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《百战奇略·第七卷·速战》 | 孟达在叛魏附蜀之初,曾给蜀相诸葛亮写信说: 宛城离洛阳八百里,而距我这里有一千二百里。驻守宛城的司马懿获悉我起兵举事后,必先写奏表上报洛阳的魏明帝,等到皇帝批复回来时,已经一个月时间了。到了那时,我的城防已经加固,诸将所属部队都已部署停当。 | 初,达与诸葛亮书曰: 宛去洛八百里,去吾一千二百里,闻吾举事,表上天子,比相往反时,一月间也,则吾城已固,诸将足办。 | When Meng Da first betrayed Wei and joined Shu, he wrote a letter to Shu Prime Minister Zhuge Liang and said: Wanze is 800 li from Luoyang, and it is 1,200 li from me. When Sima Yi, who is stationed at Wanze, learns that I have started an uprising, he will first write a memorial to report it to Emperor Ming of Wei in Luoyang. By the time the emperor's response comes back, it will have been a month. By then, my city defenses will have been strengthened, and all of my generals and their troops will have been properly deployed. |
《吕氏春秋·纪·仲冬纪》 | 公叔死后,公孙鞅向西游说秦国,秦孝公听从了他的意见。 | 公叔死,公孙鞅西游秦,秦孝公听之。 | After Uncle Shu died, Gongsun Yan travelled west to lecture the state of Qin, and Duke Xiao of Qin listened to his advice. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪二十七》 | 如果西路不通,长安失陷,请求您率领军队来保全守卫邺城。 | 若西路不通,长安陷没,请帅所领保守鄴城。 | If the west road is blocked and Chang'an is lost, please lead your troops to protect Yecheng. |
《列子·仲尼》 | 列子的门徒们对此感到十分惊骇。 | 子列子之徒骇之。 | Liezi's disciples were shocked. |
《太平广记·卷九十·异僧四》 | 尸体柔软兼有香味,容貌自然和悦。 | 尸体香软,形貌熙悦。 | The corpse was soft and fragrant, and his appearance was naturally pleasant. |
《隋书·列传·卷十》 | 这话多么荒唐。 | 此言几许异事。 | What outrageous words are these! |
《晋书·帝纪·第十章》 | 九月辛卯,加太傅、会稽王道子黄铁。 | 九月辛卯,加太傅、会稽王道子黄钺。 | On Xinmao in September, Taifu and King of Kuaiji Daozi was awarded yellow iron. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪十三》 | 太初二年春季,正月戊申,牧丘侯石庆去世。 | 世宗孝武皇帝下之上太初二年春,正月,戊申,牧丘恬侯石庆薨。 | In the spring of the second year of Taichu, on the Wu Shen day of the first month, the Marquis of Muqiu, Shi Qing passed away. |
《史记·十二本纪·项羽本纪》 | 战事稍有胜利,陈馀又向项羽请求增兵。 | 战少利,陈馀复请兵。 | After winning the battle, Chen Yu once again requested more soldiers from Xiang Yu. |
《明史·列传·卷一百零四》 | 当时汤宾尹已经做了国子监祭酒,他先任翰林京察,当王图注考的时候,他想先发难倾覆王图。 | 时宾尹已为祭酒,其先历翰林京察,当图注考,思先发倾之。 | At that time, Tang Binyin was already a sacrifice wine of Guozijian. He was first appointed as a Hanlin Jingcha. When Wang Tu annotated the test, he wanted to attack Wang Tu first. |
《徐霞客游记·游天台山日记后》 | 琼台背靠百丈崖,前面则和双胭对峙,层叠的山崖向外环绕,琼台四周没有任何依附物。 | 台后倚百丈崖,前即双阙对峙,层崖外绕,旁绝附丽。 | Qiongtai is backed by Bai Zhangya, and it faces Shuangyan in front. The stacked cliffs surround it. There is nothing around Qiongtai. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷八·穆宗 敬宗 文》 | 七月初十,幽州卢龙军都知兵马使朱克融囚禁其节度使张弘靖反叛。 | 七月甲辰,幽州卢龙军都知兵马使硃克融囚其节度使张弘靖以反。 | On the tenth day of the seventh month, Zhu Kerong, the commander of the Lulong Army in Youzhou, imprisoned his governor, Zhang Hongjing, and rebelled. |
《三国志·吴书·虞陆张骆陆吾朱传》 | 陆瑁笃定忠义,进言规劝,君子都称赞他。 | 陆瑁笃义规谏,君子有称焉。 | Lu Mao firmly adhered to loyalty and righteousness, dared to advise and remonstrate, and was praised by gentlemen. |
