Even though, driverless cars are a big part in technolgy evolving, and a major dream for the future, I can further elaborate my argument through quotes, word choice and proven data. I do not think that driverless cars should be on the road after reading this article. I am 100% against "driverless" cars. Although it does give drivers a break and gets people where they have to go, these cars are not truly driverless. The cars still require for the human to stay awake and alert in case of an emergency. There are emergencies EVERYDAY. If a car is not able to maneuver around traffic on it's own, then it does not need to be called a driverless car. A driver is still needed, and if a driver weren't I would disagree more because letting a car have full control is ludicrous. I don't think that there can be a good solution to this problem. Though problem/solution writing mode is appropriate in this case I do feel as if there is no solution but to end driverless cars. There are more problems that can occur just because we don't want to drive anymore. Driverless cars also need smart roads. The article says "These smart road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." The statement is saying that these roads helped the cars run better but due to money it couldn't replace regular roads. I think that is a big strike. That would be like using Apple headphones with an Android phone. Although they would still work and you could hear the music, it won't be as loud, it will have a higher chance at breaking and it's quality is poorer. This shows lack of realism, if the smart roads work well then it should be mandatory to put the two together. Realistically, roads have been around for a long time and you can't put new technology on that and expect great results. Or even hope it works out, then thats being a surrealist. Lastly, laws would have to be changed. Which would mean if there are accidents depending on the case either the car company or the driver would be liable. But these cars are supposed to be driverless. So why is the human involved? The article states " Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times". Meaning that the definition of a safe car would change. Which would compliacte things because it some states you wont be able to do this beacuse it is illegal. So if laws are changed after a long period of time, people would relocate just to use these cars, Politically, this would be a big deal. This is the safety of citizens on the roads and they aren't even driving. There is already enough going on with drunk driving and texting while driving so what if a driver is preoccupied to this exact thing in the driverless car? This will cause many questions to pop up and will not be a quick and easy process. This can relate to Bloom's Taxonomy analyazing and evaluating. The government will have to evaualte the situation and the data in order to be fully informed. Then, analyze the situation and form a strong opinion to discuss thouroughly to come to a conclusion. In conclusion, driverless cars do no need to be on the road. In my opinion, they are not correctly named, and the bad outweigh the good. Although it was a good idea, I dont feel like it has worked up to it's full potential with all the flaws. In the end, these cars need to go back to the drawing board or just need to be given up on.
In the story "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has multiple dangers containing the Earth's study. The three ways it can be hard to study Venus is the atmosphere, the surface, and technology. The first reason why it is hard to study Venus is because of it's atmosphere. The text states,"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus."This quote means that it will be very hard to walk on the surface if it is that high of an atmosphere. The text also states,"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This means that a person from NASA could never extand that weather and it would be hard to study it. The second reason why it is hard to study Venus is how the surface is. The text states,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This means that they tried to predict what Venus is like but it's still hard to study. The text also states,"Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration givin the long time frames of space travel." This quote means that Venus would still be hard to study even if we took a trip there. The third reason why it is hard to study Venus is the technology used for the study. The text states,"some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This means that Earth's technology would not work for studying if they used a lot of it. The text also states,"The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and lever and do not require electronics at all." This quote means that with using technology the studying would still be hard. They know Venus has the same size and same density but it is sill hard to study for those little things that make up Venus.
" This program has been a very good experiance, ''luke has said. I got to learn how to feed the animals and keep watch. It? even better since Don is with me. I think that this Seagoing Cowboy is a great program. Since this is such a great progam I should convince other people that they should join. There are many reasons why. People should join us. People should join the Seagoing Cowboys. The first reason why is that there could be more people feeding the animals,water them two or three times a day. They could make sure thet there was hay for the animals. Also the people can be a watchmen or two. The people could also be night watchman. They could just help others. Some people could go on an other ship and do other jobs there. They can have some animals in a pen. They can have a person to care for them. They could have the same jobs on the first ship but be on another ship so they can deliver the animals and get more done and be able to deliver them at the same rate. "If I asked more people to come and help it would be a huge opportuinity for them to take. they would get the experiance to serve the ship and do what has to be done," said Luke. Everyone who took the chance or job would be a huge help. We could have many ships go out. They could get the job done. So explorers, if you would like to have an adventure this is the job you may want to try. People will realize or they will be aware of people in their countries and their needs. As a group effort people make a difference. This job would be good for you. This job isn't all about hard work. There are some fun things too. You would get to meet other people as well.
well lets talk about the cons first since were at it, first the cost for driverless cars are going to be out rageous and with that most people will not be able to get them. while that was only one problem the other is that taxi drivers would be fired as who wants someone they have to pay for driveing people around when they could pay once and never have to pay again for the same thing. as for the laws mass law change would cuase some problems and one thing they brought up which is very true if these driverless car were truely driverless who would have to pay if some one got in a wreak or accident and ended up kill or injuring someone. now lets talk about the pro's of having driverless cars, less fuel is wasted now that is great becuase as we all know petrolium is rather expensive since the world only has so much and if would could figure out a way to use solar energy, the cars could truly be revolutionizing and make all the diffrence. just like in the artical it would truly have more flexability than a bus which would revolutionize transportation and even help thos people who know very little about where they are and where they need to go. it would also majorly decrease the amount of crashes and most likly if it works like how they say it'll work than we could almost swear there would be no crashes. all in all i think that this idea is facinating and very intersting but it does have its problems, if you look at it from the view of people, opinions change but what i think will never change i believe that it would be great to an extent now im not saying its terrible but instead of less fuel, why not just make the cars solar powered and make sure there is no toxins being released into the air, i remmeber reading some where that we use billions of gigawatts of power, and the sun makes that same amount of power in one second so if we could use solar power we could truly have a gas free would. on to the main i think it is a good idea.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the driverless cars are not to far from our imagination and dreams. These cars could help us be safer on the road going to work, driving to school, or driving far distinses. These smart cars could help us to not be carles drivers and can help the number of crashes each year go down. The driverless cars have a long way to go. The cars shoulden't be controlled only 90 percent of the time, and the other 10 percent by human. It would be more dangerous if it was only controlled a tinny percent by man and the rest by semi-autonomous cars. What if the driver gets bored and tired, then he falls aslep and the car needed him to take over? This is why we need a 100 percent driverless car. It would be more safer. Driverless cars would really come in handy with high schollers just starting to learn to drive. High schollers are very carless drivers, and care more about showing off or trying to have fun then they do about there own safety and everyone elses safety. With these smart cars, new drivers can be more safe. They coulden't be able to show off or maybe even try to go over the speed limite. These smart cars could also be uesful with drunk drivers comming home from a party. Driverless cars have a long way to go, but they can really help us to be saffer and could help crime go down.
