@user I was on some shit last night
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I was on some shit last night" ]
@user Yo estaba en alguna mierda anoche
@user a perfect description of ANTiFA. Fascist shit bags.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user a perfect description of ANTiFA.Fascist shit bags." ]
@user una descripción perfecta de ANTiFA.
@user Either way we have your back. Don't be thinking that you are dealing alone out here.
[ "@user Either way we have your back.Don't be thinking that you are dealing alone out here." ]
@user De cualquier manera tenemos tu espalda.No estés pensando que estás tratando solo aquí.
@user @user The dems have done this since they were the KKK. Except back then they accused black men of raping white women then lynched them. Same play from the old playbook. Everyone of these liberals crying outrage are fake if they aren't pressuring Ellison to resign.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThe dems have done this since they were the KKK.Except back then they accused black men of raping white women then lynched them.Same play from the old playbook.Everyone of these liberals crying outrage are fake if they aren't pressuring Ellison to resign." ]
@user @userLos demócratas han hecho esto desde que eran el KKK.Excepto entonces acusaron a los hombres negros de violar a las mujeres blancas y luego las lincharon.El mismo juego del viejo libro de jugadas.Todos estos liberales que lloran indignación son falsos si no están presionando a Ellison para que renuncie.
@user I hope this turns out to be everything the Liberals want and then some. I can handle the truth no matter which way it leads I hope they can do the same.
[ "@user I hope this turns out to be everything the Liberals want and then some.I can handle the truth no matter which way it leads I hope they can do the same." ]
@user Espero que esto resulte ser todo lo que los liberales quieren y luego algunos.Puedo manejar la verdad sin importar en qué dirección conduzca, espero que ellos puedan hacer lo mismo.
@user Oh my god. They’re so fucking cute.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userOh my god.They’re so fucking cute." ]
@userOh Dios mío. Son tan jodidamente lindos.
@user @user You are a liar Ed. You have always been a liar. The people in Puerto Rico lives in squalor. Govt officials hid supplies sent. Miss reported death toll due to hurricane. Stop lying!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou are a liar Ed.You have always been a liar.The people in Puerto Rico lives in squalor.Govt officials hid supplies sent.Miss reported death toll due to hurricane.Stop lying!" ]
@user @userUsted es un mentiroso Ed.Usted siempre ha sido un mentiroso.La gente en Puerto Rico vive en la miseria.Los funcionarios de Govt escondieron suministros enviados.La señorita reportó el número de muertos debido al huracán.
@user @user @user @user Pittsburgh sucks kek
[ "@user @user @user @user Pittsburgh sucks kek" ]
@user @user @user @user Pittsburgh chupa kek
@user @user So pretty yet so naive. Great actress though. Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people. Gun control doesnt work. Just look at Chicago.
[ "@user @userSo pretty yet so naive.Great actress though.Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people.Gun control doesnt work.Just look at Chicago." ]
@user @userTan bonita pero tan ingenua.Sin embargo, gran actriz.Todo lo que dijo no era de valores americanos y estaba en contra de la libertad del pueblo americano.El control de armas no funciona.
@user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected." ]
@user Cualquier tejano que conceda la ciudadanía automática a inmigrantes ilegales nunca debe ser elegido.
@user And we I will salute Jim Carey by boycotting his movies and media! 🖕
[ "@userAnd we I will salute Jim Carey by boycotting his movies and media!🖕" ]
@user¡Y saludaré a Jim Carey boicoteando sus películas y medios de comunicación!
@user AMEN HE is with me
[ "@userAMEN HE is with me" ]
@userAMEN ÉL está conmigo
@user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly.
[ "@user Everyone in the US “heard” you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly." ]
@user Todos en los EE.UU. “escucharon” que claramente no estaban calificados para hacer este trabajo y votaron en consecuencia.