《太平广记·卷四百一十八·龙一》 | 这个南鄩国曾经向殷商献过一条毛龙。殷商那时候设有养龙的官职。 | 其国献毛龙一于殷。殷置豢龙之官。 | Nanpi State once presented a hairy dragon to the Shang Dynasty. At that time, the Shang Dynasty set up a position for raising dragons. |
《墨子·70章 号令》 | 守城的方法还有:敌人在离城百里之外的时候,守城将领就要把所有的官吏、小军官以及富人、贵戚的亲眷全部集中起来住到官府,谨慎地派可靠的部下保卫他们,越谨慎机密越好。 | 守城之法,敌去邑百里以上,城将如今尽召五官及百长,以富人重室之亲,舍之官府,谨令信人守卫之,谨密为故。 | Other methods of defending a city include: when the enemy is a hundred li away from the city, the defending general should gather all the officials, petty officers, and the relatives of the wealthy and noble in the government office and prudently assign reliable subordinates to protect them. The more cautious and secretive, the better. |
《论衡·卷二十·论死篇》 | 为什么呢? | 何则? | Why is this? |
《太平广记·卷一百二十五·报应二》 | 武帝叹息的说: 榼头师临死的时候,有没有说什么? | 帝叹曰: 师临死之时,有何所言? | Emperor Wu sighed and said, "When Master Dou died, did he say anything?" |
《明史·列传·卷一百九十六》 | 皇上说: 草野之人懂得什么忌讳,他的建议有可采之处,奈何因为他说得太直而废弃呢? | 帝曰: 草野之人何知忌讳,其言有可采,奈何以直而废之。 | The emperor said, "What does a commoner know about taboo? His suggestions have merit. Why should we abandon them because he speaks his mind?" |
《南齐书·志·卷十七》 | 望板,有涂金的受福、望龙等各种装饰。 | 望板,金涂受福望龙诸校饰。 | The board is decorated with various ornaments such as gilded Shoufu, Wanglong, etc. |
《明史·列传·卷七十》 | 孝宗询问详情,大夏答道: 臣在两广见到诸文武官的供应比不上一个镇守,其耗费可知。 | 帝问状,对曰: 臣在两广见诸文武大吏供亿不能敌一镇守,其烦费可知。 | Xiaozong asked for the details, and Daxa replied: When I was in Liangguang, I saw that the supply for all the civil officials was not as good as what was provided for a guard, so you can imagine how much it costs. |
《北史·列传·卷四十九》 | 王思政初进入颍川,共有士卒八千人。 | 思政初入颍川,士卒八千人。 | When Wang Sizheng first entered Yingchuan, he had 8,000 soldiers. |
《明史·列传·卷四十四》 | 仁宗传玺书谕告赤斤、罕东和安定、曲先等处,查问贼主姓名,而敕令李英和土官指挥康寿等人进兵讨伐。 | 仁宗玺书谕赤斤、罕东及安定、曲先,诘贼主名。而敕英与土官指挥康寿等进讨。 | Emperor Renzong passed on a jade book to announce to Chijin, Han Dong, Anding, Quxian and other places, to inquire about the name of the master thief, and ordered Li Ying, Tu Guan Zhihui Kang Shou and others to send troops to attack and punish. |
《太平广记·卷一百九十四·豪侠二》 | 僧人请韦生到一厅中坐下,笑着说:郎君不用担心。 | 僧延韦生坐一厅中,笑云:郎君勿忧。 | The monk asked Wei to sit in one of the halls and said with a smile, "Please don't worry." |
《魏书·帝纪·卷十二》 | 冬十月戊申,侯景渡过长江,推举萧衍弟弟的儿子临贺王正德为君主,攻打建业。 | 冬十月戊申,侯景济江,推萧衍弟子临贺王正德为主,以攻建业。 | In the tenth month, wu-shen day, in winter, Hou Jing crossed the Yangtze River and held a meeting to elect Xiao Yan’s younger brother’s son King Zhengde of Linhe as the monarch, and attacked Jianye. |
《明史·志·卷四》 | 五年,江南平民之妇生下一个怪物,六只眼睛,四张脸,头有角,手足各一节,一个指爪,像鬼一样的声音。 | 五年,江南民妇生妖,六目四面,有角,手足各一节,独爪,鬼声。 | In the fifth year, the wife of a civilian from the south of the Yangtze River gave birth to a monster with six eyes, four faces, a head with horns, one joint in each limb, one claw on each hand and foot, and a voice like a ghost's. |
《新唐书·列传·卷一百四十三》 | 正准备出战,仁恭与敬晖弃城去。 | 仁恭援敬晖,嗣昭壁乐安,欲战,仁恭取敬晖,弃城去。 | As he was preparing to go out to fight, Renging and Jinghui abandoned the city. |
