66 values
Write a positive yelp review.
Enjoyed dinner here on new years eve 2011. We got there early so it wasn't too crowded. Ordered the fish fillet with black bean sauce, choi sum with garlic, half a duck, and pan fried noodles with seafood. That was a lot of food for two people but it was so good! Good food, great service. I highly recommend this mom and pop shop.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Nyt middag her på nyår e.Kr. 2011. Vi kom tidlig, så det var ikke for trangt. Bestilte fiskefileten med svart bønnesaus, choi sum med hvitløk, en halv and og stekt nudler med sjømat. Det var mye mat for to mennesker, men det var så godt! God mat, god service. Jeg anbefaler denne moren og butikken.
Enjoy your dinner here in New Year 2011. We got here early, so it wasn't too crowded. Ordered the fish fillet with black bean sauce, choi sum with garlic, half a duck, and fried noodles with seafood. There was a lot of food for two people, but it was so good! Good food, good service. I recommend this mother and the store.
In all my years I have never been met with such horrific and disgusting service. Me and my family went to eat dinner. We got seated briefly but service did not come until 20 minutes later. There was 5 people in the restaurant it shouldn't have taken that long not even a water ! Please do better next time I was actually a regular... Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
I alle mine år har jeg aldri blitt møtt med en slik grusom og avskyelig tjeneste. Jeg og familien min gikk for å spise middag. Vi kom på plass, men vi kom ikke før 20 minutter senere. Det var 5 personer på restauranten det skulle ikke ha tatt så lang tid ikke en gang et vann ! Gjør det bedre neste gang jeg faktisk var en vanlig... Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
In all my years, I have never been met with such a cruel and disgusting service. Me and my family went to dinner. We got settled, but we didn't get here until 20 minutes later. There were five people in the restaurant it shouldn't have taken so long not even a water! Do it better next time I was actually a regular... is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
RAVE ALERT! This place has an AWESOME happy hour! I mean super awesome. The line on their menu describing the food as "Authentic flavors refined" is too accurate to improve upon! All the things that usually make me want to sprint in the opposite direction of an Indian restaurant: buffet style setup, clashing colors, poor presentation, poor service and funky smells were not present at Bombay Spice. In other words, the experience was much less of a culture shock for me; elegant and modern style decor, dine-ware and silverware did the trick. The staff was very friendly and helpful. I can't wait to go back! I had the Indian chai latte, Chicken Tikka, Samosa and Carrot Halwa. Total bill before tip: $5.74. How can I not give this place 5 stars? I mean, seriously! WHAT I'D RECOMMEND: Going for their amazing happy hour, as well as their Indian chai latte, Chicken Tikka, Samosa and Carrot Halwa
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
RAVE ALERT! Dette stedet har en LIKEHED time! Jeg mener supergud. Den linjen som står på menyen deres, beskriver maten som « Autentisk smaksstoff forfinet », er for nøyaktig til å bli bedre på! Alt det som vanligvis får meg til å ønske å ta en tur i motsatt retning av en indisk restaurant, er: Det var ikke til stede ved Bomb Spice at det var på gang å sette opp bunter, kline med forskjellige farger, treffende farger, få dårlige presentasjoner, dårlig service og dårlige luktesans. Med andre ord var opplevelsen mye mindre av et kultursjokk for meg; elegant og moderne stil dekor, kin-ware og sølvtøy gjorde trikset. Bemanningen var meget vennlig og hjelpsom. Jeg gleder meg til å dra tilbake! Jeg hadde chai-latte, Tikka-kylling, Samosa og Gulsott-alwa. Regneseddel før tips: $ 5,74. Hvordan kan jeg la være å gi dette stedet fem stjerner? Jeg mener alvor! HVA ID ID REKOMKOMMANDEN: De satser på sin fantastiske happy hour, samt sin indiske chai latte, Chicken Tikka, Samosa og Gulrot Halwa
RAPE ALERT! This place has an equal hour! I mean super god. The line on their menu describes the food as “Autetic Tastes Defined ” too accurate to improve! All that usually makes me want to take a trip in the opposite direction of an Indian restaurant is: It was not present at the Bomb Spice that it was time to set up bundles, make out with different colors, aptly colored, poorly presented, poorly serviced, and smelly. In other words, the experience was much less of a culture shock to me; elegant and modern style decor, kin-ware and silverware did the trick. The staff was very kind and helpful. I can't wait to go back! I had chai latte, Tikka chicken, Samosa and Gulsott alwa. Bill before tip: $5.74. How can I not give this place five stars? I'm serious! IDENTIFYING THE RECOMMCOMMAND: They are betting on their fabulous happy hour, and their Indian chai latte, Chicken Tikka, Samosa, and Carrot Halwa
