66 values
What would be an example of an positive review?
Ate here with a friend tonight, and it was very, very good. Service was friendly and attentive, food was excellent, atmosphere relaxing and stimulating. It's a bit pricier than the rest of the Valley, being in Scottsdale, but it's well worth it. Well situated, next door to the SMOCA in the Civic Center.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Spiste her med en venn i kveld, og det var veldig, veldig bra. Tjenesten var vennlig og oppmerksom, maten var utmerket, avslappende og stimulerende ved atmosfæren. Den er litt priciere end resten af Dalen og er i Scottsdale, men vel verdt det. Vel beliggende, ved siden av SMOCA i kommunen.
Eating here with a friend tonight, and it was very, very good. The ministry was friendly and alert, the food was excellent, relaxing, and stimulating to the atmosphere. It's a little pricier than the rest of the Dale and it's in Scottsdale, but it's well worth it. Well, it's a matter of business, next to the SMOCA in the municipality.
Is the following review positive or negative? Stopped at Starbucks again. I'm still using up my gift card. I tried a coffee brewed with their Clover Brewing System. I was not impressed and felt compelled to remove a star. What Starbucks created in Seattle is not being replicated thru their exponential growth. They have great branding, locations, and marketing, but that's not enough for me. I suggest Bradbury's coffee house. They use Kickapoo Coffee's roasted beans. I think you'll be pleased you did. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Stoppet på Star Bucks igjen. Jeg bruker fortsatt opp gavekortet mitt. Jeg prøvde en kaffe brygget med deres Clover Brewing System. Jeg var ikke imponert og følte meg tvunget til å fjerne en stjerne. Det Starbucks har skapt i Seattle, er ikke å bli kopiert for å få sin eksponensielle vekst. De har bra merkevarebygging, steder og markedsføring, men det er ikke nok for meg. Jeg foreslår at vi lager en av byens kaffetrakter. De bruker Kicopapo Coffees stekte bønner. Jeg tror du vil bli glad for at du gjorde det. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Stopped at Star Bucks again. I'm still using up my gift card. I tried a coffee brew with your Clover Brewing System. I was not impressed and felt compelled to remove a star. What Starbucks has created in Seattle is not to be copied to get their exponential growth. They have good branding, places and marketing, but that's not enough for me. I suggest we make one of the city coffee makers. They're using Kicopapo Coffee's fried beans. I think you'll be glad you did. VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Food is ok. I work nearby and I had high hopes for this place and it always dissapoints. It doesnt smell like a bakery when I enter, it smells like cleaning solution. I think the baked goods are made somewhere else and brought in. There are stacked empty shelves by the door. Whoever is running this place has no idea what they are doing, As for the food, it is expensive for what you get. Taste is ok. Eggs are always over cooked. The cookies have the texture of a loaf of bread. The bread itself is wonderful, but they have a long way to go with everything else. I hope the owner reads this OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Mat er ok. Jeg jobber i nærheten, og jeg hadde store forhåpninger til dette stedet og det alltid dissapoints. Det lukter ikke som bakeri når jeg går inn, det lukter som rensevæske. Jeg tror baken er laget et annet sted og brakt inn. Det er tomme, tomme hyller ved døren. Den som styrer dette stedet aner ikke hva de gjør, når det gjelder maten, det er dyrt for det du får. Egg er alltid overkokt. Kjeksene har tekstur som et brød. Selve brødet er underfullt, men de har langt igjen til å gå med alt annet. Jeg håper eieren leser dette: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? Food's fine. I work nearby, and I had high hopes for this place and it always dissapoints. It doesn't smell like bakery when I go in, it smells like cleaning fluid. I think the butt is made somewhere else and brought in. There are empty shelves at the door. Whoever runs this place has no idea what they're doing, when it comes to food, it's expensive for what you get. Eggs are always overcooked. Biscuits have texture like a loaf of bread. The bread itself is wonderful, but they still have a long way to go with everything else. I hope the owner reads this: negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? We go to Nick's about once a year. For the most part our experience has been positive. I tend to order pasta dishes while my wife enjoys the Chicken Parmigiana. Both could be better and the place can get crazy crowded at times. The tight space and food reminds me of Giuseppe's on 28th Though I like their food better. Sometimes you just don't feel like cooking. When it comes to Italian food, how many of us want someone else to do it better? In this department, Nick's is just okay. The new management at New York 51 Pizzeria (formerly Redendo's) up the block might have the edge on Nick's. Time will tell. Sorry! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Vi drar til Nick's en gang i året. Vår erfaring har stort sett vært positiv. Jeg pleier å bestille pastaretter mens min kone liker parmigiana. Begge kan være bedre og stedet kan bli hektisk overfylt til tider. Den trange plassen og maten minner meg om Giuseppes på 28. Selv om jeg liker maten deres bedre. Noen ganger føler man bare ikke for å lage mat. Hvor mange av oss vil at en annen skal gjøre det bedre når det gjelder italiensk mat? I denne avdelingen er Nick's helt greit. Den nye ledelsen i New York 51 Pizzeria (tidligere Redendo's) oppover kvartalet kan ha kanten på Nick's. Det vil tiden vise. Sorry! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? We go to Nick's once a year. Our experience has generally been positive. I usually order pasta dishes while my wife likes parmigiana. Both can be better and the place can become frantically crowded at times. The narrow space and food remind me of Giuseppes at 28 although I like their food better. Sometimes you just don't feel like cooking. How many of us want someone else to do better with Italian food? In this department, Nick's is fine. The new management of New York 51 Pizzeria (formerly Redendo's) up the block could have the edge of Nick's. Time will tell. Sorry! VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I WILL NEVER USE VEGAS.COM OR STAY AT CAESARS We were booked to stay here 7/3 for 2 nights & left after the 1st. The bathroom fixtures were rusted, the bottom of the door was broken & coming apart, urine had ate away at the marble around the toilet the grout around the tub was dirty & moldy. The other doors were 1.5 inches from reaching the floor, we could see out into the hall & into the adjoining room. the air conditioner was very clanking. They sent someone to fix it which was no help. They switched our room to an nicer room that had 1/2 the crystals stolen off the wall sconce chandelier. The blanket had a big hole in it & the lighting was too dim to apply my make-up. We asked where the buffet was & they said it had been closed for month & should have told us & they didn't. They suggested we go to Flamingo's buffet which was closed for 4 hours due to a water problem. We then walked to Paris who's buffet was open but were out of food. No meat, no fresh cooked veggies. The salad bar was old wilted lettuce with no tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes or other fresh veggies. At least the Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian was outstanding. I will never stay at Caesars and never book from & will tell everyone i know to avoid both of these when booking a Vegas get away OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg vil aldri bruke VEGAS.COM ELLER STAY AT CAESARS Vi ble bestilt til å bo her 7/3 i 2 netter og igjen etter den 1. Badarmaturene var rustne, bunnen av døren var brutt & kom i fra hverandre, urin hadde spist bort på marmoren rundt toalettet Utsmykkingen rundt badekaret var skittent & muggent. De andre dørene var 1,5 tommer fra å nå gulvet, vi kunde se ut i entréen & inn i det tilstøtende rommet. klimaanlegget var svært jevnt. De sendte noen for å fikse det, noe som ikke var til hjelp. De byttet rommet vårt til et finere rom med krystallene stjålet fra veggen. Teppet hadde et stort hull i seg og lyssettingen var for dim til å påføre sminken min. Vi spurte hvor buffeten var & de sa den hadde vært stengt i måned & skulle ha fortalt oss & de ikke. De foreslo at vi skulle dra til Flamingos buff som var stengt i 4 timer på grunn av vannproblem. Så gikk vi til Paris, som hadde åpent vær, men var tomme for mat. Ikke noe kjøtt, ikke ferske, kokte grønnsaker. Salaten var gammel, visnet salat uten tomater, agurker, tomater eller andre friske grønnsaker. Iallfall var Operaens Fantom ved den venskapelige storartet. Jeg kommer aldri til å bli i Caesars og aldri bok fra & vil fortelle alle at jeg vet å unngå begge disse når booking av en Vegas kommer seg unna OPA: - negativ - positiv
What will the following article show? I will never use VEGAS.COM OR STAY THAT CAESARS We were ordered to stay here for 7/3 for 2 nights and again after the 1. The fixtures were rusty, the bottom of the door was broken & separated, urine had eaten away on the marble around the toilet softening around the bathtub was dirty & moldy. The other doors were 1.5 inches from reaching the floor, we could look out in the entrance & into the adjacent room. The air conditioner was very steady. They sent someone to fix it, something that wasn't helpful. They switched our room to a nicer room with the crystals stolen from the wall. The carpet had a big hole in it and the lighting was too dim to apply my makeup. We asked where the buffet was & they said it had been closed in month & should have told us & they didn't. They suggested that we go to Flamingo's buffet that was closed for 4 hours because of the water problem. Then we went to Paris, which was open weather but ran out of food. No meat, no fresh cooked vegetables. The salad was old, withered lettuce without tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, or other fresh vegetables. At any rate, the Opera Phantom was at the friendly great. I'm never going to stay in Caesars and never a book from & will tell everyone that I know to avoid both of these when booking a Vegas gets away from OPA: - negative - positive
I flew Spirit from Fort Lauderdale to Las Vegas and primarily chose them because of their fare. First off let me say I am not someone who is unfamiliar with the airline industry. I spent 20 years working in the travel industry and nearly half of that working for one of the largest airlines in the world. I cannot speak for their other station operations but I will tell you that their Fort Lauderdale operation is one of the most backwards (insert expletive here) operations I have ever seen. You walk in and they have a huge blue sign for self check in which states "carry on bags only". Another line with a large red sign stated "full service check in". After spending a half an hour in that line we were told we needed to be in the self service line because this line was for "international only". I explained that I could plainly see the signs above the agents said international but all of the others said "self check in". Didn't matter, we were rerouted to stand in the self check in line, in spite of the fact that we had checked bags. Because apparently I was supposed to psychically know that even though the sign said "carry on only" they would also check our bags. After making our way through what could loosely be referred to as a mob my husband and I finally checked in and paid our $166.00 for baggage (insert several other expletives here) only to to be sent to another line to hand off our bags. Well the other line turned out to be another check in line. I am not unaccustomed to lines, even confusing ones that evolve due to large groups of people but these were not lines. They were swirling confused masses of people with little or no direction. I didn't find my plane in particular to be unclean or the flight staff to be rude but after looking over the charges for everything (water, soda...) I began to wonder if the sick bag I had taken and used for my used kleenex (sue me I have a cold) wouldn't end up being an extra charge as well. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg fløy fra Fort Lauderdale til Las Vegas, og valgte dem først og fremst på grunn av reisen deres. La meg først og fremst si at jeg ikke er en som er ukjent med flyindustrien. I 20 år arbeidet jeg i reiselivsbransjen, og nesten halvparten av det arbeidet jeg for et av de største flyselskapene i verden. Jeg kan ikke snakke for deres andre stasjonsoperasjoner men jeg vil fortelle dere at deres Fort Lauderdale-operasjon er en av de mest bakvendte (insekter ekspellense her) operasjoner jeg noen gang har sett. Du går inn, og de har et stort blått tegn for selvkontroll der delstater<unk>bærer på poser kun<unk> En annen linje med et stort, rødt skilt angitt<unk> full servicesjekk ved <unk> Etter å ha tilbrakt en halv time i den linjen vi fikk beskjed om at vi trengte å være i selvbetjeningslinjen fordi denne linjen var for <unk>internasjonal bare <unk> Jeg forklarte at jeg kunne se tegnene over agentene som ble sagt internasjonalt, men alle de andre sa: \"Seg selv\" i: Uansett, vi ble omdirigert til å stå i selvkontrollen i linje, til tross for at vi hadde sjekket poser. For jeg skulle visst vite at selv om skiltet bare sto på, så skulle de også sjekke bagasjen vår. Etter at vi hadde klart oss gjennom det som kunne ha vært løst fra det som kunne omtales som en pøbelflokk, sjekket min mann og jeg til slutt inn og betalte våre 16 dollar for vår bagasje (sett inn flere andre eksplosjoner her) bare for å bli sendt til en annen linje for å levere fra oss bagasjen. Vel den andre linjen viste seg å være en annen sjekk i linje. Jeg er ikke ukjent med linjer, selv forvirrende som utvikler seg på grunn av store grupper av mennesker men dette var ikke linjer. De var omspunne, store menneskemasser med liten eller ingen retning. Jeg fant ikke flyet mitt spesielt for å være uren eller flyverten for å være uhøflig men etter å ha tatt meg over avgiftene for alt (vann, brus...) begynte jeg å lure på om den sykeposen jeg hadde tatt og brukt til mitt brukte kleenex (spro meg jeg har en forkjølelse) ikke ville ende opp med å bli en ekstraladning også. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I flew from Fort Lauderdale to Las Vegas and chose them mainly because of their journey. First of all, let me say that I am not someone unknown to the aviation industry. For 20 years, I worked in the travel business, and nearly half of that work for one of the largest airlines in the world. I can't speak for your other station operations, but I want to tell you that your Fort Lauderdale operation is one of the most backward (insect expellense here) operations I've ever seen. You go in, and they have a big blue sign for self-control where states<unk> bear on bags only<unk> Another line with a large red sign specified<unk> full service check at <unk> After spending half an hour on the line we were told that we needed to be in the self-service line because this line was for <unk>International just <unk> I explained that I could see the signs of the operatives who were said internationally, but all the others said, "Self" in: Anyway, we were redirected to stand in self-control in line, despite having checked bags. Because I should know that even if the badge was just on, they'd check our luggage as well. After we had survived what could have been released from what might be called a mob, my husband and I finally checked in and paid our $16 for our luggage (insert several other explosions here) just to be sent to another line to deliver our luggage. Well the second line turned out to be another check in line. I'm not unfamiliar with lines, even confusing that evolve because of large groups of people, but these weren't lines. They were surrounded by large masses of people with little or no direction. I did not find my plane specifically to be unclean or the steward for being rude but after taking over the charges for everything (water, soda...) I began to wonder if the bag I had taken and used for my used kleenex (sprowed I have a cold) would not end up being an extra charge as well. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I very minor update - the muralista has since left the building Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
I svært mindre oppdatering - muralisten har siden forlatt bygningen Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
In the very smaller update-the mauralist has since left the building Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? You can't go wrong at Fogo, Texas, or Via Brazil. All 3 are very nicely decorated, staff is properly trained, and food is as good as it gets. This was my first attempt at Fogo and here is what I discovered. The salad bar is fresh and the choices are similar to Texas, however the Italian dressing tastes identical to a bottle of Kraft that you can buy at Smith's. Not very unique like the balsamic dressing at Texas. Nothing is labeled either. It's kind of obvious as to what each item is such as lettuce, cheese, whatever but I still like to see the titles of each item being served. No sushi, no lobster bisque, no soup at all at Fogo. This is where I give the top honors to Texas for their salad bar. Onto the meats... I read a reviewer state the top sirloin was NOT the best meat at Fogo. I found that hard to believe and after experiencing for myself, he was right. But the thing is at Fogo, they call about 3 different looking meats "top sirloin". One was the obvious one that looks kind of heart shaped with mild fat on the outside. Another big chunk of meat was also called top sirloin. It looked and tasted like Via Brazil's prime rib. Fogo's garlic sirloin was the best of the 3 places. I must give the best meat award to Via. Side dishes are minor but I liked Texas and Via's banana's, rice better than Fogo. Restroom was tiny. Men's had only 2 toilets and 2 urinals. Texas has a much better restroom facility. Overall verdict.... me and a friend gave top overall to Via because of their super tasting meats. Texas has the best salad bar but we are not there for greens. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Du kan ikke gå galt ved Fogo, Texas eller i Via Brasil. Alle 3 er svært fint dekorert, staben er riktig trent, og maten er så god som den får. Dette var mitt første forsøk på Fogo, og her er det jeg oppdaget. Salatbaren er frisk og valgene ligner på Texas, men den italienske smaken er identisk med en flaske Kraft som du kan kjøpe hos Smith. Ikke veldig unik som balsamen ved Texas. Ingen ting er merket noen av delene. Det er ganske tydelig hva hver enkelt ting er som salat, ost, hva som helst men jeg liker fortsatt å se titlene på hver enkelt ting bli servert. Ingen sushi, ingen bisque, ingen i det hele tatt i Fogo. Det er her jeg gir Texas toppbetitlene for deres salatbar. På kjøttet... Jeg har lest en kommentar til at den beste sirloinen ikke var det beste kjøttet på Fogo. Jeg syntes det var vanskelig å tro, og etter at jeg hadde opplevd det selv, hadde han rett. Men saken er på Fogo, de kaller ca. 3 forskjellige utseende kjøtt kjøtt, topp sirklein, En av dem var den som ser ganske hjerteformet ut med mild fett på utsiden. En annen stor kjøttbit ble også kalt toppserl. Det så ut som og smakte som Via Brasils prime rille. Fogos hvitløkssylein var den beste av de 3 plassene. Jeg må gi den beste kjøttprisen til Via. Siderettene er små, men jeg likte Texas og Vias bananer, ris bedre enn Fogo. Toalettet var lite. Menn har hatt kun 2 toaletter og 2 urinaler. Texas har et mye bedre toalettanlegg. Jeg og en venn av meg ga toppen av alt på grunn av elfenbenssmakingen. Texas har den beste salatbaren, men vi er ikke der for grønne. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? You can't go wrong at Fogo, Texas or Via Brazil. All 3 are very well decorated, the staff is properly trained, and the food is as good as it gets. This was my first attempt at Fogo, and here's what I discovered. The salad bar is fresh and the choices are similar to Texas, but the Italian flavor is identical to a bottle of Kraft that you can buy from Smith. Not very unique as the balsam of Texas. Nothing has been marked either. It's pretty clear what each item is like salad, cheese, anything but I still like to see the titles on each item being served. No sushi, no bisque, no one at all in Fogo. This is where I give the Texas High Titles for your salad bar. On the meat... I've read a comment that the best Sirloin wasn't the best meat in Fogo. I found it hard to believe, and after I experienced it myself, he was right. But the thing is on Fogo, they call about three different-looking meats, top circle, One of them was the one who looks quite heart - shaped with mild fat on the outside. Another large piece of meat was also called the topper. It looked and tasted like Via Brazil's prime rig. Fogo’s garlic lylein was the best of the three. I have to give Via the best meat price. The side dishes are small, but I liked Texas and Via's bananas, rice better than Fogo. The bathroom was small. Men have only had 2 toilets and 2 urinals. Texas has a much better toilet facilities. Me and a friend of mine gave the top of everything because of the ivory tasting. Texas has the best salad bar, but we're not there for green. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
This location is poorly run, staff is untrained on computer system and service. There is no communication among the management who scramble to put out fires. This location should be closed while kitchen, front, and management are retrained. The bread is terrific. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Stedet er dårlig kjørt, staben er ikke trent på datasystem og tjeneste. Det er ingen kommunikasjon blant ledelsen som vil slukke branner. Dette stedet bør stenges mens kjøkken, front og ledelse omarbeides. Brødet er dårlig. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The place is a mess. The staff are not trained for computer systems and service. There's no communication among management that will put out fires. This place should be closed while kitchen, front and management are being recast. The bread is bad. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
I didn't like their customer service. I called in to ask whether they had a TV for customers to watch if the customers decide to eat in. The lady heard the word "TV" and said I called the wrong number and hung up. Called back again, and as soon as she heard my voice, she hung up. Is this the kind of service you want? I won't be going back there.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg likte ikke kundeservicen deres. Jeg ringte inn for å spørre om de hadde TV til kunder å se på om kundene bestemmer seg for å spise i. Damen hørte ordet<unk>TV<unk> og sa at jeg ringte feil nummer og la på. Ringte tilbake igjen, og så snart hun hørte stemmen min, la hun på. Er det en slik tjeneste du ønsker deg? Jeg drar ikke tilbake dit.
I didn't like your customer service. I called in to ask if they had TV for customers to watch if customers decide to eat in. The lady heard the word "TV" and said I called the wrong number and hung up. I called back, and as soon as she heard my voice, she hung up. Is that the kind of service you want? I'm not going back there.