《资治通鉴·梁纪·梁纪二十二》 | 文宣帝于是让人铺上地席,命令平秦王高归彦亲自执刑杖,自己口里列数着自己的罪过,脱开衣服露出背部接受杖刑。文宣帝对高归彦说: 你用力打,打不出血来,我就杀了你。 | 帝乃设地席,命平秦王归彦执杖,口自责数,脱背就罚,谓归彦曰: 杖不出血,当斩汝。 | Emperor Wenxuan then ordered the floor to be covered with mats and commanded King Pingqin Gao Guiyan to execute the sentence in person. He confessed his guilt and took off his clothes to expose his back for the beating. Emperor Wenxuan said to Gao Guiyan: "Beat me hard. If you don't draw blood, I'll kill you." |
《史记·八书·天官书》 | 普通经星的变化很少见;而对日、月、五星等三光变化进行占卜却是常常使用的;占日月晕的次数在两者之间。 | 夫常星之变希见,而三光之占亟用。 | Changes in ordinary perennial stars are rarely seen; however, divination based on the changes of the three luminaries, namely the sun, moon, and the Five Planets, is frequently used; divination based on solar and lunar halos falls somewhere in between. |
《晋书·志·第十六章》 | 如今既然破坏了堤防,可以分发种牛三万五千头,交付给两个州的军民百姓,使他们赶得上春耕。 | 今既坏陂,可分种牛三万五千头,以付二州将吏士庶,使及春耕。 | Since the dykes have been breached, they can distribute thirty-five thousand breeding cattle to the military and civilians in the two provinces, so that they can catch up with the spring planting. |
《南齐书·志·卷九》 | 先儒说 特别向其神主祭祀,是指在庙寝中单独用丧礼奉祀新去世的国君神主,不同于吉礼。 | 先儒云 特祀于主者,特以丧礼奉新亡者主于寝,不同于吉。 | Ancient scholars said that a special sacrifice to the spirit tablet meant that the newly deceased state ruler's spirit tablet was enshrined in the temple's inner chamber with funerary rites, which was different from the auspicious rites. |
《北史·列传·卷八十六》 | 诏令给予万石。 | 诏给万石。 | The Imperial edict bestowed ten thousand shi. |
《明史·志·卷六十六》 | 青州左护卫后改为天津右卫青州护卫革除兖州护卫革除兖州左护卫后改为临清卫登州卫青州左卫莱州卫宁海卫济南卫平山卫德州卫后改属后府乐安千户所后改名武定属后府胶州千户所诸城千户所滕县千户所 | 青州左护卫青州护卫兖州护卫兖州左护卫登州卫青州左卫莱州卫宁海卫济南卫平山卫德州卫乐安千户所胶州千户所诸城千户所滕县千户所 | Qingzhou Left Guard Later renamed Tianjin Right Guard Qingzhou Guard Abolished Yanzhou Guard Abolish Yanzhou Left Guard Later renamed Linqing Guard Dengzhou Guard Qingzhou Left Guard Laizhou Guard Ninghai Guard Jinan Guard Pingshan Guard Dezhou Guard Later belonged to Later Palace Le'an Thousand Households' Office Later renamed Wuding and belonged to Later Palace Jiaozhou Thousand Households' Office Zhucheng Thousand Households' Office Tengxian Thousand Households' Office |
《智囊(选录)·术智部·晏婴》 | 一天,晏婴乘坐一辆新车出门,故意与其他车辆相撞,事后说: 与人撞车是不吉祥的凶兆,难道是我祭拜神明时心意不够诚敬、平日居家待人不够谦和的缘故吗? | 乃为新车良马,出与人相犯也,曰: 毂击者不祥。臣其祭祀不顺、居处不敬乎? | One day, Yan Ying rode in a new carriage and deliberately crashed into other carriages. Afterwards he said: "Crashing into someone's carriage is an unlucky omen. Could it be that I was not sincere enough when worshipping the gods, or that I was not humble in my daily life?" |
《贞观政要·卷五·论诚信》 | 所以刚强正直的人害怕玩忽职守的罪名,忠诚正直的人担心诽谤朝廷的恶名。 | 强直者畏擅权之议,忠谠者虑诽谤之尤。 | Therefore, the upright and upright people are afraid of being accused of dereliction of duty, and the loyal and upright people are worried about the notoriety of slandering the imperial court. |
《后汉书·列传·苏竟杨厚列传上》 | 这年,果然六州蝗害大作,疫气流行。 | 是岁,果六州大蝗,疫气流行。 | That year, there were indeed great plagues of locusts in six provinces, and epidemics were rife. |
《魏书·列传·卷四十八》 | 这导致各种书章记录的混乱,把天下弄得混乱不堪,要区别疆域物土,必须重新严格勘定名称。 | 疑惑书记,错乱区宇。非所以疆域物土,必也正名之谓也。 | This has caused confusion in all manner of written records, rendering the world a chaotic mess. Dividing up the territories and their lands requires that we strictly investigate and rectify these names anew. |
