@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user But that interferes with antifa’s goals! Because they want to be feared?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userBut that interferes with antifa’s goals!Because they want to be feared?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ¡Pero eso interfiere con los objetivos de antifa! ¿Porque quieren ser temidos?
New York Times Admits Experts Were Wrong About Trump’s Iran Policy. America Is Winning. Chaulk this one up a deep mark of success scrathed in the wall of successes. MAGA @user
[ "New York Times Admits Experts Were Wrong About Trump’s Iran Policy.America Is Winning.Chaulk this one up a deep mark of success scrathed in the wall of successes.MAGA @user" ]
El New York Times admite que los expertos se equivocaron acerca de Trump’s Iran Policy.America está ganando.Derribe este una marca profunda de éxito scraathed en el muro de éxitos.MAGA @user
@user @user Aweeee happy bday e-panda ♥️♥️ you are an amazing drummer (maybe better than B ;);)) have a great one :))))
[ "@user @user Aweeee happy bday e-panda ♥️♥️ you are an amazing drummer (maybe better than B ;);)) have a great one :))))" ]
@user @user Aweeee feliz bday e-panda usted es un baterista increíble (tal vez mejor que B ;);)) tienen una gran :)))
@user He’s a cocky SOB who needs to be brought down to his knees
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe’s a cocky SOB who needs to be brought down to his knees" ]
@userEs un sob arrogante que necesita ser derribado de rodillas
@user Cam always finds a way to get the job done. Whether he throws for 130 yards or 330 yards. That’s why he’s as good as he is and that’s why he’s a franchise QB. He’s made chicken salad out of chicken poop on numerous occasions
[ "@user Cam always finds a way to get the job done.Whether he throws for 130 yards or 330 yards.That’s why he’s as good as he is and that’s why he’s a franchise QB.He’s made chicken salad out of chicken poop on numerous occasions" ]
@user Cam siempre encuentra una manera de hacer el trabajo. Ya sea que tire por 130 yardas o 330 yardas.Por eso es tan bueno como es y por eso es una franquicia QB. Ha hecho ensalada de pollo de caca de pollo en numerosas ocasiones
@user @user You are Incredible
[ "@user @userYou are Incredible" ]
@user @userUsted es increíble
@user you are a racist fake site of fake profiles with fake pictures of scammers who block you. also you delete accounts for no reason and block emails for customer service. same fake people on by the hour. all date sites are fake who create the profiles themselves.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user you are a racist fake site of fake profiles with fake pictures of scammers who block you.also you delete accounts for no reason and block emails for customer service.same fake people on by the hour.all date sites are fake who create the profiles themselves." ]
@user usted es un sitio racista falso de perfiles falsos con imágenes falsas de estafadores que te bloquean.también elimina cuentas sin razón y bloquea correos electrónicos para el servicio al cliente.misma gente falsa en por hora.todos los sitios de fecha son falsos que crean los perfiles ellos mismos.
#fakenews #lyingnews @user Liberals are losing their optimism. Soon they'll have to give up their welfare checks and food stamps and get a job. Conservatives are enjoying an optimism we haven't had in 30 years.
[ "#fakenews #lyingnews @user Liberals are losing their optimism.Soon they'll have to give up their welfare checks and food stamps and get a job.Conservatives are enjoying an optimism we haven't had in 30 years." ]
#fakenews #lyingnews @user Los liberales están perdiendo su optimismo.Pronto tendrán que renunciar a sus cheques de asistencia social y cupones de alimentos y conseguir un trabajo.Los conservadores están disfrutando de un optimismo que no hemos tenido en 30 años.
@user You are apiece of shit! WHY WOULD YOU KILL THAT ANIMAL? How is your mother?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You are apiece of shit!WHY WOULD YOU KILL THAT ANIMAL?How is your mother?" ]
@user ¡Eres un pedazo de mierda!¿QUÉ MATARÍAS A ESO ANIMAL?¿Cómo está tu madre?
@user @user How many liberals will believe Hillary's explanation? She was the one who worked with Russia on Uranium One plus other questionable activities that should be investigated.
[ "@user @user How many liberals will believe Hillary's explanation?She was the one who worked with Russia on Uranium One plus other questionable activities that should be investigated." ]
@user @user ¿Cuántos liberales creerán la explicación de Hillary?Ella fue la que trabajó con Rusia en Uranio Uno más otras actividades cuestionables que deberían ser investigadas.
@user She is full of BS. All she is fighting for is another million dollar payday.
[ "@userShe is full of BS.All she is fighting for is another million dollar payday." ]
@userElla está llena de BS.Todo por lo que está luchando es otro millón de dólares de pago.
