@user Good by football league will be direct football here the world comes.Petition to stop any all federal aid to football NFL.The people will have the last word.We will bring entire league to their knees begging for forgiveness.America deserves RESPECT.#
[ "@user Good by football league will be direct football here the world comes.Petition to stop any all federal aid to football NFL.Thepeople will have the last word.We will bring entire league to their knees begging for forgiveness.America deserves RESPECT.#" ]
@user Bueno por liga de fútbol será fútbol directo aquí viene el mundo.Petición para detener cualquier ayuda federal al fútbol NFL.La gente tendrá la última palabra.Vamos a llevar toda la liga a sus rodillas pidiendo perdón.América merece RESPETO.#
@user Hey #MichaelMoore .... have another hot fudge Sunday cookie dough bacon fat pizza ....."" #WalkAway #MAGA @user @user @user @user @user @user
[ "@userHey #MichaelMoore .... have another hot fudge Sunday cookie dough bacon fat pizza .....\"\" #WalkAway #MAGA @user @user @user @user @user @user" ]
@userHey #MichaelMoore .... tener otra pizza de grasa de tocino caliente de masa de caramelo el domingo ...."" #WalkAway #MAGA @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
@user not at all! :)
[ "@user not at all! :)" ]
@user no en absoluto! :)
@user I protected her identity for privacy reasons
[ "@user I protected her identity for privacy reasons" ]
@user Protegí su identidad por razones de privacidad
@user Why did Feinstein give grieving Parkland gun control nut parent Guttenburg a full pass to get to Kavanaugh? It threw the Body Guard into full protection mode. Guttenburg hates Trump and Kavanaugh and threatened on his site and blames them for his daughters death.
[ "@user Why did Feinstein give grieving Parkland gun control nut parent Guttenburg a full pass to get to Kavanaugh?It threw the Body Guard into full protection mode.Guttenburg hates Trump and Kavanaugh and threatened on his site and blames them for his daughters death." ]
@user ¿Por qué Feinstein le dio a su padre el control de armas de Parkland Guttenburg un pase completo para llegar a Kavanaugh?Arrojó a la Guardia Corporal al modo de protección total.Guttenburg odia a Trump y Kavanaugh y amenazó en su sitio y los culpa por la muerte de sus hijas.
@user @user I know how you feel Stormy Daniels because I used to be a dancer and a go-go girl I have had 10 years under my belt and I know people like that pay under the table or be a hush money so you are not lying about what you doing people make excuses and they don't own up what they do
[ "@user @userI know how you feel Stormy Daniels because I used to be a dancer and a go-go girl I have had 10 years under my beltand I know people like that pay under the table or be a hush money so you are not lying about what you doing people make excuses and they don't own up what they do" ]
@user @userSé cómo te sientes Stormy Daniels porque solía ser una bailarina y una go-go chica que he tenido 10 años bajo mi cinturón y sé que la gente como eso paga bajo la mesa o ser un dinero silencioso así que no estás mintiendo sobre lo que haces la gente hace excusas y no se dan cuenta de lo que hacen
@user your segment with Judicial Watch Tom Fitton was awesome! Thank You for asking the questions highlighting all the great work he is doing for this country!
[ "@user your segment with Judicial Watch Tom Fitton was awesome!Thank You for asking the questions highlighting all the great work he is doing for this country!" ]
@user su segmento con el reloj judicial Tom Fitton fue impresionante!Gracias por hacer las preguntas destacando todo el gran trabajo que está haciendo para este país!
@user @user @user @user Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people. He is a vial human being in my book. Has nothing to do with his on the field play. I don’t like him personally.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people.He is a vial human being in my book.Has nothing to do with his on the field play.I don’t like him personally." ]
@user @user @user @user Ben es una persona terrible que probablemente violó a algunas personas.Es un ser humano en mi libro.No tiene nada que ver con el suyo en el juego de campo.No me gusta personalmente.
@user 😂😂 exaggerating so much! You are appreciated.
[ "@user 😂😂 exaggerating so much!You are appreciated." ]
@user exagerando tanto!Usted es apreciado.
@user I love that feeling that u get from going from Blues to purples. The discovery of new sexy loot!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I love that feeling that u get from going from Blues to purples.The discovery of new sexy loot!" ]
@user Me encanta esa sensación de que usted consigue de ir de Blues a púrpuras.El descubrimiento de nuevo botín sexy!