In the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus', the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit for scientists. The author includes many advantages and disadvantages in the passage. The author is very good at explaing why and how we can acheive this goal. He also explains his stance very clearly, offering advice and explaining both sides. Venus is very much alike to Earth, yet scientists have yet to truly understand the planet. While there are some challenges that his idea presents, there are more benefits and advantages. Exploring and continuing to study Venus would benefit us greatly, both in the present, and in the future. The author says that studying Venus would be beneficial for many reasons. One being that Venus is very much alike to Earth. The author states that "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". He says that both planets share many important qualities that we as humans, need for survival. He states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of like, just like Earth" and "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. This information shows that Venus and Earth are similar and with more knowledge about the planet, they could possibly visit Venus in the future. Another reason why Venus should be further explored is to further our knowledge and our basis of understanding. The author says in the passage that "Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.". He also says that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This is very true. Struggles and obstacles in our way or obtaining knowledge should not prevent us from continuing forever, but should motivate us to find another way to acheive our goal. Although there may be obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, scientists can and will overcome them. Continuing to study Venus will acheive just this concept. How we are going to visit Venus without getting injured by the elements is simple. Although Venus has many obstacles that will make it hard for us to come in contact and learn more, NASA has a great solution. The author says that by creating a type of vehicle that could hover just over the Venusian landscapes, scientists would be able to study Venus safely. Being at a certain height above the planet would prevent unsurvivable conditions and make it bearable for humans to be there. The author does say however, that because they are so high, their vision would be limited. This idea is favorable and definetly acheivable in the near future. In conclusion, studying Venus is a very worthy pursuit. The author gives many benefits for the continuation of studying Venus and he also gives reasoning as to why and how we can do it. He supports his idea very well with immense amoun of evidence to back up his claim. The universe is hugely immeasurable and Venus is the next door neighbor to Earth. While scientists have access to improving technology and while they have the resources to do so, they should take action towards studying Venus.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The dangers of Venus occuring to the article is that the temperature in venus is 170 Fehrenheit. The second danger of Venus is that there are a lot of storms in Venus and it will be difficult for us to stand still. The author in paragraph 4 it states that if venus would not have these problems, we could have live in Venus. In the article the author is talking that we should study Venus for disaventages. The author continues to add to the text "Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. " Then he continued by saying " Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." In paragraph 5 the author starts saying the disaventages of visiting Venus. Some of the disaventages that he listed were that Venus has over many storms and that Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions. Another disaventage is that the temperature is 170 degrees Fehrenheit. In conclusion, I think that the author did a great job supported the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit because he included all the things that we need to know about Venus. In paragraph 6 he added '' Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.''
There are many advantages on limiting the usage of cars in many Country's around the world. For example, the United States, Paris, and even small areas like the German Suburbs. Because of the usage of cars we are starting to get a lot of pollution, and lots of tax money going towrds our roads. According to source 1 "In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars" says that "In Previous bills 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highway and only 20 20 percent to other transport." Beaucse of this many expect public transport serving suburbs to play a largerrole in a six-year federal transportation bill to be approved sometime this year. also, as found in paragraph 5 "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . anfd up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." there for is causing problrms to our invierment. Paris is also having problems with pollution. From reading "Paris bans diving due to smog" by Robert duffer. tells us reads that after days of near-record pollution Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air in the city. And that the congestion was down 60 persent in the capital of France, after five days of smog. In Reading paragraph 17 "Paris typically has more smog than other European Capitals . . . [Last] week  Pairs had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found." from reading that you can tell that Pairs has a high level of polloution. foud in source 4 "With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result to the habit." Meaning if everyone walked or biked instead of using cars we would be use to it and not depend on them. From the same source in paragraph 36 you can infer that in New York that many people are starting to use bikes insted of cars, as found "New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing brige and tunnels tools reflect those new priorities, as do proliferation of car- sharing programs across the nation." Then in Paragraph 38 , it tells us that the population suggest that the trend of demographic shifts in driving may accelerate. From reading the sources and adding up all of the information it is vary easy to infer that we would have a lot of advantages if we didnt use cars. we would have less polloution and would be paying less for roadways.
The topic of keeping or changing the Electoral College has beeen around for quite some time. Some may argue that it is an unfair way to vote for presidency, although some may think otherwise. The Electoral College provides different opportunities for other political members as well by the common people. In this voting method you are able to trust each member running, they are for people who wants to express himslef politically, and that in balances political weight throughout. The Electoral College requires candidates that are trustworthy not only to others but to everyone. It was said in an excerpt from Slate Magazine that ,"... each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee..." This basicaly means that we get to choose which candidate that we can trust with more big political problems.  This shows that we will be heard through these electors that we know we can trust. Although it different cases, this might become a democratic problem from we are not able to speak personally, atleast we know how they will manage and work the elections properly. Different people have different perspectives on several things,especially when it comes to politics. Political places need the different views of other people to be able to make a non biased decision. They want to see how others feel and think about different situations. By keeping the Electoral College, we will be able to express our different political references. In the "In Defense of the Electoral College", it was stated that "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political reference...". In defense to the Electoral College, people who were to vote are the same people who wants to express how they feel about one thing. The people who vote might feel so strongly about political situation than others. As stated in paragraph fifteen that this may become a problem for it is not a democratic way. Although I argue so. The people living in the country or city has the equal amount of chance to be heared and be represented by talented, intelligent,and trustworthy people. The process of the Electoral College provides an even political balance throughout a nation, or so it stated by Posner. By cponducting the process of the Electoral College, it will create a more homogeneous region throughout the country. We will get the same equal rights and chances as well as people across the nation. Political balance is hard to keep withing a big state, although large states can be simmered down with Electoral College. It does not only do that for large states, but it also help the even smaller states. Electoral College has been an efiicient way that has been around for years to select reperesentatives in each state that may have a bigger chance in politics in the future. As the people of one country, we are able to get our voices heard throughtout the world. The Electoral College contains people who you are able to trust, the people who can express their political views very clearly, and that it provides political balance throughout.        
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author explains how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computes to know if a human is sad, happy, confused, angry, fearful or disgusted. Also the author describes how this would help teacher in their classes to identify if students are bored or tired making it eassier for teachers to find another way to get students attention. In my opinion this would be a good idea for schools to use and make a more eficient way of teaching students and teachers differents ways to teach and learn making it more fun and less tireding for everyone. Although this may be expensive and students will not like a computer to read their emotions because it would be weird for them and it also may be unconterfull for students having a computer to just say their feelings in front of a class. The Facial Action Coding System ( FACS) is a great idea for schools as I said earlier but I do not see how it could help in other things. The article describes how this new technology can identify human emotions but it does not explains how would it work in society or it will help people understand one another better. The FACS can tell your emotions by the way the muscles in the face move making it easier for the computer to identify what emotion the human is felling. They use video imagery to create a new emotion- recognition software tracks these facial movemets. Also the new technology can identify mixed emotions. The article also describes how by making a expression can make you feel slighty the expresion that was just used. According to Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. This may happen because weunconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. In conclution this article demostrates you how can a new technology can hal you understand other peoples emotions even if they are trying to hide them. Also it helps people to understan how they are really feeling and how does emotions work when we express them.
The conditions on Venus are far my extreme than anything expereinced on Earth. It has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon. It also has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. In paragraph 3 is says " On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmosphereic pressure is 90 times greater than what we expreience on our own planet". Despite all the dangers Venus seems to present its self, the author still thinks its a worthy pursuit to studying Venus. "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size" said in paragraph 2. Astronmers think that it might of been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. They say it was probably covered with large oceans and could have supported various forms of life. It also has features that are similar to Earth like having a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. NASA has a possible solution to sending humans to study Venus that'll help with its dangerous circumstances. In paragpah 5 it says, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray". NASA is working on other ways to study Venus as well, like simpilar technology that are made of silicon carbide, and going back to using old techngoly. Venus might be a dangerous and risky planet to explore but it could be possibly done with all this research being done. The author claims that it will have insight to be gained on the planet and also that "our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" said in paragraph 8 by the author.
