being made for our future.
Driverless cars are very unecessary and will only cause trouble that can be avoided. These cars are unecessary, because driving is not one of the huge problems in the world. A lot of other issues should be viewed as more urgent to take care of, than the development of cars that do not need people behind the wheel and in control. They will only cause problems, because they can easily get into accidents, among many other issues. It was just spoken about this week in the news: Google's car got into its first accident. In order to completely transfer over to driverless cars, a lot of things have to be changed and developed. Not only are the cars themselves problematic (they are not even able to react around an accident site), but there are no laws stating who is responsible if a vehicle with no driver causes an accident to happen. Who is held responsible in the end? A prediction some can make is that many lawsuits will be formed against both the maker of the vehicle, and the driver behind the wheel. The question will also arise that if neither were in control, can you blame something such as a car? Another problem that the cars could create, is a huge spending issue. In the article it is stated that a certain device "cost two hundred million dollars." That is a lot of money to spend on the system for one car. And the cars need many sensors in order for them to run smoothly, such as," a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors," and that might be roughly half of all one car needs. Another problem that could arise is the conditions of roads. Many of the driverless cars that the article states have been developed have needed specific conditions in order to function correctly, such as "a special test track" or "magnets with alternating polarity." How would those cars function in an everyday situation out on the open road? Not very well. So how would they be able to develop a vehicle that can operate on a true highway, as well as on the many other types of roadways in the world? An issue that should be brought up also, is that none of the developed vehicles have been completely driverless. They need humans to do certain things for them behind the wheel, such as navigating crash scenes. What happens if a driver who is bored while their car drives for them forgets to be paying attention? In conclusion, driverless cars are not something that should be stood for. They will only create trouble that is not needed in the world, and can possibly lead to way bigger issues, such as in our economy. The development and actual distribution of these cars would be something unprecedented and who knows what could come of unprecedented things. In reading this article, it was easy to pick out things that could go wrong, and reasons it would not be in the world's best interest to go further in the development, but it was a lot harder to pick out what could go right and how these cars could help the world. If something might do more harm than good, why do it?
Has the thought about limiting car usage not only in the United States but within the entire world ever occured to you? Whether it has or hasn't there are many advantages to limiting the usage of your car. To begin with this whole idea about cutting the rate of car usage down is mainly to take away stress, lower air pollution, make cities denser and better for walking, to make suburbs more compact and accesible to public transportation, to curb green house gas emissions,etc.. As of right now in Germany, an expirimental new district located on the outskirts of Freiburg is now a car-free community. The only automobiles located within a rectangle square mile, are trams, busses but no cars. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban,s families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their car just to move here." (Elisabeth Rosenthal). The basic percepts of this one expiriment are being adopted around the whole world in attempts to drastically reduce green house gas emissions from the tail pipes of cars. In paris the same thing is happening except for a different reason. Paris is trying to cut down the use of cars due to the amount of smog that the diesel from the car creates. "Paris typically has more smog than any other European capital." (Robert Duffer) Paris even enforced a "partial" driving ban in order to try and clear the smog from the air of the global city. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five days of intensifying smog." After a few weeks this ban cut down the amount of smog drastically to where the smog actually ended up moving toward Beiging, China, otherwise known as the most polluted city in the world. A major crisis in Bogata , Colombia also drove them to create a program that is set to spread to other countries to make them aware of the harmful things pollution from a car tailpipe can do to you. So in conclusion, limiting the amount of car usage really isn't a bad thing. For one,  it has more advantages than disadvantages and it is alternatively a new ideal way of life. With this you will become a healthier person, you will be less stressed out, you will eventually notice that the life you were once living as a stressed out person with a car that you believed made your life easier actually made your life a living chaos. So why wait, go ahead and adjust your life to live with a better lifestyle, and spread the word about decresing the amount of car usage so that one day the whole world can be healthier and happier too.
In the article,"Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick S'Alto, They've created a machine called the "Facial Action Coding System" that can sense human emotions by their facial expressions. The machine reads your face and uses muscles to sense what you are feeling. I am against the Facial Action System And I will tell you why. In the article it says,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Kids might not be comfortale in a classrrom that has a machine that can identify their emotuons. That is very nerve-racking and would make it hard to focus and learn. Is students can't focus then this machine will not be helping. The article also says,"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day." If we perform this everyday, why do we need another machine to do it? It is a reason that it is an emotion and Not actual words. Kids might not want anyone to know how they are feeling. This machine invades peoples privacy and should not be allowed. In Conclusion, this machine has a lot of abilities that may be too advanced for us. Kids want their privacy this "Facial Action Coding System" Will effect it. This Machine will make then nervous instead of focused like they should be.