《汉书·传·窦田灌韩传》 | 田蚜说: 天下幸而安乐无事,蛉能够做朝廷的重臣,爱好音乐、狗、马和田宅。我所喜欢的不过是倡优、巧匠这一类的人,不像魏其侯和灌夫他们,招呼天下的豪杰壮士,日夜不停地同他们商量讨论,满怀对朝廷的不满之意,不是抬头用眼看天,就是低头用手画地,斜眼看着两宫,希望天下有一些意外的变故,好让他们成大事,立大功,我却不知道魏其侯他们要做些什么呢! | 蚡曰: 天下幸而安乐无事,蚡得为肺附,所好音乐、狗马、田宅,所爱倡优、巧匠之属,不如魏其、灌夫日夜招聚天下豪杰壮士与论议,腹诽而心谤,卬视天,俯画地,辟睨两官间,幸天下有变,而欲有大功。臣乃不如魏其等所为。 | Tian Wei said: The world is fortunate and happy with nothing to do, and Ling is able to be a minister of the court, loving music, dogs, horses and houses. What I like most are singers, craftsmen and the like, unlike Wei Qihou and Guan Fu, who call on the world's heroes and strong men, day and night to discuss with them, and are full of dissatisfaction with the court. He either looked up at the sky with his eyes or drew the ground with his hands, squinting at the two palaces, hoping for some unexpected changes in the world, so that they could do great things and make great achievements, but I don't know what Wei Qihou and others want to do! |
《宋史·本纪·卷十四》 | 二十六日,下诏诸路帅臣及副总管,如果有更换调动的,依照庆历时的制度办。 | 甲辰,诏诸路帅臣及副总管或有移易,依庆历故事。 | On the 26th, an imperial edict was issued to the military governors and deputy directors of all circuits to follow the system of the Qingli reign when it came to making any changes or reassignments. |
《国语·吴语·越王勾践命诸稽郢行成》 | 申胥和华登选拔训练吴国的青年把他们组编成军队,还不曾被打败过。 | 夫申胥、华登简服吴国之士于甲兵,而未尝有所挫也。 | Shen Xu and Hua Deng selected and trained the youth of Wu and organized them into an army, which has never been defeated. |
《北史·列传·卷六十二》 | 宣政元年,官右中军熊渠中大夫。 | 宣政元年,为右中军熊渠中大夫。 | In the first year of Xuanzheng, he held the official position of Chief of the Right Central Army and the General of Xiongqu. |
《辽史·本纪·卷二十六》 | 二十五日,给西北路有功将士授予官职。 | 庚寅,录西北路有功将士。 | On the 25th day, the meritorious generals in the Northwest were awarded official positions. |
《周书·列传·卷十七》 | 到了为若干惠办丧时,太祖又亲自前往吊唁。 | 惠丧至,又临抚焉。 | When the time came to hold the funeral for Ruo Gan Hui, Emperor Taizu personally went to the wake. |
《南史·列传·卷二十七》 | 武帝后来讨伐孙恩,当时桓玄篡权的形迹已经很明显,武帝打算在山阴建立义军。 | 帝后讨孙恩,时桓玄篡形已着,帝欲于山阴建义。 | When Emperor Wu later launched a campaign against Sun En, Huan Xuan's ambition to seize power was already evident, and Emperor Wu planned to raise an army in Shanyin. |
《徐霞客游记·黔游日记一》 | 峡底有水流,从南面的山脊上往下溢出,于是形成滔滔的流水。 | 峡底有流,从南脊下溢,遂滔滔成流。 | There was running water at the bottom of the gorge. It flowed out from the mountain ridge to the south, hence forming the endless stream. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪五十七》 | 及至魏博节度使田弘正率军南渡黄河,进攻淄青,刘悟军无准备,出战屡败。 | 及田弘正渡河,悟军无备,战又数败。 | When Tian Hongzheng, the military governor of Weibo, led his troops south across the Yellow River to attack Ziqing, Liu Wu's army was unprepared and suffered repeated defeats in battle. |
《明史·列传·卷九十九》 | 有志操,习武事。 | 有志操,习武事。 | He has aspirations, and learns martial arts. |
《搜神记·卷一》 | 他经历过夏朝,一直活到商朝末年,号称活了七百岁。 | 历夏而至商末,号七百岁。 | He experienced the Xia Dynasty and lived until the end of the Shang Dynasty, and it is said that he lived for 700 years. |
《太平广记·卷一百五十八·定数十》 | 已故的青州节度使房知温,年轻的时候和表弟徐裀在衮州和郓城一带当盗贼,白天藏身在古墓里面。 | 故青帅房公知温,少年与外弟徐裀为盗于衮郓之境,昼则匿于古冢。 | The Late Qingzhou Jiedushi Fang Zhiwen was a bandit when he was young and wandered together with his cousin Xu Dian in Gunzhou and Yunchen. During the daytime they hid themselves in ancient tombs. |
《宋史·列传·卷十九》 | 宋军征伐江南时,朝廷任命他统率行营骑军兼战左厢都指挥使,从蕲春进攻峡口砦,斩敌数千人,俘获敌人楼船数百艘,沿江攻拔池州、铜陵、当涂,在牛渚造浮桥让大军通过。 | 王师征江南,命领行营骑军兼战棹左厢都指挥使,自蕲春攻岐口砦,斩首数千级,获楼船数百艘,沿流拔池州,破铜陵,取当涂,作浮梁于牛渚以济大军。 | When the Song army conquered Jiangnan, the court appointed him to lead the marching cavalry and concurrently served as the commander of the left-wing commander of the battle. He attacked峡口砦 from Qichun, killed thousands of enemies, captured hundreds of the enemy's buildings, and attacked Chizhou, Tongling, Dangtu along the river, and Changtu built a pontoon bridge for the army to pass. |
《明史·列传·卷一百一十九》 | 奏疏下放到兵部巡抚议论,于是停止。 | 疏下兵部巡抚议,遂寝。 | The memorial was handed over to the Ministry of War and the governor-general for discussion and was then abandoned. |
《汉书·传·淮南衡山济北王传》 | 吕后给吕氏封王,想以此来危害我们刘氏,辟阳侯不努力劝阻,这是第三桩罪。 | 吕后王诸吕,欲以危刘氏,辟阳侯不争,罪三也。 | The Empress Lü sought to enfeoff her Lü clan as kings, and in doing so wished to harm us the Liu clan, the Marquis of Biyang did not do his best to dissuade her, this is the third crime. |
《明史·列传·卷二十六》 | 太祖认为唐、宋都有成律断狱,唯独元朝以一时行事为条格,官吏容易违法。诏令周祯与李善长、刘基、陶安、滕毅等人制定律令,少卿刘惟谦、丞周浈也参与此事。 | 太祖以唐、宋皆有成律断狱,惟元以一时行事为条格,胥吏易为奸,诏祯与李善长、刘基、陶安、滕毅等定律令。少卿刘惟谦、丞周浈与焉。 | Taizu believed that Tang and Song both had established laws for adjudicating cases, but only the Yuan Dynasty used temporary practices as regulations, making it easy for officials to break the law. He decreed Zhou Dian, Li Shanchang, Liu Ji, Tao An, and Teng Yi to formulate laws and regulations, and Liu Weiqian, the Junior Minister, and Cheng Yuan, the Assistant Magistrate, also participated in this matter. |
《魏书·列传·卷十三》 | 他就是如此地恭敬谨慎。 | 其恭慎如此。 | He is so respectful and cautious. |
《明史·列传·卷十八》 | 十四年,随大将军徐达出塞,败元朝平章乃儿不花于北黄河。 | 十四年,从大将军出塞,破元平章乃儿不花于北黄河。 | In the fourteenth year, he followed the Grand General Xu Da out of the border, and defeated the Southern Song Dynasty's prime minister, Ye Buhua, at the Northern Yellow River. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪三十三》 | 张巡身先士卒,直冲叛军阵中,叛军人马惊慌躲避,然后退去。 | 巡身先士卒,直冲贼陈,人马辟易,贼遂退。 | Zhang Xun led the way, and charged directly into the centre of the rebel army. The rebels were startled and dodged, and then retreated. |
《后汉书·列传·班梁列传》 | 从此以后车师没有匈奴的踪迹,城郭也很安定。 | 是后车师无复虏迹,城郭皆安。 | From there on, there was no trace of Huns in Cheshi and the cities were stable. |
《资治通鉴·齐纪·齐纪六》 | 于是,加快速度,日夜兼行,前往阳平。 | 遂倍道兼行。 | And so, they hastened their pace, and travelling day and night, headed for Yangping. |
《旧唐书·列传·卷三》 | 所以居室装饰美玉,屋宇规模宏伟,商纣王因此灭亡;阿房宫拔地而起,高耸入云,秦二世因此倒台。 | 故璇室崇构,商辛以之灭亡;阿房崛起,二世是以倾覆。 | Therefore, King Zhou of Shang was destroyed because of the beautiful jade and the grandeur of his palace. Afang Palace rose from the ground and soared into the clouds, and Qin Ershi was overthrown because of it. |
