@user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights" ]
@user @user en cada conner coz anti pakistani no podrá atacar nuestros derechos de la generación futura
@user Was Al Gore nominated for Supreme Court judge? You conservatives have some nerve.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Was Al Gore nominated for Supreme Court judge?You conservatives have some nerve." ]
@user ¿Fue Al Gore nominado para juez de la Corte Suprema?Los conservadores tienen algo de valor.
@user He is compromising an active investigation. Sounds like obstruction of justice to me!
[ "@userHe is compromising an active investigation.Sounds like obstruction of justice to me!" ]
@userEstá comprometiendo una investigación activa.Suena como obstrucción de la justicia para mí!
@user Liberals are not very smart
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Liberals are not very smart" ]
@user Los liberales no son muy inteligentes
@user @user @user @user BS made up by a lying liberal..a cheap filthy whore, whose lies help to undermine REAL WOMEN who are sexually assaulted. But with trashy liberals who cares?"" right? As long as the end can justify the means? Trashy libs tried same thing with Judge Thomas. Democrats are sick.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user BS made up by a lying liberal..a cheap filthy whore, whose lies help to undermine REAL WOMEN who are sexually assaulted.But with trashy liberals who cares?\"\" right?As long as the end can justify the means?Trashy libs tried same thing with Judge Thomas.Democrats are sick.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user BS compuesto por una mentirosa liberal..una sucia puta barata, cuyas mentiras ayudan a socavar a LAS MUJERES REALES que son agredidas sexualmente.Pero con los liberales desvergonzados ¿a quién le importa?""¿verdad?Mientras el final pueda justificar los medios?Trashy libs intentó lo mismo con el juez Thomas.Los demócratas están enfermos".
@user Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!!
[ "@user Was?I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!!" ]
@user Was?Apuesto a que todavía estás en Sloane ... ella es bastante impresionante!!
@user DEPORT! California KNOWS Trump supporters are going to be out at EVERY ELECTION to VOTE REPUBLICAN! HEY HEY HO HO ILLEGAL ALIENS NEED TO GO! #HeyHey
[ "@user DEPORT!California KNOWS Trump supporters are going to be out at EVERY ELECTION to VOTE REPUBLICAN!HEY HEY HO HO ILLEGAL ALIENS NEED TO GO!#HeyHey" ]
@user DEPORT!California SABE que los partidarios de Trump van a estar en cada elección a votar republicano!HEY HO HO ILLEGAL ALIENS NECESITA IR!#Hey
@user @user @user @user this comment only shows that having refused to engage with facts you do the fascist antifa approach which is to use personal attack to try to bully your way into some mythical win. Research projection and stop doing it u look stupid now!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user this comment only shows that having refused to engage with facts you do the fascist antifa approach which is to use personal attack to try to bully your way into some mythical win.Research projection and stop doing it u look stupid now!" ]
@user @user @user @user este comentario sólo muestra que habiendo rehusado involucrarse con los hechos usted hace el enfoque antifa fascista que es usar el ataque personal para tratar de intimidar su camino hacia una victoria mítica.Proyección de investigación y dejar de hacerlo parece estúpido ahora!
@user @user This is a teacher or nut job...you be the judge...but remember she is influencing young minds.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThis is a teacher or nut job...you be the judge...but remember she is influencing young minds." ]
@user @userEste es un trabajo de profesor o loco... tú serás el juez... pero recuerda que está influyendo en las mentes jóvenes.
@user @user You care about black men dying at the hands of racist cops? You care about the immigrants being kidnapped at the border? You care about the 3k Puerto Ricans that died? I figured you would bring up antifa. That says everything about you.
[ "@user @userYou care about black men dying at the hands of racist cops?You care about the immigrants being kidnapped at the border?You care about the 3k Puerto Ricans that died?I figured you would bring up antifa.That says everything about you." ]
@user @user¿Te importa que los hombres negros mueran a manos de policías racistas?¿Te importa que los inmigrantes sean secuestrados en la frontera?Te importa que los 3 mil puertorriqueños que murieron?Pensé que traerías antifa.Eso dice todo de ti.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nice list. Of course I am against gun control. I am also in favor of freedom of religion. People can believe whatever horseshit they like. They just need to keep it out of schools. Creationism has no place in schools.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nice list.Of course I am against gun control.I am also in favor of freedom of religion.People can believe whatever horseshit they like.They just need to keep it out of schools.Creationism has no place in schools." ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario Lista de Niza.Por supuesto que estoy en contra del control de armas.También estoy a favor de la libertad de religión.La gente puede creer lo que quiera.Sólo necesitan mantenerlo fuera de las escuelas.El creacionismo no tiene lugar en las escuelas.
