@user Liberal Dictionary: Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Killers: Human Beings Babies in the Womb: Not Human Beings Antifa:Protestors Law Abiding NRA: Terrorists Bill Clinton: Feminist Brett Kavanaugh:Predator Liberalism=a mental disorder
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Liberal Dictionary:Illegal Immigrants:Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Killers: Human Beings Babies in the Womb: Not Human Beings Antifa:Protestors Law Abiding NRA:Terrorists Bill Clinton:Feminist Brett Kavanaugh:Predator Liberalism=a mental disorder" ]
@user Liberal Dictionary:Inmigrantes ilegales:Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Asesinos: Seres humanos bebés en la momia: No seres humanos Antifa:Protestores Ley de cumplimiento de la ley NRA:Terroristas Bill Clinton:Feminista Brett Kavanaugh: Liberalismo depredador=un trastorno mental
@user @user The petty semantics regarding ANTIFA. You Are better then that.
[ "@user @userThe petty semantics regarding ANTIFA.You Are better then that." ]
@user @userLa semántica mezquina con respecto a ANTIFA.Usted es mejor que eso.
@user Can anyone say “washed up actor trying to stay relevant?”!
[ "@user Can anyone say “washed up actor trying to stay relevant?”!" ]
@user ¿Puede alguien decir “actor lavado tratando de mantenerse relevante?”!
@user @user @user WTF Orrin Hatch: ‘Even if Kavanaugh committed rape 'it would be hard for senators not to consider who he is today'
[ "@user @user @user WTF Orrin Hatch: ‘Even if Kavanaugh committed rape 'it would be hard for senators not to consider who he is today'" ]
@user @user @user WTF Orrin Hatch: ‘Incluso si Kavanaugh cometiera violación ‘sería difícil para los senadores no considerar quién es hoy’
@user @user You are a disgrace
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou are a disgrace" ]
@user @userEres una desgracia
@user He’s going down with the rest of them #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver
[ "@userHe’s going down with the rest of them #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver" ]
@userÉl está cayendo con el resto de ellos #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver
@user @user @user Exactly! She was sorry till she found people to cosign her bullshit. Idiots. The pair of them.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Exactly!She was sorry till she found people to cosign her bullshit.Idiots.The pair of them." ]
@user @user @user ¡Exactamente!Ella lo sentía hasta que encontró a la gente para firmar su mierda.Idiotas.El par de ellos.
@user @user @user @user I think the easiest way to label them would be that they are conservatives who are ok with the LBGQT community and pro rights. Somehow that's supposed to make them liberal.
[ "@user @user @user @userI think the easiest way to label them would be that they are conservatives who are ok with the LBGQT community and pro rights.Somehow that's supposed to make them liberal." ]
@user @user @user @userCreo que la manera más fácil de etiquetarlos sería que son conservadores que están de acuerdo con la comunidad LBGQT y los derechos profesionales.De alguna manera se supone que eso los hace liberales.
@user @user @user Got a point there if you are a person that just looks after yourself however i think if you look at NHS/Social Care/Emergency services/ wages compared to living costs you will see a different story.
[ "@user @user @user Got a point there if you are a person that just looks after yourself however i think if you look at NHS/Social Care/Emergency services/ wages compared to living costs you will see a different story." ]
@user @user @user Tiene un punto allí si usted es una persona que sólo se cuida de sí mismo sin embargo creo que si usted mira NHS/Cuidado Social/Servicios de Emergencia / salarios en comparación con los costos de vida que verá una historia diferente.
@user @user USA Antifa are connecting with the Philippine's CPP-NPA and vice versa. President Duterte should be informed about this!
[ "@user @user USA Antifa are connecting with the Philippine's CPP-NPA and vice versa.President Duterte should be informed about this!" ]
@user @user USA Antifa se están conectando con el CPP-NPA de Filipinas y viceversa.¡El presidente Duterte debe ser informado de esto!
@user Chelsea is as crazy as her mother
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Chelsea is as crazy as her mother" ]
@user Chelsea está tan loca como su madre
And yet I see daily Antifa doxing without any suspensions whatsoever. Not to mention CNN doxxing and threatening a meme creator.
[ "And yet I see daily Antifa doxing without any suspensions whatsoever.Not to mention CNN doxxing and threatening a meme creator." ]
Y sin embargo, veo diariamente a Antifa doxing sin ninguna suspensión en absoluto.Por no hablar de CNN doxxing y amenazando a un creador de meme.