@user here we go this is where the nats blow a lead now or the 8th inning have you not learned and strasburgh is not what everyone thinks he is inconsistent
[ "@user here we go this is where the nats blow a lead now or the 8th inning have you not learned and strasburgh is not what everyone thinks he is inconsistent" ]
@user aquí vamos aquí es donde los nats soplan una ventaja ahora o la 8a entrada no has aprendido y Strasburgh no es lo que todo el mundo piensa que es inconsistente
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 🙄 Are you really serious?! Comparing some of the most prestigious positions in the nation with being a slave? You just keep proving your ignorance & inability for logical thought! #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 🙄Are you really serious?!Comparing some of the most prestigious positions in the nation with being a slave?You just keep proving your ignorance & inability for logical thought!#MAGA" ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @¿Es usted realmente serio?!Comparando algunas de las posiciones más prestigiosas de la nación con ser esclavo?Simplemente sigue demostrando su ignorancia @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @ususuario @usuario @usuario @usuario ¿Es realmente serio?
@user @user Liberals defend Islam yet know little to nothing about the ideology. As a middle eastern Christian I pay close attention to what the Muslim people are up to.
[ "@user @user Liberals defend Islam yet know little to nothing about the ideology.As a middle eastern Christian I pay close attention to what the Muslim people are up to." ]
@user @user Liberals defendemos el Islam y sin embargo sabemos poco o nada acerca de la ideología.Como cristiano de Oriente Medio, presto mucha atención a lo que el pueblo musulmán está haciendo.
@user you are a DISGRACE
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user you are a DISGRACE" ]
@user eres un DISGRACIO
@user HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She may need to change her strategy. Acting like a spoiled child... throwing a tantrum and showing the world what a sore loser she is... on national television... isn't a great way to improve how anyone"" is viewed.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!She may need to change her strategy.Acting like a spoiled child... throwing a tantrum and showing the world what a sore loser she is... on national television...isn't a great way to improve how anyone\"\" is viewed.\"\"" ]
@user HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Puede que necesite cambiar su estrategia.Actuar como un niño mimado... lanzando una rabieta y mostrando al mundo lo mal perdedora que es... en la televisión nacional... no es una gran manera de mejorar cómo se ve a alguien".
@user @user He should have started since game 1. But don't worry once he gets the start it will change the faith for the Browns. He is a winner!!! Nothing against current starter. But he is just a back up in the NFL.
[ "@user @userHe should have started since game 1.But don't worry once he gets the start it will change the faith for the Browns.He is a winner!!!Nothing against current starter.But he is just a back up in the NFL." ]
@user @userDebería haber empezado desde el juego 1.Pero no te preocupes una vez que tenga el comienzo cambiará la fe para los Browns.¡Él es un ganador!Nada contra el titular actual.Pero él es sólo una copia de seguridad en la NFL.
[ "HYSTERICAL!#MAGA #KAG #VoteRed #WalkAway" ]
¡Hystérica! #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed #WalkAway
@user Look in the mirror lefties! No bigger bullies than antifa and progressive leftist trying to “get in the faces” of the right
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Look in the mirror lefties!No bigger bullies than antifa and progressive leftist trying to “get in the faces” of the right" ]
@user ¡Mira en el espejo izquierdistas!No hay matones más grandes que el antifa y el progresista izquierdista tratando de “ponerse en las caras” de la derecha
@user Henny... Why do you outside. Where u and ya pussy ass sister at. We just wanna talk
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Henny...Why do you outside.Where u and ya pussy ass sister at.We just wanna talk" ]
@user Henny...Por qué afuera. Donde tu y tu coñita hermana del culo en. Sólo queremos hablar
Rosenstein’s 300 Attorneys ‘Helped’ Vet Kavanaugh – Now Sexual Abuse Charges which go back to his highschool days and can't be proven & Named witness DENIES #Pathetic #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET #CCOT #maga #KAG2018 #Trump2020 #NoMoreProgressiveLiberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Rosenstein’s 300 Attorneys ‘Helped’ Vet Kavanaugh – Now Sexual Abuse Charges which go back to his highschool days and can't be proven & Named witness DENIES #Pathetic #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET #CCOT #maga #KAG2018 #Trump2020 #NoMoreProgressiveLiberals" ]
Los 300 abogados de Rosenstein ‘ayudaron’ Vet Kavanaugh – Ahora cargos de abuso sexual que se remontan a sus días de secundaria y no se puede probar & Nombrado testigo DENIES #Pathetic #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET #CCOT #maga #KAG2018 #Trump2020 #NoMoreProgressiveLiberals
@user @user @user No just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this. Liberals will go insane
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userNo just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this.Liberals will go insane" ]
@user @user @userNo sólo imaginamos si encontramos una foto de Bret sosteniendo a una mujer como esta.
@user Djt & Gop- MAGA. Only for old scared white men again. Making women property again.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Djt & Gop- MAGA.Only for old scared white men again.Making women property again." ]
@user Djt & Gop- MAGA.Sólo para los hombres blancos viejos asustados de nuevo.
...and what plan might that be? The discredited Chequers Plan or crash out without a plan?
[ "...and what plan might that be?The discredited Chequers Plan or crash out without a plan?" ]
...y ¿qué plan podría ser ese?Los Chequers desacreditados Plan o se estrellan sin un plan?
@user Hell no!!!!!
[ "@userHell no!!!!!" ]
@userHell no!!!!!
@user @user Lol.... your going to jail
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Lol....your going to jail" ]
@user @user Lol....tu vas a ir a la cárcel
@user Another Pile of B/S By the Former A-G !