@user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him
[ "@user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him" ]
@user Por lo visto este tipo tiene Antifa escrito sobre él
All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished.Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked.#MAGA" ]
Toda esta charla sobre la polla de Trump supuestamente se parece a Sapo de #MarioKart Esta es la única cosa que se ha logrado.Sólo ahora las libs están imaginando a un hombre de 70 años desnudo.#MAGA
@user Documents must be getting close to this crook.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Documents must be getting close to this crook." ]
@user Documentos deben estar acercándose a este ladrón.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user It's not about how much he's played...its about trade value""he is more valuable then a 5th""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userIt's not about how much he's played...its about trade value\"\"he is more valuable then a 5th\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userNo se trata de cuánto ha jugado... su valor comercial""él es más valioso que un 5o""
@user As he said in exchange for a 14 day jail sentence and that's the max both sides could get.
[ "@user As he said in exchange for a 14 day jail sentence and that's the max both sides could get." ]
@user Como dijo a cambio de una sentencia de 14 días de cárcel y eso es lo máximo que ambos lados podrían conseguir.
@user I didn't recognize him without his antifa mask.
[ "@user I didn't recognize him without his antifa mask." ]
@user No lo reconocí sin su máscara antifa.
@user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill.
[ "@user Liberals won't cry over milk they won't spill." ]
@user Liberales no llorarán por la leche que no derramarán.
@user @user @user They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThey should consider gang squad units.They should consider controlling the dope epidemic.They should consider a lot of things.But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control" ]
@user @user @userDeberían considerar unidades de escuadrones de pandillas.Deberían considerar controlar la epidemia de drogas.Deberían considerar muchas cosas.Pero la izquierda perdedora no estaría de acuerdo y simplemente gritaría control de armas.
@user @user Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin? Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres. Trump.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin?Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres.Trump." ]
@user @user ¿Podría alguien esperar algo menos de un tonto como j rubin?Pelo incompetente en llamas libs le cuesta a la gente sus vidas y culparlo Pres.Trump.
@user @user @user @user The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userThe Institution only let her tweet when she behaves.She is a Window Licker!!!!" ]
@user @user @user @userLa Institución solo le permite tuitear cuando se comporta.¡¡¡¡Es una Vitrina de Licker!!!!
@user Definitions for liberals: Dangerous = Exculpatory. More 🤡’s
[ "@user Definitions for liberals: Dangerous = Exculpatory.More 🤡’s" ]
@user Definiciones para liberales: Peligroso = Exculpatorio.
@user He is the best!! They ended them all.
[ "@userHe is the best!!They ended them all." ]
@user¡¡Es el mejor!!Terminaron con todos ellos.
@user He is doing life tho😑
[ "@userHe is doing life tho😑" ]
@userÉl está haciendo la vida tho
@user @user I'm glad Mia is feeling better!
[ "@user @userI'm glad Mia is feeling better!" ]
@user @userMe alegro de que Mia se sienta mejor!
@user @user @user Unless he is resigning!
[ "@user @user @user Unless he is resigning!" ]
@user @user @user ¡A menos que renuncie!
If the statement was so immediate why did the GOP have a letter with 65 signatures. Think they collected that in a day? #maga
[ "If the statement was so immediate why did the GOP have a letter with 65 signatures.Think they collected that in a day?#maga" ]
Si la declaración fue tan inmediata, ¿por qué el Partido Republicano tenía una carta con 65 firmas? ¿Piensan que la recogieron en un día?#maga
@user @user Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl
[ "@user @user Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl" ]
@user @user Ilegal Invader mata a una chica canadiense de 13 años
#MaxineWaters: #Trump ‘Has Displayed the Most Despicable Behavior That Any Human Being Could Do’ #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#MaxineWaters: #Trump ‘Has Displayed the Most Despicable Behavior That Any Human Being Could Do’ #MAGA" ]
#MaxineWaters: #Trump ‘ha mostrado el comportamiento más despreciable que cualquier ser humano podría hacer’ #MAGA
.@USER They both want you to believe in yourself and to do your own research to discover the truth. They want people to see 100% of the big picture (not just the 50% found on #FakeNews that leads people into their echo chambers). #Censorship of #Conservatives is a bad idea!