I could write a really long review about this place but I'm going to be short and sweet. I've traveled through all 50 states and eaten at a ton of great restaurants. This little dive in the middle of Illinois is on my top ten list. I happened to see this place on yelp when I was working in town and I just had a feeling it was going to be good. But it exceeded every expectation. They are the real deal! Every single thing I've tried there was absolutely phenomenal! And they aren't just serving up the basic tacos and burritos. No they do gorditas, chalupas, tlacoyas, and much more! The salsa is homemade and is awesome too! Simply put, if you live in Champaign or are traveling through it or anywhere near it this place is a MUST!!!!!!! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg kunne skrevet en veldig lang omtale om dette stedet men jeg kommer til å være kort og søt. Jeg har reist gjennom alle 50 stater og spist på en haug store restauranter. Dette lille stupet midt i Illinois er på topp ti-listen min. Jeg så dette stedet på Yelp da jeg jobbet i byen, og jeg hadde en følelse av at det ville bli bra. Men det gikk opp for hver forventning. De er ekte vare! Hver eneste ting jeg har prøvd det var absolutt fenomenalt! Og de serverer ikke bare de grunnleggende tacoene og burritoene. Nei, de gjør gorditas, chalupas, tlacoyas, og mye mer! Salsaen er hjemmelaget og er også dritkul! For å si det enkelt, hvis du bor i Champaign eller reiser gjennom det eller i nærheten av det, er dette stedet et MUST!!!!!!!!!!! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I could write a very long review of this place, but I'm going to be short and sweet. I've traveled through all 50 states and eaten in a bunch of big restaurants. This little dive in the middle of Illinois is on my top ten list. I saw this place on Yelp when I was working in town, and I had a feeling it would be good. But every expectation came to an end. They're the real deal! Every single thing I've ever tried was absolutely phenomenal! And they don't just serve the basic tacos and burritos. No, they do gorditas, chalupas, tlacoyas, and much more! The salsa is home-made and also awesome! Simply put, if you live in Champaign or travel through it or anywhere near it, this place is a Must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Was here for a private party and am very grateful to the hosts for treating us all to the experience. In a luxury mall on the strip. Be sure to window shop on ur way to the restaurant. Amazing service. Excellent wines. A filet cooked to med rare perfection & so generous in its proportions i couldn't believe my eyes. Very interesting architectural statement in the main dining room. And at least two sculpture groupings in the mall worth a look. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Var her for en privat fest og er svært takknemlig mot vertene for at de behandlet oss til erfaringen. I et kjøpesenter på stripa. Sørg for å få deg en butikk på ur veien til restauranten. - Det er en tjeneste. viner som er viner, En filet laget for å ta med deg parphperfect og så generøs i sitt forhold kunne jeg ikke tro mine egne øyne. Meget interessant referat i storstuen. Og minst to skulpturgrupper på kjøpesenteret er verdt en titt. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I was here for a private party and I'm very grateful to the hosts for treating us for our experience. In a mall on the strip. Make sure you get a store on time to the restaurant. - It's a favor. wines which are wines, A filet designed to bring you parphperfect and so generous in his relationship, I couldn't believe my eyes. Very interesting report in the main room. And at least two sculpture groups at the mall are worth a look. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Not impressed. I can order a better hamburger from Burger King. The fries lacked luster and the bread for the burger was stale. The burger had no flavor. Maybe the Mexican food is better than the burgers. I may return to try the Mexican food but outside of that this place is a no/go for me. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Ikke imponert. Jeg kan bestille en bedre ham fra Burger King. Pommes fritesen og brødet til burgeren var gammelt. Burgen hadde ingen smak. Kanskje den meksikanske maten er bedre enn maten. Jeg kan kanskje prøve den meksikanske maten, men utenfor dette stedet er det ikke noe for meg. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Not impressed. I can order a better one from Burger King. The French fries and the burger bread were old. The burger had no taste. Maybe the Mexican food is better than the food. I might try the Mexican food, but outside of this place, there's nothing for me. VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Stayed here for the first time this past weekend and I would have to give Red Rock 4 stars. The only thing preventing me from giving them 5 stars is that I booked a 2 queen room and when I checked in I was told that all the 2 Queen bed rooms were taken and they would give me a King with a rollaway bed at no charge. I went ahead and accepted but I a guy behind me was offerred the same, complained and got his 2 Queens like he asked. WTF!?!....They either have them or they don't??? Shouldn't have to bitch to get want you reserved in the first place. Anyways, with that being said, the property was nice. It's a great family hotel. The rooms are well decorated with a nice Flat Screen both in the room and in the bathroom. The beds were comfy and I hardly whiffed a scent of tobacco within the hotel while I was there. The pool wasn't crowded and they're were plenty of open chairs to take. The bowling alley and movie theartre are great if you have kids. The Yardhouse on the premises was a bonus for a beer enthuist like me. The casino is pretty large and all members of my party came out ahead after the weekend so the slots weren't tight at all. The buffett was good and inexpensive, $5 for breakfast and like $13 for dinner. I was given a free players card at check-in and got two free buffetts with it. The alcohol was pretty reasonable at the bars, unlike some strip casinos. There was also a shopping mall across the street with additional restaurants. I will most likely be back at Red Rock the next time I'm in Vegas. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg ble her for første gang i helgen, og jeg måtte gitt stjernene Red Rock 4. Det eneste som hindrer meg fra å gi dem fem stjerner er at jeg bestilte en toerdo, og da jeg sjekket inn, fikk jeg høre at de to Queen-sengene var tatt, og de ville gi meg en konge med en romseng gratis. Jeg gikk i forveien og aksepterte men jeg en fyr bak meg ble tilbudt det samme, klaget og fikk sine 2 Queens som han ba om. WetTF!?? ... .. Enten har de dem eller ikke????? Burde ikke måtte tiss for å få lyst på deg reservert i utgangspunktet. Med det sagt, var eiendommen fin. Det er et stort familiehotell. Rommene er godt dekorert med en fin Flat skjerm både i rommet og på badet. Sengene var komfortable, og jeg merket nesten ikke en duft av tobakk inne i hotellet mens jeg var der. Bassenget var ikke overfylt og de var mange åpne stoler å ta. Det er flott med bowlingbowling og filmteater hvis du har barn. Daghuset i huset var en bonus for en ølentusiast som meg. Kasinoet er stort, og alle i partiet mitt kom ut etter helgen, så det var ikke trangt. Bettet var godt og billig, 5 kroner til frokost og som 13 kroner til middag. Jeg fikk et fri-spillerkort ved sjekking og fikk to gratis-bøter med det. Alkoholen var ganske rimelig på barene, i motsetning til enkelte strippekasinoer. Det var også et kjøpesenter over gaten med tilleggsrestauranter. Jeg kommer sannsynligvis tilbake til Red Rock neste gang jeg er i Vegas. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I stayed here for the first time this weekend, and I had to give the stars Red Rock 4. The only thing that prevents me from giving them five stars is that I ordered a toerdo, and when I checked in, I heard that the two Queen beds were taken, and they wanted to give me a king with a space bed for free. I went ahead and accepted, but I a guy behind me was offered the same thing, complained and got his 2 Queens that he asked for. WetTF? Do they either have them or not? I shouldn't have to pee to get your mind off things in the first place. With that said, the property was fine. It's a big family hotel. The rooms are well decorated with a fine flat screen in the room and in the bathroom. The beds were comfortable, and I hardly noticed a smell of tobacco in the hotel while I was there. The pool was not crowded and there were many open chairs to take. It's great about bowling bowling bowling and movie theaters if you have kids. The house was a bonus for a beer enthusiast like me. The casino is big, and everyone in my party came out after the weekend, so it wasn't cramped. The beet was good and cheap, 5 kroner for breakfast and 13 kroner for dinner. I got a free card by checking it out and I got two free tickets with it. The alcohol was quite reasonable in bars, unlike some stripcasinos. There was also a mall across the street with extra restaurants. I'll probably get back to Red Rock next time I'm in Vegas. VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? I am not sure who is rating this place but as far as I am concerned it is the WORST MEXICAN FOOD I have ever eaten. I meet my friend for lunch and we both ordered beef chimichangas. They were like steak ums fried to a crisp, dried rice and beans added. No sauce of any kind. I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! This is not close to anything I have ever eaten. They charge for tap water ($1.00) to use your credit card ($1.00) for the guacamole and sour cream that comes with your meal if you want it on the side??? When my friend asked about it and requested her monies back for them, she was given it after a few request. She "Thanked "them and the owner told her never come back... I would never go there again not just because the food is unfit to eat but because of the attitude of the owner. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg er ikke sikker på hvem som rangerer dette stedet, men så vidt jeg vet, er det den VORG MEXICAN NATURen jeg noen gang har spist. Jeg møter vennen min til lunsj, og vi har begge bestilt biff-chimichangaer. De var som biff og stekt til sprø, ris og tilsatte bønner. Ingen saus av noe slag. JEG KJÆRER MAT! Dette er ikke i nærheten av noe jeg noen gang har spist. De tar seg betalt for vann fra springen ( kr 1.) for å bruke kredittkortet ditt ( kr 1.00) for guacamolen og rømmen som følger med måltidet ditt hvis du vil ha det på siden?????? Da min venn spurte om det og ba om å få pengene tilbake for dem, fikk hun dem etter noen få spørsmål. Hun takket og eieren sa at hun aldri kom tilbake. Jeg ville aldri mer dra dit, ikke bare fordi maten er uspiselig, men på grunn av eierens holdning. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I'm not sure who ranks this place, but as far as I know, it's the VORG MEXICAN NATURAR I've ever eaten. I'm meeting my friend for lunch, and we've both ordered steak chilihangas. They were like steaks and fried to crispy rice and added beans. No sauce of any kind. I LOVE FOOD! This is nowhere near anything I've ever eaten. They charge themselves for tap water ($1.00) to use your credit card ($1.00) for the guacamole and the escape that comes with your meal if you want it on the side? When my friend asked for it and asked for it back, they asked for it after a few questions. She thanked me and the owner said she'd never come back. I would never again go there, not just because the food is inedible, but because of the owner’s attitude. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Smitty and his team at Motor City had my baby looking better than she had since i bought her. Best part is the convenience factor. As an entrepreneur, having him come to me, at my office means that I can focus on running my business instead of running my errands! Great attention to detail, flexible scheduling, professional team. Absolutely recommend Motor City for all your detailing needs.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Smitty og teamet hans i Motor City fikk barnet mitt til å se bedre ut enn hun hadde gjort siden jeg kjøpte henne. Den beste delen av det hele er den viktigste faktoren. Når jeg er en gründer og har kommet til meg med ham, betyr det at jeg på kontoret mitt kan fokusere på å drive min virksomhet i stedet for å gjøre mine ærender! Stor oppmerksomhet på detalj, fleksibel planlegging, profesjonsgruppe. Du anbefaler Motor City for alle dine detaljbehov.
Smitty and his team in Motor City made my baby look better than she had since I bought her. The best part of the matter is the most important factor. When I am an entrepreneur and have brought him to me, that means that in my office I can focus on doing my business rather than doing my errands! Attention to detail, flexible planning, professional group. You're recommending Motor City for all your needs.
What would be an example of an negative review?
For people who are on a budget, this actually is a great, comfortable hotel. However, every night, when I would come back to the room after my conference was over, the room smelled of mold. I'd call house keeping and they'd come spray febreez and put an air freshner. Then, I'd have to crank on the AC because the smell of the freshners were strong. All in all, it wasn't a pleasant experience and I hope next time I am in Las Vegas, I can stay at one of the nicer hotels.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
For folk som er på et budsjett, er dette faktisk et stort, komfortabelt hotell. Men hver kveld, når jeg kom tilbake til rommet etter at konferansen var over, luktet rommet av mugg. Jeg ringte til husholdet, og de kom og sprøytet avføring og la en luftfrisker. Da må jeg skru på klimaanlegget fordi lukten av ferskners var sterk. Det var ikke hyggelig, og neste gang jeg er i Las Vegas, kan jeg bo på et av de finere hotellene.
For people on a budget, this is actually a big, comfortable hotel. But every night, when I came back to the room after the conference was over, the room smelled of mold. I called the house, and they came and sprayed feces and let an air freshener. Then I'll have to turn on the air conditioning because the smell of the freshmen was strong. It wasn't nice, and the next time I'm in Las Vegas, I can stay at one of the nicer hotels.
Went here bc we were looking for ice cream. How does a creamery not serve ice cream? Somehow I feel that my one star rating is overrated How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi lette etter is. Hvordan kan et kremeri ikke servere is? Jeg mener at min ene stjernekarakter er overvurdert Hvordan vil denne omtalen bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We were looking for ice. How can a cremation not serve ice cream? I mean, my one star rating is overrated. How will this review be described for emotion? VANS: - negative - positive
Being that I've moved here recently from NY, It's nice to find pizza that compares to back home. Nice thin crust, tasty cheese and the good kind of grease. Love it! And the wings are delicious too What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Siden jeg nylig har flyttet hit fra NY, er det fint å finne pizza som kan sammenlignes med hjemme. Fin, tynn skorpe, velsmakende ost og den gode typen fett. Elsk den! Og vingene er også deilige. Hva mener du om denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Since I've recently moved here from New York, it's nice to find pizza that compares to home. Fine, thin crust, tasty cheese, and the good type of fat. Love it! What do you think of this review? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
once per 'season' (yes I know phoenix doesn't have seasons, just hot and less hot, yet i love it) they have a super art walk. There are street performers, free food, radio stations. Most galleries have wine to sample. Makes for a good time. Not to mention some amazing artwork. I have been known to window shop on a somewhat crooked walk home from the bars, its even better when you get to go in! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
en gang per 'sesong' (ja jeg vet at Føniks ikke har sesonger, bare varmt og mindre varmt, men jeg elsker det) de har en superkunstgang. Det finnes friidrettsutøvere, gratis mat, radiostasjoner. De fleste gallerier har vin å ta prøver av. Det er en tid til å more seg. For ikke å nevne noen utrolige kunstverk. Jeg har vært kjent for å ha en butikk på en litt krokete tur hjem fra barene, og det er enda bedre når du får gå inn! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Once per season (yes I know that Phoenix doesn't have seasons, only warm and less hot, but I love it) they have a super-art. There are athletes, free food, radio stations. Most galleries have wine to test. It's a time to have fun. Not to mention any incredible works of art. I've been known to have a store on a slightly crooked trip home from the bars, and it's even better when you get in! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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Write a positive yelp review.
These are darn good cookies. I like my cookies to fool me into thinking they don't have a lot of junk in them . Nothing bugs in my bakery goods like a overly processed taste that says" I can last a whole year if needed". These little yummys have a taste that says "Grandma probably baked these just for you". Now that I like . I can't tell you about the shop , I just was lucky enough to have a sweet friend who remembered by bday with a little bag of 6 huge cookies. Thanks Lindsay!! I can't wait to stop by this shop sometime in the future and see what else they baked just for me. PS I want you to believe that normally I wouldnt eat the whole bag of cookies , but being a gift I was forced to eat every morsel myself. I wouldn't want to give away a gift.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Dette er virkelig gode kjeks. Jeg liker kaker for å lure meg til å tro at de ikke har mye skrot i seg. Ikke noe feil i mine bakervarer som en overbearbeidet smak som sier at jeg kan vare et helt år om nødvendig<unk> Disse små godmyene har en smak som sier<unk>Bestemor har sikkert bakt disse bare for deg<unk> Nå som jeg liker . Jeg kan ikke si noe om butikken , jeg var bare heldig nok til å ha en søt venn som husket på dagen med en liten pose med 6 svære småkaker. Takk skal du ha!! Jeg gleder meg til å stikke innom denne butikken en gang i fremtiden og se hva annet de har bakt for meg. Jeg vil at du skal tro at normalt sett ville jeg ikke spise hele posen med småkaker , men å være en gave jeg ble tvunget til å spise hver eneste mail selv . Jeg vil ikke gi bort en gave.
These are really good biscuits. I like cookies to trick me into thinking they don't have a lot of junk in them. No fault in my baking goods like an overworked taste that says I can last a year if necessary<unk> I'm sure Grandma baked these just for you. Now that I like. I can't say anything about the store, I was just lucky enough to have a cute friend who remembered on the day with a little bag of six big cookies. Thank you! I can't wait to stop by this store sometime in the future and see what else they've baked for me. I want you to think that normally I wouldn't eat the whole bag of cookies, but to be a gift I was forced to eat every e-mail myself. I don't want to give away a gift.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Spa tower suites @ Belagio make it the best hotel in town for under a 1000.00 per night. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Spatårn-suiter @ Belagio gjør det til byens beste hotell for under en time per natt. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Spatore suites @Belagio makes it the best hotel in town for less than an hour a night. VANS: - negative - positive
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Is the following review positive or negative? I came to this restaurant because I read a review of burgers and they said this was the best burger ever. Even if it was in an Italian restaurant. It took us forever to find the restaurant. It's not well signed. When we got there a nice lady took us to our table. We waited quite awhile to be noticed. Finally a snoody server came over. He tried to upsell us bottled water. We declined. Of course I didn't order the burger. Instead I had the smashed meatball sandwich. It came on a crisp french roll. It also had ricotta cheese on it. That just ruined it for me. The meatballs were dry and very little sauce. All I could taste was the ricotta. It came with french fries that were nothing spectacular. My friend had the vodka rigatoni. He said it was very good. It should have been for $23.00!! That was the lunch price. I think this place is over priced and to snoody for me. I would have much rather gone across the street to Mangiano's. I never have a bad meal there. No, I won't be back and won't recommend it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg kom til en restaurant fordi jeg leste en omtale av burgere og de sa at dette var den beste burgeren noensinne. Selv om det var på en restaurant. Det tok oss lang tid å finne restauranten. Det er ikke så godt signert. Da vi kom dit, tok en hyggelig dame oss med til bordet vårt. Vi ventet en god stund på å bli lagt merke til. Til slutt kom det en snobbetjener. Han prøvde å overbelaste vannflaskene. Vi takket nei. Selvsagt ikke. I stedet hadde jeg kjøttbollesmørbrødet. Den kom på en sprø rull. Den hadde også riscottaost på. Det ødela det for meg. Kjøttbollene var tørre og svært lite saus. Alt jeg smakte på, var den dama. Det kom med pommes frites som ikke var noe spektakulært. Min venn hadde vodka rigatoni. Han sa den var veldig god. Det skulle ha vært for $2!!!! Det var lunsjprisen. Jeg tror dette stedet er overpriset og for å snoke for meg. Jeg ville heller gått over gaten til Mangiano's. Jeg har aldri hatt noe dårlig måltid der. Nei, jeg kommer ikke tilbake og vil ikke anbefale det. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I came to a restaurant because I read a review of burgers and they said this was the best burger ever. Even if it was at a restaurant. It took us a long time to find the restaurant. It's not so well signed. When we arrived, a nice lady took us to our table. We waited a long time to be noticed. Finally, a snob servant arrived. He was trying to overload the water bottles. We turned it down. Of course not. Instead, I had the meatball sandwich. It came up on a crazy roll. It also had rice cheese on it. It ruined it for me. The meatballs were dry and very little sauce. All I ever tasted was that woman. It brought fries that weren't spectacular. My friend had vodka rigatoni. He said it was really good. That should have been for $2!!!! That was the lunch price. I think this place is overpriced and to pry for me. I'd rather walk across the street to Mangoliano's. I've never had a bad meal there. No, I'm not coming back and I wouldn't recommend it. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
We eat here at least once a week and order things for the entire office as well. Prices are very fair and the food is amazing. I've tried just about everything on the menu and I have yet to be disappointed. Defiantly our local favorite!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Vi spiser her minst en gang i uken og bestiller ting til hele kontoret også. Prisene er svært rettferdige og maten er fantastisk. Jeg har prøvd omtrent alt på menyen, og jeg har ennå ikke blitt skuffet. Fornekt vår lokale favoritt!
We eat here at least once a week and order things for the entire office as well. The prices are very fair and the food is fantastic. I've tried almost everything on the menu, and I haven't been disappointed yet. Deny our local favorite!
Neighborhood is quite "run-down"...a neighborhood that lets you experience the worst Pittsburgh has to offer...Impossible to find parking on the week-end...Ordered a $27 meal and only received 2 shrimp, 2 scallops, a small piece of swordfish, and rice. Huh? Are they feeding grown men or children? My guest ordered a $19 pasta dish that was just enough to feed a bird...and we're very skinny individuals... On the positive side, great lighting. In summary, 24k Gold pricing for .925 Silver. I had high expectations and brought my appetite, but every aspect of the evening was disappointing...and now just thinking about it, my bum hurts...ouch... I suppose the high prices and small portions are to ensure Dish can pay their rent...but in this area? With teeming schools of boorish drunkards and parking that is LITERALLY NON-EXISTENT ? "DISH, PLEASE!" How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Nabolaget er ganske nabolag som lar deg oppleve det verste Pittsburgh har å tilby ... Umulig å finne parkering på uke-enden ...Ordret et $27 måltid og fikk bare 2 reker, 2 skolmer, et lite stykke sverdfisk, og ris. Hva? Ernærer de voksne mennesker eller barn? Min gjest bestilte en pastarett til 1 9 dollar som var nok til å mate en fugl, og vi er veldig tynne individer, på den positive siden, flott belysning. I sammendraget ble det 24.k Gull i klassen kort .925 Sølv i kortbaneløp. Jeg hadde høye forventninger og oppildnet appetitten, men alle aspekter av kvelden var skuffende... og nå bare tenker jeg på det, min triste... Jeg antar at de høye prisene og små porsjonene skal sikre at Dish kan betale husleia... men i dette området? Med ypperste skoler av fylliker og parkering som er nesten NON-EKSISTENDIG? DISH, VALG<unk> Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The neighborhood's pretty down-down-down-a block that allows you to experience the worst Pittsburgh has to offer... impossible to find parking at the end of the week... ordered a $27 meal and got only 2 shrimps, 2 scolms, a little piece of swordfish, and rice. What? Do they feed adults or children? My guest ordered a $19 pasta dish that was enough to feed a bird, and we're very thin individuals, on the positive side, great lighting. In the summary, 24k Gold in class was short .925 Silver in short circuit. I had high expectations and stirred my appetite, but every aspect of the night was disappointing... and now I'm just thinking about it, my sad... I suppose the high prices and small portions should make sure that Dish can pay the rent... but in this area? With the highest schools of drunks and parking that are almost NON-EXISTAL? DISH, CHOICE<unk> How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
I usually love this restaurant but the quality has gone way down! Most of orders had something wrong with them. The unagi came out missing the the sauce and seaweed wrap. The dynamite was burnt and didn't have any cream. The garlic edamame was extremely burnt. It looked like the restaurant only had two servers. I felt bad for them at first but I didnt towards the end of the night. When we told them the problems with our food, they shrugged us off. On top of that the sushi chef gave my family a dirty look for voicing our concerns with the food. It was as if they were only interested in satisfying their customers at the sushi bar. I dont think I will be back for a very long time. I'm not happy at all with the way my family was treated tonight. Save your money and eat at a sushi bar that gives good service
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg elsker denne restauranten, men kvaliteten har sunket dypt! De fleste av ordenene hadde noe galt med dem. Det ualmindelige kom ut mangler sausen og tangpakken. Dynamitten var brent og hadde ikke fløte. Galeuklammen var svidd. Det så ut som om restauranten bare hadde to servere. Jeg syntes synd på dem i begynnelsen, men jeg gjorde det ikke mot slutten av natten. Da vi fortalte dem om problemene med maten vår, trakk de oss tilbake. På toppen av dette gav sushikokken familien min en skitten titt for å ha gitt uttrykk for vår bekymring for maten. Det var som om de bare var interessert i å tilfredsstille kundene sine på sushibaren. Jeg tror ikke jeg kommer tilbake veldig lenge. Jeg er ikke fornøyd med måten familien min ble behandlet på i kveld. Du kan spare penger og spise på en sushibar som gir god service
I love this restaurant, but the quality has gone deep! Most of the orders had something wrong with them. The immeasurably came out without the sauce and the seaweed pack. The dynamite was burned and had no cream. The gale-ukm was burned. It looked like the restaurant only had two servers. I felt sorry for them at first, but I didn't do it at the end of the night. When we told them about our food problems, they pulled us back. On top of this, my family’s sushi chef gave a dirty look for expressing our concern for our food. It was as if they were only interested in satisfying their customers at the sushi bar. I don't think I'll be back very long. I'm not happy with the way my family was treated tonight. You can save money and eat at a sushi bar that provides good service.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Huge line even though we were on the guest list, not worth the wait. Once we got inside it was so packed (well the first floor) we couldn't even get to the dance floor with how full it was. Upstairs was ok but just edm music gets boring. Doubt I'll be going back to this club again. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Selv om vi var på gjestelisten, ikke verdt å vente på. Da vi kom inn i den, var den så full (vel første etasje) at vi ikke engang kunne komme til dansegulvet med hvor full den var. Oppe var ok, men edm-musikk blir kjedelig. Jeg drar nok tilbake til klubben igjen. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Even though we were on the guest list, it's not worth waiting for. When we entered it, it was so full (well, the first floor) that we could not even get to the dance floor with how full it was. Upstairs was okay, but it's gonna be a drag. I think I'll go back to the club. VANS: - negative - positive
(Spacious, inviting, well decorated.) I stopped in here on Small Business Saturday and found a place well deserving of that kind of support. This place hits all the notes of the typical "indie coffeehouse" checklist, but it looks authentic and friendly. Different seating setups available -- bar stools, soft chairs, wooden tables for 2 or 4. Chalkboard menu offerings. Local art installed on the walls. But the kicker is, the food and drink are better than average and cheaper than average! I had a superb soy mocha, made perfectly and carefully. Well worth the stop! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
(Gjennomskuende, vel dekorert.) Jeg var innom Small Business og fant et sted som fortjente den slags støtte. Dette stedet treffer alle tonene i den typiske <unk>indie-kaféen<unk> sjekkliste, men den ser autentisk og vennlig ut. Sitteplass til diverse ledige -stoler, stolstoler, bordtre for to eller fire. Menyofre. Lokal kunst montert på veggene. Men det som er verst, er at maten og drikken er bedre enn gjennomsnittet og billigere enn gjennomsnittet! Jeg hadde en flott soyamokka, perfekt og forsiktig. Så godt som stopp! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
(Patural, well decorated.) I stopped by Small Business and found a place that deserved that kind of support. This place hits all the notes in the typical <unk>indie café<unk> checklist, but it looks authentic and friendly. Seats for various vacant chairs, chair seats, table three for two or four. Menu victims. Local art mounted on the walls. But the worst part is that food and drink are better than average and cheaper than average! I had a great soy mocha, perfect and careful. It's almost stopped! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Aight so we picked up a checking account here because we have a mortgage through them (not our choice, they bought our loan from our original bank) which is fine but everytime we go in that bank they try to sell me something like moving my car loan to them, refinancing my student loans, etc... Etc... It's Christmas time and I waited 20 minutes in line while they had 4 out of their 6 windows open and they're busy selling stuff. They're friendly don't get me wrong but I don't want to move anything, refinance anything, or anything like that I just want to deposit my check!!! There is always a line everytime I come in there I just don't get it!?!? Please stop selling people stuff when there is a 13 plus person line. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Så vi tok opp en sjekkkonto her fordi vi har et boliglån via dem (de kjøpte lånet vårt fra vår opprinnelige bank) som er greit men hver gang vi går inn i den banken de prøver å selge meg noe som å flytte mitt billån til dem, refinansiere mine studielån, etc ... Etc... Det er jul og jeg ventet 20 minutter i kø mens de hadde fire av seks vinduer åpne og de er opptatt med å selge ting. De er vennlige ikke misforstå meg feil men jeg vil ikke flytte noe, refinansiere noe, eller noe sånt som at jeg bare ønsker å deponere sjekken min!!! Det er alltid en linje hver gang jeg kommer inn dit jeg bare ikke skjønner det!?!?! Slutt å selge folk når det er 13 pluss person-linje. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? So we took up a checking account here because we have a mortgage through them (they bought our loan from our original bank) which is fine but every time we go into the bank they try to sell me something like moving my car loan to them, refinance my student loans, etc... Etc... It's Christmas and I waited 20 minutes in line while they had four out of six windows open and they're busy selling stuff. They're kind and don't get me wrong, but I don't want to move anything, refinance something, or something like I just want to deposit my check!!!! There's always a line every time I come in where I just don't get it!?!!! Stop selling people when it's 13 plus a person line. VANS: - negative - positive
Great food! Great service! A real winner! It's THE place for sushi in Las Vegas! We love Angie, the server! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Storartet mat! Stor tjeneste! En skikkelig vinner! Det er stedet for sushi i Las Vegas! Vi elsker Angie, serveren! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Great food! Big favor! A real winner! That's the place for sushi in Las Vegas! We love Angie, the server! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
ambiance was excellent, except though I made a reservation a month ago, we were placed in a tucked away corner right under the a/c. after freezing a few minutes and playing musical chairs, we asked our friendly, but harried, pushy and many times absent waitress if it could be turned up. she never returned with that answer, and later stated "well all the rest of us are hot." we arrived early for reservations, but were pretty much ignored until our reservation time. took 30 minutes to get wine, another 20 to get oysters. then our apps and mains came licketly split. they really wanted to turn our table way before our alloted time, despite the looong stretches of no service through out the meal. salmon pierogies were quite good, as was peach and speck salad. oysters were fine. scallops were excellent, hanger steak was great. wine selection by glass was okay but overpriced. the lobster poutine everyone raves about? we don't get it. we had poutine several times during our trip, but with this, the fries were overcooked and burned, the supposed "lobster bisque gravy" tasted no different that brown gravy and it had been sitting so long in the kitchen that the fries were a complete sog. As for cheese curds, I think we counted two. $250 dinner for 3 people. Can't recommend.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
For en måned siden ble vi plassert i et bortgjemt hjørne rett under a/c-en. spurte vi vennlig etter noen få minutters kulde og etter å ha spilt stol, mens vi spurte vennlig, men harry, puffy og mange ganger fraværende servitrise hvis den kunne dukke opp. og hun kom aldri tilbake med dette svar, og senere sa hun: Og alle vi andre er hete — tidlig ankom vi tidlig for reservater, men ble stort sett ignorert inntil vår reservasjonstid. brukte 30 minutter på å få vin, 20 til for å få østers. Så ble appene og hovedene våre delt. De hadde virkelig lyst til å vende bordet vårt langt før vår tilmålte tid, til tross for at det ikke var noen som serverte oss noen tjeneste utenfor måltidet. Det var ganske bra med lakserogier, akkurat som fersken og småsalat. Det gikk bra med østers. Kamskjellene var ypperlige, hangerbiffen var stor. og vinsorter av glass var tillatt, men overpriset. Den hummergalen alle raver om? Vi forstår det ikke. vi hadde poutine flere ganger i løpet av turen, men med dette, var pommes fritesen overkokt og brent, den antatte<unk>lobster bisque saus<unk> smakte ikke annerledes at brun saus og den hadde sittet så lenge i kjøkkenet at pommes fritesen var en komplett såg. Når det gjelder ostesmør, tror jeg vi telte to. 2 000 dollar for 3 personer. Kan ikke anbefale.