Venus, often referred to as Earth's "twin" is an astouding planet in humanity's solar system. Venus measures out to nealry the same density and mass of as Earth and is sometimes even the nearest planet to Earth as well. Humans should find studying Venus as a neccessity to human survival because of the advanced intel that NASA and humans all aorund the world could contain, society on Earth has came up with numerous ways to explore its challenging dangers that Venus envokes, and Venus is worth the exploration because the things soicety can learn and takeaway to help further Earth and the way that Earth functions. Venus, without a doubt, is a worthy pursuit despite its dangers. Venus and Earth are extemely similar yet different at the same time. Many years ago, in paragraph four, Venus was, "...covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." thus implying the similarities Earth and Venus both share. Also, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." this being a description of Venus, Earth has all of these qualities as well. But in contrast, Venus's surface today, "...temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experince on our own planet." thus explaining that the temperature and atmosheric pressure is extremly different than what Earth is today. To make up the these dense hazards that Venus portrays, NASA and many sister companies on Earth have came up with thorough plans to match that dangers Venus depicts. For example, because of the harsh temperatures on Venus, NASA has envisioned a blimp-like structure that would hover close to 30 miles above Venus, decreasing the temperature about 630 degress and far enough up in orbit to decrease the atmospheric pressure to about equal to a submerged submarine in the ocean. Thus doing so, NASA could get closer to Venus despite the dangers of extreme temperature and pressure to unveil intel and knowledge about Venus to help expand what we know about Venus. Another idea that NASA is working on is with the study of electronics made from silicon carbide. These materials can withstand Venus conditions. To go along with these ideas, other people came up with computer systems from pre and post World War II era. These computers cn operate and calculate without using technology sensitive materials like today where they got heated easily. These computers can as well withstand harsh temperatures and pressures that Venus envokes. Furthermore, through old and new elctronics, and bolstering ideas with different materials NASA and society on Earth can safely study Venus despite the dnagers. To add, by pursuing Venus society can learn neccessary intel to help further Earth and the way that Earth functions. For example, by making the trip to Venus, scientists on Earth could study and soon figure out more analogous similarites to Earth and Venus. They could also help as find out more about how society's world on Earth operates and functions through geology and weather and other things like the the way volcanoes erupt, the earthquakes the Earth has, and the lightining strikes that happen on Earth. Therefore, with the travel to Venus, society can expand its knowledge on how both Earth and Venus works through the studies that scientists can perform. In conclusion, by taking the initiative to take on the challenges of Venus, society can gian intel for themselves and for Venus as well as answer unanswered questions that society has had forever. Thus doing so, society's lapse cannot be stopped by the dangerous challenges it envokes but be stopped by society's dense imagination.
Mars..... the red planet. We call it many things, some of us people beleive that there is and once was life on the planet mars. But now NASA has discovered something far from anything we've seen before. The face of on the stone may possibly be weather created by its own planet. In the artical it states, " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa." Which this means the face looked like landforms juist like on earth, that are found in the American west. In paragraph 11 a man states about the "rule of the thumb" which tells us about how you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. this explains to us that if the face was real there shouldve been other things to see around it. Lastly in paragraph 7 the artical says in April 1998, they sent Cydonia over to mars too take pictures and there was no cloudy weather it was perfectly fine, and it took photos of the face. People at home were waiting for the picture to be released, just to find that it was a natural landform. People can beleive that this is a real face however, they are wrong becauase that the pictue that was taken by cydonia looks just like a normal, natural landform and also the image they had, if they would've zoomed in on it 3 times they should've seen oher things. They also say that the face just looks like a mesa just like in the west of America. You should beleive that this is nothing but just a nrmal landform caused by the red planets natural enviorment.
Driverless cars appear to be the future of road but they have many down sides to them. Computer controlled cars can have glitches and many other technical problems when being used as the futures transportation. If the computer does giltch whos fault is it for the injury or death of the person. It could go either way but man contolled cars have only one or two people to blame for the accident that may happen. "Todays driverless cars can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" This quote said in paragraph 7 shows that these cars can not do everything so it is misleading to the user. The user will sit down in the car and tell the car where to go and the user most likely fall asleep or get tired of waiting for their turn as said in paragraph 8. Then when the car comes across a situation it can not solve its self many things could go wrong and then whos fault would it be for the accident the car would cause. The rules of the road most of us are taught as a child would be changed a lot also. They would have to develop a new way of giving tickets to those who break the driving laws with the new driverless cars. The new driver safety laws would give many police officials confusion when giving driving tickets to people. The driverless car as of now sounds like bad news, it needs more to it so that we can keep our people safe on the road. In the near future dreverless cars would and can be a very useful addition to the road. All we need is more time to this idea of driverless cars and it has the potential to change driving as we know it.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both posotive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I am personally against driverless cars. One reason that I am against driverless cars is that drivers could get distracted and not pay attention to the road. Secondly, what if there is an accident who is to take the blame the driver or the manufactioner. Also there are many saftey concerns with driverless cars. Firstly, driverless cars can cause drivers to get distracted. One way they can cause drivers to become distracted is that drivers could think that because the car is driving by its self that they do not have to pay attention to the road, when they shouuld be. Secondly, driverless cars may cause drivers to be more tempted text while driving. Although, the cars come with built in saftey alerts what if the driver does not notice them. In the article paragraph eight states "the psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge," admits Dr. Wener Huber, a BMW project manager driver" , it also says that they would have to find away to keep drivers focused and make driving fun. Secondly, what would happen if there where to be an accident in a driverless car and someone where to be injured. Who would take the blame? The driver or the manufactioner of the car. Would you want to take that risk. In paragraph nine it says that "new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. Finally, what about all of the saftey concerns that come with driverless cars. With all of this extra technology being put into the car you will have to wonder if there will still be room for all of the standard safter requirements. Also what is to happen if one of the sensors controling the car fails and does not alert the driver in time to move out of the way of a possible accident. In paragraph four it states that the driverless car can "mimic" the skills of a human at the wheel, however the human response time could be faster and more effective than that of a machine. Some people may even use driverless cars as a reason to drive or get behind the wheel while they are under the influince of drugs or alchol, which can be a majopr concern to yhemselves and other drivers on the road. In conclusion although driverless cars maybe an amazing thing to imagine or dream about I do not think that is the way we should head for thr future. Driverless cars may cause drivers to become distracted behind the wheel. Also, who is toi take the blame if there is an accident in a driverless car. People may become to reliable and dependent on the car to drive them that they will not be prepared to stop an accident from happening. Finally driverless cars could be a huge saftey concern to drivers. Driverless cars may also help to be an excuse for people to drive under the influence, text, or even sleep while behind the wheel. I am against driverless cars and think that they should not be a main source of traansportation in years to come.
Why might someone choose to be a seagoing cowboy? I became a seagoing cowboy because it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only was it a great adventure,but I also did it for the exploration and to help people in need. These things made it worth the dangers at sea. First, I knew the adventure the trips held would be great like when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. I got to meet new people in the places we traveled to. I even learned of some new cultures. Every trip had something different or new about it. Also,on each journey the other volunteers I traveled with became some of my closest friends. Next, I became a seagoing cowboy for the exploration. I experienced so many new places for example there's the excavated caslte in Crete or the Panama Canal on my way to China. On some nights the ocean seemed to be a black endless void, but on clear days it looked like a beautiful blue mass. I also saw great foriegn marvels that I never imagined being able to see in person. Finally, I joined the program to help people. Not only was I taking care of the animals that would bring livestock back to the nations, but I was supplying them with food. The people were always grateful to see us arrive with what was going to help rebuild their home country and their nation. We were repairing war-torn countries. Each and every reason including, adventure, exploration, and helping people in need, are why I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. Although, I never would have thought about it if my friend Don, hadn't asked me to come to Europe with him on a cattle boat. He played a big part in changing my life forever. However, I wasn't always a natural at the job, it took practice. Tell me, who would you ask to come on such an adventure with you?