[ ".@USERThey both want you to believe in yourself and to do your own research to discover the truth.They want people to see 100% of the big picture (not just the 50% found on #FakeNews that leads people into their echo chambers).#Censorship of #Conservatives is a bad idea!" ]
.@USERLos dos quieren que creas en ti mismo y que hagas tu propia investigación para descubrir la verdad.Quieren que la gente vea el 100% del panorama (no sólo el 50% que se encuentra en #FakeNews que lleva a la gente a sus cámaras de eco).#Censura de #Conservantes es una mala idea!
@user Bigly....lol.....bigly? He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to? Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina hats..lol pathetic ass
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Bigly....lol.....bigly?He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to?Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina hats..lol pathetic ass" ]
@user Bigly....lol....bigly?Él no ganó...fue elegido por el pueblo de los Estados Unidos...¿a qué te refieres?Antifa tontos que les patean el culo... sombreros de vagina..lol patético culo
So I’m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.🤷🏽‍♂️😆😆😆
[ "offensive" ]
[ "So I’m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.🤷🏽‍♂️😆😆😆" ]
Así que estoy en la tienda y un tipo entró con una camisa MAGA en (smh ) perro Yo era mala cupgin la mierda fuera de tío tanto que dejó su mujer en la tienda.
@user Truly you are amazing sir ji ..
[ "@user Truly you are amazing sir ji .." ]
@user Realmente usted es increíble señor ji ..
@user @user 4 he is poor
[ "@user @user 4 he is poor" ]
@user @user 4 es pobre
@user College football is much more interesting than the NFL protesters.
[ "@user College football is much more interesting than the NFL protesters." ]
@user El fútbol universitario es mucho más interesante que los manifestantes de la NFL.
@user @user I know right. It pisses me off he is so busy giving himself credit while we are all scared to death here in nc. I don’t trust him
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I know right.It pisses me off he is so busy giving himself credit while we are all scared to death here in nc.I don’t trust him" ]
@user @user Lo sé bien. Me molesta que esté tan ocupado dándose crédito mientras todos estamos muertos de miedo aquí en nc. No confío en él
@user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives who love draft dodgers. I love it.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives who love draft dodgers.I love it." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Conservadores a los que les encanta el proyecto de esquivadores.Me encanta.
@user @user @user Perfectly stated! Love our President! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️
[ "@user @user @user Perfectly stated!Love our President!❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️" ]
@user @user @user ¡Perfectamente declarado!¡Ama a nuestro Presidente!
@user Between that and antifa claiming territory"" like a gang and beating up that vet, the American left just can't stop shooting itself in the foot""
[ "@user Between that and antifa claiming territory\"\" like a gang and beating up that vet, the American left just can't stop shooting itself in the foot\"\"" ]
@user Entre ese territorio y el territorio antifa"" como una banda y golpeando a ese veterinario, la izquierda estadounidense no puede dejar de dispararse en el pie""
@user By citizens he means democrat voters...
[ "@userBy citizens he means democrat voters..." ]
@userPor ciudadanos quiere decir votantes demócratas...
@user Typical sore loser he IS as always! Piece of shit!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Typical sore loser he IS as always!Piece of shit!" ]
@user Típico dolor perdedor que es como siempre! Pieza de mierda!
@user She used her power and authoritative position over this child to manipulate him and get him drunk so she would have him at her disposal. Now she is using her gender as an excuse and claiming the victim assaulted her when we have text messages and pictures that show otherwise
[ "@userShe used her power and authoritative position over this child to manipulate him and get him drunkso she would have him at her disposal.Now she is using her gender as an excuse and claiming the victim assaulted her when we have text messages and pictures that show otherwise" ]
@userUsó su poder y autoridad sobre este niño para manipularlo y emborracharlo para que lo tuviera a su disposición.Ahora está usando su género como excusa y afirmando que la víctima la agredió cuando tenemos mensajes de texto e imágenes que muestran lo contrario
@user You are becoming unhinged with this game....
[ "@user You are becoming unhinged with this game...." ]
@user Te estás desquiciando con este juego...
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or a piss up in a brewery !!Hat" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user O una meada en una cervecería !!Hat
.She is dirty like Trump...She stole Ted Cruz campaign voters list and gave it to Trump
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".She is dirty like Trump...She stole Ted Cruz campaign voters list and gave it to Trump" ]
Ella es sucia como Trump... Ella robó la lista de votantes de la campaña Ted Cruz y se la dio a Trump
@user Good bye Flakey Fake and good riddance!
