@user Please don't tie him to the left - the guys pathalogical Also, let's not make alt-left"" a thing. The alt right are Nazis and white supremacists a bunch of random college / yuppie socialists, podcasters, and a few antifa are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form.""
[ "@user Please don't tie him to the left - the guys pathalogical Also, let's not make alt-left\"\" a thing.The alt right are Nazis and white supremacists a bunch of random college / yuppie socialists, podcasters, and a few antifa are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form.\"\"" ]
@user Por favor, no lo ates a la izquierda - los chicos patológicos Además, no hagamos alt-izquierdista"" una cosa.La alt derecha son nazis y supremacistas blancos un montón de universidades aleatorias / socialistas yuppies, podcasters, y unos pocos antifa no son equivalentes de ninguna manera, forma, o forma."
#Republicans morals are stronger than #Democrat #Liberals Evidenced by trying to stop Liberals from aborting themselves out of existence It's the right thing to do Even though letting them kill off their young so Natural Selection would win would benefit us more #MAGA #KAG""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#Republicans morals are stronger than #Democrat #Liberals Evidenced by trying to stop Liberals from aborting themselves out of existence It's the right thing to do Even though letting them kill off their young so Natural Selection would win would benefit us more #MAGA #KAG\"\"" ]
#La moral republicana es más fuerte que #Democratic #Liberals Evidenced al tratar de evitar que los liberales se aborten a sí mismos fuera de la existencia Es lo correcto a hacer Aunque dejar que maten a sus jóvenes para que la Selección Natural gane nos beneficiaría más #MAGA #KAG""
@user My favorite part is where left leaning people say we should believe all accusations at face value when it comes to sexual misconduct but not when it comes to Keith Ellison. Also I'm a Buddhist who's skeptical, thanks for adding to the all conservatives are Christian"" stereotype.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userMy favorite part is where left leaning people say we should believe all accusations at face value when it comes to sexual misconduct but not when it comes to Keith Ellison.Also I'm a Buddhist who's skeptical, thanks for adding to the all conservatives are Christian\"\" stereotype.\"\"" ]
@userMi parte favorita es donde la gente inclinada a la izquierda dice que debemos creer en todas las acusaciones de valor nominal cuando se trata de mala conducta sexual, pero no cuando se trata de Keith Ellison.También soy un budista escéptico, gracias por añadir a todos los conservadores son estereotipo cristiano".
@user Amen 💯Have. grest Day Edwsrd 🙏 #MAGA 💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "@userAmen 💯Have.grest Day Edwsrd 🙏 #MAGA 💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@userAmen Have.grest Day Edwsrd #MAGA
@user Aww. ☺️ I tried lol. She is such a smart ass though 😂
[ "@user Aww. ☺️I tried lol.She is such a smart ass though 😂" ]
@user Aww. He intentado lol. Ella es un culo tan inteligente aunque
@user Flawed logic. Some/many liberals would identify as Christian. Because this is America and that is the dominate religion. Look at some stats before you make overgeneralization. Take your crazy else where.
[ "@user Flawed logic.Some/many liberals would identify as Christian.Because this is America and that is the dominate religion.Look at some stats before you make overgeneralization.Take your crazy else where." ]
@user Flawed logic.Some/many liberals se identificarían como Christian.Debido a que esto es América y que es la religión dominante.Mira algunas estadísticas antes de hacer una generalización excesiva.
@user Oh I never had any doubt.. Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS.. Jesuit who worships Satan..
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userOh I never had any doubt..Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS..Jesuit who worships Satan.." ]
@userOh nunca tuve ninguna duda..Lea todo sobre las Guerras Sucias también..Él es un slovenly POS..Jesuit que adora a Satanás..
@user If bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not
[ "@userIf bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not" ]
@userSi Bobby está en forma eso es exactamente lo que yo diría pero no estoy seguro de si lo está o no
@user Funny how I never get asked to vote in any of these FAKE polls
[ "@user Funny how I never get asked to vote in any of these FAKE polls" ]
@user Es gracioso que nunca me pidan votar en ninguna de estas encuestas falsas
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AHHHHHHH yes!!!! It's Amish Brother and Antifa Warrior Jaquonadiah. Thank you for clearing that up
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AHHHHHHH yes!!!!It's Amish Brother and Antifa Warrior Jaquonadiah.Thank you for clearing that up" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AHHHHHHH YES!!!Es el hermano Amish y el guerrero Antifa Jaquonadiah.Gracias por aclarar eso.
@user @user Who cares.
[ "@user @user Who cares." ]
@user @user ¿A quién le importa?
@user You may not be funny but you are serving up some serious truth bombs and I love it. Thanks!!!
