@user Why only a fact-checking tweet for a Democrat? I would expect these tweets for all political candidates? Or does the AP only do this for Liberals?
[ "@user Why only a fact-checking tweet for a Democrat?I would expect these tweets for all political candidates?Or does the AP only do this for Liberals?" ]
@user ¿Por qué sólo un tuit de verificación de hechos para un demócrata?Esperaría estos tuits para todos los candidatos políticos?¿O el AP sólo hace esto para los liberales?
@user @user If you want societal dregs - take a look at #antifa
[ "@user @userIf you want societal dregs - take a look at #antifa" ]
@user @userSi quieres escorias sociales - echa un vistazo a #antifa
#Tennessee #Conservatives #RNRTN #2ADefenders #Republicans #ProLifeGen #TNGOP #Libertarians #ProLife #Gaytriots #RNR #CCOT Are YOU doing your part to grow? Are YOU registering voters? Planned Parenthood is. Pause. Think about that . It speaks volumes.
[ "#Tennessee #Conservatives #RNRTN #2ADefenders #Republicans #ProLifeGen #TNGOP #Libertarians #ProLife #Gaytriots #RNR #CCOT Are YOU doing your part to grow?Are YOU registering voters?Planned Parenthood is.Pause.Think about that .It speaks volumes." ]
#Tennessee #Conservantes #RNRTN #2Adefenders #Republicanos #ProLifeGen #TNGOP #Libertarianos #ProLife #Gaytriots #RNR #CCOT ¿Estás haciendo tu parte para crecer?¿Estás registrando votantes?La paternidad planificada es.Pausa.Piensa en eso .Habla mucho.
... the liberal's ... tendency to deal with opponents by epithet rather than argument, and ... worst of all ... the liberals have left themselves open to the cruel joke that says they love humanity but hate people."" -- Richard Cornuelle, Reclaiming the American Dream (1965), 9.""
[ "... the liberal's ... tendency to deal with opponents by epithet rather than argument, and ... worst of all ...the liberals have left themselves open to the cruel joke that says they love humanity but hate people.\"\" -- Richard Cornuelle, Reclaiming the American Dream (1965), 9.\"\"" ]
... la tendencia de los liberales a tratar con los oponentes por epíteto en lugar de argumentar, y ... lo peor de todo ... los liberales se han dejado abiertos a la broma cruel que dice que aman a la humanidad pero odian a la gente." -- Richard Cornuelle, Reclaiming the American Dream (1965), 9."
@user BETO is for GUN control!!! In TEXAS that don’t hunt. He is a liberal just like Picante sauce from New Jersey😜 REMEMBER the ALAMO! Keep Texas Red 🇺🇸
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user BETO is for GUN control!!!In TEXAS that don’t hunt.He is a liberal just like Picante sauce from New Jersey😜 REMEMBER the ALAMO!Keep Texas Red 🇺🇸" ]
@user BETO es para el control de armas de fuego!!!En TEXAS que no cazan.Es un liberal como la salsa Picante de Nueva Jersey.
@user She doesn't want to go to jail for lying to a Senate Committee. She has had no crime committed on her & is a leftest activist trying to stall his confirmation. A nutty Professor that I believe is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe doesn't want to go to jail for lying to a Senate Committee.She has had no crime committed on her & is a leftest activist trying to stall his confirmation.A nutty Professor that I believe is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros." ]
@userElla no quiere ir a la cárcel por mentir a un Comité Senatorial.Ella no ha cometido ningún crimen en su & es una activista de izquierda tratando de retrasar su confirmación.Un profesor loco que creo que es un miembro del armario ANTIFA PD por Soros.
@user Mon « bye bitches » suffisait
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Mon « bye bitches » suffisait" ]
@user Mon « adiós perras » sufisit
@user @user @user he is duel citizen ok.
[ "@user @user @user he is duel citizen ok." ]
@user @user @user es ciudadano de duelo ok.
@user @user @user How is what she is doin g patriotic? I mean—you’re basically saying it is a political act against the nominee. Like—she waited to come forward until it would cause max damage...I’m not saying she’s lying at all...but what you’re saying is crazy.
[ "@user @user @user How is what she is doin g patriotic?I mean—you’re basically saying it is a political act against the nominee.Like—she waited to come forward until it would cause max damage...I’m not saying she’s lying at all...but what you’re saying is crazy." ]
@user @user @user ¿Cómo es lo que ella está haciendo en g patriótico?Quiero decir, básicamente estás diciendo que es un acto político contra el nominado.Como—esperó a presentarse hasta que causara el máximo daño...No estoy diciendo que ella esté mintiendo en absoluto... pero lo que estás diciendo es una locura.
@user You are such a great friend.
[ "@user You are such a great friend." ]
@user Eres un gran amigo.
@user @user The idea that his 20 year old DWI should somehow exclude him from the gun control debate is just... ...I don’t know. What IS it exactly?
[ "@user @userThe idea that his 20 year old DWI should somehow exclude him from the gun control debate is just... ...I don’t know.What IS it exactly?" ]
@user @userLa idea de que su DWI de 20 años de alguna manera debería excluirlo del debate sobre el control de armas es... ...No lo sé.¿Qué es exactamente?
@user He is not a troll he is simply dumb but I’m enjoying it I love tweeter for this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is not a troll he is simply dumb but I’m enjoying it I love tweeter for this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣" ]
@userÉl no es un troll él es simplemente tonto pero estoy disfrutando de él Me encanta tweeter para este
@user If you look it up it will tell you how they did the study he is right
[ "@userIf you look it up it will tell you how they did the study he is right" ]
@userSi lo buscas te dirá cómo hicieron el estudio tiene razón
@user @user So Victoria's Secret won't sponsor Trump any more. I hope they realize how much of their crap trump has sold for them to Antifa!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userSo Victoria's Secret won't sponsor Trump any more.I hope they realize how much of their crap trump has sold for them to Antifa!" ]
@user @userAsí que Victoria's Secret ya no patrocinará a Trump.¡Espero que se den cuenta de lo mucho que su triunfo de mierda ha vendido para ellos a Antifa!
@user @user @user Except it's not a government entitlement program"". For somebody who claims to ""troll liberals with facts and logic"", you sure are using a lot of hyperbole and an appeal to emotion there.""
[ "@user @user @user Except it's not a government entitlement program\"\".For somebody who claims to \"\"troll liberals with facts and logic\"\", you sure are using a lot of hyperbole and an appeal to emotion there.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user Excepto que no es un programa de derechos del gobierno".Para alguien que dice ""troll liberals with facts and logic"", usted está usando una gran cantidad de hipérbole y un atractivo a la emoción allí.""
@user I mean if he is willing to move up for Canelo. Then i want to see him vs a Charlo or Hurd then
[ "@user I mean if he is willing to move up for Canelo.Then i want to see him vs a Charlo or Hurd then" ]
@user Quiero decir si está dispuesto a avanzar para Canelo.Entonces quiero verlo contra un Charlo o Hurd entonces
@user @user @user withdraw. Trump has a whole list of conservatives to pick from.
[ "@user @user @user withdraw.Trump has a whole list of conservatives to pick from." ]
@user @user @user retir.Trump tiene toda una lista de conservadores a elegir.
@user Things are definitely fucked up when you need to state the obvious like this. Conservatives are needed just like liberals are needed. One without the other is faulty.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Things are definitely fucked up when you need to state the obvious like this.Conservatives are needed just like liberals are needed.One without the other is faulty." ]
@user Las cosas están definitivamente jodidas cuando necesitas declarar lo obvio de esta manera.Se necesitan conservantes al igual que se necesitan liberales.Uno sin el otro es defectuoso.
@user i think she is lying
[ "@user i think she is lying" ]
@user creo que está mintiendo
@user Dang do his NC fans that pay the salaries know this 🤫🤫🤣😜😜😜
[ "@user Dang do his NC fans that pay the salaries know this 🤫🤫🤣😜😜😜" ]
@user Dang hacer sus fans de NC que pagan los salarios saben esto
@user This message is also going to get Antifa members killed - if the open carry nuts"" feel someone is trying to kill them by taking their gun, they will defend themselves - and will probably not face jail. Whereas someone actively ""stealing"" a gun will.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis message is also going to get Antifa members killed - if the open carry nuts\"\" feel someone is trying to kill them by taking their gun, they will defend themselves - and will probably not face jail.Whereas someone actively \"\"stealing\"\" a gun will.\"\"" ]
@userEste mensaje también va a hacer que maten a los miembros de Antifa - si los abiertos llevan nueces "" sienten que alguien está tratando de matarlos tomando su arma, se defenderán - y probablemente no se enfrentarán a la cárcel.
@user @user She’s said before that she will always be praying for him even tho she can’t do anything. I’m sure she is heart broken as well at the events
[ "@user @userShe’s said before that she will always be praying for him even tho she can’t do anything.I’m sure she is heart broken as well at the events" ]
@user @userElla ha dicho antes que ella siempre estará rezando por él incluso tho no puede hacer nada. Estoy seguro de que ella está descorazonada también en los eventos
@user This is not the will of the people, since you did not ever mention your intention during your campaign except the vague reduce the size of government"" which we al interpreted as provincial government. You can bet your ass we are not going to forget this""
[ "@userThis is not the will of the people, since you did not ever mention your intention during your campaign except the vague reduce the size of government\"\" which we al interpreted as provincial government.You can bet your ass we are not going to forget this\"\"" ]
@userEsta no es la voluntad de la gente, ya que usted nunca mencionó su intención durante su campaña, excepto la vaga reducción del tamaño del gobierno"" que al interpretamos como gobierno provincial.Puede apostar su culo que no vamos a olvidar esto""
@user —Faints—.
[ "@user —Faints—." ]
@user —Faltas—.
@user is way too good to be out of the #NFL. He is better than quite a few starters in the league and better than all of the 2nd & 3rd string QB's in the league. #GiveKapAChance #ImWithKap
[ "@user is way too good to be out of the #NFL.He is better than quite a few starters in the league and better than all of the 2nd & 3rd string QB's in the league.#GiveKapAChance #ImWithKap" ]
@user es demasiado bueno para estar fuera de la #NFL.Es mejor que bastantes principiantes en la liga y mejor que todos los QB de la 2a & 3a cadena en la liga.#Da Kapachance #ImWithKap
You are gonna be so surprised when you find out what stealth @user has been up to... he is doing us good Joe. #MAGA @user #QAnon #TRDJ #WWG1WGA
[ "You are gonna be so surprised when you find out what stealth @user has been up to...he is doing us good Joe.#MAGA @user #QAnon #TRDJ #WWG1WGA" ]
Vas a estar tan sorprendido cuando descubras lo que @user sigilo ha estado haciendo... nos está haciendo bien Joe.#MAGA @user #QAnon #TRDJ #WWG1WGA
@user CNN is evil. A true enemy of the people. I can’t believe there are people who still take them seriously.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user CNN is evil.A true enemy of the people.I can’t believe there are people who still take them seriously." ]
@user CNN es malvado. Un verdadero enemigo del pueblo. No puedo creer que haya gente que todavía los tome en serio.
@user They owe the Christian Conservatives and the Koch Bros. this nomination. This specific nomination. For a reason.
[ "@userThey owe the Christian Conservatives and the Koch Bros. this nomination.This specific nomination.For a reason." ]
@userLe deben a los conservadores cristianos y a los hermanos Koch esta nominación.Esta nominación específica.Por una razón.
@user @user Now you understand why conservatives fear expressing their true beliefs. If you don’t buy into the dominant liberal narrative about social issues you become persona non grata. Ask James Damore.
[ "@user @user Now you understand why conservatives fear expressing their true beliefs.If you don’t buy into the dominant liberal narrative about social issues you become persona non grata.Ask James Damore." ]
@user @user Ahora usted entiende por qué los conservadores temen expresar sus verdaderas creencias.Si usted no compra en la narrativa liberal dominante sobre cuestiones sociales se convierte en persona non grata.Pregúntele a James Damore.
@user You are not pretty 😘
[ "@user You are not pretty 😘" ]
@user Usted no es muy
@user @user If you look at his ANTIFA list....you will note many high profile names. I intend to comment on these accounts using his Twitter Account name...just to inform. .....he is aware I have reported him to Twitter...he sent an angry tweet my way.
[ "@user @userIf you look at his ANTIFA list....you will note many high profile names.I intend to comment on these accounts using his Twitter Account name...just to inform......he is aware I have reported him to Twitter...he sent an angry tweet my way." ]
@user @userSi mira su lista ANTIFA... notará muchos nombres de alto perfil.Pretendo comentar sobre estas cuentas usando su nombre de cuenta de Twitter...sólo para informar......él es consciente de que lo he reportado a Twitter...envió un tuit enojado a mi manera.
@user Radicalism? Seriously? Let’s see your so called resist movement gave birth to ANTIFA thugs who run around trying to sow chaos & stifle free speech! @user has created a dialogue in this country that addresses the division and corruption already plaguing this country.
[ "@user Radicalism?Seriously?Let’s see your so called resist movement gave birth to ANTIFA thugs who run around trying to sow chaos & stifle free speech!@user has created a dialogue in this country that addresses the division and corruption already plaguing this country." ]
@user radicalismo?En serio?Veamos que tu llamado movimiento de resistencia dio a luz a matones de ANTIFA que andan por ahí tratando de sembrar el caos & sofocar la libertad de expresión!@user ha creado un diálogo en este país que aborda la división y la corrupción que ya asola a este país.
@user This not not antifa....it's a bunch of cry babies in Toronto.
[ "@userThis not not antifa....it's a bunch of cry babies in Toronto." ]
@userEsto no es antifa... es un montón de bebés llorones en Toronto.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user A visit to the DC Holocaust Museum revealed Hitler won by 43% of the popular vote and 32% of the seats. He also used the Schutzstaffel (SS) to intimidate his opponents reminding one of the Antifa thugs we have today. Hitler also got the Muslims on his side. Uncanny.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userA visit to the DC Holocaust Museum revealed Hitler won by 43% of the popular vote and 32% of the seats.He also used the Schutzstaffel (SS) to intimidate his opponents reminding one of the Antifa thugs we have today.Hitler also got the Muslims on his side.Uncanny." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Una visita al Museo del Holocausto de DC reveló que Hitler ganó el 43% del voto popular y el 32% de los asientos.También utilizó el Schutzstaffel (SS) para intimidar a sus oponentes recordando a uno de los matones de Antifa que tenemos hoy.
@user @user @user You think it's just antifa who stands up against fascists? All decent people will. Look through history. The flabby bigots will run with their tails between their legs like that always do.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYou think it's just antifa who stands up against fascists?All decent people will.Look through history.The flabby bigots will run with their tails between their legs like that always do." ]
@user @user @user¿Crees que es sólo antifa quien se levanta contra los fascistas?Todas las personas decentes lo harán.Mira a través de la historia.Los fanáticos flacos correrán con sus colas entre sus piernas como siempre lo hacen.
- Wherever you are in your journey try your best to appreciate even if it's not where you want to be. Every season serves a purpose. - @ Putrajaya
[ "- Wherever you are in your journey try your best to appreciate even if it's not where you want to be.Every season serves a purpose. -@Putrajaya" ]
- Donde quiera que estés en tu viaje, intenta apreciarlo lo mejor posible, incluso si no es donde quieres estar.Cada temporada tiene un propósito. -@Putrajaya
@user “Yeah we got everything sorted that needed to be sorted” she is still only taking small sips of her wine unusual for Emily but she guessed JJ wouldn’t profile her
[ "@user “Yeah we got everything sorted that needed to be sorted” she is still only taking small sips of her wine unusual for Emilybut she guessed JJ wouldn’t profile her" ]
@user “Sí, tenemos todo arreglado que necesitaba ser ordenado” ella todavía está tomando pequeños sorbos de su vino inusual para Emily, pero ella adivinó que JJ no la perfilaría
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why are all Obama's records sealed if he had the most transparent"" administration in history? Doesn't sound transparent to me. #MAGA""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userWhy are all Obama's records sealed if he had the most transparent\"\" administration in history?Doesn't sound transparent to me.#MAGA\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ¿Por qué todos los registros de Obama están sellados si tenía la administración más transparente de la historia?No suena transparente para mí.#MAGA""
@user @user I hear he is having an MEI on his knee due to the pressure exerted. Lol
[ "@user @user I hear he is having an MEI on his knee due to the pressure exerted.Lol" ]
@user @user He oído que está teniendo un MEI en su rodilla debido a la presión ejercida.Lol
@user The Liberals are mentally unstable!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe Liberals are mentally unstable!!" ]
@userLos liberales son mentalmente inestables!!
@user @user Cuz I've never been insulted by Conservatives... ahahaha
[ "@user @userCuz I've never been insulted by Conservatives...ahahaha" ]
@user @userCuz Nunca he sido insultado por los conservadores...ahahaha
@user And they say Russia is the hackers.. Hmmm...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAnd they say Russia is the hackers..Hmmm..." ]
@userY dicen que Rusia es el hackers..Hmmm...
@user @user Looks like a perfect illustration of gun control. #LetsGoShooting
[ "@user @user Looks like a perfect illustration of gun control.#LetsGoShooting" ]
@user @user Parece una ilustración perfecta del control de armas.#LetsGoShooting
@user @user @user @user Isn't it great how liberals ignore the pain of their victims because they are democrats. It is really sick.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Isn't it great how liberals ignore the pain of their victims because they are democrats.It is really sick." ]
@user @user @user @user ¿No es genial cómo los liberales ignoran el dolor de sus víctimas porque son demócratas?Es realmente enfermo.
@user You are an inspiration to us all.
[ "@user You are an inspiration to us all." ]
@user Eres una inspiración para todos nosotros.
@user How about as a Republic?
[ "@user How about as a Republic?" ]
@user ¿Qué tal como República?