Driverless cars are coming to us soon, which means less driving. In the article, they say driverless cars will do the driving 90 percnt of the time. The only time the people will really have to drive is if there is tricky traffic or roads, and pulling in and out of driveways. For the most part, these driverless cars cover all of your driving other then that. This would be great for people that have to drive a lot for work and that are very busy. It would take a lot of stress and pressure off of teens or even adults that get easily frustrated or really serve road rage. If you aren't paying attention to the road when you are driving for whatever reason, then your car would technically be doing it for you. In case you miss something, or happen to almost run a red light, driverless cars would prevent things like that from happening! The article states that the car will pay attention to you just as much as you pay attention to it, and the roads. Which is great, because this will basically cover anything bad that could happen wihile driving like speeding, or running red lights, which means less tickets and getting pulled over. This also could really help out with less car accidents and save lives tremendously! A little help would never hurt with driving for everyone, or something there to keep an extra eye on you to be safe, because there are a lot of not-so-good drivers out there. Everyone will agree with that! Overall, driverless cars would be brilliant and do wonders for anyone at all who drives. Driveless cars could save you money, and or tickets/court, and lastly, even your life! These cars could change history even!
We should keep the Electoral College its a good process and it keeps us from having the problem of elections in which no candidates receives a majority of the votes cast. Like in 1968 with Nixon and in 1992 in Clinton were they only got 43 percent plurality of the popular votes but with the Electoral College which invariably produces a clear winner. The Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no chance of carrying their state Democrats in Texas, an idea of this is like a Republicans in California. The Electoral College needs a presidential candidate to have have trans regional appeal like South,Northeast,etc. With the Elecoral College is un likely than a dispute over the popular vote. It happened in 2000 because that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. A example is in 2012, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and romney. The Electoral College is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non demorcratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overpowered by declaring the candidate who get the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are right in debatingthat the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When u vote you're not voting for the presidential u pick yor're actually voting for a slate of electoes. Both party each selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee but that trust is rarely betrayed however it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. The Electoral college is good to stay. The Electoral College helps with Certainty of outcome, Everyone's president, Swing states,Big staes, Avoid run off elections. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total of numbers of votes are 538 is an even number but it is highly unlikely. The new president will have no regard for their interests,that he really isn't their president. The most thoughtful voters should be the the ones to decide the election. So other being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign tham a samll state does. Voters in a presidential elections are people who want to express a political prefernce rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.    
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming the author displays positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Although driverless cars are very fascinating, they pose several negative aspects including safety hazards, liability issues, and the car's technological abilities. Safety is the most important thing when it comes to developing a driverless car. Right now driverless cars "... can steer, accelertate and brake themselves, but all are designated to notify the driver when the road ahead required human skill, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." The driver must remain focused on the road, even in a driverless car. According to Dr. Werner, this poses a psycological hazard because a driver is prone to get bored while the car is normally driving. This can result in an accident due to the driver's faliure to respond to the driverless car (that needed human support, while navigating through a problem in the road). If driverless cars still need a driver, the car is still not safe enough to be out in the public because it is a risk to both pedestrians, passengers and drivers. Furthermore, driverless cars can also lead to issues in traffic laws and liability. Since now traffic laws are made based on the assumpution that the car is under the control of a human, if driverless cars became available it would lead to problems in deciding what traffic laws will apply to what people. One very important issue posed in the article was that "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" Some people may believe that the development of driverless cars is a positive thing since our technology is capable to making driveless cars that are safe (to a certain extend) and have a ability to mimic human skills. Although this all sounds very exciting and futuristic, driverless cars are still not driverless. They still need human support , and regardless of the smart technology, any technology has the ability to malfunction, which will then lead to other issues. To sum it up, driverless cars seem like amazing vehicles that can make transportation easier. However, if you look deeper, you can undertstand how difficult the development of these vechicles is. In this case, the negative aspects of driverless cars definately override the positive ones.