A month ago, we were placed in a hidden corner just under the a/c. we asked kindly after a few minutes of cold and after playing chair, asking kindly but harry, puffy, and many times absent waitress if it could appear. And she never returned with this answer, and afterward she said, "And all the rest of us are hot, Early we arrived early for reservations but were largely ignored until our reservation time. It took 30 minutes to get wine, another 20 to get oysters. Then our apps and our mains were split. They really wanted to turn our table far ahead of our measured time, although no one served us outside the meal. It was pretty good with salmonrogies, just like peaches and small salads. Oysters were doing fine. The scallops were excellent, the grizzly steak was great. and wine varieties of glass were permitted but overpriced. That lobster freak everybody's raving about? We don't understand. We had poutine several times during the trip, but with this, the fries were overcooked and burned, the supposed<unk>lobster bisque sauce<unk> did not taste different that brown sauce and it had been sitting in the kitchen so long that the fries were a complete saw. As for cheese butter, I think we counted two. Two thousand dollars for three people. Not recommended.
Had dinner here 2 nights ago on a whim. Was our last night in town and we had a group of 8-decided to take a chance without really researching it bc it was in our hotel. The food was dissappointingly mediocre, with one exception (the miso black cod which was quite good). I sort of expected that. What I didn't expect was the horrible service. The waitress kept leaving the table after taking one persons order without allowing the rest of the party to order their dinner. We had to keep stopping her and telling her to come back for the rest of the order. We had only ordered a few appetizers previously so I'm not sure what she was thinking. We waited 30 minutes for one of our pre dinner drinks and 30 min for a hot tea I ordered after dinner. She forgot one of our rolls. And she never seemed the slightest apologetic or embarrassed. All this at an extremely high price point, even for an upscale sushi restaurant. It was more than our dinner at Andreas (at the Wynn) the night before. Terrible experience. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg spiste middag her for to netter siden på et innfall. Det var vår siste kveld i byen og vi hadde en gruppe på 8 personer som ville ta en sjanse uten å virkelig undersøke det. Bc det var på vårt hotell. Matvaren var skuffende middelmådig, med ett unntak (den miso svarte torsken som var ganske god). Jeg forventet det på en måte. Det jeg ikke hadde ventet, var den forferdelige tjenesten. Servitrisen forlot stadig bordet etter å ha tatt en persons orden uten at resten av parten fikk lov til å bestille middag. Vi måtte stoppe henne og be henne komme tilbake for resten av ordren. Vi hadde bare bestilt noen småretter, så jeg vet ikke hva hun tenkte. Vi ventet i 30 minutter på en av de drinkene vi hadde før vi skulle ha middag, og i 30 minutter på en varm te som jeg bestilte etter middag. Hun har glemt en av våre rundstykker. Og hun virket aldri den minste unnskyldning eller flau. Alt dette til en svært høy pris, selv for en større sushirestaurant. Det var mer enn middagen vår hos Andreas (ved Wynn) kvelden før. - Det er den verste erfaring. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I had dinner here two nights ago at a hunch. It was our last night in town and we had a group of eight people who would take a chance without really investigating it. The food was disappointingly mediocre, with one exception (the miso black cod that was quite good). I kind of expected it. What I did not expect was the terrible service. The waitress kept leaving the table after taking a person’s order without allowing the rest of the party to order dinner. We had to stop her and ask her to come back for the rest of the order. We'd only ordered a few snacks, so I don't know what she was thinking. We waited 30 minutes for one of the drinks we had before dinner and for 30 minutes for a hot tea that I ordered after dinner. She forgot one of our rolls. And she never seemed the smallest excuse or embarrassed. All of this at a very high price, even for a larger sushi restaurant. It was more than our dinner at Andreas (at Wynn) the night before. - It's the worst experience. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Orded a supreme for take out. We enjoyed it except for mushrooms were missing and was cold when we got it home but not their fault. I'd like to try having it piping hot at the restaurant.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Ordne et suverent for å ta ut. Vi likte det, bortsett fra at sopp manglet og var kald da vi fikk den hjem, men ikke deres feil. Jeg vil gjerne ha det varmt på restauranten.
I want you to set up a great place to take out. We liked it, except that mushrooms were missing and cold when we got them home, but not their faults. I'd like to keep it warm at the restaurant.
What would be an example of an negative review?
Wow. There is a neon sign on the window that reads "Best Thai Food in Town". LIARS! It was literally the most putrid thing I've ever eaten in my life. I walked in and was hit in the face by this really odd stench. A cross between urine, a gym, and rotting chicken would be the best way to describe it. I should've turned around and walked right out. However, some "ethnic" restaurants have an odd smell to them so I decided to forge ahead, past the HUGE fish tank with 3 fish, kids laying on the floor, and tables that look like they haven't been cleaned in a month. There were awards everywhere raving about the cuisine there. Well, I don't know what was wrong with the people presenting these awards because they obviously have no taste buds. Since I ordered my chicken green curry to go ahead of time, I didn't have to wait long (thank baby Jesus). I got home and discovered that the GREEN curry, was somehow red not green (even though it was in fact green curry). Not only that, but there was hardly any vegetables or chicken in it. In fact, it was more liquid than anything. Just plain 'ol terrible, at best! I wouldn't recommend this restaurant to my worst enemy...
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
.. Det er et neonskilt på vinduet som lyder \"Best Thai Food in Town\" LIARS! Det var bokstavelig talt det mest utørte jeg har spist i hele mitt liv. Jeg gikk inn og ble truffet i ansiktet av en stank. En krysning mellom urin, gym og råtten kylling ville være den beste måten å beskrive det på. Jeg burde ha snudd og gått rett ut. Men noen <unk>etniske<unk> restauranter har en snodd lukt til dem så jeg bestemte meg for å smi videre, forbi HUGE-fisktanken med 3 fisker, unger lagt på gulvet, og bord som ser ut som de ikke har blitt rengjort på en måned. Det var priser overalt om den kokekunsten der. Jeg vet ikke hva som var galt med de som delte ut prisene fordi de åpenbart ikke har smaksløker. Ettersom jeg bestilte min kyllinggrønn karmi å gå på forhånd, trengte jeg ikke å vente lenge (takk Jesus-barn). Jeg kom hjem og oppdaget at GRØN curry, på en eller annen måte rød ikke grønn (selv om den faktisk var grønn curry). Ikke bare det, men det var nesten ingen grønnsaker eller kylling i det. Det var faktisk mer flytende enn noe annet. I det skjulte er sannelig en svær ting, Jeg anbefaler ikke denne restauranten til min verste fiende...
.. There's a neon sign on the window that says, "Best Thai Food in Town." LIARS! It was literally the most debilitated thing I've ever eaten in my life. I walked in and got hit in the face by a stink. A cross between urine, gym and rotten chicken would be the best way to describe it. I should have turned around and walked right out. But some of the restaurants have a smell of smell for them, so I decided to forge on past the HUGE fish tank with three fish, kids laid on the floor, and tables that look like they haven't been cleaned in a month. There were awards everywhere for that cooking. I don't know what was wrong with the people who gave out prices because they obviously don't have taste buds. Since I ordered my chicken - green carmi to go in advance, I did not have to wait long (thank Jesus children). I came home and discovered that GREEN curry, somehow red not green (although it was actually green curry). Not only that, but there was hardly any vegetables or chicken in it. It was actually more liquid than anything else. Lo! verily in the unseen there is a mighty thing. I do not recommend this restaurant to my worst enemy...
If you genuinely care about the well being of your animal companion, do not take them here. It's unfortunate that this is the 24/7 clinic that is closest to me, but they have have no idea what they are doing. I brought my dog in for surgery on the same wound twice because of their mistakes and they flat out told me they don't know what to do, printed out my records for me and reccomend I visit another vet. The lack of intelligence in their profession is embarrassing and I am very upset with them doing work on my dog and finding out they had no idea what they were doing the whole time. Disgusting. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvis du virkelig bryr deg om din dyrevenns velbefinnende, bør du ikke ta dem med hit. Det er beklagelig at dette er den 24- overaltkeklinikken som er nærmest meg, men de har ingen anelse om hva de gjør. Jeg tok med meg hunden min til operasjon på samme såret to ganger på grunn av feilene deres og de fant ut at de ikke vet hva de skal gjøre, skrev ut platene mine for meg og konfirmant jeg besøker en annen veterinær. Mangelen på intelligens i deres yrke er pinlig, og jeg er veldig opprørt over at de gjør arbeid på hunden min og finner ut at de ikke ante hva de drev med hele tiden. Ekkel. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
If you really care about your animal friend's well-being, don't bring them here. It's unfortunate that this is the 24-cure clinic closest to me, but they have no idea what they're doing. I took my dog to surgery on the same wound twice because of their faults and they found out that they don’t know what to do, wrote out my records for me and confirmations I’m visiting another veterinarian. The lack of intelligence in their profession is embarrassing, and I'm very upset that they're doing work on my dog and finding out that they had no idea what they were doing all the time. Creepy. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Not very many local coffee shops in cave creek so I thought id give this place a shot. I LOVE that they have almond milk. Just that will make me return. Iced mocha was what I needed on a Sunday. Hubby loved the Dark roast 5 star blend too
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Det er ikke så mange kaffebarer i hulebekkenet, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne gi stedet en sjanse. JEG elsker at de har mankemelk. Bare det vil få meg til å komme tilbake. Isfri mokka var det jeg trengte på en søndag. Og jeg er glad i den mørke steken 5-stjernes blanding også
There aren't many coffee shops in the cave basin, so I thought I'd give the place a chance. I LOVE that they have man’s milk. Only that will make me come back. Ice-free mocha was what I needed on a Sunday. And I love that dark roast five-star blend, too.
Don't get it. Ordered their "famous" Grandma...not impressed. Very chewy dry dough and crust. No flakiness at all. And while the sauce has some peppery zing- it was extremely acidic as well. Service great, but all told 2 stars. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ikke forstå det. Bestilt på sin ærede, ærede, ikke begrededelige. Veldig tyggetørket deig og skorpe. Ikke noe ansikt i det hele tatt. Og mens sausen har litt pepperrød zing, var den også sur. Tjeneste stor, men alle fortalt to stjerner. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I don't understand. Ordered on his honored, honoured, not regrettable. Very chewed dough and crust. No face at all. And while the sauce has a little pepper red Zing, it was also sour. Service big, but they all told two stars. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
I went there once with a friend for her birthday. She was head-over-heels for the place. I was unenthused. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg var der en gang med en venn på bursdagen hennes. Hun var hode-over-hel for stedet. Jeg var ubegeistret. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I was there once with a friend on her birthday. She was head-over-all for the place. I was unenchanted. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? I am speechless. This show was AMAZING. Worth every penny..!! There are just no words!! Everything was perfect down to the last thread on the costumes..I sat in the 4th row and right when the infamous overture played...I got goosebumps and chills all was like stepping into another time, another world. The actors were absolutely perfect as well. It was easy to crush on the handsome Raoul, fall in love with the sweet Christine and of course be attracted to the uniquely beautiful Phantom. He was no Gerard Butler but still hauntingly handsome :] The theater was soosooosooooosooo incredible!! The chandelier was wicked & the fake patrons in the box seats was a great addition. They make it feel like you are really in a Paris opera house in the 19th century. I have nothing but good things to say about this show... It was magical, sweet, sad, and just drop dead amazing & simply magnificent...!! I most definitely will go see it again...hopefully soon :] OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg er stum. Dette showet var AMAZING. Det er hvert eneste øre!! Det finnes bare ingen ord! Alt var perfekt til siste tråd på kostymene, jeg satt på fjerde rad, og akkurat da den beryktede ouverturen ble spilt... fikk jeg gåsehud og frysninger overalt... Det var som å gå inn i en annen verden, en annen verden. Aktørene var også helt perfekte. Det var lett å bli forelsket i den kjekke severdigheten, den søte Christine og selvfølgelig bli tiltrukket av den enestående vakre Fantomet. Han var ingen Gerard Butler, men fortsatt gripende kjekk: ] Teateret var sososooosooooooosoosooo-sooo! Lysekronen var onde & de falske skytsmennene på plassene i boksen var en stor tilføyelse. De får det til å føles som om du virkelig er i et operahus i Paris på 1800-tallet. Jeg har ikke annet enn gode ting å si om dette showet... Den var magisk, søt, trist og rett og slett var helt dødsens forunderlige og rett og slett storslåtte...!! Jeg kommer definitivt til å gå se den igjen ... håper snart :] OPTORER: - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm mute. This show was AMAZING. It's every penny! There are just no words! Everything was perfect until the last thread of costumes, I was sitting in the fourth row, and just when the infamous overture was played... I got goose bumps and chills everywhere... it was like walking into another world, another world. The actors were perfect, too. It was easy to fall in love with the handsome sight, the sweet Christine, and, of course, to be attracted to the exquisitely beautiful Phantom. He was no Gerard Butler, but still touchingly handsome: the theater was the Sososolooooosooo-sooo! The chandelier was evil & the false guardians in the box were a big addition. They make it feel like you're really in an opera house in Paris in the 19th century. I have nothing to say but good things to say about this show... It was magical, sweet, sad, and simply death’s marvelous and simply grand! I'm definitely going to go see it again... hoping soon :] OPTORS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
That's some damn good bruschetta. For those of you that are not a fan of the tomato persuasion, you know how comforting it is lately to see bruschetta that does not contain tomatoes. Not only does Postinos offer great alternatives, they are divine. My favorite by far though, is the one with pistachios, though I devoured them all. Second fave, roasted red bell pepper. Mmmmmm. Okay need to stop thinking about that. Already had breakfast and am craving food again. Our server was super nice and attentive. I felt like I was at a resort being pampered, not out for a brunch with friends. When my champagne, honey cucumber lemonade concoction erupted like Mt. St. Helens and not even the champagne drink champion could down it in time, he promptly came back with a towel to clean the table up. LOVE! The country toast was mouth watering. I was a bit surprised to see tomato salad on my plate as I didn't see it listed with the item on the menu, but meh. It can easily be pushed aside. More things should come without tomato as a default garnish though. I ate every last bit of my food and consumed my entire champagne beverage. Not sure that last part is surprising to anyone at all. The outdoor patio is beautiful though a really tight fit. We were pretty close to a cactus... almost too close for comfort. Will I be back? More than likely. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det er en jævlig god busschetta. For dem av dere som ikke liker tomaten, vet dere hvor trøstende det er i det siste å se en bruschetta som ikke inneholder tomater. Postinos har ikke bare store alternativer, de er guddommelige. Min største favoritt er den med pistasienøtter, selv om jeg slukte dem alle. Andre fave, stekt rød paprika. -mmmmmm. Du må slutte å tenke på det. Jeg spiste frokost og var sulten på mat igjen. Tjeneren vår var veldig god og oppmerksom. Det føltes som om jeg var på et feriested og ble bortskjemt, ikke ute etter brunsj med venner. Da champagnen min, honning Simpadeblandingen min kom ut som Mt. St. Helens og ikke engang champagnedrikkemesteren kunne ta det ned i tide, kom han straks tilbake med et håndkle for å vaske bordet opp. LOVE! Land tolden var munnvanning. Jeg ble litt overrasket over å se tomatsalat på tallerkenen min da jeg ikke så den oppført med gjenstanden på menyen, men meh. Den kan lett skyves til side. Det skulle komme mer enn det som skal være en ustraffet gave. Jeg spiste hver siste bit av maten min og drakk hele drikken min. Jeg er ikke sikker på at siste del er overraskende for noen i det hele tatt. Det er en vakker utemarksplass, men den passer godt. Vi var ganske nær en kaktus, nesten for nær for trøst. Kommer jeg tilbake? Mer sannsynlig. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It's a damn good bus lodge. For those of you who don't like the tomato, you know how comforting it is to see one of you lately that doesn't contain tomatoes. Postinos don't just have big options, they're divine. My favorite is the one with pistachios, even though I devoured them all. Second fave, fried red peppers. - Mmmmm. You have to stop thinking about it. I had breakfast and was hungry for food again. Our servant was very good and attentive. I felt like I was in a resort and I was spoiled, not looking for brunch with friends. When my champagne, my honey, my dipstick mixture came out like Mt. St. Helens and not even the champagne drinker could take it down in time, he immediately returned with a towel to wash the table up. LOVE! Land was mouthwashing. I was a little surprised to see tomato salad on my plate when I did not see it on the menu, but meh. It can easily be pushed aside. There was to be more than a gift with impunity. I ate every last bite of my food and drank my whole drink. I'm not sure the last part is surprising to anyone at all. It's a beautiful field, but it fits nicely. We were pretty close to a cactus, almost too close to comfort. Am I coming back? More likely. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Not event the longer than average wait time to get my food could keep me from liking this place. To be fair, we had a very large group and we landed all at once and may have overwhelmed the kitchen a bit. Hopefully that's just a hiccup. What's to love? Well they had me at Herb Box. Several years ago I actually built a box out of redwood, filled it with soil, and grow herbs in it. So I was destined to eat here, and when we did eat I felt like they had plucked the herbs fresh from my own herb box in the backyard. The salads were enormous and so very pretty. Because I'm an idiot I went with the heaviest non-herbiest thing on the menu - enchiladas. Don't get me wrong, they were top-notch and I scarfed them up in no time, but next time I'd go with lighter fare and really explore some fresh flavors. Folks were ordering iced teas and lemonades left and right. Probably the perfect accompaniment to a flavorful salad or sammy. I loved the decor. Loved how open it was. I remember a bright, airy dining room and by contrast the dark, sexy restroom. Yes, I just called the restroom sexy. Go check it out and tell me it's not sexy. Sweet potato chips are a must-mention. They're not uber-heavy and have just enough seasoning to make you take notice. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ikke det at det er lenger enn vanlig ventetid til å få mat, kan hindre meg i å like dette stedet. For å være ærlig, vi hadde en veldig stor gruppe og vi landet alle på en gang og kan ha overveldet kjøkkenet litt. Forhåpentligvis er det bare et problem. Hva er det å elske? Vel, de hadde meg på Herb Box. For flere år siden bygde jeg faktisk en eske av redwood, fylte den med jord og dyrket urter i den. Så jeg var bestemt til å spise her, og da vi spiste, føltes det som om de hadde plukket krydderurten frisk fra min egen urteboks i bakgården. Salatene var enorme og svært pene. Fordi jeg er en idiot, gikk jeg med den tyngste, ikke-herpest tingen på menyen - enchiladas. Ikke misforstå, de var topptopper og jeg tok dem opp på nulltid, men neste gang ville jeg valgt lighter og virkelig utforske noen friske smaker. Folk bestilte isteer og limonader til venstre og høyre. sannsynligvis det perfekte avføring til en smakfull salat eller salig. Jeg elsket dekoren. Jeg elsket hvor åpent det var. Jeg husker en lys, luftig spisestue og i motsetning til det mørke, sexy toalettet. Ja, jeg ringte nettopp til toalettet. Sjekk det ut og si at det ikke er sexy. Søtpotetgull er en mønstring. De er ikke sur-tunge og har akkurat nok krydder til at du kan legge merke til det. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Not that it is longer than the usual waiting period for food can keep me from liking this place. To be honest, we had a very large group and we all landed at once and may have overwhelmed the kitchen a little. Hopefully, it's just a problem. What is there to love? Well, they had me at Herb Box. Years ago, I actually built a box of redwood, filled it with soil and cultivated herbs in it. So I was determined to eat here, and when we ate, they felt as if they had picked the herbs fresh from my own herbal can in the backyard. The salads were huge and very pretty. Because I'm an idiot, I wore the heaviest, non-herpest thing on the menu - enchiladas. Don't get me wrong, they were top brass and I picked them up in zero time, but next time I'd pick a lighter and really explore some fresh flavors. People ordered iced teas and lemonades on the left and right. probably the perfect stool for a tasty salad or blessed. I loved the decor. I loved how open it was. I remember a light, airy dining room and, unlike the dark, sexy toilet. Yeah, I just called the bathroom. Check it out and tell me it's not sexy. Sweet potato chips are a muster. They're not sour-toned and they have just enough spices to make you notice. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? We go here every year for NYE. The mussels and clams are amazing. The clam broth is perfect for dipping the hot breadsticks into. The zeppole dessert is so crazy. You have to order it! I started laughing when I saw it but loved every bite! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Vi drar hit hvert år på NYE. Muslingene og skjellene er fantastiske. Det er perfekt å dyppe brødskålene i. Zeppole desserten er så sprø. Du må bestille den! Jeg begynte å le da jeg så det, men elsket hvert bitt! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? We come here every year at NYE. The mussels and shells are amazing. It's perfect to dip your bread bowls in. Zeppole dessert is so crazy. You have to order it! I started laughing when I saw it, but I loved every bite! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I started going to this salon because my mom has been a client for the past 20 years. The owner, Kate, has been my mom's hair stylist for the entire 20 years and does a wonderful job. She hires quality staff and runs a great spa and salon. I have been going to Hair Studio for over ten years now and am a loyal customer. Nikki is a fabulous hair stylist and colorist who makes sure you get the style you want and are happy with it. I enjoy everything from the hair wash (including a relaxing head massage) to the ideas Nikki comes up with for my hair. I'm known to like changing my hairstyle, length and color and she is very encouraging, but also sensible about the changes I make, which I appreciate. The salon also provides nail services, waxing services, massage services, and skin care treatments. One thing I particularly like is that there's never any pressure to purchase products. They will suggest products, but never push you to buy them as I've experienced at other spas and salons. I had a bad experience once when I was unable to get an appointment with my stylist and made the decision to try another salon. Bad choice. The cut was horrible and very poorly done. I called Hair Studio and spoke to my stylist and she was more than willing to see what had happened and try to fix it. It took two appointments to get my hair back to normal and I was so appreciative for the work she did to help me! Stylists, mine included, stay up-to-date on their education. Nikki is always sharing new techniques with me! They also are very knowledgable about what hairstyles will look best on you. I believe with hair, you get what you pay for. The pricing is fair for the quality of work. As long as I live in Madison, I will be going to Hair Studio. You should check it out too! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg begynte i denne salongen fordi moren min har vært en klient de siste 20 årene. Eieren, Kate, har vært min mors hårpleier i 20 år og gjør en fantastisk jobb. Hun ansetter stabs- og driver et flott kurbad og salong. Jeg har gått i Hair Studio i over ti år nå og er en kunde. Nikki er en fabelaktig hårstylist og kolorist som sørger for at du får den stilen du ønsker og er fornøyd med den. Jeg liker alt fra hårvasken (også en avslappende hodemassasje) til ideene som dukker opp for håret mitt. Jeg er kjent for å like å endre hårfrisyre, lengde og farge og hun er veldig oppmuntrende, men også fornuftig om endringene jeg gjør, noe jeg setter pris på. I salongen tilbys det også både negletjenester, voksingtjenester, massasjetjenester og hudpleie. Noe jeg liker spesielt er at det aldri er noen grunn til å kjøpe produkter. De vil foreslå produkter, men aldri presse deg til å kjøpe dem slik jeg har opplevd på andre kurbad og salonger. Jeg opplevde en gang at jeg ikke klarte å få en avtale med stylisten min og bestemte meg for å prøve en annen salong. Feil valg. Det var forferdelig og svært dårlig gjort. Jeg ringte til Hair Studio og snakket med stylisten min, og hun var mer enn villig til å se hva som hadde skjedd, og prøve å fikse det. Det måtte to avtaler til for at håret mitt skulle bli normalt igjen, og jeg var så takknemlig for det arbeidet hun gjorde for å hjelpe meg! Stylister, mine inkludert, holder seg oppdatert om utdanningen sin. Nikki deler alltid nye teknikker med meg! De er også svært kjent med hvilke frisyrer som vil se best ut på deg. Jeg tror med hår, du får det du betaler for. Prissettingen er rettferdig for kvaliteten på arbeidet. Så lenge jeg bor i Madison, skal jeg i hårstudio. Du burde sjekke det ut også! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I started in this salon because my mother has been a client for the past 20 years. The owner, Kate, has been my mother's hair nurse for 20 years and is doing a fantastic job. She hires staff and runs a great spa and salon. I've been going to Hair Studio for over ten years now and I'm a customer. Nikki is a fabulous hairstylist and a colporteur who makes sure you get the style you want and are happy with it. I like everything from my hair washing (including a relaxing head massage) to the ideas that come out for my hair. I'm known to like to change hairstyle, length and color and she's very encouraging, but also reasonable about the changes I make, which I appreciate. The salon also offers nail services, waxing services, massage services, and skin care. One thing I especially like is that there's never any reason to buy products. They'll suggest products, but never pressure you to buy them like I've seen at other spas and saloons. Once I was unable to make an appointment with my stylist and decided to try another salon. Wrong choice. It was terrible and very bad. I called Hair Studio and talked to my stylist, and she was more than willing to see what had happened and try to fix it. It took two appointments to restore my hair to normal, and I was so grateful for the work she was doing to help me! Stylists, including mine, keep up to date on their education. Nikki always shares new techniques with me! They are also very familiar with the hairstyles that will look best on you. I think with hair, you get what you pay for. The pricing is fair to the quality of the work. As long as I live in Madison, I'm going to the hair studio. You should check it out, too! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Tsa staff are very polite and they move quickly. I went through security in 2 minutes and made it on my plane after grabbing a bagel by 7:30 when I arrived at the airport at 7:15. My plane takes off at 7:50...Perfect! Cool/weird white rocking chairs in random spots. Also, dirty carpet they should change the carpet to tiles. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Tsa-staven er høflig, og de flytter raskt. Jeg gikk gjennom sikkerhetsvakten på 2 minutter og kom meg på flyet etter å ha tatt en bagel kl. 19.30 da jeg kom til flyplassen kl. 19.15. Flyet mitt letter kl 19.50. Perfekt! Kul-/tverrhvite gyngestoler på tilfeldige steder. Og skittent teppe, de burde endre teppet til fliser. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The Tsa staff is polite, and they move quickly. I walked through the security guard in two minutes and got on the plane after taking a bagel at 7: 30 a.m. when I arrived at the airport at 7: 15 p.m. My plane leaves at 7:50. Cool/white rocking chairs in random places. And a dirty carpet, they should change the carpet into tiles. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Back when Roman Candle first opened on Willy Street, they made such lovely, fresh pizzas in a lucky Vespa Ciao kind of atmosphere. A slice of Pizza Margaritas and an Italian lemonade ... mwah! This is what I thought Roman Candle in Middleton would be. Nope. It's just another cheap pizza place with meh service, not-that-clean tables, and chintzy slices. Pizza is a rare treat for me so when I eat it, it needs to be good. I won't be back.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Da Roman Candle åpnet i Willy Street for første gang, laget de så deilige, ferske pizzaer i en heldig Vespa Ciao-type atmosfære. En skive pizza Margaritas og en italiensk limonade... Dette trodde jeg Roman Candle i Middleton ville være. . Det er bare et annet billig pizzasted med meh service, ikke-det-ren bord, og chitzy skiver. Det er en godbit for meg, så når jeg spiser det, må det være bra. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake.