....."" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".....\"\" And he is shuting up.Don't mess with Yumi.Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.\"\"" ]
Y se está callando. No te metas con Yumi. Nunca te metas con la Srta. Yuzuki".
@user I’m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)... 👀
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I’m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)...👀" ]
@user Estoy aquí para ver qué liberales deciden politizar esta tragedia (a pesar de que Cincy tiene el control de las armas)...
@user @user She's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander/libel. The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander/libel.The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives." ]
@user @userEs probablemente una millonaria ahora y una vez que se les paga todo ese dinero para calumniar y arruinar el nombre de alguien, se van porque no quieren ser demandados por calumnia/libel.El Partido Demócrata paga mucho dinero para que la gente haga falsas acusaciones contra los conservadores.
@user @user you are welcome
[ "@user @user you are welcome" ]
@user @user eres bienvenido
@user Me-Too lynchings of innocent Republicans/conservatives will continue if GOP let's the Kavanaugh fraud prevail. GOP should fight fire with fire and do this one time to a prominent Dem male. Watch it stop after that.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Me-Too lynchings of innocent Republicans/conservatives will continue if GOP let's the Kavanaugh fraud prevail.GOP should fight fire with fire and do this one time to a prominent Dem male.Watch it stop after that." ]
Los linchamientos @user Me-Too de republicanos/conservadores inocentes continuarán si GOP nos permite el fraude de Kavanaugh prevalecer.GOP debe luchar contra el fuego con fuego y hacer esto una vez a un hombre prominente Dem.Vela parar después de eso.
@user Yea he is he said he would if Tua was healthy
[ "@user Yea he is he said he would if Tua was healthy" ]
@user Yea es él dijo que lo haría si Tua estuviera sano
@user Many products hit the shelves in the US first. Canada is not that big of a economy. In fact it is 10th in the world for all you liberals thinking that somehow we could strong arm the USA.
[ "@user Many products hit the shelves in the US first.Canada is not that big of a economy.In fact it is 10th in the world for all you liberals thinking that somehow we could strong arm the USA." ]
@user Muchos productos llegaron a los estantes en los EE.UU. Canadá no es tan grande de una economía.De hecho, es 10o en el mundo para todos los liberales que piensan que de alguna manera podríamos armar fuerte a los EE.UU..
.@USER Liberals attack private lives when they can't attack policies.
[ ".@USERLiberals attack private lives when they can't attack policies." ]
.@USERLiberals atacan vidas privadas cuando no pueden atacar políticas.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user I’m not liking the direction he is going in. He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userI’m not liking the direction he is going in.He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userNo me gusta la dirección en la que va. Necesita hacer parejas felices y tener felicidad en sus vidas.
@user @user @user Sensible gun control can only help. Mentally unstable people should not have guns. People with restraining orders should not have guns. No one needs a gun with a magazine more than 5-6 rounds (unless the zombie apocalypse happens).
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Sensible gun control can only help.Mentally unstable people should not have guns.People with restraining orders should not have guns.No one needs a gun with a magazine more than 5-6 rounds (unless the zombie apocalypse happens)." ]
@user @user @user Control de armas Sensible sólo puede ayudar.La gente mentalmente inestable no debe tener armas.Las personas con órdenes de restricción no deben tener armas.Nadie necesita un arma con una revista más de 5-6 rondas (a menos que el apocalipsis zombie ocurra).
@user @user @user The conservatives are finding this pill very hard to swallow.
[ "@user @user @userThe conservatives are finding this pill very hard to swallow." ]
@user @user @userLos conservadores están encontrando esta píldora muy difícil de tragar.
@user Amazing when reporters are scared of the truth!! Doesn't that tell you everything! #MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments
[ "@user Amazing when reporters are scared of the truth!!Doesn't that tell you everything!#MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments" ]
@user ¡Asombroso cuando los reporteros tienen miedo de la verdad!!¡No te lo dicen todo!#MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments
@user @user Agreed. It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too. I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her. We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Agreed.It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too.I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her.We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers." ]
@user @user De acuerdo.Probablemente sea gente blanca gritando lo ofensiva que es ella también.Ojalá Gran Hermano no fuera forzado por el ejército de Twitter SJW a eliminarla.Todos hemos dicho cosas ofensivas cuando éramos adolescentes.
@user @user @user @user For the record I know Doug Jones personally and he is only a Sen. Bc we had no other credible choice. He won’t be at the next election.
[ "@user @user @user @userFor the record I know Doug Jones personally and he is only a Sen. Bc we had no other credible choice.He won’t be at the next election." ]
@user @user @user @userPara el registro conozco personalmente a Doug Jones y él es sólo un senador. Bc no tuvimos otra opción creíble.Él no estará en las próximas elecciones.
@user @user @user @user Ask the UN why? Ask liberals why?