In " the challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In the article it states that due to the harrsh environment of Venus from anything here on Earth it's more then likely to be able to explore the twin planet of Earth, Venus. They'll need to create a vehicle able to maintain itself in Venus. By hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, but the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of the sea level here on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography and researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else. So giving the chance of making something strong enough to sustain Venus will be a longshot.
I think the use for this technology is a good idea cause you can get a understanding of how students feel. This technology could be used in a lot of different ways. I feel like this technology should be valuable in on students in a classroom. They stated that "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal" Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often showing varying degrees of expression"A classroom computer could recoginze when a student is becoming confused or bored. This technology should indeed be used more offen cause theres so much you could use it for. With this type of technology we could figure out a lot about one or more people. The more we use it the more we will know about it and other people and we can use that informion to find different emotional expressions and we can make this techonology even better. That is why i think we should use this technology more in are class rooms or even are work space.
The electoral college should be abolished because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates elector (source 1), and the voters cant always control who their electors vote for (source 2). On the other hand the electoral college is a great thing because a dispute over the outcome of an electoral college vote is possibe but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote (source 3). When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates elector (source 1). Most people, including me, would like to vote for the president not a candidate because they might not even vote for the person you want for president. Some states are smaller then others so that makes them feel like their votes arent as important as the bigger states like California and Texas. The electoral college consists of only 538 electors compared to how many people are actually in the U.S. so there is a greater chance that the wrong president might be elected. Many people do not vote because the voters cant always control who their electors vote for (source 2). Not everyone wants to take the chance of voting for the wrong person to be elected for president. Some voters might get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate, as it says in source 2. Most states are small so most people in those states dont think the little states matter and they arent important in the election when they actually do. On the other hand the electoral college is a great thing because a dispute over the outcome of an electoral college vote is possibe but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote (source 3). A better thing about the electoral college is that it requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, meaning that not all the vote can come from one or two regions and no other ones. Voters in presidential elections are the people who want to express a political preference rather than the people woh tihnk a single vote can dicide an election. As a student I want the best for the up coming generations, including me, that are going to be able to be a part of the presidential elections and to not be confused who to vote for or how the electoral college works. Every year a new generation becomes legal to vote and be part of the election but if they dont know how to vote or how it works then they wont be able to. Some people dont know anything about poitics but, still want to be able to vote so, it should be easy for them to vote for who they want to be president rather then the long process of, voting for the canidates elector and most of the time they dont vote for who they want and they vote for the wrong person.            
After reading the article on the Facial Action Coding System, I believe the use of this technology could be very valuable. With the help of a computer identifying wether a persons emotion shows sadness, confusion and etc., the help of this technology can educate students in different ways. For example, if the computer recognizes a student is confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. This invention could completely change the way teachers teach and help them understand how a student feels about a topic. Just by looking into this advanced computer, it can improve your skills and help you better understand the topic. Using this new invention can impact the way students are learning and determine if they are a slower learner than others. The technology can easily modify the lesson if it recognizes a confused emotion on your face. Students may tend to find themselves further educated with the use of facial recognition just by showing a single emotion and the way your facial features are moved. In conclusion, I believe the use of this technology in schools can change the way teachers are educating their students. It can also notify teachers if a student is struggling on a certain topic if the teachers can view that the lesson had to be modified on a students laptop. I believe with the help of this technology, students will become more informed with school topics.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it talks about how a new form of technology that can read human emotions was used to read the emotions of the Mona Lisa could be used to read other human emotions. Dr. Huang, from Beckman institute worked on the computer with other scientis. the computer was programed to read the expresions of humans by first making a 3D model of the face, along with all 44 major muscels in the face too. How this would be valuable in the classroom. well it argues in ther artical how if this technology was available in all classrooms that this would ba able to help students learn in their own way or how the computer would be able to recognize the emotions that the student is expressing and would be able to change or modify the lesson for the sudent. if this sort of technology was available it would change the whole outlook on how we learn and change the whole outlook on the classroom. it would give students a better chance of learning and help how they learn,it would make each lesson personal to each student. If this form of technology was made available then they major impact that it would have on schools and on students would be so grand that it would cahnge the face of learning. so therefor i do belive that the use of this technology is valuable in a classroom.
Technology that can make Mona Lisa smile. Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. It is able to read a person emotional state. This technology can be useful in many was. In classrooms it technology can improve learning. Facial Action Coding System can improve a child's learning. It could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. This can help modify the lesson so the student can stay forcesed on the lesson. That would help a lot of student work at the best speed for them. The Facial Action Coding would work by watching the muscles in a person's face to tell what mood their in. Even if the Computer couldn't handle the complex algorithms used. They can weite down some simple instructions that "encode" different emotions. This could really help keep student on key with their learning. This technology can be useful in many was. In classrooms it technology can improve learning. This would be valuable technology for students in a classroom. There are so many ways we could befit from this. Students all around could use this to help them.
I bet your wondering what a Electoral college is in your head , well an Electoral college is not somewhere you go to like a regular college but its a process , they established it in constitution as a compromise. Its where they vote for presidents and vice president including the electoral votes by congress , Electoral college consists 538 electors and the majority of 270 electoral votes to elect the president . To begin with, every candidate is running for President for your state ,and each of them has their own electors . After every four years presidential election is held on tuesday after the first monday , the fun part is that most states gets a "winner-take-all" system that awards all the electors to the winning presidential candidate , also your governer prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment" listing all the wonderful candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors . This year most voters are expecting another close election in the population vote which winners could again lose the presidency. Under electoral college system some voters don't vote for presidents but vote for a state of electors , if you lived in texas for an example and wanted to vote for someone named John kerry you would vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry . For the winner-take-all method of the award electoral votes induces the candidates just like in 2012 election .Obama won the vote and got 29 electoral votes ,a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in the campaign Nixton in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had a 43 pecent plurality of popular votes . But hopefully you learned about the Electoral College and what it really is  ,and what the electors have to go through to be president.
Driverless cars are going to be amazing when they are released to the public. They are very intelligent machines that can make better or faster decisions than humans can on the road. Even though they are just testing them now, they still haven't caused any accidents. Think about it, everyone who drives a driverless car will have the option to steer, so it's their choice whether their life is at risk. Driverless cars haven't caused car-on-car accidents. The text states that driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. There have been a few cases where the driverless cars were involved in accidents, but that was because other people wrecked into them. They usually don't make road errors, but other people mess them up because of their bad driving habits. Drivers still have the option to take the wheel if they feel, or if the car feels, like something is wrong. The text states that driverless cars require some human skill so they would have to take the wheel at some point, but the rest of the driving is optional. The text also states that the driverless cars are also being programmed to warn the driver when they need to take control. The only drawback to this is that drivers will still have to be alert at all times incase the car needs their help. It may take some time before they are fully safe. The text states that there are some situations where humans would have to take control of the car like pulling out of driveways or moving around construction zones. This implies that the cars can't deal with humans very well. They can still manage to get in accidents with pedestrians if those people aren't dong what they are supposed to like J-walking. It will take awhile before driverless cars are upgraded with more reliable sensors that can detect pedestrians and even animals too. Driverless cars are going to be a huge innovation that changes the way everyone travels. Driverless cars are safe, fast decision makers, and help people get from place to place without driving the whole time. I wouldn't turn down a trip in something that has all of those great qualities. Driverless cars will truely be amazing when they are released.