[ "@user Another Pile of B/S By the Former A-G !" ]
@user Otro Pilo de B/S Por el ex A-G !
@user I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don’t know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I say grab him.What a difference maker.He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke.Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over.Don’t know the whole story why Browns would release him.But he is a legit number one WR" ]
@user te digo que lo agarres.Qué diferenciador.Es un bateador de home run para felicitar a Fuma.Medios que liberamos a Grant y Snead tiene que hacerse cargo.No sé toda la historia por qué Browns lo liberaría.Pero es un número legítimo uno de WR
@user @user I read wages of rebellion- which had some beautiful moments - but some of it made me suspicious and this article confirmed some of them.
[ "@user @user I read wages of rebellion- which had some beautiful moments - but some of it made me suspicious and this article confirmed some of them." ]
@user @user Leí salarios de rebelión- que tuvo algunos momentos hermosos - pero algunos de ellos me hizo sospechar y este artículo confirmó algunos de ellos.
@user @user These people are special. Lol
[ "@user @userThese people are special.Lol" ]
@user @userEstas personas son especiales.Lol
@user @user Our USA WW2 soldiers were all Antifa anti-fascists too. They killed them.
[ "@user @user Our USA WW2 soldiers were all Antifa anti-fascists too.They killed them." ]
@user @user Nuestros soldados estadounidenses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial también eran antifascistas antifa, y los mataron.
@user @user Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution? Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy. Steve Willeford says hi"". Don't know the name? Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userMaybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution?Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy.Steve Willeford says hi\"\".Don't know the name?Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.\"\"" ]
@user @userTal vez estoy equivocado, pero ¿no hiciste un juramento para preservar y mantener la constitución?Toma el control de tu gente (no es control de armas) y gtfo con tu loco.Steve Willeford dice hola"."¿No sabes el nombre?Quizás googlearlo y te des cuenta de lo estúpido que eres"."
*She is currently helping a customer out on a potion to help with mane loss.* (@USER
[ "*She is currently helping a customer out on a potion to help with mane loss.*(@USER" ]
* Actualmente está ayudando a un cliente en una poción para ayudar con la pérdida de melena.*(@USER
He’s Back !! James O’Keefe’s ‘Project Veritas’ Exposes The DEEP STATE In A New Series Of Videos He Exposes A State Dept Employee Organizing For The ‘Democrat Socialist Of America’ While At Work And Your Tax Dollars Pay Him #TuesdayTips #MAGA #KAG
[ "He’s Back !!James O’Keefe’s ‘Project Veritas’ Exposes The DEEP STATEIn A New Series Of Videos He Exposes A State Dept Employee Organizing For The ‘Democrat Socialist Of America’ While At Work And Your Tax Dollars Pay Him #TuesdayTips #MAGA #KAG" ]
El ‘Proyecto Veritas’ de James O’Keefe expone el ESTADO PROFUNDO en una nueva serie de videos que expone a un empleado del Departamento de Estado organizando para el ‘demócrata socialista de América’ mientras trabaja y sus dólares de impuestos le pagan #Martes de la semana
@user @user @user @user This is as bad as those right wing nutjobs that scream Now is not the time!!"" to talk about things like gun control when a school gets shot up This is EXACTLY the time, when people are paying attention, when someone has just lost their life to something horrible & preventable""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userThis is as bad as those right wing nutjobs that scream Now is not the time!!\"\" to talk about things like gun control when a school gets shot up This is EXACTLY the time, when people are paying attention, when someone has just lost their life to something horrible & preventable\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @userEsto es tan malo como esos chiflados de derecha que gritan ¡Ahora no es el momento!"" para hablar de cosas como el control de armas cuando disparan a una escuela Este es EXACTAMENTE el momento, cuando la gente está prestando atención, cuando alguien acaba de perder su vida por algo horrible & evitable""
@user Gupta. You are a dreamer. 7 years cannot be compared to a telephone call that lasted for 35 minutes. I didnt want you to testify in the State Capture inquiry. You are moving according to our plan now. Remember 7 years of planning and calculating all the dots.
[ "@user Gupta.You are a dreamer.7 years cannot be compared to a telephone call that lasted for 35 minutes.I didnt want you to testify in the State Capture inquiry.You are moving according to our plan now.Remember 7 years of planning and calculating all the dots." ]
@user Gupta.Usted es un soñador.7 años no se puede comparar con una llamada telefónica que duró 35 minutos.No quería que testificara en la investigación de Captura de Estado.Se está moviendo de acuerdo con nuestro plan ahora.Recuerde 7 años de planificación y cálculo de todos los puntos.
@user @user Apparently they didn't learn from gun control.
[ "@user @userApparently they didn't learn from gun control." ]
@user @userAparentemente no aprendieron de control de armas.
@user Everyone will be dead by 2020
[ "@user Everyone will be dead by 2020" ]
@user Todos estarán muertos para 2020
@user Correction: Antifa - PEACEFUL Protesters
[ "@user Correction: Antifa - PEACEFUL Protesters" ]
Corrección @user: Antifa - Manifestantes pacíficos
@user @user I suggest using the 2nd to remove him.