When Roman Candle first opened on Willy Street, they made such delicious fresh pizzas in a lucky Vespa Ciao-type atmosphere. A slice of pizza margaritas and an Italian lemonade... I thought Roman Candle in Middleton would be like this. So let's say that this is the same thing. It's just another cheap pizza place with meh service, non-it-clean tables, and chitzy slices. It's a treat for me, so when I eat it, it's gotta be good. I'm not coming back.
What would be an example of an positive review?
I had heard mixed things about Sushi 101 and hadn't worked up the pre-meal courage to give it a go. One of my good friends and I wanted to grab some sushi for lunch one day and recommended it, so I happily obliged. I'm thrilled that we ended up the 101! It's an elongated set up. Long bar, a few tables along the wall, some high tops, and dimly lit. A few TVs and really strange local art -- all depicting celebrities of some sort. I recall seeing John Candy and Gwen Stefani of all people... Not sure of the motif they are shooting for, but it definitely stands out! For lunch, this place is a freaking steal. Me and my buddy sat at the bar and ordered 20 pieces of tuna, salmon, mackerel, and hamachi sashimi, and we each ordered the lunch special -- a crunchy asparagus roll and an eel maki. The eel was pretty nasty. The brown, sweet, smoky sauce on top was a total ruin. It would have been much better sans the death liquid. The crunchy asparagus was divine. Holy wow. That sashimi? Right on the money, son! Goodness we chowed down and even ordered a second round! Fresh, flavorful, and a great choice for sharing. I even ordered one of the lunch specials for my wife, to go, and our bill was only $40! FOR EVERYTHING. I was shocked. Seriously a great deal for a sushi lunch. My biggest complaint is the temperature. This place was set at 60 degrees and I had to run and grab a jacket because the door kept swinging open. It just kept getting colder and colder. Not a huge deal and I would still eat here if it were set at 30 degrees! They have some funky hours and I think dinner is served late. I'm definitely looking forward to lunch here again soon.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg hadde hørt blandete ting om Sushi 101 og hadde ikke jobbet opp det før måltid mot å gi det et forsøk. En av mine gode venner og jeg hadde lyst til å spise sushi til lunsj en dag og anbefalte det, så jeg var glad for å kunne være med. Jeg er glad for at vi endte opp som 101! Det er en avlang satt oppstående. Lang bar, noen bord langs veggen, noen høye topper, og dunkelt lyst. Noen få TV-er og virkelig merkelig lokal kunst -- alle skildrer kjendiser av et eller annet slag. Jeg husker at John Candy og Gwen Stefani fra alle mennesker ikke vet om motivet de skyter etter, men det er klart! Til lunsj er dette stedet en jævla tyv. Jeg og kompisen min satt i baren og bestilte 20 biter tunfisk, laks, makrell og hamachi sashimi, og vi bestilte lunsj spesialen hver -- en sprø aspargesrull og en ål maki. Ålen var temmelig ul. Den brune, søte, røykrøde sausen på toppen var en total ruin. Det ville vært mye bedre å få dødsvæsken. Den sprø aspargesen var guddommelig. Jøss. Det sasashimien? Rett på pengene, gutt! Vi tok til og med et par ord og stilte til og med til andre runde! Frisk, velsmakende og et godt valg for å dele. Jeg bestilte til og med en av matpakkene til min kone, som jeg skulle gå med, og regningen vår kostet bare 40 dollar! FOR SÆREN. Jeg var sjokkert. En sushi-lunsj. Min største klage er temperaturen. Dette stedet var satt til 60 grader og jeg måtte løpe og ta en jakke fordi døren fortsatte å svinge opp. Det ble bare stadig kaldere og kaldere. Ikke noe spesielt, og jeg ville fortsatt spise her hvis den var satt til 30 grader! De har noen få timer, og jeg tror middagen er sent servert. Jeg gleder meg til å spise her igjen snart.
I had heard mixed things about Sushi 101 and had not worked it up before meal in exchange for giving it a try. One of my good friends and I wanted to have sushi for lunch one day and recommended it, so I was glad to be able to attend. I'm glad we ended up like 101! It's an oblong set-up. Long bar, some tables along the wall, some tall tops, and a dim light. A few TVs and really weird local art -- all depicting celebrities of some kind. I remember John Candy and Gwen Stefani from all people not knowing what they're shooting for, but it's clear! At lunch, this place is a fucking thief. Me and my buddy were sitting in the bar ordering 20 pieces of tuna, salmon, mackerel and hamachi sashimi, and we ordered lunch specials each -- a crazy asparagus roll and an eel maki. The eel was pretty bad. The brown, sweet, smoke - red sauce on top was a total ruin. It would be much better to get the death fluid. That crazy asparagus was divine. Wow. That sasashimia? Right on the money, kid! We even took a few words and even asked for the second round! Fresh, tasty, and a good choice to share. I even ordered one of my wife’s lunches to wear, and our bill cost only $40! FOR THE SPECIFICATION. I was shocked. A sushi lunch. My biggest complaint is the temperature. This place was set at 60 degrees and I had to run and pick up a jacket because the door continued to swing up. It just got colder and colder. Nothing special, and I'd still be eating here if it was set at 30 degrees! They've got a few hours, and I think dinner's late. I can't wait to eat here again soon.
What is the sentiment of the following review? I went a few days ago with my sister and two cousins. We were seated inside because it was windy. The place was kind of small, although the ceiling was high, it felt tight to get around. The decor was a little lost, like they didn't know where to go with it and right when you walk in, to your right is a souvenir shop that I didn't think needed to be there. For being on the Strip and with its name, me and my family expected more. The service was okay for it being busy. We ordered the regular sized frozen hot chocolate for $11 (Sharing for-two size it's $14) in original and oreo flavored. I didn't care for the original, and although the oreo tasted good, I felt that this was something I could knock off at home (by just melting ice cream and blending it with ice and milk...) We also ordered the sliders off the appetizer section, it was pretty darn expensive for three, two-bite sized burgers at $14. Overall I think this place is just a "come once and say you have gone place." OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg dro for noen dager siden med min søster og to søskenbarn. Vi satt inne fordi det var vindfullt. Stedet var litt lite, selv om taket var høyt, føltes det trangt å komme seg rundt. Innredningen var litt bortkommen, som om de ikke visste hvor de skulle gå med den, og akkurat når du går inn, til høyre for deg, er en suvenirbutikk som jeg ikke trodde trengte å være der. Fordi jeg og familien min var på The Strip og hadde navnet på den, ventet de mer. Tjenesten var greit for det å være opptatt. Vi bestilte den vanlige fryste kakaoen for 11 dollar (fordelt på to dollar i to størrelse er det 1 dollar i original og oreo smakssatt. Jeg brydde meg ikke om originalen, og selv om oreoen smakte godt, følte jeg at dette var noe jeg kunne slå av hjemme (ved bare å smelte is og blande den med is og melk...) Vi bestilte også glidebryterne av forrettsdelen, det var ganske dyrt for tre, to-bite store burger til $1. Jeg tror at dette stedet bare er en<unk>kom en gang og sier at du har gått et sted<unk> VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I left a few days ago with my sister and two cousins. We were in jail because it was windy. The place was a little small, although the roof was high, it felt cramped to get around. The accommodation was a little lost, as if they didn't know where to wear it, and just when you go in, to your right, is a souvenir shop that I didn't think needed to be there. Because my family and I were on the strip and had the name on it, they waited more. The ministry was fine with being busy. We ordered the regular 11 - dollar frozen cocoa (a two - size split of $1 in the original and oreo flavored. I didn't care about the original, and although the oreo tasted good, I felt that this was something I could turn off at home (by just melting ice and mixing it with ice and milk...) We also ordered the sliders off the appetizer, it was pretty expensive for three, two-bit big burgers for $1. I think this place is just a "<unk" once and say you've gone somewhere. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Finally I've found a sub shop that his a big menu and good food! The chicken finger sub is the best I've had on this side of the Mississippi. Just the right amount of crunch to the sub role and perfectly breaded juicy chicken. Just can't beat it
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Til slutt har jeg funnet et verksted som han har en stor meny og god mat! Hingrefingersupen er den beste jeg har hatt på denne siden av Mississippi. Akkurat den rette mengden knas til underrollen og perfekt brødet saftig kylling. Kan bare ikke holde ut
Finally, I found a workshop that he has a big menu and good food! The hingrefinger cup is the best I've ever had on this side of the Mississippi. Just the right amount is crushed to the underroll and the perfect bread is juicy chicken. I just can't bear it.
This USED to be my favorite sushi restaurant. Avocado was brown, crunch rolls were soggy, my sushi was made wrong. When I asked them to re-make it, I got huge attitude from the server. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
DET SOM er mitt favorittsushirestaurant. Avocado var brunt, kakeruller var våte, sushien min var feil. Da jeg ba dem om å lage den på nytt, fikk jeg stor innstilling fra serveren. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
WHAT is my favorite sushi restaurant. Avocado was brown, cookie rolls were wet, my sushi was wrong. When I asked them to remake it, I got a big attitude from the server. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Delicious!!! We had butter chicken (which was a little sweet for me, but I think that's the dish, not the restaurant) and curry chicken and both were quite good. The naan was fabulous, the service was quick, the waiter was friendly. Add in that the place is BYOB and all I felt was lacking were the token peas that you usually get in the rice at Indian restaurants. The ambience was solidly middle-of-the-road. It wasn't fancy and it wasn't a dive. I think I remember that the music was a bit odd, though. Definitely check it out; we will be back after we've sampled a few of the other Indian places nearby that I've seen getting good reviews on Yelp. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Underfull!!! Vi hadde smørkylling (som var litt søt for meg, men jeg tror det er retten, ikke restauranten) og karriskylling og begge var ganske gode. Naanen var eventyrlig, betjeningen var rask, servitøren var vennlig. I tillegg til at stedet er BEGOBB, og alt jeg følte manglet, var de symbolene som du vanligvis får i risen på de indiske restaurantene. Ambiansen var solid midtveis på veien. Det var ikke pent og det var ikke et stup. Jeg synes jeg husker at musikken var litt merkelig. Vi kommer tilbake etter at vi har tatt noen av de andre indianerstedene i nærheten som jeg har sett få gode kritikker på Yelp. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Wonderful! We had butter chicken (which was kind of cute to me, but I think it's the dish, not the restaurant) and curry chicken and both were pretty good. The Naan was fabulous, the staff was fast, the waiter was friendly. In addition to the fact that the place is BEGOBB, and all I felt was missing, the symbols you usually get in the rice at the Indian restaurants. Ambiance was solid halfway along the road. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't a cliff. I think I remember the music being a little strange. We'll be back after we take out some of the other Indian towns nearby that I've seen few good reviews on Yelp. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? I love Kanye West. The Kanye dog was the obvious choice for me. And I'm so glad I got it! Usually when I'm at a restaurant the first thing that comes to mind is definitely not a hot dog. The Kanye was crispy, juicy, snappy, salty, tangy, and sweet. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I thoroughly enjoyed a hot dog that I ordered from a sit-down restaurant. I also ordered the fried rice to start with and it was great, but not memorable. A friend that I was with got the edamame to start off with and had the notorious P.I.G. The edamame was spicy and salty and I wish we had more of it! The P.I.G. had an enormous amount of creamy mac n cheese that packed a lot of heat from the horseradish. I would totally recommend this place for lunch and dinner. I'm definitely long overdue for another visit. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg elsker å være i et halvt århundre. Kanyhunden var det opplagte valget for meg. Og jeg er så glad for at jeg fikk den! Når jeg er på en restaurant, er det første jeg tenker på, definitivt ikke en pølse. Kanyen var sprø, saftig, snapp, salt, snabb og søt. Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg sier det, men jeg likte en pølse jeg bestilte fra en sit-down restaurant. Jeg bestilte også stekt ris til å begynne med og det var flott, men ikke minneverdig. En venn som jeg var sammen med fikk edamamen til å starte med og hadde den beryktede PRG. Edamamen var krydret og salt og jeg skulle ønske vi hadde mer av den! Det Norske Intelligenspartiet. hadde en enorm mengde kremete ost som pakket mye varme fra hestepatruljen. Jeg anbefaler dette stedet til lunsj og middag. Jeg er definitivt lenge forsinket på et nytt besøk. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I love being in half a century. The rabbit was the obvious choice for me. And I'm so glad I got it! When I'm at a restaurant, the first thing I think about is definitely not a sausage. The rabbit was crisp, juicy, snap, salt, snub and sweet. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I liked a hot dog I ordered from a sit-down restaurant. I also ordered fried rice at first and it was wonderful but not memorable. A friend with whom I was dating got the edama to start and had the infamous PRG. Edamamen were spicy and salty, and I wish we had more of it! The Norwegian Intelligence Party. had an enormous amount of creamy cheese that packed a lot of heat from the horse patrol. I recommend this place for lunch and dinner. I'm definitely late for another visit. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? staff was very enthusiastic, but the food was highly overrated. nachos with pulled pork had no taste, pasta dish was mediocre, eggs was good. i would not go back even for happy hour deals. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Staben var veldig entusiastisk, men maten var svært overvurdert. nachos med dradd svinekjøtt hadde ingen smak, pastarett var middelmådig, egg var gode. Jeg ville ikke dra tilbake for happy time deals. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? The staff was very enthusiastic, but the food was very overrated. Nachos with jerky pork had no taste, pasta dish was mediocre, eggs were good. I didn't want to go back for happy time deals. VANS: - negative - positive
Closed & the shopping center has been torn down. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
& Kjøpesenteret er blitt revet. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The & mall has been torn down. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Super fun place. Had a grand old time at the Cook E Jarr show. He is hilarious and a great singer! We have been wanting to see him for several years - he's a Vegas institution and came highly recommended. It was all we had heard it was and so much more fun than we even expected! So much fun in a relaxed environment. This place doesn't have a lot of glitz and glam, but the patrons are having a heck of a good time! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Supergøy sted. Hadde en grand gammel tid på Cook E Jarr show. Han er morsom og en stor sanger! Vi har villet treffe ham i flere år. Han er en institusjon i Vegas, og han ble anbefalt. Det var det eneste vi hadde hørt, det var og så mye morsommere enn vi til og med hadde ventet! Så mye moro i et avslappet miljø. Dette stedet har ikke mye blits og glam, men skytsmennene morer seg skikkelig! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Super fun place. Had a great old time on the Cook E Jarr show. He's funny and a great singer! We've been wanting to see him for years, and he's an institution in Vegas, and he was recommended. That was all we had heard, it was so much more fun than we even expected! So much fun in a relaxed environment. This place doesn't have much flash and glamour, but the shooters are having a good time! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Went to check this place out, as it sounded interesting... Sat outside on the patio, not to many people there. Someone came over and said they would be back. 20 minutes later it was the same woman. She "forgot about us" she said... The pizza was ok, the antipasto was not good at all. The pizza came out first, it was cold, then meatballs and salad. It is in the same spot as the Gelato Spot. Bring back the Gelato! There are several other places like this in the area. They won't last in my opinion.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Sjekket stedet, som det lød interessant... Satt utenfor terrassen, ikke til mange der. Noen kom bort og sa at de ville komme tilbake. 20 minutter senere var det samme kvinne. Hun<unk>glemte om oss<unk> hun sa... Pizzaen var ok. Motpastoen var ikke god i det hele tatt. Pizzaen kom først ut, det var kaldt, så kjøttboller og salat. Den ligger på samme sted som pletten Gelato. Gi tilbake gelatoen! Det finnes flere andre steder som dette i området. De vil ikke vare i min mening.
Checked the place, which sounded interesting... Sat outside the terrace, not for many there. Someone came over and said they'd come back. 20 minutes later, the same woman. She forgot about us. She said... The pizza was okay, the counterpasto wasn't good at all. Pizza came out first, it was cold, then meatballs and salad. It's in the same place as the plethora of Gelato. Give back the gelato! There are several other places like this in the area. They won't last in my opinion.
