@user I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner 😂😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I hope it was.Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner 😂😂" ]
@user Espero que fuera. Fucken dinosaurio pensó que Steinbrenner
@user @user take your fish and get out!
[ "@user @user take your fish and get out!" ]
@user @user toma tu pescado y ¡lárgate!
@user nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@usernah it's cozyou're a cunt.blocked" ]
@usernah es acogedor. Eres un coño. bloqueado.
@user imagine unironically believing that liberals support antifa
[ "@user imagine unironically believing that liberals support antifa" ]
@user imaginar unirónicamente creer que los liberales apoyan antifa
@user @user WTF was that other than a waste of a minute and change of my life
[ "@user @user WTF was that other than a waste of a minute and change of my life" ]
@user @user WTF era que aparte de un desperdicio de un minuto y el cambio de mi vida
@user Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Curious couldn't find this on your website.Doesn't fit your narrative does it.Cowards." ]
@user Curious no pudo encontrar esto en su sitio web.No encaja con su narrativa lo hace.Cobardes.
@user its so cool that the blind idiot god"" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user its so cool that the blind idiot god\"\" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred\"\"" ]
@user es tan genial que el concepto de dios ciego idiota"" ya es una cosa real de una religión de miles de años de edad, pero peopl ehave para hacer de ella una puta referencia cthulhu para el cricked retardado""
@user ・・・ Did you know that if you are awesome enough to get a Cherry Cola tattoo you’re entitled to a drink on the house at Cherry’s for life?! 🍒🤣🍹
[ "@user ・・・ Did you know that if you are awesome enough to get a Cherry Cola tattoo you’re entitled to a drink on the house at Cherry’s for life?!🍒🤣🍹" ]
¿Sabías que si eres lo suficientemente impresionante para conseguir un tatuaje de Cherry Cola tienes derecho a una bebida en la casa de Cherry de por vida?
@user @user @user then you are a fool too
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user then you are a fool too" ]
@user @user @user entonces también eres un tonto
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And Trump fans are bullies!!! Antifa ?? Steve Scalise ?? Resists Movement ?? You need to get off CNN and MSNBC
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userAnd Trump fans are bullies!!!Antifa ??Steve Scalise ??Resists Movement ??You need to get off CNN and MSNBC" ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @ y los fans de Trump son bullies!!!
@user Hahaha BIG thighs is not going to make it
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Hahaha BIG thighs is not going to make it" ]
@user Hahaha BIG muslos no va a llegar
@user The Dregs of Society"" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user The Dregs of Society\"\" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals.This is who the Democrats support.Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of.\"\"" ]
@user Los Dregs de la Sociedad"" son ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Extranjería Illllegal, Pedofiles y liberales.Esto es lo que los demócratas apoyan.Una vez más, acusando a otros de lo que USTED, Biden es culpable".
Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."" @user #MAGA
[ "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.\"\" @user #MAGA" ]
Cree en algo, aunque signifique sacrificarlo todo". @user #MAGA
@user He doesn’t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him. He doesn’t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not. He is mad as hell but knows that he can’t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe doesn’t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him.He doesn’t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not.He is mad as hell but knows that he can’t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing" ]
@userÉl no sabe si debe golpear a Manifort o chuparle.Él no sabe si debe preocuparse por Junior y Kushner o no.Está loco como el infierno, pero sabe que no puede simplemente despedir a Mueller así que está ocupado vomitando en el baño ahora que entiende que la incautación de activos es una cosa
*hugs Milo* He is mine now and you cannot have him back. >.>
[ "*hugsMilo*He is mine now and you cannot have him back.>.>" ]
* HugsMilo* Ahora es mío y no puedes tenerlo de vuelta.>.>
54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.
[ "54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle.The NRA blames gun control laws." ]
54 trabajadores de fábricas murieron a tiros en Oklahoma con rifle WASR-10 Century Arms.La NRA culpa a las leyes de control de armas.
@user @user El titular de FELON ERIC debería estar en prisión por sus crímenes.