@user @user Hey it's great to see the people shaking hands and hugging President Trump while he hands out meals to the people! #FOXNEWS #CNN #THEVIEW #MAGA #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS
[ "@user @userHey it's great to see the people shaking hands and hugging President Trump while he hands out meals to the people!#FOXNEWS #CNN #THEVIEW #MAGA #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS" ]
@user @userHey es genial ver a la gente estrechar la mano y abrazar al presidente Trump mientras reparte las comidas a la gente! #FOXNEWS #CNN #THEVIEW #MAGA #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS
Ahh my ears hurt from listening in the earphones..still his voice was sexy
[ "Ahh my ears hurt from listening in the earphones..still his voice was sexy" ]
Ahh me duelen los oídos al escuchar en los auriculares..aún su voz era sexy
@user @user I’m guessing Willie Nelson said IDGAF about pissing off trump lemmings to do Beto’s campaign rally.
[ "@user @user I’m guessing Willie Nelson said IDGAF about pissing off trump lemmings to do Beto’s campaign rally." ]
@user @user Supongo que Willie Nelson dijo que el IDGAF se enfadaba con los lemmings para hacer el mitin de campaña de Beto.
@user Greenie she acted like a spoiled elitist brat. She got the point taken away as she deserved. If she was good enough to win today it shouldn't have mattered. She is an icon and one of the most admirable women I've ever seen in sports. She had a bad day. Move on not newsworthy.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Greenie she acted like a spoiled elitist brat.She got the point taken away as she deserved.If she was good enough to win today it shouldn't have mattered.She is an icon and one of the most admirable women I've ever seen in sports.She had a bad day.Move on not newsworthy." ]
@user Greenie actuó como una mocosa elitista malcriada.Le quitaron el punto como se merecía.Si ella era lo suficientemente buena para ganar hoy no debería haber importado.Ella es un icono y una de las mujeres más admirables que he visto en los deportes.Ella tuvo un mal día.
+ i can't talk to anyone so if i answered your message you are so special for me
[ "+ i can't talk to anyone so if i answered your message you are so special for me" ]
+ No puedo hablar con nadie así que si respondí tu mensaje eres tan especial para mí
@user I’m going to save liberals the work and go ahead and put myself in the misogyny and racist jail before I retweet this gem.
[ "@user I’m going to save liberals the work and go ahead and put myself in the misogyny and racist jail before I retweet this gem." ]
@user Voy a salvar a los liberales el trabajo y seguir adelante y ponerme en la cárcel misoginia y racista antes de retuitear esta joya.
Now THIS makes sense. #QAnon @user #MAGA #WalkAway
[ "Now THIS makes sense.#QAnon @user #MAGA #WalkAway" ]
Ahora esto tiene sentido.#QAnon @user #MAGA #WalkAway
@user @user you people are so laughable leave them alone she is gonna be great.
[ "@user @user you people are so laughable leave them alone she is gonna be great." ]
@user @user ustedes son tan risibles déjenlos en paz que ella va a ser genial.
#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @user #BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater: It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece."" Indeed.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @user #BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater:It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece.\"\" Indeed." ]
#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @user #BrettKavanaugh dijo esto sobre Bill Clinton durante Whitewater:Es imperativo aclarar su patrón de comportamiento repugnante, pieza por pieza dolorosa"."De hecho.
@user Yeah and....what’s the point of this article? Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers? He has a right to defend his character. He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein. Democrats/liberals are pathetic. #Ridiculous
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYeahand....what’s the point of this article?Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers?He has a right to defend his character.He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein.Democrats/liberals are pathetic.#Ridiculous" ]
@userYeeland....¿Cuál es el punto de este artículo?Tratando de satanizarlo para reunirse con abogados?Tiene derecho a defender su carácter.También tiene derecho a presentar un caso de difamación de carácter contra esta mujer y el senador Feinstein.Los demócratas/liberales son patéticos.#Ridiculous
@user This is rich coming from the spokesperson of an organization that blocks EVERY commonsense gun control bill. EVERY ONE
[ "@userThis is rich coming from the spokesperson of an organization that blocks EVERY commonsense gun control bill.EVERY ONE" ]
@userEsto es rico viniendo del portavoz de una organización que bloquea TODOS los proyectos de ley de control de armas de sentido común.
@user Yes... #Occupy changed their T-Shirts to #Ferguson changed their T-Shirts to #BaltimoreRiots changed their T-Shirts to #Resist changed their T-Shirts to #Antifa to spread DEMOCRAT VIOLENCE
[ "@userYes...#Occupy changed their T-Shirts to #Ferguson changed their T-Shirts to #BaltimoreRiots changed their T-Shirts to #Resist changed their T-Shirts to #Antifa to spread DEMOCRAT VIOLENCE" ]
@userYes...#Occupy cambiaron sus camisetas a #Ferguson cambiaron sus camisetas a #BaltimoreRiots cambiaron sus camisetas a #Resist cambiaron sus camisetas a #Antifa para difundir VIOLENCIA DEMOCRAT
@user Takes a lot of monthly walks to the mailbox to afford that kinda cheese. Liberals and their wise spending habits..😂
[ "@user Takes a lot of monthly walks to the mailbox to afford that kinda cheese.Liberals and their wise spending habits..😂" ]
@user Toma una gran cantidad de caminatas mensuales al buzón para permitirse ese tipo de queso.Liberales y sus hábitos de gasto sabios.
