Enhancement: Use app icons for files Icons of apps are now rendered next to files that can be opened with them. Until now oC Web itself defined icons for file types, with this change an icon can be shown even if oC Web does not know the file type - there just needs to be an app loaded that supports opening the file type. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9088
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/7.1.0_2023-08-23/enhancement-app-icons-for-files", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 96 }
Enhancement: Advanced search button The search bar now has a button to open the search result page directly to display all available search filters (= advanced search). https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9077 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9072
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/7.1.0_2023-08-23/enhancement-search-advanced-button", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 69 }
Bugfix: Created file missing extension when file extensions not shown is active We've fixed a bug where the file extension was missing, when the user set the file extensions not shown configuration option. This affected files that are handled via external applications, for example Microsoft Excel. https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10170 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10169
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/7.1.3_2023-12-15/bugfix-created-file-missing-file-extension", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 91 }
Bugfix: Indicate shares that are not manageable due to file locking We indicate shares that are not manageable when a resource is locked, so the user doesn't run into errors, while trying to delete or update a share. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10514 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10507
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/bugfix-indicate-shares-not-managable-due-to-file-locking", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 82 }
Bugfix: Skip searchbar preview fetch on reload We've fixed a bug, where search result page on reload would fetch unnecessarily the preview of the searchbar. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10232 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10200
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/bugfix-skip-searchbar-preview-fetch-on-reload", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 68 }
Change: Theme handling The handling of themes has been throughoutly reworked. Themes now feature a human-readable title, can specify whether they are suitable as light or dark mode themes. If only one theme is provided, this theme will be set. If two themes are provided and one is a dark and one is a light mode one, there is a light/dark mode switch button in the AppBar. If more than two themes are provided or the two provided themes are not a dark and a light mode one respectively, the UI features a theme-switch button featuring a dropdown of the human-readable names of the available themes https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/2404 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/8424 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9403 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9885 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9939 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10146 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/8855 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9396 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9401 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9698 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10151
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/change-theme-handling", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 313 }
Enhancement: Disabling extensions A new configuration `disabledExtensions` has been added which enables disabling specific extensions via their id. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/9441 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/8524
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/enhancement-disabling-extensions", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 63 }
Enhancement: Make login url configurable We've added a new configuration option loginUrl to web, this is helpful if you use an external IdP and the login is out of web/OCIS context. https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/7317 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9707
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/enhancement-make-login-url-configurable", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 81 }
Enhancement: Share search filter The received shares on the "Shared with me"-page can now be filtered by their names via a text input field. https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10014 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10033
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/8.0.0_2024-03-08/enhancement-share-search-filter", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 68 }
Bugfix: Admin settings keyboard navigation We've fixed a bug where keyboard navigation stopped working after deleting a resource in the admin settings app. We also fixed a bug where initial keyboard navigation didn't work, when no resource was selected. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10417 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10186
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/9.0.0_2024-02-26/bugfix-admin-settings-keyboard-navigation", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 83 }
Enhancement: Add SSE events for locking, renaming, deleting, and restoring We've added Server-Sent Events (SSE) for locking, renaming, deleting, and restoring actions. This enhancement ensures that these actions are instantly propagated to other browsers and devices where the logged in user has access the relevant files and folders. Now, users can experience real-time updates across all their devices. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10586 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10572 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/10567 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9849 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9781 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/9848
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/9.0.0_2024-02-26/enhancement-add-sse-event-for-locking-renaming-deleting-restoring", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 185 }
{{ $allVersions := . }} {{- range $index, $changes := . }}{{ with $changes -}} Changelog for ownCloud Web [{{ .Version }}] ({{ .Date }}) ======================================= The following sections list the changes in ownCloud web {{ .Version }} relevant to ownCloud admins and users. {{/* creating version compare links */ -}} {{ $next := add1 $index -}} {{ if ne (len $allVersions) $next -}} {{ $previousVersion := (index $allVersions $next).Version -}} {{ if eq .Version "unreleased" -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/web/compare/v{{ $previousVersion }}...master {{- else -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/web/compare/v{{ $previousVersion }}...v{{ .Version }} {{- end -}} {{ end -}} {{- /* last version managed by calens, end of the loop */ -}} {{ if eq .Version "0.2.7" -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/web/compare/v0.2.6...v{{ .Version }} {{- end }} Summary ------- {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .Type }} - {{ .Title }}: [#{{ .PrimaryID }}]({{ .PrimaryURL }}) {{- end }}{{ end }} Details ------- {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .Type }} - {{ .Title }}: [#{{ .PrimaryID }}]({{ .PrimaryURL }}) {{ range $par := .Paragraphs }} {{ wrapIndent $par 80 3 }} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .IssueURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .PRURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .OtherURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end }} {{ end }}{{ end }} {{ end }}{{ end -}} {{/* Start of old changelog */ -}} ## [0.2.6] ### Added - Skip to component, id attribute for <main> https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2326 - Focus management regarding off canvas main nav https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2101 - Publish docker on tag https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2485 - New collaborators flow https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2450 - Hide quota on external storage https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2652 - Focus management for uploads https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2542 - File actions can be defined using config settings https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2651 - Files table virtual scroller https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2280 - Virtual scroll in trash bin https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2809 ### Fixed - Wrong method for copy action of public link https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2363 - Token refresh flow https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2472 - App tar balls need to contain top level folder named like the app itself https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2449 - Scroll behavior on mozilla firefox https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2475 - Steps order on release/publish https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2491 - Don't re-filter autocomplete collaborators results for remote user https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2569 - Limit concurrent uploads to one https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2653 - Extend share id check in public links https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2494 - Made the trashbin table responsive https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2287 - Hide checkbox label in files list https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2680 - Share flow accessibility https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2622 - Remove empty parentheses in shared with others list https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2725 - Do not hide collaborator if another entry with the same name exists if they are not the same type https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2724 - Display breadcrumb if rootFolder is set with no value https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2811 - Include avatar placeholder in relevant places https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2783 ### Changed - Decouple base file list into a separate component https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2318 - Switched the storage of the auth service from local to session storage https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2416 - Don't build the docker image in the release make file https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2495 - Use owncloud-sdk for uploading files https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2239 - Refactor collaborators to use helper classes and to map permissions https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2373 - Moved private link icon to "links" section https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2496 - Separate app switcher from app navigation sidebar https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2669 ## [0.2.5] ### Added - IE11 support https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2082 - Draw.io app integration https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2083 - New file menu entries for different file types https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2111 - Drone starlark https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2112 - Rename and delete will be disallowed in case the parent folder has no permissions fot these two operations https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2129 - Progress bar for upload https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2176 - Handle errors while deleting and renaming files https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2177 - Logout option on access denied page https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2178 - Download feedback spinner https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2179 - Remove rootFolder from breadcrumbs https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2196 - Send header X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest in all requests https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2197 - X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2311 ### Fixed - IE11 support for media viewer app https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2086 - Files drop when link password is set https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2096 - Detection of public pages despite existing auth https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2097 - Public link access in incognito mode https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2110 - Password handling in public links https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2117 - More close options to file actions menu https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2161 - Reset search value on clear action https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2198 - Prevent duplicate token refresh calls https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2205 - Use PQueue to run only one create folder promise in folder upload https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2210 - Upon token refresh do not perform full login on sdk level https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2211 - Exit link on access denied page https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2220 - Structure of folders in folder upload https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2224 - Remove file from progress after download on IE11 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2310 - Properly reset capabilities on logout https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2116 ### Changed - For mounted folders use the full url as private link https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2170 - Store route in vuex before login in case user is unauthorized https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2170 - Use currentFolder path in breadcrumbs https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2196 - Switch to show instead of if in upload progress bar https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2206 - Key of file action buttons to ariaLabel https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2219 - Trigger add to progress before the folders creation https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2221 - Handle remove from progress in its own mutation https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2225 - Use oidc-client 1.9.1 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2261 ### Security - Added sanitization to markdown editor app https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2233 ### Removed - Drag and drop in ie11 because of compatibility issues https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2128 ## [0.2.4] ### Added - Private link for the current folder to the app bar https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2009 ### Fixed - Clear state in case of error in authorisation https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2079 - Hide comma before mdate if there is no size https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2073 - Don't perform OIDC logout in case of error in authorisation https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2072 ### Changed - Use sharetype keys that are human readable instead of number https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2071 ## [0.2.3] ### Added - Set X-Requested-With header - required ownCloud 10.3 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1984 - Use 2 spaces instead of tab for feature files https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2004 - Handle OAuth/OpenIdConnect error in callback request query string https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2011 - Enable loading apps from external sites https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1986 - Add default client side sort https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1972 ### Fixed - Public link permissions mix up https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1985 - Downgrade vuex-persist to 2.0.1 to fix IE11 issues https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/2007 ## [0.2.2] ### Added - Show error message when user tries to upload a folder in IE11 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1956 - Error message if the folder or file name is empty in create dialog and added default value https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1938 - Bookmarks to menu https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1949 ### Fixed - Redirect to access denied page if the user doesn't have access to Web instance https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1939 - Redirect to private link after user has logged in https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1900 - Breaking of link to help desk on new line https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1940 ## [0.2.1] ### Added - Download feedback https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1895 ### Fixed - Download of files shared with password-protected public links https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/1808 - Search button on mobile devices https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1893 - Collapsing of alert messages after they have been closed https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/1881 ## [0.2.0] ### Added - Collaborators (replacement for shares) - Public and private links - Shared with me and Shared with others lists - Favorites page - Trash bin page ## [0.1.0] ### Added - Initial early alpha release [Unreleased]: https://github.com/owncloud/web/compare/0.1.0...master [0.1.0]: https://github.com/owncloud/web/compare/d1cfc2d5f82202ac30c91e903e4810f42650c183...0.1.0
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/changelog/CHANGELOG.tmpl", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 3074 }
#!/bin/sh set -e echo "${WOPISECRET}" > /etc/wopi/wopisecret cp /etc/wopi/wopiserver.conf.dist /etc/wopi/wopiserver.conf sed -i 's/wopiserver.owncloud.test/'${WOPISERVER_DOMAIN}'/g' /etc/wopi/wopiserver.conf if [ "$WOPISERVER_INSECURE" == "true" ]; then sed -i 's/sslverify\s=\sTrue/sslverify = False/g' /etc/wopi/wopiserver.conf fi /app/wopiserver.py
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/deployments/examples/ocis_web/config/wopiserver/entrypoint-override.sh", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 183 }
--- title: 'Extension system' date: 2024-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 weight: 60 geekdocRepo: https://github.com/owncloud/web geekdocEditPath: edit/master/docs/extension-system geekdocFilePath: _index.md geekdocCollapseSection: true --- {{< toc >}} ## Concepts and Building Blocks The ownCloud Web can be extended through various entry points with custom **apps** and **extensions**. ### Distinction between Apps and Extensions An Application in the context of ownCloud Web is an artifact which can be installed in an ownCloud Infinite Scale instance. It serves two main purposes: 1. It makes the full app viewport (everything below the top bar) available to the application developer for any custom application code. This includes the ability to define views with routes, navigation items for the left sidebar, and more. 2. Through the `extensions` key in the application interface you can register extensions of any extension type. Those extensions are then available in standardized extension points. Additionally, they can be queried from the extension registry for your own purposes. Both parts are optional. This means that an application can be a file editor without any custom extensions, or even contain no custom application code at all and only host extensions to be registered in the extension registry, or a combination of both. ### Apps To get started, define a `src/index.ts`. Below is the most basic example of its content: ```typescript // Install '@ownclouders/web-pkg' as a devDependency first (only relevant for types and autocompletion, dependency is already provided by ownCloud Web at runtime). import { AppWrapperRoute, ApplicationFileExtension, defineWebApplication } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export default defineWebApplication({ setup({ applicationConfig }) { // Here, you have access to the full injection context, meaning you can use all composables that we provide via web-pkg // Needs to be unique within all installed applications in any ownCloud web instance // Should be short, unique and expressive as it is used as prefix on all routes within your application const appId = 'your-extension' // See extensions section below const extensions = [ ... ] // See details below const navItems = [ ... ] // See details below const routes = [ ... ] return { appInfo: { name: $gettext('Your application name'), id: appId, icon: 'aliens', // See https://owncloud.design/#/Design%20Tokens/IconList for available options }, extensions, navItems, routes } } }) ``` By defining an application via `defineWebApplication` you can provide the following: - `appInfo` - the application metadata, which is used to make the application available via the app switcher and the app registry. - `navItems` - the statically defined navigation items for the left sidebar. Only gets rendered when more than 1 navigation item exists at runtime. Additional dynamic navigation items can be registered via the extension registry. - `routes` - the routes to the different views of your application. May be referenced within the `navItems`. Authentication requirements can be defined per item. - `extensions` - the extensions to be registered in the extension registry. For more details see the `Extensions` section below. If you want to learn how to implement an app for viewing and editing specific file types, please consult the [relevant documentation]({{< ref "viewer-editor-apps.md" >}}) for detailed instructions and guidance. To learn how to integrate an app into ownCloud Web, please refer to the [Web service docs]({{< ref "web.md#web-apps" >}}). ### Extensions In contrast to applications, extensions usually have a rather small scope and dedicated functionality. #### Extension Registry The globally available extension registry provided by the ownCloud Web runtime can be used to both register and query extensions. All extensions which are being made available via an `app` get registered in the extension registry automatically. In your custom application code you can then query any of the available extensions by providing a `type` string and optionally a list of `scopes`. Throughout the ownCloud Web platform and most prominently also in the `files` app we have defined some extension points which automatically use certain extensions, see the `Extension Points` section below. #### Extension Types For building an extension you can choose from the types predefined by the ownCloud Web extension system. See the full list of available extension types below. 1. `ActionExtension` (type `action`) - An extension that can register `Action` items which then get shown in various places (e.g. context menus, batch actions), depending on their respective scope. Most commonly used for file and folder actions (e.g. copy, rename, delete, etc.). For details, please refer to the [action docs]({{< ref "extension-types/actions.md" >}}) 2. `SearchExtension` (type `search`) - An extension that can register additional search providers. For details, please refer to the [search docs]({{< ref "extension-types/search.md" >}}) 3. `SidebarNavExtension` (type `sidebarNav`) - An extension that can register additional navigation items to the left sidebar. These can be scoped to specific apps, and programmatically enabled/disabled. For details, please refer to the [sidebar nav docs]({{< ref "extension-types/left-sidebar-menu-item.md" >}}) 4. `SidebarPanelExtension`, (type `sidebarPanel`) - An extension that can register panels to the right sidebar. For details, please refer to the [sidebar panel docs]({{< ref "extension-types/right-sidebar-panels.md" >}}) 5. `FolderViewExtension` (type `folderView`) - An extension that can register additional ways of displaying the content of a folder (resources, so spaces, folders or files) to the user. For details, please refer to the [folder view docs]({{< ref "extension-types/folder-view.md" >}}) You're free to introduce your own extension types within your application code and use the extension registry to query the available ones. However, if you have the impression that an important extension type is missing and would be beneficial for the platform, please reach out to us by opening a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/new/choose). #### Extension Base Configuration Any extension is required to define at least an `id` and a `type`. The `id` is supposed to be unique throughout the ownCloud Web ecosystem. In order to keep `id`s readable for humans we didn't want to enforce uniqueness through e.g. uuids. Instead, we chose to use dot-formatted namespaces like e.g. `com.github.owncloud.web.files.search`. We'd like to encourage you to follow the same format for your own extensions. For the `type` you can choose from the ones listed above or define a custom one. In addition, you can also pass optional `scopes` to further limit the usage of an extension. The extension system predefines some scopes which are then used in the default extension points (see section below). Those include: - `resource` - For extensions which are meant to work with a `file`, `folder` or `space` as data context. - `user` - For extensions which are meant to work with a `user` as data context. - `group` - For extensions which are meant to work with a `group` as data context. Similar to the extension types, you are always free to define and handle custom scopes within your own application. If you have the impression that an important scope is missing and would be beneficial for the platform, please reach out to us by opening a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/new/choose). {{< hint info >}} Scopes are meant to be defined in singular form, e.g. `resource` instead of `resources`, even when the data context holds multiple items. {{< /hint >}} #### Extension Points There are standardized components and places where extensions are being used automatically. These are the ones that are currently provided: 1. Left Sidebar for Navigation 2. Right Sidebar in any file(s) context 3. Folder Views in the files app 4. Right click context menu in the files app 5. Batch actions in the files app 6. Upload menu in the files app 7. Quick actions in the files list of the files app 8. Search results in the search app
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/docs/extension-system/_index.md", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 2150 }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head></head> <body> <script> window.onload = function () { const base = document.querySelector('base') const path = base ? new URL(base.href).pathname.split('/') : [...window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(0, -1), 'index.html#'] const url = new URL([...path, 'web-oidc-callback'].filter(Boolean).join('/'), window.location.origin) window.location.href = url.href + window.location.search } </script> </body> </html>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/oidc-callback.html", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 176 }
'use strict' const chalk = require('chalk') const semver = require('semver') const packageConfig = require('../package.json') const shell = require('shelljs') function exec(cmd) { return require('child_process').execSync(cmd).toString().trim() } const versionRequirements = [ { name: 'node', currentVersion: semver.clean(process.version), versionRequirement: packageConfig.engines.node } ] if (shell.which('npm')) { versionRequirements.push({ name: 'npm', currentVersion: exec('npm --version'), versionRequirement: packageConfig.engines.npm }) } module.exports = function () { const warnings = [] for (let i = 0; i < versionRequirements.length; i++) { const mod = versionRequirements[i] if (!semver.satisfies(mod.currentVersion, mod.versionRequirement)) { warnings.push( mod.name + ': ' + chalk.red(mod.currentVersion) + ' should be ' + chalk.green(mod.versionRequirement) ) } } if (warnings.length) { console.log('') console.log(chalk.yellow('To use this template, you must update following to modules:')) console.log() for (let i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) { const warning = warnings[i] console.log(' ' + warning) } console.log() process.exit(1) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/build/check-versions.js", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 502 }
Change: Remove icon prop from buttons and use css grid We've removed the prop which was responsible for displaying icons in the button component. To add an icon into the button, it needs to be included in the slot together with the text. We've added css grid into the button to ensure that all child items of the button will have a predefined gutter between them. We've removed all UIKit button styles from the button component. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/418 https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/865
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/1.10.0_2020-09-16/reworked-button", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 138 }
Change: Adjust styles of buttons with disabled state We've changed the background color of buttons with disabled state to properly differentiate them from all other buttons. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/909
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/1.12.2_2020-10-26/disabled-buttons-style", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 52 }
Enhancement: Created sidebar component We've created a sidebar component which is to be used as an in-app navigation and which will contain the branding. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/735
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/1.5.0_2020-05-13/created-sidebar-component", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 55 }
Change: Use oc-spinner css class in oc-search-bar component UiKit spinner is not supporting IE11. The css classes around oc-spinner have been introduces previously and now they are used in the component oc-search-bar as well. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/802
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/1.8.0_2020-07-03/oc-spinner-in-oc-search-bar", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 87 }
Bugfix: OcTable sorting case sensitivity We've addressed the problem when sorting upper and lowercase which resulted in both being sorted separately. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/issues/1698 https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1735
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/11.1.0_2021-11-03/bugfix-octable-sorting-case-sensitivity", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 74 }
Bugfix: Padding in breadcrumb context menu We've removed the padding from the context menu in the breadcrumbs to align its visual appearance with the context menu in the files table. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1813
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/11.3.1_2021-12-03/bugfix-breadcrumb-contextmenu-padding", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 64 }
Change: Use remixicons for redesign We've switched the iconset to remixicons to fit the new design. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1826 https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1853 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/6100
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/12.0.0_2022-02-07/change-use-remixicons", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 85 }
Enhancement: Redesign OcModal We have redesigned the OcModal to suit better to dark mode UIs, to have a nicer background overlay, to always have a primary confirm button and fixed some icon bugs in its code examples. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1953
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/12.1.0_2022-02-10/enhancement-redesign-modal", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 82 }
Enhancement: Icons for drawio, ifc and odg resource types We've added resource type extension mapping and icons for the drawio, ifc, ipynb and odg file extensions. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/2005 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/6416
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/13.0.0_2022-03-23/enhancement-drawio-ifc-ipynb-odg-icons", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 83 }
Enhancement: OcModal add checkbox and secondary button We've added an optional checkbox and secondary button to the OcModal https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/6994 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/6996
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/13.1.0_2022-06-07/enhancement-modal-add-checkbox-secondary-button", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 66 }
Change: Redesign contextual helper We've redesigned the contextual helper, which accepts now a title property and is able to display a description list. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/2271 https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/2273 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/7331
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/14.0.0_2022-11-03/change-redesign-contextual-helper", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 90 }
Enhancement: Make UI smaller We've adjusted several values to make the UI appear less big. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/2270
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/14.0.0_2022-11-03/enhancement-make-ui-smaller", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 44 }
Enhancement: Introduce breakpoints tokens and utility classes We've added tokens and utility classes to dynamically display/hide content depending on the breakpoints. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1045
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/2.1.0_2021-01-19/breakpoints", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 55 }
Enhancement: Add `disabled` prop to table components We've added `disabled` prop to `oc-table` and `oc-table-files` components. This prop is used to pass IDs of disabled resources so that they are clearly distinguishable from the other resources. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1093
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/3.0.0_2021-02-24/table-disabled-prop", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 82 }
Change: Add label to the autocomplete component Adding the label "from the outside" is not a11y compliant as you cannot get the id of the actual input element which therefore cannot be referenced. This change also removes all the unnecessary prefixes which were used in the component. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1156 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/4329
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/4.0.0_2021-03-25/change-autocomplete-label", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 97 }
Enhancement: Add messages to autocomplete component The component supports 3 kinds of messages: description, warning and error. The description message will basically replace the informative text which was displayed via placeholder. While it's still possible to use a placeholder if you need it, we encourage you to not use it anymore. A label is always required, a description message can be added if more context is needed. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1174
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/4.1.0_2021-03-26/enhancement-autocomplete-messages", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 105 }
Enhancement: Create `oc-select` component We've created a new component called `oc-select`. This component is based on [vue-select](https://vue-select.org/) and can be used to selecting values in a dropdown. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1198
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/4.3.0_2021-04-07/enhancement-vue-select", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 80 }
Enhancement: OCDrop accessibility Changed DOM order of example data to allow proper tab interactions, added focus border to a elements in list. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1230
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/6.1.0_2021-04-22/enhancement-oc-drop-a11y", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 54 }
Enhancement: Make files table headings more descriptive This makes it easier to understand for people using a screen reader. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1252
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/6.4.0_2021-05-06/enhancement-files-table-headings", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 48 }
Enhancement: Add inverse button variant We've added inverse button variant which should be used on a dark background. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1300
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/7.0.0_2021-05-31/enhancement-button-inverse-variant", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 47 }
Bugfix: Sticky OcAppSideBar Header The OcAppSideBar Header is now sticky so the user always sees the filename and most important info. UX is also improved since he now can always close the appsidebar on mobile without having to scroll back to the top. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1384
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/7.4.0_2021-06-17/bugfix-sticky-appsidebar-header", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 84 }
Bugfix: OcSwitch Off State is not pixel perfect We've addressed the fact that the OcSwitch wasn't aligned properly in it's off state. Both states are now aligned equaly. https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/issues/1458 https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1512
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/8.1.0_2021-07-22/bugfix-ocswitch-off-state-is-not-pixel-perfect", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 87 }
Enhancement: add manual mode to oc-drop We've added the manual mode to `oc-drop` component. This mode enables showing/hiding the drop **only** via provided methods ([see docs](https://owncloud.design/#/oC%20Components/OcDrop)). https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/pull/1575
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/9.0.0_2021-08-09/enhancement-manual-drop-mode", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 89 }
{{ $allVersions := . }} {{- range $index, $changes := . }}{{ with $changes -}} # Changelog for [{{ .Version }}] ({{ .Date }}) {{ if gt (len $allVersions) 1 -}} The following sections list the changes in ownCloud Design System {{ .Version }}. {{/* creating version compare links */ -}} {{ $next := add1 $index -}} {{ if ne (len $allVersions) $next -}} {{ $previousVersion := (index $allVersions $next).Version -}} {{ if eq .Version "unreleased" -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/compare/v{{ $previousVersion }}...master {{ else -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/compare/v{{ $previousVersion }}...v{{ .Version }} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{- /* last version managed by calens, end of the loop */ -}} {{ if eq .Version "1.0.1" -}} [{{ .Version }}]: https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud-design-system/compare/9c9d14acc7df90254e857e9c2de7bad8f77a238c...v{{ .Version }} {{ end -}} {{- end -}} ## Summary {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .Type }} - {{ .Title }}: [#{{ .PrimaryID }}]({{ .PrimaryURL }}) {{- end }}{{ end }} ## Details {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .Type }} - {{ .Title }}: [#{{ .PrimaryID }}]({{ .PrimaryURL }}) {{ range $par := .Paragraphs }} {{ wrapIndent $par 80 3 }} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .IssueURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .PRURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .OtherURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end }} {{ end }}{{ end -}} {{ end }}{{ end -}}
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/CHANGELOG.tmpl", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 558 }
Enhancement: Beautify modals We've changed the look of modals slightly. https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/8608 https://github.com/owncloud/web/pull/8744 https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/8742
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/changelog/unreleased/enhancement-beautify-modals", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 70 }
/* GLOBAL FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------- */ // Create a tint // // @param {Color} $color to tint // @param {Number} $percentage of `$color` in returned color // @return {Color} @function tint($color, $percentage) { @return mix(white, $color, $percentage); } // Create a shade // // @param {Color} $color to shade // @param {Number} $percentage of `$color` in returned color // @return {Color} @function shade($color, $percentage) { @return mix(black, $color, $percentage); } // Calculate color difference // See https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT/#color-contrast for algorithm // // @param {Color} $color of foreground // @param {Color} $color of background // @return {Boolean} @function color-difference($foreground, $background) { $r: (max(red($foreground), red($background))) - (min(red($foreground), red($background))); $g: (max(green($foreground), green($background))) - (min(green($foreground), green($background))); $b: (max(blue($foreground), blue($background))) - (min(blue($foreground), blue($background))); $sum-rgb: $r + $g + $b; @if $sum-rgb < 350 { @return 'false'; } @else { @return 'true'; } } // Set text color based on contrast // // @param {Color} $color to set // @param {Color} $background color to test // @param {Color} $fallback color to set in case contrast check fails @function set-text-color($color, $background, $fallback: null) { @if $fallback == null { $fallback: #000; } @if (color-difference($color, $background) == 'false') { @return $fallback; } @else { @return $color; } } /// Darkens the foreground color by the background color. This is the same as the /// “multiply” filter in graphics apps. /// /// @param {Color} $foreground - The color to darken. /// @param {Color} $background - The background to base darkening on. /// @return {Color} The modified color. @function color-multiply($foreground, $background: null) { @if $background == null { $background: #fff; } @return $foreground * $background / 255; } /// Returns the value in rem for a given pixel value. /// @param {Number} $value - The pixel value to be converted. /// @return {Number} The converted value in rem. @function rem($value) { $unit: unit($value); @if $unit == 'rem' { @return $value; } @else if $unit == 'px' { @return $value / $size-m * 1rem; } @else if $unit == 'em' { @return $unit / 1em * 1rem; } @else { @error 'Value must be in px, em, or rem.'; } } /// Returns the value in pixels for a given rem value. /// @param {Number} $value - The rem value to be converted. /// @return {Number} The converted value in pixels. @function px($value) { $unit: unit($value); @if $unit == 'px' { @return $value; } @else if $unit == 'em' { @return ($value / 1em) * $size-m; } @else if $unit == 'rem' { @return ($value / 1rem) * $size-m; } @else { @error 'Value must be in rem, em, or px.'; } } /// Returns the list of available names in a given map. /// @param {Map} $map - The map of data to list the names from. /// @param {Number} $map - The level of depth to get names from. /// @return {String} The list of names in the map. @function available-names($map, $level: 1) { @if type-of($map) != 'map' { @return null; } $output: ''; $newline: '\A '; @if $level == 1 { @each $key, $value in $map { $output: $output + '#{$newline}- #{$key} #{available-names($value, $level + 1)}'; } } @else { $output: '('; $i: 1; @each $key, $value in $map { $sep: if($i < length($map), ', ', ''); $output: $output + '#{$key}#{$sep}#{available-names($value, $level + 1)}'; $i: $i + 1; } $output: $output + ')'; } @return $output; }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/docs/docs.functions.scss", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1385 }
## Text wrapping behaviour Use one of the following classes to enforce a certain wrapping behaviour. | Class | Description | | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | .oc-text-overflow | Sets overflow to `hidden` without resizing its container. | | .oc-text-nowrap | Doesn't break to new lines. | | .oc-text-truncate | Doesn't break to new lines. Text will be truncated, showing an ellipsis instead if necessary. | | .oc-text-break | Text will break to new lines at word ends if it exceeds one line. | ## Text sizes The ownCloud Design System uses a default font size which can be set on the html root element and then lets you use the following text size classes to choose a size relative to the default font size. | Class | Description | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | .oc-text-xsmall | Sets the font size to 0.72rem. Value can be overwritten by setting the `oc-font-size-xsmall` token. | | .oc-text-small | Sets the font size to 0.86rem. Value can be overwritten by setting the `oc-font-size-small` token. | | .oc-text-medium | Sets the font size to 1rem. Value can be overwritten by setting the `oc-font-size-medium` token. | | .oc-text-large | Sets the font size to 1.14rem. Value can be overwritten by setting the `oc-font-size-large` token. | | .oc-text-xlarge | Sets the font size to 1.29rem. Value can be overwritten by setting the `oc-font-size-xlarge` token. |
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/docs/text.md", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 731 }
[main] host = https://www.transifex.com [o:owncloud-org:p:owncloud-web:r:design-system] file_filter = locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/app.po minimum_perc = 0 source_file = template.pot source_lang = en type = PO
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/l10n/.tx/config", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 85 }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M14 21l-2 2-2-2H4.995A1.995 1.995 0 0 1 3 19.005V4.995C3 3.893 3.893 3 4.995 3h14.01C20.107 3 21 3.893 21 4.995v14.01A1.995 1.995 0 0 1 19.005 21H14zm-7.643-3h11.49a6.992 6.992 0 0 0-5.745-3 6.992 6.992 0 0 0-5.745 3zM12 13a3.5 3.5 0 1 0 0-7 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 7z"/> </g> </svg>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/account-pin-box-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 242 }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M12 22a9 9 0 1 1 0-18 9 9 0 0 1 0 18zm1-9V8h-2v7h5v-2h-3zM1.747 6.282l3.535-3.535 1.415 1.414L3.16 7.697 1.747 6.282zm16.97-3.535l3.536 3.535-1.414 1.415-3.536-3.536 1.415-1.414z"/> </g> </svg>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/alarm-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 201 }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M13.414 6l1.829 1.828-1.415 1.415L9.586 5 13.828.757l1.415 1.415L13.414 4H16a5 5 0 0 1 5 5v4h-2V9a3 3 0 0 0-3-3h-2.586zM15 11v10a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H4a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V11a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1zm-2 1H5v8h8v-8z"/> </g> </svg>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/anticlockwise-2-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 234 }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M18.172 7H11a6 6 0 1 0 0 12h9v2h-9a8 8 0 1 1 0-16h7.172l-2.536-2.536L17.05 1.05 22 6l-4.95 4.95-1.414-1.414L18.172 7z"/> </g> </svg>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/arrow-go-forward-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 163 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/arrow-right-down-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 132 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/artboard-2-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 217 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/award-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 219 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/bar-chart-grouped-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 166 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/battery-2-charge-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 206 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/behance-line.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 294 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/book-open-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 181 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/brackets-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 131 }
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{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/assets/icons/brush-2-fill.svg", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 288 }
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