#WalkAway #MAGA Trump adviser eyes entitlement cuts to plug U.S. budget gaps
[ "#WalkAway #MAGA Trump adviser eyes entitlement cuts to plug U.S. budget gaps" ]
#WalkAway #MAGA El asesor de Trump ve recortes en sus derechos para cubrir los déficits presupuestarios de EE.UU.
@user It’s exactly why I tweet!! Well that and making fun of liberals and their insanity!! 🙏🇺🇸❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏 GOD help!!! 🙏❤️✝️✝️❤️🙏
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt’s exactly why I tweet!!Well that and making fun of liberals and their insanity!!🙏🇺🇸❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏 GOD help!!!🙏❤️✝️✝️❤️🙏" ]
@user¡¡Es exactamente por qué tweet!!Bueno, eso y burlarse de los liberales y su locura!!
@user That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThat stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it" ]
@userEsa etapa fue una molestia para la caza terrorista. Me encantó.
@user This wouldn't have become a issue if he had not been choosen for supreme Court that's a fact... Shows liberals for what they are
[ "@userThis wouldn't have become a issue if he had not been choosen for supreme Court that's a fact... Shows liberals for what they are" ]
@userEsto no se habría convertido en un problema si no hubiera sido elegido para la Corte Suprema eso es un hecho...
@user @user Sounds like he joined #Antifa .. Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user
[ "@user @user Sounds like he joined #Antifa ..Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti-#POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user" ]
@user @user Parece que se unió a #Antifa..Gov. @user del estado de #WA recientemente adoptó una postura anti-#POLICE no firmará certificados que reconozcan a los 20 mejores oficiales de la policía por #Policía #Combat competencia excelencia #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user
Are all the republiKlan maga wearing traitors going to dig through their childhood toy chest just to post videos of burning #Ernie & #Bert dolls? #ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Are all the republiKlan maga wearing traitors going to dig through their childhood toy chest just to post videos of burning #Ernie & #Bert dolls?#ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad" ]
¿Todos los republiKlan maga que usan traidores van a cavar a través de su pecho de juguete de la infancia sólo para postear videos de muñecas #Ernie & #Bert?#ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad
@user @user @user @user @user @user She is a master of twisting words. That is her greatest skill
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userShe is a master of twisting words.That is her greatest skill" ]
@user @user @user @user @userElla es una maestra de palabras retorcidas.Esa es su mayor habilidad
@user Beto is anti American and believes in open borders and illegals recieving benefits. Texans need to keep our state red!
[ "@user Beto is anti American and believes in open borders and illegals recieving benefits.Texans need to keep our state red!" ]
@user Beto es antiamericano y cree en las fronteras abiertas y los ilegales que reciben beneficios.Texans necesita mantener nuestro estado rojo!
@user Character of a crook better off using Dillinger
[ "@user Character of a crook better off using Dillinger" ]
@user Personaje de un ladrón mejor usando Dillinger
@user He never did show much intelligence.
[ "@userHe never did show much intelligence." ]
@userNunca mostró mucha inteligencia.
@user Now you are a Netflix whisperer? Jack of all trades right here. 😒
[ "@user Now you are a Netflix whisperer?Jack of all trades right here.😒" ]
@user ¿Ahora eres un susurrador de Netflix?Jack de todos los oficios aquí.
@user @user @user He doesn't care who he hurts as long as he is happy. How could anyone attend that sham of a church?
[ "@user @user @userHe doesn't care who he hurts as long as he is happy.How could anyone attend that sham of a church?" ]
@user @user @userNo le importa a quién lastime mientras esté contento.¿Cómo podría alguien asistir a esa farsa de una iglesia?
@user The Kavanaugh debacle has given me a great number of new accounts to mute on both the Maga side and the blue wave side. Seems nobody stops and thinks, Does this argument help my side, or harm it?""""