@user Democrats cut funding. CIA goes around it. That's how it's done. Conservatives"" who play by the rules will get fucked up, every time.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Democrats cut funding.CIA goes around it.That's how it's done.Conservatives\"\" who play by the rules will get fucked up, every time." ]
@user Democrats recortan fondos.CIA va a su alrededor.Así es como se hace.Conservantes"" que juegan según las reglas se van a cagar, cada vez.
@user She is one of satan's daughters
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is one of satan's daughters" ]
@userElla es una de las hijas de satanás
@user @user You are really enjoying 😭ei
[ "@user @userYou are really enjoying 😭ei" ]
@user @userUsted realmente está disfrutando ei
@user @user He is seething!! You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice!! Obama was a failed president in every sense of the word! #MAGA #KAG 🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe is seething!!You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice!!Obama was a failed president in every sense of the word!#MAGA #KAG 🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@user @user¡¡¡Está hirviendo!!¡Puedes verlo en sus ojos y oírlo en su voz!¡Obama fue un presidente fallido en todos los sentidos de la palabra! #MAGA #KAG
@user if i done what John Kery did i would be under the jail..just saying oncve you are no longer in a position in the gov't doesnt mean to continue illigally gooing around having meeting and talks with ppl you shouldnt even be in the same room with anymore.just saying!!we have LAWS!!
[ "@user if i done what John Kery did i would be under the jail..just saying oncve you are no longer in a position in the gov't doesnt mean to continue illigally gooing around having meeting and talks with ppl you shouldnt even be in the same room with anymore.just saying!!we have LAWS!!" ]
@user si hice lo que John Kery hizo yo estaría bajo la cárcel..sólo diciendo oncve ya no estás en una posición en el gobierno no significa seguir iligally gooing alrededor de tener reunión y charlas con la gente que ni siquiera debería estar en la misma habitación con ya más. sólo diciendo!! tenemos LEWS!!
@user @user @user @user “Spotty gun control” and “no internal borders”is my point. Every gun sale in Cali has to go through a FFL. It’s illegal to buy them out of state. It’s illegal for gang members in Chicago to get guns out of state. As far as a nationwide ban how’s that drug war working out for you?
[ "@user @user @user @user “Spotty gun control” and “no internal borders”is my point.Every gun sale in Cali has to go through a FFL.It’s illegal to buy them out of state.It’s illegal for gang members in Chicago to get guns out of state.As far as a nationwide ban how’s that drug war working out for you?" ]
@user @user @user @user “Spotty gun control” y “no hay fronteras internas” es mi punto.Cada venta de armas en Cali tiene que pasar por una FFL.Es ilegal comprarlas fuera del estado.Es ilegal para los miembros de las pandillas en Chicago sacar las armas fuera del estado.En cuanto a una prohibición a nivel nacional, ¿cómo está funcionando esa guerra contra las drogas para usted?
@user @user Sure hope Maxi marches with Antifa. She will cover her head
[ "@user @userSure hope Maxi marches with Antifa.She will cover her head" ]
@user @userSure espera que Maxi marche con Antifa.Ella se cubrirá la cabeza
.@USER I urge you to stop Facebook from censoring conservatives.
[ ".@USERI urge you to stop Facebook from censoring conservatives." ]
.@USERI te insta a evitar que Facebook censure a los conservadores.
@user @user @user @user Michael, I really liked that movie, The Patriot"", with Mel Gibson. MAGA !""
[ "@user @user @user @user Michael, I really liked that movie, The Patriot\"\", with Mel Gibson.MAGA !\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user Michael, me gustó mucho esa película, The Patriot", con Mel Gibson.MAGA !"
@user @user Holder's day is coming. Soon.....
[ "@user @user Holder's day is coming.Soon....." ]
@user @user El día de Holder está llegando. Pronto...
UPDATE Chuck Schumer’s Steamy Affair With A High School Cheerleader Conf... via @user Well someone said it so it must be true! ChickSchumer should Resign #Kavenaugh #ThursdayThoughts #FridayFeeling #DemDirtyTrick #MAGA #Resist FBI should Investigate
[ "offensive" ]
[ "UPDATE Chuck Schumer’s Steamy Affair With A High School Cheerleader Conf... via @userWell someone said it so it must be true!ChickSchumer should Resign #Kavenaugh #ThursdayThoughts #FridayFeeling #DemDirtyTrick #MAGA #Resist FBI should Investigate" ]
ACTUALIZAR el asunto de Chuck Schumer con una escuela secundaria Cheerleader Conf... vía @user¡Bueno, alguien lo dijo así que debe ser verdad!ChickSchumer debería renunciar #Kavenaugh #JuevesPensamientos #ViernesFeeling #DemDirtyTrick #MAGA #Resist FBI debería investigar
@user Fluctuat Nec Mergitur - Latin for she is tossed by the waves but she does not sink - also the city motto of Paris.