People in the United states have a voice of opinion towards voting,but in the end it is the electoral college that has the final say. To many americans voting is a very important event. The united states is a democracy. A democracy is a form of government where people have the say, The United States does not follow that route because of electoral college. Senator of the United States, I ask that you put a stop to the electoral college. First of all, I believe that The United States is a corrupted democracy. The electoral college is a unbeneficial way of voting because they may be bias towards the people, for example, one might know what another so it can be considered as favoritism. In a sense this voting system can be manipulated in ones favor. How the voting system works is considered wrong to many Americans. Workers in politics such as Richard Nixon or Jimmy Carter also do not believe in the electoral college and they even wanted to get rid of them! Most people want to get rid of the electoral college because of the "winner take all' system. If it wasnt for the winner take all system George W. Bush would of never been elected as president while john kerry would've taken the spot. Many politicians believe ingetting rid of the electoral college such as Bob Dole when he said "abolish the electoral college!" In conclusion Senate, Citizens of this country and I believe that we should put an end to the electoral college. Politicians even disagree with the idea of giving specific people to give the final vote. As senator you have the power to put a end to this unconstitutional doing. The United States is a democracy where everyone matters. Because of the electoral college our opinion on who should be elected has been taking away from us. this event is undemocratic and I ask you senator to think this through and take action on making this voting system to a popular voting system. 
Being an Seagoing Cowboy is amazing. You can do and see many exciting things just going to your destination. You can help people in need when you get there, when on your way to help others you can visit places that you haven't visited before, and when your a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things you can do. First off, you can help people in need. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you help people that just came out of war, so they need help to get back on their feet. When you get there can be assigned a person you can help and hel them. The person your helping can be very nice, you might even become friends with them. Besides, they fought for your country, at lease helping them would be nice. Secondly, you can visit many places you haven't seen. Have you ever wanted to go some where but didn't have the time to, well becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can. For example, when I was helping people I got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also, visited Venice, Italy on my to China. One more place I visited was Panama Canal also on my way to China. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy gives you the once in a life time opportunity to see and go places where you might never get to go again. Last but not least, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things to do. When I was on the boat I was assigned to help my aunt Katie on her farm. Then on my second trip I served as night watchman. I had to look after the animals make sure they were doing okay. I played many games to. Bsaedall, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and reading, whittling just to name a few. In summery, be an Seagoing Cowboy can be very fun. You can do fun stuff you like to do, you can visit places that you haven't seen, and you can help people in need. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy just might be the best thing you posibly can ever do.
If I were a scientist at NASA and I was disucussing the Face with someone who doesn't think the Face was just landformation I would say, it is because of what other scientist in NASA believe it was a landformation that looked like a real human face. The Face was just something formed by the planet because the artical says, "huge rock formation... which resemles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Which means that is was just a rock that was formed a different way to look like it was a face. Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, but there were more scientist to prove them wrong. Another piece of evidence was when they were taking pictures Garvin said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," he added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" What the picture actually shows is the Martin equivalent of the butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. This evidence goes with my argument because if it was some type of alien siglnal the camera would of picked it up and they would of seen what it really was, but they didn't all they saw was a landform like the ones around American West. In conclution it was not an alien signal, or artifact, it was just a piece of land formed differently. Now you all know it wasn't from aliens. All it was, was an illusion that looked like a real human face with a nose, eyes, and more. Don't assume everything on other planets are always from aliens because for now we don't have proof aliens exist.
In this article " unmasking the face on mars" they are showing us a picture that was taken by a 1976 viking 1 photograph of the face on mars which is just a natural landform. In paragraph 2 scientists firgured it was just another martian mesa, which they state is common around cydonia. Another detail from paragraph 2 they state only because it had unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh. In the Paragraph 3 it states "huge rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose, and mouth." Which means that it's just a illusion it wasn't acutually seen or proven to be a human head. Another fact which is from paragraph 7 it states Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and snapped about ten photos and it revealed a natural landform. In paragraph 9 garvin who is in the Mars Global Surveyor is a mapping spacecraft he states "It's not easy to targey cydonia." which means that they just can fly over cydonia and spot it right away. Finally in paragraph 12 garvin states what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. In this article "Unmasking The Face On Mars" it's just a unproven theory that its a face on mars, there is many details in this article that state that it's just a natural landforms.
