@user And he said in America. Heads up Antifa. Ur neck is about to be stepped on.
[ "@userAnd he said in America.Heads up Antifa.Ur neck is about to be stepped on." ]
@userY dijo que en Estados Unidos.Cabeza en el cuello de Antifa.Ur está a punto de ser pisado.
@user LOL!!! Hysterical!! Please add the fact that she looks like she is actually DEAD""""
[ "@user LOL!!!Hysterical!!Please add the fact that she looks like she is actually DEAD\"\"\"\"" ]
@user LOL!!!Hysterical!!Por favor agregue el hecho de que parece que realmente está MUERTA""""
@user @user What's a ten commandments?""""
[ "@user @userWhat's a ten commandments?\"\"\"\"" ]
@user @user¿Qué son diez mandamientos?""""
[ "offensive" ]
@user Forevaaaaaaaaaaa 👯‍♀️
[ "@user Forevaaaaaaaaaaa 👯‍♀️" ]
@user Forevaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@user @user Conservatives are notoriously gullible. I use wanted to make sure you knew.
[ "@user @user Conservatives are notoriously gullible.I use wanted to make sure you knew." ]
@user @user Los conservadores son notoriamente crédulos.Yo uso quería asegurarme de que lo supieras.
@user LMFAOOO IMAGINEEE but even if i did i wouldn’t say shit cos this fandom would go on fire
[ "@user LMFAOOO IMAGINEEE but even if i did i wouldn’t say shit cos this fandom would go on fire" ]
@user LMFAOOO IMAGINEEE pero incluso si lo hiciera no diría mierda porque este fandom se incendiaría
@user @user LMAO CRY ME A RIVER YOU SCHMUCK! we had to put up with OVOMIT for 8 LONG YEARS! We kept our mouths shut and put our noses to the grind wheel!!!!! We didn’t RIOT AND CRY!!! GROW UP!
[ "@user @user LMAO CRY ME A RIVER YOU SCHMUCK!we had to put up with OVOMIT for 8 LONG YEARS!We kept our mouths shut and put our noses to the grind wheel!!!!!We didn’t RIOT AND CRY!!!GROW UP!" ]
@user @user LMAO CRY ME A RIEVER YOU SCHMUCK!¡Tuvimos que aguantar a OVOMIT durante 8 AÑOS LARGO!¡Mantuvimos nuestras bocas cerradas y pusimos nuestras narices en la rueda de moler!!!!¡¡¡No RIOTAMOS Y LRAMOS!
@user @user Real conservatives are stepping up.
[ "@user @user Real conservatives are stepping up." ]
@user @user Los conservadores reales están avanzando.
@user 😂😂😂😂😂😂 if I say you are mad now you will say I'm tired of you.
[ "@user 😂😂😂😂😂😂 if I say you are mad now you will say I'm tired of you." ]
@user si digo que estás loco ahora dirás que estoy cansado de ti.
@user Thank You Iron Lilies For very Beatiful pics with Harley Davidson Bikes This Looks Like an Easy Rider Modified Sportster
[ "@userThank You Iron Lilies For very Beatiful pics with Harley Davidson Bikes This Looks Like an Easy Rider Modified Sportster" ]
@userThank You Iron Lilies Para fotos muy beatiful con Harley Davidson Bikes Esto parece un fácil jinete modificado deportivo
@user tal vez... HMM... No lo sé... Fix the MVP agressive KIT MVP de la música suenan que el juego full volume incluso si está apagado en las fijaciones (im typing en caps porque me quedé muerto después de que todo el equipo usó ese kit)
@user @user James she is neck deep in her own confirmation bias she is unable to see logic and reason at this point.
[ "@user @user James she is neck deep in her own confirmation bias she is unable to see logic and reason at this point." ]
@user @user James ella es cuello profundo en su propio sesgo de confirmación ella es incapaz de ver la lógica y la razón en este punto.
@user @user You align yourself with an organization that butchers babies for profit. Than scream about the need for gun control and the violence against our children but somehow your OK with the butchering of 100s thousands of innocent defenseless babies every yr If it lines your pockets.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou align yourself with an organization that butchers babies for profit.Than scream about the need for gun control and the violence against our children but somehow your OK with the butchering of 100s thousands of innocent defenseless babies every yrIf it lines your pockets." ]
@user @userUsted se alinea con una organización que masacra bebés con fines de lucro.Han grita sobre la necesidad de control de armas y la violencia contra nuestros niños, pero de alguna manera su OK con la matanza de 100s miles de bebés inocentes indefensos cada añoSi llena sus bolsillos.