[ "@user Goodbye Flakey Fake and good riddance!" ]
@user Adiós Flakey Falso y buen viaje!
@user @user And those same politicians from both @user and @user are selling the country down the drain.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user And those same politicians from both @user and @user are selling the country down the drain." ]
@user @user Y esos mismos políticos de @user y @user están vendiendo el país por el desagüe.
@user @user @user How much lonely she is and how much she misses her azeez dost and how much she needs that touch to comfort her restless head right now is all evident in this one freaking scene! Bow to these amazing actors💕 #JenShad is major actors and couple goals💕🔥 #AdiYa #Bepannaah
[ "@user @user @user How much lonely she is and how much she misses her azeez dost and how much she needs that touch to comfort her restless head right now is all evident in this one freaking scene!Bow to these amazing actors💕 #JenShad is major actors and couple goals💕🔥 #AdiYa #Bepannaah" ]
@user @user @user ¡Cuán sola está y cuánto echa de menos su azeez dost y cuánto necesita ese toque para consolar su cabeza inquieta en este momento es todo evidente en esta maldita escena!A continuación, estos actores increíbles #JenShad son actores principales y goles de pareja #AdiYa #Bepannaah
@user @user @user Liberals have made it an art form. #TroughTime🐷 ♠️
[ "@user @user @user Liberals have made it an art form.#TroughTime🐷 ♠️" ]
@user @user @user Liberales lo han convertido en una forma de arte.#TroughTime
@user @user @user Clearly you are right about flaws but why are there DOO trains on this route and RMT are striking on SWR where there are guards — they have obviously agreed to the DOO principle so cannot understand the striking
[ "@user @user @userClearly you are right about flaws but why are there DOO trains on this route and RMT are striking on SWR where there are guards — they have obviously agreed to the DOO principle so cannot understand the striking" ]
@user @user @user Claramente tienes razón sobre los defectos, pero ¿por qué hay trenes DOO en esta ruta y RMT están golpeando en SWR donde hay guardias — obviamente han aceptado el principio DOO por lo que no puede entender el sorprendente
@user I’m a brat ... can’t deal with another woman to long unless she is relaxed like a guy
[ "@user I’m a brat ... can’t deal with another woman to long unless she is relaxed like a guy" ]
@user Soy un mocoso ... no puede lidiar con otra mujer a largo a menos que se relaje como un chico
@user And they say big tech isn’t biased! Give me a break! Wake up people!
[ "@userAnd they say big tech isn’t biased!Give me a break!Wake up people!" ]
@user¡Y dicen que la gran tecnología no es parcial! ¡Dame un respiro! ¡Despierta a la gente!
@user @user Insanity...just like the commies! #hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon
[ "@user @user Insanity...just like the commies!#hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon" ]
@user @user Insanity... igual que los comunistas!#hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon
@user @user Principled conservatives"" are a rogues gallery of NeverTrumpers who were not at all uncomfortable with the idea of HRC winning the 2016 presidential election. In fact, some of them voted for her.""
[ "@user @user Principled conservatives\"\" are a rogues gallery of NeverTrumpers who were not at all uncomfortable with the idea of HRC winning the 2016 presidential election.In fact, some of them voted for her.\"\"" ]
@user @user Principed conservadores"" son una galería de ladrones de NeverTrumpers que no se sentían incómodos con la idea de que el HRC ganara las elecciones presidenciales de 2016.De hecho, algunos de ellos votaron por ella".
@user Not really. Gun control limits one capability to personally safety. It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally. It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense. Just keep a simple background check system we already have.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Not really.Gun control limits one capability to personally safety.It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally.It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense.Just keep a simple background check system we already have." ]
@user Not really.Gun control limita una capacidad a la seguridad personal.Hace que sea aún más difícil para la gente buena comprar armas legalmente.Incluso hará que sea difícil para las mujeres obtener armas para la defensa personal.Solo mantenga un sistema simple de verificación de antecedentes que ya tenemos.