I disagree with the development of driverless cars because I think it's safer for a human to drive instead of technology. Humans are more aware of their surroundings and technology can only sense it's surroundings. If the technology is good and has been tested multiple times I still wouldn't want to be in one because something could always go wrong. The technology could get a virus and mess up or it could do something the person doesn't want it to do. Manufactures had to use a lot of senser so that the car could move by itself. The Toyota Pruis uses all kinds of different sensors to make the car have the same skills as a human driver. But what if the sensors stop working? Then what will happen? If there was a accident nobody would know if it was the cars fault or the humans fault, it could be both. If it was the cars fault for causing an accident I wouldn't want have another driverless car and it would be a lot safer for everybody to have human drivers. Manufactures are trying to make sitting in the car more fun by putting entertainment devices in the car while the driverless car is driving. I think that is going to be a huge distraction in the car for the humans. They say if the humans wants to drive then the entertainment will automatically shut off. But what if it doesn't shut off? If the entertainment doesn't shut off then the human driver will be distracted by it and it could cause an accident. I think it would be better and safer for every car to have a human driver because you can't alway trust technology. So many things go wrong with technology nowaday's and people don't see that as a big deal, but they will see it as a big deal when they trust technology to drive them around and they get into an accident. I wouldn't want technology driving me around because technology isn't always perfect and it just can't be trusted driving people places on the road.
Many people are thinking that the "face" on Mars is an actual face, or they say it was created by aliens. It was proven very well that it is not an actual face. One it is an rock, two the angle the camera was at cought the shadow of it so it seemed as if it was a face, and three the only reason it was told to be a face was for marketing. My first reason was because it is a rock on mars. It states in paragraph three that it is a huge rock in formation of a human head. therefore that is one reason it is showing everyone that it is just a rock. The rock over the years has wathered down and it has more crevisises and it is losing the foerm of a face. If there was an actual face barryed under there it would never really lose its true form. My second reason is that the angle of the camera was so that you can see the shadow and if they just wouldve gotten a better angle you woyld be able to see that there was nothing really there. If you were too also look at othere surroundings you would be able to see that there are many other masas on Mars. It also states that it may have been the pixles in the cameras. If we had the technology we have now when they first found it you would most likely have a better picture of it and be able to see what it actually looked like. My final reason for it not being a face is that the only reason they continued on the theory of it being a face because they wanted good marketing. So itr seemed as if they kept the theory continued because they wanted to have marketing for NASA. Obviously it worked, because the story stated that they started to have hollywood film it appeared in books, magazines, and even raido talks. Thoes are my reasonings that the "face" on Mars is actually just a rock. It was proven to be just another one of the many rocks on mars, the angle of the camera could've been off, the kept the theory going just for marketing.
There is a new technology that can read your emotion feeling that is called the "facial action coding system". Now I have read an article about that technology and I kind of understand what that technology mean. I think that technology is good for the human becasue example when you have someone in your home that has mentel problems and that person can't talk maybe that person has some problems with taliking so you can use that technology to see how that person feel and what that person need from you. here is another example for the schools, pretent you are a teacher at a school and your school is using the facial action coding technology system in computer, let say your students is using that computer to do school works or maybe serching someting that you tell them to do if they toutch the computer you will know how they feel, are they bored?, are they sad?, do they have a problems with that? or do they want to do your work or not. It depends on how they feel you might change your mind sometimes if they are really in a sad satuations. there might be a lot of kids at school that they don't want to come to school sometimes because they have a problems with their bodies or a problems inside but they still have to come to school for some reason if we that . computer at school we can see how they feel we will know are they feel sad or not sometimes we should give them someday to become happier from sadder school should understand thses kids so everyone will have a happy life with that facial action coding system. They should have sell those computer out by right now because as soon as we have that system more people will become understand another people and they won't hurt to the other person as much as becfore because they will understand a person from inside so i believe they won't hurt each oher not as muvh as now. If that new technology come out people will become less faker than before because they can't hide the truth anymore we will find out if that person is lying or not. If that new txchnology the facial action coding come out there will be alot more happier in the world I believe that the world will become more visiable and we will understand eachother no matter what language we are speaking now we will become a really really big family with that technology. And the last thing is I wish that new technology facial action coding will come out soon.