@user @user @user This is what is driving conservatives crazy. A GOP that won't stand against a dirty liberal mob. #WakeUpStandUpSpeakUp
[ "@user @user @userThis is what is driving conservatives crazy.A GOP that won't stand against a dirty liberal mob.#WakeUpStandUpSpeakUp" ]
@user @user @userEsto es lo que está volviendo locos a los conservadores.Un GOP que no se opondrá a una chusma liberal sucia.#WakeUpStandUpSpeakUp
#RSSReachesOut This one step by the RSS can show the sense of nationalism it has when other UrbanNaxals are colluding with each other only to tear India apart. @user @user @user @user are working so hard for the downfall of India. Shame on liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#RSSReachesOut This one step by the RSS can show the sense of nationalism it has when other UrbanNaxals are colluding with each other only to tear India apart.@user @user @user @user are working so hard for the downfall of India.Shame on liberals" ]
#RSSReachesOut Este paso del RSS puede mostrar la sensación de nacionalismo que tiene cuando otros UrbanNaxals están conspirando entre sí sólo para destrozar a India.@user @user @user @user están trabajando tan duro para la caída de India.
@user @user Those two definitely could I agree and even last year Tom threw for 500 and lost. One strip sack away from possibly driving down and doing what he does best which is win Super Bowls. It goes both ways though - Tom is also a helmet catch away from winning another ring as well
[ "@user @user Those two definitely could I agree and even last year Tom threw for 500 and lost.One strip sack away from possibly driving down and doing what he does best which is win Super Bowls.It goes both ways though - Tom is also a helmet catch away from winning another ring as well" ]
@user @user Esos dos definitivamente podría estar de acuerdo e incluso el año pasado Tom lanzó por 500 y perdió.Un saco de striptease lejos de posiblemente conducir hacia abajo y hacer lo que hace mejor que es ganar Super Bowls.It va en ambos sentidos aunque - Tom también es una captura de casco de ganar otro anillo también
29. @user Listened To The Liberals; Democrats And Their Bed-Buddies In the MSM DEMAND Transparency"" From the @user Well, Your About To Get A YUGE Scoop Of ""Transparency"" From him. Like I Said In the Start of This Thread: Be Careful What You Wish For. ~End.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "29.@user ListenedTo The Liberals; Democrats And Their Bed-Buddies In the MSM DEMAND Transparency\"\" From the @userWell, Your About To Get A YUGE Scoop Of \"\"Transparency\"\" From him.Like I Said In the Start of This Thread: Be Careful What You Wish For. ~End." ]
29.@user Escuchado a los liberales; Demócratas y sus compañeros de cama en la transparencia MSM DEMAND""" De la @userBueno, su a punto de obtener un golpe YUGE de ""Transparencia"" de él.Como dije en el comienzo de este hilo de discusión: Tenga cuidado con lo que desea. ~Fin.
🛑 BizPac Review News 🛑 👉 The priceless moment Rachel Maddow invokes Bill Clinton to ask Hillary if Kavanaugh will get due process #MAGA 🇺🇸 #2A #Prolife
[ "🛑 BizPac Review News 🛑 👉 The priceless moment Rachel Maddow invokes Bill Clinton to ask Hillary if Kavanaugh will get due process #MAGA 🇺🇸 #2A #Prolife" ]
BizPac Reseña Noticias El momento invaluable Rachel Maddow invoca a Bill Clinton para preguntar a Hillary si Kavanaugh obtendrá el debido proceso #MAGA 2A #Prolife
@user He is a child ~ a retarded one.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is a child ~ a retarded one." ]
@userEs un niño ~ un retrasado.
@user You act like that won't be fun for both of us."" She contemplates getting down, he's been gone for a few minutes and she's just standing on a chair like a weirdo. Just as she is about to get down she sees him walk through the door. ""Technically I only thought about it.""""
[ "@userYou act like that won't be fun for both of us.\"\" She contemplates getting down, he's been gone for a few minutes and she's just standing on a chair like a weirdo.Just as she is about to get down she sees him walk through the door.\"\"Technically I only thought about it.\"\"\"\"" ]
@userActúas como si eso no fuera divertido para los dos"."Ella contempla bajarse, él se ha ido por unos minutos y ella está de pie en una silla como un bicho raro.Justo cuando ella está a punto de bajar lo ve caminar por la puerta.""Técnicamente sólo pensé en ello."""
@user @user Why didn't she save her grandfather in Puerto Rico if she had that kind of cash? Bc She is socialist.
[ "@user @user Why didn't she save her grandfather in Puerto Rico if she had that kind of cash?BcShe is socialist." ]
@user @user ¿Por qué no salvó a su abuelo en Puerto Rico si tenía ese tipo de dinero?BcElla es socialista.
@user Olive love the pool at Green Beagle Lodge when I am out of town! She is a good girl!
[ "@user Olive love the pool at Green Beagle Lodge when I am out of town!She is a good girl!" ]
@user Olive ama la piscina en Green Beagle Lodge cuando estoy fuera de la ciudad!Ella es una buena chica!