I hope that my bad experience can be chalked up to a bad server. I ran into a good friend of mine that night on our way out and he was positive about it overall. If it hadn't been so expensive this would have been a 3-star, but for the price I expect more. Let me start with the good! My fianc\u00e9 and I had an appetizer of 'Paleta Iberico Ham', and it was delicious. Really delicious. I followed it up with the 'Scottish Salmon'. This came with a quinoa pilaf under the salmon, and the two together were really great. The fish was cooked excellently and the flavors of everything went great together. For dessert I had pumpkin cheesecake. It was fantastic. I hate pumpkin and this was fantastic. Really really good. My fianc\u00e9 was given a 'Brown Bag Baked Apple Pie' complements of the house (more on that later) and declared after her first bite, "Oh wow, this is frickin' DELICIOUS!" The bad! Our waiter wasn't good with English, which made communicating with him difficult. He was not very attentive and our drinks --just plain water --spent a good portion of time during our 2-hour dinner sitting empty. We also spent a good portion of time waiting for him, either to come and take our dinner order, deliver dessert menus, take the check, etc. This 2-hour dinner should have been 1:15 at most As a side dish to my salmon I ordered French Fries. They were stale, and seemed to be the kind that came from a frozen bag and were heated in the microwave. Absolutely disappointed in the fries, especially since they cost a ridiculous $7. The biggest problem we had on the night was the 'Grass-Fed Filet Mignon' which my fianc\u00e9 ordered as her main entr\u00e9e. The waiter asked how she wanted it cooked, and she clarified that she wanted it pink throughout but with no red (in most places this is medium, in a strange few it is medium-well). It was made VERY clear that she didn't want anything near rare. Rare is exactly what she got. She cut into it, and there was a ring of perfect rich deep pink about 1/8" from the beautiful crust on the outside ... and the inside was completely raw. If you've ever heard of ordering steak "black and blue" or "Pittsburg rare" this would fit the bill exactly. That's way too underdone for her liking. So the steak had to go back. When it was returned the inside was again not quite up to medium but she accepted it because she was hungry, and the steak had taken quite a long time to get back. By the time it had been heated and redelivered we had finished my entire salmon and waited a few minutes with no food at all. The second cooking made the steak pretty tough (especially for a filet mignon, even one cooked twice) but the flavor was definitely there. I will be trying this filet again when we go back. The last problem is a minor one: the house steak sauce that comes with the steak is super sweet. Way too sweet to go with this steak and bacon hash. It's completely out of place. Let me close by saying that the steak definitely had potential. It was seasoned perfectly, came with a killer bacon hash, and had great flavor, but they need to figure out the difference between medium and rare. I can't say that it was a problem with communicating with the waiter or a problem with the kitchen but I'll find out next time. The fries were just bad, and there's no saving them. And the service definitely needs to be addressed. I'll be going back and updating the review accordingly. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg håper min dårlige erfaring kan bli kalt en dårlig tjener. Jeg traff en god venn av meg den kvelden på vei ut, og han var positiv til det. Hadde det ikke vært så dyrt hadde dette vært en 3-stjerne, men for prisen forventer jeg mer. La meg begynne med det gode! Forloveden min og jeg hadde en forrett på \"Paleta Iberico Ham\", og det var deilig. Virkelig god. Jeg fulgte det opp med \"Scottish Salmon\". Dette kom med en quinoa pilaf under laksen, og de to tilsammen var virkelig store. Fisken var utmerket kokt og smakene på alt gikk stort sammen. Til dessert hadde jeg ostesmørbrød. Det var fantastisk. Jeg hater gresskar, og dette var fantastisk. Virkelig bra. Min forlovede<unk>u00e9 fikk en 'Brown Bag Bakt Apple Pie'-komplementer av huset (mer om det senere) og ble erklært etter hennes første bitt,<unk>Oh wow, dette er frickin' DELIMI OUS <unk> De onde! Servitøren vår var ikke flink med engelsk, noe som gjorde det vanskelig for ham å kommunisere med ham. Han var ikke særlig oppmerksom og våre drinker -- bare vanlig vann --penge en god del av tid under vår 2-timers middag sittende tom. Vi brukte også en god del tid på å vente på ham, enten for å komme og ta vår middagsordre, levere dessertmenyer, ta sjekken osv. Denne totimersmiddagen skulle ha vært 1:15 høyst som en birett til min laks jeg bestilte French Fries. De var gamle og så ut til å være av det slaget som kom fra en frossen pose og ble oppvarmet i mikrobølgeovnen. Jeg er helt skuffet over pommes fritesen, spesielt fordi den koster bare fem kroner. Det største problemet vi hadde den natten var \"Grass-Fed Filet Mignon\" som min forlovede \"u00e9\" bestilte som hennes hovedtr-u-00e9e. Servitøren spurte hvordan hun ville ha den kokt, og hun presiserte at hun ville ha den rosa gjennom hele men uten rødfarge (de fleste steder er dette middels, i et merkelig fåtall er det middels bra). Det ble gjort helt klart at hun ikke ville ha noe i nærheten av sjelden. Det er nøyaktig hva hun fikk. Hun skar i den, og det var en ring av perfekt, dyp rosa ca 1/8<unk> fra den vakre skorpen på utsiden ... og innsiden var helt rå. Hvis du har hørt om å bestille biff, svart og blå, eller<unk>Pittsburg sjelden<unk> ville dette passe til regningen. Det er altfor undertvunget for henne. Så biff måtte tilbake. Da den var tilbake var den innvendig igjen ikke helt opp til medium men hun aksepterte det fordi hun var sulten, og biffen hadde tatt ganske lang tid å komme tilbake. Da den var blitt oppvarmet og ominnlevert hadde vi fått ferdig hele laksen min og ventet noen minutter uten mat i det hele tatt. Den andre matlagingen gjorde biffen ganske seig (spesielt for en filet mignon, selv en kokt to ganger) men smaken var definitivt der. Jeg vil prøve denne filen igjen når vi går tilbake. Det siste problemet er et mindre problem, nemlig den sausen som følger med biff, er kjempesøt. Altfor søt til å gå med denne biff og bacon hasj. Det er helt ute av ledd. La meg se nærmere på det ved å si at biffen definitivt hadde potensial. Den var krydret perfekt, kom med en baconhasj, og hadde stor smak, men de må finne ut forskjellen mellom middels og sjelden. Jeg kan ikke si at det var et problem med å kommunisere med kelneren eller et problem med kjøkkenet men jeg finner det ut neste gang. Pommes fritesen var bare dårlig, og de kan ikke reddes. Og tjenesten må tas opp. Jeg går tilbake og oppdaterer anmeldelsen. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I hope my bad experience can be called a bad servant. I met a good friend that night on my way out, and he was positive about it. If it weren't so expensive, this would be a three-star, but for the price, I expect more. Let me begin with the good! My fiancé and I had an appetizer at "Paleta Iberico Ham\" and it was delicious. Really good. I followed it up with "Scottish Salmon." This came with a quinoa arrowf under the salmon, and the two together were really big. The fish was deliciously cooked and the flavors of everything went together. For dessert, I had cheese sandwiches. It was amazing. I hate pumpkins, and this was amazing. Really good. My fiancée, she was given a Brown Bag Bakt Apple Pie complement of the house (more about it later) and was pronounced after her first bite, oh wow, this is frickin' delIMI OUS <unk> The bad ones! Our waiter was not good with English, which made it difficult for him to communicate with him. He wasn't paying much attention and our drinks -- just plain water -- money a lot of time during our 2 hour dinner sitting empty. We also spent a lot of time waiting for him, either to come and take our dinner order, to deliver dessert menus, to take the check, etc. This two-hour dinner was supposed to be 1:15 at the most like a side dish for my salmon I ordered French Fries. They were old and appeared to be the kind that came from a frozen bag and was heated in the microwave oven. I am very disappointed with the fries, especially because it is only 50 cents. This was the most important thing in the history of all people. The waiter asked how she wanted it cooked, and she made it clear that she wanted the pink one through the whole but without red color (in most places this is medium, in a strange few it is medium). It was made very clear that she wanted nothing close to it rarely. That's exactly what she got. She cut it, and it was a ring of perfect deep pink about 1/8<unk> from the beautiful crust on the outside... and the inside was raw. If you've heard of ordering steak, black and blue, or pittsburg rarely, this would fit the bill. It's too much undermining for her. So steak had to go back. When it was back inside, it wasn't quite up to medium, but she accepted it because she was hungry, and the steak had taken quite a while to come back. By the time it was heated and redelivered, we had finished my whole salmon and waited a few minutes without food at all. The second cooking made the steak quite tough (especially for a filt mignon, even a boiled twice) but the flavor was definitely there. I want to try this file again when we go back. The last problem is a minor one, the sauce that comes with beef is very sweet. Too cute to wear this steak and bacon hash. It's completely dislocated. Let me take a closer look at that by saying the steak definitely had potential. It was spicy perfectly, brought a bacon haze, and had a lot of taste, but they have to figure out the difference between medium and rare. I can't say that there was a problem communicating with the waiter or a problem with the kitchen, but I'll find out next time. The French fries were just bad, and they can't be saved. And the service must be recorded. I'll go back and update the report. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Horrible airline. Flew it once and never again between Vegas and San Diego. Look out for the 40 pound minimum weight limit for checked baggage. My one bag cost me $110 round trip Vegas to San Diego. They are out to nickel and dime you to death. Is there such a thing as negative stars? Horrible Horrible Horrible !!!!!! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Skrekkfly. Fløy den en gang og aldri igjen mellom Vegas og San Diego. Se opp for minimumsvektgrensen på 40 pund for innsjekket bagasje. Den ene posen kostet meg rundtomturen Vegas til San Diego. De er ute etter å drepe deg. Finnes det noe som kan sies å være negativ? Forferdelig skrekk skrekkelig ! !!!! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Horror plane. Flying it once and never again between Vegas and San Diego. Watch out for the minimum weight limit of £40 for checked baggage. One bag cost me the tour of Vegas to San Diego. They're out to kill you. Is there anything that might be said to be negative? Terrible horror! !!!!!! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
First, I would like to start off this comment by stating that I only post on Yelp if it's really good, or REALLY bad. This, my friends, is unfortunately the latter. The short version of my post: Foundation Room tried to play us for fools and ruined our dining experience. The long version: (which I hope you'll read because it's quite ridiculous) To start things off, my girlfriends and I ordered a bottle of Pinot Noir. Nothing fancy, just a $50 bottle that we were already planning to order more of (get Vegas started off right, right?!) So we order the first bottle and this is where the fun begins... Instead of bringing out the bottle and doing the normal wine presentation that you're used to seeing at a restaurant, she brings out a tray with four pre-filled glasses that each look as though they have one shot of wine in each glass. She sets them down in front of us and leaves. My friends and I (who are no strangers to wine) just stare at each other in disbelief. She calls this a glass of wine? Where is the rest? There was maybe three sips in each. Maybe. Now, I know we didn't order their top notch bottle and I didn't expect their in-house sommelier to pour it, but I did expect to at least see the bottle and I did expect to at least receive the entire contents of the bottle that we were paying for and not just a portion of it. Everyone at the table knew instantly that there was no way we were poured an entire bottle of wine (unless, of course, it was the World's smallest bottle of wine.) Now, since we had no proof that she didn't pour us the entire bottle (since she never brought it out to us and it was pre-poured in back) we ordered another bottle for our husbands and asked for new glasses. We also asked her for the bottle to be brought to the table(uncorked) and a presentation. Our waitress obliged. She came out with the new bottle, corked it before us and filled up the new glasses in the exact amount she did with the first four original wine glasses. And guess what, surprise surprise, after pouring the contents in equal amounts as the first round, there was still HALF A BOTTLE left remaining on the table. So our little experiment worked and proved that she did in fact completely scam us on the first bottle ordered--by filling our glasses in the back of the house and trying to pass it off as a full bottle. We were obviously bummed this was happening, especially given the reputation of the restaurant, so in order to remedy the situation and not cause a scene, one of my girlfriends pulled the waitress aside in the hallway and told her we knew what had happened and that we just wanted things made right. The waitress completely agreed, apologized for the situation and told my friend she'd make sure it was taken care of. Foundation Rooms remedy: Two complimentary desserts (which we didn't order) and instead of charging us for a full bottle for the first bottle, they charged us for four individual glasses of wine instead. Now, why do people order bottles of wine instead of individual glasses of wine at restaurants? Because it's cheaper and you get more, right? So aside from the desserts we didn't want, their solution was to actually charge us MORE for the wine than what we had originally asked for. My blood pressure was through the roof at this point. The dessert was a nice gesture, but we didn't ask for it. I was completely fine paying full amount for the second bottle since we actually were able to enjoy it fully BUT BY GOD I wasn't paying anything towards something we didn't order, weren't able to enjoy and were just outright cheated on. I gestured the waitress over, pointed to the four glasses of wine by the glass listed on the receipt and simply told her "Mam, we did not order four glasses of wine, we ordered a bottle of wine. Since you and I both know we did not receive a bottle of wine, I would like these glasses of wine we didn't order removed." Our waitress nodded, and without hesitation, FINALLY fixed the situation. We travel to Vegas three-four times a year and needless to say, I do not recommend The Foundation Room and will not be returning. I hope you find this review helpful and that Foundation Room improves their manner and poor service. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Først vil jeg begynne med å si at jeg bare legger ut på Yelp hvis det er veldig bra, eller egentlig dårlig. Dette, mine venner, er dessverre sistnevnte. Den korte versjonen av min post: \"Føderskapsrommet prøvde å spille oss for narrer og ødela matopplevelsen vår.\" Den lange versjonen: (som jeg håper du vil lese fordi det er ganske latterlig) For å starte ting av bestilte kjærestene mine og jeg en flaske Pinot Noir. Ingenting, bare en flaske med 50 dollar som vi allerede planla å bestille mer av (get Vegas startet riktig, ikke sant?!) Så vi bestiller den første flasken og det er her moroa begynner... I stedet for å få frem flasken og gjøre den vanlige vinpresentasjonen som du er vant til å se på en restaurant, tar hun frem et brett med fire ferdigfylte briller som hver ser ut som om de har ett glass vin i hvert glass. Hun setter dem ned foran oss og går. Mine venner og jeg (som ikke er fremmede for vin) bare stirrer på hverandre i vantro. Kaller hun dette et glass vin? Hvor er resten? Det var kanskje tre slurker i hver. Kanskje. Nå, jeg vet at vi ikke bestilte deres topp hatch flaske og jeg ikke forventet at deres in-house sommelier skulle helle den, men jeg forventet i det minste å se flasken og jeg forventet å i det minste motta hele innholdet av flasken som vi betalte for og ikke bare en del av den. Alle ved bordet visste momentant at det ikke var noen vei vi ble helt en hel flaske vin (med mindre, selvfølgelig, det var verdens minste vinflaske.) Nå, siden vi ikke hadde noen bevis for at hun ikke skjenket oss hele flasken (siden hun aldri kom med den ut til oss og den var ferdig utspydd baki) bestilte vi en annen flaske til våre ektemenn og ba om nye briller. Vi ba henne også om å få flasken brakt til bordet (ukorrekt) og en presentasjon. - Vi er kelner. Hun kom ut med den nye flasken, korket den foran oss og fylte opp de nye glassene i nøyaktig samme mengde som hun gjorde med de fire første originale vinglassene. Og vet du hva, overraskelses overraskelse, etter å ha hellt innholdet i like store mengder som første runde, var det fortsatt en FOLK igjen på bordet. Så det lille eksperimentet vårt fungerte og beviste at hun faktisk lurte oss fullstendig på den første flasken bestilt - ved å fylle glassene våre bak i huset og prøve å sende det bort som en full flaske. Vi var tydeligvis overbevist om at dette skjedde, spesielt med restaurantens rykte, så for å bøte på situasjonen og ikke skape en scene, trakk en av venninnene mine servitrisen til side i gangen og fortalte henne at vi visste hva som hadde skjedd og at vi bare ville at ting skulle ordnes. Servitrisen var helt enig, ba om unnskyldning for situasjonen og sa til vennen min at hun ville sørge for at den ble tatt hånd om. Stiftelsens rom gjør bot på: To komplimentære desserter (som vi ikke bestilte), og i stedet for å ta betalt oss for en full flaske for den første flasken, tok de betalt for fire glass vin i stedet. Så hvorfor bestiller folk vinflasker i stedet for vinglass på restauranter? Fordi det er billigere og du får mer, ikke sant? Så bortsett fra dessertene vi ikke ville ha, var løsningen deres å faktisk ta betalt oss mer for vinen enn det vi opprinnelig hadde bedt om. Blodtrykket mitt var over taket på dette tidspunktet. desserten var en hyggelig gest, men vi ba ikke om den. Jeg var helt fin å betale full sum for den andre flasken siden vi faktisk var i stand til å nyte det fullt ut men jeg var ikke betale noe mot noe vi ikke bestilte, var ikke i stand til å nyte og var bare rett og slett bedratt. Jeg gesterte servitrisen bortover, pekte på de fire glassene vin med glasset som stod oppført på kvitteringen, og sa rett og slett til henne<unk>Mamma, vi bestilte ikke fire glass vin, vi bestilte en flaske vin. Siden vi begge vet at vi ikke har fått en flaske vin, vil jeg gjerne ha disse vinglassene vi ikke har bestilt fjernet. Vår servitrise nikket, og uten å nøle ordnet han situasjonen slik at den ble løst. Vi reiser til Vegas tre-fire ganger i året og sier: Jeg anbefaler ikke The Foundation Room og kommer ikke tilbake. Jeg håper denne rapporten er til hjelp, og at stiftelsesrommet forbedrer deres måte og dårlig service. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
First, I'd like to say that I'm only going to Yelp if it's really good, or really bad. Unfortunately, this, my friends, is the latter. The short version of my post, "The Fatherhood Room tried to play us for fools and ruined our food experience." The long version: (which I hope you will read because it's pretty ridiculous) To start things off of my boyfriends and I a bottle of Pinot Noir. Nothing, just a bottle of $50 that we already planned to order more of (get Vegas started right, right?) So we order the first bottle and this is where the fun starts... Instead of getting the bottle out and doing the regular wine presentation that you are used to looking at a restaurant, she brings out a tray of four pre-filled glasses that each one looks like they have one glass of wine in each glass. She puts them down in front of us and leaves. My friends and I (not strangers to wine) just stare at one another in disbelief. Does she call this a glass of wine? Where's the rest of it? There were maybe three sips each. Maybe. Now, I know that we didn't order your top Hatch bottle and I didn't expect your in-house sommelier to pour it, but I expected to at least see the bottle and I expected to at least receive the entire contents of the bottle that we paid for and not just part of it. Everyone at the table knew instantly that there was no road we became a whole bottle of wine (unless, of course, it was the world’s smallest bottle of wine.) Now, since we had no evidence that she did not pour us the whole bottle (since she never brought it out to us and it was washed out in the back) we ordered another bottle for our husbands and asked for new glasses. We also asked her to have the bottle brought to the table (unorrect) and a presentation. - We're waiters. She came out with the new bottle, corked it in front of us, and filled up the new glasses in exactly the same amount as she did with the first four original wine glasses. And you know what, surprise surprise, after pouring the contents into the same quantity as the first round, there was still a people on the table. So our little experiment worked and proved that she actually totally tricked us into the first bottle ordered by filling our glasses in the back of the house and trying to send it away like a full bottle. Apparently we were convinced that this happened, especially with the restaurant’s reputation, so to remedy the situation and not create a scene, one of my girlfriends pulled aside in the hallway and told her that we knew what had happened and that we just wanted things to be fixed. The waitress agreed, apologized for the situation, and told my friend that she would see to it that it was cared for. The foundation room makes up for two complimentary desserts (which we did not order) and instead of charging us for a full bottle for the first bottle, they charged us for four glasses of wine instead. So why do people order wine bottles instead of wine glasses in restaurants? Because it's cheaper and you get more, right? So aside from the desserts we didn't want, their solution was to actually charge us more for the wine than we originally asked for. My blood pressure was over the roof at this time. The dessert was a nice gesture, but we didn't ask for it. I was perfectly fine to pay full sum for the other bottle since we were actually able to enjoy it fully but I was not paying anything for something we did not order, was unable to enjoy and was simply deceived. I gestured the waitress across, pointed to the four glasses of wine with the glass shown on the receipt, and said simply to her<unk>Mom, we didn't order four glasses of wine, we ordered a bottle of wine. Since we both know we haven't had a bottle of wine, I'd like to have these wine glasses we haven't ordered removed. Our waitress nodded, and without hesitation he arranged the situation so that it could be solved. We go to Vegas three or four times a year and say, "I don't recommend the Foundation Room and I don't come back." I hope this report helps and that the foundation room improves their way and poor service. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
The morning manager dude is awesome. He handles my last minute catering orders without being rude. The staff is friendly, even though it's a chain-type place, they recognize me when I come in...always a good feeling.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Morgenmanager-huset er fantastisk. Han tar seg av min siste cateringordre uten å være uhøflig. Staben er vennlig, selv om det er en kjedetype, kjenner de meg igjen når jeg kommer inn... alltid en god følelse.
The morning manager's house is amazing. He handles my last catering order without being rude. The staff is friendly, even though it's a chain type, they'll recognize me when I come in... always a good feeling.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Looks like a tourist trap.... My friends are big fans of Sammy so they wanted to check this place out. - it was cold and drafty inside. It was a very cold Thanksgiving week but come on... keep your patrons warm - Music was... top 40. Sammy probably would shoot himself if he heard it. +/- there was a group of obnoxious tourists standing up on their chairs and screaming every five minutes. I get's Vegas but what's the point of that act? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Vennene mine er store fans av Sammy, så de ville sjekke dette stedet. - var det kaldt og glovarmt inne. Det var en veldig kald høsttakkeuke, men kom igjen, hold gjestene varme - musikk var topp 40. Sammy ville nok skyte seg selv om han hørte det. +/- det var en gruppe avskyelige turister som sto på stolene sine og skrek hvert femte minutt. Jeg forstår det. Det er Vegas, men hva er poenget med den handlingen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? My friends are big fans of Sammy, so they wanted to check this place out. - it was cold and hot inside. It was a very cold Thanksgiving week, but come on, keep the guests warm - music was top 40. Sammy would probably shoot himself if he heard that. +/-- there was a group of disgusting tourists standing on their chairs screaming every five minutes. It's Vegas, but what's the point of that action? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Very Cool! Decided to finally stop out at Pgh Winery on a rainy Saturday during one of the wife and I's ritualistic sip and savor tours of the strip. Decided to drive down as it was a bit of a hike from the main weekend activities around Wholey's. I'd say the wine itself is average for your typical Western PA buy/import grapes and process establishment, but that's not a bad thing! (Seemed reasonably priced) Where Pgh Winery really shines is down in the basement. Do yourself a favor, bring some good conversation, but a bottle of wine and go down there when no one else is there. Sounds odd, but my wife and I had one of the best times taking in the ambiance of the place (walls are lined with wine barrels, tables are wine barrels with lights in them, etc.) and grooving out to whatever Pandora station they had playing at the time (almost positive it was the Beastie Boys). On a side note, a coworker had his wedding reception here and had nothing but positive things to say (for those in the market!).
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Veldig kult! Bestemte seg for å endelig stoppe på Pgh Winery på en regnfull lørdag under en av kona og I's rituelle slurk og sausturneer med stripen. Jeg bestemte meg for å kjøre ned, siden det var en tur fra helgeaktivitetene rundt Wholey's. Jeg vil si at vinen i seg selv er et gjennomsnitt for dine typiske vestlige PA-kjøp/import druer og prosess anlegg, men det er ikke en dårlig ting! Der hvor Pgh Winery virkelig skinner ligger i kjelleren. Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og ta med deg noen gode samtaler, men en flaske vin og dra ned dit når ingen andre er der. Det er rart, men min kone og jeg hadde en av de beste stundene til å ta inn stemningen på stedet (vegger er kledd med vinfat, bord er vinfat med lys i seg osv.) og groover ut til uansett hvilken Pandora stasjon de hadde spilt på den tiden (nesten helt sikkert var det Beast Boys). En kollega hadde en bryllupsmottakelse her og hadde ikke annet enn positive ting å si (for dem som var på markedet! . .
Very cool! Decided to finally stop at Pgh Winery on a rainy Saturday under one of his wife and I's ritual swigs and gravy tours with the stripe. I decided to drive down, since it was a trip from the weekend activities around Wholey's. I'd say the wine itself is an average for your typical western PA purchase/import grapes and process facilities, but it's not a bad thing! Where Pgh Winery really shines is in the basement. Do yourself a favor and bring along some good conversations, but a bottle of wine and go down there when no one else is there. It’s strange, but my wife and I had one of the best times to take in the atmosphere in the place (walls are covered with wine drums, tables are wine drums with light in them, etc.) and grow out to whatever Pandora station they had played at the time (most certainly it was the Beast Boys). A colleague had a wedding reception here and had nothing but positive things to say (for those at the market! So let's say that this is the same thing as this.
Write a negative yelp review.
Awful. The burger was preformed and clearly just a frozen patty that was fried. I don't mind paying $2 extra for fries, but give some fries for my $2. Though the fries were the only thing tasty thing they served. Even the soda was flat. Bland, flavorless patty. If you are in the Miracle Mile shops and want a burger, go to Blondie's instead.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Forferdelig. Burgeren var preform og tydelig bare en frossen patte som var stekt. Jeg har ikke noe imot å betale to dollar ekstra for pommes frites, men gi noen pommes frites for mine $2 . Selv om pommes frites var det eneste velsmakende de serverte. Selv brusen var flat. Bland, smakløs batty. Hvis du er i Miracle Mile-butikkene og vil ha en burg, dra til Blondie's i stedet.
Terrible. The burger was preform and clearly just a frozen teat that was fried. I don't mind paying you two dollars extra for fries, but give me some fries for my $2. Although fries were the only tasty treat they served. Even the soda was flat. Mix it up, tasteless batty. If you're in the Miracle Mile stores and you want a burger, go to Blondie's instead.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Went there yesterday and got a sub, it was great. Bread is the best, real chewy, almost sourdough like, without being stale. People making my sandwich were really nice and friendly, cute too! I got a number 8....don't remember the name of it. The only downside is I didn't eat it right away and it got a little soggy because there's a lot of mayonnaise on it. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of mayonnaise, so I didn't have a problem with it. Just didn't know it would get soggy if it sat. The solution to this problem, eat that sub as soon as you get it..and I will. I'll be back, Jimmy Johns! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Det gikk i går og fikk en ubåt, det var flott. Brød er det beste, ekte, tyggete, nesten surdeig liksom, uten å være gammelt. Folk som laget sandwichen min var veldig hyggelige og vennlige, søte også! Jeg har et nummer 8. Ikke husk navnet på det. Den eneste ulempen er at jeg ikke spiste den med en gang, og den fikk en liten sus fordi det er mye majones på den. Ikke misforstå meg, jeg liker mye majones, så jeg hadde ikke noe problem med det. Jeg visste bare ikke at den ville bli bløt hvis den satt. Løsningen på dette problemet, spis den suben så snart du får den.. og jeg vil. Jeg kommer tilbake, Jimmy Johns! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? It went yesterday and got a submarine, that was great. Bread is the best, real, chewed, almost leaven, without being old. The people who made my sandwich were very nice and friendly, sweet, too! I have a number eight, don't remember the name of that. The only drawback is that I didn't eat it right away, and it got a little kiss because there's a lot of mayonnaise on it. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of mayonnaise, so I had no problem with that. I just didn't know it would get soft if it was sitting. The solution to this problem, eat that sub as soon as you get it... and I will. I'll be back, Jimmy Johns! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
I cannot understand how this place is still in business. The food is bad... no taste, greasy, and the carne asada is tough. Nothing to come back for. I live across the street from it but I'd rather drive somewhere else. I like supporting small business but this place makes it tough.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg kan ikke forstå hvordan dette stedet fortsatt er i virksomhet. Maten er dårlig. Ingen smak, fett, og karne asadaen er tøff. Det er ikke noe å komme tilbake for. Jeg bor rett over gata, men jeg vil heller kjøre et annet sted. Jeg liker småbedrifter, men dette stedet gjør det vanskelig.
I can't understand what this place is still like. The food's bad, no taste, no grease, and the guy's asada is tough. There's nothing to come back for. I live across the street, but I'd rather drive somewhere else. I like small businesses, but this place makes it hard.