[ "@user Fluctuat Nec Mergitur - Latin for she is tossed by the waves but she does not sink - also the city motto of Paris." ]
@user Fluctuat Nec Mergitur - latín para ella es lanzado por las olas, pero no se hunde - también el lema de la ciudad de París.
@user Now you are making fun of me.
[ "@user Now you are making fun of me." ]
@user Ahora te estás burlando de mí.
@user @user Has the FBI interviewed Kaine about his son's ties to Antifa?
[ "@user @user Has the FBI interviewed Kaine about his son's ties to Antifa?" ]
@user @user ¿Ha entrevistado el FBI a Kaine sobre los lazos de su hijo con Antifa?
@user @user Kisses!😘😘
[ "@user @user Kisses!😘😘" ]
@user @user Kisses!
@user I've seen these big chairs but the look on your face and the pose makes me laugh. Somehow I believe that was all purposely orcastrated by you Boots! You are so silly
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I've seen these big chairs but the look on your face and the pose makes me laugh.Somehow I believe that was all purposely orcastrated by you Boots!You are so silly" ]
@user He visto estas sillas grandes pero la mirada en tu cara y la pose me hace reír.¡De alguna manera creo que todo eso fue deliberadamente o castrado por ti Boots!
@user @user you are so beautiful
[ "@user @user you are so beautiful" ]
@user @user eres tan hermosa
#WednesdayMotivation They should teach the type of governments for anyone who runs for public office. Most #liberal wants to give an illusion that we have a #democracy while they keep the power hidden. Conservatives enjoy #representative government but like to take control.
[ "#WednesdayMotivation They should teach the type of governments for anyone who runs for public office.Most #liberal wants to give an illusion that we have a #democracy while they keep the power hidden.Conservatives enjoy #representative government but like to take control." ]
#MiércolesMotivación Deberían enseñar el tipo de gobiernos para cualquiera que se postule para cargos públicos.La mayoría #liberal quiere dar una ilusión de que tenemos una #democracia mientras mantienen el poder oculto.Los conservadores disfrutan del #gobierno representativo pero les gusta tomar el control.
@user poor @user she is a rager and a shamer. sad....
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user poor @usershe is a rager and a shamer.sad...." ]
@user poor @usershe es un rager y un shamer.sad....
@user Russ us fuckin'dead
[ "@user Russ us fuckin'dead" ]
@user Russ us fucking'dead
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives theresa_may: We have three fantastic shortlisted Conservative candidates for Mayor of London in ShaunBaileyUK andrewboff and joymorrissey - all proud advocates for London. If y…
[ "#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives theresa_may: We have three fantastic shortlisted Conservative candidates for Mayor of London in ShaunBaileyUK andrewboff and joymorrissey - all proud advocates for London.If y…" ]
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservadores Conservadores theresa_may: Tenemos tres fantásticos candidatos conservadores preseleccionados para alcalde de Londres en ShaunBaileyUK andrewboff y joymorrissey - todos los defensores orgullosos de Londres....
@user @user Nothing more satisfying than a good scratch (or “howk” if you are a scottish badger!)
[ "@user @user Nothing more satisfying than a good scratch (or “howk” if you are a scottish badger!)" ]
@user @user Nada más satisfactorio que un buen rasguño (o “howk” si eres un tejón escocés!)
After you declare ANTIFA a terrorist's organization then start collecting the names of all the professors involved:
[ "After you declare ANTIFA a terrorist's organization then start collecting the names of all the professors involved:" ]
Después de declarar a ANTIFA una organización terrorista, comienza a recoger los nombres de todos los profesores involucrados:
@user She is so despicable!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is so despicable!" ]
@user¡Ella es tan despreciable!
@user @user @user @user Engaged in another activity INVOLVING. He is looking away from the road to a camera. That is literally distracted driving. Idk how you're arguing 😂😂
[ "@user @user @user @user Engaged in another activity INVOLVING.He is looking away from the road to a camera.That is literally distracted driving.Idk how you're arguing 😂😂" ]
@user @user @user @user Involucrado en otra actividad INVOLVIENDO.Él está mirando lejos de la carretera a una cámara.Eso es literalmente distraído conducir.Idk cómo estás discutiendo
@user Blame the rush Feinstein. She sat on this for two months. You and your party drove this timeline on purpose. Live w it. I hope someday someone accuses you of something and you watch your entire life’s work disappear. He is a person w a family. Remember that!