@user it’s like saying you’re pale! you live in the north pole! bitchass dipfuck
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user it’s like saying you’re pale!you live in the north pole!bitchass dipfuck" ]
@user es como decir que eres pálido! vives en el polo norte!bitchass dipfuck
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed and retweeted. I follow all Trump supporters.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userFollowed and retweeted.I follow all Trump supporters." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSeguido y retweeted.Sigo a todos los partidarios de Trump.
#science #ecology #health #nature The Problem of the One and the Many in Gun Control
[ "#science #ecology #health #nature The Problem of the One and the Many in Gun Control" ]
#ciencia #ecología #salud #naturaleza El problema de uno y muchos en el control de armas
@user Bitter Barack loves a free press as long as they were on his band wagon.
[ "@user Bitter Barack loves a free press as long as they were on his band wagon." ]
@user Amargo a Barack le encanta una prensa libre siempre y cuando estaban en su carro de la banda.
7Y/O: do you think I could jump that? *gestures to a dead raccoon on road* Me: probably. 7Y/O successful jumps raccoon with her bike and I’m super happy that she is kind of dead inside like me.
[ "7Y/O: do you think I could jump that?*gestures to a dead raccoon on road*Me: probably.7Y/O successful jumps raccoon with her bikeand I’m super happy that she is kind of dead inside like me." ]
7Y/O: ¿crees que podría saltar eso?* gestos a un mapache muerto en la carretera* Yo: probablemente.7Y/O saltos exitosos mapache con su bicicleta y estoy super feliz de que ella está un poco muerta dentro como yo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Come out and disavow WS and the 👌 sign or else you are linked to Charlottesville and Trump. And don’t say antifa is bad too...
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userCome out and disavow WS and the 👌 sign or else you are linked to Charlottesville and Trump.And don’t say antifa is bad too..." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @userSalga y desautorice WS y el signo o estará vinculado a Charlottesville y Trump. Y no diga que el antifa es malo también...
@user - both don’t support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget . - both didn’t do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user - both don’t support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget .- both didn’t do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill" ]
@user - ambos no apoyan a Medicare para todos - ambos votaron en contra de los soñadores - ambos votaron a favor de la ley racista de brutalidad policial - ambos votaron a favor de Donald Trump y un presupuesto militar aún más grande . - ambos no hicieron nada en el control de armas - ambos votaron a favor de la ley racista de préstamos de día de pago
1st thing Liberals and Conservatives want to pass is the TPP trade deal via @user #cdnpoli #tpp #nafta
[ "1st thing Liberals and Conservatives want to pass is the TPP trade deal via @user #cdnpoli #tpp #nafta" ]
Lo primero que los liberales y conservadores quieren aprobar es el acuerdo comercial del TPP vía @user #cdnpoli #tpp #nafta
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Gun control is racist.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Gun control is racist." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user El control de armas es racista.
@user Who will abuse it the most: liberals or RINOS?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Who will abuse it the most: liberals or RINOS?" ]
@user ¿Quién abusará más de ella: liberales o RINOS?
@user @user To justify his death to racists & bigots. They're excuse will be well he had weed so he is a criminal & deserved to be murdered. Just wait till the excuses start.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user To justify his death to racists & bigots.They're excuse will be well he had weed so he is a criminal & deserved to be murdered.Just wait till the excuses start." ]
@user @user Para justificar su muerte a los racistas & intolerantes.Son excusa estará bien que había hierba por lo que es un criminal & merecía ser asesinado.Sólo espera a que las excusas comiencen.
@user Oh no! Hope you are okay.
[ "@userOh no!Hope you are okay." ]
@userOh no!Espero que estés bien.
@user @user Ciara has stopped me from doing so much dumb ass shit god bless that woman
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Ciara has stopped me from doing so much dumb ass shit god bless that woman" ]
@user @user Ciara me ha impedido hacer tanta mierda de culo tonto Dios bendiga a esa mujer
#TuesdayThoughts Got a gut feeling TWITTER is now in the gunsights of the Government and President Trump for Anti-Trust violations censoring and shaddowbanning Conservatives --- watch for Big News coming out soon.
[ "#TuesdayThoughts Got a gut feeling TWITTER is now in the gunsights of the Government and President Trump for Anti-Trust violations censoring and shaddowbanning Conservatives --- watch for Big News coming out soon." ]
#MartesPensamientos Tengo la corazonada de que TWITTER está ahora en la mira del gobierno y el presidente Trump por violaciones anti-trust censurando y saboteando a los conservadores --- mira las Big News que saldrán pronto.