[ "@userThe Kavanaugh debacle has given me a great number of new accounts to mute on both the Maga side and the blue wave side.Seems nobody stops and thinks, Does this argument help my side, or harm it?\"\"\"\"" ]
@userLa debacle de Kavanaugh me ha dado un gran número de nuevas cuentas para silenciar tanto en el lado Maga como en el lado de la onda azul.Parece que nadie se detiene y piensa: ¿Este argumento ayuda a mi lado o lo daña?"""
@user @user 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 way to go Liberals... taking away from Americans ... smh
[ "@user @user 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 way to go Liberals... taking away from Americans ... smh" ]
@user @user manera de ir Liberales... quitándole a los americanos ... smh
@user ....and boobs. Do NOT forget the tatas. ❤️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user ....and boobs.Do NOT forget the tatas.❤️" ]
@user ....y tetas.No olvides las tatas.
@user You are such a comedian edd!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You are such a comedian edd!!" ]
@user Usted es un comediante edd!!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user We have the biggest balls of them all.... just saying.🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸MAGA
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userWe have the biggest balls of them all.... just saying.🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸MAGA" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Tenemos las bolas más grandes de todas ellas... diciendo.
@user @user Aside from the whole meat is murder"" nonsense, coastal liberals claim the smoke gives you cancer. Austin tried to ban it in 2015 but it got knocked down.
[ "@user @userAside from the whole meat is murder\"\" nonsense, coastal liberals claim the smoke gives you cancer.Austin tried to ban it in 2015 but it got knocked down." ]
@user @userAparte de que toda la carne es un asesinato"" tonterías, los liberales costeros afirman que el humo te da cáncer.Austin trató de prohibirlo en 2015 pero fue derribado.
@user how long will it take for one of the biggest arsehole's to appear this millennium @user get humiliated and exposed for the corrupt fake lying toad that he is?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user how long will it take for one of the biggest arsehole's to appear this millennium @user get humiliated and exposed for the corrupt fake lying toad that he is?" ]
@user ¿cuánto tiempo le llevará a uno de los mayores gilipollas aparecer este milenio @user ser humillado y expuesto por el falso sapo falso corrupto que es?
@user Bitchhh 😭😭😭😭 she was suppose to order some oatmeal
[ "@user Bitchhh 😭😭😭😭 she was suppose to order some oatmeal" ]
@user Bitchhh se suponía que iba a pedir algo de avena
@user @user I agree with you completely! The views that he has on gun control seems like it’s common sense but why do you think that it’s so uncommon to use common sense when trying to find a way to stop gun violence?
[ "@user @user I agree with you completely!The views that he has on gun control seems like it’s common sensebut why do you think that it’s so uncommon to use common sense when trying to find a way to stop gun violence?" ]
@user @user ¡Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo!Las opiniones que tiene sobre el control de armas parecen ser de sentido común, pero ¿por qué crees que es tan raro usar el sentido común cuando intentas encontrar una manera de detener la violencia con armas?
@user @user He’s made a gun control shift as well. Check his talking points from last cycle.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe’s made a gun control shift as well.Check his talking points from last cycle." ]
@user @userHa hecho un cambio de control de armas también. Compruebe sus puntos de conversación del último ciclo.
@user There is shiva and she is not a boy.
[ "@user There is shiva and she is not a boy." ]
@user Hay shiva y ella no es un niño.
@user Liberal Dictionary: -Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers -Trump Supporters: Deplorable -MS-13 Killers: Human Beings -Human Beings in the Womb: Not Human Beings -Antifa: Protestors -Law Abiding NRA Members: Terrorists -Bill Clinton: Feminist -Brett Kavanaugh: Predator
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Liberal Dictionary: -Illegal Immigrants:Dreamers -Trump Supporters: Deplorable -MS-13 Killers: Human Beings -Human Beings in the Womb: Not Human Beings -Antifa:Protestors -LawAbiding NRA Members:Terrorists -Bill Clinton:Feminist -Brett Kavanaugh: Predator" ]
@user Liberal Dictionary: -Inmigrantes ilegales:Dreamers -Trump Patrocinadores: Deplorable -MS-13 Asesinos: Seres humanos -Seres humanos en la nube: No seres humanos -Antifa:Protestores -LawAbiding NRA Members:Terroristas -Bill Clinton:Feminista -Brett Kavanaugh: Predator
@user @user @user He is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userHe is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly." ]
@user @user @userEs vergonzoso y tan bajo como un ser humano puede disminuir la pérdida de vidas de los ancianos.
@user Man I hope they say if he is playing or not on Saturday
[ "@user Man I hope they say if he is playing or not on Saturday" ]
@user Man Espero que digan si está jugando o no el sábado
@user @user Wonder how many children he molested
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Wonder how many children he molested" ]
@user @user Me pregunto cuántos niños abusó
@user @user @user He is a biased liberal like most media types they still don't realize people have tuned them out long ago. They won't talk about 15 yrs of lieberal scandals/rising debt but reducing 22 council jobs will make them mad!
[ "@user @user @userHe is a biased liberal like most media types they still don't realize people have tuned them out long ago.They won't talk about 15 yrs of lieberal scandals/rising debt but reducing 22 council jobs will make them mad!" ]
@user @user @userEs un liberal sesgado como la mayoría de los tipos de medios de comunicación que todavía no se dan cuenta de que la gente los ha sintonizado hace mucho tiempo.¡No hablarán de 15 años de escándalos lieberales/de deuda creciente, pero reducir 22 puestos de trabajo del consejo los hará enojar!
@user Conservatives can be respected up until the point where they start winning.
[ "@user Conservatives can be respected up until the point where they start winning." ]
@user Los conservadores pueden ser respetados hasta el punto en que empiezan a ganar.
@user Does he know who you are? Lol
[ "@user Does he know who you are?Lol" ]
@user ¿Sabe quién eres?Lol
@user And there I was thinking I couldn't like you any more than I already did... Brilliant. 😀❤️💉❤️😀
[ "@userAnd there I was thinking I couldn't like you any more than I already did...Brilliant.😀❤️💉❤️😀" ]
@userY allí estaba pensando que no podía gustarme más de lo que ya lo hice...Brillante.
@user Freaking casual fans say you are their favorite.
[ "@user Freaking casual fans say you are their favorite." ]
@user Freaking fans casuales dicen que eres su favorito.
@user Another dumbass Democrat. One thing you have to say about this president is he’s not lazy. Another bullshit story as usual
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Another dumbass Democrat.One thing you have to say about this president is he’s not lazy.Another bullshit story as usual" ]
@user Otro estúpido demócrata.Una cosa que tienes que decir sobre este presidente es que no es perezoso.Otra historia de mierda como de costumbre
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't understand your logic.Anyways this is going nowhere.This to me is not acceptable.Maybe you are ok with it." ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario No entiendas tu lógica.De todos modos esto no va a ninguna parte.Esto para mí no es aceptable.Tal vez estés de acuerdo con ello.
@user Would you know who she is?? 😊
[ "@user Would you know who she is??😊" ]
@user ¿Sabes quién es ella??
@user @user here is a guy who was invited to speak at a McCain funeral. #NeverTrump ers are as sick as #AntiFA @user @user
[ "@user @user here is a guy who was invited to speak at a McCain funeral.#NeverTrump ers are as sick as #AntiFA @user @user" ]
@user @user aquí es un tipo que fue invitado a hablar en un funeral de McCain. #NeverTrumpers están tan enfermos como #AntiFA @user @user
@user @user Fuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are! #nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes. What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userFuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are!#nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes.What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue!" ]
@user @userFuck que una perra necesita tener más clase no puedes actuar como un culo porque a alguien le gustó un tweet sobre ti no importa quién seas!#nyfw no es el lugar para decidir estar sobre esa vida y correr y tirar zapatos.Lo que Cardi hizo no fue el problema ¡DÓNDE SE HIZO fue el problema!
[ "offensive" ]
@user Figures! What is wrong with these idiots? Thank God for @user
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Figures!What is wrong with these idiots?Thank God for @user" ]
@user Figures!¿Qué les pasa a estos idiotas?Gracias a Dios por @user
@user I can definitely do that for sure!
[ "@user I can definitely do that for sure!" ]
@user ¡Definitivamente puedo hacer eso con seguridad!
@user - that he is but Jace is also worth it. The hetero keep winning.
[ "@user - that he isbut Jace is also worth it.The hetero keep winning." ]
@user - que él es pero Jace también vale la pena.El hetero sigue ganando.
@user @user Thank You🙏Followed You🍎 #Maga 💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "@user @userThank You🙏Followed You🍎 #Maga 💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@user @userGracias por seguirte #Maga
100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "100% agree with Trump on this.Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral." ]
100% están de acuerdo con Trump en esto.Sorprendido al ver a tantos liberales hablar de lo lindo que estaba husmeando caramelos en el funeral de un criminal de guerra.
98% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Our cities with the highest gun crimes and murders are the cities with the most strict gun control laws. YOUR idea of disarming everyone doesn’t work because CRIMINALS DON’T OBEY LAWS and see easy unarmed prey.
[ "98% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones.Our cities with the highest gun crimes and murders are the cities with the most strict gun control laws.YOUR idea of disarming everyone doesn’t work because CRIMINALS DON’T OBEY LAWS and see easy unarmed prey." ]
El 98% de todos los tiroteos masivos ocurren en zonas libres de armas de fuego.Nuestras ciudades con los crímenes y asesinatos con armas de fuego más altos son las ciudades con las leyes más estrictas de control de armas.
@user @user Far left Antifa just a bunch of bullies who get brave when in a mob confronting a few seems everyone is a nazi if they have a different opinion
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Far left Antifa just a bunch of bullies who get brave when in a mob confronting a few seems everyone is a nazi if they have a different opinion" ]
@user @user Far left Antifa sólo un montón de matones que se ponen valientes cuando en una multitud se enfrentan a unos pocos parece que todos son un nazi si tienen una opinión diferente
@user fake ass emoji
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user fake ass emoji" ]
@user falso culo emoji
@user @user where's McKenna? She no longer using Twitter. Did she defect to the Conservatives?
[ "@user @user where's McKenna?She no longer using Twitter.Did she defect to the Conservatives?" ]
@user @user ¿dónde está McKenna?Ya no utiliza Twitter.¿Desertó con los conservadores?
@user @user After seeing the contents of the post @user I for one are pleased with the legislation we have in regard of gun control. On the other hand legislation does need to be improved to support mental aid to this individual. He has to be sectioned.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user After seeing the contents of the post @user I for one are pleased with the legislation we have in regard of gun control.On the other hand legislation does need to be improved to support mental aid to this individual.He has to be sectioned." ]
@user @user Después de ver el contenido del post @user I para uno, estamos satisfechos con la legislación que tenemos en relación con el control de armas.Por otro lado, la legislación necesita ser mejorada para apoyar la ayuda mental a este individuo.
@user @user @user There’s definitely a feedback loop which is now even warping perceptions within the movement. Labour factions often hate each other more than the conservatives
[ "@user @user @userThere’s definitely a feedback loop which is now even warping perceptions within the movement.Labour factions often hate each other more than the conservatives" ]
@user @user @user Definitivamente hay un bucle de retroalimentación que ahora incluso está distorsionando las percepciones dentro del movimiento.Las facciones obreras a menudo se odian más que los conservadores
.@USER ..... But But But all those gun control laws""?
[ ".@USER .....But But But all those gun control laws\"\"?" ]
.. @USER .... Pero pero todas esas leyes de control de armas ""?