@user Her face looks like they throw quarters
[ "@userHer face looks like they throw quarters" ]
@userSu cara parece que tiran monedas
@user @user @user @user @user Only liberals can take an athlete berating an official and turn it into sexism and a sjw issue. Liberals ruin everything by putting politics into everything.
[ "@user @user @user @user @userOnly liberals can take an athlete berating an official and turn it into sexism and a sjw issue.Liberals ruin everything by putting politics into everything." ]
@user @user @user @user @userSólo los liberales pueden tomar a un deportista reprendendo a un funcionario y convertirlo en sexismo y un problema sjw.Los liberales arruinan todo poniendo la política en todo.
@user Thank god conservatives aren't as dismissive. Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people.
[ "@userThank god conservatives aren't as dismissive.Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people." ]
@userGracias a Dios los conservadores no son tan desdeñosos.Nunca les escuches recurrir a llamar a la gente copos de nieve o usar términos como SJW para desacreditar a la gente.
@user @user @user @user @user That's why I am somewhat conflicted in talking shit or defending myself because there are so many VERY INTELLIGENT bright minds out there that have been held hostage by MSM propaganda Peddling. But uhave to read these Documents and dive deep to know who funds Antifa/MSM/DNC etc
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userThat's why I am somewhat conflicted in talking shit or defending myself because there are so many VERY INTELLIGENT bright minds out there that have been held hostage by MSM propaganda Peddling.But uhave to read these Documents and dive deep to know who funds Antifa/MSM/DNC etc" ]
@user @user @user @user @userEs por eso que estoy algo en conflicto en hablar mierda o defenderme porque hay tantas mentes brillantes muy INTELIGENTES por ahí que han sido tomadas como rehenes por la propaganda del MSM Peddling.Pero uhave para leer estos documentos y sumergirse profundamente para saber quién financia Antifa/MSM/DNC etc
@user Honestly some tales are just incredible to me I’m surprised I didn’t think about them myself
[ "@user Honestly some tales are just incredible to me I’m surprised I didn’t think about them myself" ]
@user Honestamente algunos cuentos son simplemente increíbles para mí Me sorprende que no pensara en ellos yo mismo
@user Got a feeling every time deep state complains @user will punish them with more declass. They are going to pay for their sins! Biglly! Who needs a plan to dump 11k docs and round up crooks? @user needs to geter done! #FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorruption #LockThemAllUp #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Got a feeling every time deep state complains @user will punish them with more declass.They are going to pay for their sins!Biglly!Who needs a plan to dump 11k docs and round up crooks?@user needs to geter done!#FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorruption #LockThemAllUp #MAGA" ]
@user tiene una sensación cada vez que el estado profundo se queja @user los castigará con más desclasificación.¡Van a pagar por sus pecados!¡Grandemente!¿Quién necesita un plan para deshacerse de los documentos de 11k y rodear a los ladrones?@user necesita conseguir hecho!#FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorporation #LockThemAllUp #MAGA
@user @user omg yeah the thing is that there can be a large range of price for the same item i once bought a bag for RM20+ but i also saw another shop selling it for RM60+ like wow
[ "@user @user omgyeah the thing is that there can be a large range of price for the same item i once bought a bag for RM20+but i also saw another shop selling it for RM60+ like wow" ]
@user @user omgyeah la cosa es que puede haber un gran rango de precio para el mismo artículo que una vez compré una bolsa para RM20+ pero también vi otra tienda que lo vendía para RM60+ como wow
.@USER should not be allowed to host @user if he's going to let Republicans go on and say any ole thing without mediation/fact checks. He is a waste of breath. stick to counting votes @user
[ ".@USER should not be allowed to host @user if he's going to let Republicans go on and say any ole thing without mediation/fact checks.He is a waste of breath.stick to counting votes @user" ]
.@USER no debe permitirse alojar a @user si va a dejar que los republicanos sigan y digan cualquier cosa ole sin mediaciones/controles de hechos.Es un desperdicio de aliento.stick para contar votos @user
@user @user Isnt it wat Left & Liberals hve been doing in India ?
[ "@user @user Isnt it wat Left & Liberals hve been doing in India ?" ]
@user @user ¿No es la izquierda & Liberales han estado haciendo en la India ?
@user Dig up Frankie. Save yourself.