@user @user @user @user @user U liberals ALWAYS pull the race card... I see TRUTH NO MATTER WHAT SKIN COLOR!! THEY SOLD US ALL OUT! U WOULD KNOWTHAT IF U RESEARCHED TRUTH
[ "@user @user @user @user @user U liberals ALWAYS pull the race card...I see TRUTHNO MATTER WHAT SKIN COLOR!!THEY SOLD US ALL OUT!U WOULD KNOWTHAT IF U RESEARCHED TRUTH" ]
@user @user @user @user @user U liberales siempre tiran de la carta de la carrera...Veo VERDAD IMPORTANTE LO QUE SKIN COLOR!!ELLOS nos vendieron a todos!SABÍAMOS QUE SI INVESTIGAMOS LA VERDAD
@user Step 1: Approach the fascist from behind."" I see two problems with this, the first being that it would require the antifa member to recognize their own projection.""
[ "@user Step 1: Approach the fascist from behind.\"\" I see two problems with this, the first being that it would require the antifa member to recognize their own projection.\"\"" ]
@user Paso 1: Acércate al fascista por detrás." "Veo dos problemas con esto, el primero es que requeriría que el miembro antifa reconociera su propia proyección".
@user @user @user @user Also cancel school debt"" is the most stupid of all of her ideas. And far left idea of free college is bigoted idea. No wonder conservatives call us ""elitists"". Who is going to pay for technical/trade schools 4 those who are not ""book smart""? Crazy!""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Also cancel school debt\"\" is the most stupid of all of her ideas.And far left idea of free college is bigoted idea.No wonder conservatives call us \"\"elitists\"\".Who is going to pay for technical/trade schools 4 those who are not \"\"book smart\"\"?Crazy!\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user También cancele la deuda de la escuela"" es la idea más estúpida de todas sus ideas.Y la idea de lejos izquierda de la universidad libre es una idea intolerante.No es de extrañar que los conservadores nos llamen "elitistas".¿Quién va a pagar por las escuelas técnicas/de comercio 4 aquellos que no son "inteligentes de libros"?
@user @user You are out of you damn mind! Feinstinkle had this band then leaked it! She took a lie detector test and hired a lawyer last month! She is accusing a judge of a crime that is 35 years old with no proof! Ruining a mans life over an accusation with no proof you STFU
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou are out of you damn mind!Feinstinkle had this band then leaked it!She took a lie detector test and hired a lawyer last month!She is accusing a judge of a crime that is 35 years old with no proof!Ruining a mans life over an accusation with no proof you STFU" ]
@user @user¡Estás fuera de tu maldita mente!¡Feinstinkle tuvo esta banda luego la filtró!¡Ella tomó una prueba de detector de mentiras y contrató a un abogado el mes pasado!¡Ella está acusando a un juez de un crimen que tiene 35 años sin pruebas!
@user You got this. Whatever the problem you are strong enough to overcome it. It gets easier everyday.
[ "@userYou got this.Whatever the problem you are strong enough to overcome it.It gets easier everyday." ]
@userTienes esto.Cualquiera que sea el problema que eres lo suficientemente fuerte para superarlo.Se hace más fácil todos los días.
Keep Texas RED #Cruz 🇺🇸 We are the MAGA CAMPAIGN
[ "Keep Texas RED #Cruz 🇺🇸We are the MAGA CAMPAIGN" ]
#Cruz Somos la CAMPAÑA MAGA
‘She’s NOT in charge of the Senate!’ WATCH Megyn Kelly UNLOAD on Ford for demanding an FBI investigation"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
[ "‘She’s NOT in charge of the Senate!’WATCH Megyn Kelly UNLOAD on Ford for demanding an FBI investigation\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\"" ]
‘¡Ella NO está a cargo del Senado!’ #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"
@user @user Obama tried to cripple this nation! He lied and said he was a Christian! When actually he is a radical Muslim!
[ "@user @user Obama tried to cripple this nation!He lied and said he was a Christian!When actually he is a radical Muslim!" ]
@user @user Obama trató de paralizar a esta nación!Mintió y dijo que era un cristiano!Cuando en realidad es un musulmán radical!
@user @user I wonder which one is the Democrat and which is the Republican. The dude is now totally for gun control. 😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I wonder which one is the Democrat and which is the Republican.The dude is now totally for gun control.😂" ]
@user @user Me pregunto cuál es el Demócrata y cuál es el Republicano.El tipo ahora es totalmente para el control de armas.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thank you for allowing me aboard! Proudly following all #MAGA #KAG Patriots 🇺🇸
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userThank you for allowing me aboard!Proudly following all #MAGA #KAG Patriots 🇺🇸" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user¡Gracias por permitirme subir a bordo!
@user And apparently Serena’s cheating and temper tantrum was the only pathway to this endeavor.
[ "@userAnd apparently Serena’s cheating and temper tantrum was the only pathway to this endeavor." ]
@userY aparentemente el engaño y la rabieta de Serena fue el único camino a este esfuerzo.