[ "@user @user @user @userAsk the UN why?Ask liberals why?" ]
@user @user @userPregúntele a la ONU por qué?Pregúntele a los liberales por qué?
@user Brexit & conservatives as well that 🙄
[ "@user Brexit & conservatives as well that 🙄" ]
@user Brexit & conservadores también que
Regrann from trump_babes_2020 - 🇺🇸🇺🇸Amazing MAGA Babe🇺🇸🇺🇸 #trump #trump2020 #maga #maga2020 #trumpbabes #trumpbabes2020 #trump_babes_2020 #milfsfortrump #babesfortrump #babesfortrump2020…
[ "Regrann from trump_babes_2020 - 🇺🇸🇺🇸Amazing MAGA Babe🇺🇸🇺🇸 #trump #trump2020 #maga #maga2020 #trumpbabes #trumpbabes2020 #trump_babes_2020 #milfsfortrump #babesfortrump #babesfortrump2020…" ]
Regrann from trump_babes_2020 - Amazing MAGA Babe #trump #trump2020 #maga #maga2020 #trumpbabes #trumpbabes2020 #trump_babes_2020 #milfsfortrump #babesfortrump #babesfortrump2020...
@user @user @user @user @user Did you forget about the 7 years of war previous? Or perhaps the economic crash of 2008 and all of it's consequences? Maybe you need to be reminded of all the stonewalling by Congress on any attempts of gun control by the Obama administration?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Did you forget about the 7 years of war previous?Or perhaps the economic crash of 2008 and all of it's consequences?Maybe you need to be reminded of all the stonewalling by Congress on any attempts of gun control by the Obama administration?" ]
@user @user @user @user ¿Te olvidaste de los 7 años de guerra anteriores?¿O tal vez del colapso económico de 2008 y de todas sus consecuencias?Tal vez necesites que el Congreso te recuerde todo el bloqueo de piedras en cualquier intento de control de armas por parte de la administración Obama?
@user @user If Obama's lips are moving then he is lying.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userIf Obama's lips are moving then he is lying." ]
@user @userSi los labios de Obama se mueven entonces está mintiendo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Love it trump wanted to do something liberals and Democrats just talk and have hearing
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userLove it trump wanted to do something liberals and Democrats just talk and have hearing" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userLove it trump quería hacer algo liberal y los demócratas sólo hablar y tener oído
@user #DearProfessorFord I want you to know that I have zero respect for you & your ANTIFA style attack on Kavanaugh. You thought you were going to drop a bomb with your face covered & blow up a good man's life. You have been exposed for the political hack that you are. Shame on you
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user #DearProfessorFord I want you to know that I have zero respect for you & your ANTIFA style attack on Kavanaugh.You thought you were going to drop a bomb with your face covered & blow up a good man's life.You have been exposed for the political hack that you are.Shame on you" ]
@user #DearProfessorFord Quiero que sepas que no tengo ningún respeto por ti & tu ataque al estilo ANTIFA en Kavanaugh.Pensaste que ibas a lanzar una bomba con tu cara cubierta & volar la vida de un buen hombre.Has sido expuesto por el hack político que eres.Vergüenza en ti
@user Becoming what? The reason for “What Happened” ?
[ "@user Becoming what?The reason for “What Happened” ?" ]
@user ¿Se está convirtiendo en qué? ¿La razón de “Qué pasó” ?
@user More empirical proof that liberals are the fascists who are trying to ruin America by destroying the sovereign rights of the people.
[ "@user More empirical proof that liberals are the fascists who are trying to ruin America by destroying the sovereign rights of the people." ]
@user Más pruebas empíricas de que los liberales son los fascistas que están tratando de arruinar Estados Unidos destruyendo los derechos soberanos del pueblo.
The Swamp in DC & NY is all about Self-Enrichment!!💰💰 #WeThePeople Must Take Our Country Back!✊ #TakeUSABack #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA🇺🇸 #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #MondayMood #ConstitutionDay
[ "The Swamp in DC & NY is all about Self-Enrichment!!💰💰 #WeThePeople Must Take Our Country Back!✊ #TakeUSABack #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA🇺🇸 #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #MondayMood #ConstitutionDay" ]
El pantano en DC & NY es todo acerca de la auto-enriquecimiento!!! #WeThePeople must take our country back! #TakeUSAback #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA #LunesMotivación #LunesPor la Mañana #LunesMood #ConstitutionDay
@user Can it be an alert that he is resigning??!!🤔🤔👍🏼
[ "@user Can it be an alert that he is resigning??!!🤔🤔👍🏼" ]
@user ¿Puede ser una alerta de que está renunciando?!!