#IBelieveChristine and stand behind her bravery, which makes her a target of cruel and hideous conservatives"" who will do anything to get #Kavanaugh on the SC. #womenarewatching this ain't 1991, fellas! #VoteThemOut
[ "#IBelieveChristine and stand behind her bravery, which makes her a target of cruel and hideous conservatives\"\" who will do anything to get #Kavanaugh on the SC.#womenarewatching this ain't 1991, fellas!#VoteThemOut" ]
#IBelieveChristine y estar detrás de su valentía, lo que la convierte en un blanco de conservadores crueles y horribles"" que hará cualquier cosa para conseguir #Kavanaugh en el SC. #womenarewatching this is not 1991, friends!#VoteThemOut
@user It’s mind-boggling to me that some people swear that Trudeau & co. are Marxists (!!) and not just your standard liberals Canada is v well acquainted with
[ "@userIt’s mind-boggling to me that some people swear that Trudeau & co. are Marxists (!!)and not just your standard liberals Canada is v well acquainted with" ]
@userEs alucinante para mí que algunas personas juran que Trudeau & co. son marxistas (!!) y no sólo sus liberales estándar Canadá está bien familiarizado con
@user @user She is a horrible at her job...maybe that's why her career is dying...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is a horrible at her job...maybe that's why her career is dying..." ]
@user @userElla es una horrible en su trabajo... tal vez por eso su carrera se está muriendo...
@user @user Not to mention the outrageous amount of taxpayer dollars spent on her for this Taxpayers Funded 'Unprecedented' Armed Protection for Gun Control Sen. Kamala Harris | Breitbart via @user
[ "@user @user Not to mention the outrageous amount of taxpayer dollars spent on her for this Taxpayers Funded 'Unprecedented' Armed Protection for Gun Control Sen. Kamala Harris | Breitbart via @user" ]
@user @user Por no hablar de la escandalosa cantidad de dólares de los contribuyentes gastados en ella para este contribuyente financiado 'Sin precedentes' Protección armada para el control de armas Sen. Kamala Harris Breitbart vía @user
@user @user @user They had conservatives silently tied up in the cellar for dexades. They're livid we got out and now have a voice In the White House ascend they want to put us back. They're trying to silence us any way possible. We need to burn them all in the midterms. Once and for all
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThey had conservatives silently tied up in the cellar for dexades.They're livid we got out and now have a voice In the White House ascend they want to put us back.They're trying to silence us any way possible.We need to burn them all in the midterms.Once and for all" ]
@user @user @userTenían a los conservadores atados silenciosamente en el sótano para dexadas.Son livides salimos y ahora tenemos una voz En la Casa Blanca ascienden quieren ponernos de vuelta.Están tratando de silenciarnos de cualquier manera posible.Necesitamos quemarlos a todos en los exámenes parciales.De una vez por todas.
@user @user @user Oh it's ok if they're liberals....hadn't you heard 😡
[ "@user @user @userOh it's ok if they're liberals....hadn't you heard 😡" ]
@user @user @userOh está bien si son liberales... ¿no has oído
@user Bet she is headed to The View!!!
[ "@user Bet she is headed to The View!!!" ]
@user Bet se dirige a The View!!!
@user jajaja Too funny. I have never heard @user ever speak bad about ANTIFA. Time to denounce them now.
[ "@user jajaja Too funny.I have never heard @user ever speak bad about ANTIFA.Time to denounce them now." ]
@user jajaja Demasiado gracioso.Nunca he oído a @user hablar mal de ANTIFA.Es hora de denunciarlos ahora.
@user She said she is half Eastern Orthodox... so I dunno... an opportunity to educate myself
[ "@userShe said she is half Eastern Orthodox...so I dunno... an opportunity to educate myself" ]
@userElla dijo que es medio ortodoxa del este... así que no sé... una oportunidad para educarme a mí misma
@user Who doesn't support her? Better question is why in hell would I believe someone when liberals are lying 24/7? Shit a california professor recently attacked a man with a lock in a sock... How many women have faked attacks on them sense the election?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Who doesn't support her?Better question is why in hell would I believe someone when liberals are lying 24/7?Shit a california professor recently attacked a man with a lock in a sock...How many women have faked attacks on them sense the election?" ]
@user ¿Quién no la apoya?Mejor pregunta es por qué en el infierno creería a alguien cuando los liberales mienten las 24 horas del día? Golpea a un profesor de California recientemente atacó a un hombre con un candado en un calcetín... ¿Cuántas mujeres han fingido ataques contra ellas se dan cuenta de las elecciones?
@user @user Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... You should be ashamed of your cash payoffs to Iran & of you helping Iran to become a necular power. It would be better if you just set your sales and gave us all a big wave goodby. @user will clean up your mess.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...You should be ashamed of your cash payoffs to Iran & of you helping Iran to become a necular power.It would be better if you just set your sales and gave us all a big wave goodby.@user will clean up your mess." ]
@user @user Habla de la olla que llama negro a la tetera...Deberías avergonzarte de tus pagos en efectivo a Irán; de que ayudes a Irán a convertirse en una potencia necular.Sería mejor que tan solo pusieras tus ventas y nos dieras a todos una gran ola buena.@user limpiará tu desastre.
@user She is a Republican hypocrite!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is a Republican hypocrite!" ]
¡Ella es una hipócrita republicana!
@user @user YAY - AWESOME 🇺🇸♥️😎👈👍MAGA🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸RepPowerVote♥️🇺🇸strengthened by PowerPrayers🇺🇸👍Red Tsunami♥️
[ "@user @user YAY - AWESOME 🇺🇸♥️😎👈👍MAGA🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸RepPowerVote♥️🇺🇸strengthened by PowerPrayers🇺🇸👍Red Tsunami♥️" ]
@user @user YAY - AWESOME MAGARepPowerVotefortalecido por PowerPrayersTsunami Rojo
[ "offensive" ]
@user @user Yes you are very wrong
[ "@user @userYes you are very wrong" ]
@user @userSi estás muy equivocado
@user But antifa are only anti fascist (Romney told me so) she wouldn't throw a brick at you unless you were a na... 😧
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userBut antifa are only anti fascist (Romney told me so) she wouldn't throw a brick at you unless you were a na... 😧" ]
@userPero antifa son sólo antifascistas (Romney me lo dijo) ella no te lanzaría un ladrillo a menos que fueras un na...
@user Hows that gun control working out?
[ "@user Hows that gun control working out?" ]
@user ¿Cómo funciona ese control de armas?
@user @user @user There are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events. This is not happening anywhere to Democrats. This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThere are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events.This is not happening anywhere to Democrats.This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them" ]
@user @user @userHay miles de videos en YouTube solo de Antifa atacando a la gente sólo por estar en mítines de Trump o eventos republicanos.Esto no está sucediendo en ningún lugar para los demócratas.Esto es a una escala generalizada y personas como tú tratan de mentir y ofuscarse para cubrirlos
@user They know this is not admissible so they are attempting to contaminate the jury. They are working overtime to ensure she is found not guilty...
[ "@userThey know this is not admissible so they are attempting to contaminate the jury.They are working overtime to ensure she is found not guilty..." ]
@userEllos saben que esto no es admisible por lo que están tratando de contaminar al jurado.Ellos están trabajando horas extras para asegurar que ella sea encontrada inocente...
@user @user This is the ONLY acceptable way to end sex
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThis is the ONLY acceptable way to end sex" ]
@user @userEsta es la única manera aceptable de acabar con el sexo
Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!! Jan... #Resister !! 🤔 I’ll take Trump!!! #MAGA #Trump2020
[ "Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!!Jan... #Resister !!🤔I’ll take Trump!!!#MAGA #Trump2020" ]
¡¡Trump... un multimillonario de la Ive League y un extraordinario negociador!!¡Jan... #Resister!!¡Me llevaré a Trump! #MAGA #Trump2020
@user @user the right to protest. Protesting during the anthem causes people to not even recognize what he is protesting nobody's even talking about the issue just the fact that he's kneeling during the anthem which is counterproductive
[ "@user @user the right to protest.Protesting during the anthem causes people to not even recognize what he is protesting nobody's even talking about the issue just the fact that he's kneeling during the anthem which is counterproductive" ]
@user @user el derecho a protestar.Protestar durante el himno hace que la gente ni siquiera reconozca lo que está protestando nadie está hablando del tema sólo el hecho de que se arrodilla durante el himno, lo que es contraproducente
6 people are dead after shooting spree in California ....AND LORD FORBID WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL MEASURES...OH NO!!! 😱😱😱😱
[ "6 people are dead after shooting spree in California ....AND LORD FORBID WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL MEASURES...OH NO!!!😱😱😱😱" ]
6 personas están muertas después de un tiroteo en California ....Y SEÑOR FORZADO DE QUE DEBERÍAMOS HABLAR SOBRE MEDIDAS COMUNES DE CONTROL DE LOS MENSAJES...OH NO!!!