@user Why should she go? She is a whole person on her own. She can do her job regardless.
[ "@user Why should she go?She is a whole person on her own.She can do her job regardless." ]
@user ¿Por qué debería ir?Ella es toda una persona por su cuenta.Ella puede hacer su trabajo sin importar.
@user @user liked Trump but he is too scared from democrats. Plus he is making millions making unprofessional short videos. Its pretty much like looting the liberals but legally
[ "@user @user liked Trumpbut he is too scared from democrats.Plus he is making millions making unprofessional short videos.Its pretty much like looting the liberals but legally" ]
A @user @user le gustaba Trump, pero está demasiado asustado de los demócratas. Además, está haciendo millones de videos cortos poco profesionales.Es casi como saquear a los liberales, pero legalmente
@user .... that's... fine i guess... -~- btw sammy what part of japan are you in?? would it be possible for us to hang out??? O:
[ "@user ....that's... finei guess...-~- btw sammy what part of japan are you in??would it be possible for us to hang out???O:" ]
@user ....eso es... bien supongo...-~- btw sammy ¿En qué parte de Japón estás??¿Sería posible para nosotros pasar el rato???O:
@user Brennan still has the sniffles over Cecil the Lion.
[ "@user Brennan still has the sniffles over Cecil the Lion." ]
@user Brennan todavía tiene los resoplidos sobre Cecil el León.
@user just censored the @user #Qanon merchandise. Really Zazzle? Meanwhile communism and Antifa merch are allowed on your site. The constitution of the USA means nothing to you? Well done. @user time to take our merch elsewhere. #WWG1WGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user just censored the @user #Qanon merchandise.Really Zazzle?Meanwhile communism and Antifa merch are allowed on your site.The constitution of the USA means nothing to you?Well done.@user time to take our merch elsewhere.#WWG1WGA" ]
@user acaba de censurar la mercancía @user #Qanon.¿En serio Zazzle?Mientras tanto el comunismo y la mercha Antifa están permitidas en su sitio.¿La constitución de los EE.UU. no significa nada para usted?Bien hecho.@user tiempo para llevar nuestra mercha a otra parte.#WWG1WGA
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa is a terrorist organization not a lawful protest. Trump needs to declare Martial Law and Shut Em Down proper.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa is a terrorist organization not a lawful protest.Trump needs to declare Martial Law and Shut Em Down proper." ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario Antifa es una organización terrorista que no es una protesta legal.
@user @user @user @user @user @user thanks mum!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user thanks mum!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user gracias mamá!
@ All the Tana Supporters that are saying she is innocent. #Tana
[ "@ All the Tana Supporters that are saying she is innocent.#Tana" ]
@ Todos los partidarios de Tana que dicen que es inocente.#Tana
@user @user So What? We all have concerns on gun control but one man is not going to change our problem. It is much deeper than that.
[ "@user @userSo What?We all have concerns on gun control but one man is not going to change our problem.It is much deeper than that." ]
@user @userSo What?Todos tenemos preocupaciones sobre el control de armas, pero un hombre no va a cambiar nuestro problema.Es mucho más profundo que eso.
@user Gun Control means using both hands. And in this case means acquiring the correct target. You can’t fix stupid.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Gun Control means using both hands.And in this case means acquiring the correct target.You can’t fix stupid." ]
@user Gun Control significa usar ambas manos.Y en este caso significa adquirir el objetivo correcto.No se puede arreglar estúpido.
@user After using your product for all these years now I find out you're actively twisting the political landscape with your immense power. That action has directly affected me. You are attempting to damage me personally and I don't like it. . . . or else.
[ "@user After using your product for all these years now I find out you're actively twisting the political landscape with your immense power.That action has directly affected me.You are attempting to damage me personally and I don't like it. . . .or else." ]
@user Después de usar tu producto durante todos estos años ahora me entero de que estás retorciendo activamente el panorama político con tu inmenso poder.Esa acción me ha afectado directamente.Estás tratando de dañarme personalmente y no me gusta. . . . u otra cosa.
@user @user That's funny she says she is a mental health counselor yet has displayed the actions of a complete paranoid phycho!
[ "@user @userThat's funnyshe says she is a mental health counselor yet has displayed the actions of a complete paranoid phycho!" ]
@user @user¡Eso es gracioso, dice que es una consejera de salud mental pero ha mostrado las acciones de un completo paranoico phycho!
10 restaurant diners fatally shot in Corpus Christi with .357 Ruger Blackhawk revolver. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "10 restaurant diners fatally shot in Corpus Christi with .357 Ruger Blackhawk revolver.The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'." ]
10 comensales del restaurante dispararon fatalmente en Corpus Christi con un revólver Ruger Blackhawk .357.La NRA llama a la investigación de control de armas 'nética'.