[ "@user You may not be funny but you are serving up some serious truth bombs and I love it.Thanks!!!" ]
@user Puede que no seas gracioso pero estás sirviendo algunas bombas de verdad serias y me encanta.Gracias!!!
@user Griffin thinks she is funny but she's not. She's a disgusting pig!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Griffin thinks she is funnybut she's not.She's a disgusting pig!!" ]
@user Griffin piensa que es divertida, pero no lo es.¡¡¡Es un cerdo asqueroso!!
@user So y'all are gonna fight against gun control but y'all laughing at this guy literally pulling out a gun and shooting it?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userSo y'all are gonna fight against gun controlbut y'all laughing at this guy literally pulling out a gun and shooting it?" ]
¿Así que van a luchar contra el control de armas pero se ríen de este tipo literalmente sacando un arma y disparándola?
@user A little note for @user -the Bible ( have you ever read that?) says that if the Holy Spirit is in us that we can fight off the devil. You lie and claim that you are holy (no human is holy by the way) so how dare you blame the devil? Your new name is Pope False Prophet"".""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user A little note for @user -the Bible ( have you ever read that?) says that if the Holy Spirit is in us that we can fight off the devil.You lie and claim that you are holy (no human is holy by the way)so how dare you blame the devil?Your new name is Pope False Prophet\"\".\"\"" ]
@user Una pequeña nota para @user -la Biblia (¿alguna vez has leído eso?) dice que si el Espíritu Santo está en nosotros que podemos luchar contra el diablo.Usted miente y afirma que usted es santo (ningún ser humano es santo por cierto) así que ¿cómo se atreve a culpar al diablo?Su nuevo nombre es Papa Falso Profeta""."
@user Early Antifa group. Heavily armed but look happy.
[ "@user Early Antifa group.Heavily armed but look happy." ]
@user Early Antifa group.Heavily armado, pero parece feliz.
@user @user How much you are paying for patrol... ? Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina... Indira... ?
[ "@user @user How much you are paying for patrol... ?Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina...Indira... ?" ]
@user @user ¿Cuánto estás pagando por patrullar... ?¿Crees que es por naheru o Zina... Indira... ?
@user @user Yes I do! Because when he's grumpy he is impossible and he grunts and mumbles and shouts at whoever dares knock on the door of the man cave.... Even at the girls! But when he's being good? No. Not really..😊
[ "@user @userYes I do!Because when he's grumpy he is impossible and he grunts and mumbles and shouts at whoever dares knock on the door of the man cave....Even at the girls!But when he's being good?No.Not really..😊" ]
@user @userSi lo hago!Porque cuando está gruñido es imposible y gruñe y murmura y grita a quien se atreva a llamar a la puerta de la cueva del hombre...¡Incluso a las chicas!Pero cuando está siendo bueno?No.No realmente.
@user Please don't start with what he is concerned about. She wants to go out, if he has something planned or an idea of what to do. Movie or not, it's scary."" Avery felt like there was something she wanted him to know, but she couldn't remember what off the top of her head.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Please don't start with what he is concerned about.She wants to go out, if he has something planned or an idea of what to do.Movie or not, it's scary.\"\" Avery felt like there was something she wanted him to know, but she couldn't remember what off the top of her head.\"\"" ]
@user Por favor, no empieces con lo que le preocupa.Ella quiere salir, si tiene algo planeado o una idea de qué hacer.Movie o no, da miedo"."Avery sentía que había algo que ella quería que él supiera, pero no podía recordar lo que le pasaba por la cabeza".
@user @user LOL!!! I hadn't heard that! I saw the guy who set fire to them BEFORE taking them off though. Now Levis will be for gun control. Will people set fire to their jeans? Will they remember to take them OFF first?
[ "@user @user LOL!!!I hadn't heard that!I saw the guy who set fire to them BEFORE taking them off though.Now Levis will be for gun control.Will people set fire to their jeans?Will they remember to take them OFF first?" ]
@user @user LOL!!!¡No había oído eso!Vi al tipo que les prendió fuego antes de quitárselos.Ahora Levis será para el control de armas.¿La gente prenderá fuego a sus jeans?¿Se acordarán de quitarlos primero?
@user @user @user @user @user she is not a rep.
[ "@user @user @user @user @usershe is not a rep." ]
@user @user @user @user @usershe no es un representante.
@user @user She is but that's not why we're friends.
[ "@user @userShe is but that's not why we're friends." ]
@user @userElla lo es, pero no es por eso que somos amigos.
@user Here he is! Peaking out of a Hizbollah flag.
[ "@userHere he is!Peaking out of a Hizbollah flag." ]
@userAquí está!Peaking fuera de una bandera de Hezbolá.