[ "@user @user I suggest using the 2nd to remove him." ]
@user @user Sugiero usar el segundo para eliminarlo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user so you are saying the authors of these articles are not representative of the message of most liberals?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userso you are saying the authors of these articles are not representative of the message of most liberals?" ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario usted está diciendo que los autores de estos artículos no son representativos del mensaje de los más liberales?
@user @user @user No it's because he is Democrat about to be Antifa Socialist just like you.
[ "@user @user @userNo it's because he is Democrat about to be Antifa Socialist just like you." ]
@user @user @userNo es porque es demócrata a punto de ser antifa socialista como tú.
@user As you typed “you think everyone is like you?” And read it. It means the question is referring to the reader. And at the case you are the reader. 🇳🇬 effect
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user As you typed “you think everyone is like you?”And read it.It means the question is referring to the reader.And at the case you are the reader.🇳🇬 effect" ]
@user Como escribiste “crees que todo el mundo es como tú?” Y léelo. Significa que la pregunta se refiere al lector.Y en el caso eres el lector.
.@USER says she’s a Republican in the mold of Lincoln and Reagan. Supports gun control.
[ ".@USER says she’s a Republican in the mold of Lincoln and Reagan.Supports gun control." ]
.@USER dice que es una republicana en el molde de Lincoln y Reagan.
#MOGG: #JacobReesMogg calls for @user to #ChuckChequers now. 'Chequers pleases nobody other than the #PrimeMinister herself.' #BBC #SKY #LBC @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Tory #Tories
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#MOGG: #JacobReesMogg calls for @user to #ChuckChequers now. 'Chequers pleases nobody other than the #PrimeMinister herself.'#BBC #SKY #LBC @user @user @user @user @user @user @user@user #Tory #Tories" ]
#MOGG: #JacobReesMogg llama a @user a #ChuckChequers ahora. 'Chequers no agrada a nadie más que a la propia #PrimeMinistra.'#BBC #SKY #LBC @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Tory #Tories
@user you are too 😘😘😘
[ "@user you are too 😘😘😘" ]
@user eres demasiado
@user Liberals are dangerous. They'll say and do anything to push their agenda. The victims are judge Kavanaugh's wife and daughters.
[ "@user Liberals are dangerous.They'll say and do anything to push their agenda.The victims are judge Kavanaugh's wife and daughters." ]
@user Liberals son peligrosos.Ellos dirán y harán cualquier cosa para impulsar su agenda.Las víctimas son la esposa e hijas del juez Kavanaugh.
@user The NRA is now intimidated by a British cartoon. They should stay out of European animation ethics unless they want all of Europe weighing in on gun control.
[ "@userThe NRA is now intimidated by a British cartoon.They should stay out of European animation ethics unless they want all of Europe weighing in on gun control." ]
@userLa NRA está ahora intimidada por una caricatura británica.Deberían mantenerse al margen de la ética de la animación europea a menos que quieran que toda Europa participe en el control de armas.
@user Liberals still support this joker? Everyone smart is obviously a conservative.
[ "@user Liberals still support this joker?Everyone smart is obviously a conservative." ]
@user Liberals todavía apoyan este comodín?Todo el mundo inteligente es obviamente un conservador.
@user never trusted his ass
[ "@user never trusted his ass" ]
@user nunca confió en su culo
@user Dude...what happened to you? #messedup
[ "@user Dude...what happened to you?#messedup" ]
@user Dude...¿qué te pasó?#messedup
@user You are so hot that every man in the Twitter universe and beyond makes this not so thinly veiled attempts at flirting with you. You have almost 1700 followers in 6 months. You are extremely popular. What's that like?
[ "@user You are so hot that every man in the Twitter universe and beyond makes this not so thinly veiled attempts at flirting with you.You have almost 1700 followers in 6 months.You are extremely popular.What's that like?" ]
@user Estás tan caliente que cada hombre en el universo de Twitter y más allá hace que esto no sea un intento tan sutilmente velado de coquetear contigo.Tienes casi 1700 seguidores en 6 meses.Eres extremadamente popular.¿Cómo es eso?
@user You @user speak the Truth about => #Louis Farrakhan <= ... he is a raging anti-Semite & racist.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You @user speak the Truth about => #Louis Farrakhan <= ...he is a raging anti-Semite & racist." ]
@user Usted @user habla de la verdad acerca de => #Louis Farrakhan <= ...él es un furioso anti-semita & racista.