[ "@user Blame the rush Feinstein.She sat on this for two months.You and your party drove this timeline on purpose.Live w it.I hope someday someone accuses you of something and you watch your entire life’s work disappear.He is a person w a family.Remember that!" ]
@user Culpe de la prisa Feinstein.Ella se sentó en esto durante dos meses.Usted y su partido condujo esta línea de tiempo a propósito.Vivir con él.Espero que algún día alguien le acusa de algo y usted ve desaparecer el trabajo de su vida entera.Él es una persona w una familia.Recuerde eso!
@user Yeah sucks honestly but I plan on coming back on variety rather than fortnite and if the opportunities are nice to start esport on another game but I can approve that fortnite esport is over for me.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYeah sucks honestlybut I plan on coming back on variety rather than fortnite and if the opportunities are nice to start esport on another game but I can approve that fortnite esport is over for me." ]
@userYeah apesta honestamente pero planeo volver a la variedad en lugar de fortnite y si las oportunidades son agradables para empezar esport en otro juego pero puedo aprobar que fortnite esport ha terminado para mí.
@user Uhhh no. Sadam gassed the shit out of the Kurds (sp?)
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Uhhh no.Sadam gassed the shit out of the Kurds (sp?)" ]
@user Uhhh no.Sadam gaseó la mierda de los kurdos (sp?)
@user @user I don’t think she needed any money to do this. I think she is so left wing that she thinks she is Joan of Arc. Now we have Spartacus and Joan....who’s next on the agenda?
[ "@user @user I don’t think she needed any money to do this.I think she is so left wing that she thinks she is Joan of Arc.Now we have Spartacus and Joan....who’s next on the agenda?" ]
@user @user No creo que necesitara dinero para hacer esto. Creo que es tan de izquierda que piensa que es Juana de Arco. Ahora tenemos a Spartacus y a Joan... ¿quién es el siguiente en la agenda?
@user So my guess is she is getting low numbers!
[ "@userSo my guess is she is getting low numbers!" ]
@user¡Así que supongo que está recibiendo números bajos!
@user You rock Laura. We need the Rinos exposed. They are hiding behind Republican status. We need new blood in November. It has to continue to 2020. MAGA Our forefathers would want us to save our Country.
[ "@user You rock Laura.We need the Rinos exposed.They are hiding behind Republican status.We need new blood in November.It has to continue to 2020.MAGA Our forefathers would want us to save our Country." ]
@user You rock Laura.We need the Rinos exhibited.They is ocult backs Republican status.We need new sangry in November.It have to continue to 2020.MAGA Nuestros antepasados querrían que salváramos a nuestro país.
[ "@user YOU ARE TOO NICE ILY💞💞" ]
@user eres demasiado agradable Ily
@user THATS gun control.
[ "@user THATS gun control." ]
@user THESS control de armas.
@user Goo goo google. 👶🏻
[ "@user Goo goo google.👶🏻" ]
@user Goo goo google.
@user You are a grown up
[ "@user You are a grown up" ]
@user Eres un adulto
@user @user @user Even those who voted leave did not vote for this @user @user
[ "@user @user @userEven those who voted leave did not vote for this @user @user" ]
@user @user @userIncluso los que votaron salir no votaron por este @user @user
@user See his profile? Thinks he is hardcore ....boi 🤔
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user See his profile?Thinks he is hardcore ....boi 🤔" ]
@user ¿Ves su perfil?Piensa que es hardcore ....boi
@user @user @user @user That's just depressing. Good churches are getting hard to find. Few and far between. I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion! That's politics - not God! Not Christ!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userThat's just depressing.Good churches are getting hard to find.Few and far between.I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion!That's politics - not God!Not Christ!" ]
@user @user @user @userEso es simplemente deprimente.Las buenas iglesias se están haciendo difíciles de encontrar.Pocas y muy lejos entre ellas.¡Conozco a personas que pertenecen a iglesias que apoyan el control de armas y el aborto!¡Eso es política, no Dios!¡No Cristo!
@user Basically what she is saying is someone wanted to float an accusation without facing any legal or civil accountability for it when it turns out to be BS. This is beyond unethical.
[ "@user Basically what she is saying is someone wanted to float an accusation without facing any legal or civil accountability for it when it turns out to be BS.This is beyond unethical." ]
@user Básicamente lo que ella está diciendo es que alguien quería lanzar una acusación sin enfrentar ninguna responsabilidad legal o civil por ella cuando resulta ser BS.Esto es más allá de la ética.
@user @user Yes he is❤️🙏🇱🇷🇸🇻
[ "@user @userYes he is❤️🙏🇱🇷🇸🇻" ]
@user @userYes él es
@user @user Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet.Bingo!" ]
@user @user El Papa Char compara al Papa Francisco con el falso profeta.Bingo!