@user Fascism of the right is fully represented by the @user and protected by the @user who hold the left"" to account with their threats to tax havens.""
[ "@user Fascism of the right is fully represented by the @user and protected by the @user who hold the left\"\" to account with their threats to tax havens.\"\"" ]
@user El Fascismo de la derecha está plenamente representado por el @user y protegido por el @user que mantiene a la izquierda"" para tener en cuenta sus amenazas a los paraísos fiscales.""
@user The GOP has blood on their hands. GUN CONTROL!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe GOP has blood on their hands.GUN CONTROL!!!" ]
@userEl GOP tiene sangre en sus manos.
@user @user That's how liberals interoperate the law! One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges.
[ "@user @userThat's how liberals interoperate the law!One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges." ]
@user @user¡Así es como los liberales interoperan la ley!Una razón más para asegurarnos de inundar los tribunales con jueces conservadores.
@user @user #labour and @user can’t commit to ruling out a second referendum as he is trying to be a people pleaser & win every possible vote he could get and positioning themselves either way like @user would not go down well with some voters #conservatives #bbcqt #brexit #eu
[ "@user @user #labour and @user can’t commit to ruling out a second referendum as he is trying to be a people pleaser & win every possible vote he could get and positioning themselves either way like @user would not go down well with some voters #conservatives #bbcqt #brexit #eu" ]
@user @user @user #labour y @user no pueden comprometerse a descartar un segundo referéndum ya que está tratando de ser un pleaser de la gente & ganar cada voto posible que podría conseguir y posicionarse de cualquier manera como @user no iría bien con algunos votantes #conservadores #bbcqt #brexit #eu
💥Putting faces to the Deep State💥 James O'Keefe of @user Announces Deep State Investigation at the Gateway Eagle Forum. Fantastic! Looking forward to this 😁 #ConspiracyNoMore #PatriotsWin #TrumpTreason #TheTruthShallSetUsFree #MAGA #WWG1WGA
[ "💥Putting faces to the Deep State💥 James O'Keefe of @user Announces Deep State Investigation at the Gateway Eagle Forum.Fantastic!Looking forward to this 😁 #ConspiracyNoMore #PatriotsWin #TrumpTreason #TheTruthShallSetUsFree #MAGA #WWG1WGA" ]
James O'Keefe de @user anuncia una investigación de estado profunda en el Foro del Águila de la Puerta.¡Fantástico!Esperando esta #ConspiraciónNoMás #PatriotsWin #TrumpTraition #TheTruthShallSetUsFree #MAGA #WWG1WGA
@user @user Proud gun owner here. Gun control would definitely fix it. Plenty of societies have solved this problem. We can do much better than this.
[ "@user @user Proud gun owner here.Gun control would definitely fix it.Plenty of societies have solved this problem.We can do much better than this." ]
@user @user Orgulloso dueño de la pistola aquí.El control del arma definitivamente lo arreglaría.Plenty de sociedades han resuelto este problema.Podemos hacer mucho mejor que esto.
#qanda There are 208 women in the Commons, up from 191 in 2015, as a result of Thursday's general election. This takes female representation in the Commons to a new high. Overall 32% of MPs are women ... For Labour the figure is 45%, and 21% for the Conservatives"". BBC 2017""
[ "#qanda There are 208 women in the Commons, up from 191 in 2015, as a result of Thursday's general election.This takes female representation in the Commons to a new high.Overall 32% of MPs are women ...For Labour the figure is 45%, and 21% for the Conservatives\"\".BBC 2017\"\"" ]
#qanda Hay 208 mujeres en los Comunes, en comparación con 191 en 2015, como resultado de las elecciones generales del jueves.Esto lleva a una nueva representación femenina en los Comunes.En general, el 32% de los diputados son mujeres...Para el Laborismo la cifra es del 45% y el 21% para los conservadores".BBC 2017""
@user Without the prior existence of fascism Antifa would have no raison d'etre. End fascism and Antifa goes away.