@user #Deplorables are resolved to #MAGA
[ "@user #Deplorables are resolved to #MAGA" ]
@user #Deplorables están resueltos a #MAGA
@user Yea that’s a crazy ass story. Like how do you go into the wrong apartment. There’s numbers on doors. And wouldn’t you notice as soon as you walk in and it ain’t your shit 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Yea that’s a crazy ass story.Like how do you go into the wrong apartment.There’s numbers on doors.And wouldn’t you notice as soon as you walk in and it ain’t your shit 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️" ]
@user Yea que es una historia de culo loco.Como cómo entrar en el apartamento equivocado.Hay números en las puertas.Y no te darías cuenta tan pronto como entres y no sea tu mierda
@user I hope so. That Tana girl fucks anything lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I hope so.That Tana girl fucks anything lol" ]
@user espero que sí.Que Tana chica folla cualquier cosa lol
The #Left thanks to #LisaPage is realizing that the #MuellerInvestigation is doomed but that’s not news to us. ANY investigation of an innocent person is doomed from the start. #maga
[ "The #Left thanks to #LisaPage is realizing that the #MuellerInvestigation is doomed but that’s not news to us.ANY investigation of an innocent person is doomed from the start.#maga" ]
La #Izquierda gracias a #LisaPage se está dando cuenta de que la investigación #Mueller está condenada, pero eso no es noticia para nosotros. ANY investigación de una persona inocente está condenada desde el principio. #maga
@user You do what you need to do. You are an amazing person. Who cares what others think.
[ "@user You do what you need to do.You are an amazing person.Who cares what others think." ]
@user Haces lo que tienes que hacer.Eres una persona increíble.A quién le importa lo que piensen los demás.
@user @user I loathe @user
[ "@user @user I loathe @user" ]
@user @user Detesto @user
@user if you are trying to use the word pet"" as in like... a term of endearment towards another human you can just use ""chouchou""""
[ "@user if you are trying to use the word pet\"\" as in like... a term of endearment towards another human you can just use \"\"chouchou\"\"\"\"" ]
@user si usted está tratando de utilizar la palabra mascota"" como en... un término de cariño hacia otro humano que sólo puede utilizar ""chouchou""""
@user @user @user @user do you like/love Louis Farrakhan because he is a racist or an anti Semite? Which one?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user do you like/love Louis Farrakhan because he is a racist or an anti Semite?Which one?" ]
@user @user @user @user ¿te gusta/ama Louis Farrakhan porque es racista o antisemita?¿Cuál?
#politicslive #Conservatives told us selling Council House Deregulating Rental Housing Market solutions would lead to more housing cheaper rents more home ownership Now look at the homeless figures Sky High Rents Lack of Tennant Rights Profits #Tories selling Public Land #Labour
[ "#politicslive #Conservatives told us selling Council House Deregulating Rental Housing Market solutions would lead to more housing cheaper rents more home ownership Now look at the homeless figures Sky High Rents Lack of Tennant Rights Profits #Tories selling Public Land #Labour" ]
#politicslive #Conservatives nos dijo que vender la Casa del Consejo Desregulando las soluciones del mercado de la vivienda conduciría a más viviendas más baratas alquileres más propiedad de la vivienda Ahora mira las figuras de las personas sin hogar Sky High Rents Falta de derechos de inquilinos Beneficios #Tories venta de tierras públicas #Labour
@user @user I'm sure you are not. You just thought it was free 😁 there's nothing wrong with that 😂
[ "@user @userI'm sure you are not.You just thought it was free 😁 there's nothing wrong with that 😂" ]
@user @userEstoy seguro de que no lo eres.Pensaste que era gratis no hay nada malo con eso
@user Google CFO is a joke! And so is the idiot who hired her for this position. #Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Google CFO is a joke!And so is the idiot who hired her for this position.#Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant" ]
@user Google CFO es una broma!Y también lo es el idiota que la contrató para este puesto.#Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant
@user He obviously isn’t boycotting @user
[ "@userHe obviously isn’t boycotting @user" ]
@userObviamente, él no está boicoteando a @user
@user she is so beautiful! ❤️
[ "@user she is so beautiful!❤️" ]
@user ella es tan hermosa!
@user All you need to know is he is empty inside
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAll you need to know is he is empty inside" ]
@userTodo lo que necesitas saber es que está vacío por dentro
@user This is why you are my favourite person
[ "@userThis is why you are my favourite person" ]
@userPor eso eres mi persona favorita
Confirm Kavanaugh Now! #MAGA
[ "Confirm Kavanaugh Now!#MAGA" ]
Confirme Kavanaugh Ahora!#MAGA
@user @user Don’t usually do Twitter”conversations”but my point was Dana may be kind of woman who doesn’t want to help other woman;wants to be THE prima donna & so doesn’t care about developing next-gen girls.She is against gun control & isn’t bothered by school shootings-must not like kids
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Don’t usually do Twitter”conversations”butmy point was Dana may be kind of woman who doesn’t want to help other woman;wants to be THE prima donna & so doesn’t care about developing next-gen girls.She is against gun control & isn’t bothered by school shootings-must not like kids" ]
@user @user No suele hacer Twitter “conversaciones” pero mi punto era Dana puede ser una especie de mujer que no quiere ayudar a otra mujer; quiere ser la prima donna & por lo que no le importa el desarrollo de chicas de la próxima generación. Ella está en contra del control de armas & no se molesta por los disparos escolares-no debe gustar a los niños
@user This stinks like week old fish she is a best a liar
[ "@userThis stinks like week old fish she is a best a liar" ]
@userEsto apesta como un pez de una semana. Ella es la mejor mentirosa.
@user @user @user @user @user @user You'll be lucky. He'll be hiding from his constituents in Hull or some other lesser known part of Rossendale and Darwen.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userYou'll be lucky.He'll be hiding from his constituents in Hull or some other lesser known part of Rossendale and Darwen." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Tendrás suerte.Se esconderá de sus electores en Hull o de alguna otra parte menos conocida de Rossendale y Darwen.
@user @user Look at that face? Would someone please tell me why it seems soooo many liberals look sooo pissed off all the time Are they constipated? Mix in some fiber!
[ "@user @userLook at that face?Would someone please tell me why it seems soooo many liberals look sooo pissed off all the time Are they constipated?Mix in some fiber!" ]
@user @userMira esa cara, ¿podría alguien decirme por qué parece que muchos liberales se ven tan enojados todo el tiempo?¡Son estreñidos?¡Mix en fibra!
[ "offensive" ]
@user es un espía ruso / havereceved mucho dinero de Putin.
@user @user Crush him Beto !!! Make him look like the idiot he is.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userCrush him Beto !!!Make him look like the idiot he is." ]
@user @userAplastarlo Beto !!!Hacerle parecer el idiota que es.
-She comes with a cage and with at least two months worth of food left and Two food bowls. (Together is a extra $30) cage was expensive! -She doesn’t have to be groomed yet due to the fact that she is still a puppy. **she comes with the bigger cage.** DM For more information!
[ "-She comes with a cage and with at least two months worth of food left and Two food bowls.(Together is a extra $30) cage was expensive!-She doesn’t have to be groomed yet due to the fact that she is still a puppy.**she comes with the bigger cage.** DM For more information!" ]
- Viene con una jaula y con por lo menos dos meses de comida y dos cuencos de comida. (Juntos es un extra de $30) jaula era caro!-Ella no tiene que ser preparado todavía debido al hecho de que todavía es un cachorro.** viene con la jaula más grande.** DM Para más información!
@user Tell her that she is a leader!!!
[ "@user Tell her that she is a leader!!!" ]
@user ¡Dile que es una líder!
@user @user Thanks Chris you are very helpful.
[ "@user @userThanksChrisyou are very helpful." ]
@user @userThanksChrisyou es muy útil.
@user So will this all be hidden like the liberals hid everyrhing about the failed Nipigon bridge?!?! Huh? Our money and we are barred from the truth sickens me. They are communists
[ "@userSo will this all be hidden like the liberals hid everyrhing about the failed Nipigon bridge?!?!Huh?Our money and we are barred from the truth sickens me.They are communists" ]
@user¿Así que todo esto será escondido como los liberales escondieron todo sobre el fallido puente Nipion?!?!Huh?Nuestro dinero y nosotros estamos excluidos de la verdad me enferman.Son comunistas
@user Democrats and liberals have dragged this out far too long. The American people are tired of it. Confirm the guy and move on. How convenient that this guy is about to be confirmed as a US Supreme Court Justice and someone accuses him of sexual assault from high school. #Ridiculous
[ "@user Democrats and liberals have dragged this out far too long.The American people are tired of it.Confirm the guy and move on.How convenient that this guy is about to be confirmed as a US Supreme Court Justice and someone accuses him of sexual assault from high school.#Ridiculous" ]
@user Demócratas y liberales han arrastrado esto demasiado tiempo.El pueblo estadounidense está cansado de ello.Confirmar al tipo y seguir adelante.Qué conveniente que este tipo está a punto de ser confirmado como un juez de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. y alguien lo acusa de agresión sexual de la escuela secundaria.#Ridiculous
@user She is an absolutely beautiful gorgeous woman Inside and Out
[ "@userShe is an absolutely beautiful gorgeous woman Inside and Out" ]
@userElla es una mujer absolutamente hermosa dentro y fuera
@user Enthusiastic doesn’t mean collusion or treasonous
[ "@user Enthusiastic doesn’t mean collusion or treasonous" ]
@user Entusiastic no significa colusión o traición
@user @user @user @user @user @user You have nothing you are isolating yourself from others and it's quite hilarious to watch. Also if you were around for the idea of #Anonymous years ago you would know it's in general about resistance. I don't support senseless violence actually I fought against Antifa like u.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userYou have nothing you are isolating yourself from others and it's quite hilarious to watch.Also if you were around for the idea of #Anonymous years ago you would know it's in general about resistance.I don't support senseless violence actually I fought against Antifa like u." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userNo tienes nada de lo que te estás aislando de los demás y es muy divertido de ver.También si estuvieras cerca por la idea de #Anónimo hace años sabrías que es en general acerca de la resistencia.No apoyo la violencia sin sentido en realidad luché contra Antifa como tú.