In this essay I will be telling you why we should explore Venus. In The Challenge of Expolring Venus there are many dangers to it but I stll think that we should try every thing in are power to explore Venus. I think that we should still explore Venus because it would help us out in the long run becuase we the Earth become over popluation we would need some where to go so if we can inhabit different plants like Veuns it would help man kind live longer and fully explore are solar system. In paragraph 8 supports my idea becuase it states that " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has Valus, not onlye because of the insight to be gained on the planted itself, but alos becuase of human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating enedeavors." In conclusion I told you why we should try to Explore and inhabit Venus and why it is a good idea for man kind in the long run.
Venus is like earth, but long ago it was it had some life but not a lot, big masses of oceans. But some of the features are analogus to like what we have on earth. For instace it has a surface of rocky sediment, and includes familiar features such a valleys, mountains, and craters. Today we recall venus as our "twin", because venus is the clost in size and density, and close in distance too. It is also recalled as the "evening star",Because venus is one of our brightest points of light in the night sky, the name is sometimes misleading knowing that venus is actually a planet. Venus can also be a dangerous visting spot for NASA to go to or even humans. Venus has a 97% carbon dioxide atmosphere, making it hard for a human being to breathe. Whats even more challenging is that the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what earth experiences. The conditions for venus are far more extreme than anything that a human would encounter on earth. An enviornment would crush a submarine accustomed to diving into the deepest parts of our ocean and liqufey many metals. Sister planet has the hottest surface temperature of all the other planets on the solar system, even though mercury is the planet right next to the sun. Through the high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earth quakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Scientists also stated that at thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be warm and the temperature of 170 degrees fahrenheit. But the air pressure would still be close to the sea level on earth. More importantly, researchers cannot take any samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therfore, scientists seeking a conduct a thorough mission to understand venus would need to get up close and personal risks. Throught out the story its was describing about venus and how it had life on it way before human life was made. Also described the dangers about walking, touching, getting close to the planet venus. The story was also about How venus is our "twin" or "sister planet" and the "Evening Star", describing how they got those nicknames. Also about how NASA how some of their electronics could have been tested on venus's surface, and how devices played an important role in the 1940s during World War Two.
Imagine a life without cars....There would be no noisy horns blowing, no polluted air, less car accidents, etc. I can give you a million reasons why the world would be a better place without everyone driving a vehicle. We constantly try to make the world safer and go green by recycling, planting trees, clean up parks and beaches, drive hybrid and electric cars but we need to do something different like drive less and walk, carpool, or ride bicycles to get where we want to go. It will make the world more efficient , peaceful, and reduce stress among the people who wake up late and rush to school or their jobs. As you inhale and exhale, your body takes in the air around you, which is filled with bacteria, cigeratte smoke, gases, oxygen, etc. We would make the world cleaner if gas wasn't polluted in the air. The gases from vehicles destory our trees which provide oxygen to us human beings. You wouldn't want people to get lung cancers and lung diseases from them everytime someone tries to take a walk outside just to enjoy the view of mother earth. Driving less will allow the air that we breath to be safer and less polluted. So, what happens if people drive more and forget about health? Well, eventually our ozone that protects us from the sun will break down and it will cause something that is called "the greenhouse effect". On the daily basis, there are car accidents and non survivors of a crash. It breaks my heart to see a family die because of a drunk driver on the news or someone crossing the street is hit by a car and the driver drives off as if nothing has happened. If people drove less, the rate of car accidents and deaths  by hit and runs will decrease. When people drive they are unprepared for anything that might happen under the wheel, that is why seatbelts and airbags were created but a seatbelt and an airbag may not be reliable when a car is flipped over and a person cannot get out of the car because their seatbelt is locked and sometimes the car may explode. You will have no worries if you drive less and walk or ride a bicycle more often. Being happy and in peace is better than being stressed out. Driving less will take away stress from your daily routine. Going for a walk or riding your bike around the neighborhood will make you feel revied and you'll get to enjoy the pulchritudinous nature around you. You'll even want to ask yourself "where has this been all my life"?...God has created the world so precious and I know he took his time making it. People take hikes, vacations, and trips to the beach to enjoy the views of world. It would be best to take a break from driving. You can get plenty of exercise if you walk to work or school instead of driving. Think of all the obese and lazy people that do nothing for themselves and drive around thinking that it is okay to not exercise at all. Walking or riding a bike will decrease stress, and your chances of getting heart disease. Most people in America die from heart disease and cancer. Just by taking a walk or a ride on a bicycle, you may save yourself from the ugly illnesses. Finally, the advantages of limiting car usage are allowing the air to be safer and less polluted, decreases car accidents, takes away stress, and allows you to get the exercise you need everyday. If people take time out of their day just to take a walk they will be wanting more and better things for the earth. All the people of the world will be proud to say that they've done something great to save what we've got left. Driving is a privlege not a priority. So, the next time you decide to drive think of all the good things you'll be able to experience and how much you'll be saving the world from disaster.           