For my quarterly business trip to Phoenix, I can't tell you how surprised I was to see the Embassy Suites Tempe with rooms available for under $90/night. This, the hotel I passed by every single time I decided to hit up Whole Foods for some fresh produce or wanted to grab a Jimmy Johns (yeah America... we still don't have them in Northern California), thinking how nice it would be to stay there, in walking distance of the shopping center, with such easy access to Highway 60 and the Loop. Once again, Embassy Suites do not fail with their huge suites and amazing accomodations for the business traveler. If you've never been before, every room is a suite (hence the name). The front room with an office desk, a small bar (no sink at this one, but a microwave/mini-fridge/coffeemaker), TV, and two piece couch with coffeetable. A roomy and clean restroom sits between the front room and the bedroom, which has yet another work desk, television, and beds. One weird thing... the rooms and the lobby all had a unique smell. It wasn't necessarily a bad smell but very distinctive - maybe old carpet? Not sure. Wi-Fi costs money unless you're a HHonors Gold or Diamond member but it was speedy and strong across the property. Always want to give credit when hotels don't lockdown their TVs so worth pointing out that you can plug in your own devices into the HDMI ports and watch your own thing. The fitness center was a good size, with a pair of benches, full rack of dumbbells, three treadmills, an elliptical, and a bike, and right next to the pool. There are a pair of gender-specific bathrooms inside the fitness center as well, in case you want to change between gym and pool wear. Complimentary evening reception from 5-7, of course. The breakfast in the morning was also solid with a chef at the omelette bar and a full buffet. The one major criticism is the breakfast area is almost laughably small. It seats maybe 20 or 30 people before they start sending folks over to the bar next door. And since the bar isn't much bigger, it doesn't take too long before they're pretty much out of seating space. This location doesn't deviate from the standardized Embassy Suites experience. Being a more spread out Embassy, rather than the square tower variety, you park close to your room, not necessarily close to the lobby. It's only a two story building, but elevators and starcases are spread out so keep in mind the Arizona heat. Definitely recommend a room on the first floor. The sound insulation at this place is solid. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
På min forretningsreise til Phoenix var jeg overrasket over å se \"Esperie Suites Tempe\" med rom som er ledige for under 90 dollar i natt. Dette, hotellet jeg gikk forbi hver eneste gang jeg bestemte meg for å legge på en Whole Foods for noen ferske varer eller ville ta en Jimmy Johns (jøh-Amerika ... vi fortsatt ikke har dem i Nord California), tenkte hvor fint det ville være å være der, i gangavstand fra senteret, med så lett tilgang til motorvei 60 og loop. Heller ikke på denne måten mislykkes ikke ambassadesuitene med sine store suiter og sine fantastiske akkompomodasjoner for den reisende. Hvis man aldri har vært det før, er hvert rom en suite (hvis navnet). Forstuen med kontorpult, en liten bar (no kum ved denne, men en mikrobølgeovn/mini-kjøleskap/kaffemaker), TV, og to-biter sofa med kaffebord. Et romslig og rent toalett sitter mellom forstuen og soverommet, som har enda et arbeidspult, fjernsyn og senger. Én ting, rommene og lobbyen hadde en unik lukt. Det var ikke nødvendigvis en vond lukt, men veldig særpreget - kanskje gammelt teppe? Ikke sikker. Det koster penger å kjøpe penger uten å være medlem av HHonors Gold eller Diamond men det var raskt og sterkt på tvers av eiendommen. Ønsk alltid å gi kreditt når hoteller ikke stenger TV-ene sine så viktig å påpeke at du kan koble inn dine egne innretninger i HDMI-havnene og se på din egen ting. Tredeningssenteret var en god størrelse, med et par benker, fullstativ med stummeklokker, tre tre tredemøller, et elliptisk og en sykkel, og rett ved siden av bassenget. Det er et par kjønnsspesifikke bad inne på treningssenteret også, i tilfelle man ønsker å skifte mellom gym og biljard-slitasje. Medvillig aftenposten. mottakelse fra 5-7, selvfølgelig. Frokosten om morgenen var også solid med en kokk på omelettbaren og full buff. Den ene store kritikken er at frokostområdet er nesten latterlig lite. Det sitter kanskje 20-30 personer før de begynner å sende folk til nabobaren. Og siden baren ikke er mye større, det tar ikke lang tid før de er stort sett utenfor plassene. Dette stedet avviker ikke fra den standardiserte Efaces-opplevelsen. Ettersom du er en mer utbredt ambassade enn den firkantede tårnsorten, parkerer du nær rommet ditt, ikke nødvendigvis i nærheten av vestibylen. Det er bare en to etasjers bygning, men heiser og stjernetegn er spredt ut, så husk Arizona-varmen. Det er best å anbefale et rom i første etasje. Lydisoleringen på dette stedet er solid. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
On my business trip to Phoenix, I was surprised to see "Esperie Suits Tempe" with rooms available for less than $90 tonight. This, the hotel I walked by every time I decided to add a Whole Foods for some fresh goods or to take a Jimmy Johns (Jew-America... we still don't have them in North California), thought how nice it would be to be there, in walking distance from the center, with such easy access to the 60 and loop. Nor do the embassy suites fail with their large suites and marvelous accompaniments for the traveler. If you have never been, each room is a suite (whose name). The front room with a desk, a small bar (no foam on top of this, but a microwave oven/mini-fridge/coffee maker), TV, and two-bit coffee table couch. A spacious, clean toilet sits between the front room and the bedroom, which has another work desk, television, and beds. One thing, the rooms and the lobby had a unique smell. It wasn't necessarily a bad smell, but very distinctive - perhaps an old carpet? Not sure. It costs money to buy money without being a member of HHonors Gold or Diamond, but it was fast and strong across the property. Always wish to give credit when hotels don't shut down their TVs so important to point out that you can plug your own devices into the HDMI ports and look at your own stuff. The gym was a good size, with a couple of benches, full of mute bells, three treadmills, an elliptical and a bicycle, and right next to the pool. There's a couple of gender-specific bathrooms in the gym as well, in case you want to switch between gym and pool wear. The evening mail, willingly, received from 5-7, of course. Breakfast in the morning was also solid with a cook in the omelet bar and full buffet. One big criticism is that the breakfast area is almost ridiculously small. There may be 20 or 30 people in there before they start sending people to the next bar. And since the bar isn't much bigger, it won't be long before they're pretty much out of place. This place does not deviate from the standard Efaces experience. Since you are a more widespread embassy than the square tower, you park near your room, not necessarily near the lobby. It's only a two-story building, but elevators and star signs are scattered, so remember the Arizona heat. It is best to recommend a room on the first floor. The soundproofing in this place is solid. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
For the past year I've come to Old Stone about twice a month for lunch. At first, the soups and salads were delicious and the prices excellent. In the past few months, however, the prices have increased and the portions have shrunk quite a bit. At first they just cut back on the amount of toppings on the salads (smaller portion of salmon, less steak, etc) and that was a bummer but now they've even decreased the amount of lettuce! I don't understand that. I might as well go to Panera and get a much larger, much tastier salad for half the price. What a disappointment. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
For det siste året har jeg kommet til Old Stone omtrent to ganger i måneden til lunsj. Til å begynne med var suppene og salatene deilige og prisene svært gode. De siste månedene har imidlertid prisene økt og andelene har krympet en del. Først kutter de bare ned på mengden drikke på salatene (mindre del av laks, mindre biff osv.), og det var en ulykke, men nå har de til og med redusert mengden av salat! Det forstår jeg ikke. Jeg kan like godt dra til Panera og få en mye større, mye mer smak-salat for halvparten av prisen. For en skuffelse. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
For the past year, I have come to Old Stone about twice a month for lunch. At first the soups and salads were delicious and the prices were very good. In recent months, however, prices have increased and shares have shrunk somewhat. First they cut down on the amount of drink on the salads (less salmon, less beef, etc.) and it was an accident, but now they have even reduced the amount of salad! I don't understand. I might as well go to Panera and get a much bigger, much more taste salad for half the price. What a disappointment. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? If you are going to book here, book a suite. A king suite is AWESOME. We upgraded to this room after booking a regular one... It looked like a scene from the Shining! But... Our upgrade made this cheap hotel VERY worth it! Beautiful suite! Plus... AMAZING location! Make sure you hit up the Carnival night club inbetween Imperial and Harrahs. Very fun! Good service. Good times. Vegas baby!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Hvis du skal bokføre her, book en suite. En konges suite er AWESOME. Vi oppgraderte til dette rommet etter å ha bestilt en vanlig en... Det så ut som en scene fra Skinnet! Men oppgraderingen vår gjorde dette billige hotellet verdt det! Vakker suite! Pluss: AMAZING lokasjon! Sørg for at du kommer til nattklubben mellom Imperial og Harrahs. Det er veldig morsomt! God tjeneste. - Det er gode tider. - Ja, du er en baby! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? If you're gonna keep a record here, book a suite. A king's suite is AWESOME. We upgraded to this room after ordering a regular one... It looked like a scene from the Skin! But our upgrade made this cheap hotel worth it! Beautiful suite! Plus, the location of the AMAZING! Make sure you come to the nightclub between Imperial and Harrah's. That's very funny! Good service. - These are good times. - Yeah, you're a baby! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I was thinking this place was gonna be Good. I WAS SO!!! Wrong!!! When we walked In we seen a sign that says, seat your self. We did. Lady seen us but did not give us Menus. i had a philly, that says in the menu Its very big!!!! I got it with no ONIONS. When I Got it, it looked to be a childs size. YA! Real big Lol. it was also really bad! There was no Green peppers or mushrooms. Just very bad Raw meat and a little cheese. The bread was good. It came with a side of fries, there was about 8 fries In my plate. The pizza was NOTHING!!!!!!! Like NEW YORK!!!! Its more like frozen junk you get At a store. Such a waste of money. also we were Told they have free bread, but didnt have anymore! Well then, why bring it up? Lol and to top things Off it was soooo HOT!!!!!!!!!! Inside. Ok this is vegas Put your air on! It was hotter inside then it was Outdoors. I will never eat here again. I can not put Into words how bad the meat was. I feel sick just Thinking about it. This place is just paste and old Bread. Not! New york pizza. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg tenkte at dette stedet skulle være Good. JEG BLIR!!!!!! Nei!!!! Da vi kom inn, så vi et tegn som sier: Sett deg selv. Vi gjorde det. En kvinne så oss, men ga oss ikke menyer. jeg hadde en filt, det sier i menyen Den er veldig stor!!!!!! Jeg fikk den uten noen. Da jeg fikk den, så den ut til å være på størrelse med et barn. JA! Det er det største Lol. Det var også virkelig ille! Det fantes ingen grønn pepper eller sopp. Bare veldig dårlig rått rått kjøtt og litt ost. Brødet var godt. Den kom med pommes frites, det var rundt 8 pommes frites i tallerkenen min. SNAPPEN var IKKE!!!!!!!!!!! Som i JORK!!!! Det er mer som søppel du får i en butikk. Så mye sløsing med penger. vi var også sagt de hadde fri brød, men hadde ikke lenger! Hvorfor ta det opp da? Lol og å toppe ting Av det var soooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Innerst. Ok, dette er vegas, få på dere luft på! Det var varmere inne da det var Outdoors. Jeg vil aldri mer spise her. Jeg kan ikke si hvor ille kjøttet var. Jeg er kvalm av å tenke på det. Dette stedet er bare masse og gammelt brød. Ikke! - New York York York York York York. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I thought this place would be Good. I'm going!!!!!!! No, no, no! When we came in, we saw a sign that says, "Sit yourself." We did it. A woman saw us, but she didn't give us menus. I had a felt, that says in the menu It's very big!!!!!! I got it without anyone. When I got it, it looked like it was the size of a child. YES! It's the biggest Lol. That was really bad too! There were no green peppers or mushrooms. Just very bad raw meat and some cheese. The bread was good. It came with fries, there were about eight fries in my plate. THE junk was NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! As in JORK!!!!! It's more like garbage you get in a store. So much waste of money. We were also told that they had free bread but had no more! Then why bring it up? Loll and to top things By that was soooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep down. Okay, this is vegan, get some air on! It was warmer inside when it was Outdoors. I will never eat here again. I can't tell you how bad the meat was. I feel sick thinking about it. This place is just a bunch of old bread. Don't! - New York York York York York York York. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? This review is written with great remorse. I have been to Carly's a few times and have always liked the experience. Cool artwork, good ambiance, decent food, good beer selection, decent service, etc. However, I went this week and was dissapointed. It was a Thursday around 6:00 PM and I was expecting an interesting crowd. However, the place had about 3 or 4 weird dudes scattered about; it was a near ghost town, one filled with creepy miners. One patron kept starring at us. The lighting was not right, several of the overhead lights used to spotlight the artwork were not turned on. The music was some crappy, old heavy metal. The two bar tenders seemed nice enough although the vibe they gave off was kind of odd. The overall feel was that of a cheap hash bar in Amsterdam, one where everyone is way too stoned and paranoid. Everything seemed more run down than the last time I visited. Now it's more of a dive bar than a cool place to chill. I didn't even want to think about eating there although I've had decent food on previous visits. A dark experience overall. Ohh Carly's, how I used to love you but you've since jumped the shark. Could the owners be going through hard times? Was it just a bad night to be there? I don't know but I won't be visiting again as there are too many interesting places to eat and drink in the Valley. Best wishes Carly's, and may you find your way. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Denne anmeldelsen er skrevet med stor anger. Jeg har vært på Carly's noen ganger og alltid likt opplevelsen. Kult grafikk, god selvtilfredshet, anstendig mat, godt ølutvalg, anstendig service osv. Men jeg gikk denne uken og ble dissapointed. Det var torsdag rundt klokken seks, og jeg ventet en interessant folkemengde. Stedet hadde dog omtrent 3 eller 4 merkelige duder spredt omkring; det var en nær spøkelsesby, en som var fylt med ekle jævler. En av dem som var skyts for oss, fortsatte å stirre på oss. Lyssettingen var ikke riktig, flere av de overlysene som ble brukt for å rette søkelyset mot kunstverket ble ikke slått på. Musikken var litt av en gammel heavy metal. De to bare-stråene virket fine nok selv om viben de ga fra seg var på en måte odd. Den generelle oppfatningen var at en billig hasjbar i Amsterdam, en hvor alle er altfor steine og paranoide. Alt virket mer nedslitt enn forrige gang jeg besøkte deg. Nå er det mer som en dykkebar enn et kult sted å slappe av. Jeg ville ikke engang tenke på å spise der selv om jeg har spist mat ved tidligere besøk. En dyster opplevelse i det hele tatt. Ohh Carly's, som jeg elsket deg, men du har siden du hoppet over haien. Kan det være at eierne har det vanskelig? Var det bare en dårlig natt å være der? Jeg vet ikke, men jeg kommer ikke tilbake, for det er for mange interessante steder å spise og drikke i dalen. Det beste Carly ønsker, og kanskje du finner din vei. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This review has been written with great regret. I've been to Carly's a few times and always liked the experience. Cool graphics, good complacency, decent food, good beer selection, decent service, etc. But I went this week and I was separated. It was Thursday about six o’clock, and I was expecting an interesting crowd. But the place had about 3 or 4 strange dudes scattered about; it was a close ghost town, one filled with nasty bastards. One of our shooters kept staring at us. The lighting was incorrect, several of the lights used to highlight the artwork were not turned on. The music was quite an old heavy metal. Those two mere blades seemed fine enough even though the vibe they gave up was kind of odd. The general idea was that a cheap hash bar in Amsterdam, one where everyone is too stoned and paranoid. Everything seemed more worn down than the last time I visited you. Now it's more like a dive bar than a cool place to relax. I wouldn’t even think about eating there even if I had eaten food on previous visits. A gloomy experience at all. Ohh Carly's, like I loved you, but you've been since you skipped the shark. Could it be that the owners are having a difficult time? Was it just a bad night to be there? I don't know, but I'm not coming back because there are too many interesting places to eat and drink in the valley. The best Carly wants, and maybe you'll find your way. VANS: - negative - positive
Had a three course meal here the other night! Really surprised this place hasn't been reviewed yet! The food was gorgeous! I had fishcakes for starter, lamb for main and chocolate cheesecake for dessert (yummmmmmmmmmmm) Really great meal! only critism was the waiters daft outfits! blue shirts that looked silly! but the food was GREAT!!! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hadde et treretters måltid her forleden kveld! Utrolig at dette stedet ikke er undersøkt ennå! Maten var helt rå! Jeg hadde fiskekaker til å begynne med, lammekjøtt til hovedmat og sjokoladeost til dessert (yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_______________________________________________________________________________________ jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde jeg hadde fiske til forstestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestestesteste_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bare kriteriet var servitørenes tåpelige antrekk! Blå skjorter som så tåpelige ut! men maten var STOR!!!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Had a three-course meal the other night! I can't believe this place hasn't been checked out yet. The food was awesome! - I'm sorry. Only the criterion was the waiters' ridiculous outfit! Blue shirts that looked ridiculous! But the food was huge!!! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I've been to this twice already and realized I had not written a review for this amazing place. Let's start off with service - excellent! They were very attentive and friendly. The staff treats you like you've known them forever. Next ... Parking is never a problem because they have tons right in front of their restaurant. The place is cozy and gets packed so fast so calling in for reservations was a great idea. I brought my cousins and aunt visiting San Diego and they enjoyed the food so much. What free Ngo-Yong for every Yelp check-in? Of course we took advantage of that. I loved the sauce that accompanied this. Ngo-Yong is very different from all the egg rolls that people are used to ordering. It's an acquired taste but its something that grows on you right away. We ordered the Sinigang, Kare-Kare and of course, Lechon. The sinigang had great flavor. I'm very picky when it comes to ordering sinigang from Filipino restaurants because most of the time, they under-season it with tamarind. Cafe De Cebu isn't afraid of seasoning their food and they have it right. The pork that they used for their sinigang is also lechon pork! I'm in pork heaven. Even if all we ordered was pork, it wasn't too oily. The lechon was so tender yet the skin was crunchy. I liked using their vinegar sauce instead of the usual lechon sauce. It provided a different taste to it and balanced out the flavor. I could smell the lemongrass that was stuffed into the belly, it was a good aroma that elevated the taste of the lechon. I had the lechon the first visit and we ordered it again the second time we came. \u00dcbe cheesecake for dessert, need I say more? I will definitely be back. I saw a recent post that they've also introduced Sisig. I'm sure it's as flavorful as the other dishes I've had here. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har vært på dette to ganger allerede, og innså at jeg ikke hadde skrevet noen omtale for dette utrolige stedet. La oss starte med service - utmerket! De var svært oppmerksomme og vennlige. Personalet behandler deg som om du har kjent dem for alltid. Neste ... Parkering er aldri noe problem, for de har tonnevis rett foran restauranten. Stedet er koselig og blir pakket så fort så det var en god idé å ringe inn for å få reservasjoner. Jeg tok med meg kusiner og tante til San Diego, og de likte maten så godt. Hvilket gratis Ngo-Yong for hver Yelp sjekking? Selvfølgelig utnyttet vi det. Jeg var så glad i den sausen som fulgte med denne. Ngo-Yong er svært forskjellig fra alle rundrullene som folk er vant til å bestille. Den er en smak som er ervervet, men dens noe som vokser på deg med en gang. Vi beordret Sinigang, Kare-Kare og selvfølgelig Lechon. Sinigangen hadde stor smak. Jeg er kresen når det gjelder å bestille sinigang fra restauranter, for de fleste av gangene er de under-sesonger med tamarind. Café De Cebu er ikke redd for å krydre maten, og de har rett. Svinekjøttet som de brukte til sinigangen sin er også lechon svinekjøtt! Jeg er i svinehimmelen. Selv om alt vi bestilte var svinekjøtt, var det ikke for oljet. Lekonen var så ømme, men huden var sprø. Jeg likte å bruke eddiksaus i stedet for vanlig lechonsaus. Den gav en annen smak og balanserte smaken. Jeg kunne lukte sitrongresset som ble stappet i magen, det var en god aroma som økte smaken på leklosen. Jeg hadde lechon første gang vi besøkte den, og vi bestilte den igjen andre gang vi kom. - Du burde ha sagt mer. Jeg kommer tilbake. Jeg så en ny post om at de også har introdusert Sisig. Det er nok like smakfullt som de andre rettene jeg har hatt her. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've been on this twice already, and I realized that I hadn't written any reviews for this incredible place. Let's start with service - excellent! They were very attentive and kind. The staff treats you as if you've known them forever. Next... Parking is never a problem, because they have tons of it right in front of the restaurant. The place is cozy and getting packed so fast it was a good idea to call in for reservations. I took cousins and aunts to San Diego, and they enjoyed the food so much. What free Ngo-Yong for every Yelp check? Of course we used it. I loved the sauce that came with this. Ngo-Yong is very different from all the roll rolls that people are used to ordering. It's a taste that's acquired, but it's something that grows on you right away. We ordered Sinigangang, Kare-Kare and of course Lechon. The Sinigangway had great taste. I'm picky about ordering sinigangs from restaurants, because most of the times they're during seasons of tamarind. Cafe De Cebu isn't afraid to spice his food, and they're right. The pork that they used for their sinew is lechon pork too! I'm in pig heaven. Even though all we ordered was pork, it wasn't too oily. The lekon was so tender, but the skin was crazy. I enjoyed using vinegar sauce instead of regular lechon sauce. It gave a different flavor and balanced the flavor. I could smell the lemon grass stuffed in my stomach, it was a good aroma that enhanced the taste of the lard. I had lechon the first time we visited it, and we ordered it again the second time we arrived. - You should have said more. I'll be back. I saw a new post that they've also introduced Sisig. It's probably as tasteful as the other dishes I've had here. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? I have gone here several times. Very Hit and miss if the food is going to be good or not. This past trip I ordered the Smoked Salmon filet which did not appear to be smoked at all. It turned out to be a very dry piece of Fish With lack luster flavor. I let the server know that it did not appear that the salmon was indeed smoked she stated she would find out but never returned. The biggest unusal thing about this location is an ever present smell or odor of Mildew in the bar area, it may just be from the Canal behind but it has penetrated deeply into the atmosphere. So If you like hit and miss food with a funky smell in the bar area than this is your place. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg har vært her flere ganger. Treff og misser om maten blir god eller ikke. På denne turen bestilte jeg den røykte Lakse-filt som ikke så ut til å være røykt i det hele tatt. Det viste seg å være en veldig tørr bit av Fish med lite smak og smak. Jeg lar tjeneren vite at det ikke så ut som om laksen faktisk var død. Hun sa at hun ville finne ut av det, men aldri returnere. Det største uususale ved denne stedet er en stadig til stede lukt eller lukt av Mildew i barområdet, det kan være at den bare er fra kanalen bak men den har trengt dypt ned i atmosfæren. Så hvis du liker å slå og savne mat med en underaktig lukt i barområdet enn dette er din plass. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I've been here several times. Hits and misses whether the food will be good or not. On this trip, I ordered the smoked salmon file that didn't seem smoked at all. It turned out to be a very dry piece of Fish with little taste and taste. I'll let the servant know that it didn't look as if the salmon were actually dead, and she said she would find out, but never return. The largest unusal at this site is a constant smell or smell of Mildw in the bar area, it may only be from the canal behind, but it has penetrated deep into the atmosphere. So if you like to punch and miss food with a strange smell in the bar area than this is your place. VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Last week, I had my 2013 Corvette hand washed at this location. But one of young men who was an attendant was wearing a knife on his belt and as he exited my car, the knife cut into my leather interior and the knife itself, was left in the car. When I brought the matter to the attention of the personnel they shrugged it off suggesting that the tear was merely wear and tear on my "old" Corvette. I took it back yesterday to speak to a manager who did precisely the same thing. He suggested the employees were not permitted to carry such weapons on their person but, this employee did in fact have a very menacing looking knife clipped to his left hip. I mean who ever heard of an employee not following the rules, right?? So the moral of this story is...make sure you take photos of your car before you go to this car wash because if one of their employees is responsible for damaging your car and you do no have a video of them doing so, you are just out of luck. This incident suggests to me that Cobblestone will not take any responsibility for the damage they inflict on your car. So fellow consumers...BUYER BEWARE!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? I forrige uke fikk jeg min Corvette 2013-hånd vasket på dette stedet. Men en av de unge mennene som var ansatt i en tjeneste, hadde en kniv på beltet sitt, og da han gikk ut av bilen min, ble kniven skåret inn i lærinteriøret mitt og kniven i seg selv, etterlatt i bilen. Da jeg gjorde personellet oppmerksom på saken, trakk de den tilbake, idet de antydet at det bare var slitasje og slitasje på min gamle<unk> Corvette. Jeg tok det tilbake i går for å snakke med en manager som gjorde akkurat det samme. Han foreslo at de ansatte ikke hadde tillatelse til å bære slike våpen på sin person, men denne ansatten hadde faktisk en veldig truende kniv som så ut som et knivstikk mot venstre hofte. Har du hørt om en ansatt som ikke følger reglene? Så moralen i denne historien er... Sørg for å ta bilder av bilen din før du går til bilvasken fordi hvis en av deres ansatte er ansvarlig for å ødelegge bilen din og du ikke har en video av dem som gjør det, er du bare ute av stand til å gjøre det. Dette tyder på at Cobblestone ikke vil ta ansvar for skaden de påfører bilen din. Så, våre medforbrukere... VÆR VÅGE!! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Last week, I had my Corvette 2013 hand washed in this place. But one of the young men employed had a knife on his belt, and when he got out of my car, the knife was cut into my leather interior and the knife itself, left in the car. When I brought the matter to the attention of the personnel, they withdrew it, implying that it was only wear and tear on my old<unk> Corvette. I took it back last night to talk to a manager who did the exact same thing. He suggested that employees not be allowed to carry such weapons on their person, but this employee actually had a very threatening knife that looked like a knife to the left hip. Have you ever heard of an employee who doesn't follow the rules? So the moral of this story is... make sure you take pictures of your car before you go to the car wash because if one of their employees is responsible for destroying your car and you don't have a video of those who do, you're just incapable of doing it. This suggests that Cobblestone will not take responsibility for the damage they're doing to your car. So, our co-consumers... VANS: - negative - positive