@user @user If I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userIf I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol" ]
@user @userSi muero de nuevo de él podría decir que se joda a él y su armadura y dejarlo allí en su cripta y nunca volver lol
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Awh thanks babe. I’m just really upset that depression is taking over everyone I know and love. And people I admire. RIP Mac miller 💔 I don’t want anyone to ever think that they are alone in their fight!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Awh thanks babe.I’m just really upset that depression is taking over everyone I know and love.And people I admire.RIP Mac miller 💔I don’t want anyone to ever think that they are alone in their fight!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Awh gracias nena.Estoy realmente molesto que la depresión se está apoderando de todos los que conozco y amo.Y la gente que admiro.RIP Mac miller No quiero que nadie piense nunca que están solos en su lucha!
@user @user @user @user both of you are going to have to take several seats when it comes to Kyle 😻
[ "@user @user @user @user both of you are going to have to take several seats when it comes to Kyle 😻" ]
@user @user @user @user ambos van a tener que tomar varios asientos cuando se trata de Kyle
@user @user @user It just seems like this is another way of the liberals to change history.
[ "@user @user @userIt just seems like this is another way of the liberals to change history." ]
@user @user @userParece que esta es otra forma de cambiar la historia de los liberales.
@user @user Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. @user #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite.Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years.This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation.@user #MAGA" ]
@user @user Sin duda el profesor Ford está preocupado por eso es ser educado.La mitad de las mujeres en el mundo (probablemente más) han sido manoseadas en un momento u otro y no se aferran a él durante 40 años.Esto es obviamente una táctica política para disuadir la confirmación de scotus.@user #MAGA
@user The same is with Union Teachers. That is why Our Children Learn Zero and are Brain Washed by Liberals. Vote to STOP IT NOW.
[ "@userThe same is with Union Teachers.That is why Our Children Learn Zero and are Brain Washed by Liberals.Vote to STOP IT NOW." ]
@userLo mismo ocurre con los maestros sindicales.Es por eso que nuestros hijos aprenden cero y son lavados de cerebro por los liberales.Vota para PARAR AHORA.
Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too
[ "Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too" ]
Antifa atrapado fuera de la guardia después de ser confrontados por la última persona que alguna vez quisieron responder también
@user You not in GITMO yet? You do know you will face Jesus face to face don't you? Hope you repent before then because the wide gate and broad way you are on leads to destruction and it will be for eternity! Right now you are not looking so good!
[ "@user You not in GITMO yet?You do know you will face Jesus face to face don't you?Hope you repent before then because the wide gate and broad way you are on leads to destruction and it will be for eternity!Right now you are not looking so good!" ]
@user ¿Todavía no estás en GITMO?Sabes que te enfrentarás a Jesús cara a cara, ¿no?¡Espera que te arrepientas antes de entonces porque la puerta ancha y el camino ancho en el que estás conduce a la destrucción y será para la eternidad!¡Ahora mismo no te ves tan bien!
@user and @user states that she went to save herself from online abuse. If she wants to live in peace then why she is not taking case back and asking relatives to attend hearing. Contradictory statements and action.
[ "@user and @user states that she went to save herself from online abuse.If she wants to live in peace then why she is not taking case back and asking relatives to attend hearing.Contradictory statements and action." ]
@user y @user declaran que fue a salvarse de los abusos en línea.Si quiere vivir en paz, entonces por qué no está recuperando el caso y pidiendo a sus familiares que asistan a la audiencia.
@user Not surprising. That I*n C*nnor nigga was on the payroll
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Not surprising.That I*n C*nnor nigga was on the payroll" ]
@user No es de extrañar. Que yo en C*nnor negro estaba en la nómina
@user Sam’s act is working. I swear she is acting!
[ "@user Sam’s act is working.I swear she is acting!" ]
El acto de @user Sam está funcionando. ¡Juro que está actuando!
@user I find them super cool @user I find myself pasting screen caps of them in my Discord. I hope for more in the future as it makes the game more interactive in the sense that my character feels more involved in what is going on around him. More please!
[ "@user I find them super cool@userI find myself pasting screen caps of them in my Discord.I hope for more in the future as it makes the game more interactive in the sense that my character feels more involved in what is going on around him.More please!" ]
@user Los encuentro súper cool@userMe encuentro pegando tapas de pantalla de ellos en mi Discord.Espero más en el futuro, ya que hace que el juego sea más interactivo en el sentido de que mi personaje se siente más involucrado en lo que está pasando a su alrededor.
@user I can see a case for it based on the evidence of how appalling badly the Conservatives have gone about Brexit and now that we have a clear idea of what leaving means.