#SJW #Liberals ----------------------- Sweden's Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools via @user
[ "#SJW #Liberals -----------------------Sweden's Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools via @user" ]
#SJW #Liberals ----------------------------------------------------- Los chicos feminizantes de Suecia con escuelas sin género vía @user
This #MEME got me 😂🇺🇸😎 Driving Mrs. Feinstein #Chinese #chinesespy #California #WeThePeople #DrainTheSwamp #Justice #ClintonEmails #MAGA #WWG1WGA @user #CaliforniaWildfires #RedPill #FactsMatter #FactsOnly #MakeCaliforniaGreatAgain #kag #DNC #LiberalLogic #Truth #MSM #facts
[ "This #MEME got me 😂🇺🇸😎 Driving Mrs. Feinstein #Chinese #chinesespy #California #WeThePeople #DrainTheSwamp #Justice #ClintonEmails #MAGA #WWG1WGA @user #CaliforniaWildfires #RedPill #FactsMatter #FactsOnly #MakeCaliforniaGreatAgain #kag #DNC #LiberalLogic #Truth #MSM #facts" ]
Este #MEME me dio Conduciendo a la Sra. Feinstein #Chino #chinesespy #California #NosotrosLa gente #DrainTheSwamp #Justicia #ClintonEmails #MAGA #WWG1WGA @user #CaliforniaWildfires #RedPill #FactsMatter #FactsOnly #MakeCaliforniaGreat #kag #DNC #LiberalLogic #Truth #MSM #facts
... ... ... She is responding to her children... Zero... We have no time... You must find a way to stop Elpizo."" (X, MMZ2)""
[ "... ......She is responding to her children...Zero...We have no time...You must find a way to stop Elpizo.\"\" (X, MMZ2)\"\"" ]
......Ella está respondiendo a sus hijos...Cero...No tenemos tiempo...Debes encontrar una manera de detener a Elpizo."" (X, MMZ2)"
@user @user Ford and the conservatives hates the displays of democratic freedoms hence their attacks on the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms and their hate for minorities constitutional rights #conservativesattackondemocracy in #canada #theCPCisapoliticalhategroup
[ "@user @user Ford and the conservatives hates the displays of democratic freedoms hence their attacks on the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms and their hate for minorities constitutional rights #conservativesattackondemocracy in #canada #theCPCisapoliticalhategroup" ]
@user @user Ford y los conservadores odian las manifestaciones de las libertades democráticas de ahí sus ataques a la carta canadiense de derechos y libertades y su odio por los derechos constitucionales de las minorías #conservativesatackondemocracia in #canada #theCPCisapoliticalhategroup
@user @user She is done out here.
[ "@user @userShe is done out here." ]
@user @userYa está aquí.
@user Gonna boo his ass regardless now
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Gonna boo his ass regardless now" ]
@user Va a abuchear su culo sin importar ahora
@user @user He is guilty until proven innocent!!!
[ "@user @userHe is guilty until proven innocent!!!" ]
@user @userEs culpable hasta que se demuestre su inocencia!!!
@user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Nope.Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think." ]
@user @user @user Nope.Enseñándoles a no importarles una mierda lo que piensan los liberales de CA.
@user surely he is a saint of these latter days
[ "@user surely he is a saint of these latter days" ]
@user seguro que es un santo de estos últimos días
@user @user Notice how focused on him she is in all these pics. None of the kissy pics you see from guys while their girl stares off at the camera or anything but him.
[ "@user @user Notice how focused on him she is in all these pics.None of the kissy pics you see from guys while their girl stares off at the camera or anything but him." ]
@user @user Note lo concentrada que está en él en todas estas fotos.Ninguna de las fotos besadas que ves de los chicos mientras su chica mira fijamente a la cámara o nada menos que a él.
@user This is said by the woman who’s campigne sought dirt on Trump. Who lost by loosing States she could not or would not campaigne in. Trump and his team found the weakness and exploited it. That’s being policallly smart don’t you think? He is the amature here?
[ "@userThis is said by the woman who’s campigne sought dirt on Trump.Who lost by loosing States she could not or would not campaigne in.Trump and his team found the weakness and exploited it.That’s being policallly smart don’t you think?He is the amature here?" ]
@userEsto es dicho por la mujer que la campigna buscó la suciedad sobre Trump. ¿Quién perdió por perder Estados en los que no podía o no haría campaña. Trump y su equipo encontraron la debilidad y la explotaron. Eso es ser políticamente inteligente, ¿no crees?
@user is internet banking down today. I’ve tried logging on several times but it keeps telling me I’ve either been logged off and gives me a number or it says you are experiencing technical difficulties...
[ "@user is internet banking down today.I’ve tried logging on several times but it keeps telling me I’ve either been logged off and gives me a number or it says you are experiencing technical difficulties..." ]
@user es la banca de Internet abajo hoy.He tratado de iniciar sesión en varias veces, pero sigue diciéndome que he sido registrado y me da un número o dice que usted está experimentando dificultades técnicas...
@user @user The no gun zone"" is still having trouble. By all means, gun control is the answer! Lol""
[ "@user @userThe no gun zone\"\" is still having trouble.By all means, gun control is the answer!Lol\"\"" ]
@user @userLa zona sin armas"" sigue teniendo problemas.¡Por supuesto, el control de armas es la respuesta!Lol""
@user @user You look happy .MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou look happy .MAGA" ]
@user @userTe ves feliz .MAGA
@user @user So pointing at the umpire and calling him thief is berating and walking very fast toward an official and calling them f***ing moron is not? I think it is clear who needs help. You are a man perhaps?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userSo pointing at the umpire and calling him thief is berating and walking very fast toward an official and calling them f***ing moron is not?I think it is clear who needs help.You are a man perhaps?" ]
@user @userAsí que señalar al árbitro y llamarlo ladrón es reprender y caminar muy rápido hacia un oficial y llamarlos idiota f***ing ¿no es así?Creo que está claro quién necesita ayuda.¿Usted es un hombre tal vez?
@user @user @user You make no sense. “Antifa” is a cut-down word for ANTI-fascist. NAZIs are Hitler fascists by definition. Many so-called right-wingers tend to fascist views. Trump does. Just listen to him. The so-called left is far from fascist.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYou make no sense.“Antifa” is a cut-down word for ANTI-fascist.NAZIs are Hitler fascists by definition.Many so-called right-wingers tend to fascist views.Trump does.Just listen to him.The so-called left is far from fascist." ]
@user @user @userNo tiene sentido. “Antifa” es una palabra corta para ANTI-fascista.Los NAZI son fascistas de Hitler por definición.Muchos de los llamados derechistas tienden a puntos de vista fascistas.Trump sí.Escúchelo.La llamada izquierda está lejos de ser fascista.
@user He is still one of my favorites
[ "@userHe is still one of my favorites" ]
@userTodavía es uno de mis favoritos
@user Patty. You are injury prone like me. 😅
[ "@user Patty.You are injury prone like me.😅" ]
@user Patty.Usted es propenso a la lesión como yo.
@user This is so fake he’s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn’t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis is so fake he’s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn’t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG" ]
@userEsto es tan falso que es incapaz de sentir verdaderos sentimientos que incluso miente cuando dice algo y ella es tan estúpida al estar de pie junto a un hombre que claramente no respeta la unidad del matrimonio mientras estaba con ella y pagar a estas mujeres fuera de DIVORCIO ESTÁ DESTACADO COMO SUS OTRAS ESPERANZAS
@user @user When tRUmp posts shit like this you know that he is distracting from something else that is going on. #Distractification
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user When tRUmp posts shit like this you know that he is distracting from something else that is going on.#Distractification" ]
@user @user Cuando tRUmp publica mierda como esta, sabes que está distrayendo de algo más que está pasando.#Distractificación
@user @user @user He's walking on a street with the strictest gun control in the USA. 1+1=2.
[ "@user @user @userHe's walking on a street with the strictest gun control in the USA. 1+1=2." ]
@user @user @userEstá caminando por una calle con el control de armas más estricto en los EE.UU. 1+1=2.