I'm never coming back to this location. The line server I was serviced by was so rude and unapologetic. He didn't wait to finish my order before wrapping it up hastily and sending me away. I had to remind him that I wanted corn, tomatoes, onions, sauce, and guacamole (YES, he didn't even ask nor wait!). He just slapped them into containers and smacked the guacamole on top of the containers. Gross! I am tempted even now to demand a refund because that service was embarassing; there wasn't even anyone else there.. Didn't apologize and charged me the full $8.95 for this mockery he called service. I was so upset, and I never knew qdoba could upset me. Now I know. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg kommer aldri tilbake til dette stedet. Linjetjeneren jeg ble servicet av var så uhøflig og uhyrlig. Han ventet ikke med å fullføre bestillingen min før han pakket den opp i hast og sendte meg bort. Jeg måtte minne ham på at jeg ville ha mais, tomater, løk, saus og guacamole (Å, han ba ikke engang om å få vente!). Han bare slo dem i containere og slo guacamolen oppå containerne. -Frutiner! Jeg er fristet til å be om å få pengene tilbake fordi den tjenesten var pinlig, og det var ikke engang noen andre der. Du ba ikke om unnskyldning og tok ikke betalt meg hele $8,95 for dette fjolset han kalte service. Jeg var så opprørt, og jeg visste aldri at qobab kunne gjøre meg opprørt. Nå vet jeg det. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm never coming back to this place. The servant I was served by was so rude and monstrous. He did not wait to finish my order until he quickly unpacked it and sent me away. I had to remind him that I wanted corn, tomatoes, onions, gravy, and guacamole (Oh, he didn’t even ask to wait!). He just beat them in containers and hit the guacamole on top of the containers. -Froutines! I am tempted to ask for my money back because that service was embarrassing, and there was not even anyone else there. You didn't apologize and you didn't charge me the whole $8.95 for this idiot he called service. I was so upset, and I never knew that qobab could upset me. Now I know. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
If I could rate this hotel a 0 star I would. Now I'm going to begin this review by saying that I work for a Fortune 100 Global Travel Services company and I travel for work but I also travel a ton for leisure. I grew up in Las Vegas but moved to Arizona many years ago but visit Las Vegas about 2-3 times per year, normally staying at Caesars, Wynn or Palazzo. MGM Grand and Aria are tremendous as well. I want to say that if this hotel is trying to get a 5 Diamond Award (which is what every luxury Las Vegas resort strives for) you are far, far away from receiving 1 Diamond. So I'm going explain some very simple concepts for Management to read and understand. I've seen all this before in Las Vegas. Outside Hotel companies think that because they are successful in LA, Miami, NYC or globally that they can just show up, put a little paint on an older run down frame of a long lost casino (The Sahara), slap their sign up and people will just come in a love the place they will "set a new standard of Luxury in Las Vegas". Only to find themselves crash and burn. When you come to Las Vegas, and build a property on the strip that touts luxury you better do your homework on Las Vegas and be ready to compete with the masters of the game, Steve Wynn, MGM Resorts, Caesars Entertainment and Sheldon Adelson. This resort highly misses the mark and my stay was atrocious at best. Let's lay out the highs (not many) and lows (many) of my stay at this "monkey palace" Good: Soft Bed Unique Rooms Modern Electronics Nice Bathroom fixtures Staff at Bazaar Meats The Bad: I showed up to Valet only to be greeted by a guy who walked to my car, opened the door, didn't say "Welcome to the SLS" nor did he ask me for my name or if I was even staying in the hotel or just visiting. Next he proceeded to tell me "You sure you want to park in this valet, we have one in the back too" as if to prompt me to not inconvenience his night by having him park my car. Upon entry into the casino there was next to no excitement, dark lighting and a very empty casino floor. The inside was too dark and the casino ceiling is too low and drab featuring ventilation pipes and steel bars reminiscent of shopping at CostCo. Hotel Registration/Lobby way in the back amidst a dark corner next to a bar featuring a semi racist monkey theme. Casino Employees seem lethargic and having pure remorse for leaving their previous job to join a new strip hotel, which in the past is a boon for Vegas employees. It was my birthday and I planned on having car service take my wife and I to dinner at Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, then to MGM for KA. I was told by the Concierge that they didnt have car service and it was a 3rd party vendor whom charged by the hour. I'm a $1,000/hand player at minimum so this was an insult. The Wynn and Palazzo give me car service whenever I'm in town. No High-End Luxury resort in Vegas uses a 3rd party car service because they have their own fleet of cars. The Casino Floor was empty and drab on a weekend. No incentive for me to pull money from my account and begin playing here. Went up to my room only to find that the elevators this hotel uses are the same one's from the 1970's used by the Sahara which was formerly in this spot. Terrible! The clientele. 5 star and 5 Diamond resorts have elite, exclusive clientele. This clientele was for Circus Circus. Ordered Room Service for Breakfast ($89), was only presented with a bag of food, coffee with no cream or sugar in a To-Go cup. The food was in paper plates with an aluminum top and I was given plastic silverware that looked like real silverware. All I have to say is LMFAO. Even at a casino as old as the Sahara was, they brought your room service in a cart and real plates, covered, presented to you for your liking and you were given all the condiments you could ask for along with coffee in a real cup with cream and sugar. Real silverware ! This was a major joke. The following night was no better as again it was my birthday. My wife and I had 6:45 reservations, but this idiotic hotel decided to not only sponsor the Las Vegas marathon, but also prompt Metro Police to block the exits not allowing cars or taxis leave the premises. I ended up having to exit the Taxi because we missed our reservation and we had to go back inside and eat at the outrageously overpriced and underwhelming Baazar Meats ($200 for steaks that wouldn't sniff the plate at Del Frisco's) . Luckily the staff was phenomenal so I put them in the good list. This pure logistical idiocy almost ruined my birthday, but I was able to get to the MGM via Monorail and make our show. In all, this hotel should not be considered a luxury strip hotel. It is blatantly obvious they though they could win on name alone without doing their homework. I suggest management spend a day with the Fertitas because SLS is subpar of Stations Casinos. Stay away if you want 5 Diamond experience. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvis jeg kunne regne dette hotellet med en 0-stjerne, ville jeg gjort det. Nå skal jeg begynne denne gjennomgangen med å si at jeg jobber for et lykkeselskap og jeg reiser på jobb, men jeg reiser også et tonn for å slappe av. Jeg vokste opp i Las Vegas, men flyttet til Arizona for mange år siden, men besøkte Las Vegas omkring 2-3 ganger i året, normalt på Caesars, Wynn eller Palazzo. Også MGM Grand og Aria er et stort problem. Jeg vil si at hvis dette hotellet prøver å få en 5 Diamond Award (som er hva hver eneste luksusbutikk i Las Vegas streber etter) så er du langt, langt unna å få 1 Diamond. Så jeg skal forklare noen veldig enkle begreper for forvaltningen å lese og forstå. Jeg har sett alt dette før i Las Vegas. Hotellselskapene mener at fordi de har suksess i LA, Miami, NYC eller globalt, eller fordi de bare kan dukke opp, setter de litt maling på en eldre, nedkjørt ramme av et forlengst tapt kasino (Sahara), slår til sitt påmeldingsskilt og folk vil bare komme i en forelskelse det stedet de vil sette opp en ny standard med luksus i Las Vegas <unk> Bare for å finne seg selv å krasje og brenne. Når du kommer til Las Vegas, og bygger en eiendom på stripa som touts luksus du bør gjøre lekser på Las Vegas og være klar til å konkurrere med spillets herrer, Steve Wynn, MGM Resorts, Caesars Entertainment og Sheldon Adelson. Dette stedet er ikke merket, og oppholdet mitt var i beste fall ille. La oss legge ut de høye (ikke mange) og de lave (many) av mitt opphold på dette<unk> nøkkelpalasset<unk> Godt: Myke, unike rom Moderne elektronikk Fine badværelser Stab ved Skurrekjøtt Den slemme: Jeg møtte opp til Valet bare for å bli hilst på av en fyr som gikk til bilen min, åpnet døren, ikke sa - velkommen til SLS - eller spurte han meg om navnet mitt eller om jeg var på hotell eller bare besøkte deg. Så sa han: \"Sikker på at du vil parkere i denne kammertjeneren, vi har en bak også - som om vi skal be meg om ikke å bry meg med å få ham til å parkere bilen min. Da de kom inn på kasinoet, var det nesten ikke spenning, mørkebelysning og et svært tomt kasino. Innsiden var for mørk, og kasinotaket er for lavt, og det er for lavt og kjedelig med ventilasjonsrør og stålbarrer som minner om shopping på CostCo. Hotell Registrering/Lobby veien i ryggen midt i et mørkt hjørne ved siden av en bar som viser et semi-astrofetema. Casino Ancients virker sløve og angrer på at de forlot sin forrige jobb for å bli med i et nytt strippehotell, noe som tidligere er en fordel for ansatte i Vegas. Det var bursdagen min, og jeg planla å ha bilservice ta med min kone og meg til middag på Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, deretter til MGM for KA. Jeg fikk beskjed av koncieret at de ikke hadde bilservice og det var en 3.-partsselger som sto for timelønn. Jeg er i det minste en 1000 dollar/håndspiller så dette var en fornærmelse. Wynn og Palazzo gir meg bilservice når jeg er i byen. Ingen High-End Luxury resort i Vegas benytter seg av en 3. partparts bilservice fordi de har sin egen bilflåte. Casinogulvet var tomt og besværlig i en helg. Jeg kan ikke tjene penger på kontoen min og begynne å spille her. Dro opp til rommet mitt for å se at heisene hotellet bruker er de samme som fra 1970-tallet brukt av Sahara, som tidligere lå her. Det er ikke sant! Kundeellet. 5 og 5 Diamantsteder har elite, eksklusive klienter. Dette klientellet var for Cirkus Cirkus. Ordre Room Service for Breakfast ($89), ble kun presentert med en pose mat, kaffe uten fløte eller sukker i en To-Go cup. Maten lå i pappplater med aluminiumsplate og jeg fikk sølvtøy av plast som lignet ekte sølvtøy. Alt jeg har å si er LMVAO. Selv på et kasino så gammelt som Sahara var, tok de med seg romservicen din i en kjerre og ekte plater, dekket, og overrakt deg for din smak, og du fikk alle de smakstilsetninger du kunne be om sammen med kaffen i en ekte kopp med fløte og sukker. Skikkelige varer av sølv- og sølvtøy Dette var en stor spøk. Natten etter var ikke bedre enn at det igjen var bursdagen min. Min kone og jeg hadde 06.45 reservasjoner, men dette idiotiske hotellet bestemte seg ikke bare for å sponse Las Vegas - maratonet, men også for å få politiet til å blokkere utgangene, slik at biler og drosjer ikke får forlate lokalene. Det endte med at jeg måtte forlate Taxien fordi vi gikk glipp av reservasjonen og vi måtte gå inn igjen og spise på den skandaløse, overprisede og undervelmende Baazar Meats ($ 200 for biff som ikke ville snuse på tallerkenen på Del Frisco's) . Heldigvis var personalet fenomenal, så jeg satte dem på den gode listen. Denne pur logistical didicy nesten ødela bursdagen min, men jeg klarte å komme meg til MGM via Monorail og lage showet vårt. Alt i alt bør dette hotellet ikke anses som et vanlig bankhotell. Det er innlysende at de er klar over at de selv om de kunne vinne på navnet alene uten å gjøre lekser. Jeg foreslår at man tilbringer en dag sammen med Fertitas fordi SLS er subpar av Stations Casinos. Hold deg unna hvis du vil ha 5-diagnose. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
If I could count this hotel with a zero star, I would. Now, I'm going to start this review by saying that I work for a happy company and I'm going to work, but I also travel a ton to relax. I grew up in Las Vegas, but I moved to Arizona many years ago, but I visited Las Vegas about 2-3 times a year, normally on Caesars, Wynn, or Palazzo. Even MGM Grand and Aria are a big problem. I would say that if this hotel is trying to get a 5 Diamond Award (which is what every luxury store in Las Vegas is striving for) you are far, far away from getting 1 Diamond. So I'm going to explain some very simple concepts for management to read and understand. I've seen all this before in Las Vegas. Hotel companies believe that because they have success in LA, Miami, NYC or globally, or because they can only show up, they put a little paint on an older, run-down hit by a long-lost casino (Sahara), hitting their entry sign and people will just fall in love with the place they want to set up a new standard of luxury in Las Vegas <unk> Just to find himself crashing and burning. When you get to Las Vegas, and you build a property on the strip like a tout's luxury you should do your homework on Las Vegas and be ready to compete with the gentlemen of the game, Steve Wynn, MGM Resorts, Caesars Entertainment and Sheldon Adelson. This place isn't marked, and my stay was bad at best. Let's just put the tall ones on the right hand side of the screen. Then he said, "Make sure you want to park in this valet, we have one in the back, too, like we're gonna tell me not to bother to get him to park my car. When they entered the casino, it was hardly excitement, dark lights, and a very empty casino. The inside was too dark, and the casino ceiling is too low, and it's too low and boring with ventilation pipes and steel bars that look like shopping at CostCo. Hotel Registration/Lobby Road in the back in the middle of a dark corner next to a bar showing a semi-astrophe theme. Casino Ancients seems apathetic and regrets leaving their previous job to join a new strip club, which in the past is an advantage to Vegas employees. It was my birthday, and I planned to have car service take my wife and me to dinner at Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, then to MGM for KA. I got a message from the concierge that they didn't have car service and there was a third party salesman who was on an hourly salary. At least I'm a $1,000 handman, so this was an insult. Wynn and Palazzo give me car service when I'm in town. No High-End Luxury Resort in Vegas uses a third party car service because they have their own fleet. The casino floor was empty and awkward for a weekend. I can't make money off my account and start gambling here. Went up to my room to see that the elevators the hotel uses are the same as from the 1970s used by the Sahara, which used to be here. That's not true! The customer. Five and five Diamond sites have elite, exclusive clients. This clientele was for Circus Circus. Order Room Service for Breakfast ($89) was only presented with a bag of food, coffee without cream or sugar in a To-Go cup. The food was in aluminum - plate cardboard boards and I was given silverware made of plastic that looked like real silverware. All I have to say is LMVAO. Even in a casino as old as the Sahara, they took your room service in a cart and real plates, covered, and gave you all the flavors you could ask for with the coffee in a real cup of cream and sugar. Proper articles of silver and silverware This was a big joke. The next night was no better than that it was my birthday again. My wife and I had 6:45 reservations, but this idiotic hotel decided not only to sponsor the Las Vegas marathon but also to get the police to block the exits so that cars and taxis do not leave the premises. I ended up leaving the taxi because we missed the reservation and we had to go back in and eat at the scandalous, overpriced and under-welling Baazar Meats ($200 for steaks that wouldn't sniff on the plate at Del Frisco's). Fortunately, the staff were phenomenal, so I put them on the good list. This pur logistical didicy almost ruined my birthday, but I managed to get to MGM through Monorail and make our show. All in all, this hotel shouldn't be considered a regular bank hotel. Obviously, they realize that even if they could win by name alone without doing homework, they could win. I suggest you spend a day with Fertitas because SLS is subpar of Stations Casinos. Stay away if you want a five-diagnosis. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
They were doling out free samples of the Youth berry tea and I loved it right away, so I purchased a bag of that one as well as a bag of the Queen Of Babylon White Tea. I normally don't even like white tea, but this one is just exceptional! My sales person was Ambrose L. and clerk was Donovan W. Both were friendly, knowledgeable and professional, but especially Ambrose. My only complaint is there there is no Teavana store in Philadelphia, where I live. There needs to be one in the 19125 zip code...please open one up here :) What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
De delte ut gratis prøver av ungdoms-bær-te teen og jeg elsket den med en gang, så jeg kjøpte en pose av den og en pose av Dronningen av Babylons hvite te. Jeg liker normalt ikke engang hvit te, men denne er bare eksepsjonell! Selgeren min var Ambrose L. og ekspeditøren var Donovan W. Begge var vennlige, kunnskapsrike og profesjonelle, men spesielt Ambrose. Min eneste klage er at det ikke er noen Teavana-butikk i Philadelphia, der jeg bor. Det må være en med 1 1 1 .5 postnummer. Vær så snill å åpne en her oppe. VANS: - - negativ - positive
They passed out free samples of the youth-berry tea and I loved it right away, so I bought a bag of it and a bag of the Queen of Babylon's white tea. I don't normally like white tea, but this is just exceptional! My seller was Ambrose L. and the clerk was Donovan W. Both were friendly, knowledgeable and professional, but especially Ambrose. My only complaint is that there is no Teavana store in Philadelphia, where I live. There's got to be a 1 1 1 .5 post code, please open one up here. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Would have to agree with Rana A below... I think she said it best Actually, I had several folks tell me this place was lousy before I went... it even fell below my already low expectations... Given that I just left the real Barcelona (in Spain)- part of me was truly crying inside that night. OK, I gotta admit- everytime I tell someone I was just in Barcelona (the city) and they say "you mean the one in Scottsdale" there is a part of me that wants to just pack my bags and fly back... What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Må avtale med Rana A under... Jeg tror hun sa det best Jeg fikk flere til å fortelle meg at dette stedet var elendig før jeg dro. Det falt under mine lave forventninger. Siden jeg nettopp forlot den ekte Barcelona-delen av meg, gråt jeg virkelig den kvelden. Jeg må innrømme at hver gang jeg forteller noen at jeg nettopp var i Barcelona, og de sier, du mener den i Scottsdale, at det er en del av meg som bare vil pakke sakene mine og fly tilbake... VANS: - - negativ - positive
Must deal with Rana A under... I think she said it best I got more people to tell me that this place was miserable before I left, and it fell below my expectations. Since I just left the real Barcelona part of me, I really cried that night. I have to admit that every time I tell someone that I was just in Barcelona, and they say, you mean the one in Scottsdale, there's a part of me that just wants to pack my stuff and fly back... VANS: - negative - positive
I've seen 'O', KA and La Nouba. 'O' was my first and best Cirque du Soleil show. The acrobatics, diving, tumbling, story line, etc. were all amazing. We sat front and center and I remember feeling like a dream was being played out in front of me. This is an absolute must see regardless of the price. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har sett 'O', KA og La Nouba. «O» var min første og beste Cirque du Soleil show. Akrobatikerne, dykkere, tumler, historielinja osv. var alle utrolige. Vi satt foran og midt på, og jeg husker at jeg følte det som om en drøm ble spilt ut foran meg. Dette er et absolutt må se uansett pris. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've seen 'O', KA and La Nouba. "O" was my first and best Cirque du Soleil show. The acrobatics, divers, tumbles, history lines, etc. were all amazing. We sat in the front and in the middle, and I remember feeling as if a dream were being played out in front of me. This is an absolute need to see whatever the cost. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
The best pizza in AZ!!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Den beste pizzaen i AZ! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
The best pizza in AZ! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
So, after finding out that the place that I stayed at had a Bavarian restaurant next door I had to go; there was no question. The restaurant stays close to its roots with a big dining hall full of long tables and giant 1L beer glasses. Perfect for a good Bavaian experience. In my opinion so far of Vegas... A lot of it seems to be for the show and not quite for the quality. This is kinda one of them. Sure everyone's in costume, there's oompa band and all, but the food is merely MEH... Instinctively, I ordered the sausage platter. I figured I'd get a good taste of everything. Plus, I added a order of spatzle on the side (CAUSE I LOVE SPATZLE!!!). The first thing I noticed that everyone was pronouncing spatzle wrong (whatever...). Anyways, my platter came with an assortment of sausages (2 vienna frankfurters, 1 chicken and 1 pork with a bunch of sauerkraut and mash potatoes, mustard and hunter sauce. After trying everything I came to one conclusion. This is more about the show than it is about the food. The vienna franks were terrible. If you want to try them... go to Costco... they sell them there. The only good sausage was the pork one. And even then it was still "OK". The sauerkraut was alright... but definately out of a jar that they bought in bulk. It wasn't exactly the best sauerkraut I've had. The spatzle wasn't really made very well either. I believe they just boiled it and strained it. Good spatzle is pan fried after... (the best is in butter... MMMMMMMmmmm butter...). This kinda had the consistency of soggy popcorn. The flavour was alright (because it had herbs in it), but it would have been much better if it was pan fried afterwards. The best thing really about this place is the atmosphere. If you've never been to a bavarian beer/sausage house it's something that you have to experience (without actually having to go to an oktoberfest). I mean it's not the same, but at least they try and give you the gist of it. The weirdest thing was that no one knew the german drinking anthem and what to do; they really had to push it whenever they decided to "lift their steins". That and the waitress's were forced to do the chicken dance everytime it came one. OMG i felt so bad for the waitresses, as if they are made to dance everytime that song came one. They were like chicken dance robots... Definitely at least try this place if you haven't been to a bavarian beer/sausage house. Personally I think even the one at EPCOT centre in Florida is better. Order a giant beer and have a good time with your friends. Don't expect the food to be amazing. PS. They actually sell the 2L Das Boot here... so if you're a collector like me... get one. Then you can have Boot races... What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Så etter å ha funnet ut at det stedet jeg bodde på, hadde en delt restaurant ved siden av, måtte jeg gå, det var ingen tvil. Restauranten holder seg tett inntil sine røtter med en stor spisesal full av lange bord og gigant 1L ølglass. Perfekt for en god Bavian erfaring. Mye av det ser ut til å være for showet og ikke for kvaliteten. Dette er en av dem. Alle er i kostymer, det er oompa-band og alt, men maten er bare... Jeg bestilte pølsefatet. Jeg tenkte jeg ville få en god smak på alt. Pluss at jeg la til en ordre med spatzle på siden (CAUSE JEG KJÆRER KJÆRLIG!!!!). Det første jeg la merke til at alle uttalte spatzle feil (uansett...). Uansett, mitt fat kom med et utvalg pølser (2 wienna francfurters, 1 kylling og 1 svin med en haug surkål og mose poteter, sennep og jegersaus. Etter at jeg hadde prøvd alt jeg hadde kommet fram til, kom jeg til én konklusjon. Dette handler mer om serien enn om maten. Wienerproffene var forferdelige. Hvis du vil prøve dem... gå til Costco... selger de dem der. Den eneste gode pølsen var svinekjøttet. Og selv da var det fortsatt: Det gikk bra med surkålen, men den kom ut av en krukke de kjøpte i bulk. Det var ikke akkurat den beste surkålen jeg har smakt. Det var heller ikke så bra med spatzlen heller. Jeg tror de bare kokte det og sa det. God spatzle er panna stekt etter... (det beste er i smør ... MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmn...). Dette hadde konsistensen i vått popkorn. Smaken var grei (fordi den hadde urter i seg), men det ville ha gått mye bedre om det var pan-stekt etterpå. Det beste med dette stedet er atmosfæren. Hvis man aldri har vært på et øl-/saushage-hus i bajajas/saushage er det noe man må oppleve (uten egentlig å måtte gå på en oktoberfest). Det er ikke det samme, men i det minste prøver de å gi deg en viss en. Det rareste var at ingen kjente til det tyske drikkevannet og hva de skulle gjøre; de måtte virkelig skyve det når de bestemte seg for å løfte sine steiner Det og servitrisen ble tvunget til å gjøre kylling dans hver gang det kom en. OMG jeg følte meg så dårlig for servitrisene, som om de er laget for å danse hver gang den sangen kom en. De var rene roboter, men prøv i det minste dette stedet hvis du ikke har vært på et bajas øl-/pølsehus. Selv den på EPCOT-senteret i Florida er bedre. Bestill en øl og ha det gøy med vennene dine. Ikke forvent at maten skal være utrolig. P. P. De selger 2L Das Boot her, så hvis du er en samler som meg, så skaff deg en. Da kan dere ha boot races, hva mener dere om denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
So after finding out that the place where I lived had a shared restaurant next door, I had to go, there was no question. The restaurant stays close to its roots with a large dining room full of long tables and giant 1L beer glasses. Perfect for a good Bavian experience. A lot of it seems to be for the show and not for the quality. This is one of them. Everyone's in costumes, there's Oompa bands and everything, but the food is just... I ordered the hot dog plate. I thought I'd get a good taste at everything. Plus, I added an order with a spatzle on the side (CAUSE I LOVE LOVE!!!!). The first thing I noticed was that everyone pronounced spatzle wrong (anyway...). Anyway, my plate came with a sample of sausages (2 Winna francfurters, 1 chicken and 1 pig with a bunch of sauerkraut and mash potatoes, mustard and hunter sauce. After trying all I had come up with, I came to one conclusion. This is more about the show than about the food. The Wiener pros were terrible. If you want to try them... go to Costco... they'll sell them there. The only good sausage was the pork. And even then it was still: The sauerkraut was fine, but it came out of a bulk jar. It wasn't exactly the best sauerkraut I've ever tasted. The spatz wasn't too good either. I think they just cooked it and said it. Good spatzle is panned after... (the best is in butter... mmmm...). This had the consistency of wet popcorn. The taste was fine (because it had herbs in it), but it would have gone a lot better if it were pan-fried afterwards. The best thing about this place is the atmosphere. If you have never been to a beer/sausage house in the Bajas/sausage garden, that is something you have to experience (without really having to go to an October party). It's not the same, but at least they're trying to give you a certain one. The strangest thing was that no one knew about the German drinking water and what to do; they had to push it when they decided to lift their stones That and the waitress were forced to do the chicken dance every time one came. ABOUT me feeling so bad about the waitresses as if they were designed to dance every time that song came. They were like robots, but at least try this place if you haven't been to a beer/sausage house. Even the one at the EPCOT Center in Florida is better. Order a beer and have fun with your friends. Don't expect the food to be amazing. P. P. They sell 2L Das Boot here, so if you're a collector like me, get one. Then you can have boot races. What do you think of this review? VANS: - negative - positive
Used to be one of my favorite places until they took the sweet and spicy shrimp off the happy hour menu. Off to bonefish I go for Bang Bang Shrimp! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg var en av favorittstedene mine til de tok den søte og krydrete reken fra happy time-menyen. Av gårde til beinbein I går for Bang Bang Reke! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I was one of my favorite places until they took the sweet and spicy shrimp from the happy hour menu. Go to bone yesterday for Bang Bang Shrike! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
My husband and I went to mail a couple of packages. The girl at the pick up door said "next". We got up to the door and we said hello, how are you? She just starred at us like, "What is your problem?" She didn't greet us or smile once. We asked if she had any tape to tape up one side and she said, "You will buy tape". We asked how much and she said, "I don't know. You will pay $3-$4". We said, "Okay, thank you" and drove to the UPS store on Ray and 48th St. They were awesome! They filled the box with popcorn and taped it shut for us, at no extra charge. It even cost less to ship. They were extremely helpful, friendly. We will drive the extra 5 minutes to avoid going to this rude post office on Priest again! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mannen min og jeg skulle sende inn et par pakker. Da jenta på døren sa \"neste\" Vi gikk opp til døren og vi hilste, hvordan har du det? Hun bare stirret på oss som: \"Hva er problemet ditt?\" Hun verken hilste eller smilte. Vi spurte henne om hun hadde bånd på en side, og hun sa: «Du vil få til å kjøpe den. Vi spurte hvor mye og hun sa: \"Jeg vet ikke. Du vil betale $$$$4 <unk> Vi sa: \"Takk, og så kjørte vi til UPS-butikken på Ray and 48th St. De var utrolige! De fylte boksen med popcorn og teipet den avstengt for oss, uten ekstra betaling. Det kostet enda mindre å gå om bord. De var svært hjelpsomme, vennlige. Vi kjører 5 minutter ekstra for å unngå å dra til dette kontoret på prest igjen! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
My husband and I were going to send in a couple of packages. When the girl at the door said: "Next!" We went up to the door and we said hello. How are you? She just stared at us like, "What's your problem?" She didn't greet or smile. We asked her if she had any ties on one side, and she said, "You will surely buy it. We asked how much and she said, "I don't know. You'll pay $$4 <unk> We said, "Thank you, and then we drove to the UPS store on Ray and 48th St. They were amazing! They filled the box with popcorn and taped it off for us, no extra pay. It cost even less to board. They were very helpful, kind. We're going to take an extra five minutes to avoid going back to this priest's office! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
First time visiting today. You want a good hot dog? How about a great Coney Dog?! This place is legit and reminds me of places in Detroit and Toledo. I used to work at Charlie's Coney Island in Toledo. Absolutely awesome flavor and snap to the dogs. I ordered the special with hand cut fries. Wow . I ordered two Coneys to go and ended up eating them there. Today I was a pig and I cried on the way home because it was so good. Best Coney Dog I've had in 25 years!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Første gang i dag. Vil du ha en god pølse? Hva med en stor Coney Dog?! Stedet er lovlig og minner meg om steder i Detroit og Toledo. Jeg jobbet på Coneey Island i Toledo. Det er det som er fantastisk, og som er så smakfullt og kan gi hundene et napp. Jeg bestilte spesialen med pommes frites. . Jeg ba to Coneer dra og endte opp med å spise dem der. I dag var jeg en gris og jeg gråt på vei hjem fordi den var så god. Beste konehunden jeg har hatt på 25 år!