@user ugh love you gamecocks stay safe and come home to us soon ❤️
[ "@user ugh love you gamecocks stay safe and come home to us soon ❤️" ]
@user ugh te amo gamecocks mantente a salvo y vuelve pronto a casa con nosotros
@user Nope he is called SHAZAM too
[ "@user Nope he is called SHAZAM too" ]
@user Nope también se llama SHAZAM
@user @user @user It's same video posted before. What I did was note that if different race had been in play, it would have been considered hate."" Thus, by objective standards, either that was ""hate,"" or you liberals can't complain about negative references to ""Black men."" Bye-bye, race card.""
[ "@user @user @userIt's same video posted before.What I did was note that if different race had been in play, it would have been considered hate.\"\" Thus, by objective standards, either that was \"\"hate,\"\" or you liberals can't complain about negative references to \"\"Black men.\"\" Bye-bye, race card.\"\"" ]
@user @user @userEs el mismo video publicado antes.Lo que hice fue notar que si diferentes razas hubieran estado en juego, se habría considerado odio"."Así, por estándares objetivos, o eso era "odio", o los liberales no pueden quejarse de referencias negativas a "hombres negros"."Adiós, carta de carrera".
@user It seems Christine Ford was an ANTIFA member! Wiped her social media accounts. What is her involvement in the leftist vandalism in California?
[ "@userIt seems Christine Ford was an ANTIFA member!Wiped her social media accounts.What is her involvement in the leftist vandalism in California?" ]
@userParece que Christine Ford era miembro de ANTIFA!Limpió sus cuentas de redes sociales.¿Cuál es su participación en el vandalismo de izquierda en California?
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem"" we have in this country.""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem\"\" we have in this country.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user revistas removibles siguen siendo un problema, pero limitar las revistas de alta tapa es otra parte de la legislación de control de armas que será necesaria para frenar el problema de salud"" que tenemos en este país".
@user That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThat's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun.That would be a good place to start gun control.Ban liberals from getting guns." ]
@userEso es lo que pasa cuando dejas que un liberal consiga un arma.Ese sería un buen lugar para iniciar el control de armas.Prohibir que los liberales obtengan armas.
@user Ya take advantage of the monuments standing stately around our nation because if the liberals continue they will be no more
[ "@user Ya take advantage of the monuments standing stately around our nation because if the liberals continue they will be no more" ]
@user Ya tomar ventaja de los monumentos que se paran majestuosamente alrededor de nuestra nación porque si los liberales continúan no serán más
@user Amazing how liberals will believe any lie that supports their agenda. This Ford lady is an out right loony tunes liar. kavanaugh’s mother ruled against her parents in court years ago. Ford has scrubbed most of her social media accounts to hide her true leftist activism #LIAR
[ "@userAmazing how liberals will believe any lie that supports their agenda.This Ford lady is an out right loony tunes liar.kavanaugh’s mother ruled against her parents in court years ago.Ford has scrubbed most of her social media accounts to hide her true leftist activism #LIAR" ]
@userAsombroso cómo los liberales creerán cualquier mentira que apoye su agenda.Esta señora de Ford es una loca derechista, la madre de kavanaugh falló en contra de sus padres en la corte hace años.Ford ha limpiado la mayoría de sus cuentas de medios sociales para ocultar su verdadero activismo de izquierda #LIAR
@user @user You are correct.
[ "@user @userYou are correct." ]
@user @userTienes razón.
Adicionei um vídeo a uma playlist @user LIL PEEP Type Beat You're Leaving Already"" | Melancholic""
[ "Adicionei um vídeo a uma playlist @user LIL PEEP Type BeatYou're Leaving Already\"\" | Melancholic\"\"" ]
Adicionei um vídeo a uma listlistlist @user LIL PEEP Type BeatTe vas ya"" Melancólico""
@user Liberal MP Leona Alleslev’s decision to cross the floor & join the Conservatives would seem to be a betrayal of her supporters. Did she consult those who voted her in? Seemingly it’s legal? Imagine if #DougFord decided to cross the floor & become the Liberal Premier. 🤔 😂
[ "@user Liberal MP Leona Alleslev’s decision to cross the floor & join the Conservatives would seem to be a betrayal of her supporters.Did she consult those who voted her in?Seemingly it’s legal?Imagine if #DougFord decided to cross the floor & become the Liberal Premier.🤔 😂" ]
La decisión de @user Liberal MP Leona Alleslev de cruzar el piso & unirse a los conservadores parece ser una traición a sus partidarios.¿Consultó a los que la votaron?Parece que es legal?Imagine si #DougFord decidió cruzar el piso & convertirse en el Premier Liberal.
@user Did he miss his head? This is a total lack of gun control
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Did he miss his head?This is a total lack of gun control" ]
@user ¿Extrañó su cabeza?Esto es una falta total de control de armas
@user It’s (she) is a real problem.