@user The Conservatives cut the budget for social housing by more than the £2bn as part of their austerity measures. This new announcement is pure spin and it simply plays on the failure of collective memory
[ "@userThe Conservatives cut the budget for social housing by more than the £2bn as part of their austerity measures.This new announcement is pure spin and it simply plays on the failure of collective memory" ]
@userLos conservadores recortaron el presupuesto para la vivienda social en más de 2 mil millones de libras como parte de sus medidas de austeridad.Este nuevo anuncio es pura vuelta y simplemente juega en el fracaso de la memoria colectiva
@user This stupid game you're playing is NOT going to work and Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED! #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #TRUMPSTRONG #AMERICAFIRST #DRAINTHESWAMP #VOTEREPUBLICAN #TRUMPSTRONG #WINNING 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user This stupid game you're playing is NOT going to work and Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED!#ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #TRUMPSTRONG #AMERICAFIRST #DRAINTHESWAMP #VOTEREPUBLICAN #TRUMPSTRONG #WINNING 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@user ¡Este estúpido juego que estás jugando NO va a funcionar y Kavanaugh SE CONFIRMARÁ! #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #TRUMPSTRONG #AMERICAFIRST #DRAINTHESWAMP #VOTEREPUBLICAN #TRUMPSTRONG #WINNING #
@user I do i do buh if u really know me you would know Khabib is my guyyyy. He is gonna make him humble
[ "@userI do i do buh if u really know me you would know Khabib is my guyyyy.He is gonna make him humble" ]
@userYo hago buh si realmente me conoces sabrías que Khabib es mi guyyyy.Él lo va a hacer humilde
@user Why do liberals always say they're moving to Canada if they don't get what they want? They never seem to offer to move to Venezuela or Greece or other failed liberal countries.
[ "@user Why do liberals always say they're moving to Canada if they don't get what they want?They never seem to offer to move to Venezuela or Greece or other failed liberal countries." ]
@user ¿Por qué los liberales siempre dicen que se mudan a Canadá si no consiguen lo que quieren?Nunca parecen ofrecer mudarse a Venezuela, Grecia u otros países liberales fallidos.
@user @user @user @user @user CANNOT CONTAIN HIMSELF That is why HE IS UNWELCOME AT A SCHOOL without an escort (and a hall pass). He is WELL BEHIND HIS OPPONENT in his re-election campaign. @user can't work well or play well with others. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! @user DISTRICT D
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user CANNOT CONTAIN HIMSELF That is why HE IS UNWELCOME AT A SCHOOL without an escort (and a hall pass).He is WELL BEHIND HIS OPPONENT in his re-election campaign.@user can't work well or play well with others.IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!@user DISTRICT D" ]
@user @user @user @user @user NO PUEDE CONTENIRSE A SÍ MISMO Es por eso que ÉL NO SE CONVIENE EN UNA ESCUELA sin una escolta (y un pase de pasillo).Está bien detrás de su oponente en su campaña de reelección.@user no puede trabajar bien o jugar bien con otros.¡Es hora de un cambio!@user DISTRICT D
@user @user Forget Montel! Those who speak so speak from their own delusional disgusting truth! He is not worth it! Trash pick up coming!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userForget Montel!Those who speak so speak from their own delusional disgusting truth!He is not worth it!Trash pick up coming!" ]
@user @userForget Montel!Los que hablan así hablan de su propia verdad repugnante delirante!Él no vale la pena!
@user @user Liberals were holding that info in case President Trump declassified the Fisa documents. They are fighting fire with fire!
[ "@user @user Liberals were holding that info in case President Trump declassified the Fisa documents.They are fighting fire with fire!" ]
@user @user Liberals sostenían esa información en caso de que el presidente Trump desclasificara los documentos de Fisa.¡Están combatiendo fuego con fuego!
@user @user @user @user Actually per the rules it doesn’t matter if she even saw the coaches attempts to coach her - she is to receive a warning based on the coaches actions. It would have stopped at just a warning but as you saw she couldn’t let it go.
[ "@user @user @user @user Actually per the rules it doesn’t matter if she even saw the coaches attempts to coach her - she is to receive a warning based on the coaches actions.It would have stopped at just a warning but as you saw she couldn’t let it go." ]
@user @user @user @user En realidad, según las reglas no importa si incluso vio a los entrenadores intenta entrenarla - ella es para recibir una advertencia basada en las acciones de los entrenadores.Se habría detenido en sólo una advertencia, pero como usted vio que no podía dejarlo ir.
@user Law enforcement gets to carry around semi-automatic guns and make judgment calls about who lives and who dies based solely on race and appearance. Gun control arguments NEVER EVER take into account police brutality.
[ "@user Law enforcement gets to carry around semi-automatic guns and make judgment calls about who lives and who dies based solely on race and appearance.Gun control arguments NEVER EVER take into account police brutality." ]
@user Las fuerzas del orden llevan armas semiautomáticas y hacen llamadas de juicio sobre quién vive y quién muere basándose únicamente en la raza y la apariencia.Los argumentos de control de armas NUNCA tienen en cuenta la brutalidad policial.
@user @user Rotten character or what we call in Spanish mal character
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Rotten character or what we call in Spanish mal character" ]
@user @user Rotten carácter o lo que llamamos en español mal carácter
@user And yet “he is”. Better than anyone before him🤢
[ "@userAnd yet “he is”.Better than anyone before him🤢" ]
@userY sin embargo “él es”. Mejor que nadie antes de él
. @user tells us she is an unserious attention seeker #iphone @user @user @user
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@user tells us she is an unserious attention seeker #iphone @user @user @user" ]
.@user nos dice que ella es una búsqueda de atención poco seria #iphone @user @user @user
@user You know that the conservatives are worried when they try to show some heart.