[ "@user Without the prior existence of fascism Antifa would have no raison d'etre.End fascism and Antifa goes away." ]
@user Sin la existencia previa del fascismo Antifa no tendría razón de ser.Fin del fascismo y Antifa desaparece.
@user @user @user No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userNo worries Antifa.You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!!" ]
@user @user @userNo te preocupes Antifa.Todavía puedes vivir en el sótano de tus padres e ir a tu universidad comunitaria!!!
@user When atmosphere turns greenish tint from greenhouse gases and humans eat humans in candy bar form maybe I’ll care. MAGA!!!!!!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWhen atmosphere turns greenish tint from greenhouse gases and humans eat humans in candy bar form maybe I’ll care.MAGA!!!!!!!!" ]
@userCuando la atmósfera se vuelve verde tinte de gases de efecto invernadero y los humanos comen humanos en forma de barra de caramelo tal vez me importe.MAGA!!!!!!!
@user Go to hell! This is NOT Queen for a Day. I believe you less and less with every bit of bullsh*t you pull. You're nothing but a lying Demonrat! #MAGA #Trump2020
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Go to hell!This is NOT Queen for a Day.I believe you less and less with every bit of bullsh*t you pull.You're nothing but a lying Demonrat!#MAGA #Trump2020" ]
@user ¡Vete al infierno!Esto NO es Reina por un día.Te creo cada vez menos con cada pedazo de mierda*¡No eres nada más que un Demonrat mentiroso!#MAGA #Trump2020
@user Does this guy even read the Bible?
[ "@user Does this guy even read the Bible?" ]
@user ¿Este tipo siquiera lee la Biblia?
@user @user @user Gun control works real well in Chicago right Mr Alos
[ "@user @user @user Gun control works real well in Chicago right Mr Alos" ]
@user @user @user Gun control funciona muy bien en Chicago a la derecha Sr. Alos
@user I have backtraced your IP and have sent you information to AntiFa.
[ "@user I have backtraced your IP and have sent you information to AntiFa." ]
@user He retrotraído su IP y le he enviado información a AntiFa.
More like #Putin every day. #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "More like #Putin every day.#MAGA" ]
Más bien #Putin todos los días.#MAGA
@user @user Stricter gun control laws will only be enforced by people with guns.
[ "@user @user Stricter gun control laws will only be enforced by people with guns." ]
@user @user Las leyes más estrictas de control de armas solo serán aplicadas por personas con armas.
@user These bitches on my brain
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user These bitches on my brain" ]
@user Estas perras en mi cerebro
@user @user @user Trump is done. You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userTrump is done.You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!!" ]
@user @user @userTrump está hecho.Eres un anti-ameicano pro-Trump azz!!
@user @user She’s trolling to fuck with you cause some of y’all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe’s trolling to fuck with you cause some of y’all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements" ]
@user @userElla está trolling para joder con usted causa que algunos de ustedes sean rápidos para llamar a mfs coons para desacuerdos menores
@user @user @user Can you eat this child you are wild
[ "@user @user @userCan you eat this child you are wild" ]
@user @user @userPuedes comer a este niño que eres salvaje
@user @user @user @user The choice is simple. If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism. If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great. #VoteRonDeSantis2018
[ "@user @user @user @userThe choice is simple.If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism.If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great.#VoteRonDeSantis2018" ]
@user @user @user @userLa elección es simple.Si votas Gillum estás votando por el Socialismo.Si votas por Ron DeSantis estás votando por todo lo que hace genial a Florida.#VoteRonDeSantis2018
@user @user Hahaha...It didnt happen so she is fine.....
[ "@user @user Hahaha...It didnt happen so she is fine....." ]
@user @user Hahaha...No sucedió así que está bien...
@user Attention! @user is publicizing a Target List for Antifa on his Twitter Account. This list has high profile names and NAMES of random Trump supporters. PLEASE check his list for your name AND report him to @user
[ "@user Attention!@user is publicizing a Target List for Antifa on his Twitter Account.This list has high profile names and NAMES of random Trump supporters.PLEASE check his list for your name AND report him to @user" ]
@user Attention!@user está publicando una Lista de Destinos para Antifa en su cuenta de Twitter.Esta lista tiene nombres de alto perfil y nombres de los partidarios de Trump al azar.PLAESA verifique su lista para su nombre Y reportarlo a @user
@user @user @user @user Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass. Whos your current president?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass.Whos your current president?" ]
@user @user @user @user Te voy a decir una vez más que te jodas antes de bloquearte e informar de tu trasero.¿Quién es tu actual presidente?