Is the use of the new technology by the name of the, Facial Action Coding System, valuable in the classroom. This should can tell emotions of others by facial recognition. This device, created by Prof. Thomas Huang and his colleague Prof. Nicu Sebe, reads the emotions by identifying which facial muscles are used and flexed. Even when someone is trying to pretend to look like another emotion, the technology can still tell how you are feelng. The process of this technology first begins when the computer creates a 3-D model of a face. This model shows and distinguishes all 44 major facial muscles. When one or more muscles moves, this is called an "action unit". Then Dr. Paul Eckman uses Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to depict which emotion is being presented of the main six. There are 44 major muscles in the facial part of the human body. Each helping to describe emotion based on which is flexed and in action. These muscles show the six main emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. When a muscle called the frontalis pars lateralis flexes, this causes the eyebrow to raise. This motion shows the emotion of surprise. When the orbicularis flexes, it causes the lips to tighten which shows anger. With the help of the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving facial muscles does more than just express emotion. It actually produces emotion as well. Using this device in a classroom would be extremely valuable. This device would detect emotion and send the results back to the teacher/ counselor. With this information, the teacher/ counselor could then help the student with their emotional problems if they have any. Especially high-school students with all of the stress and pressure they endure throughout their years. Giving the results back to students may even better their emotion knowing that when someone makes a face of happiness, they actually start to feel it too. This piece of technology should indeed be used in the classroom. It would benefit students in many ways. It would not only solve emotional problems with the students, but increase happiness putting everyone else in a better mood and decreasing stress levels. The Facial Action Coding System is a vital and impressive work of technological art and should most definitely be used in the classroom.
I do not think that it is a good idea to develop driverless cars. Drives will get distracted more easliy if they do not have to pay anettion at all times to the road. Also the next generation to come will not know how to drive and it will soon be a forgotten skill. This will also make the unemployment rate go through the roof. Over all it is a bad idea that will hurt are nation and others finacualy and cultrally. The driverless car would be a wreck waiting to happen. Teens now a days have a short tension spand and would get easily distracted by there phones or even fall asleep if they did not have to pay attention to the road. These so called smarte cars still need the drivers to be alert and to pay attention just in case they drive in to a construction zone and the driver has to take over. Well if the driver fell asleep it would be so easy for them to get in to a car crash. If these companys are really worried about the drivers well being they would not put them in a situation where they are not only putting there own lives at risk but others too. Granted that even know driving is still dangerous, but it is one thing to have full control of your car rather than have to put your faith in a programed that can not even make its way through out a work zone with out the threat of running some on over. Having a lisonce is an importante part of growing up. It teaches your resposibiltity and gives you a feeling of liberation and freedom. If are generation startes to us driverless cars then the future generation will stop gettting drivers lisonces and driving will become a lost art. It is important that people learn how to drive. Its a sence of freedom that Google and any other companys or car manufactures should not be able to take away. Having driverless cars will break are nations back. Unemployment rates for yougth are at an all time high. Many people in big cities make there money by either being cab drivers, or bus driver. The driverless car will put these hard workers out of jobs. Making the unempolment rates of this country even higher than they all ready are. Driverless cars will only lead to destruction. Unemployment rates will shoot up so high it will be the great depression round two. Accidents will be happening left and right. Our generations attention spaned is shorter then a gould fish's. Putting use in a metal box and tell us that we do not really to drive the car but we need to pay attention just in case is a good way to cut are popullation in half. Not to even mention the fact that soon driving will be a lost art. Its a freedom that should never be stripped from us. Driverless cars are not a good idea and will only leave a trail of misery behind them.
I believe we should support the development of the driveless cars. As time evolves, our surrounding evolves as well; such as our clothings, cultural beliefs, advancements in technologies, education, and many more. If we could make changes to those things, why can't we do the same for cars. I believe this should be the risk we're willing to take. First of all, the author of the article has mentioned that these cars would use half the fuel of today's which means killing less trees. This plays a major role in saving our planet. We have been using abundant amount of fuels which are extremely bad for our future as well as now. By using less fuel, we will be less likely to experience tragical conditions such as global warming, and other natural disasters. Also, he has mentioned that driveless cars offer far more flexibility. My second reason why we should support the developemnt of driverless cars is due to lesser risk of getting into car accidents. The article has mentioned that although Google cars aren't truly driverless, they have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. This indicate that with further advancments made to the cars, the less likely we'd face car crashs and other tragical accidents. We wouldn't have to face these problems as much as we're facing them now. My last reason relates to car accidents and human risks. The advancements they made onto these cars suggest the lower risk of everything. The heads-up displays, use of multiple sensors, LIDAR, and further advancements. BMV states that 70% to 90% of the times why we get into car accidents are due to human risks. Human risks include drunk driving, disobeying traffic laws, underage or unpermitted driver, texting while driving and such. But, with the driveless cars and it's advancements, we are lowering the risk of facing those kind of problems. As you can see why I believe we should support the developments of these driveless cars for multiple reasons. By using half the fuel of which we use today, we're saving our planet and it's resources, which will eventually lead to lower risks of global warming and such. Next, the driveless cars will assure that we will face less car accidents due to it's high technologies and advancments. Lastly, driverless cars will decrease the risk of human risks and will lead to higher and further more advancements in technologies.
Here is my position on driver-less cars. I feel driver-less cars only work if you do. They should rename driver-less cars, to 2-driver cars because there's never going too be a moment in time when the car is driving by itself. You will always have too do your normal job, you'll just have extra help this time. You should never feel like you dont have too pay attention to the road because the car is not driving for you, it's driving with you. You should also never feel like you can focus on something else while in the car driving, you should always be alert but you should also always know the car has your back for anything else you cant see. For example, the car will warn you for traffic ahead, crashes, road blocks, ect. In alot of states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars. For example, California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. Wich makes sense because all people want is too be safe. So if there is a car out there that keeps familys life out of danger lots of people will want it. In conclusion, i feel like once the manufactorers of driverless-cars proves too the people it is safe, it will become very big in alot of country's fast.