[ "@user You know that the conservatives are worried when they try to show some heart." ]
@user Usted sabe que los conservadores están preocupados cuando tratan de mostrar algo de corazón.
@user @user What dos this have to do with the NRA? California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already. Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don’t obey the law.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userWhat dos this have to do with the NRA?California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already.Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don’t obey the law." ]
@user @user¿Qué tiene esto que ver con la NRA?California ya tiene muchas y muchas leyes de control de armas sin valor.El control de armas NO funciona porque la gente loca no obedece la ley.
@user Baby Brennan boo who I don’t have a security clearance. Get lost Brennan
[ "@user Baby Brennan boo who I don’t have a security clearance.Get lost Brennan" ]
@user Bebé Brennan boo que no tengo una autorización de seguridad. Perder Brennan
@user dont know who you are so imma just
[ "@user dont know who you are so imma just" ]
@user no sé quién eres tan imma sólo
.@USER & @user student loan refinancing plan would give every single student loan borrower a tax break & let hundreds of thousands of borrowers have immediate lower interests rates at 0 net cost to taxpayers. @user has 8 years. He did nothing. He is a liar.
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@USER & @user student loan refinancing plan would give every single student loan borrower a tax break & let hundreds of thousands of borrowers have immediate lower interests rates at 0 net cost to taxpayers.@user has 8 years.He did nothing.He is a liar." ]
.@USER & @user plan de refinanciación de préstamos estudiantiles daría a cada estudiante prestatario una desgravación de impuestos & dejar cientos de miles de prestatarios tienen tasas de interés inmediatas más bajas a 0 costo neto para los contribuyentes.@user tiene 8 años.Él no hizo nada.Es un mentiroso.
@user @user @user @user @user @user That’s the most nonsense I’ve seen in one tweet ever!!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userThat’s the most nonsense I’ve seen in one tweet ever!!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user ¡¡Esa es la mayor tontería que he visto en un tuit!!
@user @user That isn't at all plausible. Tories and Labour have access to that building. More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories. It could have been a leftist"" but there are more Tory suspects. You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThat isn't at all plausible.Tories and Labour have access to that building.More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories.It could have been a leftist\"\" but there are more Tory suspects.You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive\"\"" ]
@user @userEso no es en absoluto plausible.Tories y Labour tienen acceso a ese edificio.Más tories tienen un problema con ella que Labour y hay más tories.Pudo haber sido un izquierdista"" pero hay más sospechosos tory.Usted es bastante abusivo por alguien que argumenta que la izquierda es abusiva""
@user It is true. The Sullivan Act innNew Yourk was enacted SPECIFICALLY to disarm ethnic minorities. They fkat out said that was the purpose when it was enacted. Gun control in New York City is based on that law to this very day. Gun control doesn’t disarm the privileged. Not at all.
[ "@userIt is true.The Sullivan Act innNew Yourk was enacted SPECIFICALLY to disarm ethnic minorities.They fkat out said that was the purpose when it was enacted.Gun control in New York City is based on that law to this very day.Gun control doesn’t disarm the privileged.Not at all." ]
@userEs cierto.La posada de la Ley SullivanNew York fue promulgada ESPECÍFICAMENTE para desarmar a las minorías étnicas.Ellos dijeron que ese era el propósito cuando se promulgó.El control de armas en la ciudad de Nueva York se basa en esa ley hasta el día de hoy.El control de armas no desarma a los privilegiados.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user The vast majority of counterprotestors were normal Cville residents. There were a few antifa and a few BLM people. All violence was instigated initially by the white supremacists. Antifa protected clergy members and black residents.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userThe vast majority of counterprotestors were normal Cville residents.There were a few antifa and a few BLM people.All violence was instigated initially by the white supremacists.Antifa protected clergy members and black residents." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userLa gran mayoría de los contraprotestores eran residentes normales de Cville.Había unos pocos antifa y unas pocas personas de BLM.Toda la violencia fue instigada inicialmente por los supremacistas blancos.