@user It’s said that artists who paint this way are showing how they truly see the world. Well he’s showing how him and all liberals see the world.
[ "@userIt’s said that artists who paint this way are showing how they truly see the world.Well he’s showing how him and all liberals see the world." ]
@userSe dice que los artistas que pintan de esta manera están mostrando cómo realmente ven el mundo.Bueno, él está mostrando cómo él y todos los liberales ven el mundo.
#democrats and #liberals don’t give a damn about @user allegedly committing physical violence on his ex-girlfriend but they all rush to discredit Kavanaugh for a 35 year old “vague” 11th hour accusation. #walkaway #Hypocrites
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#democrats and #liberals don’t give a damn about @user allegedly committing physical violence on his ex-girlfriend but they all rush to discredit Kavanaugh for a 35 year old “vague” 11th hour accusation.#walkaway #Hypocrites" ]
A los demócratas y a los liberales no les importa un bledo que @user supuestamente cometa violencia física contra su ex-novia, pero todos se apresuran a desacreditar a Kavanaugh por una acusación de 35 años “vaga” de una hora y media. #walkaway #Hypocrites
@user @user It says he is a Political revolutionary for hire"" but I'm not seeing anything revolutionary in his think. Maybe he meant revolting.""
[ "@user @userIt says he is a Political revolutionary for hire\"\" but I'm not seeing anything revolutionary in his think.Maybe he meant revolting.\"\"" ]
@user @userDice que es un revolucionario político a sueldo", pero no veo nada revolucionario en su pensamiento.Tal vez se refería a ser repugnante".
@user @user Access to Healthcare Improved Infrastructure Green Jobs Less Pollution and poison in waterways Civil Rights Gun Control Birth Control Sounds like a pretty great plan to ME!
[ "@user @user Access to Healthcare Improved Infrastructure Green Jobs Less Pollution and poison in waterways Civil Rights Gun Control Birth Control Sounds like a pretty great plan to ME!" ]
@user @user Acceso a servicios de salud Mejora de la infraestructura Empleos verdes Menos Contaminación y veneno en vías navegables Derechos civiles Control de armas Control de natalidad Suena como un gran plan para MÍ!
@user That's a strange question to ask me because of course I love my sister!! I'm her big brother! I'm there to make sure she is safe and alive!
[ "@userThat's a strange question to ask me because of course I love my sister!!I'm her big brother!I'm there to make sure she is safe and alive!" ]
@user¡Esa es una pregunta extraña para hacerme porque por supuesto amo a mi hermana!¡Soy su hermano mayor!¡Estoy allí para asegurarme de que está a salvo y viva!
@user I doubt if he is afraid of France , but he is being hammered by the left here everyday. We think it's France "" behind the genocide secretly for investments ? They sure are silent !!! Not the ordinary French people , the global elites and banks . My guess is you will get help""
[ "@user I doubt if he is afraid of France , but he is being hammered by the left here everyday.We think it's France \"\" behind the genocide secretly for investments ?They sure are silent !!!Not the ordinary French people , the global elites and banks .My guess is you will get help\"\"" ]
@user Dudo si tiene miedo de Francia, pero está siendo martillado por la izquierda aquí todos los días. Creemos que es Francia "" detrás del genocidio en secreto para las inversiones ?Seguro que son silenciosos !!!No el pueblo francés común , las élites globales y los bancos .Mi suposición es que va a obtener ayuda ""
Open borders will bring this to America! Dems are brainless! Vote red like your life depends on it because it does! #KAG #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Open borders will bring this to America!Dems are brainless!Vote red like your life depends on it because it does!#KAG #MAGA" ]
¡Las fronteras abiertas traerán esto a América!¡Las Dems son sin cerebro!¡Votar rojo como tu vida depende de ello porque lo hace!#KAG #MAGA
@user @user @user Because the accuser didn't have time to delete all her radical leftist tweets by then.
[ "@user @user @user Because the accuser didn't have time to delete all her radical leftist tweets by then." ]
@user @user @user Porque el acusador no tuvo tiempo de borrar todos sus tuits de izquierda radical para entonces.
@user He always shows dedication at what he does no wonder he is the best
[ "@user He always shows dedication at what he does no wonder he is the best" ]
@user Siempre muestra dedicación a lo que no es de extrañar que sea el mejor
@user So funny how the liberals can see this in others but not in themselves!!!!
[ "@userSo funny how the liberals can see this in others but not in themselves!!!!" ]
@userTan gracioso cómo los liberales pueden ver esto en otros, pero no en sí mismos!!!!
@user Apparently he had a photoshopped mustache as well!
[ "@userApparently he had a photoshopped mustache as well!" ]
@userAparentemente también tenía un bigote photoshopped!