[ "@user Dig up Frankie.Save yourself." ]
@user Desenterrar Frankie.Sálvate.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user President Trump will post a message 9-20 to our cell phones. Prepping for internet social media block out.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user President Trump will post a message 9-20 to our cell phones.Prepping for internet social media block out." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Presidente Trump enviará un mensaje 9-20 a nuestros teléfonos celulares.
@user Did he do this right after that last statement? Asking for a friend.
[ "@user Did he do this right after that last statement?Asking for a friend." ]
@user ¿Ha hecho esto justo después de la última declaración?Pedir un amigo.
@user @user @user Are you guys really still supporting the @user party that suspended you all because you went into coalition with the @user Deary me Talk about desperation to be noticed
[ "@user @user @userAre you guys really still supporting the @user party that suspended you all because you went into coalition with the @user Deary me Talk about desperation to be noticed" ]
@user @user @user¿Realmente siguen apoyando al partido @user que los suspendió a todos porque entraron en coalición con el @user Deary me Hablar de desesperación para ser notado
@user Could this be another trol post designed to get antifa to get themselves in trouble?
[ "@user Could this be another trol post designed to get antifa to get themselves in trouble?" ]
@user ¿Podría ser otra publicación de trol diseñada para conseguir antifa para meterse en problemas?
@user Sleazy CNN afraid of Trump GOP but tough on liberals.
[ "@user Sleazy CNN afraid of Trump GOP but tough on liberals." ]
@user Sleazy CNN teme a Trump GOP pero es duro con los liberales.
@user @user @user // it is wrong to let #MeToo hysteria override ‘innocent until proven guilty’ - but Liberals are trying.
[ "@user @user @user //it is wrong to let #MeToo hysteria override ‘innocent until proven guilty’ - but Liberals are trying." ]
@user @user @user //es un error dejar #MeToo histeria anular ‘inocente hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad’ - pero los liberales lo están intentando.
@user Wow the guy who played the guy pitching a doggy product on Modern Family thinks he is the conscience of the nation. Also can I get Hamilton tickets?
[ "@userWow the guy who played the guy pitching a doggy product on Modern Family thinks he is the conscience of the nation.Also can I get Hamilton tickets?" ]
@userWow el tipo que interpretó al tipo lanzando un producto para perros en Modern Family piensa que es la conciencia de la nación.¿También puedo conseguir entradas para Hamilton?
@user He needs a long look in the mirror
[ "@userHe needs a long look in the mirror" ]
@userNecesita una mirada larga en el espejo
@user Antonio.... I believe in you. I will vote for you as will my family... that's not enough. Tell me what else I can do to help your campaign. Our state is going down the drain and is on life support. Something must be done or the lunatic liberals will destroy Ca.
[ "@user Antonio....I believe in you.I will vote for you as will my family... that's not enough.Tell me what else I can do to help your campaign.Our state is going down the drain and is on life support.Something must be done or the lunatic liberals will destroy Ca." ]
@user Antonio....Yo creo en ti.Yo votaré por ti como lo hará mi familia... eso no es suficiente.Dime qué más puedo hacer para ayudar a tu campaña.Nuestro estado va por el desagüe y está en soporte vital.Algo hay que hacer o los liberales lunáticos destruirán a Ca.
@user fuck xenoblade chronicles
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user fuck xenoblade chronicles" ]
@user mierda xenoblade crónicas
@user @user @user That's right and don't you forget it. MAGA. 👊
[ "@user @user @userThat's right and don't you forget it.MAGA.👊" ]
@user @user @userEso es correcto y no lo olvides.MAGA.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lolololololololo are u kidding me. The ANTIFA shows up at all protest to stop freedom of speech. Open your eyes. Where did the ANTIFA come from democrats the snake party
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lolololololololo are u kidding me.The ANTIFA shows up at all protest to stop freedom of speech.Open your eyes.Where did the ANTIFA come from democrats the snake party" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lololololololo es una broma.La ANTIFA aparece en toda protesta para detener la libertad de expresión.Abre los ojos.De dónde viene la ANTIFA de los demócratas la fiesta de la serpiente
@user @user We need gun control! Lol
[ "@user @user We need gun control!Lol" ]
@user @user ¡Necesitamos control de armas!
(i love lau she is the cutest don't @ me uwu)
[ "(i love laushe is the cutest don't @ me uwu)" ]
(Me encanta Laushe es el más lindo no @ me uwu)
@user Who cares! He is a sick head!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Who cares!He is a sick head!" ]
@user ¡A quién le importa!¡Es una cabeza enferma!