[ "@userIt’s (she) is a real problem." ]
@userEs (ella) es un verdadero problema.
@user But I am a good woman with a gun @user
[ "@userBut I am a good woman with a gun @user" ]
@userPero soy una buena mujer con un arma @user
#meneither! She is a liar. Clear as day a liar.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#meneither!She is a liar.Clear as day a liar." ]
Ella es una mentirosa, clara como el día de un mentiroso.
@user It would be better to call themFaux liberals/Fox Liberals"" b/c the word ""Liberal"" is not bad (moral philosophy) & I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition. Look at the word ""feminism"", society changed its meaning into something negative.""
[ "@userIt would be better to call themFaux liberals/Fox Liberals\"\" b/c the word \"\"Liberal\"\" is not bad (moral philosophy) & I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition.Look at the word \"\"feminism\"\", society changed its meaning into something negative.\"\"" ]
@userSería mejor llamarlosFaux liberals/Fox Liberals" b/c la palabra "liberal" no es mala (filosofía moral) & No quiero que la palabra sea manchada por personas que no conocen la definición real.Mira la palabra "feminismo", la sociedad cambió su significado en algo negativo."
#NowReading: A human rights crisis"" via @user
[ "#NowReading: A human rights crisis\"\" via @user" ]
#NowLeading: Una crisis de derechos humanos"" via @user
@user @user @user @user Exterminated is a little harsh: I agree with your first point whole heartedly. I remember being advised not to go onto ESA as the stress testing was harsh and I would be better off going onto the work program because I was not eligible for any benefits (except housing benefit.
[ "@user @user @user @user Exterminated is a little harsh: I agree with your first point whole heartedly.I remember being advised not to go onto ESA as the stress testing was harsh and I would be better off going onto the work program because I was not eligible for any benefits (except housing benefit." ]
@user @user @user @user Exterminated es un poco duro: Estoy de acuerdo con su primer punto de todo corazón.Recuerdo que se me aconsejó no ir a la ESA ya que la prueba de estrés fue dura y sería mejor ir al programa de trabajo porque no era elegible para ningún beneficio (excepto beneficio de vivienda.
@user I swear. I’m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit. I’m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim🙇🏾‍♀️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I swear.I’m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit.I’m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim🙇🏾‍♀️" ]
@user lo juro. Estoy tan contento de mi culo gordo nunca bebió esa mierda. Estoy tratando de ser delgado pero no slim crankhead
@user @user Actually it’s liberals like Waters and antifa who promote violence
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userActually it’s liberals like Waters and antifa who promote violence" ]
@user @userEn realidad son liberales como Waters y antifa quienes promueven la violencia
@user She is ordinary I didn't watch it Cannot stand her BTW m8 What did she do this time
[ "@userShe is ordinary I didn't watch it Cannot stand her BTW m8What did she do this time" ]
@userElla es ordinaria Yo no lo vi No puedo soportar su BTW m8¿Qué hizo esta vez
@user @user Please Declassify Information so American people will know the TRUTH! For Transparency!! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA
[ "@user @user Please Declassify Information so American people will know the TRUTH!For Transparency!!#BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA" ]
@user @user Por favor desclasifique la información para que los estadounidenses conozcan la VERDAD!!!#BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnisty #NoDACA #MAGA
@user The mother never moved I think I would have at least moved a arm a leg I mean something she is a idiot. Why wasn’t she watching for car geeezzz and the other idiot in the car he/she is blind
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe mother never moved I think I would have at least moved a arm a leg I mean something she is a idiot.Why wasn’t she watching for car geeezzz and the other idiot in the car he/she is blind" ]
@userLa madre nunca se movió Creo que al menos habría movido un brazo una pierna Quiero decir algo que ella es una idiota. ¿Por qué ella no estaba mirando para el coche geezzz y el otro idiota en el coche él / ella es ciego
@user @user This is absolutely hilarious. Liberals are so predictable.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThis is absolutely hilarious.Liberals are so predictable." ]
@user @userEsto es absolutamente hilarante.Los liberales son tan predecibles.
@user ATTENTION! A North Carolina Twitter User...@USER is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET LIST with the names of high profile AND everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has been informed. They have NOT suspended this account. Check out his Lists"".""
[ "@user ATTENTION!A North Carolina Twitter User...@USER is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET LIST with the names of high profile AND everyday Trump supporters.Twitter has been informed.They have NOT suspended this account.Check out his Lists\"\".\"\"" ]
@user ATENTION!Un usuario de Twitter de Carolina del Norte...@USER está publicitando una LISTA DE OBJETIVOS ANTIFA con los nombres de los partidarios de Trump de alto perfil y todos los días.Twitter ha sido informado.Ellos NO han suspendido esta cuenta.