@user @user @user Shows that liberals are very decent people 👍👍👍👏👏👏
[ "@user @user @userShows that liberals are very decent people 👍👍👍👏👏👏" ]
@user @user muestra que los liberales son personas muy decentes
@user @user @user Using free speech to be idiots and such but just like other rallies counter protesters showed up armed and willing to engage with kkk who also came armed Again 2 wrongs dont make a right and groups like antifa stated they want shutdown free speech anyway possible
[ "@user @user @user Using free speech to be idiots and such but just like other rallies counter protesters showed up armed and willing to engage with kkk who also came armed Again 2 wrongs dont make a right and groups like antifa stated they want shutdown free speech anyway possible" ]
@user @user @user Usando la libertad de expresión para ser idiotas y cosas así, pero al igual que otras manifestaciones contra los manifestantes aparecieron armados y dispuestos a participar con kkk que también vinieron armados de nuevo 2 errores no hacen una derecha y grupos como antifa dijeron que quieren parar la libertad de expresión de todos modos posible
@user Stay well clear. She is unhinged.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Stay well clear.She is unhinged." ]
@user Mantente bien despejada.Está desquiciada.
@user Zim is? If he is than what’s that make Peyton? Lol.
[ "@user Zim is?If he is than what’s that make Peyton?Lol." ]
@user Zim es?Si él es más de lo que hace Peyton?Lol.
@user @user @user @user You are a boring individual. Its seems good too me
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userYou are a boring individual.Its seems good too me" ]
@user @user @user @userEres un individuo aburrido.
@user Creepy old pedo desperately trying to be relevant. Just an old guy from the old world which Trump has shattered.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Creepy old pedo desperately trying to be relevant.Just an old guy from the old world which Trump has shattered." ]
@user Creepy viejo pedo desesperadamente tratando de ser relevante.Sólo un viejo hombre del viejo mundo que Trump ha destrozado.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user What if you wanting gun control offended me? Should you be fined?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userWhat if you wanting gun control offended me?Should you be fined?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user¿Qué pasa si quieres que me ofenda el control de armas?¿Deberías ser multado?
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user He's not wrong!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userHe's not wrong!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user¡No se equivoca!
@user @user Thank you @user
[ "@user @userThank you @user" ]
@user @userGracias @user
@user All it needs is warm beer and I’d be back in college.
[ "@user All it needs is warm beer and I’d be back in college." ]
@user Todo lo que necesita es cerveza caliente y estaría de vuelta en la universidad.
@user @user Isn’t he married? Where is his wife?
[ "@user @user Isn’t he married?Where is his wife?" ]
@user @user ¿No está casado?¿Dónde está su esposa?
@user @user Well they will start banishing all acct's for promoting FB gave @user Brandon a 30 day z-jail time. I'm sure tomorrow Apple/Jacks will do it too. Let's all just do it and see how many conservatives & #WalkAwayMarch er's they shut down.poof FB begone
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userWell they will start banishing all acct's for promoting FB gave @user Brandon a 30 day z-jail time.I'm sure tomorrow Apple/Jacks will do it too.Let's all just do it and see how many conservatives & #WalkAwayMarch er's they shut down.poof FB begone" ]
@user @userBueno, comenzarán a desterrar todos los acct's para promover FB le dio a @user Brandon una hora z-jail de 30 días.Estoy seguro de que mañana Apple/Jacks lo hará también.Vamos a hacerlo y ver cuántos conservadores & #WalkAwayMarch er's cerraron.poof FB se fueron
@user keemstar said he is not paying he just wanted his sever on rust popin I said pay him or the ooks will come for you on rust😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user keemstar said he is not paying he just wanted his sever on rust popin I said pay him or the ooks will come for you on rust😂" ]
@user keemstar dijo que no está pagando que sólo quería su corte en óxido popin dije que le pagues o los ooks vendrán por ti en óxido
@user @user #antifa @user gets a pass?
[ "@user @user #antifa @user gets a pass?" ]
@user @user #antifa @user obtiene un pase?
...by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life’s problems, conservatives and Republicans... get into a 'bidding war' with progressives and Democrats."" The Libertarian Party is the only party that truly wants less government.
[ "...by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life’s problems, conservatives and Republicans... get into a 'bidding war' with progressives and Democrats.\"\" The Libertarian Party is the only party that truly wants less government." ]
...aceptando la premisa de que el gobierno puede y debe resolver todos los problemas de la vida, conservadores y republicanos... entrar en una 'guerra de licitación' con progresistas y demócratas"."El Partido Libertario es el único partido que realmente quiere menos gobierno.
(So the young conservatives you know are also the ones who never had the focus to power through Order of the Phoenix and its too-many pages of Harry's teen angst.)
[ "(So the young conservatives you know are also the ones who never had the focus to power through Order of the Phoenix and its too-many pages of Harry's teen angst.)" ]
(Así que los jóvenes conservadores que conoces también son los que nunca tuvieron el foco en el poder a través de la Orden del Fénix y sus demasiadas páginas de angustia adolescente de Harry.)