First time today. You want a good sausage? How about a big Coney Dog? This place is legal and reminds me of places in Detroit and Toledo. I worked on Coneey Island in Toledo. That's what's amazing, and it's so tasteful, and it can give the dogs a bite. I ordered the special with fries. So let's say that this is the same thing. I told two Coneers to leave and ended up eating them there. Today I was a pig and I cried on my way home because it was so good. Best wife dog I've had in 25 years!
Write a negative yelp review.
While they do an acceptable job at manicures and pedicures, the customer service is not up to par. My experience here is that they are overbooked and understaffed. It would make a big difference if they keep to the time they tell you to be there for an appointment, rather than saying they can take you "now" and then have you wait. That seems like a simple customer service fix. I'll try a few different salons before returning here again.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Mens de har en akseptabel stilling ved manikyr og pedikyr, er kundebehandlingen ikke opp til par. Min erfaring her er at de er overbooket og underbemannet. Det vil bety mye om de holder seg til den tiden de ber deg være der for en avtale, i stedet for å si at de kan ta deg med, nå, og så ha deg til å vente. Det ser ut som et enkelt kundebehandlingsoppdrag. Jeg prøver noen forskjellige salonger før jeg kommer tilbake hit igjen.
While they have an acceptable position in manicures and pedicures, the customer treatment is not up to couples. In my experience here, they're overbooked and understaffed. It will mean a lot if they stick to the time they ask you to be there for an appointment, instead of saying they can take you, now, and then have you wait. It looks like a simple client-processing operation. I'll try some different saloons before I come back here again.
Service was perky, friendly, chatty. Food was mediocre and overpriced and served so quickly it was unsettling. I got a tuna melt. It was just fine. My companion got spaghetti and meatballs. It was just fine. We each had a beer. Our total was $61. When judging on value for your dollar, Red, White, & Blue just doesn't measure up. But it was convenient and filled us up. If that's all you need, and you don't mind spending extra for it, this place will do. I prefer a bit more when dining out. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Tjenesten var perky, vennlig, pratsom. Maten var middelmådig og overpriset og serverte så fort den var urovekkende. Jeg fikk en makrell. Det var helt fint. Min venn fikk spagetti og kjøttboller. Det var helt fint. Vi hadde hver en øl. Det var i alt 61 kroner. Når du bedømmer verdien for dollaren din, vil ikke Rød, Hvit, & Blå holde mål. Men det passet og fylte oss. Hvis det er alt du trenger, og du ikke har noe imot å bruke ekstra for det, dette stedet vil gjøre. Jeg foretrekker litt mer når jeg spiser ute. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The ministry was perky, kind, chatty. Food was mediocre and overpriced and served as soon as it was disturbing. I got a mackerel. It was just fine. My friend got spaghetti and meatballs. It was just fine. We each had a beer. That was a total of 61 kroner. When you assess the value of your dollar, Red, White, & Blue will not hold up. But it fit and filled us. If that's all you need, and you don't mind spending extra for it, this place will do. I prefer a little more eating out. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? not the best clubbing experience. went clubbing with my friends christmas eve and was a bit disappointed. pros: - service: we got a table and the servers were very attentive. every time i reached over to get a drink a server appeared and offered to make me a drink. amazing. table was kept neat and empty cups taken away often - bathrooms were kept pretty clean. even more amazing that there werent any lines! - decor of the restaurant was nice... in keeping with the "lavo" theme there were old roman/greek style fountains/faucets everywhere cons: - music: wasnt the greatest. really hit or miss with the songs. - bouncers: all up on our ass on seconds. my friend was leaning over and they made her sit up saying she cant sleep. my friends and i were fooling around and dancing, and they came over and asked us to stop. its seemed like all they had to say was stop stop stop. :( - the minute we drank all of our vodka they asked us to leave. sadness. what kind of service was that? would i come again? i dont think so! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? ikke den beste erfaringen i klubbbyen. gikk på klubben sammen med vennene mine på juleaften og ble litt skuffet. pro: - service: vi fikk et bord og serverne var veldig oppmerksomme. hver gang jeg kom over for å få en drink, dukket opp og tilbød meg å drikke. Det er utrolig. ble holdt ryddig og tomme kopper som ble tatt bort ofte - bad ble holdt ganske rene. Enda mer overraskende at det ikke fantes noen linjer! -dekoren på restauranten var fin... i tråd med<unk>lavo<unk> tema var det gamle/gresk/greske fontener/fauketter overalt cons: - musikk: var ikke den største. virkelig slo eller bommet på sangene. - Ja, alt på vår rumpe på sekunder. Min venn lente seg bort, og de fikk henne til å sitte og si at hun ikke fikk sove. Jeg og vennene mine lekte litt og danset, og de kom bort og ba oss om å slutte. Det virket som om alt de hadde å si var stopp stopp stopp. :(<unk> det minuttet vi drakk all vodkaen vår ba de oss om å forlate. .. Hva slags tjeneste var det? ville jeg komme igjen? i tror ikke det! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Not the best experience in the club town. Went to the club with my friends on Christmas Eve and got a little disappointed. pro: service: we got a table and the servers were very attentive. whenever I came over for a drink, I would come up and offer to drink. It's amazing. were kept neat and empty cups that were taken away often - baths were kept quite clean. Even more surprising that there were no lines! The restaurant choir was fine... in line with the theme of the<unk>Lavo<unk> was the old/Greek/Greek fountains/faukettes everywhere cons:--music: was not the largest. really hit or missed the songs. - Yeah, everything on our butt in seconds. My friend leaned over, and they made her sit and tell her she couldn’t sleep. Me and my friends were playing and dancing, and they came over and told us to stop. It seemed like all they had to say was stop stop. The minute we drank all our vodka, they told us to leave. .. What kind of favor was that? Would I come again? I do not think so. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Albertson's has always been my preferred grocery store to shop at. This particular location has a nice, larger layout. It's also more modern and updated than most locations. Too bad most of the employees here are awful. I keep coming here because it's around the corner from my house and every time I wonder why I come back. I've found expired milk and deli products. The flowers are usually dead. Employees stand around on the sales floor and talk or even better, are talking in the back in the meat department where I can see them through the glass window while I stand there (for a long while) waiting for service. The checkers are slow and often rude, while the baggers will throw items together without any care or thought. I'd definitely recommend going elsewhere unless you're in a pinch.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Albertson's har alltid vært min foretrukne dagligvarebutikk å handle i. Stedet har en fin, større utforming. Det er også mer moderne og oppdatert enn de fleste steder. Synd at de fleste ansatte her er forferdelige. Jeg kommer stadig hit fordi det er rundt hjørnet fra huset mitt og hver gang jeg lurer på hvorfor jeg kommer tilbake. Jeg har funnet melk og sukkerprodukter. Blomstene er oftest døde. De ansatte står rundt på salgsgulvet og snakker eller enda bedre, snakker bak i kjøttavdelingen der jeg kan se dem gjennom glassvinduet mens jeg står der (i lang tid) og venter på service. Dakkerne er trege og ofte uhøflige, mens baggerne vil kaste sammen gjenstander uten noen form for omsorg eller tanke. Jeg anbefaler at du ikke er i knipe.
Albertson's has always been my favorite grocery store to shop for. This place has a nice, larger design. It is also more modern and up - to - date than most places. Too bad most of the employees here are terrible. I keep coming here because it's around the corner of my house and every time I wonder why I'm coming back. I found milk and sugar products. The flowers are mostly dead. The employees are standing around on the sales floor talking or even better, talking in the back of the meat department where I can see them through the glass window while I stand there (for a long time) waiting for service. Dakers are slow and often rude, while the baggers will fold objects without any care or thought. I recommend you don't get in any trouble.
Write a negative yelp review.
If I brought an Italian in here, they'd have a heart attack. My pasta was so al dente, it crunched.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Hvis jeg hadde tatt med en italiener hit, ville de hatt hjerteinfarkt. Min pasta var så al dente, den knaset.
If I'd brought an Italian here, they'd have a heart attack. My pasta was so all dente, it crunched.
Is the following review positive or negative? Went here for a couple of drinks on a Tuesday night. The drinks were good and had decent prices. The bar tender was also very helpful. I guess Hanny's is opened by the same people who brought us AZ88 which makes me want to come back and try the food. They are also one of the only restaurants in downtown Phoenix serving food past 10om. Who knew?? I would also recommend going to the bathroom before you get a few drinks in you. Just like AZ88, the bathrooms here are a major part of the restaurant experience. There are no tvs here which I kind of liked. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg tok et par drinker på en tirsdagskveld. Drikkene var gode og hadde jevne priser. Bar anbudet var også meget nyttig. Hanny's er nok åpnet av de samme folkene som ga oss AZ88 som får meg til å ville komme tilbake og prøve maten. De er også en av de eneste restaurantene i Phoenix sentrum som serverer mat kl. 10 om natten. Hvem visste det? Jeg vil også anbefale å gå på toalettet før du tar deg noen drinker i deg. Akkurat som i AZ88 er baderommene her en stor del av restaurantopplevelsen. Det er ingen tv-er her som jeg liker. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I had a couple of drinks on a Tuesday night. The drinks were good and were steady. Bar the tender was also very useful. I'm sure that Hanny's has been opened by the same people who gave us AZ88 who make me want to come back and try the food. They are also one of the only restaurants in downtown Phoenix serving food at 10 a.m. Who knew? I would also recommend that you go to the bathroom before you have a few drinks. Just like in AZ88, the bathrooms here are a big part of the restaurant experience. There are no TVs here that I like. VANS: - negative - positive
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My wife and I live for sushi! We eat it everywhere. We ran into this place and tried it out. We enjoyed it. Everything we are was good! Plus, they have chopped wasabi! That it a huge plus to us!! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Min kone og jeg lever for sushi! Vi spiser den overalt. Vi løp inn på dette stedet og fant ut av det. Vi likte det. Alt vi er var bra! Pluss at de har hugget wasabi! At det er et stort pluss til oss!! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
My wife and I live for sushi! We eat it everywhere. We ran into this place and figured it out. We liked it. Everything we are was good! Plus, they chopped wasabi! That there's a big plus for us! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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This place was ridiculous. Not only were the "Tuna tacos" literally one bite each (3 served on the entire plate) but it took 20 minutes and numerous mentions to our server that we needed our check. I was highly disappointed, I expected more from Hubert Keller :( How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette stedet var latterlig. Det var ikke bare tacoen <unk>Tuna<unk> bokstavelig talt ett bitt hver (3 servert på hele platen), men det tok 20 minutter og tallrik informasjon på serveren vår at vi trengte sjekken vår. Jeg ble svært skuffet og ventet meg mer av Hubert Keller: ( Hvordan vil denne uttalelsen bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This place was ridiculous. It wasn't just the taco <unk>Tuna<unk> literally one bite each (3 served on the whole plate), but it took 20 minutes and a lot of information on our server that we needed our check. I was very disappointed and expected more from Hubert Keller: (How will this statement be described for feelings? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
hit pasta mia for lunch today - solo ( SO taking a nap ) - it's been a very long time since i hit this place, i just mentioned the place relating to another review and i thought, geez, haven't been to mia in awhile so what the heck... for $10.95 had chicken parmigiana that came with garlic bread ( very, very good ) soup or salad - went with the salad ( very fresh, nice italian dressing ) and a side of pasta...decent sized chicken - had the cheese slice and sauce on top...the sauce was ok...i prefer a sauce with more herbs ...mainly oregano. ...same for the pasta sauce, a little too light for me soda - 1.50...not sure if refills were included since no one asked me if i wanted's interesting that when they brought my entree, they brought me a glass of water...almost like a hint - drink water, not soda....also, they give me a loaf of garlic bread ...there is an emphasis on the menu that the table only gets one loaf...geez...i ate 2 pieces leaving about 6 pieces or so in the basket...can't they just give a few slices at a time for a person is dining solo or is it a loaf whether you have one person at the table or 10 people.... overall, decent meal, decent price
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
hita mia for lunsj i dag - solo ( SO ta en nap ) - det er veldig lenge siden jeg traff dette stedet, jeg bare nevnte stedet for en annen gjennomgang og jeg tenkte, geez, har ikke vært å mia på en stund så hva heck ... for $10.95 hadde kylling parmigiana som kom med hvitløksbrød (veldig, veldig god ) suppe eller salat - gikk med salaten (veldig fersk, fin italiensk dressing ) og en side med pasta...decentilig kylling - hadde ost og saus på toppen ... sausen var ok...i foretrekker en saus med mere ... eller mer eller mer. ...samme for pastasausen, litt for lett for meg brus - 1,50 ... ikke sikker på om påfyll ble inkludert siden ingen spurte meg om jeg ville ha en... det er interessant at når de kom med mitt entre, så kom de med et glass vann til meg ... nesten som et hint - drikke vann, ikke brus. ... også, de gir meg et brød med brød ... det er en vekt på menyen at bordet bare får ett...geez ...i spiste 2 stykker om 6 stykker eller så i kurven ... kan de ikke bare gi noen få skiver om gangen for en person er spisesolo eller er det en bit om du har en person ved bordet eller 10 personer... totalt sett, anstendig måltid, anstendig pris, anstendig mat, anstendig pris, anstendig pris, anstendig pris, anstendig pris, anstendig pris, litt for et par skiver om gangen for en person er en spisesolo eller er det om du har en bit ved bordet eller 10 personer.
The hit mia for lunch today - solo ( SO take a nap ) - it's been a very long time since I met this place, I just mentioned the place for another review and I thought, geez, hasn't been to mia for a while so what heck... for $10.95 had chicken parmigiana that brought garlic bread (well, very good) soup or salad - went with the salad (very fresh, fine Italian dressing ) and a page of pasta--decential chicken--had cheese and sauce on top... the sauce was ok...i prefers a sauce with more... or more. well as for the pasta sauce, a little too easy for me soda - 1.50... not sure if refilling was included since no one asked me if I wanted a... it's interesting that when they came with my entrance tree, they came with a glass of water for me... almost like a hint--drinking water, not soda....and they also, they give me a loaf of bread... it's a weight on the menu that the table only gets one...geez... in ate 2 pieces in 6 pieces or so on the basket... they can't just give a few slices at a time for a person is the eatolo or it's a piece if you have a person at the table or 10 people... total decent meal, decent price, decent price, decent price, decent price, decent price, decent price, decent price, decent price, a few slices at a time for a person is a eatolo or is it if you have a piece at the table or 10 people.
Emailed them this morning about their services- We just bought a house and wanted to get the ductwork & ac checked out. Got a call 2 hours later directing me to another company that can do everything I need. I just wanted to share how impressed I was that not only did they respond promptly, but they directed me to another company instead of just say "sorry, can't help you." Very good business! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi har nettopp kjøpt et hus og ville sjekke kanalarbeidet og politiet. Ring 2 timer senere og rettleder meg til et annet selskap som kan gjøre alt jeg trenger. Jeg ville bare fortelle hvor imponert jeg var over at de ikke bare reagerte raskt, men de sendte meg til et annet selskap i stedet for bare si: \"Unnskyld, jeg kan ikke hjelpe deg. Veldig bra business! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We just bought a house and wanted to check the channel work and the police. Call me two hours later and direct me to another company that can do everything I need. I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was that they didn't just react quickly, but they sent me to another company instead of just saying, "Sorry, I can't help you. Very good business! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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Generate a negative review for a place.
Recently went through their program... It's nothing but about sales, enrolling new people into the program. The guidelines are vague, and moved regularly to keep it obscure. People are opted out, which is a fancy way to say kicked out, and there is an underlying current of very low integrity in a place that preaches integrity. Transformation is great but not the way Robyn the owner runs it. I do not recommend it when there are so many other places with better programs. I just looked into them too late...
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
I det siste gikk de gjennom sitt program... Det handler bare om salg, å ta inn nye folk i programmet. Retningslinjene er vage, og beveget seg jevnlig for å holde det skjult. Folk blir valgt ut, noe som er en fin måte å si at de blir kastet ut på, og det er en underliggende strøm av svært lav integritet på et sted som preker integritet. Transformasjonen er stor, men ikke måten eieren Robyn driver den på. Jeg anbefaler det ikke når det er så mange andre steder med bedre program. Jeg bare så på dem for sent...
Lately, they went through their program... It's all about sales, bringing new people into the program. The guidelines are vague and regularly moved to keep them hidden. People are selected, which is a nice way of saying they're evicted, and there's an underlying flow of very low integrity in a place that preaches integrity. The transformation is big, but not the way the owner Robyn runs it. I don't recommend it when there's so many other places with better programs. I was just watching them too late...
First self-serve yogurt place I've been to that has Snickers pieces for a topping. Sweet! Other than that, it's your usual yogurt shop with a few selection of flavors and many different choices for toppings. They even have a option where you can turn your yogurt into shake. They have free wi-fi which is a plus and they have a small table and TV for kids to use. It wasn't too busy for a Saturday night, but I've been here in the past and it usually is busy on the weekends. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har vært på den første selv-besparende yoghurt-stedet med Snickers-stykker for å hoppe. Søt! Bortsett fra det, er det din vanlige butikk med et par smaksvarianter og mange forskjellige valg for topping. De har til og med en mulighet til å riste yoghurten. De har gratis wi-fi som er et pluss og de har et lite bord og TV som barn kan bruke. Det var ikke for travelt til en lørdagskveld, men jeg har vært her i fortida og det er som regel opptatt i helgene. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've been to the first self-saving yogurt place with Snickers to jump. Cute! Other than that, it's your usual store with a couple of taste supplies and a lot of different choices for toping. They even have a chance to shake the yogurt. They have free Wi-Fi that's a plus and they have a small table and TV that kids can use. It wasn't too busy for a Saturday night, but I've been here in the past and it's usually busy on weekends. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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I love going here! The service is outstanding and it is a great way to paint away my stress. Check it out. Often times you can get a coupon for discounted studio fees online or on Facebook. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker å gå her! Tjenesten er fremragende, og det er en flott måte å male bort stresset mitt på. Se her. Ofte kan man få en kupong for rabatterte studio honorar på nett eller på Facebook. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I love walking here! The ministry is outstanding, and it is a wonderful way to paint away my stress. Look at this. Often you can get a coupon for discounted studio fees online or on Facebook. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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Is the following review positive or negative? I'm not a fan of this place, it seems to have a laissez faire vibe and everything is overpriced. I mean sure the food is great (Steak burritos and popcorn shrimp= win!!) but the fact that there are no menus, and you have to awkwardly stand in front of a chalk board figuring out what you want is really annoying. Also the service is s**t 20+ minutes for a drink order and the waiter was a bit snappy, but ill give him the BOTD and chalk it up to him having a bad day. I'd go back but it has to be under really special circumstances. Seriously guys like tip 10-15% OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg liker ikke dette stedet, det ser ut til å ha en laissez faire vibe og alt er overpriset. Jeg mener at maten er flott (Steak burrits og popcorn esper= win!!) men det at det ikke er noen menyer, og du må stille deg litt pinlig foran en bildetavle og finne ut hva du egentlig vil ha, er virkelig irriterende. Også gudstjenesten er s**t 20+ minutter for en drink bestilling og servitøren var litt snackpy, men dårlig gi ham BOTD og krit det opp til han har en dårlig dag. Jeg ville gått tilbake, men det må være under spesielle omstendigheter. Regnefolk som tips 10-15% VALG: - negative - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I don't like this place, it seems to have a laissez fare vibe and everything is overpriced. I think the food is great (Step burritos and popcorn esper=win!) But the fact that there are no menus, and you have to put yourself a little embarrassed in front of a picture board and find out what you really want, is really annoying. Even the service is 20+ minutes for a drink order and the waiter was a little snackpy, but bad give him the BOTD and chalk it up to his bad day. I'd go back, but it has to be under special circumstances. Consider people tipping 10-15% CHOICE: negative - positive
Verrazano's is in the rotation for carryout pizza & wings in the area. I think the pizza is good, not great, and I don't really like the wings (too greasy), but my husband does. I think it's a 3 star place, but after my last experience, I won't be back, and almost want to lower it to one star. We ordered a pizza and wings for pickup and the man on the phone said it would be ready in 25 minutes. Show up to pick up the goods and there's a man in front of us trying to order a couple slices to eat in. The cashier/order taker/pizza maker behind the counter says, "Oh, we're out of slices tonight." (approx. 5:30pm on a Friday night). Customer: Ok, then we'll just get a whole pie. Counter Guy: Welll....I've got a lot of orders ahead of you. It's gonna be a while. Customer: Like how long? Counter Guy: least an hour and a half. Obviously, these customers leave, unhappy with their experience. Our turn. Husband: Hey, we have an order for pickup. Counter Guy: Oh man...I haven't even started making it yet (5 mins after we were told it would be ready) Husband: Ok - well how much longer is it going to be? Counter Guy: I don't know. There's a lot of orders ahead of you. Wow! We had to cancel our order and go to Pizza My Dear on Warm Springs instead. I would be kinda pissed any time if I was told it would take an hour and a half to make a pizza for carryout (it's not like it was the super bowl or something), but especially when I called ahead and you told me less than 30 minutes!! Sorry, Verrazano's, I won't be back to give you another chance. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Verrazano's er i rotasjonen for å bære ut pizza & vinger i området. Jeg synes pizzaen er god, ikke stor, og jeg liker egentlig ikke vingene (for fettete), men det gjør min mann. Jeg tror det er en 3 stjerneplass, men etter min siste opplevelse kommer jeg ikke tilbake, og vil nesten senke den til én stjerne. Vi bestilte pizza og vinger til pickup, og mannen på telefonen sa at den skulle være klar om 25 minutter. Kom for å hente varene, og det er en mann foran oss som prøver å bestille et par skiver å spise i. Konditoren bak telleren sier: \"Vi har ikke flere skiver i kveld.\" (ca. 5:30pm på en fredag kveld). Ok, da får vi bare en hel pai. Jeg har mange bestillinger foran deg. Det kommer til å ta en stund. Skikk: Hvor lenge? Minst halvannen time. Det er innlysende at disse kundene forlater, og er misfornøyd med sin erfaring. Vår tur. Ektemann: Hei, vi har en bestilling på henting. Jeg har ikke engang begynt å klare det ennå (5 min etter at vi fikk beskjed om at det ville være klart) Jeg vet ikke. Det er mange ordrer foran deg. Se her! Vi måtte avlyse bestillingen og dra til \"min kjære på varme kilder\" i stedet. Jeg ville vært veldig sint når som helst hvis jeg fikk vite at det ville ta halvannen time å lage en pizza for bæreutbetaling (det er ikke som det var superskålen eller noe), men spesielt når jeg ringte og du fortalte meg mindre enn 30 minutter!! Beklager, Verrazanos, jeg kommer ikke tilbake for å gi deg en ny sjanse. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Verrazano's is in rotation to carry out pizza & wings in the area. I think the pizza is good, not big, and I don’t really like the wings (too greasy), but my husband does. I think it's a 3 star space, but after my last experience, I'm not coming back, and I'm almost going to sink it to one star. We ordered pizza and wings for the pickup truck, and the man on the phone said it would be ready in 25 minutes. Came to pick up the goods, and there's a man in front of us trying to order a couple of slices to eat. The pastry chef behind the counter says, "We're out of slices tonight." (About 5:30 pm on a Friday night). Okay, then we'll just get a whole pie. I got a lot of orders in front of you. It's gonna take a while. How long? At least an hour and a half. Obviously, these customers leave and are dissatisfied with their experience. Our turn. Husband: Hi, we have an order for pick-up. I haven't even started doing it yet (5 minutes after we were told it would be clear) I don't know. There are many orders ahead of you. Look at this! We had to cancel the order and go to my dear hot springs instead. I would be very angry at any time if I were told that it would take me an hour and a half to make a pizza for the payment of the child (it's not like it was the super bowl or anything), but especially when I called and you told me less than 30 minutes! I'm sorry, Verrazanos, I'm not coming back to give you another chance. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
We still keep going here for our carne asada but the prices have really cut down on the amount we purchase. We've been buying a lot more chicken, it's excellent as well, but when the carne is $1.50 more per pound than it is in CA it's definitely priced too high.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Vi fortsetter fortsatt å gå her for vår carne asada, men prisene har virkelig kuttet ned på beløpet vi kjøper. Vi har kjøpt mye mer kylling, det er utmerket også, men når karnelen er $ 1,50 mer per pund enn det er i CA er det definitivt priset for høyt.
We still keep going here for our carne asada, but prices have really cut back on the amount we buy. We've bought a lot more chicken, that's excellent, too, but when the carnel is $1.50 more than it is in CA, it's definitely priced too high.
Really a disappointment. Bland, costly, service was ok; a little sparse. Our party ordered the Ribeye, Seafood Feast, and the Swordfish. Seafood Feast and Swordfish came out with no spices, no flavor. Lobster was overcooked. Ribeye had approximately a 1/2" of a tomato based compote on top, which took away from being to taste the goodness of the meat. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En stor skuffelse. Bland, kostbar, var syssel var ok; litt sparsomt. Vårt parti bestilte båtreisen, sjømatfesten og Sverdfisken. Sjømaten Fest og Sverdfisk kom ut uten krydder, uten smak. Det var for mye kokevann. Riyye hadde omtrent en 1/2<unk> av en tomatbasert kompott på toppen, som tok bort fra å være å smake på kjøttets godhet. VI BL IKKE FJERN. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It's a big disappointment. Mixed, expensive, the mill was okay; a little scanty. Our party ordered the boat ride, the seafood party and the swordfish. Seafood Fest and Swordfish came out with no spice, no taste. There was too much boiling water. Riyye had about a 1/2<unk> of a tomato-based compote on top, which took away the taste of the goodness of the meat. WE DO NOT REMOVE. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive