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<template> <div class="oc-contextual-helper"> <oc-button :id="buttonId" appearance="raw"> <oc-icon name="question" fill-type="line" size="small" /> </oc-button> <oc-info-drop :drop-id="dropId" :toggle="toggleId" v-bind="$props as any" /> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import uniqueId from '../../utils/uniqueId' import OcButton from '../OcButton/OcButton.vue' import OcIcon from '../OcIcon/OcIcon.vue' import OcInfoDrop from '../OcInfoDrop/OcInfoDrop.vue' export default defineComponent({ name: 'OcContextualHelper', status: 'unreleased', components: { OcButton, OcIcon, OcInfoDrop }, props: { /** * Title */ title: { type: String, required: false, default: '' }, /** * Text at the beginning */ text: { type: String, required: false, default: '' }, /** * List element */ list: { type: Array, required: false, default: () => [] }, /** * Text at the end */ endText: { type: String, required: false, default: '' }, /** * Read more link at the end */ readMoreLink: { type: String, required: false, default: '' } }, computed: { dropId() { return uniqueId('oc-contextual-helper-') }, buttonId() { return `${this.dropId}-button` }, toggleId() { return `#${this.buttonId}` } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> .oc-contextual-helper { display: inline-block; .oc-button { vertical-align: middle; } } </style> <docs> ## Examples A simple example, using only text. ```js <template> <div> <oc-contextual-helper v-bind="helperContent"/> </div> </template> <script> export default { computed: { helperContent() { return { text: "Invite persons or groups to access this file or folder.", } } }, } </script> ``` An example using Title, Text, List, End-Text and Read-More-Link properties. ```js <template> <div> <oc-contextual-helper v-bind="helperContent"/> </div> </template> <script> export default { computed: { helperContent() { return { title: 'Choose how access is granted ', text: "Share a file or folder by link", list: [ {text: "Only invited people can access", headline: true}, {text: "Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access. If there is no list, no people are invited yet."}, {text: "Everyone with the link", headline: true }, {text: "Everyone with the link can access. Note: If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login-in so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect." } ], endText: "Invited persons can not see who else has access", readMoreLink: "https://owncloud.design" } } }, } </script> ``` </docs>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/OcContextualHelper/OcContextualHelper.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1241 }
import { mount } from 'web-test-helpers' import OcIcon from './OcIcon.vue' import { glob } from 'glob' import path from 'path' describe('OcIcon', () => { test('render and update', async () => { const icons = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'icons', '*.svg')).map((p) => ({ name: path.basename(p, '.svg'), path: path.relative(__dirname, p) })) const wrapper = mount(OcIcon) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const inlineSvg = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'inline-svg' }) for (const icon of icons) { await wrapper.setProps({ name: icon.name }) await inlineSvg.emitted('unloaded') await inlineSvg.emitted('loaded') expect(wrapper.find('text').text()).toBe(icon.name) } }) })
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/OcIcon/OcIcon.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 301 }
import OcNotifications from './OcNotifications.vue' import { shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' describe('OcNotifications', () => { function getWrapper(options = {}) { return shallowMount(OcNotifications, options) } describe('position prop', () => { it('should not allow values other than top-left, top-center, top-right', () => { expect(OcNotifications.props.position.validator('invalid')).toBeFalsy() }) it.each(['top-left', 'top-center', 'top-right'])( 'should set provided position as class for wrapper', (position) => { const wrapper = getWrapper({ props: { position: position } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('class')).toContain(`oc-notification-${position}`) } ) }) it('should render provided slot html', () => { const wrapper = getWrapper({ slots: { default: "<oc-notification-message title='test notification title' message='Testing is good.'/>" }, global: { renderStubDefaultSlot: true, stubs: { OcNotificationMessage: true } } }) const slotEl = wrapper.find('oc-notification-message-stub') expect(slotEl.exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(slotEl.attributes('title')).toBe('test notification title') expect(slotEl.attributes('message')).toBe('Testing is good.') }) })
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/OcNotifications/OcNotifications.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 534 }
<template> <oc-grid flex :role="isFilter ? undefined : 'search'" class="oc-search oc-flex-middle" :class="{ 'oc-search-small': small }" > <div class="oc-width-expand oc-position-relative"> <input ref="searchInput" :class="inputClass" :aria-label="label" :value="searchQuery" :disabled="loading" :placeholder="placeholder" @input="onType(($event.target as HTMLInputElement).value)" @keydown.enter="onSearch" @keyup="$emit('keyup', $event)" /> <slot name="locationFilter" /> <oc-button v-if="icon" v-oc-tooltip="$gettext('Search')" :aria-label="$gettext('Search')" class="oc-position-small oc-position-center-right oc-mt-rm" appearance="raw" @click.prevent.stop="$emit('advancedSearch', $event)" > <oc-icon v-show="!loading" :name="icon" size="small" fill-type="line" variation="passive" /> <oc-spinner v-show="loading" :size="spinnerSize" :aria-label="loadingAccessibleLabelValue" /> </oc-button> </div> <div class="oc-search-button-wrapper" :class="{ 'oc-invisible-sr': buttonHidden }"> <oc-button class="oc-search-button" variation="primary" appearance="filled" :size="small ? 'small' : 'medium'" :disabled="loading || searchQuery.length < 1" @click="onSearch" > {{ buttonLabel }} </oc-button> </div> <oc-button v-if="showCancelButton" :variation="cancelButtonVariation" :appearance="cancelButtonAppearance" class="oc-ml-m" @click="onCancel" > <span v-text="$gettext('Cancel')" /> </oc-button> </oc-grid> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, ref, useSlots, watch } from 'vue' import OcButton from '../OcButton/OcButton.vue' import OcGrid from '../OcGrid/OcGrid.vue' import OcIcon from '../OcIcon/OcIcon.vue' import OcSpinner from '../OcSpinner/OcSpinner.vue' /** * The search bar is an input element used for searching server side resources or to filter local results. * * ## Accessibility * * ### Landmark role=search * Given there is only one instance of `<oc-search-bar>` per page/route, this component should communicate its purpose, being the main site search, to screen readers ([explainer of landmark roles](https://www.washington.edu/accessibility/web/landmarks/)). If the component serves as a filter form, it is advised to disable the landmark role via `isFilter="true"`. * * ### Making sure a submit button exits * * Both a search and filter form does need a submit button, regardless if the button is visually perceivable or not. If a "buttonless" look is desired, use `button-hidden="true"`, which renders the button visually hidden. * * The `aria-label` of the loading spinner can be set via `customLoadingAccessibleLabel`. If not set, it will default to "Loading results". */ export default defineComponent({ name: 'OcSearchBar', status: 'ready', release: '1.0.0', components: { OcButton, OcGrid, OcIcon, OcSpinner }, props: { /** * Set the search query */ value: { type: String, required: false, default: null }, /** * The icon to be displayed */ icon: { type: String, required: false, default: 'search' }, /** * Informative placeholder about the data to be entered */ placeholder: { type: String, required: false, default: '' }, /** * Informative label about the data to be entered */ label: { type: String, required: true, default: '' }, /** * Indicator if the search bar should be of smaller size */ small: { type: Boolean, default: false }, /** * Determine the button text */ buttonLabel: { type: [String], required: false, default: 'Search' }, /** * Determine the button visibility */ buttonHidden: { type: [Boolean], required: false, default: false }, /** * If set to true the search event is triggered on each entered character */ typeAhead: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, /** * automatically trim whitespaces around search term */ trimQuery: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: true }, /** * If set to true data is loaded and the user cannot enter further data */ loading: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, /** * If set to true the search landmark role is removed since it's not the page's main search function anymore */ isFilter: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, /** * The aria-label for the loading spinner */ loadingAccessibleLabel: { type: String, required: false, default: '' }, /** * Show a "cancel" button next to the search bar. */ showCancelButton: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, /** * Variation of the cancel button */ cancelButtonVariation: { type: String, required: false, default: 'primary', validator: (value: string) => { return ['passive', 'primary', 'danger', 'success', 'warning', 'brand'].includes(value) } }, /** * Appearance of the cancel button */ cancelButtonAppearance: { type: String, required: false, default: 'raw', validator: (value: string) => { return ['outline', 'filled', 'raw', 'raw-inverse'].includes(value) } }, /** * Handler function for when the cancel button is clicked. */ cancelHandler: { type: Function, required: false, default: () => {} } }, emits: ['advancedSearch', 'clear', 'input', 'keyup', 'search'], setup(props) { const slots = useSlots() const query = ref<string>('') watch( () => props.value, () => { if (!props.value) { query.value = '' } } ) const inputIconRightPadding = computed(() => { if (slots.locationFilter?.().length > 0) { return '125px' } return '48px' }) return { query, inputIconRightPadding } }, computed: { searchQuery() { // please don't treat empty string the same as null... return this.value === null ? this.query : this.value }, spinnerSize() { if (this.small) { return 'xsmall' } return 'medium' }, inputClass() { const classes = ['oc-search-input', 'oc-input'] !this.buttonHidden && classes.push('oc-search-input-button') return classes }, loadingAccessibleLabelValue() { return this.loadingAccessibleLabel || this.$gettext('Loading results') } }, methods: { focusSearchInput() { ;(this.$refs.searchInput as HTMLElement).focus() }, onSearch() { /** * Search event on filter or search user input * @event search * @type {event} */ this.$emit('search', this.query) }, onType(query) { this.query = this.trimQuery ? query.trim() : query /** * Input event to support model directive * @event Input * @type {event} */ this.$emit('input', query) if (this.typeAhead) this.onSearch(query) }, onCancel() { this.query = '' this.onType('') this.onSearch() this.cancelHandler() } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> .oc-search { min-width: $form-width-medium; &-button { border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-top-left-radius: 0; // Prevent double borders // from input and button transform: translateX(-1px); z-index: 0; } &-icon { align-items: center; bottom: 0; color: var(--oc-color-text-muted); display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 40px; } &-input { border-radius: 25px !important; border: none; padding: var(--oc-space-medium); color: var(--oc-color-input-text-muted) !important; &:focus { background-color: var(--oc-color-input-bg); border-color: var(--oc-color-input-text-default); color: var(--oc-color-input-text-default); background-image: none; } &::-ms-clear, &::-ms-reveal { display: none; } } &-input-icon { padding-left: var(--oc-space-xlarge) !important; padding-right: v-bind(inputIconRightPadding) !important; } &-input-button { border-bottom-right-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0; } &-clear { right: var(--oc-space-large) !important; } &-small { .oc-search-input { height: 30px; line-height: 28px; padding-left: var(--oc-space-xlarge); } .oc-icon { &, svg { height: 18px; width: 18px; } } } } </style> <docs> ```js <template> <div> <section> <h3 class="oc-heading-divider"> Search examples </h3> <oc-search-bar label="Search files" placeholder="Search files" @search="onSearch" @clear="onClear" /> <div v-if="searchQuery" class="oc-m">Search query: {{ searchQuery }}</div> <div class="oc-my-m"> <oc-search-bar label="Loading..." placeholder="Loading ..." loadingAccessibleLabel="Custom loading aria label" :loading="true" /> </div> <div class="oc-my-m"> <oc-search-bar small label="Small searchbar" placeholder="Small searchbar" :loading="true" /> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="oc-heading-divider"> Search example with visually hidden button </h3> <div class="oc-mb"> <oc-search-bar label="Search files" placeholder="Search files" @search="onSearch" @clear="onClear" :button-hidden="true" /> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="oc-heading-divider"> Filter examples </h3> <oc-search-bar :isFilter="true" label="Search files" placeholder="Filter Files ..." :type-ahead="true" @search="onFilter" button="Filter" icon="" /> <div v-if="filterQuery" class="oc-m">Filter query: {{ filterQuery }}</div> </section> <section> <h3 class="oc-heading-divider"> Search with cancel button </h3> <oc-search-bar label="Search files" placeholder="Enter search term" :type-ahead="true" :show-cancel-button="true" /> </section> </div> </template> <script> export default { data: () => { return { filterQuery: '', searchQuery: '' } }, methods: { onFilter(val) { this.filterQuery = val }, onSearch(val) { this.searchQuery = val }, onClear () { alert('Query has been cleared') } } } </script> ``` </docs>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/OcSearchBar/OcSearchBar.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 4698 }
import { shallowMount, mount, defaultPlugins } from 'web-test-helpers' import OcTextInput from './OcTextInput.vue' import { PasswordPolicy } from '../../helpers' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' const defaultProps = { label: 'label' } Object.assign(navigator, { clipboard: { writeText: vi.fn(), readText: vi.fn() } }) // @vitest-environment jsdom describe('OcTextInput', () => { function getShallowWrapper(props = {}) { return shallowMount(OcTextInput, { props: { ...defaultProps, ...props }, global: { plugins: [...defaultPlugins()] } }) } function getMountedWrapper( options: { props?: Record<string, unknown>; attachTo?: HTMLElement } = { props: {} }, passwordPolicy = { active: false, pass: false } ) { const passwordPolicyMock = mock<PasswordPolicy>() passwordPolicyMock.missing.mockReturnValueOnce({ rules: [ { code: 'minLength', message: 'At least %{param1} characters', format: ['8'], verified: passwordPolicy.pass } ] }) passwordPolicyMock.check.mockReturnValueOnce(passwordPolicy.pass) if (passwordPolicy.active) { options.props = { ...(options.props || {}), passwordPolicy: passwordPolicyMock } } return mount(OcTextInput, { ...options, global: { plugins: [...defaultPlugins()] } }) } const selectors = { textInputMessage: '.oc-text-input-message span', clearInputButton: '.oc-text-input-btn-clear', inputField: '.oc-text-input', infoIcon: '.oc-text-input-message .oc-icon', showPasswordToggleBtn: '.oc-text-input-show-password-toggle', copyPasswordBtn: '.oc-text-input-copy-password-button', generatePasswordBtn: '.oc-text-input-generate-password-button' } describe('id prop', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ id: 'test-input-id', descriptionMessage: 'hello' }) it('should set provided id to the input', () => { expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes().id).toBe('test-input-id') }) it('should set label target for provided id', () => { expect(wrapper.find('label').attributes().for).toBe('test-input-id') }) it('should set message id according to provided id', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).attributes().id).toBe('test-input-id-message') }) }) describe('label prop', () => { it('should set provided label to the input', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper() expect(wrapper.find('label').text()).toBe('label') }) }) describe('password input field', () => { describe('copy password button', () => { it('should not exist if type is not "password" or no value entered', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find(selectors.copyPasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() const wrapper2 = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) expect(wrapper2.find(selectors.copyPasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should not exist if the input is disabled', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password', disabled: true } }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.copyPasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should exist if type is "password" and value entered', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password') expect(wrapper.find(selectors.copyPasswordBtn).exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('should copy password to clipboard if clicked', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password') await wrapper.find(selectors.copyPasswordBtn).trigger('click') expect(navigator.clipboard.writeText).toHaveBeenCalledWith('password') }) }) describe('show hide password toggle button', () => { it('should not exist if type is not "password" or no value entered', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() const wrapper2 = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) expect(wrapper2.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should not exist if the input is disabled', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password', disabled: true } }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should exist if type is "password" and value entered', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password') expect(wrapper.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('should show password plaintext/veiled if clicked', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password') await wrapper.