[ "@user I can see a case for it based on the evidence of how appalling badly the Conservatives have gone about Brexit and now that we have a clear idea of what leaving means." ]
@user Puedo ver un caso para ello basado en la evidencia de lo terrible que los conservadores han ido sobre Brexit y ahora que tenemos una idea clara de lo que significa salir.
1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil
[ "1. Killshot 2.Gun control 3.Rap devil" ]
1. Killshot 2.Gun control 3.Rap diablo
@user @user He is doing a better job than I could do #18n18
[ "@user @userHe is doing a better job than I could do #18n18" ]
@user @userEstá haciendo un mejor trabajo que yo podría hacer #18n18
@user Let me guess they are a victim of circumstances. But heaven forbid if they got shot for robbing the place all you moron liberals would be screaming gun control. How about kid control or upbringing control of self control.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Let me guess they are a victim of circumstances.But heaven forbid if they got shot for robbing the place all you moron liberals would be screaming gun control.How about kid control or upbringing control of self control." ]
@user Déjame adivinar que son víctimas de las circunstancias.Pero por Dios que no les disparen por robar el lugar todos ustedes los liberales idiotas estarían gritando control de armas.Qué tal control de niños o control de crianza de autocontrol.
@user CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' out on his ass after several allegations he was chasing ass... COO Joseph Iannello will be interim CEO until somebody accuses him of the same thing... This 'shit' never ends... Ooops...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' out on his ass after several allegations he was chasing ass... COO Joseph Iannello will be interim CEO until somebody accuses him of the same thing...This 'shit' never ends...Ooops..." ]
@user CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' fuera de su culo después de varias acusaciones que estaba persiguiendo culo... COO Joseph Iannello será CEO interino hasta que alguien lo acusa de la misma cosa...Esta 'mierda' nunca termina...
@user Does anyone remember when U2 just made music?
[ "@user Does anyone remember when U2 just made music?" ]
@user ¿Alguien recuerda cuando U2 acaba de hacer música?
@user @user Liberals don’t care who they destroy and leave in their wake!
[ "@user @user Liberals don’t care who they destroy and leave in their wake!" ]
@user @user ¡A los liberales no les importa a quién destruyan y dejen a su paso!
@user Cuts to policing over the last 10 years under the Conservatives which the police warned would be detrimental is an important factor. A lack of youth centres and play schemes is another factor.
[ "@user Cuts to policing over the last 10 years under the Conservatives which the police warned would be detrimental is an important factor.A lack of youth centres and play schemes is another factor." ]
@user Cuts a la policía en los últimos 10 años bajo los conservadores que la policía advirtió que sería perjudicial es un factor importante.La falta de centros juveniles y esquemas de juego es otro factor.
@user @user Nobody voices opinions in this country louder than conservatives so idk what the fuck he's on about
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userNobody voices opinions in this country louder than conservatives so idk what the fuck he's on about" ]
@user @userNadie expresa opiniones en este país más fuerte que los conservadores, así que idk de qué carajo está hablando
#GunControlNow is running a hit piece on the CMP. The CMP teaches gun safety to young people, promotes responsible gun ownership, and doesn't sell any of the so-called assault weapons"" banners are targeting. Are we clear on what gun control is?
[ "#GunControlNow is running a hit piece on the CMP.The CMP teaches gun safety to young people, promotes responsible gun ownership, and doesn't sell any of the so-called assault weapons\"\" banners are targeting.Are we clear on what gun control is?" ]
#GunControlNow está ejecutando una pieza de éxito en la CMP.La CMP enseña seguridad de armas a los jóvenes, promueve la propiedad responsable de armas, y no vende ninguna de las llamadas armas de asalto"" banderas están apuntando.¿Estamos claros en lo que es el control de armas?
@user What’s the difference between #Kavanaugh and @user One of these men admitted to groping a 15 year old girl years ago. The other is going to be #confirmed to the SCJ #DemsareFrauds #DemsAreDone #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #redwave #VoteRedSaveAmerica #trumptrain #MAGA
[ "@userWhat’s the difference between #Kavanaugh and @user One of these men admitted to groping a 15 year old girl years ago.The other is going to be #confirmed to the SCJ #DemsareFrauds #DemsAreDone #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #redwave #VoteRedSaveAmerica #trumptrain #MAGA" ]
@userCuál es la diferencia entre #Kavanaugh y @user Uno de estos hombres admitió a tientas a una niña de 15 años hace años.El otro va a ser #confirmado a la SCJ #DemsareFraudes #DemsAreDone #WalkAwayDemocratics2018 #redwave #VoteRedSaveAmerica #trumptrain #MAGA
@user can you pls get rid of holly he is so uneducated of sports. Wheb you have sportscasters who have been throgh the sport and are professional in their presentation he looks like a joke
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user can you pls get rid of holly he is so uneducated of sports.Wheb you have sportscasters who have been throgh the sport and are professional in their presentation he looks like a joke" ]
@user puede usted pls deshacerse de Holly él es tan poco educado de deportes.Si usted tiene sportcasters que han sido throgh el deporte y son profesionales en su presentación que parece una broma
@user You're part of the problem! No more Regressive Liberals. #DrainTheSwamp
[ "@userYou're part of the problem!No more Regressive Liberals.#DrainTheSwamp" ]
@user¡Eres parte del problema!No más liberales regresivos.#DrainTheSwamp
@user @user Which some fantasy gun ban you’re rolling over in your mind would prevent? Gun Control Is Evil Misspelled
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Which some fantasy gun ban you’re rolling over in your mind would prevent?Gun Control Is Evil Misspelled" ]
@user @user ¿Qué alguna prohibición de armas de fantasía que estás rodando en tu mente evitaría?Gun Control is Evil Misspelled
8/ . Liberals Just Pull Kavanaugh....the next guy will be fine Me: You Democrats are so obvious. You are gonna smear everybody and call them a rapist.