You and your friends and family could often have arguments on whether something is real or not, such as in movies. Some might think one thing is special effects, others will think it is real. In Unmasking the Face on Mars, the author explains controversy of the "face" found on Mars' surface. It became an icon once it was released to the public. It was highlighted for decades and the society argued over it being an alien making, or just a land form called a mesa. The face was just a natural landform and it shouldn't have been thought as an alien form. The most logical answer to this was that it was a mesa, and that the shadows on the surface happened to make it look like a human face of an egyptian pharaoh. This struck civilization in the late 70s and caused a lot of arguments. The people that thought is actually was an alien structure were just people of the press who just wanted attention. A Mars Global Surveyor " snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared an a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." This quotes directly states and gives evidence that it is just a natural landform. There isn't even any true or logical evidence that the face on Mars was an " alien artifact." It was just a rumor that went around to keep things interesting and intrigue big movie companies. The cameras even took a picture with a ten times better resolution than the 1976 picture of the face. In addition, the new picture even had each pixel in the image span 1.56 meters in comparison to the original 43 meters per pixel. Garvin talks that " As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," and that " if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" Garvin directly states here that no matter what, the formation couldn't have possibly been an alien formation or even a pyramid. This is even more proof that it is ridiculous to think that the formation was an " alien making ." Although the face was thought to be alien, there is too much evidence that denies it, and that it isn't. Scientists would wish that it was an extra terrestrial sign, but the odds of that are too scarce to even consider. This was a very controversial topic, as I have stated before. All of the theorists out there had many different and unique opinions of it. The narrator says what the image " actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa - landfroms common around the American West. " It remeinds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin." This evidence gives even further support that it isn't extra terrestrial, and states that it isn't, shich exposes that it is a fluke. The face on Mars was an ongoing argument for years to come once it was released to the public. There was no reason to do so. There was already valid points that gave proof of it being just a mesa. Things like this occurence happen all the time, even in your daily life. If things like this run across your mind, think about it the logical way and not a very, very unlikely path about it. There may be similarities between the sides, like in this argument. But, there was too much to show that it favored the more realistic side of it. The passage has multiple occurences where it directly states just that.
Cars today are driving closer and to being able to drive on their own. This can change the way people live and how people use tranportation in a positive way. Even though they aren't entirely "driverless" and still need a driver it's still a step in that direction. Driverless cars would take over public transportion system, create less accidents, and help people who can't drive well. Driverless cars are esstientally going to be the future public transportation. The cars will end up taking the postions of taxis and even buses. Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisons a future where these cars will offer much more flexiblity while cutting the useage of fuel by half. These self drivng cars will also be safer for others on the road reducing the chances of a crash. Car companies have taken extreme precautions with these machines fitting them with senors all over the cars. Google has taken the idea into its own hands with some companies like Toyota. They've modified a Toyota Prius and have outfitted it with a postiton-estimating sensor on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted ner the review mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. These sensors will apply brakes and reduce power from the engine so that the driver at hand can take over. Of course these driverless cars will need a passenger that a operate the car in case of an emergancy. In 2013, BMW announced a development of the "traffic Jam Assistant", which allows the cars to handle driving functions at speed up to 25 mph. Special touch sensors make sure a driver is keeping hold of the wheel at all times. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves but still need to notify the driver when it need human skills navigating through areas like work zones. On the other hand, some people wouldn't lay their lives in the hands of a self driving car. Driving laws today focus on keeping the drivers, passengers and pefestrians safe. Today, traffic laws are written with the thought of a human driver controlling the car. In most states, it has been illegal to to even test driverless car; but scientist beileve that more states will allow testing after seeing results from those states that have been doing it already. This future of self driving cars is near. Automakers like Telsa have projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving by it self 90% of the time. Other companies like Mercedes- Benz , Audi and Nissan have plans to release cars that drive by themselves by 2020.