@user God save the United States if this travesty happens a second time. One hopes voters learned their lesson the first time
[ "@user God save the United States if this travesty happens a second time.One hopes voters learned their lesson the first time" ]
@user Dios salve a los Estados Unidos si esta farsa sucede por segunda vez. Uno espera que los votantes aprendieron su lección la primera vez
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user damn...then I'll drink and fight right next to him...OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user dam... entonces beberé y lucharé justo al lado de él... OOH RAH su hora de fiesta y Antifa son las pinatas @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user dam...
@user Didn’t watch and don’t care. #MAGA
[ "@user Didn’t watch and don’t care.#MAGA" ]
@user No miró y no le importó. #MAGA
@user Keep voting for liberals and this is the future
[ "@user Keep voting for liberals and this is the future" ]
@user Sigue votando por los liberales y este es el futuro
@user Ahh yes we are cause some woman who comes out 30 some years later cant be believed. Where was this liberal outrage when the guy from Minnesota was accused of beating his wife. Silent on that one libs god you hypocritical liberals make me sick
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Ahhyes we are cause some woman who comes out 30 some years later cant be believed.Where was this liberal outrage when the guy from Minnesota was accused of beating his wife.Silent on that one libs god you hypocritical liberals make me sick" ]
@user Ahhyes somos causa de que una mujer que sale 30 años después no se puede creer.Dónde estaba esta indignación liberal cuando el tipo de Minnesota fue acusado de golpear a su esposa.Silent en que uno libs dios que liberal hipócritas me hacen enferma
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don’t forget Antifa & Southern Poverty Smear Center.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don’t forget Antifa & Southern Poverty Smear Center." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user No olvides Antifa & Southern Poverty Smear Center.
@user @user You don’t believe this is true fact and AC360 commentary on your tweet. Let say he is wrong in reference to Florence. But is he correct on you NOT visiting any impacted areas. How long you will fool your base fans. Grow up.
[ "@user @userYou don’t believe this is true fact and AC360 commentary on your tweet.Let say he is wrong in reference to Florence.But is he correct on you NOT visiting any impacted areas.How long you will fool your base fans.Grow up." ]
@user @userUsted no cree que esto es un hecho verdadero y AC360 comentario en su tweet.Let decir que está equivocado en referencia a Florence.Pero es él correcto en que no visitar ninguna zona afectada.Cuánto tiempo va a engañar a sus fans de base.Crecer.
@user @user @user @user @user @user 1) A fetus may or may not become a baby. 1/3 or pregnancies end in miscarriage. If a woman had pregnancy complications that could kill her are Conservatives going to let her dies because the fetus she is carrying has a 2/3 chance surviving?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user 1) A fetus may or may not become a baby.1/3 or pregnancies end in miscarriage.If a woman had pregnancy complications that could kill her are Conservatives going to let her dies because the fetus she is carrying has a 2/3 chance surviving?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user 1) Un feto puede o no convertirse en un bebé.1/3 o los embarazos terminan en aborto espontáneo.Si una mujer tuvo complicaciones de embarazo que podrían matarla, ¿los conservadores van a dejar que muera porque el feto que lleva tiene una probabilidad de 2/3 sobreviviendo?
@user @user I hope he is out for the season!
[ "@user @userI hope he is out for the season!" ]
@user @userEspero que esté fuera por la temporada!
@user Why? Why are liberals so trashy?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Why?Why are liberals so trashy?" ]
@user ¿Por qué?¿Por qué los liberales son tan basura?
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user UNDERSTOOD, Sir! Like on the morn of 11/08/16, Nation HUNKERED DOWN 2 cont. 2 help #MAGA, in UR God given STABLE GENIUS wrds:Till The Bitter End""... God speed Tziyon, Shalom! Con musica, Lucho, Latin Jazz Voc.&Comp.""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user UNDERSTOOD, Sir!Like on the morn of 11/08/16, Nation HUNKERED DOWN 2 cont.2 help #MAGA, in UR God given STABLE GENIUS wrds:Till The Bitter End\"\"...God speed Tziyon, Shalom!Con musica, Lucho, Latin Jazz Voc.&Comp.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user Understood, Señor!Al igual que en la mañana del 11/08/16, Nation HUNKERED BAJO 2 cont.2 help #MAGA, in UR God dad STABLE GENIUS wrds:Till The Amartter End""...God speed Tziyon, Shalom!Con musica, Lucho, Latin Jazz Voc.&Comp.""
@user Get away from these lying toxic people!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Get away from these lying toxic people!" ]
@user ¡Aléjate de estas personas tóxicas mentirosas!
@user @user This is why Gun Control is such a horrible idea no matter what the reasoning it it results in this kind of thing.
[ "@user @userThis is why Gun Control is such a horrible idea no matter what the reasoning it it results in this kind of thing." ]
@user @userEsta es la razón por la que Gun Control es una idea tan horrible sin importar el razonamiento que resulte en este tipo de cosas.
@user I believe that Serena would not cheat. Yet even her manager has admitted to breaking the rules. This was not her finest hour. First a temper tantrum then calling the umpire a thief. That crossed the line. She is the one that should apologize.
[ "@user I believe that Serena would not cheat.Yet even her manager has admitted to breaking the rules.This was not her finest hour.First a temper tantrum then calling the umpire a thief.That crossed the line.She is the one that should apologize." ]
@user Creo que Serena no haría trampa.Sin embargo, incluso su gerente ha admitido que ha roto las reglas.Esta no era su mejor hora.Primero una rabieta de temperamento y luego llamar ladrón al árbitro.Eso cruzó la línea.Ella es la que debería disculparse.
@user @user @user German antifastock fought against the Nazis. German antifa rescued jews.
[ "@user @user @user German antifastock fought against the Nazis.German antifa rescued jews." ]
@user @user @user Alemán antifastock luchó contra los nazis.
@user @user What Williams d was take away the attn from a tennis player who won & should have been in spotlight & not Williams.
[ "@user @userWhat Williams d was take away the attn from a tennis player who won & should have been in spotlight & not Williams." ]
@user @userWhat Williams d fue quitar el toque de un tenista que ganó & debería haber estado en el centro de atención & no Williams.
@user @user We don't watch any NFL games. This guy can shove it in his pie hole.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userWe don't watch any NFL games.This guy can shove it in his pie hole." ]
@user @userNo vemos ningún juego de la NFL.Este tipo puede meterlo en su agujero de pastel.
@user @user All he is missing are the inmate number
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userAll he is missing are the inmate number" ]
@user @userTodo lo que falta es el número del recluso
Low T and the Poontang Clan aka Fucking Donald Trump #trump #maga #art #comicart
[ "Low T and the Poontang Clan aka Fucking DonaldTrump #trump #maga #art #comicart" ]
Bajo T y el Clan Poontang alias Maldito DonaldTrump #trump #maga #art #comicart
@user @user He is a godless heathen @user
[ "@user @userHe is a godless heathen @user" ]
@user @userEs un pagano sin Dios @user
@user He will get what he deserves😈
[ "@userHe will get what he deserves😈" ]
@userObtendrá lo que se merece
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Do you know what ANTIFA stands for?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userDo you know what ANTIFA stands for?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ¿Sabe lo que significa ANTIFA?
@user @user @user @user @user I’m gunna fucking die oh my god
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userI’m gunna fucking dieoh my god" ]
@user @user @user @user I'm gunna joddieoh mi dios
@user We in this bitch together 💁🏽‍♂️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user We in this bitch together 💁🏽‍♂️" ]
@user Nosotros en esta perra juntos
@user #NeverWithdraw !! #DianeFeinstein waited on #ChristineFord lies because Dems needed time to scrub the vast amount of Ford's anti-Trump social media rants and coach her to keep her story consistent. #Democrats and #Liberals are evil and mentally sick #ConfirmKavanaugh
[ "@user #NeverWithdraw !!#DianeFeinstein waited on #ChristineFord lies because Dems needed time to scrub the vast amount of Ford's anti-Trump social media rants and coach her to keep her story consistent.#Democrats and #Liberals are evil and mentally sick #ConfirmKavanaugh" ]
@user #NeverRetiren !!#DianeFeinstein esperó en #ChristineFord mentiras porque Dems necesitaba tiempo para limpiar la gran cantidad de despojos de las redes sociales anti-Trump de Ford y entrenarla para mantener su historia consistente.#Democratics y #Liberals son malvados y enfermos mentales #ConfirmKavanaugh
@user She just sounds like she doesn't need to be a cop. Not everyone is cut out for it. I think she got startled when he opened the door and in that short moment of panic pulled her gun and shot. Horrible.i just think she is not made to stay calm in situations.
[ "@user She just sounds like she doesn't need to be a cop.Not everyone is cut out for it.I think she got startled when he opened the door and in that short moment of panic pulled her gun and shot.Horrible.i just think she is not made to stay calm in situations." ]
@user Ella sólo suena como si no necesitara ser policía.No todo el mundo está hecho para ello.Creo que se asustó cuando abrió la puerta y en ese corto momento de pánico sacó su arma y disparó.Horrible.i simplemente creo que no está hecha para mantener la calma en situaciones.
@user I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE & AIR......... Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game.... Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........
[ "@user I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE & AIR.........Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game....Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........" ]
@user Te voy a mostrar la diferencia entre FUEGO & AIRE......Sam Donald Gemini impredecible como aire en sí mismo...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...Él siempre va a estar en FUEGO...Cada golpe de la pelota cada juego todo el juego....Sam Donald basura basura basura Como Donald Trump......
@user Also she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice"" on QT when the ""refugee"" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAlso she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice\"\" on QT when the \"\"refugee\"\" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag\"\"" ]
@userTambién es gruesa como la mierda a pesar de su voz elegante y cerebrosa"" en QT cuando la crisis de "refugiado" estaba en su apogeo, dijo que deberían entrar porque puede haber cirujanos & dentistas entre ellos.
@user Right on Shaft. He is SHAFTICUS !
[ "@userRight on Shaft.He is SHAFTICUS !" ]
@userRight on Shaft.He is SHAFTICUS !
California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews
[ "offensive" ]
[ "California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews" ]
#MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberConductor #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews
@user And don't say anything towards me because my cousins are Puerto Rican my answer Puerto Rican none of them blame from they ain't playing the mayor of Puerto Rico the government
[ "@userAnd don't say anything towards me because my cousins are Puerto Rican my answer Puerto Rican none of them blame from they ain't playing the mayor of Puerto Rico the government" ]
@userY no me digas nada porque mis primos son puertorriqueños mi respuesta Puertorriqueños ninguno de ellos culpa de que no estén jugando al alcalde de Puerto Rico el gobierno
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed" ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario Seguido
@user @user @user You liberals live by double standards. Look at what you did to Monica Lewinski. She was branded a liar and whore even after she produced the evidence. All because good ole Bill is a Democrat! Your all fucking insane!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYou liberals live by double standards.Look at what you did to Monica Lewinski.She was branded a liar and whore even after she produced the evidence.All because good ole Bill is a Democrat!Your all fucking insane!" ]
@user @user @userVos liberales vivís con doble rasero.Mira lo que le hiciste a Monica Lewinski.Ella fue tachada de mentirosa y puta incluso después de que ella presentó la evidencia.¡Todo porque el buen Bill es un demócrata!
@user @user Apparantly that rule of law doesn't apply to Republicans/Conservatives baselessly accused by Dems
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userApparantly that rule of law doesn't apply to Republicans/Conservatives baselessly accused by Dems" ]
@user @userAparentemente que el estado de derecho no se aplica a los republicanos/conservadores acusados sin base por Dems
@user Hectares cultivated with poppy for opium grew exponentially like never before during Obama thou. I bet you celebrated his troop retreat. Myanmar made so much money with the opium they're building a bigger totally modern port
[ "@user Hectares cultivated with poppy for opium grew exponentially like never before during Obama thou.I bet you celebrated his troop retreat.Myanmar made so much money with the opium they're building a bigger totally modern port" ]
@user Hectáreas cultivadas con amapola para el opio crecieron exponencialmente como nunca antes durante Obama thou. Apuesto a que usted celebró su retiro de tropas.Myanmar hizo tanto dinero con el opio que están construyendo un puerto totalmente moderno más grande
@user @user @user @user They are Conservatives to be put on the Supreme Court that don’t have all of these blemishes on their record these questions of their character there are better candidates. They need to find one. This one is the POTUS pic because he thinks the POTUS should be above the law
[ "@user @user @user @userThey are Conservatives to be put on the Supreme Court that don’t have all of these blemishes on their record these questions of their character there are better candidates.They need to find one.This one is the POTUS pic because he thinks the POTUS should be above the law" ]
@user @user @user @userSon conservadores para ser puestos en la Corte Suprema que no tienen todos estos defectos en su registro estas preguntas de su carácter hay mejores candidatos.Necesitan encontrar uno.Esta es la foto de POTUS porque piensa que el POTUS debe estar por encima de la ley
@user @user is a DISGRACE to the United States of America!!
[ "@user @user is a DISGRACE to the United States of America!!" ]
@user @user es un DISGRACIO a los Estados Unidos de América!!
@user @user is a piece of royal shit of Nehru Dynasty. Sometimes I wonder if everything I was taught stands shaken! Eminent Citizen"", ""Liberals"", ""Intellectuals"" all these terms now tell me 1 thing: The person being mentioned is anti-India, feeds off my money & shames me always""
[ "@user @user is a piece of royal shit of Nehru Dynasty.Sometimes I wonder if everything I was taught stands shaken!Eminent Citizen\"\", \"\"Liberals\"\", \"\"Intellectuals\"\" all these terms now tell me 1 thing: The person being mentioned is anti-India, feeds off my money & shames me always\"\"" ]
@user @user es un pedazo de mierda real de la dinastía Nehru.A veces me pregunto si todo lo que me enseñaron está parado sacudido! Ciudadano Eminente", ""Liberales"", ""Intelectuales"" todos estos términos ahora me dicen 1 cosa: La persona que se menciona es anti-India, se alimenta de mi dinero & me avergüenza siempre""
@user Probably say fuck it an do just that
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Probably say fuck it an do just that" ]
@user Probablemente decir que a la mierda un hacer justo eso
@user @user @user And, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country"" list. Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userAnd, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country\"\" list.Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries." ]
@user @user @userY, por supuesto, usted excluye a todos menos a un grupo selecto de (principalmente del noroeste) países europeos y algunos asiáticos de su lista de cualquier país".El control del arma no tiene correlación positiva con tasas de homicidios más bajas, incluso dentro de países Euro seleccionados por cerezos.
@user @user Thanks so much - this was an excellent thread. Definitely going to be taking a look through upcoming class offerings (and hopefully able to take in the SIWC presentation you are doing).
[ "@user @userThanks so much - this was an excellent thread.Definitely going to be taking a look through upcoming class offerings (and hopefully able to take in the SIWC presentation you are doing)." ]
@user @userMuchas gracias - este fue un excelente hilo.Definitivamente va a echar un vistazo a las próximas ofertas de clase (y espero que sea capaz de tomar en la presentación SIWC que estás haciendo).
@user @user You are the man!!!!!
[ "@user @userYou are the man!!!!!" ]
@user @userTú eres el hombre!!!!!
@user you are very generous. <3
[ "@user you are very generous.<3" ]
@user eres muy generoso.<3
Dr. Blasey Ford Kavanaugh #MeToo .@USER .@USER #FemFrauds #MAGA #Maddow #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom
[ "Dr. Blasey Ford Kavanaugh #MeToo .@USER .@USER#FemFrauds #MAGA #Maddow #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom" ]
Dr. Blasey Ford Kavanaugh #MeToo .@USER .@USER#FemFrauds #MAGA #Maddow #MorningJoe #MiércolesViena
@user Haha the devil himself. Now exposed could not wait any longer to call for the wall not too be built.
[ "@user Haha the devil himself.Now exposed could not wait any longer to call for the wall not too be built." ]
@user Haha el diablo mismo.Ahora expuesto no podía esperar más para llamar a la pared no se construye demasiado.
@user i love your voice. how do you get it to sound so sexy and strong? #BarbieDreamsVIDEO
[ "@user i love your voice.how do you get it to sound so sexy and strong?#BarbieDreamsVIDEO" ]
@user me encanta tu voz.¿Cómo haces para que suene tan sexy y fuerte?#BarbieDreamsVÍDEO
@user @user @user @user LMAO. Conservatives lecturing about conspiracy theories. THAT is funny.
[ "@user @user @user @user LMAO.Conservatives lecturing about conspiracy theories.THAT is funny." ]
@user @user @user @user LMAO.Conservatives sermoneando sobre teorías de conspiración.THAT es divertido.
#tcot #MAGA Complacency kills. Vote in November
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#tcot #MAGA Complacency kills.Vote in November" ]
#tcot #MAGA La complacencia mata.Vote en noviembre
@user After slamming the book shut, she carefully balances it on her chair's armrest. Very well. You are forgiven."" With a flick of her wrist, she motions for him to lift his head. ""You stand before Vei'Aran Xilhatarra, First of the Argentborn. Why have you sought me?""""
[ "@user After slamming the book shut, she carefully balances it on her chair's armrest.Very well.You are forgiven.\"\" With a flick of her wrist, she motions for him to lift his head.\"\"You stand before Vei'Aran Xilhatarra, First of the Argentborn.Why have you sought me?\"\"\"\"" ]
@user Después de cerrar el libro, ella cuidadosamente lo equilibra en el reposabrazos de su silla.Muy bien.Estás perdonado.""Con un golpe de su muñeca, ella se mueve para que él levante la cabeza.""Estás ante Vei'Aran Xilhatarra, Primero de los Argentborn.¿Por qué me has buscado?"""
@user CNN = Fake News
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user CNN = Fake News" ]
@user CNN = Noticias falsas
@user incoming the gun control patrol
[ "@user incoming the gun control patrol" ]
@user entrando en la patrulla de control de armas
@user Antifa has never attacked voters by the way. That’s a full on lie. You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable. You might want to reflect on that.
[ "@user Antifa has never attacked voters by the way.That’s a full on lie.You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable.You might want to reflect on that." ]
@user Antifa nunca ha atacado a los votantes por cierto. Eso es una mentira completa.Tienes la dieta informativa de pensar que el algodón de azúcar es un vegetal.Quizás quieras reflexionar sobre eso.