@user should be thanking her lucky stars that she has never been sexually assaulted or raped when she was a 15 year old girl. She could hardly deal with a little harassment from Antifa. #NothingLower
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user should be thanking her lucky stars that she has never been sexually assaulted or raped when she was a 15 year old girl.She could hardly deal with a little harassment from Antifa.#NothingLower" ]
@user debería estar agradeciendo a sus afortunadas estrellas que nunca ha sido agredida o violada sexualmente cuando era una niña de 15 años.Apenas podía lidiar con un poco de acoso de Antifa.#NothingLower
@user Credibly Accused is a Antifa mob dog whistle. We heard and we are cocked and loaded.
[ "@user Credibly Accused is a Antifa mob dog whistle.We heard and we are cocked and loaded." ]
@user Credible Acusado es un silbato de perro antifa de la mafia. Oímos y estamos jodidos y cargados.
@user @user @user would help them but he is in his own sunken place.. @user to the rescue ?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user would help them but he is in his own sunken place..@user to the rescue ?" ]
@user @user @user les ayudaría pero está en su propio lugar hundido..@user al rescate ?
@user @user @user I hope the voters of the UK won’t forget what a shambles @user @user and @user have made of this. Lack of leadership has left us in the doldrums and betrayed both those who voted Leave and the rest of the UK. #BrexitBritain
[ "@user @user @userI hope the voters of the UK won’t forget what a shambles @user @user and @user have made of this.Lack of leadership has left us in the doldrums and betrayed both those who voted Leave and the rest of the UK.#BrexitBritain" ]
@user @user @userEspero que los votantes del Reino Unido no olviden lo que un @user @user y @user han hecho de esto. La falta de liderazgo nos ha dejado en los dóldrums y ha traicionado tanto a los que votaron por la marcha como al resto del Reino Unido. #BrexitBritain
@user If the tournament of shit ain’t on here...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIf the tournament of shit ain’t on here..." ]
@userSi el torneo de mierda no está aquí...
@user This sums up what's happening across the pond. It is what the #MSM hides in America. #MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018
[ "@userThis sums up what's happening across the pond.It is what the #MSM hides in America.#MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018" ]
@userEsto resume lo que está pasando al otro lado del estanque.Es lo que el #MSM esconde en América.#MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018
@user If its a papercup where is the cake 🎂
[ "@userIf its a papercup where is the cake 🎂" ]
@userSi es una taza de papel donde está el pastel
@user @user Did Chuck think Juanita Broderick credible-Keith Ellison’s girlfriend domestic abuse credible? The truth is Chuck is a sh*t stirrer for a cause. In this case- ruin a mans impeccable career-embarrass his wife & daughters-all in a sleazy days work. Y?Liberals destroy what dont like
[ "@user @user Did Chuck think Juanita Broderick credible-Keith Ellison’s girlfriend domestic abuse credible?The truth is Chuck is a sh*t stirrer for a cause.In this case- ruin a mans impeccable career-embarrass his wife & daughters-all in a sleazy days work.Y?Liberals destroy what dont like" ]
@user @user ¿Chuck pensó que Juanita Broderick creíble-La novia de Keith Ellison abuso doméstico creíble?La verdad es que Chuck es un sh*t agitador por una causa.En este caso- arruinar a un hombre impecable carrera-vergüenza a su esposa & hijas-todo en un trabajo de días sórdidos.Y?Los liberales destruyen lo que no les gusta
@user Love you endlessly ally 💞 #AskAlly what should I do to help my mom while she is in hospital any advice
[ "@user Love you endlessly ally 💞#AskAlly what should I do to help my mom while she is in hospital any advice" ]
@user Te amo infinitamente Ally AskAlly ¿Qué debo hacer para ayudar a mi mamá mientras ella está en el hospital cualquier consejo
@user Strength is letting go of the universe. You are not your thoughts.
[ "@user Strength is letting go of the universe.You are not your thoughts." ]
@user La fuerza es dejar ir el universo.Tú no eres tus pensamientos.
@user @user He is a pedo.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe is a pedo." ]
@user @userEs un pedo.