@user @user @user @user Well you are FABULOUS
[ "@user @user @user @userWell you are FABULOUS" ]
@user @user @userBueno, eres FABULOUS
@user @user @user @user @user And guys like you are the fat yokels.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userAnd guys like you are the fat yokels." ]
@user @user @user @user Y los tipos como tú son los gordos yugos.
@user @user @user @user He’s dead. So you are a necrophiliac as well? Good to know...you must suck at chess never mind 3 dimensional chess...you can’t even think one move ahead let alone many...Change your twitter handle to DumbAF not even ish🙄🙄🙄
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userHe’s dead.So you are a necrophiliac as well?Good to know...you must suck at chess never mind 3 dimensional chess...you can’t even think one move ahead let alone many...Change your twitter handle to DumbAF not even ish🙄🙄🙄" ]
@user @user @user @userHe's dead.So you are a necrophiliac also?Me alegro de saber ... usted debe chupar en ajedrez no importa ajedrez 3 dimensiones ... usted ni siquiera puede pensar que uno se mueve por delante mucho menos muchos ... Cambiar su manija de twitter a DumbAF ni siquiera ish
@user soulmate/ life partner 💛 yes ma’am she is!!
[ "@user soulmate/ life partner 💛yes ma’am she is!!" ]
@user soulmate/ compañero de vida yes ma'am ella es!!
@user @user @user @user @user So you AGREE that Wecht should be impeached? Yea you and your socialist ANTIFA buddies decided to call Mr Dush’s office and abuse his staff and threaten others that cosponsored impeachment. Law enforcement had to get involved!
[ "@user @user @user @user @userSo you AGREE that Wecht should be impeached?Yea you and your socialist ANTIFA buddies decided to call Mr Dush’s office and abuse his staff and threaten others that cosponsored impeachment.Law enforcement had to get involved!" ]
@user @user @user @userAsí que ACUERDA que Wecht debe ser destitución?Yea usted y sus amigos socialistas ANTIFA decidieron llamar a la oficina del Sr. Dush y abusar de su personal y amenazar a otros que copatrocinaron el destitución.
@user Deranged and demented what a perfect match for the Democratic party
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Deranged and demented what a perfect match for the Democratic party" ]
@user Desquiciado y demente que perfecta pareja para el partido demócrata
@user He knows he dosen't have much time left before he is brought down.
[ "@userHe knows he dosen't have much time left before he is brought down." ]
@userSabe que no le queda mucho tiempo antes de que lo derriben.
@user She is wortless why is she not checked out by secret service she is irresponsible in trying to generate hste to have somone kill thre president
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is wortless why is she not checked out by secret service she is irresponsible in trying to generate hste to have somone kill thre president" ]
@userElla está sin trabajo por qué no es ella chequeada por el servicio secreto ella es irresponsable en tratar de generar hste para tener somone matar a presidente
@user I would've chose the headline Why the left loves Bernier"" Personally I could not be more delighted The most important thing in any election is to prevent conservatives from gaining power Just look at Ontario for proof""
[ "@user I would've chose the headline Why the left loves Bernier\"\" Personally I could not be more delighted The most important thing in any election is to prevent conservatives from gaining power Just look at Ontario for proof\"\"" ]
@user Habría elegido el titular ¿Por qué la izquierda ama a Bernier?"" Personalmente no podría estar más encantado Lo más importante en cualquier elección es evitar que los conservadores ganen el poder Sólo mira a Ontario como prueba""
@user @user @user @user What’s your point here? I’m a TX voter and I wholeheartedly support gun control. There were 0 school shootings in my childhood. I think it’s because civilians couldn’t easily get their hands on military grade weapons. Our laws need to change
[ "@user @user @user @userWhat’s your point here?I’m a TX voterand I wholeheartedly support gun control.There were 0 school shootings in my childhood.I think it’s because civilians couldn’t easily get their hands on military grade weapons.Our laws need to change" ]
@user @user @user @user¿Cuál es tu punto aquí?Soy un votante de TX y apoyo de todo corazón el control de armas.Hubo 0 tiroteos en la escuela en mi infancia.Creo que es porque los civiles no podían conseguir fácilmente sus manos en armas de grado militar.Nuestras leyes necesitan cambiar
@user @user @user @user @user Looks less like she is getting $200 dinners a day and more like she's getting 200 dinners a day
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Looks less like she is getting $200 dinners a day and more like she's getting 200 dinners a day" ]
@user @user @user @user Parece menos que ella está recibiendo $200 cenas al día y más que ella está recibiendo 200 cenas al día
ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization that leeches off of George Soros's money. They are a domestic terrorist organization that uses intimidation & violence to spread their ideology.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization that leeches off of George Soros's money.They are a domestic terrorist organization that uses intimidation & violence to spread their ideology." ]
ANTIFA es una organización terrorista doméstica que se libra del dinero de George Soros, una organización terrorista doméstica que utiliza la intimidación y la violencia para difundir su ideología.