@user @user @user She is the “comedian” that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userShe is the “comedian” that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth." ]
@user @user @userElla es la “comediante” que da conferencias a la audiencia durante una hora cómo los hombres blancos son la escoria de la tierra.
@user Don't think she did much to accomplish that goal!
[ "@user Don't think she did much to accomplish that goal!" ]
@user ¡No creas que hizo mucho para lograr ese objetivo!
@user @user @user @user She is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can’t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for. I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userShe is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can’t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for.I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals!" ]
@user @user @user @userElla es una aspirante Hilary Clinton.. No puedo soportar a esa mujer y nada de lo que el NDP representa. ¡Creo que son aún más peligrosos que los liberales!
@user @user Isn’t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Isn’t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa?" ]
@user @user ¿No es esa la perra amazónica de Antifa?
@user Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Likely shift?He is a political operative for the GOP.This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades.It’s sad." ]
Es un operativo político para el Partido Republicano. Este será un sueño de por vida para muchos que han estado trabajando para lograr este resultado durante décadas. Es triste.
@user She is getting big lol
[ "@userShe is getting big lol" ]
@userElla se está haciendo grande lol
*Gets Period* You are the cause of my 𝓭𝔂𝓼𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪
[ "offensive" ]
[ "*Gets Period*You are the cause of my 𝓭𝔂𝓼𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪" ]
Tú eres la causa de mi disforia.
Shits about to Hit the Fan. #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Shits about to Hit the Fan.#MAGA" ]
Mierdas a punto de golpear al ventilador.#MAGA
@user @user John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network" ]
@user @user John Kerry es una rata del pantano nada más nada menos CNN todos sabemos es la red de noticias payaso
@user You are out doing yourself today.
[ "@user You are out doing yourself today." ]
@user Usted está fuera haciendo usted mismo hoy.
@user Another Liar That Broke His Oath
[ "@user Another Liar That Broke His Oath" ]
@user Otro mentiroso que rompió su juramento
@user Take your anti-American crap somewhere else. #TEDCRUZ for Senate!! #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Take your anti-American crap somewhere else.#TEDCRUZ for Senate!!#MAGA" ]
@user ¡Llévate tu basura anti-estadounidense a otro lugar.#TEDCRUZ para el Senado! #MAGA
@user The war on free speech = ANTIFA
[ "@userThe war on free speech = ANTIFA" ]
@userLa guerra contra la libertad de expresión = ANTIFA
@user 7 $ million buyout. Losers.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user 7 $ million buyout.Losers." ]
@user 7 $ millones de buyout.Losers.
@user Russia had Ivan the Terrible. FSU has Willie the Terrible. He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas. We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents. Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Russia had Ivan the Terrible.FSU has Willie the Terrible.He is to FSU what Bitch Rod was to Michigan and Tango Charlie was to Texas.We pay this piece of shit $5 million to put up 10 points against our first two FBS opponents.Even Western Michigan scores 41 against Syracuse." ]
@user Russia tuvo a Ivan el Terrible.FSU tiene a Willie el Terrible.Él es a FSU lo que la perra Rod fue a Michigan y Tango Charlie fue a Texas.Pagamos esta mierda $5 millones para poner 10 puntos contra nuestros dos primeros oponentes de FBS.Incluso el oeste de Michigan marca 41 contra Syracuse.
Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford May Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
[ "Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford May Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\"" ]
Kavanaugh Acusador Christine Blasey Ford puede testificar ante el Comité Judicial del Senado"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
@user And people died in Chicago because of you. Now how stupid does that sound you idiot
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAnd people died in Chicago because of you.Now how stupid does that sound you idiot" ]
@userY la gente murió en Chicago por tu culpa.Ahora, qué estúpido te suena a idiota