《徐霞客游记·粤西游日记二十八》 | 初四日在骚站中等候派夫,整天雨势霏霏。 | 夜半,雨作。初四日候夫司中,雨霏霏竟日。 | On the fourth day, we waited for the husband of Saozhan to be sent, and it rained all day. |
《明史·志·卷三十五》 | 现在奉圣旨用平常礼制办理,应当改议赐谧礼,如同赐祭祀礼。 | 今奉旨以常礼从事,当改议赐谥,如赐祭礼。 | Now that the emperor's edict follows the ordinary ceremony, it should be changed to the ceremony of granting posthumous titles, just like the ceremony of granting sacrifices. |
《容斋随笔·卷九·唐三杰》 | 张说和源乾曜难道能跟宋璟类比吗? | 说与乾曜岂璟比哉! | Can Zhang Shuo and Yuan Qianyao be similar to Song Jing? |
《左传·昭公·昭公九年》 | 伯父如果撕毁了帽子,拔掉树木塞断水源,专断并抛弃谋主,即使是戎狄,他们心里哪里会有我这天子? | 伯父若裂冠毁冕,拔本塞原,专弃谋主,虽戎狄其何有余一人? | If my father tears off his hat, uproots the trees and blocks the water source, monopolizes power and abandons his counselors, even if it is the Rong and Di, how can they respect me as the emperor? |
《战国策·齐二·权之难齐燕战》 | 秦国派魏冉到赵国去,促使赵国出兵帮助燕国攻打齐国。 | 秦使魏冉之赵,出兵助燕击齐。 | The State of Qin sent Wei Ran to the State of Zhao to urge the State of Zhao to send troops to help the State of Yan attack the State of Qi. |
《世说新语·方正》 | 齐王司马冏担任大司马,辅理国政,嵇绍当时担任恃中,到司马冏那里去商讨公事。 | 齐王冏为大司马辅政,嵇绍为侍中,诣冏咨事。 | Sima Jiong, the King of Qi, served as the Grand Marshal and assisted in governing the country. Ji Shao served as the Minister of Ceremonies at that time, and visited Sima Jiong to discuss public affairs. |
《礼记·乐记》 | 乐,表达人的不可改变的情感;礼,体现了永恒不变的伦理。 | 乐也者,情之不可变者也。礼也者,理之不可易者也。 | Music expresses the unchangeable feelings of man; etiquette embodies the eternal and unchanging ethics. |
《辽史·本纪·卷十三》 | 十五年春正月初五,临幸延芳淀。 | 十五年春正月庚午,幸延芳淀。 | On the first day of the first month of the spring of the 15th year, the emperor visited Yinfang Pond. |
《太平广记·卷四百七十九·昆虫七》 | 水蛙 | 水蛙 | Water frogs |
《晋书·志·第三章》 | 司垦越恨魏登以束、王愿登以南都偏袒眯,就把这些地方赏给了旦甄等人,于是被掠夺得一无所有。 | 司马越忿魏郡以东平原以南皆党于桑,以赏甄等,于是侵掠赤地。 | Sikeng Yue hated Wei Deng’s favoritism toward Shu and Wang Yuandeng’s toward Nandou, and so he awarded these places to Danzhen and others, and so they were robbed of everything. |
《明史·列传·卷一百四十三》 | 庄烈帝态度缓和了,说: 朕已经知道了。 | 帝色解曰: 朕已知之。 | Emperor Zhuanglie relaxed his attitude and said: "I understand." |
《北史·列传·卷四十二》 | 他与邢子才、王元景等人结为莫逆之交。 | 与邢子才、王景等,并为莫逆之交。 | He formed sworn friendships with Xing Zicai, Wang Yuanjing and others. |
《明史·列传·卷三十六》 | 宣德元年,汉王高煦造反。 | 宣德元年,汉王高煦反。 | In the first year of the Xuande era, Han Wang, Gao Xu, raised a rebellion. |
《太平广记·卷五十七·女仙二》 | 太真夫人,是王母的小女儿,年纪大约十六七岁,名叫婉,字叫罗敷,遂寿事玄都太真王。 | 太真夫人,王母之小女也。年可十六七,名婉,字罗敷,遂事玄都太真王。 | Celestial Master was the youngest daughter of the Queen Mother. She was about 16 or 17 years old, and her given name was Wan and her courtesy name was Luofu. She served the Lord of Heaven in the supreme immortal palace, |
《新五代史·列传·杂传第三十二》 | 于是渡过九鼎,直奔河阳,在洗水作战,李罕之大败,河阳解围。 | 乃渡九鼎,直趋河阳,战于沇水,罕之大败,河阳围解。 | So they crossed Jiuding and went straight to Heyang. They fought in Xishui, and Li Hanchi was defeated. Heyang was relieved. |
《陈书·列传·卷二十三》 | 后主酒醒后,怀疑此事,对江总说: 我懊悔召毛喜,知道他没有病,他祇是想劝阻我的欢宴,不赞同我的所为,这是故意使奸诈罢了。 | 后主醒,乃疑之,谓江总曰: 我悔召毛喜,知其无疾,但欲阻我欢宴,非我所为,故奸诈耳。 | After the later Lord woke up from the alcohol, he suspected this matter, and said to Jiang Zong: "I regret calling Mao Xǐ. I know that he is not sick. He just wants to stop my banquet and disapproves of what I do. This is just intentional treachery." |