@user He is the biggest LSU hater I’ve ever heard @user
[ "@userHe is the biggest LSU hater I’ve ever heard @user" ]
@userEs el mayor odiador de LSU que he oído nunca @user
@user @user @user I get that she is a winner but she crosses the line in what is acceptable.
[ "@user @user @userI get that she is a winnerbut she crosses the line in what is acceptable." ]
@user @user @userTengo que ella es una ganadora pero ella cruza la línea en lo que es aceptable.
@user If we lose tomorrow we r fucked. Tomorrow is our season lol. Too tough a schedule to drop one like this
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user If we lose tomorrow we r fucked.Tomorrow is our season lol.Too tough a schedule to drop one like this" ]
@user Si perdemos mañana r follamos.Mañana es nuestra temporada lol.Demasiado difícil un horario para dejar caer uno como este
@user @user A security specialist deflected TO the Conservatives? I don't know how to take this.
[ "@user @userA security specialist deflected TO the Conservatives?I don't know how to take this." ]
@user @user¿Un especialista en seguridad se desvió A los conservadores?No sé cómo tomar esto.
@user @user Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered. That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered.That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing." ]
@user @user Rubio se sentó a través de un ayuntamiento de 2 horas en febrero respondiendo preguntas del público sobre el control de armas de personas cuyos amigos y niños acababan de ser asesinados.Eso requiere más valor que la grandeza y la mentira en una estúpida audiencia.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user How blindly ignorant you are. Shameful people with the deep thinking you lack can vote
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user How blindly ignorant you are.Shameful people with the deep thinking you lack can vote" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lo ciegamente ignorante que eres. Gente vergonzosa con el profundo pensamiento que te falta puede votar
@user @user @user You are as cheap as cheap she is...Try with Bible and Quran if you really have guts
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYou are as cheap as cheap she is...Try with Bible and Quran if you really have guts" ]
@user @user @userEres tan barata como barata que es...Prueba con la Biblia y el Corán si realmente tienes agallas
@user @user She was on the 81st floor of the North Tower. She is an example of the fraud perpetrated by Red Cross. They raised an enormous amount of money and then didn’t dispense it to those in need like this woman.
[ "@user @userShe was on the 81st floor of the North Tower.She is an example of the fraud perpetrated by Red Cross.They raised an enormous amount of money and then didn’t dispense it to those in need like this woman." ]
@user @userElla estaba en el piso 81 de la Torre Norte. Ella es un ejemplo del fraude perpetrado por la Cruz Roja. Ellos recaudaron una enorme cantidad de dinero y luego no se lo dispensaron a los necesitados como esta mujer.
#NewYork #State #Republicans & #Conservatives #Democrats who don't want Cuomo need to #VOTE for @user for #Governor He is the best & sharpest choice.
[ "#NewYork #State #Republicans & #Conservatives #Democrats who don't want Cuomo need to #VOTE for @user for #Governor He is the best & sharpest choice." ]
#NewYork #State #Republicans & #Conservatives #Democrats que no quieren Cuomo necesitan #VOTE para @user para #Governor Es la mejor elección & más aguda.
@user Just the fact that #StopKavanagh REPEATEDLY attempted to block the abortion for an undocumented immigrant (which she wanted) tells me he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. We don’t need a person who cherrypicks what laws will or will not be respected. @user
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userJust the fact that #StopKavanagh REPEATEDLY attempted to block the abortion for an undocumented immigrant (which she wanted) tells me he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court.We don’t need a person who cherrypicks what laws will or will not be respected.@user" ]
@userEl hecho de que #StopKavanagh REPEDAMENTE intentó bloquear el aborto de un inmigrante indocumentado (que ella quería) me dice que no es apto para servir en la Corte Suprema.No necesitamos a una persona que elija qué leyes se respetarán o no.@user
@user What manga you reading?
[ "@user What manga you reading?" ]
@user ¿Qué manga estás leyendo?
@user @user Mine go drafts too. @user stop this crap I'm gathering proof your censoring conservatives
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Mine go drafts too.@user stop this crapI'm gathering proof your censoring conservatives" ]
@user @user Mine go drafts too.@user detenga esta mierdaEstoy reuniendo pruebas de sus conservadores censuradores
@user So we seek answers from the leadership of our country @user @user @user @user @user that is this our new South Africa. Mr President if you are the leader of S.A you will surely make an example of them. We are tired.
[ "@userSo we seek answers from the leadership of our country @user @user @user @user @user that is this our new South Africa.Mr President if you are the leader of S.A you will surely make an example of them.We are tired." ]
@userAsí que buscamos respuestas del liderazgo de nuestro país @user @user @user @user @user que es esta nuestra nueva Sudáfrica. Señor Presidente, si usted es el líder de S.A seguramente hará un ejemplo de ellos.Estamos cansados.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nope. I lived in the middle of a country's civil war. Gunfire and all. What I did see was Antifa hitting the elderly and children passing by one of their rallies.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nope.I lived in the middle of a country's civil war.Gunfire and all.What I did see was Antifa hitting the elderly and children passing by one of their rallies." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nope.Viví en medio de la guerra civil de un país.Gunfire y todo.Lo que sí vi fue que Antifa golpeó a los ancianos y niños que pasaban por uno de sus mítines.
@user @user No kidding! Tell your sons to NEVER be alone with a woman unless you are dating and even then protect yourself somehow...geez I don't know turn your recorder on.
[ "@user @userNo kidding!Tell your sons to NEVER be alone with a woman unless you are dating and even then protect yourself somehow...geezI don't know turn your recorder on." ]
@user @user¡No bromees!Dile a tus hijos que NUNCA estén solos con una mujer a menos que estés saliendo e incluso entonces te protejas de alguna manera... geezNo sé encender tu grabadora.
@user @user @user @user Oh i thought you were the dream team minus sonja. Really you are the mean disgusting team minus sonja. Oh by the way dorinda leave sonja alone. You are so jealous of sonja. She is kind sweet and so much prettier than you. Get over it you drunk
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userOh i thought you were the dream team minus sonja.Really you are the mean disgusting team minus sonja.Oh by the way dorinda leave sonja alone.You are so jealous of sonja.She is kind sweet and so much prettier than you.Get over it you drunk" ]
@user @user @user @userOh pensé que eras el equipo de ensueño menos sonja.Realmente eres el equipo asqueroso y malo menos sonja.Oh por cierto, Dorinda deja sonja sola.Estás tan celosa de sonja.Ella es dulce y mucho más bonita que tú.
@user @user @user She is absolutely useless. Everyone knows it except for her and the media.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userShe is absolutely useless.Everyone knows it except for her and the media." ]
@user @user @userEs absolutamente inútil.Todo el mundo lo sabe excepto ella y los medios de comunicación.
.@USER found"" the average american by demographics. I found 118 things that the Average American agrees on, from Bill Gates to Gun Control to driving skills.
[ ".@USER found\"\" the average american by demographics.I found 118 things that the Average American agrees on, from Bill Gates to Gun Control to driving skills." ]
.@USER encontró"" el promedio americano por demografía.Encontré 118 cosas en las que el Americano Promedio está de acuerdo, desde Bill Gates hasta Gun Control hasta habilidades de conducción.
@user @user @user They need to only ever see the sky from the safety of a HMP exercise yard
[ "@user @user @userThey need to only ever see the sky from the safety of a HMP exercise yard" ]
@user @user @userSólo necesitan ver el cielo desde la seguridad de un patio de ejercicios HMP
@user Nobody wants a supergirl movie. The show is shitty enough.
[ "@user Nobody wants a supergirl movie.The show is shitty enough." ]
@user Nadie quiere una película de supergirl.El show es suficiente mierda.
@user @user @user Not to mention that Jim seriously has a medical condition. What an SJW tactic to take. Sargon seriously has become what ANTIFA is .
[ "@user @user @user Not to mention that Jim seriously has a medical condition.What an SJW tactic to take.Sargon seriously has become what ANTIFA is ." ]
@user @user @user Sin mencionar que Jim en serio tiene una afección médica.Qué táctica de SJW tomar.Sargon en serio se ha convertido en lo que ANTIFA es .
@user @user It takes a 2sec Google search to see who this accuser is - I'll help the mindless uneducated liberals .
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userIt takes a 2sec Google search to see who this accuser is - I'll help the mindless uneducated liberals ." ]
@user @userSe necesita una búsqueda en Google de 2 segundos para ver quién es este acusador - ayudaré a los liberales ignorantes sin educación .