Lyin #BrettKavanaugh & His Sexual Assault Accuser Professor #ChristineBlaseyFord Are Willing to Testify Before Senate Committee. #StopKanavaugh #LiesUnderOath #SaveSCOTUS #CorruptGOP #maga #NoManIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsGuilty #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2018 via @user
[ "Lyin #BrettKavanaugh & His Sexual Assault Accuser Professor #ChristineBlaseyFord Are Willing to Testify Before Senate Committee.#StopKanavaugh #LiesUnderOath #SaveSCOTUS #CorruptGOP #maga #NoManIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsGuilty #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2018 via @user" ]
Lyin #BrettKavanaugh & Su acusador de agresión sexual Profesor #ChristineBlaseyFord están dispuestos a testificar ante el Comité Senatorial.#StopKanavaugh #LiesUnderOath #SaveSCOTUS #CorruptGOP #maga #NoManIsAboveTheLa Law #TrumpIsGuilty #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2018 via @user
@user @user Dolt. You’ve become another nail for Hammer Trump.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Dolt.You’ve become another nail for Hammer Trump." ]
@user @user Dolt.Te has convertido en otro clavo para Hammer Trump.
@user @user found out the name but I forgot.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user found out the name but I forgot." ]
@user @user descubrió el nombre, pero lo olvidé.
@user also yes he. IS
[ "@useralso yes he.IS" ]
@useralso sí he.IS
@user He is the poster child for the GOP
[ "@userHe is the poster child for the GOP" ]
@userEs el niño del cartel para el GOP
@user @user He is such a con apparently finds are running low😏
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe is such a con apparently finds are running low😏" ]
@user @userÉl es un estafador que aparentemente encuentra que se está ejecutando low
@user You must be part of the new Nazi Party called Antifa
[ "@user You must be part of the new Nazi Party called Antifa" ]
@user Usted debe ser parte del nuevo Partido Nazi llamado Antifa
@user @user She doesn’t remember her clothes or his clothes or the house or how she got there or what songs they were playing or what exact date. This is nothing but weaponizing me too with false accusations for ulterior motives. But if Fiberals can defend #antifa terrorists this is nothing.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe doesn’t remember her clothes or his clothes or the house or how she got there or what songs they were playing or what exact date.This is nothing but weaponizing me too with false accusations for ulterior motives.But if Fiberals can defend #antifa terrorists this is nothing." ]
@user @userElla no recuerda su ropa o su ropa o la casa o cómo llegó allí o qué canciones estaban tocando o qué fecha exacta.Esto no es más que armarme con falsas acusaciones por motivos ulteriores.Pero si los Fibrales pueden defender a los terroristas #antifa esto no es nada.
@user If someone is being too nice to you at happy hour and asking probing questions about what you do at Pub Citizen....make sure to troll them and say you're with Antifa or something.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIf someone is being too nice to you at happy hour and asking probing questions about what you do at Pub Citizen....make sure to troll them and say you're with Antifa or something." ]
@userSi alguien está siendo demasiado amable contigo a la hora feliz y haciendo preguntas sobre lo que haces en el Pub Citizen... asegúrate de trolearlos y decir que estás con Antifa o algo así.
@user Of course it does. But they weren't interested to him. Domestic abuse is still domestic abuse. So I hope you didn't use this fake rumor just to shit on the habs and that you actually care about domestic abuse.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userOf course it does.But they weren't interested to him.Domestic abuse is still domestic abuse.So I hope you didn't use this fake rumor just to shit on the habs and that you actually care about domestic abuse." ]
@userPor supuesto que sí.Pero no estaban interesados en él.El abuso doméstico sigue siendo abuso doméstico.Así que espero que no hayas usado este falso rumor solo para cagar en los habitáculos y que realmente te importe el abuso doméstico.
@user Absolutely NOT. @user @user should stop #TheDreamAct immediately. #BuildThatWall #EndDaca
[ "@user Absolutely NOT.@user @user should stop #TheDreamAct immediately.#BuildThatWall #EndDaca" ]
@user Absolutamente NO.@user @user debería detener #TheDreamAct inmediatamente.#BuildThatWall #EndDaca
A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo
[ "offensive" ]
[ "A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo" ]
Una perra se está quejando de mí en nuestro lobby lmmaooo
@user Gun control has no correlation to homicide rates. London (guns are illegal) has a higher murder rate than New York (guns are legal). Read this:
[ "@user Gun control has no correlation to homicide rates.London (guns are illegal) has a higher murder rate than New York (guns are legal).Read this:" ]
@user Gun control no tiene correlación con las tasas de homicidios.Londres (las armas son ilegales) tiene una tasa de asesinatos más alta que Nueva York (las armas son legales).Lea esto:
@user goodluck! you are my bet ! #Emmys
[ "@user goodluck!you are my bet !#Emmys" ]
@user goodluck!tu eres mi apuesta !#Emmys
@user ........thank God it was not a mosque !!