@user @user @user No school shootings in New Zealand ever. Suggest you do some research around countries that have unarmed police forces. Their children and citizens are kept safe by strong gun control laws that are strictly enforced.
[ "@user @user @userNo school shootings in New Zealand ever.Suggest you do some research around countries that have unarmed police forces.Their children and citizens are kept safe by strong gun control laws that are strictly enforced." ]
@user @user @userNo hay tiroteos escolares en Nueva Zelanda.Sugiere que haga alguna investigación alrededor de países que tienen fuerzas policiales no armadas.Sus niños y ciudadanos son mantenidos a salvo por fuertes leyes de control de armas que son estrictamente aplicadas.
@user @user Apparently conservatives are now automatically guilty of any crime or assault that shows up from no where at the last possible minute. We are no longer presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
[ "@user @userApparently conservatives are now automatically guilty of any crime or assault that shows up from no where at the last possible minute.We are no longer presumed innocent until proven otherwise." ]
@user @userAparentemente los conservadores son ahora automáticamente culpables de cualquier crimen o asalto que aparezca de ninguna parte en el último minuto posible.Ya no se nos presume inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
@user @user No he is in some other world he dreamed of when he was on drugs in colledge
[ "@user @userNo he is in some other world he dreamed of when he was on drugs in colledge" ]
@user @userNo está en algún otro mundo con el que soñó cuando estaba drogado en Colledge
@user You are the best. 💜
[ "@user You are the best.💜" ]
@user Eres el mejor.
@user Hillary Clinton will be POTUS..Oops!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Hillary Clinton will be POTUS..Oops!" ]
@user Hillary Clinton será POTUS..Ups!
@user this avi!!! Who you think you are.
[ "@user this avi!!!Who you think you are." ]
@user this avi!!!Quien te crees que eres.
@user He needs that exact amount in hanging rope.
[ "@userHe needs that exact amount in hanging rope." ]
@userNecesita esa cantidad exacta en cuerda colgante.
@user @user @user Please stick to Bakersfield issues and resign from House Leadership. You are illiterate in economics and the Constitution and take too many bribes! #NoSpeakerMcCarthy I’m for @user
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userPlease stick to Bakersfield issues and resign from House Leadership.You are illiterate in economics and the Constitution and take too many bribes!#NoSpeakerMcCarthy I’m for @user" ]
@user @user @userPor favor, apéguese a los problemas de Bakersfield y dimita del Liderazgo de la Cámara.Usted es analfabeto en la economía y la Constitución y acepta demasiados sobornos! #NoSpeakerMcCarthy Estoy para @user
#Leftism: Please conform to the groupthink of your designated interest or ethnic group. Independent thought helps conservatives.
[ "#Leftism: Please conform to the groupthink of your designated interest or ethnic group.Independent thought helps conservatives." ]
#Izquierdismo: Por favor, confórmese con el pensamiento grupal de su interés designado o grupo étnico.El pensamiento independiente ayuda a los conservadores.
@user @user People who fail to understand the Second Amendment's purpose is to protect a citizenry from a government takeover SHOULD NOT be talking about gun control
[ "@user @user People who fail to understand the Second Amendment's purpose is to protect a citizenry from a government takeover SHOULD NOT be talking about gun control" ]
@user @user La gente que no entiende el propósito de la Segunda Enmienda es proteger a una ciudadanía de una toma de posesión del gobierno.
@user We love you Mr President! Miss you more then any other President that has been in office. You are a class act my friend. 🙂😙
[ "@userWe love you Mr President!Miss you more then any other President that has been in office.You are a class act my friend.🙂😙" ]
@user¡Te queremos, señor Presidente!Más que a cualquier otro Presidente que ha estado en el cargo, eres un acto de clase, amigo mío.
@user @user Liberals love to hype the Crouton as a financial genius, but much of his success"" was due to downloading costs to the prov, raiding the EI surplus, etc. That said, you use the tools you have in the box, and I give him props as a decent steward of the public purse.""
[ "@user @user Liberals love to hype the Crouton as a financial genius, but much of his success\"\" was due to downloading costs to the prov, raiding the EI surplus, etc.That said, you use the tools you have in the box, and I give him props as a decent steward of the public purse.\"\"" ]
A @user @user Liberales les encanta animar al Crouton como un genio financiero, pero gran parte de su éxito" se debió a los costos de descarga para el prov, la redada del excedente de la IE, etc. Dicho eso, se utilizan las herramientas que tienes en la caja, y le doy apoyos como un administrador decente de la bolsa pública."