《农桑辑要·典训·先贤务农》 | 黄霸,任颍川郡太守,让邮亭、乡官都饲养鸡猪,用来赡养鳏、寡和贫穷的人。 | 黄霸为颍川,使邮亭、乡官皆畜鸡、豚,以赡鳏、寡、贫穷者。 | Huang Ba was appointed as Prefect of Yichuan 郡 County, where he ordered post stations and local officials to raise chickens and pigs to support the widowed, orphaned, and poor. |
《搜神记·卷一》 | 刘根说: 这很容易。 | 不者,加戮。 | Liu Gen said, "This is very easy." |
《资治通鉴·齐纪·齐纪一》 | 崔文仲派遣军主崔孝伯渡过淮水,攻打北魏茌眉戍主龙得侯等人,并将他们杀掉。 | 文仲遣军主崔孝伯渡淮,攻魏茌眉戍主龙得侯等,杀之。 | Cui Wenzhong sent army commander Cui Xiaobo to cross the Huai River and attack Long Dehou and his men, who were in charge of the garrison at Zhimei of Northern Wei, killing them. |
《庄子·外篇·骈拇》 | 凭什么知道是如此呢? | 何以知其然邪? | How can we know that this is the case? |
《明史·列传·卷一百一十九》 | 到这时,王锡爵将辞去政务,朝廷大臣推举替代他的人。 | 及是,锡爵将谢政,廷推代者。 | By this time, Wang Xijue was about to resign from government affairs, and the court officials recommended someone to replace him. |
《北史·列传·卷七》 | 彭城王元勰格外器重他,并且说: 这个孩子风采神韵外表伟俊,黄中而内润,如果天假以年华,可继《二南》之化。 | 彭城王勰甚器异之,并曰: 此兒风神外伟,黄中内润,若天假之年,继二南矣。 | Yuan Xie, the Prince of Pengcheng, admired him very much and said: This child has a graceful and handsome appearance, fair complexion and a glowing countenance. If heaven gives him many years of life, he can carry on the teachings of the Ernan." |
《隋书·列传·卷十一》 | 望陛下抓主要事情,责成宰相。繁杂之事,不是皇上应该亲自处理的。 | 愿陛下举大纲,责成宰辅,繁碎之务,非人主所宜亲也。 | I beg you to focus on important matters and leave the responsibility of the rest to your Prime Minister. It is not an emperor's job to deal with trivial issues.” |
《明史·列传·卷一百九十五》 | 世宗刚出生时,陆松的妻子做乳娘,所以陆炳从小就随母亲进入宫中。 | 世宗始生,松妻为乳媪,炳幼从母入宫中。 | When Shizong was born, Lu Song’s wife served as a wet nurse, so Lu Bing entered the palace with his mother from an early age. |
《左传·昭公·昭公二十五年》 | 无礼必定逃亡。 | 无礼必亡。 | One without respect will certainly flee. |
《明史·列传·卷四十六》 | 李贤说有轩輗,并称赞他很廉洁,于是命轩輗以左都御史之衔前往。 | 贤以輗对,且称其廉。乃命以左都御史往。 | Li Xian said that there was Xuan Yin, and praised him as being very honest and impartial, so the Emperor ordered Xuan Yin to go there with the title of Left Censor-in-chief. |
《论衡·卷十七·是应篇》 | 俗儒又说: 古代的蓂荚沿着台阶的两旁生长,每月初一开始,一天长出一片荚来,到十五天就有十五片荚,从十六日起,每天落一片荚,至月底荚全部落完。第二个月的初一,一片荚再长出来。 | 儒者又言:古者蓂荚夹阶而生,月朔日一荚生,至十五日而十五荚;於十六日,日一荚落,至月晦,荚尽,来月朔,一荚复生。 | Vulgar Confucians also say: In ancient times, awnings grew on both sides of the steps. On the first day of the month, they would grow one pod a day, so that there were fifteen pods after fifteen days. From the sixteenth day onwards, they would lose one pod per day until they had all fallen by the end of the month. On the first day of the following month, they would grow one pod again. |
《资治通鉴·后晋纪·后晋纪一》 | 末帝的意念本来就不想北行,听了这些话,很觉高兴。 | 帝意本不欲行,闻之颇悦。 | The last emperor originally did not want to go north and was very happy to hear these words. |