What is that mysterious face hiding in Mars? In the acticle "Unmasking the Face on Mars" its states many different thoughts of different people. NASA has expiremented this Face on Mars and belive that is just another Martin mesa. Although conspiracy theorists like to think otherwise, they do not really have any proof on their beliefs, there for, they do not have many people that follow upon that. Only a few scienetists believed that the Face was an alein artifact. NASA photographed the Face as soon as they could get a good shot at it. In 1998, when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, they were able to snap a picture that was over ten times sharper than the original viking photos. This gave everybody a pretty good idea that if the picture was clear enough that it could prove if there was life on Mars or not. The anxcious people were waiting for the picture when they discovered that the Face was nothing more than a natural landform. Alough the picture had proven that the Face did not show any life on Mars, they just did not believe that the photo couldnt have been right. At the time the Face was photographed, the camera had to peer through wispy clouds. Because the camera may not have gotten a clear shot, people argued with the sam monotnous story that they didnt get a good enough picture and the clouds could have been covering the the markings. So the question comes back again, is that really a face in the in the ground of Mars? Garvin, a NASA researcher, states that it is very hard to target the face and where it is located. One day on a cloudless summer day, in 2001, Mars Global Surveyor went to take a second look at the Face that held thousands of people speechless on what to belive. Malin's team had managed to capture a picture using the camera's absolute resolution. They discovered that the picture actually shows a Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa, landforms common around the American West. After all the fuss about the Face, it was proven to be just a landform that you you would find on Mars. This uniqe landform kept people wondering for years about what it really was. After many trips into space and passing by the Face, scientists finally got all the proof they needed to prove what it really was. This uncommon feature left the conspiracy theriost's jaws dropped and mouths closed. What do you think that mysterious face hiding in Mars was?
Have you ever dream of a future where cars are driven by themselves? Well that dream will be coming faster than you think. With the advances in technology we are getting closer and closer in achieving a driveless car. Driveless cars could change the world so much. Thus it is a good idea that they should be made possible. Driveless cars could help make the world better. We would no longer have to worry about how we would get to certain ares. All we would have to do is call in a driveless car, get in it, and it would take us to our destinantion. Another thing that make driveless car great is that it would use half the fuel of what we use today. It would also cause less accidents due to having sensors and thus alearting the driver when an accident might be possible. These type of cars might be great but they have a lot of flaws. Some flaws are that they are not 100% driveless yet. They need the passanger to be on alert at all time so that when the soutition rises they can take over control. For example the article states,"notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigationg through work zones and around accidents." Another thing to worry about is that who would be blame if the technology fails and someone is injuried or even killed? Would it be the driver or the manufacture that gets the blame? These are thing that we should be thinking about before we put this invention for sale. All those flaws might give the wrong impression about driveless cars, but we can find a soulution to all these constraints. They might not be 100% driveless yet, but we are getting there. The advances in technology that we accomplish every day is growing rapidly. Every year we are creating and making our technology beter. For example, the article stats that."Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." Companies are also developing driver seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. Another this is that the sensor might not be as good as we want today, but imagine how much better and advance they might be in about 5-10 years. Improvement in sensors, computer hardware, and software are making driving safer which is leading to driveless cars to be able to handle more and do more driving tasks on their own. Currently we might have some contraints that are holding us back, but in time we will be able to get rid of them. With the improvements in our software and senors being made every day; we will be closer in achieving a 100% workable car. The advances in technology will help us create them and in time make them a realitiy. Driveless cars should be made.
The meaning of a democracy is that the people vote for their leader or president. The electoral college denys that right and that is why the state senator should change that. Not only do the popular votes barley make a difference but, with the electoral college in play the representatives vote for our president, not us. If popular vote was the way the president was elected the elections would be fair. To start with, how can we live in a democracy were the people do not pick their own president but, some representatives we suposadly chose can. If we were alowed to choose our own president then we could at least feel right in what we chose and not what the representatives did. according to Bradford Plumer the electoral college is unfair due to the winner take all method which basically states that if you are a big state and have many representatives then you will have a majority of a say when it comes to voting. I it were only up to the people to vote then every single vote would count more towards the winning president and not towards the representatives. If the electoral college would keep on then even if the popular vote went for one of the representatives the electoral vote would decide the actual winner. Also, acorrding to the Office of the Federal Register a total of 270 or more electoral votes are needed to elect a president. The total amount of votes consists of 538 electors, meaning there could be a tie in elections. This implys that the system is not fool proof and can have errors. However, if the popular votes were counted more than the electoral votes there would not be any chance of a tie and a president will always be elected. Most Americans do not know that they are voting for representatives who in turn vote for the president making this unfair. Thats just another reason why the electoral college is outdated and not needed. Although the popular vote system is a little bias and favors the president the citizens like the most, it can also prove more effected for the fact that there will always be a winner no matter what. The popular votes system cant be represented by most states like the electoral college does but, it does have the vote of the entire country as opposed to a few states with more representatives. In conclusion, the senator should change the voting system for many reasons. First, the popular vote is more reliable and there will always be a winner. Second, the electoral college has an even number of votes meaning there could be a tie therefore ruining the election. Finally, most people would like to personaly vote for theyre president rather than someone else to do it for you. These simple reason suggest why the senate should change the system.                         
In this article I would like to have the technology because a computer that can read all 44 major muscles, and also this is where FACS will come in (Facial Action Coding System.) It tells how a person it feeling, in my oppain I would want to know the emotions of my friend, I also would racomened this to the school consulers, only so the consuler can help that person with their emotional prabablem. Yes you can see how that person is "feeling by looking at their face," but some people can fake a smile to hide whats going on inside, some people are just scared to let their feeling out because they are worried someone it going to hurt them. The "funny things" about people is that laughing can be really contagest when you are down in the dirt, and your friend sees that you're just upset, they will do anything to mke you happy they will smile you, make a joke. just to see you smile . But sometimes just looking at someone does not always workout as some people would like. So this is way I would agree to have the technolgy to see his or hers emotions.
A world with driverless cars would be a very simple world. With newer and more advanced technology being invented everyday, it gets safer as well. Although driverless cars are not completely driverless yet, it's still a great start to an amazing future. I am a new driver, meaning that I am just learning how to drive, and I have to admit; it's not as easy as it looks. I think it would be wonderful to live in a time period that has driverless cars, or at least be able to witness them being made. The majority of our cars now are already operated by computer systems, even though humans do the majority of the work required to control a car. The human kind as a whole isn't always the keenest when it comes to being aware of our surroundings, and being able to have a car that allows us to pay more attention without actually doing anything could take away a lot of the pressure for drivers, especially teen drivers. Fuel consumption has always been, and probably always will be one of the top issues associated with cars and driving. But with the creation of these new, driverless cars, the amount of fuel consumption should go down according to Google cofounder, Sergey Brin. The health of our planet is a major concern, and having millions, maybe even billions, of cars letting out gas is not making it better. If we can create a car that requires less fuel (which means it'll produce less gas into the air), then that is one thing we can check off of the list of things destroying Earth. Sensors and lasers are also great contributions to the completion of driverless cars. Although they would, of course, still require the driver to be on stand-by, 98% of the energy to opererate and drive the car would be done by the car itself. Technogly is continuously advancing, and at an even faster pace, it's getting hard to keep up. In no time we'll all be driving in cars that don't actually require us to drive. Sebastian Thrun seems to have the same idea, considering that in just the time frame of the 2000s, we've created GPS, computers, laptops, and touchscreen cellphones. Paragraph eight asks us "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" I think these are great questions! I know that as a new driver, I would totally miss not being able to drive, so why not create a car that gives you the option of deciding if you want the car to drive itself, or if you want to drive! Of course no one likes traffic, and who likes 16+ hour car rides to Florida? These could be the times that the car would drive by itself. All in all, driverless cars could be one of the many successes of man kind, but safety is still an issue. It's a great thing to be able to come up with the idea to create things such as driverless cars, but it's even better to know your'e the one who perfected the idea, and turned it into a reality. We are living in a reality of an innovative generation that's only just getting started. I can't wait to see what happens next. Maybe my car will be flying by then, too!