@user @user This Soros guy needs to be investigated. He's been kicked out of other nations & here his name keeps coming up with all these anti-American groups. Finances Antifa. Pays folks to act crazy at Trump events. I know he is against our sovereignty. He hates our Constitutional rights.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThis Soros guy needs to be investigated.He's been kicked out of other nations & here his name keeps coming up with all these anti-American groups.Finances Antifa.Pays folks to act crazy at Trump events.I know he is against our sovereignty.He hates our Constitutional rights." ]
@user @userEste tipo Soros necesita ser investigado.Ha sido expulsado de otras naciones & aquí su nombre sigue apareciendo con todos estos grupos anti-americanos.Finanzas Antifa.Paga a la gente para que actúe loco en los eventos de Trump.Sé que está en contra de nuestra soberanía.Odia nuestros derechos constitucionales.
@user @user I’m afraid you are right.
[ "@user @userI’m afraid you are right." ]
@user @userMe temo que tienes razón.
@user ABSOLUTLEMENTE FALSO.Todos sabemos que el CP24 está con LIBERALS.REMEMBER DOUG FORD está tratando de ahorrar dinero para pagar impuestos
@user @user was supposed to be Monday
[ "@user @user was supposed to be Monday" ]
@user @user debía ser el lunes
@user Let’s Geaux Tigers! Prove yourselves you are worthy! Show the Nation ! 🐯
[ "@user Let’s Geaux Tigers!Prove yourselves you are worthy!Show the Nation !🐯" ]
@user Let's Geaux Tigers! Demostrar que son dignos!Mostrar la nación !
@user @user any gun control is unconstitutional and you leftist fake news traitors keep lying to the people that's why your enemies of the people
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user any gun control is unconstitutional and you leftist fake news traitors keep lying to the people that's why your enemies of the people" ]
@user @user cualquier control de armas es inconstitucional y ustedes traidores de noticias falsas de izquierda siguen mintiendo a la gente por eso sus enemigos de la gente
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed all new - MAGA. Please follow back.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userFollowed all new - MAGA.Please follow back." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSeguido todos los nuevos - MAGA.Por favor, vuelva atrás.
@user let me nigga fish in peace damn
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user let me nigga fish in peace damn" ]
@user déjame pescar negro en paz maldita sea
@user DemocRATS continue to attack & smear conservatives. Their latest victim: Brett Kavanaugh. This tactic is right out of Saul Alinsky playbook. @user @user @user don’t fall for it!! #ConfirmKavanaughNow @user @user @user
[ "@user DemocRATS continue to attack & smear conservatives.Their latest victim: Brett Kavanaugh.This tactic is right out of Saul Alinsky playbook.@user @user @user don’t fall for it!!#ConfirmKavanaughNow @user @user @user" ]
@user @user @user @user no caigan en la trampa!! #ConfirmKavanaughNow @user @user @user @user
@user @user She loves Sailor Moon so of course she is
[ "@user @userShe loves Sailor Moon so of course she is" ]
@user @userElla ama Sailor Moon así que, por supuesto, ella es
@user @user Absolutely no egos. Jericho could have told Vince to F off he is not getting stunned but not only did he do it he sold it as well. All the big guys took it on the chin when they had too that’s what made it the good old days
[ "@user @userAbsolutely no egos.Jericho could have told Vince to F off he is not getting stunned but not only did he do it he sold it as well.All the big guys took it on the chin when they had too that’s what made it the good old days" ]
@user @userAbsolutamente no hay egos.Jericho podría haber dicho a Vince a F fuera él no se está aturdiendo pero no sólo lo hizo lo vendió también.Todos los grandes chicos lo tomaron en la barbilla cuando tenían también eso es lo que lo hizo los buenos viejos tiempos
@user Bernie up to his 🤥. You are not telling the WHOLE TRUTH. #WalkAwayFromDemocratsNow
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Bernie up to his 🤥.You are not telling the WHOLE TRUTH.#WalkAwayFromDemocratsNow" ]
@user Bernie hasta su .No estás diciendo toda la verdad.#WalkAwayFromDemocratsNow
@user Based on what for God's sake
[ "@user Based on what for God's sake" ]
@user Basado en lo que por el amor de Dios
@user @user fix this shit!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user fix this shit!" ]
@user @user arreglar esta mierda!
@user Good lord this woman is a dipshit !
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Good lord this woman is a dipshit !" ]
@user ¡Dios mío, esta mujer es una mierda!
@user @user @user Really? He is the only president that has been so hands on when it comes to these catastrophes I don’t see how he has time. Obama and bush never did that. Sorry dems......lose again.
[ "@user @user @user Really?He is the only president that has been so hands on when it comes to these catastrophes I don’t see how he has time.Obama and bush never did that.Sorry dems......lose again." ]
@user @user @user ¿En serio?Es el único presidente que ha estado tan ocupado cuando se trata de estas catástrofes que no veo cómo tiene tiempo.Obama y Bush nunca lo hicieron.Lo siento Dems......perder de nuevo.