@user @user @user I like carol she is funny 😂😂
[ "@user @user @userI like carol she is funny 😂😂" ]
@user @user @userMe gusta Carol ella es divertida
Are WE anywhere in this? Am I REALLY just asking @user @user (I see #SlimShady EVERYWHERE in this lol) #TheGreatAwakening #Qanon #MAGA - Time to ALL wake up to OURSELVES! #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #JesusIsBack #GodIsGreat @user
[ "Are WE anywhere in this?Am I REALLY just asking @user @user(I see #SlimShady EVERYWHERE in this lol) #TheGreatAwakening #Qanon #MAGA - Time to ALL wake up to OURSELVES!#TheStorm #WWG1WGA #JesusIsBack #GodIsGreat @user" ]
¿Estamos en alguna parte de esto? ¿Estoy realmente preguntando a @user @user (Veo #SlimShady en todas partes en este lol) #TheGreatAwakening #Qanon #MAGA - ¡Es hora de que TODOS despierten a NUESTRO SELVES! #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #JesusIsback #GodIsGreat @user
@user the owner of my culo
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user the owner of my culo" ]
@user el dueño de mi culo
Thank you for standing for DECENCY. The liberal left is up to its same OLD tactics. LIES at 11th hour from LEFTY Liberal haters. This story stinks from outside in @user #MAGA #tcot @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Thank you for standing for DECENCY.The liberal left is up to its same OLD tactics.LIES at 11th hour from LEFTY Liberal haters.This story stinks from outside in @user #MAGA #tcot @user @user @user @user @user @user @user" ]
Gracias por presentarse a DECENCY.La izquierda liberal está a la altura de sus tácticas anticuadas.LIES a las 11 horas de los odiadores liberales de LEFTY.Esta historia apesta desde fuera en @user #MAGA #tcot @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
@user Congrats Naomi! U deserved to win. U showed true sportsmanship during Serena’s meltdown. I would like to apologize for her behavior. What an embarrassment for the US. She should have been ejected for arguing with the side chair. She thinks she is superior but she’s not.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Congrats Naomi!U deserved to win.U showed true sportsmanship during Serena’s meltdown.I would like to apologize for her behavior.What an embarrassment for the US.She should have been ejected for arguing with the side chair.She thinks she is superior but she’s not." ]
@user Enhorabuena Naomi!Merecías ganar.U mostró verdadera habilidad deportiva durante la fusión de Serena.Me gustaría disculparme por su comportamiento.Qué vergüenza para los EE.UU. Ella debería haber sido expulsada por discutir con la silla lateral.Ella piensa que es superior, pero no lo es.
America..!! #WalkAway Get out and VOTE or live in POVERTY and SERVITUDE...!!"" #MAGA #WWG1WGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "America..!!#WalkAway Get out and VOTE or live in POVERTY and SERVITUDE...!!\"\" #MAGA #WWG1WGA" ]
¡América...!! #WalkAway Salga y vote o viva en POBREZA y SERVICIO...!"" #MAGA #WWG1WGA
@user It is always same-trash Trump & conservatives. I have stopped watching American TV & going to movies. I have discovered wonderful foreign television shows albeit many subtitled that are now my favorites & there is always good old-fashioned reading & music & creative endeavors.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt is always same-trash Trump & conservatives.I have stopped watching American TV & going to movies.I have discovered wonderful foreign television shows albeit many subtitled that are now my favorites & there is always good old-fashioned reading & music & creative endeavors." ]
@userSiempre es el mismo error Trump & conservadores.He dejado de ver televisión estadounidense & ir al cine.He descubierto maravillosos programas de televisión extranjeros, aunque muchos subtitulados que ahora son mis favoritos & siempre hay buenos viejos de lectura & música & esfuerzos creativos.
@user I’m just seeing this
[ "@user I’m just seeing this" ]
@user Sólo estoy viendo esto
@user @user @user Oh yeah so I'm sure you'll wait a certain amount of time before talking about gun control right? I'm sure you're saying the same thing to all the people using the dead to push laws that do nothing right?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userOh yeahso I'm sure you'll wait a certain amount of time before talking about gun control right?I'm sure you're saying the same thing to all the people using the dead to push laws that do nothing right?" ]
@user @user @userOh yesso Estoy seguro de que vas a esperar una cierta cantidad de tiempo antes de hablar de control de armas ¿verdad?Estoy seguro de que estás diciendo lo mismo a todas las personas que usan a los muertos para empujar leyes que no hacen nada bien?
@user boy you sleeeeeeepppp 😭😭 ass be ret on Pansy or Bailey tonight 😂😂😌
[ "@user boy you sleeeeeeepppp 😭😭 ass be ret on Pansy or Bailey tonight 😂😂😌" ]
@user chico que sleeeeeeeepppp culo ser ret en Pansy o Bailey esta noche
@user Because the NYT as it has always been (see Church Committee & Legacy of Ashes) infiltrated with Deep State actors....The extent to which the Deep State will go (see DOJ/FBI criminality)
[ "@user Because the NYT as it has always been (see Church Committee &Legacy of Ashes) infiltrated with Deep State actors....The extent to which the Deep State will go (see DOJ/FBI criminality)" ]
@user Porque el NYT como siempre lo ha sido (ver Comité de la Iglesia &Legacy of Ashes) se infiltró con actores del Estado Profundo....La medida en que el Estado Profundo irá (ver Delincuencia DOJ/FBI)
@user @user @user Arms"" WERE/ARE TO BE REGULATED BY LAW—those regulations aimed at near-universal armament/training with contemporary military grade design ""Arms"" personally owned/possessed & kept in the HOME—by ""the people"" #2A that is CONSTITUTIONAL ""gun control"".""
[ "@user @user @user Arms\"\" WERE/ARE TO BE REGULATED BY LAW—those regulations aimed at near-universal armament/training with contemporary military grade design \"\"Arms\"\" personally owned/possessed & kept in the HOME—by \"\"the people\"\" #2A that is CONSTITUTIONAL \"\"gun control\"\".\"\"" ]
@user @user @user Arms" "TENÍA QUE REGULARSE POR LA LEY—las regulaciones dirigidas a un armamento/entrenamiento casi universal con diseño de grado militar contemporáneo "Armas" propiedad/posesión personal de & mantenidos en el HOME—por "el pueblo" #2A que es "control de armas" CONSTITUCIONAL"."