They are sayin how to detect other people feeling. How other people feel. The software of some new computer that recognize emotions. Can they like calculate emotions like math homework i think they can not calculate emotions like a math homework. Your frontalis pars lateralis muscle above your eyes raises your eyebrows when you're surpised your orbicularis oris around your mouth tightens your lip to show anger. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. They would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy worried etc. Computers know when your happy or sad if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow but if you frown the next ad will be different. Most human communication is nonverbal inculding emotional communication so computers need to know that to. You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. A computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. According to the facial feedback theory of Emotion moving your facial emotions, but also may even help produce them. Putting on a happy face actually works a renowned drama coach had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.
For my perspective on the situation, I am not positive nor negitive. Some of the ideas from bouth the positive and negitive side are good as thay are bad. For what I think is what I will pull from the story to my wrighting. As example on the positive side, I think the seat vibrating when ready to back into a car is an amazing idea for drivers who need more help when parking. The negitive side on the outher hand, yes we should not have cars that dirve without human control. Just because we are fecinated on the idea of cars driveing themselvas does not say we should have than. I will and in from he section it says from television this idea was brought up. If it is from that television is not always right. Especially when it comes to safety. Safety is nouthing to play around with or to toy with. It is a prevention of lot lives and or injeries. The human driver should have their hands, plure on the weel at all times unless thay have finished there driveing route to their destination. Again for the positive the idea for a camera feed from the rearveiw mirror should be in place for driveing and more so parking help. Anouther and lastly for the positive side, the 3-D model of the car's surroundings. It should be there for better and less reckless driveing. Lastly finishing on this selection of text. It says thay need human instruction to get around construction or a reck for safer driveing. We need alert drivers at all times. If thay can not handel that thay should not be allowed permition to these machines. People have lives need to be kept. This is what should be done to keep that and less injeries. In my conclution we should not have self driveing cars. Parts from the car can be used to help us with our own driveing to prevent a reck. In a sertain situation being it a huge rode blocking or little bump into a parked car. pedestrians could be prevented from harm as well. As I have finished my conclution I shall leave you with this. Would you want to keep youre life from the parts of the cars, or lost from a self driveing car gone out of controll or messed up from bad construction/matinance?
"Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people is feeling even when they are trying to hide their emotion,". Did you know moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even produce them? "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face while it show how much the computer can really do",. Also just by making someone day you can make his/her smile and yourself smile because it feels great to give back to people , now i understand why leonardo da vinci made this because he had gotten tired of seeing people sad faces so by making the Mona Lisa he brought cheer and smiles to the world." A renowned drama coach Constantin Stanislavsky had his actors to carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating theses emotin on stage". Overall Facial Actin Coding system was a great idea to put that in action and get the world to know and Nick D'Alto has made it better.
The advantages of limitng car use can be a benefit to us. What matter now in days is not how much you drive but what type of car you are driving. Limiting car use can have a great impact on our planet we can protect it and our enviorments. The same enviorments that are currently falling apart. Another adavantage to limting car use is that it can relieve stress in a person and it can actually make a person happier. And last people wont have to worry about getting late to school or to work or even about accidents. i dont know about you but limiting car use can be of great benefit and does have its advantages. Our earth's enviorments are falling apart. And everyday we damage it more and more with all the polution and carbon emissions. 'It a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce green house gas emissions from tailpipes...Passenger car are responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Many cities have been forced to banned car because of the amount of smog was over wellming. For expamle Paris, after days of near record pollution Paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the harmful chemicals. 'Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intesifying smog... the smog rivaled Beijing, China, which os known as one of the most populated cities in the world. So limting car use can have its advantages, it can protect our enviorments. And we dont have to worry about smogs are any other things. Who doesnt want to be stress free? And thats another advantage of limting car use. I always see how my mom stresses while she's driving which can cause accidents because people are always in a rush. 'When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way' said Heidrun Walter. It woulld be safer you dont have to worry has much about crossing the street. The swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drowns out the occasional distant motor. There are many alternative transportation such as hiking, biking, skates, and busues. This cab be helpful for the body and mind. 'Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air polluttion'. The rates of car owernship have gone down. And it continues to go down.'If this pattern persists and many sociolgists belive it will, it will have benefecial implcatiions of carbon emmisions nd the enviorment, since transportation is the second largest source of americans emissions, just behind power plants. But this can have a negavtive impact on the car industries such as the companies ike Ford and Audi. But limiting car usgae can prevent trafiic jams and even accidents. In, conclusion limiting car usgae does have its advantages. It can protect our Earth's envioremnts, it can relive stress and make a person happier, and it can result in less traffic jams and accidents. I think these things are more important than anything else. Its a great way to take away the stress and lower the air pollution. Limiting car usage does have its wonderful benefits and advantages.
Dear Senator , I personally think that the electoral college should not be abolished. Yes some things are unfair for example : voters don't vote for the president directly and the fact that voters can't always control whom their electors vote for . That's life though , life is unfair to everyone . Instead of shutting the whole electoral college down , they should try to improve it so the voters can be satisfied . The electoral college plays a big part in the voting process. Although there are many unfair things the electoral college helps. The president should be elected by the electors because they know more than the amount of people who voted for them so they could elect the president. I believe that the voting process is not as simple as it looks , it's more complicated then that , it might seem simple to us but complicated to others. The voting process would be harder without the electoral college and the citizens won't have anyone or anything to guide them. A lot of us don't really know about politics , the real side of the candidate shows when he become the president , the electors can already start to see the real side of the candidate even though he's not the president. The citizens need a group of people to guide them in the right direction so they won't regret the choices that they made . Yes the electoral college has a few negative things but it's for the best. In my opinion electoral college should continue because overall this process helps a lot. Instead of stating the wrong facts about the electoral college , we should all try to make it a better process so all the people who think it's unfair think otherwise. I genuinely think that this process is for the best and I hope that you will think about everything I just said and try to improve this good process. Sincerely , PROPER_NAME
The jouneys of being a Seagoing Cowboy aren't always easy. The waves toss your boat, and the animals are not easy to handle, but the joy you feel when you help people who are in need, all of the rough times are worth it. On the sea, you are able to help people by loading your boat with cattle, horses, and many other animals, because the people are in need of these animals. When you deliver these animals to places such as Greece, Europe, China, Crete, Italy, and many more exotic countries, you are able to see the amazing artifacts that are located in these places. While sailing on the Atlanic Ocean, you encounter different oceanic animals. When you are able to see their beauty in person, ot helps you appreciate different life forms. You also appreciate your own life becuase you realize that people are less fortunate, and you are blessed to be able to help them. You see the uneducated, and you want to help. While continuing your journey as a Seagoing Cowboy, you become aware of all the problems in the world. After I served my time as a Seagoing Cowboy, the awareness stayed with me, and I lead my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. I share knowledge of the sea, and the students become aware of the problems and want to make a difference. You learn to cherish the people who are around you, because at any given moment, something bad, or good can happen. On one rainy night, I was serving as a watchman and after I made my hourly report to the captain, I slid down a ladder, and landed on my back. My heart was racing as I slipped toward an opening if the ship. A small strip of metal caught me and I was relieved to be alive, but in pain at the same time. I cracked my ribs but rhe crew, my friends, cared for me when no one else could. These are the dangersof the sea, but the rush you get when you see the less fortunate people smile, the dangers shrink to the size of a pencil shaving. If you do not appreciate helping people, the oceanic life, friendship, learning, and teaching, once you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will, and always appreciate these traits.