[ "@user ........thank God it was not a mosque !!" ]
@user ........gracias a Dios que no era una mezquita !!
@user Hi I am Tim Kaine and this is my Criminal Antifa Son👍
[ "@userHi I am Tim Kaine and this is my Criminal Antifa Son👍" ]
@userHi Soy Tim Kaine y este es mi criminal Antifa Son
[ "@user A MASSIVE TOOL" ]
@user @user @user You are so beautiful♡
[ "@user @user @userYou are so beautiful♡" ]
@user @user @userEres tan hermosa
Vote como si su vida dependiera de ella... porque realmente lo hace! #DrainTheDeepState #MAGA
@user @user You are the epitome of class and intelligence.❤️
[ "@user @userYou are the epitome of class and intelligence.❤️" ]
@user @userUsted es el epítome de la clase y la inteligencia.
@user You have done the needful and sincerely you are going higher as you can be trusted. You’ve proven that integrity is foremost. All the best pretty Kemi.
[ "@user You have done the needful and sincerely you are going higher as you can be trusted.You’ve proven that integrity is foremost.All the best pretty Kemi." ]
@user Has hecho lo necesario y sinceramente estás yendo más alto, ya que se puede confiar en ti. Has demostrado que la integridad es lo más importante.
@user Definitely not as a democracy because its a Constitutional Republic!!
[ "@user Definitely not as a democracy because its a Constitutional Republic!!" ]
@user Definitivamente no es una democracia porque es una República Constitucional!!
@user But where is Antifa going to shop now?
[ "@userBut where is Antifa going to shop now?" ]
@userPero ¿dónde va a comprar Antifa ahora?
@user YES I am so tired of relying on mfs to answer the phone for some shit that’s not even worth it! I’m about to be the new plug 😂😂😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYES I am so tired of relying on mfs to answer the phone for some shit that’s not even worth it!I’m about to be the new plug 😂😂😂" ]
@userYES Estoy tan cansado de confiar en mfs para contestar el teléfono para alguna mierda que ni siquiera vale la pena!Estoy a punto de ser el nuevo plug
@user 😂 😂 😂 You are delusional
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user 😂 😂 😂You are delusional" ]
@user Estás delirando
@user @user Sleazy and greasy!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Sleazy and greasy!!!" ]
@user @user Sleazy y grasiento!!!
@user Ontario Liberal MP Leona Alleslev is using you to jump the queue. The faithful back benchers are probably FURIOUS and should join the LIBERALS in protest.
[ "@user Ontario Liberal MP Leona Alleslev is using you to jump the queue.The faithful back benchers are probably FURIOUS and should join the LIBERALS in protest." ]
@user Ontario Liberal MP Leona Alleslev te está usando para saltar la cola.Los fieles banqueros traseros son probablemente FURIOSOS y deberían unirse a los LIBERALES en protesta.
@user @user , @user asks, How deez taste?""""
[ "@user @user , @user asks, How deez taste?\"\"\"\"" ]
@user @user @user , @user pregunta, ¿Cómo sabe Deez?""""
@user It really is unbelievable that he feels it’s ok to call citizens worse than deplorable. He’s nuts. No wonder ppl are running to Reps. He obviously thinks he is way better than us. Time to go away Mr. Biden!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt really is unbelievable that he feels it’s ok to call citizens worse than deplorable.He’s nuts.No wonder ppl are running to Reps.He obviously thinks he is way better than us.Time to go away Mr. Biden!" ]
@userEs realmente increíble que sienta que está bien llamar a los ciudadanos peor que deplorable.Está loco.No es de extrañar que la gente esté corriendo a Reps.Obviamente piensa que es mucho mejor que nosotros.Es hora de irse Sr. Biden!