[ "8/ .Liberals Just Pull Kavanaugh....the next guy will be fine Me: You Democrats are so obvious.You are gonna smear everybody and call them a rapist." ]
8/ .Liberals Sólo tira Kavanaugh ....el próximo chico estará bien Yo: Ustedes los demócratas son tan obvios.Usted va a manchar a todos y llamarlos un violador.
@user @user Because he is a traitor
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Because he is a traitor" ]
@user @user Porque es un traidor
@user @user they couldn't elect her the first time '08 yet we were supposed to pick up their leftovers in '16
[ "@user @user they couldn't elect her the first time '08 yet we were supposed to pick up their leftovers in '16" ]
@user @user no pudieron elegirla la primera vez '08 sin embargo se suponía que íbamos a recoger sus sobras en '16
@user @user @user She's no poor thing"". She's an antifa protester with many ties to the DNC. She's a Trump hater. Donated to HRC. She didn't just ""appear"" out of the blue. Cracks me up how naive people are. Toughen up America! These are lying leftists intent on destroying our democracy!""
[ "@user @user @userShe's no poor thing\"\".She's an antifa protester with many ties to the DNC.She's a Trump hater.Donated to HRC.She didn't just \"\"appear\"\" out of the blue.Cracks me up how naive people are.Toughen up America!These are lying leftists intent on destroying our democracy!\"\"" ]
@user @user @userShe's no poor thing"".Ella es una manifestante antifa con muchos lazos con el DNC.Ella es una odiadora de Trump.Donada a HRC.Ella no sólo "apareció" de la nada.Me rompe lo ingenuas que son las personas.¡Aumentan a Estados Unidos!¡Estos son izquierdistas mentirosos que intentan destruir nuestra democracia!"".
@user Orin Hatch was born in 1934. He is 84 years old. He is completely out of touch and will not be around to see or to be accountable for his actions. This is why we need term limits!
[ "@user Orin Hatch was born in 1934.He is 84 years old.He is completely out of touch and will not be around to see or to be accountable for his actions.This is why we need term limits!" ]
@user Orin Hatch nació en 1934, tiene 84 años, está completamente fuera de contacto y no estará cerca para ver o para ser responsable de sus acciones.¡Por eso necesitamos límites de término!
@user She is not at all bothered by this invasion of her space.
[ "@userShe is not at all bothered by this invasion of her space." ]
@userElla no está en absoluto molesta por esta invasión de su espacio.
@user Trump called Trudeau very dishonest and weak"" and the Conservatives cheer. Conservatives in Canada are Trump supporters. They will accept any crumbs that fall off Trumps table.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Trump called Trudeau very dishonest and weak\"\" and the Conservatives cheer.Conservatives in Canada are Trump supporters.They will accept any crumbs that fall off Trumps table.\"\"" ]
@user Trump llamó a Trudeau muy deshonesto y débil"" y los conservadores animan.Los conservadores en Canadá son partidarios de Trump y aceptarán cualquier migaja que caiga de la mesa de Trump".
@user An ugly old man trying to make himself relevant again with more lies Remember him saying he had a deathbed confession from CIA director casey? Never happened according to the bodyguards in that room shouldn't that be enough to question this morons credibility
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user An ugly old man trying to make himself relevant again with more lies Remember him saying he had a deathbed confession from CIA director casey?Never happened according to the bodyguards in that room shouldn't that be enough to question this morons credibility" ]
@user Un viejo feo tratando de hacerse relevante de nuevo con más mentiras ¿Recuerdas que dijo que tenía una confesión en el lecho de muerte del director de la CIA Casey?Nunca sucedió de acuerdo con los guardaespaldas en esa habitación no debería ser suficiente para cuestionar la credibilidad de estos idiotas.