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).trigger('click') expect(wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).attributes().type).toBe('text') await wrapper.find(selectors.showPasswordToggleBtn).trigger('click') expect(wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).attributes().type).toBe('password') }) }) describe('generate password button', () => { it('should not exist if type is not "password" or prop "generatePasswordMethod" is not provided', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find(selectors.generatePasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() const wrapper2 = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password' } }) expect(wrapper2.find(selectors.generatePasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should not exist if the input is disabled', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: 'password', disabled: true } }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.generatePasswordBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should exist if type is "password" and prop "generatePasswordMethod" is provided', () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { generatePasswordMethod: vi.fn(), type: 'password' } }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.generatePasswordBtn).exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('should fill input with generated password if clicked', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { generatePasswordMethod: vi.fn(() => 'PAssword12#!'), type: 'password' } }) await wrapper.find(selectors.generatePasswordBtn).trigger('click') expect((wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).element as HTMLInputElement).value).toEqual( 'PAssword12#!' ) }) }) describe('password policy', () => { it('should emit "passwordChallengeFailed" if password does not match criteria', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper( { props: { type: 'password' } }, { active: true, pass: false } ) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('pass') expect(wrapper.emitted('passwordChallengeCompleted')).toBeFalsy() }) it('should emit "passwordChallengeCompleted" if password matches criteria', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper( { props: { type: 'password' } }, { active: true, pass: true } ) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password123') expect(wrapper.emitted('passwordChallengeCompleted')).toBeTruthy() }) it('displays error state if password does not match criteria', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper( { props: { type: 'password' } }, { active: true, pass: false } ) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('pass') expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('displays success state if password matches criteria', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper( { props: { type: 'password' } }, { active: true, pass: true } ) await wrapper.find(selectors.inputField).setValue('password123') expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) }) describe('when a description message is provided', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ descriptionMessage: 'You should pass.' }) it('should add the description class to the input message', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).attributes().class).toContain( 'oc-text-input-description' ) }) it('should show the description message as the input message text', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).text()).toBe('You should pass.') }) const mountedWrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { descriptionMessage: 'You should pass.' } }) it('should show an info icon', () => { expect(mountedWrapper.find(selectors.infoIcon).exists()).toBe(true) }) }) describe('when a warning message is provided', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ warningMessage: 'You may pass.' }) it('should add the warning class to the input', () => { expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes().class).toContain('oc-text-input-warning') }) it('should add the warning class to the input message', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).attributes().class).toContain( 'oc-text-input-warning' ) }) it('should show the warning message as the input message text', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).text()).toBe('You may pass.') }) }) describe('when an error message is provided', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ errorMessage: 'You shall not pass.' }) it('should add the error class to the input', () => { expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes().class).toContain('oc-text-input-danger') }) it('should add the error class to the input message', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).attributes().class).toContain( 'oc-text-input-danger' ) }) it('should show the error message as the input message text', () => { expect(wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage).text()).toBe('You shall not pass.') }) it('should set the input aria-invalid attribute to true', () => { expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes('aria-invalid')).toBe('true') }) }) describe('message priority', () => { it('should give error message top priority', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ errorMessage: 'You shall not pass.', warningMessage: 'You may pass.', descriptionMessage: 'Your should pass.' }) const messageEl = wrapper.find('.oc-text-input-message span') expect(messageEl.attributes().class).toBe( 'oc-text-input-description oc-text-input-warning oc-text-input-danger' ) expect(messageEl.text()).toBe('You shall not pass.') }) it('should give waring message priority over description message', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ warningMessage: 'You may pass.', descriptionMessage: 'Your should pass.' }) const messageEl = wrapper.find(selectors.textInputMessage) expect(messageEl.attributes().class).toBe('oc-text-input-description oc-text-input-warning') expect(messageEl.text()).toBe('You may pass.') }) }) describe('type prop', () => { it('should only allow text, number, email and password as type', () => { expect(OcTextInput.props.type.validator('binary')).toBeFalsy() }) it.each(['text', 'number', 'email', 'password'])( 'should set the provided type for the input', (type) => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { type: type } }) expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes('type')).toBe(type) } ) }) describe('input events', () => { it('should emit an input event on typing', async () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper() expect(wrapper.emitted().input).toBeFalsy() await wrapper.find('input').setValue('a') expect(wrapper.emitted('update:modelValue')).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.emitted('update:modelValue')[0][0]).toBe('a') }) }) describe('clear-button accessible label prop', () => { it('should set the aria label attribute if provided', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ clearButtonEnabled: true, modelValue: 'non-empty-value', clearButtonAccessibleLabel: 'test label' }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton).attributes().arialabel).toBe('test label') }) }) describe('clear input', () => { it('has no clear button when it is disabled', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ modelValue: 'non-empty-value', clearButtonEnabled: true, disabled: true }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('has clear button when it is enabled but the input is an empty string but not null', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ clearButtonEnabled: true, modelValue: '' }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton).exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('has no clear button when it is enabled but the input is null', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ clearButtonEnabled: true, modelValue: null }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('has a clear button when it is enabled and the input contains content', () => { const wrapper = getShallowWrapper({ clearButtonEnabled: true, modelValue: 'non-empty-value' }) const btn = wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton) expect(btn.exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('clears the content on click', async () => { const wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ props: { ...defaultProps, clearButtonEnabled: true, modelValue: 'non-empty-value' }, attachTo: document.body }) const btn = wrapper.find(selectors.clearInputButton) const input = wrapper.find(selectors.inputField) await btn.trigger('click') // value as data is supposed to be `null` expect(wrapper.emitted('update:modelValue')[0][0]).toEqual(null) // value in DOM would be the empty string if two way binding was used // by just passing in the value it should remain unchanged expect((input.element as HTMLInputElement).value).toEqual('non-empty-value') expect(document.activeElement.id).toBe(input.element.id) }) }) })
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/OcTextInput/OcTextInput.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 5697 }
<template> <oc-table-cell type="th" :align-h="alignH" :align-v="alignV" :width="width" :wrap="wrap" class="oc-th" @click="$emit('click', $event)" > <slot /> </oc-table-cell> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import OcTableCell from '../_OcTableCell/_OcTableCell.vue' export default defineComponent({ name: 'OcTh', status: 'ready', release: '2.1.0', components: { OcTableCell }, props: { alignH: { type: String, default: 'left', validator: (alignment: string) => ['left', 'center', 'right'].includes(alignment) }, alignV: { type: String, default: 'middle', validator: (alignment: string) => ['top', 'middle', 'bottom'].includes(alignment) }, width: { type: String, default: 'auto', validator: (width: string) => ['auto', 'shrink', 'expand'].includes(width) }, wrap: { type: String, default: 'nowrap', validator: (wrap: string) => ['break', 'nowrap', 'truncate'].includes(wrap) } }, emits: ['click'] }) </script> <style lang="scss"> .oc-th { color: var(--oc-color-text-muted); font-weight: inherit; &[aria-sort] { cursor: pointer; } } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/components/_OcTableCellHead/_OcTableCellHead.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 541 }
export interface ContextualHelperDataListItem { text: string headline?: boolean } export interface ContextualHelperData { title: string text?: string list?: ContextualHelperDataListItem[] readMoreLink?: string } export interface ContextualHelper { isEnabled: boolean data: ContextualHelperData } export interface PasswordPolicy { rules: unknown[] check(password: string): boolean missing(password: string): { rules: { code: string message: string format: (number | string)[] verified: boolean }[] } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/helpers/types.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 173 }
$directives: ("m": "margin"); @each $directiveKey, $directiveValue in $directives { .-oc-#{$directiveKey} { #{$directiveValue}: calc(-1 * $oc-space-medium) !important; @each $directionKey, $directionValues in $directions { &#{$directionKey} { @each $direction in $directionValues { #{$directiveValue}-#{$direction}: calc(-1 * $oc-space-medium) !important; @each $sizeKey, $sizeValue in $sizes { &-#{$sizeKey} { #{$directiveValue}-#{$direction}: calc(-1 * $sizeValue) !important; } } } } } @each $sizeKey, $sizeValue in $sizes { &-#{$sizeKey} { #{$directiveValue}: calc(-1 * $sizeValue) !important; } } } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/styles/theme/oc-spacing-negative.scss", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 358 }
/** * Share type */ export const shareType = { user: 0, group: 1, link: 3, guest: 4, remote: 6 }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/design-system/src/utils/shareType.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 46 }
{ "compilerOptions": { /* Visit https://aka.ms/tsconfig.json to read more about this file */ /* Basic Options */ // "incremental": true, /* Enable incremental compilation */ "target": "esnext", /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */ "module": "es2020", /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */ "lib": [ "ESNext", "es2020", "dom" ], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */ //"allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */ // "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */ // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', 'react', 'react-jsx' or 'react-jsxdev'. */ // "declaration": true, /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ // "declarationMap": true, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ // "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */ // "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ // "outDir": "./", /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */ // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */ // "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */ // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */ // "removeComments": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */ // "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */ // "importHelpers": true, /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */ "downlevelIteration": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */ "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */ /* Strict Type-Checking Options */ "strict": false, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ // "strictNullChecks": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */ // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */ // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */ // "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */ "noImplicitThis": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */ // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */ /* Additional Checks */ // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */ // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */ // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */ // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */ // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Include 'undefined' in index signature results */ // "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Require undeclared properties from index signatures to use element accesses. */ /* Module Resolution Options */ "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */ // "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */ // "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */ // "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */ // "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */ "types": ["vitest/globals"], // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */ "esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */ // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ /* Source Map Options */ // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */ // "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */ /* Experimental Options */ "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */ //"emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */ /* Advanced Options */ "skipLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking of declaration files. */ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */ "resolveJsonModule": true }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ], "vueCompilerOptions": { "target": 3 } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/tsconfig/tsconfig.json", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 2519 }
<template> <div> <context-action-menu :menu-sections="menuSections" :action-options="{ resources: items }" /> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, PropType, unref } from 'vue' import { SpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client' import { ContextActionMenu } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { useSpaceActionsDelete, useSpaceActionsDisable, useSpaceActionsEditDescription, useSpaceActionsEditQuota, useSpaceActionsRename, useSpaceActionsRestore, useActionsShowDetails } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export default defineComponent({ name: 'ContextActions', components: { ContextActionMenu }, props: { items: { type: Array as PropType<SpaceResource[]>, required: true } }, setup(props) { const filterParams = computed(() => ({ resources: props.items })) const { actions: deleteActions } = useSpaceActionsDelete() const { actions: disableActions } = useSpaceActionsDisable() const { actions: editQuotaActions } = useSpaceActionsEditQuota() const { actions: editDescriptionActions } = useSpaceActionsEditDescription() const { actions: renameActions } = useSpaceActionsRename() const { actions: restoreActions } = useSpaceActionsRestore() const { actions: showDetailsActions } = useActionsShowDetails() const menuItemsPrimaryActions = computed(() => [...unref(renameActions), ...unref(editDescriptionActions)].filter((item) => item.isVisible(unref(filterParams)) ) ) const menuItemsSecondaryActions = computed(() => [ ...unref(editQuotaActions), ...unref(disableActions), ...unref(restoreActions), ...unref(deleteActions) ].filter((item) => item.isVisible(unref(filterParams))) ) const menuItemsSidebar = computed(() => [...unref(showDetailsActions)].filter((item) => item.isVisible(unref(filterParams))) ) const menuSections = computed(() => { const sections = [] if (unref(menuItemsPrimaryActions).length) { sections.push({ name: 'primaryActions', items: unref(menuItemsPrimaryActions) }) } if (unref(menuItemsSecondaryActions).length) { sections.push({ name: 'secondaryActions', items: unref(menuItemsSecondaryActions) }) } if (unref(menuItemsSidebar).length) { sections.push({ name: 'sidebar', items: unref(menuItemsSidebar) }) } return sections }) return { menuSections } } }) </script>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/src/components/Spaces/ContextActions.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1007 }
import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { computed } from 'vue' import { useAbility, useClientService, useMessages, useRouter } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { Action } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export const useGeneralActionsResetLogo = () => { const { showMessage, showErrorMessage } = useMessages() const { $gettext } = useGettext() const ability = useAbility() const clientService = useClientService() const router = useRouter() const handler = async () => { try { const httpClient = clientService.httpAuthenticated await httpClient.delete('/branding/logo') showMessage({ title: $gettext('Logo was reset successfully. Reloading page...') }) setTimeout(() => { router.go(0) }, 1000) } catch (e) { console.error(e) showErrorMessage({ title: $gettext('Failed to reset logo'), errors: [e] }) } } const actions = computed((): Action[] => [ { name: 'reset-logo', icon: 'restart', label: () => { return $gettext('Reset logo') }, isVisible: () => { return ability.can('update-all', 'Logo') }, handler, componentType: 'button', class: 'oc-general-actions-reset-logo-trigger' } ]) return { actions } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/src/composables/actions/general/useGeneralActionsResetLogo.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 518 }
export * from './useKeyboardTableNavigation' export * from './useKeyboardTableMouseActions'
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/src/composables/keyboardActions/index.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 27 }
import GroupsList from '../../../../src/components/Groups/GroupsList.vue' import { defaultComponentMocks, defaultPlugins, mount, shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' import { displayPositionedDropdown, eventBus, queryItemAsString } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { SideBarEventTopics } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { useGroupSettingsStore } from '../../../../src/composables' const getGroupMocks = () => [ { id: '1', members: [] }, { id: '2', members: [] } ] vi.mock('@ownclouders/web-pkg', async (importOriginal) => ({ ...(await importOriginal<any>()), queryItemAsString: vi.fn(), displayPositionedDropdown: vi.fn() })) describe('GroupsList', () => { describe('method "orderBy"', () => { it('should return an ascending ordered list while desc is set to false', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() expect( wrapper.vm.orderBy( [{ displayName: 'users' }, { displayName: 'admins' }], 'displayName', false ) ).toEqual([{ displayName: 'admins' }, { displayName: 'users' }]) }) it('should return an descending ordered list while desc is set to true', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() expect( wrapper.vm.orderBy( [{ displayName: 'admins' }, { displayName: 'users' }], 'displayName', true ) ).toEqual([{ displayName: 'users' }, { displayName: 'admins' }]) }) }) describe('method "filter"', () => { it('should return a list containing record admins if search term is "ad"', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() expect( wrapper.vm.filter([{ displayName: 'users' }, { displayName: 'admins' }], 'ad') ).toEqual([{ displayName: 'admins' }]) }) it('should return an an empty list if search term does not match any entry', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() expect( wrapper.vm.filter([{ displayName: 'admins' }, { displayName: 'users' }], 'ownClouders') ).toEqual([]) }) }) it('should show the context menu on right click', async () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const spyDisplayPositionedDropdown = vi.mocked(displayPositionedDropdown) const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: mount, groups }) await wrapper.find(`[data-item-id="${groups[0].id}"]`).trigger('contextmenu') expect(spyDisplayPositionedDropdown).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('should show the context menu on context menu button click', async () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const spyDisplayPositionedDropdown = vi.mocked(displayPositionedDropdown) const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: mount, groups }) await wrapper.find('.groups-table-btn-action-dropdown').trigger('click') expect(spyDisplayPositionedDropdown).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('should show the group details on details button click', async () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const eventBusSpy = vi.spyOn(eventBus, 'publish') const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: mount, groups }) await wrapper.find('.groups-table-btn-details').trigger('click') expect(eventBusSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(SideBarEventTopics.open) }) describe('toggle selection', () => { describe('selectGroups method', () => { it('selects all groups', () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, groups }) wrapper.vm.selectGroups(groups) const { setSelectedGroups } = useGroupSettingsStore() expect(setSelectedGroups).toHaveBeenCalledWith(groups) }) }) describe('selectGroup method', () => { it('selects a group', () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, groups: [groups[0]] }) wrapper.vm.selectGroup(groups[0]) const { addSelectedGroup } = useGroupSettingsStore() expect(addSelectedGroup).toHaveBeenCalledWith(groups[0]) }) it('de-selects a selected group', () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, groups: [groups[0]], selectedGroups: [groups[0]] }) wrapper.vm.selectGroup(groups[0]) const { setSelectedGroups } = useGroupSettingsStore() expect(setSelectedGroups).toHaveBeenCalledWith([]) }) }) describe('unselectAllGroups method', () => { it('de-selects all selected groups', () => { const groups = getGroupMocks() const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, groups: [groups[0]], selectedGroups: [groups[0]] }) wrapper.vm.unselectAllGroups() const { setSelectedGroups } = useGroupSettingsStore() expect(setSelectedGroups).toHaveBeenCalledWith([]) }) }) }) }) function getWrapper({ mountType = shallowMount, groups = [], selectedGroups = [] } = {}) { vi.mocked(queryItemAsString).mockImplementationOnce(() => '1') vi.mocked(queryItemAsString).mockImplementationOnce(() => '100') const mocks = defaultComponentMocks() return { wrapper: mountType(GroupsList, { props: { headerPosition: 0 }, global: { plugins: [ ...defaultPlugins({ piniaOptions: { groupSettingsStore: { groups, selectedGroups } } }) ], mocks, provide: mocks, stubs: { OcCheckbox: true } } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/tests/unit/components/Groups/GroupsList.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 2195 }
import GroupSelect from '../../../../src/components/Users/GroupSelect.vue' import { defaultPlugins, shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { Group } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/generated' const groupMock = mock<Group>({ id: '1', groupTypes: [] }) describe('GroupSelect', () => { it('renders the select input', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('correctly maps the read-only state', () => { const groupMock = mock<Group>({ id: '1', groupTypes: ['ReadOnly'] }) const { wrapper } = getWrapper(groupMock) expect(wrapper.vm.selectedOptions[0].readonly).toBeTruthy() }) it('emits "selectedOptionChange" on update', () => { const group = mock<Group>({ id: '2', groupTypes: [] }) const { wrapper } = getWrapper() wrapper.vm.onUpdate(group) expect(wrapper.emitted().selectedOptionChange).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.vm.selectedOptions).toEqual(group) }) }) function getWrapper(group = groupMock) { return { wrapper: shallowMount(GroupSelect, { props: { selectedGroups: [group], groupOptions: [group] }, global: { plugins: [...defaultPlugins()] } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/tests/unit/components/Users/GroupSelect.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 471 }
import { useUserActionsDelete } from '../../../../../src/composables/actions/users/useUserActionsDelete' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { unref } from 'vue' import { User } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/generated' import { useCapabilityStore } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { defaultComponentMocks, getComposableWrapper, writable } from 'web-test-helpers' import { useUserSettingsStore } from '../../../../../src/composables/stores/userSettings' describe('useUserActionsDelete', () => { describe('method "isVisible"', () => { it.each([ { resources: [], disabledViaCapability: false, isVisible: false }, { resources: [mock<User>()], disabledViaCapability: false, isVisible: true }, { resources: [mock<User>(), mock<User>()], disabledViaCapability: false, isVisible: true }, { resources: [mock<User>(), mock<User>()], disabledViaCapability: true, isVisible: false } ])( 'should only return true if 1 or more users are selected and not disabled via capability', ({ resources, disabledViaCapability, isVisible }) => { getWrapper({ setup: ({ actions }) => { const capabilityStore = useCapabilityStore() writable(capabilityStore).graphUsersDeleteDisabled = !!disabledViaCapability expect(unref(actions)[0].isVisible({ resources })).toEqual(isVisible) } }) } ) }) describe('method "deleteUsers"', () => { it('should successfully delete all given users and reload the users list', () => { getWrapper({ setup: async ({ deleteUsers }, { clientService }) => { const user = mock<User>({ id: '1' }) await deleteUsers([user]) expect(clientService.graphAuthenticated.users.deleteUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith(user.id) const { removeUsers } = useUserSettingsStore() expect(removeUsers).toHaveBeenCalled() } }) }) it('should handle errors', () => { vi.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => undefined) getWrapper({ setup: async ({ deleteUsers }, { clientService }) => { clientService.graphAuthenticated.users.deleteUser.mockRejectedValue({}) const user = mock<User>({ id: '1' }) await deleteUsers([user]) expect(clientService.graphAuthenticated.users.deleteUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith(user.id) const { removeUsers } = useUserSettingsStore() expect(removeUsers).toHaveBeenCalled() } }) }) }) }) function getWrapper({ setup }: { setup: ( instance: ReturnType<typeof useUserActionsDelete>, { clientService }: { clientService: ReturnType<typeof defaultComponentMocks>['$clientService'] } ) => void }) { const mocks = defaultComponentMocks() return { wrapper: getComposableWrapper( () => { const instance = useUserActionsDelete() setup(instance, { clientService: mocks.$clientService }) }, { mocks, provide: mocks } ) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-admin-settings/tests/unit/composables/actions/users/useUserActionsDelete.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1162 }
<template> <iframe id="drawio-editor" ref="drawIoEditor" :src="iframeSource" :title="$gettext('Draw.io editor')" /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import qs from 'qs' import { defineComponent, unref, PropType, computed, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, VNodeRef, ref, watch, nextTick } from 'vue' import { Resource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src' import { AppConfigObject } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export default defineComponent({ name: 'DrawIoEditor', props: { resource: { type: Object as PropType<Resource>, required: true }, applicationConfig: { type: Object as PropType<AppConfigObject>, required: true }, currentContent: { type: String, required: true }, isReadOnly: { type: Boolean, required: true }, isDirty: { type: Boolean, required: true } }, emits: ['update:currentContent', 'save', 'close'], setup(props, { emit }) { const drawIoEditor: VNodeRef = ref() const config = computed(() => { const { url = 'https://embed.diagrams.net', theme = 'minimal' } = props.applicationConfig as any return { url, theme } }) const urlHost = computed(() => { const url = new URL(unref(config).url) const urlHost = `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}` return url.port ? `${urlHost}:${url.port}` : urlHost }) const iframeSource = computed(() => { const query = qs.stringify({ embed: 1, chrome: props.isReadOnly ? 0 : 1, picker: 0, stealth: 1, spin: 1, proto: 'json', ui: unref(config).theme }) return `${unref(config).url}?${query}` }) const loadCurrentContent = () => { postMessage({ action: 'load', xml: props.currentContent, autosave: true }) } watch( () => props.isDirty, () => { postMessage({ action: 'status', modified: props.isDirty }) } ) watch( () => props.resource, () => { loadCurrentContent() } ) const postMessage = ( payload: | { action: string; xml: string; autosave?: boolean } | { action: 'status'; modified: boolean } ) => { try { if (!unref(drawIoEditor)) { return } return (unref(drawIoEditor) as HTMLIFrameElement).contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify(payload), unref(urlHost) ) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } const handleMessage = async (event) => { if (event.data.length > 0) { if (event.origin !== unref(config).url) { return } await nextTick() const payload = JSON.parse(event.data) switch (payload?.event) { case 'init': loadCurrentContent() break case 'autosave': emit('update:currentContent', payload.xml) break case 'save': emit('save') break case 'exit': emit('close') break } } } onMounted(() => { window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage) }) onBeforeUnmount(() => { window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage) }) return { config, drawIoEditor, iframeSource } } }) </script> <style scoped> #drawio-editor { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-draw-io/src/App.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1674 }
import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { defaultPlugins, shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' import { useRequest, useRouteQuery } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { ref } from 'vue' import { Resource } from '@ownclouders/web-client' import App from '../../src/App.vue' vi.mock('@ownclouders/web-pkg', async (importOriginal) => ({ ...(await importOriginal<any>()), useRequest: vi.fn(), useRouteQuery: vi.fn() })) const appUrl = 'https://example.test/d12ab86/loe009157-MzBw' const providerSuccessResponsePost = { app_url: appUrl, method: 'POST', form_parameters: { access_token: 'asdfsadfsadf', access_token_ttl: '123456' } } const providerSuccessResponseGet = { app_url: appUrl, method: 'GET' } describe('The app provider extension', () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => undefined) }) it('should fail for unauthenticated users', async () => { const makeRequest = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, status: 401, message: 'Login Required' }) const { wrapper } = createShallowMountWrapper(makeRequest) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should be able to load an iFrame via get', async () => { const makeRequest = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, status: 200, data: providerSuccessResponseGet }) const { wrapper } = createShallowMountWrapper(makeRequest) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should be able to load an iFrame via post', async () => { const makeRequest = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, status: 200, data: providerSuccessResponsePost }) const { wrapper } = createShallowMountWrapper(makeRequest) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) function createShallowMountWrapper(makeRequest = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({ status: 200 })) { vi.mocked(useRequest).mockImplementation(() => ({ makeRequest })) vi.mocked(useRouteQuery).mockImplementation(() => ref('example-app')) const capabilities = { files: { app_providers: [{ apps_url: '/app/list', enabled: true, open_url: '/app/open' }] } } return { wrapper: shallowMount(App, { props: { space: null, resource: mock<Resource>(), isReadOnly: false }, global: { plugins: [ ...defaultPlugins({ piniaOptions: { capabilityState: { capabilities }, configState: { options: { editor: { openAsPreview: true } } } } }) ] } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-external/tests/unit/app.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1133 }
<template> <div class="files-view-wrapper oc-width-expand"> <div id="files-view" v-bind="$attrs"> <slot /> </div> </div> <portal v-if="isEmbedModeEnabled" to="app.runtime.footer"> <embed-actions /> </portal> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import { useEmbedMode } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import EmbedActions from './EmbedActions/EmbedActions.vue' export default defineComponent({ components: { EmbedActions }, inheritAttrs: false, setup() { const { isEnabled: isEmbedModeEnabled } = useEmbedMode() return { isEmbedModeEnabled } } }) </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .files-view-wrapper { height: 100%; position: relative; overflow-y: auto; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr; grid-template-rows: max-content max-content 1fr; gap: 0 0; grid-template-areas: 'header' 'upload' 'main'; &:focus { outline: none; } } #files-view { grid-area: main; z-index: 0; outline: none; } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/src/components/FilesViewWrapper.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 404 }
<template> <div :data-testid="`collaborator-${isAnyUserShareType ? 'user' : 'group'}-item-${ share.sharedWith.displayName }`" class="files-collaborators-collaborator oc-py-xs" > <div class="oc-width-1-1 oc-flex oc-flex-middle files-collaborators-collaborator-details"> <div class="oc-width-2-3 oc-flex oc-flex-middle"> <div> <template v-if="isShareDenied"> <oc-avatar-item :width="36" icon-size="medium" icon="stop" :name="$gettext('Access denied')" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-indicator" /> </template> <template v-else> <avatar-image v-if="isAnyUserShareType" :userid="share.sharedWith.id" :user-name="share.sharedWith.displayName" :width="36" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-indicator" /> <oc-avatar-item v-else :width="36" icon-size="medium" :icon="shareTypeIcon" :name="shareTypeKey" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-indicator" /> </template> </div> <div class="oc-pl-s oc-text-truncate"> <div v-oc-tooltip="shareDisplayNameTooltip" class="oc-text-truncate"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-name" v-text="shareDisplayName" /> <span class="oc-invisible-sr" v-text="screenreaderShareDisplayName" /> </div> <div> <div v-if="isShareDenied" v-oc-tooltip="shareDeniedTooltip" class="oc-flex oc-flex-nowrap oc-flex-middle" v-text="$gettext('Access denied')" /> <template v-else> <div v-if="modifiable" class="oc-flex oc-flex-nowrap oc-flex-middle"> <role-dropdown :dom-selector="shareDomSelector" :existing-role="share.role" :is-locked="isLocked" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-role" mode="edit" @option-change="shareRoleChanged" /> </div> <div v-else-if="share.role"> <span v-oc-tooltip="$gettext(share.role.description)" class="oc-mr-xs" v-text="$gettext(share.role.displayName)" /> </div> </template> </div> </div> </div> <div class="oc-flex oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-3 files-collaborators-collaborator-navigation"> <div v-if="sharedParentRoute && !isShareDenied" class="oc-resource-indicators oc-text-truncate" > <router-link v-oc-tooltip="$gettext('Navigate to parent folder')" class="parent-folder oc-text-truncate" :to="sharedParentRoute" > <span class="text" v-text="$gettext('via')" /> <oc-icon name="folder-2" size="small" fill-type="line" class="oc-px-xs" /> <span class="text oc-text-truncate" v-text="sharedParentDir" /> </router-link> </div> <span v-if="hasExpirationDate"> <oc-icon v-oc-tooltip="expirationDate" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-expiration" data-testid="recipient-info-expiration-date" :aria-label="expirationDate" name="calendar-event" fill-type="line" /> <span class="oc-invisible-sr" v-text="screenreaderShareExpiration" /> </span> <edit-dropdown :id="`edit-drop-down-${editDropDownToggleId}`" class="files-collaborators-collaborator-edit" data-testid="collaborator-edit" :expiration-date="share.expirationDateTime ? share.expirationDateTime : null" :share-category="shareCategory" :can-edit-or-delete="modifiable" :is-share-denied="isShareDenied" :is-locked="isLocked" :deniable="deniable" @expiration-date-changed="shareExpirationChanged" @remove-share="removeShare" @set-deny-share="setDenyShare" @show-access-details="showAccessDetails" @notify-share="showNotifyShareModal" /> <oc-info-drop ref="accessDetailsDrop" class="share-access-details-drop" v-bind="isAnySpaceShareType ? accessDetailsPropsSpace : accessDetailsProps" mode="manual" :target="`#edit-drop-down-${editDropDownToggleId}`" /> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia' import { DateTime } from 'luxon' import EditDropdown from './EditDropdown.vue' import RoleDropdown from './RoleDropdown.vue' import { CollaboratorShare, ShareRole, ShareTypes } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers/share' import { queryItemAsString, useMessages, useModals, useSpacesStore, useUserStore, useSharesStore } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { Resource, extractDomSelector } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers/resource' import { computed, defineComponent, inject, PropType, Ref } from 'vue' import * as uuid from 'uuid' import { formatDateFromDateTime, formatRelativeDateFromDateTime } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { useClientService } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { OcInfoDrop, OcDrop } from 'design-system/src/components' import { RouteLocationNamedRaw } from 'vue-router' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { SpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client' import { buildSpace, isProjectSpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers' export default defineComponent({ name: 'ListItem', components: { EditDropdown, RoleDropdown }, props: { share: { type: Object as PropType<CollaboratorShare>, required: true }, isShareDenied: { type: Boolean, default: false }, modifiable: { type: Boolean, default: false }, sharedParentRoute: { type: Object as PropType<RouteLocationNamedRaw>, default: null }, resourceName: { type: String, default: '' }, deniable: { type: Boolean, default: false }, isLocked: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, emits: ['onDelete', 'onSetDeny'], setup(props, { emit }) { const { showMessage, showErrorMessage } = useMessages() const userStore = useUserStore() const clientService = useClientService() const { $gettext } = useGettext() const { dispatchModal } = useModals() const { updateShare } = useSharesStore() const { upsertSpace, upsertSpaceMember } = useSpacesStore() const { user } = storeToRefs(userStore) const sharedParentDir = computed(() => { return queryItemAsString(props.sharedParentRoute?.params?.driveAliasAndItem) .split('/') .pop() }) const setDenyShare = (value) => { emit('onSetDeny', { share: props.share, value }) } const showNotifyShareModal = () => { dispatchModal({ variation: 'warning', icon: 'mail-send', title: $gettext('Send a reminder'), confirmText: $gettext('Send'), message: $gettext('Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?'), onConfirm: notifyShare }) } const notifyShare = async () => { // FIXME: cern code // const response = await clientService.owncloudSdk.shares.notifyShare(props.share.id) } return { resource: inject<Ref<Resource>>('resource'), space: inject<Ref<SpaceResource>>('space'), updateShare, user, clientService, sharedParentDir, setDenyShare, showNotifyShareModal, showMessage, showErrorMessage, upsertSpace, upsertSpaceMember } }, computed: { shareType() { return ShareTypes.getByValue(this.share.shareType) }, shareTypeIcon() { return this.shareType.icon }, shareTypeKey() { return this.shareType.key }, shareDomSelector() { if (!this.share.id) { return undefined } return extractDomSelector(this.share.id) }, isAnyUserShareType() { return [ShareTypes.user, ShareTypes.spaceUser].includes(this.shareType) }, isAnySpaceShareType() { return [ShareTypes.spaceUser, ShareTypes.spaceGroup].includes(this.shareType) }, shareTypeText() { return this.$gettext(this.shareType.label) }, shareCategory() { return ShareTypes.isIndividual(this.shareType) ? 'user' : 'group' }, shareDeniedTooltip() { return this.$gettext('%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}', { shareType: this.shareTypeText, resourceName: this.resourceName }) }, shareDisplayName() { if (this.user.id === this.share.sharedWith.id) { return this.$gettext('%{collaboratorName} (me)', { collaboratorName: this.share.sharedWith.displayName }) } return this.share.sharedWith.displayName }, shareDisplayNameTooltip() { return this.shareDisplayName }, screenreaderShareDisplayName() { const context = { displayName: this.share.sharedWith.displayName } return this.$gettext('Share receiver name: %{ displayName }', context) }, screenreaderShareExpiration() { return this.$gettext('Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })', { expiryDateRelative: this.expirationDateRelative, expiryDate: this.expirationDate }) }, hasExpirationDate() { return !!this.share.expirationDateTime }, expirationDate() { return formatDateFromDateTime( DateTime.fromISO(this.share.expirationDateTime).endOf('day'), this.$language.current ) }, expirationDateRelative() { return formatRelativeDateFromDateTime( DateTime.fromISO(this.share.expirationDateTime).endOf('day'), this.$language.current ) }, editDropDownToggleId() { return uuid.v4() }, shareDate() { return '' // FIXME // return formatDateFromDateTime( // DateTime.fromSeconds(parseInt(this.share.permission.)), // this.$language.current // ) }, shareOwnerDisplayName() { return this.share.sharedBy.displayName }, accessDetailsPropsSpace() { const list = [] list.push({ text: this.$gettext('Name'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareDisplayName }) list.push({ text: this.$gettext('Type'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareTypeText }) return { title: this.$gettext('Access details'), list } }, accessDetailsProps() { const list = [] list.push({ text: this.$gettext('Name'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareDisplayName }) list.push({ text: this.$gettext('Type'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareTypeText }) list.push( { text: this.$gettext('Access expires'), headline: true }, { text: this.hasExpirationDate ? this.expirationDate : this.$gettext('no') } ) list.push({ text: this.$gettext('Shared on'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareDate }) list.push( { text: this.$gettext('Invited by'), headline: true }, { text: this.shareOwnerDisplayName } ) return { title: this.$gettext('Access details'), list } } }, methods: { removeShare() { this.$emit('onDelete', this.share) }, showAccessDetails() { ;( (this.$refs.accessDetailsDrop as InstanceType<typeof OcInfoDrop>).$refs .drop as InstanceType<typeof OcDrop> ).show() }, async shareRoleChanged(role: ShareRole) { const expirationDateTime = this.share.expirationDateTime try { await this.saveShareChanges({ role, expirationDateTime }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) this.showErrorMessage({ title: this.$gettext('Failed to apply new permissions'), errors: [e] }) } }, async shareExpirationChanged({ expirationDateTime }) { const role = this.share.role try { await this.saveShareChanges({ role, expirationDateTime }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) this.showErrorMessage({ title: this.$gettext('Failed to apply expiration date'), errors: [e] }) } }, async saveShareChanges({ role, expirationDateTime }: { role: ShareRole expirationDateTime?: string }) { try { const share = await this.updateShare({ clientService: this.$clientService, space: this.space, resource: this.resource, collaboratorShare: this.share, options: { roles: [role.id], expirationDateTime } }) if (isProjectSpaceResource(this.resource)) { const client = this.clientService.graphAuthenticated const graphResponse = await client.drives.getDrive(this.resource.id) this.upsertSpace(buildSpace(graphResponse.data)) this.upsertSpaceMember({ member: share }) } this.showMessage({ title: this.$gettext('Share successfully changed') }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) this.showErrorMessage({ title: this.$gettext('Error while editing the share.'), errors: [e] }) } } } }) </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .sharee-avatar { min-width: 36px; } .share-access-details-drop { dl { display: grid; grid-template-columns: max-content auto; } dt { grid-column-start: 1; } dd { grid-column-start: 2; margin-left: var(--oc-space-medium); } } .files-collaborators-collaborator-expiration { margin-top: 5px; } .files-collaborators-collaborator-navigation { justify-content: end; } .files-collaborators-collaborator-role { max-width: 100%; } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Shares/Collaborators/ListItem.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 6447 }
export * from './useSpaceActionsUploadImage'
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/src/composables/actions/spaces/index.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 13 }
export * from './actions'
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/src/helpers/resource/index.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 8 }
<template> <div class="oc-flex"> <files-view-wrapper> <app-bar :breadcrumbs="breadcrumbs" :has-view-options="false" :has-hidden-files="false" :has-file-extensions="false" :has-pagination="false" /> <app-loading-spinner v-if="areResourcesLoading" /> <template v-else> <no-content-message v-if="!spaces.length" icon="delete-bin-5"> <template #message> <span v-text="$gettext('You don\'t have access to any trashbins')"></span> </template> </no-content-message> <template v-else> <div class="trash-bin-filters oc-flex oc-flex-right oc-flex-wrap oc-flex-bottom oc-mx-m oc-mb-m" > <oc-text-input id="spaces-filter" v-model="filterTerm" :label="$gettext('Search')" autocomplete="off" /> </div> <oc-table ref="tableRef" class="spaces-table" :sort-by="sortBy" :sort-dir="sortDir" :fields="fields" :data="displaySpaces" :header-position="fileListHeaderY" :sticky="true" :hover="true" @sort="handleSort" > <template #icon="{ item }"> <oc-icon v-if="isPersonalSpaceResource(item)" class="oc-pl-m" name="folder" /> <oc-icon v-else class="oc-pl-m" name="layout-grid" /> </template> <template #name="{ item }"> <oc-button class="oc-display-block" appearance="raw" v-bind="getSpaceAttributes(item)" > {{ getSpaceName(item) }} </oc-button> </template> <template #footer> <div class="oc-text-nowrap oc-text-center oc-width-1-1 oc-my-s"> <p class="oc-text-muted">{{ footerTextTotal }}</p> <p v-if="filterTerm" class="oc-text-muted">{{ footerTextFilter }}</p> </div> </template> </oc-table> </template> </template> </files-view-wrapper> <file-side-bar :is-open="isSideBarOpen" :active-panel="sideBarActivePanel" /> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, nextTick, onMounted, ref, unref, watch } from 'vue' import Mark from 'mark.js' import Fuse from 'fuse.js' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { useTask } from 'vue-concurrency' import { defaultFuseOptions, FileSideBar, useClientService, useResourcesStore, useRouter, useSideBar, useSpacesStore, useUserStore } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { createLocationTrash } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { createFileRouteOptions } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { AppBar } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import FilesViewWrapper from 'web-app-files/src/components/FilesViewWrapper.vue' import { isPersonalSpaceResource, isProjectSpaceResource, SpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers' import { AppLoadingSpinner } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { NoContentMessage } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { FieldType } from 'design-system/src/components/OcTable/OcTable.vue' import { useFileListHeaderPosition } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export default defineComponent({ name: 'TrashOverview', components: { FileSideBar, FilesViewWrapper, AppBar, AppLoadingSpinner, NoContentMessage }, setup() { const userStore = useUserStore() const spacesStore = useSpacesStore() const router = useRouter() const { $gettext } = useGettext() const clientService = useClientService() const { y: fileListHeaderY } = useFileListHeaderPosition() const resourcesStore = useResourcesStore() const sortBy = ref('name') const sortDir = ref('asc') const filterTerm = ref('') const markInstance = ref(undefined) const tableRef = ref(undefined) const spaces = computed(() => spacesStore.spaces.filter( (s: SpaceResource) => (isPersonalSpaceResource(s) && s.isOwner(userStore.user)) || isProjectSpaceResource(s) ) ) const loadResourcesTask = useTask(function* () { resourcesStore.clearResourceList() yield spacesStore.reloadProjectSpaces({ graphClient: clientService.graphAuthenticated }) resourcesStore.initResourceList({ currentFolder: null, resources: unref(spaces) }) }) const areResourcesLoading = computed(() => { return loadResourcesTask.isRunning || !loadResourcesTask.last }) const footerTextTotal = computed(() => { return $gettext('%{spaceCount} trashes in total', { spaceCount: unref(spaces).length.toString() }) }) const footerTextFilter = computed(() => { return $gettext('%{spaceCount} matching trashes', { spaceCount: unref(displaySpaces).length.toString() }) }) const breadcrumbs = computed(() => [ { text: $gettext('Deleted files'), onClick: () => loadResourcesTask.perform() } ]) const sort = (list: SpaceResource[], propName: string, desc: boolean) => { return [...list].sort((s1, s2) => { if (isPersonalSpaceResource(s1)) { return -1 } if (isPersonalSpaceResource(s2)) { return +1 } const a = s1[propName] const b = s2[propName] return desc ? b.localeCompare(a) : a.localeCompare(b) }) } const displaySpaces = computed(() => sort(filter(unref(spaces), unref(filterTerm)), unref(sortBy), unref(sortDir) === 'desc') ) const handleSort = (event) => { sortBy.value = event.sortBy sortDir.value = event.sortDir } const filter = (spaces: SpaceResource[], filterTerm: string) => { if (!(filterTerm || '').trim()) { return spaces } const searchEngine = new Fuse(spaces, { ...defaultFuseOptions, keys: ['name'] }) return searchEngine.search(filterTerm).map((r) => r.item) } const fields = computed((): FieldType[] => [ { name: 'icon', title: '', type: 'slot', width: 'shrink' }, { name: 'name', title: $gettext('Name'), type: 'slot', sortable: true } ]) const getSpaceName = (space: SpaceResource) => { if (isPersonalSpaceResource(space)) { return $gettext('Personal') } if (space.disabled === true) { return $gettext('%{spaceName} (disabled)', { spaceName: space.name }) } return space.name } const getSpaceAttributes = (space: SpaceResource) => { if (isProjectSpaceResource(space) && space.disabled === true) { return { disabled: true } } return { type: 'router-link', to: getTrashLink(space) } } const getTrashLink = (space: SpaceResource) => { return createLocationTrash('files-trash-generic', { ...createFileRouteOptions(space, { fileId: space.fileId }) }) } onMounted(async () => { if (unref(spaces).length === 1 && !isProjectSpaceResource(unref(spaces)[0])) { return router.push(getTrashLink(unref(spaces).pop())) } await loadResourcesTask.perform() await nextTick() markInstance.value = new Mark(unref(tableRef)?.$el) }) watch(filterTerm, () => { const instance = unref(markInstance) if (!instance) { return } instance.unmark() instance.mark(unref(filterTerm), { element: 'span', className: 'mark-highlight', exclude: ['th *', 'tfoot *'] }) }) return { sortBy, sortDir, filterTerm, footerTextTotal, footerTextFilter, fields, tableRef, spaces, filter, handleSort, displaySpaces, breadcrumbs, getSpaceName, getTrashLink, getSpaceAttributes, loadResourcesTask, areResourcesLoading, isPersonalSpaceResource, fileListHeaderY, ...useSideBar() } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> #spaces-filter { width: 16rem; } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/src/views/trash/Overview.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 3658 }
import NotFoundMessage from '../../../../src/components/FilesList/NotFoundMessage.vue' import { createLocationPublic, createLocationSpaces } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { PublicSpaceResource, SpaceResource, Resource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers' import { MockProxy, mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { join } from 'path' import { defaultComponentMocks, defaultPlugins, shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' import { OcButton } from 'design-system/src/components' const selectors = { homeButton: '#files-list-not-found-button-go-home', reloadLinkButton: '#files-list-not-found-button-reload-link' } const spacesLocation = createLocationSpaces('files-spaces-generic') const publicLocation = createLocationPublic('files-public-link') describe('NotFoundMessage', () => { describe('when user on personal route', () => { let space: MockProxy<SpaceResource> beforeEach(() => { space = mock<SpaceResource>({ driveType: 'personal' }) }) it('should show home button', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, spacesLocation) const homeButton = wrapper.find(selectors.homeButton) expect(homeButton.exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(homeButton.find('span')).toBeTruthy() expect(homeButton.find('span').text()).toBe('Go to »Personal« page') }) it('should not show reload public link button', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, spacesLocation) const reloadLinkButton = wrapper.find(selectors.reloadLinkButton) expect(reloadLinkButton.exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should have property route to personal space', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, spacesLocation) const homeButton = wrapper.findComponent<typeof OcButton>(selectors.homeButton) expect(homeButton.props().to.name).toBe(spacesLocation.name) expect(homeButton.props().to.params.driveAliasAndItem).toBe('personal') }) }) describe('when user on public link route', () => { let space: MockProxy<PublicSpaceResource> beforeEach(() => { space = mock<PublicSpaceResource>({ driveType: 'public' }) space.getDriveAliasAndItem.mockImplementation((resource) => join('public/1234', resource.path) ) }) it('should show reload link button', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, publicLocation) const reloadLinkButton = wrapper.find(selectors.reloadLinkButton) expect(reloadLinkButton.exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(reloadLinkButton.find('span')).toBeTruthy() expect(reloadLinkButton.find('span').text()).toBe('Reload public link') }) it('should not show home button', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, publicLocation) const homeButton = wrapper.find(selectors.homeButton) expect(homeButton.exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('should have property route to files public list', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper(space, publicLocation) const reloadLinkButton = wrapper.findComponent<typeof OcButton>(selectors.reloadLinkButton) expect(reloadLinkButton.props().to.name).toBe(publicLocation.name) expect(reloadLinkButton.props().to.params.driveAliasAndItem).toBe( space.getDriveAliasAndItem({ path: '' } as Resource) ) }) }) }) function getWrapper(space, route) { const mocks = defaultComponentMocks({ currentRoute: route }) return { wrapper: shallowMount(NotFoundMessage, { props: { space }, global: { renderStubDefaultSlot: true, mocks, provide: mocks, plugins: [...defaultPlugins()] } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/tests/unit/components/FilesList/NotFoundMessage.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1313 }
import RoleDropdown from 'web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Shares/Collaborators/RoleDropdown.vue' import { ShareRole } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers/share' import { defaultPlugins, mount, shallowMount } from 'web-test-helpers' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { Resource } from '@ownclouders/web-client' const selectors = { recipientRoleBtn: '.files-recipient-role-select-btn', roleButton: '.files-recipient-role-drop-btn' } describe('RoleDropdown', () => { it('renders a button with invite text if no existing role given', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.recipientRoleBtn).exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.find(`${selectors.recipientRoleBtn} span`).text()).toEqual('Can view') }) it('renders a button with existing role if given', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, existingRole: mock<ShareRole>({ label: 'Can edit' }) }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.recipientRoleBtn).exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.find(`${selectors.recipientRoleBtn} span`).text()).toEqual('Can edit') }) it('does not render a button if only one role is available', () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper({ mountType: shallowMount, availableShareRoles: [mock<ShareRole>({ displayName: 'Viewer', description: '', label: '' })] }) expect(wrapper.find(selectors.recipientRoleBtn).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) it('emits "optionChange"-event on role click', async () => { const { wrapper } = getWrapper() ;(wrapper.vm.$refs.rolesDrop as any).tippy = { hide: vi.fn() } await wrapper.find(selectors.roleButton).trigger('click') expect(wrapper.emitted('optionChange')).toBeTruthy() }) }) function getWrapper({ mountType = mount, existingRole = null, availableShareRoles = [ mock<ShareRole>({ displayName: 'Viewer', description: '', label: 'Can view' }), mock<ShareRole>({ displayName: 'Editor', description: '', label: 'Can edit' }) ] } = {}) { return { wrapper: mountType(RoleDropdown, { props: { existingRole }, global: { plugins: [ ...defaultPlugins({ piniaOptions: { userState: { user: { onPremisesSamAccountName: 'name' } } } }) ], renderStubDefaultSlot: true, provide: { resource: mock<Resource>(), availableShareRoles } } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/tests/unit/components/SideBar/Shares/Collaborators/RoleDropdown.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 943 }
import { useSpaceActionsUploadImage } from 'web-app-files/src/composables/actions/spaces/useSpaceActionsUploadImage' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { defaultComponentMocks, RouteLocation, getComposableWrapper, mockAxiosResolve } from 'web-test-helpers' import { unref, VNodeRef } from 'vue' import { eventBus, useMessages } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { Resource, SpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src' import { Drive } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/generated' describe('uploadImage', () => { describe('method "uploadImageSpace"', () => { it('should show message on success', () => { getWrapper({ setup: async ({ uploadImageSpace }, { clientService }) => { const busStub = vi.spyOn(eventBus, 'publish') const driveMock = mock<Drive>({ special: [{ specialFolder: { name: 'image' } }] }) clientService.graphAuthenticated.drives.updateDrive.mockResolvedValue( mockAxiosResolve(driveMock) ) clientService.webdav.putFileContents.mockResolvedValue( mock<Resource>({ fileId: 'YTE0ODkwNGItNTZhNy00NTQ4LTk2N2MtZjcwZjhhYTY0Y2FjOmQ4YzMzMmRiLWUxNWUtNDRjMy05NGM2LTViYjQ2MGMwMWJhMw==' }) ) await uploadImageSpace({ currentTarget: { files: [ { name: 'image.png', lastModifiedDate: new Date(), type: 'image/png', arrayBuffer: () => new ArrayBuffer(0) } ] } }) expect(busStub).toHaveBeenCalledWith('app.files.spaces.uploaded-image', expect.anything()) const { showMessage } = useMessages() expect(showMessage).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) } }) }) it('should show showErrorMessage on error', () => { vi.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => undefined) getWrapper({ setup: async ({ uploadImageSpace }, { clientService }) => { clientService.webdav.putFileContents.mockRejectedValue(new Error('')) await uploadImageSpace({ currentTarget: { files: [ { name: 'image.png', lastModifiedDate: new Date(), type: 'image/png', arrayBuffer: () => new ArrayBuffer(0) } ] } }) const { showErrorMessage } = useMessages() expect(showErrorMessage).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) } }) }) }) }) function getWrapper({ setup }: { setup: ( instance: ReturnType<typeof useSpaceActionsUploadImage>, { spaceImageInput }: { spaceImageInput: VNodeRef clientService: ReturnType<typeof defaultComponentMocks>['$clientService'] } ) => void }) { const mocks = { ...defaultComponentMocks({ currentRoute: mock<RouteLocation>({ name: 'files-spaces-generic' }) }) } mocks.$previewService.isMimetypeSupported.mockReturnValue(true) return { wrapper: getComposableWrapper( () => { const spaceImageInput = mock<VNodeRef>() const instance = useSpaceActionsUploadImage({ spaceImageInput }) unref(instance.actions)[0].handler({ resources: [ mock<SpaceResource>({ id: '1fe58d8b-aa69-4c22-baf7-97dd57479f22' }) ] }) setup(instance, { spaceImageInput, clientService: mocks.$clientService }) }, { mocks, provide: mocks } ) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/tests/unit/composables/actions/spaces/useSpaceActionsUploadImage.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1744 }
import Projects from '../../../../src/views/spaces/Projects.vue' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { h, nextTick, ref } from 'vue' import { queryItemAsString, useFileActionsDelete, useExtensionRegistry } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { defaultPlugins, mount, defaultComponentMocks, defaultStubs, RouteLocation } from 'web-test-helpers' import { useExtensionRegistryMock } from 'web-test-helpers/src/mocks/useExtensionRegistryMock' vi.mock('@ownclouders/web-pkg', async (importOriginal) => ({ ...(await importOriginal<any>()), displayPositionedDropdown: vi.fn(), queryItemAsString: vi.fn(), appDefaults: vi.fn(), useExtensionRegistry: vi.fn(), useRouteQueryPersisted: vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => ref('resource-table')), useFileActions: vi.fn(), useFileActionsDelete: vi.fn(() => mock<ReturnType<typeof useFileActionsDelete>>()) })) const spacesResources = [ { id: '1', name: 'Some space', driveType: 'project', description: 'desc', path: '', type: 'space', isFolder: true, getDriveAliasAndItem: () => '1' }, { id: '2', name: 'Some other space', driveType: 'project', description: 'desc', path: '', type: 'space', isFolder: true, getDriveAliasAndItem: () => '2' } ] describe('Projects view', () => { it('appBar always present', () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find('app-bar-stub').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('sideBar always present', () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find('file-side-bar-stub').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) describe('different files view states', () => { it('shows the loading spinner during loading', () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper() expect(wrapper.find('oc-spinner-stub').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('shows the no-content-message after loading', async () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper() await wrapper.vm.loadResourcesTask.last expect(wrapper.find('oc-spinner-stub').exists()).toBeFalsy() expect(wrapper.find('.no-content-message').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('lists all available project spaces', async () => { const spaces = spacesResources const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper({ spaces }) await wrapper.vm.loadResourcesTask.last // "space" is undefined for "space-context-actions", seems to be a bug because it's definitely not // {{ space }} -> undefined, {{ space.id }} -> "1" expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() expect(wrapper.find('.no-content-message').exists()).toBeFalsy() expect(wrapper.find('.spaces-list').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) it('shows only filtered spaces if filter applied', async () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper({ spaces: spacesResources }) wrapper.vm.filterTerm = 'Some other space' await nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.items).toEqual([spacesResources[1]]) }) }) it('should display the "Create Space"-button when permission given', () => { const { wrapper } = getMountedWrapper({ abilities: [{ action: 'create-all', subject: 'Drive' }], stubAppBar: false }) expect(wrapper.find('create-space-stub').exists()).toBeTruthy() }) }) function getMountedWrapper({ mocks = {}, spaces = [], abilities = [], stubAppBar = true } = {}) { vi.mocked(queryItemAsString).mockImplementationOnce(() => '1') vi.mocked(queryItemAsString).mockImplementationOnce(() => '100') const extensions = [ { id: 'com.github.owncloud.web.files.folder-view.resource-table', type: 'folderView', scopes: ['resource', 'space', 'favorite'], folderView: { name: 'resource-table', label: 'Switch to default view', icon: { name: 'menu-line', fillType: 'none' }, component: h('div', { class: 'resource-table' }) } } ] vi.mocked(useExtensionRegistry).mockImplementation(() => useExtensionRegistryMock({ requestExtensions<ExtensionType>(type: string, scopes: string[]) { return extensions as ExtensionType[] } }) ) const defaultMocks = { ...defaultComponentMocks({ currentRoute: mock<RouteLocation>({ name: 'files-spaces-projects' }) }), ...(mocks && mocks) } return { mocks: defaultMocks, wrapper: mount(Projects, { global: { plugins: [...defaultPlugins({ abilities, piniaOptions: { spacesState: { spaces } } })], mocks: defaultMocks, provide: defaultMocks, stubs: { ...defaultStubs, 'space-context-actions': true, 'app-bar': stubAppBar, CreateSpace: true } } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-files/tests/unit/views/spaces/Projects.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1845 }
import { z } from 'zod' // Invite export const inviteSchema = z.object({ token: z.string(), expiration: z.number().optional(), description: z.string().optional(), invite_link: z.string().optional() }) export type InviteSchema = z.infer<typeof inviteSchema> export const inviteListSchema = z.array(inviteSchema) export type InviteListSchema = z.infer<typeof inviteListSchema> // Provider export const providerSchema = z.object({ domain: z.string(), full_name: z.string() }) export type ProviderSchema = z.infer<typeof providerSchema> export const providerListSchema = z.array(providerSchema) export type ProviderListSchema = z.infer<typeof providerListSchema>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-ocm/src/schemas.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 217 }
<template> <img ref="img" :key="`media-image-${file.id}`" :src="file.url" :alt="file.name" :data-id="file.id" :style="`transform: rotate(${currentImageRotation}deg)`" /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { CachedFile } from '../../helpers/types' import { defineComponent, PropType, onMounted, ref, watch, unref, nextTick } from 'vue' import type { PanzoomObject } from '@panzoom/panzoom' import Panzoom from '@panzoom/panzoom' export default defineComponent({ name: 'MediaImage', props: { file: { type: Object as PropType<CachedFile>, required: true }, currentImageZoom: { type: Number, required: true }, currentImageRotation: { type: Number, required: true }, currentImagePositionX: { type: Number, required: true }, currentImagePositionY: { type: Number, required: true } }, emits: ['panZoomChange'], setup(props, { emit }) { const img = ref<HTMLElement | null>() const panzoom = ref<PanzoomObject>() const onPanZoomChange = (event) => { emit('panZoomChange', event) } const initPanzoom = async () => { if (unref(panzoom)) { ;(unref(img) as unknown as HTMLElement).removeEventListener( 'panzoomchange', onPanZoomChange ) unref(panzoom)?.destroy() } // wait for next tick until image is rendered await nextTick() panzoom.value = Panzoom(unref(img), { animate: false, duration: 300, overflow: 'auto', maxScale: 10, setTransform: (_, { scale, x, y }) => { let h: number let v: number switch (props.currentImageRotation) { case -270: case 90: h = y v = 0 - x break case -180: case 180: h = 0 - x v = 0 - y break case -90: case 270: h = 0 - y v = x break default: h = x v = y } unref(panzoom).setStyle( 'transform', `rotate(${props.currentImageRotation}deg) scale(${scale}) translate(${h}px, ${v}px)` ) } }) ;(unref(img) as unknown as HTMLElement).addEventListener('panzoomchange', onPanZoomChange) } watch(img, initPanzoom) onMounted(initPanzoom) watch([() => props.currentImageZoom, () => props.currentImageRotation], () => { unref(panzoom).zoom(props.currentImageZoom) }) watch([() => props.currentImagePositionX, () => props.currentImagePositionY], () => { unref(panzoom).pan(props.currentImagePositionX, props.currentImagePositionY) }) return { img } } }) </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> img { max-width: 80%; max-height: 80%; cursor: move; } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-preview/src/components/Sources/MediaImage.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1435 }
import SearchBar from '../../../src/portals/SearchBar.vue' import flushPromises from 'flush-promises' import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended' import { ref } from 'vue' import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import { defaultPlugins, mount, defaultComponentMocks, RouteLocation, nextTicks } from 'web-test-helpers' import { useAvailableProviders } from '../../../src/composables' const component = defineComponent({ emits: ['click', 'keyup'], setup(props, ctx) { const onClick = (event) => { ctx.emit('click', event) } return { onClick } }, template: '<div @click="onClick"></div>' }) const providerFiles = { id: 'files', displayName: 'Files', available: true, previewSearch: { available: true, search: vi.fn(), component }, listSearch: {} } const providerContacts = { id: 'contacts', displayName: 'Contacts', available: true, previewSearch: { available: true, search: vi.fn(), component } } const selectors = { search: '#files-global-search', noResults: '#no-results', searchInput: 'input', searchInputClear: '.oc-search-clear', providerListItem: '.provider', providerDisplayName: '.provider .display-name', providerMoreResultsLink: '.provider .more-results', optionsHidden: '.tippy-box[data-state="hidden"]', optionsVisible: '.tippy-box[data-state="visible"]' } vi.mock('lodash-es', () => ({ debounce: (fn) => fn })) vi.mock('../../../src/composables/useAvailableProviders') beforeEach(() => { providerFiles.previewSearch.search.mockImplementation(() => { return { values: [ { id: 'f1', data: 'albert.txt' }, { id: 'f2', data: 'marie.txt' } ] } }) providerContacts.previewSearch.search.mockImplementation(() => { return { values: [ { id: 'c1', data: 'albert' }, { id: 'c2', data: 'marie' } ] } }) }) let wrapper afterEach(() => { wrapper.unmount() }) describe('Search Bar portal component', () => { vi.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(undefined) test('does not render a search field if no availableProviders given', () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ providers: [] }).wrapper expect(wrapper.find(selectors.search).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) test('does not render a search field if no user given', () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ userContextReady: false }).wrapper expect(wrapper.find(selectors.search).exists()).toBeFalsy() }) test('updates the search term on input', () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('alice') expect(wrapper.vm.term).toBe('alice') }) test('shows message if no results are available', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper providerFiles.previewSearch.search.mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { values: [] } }) providerContacts.previewSearch.search.mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { values: [] } }) wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('nothing found') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.find(selectors.noResults)).toBeTruthy() }) test('displays all available providers', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await nextTicks(3) expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.providerListItem).length).toEqual(2) }) test('only displays provider list item if search results are attached', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper providerContacts.previewSearch.search.mockImplementation(() => { return { values: [] } }) wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await nextTicks(3) expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.providerListItem).length).toEqual(1) }) test('displays the provider name in the provider list item', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await nextTicks(3) const providerDisplayNameItems = wrapper.findAll(selectors.providerDisplayName) expect(providerDisplayNameItems.at(0).text()).toEqual('Files') expect(providerDisplayNameItems.at(1).text()).toEqual('Contacts') }) test('The search provider only displays the more results link if a listSearch component is present', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await nextTicks(3) expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.providerMoreResultsLink).length).toEqual(1) }) test('hides options on preview item click', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await nextTicks(3) expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsVisible).length).toEqual(1) wrapper.findAll('.preview-component').at(0).trigger('click') expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsHidden).length).toEqual(1) }) test('hides options on key press enter', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsVisible).length).toEqual(1) wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.enter') expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsHidden).length).toEqual(1) }) test('hides options on key press escape', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsVisible).length).toEqual(1) wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.esc') expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsHidden).length).toEqual(1) }) test('hides options if no search term is given', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsVisible).length).toEqual(1) wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('') expect(wrapper.findAll(selectors.optionsHidden).length).toEqual(1) }) test('sets the search term according to route value on mount', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ mocks: { $route: { query: { term: 'alice' } } } }).wrapper await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.term).toBe('alice') expect((wrapper.get('input').element as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('alice') }) test('sets active preview item via keyboard navigation', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') await flushPromises() wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.down') wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.down') }) test('navigates to files-common-search route on key press enter if search term is given', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper().wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') const spyRouterPushStub = wrapper.vm.$router.push await flushPromises() wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.enter') expect(spyRouterPushStub).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(spyRouterPushStub).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: 'files-common-search', query: expect.objectContaining({ term: 'albert', provider: 'files.sdk' }) }) }) test('does not navigate to the list view if no list provider given', async () => { wrapper = getMountedWrapper({ providers: [providerContacts] }).wrapper wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).setValue('albert') const spyRouterPushStub = wrapper.vm.$router.push await flushPromises() wrapper.find(selectors.searchInput).trigger('keyup.enter') expect(spyRouterPushStub).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) function getMountedWrapper({ mocks = {}, userContextReady = true, providers = [providerFiles, providerContacts] } = {}) { vi.mocked(useAvailableProviders).mockReturnValue(ref(providers)) const currentRoute = mock<RouteLocation>({ name: 'files-spaces-generic', query: { term: '', provider: '' } }) const localMocks = { ...defaultComponentMocks({ currentRoute }), ...mocks } return { wrapper: mount(SearchBar, { attachTo: document.body, global: { plugins: [ ...defaultPlugins({ piniaOptions: { authState: { userContextReady: userContextReady } } }) ], mocks: localMocks, provide: localMocks, stubs: { 'router-link': true } } }) } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-search/tests/unit/portals/SearchBar.spec.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 3175 }
<template> <main class="webfinger-resolve oc-height-viewport oc-flex oc-flex-column oc-flex-center oc-flex-middle" > <h1 class="oc-invisible-sr" v-text="pageTitle" /> <div class="oc-card oc-card-body oc-text-center oc-width-large"> <template v-if="hasError"> <h2 key="webfinger-resolve-error"> <span v-text="$gettext('Sorry!')" /> </h2> <p v-text="$gettext('Something went wrong.')" /> <p v-text="$gettext('We could not resolve the destination.')" /> </template> <template v-else> <h2 key="webfinger-resolve-loading"> <span v-text="$gettext('One moment please…')" /> </h2> <p v-text="$gettext('You are being redirected.')" /> </template> </div> </main> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, ref, unref, watch } from 'vue' import { useClientService, useConfigStore, useLoadingService, useRoute, useRouteMeta } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' import { OwnCloudServer, WebfingerDiscovery } from 'web-app-webfinger/src/discovery' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { useAuthService } from '@ownclouders/web-pkg' export default defineComponent({ name: 'WebfingerResolve', setup() { const configStore = useConfigStore() const clientService = useClientService() const loadingService = useLoadingService() const authService = useAuthService() const route = useRoute() const { $gettext } = useGettext() const title = useRouteMeta('title', '') const pageTitle = computed(() => { return $gettext(unref(title)) }) const ownCloudServers = ref<OwnCloudServer[]>([]) const hasError = ref(false) const webfingerDiscovery = new WebfingerDiscovery(configStore.serverUrl, clientService) loadingService.addTask(async () => { try { const servers = await webfingerDiscovery.discoverOwnCloudServers() ownCloudServers.value = servers if (servers.length === 0) { hasError.value = true } } catch (e) { console.error(e) if (e.response?.status === 401) { return authService.handleAuthError(unref(route)) } hasError.value = true } }) watch(ownCloudServers, (instances) => { if (instances.length === 0) { return } // we can't deal with multi-instance results. just pick the first one for now. window.location.href = ownCloudServers.value[0].href }) return { pageTitle, ownCloudInstances: ownCloudServers, hasError } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> .webfinger-resolve { .oc-card { background: var(--oc-color-background-highlight); border-radius: 15px; &-body { h2 { margin-top: 0; } p { font-size: var(--oc-font-size-large); } } } } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-app-webfinger/src/views/Resolve.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1200 }
import { AxiosInstance, AxiosPromise, AxiosResponse } from 'axios' import { CollectionOfDrives, CollectionOfGroup, CollectionOfUser, Configuration, Drive, DrivesApiFactory, Group, GroupApiFactory, GroupsApiFactory, MeChangepasswordApiFactory, MeDrivesApi, MeUserApiFactory, User, UserApiFactory, UsersApiFactory, TagsApiFactory, CollectionOfTags, TagAssignment, TagUnassignment, DrivesGetDrivesApi, CollectionOfApplications, ApplicationsApiFactory, UserAppRoleAssignmentApiFactory, AppRoleAssignment, ExportPersonalDataRequest, MeDriveApiFactory, RoleManagementApiFactory, UnifiedRoleDefinition, CollectionOfDriveItems1, DriveItemApiFactory, DrivesRootApiFactory, DriveItem, DrivesPermissionsApiFactory, Permission, DriveItemCreateLink, DriveItemInvite, SharingLinkPassword, CollectionOfPermissions, CollectionOfPermissionsWithAllowedValues } from './generated' export interface Graph { applications: { listApplications: () => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfApplications> } tags: { getTags: () => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfTags> assignTags: (tagAssignment?: TagAssignment) => AxiosPromise<void> unassignTags: (tagUnassignment?: TagUnassignment) => AxiosPromise<void> } drives: { listMyDrives: (orderBy?: string, filter?: string) => Promise<AxiosResponse<CollectionOfDrives>> listAllDrives: (orderBy?: string, filter?: string) => Promise<AxiosResponse<CollectionOfDrives>> listSharedWithMe: () => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfDriveItems1> listSharedByMe: () => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfDriveItems1> getDrive: (id: string) => AxiosPromise<Drive> createDrive: (drive: Drive, options: any) => AxiosPromise<Drive> updateDrive: (id: string, drive: Drive, options: any) => AxiosPromise<Drive> disableDrive: (id: string) => AxiosPromise<void> deleteDrive: (id: string) => AxiosPromise<void> deleteDriveItem: (driveId: string, itemId: string) => AxiosPromise<void> createDriveItem: (driveId: string, driveItem: DriveItem) => AxiosPromise<DriveItem> } users: { getUser: (userId: string) => AxiosPromise<User> createUser: (user: User) => AxiosPromise<User> getMe: () => AxiosPromise<User> editMe: (user: User) => AxiosPromise<User> changeOwnPassword: (currentPassword: string, newPassword: string) => AxiosPromise<void> editUser: (userId: string, user: User) => AxiosPromise<User> deleteUser: (userId: string) => AxiosPromise<void> listUsers: ( orderBy?: string, filter?: string, expand?: Array<'drive' | 'drives' | 'memberOf' | 'appRoleAssignments'>, search?: string ) => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfUser> createUserAppRoleAssignment: ( userId: string, appRoleAssignment: AppRoleAssignment ) => AxiosPromise<AppRoleAssignment> exportPersonalData: ( userId: string, exportPersonalDataRequest?: ExportPersonalDataRequest ) => AxiosPromise<void> } groups: { listGroups: ( orderBy?: string, expand?: Array<'members'>, search?: string ) => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfGroup> createGroup: (group: Group) => AxiosPromise<Group> getGroup: (groupId: string) => AxiosPromise<Group> editGroup: (groupId: string, group: Group) => AxiosPromise<void> deleteGroup: (groupId: string) => AxiosPromise<void> addMember: (groupId: string, userId: string, server: string) => AxiosPromise<void> deleteMember: (groupId: string, userId: string) => AxiosPromise<void> } roleManagement: { listPermissionRoleDefinitions: () => AxiosPromise<UnifiedRoleDefinition> } permissions: { getPermission: (driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string) => AxiosPromise<Permission> listPermissions: ( driveId: string, itemId: string ) => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfPermissionsWithAllowedValues> createLink: ( driveId: string, itemId: string, driveItemCreateLink?: DriveItemCreateLink ) => AxiosPromise<Permission> invite: ( driveId: string, itemId: string, driveItemInvite?: DriveItemInvite ) => AxiosPromise<CollectionOfPermissions> deletePermission: (driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string) => AxiosPromise<void> updatePermission: ( driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string, permission: Permission ) => AxiosPromise<Permission> setPermissionPassword: ( driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string, sharingLinkPassword: SharingLinkPassword ) => AxiosPromise<Permission> } } export const graph = (baseURI: string, axiosClient: AxiosInstance): Graph => { const url = new URL(baseURI) url.pathname = [...url.pathname.split('/'), 'graph'].filter(Boolean).join('/') const config = new Configuration({ basePath: url.href }) const meDrivesApi = new MeDrivesApi(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const allDrivesApi = new DrivesGetDrivesApi(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const meUserApiFactory = MeUserApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const meDriveApiFactory = MeDriveApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const meChangepasswordApiFactory = MeChangepasswordApiFactory( config, config.basePath, axiosClient ) const applicationsApiFactory = ApplicationsApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const userApiFactory = UserApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const usersApiFactory = UsersApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const userAppRoleAssignmentApiFactory = UserAppRoleAssignmentApiFactory( config, config.basePath, axiosClient ) const groupApiFactory = GroupApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const groupsApiFactory = GroupsApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const drivesApiFactory = DrivesApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const tagsApiFactory = TagsApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const roleManagementApiFactory = RoleManagementApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const driveItemApiFactory = DriveItemApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const drivesRootApiFactory = DrivesRootApiFactory(config, config.basePath, axiosClient) const drivesPermissionsApiFactory = DrivesPermissionsApiFactory( config, config.basePath, axiosClient ) return <Graph>{ applications: { listApplications: () => applicationsApiFactory.listApplications() }, tags: { getTags: () => tagsApiFactory.getTags(), assignTags: (tagAssignment: TagAssignment) => tagsApiFactory.assignTags(tagAssignment), unassignTags: (tagUnassignment: TagUnassignment) => tagsApiFactory.unassignTags(tagUnassignment) }, drives: { listMyDrives: (orderBy?: string, filter?: string) => meDrivesApi.listMyDrives(orderBy, filter), listAllDrives: (orderBy?: string, filter?: string) => allDrivesApi.listAllDrives(orderBy, filter), listSharedWithMe: () => meDriveApiFactory.listSharedWithMe(), listSharedByMe: () => meDriveApiFactory.listSharedByMe(), getDrive: (id: string) => drivesApiFactory.getDrive(id), createDrive: (drive: Drive, options: any): AxiosPromise<Drive> => drivesApiFactory.createDrive(drive, options), updateDrive: (id: string, drive: Drive, options: any): AxiosPromise<Drive> => drivesApiFactory.updateDrive(id, drive, options), disableDrive: (id: string): AxiosPromise<void> => drivesApiFactory.deleteDrive(id, '', {}), deleteDrive: (id: string): AxiosPromise<void> => drivesApiFactory.deleteDrive(id, '', { headers: { Purge: 'T' } }), deleteDriveItem: (driveId: string, itemId: string) => driveItemApiFactory.deleteDriveItem(driveId, itemId), createDriveItem: (driveId: string, driveItem: DriveItem) => drivesRootApiFactory.createDriveItem(driveId, driveItem) }, users: { getUser: (userId: string) => userApiFactory.getUser( userId, new Set<any>([]), new Set<any>(['drive', 'memberOf', 'appRoleAssignments']) ), createUser: (user: User) => usersApiFactory.createUser(user), getMe: () => meUserApiFactory.getOwnUser(new Set<any>(['memberOf'])), editMe: (user: User) => meUserApiFactory.updateOwnUser(user), changeOwnPassword: (currentPassword, newPassword) => meChangepasswordApiFactory.changeOwnPassword({ currentPassword, newPassword }), editUser: (userId: string, user: User) => userApiFactory.updateUser(userId, user), deleteUser: (userId: string) => userApiFactory.deleteUser(userId), listUsers: ( orderBy?: any, filter?: string, expand?: Array<'drive' | 'drives' | 'memberOf' | 'appRoleAssignments'>, search: string = '' ) => usersApiFactory.listUsers( search, filter, orderBy ? new Set<any>([orderBy]) : null, null, expand ? new Set<any>(expand) : null ), createUserAppRoleAssignment: (userId: string, appRoleAssignment: AppRoleAssignment) => userAppRoleAssignmentApiFactory.userCreateAppRoleAssignments(userId, appRoleAssignment), exportPersonalData: (userId: string, exportPersonalDataRequest?: ExportPersonalDataRequest) => userApiFactory.exportPersonalData(userId, exportPersonalDataRequest) }, groups: { createGroup: (group: Group) => groupsApiFactory.createGroup(group), editGroup: (groupId: string, group: Group) => groupApiFactory.updateGroup(groupId, group), getGroup: (groupId: string) => groupApiFactory.getGroup(groupId, new Set<any>([]), new Set<any>(['members'])), deleteGroup: (groupId: string) => groupApiFactory.deleteGroup(groupId), listGroups: (orderBy?: any, expand?: Array<'members'>, search: string = '') => groupsApiFactory.listGroups( search, orderBy ? new Set<any>([orderBy]) : null, null, expand ? new Set<any>(expand) : null ), addMember: (groupId: string, userId: string, server: string) => groupApiFactory.addMember(groupId, { '@odata.id': `${server}graph/v1.0/users/${userId}` }), deleteMember: (groupId: string, userId: string) => groupApiFactory.deleteMember(groupId, userId) }, roleManagement: { listPermissionRoleDefinitions: () => roleManagementApiFactory.listPermissionRoleDefinitions() }, permissions: { getPermission: (driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.getPermission(driveId, itemId, permId), listPermissions: (driveId: string, itemId: string) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.listPermissions(driveId, itemId), createLink: (driveId: string, itemId: string, driveItemCreateLink?: DriveItemCreateLink) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.createLink(driveId, itemId, driveItemCreateLink), invite: (driveId: string, itemId: string, driveItemInvite?: DriveItemInvite) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.invite(driveId, itemId, driveItemInvite), deletePermission: (driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.deletePermission(driveId, itemId, permId), updatePermission: (driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string, permission: Permission) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.updatePermission(driveId, itemId, permId, permission), setPermissionPassword: ( driveId: string, itemId: string, permId: string, sharingLinkPassword: SharingLinkPassword ) => drivesPermissionsApiFactory.setPermissionPassword( driveId, itemId, permId, sharingLinkPassword ) } } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-client/src/graph.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 4445 }
import { User } from '../../generated' import { extractDomSelector, extractNodeId, Resource, SpaceRole } from '../resource' import { PublicSpaceResource, ShareSpaceResource, SpaceResource, SHARE_JAIL_ID, OCM_PROVIDER_ID } from './types' import { DavProperty } from '../../webdav/constants' import { buildWebDavPublicPath, buildWebDavOcmPath } from '../publicLink' import { urlJoin } from '../../utils' import { Drive, DriveItem } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/generated' export function buildWebDavSpacesPath(storageId: string | number, path?: string) { return urlJoin('spaces', storageId, path, { leadingSlash: true }) } export function buildWebDavSpacesTrashPath(storageId: string, path = '') { return urlJoin('spaces', 'trash-bin', storageId, path, { leadingSlash: true }) } export function getRelativeSpecialFolderSpacePath(space: SpaceResource, type: 'image' | 'readme') { const typeMap = { image: 'spaceImageData', readme: 'spaceReadmeData' } const webDavPathComponents = decodeURI(space[typeMap[type]].webDavUrl).split('/') const idComponent = webDavPathComponents.find((c) => c.startsWith(space.id.toString())) if (!idComponent) { return '' } return webDavPathComponents.slice(webDavPathComponents.indexOf(idComponent) + 1).join('/') } export type PublicLinkType = 'ocm' | 'public-link' export function buildPublicSpaceResource( data: any & { publicLinkType: PublicLinkType } ): PublicSpaceResource { const publicLinkPassword = data.publicLinkPassword const fileId = data.props?.[DavProperty.FileId] const publicLinkItemType = data.props?.[DavProperty.PublicLinkItemType] const publicLinkPermission = data.props?.[DavProperty.PublicLinkPermission] const publicLinkExpiration = data.props?.[DavProperty.PublicLinkExpiration] const publicLinkShareDate = data.props?.[DavProperty.PublicLinkShareDate] const publicLinkShareOwner = data.props?.[DavProperty.PublicLinkShareOwner] let driveAlias let webDavPath if (data.publicLinkType === 'ocm') { driveAlias = `ocm/${data.id}` webDavPath = buildWebDavOcmPath(data.id) } else { driveAlias = `public/${data.id}` webDavPath = buildWebDavPublicPath(data.id) } return Object.assign( buildSpace({ ...data, driveType: 'public', driveAlias, webDavPath }), { ...(fileId && { fileId }), ...(publicLinkPassword && { publicLinkPassword }), ...(publicLinkItemType && { publicLinkItemType }), ...(publicLinkPermission && { publicLinkPermission: parseInt(publicLinkPermission) }), ...(publicLinkExpiration && { publicLinkExpiration }), ...(publicLinkShareDate && { publicLinkShareDate }), ...(publicLinkShareOwner && { publicLinkShareOwner }) } ) } export function buildShareSpaceResource({ driveAliasPrefix, shareId, shareName, serverUrl }: { driveAliasPrefix: 'share' | 'ocm-share' shareId: string | number shareName: string serverUrl: string }): ShareSpaceResource { let id if (driveAliasPrefix === 'ocm-share') { id = `${OCM_PROVIDER_ID}$${shareId}!${shareId}` } else { id = [SHARE_JAIL_ID, shareId].join('!') } const space = buildSpace({ id, driveAlias: `${driveAliasPrefix}/${shareName}`, driveType: 'share', name: shareName, shareId, serverUrl }) as ShareSpaceResource space.rename = (newName: string) => { space.driveAlias = `${driveAliasPrefix}/${newName}` space.name = newName } return space } export function buildSpace( data: Drive & { path?: string serverUrl?: string shareId?: string | number webDavPath?: string webDavTrashPath?: string } ): SpaceResource { let spaceImageData: DriveItem, spaceReadmeData: DriveItem let disabled = false const spaceRoles: Resource['spaceRoles'] = { viewer: [], editor: [], manager: [] } if (data.special) { spaceImageData = data.special.find((el) => el.specialFolder.name === 'image') spaceReadmeData = data.special.find((el) => el.specialFolder.name === 'readme') if (spaceImageData) { spaceImageData.webDavUrl = decodeURI(spaceImageData.webDavUrl) } if (spaceReadmeData) { spaceReadmeData.webDavUrl = decodeURI(spaceReadmeData.webDavUrl) } } if (data.root?.permissions) { for (const permission of data.root.permissions) { spaceRoles[permission.roles[0]].push( ...permission.grantedToIdentities.reduce((acc, info) => { const kind = info.hasOwnProperty('group') ? 'group' : 'user' const spaceRole: SpaceRole = { kind, id: info[kind].id, displayName: info[kind].displayName, isMember(u?: User): boolean { if (!u) { return false } switch (this.kind) { case 'user': return this.id == u.id case 'group': return u.memberOf.map((g) => g.id).includes(this.id) default: return false } } } return [...acc, spaceRole] }, []) ) } if (data.root?.deleted) { disabled = data.root.deleted?.state === 'trashed' } } const webDavPath = urlJoin(data.webDavPath || buildWebDavSpacesPath(data.id), { leadingSlash: true }) const webDavUrl = urlJoin(data.serverUrl, 'remote.php/dav', webDavPath) const webDavTrashPath = urlJoin(data.webDavTrashPath || buildWebDavSpacesTrashPath(data.id), { leadingSlash: true }) const webDavTrashUrl = urlJoin(data.serverUrl, 'remote.php/dav', webDavTrashPath) const s = { id: data.id, fileId: data.id, storageId: data.id, mimeType: '', name: data.name, description: data.description, extension: '', path: '/', webDavPath, webDavTrashPath, driveAlias: data.driveAlias, driveType: data.driveType, type: 'space', isFolder: true, mdate: data.lastModifiedDateTime, size: data.quota?.used, indicators: [], tags: [], permissions: '', starred: false, etag: '', shareId: data.shareId?.toString(), shareTypes: (function () { return [] })(), privateLink: '', downloadURL: '', owner: data.owner?.user, disabled, root: data.root, spaceQuota: data.quota, spaceRoles, spaceImageData, spaceReadmeData, canUpload: function ({ user }: { user?: User } = {}): boolean { return this.isManager(user) || this.isEditor(user) }, canDownload: function () { return true }, canBeDeleted: function ({ user, ability }: { user?: User; ability?: any } = {}) { return this.disabled && (ability?.can('delete-all', 'Drive') || this.isManager(user)) }, canRename: function ({ user, ability }: { user?: User; ability?: any } = {}) { return ability?.can('update-all', 'Drive') || this.isManager(user) }, canEditDescription: function ({ user, ability }: { user?: User; ability?: any } = {}) { return ability?.can('update-all', 'Drive') || this.isManager(user) }, canRestore: function ({ user, ability }: { user?: User; ability?: any } = {}) { return this.disabled && (ability?.can('update-all', 'Drive') || this.isManager(user)) }, canDisable: function ({ user, ability }: { user?: User; ability?: any } = {}) { return !this.disabled && (ability?.can('delete-all', 'Drive') || this.isManager(user)) }, canShare: function ({ user }: { user?: User } = {}) { return this.isManager(user) }, canEditImage: function ({ user }: { user?: User } = {}) { return !this.disabled && (this.isManager(user) || this.isEditor(user)) }, canEditReadme: function ({ user }: { user?: User } = {}) { return this.isManager(user) || this.isEditor(user) }, canRemoveFromTrashbin: function ({ user }: { user?: User } = {}) { return this.isManager(user) }, canCreate: function () { return true }, canEditTags: function () { return false }, isMounted: function () { return true }, isReceivedShare: function () { return false }, isShareRoot: function () { return ['share', 'mountpoint', 'public'].includes(data.driveType) }, canDeny: () => false, getDomSelector: () => extractDomSelector(data.id), getDriveAliasAndItem({ path }: Resource): string { return urlJoin(this.driveAlias, path, { leadingSlash: false }) }, getWebDavUrl({ path }: { path: string }): string { return urlJoin(webDavUrl, path) }, getWebDavTrashUrl({ path }: { path: string }): string { return urlJoin(webDavTrashUrl, path) }, isViewer(user: User): boolean { return this.spaceRoles.viewer.map((r) => r.isMember(user)).some(Boolean) }, isEditor(user: User): boolean { return this.spaceRoles.editor.map((r) => r.isMember(user)).some(Boolean) }, isManager(user: User): boolean { return this.spaceRoles.manager.map((r) => r.isMember(user)).some(Boolean) }, isMember(user: User): boolean { return this.isViewer(user) || this.isEditor(user) || this.isManager(user) }, isOwner({ id }: User): boolean { return id === this.owner?.id } } Object.defineProperty(s, 'nodeId', { get() { return extractNodeId(this.id) } }) return s }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-client/src/helpers/space/functions.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 3735 }
export * from './builders' export * from './dav' export * from './parsers'
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-client/src/webdav/client/index.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 27 }
import { buildResource } from '../helpers/resource' import { DavProperties, DavPropertyValue } from './constants' import { urlJoin } from '../utils' import { DAV, buildAuthHeader } from './client' import { WebDavOptions } from './types' import { unref } from 'vue' import { ListFilesResult } from './listFiles' export type ListFilesByIdOptions = { depth?: number davProperties?: DavPropertyValue[] } export const ListFilesByIdFactory = (dav: DAV, { accessToken }: WebDavOptions) => { return { async listFilesById( { fileId }: { fileId?: string }, { depth = 1, davProperties }: ListFilesByIdOptions = {} ): Promise<ListFilesResult> { const headers = buildAuthHeader(unref(accessToken), null) const webDavPath = urlJoin('/spaces', fileId) const webDavResources = await dav.propfind(webDavPath, { depth, headers, properties: davProperties || DavProperties.Default }) const resources = webDavResources.map(buildResource) return { resource: resources[0], children: resources.slice(1) } as ListFilesResult } } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-client/src/webdav/listFilesById.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 385 }
{ "ignores": [ "web-pkg" ] }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/.depcheckrc", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 22 }
<template> <main :id="applicationId" class="oc-height-1-1" @keydown.esc="closeApp"> <h1 class="oc-invisible-sr" v-text="pageTitle" /> <app-top-bar v-if="!loading && !loadingError" :main-actions="fileActions" :resource="resource" @close="closeApp" /> <loading-screen v-if="loading" /> <error-screen v-else-if="loadingError" :message="loadingError.message" /> <div v-else class="oc-flex oc-width-1-1 oc-height-1-1" :class="{ 'app-sidebar-open': isSideBarOpen }" > <slot class="oc-height-1-1 oc-width-1-1" v-bind="slotAttrs" /> <file-side-bar :is-open="isSideBarOpen" :active-panel="sideBarActivePanel" :space="space" /> </div> </main> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType, Ref, defineComponent, onBeforeUnmount, ref, unref, watch, computed, onMounted } from 'vue' import { DateTime } from 'luxon' import { useTask } from 'vue-concurrency' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { onBeforeRouteLeave, useRouter } from 'vue-router' import AppTopBar from '../AppTopBar.vue' import ErrorScreen from './PartialViews/ErrorScreen.vue' import LoadingScreen from './PartialViews/LoadingScreen.vue' import { FileSideBar } from '../SideBar' import { UrlForResourceOptions, queryItemAsString, useAppDefaults, useClientService, useRoute, useRouteParam, useRouteQuery, useSelectedResources, useSideBar, useModals, useMessages, useSpacesStore, useAppsStore, useConfigStore, useResourcesStore, FileContentOptions } from '../../composables' import { Action, ActionOptions, ModifierKey, Key, useAppMeta, useGetResourceContext, useKeyboardActions } from '../../composables' import { Resource, SpaceResource, isPersonalSpaceResource, isProjectSpaceResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers' import { DavPermission } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/webdav/constants' import { HttpError } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/errors' import { dirname } from 'path' export default defineComponent({ name: 'AppWrapper', components: { AppTopBar, FileSideBar, ErrorScreen, LoadingScreen }, props: { // TODO: Add app-top-bar-actions array prop and pass to AppTopBar applicationId: { type: String, required: true }, urlForResourceOptions: { type: Object as PropType<UrlForResourceOptions>, default: () => null, required: false }, fileContentOptions: { type: Object as PropType<FileContentOptions>, default: () => null, required: false }, wrappedComponent: { type: Object as PropType<ReturnType<typeof defineComponent>>, default: null }, importResourceWithExtension: { type: Function as PropType<(Resource) => string>, default: () => null } }, setup(props) { const { $gettext } = useGettext() const appsStore = useAppsStore() const { showMessage, showErrorMessage } = useMessages() const router = useRouter() const currentRoute = useRoute() const clientService = useClientService() const { getResourceContext } = useGetResourceContext() const { selectedResources } = useSelectedResources() const { dispatchModal } = useModals() const spacesStore = useSpacesStore() const configStore = useConfigStore() const resourcesStore = useResourcesStore() const applicationName = ref('') const resource: Ref<Resource> = ref() const space: Ref<SpaceResource> = ref() const currentETag = ref('') const url = ref('') const loading = ref(true) const loadingError: Ref<Error> = ref() const isReadOnly = ref(false) const serverContent = ref() const currentContent = ref() const isEditor = computed(() => { return Boolean(props.wrappedComponent.emits?.includes('update:currentContent')) }) const hasProp = (name: string) => { return Boolean(Object.keys(props.wrappedComponent.props).includes(name)) } const isDirty = computed(() => { return unref(currentContent) !== unref(serverContent) }) const preventUnload = (e) => { e.preventDefault() e.returnValue = '' } watch(isDirty, (dirty) => { // Prevent reload if there are changes if (dirty) { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', preventUnload) } else { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', preventUnload) } }) const { applicationConfig, closeApp, currentFileContext, getFileContents, getFileInfo, getUrlForResource, putFileContents, replaceInvalidFileRoute, revokeUrl } = useAppDefaults({ applicationId: props.applicationId }) const { applicationMeta } = useAppMeta({ applicationId: props.applicationId, appsStore }) const pageTitle = computed(() => { const { name: appName } = unref(applicationMeta) return $gettext(`%{appName} for %{fileName}`, { appName: unref(applicationName) || $gettext(appName), fileName: unref(unref(currentFileContext).fileName) }) }) const driveAliasAndItem = useRouteParam('driveAliasAndItem') const fileIdQueryItem = useRouteQuery('fileId') const fileId = computed(() => { return queryItemAsString(unref(fileIdQueryItem)) }) const addMissingDriveAliasAndItem = async () => { const id = unref(fileId) const { space, path } = await getResourceContext(id) const driveAliasAndItem = space.getDriveAliasAndItem({ path } as Resource) if (isPersonalSpaceResource(space)) { return router.push({ params: { ...unref(currentRoute).params, driveAliasAndItem }, query: { ...unref(currentRoute).query, fileId: id, contextRouteName: 'files-spaces-generic', contextRouteParams: { driveAliasAndItem: dirname(driveAliasAndItem) } as any } }) } return router.push({ params: { ...unref(currentRoute).params, driveAliasAndItem }, query: { ...unref(currentRoute).query, fileId: id, shareId: space.shareId, contextRouteName: path === '/' ? 'files-shares-with-me' : 'files-spaces-generic', contextRouteParams: { driveAliasAndItem: dirname(driveAliasAndItem) } as any, contextRouteQuery: { shareId: space.shareId } as any } }) } const loadFileTask = useTask(function* () { try { if (!unref(driveAliasAndItem)) { yield addMissingDriveAliasAndItem() } space.value = unref(unref(currentFileContext).space) resource.value = yield getFileInfo(currentFileContext) resourcesStore.initResourceList({ currentFolder: null, resources: [unref(resource)] }) selectedResources.value = [unref(resource)] const newExtension = props.importResourceWithExtension(unref(resource)) if (newExtension) { const timestamp = DateTime.local().toFormat('yyyyMMddHHmmss') const targetPath = `${unref(resource).name}_${timestamp}.${newExtension}` if ( !(yield clientService.webdav.copyFiles(unref(space), unref(resource), unref(space), { path: targetPath })) ) { throw new Error($gettext('Importing failed')) } resource.value = { path: targetPath } as Resource } if (replaceInvalidFileRoute(currentFileContext, unref(resource))) { return } isReadOnly.value = ![DavPermission.Updateable, DavPermission.FileUpdateable].some( (p) => (unref(resource).permissions || '').indexOf(p) > -1 ) if (unref(hasProp('currentContent'))) { const fileContentsResponse = yield getFileContents( currentFileContext, props.fileContentOptions ) serverContent.value = currentContent.value = fileContentsResponse.body currentETag.value = fileContentsResponse.headers['OC-ETag'] } if (unref(hasProp('url'))) { url.value = yield getUrlForResource( unref(space), unref(resource), props.urlForResourceOptions ) } loading.value = false } catch (e) { console.error(e) loadingError.value = e loading.value = false } }).restartable() watch( currentFileContext, () => { loadFileTask.perform() }, { immediate: true } ) onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (unref(hasProp('url'))) { revokeUrl(url.value) } }) const errorPopup = (error: HttpError) => { console.error(error) showErrorMessage({ title: $gettext('An error occurred'), desc: error.message, errors: [error] }) } const autosavePopup = () => { showMessage({ title: $gettext('File autosaved') }) } const saveFileTask = useTask(function* () { const newContent = unref(currentContent) try { const putFileContentsResponse = yield putFileContents(currentFileContext, { content: newContent, previousEntityTag: unref(currentETag) }) serverContent.value = newContent currentETag.value = putFileContentsResponse.etag resourcesStore.upsertResource(putFileContentsResponse) } catch (e) { switch (e.statusCode) { case 401: case 403: errorPopup( new HttpError($gettext("You're not authorized to save this file"), e.response) ) break case 409: case 412: errorPopup( new HttpError( $gettext( 'This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).' ), e.response ) ) break case 507: const space = spacesStore.spaces.find( (space) => space.id === unref(resource).storageId && isProjectSpaceResource(space) ) if (space) { errorPopup( new HttpError( $gettext('There is not enough quota on "%{spaceName}" to save this file', { spaceName: space.name }), e.response ) ) break } errorPopup( new HttpError($gettext('There is not enough quota to save this file'), e.response) ) break default: errorPopup(new HttpError('', e.response)) } } }).drop() const save = async () => { await saveFileTask.perform() } let autosaveIntervalId = null onMounted(() => { if (!unref(isEditor)) { return } const editorOptions = configStore.options.editor if (editorOptions.autosaveEnabled) { autosaveIntervalId = setInterval( async () => { if (isDirty.value) { await save() autosavePopup() } }, (editorOptions.autosaveInterval || 120) * 1000 ) } }) onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (!unref(isEditor)) { return } clearInterval(autosaveIntervalId) autosaveIntervalId = null }) const { bindKeyAction } = useKeyboardActions({ skipDisabledKeyBindingsCheck: true }) bindKeyAction({ modifier: ModifierKey.Ctrl, primary: Key.S }, () => { if (!unref(isDirty)) { return } save() }) const fileActions = computed((): Action<ActionOptions>[] => [ { name: 'save-file', disabledTooltip: () => '', isVisible: () => unref(isEditor), isDisabled: () => isReadOnly.value || !isDirty.value, componentType: 'button', icon: 'save', id: 'app-save-action', label: () => 'Save', handler: () => { save() } } ]) onBeforeRouteLeave((_to, _from, next) => { if (unref(isDirty)) { dispatchModal({ variation: 'danger', icon: 'warning', title: $gettext('Unsaved changes'), message: $gettext('Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?'), cancelText: $gettext("Don't Save"), confirmText: $gettext('Save'), onCancel() { next() }, async onConfirm() { await save() next() } }) } else { next() } }) const slotAttrs = computed(() => ({ url: unref(url), space: unref(unref(currentFileContext).space), resource: unref(resource), isDirty: unref(isDirty), isReadOnly: unref(isReadOnly), applicationConfig: unref(applicationConfig), currentFileContext: unref(currentFileContext), currentContent: unref(currentContent), 'onUpdate:currentContent': (value) => { currentContent.value = value }, 'onUpdate:applicationName': (value) => { applicationName.value = value }, onSave: save, onClose: closeApp })) return { ...useSideBar(), isEditor, closeApp, fileActions, loading, loadingError, pageTitle, resource, space, slotAttrs } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> @media (max-width: $oc-breakpoint-medium-default) { .app-sidebar-open > *:not(:last-child) { display: none; } } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/components/AppTemplates/AppWrapper.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 6076 }
<template> <oc-icon :key="`resource-icon-${icon.name}`" :name="icon.name" :color="icon.color" :size="size" :class="['oc-resource-icon', iconTypeClass]" /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, inject, PropType, unref } from 'vue' import { Resource } from '@ownclouders/web-client' import { AVAILABLE_SIZES } from 'design-system/src/helpers/constants' import { IconType, createDefaultFileIconMapping, ResourceIconMapping, resourceIconMappingInjectionKey } from '../../helpers/resource/icon' const defaultFolderIcon: IconType = { name: 'resource-type-folder', color: 'var(--oc-color-icon-folder)' } const defaultSpaceIcon: IconType = { name: 'layout-grid', color: 'var(--oc-color-swatch-passive-default)' } const defaultFallbackIcon: IconType = { name: 'resource-type-file', color: 'var(--oc-color-text-default)' } const defaultFileIconMapping = createDefaultFileIconMapping() export default defineComponent({ name: 'ResourceIcon', props: { /** * The resource to be displayed */ resource: { type: Object as PropType<Resource>, required: true }, /** * The size of the icon. Defaults to small. * `xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge` */ size: { type: String, default: 'large', validator: (value: string): boolean => { return AVAILABLE_SIZES.some((e) => e === value) } } }, setup(props) { const iconMappingInjection = inject<ResourceIconMapping>(resourceIconMappingInjectionKey) const isFolder = computed(() => { // fallback is necessary since // sometimes resources without a type // but with `isFolder` are being passed return props.resource.type === 'folder' || props.resource.isFolder }) const isSpace = computed(() => { return props.resource.type === 'space' }) const extension = computed(() => { return props.resource.extension?.toLowerCase() }) const mimeType = computed(() => { return props.resource.mimeType?.toLowerCase() }) const icon = computed((): IconType => { if (unref(isSpace)) { return defaultSpaceIcon } if (unref(isFolder)) { return defaultFolderIcon } const icon = defaultFileIconMapping[unref(extension)] || iconMappingInjection?.mimeType[unref(mimeType)] || iconMappingInjection?.extension[unref(extension)] return { ...defaultFallbackIcon, ...icon } }) const iconTypeClass = computed(() => { if (unref(isSpace)) { return 'oc-resource-icon-space' } if (unref(isFolder)) { return 'oc-resource-icon-folder' } return 'oc-resource-icon-file' }) return { icon, iconTypeClass } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> .oc-resource-icon { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; vertical-align: middle; &-file svg { height: 70%; } } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/components/FilesList/ResourceIcon.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1204 }