@user I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be/do. Shameful!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be/do.Shameful!" ]
@user ¡Espero que el departamento de policía ENTIRE sea cerrado!Obviamente todos ustedes sienten que están por encima de la ley.Obviamente son incapaces de responsabilizar a su PROPIO por violar la ley.Obviamente socavan todo lo que un oficial de policía & amp;dept se supone que sea / sea.¡Vergonzoso!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Idk some Antifa nut job
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userIdk some Antifa nut job" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
#TheWallStreetJournal | Mass shootings have made gun control a key... #WallStreetJournal
[ "#TheWallStreetJournal | Mass shootings have made gun control a key...#WallStreetJournal" ]
#TheWallStreetJournal Los tiroteos masivos han hecho del control de armas una llave...#WallStreetJournal
@user Thanks she is sweet. Very very timid skiddish scared of every sound so this hurricane isn't helping her adjust BUT today she started being playful😊
[ "@user Thanks she is sweet.Very very timid skiddish scared of every sound so this hurricane isn't helping her adjust BUT today she started being playful😊" ]
@user Gracias ella es dulce. Muy tímido skiddish miedo de cada sonido así que este huracán no está ayudando a su ajuste PERO hoy comenzó a ser juguetona
.@USER @user says the UK doesn't diagnose cancer early enough. He hopes trials of special diagnostic centres will help in the future: #NHS70
[ ".@USER @user says the UK doesn't diagnose cancer early enough.He hopes trials of special diagnostic centres will help in the future: #NHS70" ]
.@USER @user dice que el Reino Unido no diagnostica el cáncer lo suficientemente temprano y espera que los ensayos de centros de diagnóstico especiales ayuden en el futuro: #NHS70
@user @user @user I refuse to acknowledge the scampi nik nak. Nice and spicy obscures it through sheer brilliantness.
[ "@user @user @userI refuse to acknowledge the scampi nik nak.Nice and spicy obscures it through sheer brilliantness." ]
@user @user @userMe niego a reconocer el scampi nik nak.Nice y picante lo oscurece a través de pura brillantez.
@user Looks like gun control"" works in Chicago 😄👽""
[ "@user Looks like gun control\"\" works in Chicago 😄👽\"\"" ]
@user Parece control de armas"" trabaja en Chicago """
@user @user @user Why do you think? It really doesn't matter who she's representing. We know it's not the people. By extension we know she lies pretending she is weighing the evidence. She is always only looking for an excuse for her votes supporting whoever owns her.
[ "@user @user @userWhy do you think?It really doesn't matter who she's representing.We know it's not the people.By extension we know she lies pretending she is weighing the evidence.She is always only looking for an excuse for her votes supporting whoever owns her." ]
@user @user @user¿Por qué crees?Realmente no importa a quién representa.Sabemos que no es la gente.Por extensión sabemos que miente fingiendo que está sopesando la evidencia.Siempre está buscando una excusa para sus votos apoyando a quien sea su dueño.
@user @user She is from IL and say’s she knows predators? Anyone else coming to mind? Buehler.....That’s called transference and is typical and expected.
[ "@user @userShe is from IL and say’sshe knows predators?Anyone else coming to mind?Buehler.....That’s called transference and is typical and expected." ]
@user @userElla es de IL y dice que conoce a los depredadores?¿Alguien más viene a la mente?Buehler.....Eso se llama transferencia y es típico y esperado.
@user @user @user @user Police reform yes. We should try that. Gun control? We’ve tried that over and over again. It doesn’t work. But maybe it’s like socialism or communism. We just haven’t done it right yet. /Sarcasm
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userPolice reformyes.We should try that.Gun control?We’ve tried that over and over again.It doesn’t work.But maybe it’s like socialism or communism.We just haven’t done it right yet./Sarcasm" ]
@user @user @user @userPolice reformyes.Deberíamos intentar eso.Control de armas?Lo hemos intentado una y otra vez.No funciona.Pero tal vez sea como el socialismo o el comunismo.No lo hemos hecho bien todavía./Sarcasm
[ "@user ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!" ]
@user He is also still behind
[ "@userHe is also still behind" ]
@userTambién está detrás