Great tweet! Please retweet! #Patriots #Deplorables @user @user @user @user @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BackTheBlue #RapistDemocrats #FraudDemocrats #MAGA
[ "Great tweet!Please retweet!#Patriots #Deplorables @user @user @user @user @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BackTheBlue #RapistDemocrats #FraudDemocrats #MAGA" ]
¡Gran tweet!Por favor retweet!#Patriots #Deplorables @user @user @user @user @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BackTheBlue #RapistDemocrats #FraudDemocrats #MAGA
@user Dan Rather supplied her with unimpeachable documentation and she is just waiting for Snopes to verify it for her.
[ "@user Dan Rather supplied her with unimpeachable documentation and she is just waiting for Snopes to verify it for her." ]
@user Dan Rather le proporcionó documentación irreprochable y está esperando a que Snopes la verifique por ella.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Already many common sense laws on the books. Common sense also calls for holding people accountable when they fail miserably like they did at Parkland. Left always wants to blame gun owners just to push for more gun control rather than being honest about it.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Already many common sense laws on the books.Common sense also calls for holding people accountable when they fail miserably like they did at Parkland.Left always wants to blame gun owners just to push for more gun control rather than being honest about it." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ya hay muchas leyes de sentido común en los libros.El sentido común también requiere que la gente rinda cuentas cuando fracasa miserablemente como lo hicieron en Parkland.Left siempre quiere culpar a los propietarios de armas sólo para presionar por más control de armas en lugar de ser honesto al respecto.
@user @user Don't be surprised when Libertarians win in local and state levels. People are getting sick and tired of both sides with empty promises.
[ "@user @user Don't be surprised when Libertarians win in local and state levels.People are getting sick and tired of both sides with empty promises." ]
@user @user No te sorprendas cuando los Libertarios ganen en los niveles local y estatal.La gente se está enfermando y cansado de ambos lados con promesas vacías.
@user @user The conservatives & evangelicals I'm sure, you know the Pro-Lifers""""
[ "@user @userThe conservatives & evangelicals I'm sure, you know the Pro-Lifers\"\"\"\"" ]
@user @userLos conservadores & evangélicos Estoy seguro, usted conoce a los Pro-Lifers""""
I love it when a plan comes together ☺️ #maga #nexit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "I love it when a plan comes together ☺️ #maga #nexit" ]
Me encanta cuando un plan se une #maga #nexit
@user She is a courageous intelligent woman who knows the crap that people will say - she is standing up to some evil and powerful and ruthless men who will stop at nothing to destroy her and her testimony
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is a courageous intelligent woman who knows the crap that people will say - she is standing up to some evil and powerful and ruthless men who will stop at nothing to destroy her and her testimony" ]
@userElla es una valiente mujer inteligente que sabe la mierda que la gente va a decir - ella está de pie ante algunos hombres malvados y poderosos y despiadados que no se detendrán ante nada para destruirla y su testimonio
@user Amen. He is.
[ "@user Amen.He is." ]
@user Amen. Él es.
#IronicNews: #Conservatives who complain #Liberals go #PantsOnFire about #TrumpPocalypse am now #mad at #Obama for something him NOT said.
[ "#IronicNews: #Conservatives who complain #Liberals go #PantsOnFire about #TrumpPocalypse am now #mad at #Obama for something him NOT said." ]
#IronicNews: #Conservantes que se quejan #Liberales van #PantsOnFire sobre #TrumpPocalypse soy ahora #mad en #Obama por algo que NO dijo.
@user #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful. but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful.but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise..." ]
@user #MAGA su podcastful es sobre blockchainful.but sful sobre lo que significa ser sabiamente madres trabajadoras que están tratando de hacer lo sabio...
@user I'm astounded that conservatives hold her up as some kind of intellectual. What a failure.
[ "@user I'm astounded that conservatives hold her up as some kind of intellectual.What a failure." ]
@user Estoy asombrado de que los conservadores la sostengan como una especie de intelectual.Qué fracaso.
@user Lol it's funny because it's like gun control....it doesn't work
[ "@user Lol it's funny because it's like gun control....it doesn't work" ]
@user Lol es gracioso porque es como el control de armas... no funciona
@user Sad part is She knows she's sick... She knows what she is doing.. She has been a crook all her life... She's a very sick woman.. God have mercy of her soul..
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Sad part is She knows she's sick...She knows what she is doing..She has been a crook all her life...She's a very sick woman..God have mercy of her soul.." ]
@user La parte triste es Ella sabe que está enferma...Ella sabe lo que está haciendo..Ella ha sido una ladrona toda su vida...Ella es una mujer muy enferma..Dios tenga misericordia de su alma..