《太平广记·卷四百七十·水族七》 | 老人问他是怎么回事。高昱就把前面的事情详细说了。老人生气地说: 怎么敢这样害人! | 叟诘之,昱具述其事,叟怒曰: 焉敢如此害人! | The old man asked him what was going on. Gao Yu described in detail what had happened before. The old man said in anger, how dare you harm others like this! |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪五十九》 | 魏公曹操派张统领军队占领三巴,企图把那里的民众迁徙到汉中,张率军向岩渠进发。 | 魏公操使张郃督诸军徇三巴,欲徙其民于汉中,进军宕渠。 | Duke Wei Cao Cao sent Zhang to lead the army to occupy Sanya and planned to move the people there to Hanzhong. Zhang led the army to march towards Yanqu. |
《明史·志·卷六十八》 | 自从富豪之家庄田逐渐增多以来,养马的土地逐渐不足。 | 自豪右庄田渐多,养马渐不足。 | Since the rich and powerful families gradually acquired more and more manor lands, the land for raising horses gradually became insufficient. |
《宋书·列传·卷六十九》 | 第二天,狱卒送范晔到监狱,入狱以后,范晔问徐湛之关在哪儿,然后才知此事是徐湛之告发的。 | 明日,仗士送晔付廷尉,入狱,问徐丹阳所在,然后知为湛之所发。 | The following day, the jailer sends Fan Ye to prison, after entering the prison, Fan Ye asks where Xu Zhanzhi is jailed and found out that Xu Zhanzhi is the one who reported him. |
《宋书·志·卷二十》 | 我的武功既已平定天下,百姓都已安宁。 | 我功既定,庶士咸绥。 | My martial feats have pacified the world, and the populace is at peace. |
《荀子·哀公》 | 因此凤凰栖息在成行的树上,麒麟活动在国都的郊外,乌鸦、喜鹊的窝可以低头观察到。 | 是以凤在列树,麟在郊野,乌鹊之巢可俯而窥也。 | Therefore, the phoenix perches on the well-aligned trees, the Qilin moves about in the suburban of the state capital, the magpie and the crow's nests can be observed by lowering your head. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪八》 | 五帝三王离今世已很久远,后代人们看见他们的礼而知道他们的行止,听到他们的乐而知道他们的喜好,昭昭然如同仍存在于当世,这不是礼乐的功劳吗? | 五帝、三王,其违世已久,后之人见其礼知其所履,闻其乐知其所乐,炳然若犹存于世焉。此非礼乐之功邪? | The Five Emperors and Three Kings lived long ago, but later generations who saw their rites understood their conduct, and who heard their music knew their preferences; they are clearly and distinctly as if they were still living, is this not the achievement of the rites and music? |
《明史·列传·卷九十二》 | 隆庆年初,他的妻子才释放回家。 | 隆庆初,始释还。 | His wife was not released until the beginning of the Longqing reign. |
《汉书·志·天文志》 | 火星在娄宿,由束而西逆行至奎宿,占法上说 当有战争 。 | 荧惑在娄,逆行至奎,法曰 当有兵 。 | Mars is at Lou constellation, moved west from east to Kui constellation, and divination indicated there would be war. |
《汉书·志·艺文志》 | 《颛顼历》二十一卷。 | 《颛顼历》二十一卷。 | The Calendar of Zhuanxu, twenty-one volumes. |
《旧唐书·本纪·卷十八》 | 张衡担任侍郎,常常待在皇帝的幄幕中,从容不迫地对皇帝进行讽喻劝谏。 | 张衡为侍郎,常居帷幄,从容讽谏。 | Zhang Heng, who served as a Gentleman-in-Waiting, often stayed in the emperor's private tent, where he calmly & collectedly advised & criticised the monarch. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪二十五》 | 春季,二月,庚寅,宫中的人说韦皇后藏衣服的竹箱上有五色祥云升起,唐中宗便派人画下来给文武百官看。 | 春,二月,庚寅,宫有言皇后衣笥裙上有五色云起,上令图以示百官。 | In the spring, in the second month, on gengyin day, there were rumors from the palace that there were five-colored auspicious clouds rising from Wei the Empress's bamboo case of clothes. Tang Zhongzong dispatched someone to draw it and show it to civil and military officials. |
《明史·本纪·卷十六》 | 二十四日,召朱晖等回师。 | 丙子,召朱晖等还。 | On the 24th day, Zhu Hui and others were summoned to lead the army back. |
《明史·列传·卷一百五十九》 | 于是进入宁远城中,和崇焕商量防御的办法。 | 遂入宁远城,与崇焕为守御计。 | Then he entered the city of Ningyuan and discussed the defensive measures with Chongxuan. |