@user @user Or like blm and liberals over the past couple of years
[ "@user @user Or like blm and liberals over the past couple of years" ]
@user @user O como blm y liberales en los últimos dos años
@user The people of PR tried telling us this last year but you were too busy bashing trump with mayor Cruz. To you people 3000 peoples lives were worth it to try to make Trump look bad. You are all a disgrace!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe people of PR tried telling us this last year but you were too busy bashing trump with mayor Cruz.To you people 3000 peoples lives were worth it to try to make Trump look bad.You are all a disgrace!" ]
@userLa gente de PR trató de decirnos esto el año pasado, pero estaban demasiado ocupados golpeando el triunfo con el alcalde Cruz.Para ustedes 3000 personas vidas valieron la pena para tratar de hacer que Trump se viera mal.¡Todos ustedes son una vergüenza!
@user he is already on betfair exchange but not on sportbooks.
[ "@user he is already on betfair exchange but not on sportbooks." ]
@user ya está en intercambio de apuestas pero no en los libros deportivos.
@user @user Which is also posturing nonsense. If they want to oust her they'd forward the requisite letters to their part whip and she would be facing a leadership challenge. Her 'challengers' are as gutless and witless as she is.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Which is also posturing nonsense.If they want to oust her they'd forward the requisite letters to their part whip and she would be facing a leadership challenge.Her 'challengers' are as gutless and witless as she is." ]
@user @user Lo que también es un disparate de postura.Si quieren expulsarla, le enviarían las cartas necesarias a su látigo y ella se enfrentaría a un desafío de liderazgo.Sus 'desafíos' son tan cobardes e insensatos como ella.
@user I know what that storm is gonna do...but those photos are just the shit bro.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I know what that storm is gonna do...but those photos are just the shit bro." ]
@user Sé lo que esa tormenta va a hacer... pero esas fotos son sólo la mierda hermano.
@user @user @user One day you are gonna be an expert mate 😻👍😹
[ "@user @user @userOne day you are gonna be an expert mate 😻👍😹" ]
@user @user @userUn día vas a ser un compañero experto
.@USER The referendum wasn't about whether GDP goes up by 1% or down by 1%, it was about leaving political union and becoming an independent country! That is the issue that neither the Conservatives nor the Labour party wishes to address.""
[ ".@USERThe referendum wasn't about whether GDP goes up by 1% or down by 1%, it was about leaving political union and becoming an independent country!That is the issue that neither the Conservatives nor the Labour party wishes to address.\"\"" ]
.@USEREl referéndum no se trataba de si el PIB subía un 1% o bajaba un 1%, sino de dejar la unión política y convertirse en un país independiente.Ese es el tema que ni los conservadores ni el Partido Laborista quieren abordar".
@user @user @user @user @user @user Keep lying bud no one is listening
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Keep lying bud no one is listening" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Sigue mintiendo y nadie está escuchando
@user More press should talk about this remarkable 20yr old she is the future
[ "@user More press should talk about this remarkable 20yr old she is the future" ]
@user Más prensa debe hablar de esta notable 20 años de edad ella es el futuro
@user Shouldve played saint marie instead of london docks. Saint was ass for me 👌
[ "@user Shouldve played saint marie instead of london docks.Saint was ass for me 👌" ]
@user Shouldve jugó santo marie en lugar de london docks.Saint era el culo para mí
@user @user She knows something the liberals don't want to talk about. She said Canada was at risk"" three times in the House of Commons before she crossed the aisle. Coming from someone of her background, I'd be inclineed to take the warning seriously. Call me old fashioned.""
[ "@user @userShe knows something the liberals don't want to talk about.She said Canada was at risk\"\" three times in the House of Commons before she crossed the aisle.Coming from someone of her background, I'd be inclineed to take the warning seriously.Call me old fashioned.\"\"" ]
@user @userElla sabe algo de lo que los liberales no quieren hablar.Ella dijo que Canadá estaba en riesgo"" tres veces en la Cámara de los Comunes antes de cruzar el pasillo.Viniendo de alguien de su pasado, me inclinaría a tomar la advertencia en serio.Llámeme vieja".
@user @user I agree with you Catherine. Gun control Laws is the main solution of this problem. #102/23879
[ "@user @user I agree with you Catherine.Gun control Laws is the main solution of this problem.#102/23879" ]
@user @user Estoy de acuerdo contigo Catherine.Control de armas Las leyes son la solución principal de este problema.#102/23879
@user She is your sister!lol
[ "@userShe is your sister!lol" ]
@user¡Ella es tu hermana!lol
@user But he is right..the deaths caused by the hurricane was vastly overrated. I googled it.
[ "@userBut he is right..the deaths caused by the hurricane was vastly overrated.I googled it." ]
@userPero tiene razón..las muertes causadas por el huracán estaban enormemente sobrevaloradas.Lo busqué en Google.