<template> <oc-emoji-picker :theme="theme" @emoji-select="onEmojiSelect" /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, PropType, unref } from 'vue' import { Modal, useThemeStore } from '../../composables' import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia' export default defineComponent({ name: 'EmojiPickerModal', components: {}, props: { modal: { type: Object as PropType<Modal>, required: true } }, emits: ['confirm'], setup(props, { emit }) { const themeStore = useThemeStore() const { currentTheme } = storeToRefs(themeStore) const theme = computed(() => { return unref(currentTheme).isDark ? 'dark' : 'light' }) const onEmojiSelect = (emoji: string) => { emit('confirm', emoji) } return { onEmojiSelect, theme } } }) </script>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/components/Modals/EmojiPickerModal.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 316 }
<template> <div id="app-sidebar" data-testid="app-sidebar" :class="{ 'has-active-sub-panel': !!activeAvailablePanelName, 'oc-flex oc-flex-center oc-flex-middle': loading }" > <oc-spinner v-if="loading" /> <template v-else> <div v-for="panel in panels" :id="`sidebar-panel-${panel.name}`" :key="`panel-${panel.name}`" ref="panelContainer" :data-testid="`sidebar-panel-${panel.name}`" :tabindex="activePanelName === panel.name ? -1 : null" class="sidebar-panel" :class="{ 'is-active-sub-panel': activeAvailablePanelName === panel.name, 'is-active-default-panel': panel.isRoot?.(panelContext) && activePanelName === panel.name, 'sidebar-panel-default': panel.isRoot?.(panelContext) }" > <div v-if="[activePanelName, oldPanelName].includes(panel.name)" class="sidebar-panel__header header" > <oc-button v-if="!panel.isRoot?.(panelContext)" v-oc-tooltip="accessibleLabelBack" class="header__back" appearance="raw" :aria-label="accessibleLabelBack" @click="closePanel" > <oc-icon name="arrow-left-s" fill-type="line" /> </oc-button> <h2 class="header__title oc-my-rm"> {{ panel.title(panelContext) }} </h2> <oc-button appearance="raw" class="header__close" :aria-label="$gettext('Close file sidebar')" @click="closeSidebar" > <oc-icon name="close" /> </oc-button> </div> <div> <slot name="header" /> </div> <div class="sidebar-panel__body" :class="[`sidebar-panel__body-${panel.name}`]"> <div class="sidebar-panel__body-content" :class="{ 'sidebar-panel__body-content-stretch': !panel.isRoot?.(panelContext) }" > <slot name="body"> <component :is="panel.component" v-bind="panel.componentAttrs?.(panelContext) || {}" @scroll-to-element="scrollToElement" /> </slot> </div> <div v-if="panel.isRoot?.(panelContext) && subPanels.length > 0" class="sidebar-panel__navigation oc-mt-m" > <oc-button v-for="panelSelect in subPanels" :id="`sidebar-panel-${panelSelect.name}-select`" :key="`panel-select-${panelSelect.name}`" :data-testid="`sidebar-panel-${panelSelect.name}-select`" appearance="raw" @click="openPanel(panelSelect.name)" > <oc-icon :name="panelSelect.icon" :fill-type="panelSelect.iconFillType" /> {{ panelSelect.title(panelContext) }} <oc-icon name="arrow-right-s" fill-type="line" /> </oc-button> </div> </div> </div> </template> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { VisibilityObserver } from '../../observer' import { computed, defineComponent, PropType, unref } from 'vue' import { SideBarPanel, SideBarPanelContext } from './types' let visibilityObserver: VisibilityObserver let hiddenObserver: VisibilityObserver export default defineComponent({ props: { isOpen: { type: Boolean, required: true }, loading: { type: Boolean, required: true }, availablePanels: { type: Array as PropType<SideBarPanel<unknown, unknown, unknown>[]>, required: true }, panelContext: { type: Object as PropType<SideBarPanelContext<unknown, unknown, unknown>>, required: true }, activePanel: { type: String, required: false, default: '' } }, emits: ['close', 'selectPanel'], setup(props) { const panels = computed(() => props.availablePanels.filter((p) => p.isVisible(props.panelContext)) ) const subPanels = computed(() => unref(panels).filter((p) => !p.isRoot?.(props.panelContext))) return { panels, subPanels } }, data() { return { focused: undefined, oldPanelName: null, selectedFile: {} } }, computed: { activeAvailablePanelName() { const panelName = this.activePanel?.split('#')[0] if (!panelName) { return null } if (!this.panels.map((p) => p.name).includes(panelName)) { return null } return panelName }, activePanelName() { return this.activeAvailablePanelName || this.rootPanel?.name }, rootPanel() { return this.panels.find((panel) => panel.isRoot?.(this.panelContext)) }, accessibleLabelBack() { return this.$gettext('Back to %{panel} panel', { panel: this.rootPanel.title(this.panelContext) }) } }, watch: { activePanelName: { handler: function (panel, select) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.focused = panel ? `#sidebar-panel-${panel}` : `#sidebar-panel-select-${select}` }) }, immediate: true }, isOpen: { handler: function (isOpen) { if (!isOpen) { return } this.$nextTick(() => { this.initVisibilityObserver() }) }, immediate: true } }, beforeUnmount() { visibilityObserver.disconnect() hiddenObserver.disconnect() }, methods: { scrollToElement({ element, panelName }) { const sideBarPanelBodyEl = document.getElementsByClassName( `sidebar-panel__body-${panelName}` )[0] const sideBarPanelPadding = Number( window.getComputedStyle(sideBarPanelBodyEl).getPropertyValue('padding')?.split('px')[0] ) sideBarPanelBodyEl.scrollTo( 0, element.getBoundingClientRect().y - sideBarPanelBodyEl.getBoundingClientRect().y - sideBarPanelPadding ) }, setSidebarPanel(panel: string) { this.$emit('selectPanel', panel) }, resetSidebarPanel() { this.$emit('selectPanel', null) }, closeSidebar() { this.$emit('close') }, initVisibilityObserver() { visibilityObserver = new VisibilityObserver({ root: document.querySelector('#app-sidebar'), threshold: 0.9 }) hiddenObserver = new VisibilityObserver({ root: document.querySelector('#app-sidebar'), threshold: 0.05 }) const doFocus = () => { const selector = document.querySelector(this.focused) if (!selector) { return } selector.focus() } const clearOldPanelName = () => { this.oldPanelName = null } if (!this.$refs.panelContainer) { return } visibilityObserver.disconnect() hiddenObserver.disconnect() ;(this.$refs.panelContainer as HTMLElement[]).forEach((panel) => { visibilityObserver.observe(panel, { onEnter: doFocus, onExit: doFocus }) hiddenObserver.observe(panel, { onExit: clearOldPanelName }) }) }, setOldPanelName() { this.oldPanelName = this.activePanelName }, openPanel(panel) { this.setOldPanelName() this.setSidebarPanel(panel) }, closePanel() { this.setOldPanelName() this.resetSidebarPanel() } } }) </script> <style lang="scss"> #app-sidebar { border-left: 1px solid var(--oc-color-border); position: relative; overflow: hidden; min-width: 440px; width: 440px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) { #app-sidebar { min-width: 100%; width: 100%; } .files-wrapper { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; } } .sidebar-panel { $root: &; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; height: 100%; max-height: 100%; display: grid; grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr; background-color: var(--oc-color-background-default); top: 0; position: absolute; transform: translateX(100%); transition: transform 0.4s ease, visibility 0.4s 0s; // visibility is here to prevent focusing panel child elements, // the transition delay keeps care that it will only apply if the element is visible or not. // hidden: if element is off screen // visible: if element is on screen visibility: hidden; border-top-right-radius: var(--oc-space-medium); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--oc-space-medium); @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow) { transition-duration: 0.001ms !important; } &.sidebar-panel-default { &.has-active-sub-panel & { transform: translateX(-30%); visibility: hidden; } } &.is-active-default-panel, &.is-active-sub-panel { visibility: unset; transform: translateX(0); } &__header { padding: var(--oc-space-small) var(--oc-space-small) 0 var(--oc-space-small); &.header { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto; align-items: center; } & .header { &__back { grid-column-start: 1; } &__title { text-align: center; color: var(--oc-color-text-default); font-size: var(--oc-font-size-large); grid-column-start: 2; } &__close { grid-column-start: 3; } } } &__body { overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; padding: var(--oc-space-small); display: flex; flex-direction: column; &-content-stretch { flex: 1; } } &__navigation { margin: var(--oc-space-small) - var(--oc-space-small) - var(--oc-space-small); > button { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--oc-color-border); width: 100%; border-radius: 0; color: var(--oc-color-text-default) !important; display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto; text-align: left; height: 50px; padding: 0 var(--oc-space-small); &:first-of-type { border-top: 1px solid var(--oc-color-border); } &:last-of-type { border-bottom: 0; } &:hover, &:focus { border-color: var(--oc-color-border) !important; } &:hover { background-color: var(--oc-color-background-muted) !important; } } } } </style>
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/components/SideBar/SideBar.vue", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 4785 }
export * from './useAbility'
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/ability/index.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 9 }
import PQueue from 'p-queue' import { IncomingShareResource } from '@ownclouders/web-client/src/helpers/share' import { isLocationSharesActive, isLocationSpacesActive } from '../../../router' import { useClientService } from '../../clientService' import { useLoadingService } from '../../loadingService' import { useRouter } from '../../router' import { computed, unref } from 'vue' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { FileAction, FileActionOptions } from '../../actions' import { useMessages, useConfigStore, useResourcesStore } from '../../piniaStores' export const useFileActionsEnableSync = () => { const { showMessage, showErrorMessage } = useMessages() const router = useRouter() const { $gettext, $ngettext } = useGettext() const clientService = useClientService() const loadingService = useLoadingService() const configStore = useConfigStore() const resourcesStore = useResourcesStore() const { updateResourceField } = resourcesStore const handler = async ({ resources }: FileActionOptions<IncomingShareResource>) => { const errors = [] const triggerPromises = [] const triggerQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: configStore.options.concurrentRequests.resourceBatchActions }) resources.forEach((resource) => { triggerPromises.push( triggerQueue.add(async () => { try { const { graphAuthenticated } = clientService await graphAuthenticated.drives.createDriveItem(resource.driveId, { name: resource.name, remoteItem: { id: resource.fileId } }) updateResourceField<IncomingShareResource, any>({ id: resource.id, field: 'syncEnabled', value: true }) } catch (error) { console.error(error) errors.push(error) } }) ) }) await Promise.all(triggerPromises) if (errors.length === 0) { resourcesStore.resetSelection() if (isLocationSpacesActive(router, 'files-spaces-generic')) { showMessage({ title: $ngettext( 'Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully', 'Sync for the selected shares was enabled successfully', resources.length ) }) } return } showErrorMessage({ title: $ngettext( 'Failed to enable sync for the the selected share', 'Failed to enable sync for the selected shares', resources.length ), errors }) } const actions = computed((): FileAction<IncomingShareResource>[] => [ { name: 'enable-sync', icon: 'check', handler: (args) => loadingService.addTask(() => handler(args)), label: () => $gettext('Enable sync'), isVisible: ({ space, resources }) => { if ( !isLocationSharesActive(router, 'files-shares-with-me') && !isLocationSpacesActive(router, 'files-spaces-generic') ) { return false } if (resources.length === 0) { return false } if ( isLocationSpacesActive(router, 'files-spaces-generic') && (unref(space)?.driveType !== 'share' || resources.length > 1 || resources[0].path !== '/') ) { return false } return resources.some((resource) => !resource.syncEnabled) }, componentType: 'button', class: 'oc-files-actions-enable-sync-trigger' } ]) return { actions } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/actions/files/useFileActionsEnableSync.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 1420 }
import { computed, unref } from 'vue' import { activeApp, useRoute } from '../../router' const isFilesAppActive = (activeApp: string): boolean => { // FIXME: we should use this constant but it somehow breaks the unit tests // return activeApp === FilesApp.appInfo.id return activeApp === 'files' } export const useIsFilesAppActive = () => { const currentRoute = useRoute() return computed(() => isFilesAppActive(activeApp(unref(currentRoute)))) }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/actions/helpers/useIsFilesAppActive.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 134 }
import { computed } from 'vue' import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext' import { eventBus } from '../../services' import { SideBarEventTopics } from '../sideBar' import { Action } from './types' export const useActionsShowDetails = () => { const { $gettext } = useGettext() const actions = computed((): Action[] => [ { name: 'show-details', icon: 'information', label: () => $gettext('Details'), handler: () => eventBus.publish(SideBarEventTopics.open), isVisible: ({ resources }) => { return (resources as unknown[]).length > 0 }, componentType: 'button', class: 'oc-admin-settings-show-details-trigger' } ]) return { actions } }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/actions/useActionsShowDetails.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 263 }
import { useService } from '../service' export interface AuthServiceInterface { handleAuthError(route: any): any } export const useAuthService = (): AuthServiceInterface => { return useService('$authService') }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/authContext/useAuthService.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 59 }
import { eventBus } from '../../services' export const useEventBus = () => { return eventBus }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/eventBus/useEventBus.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 30 }
import { ref, watch, unref } from 'vue' export const useLocalStorage = (key: string, defaultValue: any = undefined): any => { const existingValue = window.localStorage.getItem(key) const variable = ref(defaultValue) if (existingValue) { try { variable.value = JSON.parse(existingValue) } catch { variable.value = existingValue } } watch( () => unref(variable), (val, old) => { if (val === old) { return } if (val !== undefined) { window.localStorage.setItem(key, typeof val === 'string' ? val : JSON.stringify(val)) } else { window.localStorage.removeItem(key) } }, { deep: true } ) return variable }
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/localStorage/useLocalStorage.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 283 }
import { ContextualHelperData } from 'design-system/src/helpers' import { defineStore } from 'pinia' import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid' import { Component, ComponentPublicInstance, computed, ref, unref } from 'vue' export type CustomModalComponent = Component<{ modal: Modal } & Record<string, any>> export type CustomModalComponentEmits = { confirm?: () => Promise<void> cancel?: () => void 'update:confirmDisabled': (value: boolean) => void } & Record<string, any> export type CustomModalComponentInstance = ComponentPublicInstance< { modal: Modal } & unknown, { onConfirm?: () => Promise<unknown>; onCancel?: () => unknown }, any, any, any, CustomModalComponentEmits > export type Modal = { id: string elementId?: string elementClass?: string title: string variation?: string icon?: string message?: string cancelText?: string confirmDisabled?: boolean confirmText?: string hideActions?: boolean hideConfirmButton?: boolean hasInput?: boolean inputValue?: string inputType?: string inputSelectionRange?: [number, number] inputLabel?: string inputError?: string inputDescription?: string focusTrapInitial?: string contextualHelperLabel?: string contextualHelperData?: ContextualHelperData customComponent?: CustomModalComponent customComponentAttrs?: () => Record<string, unknown> onCancel?: () => void onConfirm?: (value: string) => void | Promise<void> onInput?: (value: string, setError: (error: string) => void) => void } export const useModals = defineStore('modals', () => { const modals = ref<Modal[]>([]) const activeModal = computed(() => unref(modals).at(-1)) const getModal = (id: Modal['id']) => { return unref(modals).find((modal) => modal.id === id) } const dispatchModal = (data: Omit<Modal, 'id'>) => { const modal = { ...data, id: uuidV4() as string } modals.value.push(modal) return modal } const updateModal = <T extends Modal, K extends keyof Modal>( id: T['id'], key: K, value: T[K] ) => { const modal = getModal(id) modal[key] = value } const removeModal = (id: Modal['id']) => { modals.value = unref(modals).filter((modal) => modal.id !== id) } const setModalActive = (id: Modal['id']) => { const foundIdx = unref(modals).findIndex((modal) => modal.id === id) if (foundIdx < 0) { return } const modal = getModal(id) unref(modals).splice(foundIdx, 1) modals.value.push(modal) } return { modals, activeModal, dispatchModal, updateModal, removeModal, setModalActive } })
{ "file_path": "owncloud/web/packages/web-pkg/src/composables/piniaStores/modals.ts", "repo_id": "owncloud", "token_count": 895 }