#QAnon #GreatAwakening Awake Yet?? It was a setup from the beginning... and most liberals know it.. they just don't have the morals to accept it!!
[ "#QAnon #GreatAwakening Awake Yet??It was a setup from the beginning... and most liberals know it.. they just don't have the morals to accept it!!" ]
#QAnon #GreatAwakening Awake Yet??Fue un montaje desde el principio... y la mayoría de los liberales lo saben.. simplemente no tienen la moral para aceptarlo!!
@user So she can’t be effected by the radiation but killed. I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch. Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userSo she can’t be effected by the radiation but killed.I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch.Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme" ]
@userAsí que no puede ser llevada a cabo por la radiación sino asesinada. Espero que mencione a Lady Gaga bruja. Ya que ella es la única bruja inmortal conocida y suprema
@user His jewels have their own gravitational field!🛸
[ "@userHis jewels have their own gravitational field!🛸" ]
@userSus joyas tienen su propio campo gravitacional!
Actions - H.R.610 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To distribute Federal funds for elementary and secondary education in the form #Evil #Greedy #Hateful #Pigs #Education #MAGA #BetsyDeVos
[ "Actions - H.R.610 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To distribute Federal funds for elementary and secondary education in the form #Evil #Greedy #Hateful #Pigs #Education #MAGA #BetsyDeVos" ]
Acciones - H.R.610 - 115o Congreso (2017-2018): Distribuir fondos federales para la educación primaria y secundaria en la forma #Evil #Greedy #Hateful #Pigs #Educación #MAGA #BetsyDeVos
@user @user 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Deep Throat
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Deep Throat" ]
@user @user Garganta profunda
@user @user @user We could help if you are London based 😊
[ "@user @user @userWe could help if you are London based 😊" ]
@user @user @userPodríamos ayudar si usted está basado en Londres
@user @user @user @user We are here for Q and the Revolution. Do not allow the shiny objects to divide. Take a step back and look at all of it from that way. #MAGA #WeThePeople.
[ "@user @user @user @userWe are here for Q and the Revolution.Do not allow the shiny objects to divide.Take a step back and look at all of it from that way.#MAGA #WeThePeople." ]
@user @user @user @userEstamos aquí para Q y la Revolución.No permitas que los objetos brillantes se dividan.Da un paso atrás y míralo todo de esa manera.#MAGA #WeThePeople.
@user @user Trump has no interest in caring the safety of the country. He doesn’t care about gun control. So far with all the shooting in the country. He doesn’t care... he is a selfish person. Everything is about him
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userTrump has no interest in caring the safety of the country.He doesn’t care about gun control.So far with all the shooting in the country.He doesn’t care...he is a selfish person.Everything is about him" ]
@user @userTrump no tiene interés en cuidar la seguridad del país.No le importa el control de armas.Hasta ahora con todos los disparos en el país.No le importa... es una persona egoísta.Todo se trata de él.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user I can assure you I have no delusion that he is god (little 'g') like.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userI can assure you I have no delusion that he is god (little 'g') like." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userTe puedo asegurar que no tengo ninguna ilusión de que él es dios (pequeño 'g') como.
@user That’s because he is a Quack
[ "@userThat’s because he is a Quack" ]
@userEso es porque es un Quack
@user and if you're in ANTIFA you are one of them shit for brains. Here worship your queen she needs her toe cheese licked out.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user and if you're in ANTIFA you are one of them shit for brains.Here worship your queen she needs her toe cheese licked out." ]
@user y si estás en ANTIFA eres uno de ellos mierda para el cerebro.Aquí adorar a tu reina ella necesita su dedo del pie lamido de queso.
@user @user That is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM). They are disgusting!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThat is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM).They are disgusting!" ]
@user @userEsa es la misma mierda de siempre que los liberales (MSM) ¡Son repugnantes!
@user This is like when shitty restaurants advertise their “voted #1 world famous crabcakes” but nobody can tell you who voted and nobody who lives outside a 10-mile radius has ever actually eaten there.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis is like when shitty restaurants advertise their “voted #1 world famous crabcakes” but nobody can tell you who voted and nobody who lives outside a 10-mile radius has ever actually eaten there." ]
@userEsto es como cuando los restaurantes de mierda anuncian su “voto #1 mundialmente famoso cangrejos” pero nadie puede decir quién votó y nadie que vive fuera de un radio de 10 millas ha comido realmente allí.
@user @user @user @user @user @user You are a child. Don’t even talk to me. Lmao.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userYou are a child.Don’t even talk to me.Lmao." ]
@user @user @user @user @userEres un niño.Ni siquiera me hables.Lmao.
@user Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one." ]
@user Va a ser una perra para reescribir este.