The author supports hs idea by saying that Venus is a planet in or solar system, Venus is the second planet from our son, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size and the closest in distance too. Venus is sometimes right around the corner. Numerous factors conrubute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. However NASA is working on another approaches to studying Venus. The concusion is that the challenge presented by Venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also becaue human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
1/27/15 Dear State senator, The Electoral College is a system where electors vote for the people off of the states votes . Where some eletors may stera from the beeten paath , but there is no reason to change the system now. Most people do not understand what the Elecoral College system, but in; " In Defense of the Elector College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing th Ppesident "(by Richard A. Posner ) points out its " it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. when you vote for a presidential candidate ypu're actually voting for s slate of electors.. ". Meaning a group of people in each state vote for the the presidnt . This is importent to know because it lets peopple know that their vote narow down the choeses . Although the electoral college system givesthe eletion an electon a "winer takes all " feel . Some people may believe that their vote doesnt matter  because of the electoral college system, but as " What Is the Electoral Collge? "( bay the Office of Federal Register) points out that " Most states have a winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate .". Which says that in some states the electors vote for whom-ever the majoratiy of the state voted for. That is suggnifucnt because it shows that the peoples vote do matter. On the other hand the elector college system is not perfict. Eventhough most states have "winner-take-all" system, there may be a " ' fathless' electros have occaionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please ." as informed by " The Indefensibel Electoral College:Why  even the best-iaid defense of the system are wrong " ( by Bradford Plamer ) is showing that though the electors are asspost to vote off of the states over all vote , that some electors will follow their own personal oppion. This shows that the systom is not as good as gold . The Electoral College is where electors vote for the people , but they vot off of the over all moajoraty, and the system my be fladed a little . Changing the Electoral College would be like changing the Constatosion .           
May 19,1950 9:30 A.M. "Wow, I Just had a dreamed about when I started to become a seagoing cowboy, man those were the doy days." "Well time for breakfast" I said. Then Like went downstairs and ate some bread. Then I went outside and went to the store and buy some food. Then he went to his family's house to talk to some of the visitors. May 20, 1950 11:00 A.M. the next day I got up and did the some the same thing as yesterday but today was a bit different because today My friend Don was trying to find me. Don was able to find me at the ice shop and said that we need to go the Seagoing cowboys program today to teach any of the people who has signed up. 1:34 P.M. When got there, the place when they held the program was different becaue no one was there. Then we was a sign that said" ANY EXPERIENCED SEAGOING BOYBOYS COME IN." "Ok then" said Don. Then we When inside there were some old Seagoing Cowboy I remenber. 1:40 P.M. 1950 Then an old man got up and said, " Thank you you all for coming, I am her to tell you than we need your help." "What kind of help?" asked some Seagoing Cowboy. Well we need you all to go on a little trip back to Europe to help some People out over there becuase some the Students over there needs some adive about some of the jobs you did back in 1945. "Ok, sure thing" said most of the Seagoing cowboys. but some of the rest asked 'what, why??" Well the ship leaves the next day so pack some of your things you well need. May 21, 1950 Noon Don and I got on the Ship and into a bunk room. "Well just like old times" said Don "yup" I said back. "Well I am going to explore the ship do you come?" I asked. "How about we unpack out things." Don said "Ok" I said. June 2, 1950 9:00 "there is a thunder storm out side I wonder if lighing is going to hit the ship?" I asked. The odds of that .. BOOOM!!! Then the alarm came one and said everyone to get to the life boats. Don and I tried to pack our thing but we only pack hlaf of our things and that fell over board while we got in to the life boats. June ? 1950 ?:?? Don and I woke up one the beach of a nearby city with a few Seagoing Cowboys. "Where are we??" asked Don "I don't know" I said.
In the article "Driveless Cars Are Coming," the author gives both positive and negative aspects of driveless cars. I feel though that having a driveless car will be more positive than negative. I feel the development of driveless cars can benefit humanity very well. The development should continue so that it can bring on a new form of public transportation. In the article it says "They (driveless cars) can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills," this makes driveless cars very safe to drive. not only will it get the passenger where they need to go but will alert them if their skills are needed. This makes for a safer but also more relxing drive to the destination. Its also states in the article that driveless cars have "Four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor" and a dubbed LIDAR which helps update the car of its surroundings. So driveless cars provide even more safety to passengers by knowing its surroundings places the passenger of the car probably wouldnt be aware of is he/she was driving. So i believe driveles cars are the future of cars because of these reasons. Driveless cars provide safety and a relaxing trip to its passengers regular cars just can't. They should be continously developed for better safety and more human like driving skills. Driveless cars are a great form of automotive transportation with safety that cant be matched.
The face on Mars is nothing but a Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa. Martian mesas are common enough around Cydonia. So it wouldnt have been surprising if it was just an ordinary mesa. In1976, Viking 1 saw the mesa and thought it looked like a face. But scientists found out that it was just a martian mesa. On April 5, 1998 a Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael Malin and his Orbiter Camera took a picture of the Mesa that looked like face. The picture was ten times better than the picture that the Viking 1 took. They found out that it was just a natural landform and that it wasnt an alien monument at all. Yet with all the proof some people did not believe that it wasnt just a regular Mars mesa due to that it was a cloudy year on Mars. So on April 8, 2001 it was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia and the Global Mars Surveyor got a second chance to look at the butte. The surveyor took a photo using its cameras absolute maximum resolution. The picture showed that it was just a Martian equivalent of a butte or a messa. Nevertheless we found out that it was an ordinary martian mesa that looked like a face due to shadows. It was never an alien monument but was an ordinary mesa. So the the face on mars was never an alien monument but a nutural landform.
Computers and technology are evolving every year matter of fact more like everyday. We went from basic analog phones to smart phones that are touch screen, and even our cars are advanced we now have electric cars that have wifi in them. They point is that technology is the way of life it will keep advancing as long as humans keep advancing. Now we hav developed technology to were computers can read our emotions. This technology that can read emotional expressions will make learning better. The process of the computer reading your emotions starts by making a 3-D strcture or model of your face.Using video imagery thenew software reconize and treacts the facial movements. It uses all 44 major muscles in your face. It reads the movement of the muscles to detect weather you happy, sad, scared, angry, suprised, disgusted. It then takes those emotions and apply them to the movements of your facial muscles. An example from the text is ¨Your frontalis pars laterails muscles raise your eyebrows when your suprised; Your orbicularis oris tightens your lips to show anger. Facial expressions are universal, they are also being used so the computer can give intresting things that you would like. an example from the text ¨ A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor.¨. This same technology can make computer antimated faces more expressive for video games and video sugery. If your smiling when an web ad appears on your screen an similr ad might follow, But is you show an unhappy face the same ad will not appear next time. Most human communicationg is non verbal and that is something that is hard for the computer to understand. Humans preform this calculation that the computer is trying to do on a day to day basis. For intances as it says from the passage¨ humans can tell how their friend is feeling, Most would have trouble describing each facial expression.¨. That is something that Dr.Huang has made an algorithm for. The algorithm will be cnstructed to read the muscular movemnets of the facial structure and create an respons suited for they expression or feelings. This essay was to inform you about the different ways computers are being advanced. Our technology is being shaped in many different ways, The most modern way is the reading of an facial expression made by a person from a computer. This technology will be used world wide it will help education, entertainment. The best test subjects to show how sucessful the technology is was the famous painting the mona lisa. they human anatomy of the painting was that she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.