@user He is such a piece of shit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is such a piece of shit" ]
@userEs un pedazo de mierda
@user @user 😂🤣😂🤣😂👍👌 thats a good one. I never knew Antifa were such badasses.😂😂😂😂👍 you need your own comedy special 🤣😂🤣😂
[ "@user @user 😂🤣😂🤣😂👍👌 thats a good one.I never knew Antifa were such badasses.😂😂😂😂👍 you need your own comedy special 🤣😂🤣😂" ]
@user @user eso es bueno.Nunca supe que Antifa eran tan badasses. necesitas tu propio especial de comedia
@user @user They on their bullshit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThey on their bullshit" ]
@user @userEllos en su mierda
@user @user I believe he is doing great with the @user is finding out how hard it is to actually work with a team that can’t cheat and get away with it...what a terrible place to find that out...the A-hole of America
[ "@user @user I believe he is doing great with the @user is finding out how hard it is to actually work with a team that can’t cheat and get away with it...what a terrible place to find that out...the A-hole of America" ]
@user @user Creo que lo está haciendo muy bien con el @user es descubrir lo difícil que es realmente trabajar con un equipo que no puede hacer trampa y salirse con la suya...qué terrible lugar para descubrir eso...el agujero-A de América
@user Antifa is expressly anti Nazi. Is Nunes identifying with Nazis?
[ "@user Antifa is expressly anti Nazi.Is Nunes identifying with Nazis?" ]
@user Antifa es expresamente anti nazi.¿Se identifica Nunes con los nazis?
@user @user @user this crossing proves very little. It only goes to show many are disgruntled with the lack of leadership of @user .. But understand Mr. Scheer there are many conservatives disgruntled with your lack of vision and leadership. Hence @user #cdnpoli
[ "@user @user @user this crossing proves very little.It only goes to show many are disgruntled with the lack of leadership of @user ..But understand Mr. Scheer there are many conservatives disgruntled with your lack of vision and leadership.Hence @user #cdnpoli" ]
@user @user @user @user este cruce demuestra muy poco. Sólo va a demostrar que muchos están descontentos con la falta de liderazgo de @user .. Pero entender Sr. Scheer hay muchos conservadores descontentos con su falta de visión y liderazgo.
@user They just need to go away. No one wants to see them in the media advocating for gun control. It's unseemly.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user They just need to go away.No one wants to see them in the media advocating for gun control.It's unseemly." ]
@user Sólo tienen que irse.Nadie quiere verlos en los medios abogando por el control de armas.Es impropio.
@user 😂😂😂😂😂 Her rights of threatening to destroy the lives and careers of some teens through her connections"" when they made a meme on her. In India too, only Leftists, Liberals and Islamists have FOE. Rest all is hate speech.""
[ "@user 😂😂😂😂😂 Her rights of threatening to destroy the lives and careers of some teens through her connections\"\" when they made a meme on her.In India too, only Leftists, Liberals and Islamists have FOE.Rest all is hate speech.\"\"" ]
@user Sus derechos de amenazar con destruir las vidas y carreras de algunos adolescentes a través de sus conexiones"" cuando hicieron un meme en ella.En India también, sólo los izquierdistas, liberales e islamistas tienen FOE.Descanso todo es discurso de odio."
@user Trying to smoke out followers that are also antifa? #Shrewd.
[ "@user Trying to smoke out followers that are also antifa?#Shrewd." ]
@user Tratando de fumar a los seguidores que también son antifa?#Shrewd.
@user ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself...
[ "@user ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself..." ]
@user ...el tipo de proyecciones repulsivas suelen reflejarse de nuevo en la fuente; tenga cuidado en lo que uno considera apropiado para otros no sea que se aplique igualmente a uno mismo...
Getting ready to Disavow some toxic backlinks... THANK YOU #BING! #USA🇺🇸 #MAGA #USA
[ "Getting ready to Disavow some toxic backlinks...THANK YOU #BING!#USA🇺🇸 #MAGA #USA" ]
Preparándose para desautorizar algunos eslabones tóxicos...¡DEJAS #BING! #USA #MAGA #USA
@user you are so sweet! thank you for spreading love into her tml 💖
[ "@user you are so sweet!thank you for spreading love into her tml 💖" ]
@user eres tan dulce!gracias por difundir el amor en su tml