Great place for a beer and bite. Came in with some friends, had a couple of beers with fries and a pretzel. The pretzel was good but the true find was the Thai Ketchup dipping sauce. Definitely worth trying out. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Flott sted for øl og bit. Kom sammen med noen venner, tok et par øl med pommes frites og et premium. Det var bra med kringle, men det ekte funnet var den thailandske ketchup-duppesausen. Det er verdt å prøve. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Nice place for beer and bites. Come with some friends, have a couple of beers with fries and a premium. It was good with pretzels, but the real find was the Thai ketchup doll. It's worth trying. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Lots of good experiences at this Costco. One example... Returned a defective Aerobed mattress 14 months after purchase with no receipt. No questions asked. Awesome! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Mange gode erfaringer på denne Costco. Ett eksempel... Tilbakelevert en defekt madrass 14 måneder etter kjøp uten kvittering. Ingen spørsmål stilt. Det var som pokker! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? A lot of good experiences on this Costco. One example... Returned a defective mattress 14 months after purchase without a receipt. No questions asked. I'll be damned! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I'm here to write my peace with BurGr in LV ! My second job is a bartender server as well and I understand about being slammed so when a bartender can make a connection with a customer it's a great thing...service from the lady bartender was excellent albeit quick...customers can feel a servers anxiety and she did well...i was kinda shocked at the gentlemen bar guys telling a customer sitting at the bar (after he waited for his order and requesting where it was ) : 'what do you want bro ?...all our orders are 25 minutes from the grill" Like he was an uninformed goob....come on : the customer was simply asking where his order was...(and it turned out it was ice cream dessert....just pull from the freezer) and don't call him 'bro' cause he ain't your bro... Asked for a certain temp in the burger and was a few notches North...ugh. Fries...cold and stale...huh ? Hot Dog...I know there's nitrates in them but damn...! Beer list is awesome... Too many great burgers all over Vegas to let us down Gordon.... All in all we were politely asked how it was and I never complain but the time I chose to say something...Karma hit me that eve with a touch of food poisoning or my stomach just couldnt keep this to the staff at Burgr yes I understand karma is a bitch and I got Im here to make peace with BurGr and go on my way.... How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg er her for å skrive min fred med Bur Gr i LV ! Min andre jobb er også en bartenderserver, og jeg forstår at det er å bli klemt slik at når en barbar kan gjøre en forbindelse med en kunde er det en stor greie ... service fra dame bartenderen var utmerket albeit rask ... kunder kan føle en server angst og hun gjorde det bra ...i var litt sjokkert over herrer barfyrer som fortalte en kunde sittende på baren (etter at han ventet på bestillingen sin og spurte hvor det var ) : 'hva vil du ha bro ? ... alle våre bestillinger er 25 minutter fra grillen<unk> som om han var et uinformert goob. ... kom på: kunden spurte bare hvor hans bestilling var ...(og det slo ut var det iskrem ... rett fra fryseren) og kaller ham ikke 'broer' fordi han ikke er din bror ... Ba om en viss temp i burgeren og var noen få hakk nord... ugh. Friske...kalde og gamle... hva? Hot Dog... Jeg vet det er nitrater i dem, men pokker...! En ølliste er fantastisk, for mange store burgere over hele Vegas til å skuffe oss ned Gordon, alt i alt vi ble høflig spurt om hvordan det var og jeg klager aldri men den gangen jeg valgte å si noe...Karma slo meg at even med et snev av matforgiftning eller magen min bare klarte ikke å holde dette nede.... så for personalet i Burgr ja jeg forstår at karma er en tispe og jeg fikk min... så Im her for å slutte fred med Bur Gr og gå på min måte.... hvordan ville denne gjennomgangen bli beskrevet på bakgrunn av mening? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm here to write my peace with Bur Gr in LV! I'm sorry, but it's just that it's just... Asked for a certain temperature in the burger and was a few nicks north... ugh. Fresh... cold and old... huh? Hot Dog, I know there's nitrates in them, but damn... It's a fantastic list, too big for us to be disappointed in. VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Can I give a "0" star? Worse impossible: 1/2/15. Flight # 0477. My trip starts with a 14 h delay (yes 14 hours) from Barcelona, Spain to JFK. NOT for weather reasons but for "technical" issues. After the 14 h delay + 10 h flight I request to be invited to the JFK Sky lounge as compensation for the damages and exhaustion. The answer is $50. Completely obnoxious service. After obviously missing my connection I get re-booked on a flight with a 6 h layover at JFK (!). Which again got delayed 3 h because of a "broken pump". Finally get in the plane and arrive to Phoenix (2 days after!) and my checked luggage is not there. Delta Airlines planes are old and falling apart, out of 4 planes I took with them this Christmas, 2 had technical problems. Their customer service is down the drain and when you board and watch their welcome video you have to hear from their CEO that their number 1 priority is our safety and "comfort". Haha Don't make me laugh blood suckers. This is a rolling down the hill airline, which most likely will not be around in 5 years. One of the very few times I've flown Delta and certainly the last. I have already contacted a law firm to start the economic compensation process for the delay on both flights. No mercy with this obnoxious people. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
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<unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> Det umulige: 1/2. Flyging nr. 9 i flight flight. Min reise starter med 14 timers forsinkelse (sitt 14 timer) fra Barcelona, Spania til JFK. IKKJE for værmeldinger, men for avl<unk> utgaver. Etter 14 timers forsinkelse + 10 timers flyging, anmodes jeg om å bli invitert til JFK Sky som erstatning for erstatning for skadeserstatning og utmattelse. Svaret er sannhet. - Det er helt meningsløst. Etter at jeg åpenbart mangler min forbindelse blir jeg ombooket på en flytur med en 6 timers overnatting på JFK (!). På grunn av en bruddpumpe ble det igjen tre timer igjen. komme til slutt i flyet og komme til Phoenix (2 dager etter!) og sjekksjekken min er ikke der. Deltaflyene er gamle og faller fra hverandre, av 4 fly jeg tok med meg i jula, hadde 2 tekniske problemer. Deres kundeservice er i avløpet og når du sitter og ser på deres velkomstvideo må du høre fra deres administrerende direktør at deres nummer 1 prioritet er vår sikkerhet og<unk>bekvemmelighet<unk> Ikke få meg til å le av blodsudler. Dette er en nedrulling nedover bakke flyselskapet, som mest sannsynlig ikke vil være rundt om 5 år. En av de få gangene jeg har fløyet ut og helt sikkert den siste. Jeg har allerede kontaktet et advokatfirma for å starte den økonomiske erstatningsprosessen for forsinkelsen ved begge avganger. Ingen nåde med dette avskyelige folket. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? <><><><><><><><><><unk><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><>><><><><><>><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk>><unk><unk>><unk>><unk><unk><><><><unk><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>><>><><><><><><>>>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>>>><><><><><><>>>>>>>>><><><>>>>>>>>>><><><><>>>><><><><><><>>><><>>>>>>><>>>><>>>>>>>>>>><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><><>>>>>>>><><><><><><><>>>>>>><>>>>>><><><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><><><>>><><><>>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>><><>>>><><>>><><><><><><>>><>>>>>><>>>>>>>>>>>><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><>< The impossible: 1/2. Flight 9 on flight flight flight. My journey begins with 14 hours of delay (its 14 hours) from Barcelona, Spain to JFK. NOT for forecasts, but for breeding<unk> versions. After 14 hours of delay + 10 hours of flight, I am asked to be invited to JFC Sky as compensation for damages and exhaustion. The answer is truth. - It's completely pointless. After I clearly lack my connection, I am rebooked on a flight with a 6 - hour sleepover at JFK (!). A fracture pump left three hours. finally get in the plane and get to Phoenix (2 days later!) And my check isn't there. The Delta planes are old and falling apart, of four planes I took with me on Christmas, having two technical problems. Their customer service is in the drain and when you sit and watch their welcome video, you need to hear from their CEO that their number one priority is our security and<unk> secret.<unk> Don't make me laugh about bloodstains. This is a roll-down downhill, which is most likely not to be around in five years. One of the few times I've flown out and certainly the last one. I've already contacted a law firm to start the economic process for the delay at both departures. No mercy to these disgusting people. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
What great potential!! A quintessential coffee shop in the middle of a charming southern town, the perfect Normal Rockwell moment. If only they had good coffee made to order rather than sitting in warming pot for who knows how long. If only they had pastries, cakes and other delicacies to go with that not so good coffee. If only the service was as nice as the southern charm that surrounds the shop. If only........
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
For et stort potensial! En kaffebar midt i en sørlig by, det perfekte Normal Rockwell-øyeblikk. Hvis de bare hadde fått laget god kaffe til å bestille, heller enn å sitte i kokekar for hvem som vet hvor lenge. Hvis de bare hadde bakerier, kaker og andre delikatesser å gå med at ikke så god kaffe. Hvis bare servering var så fin som sørlig sjarm som omslutter butikken. Hvis bare ........
What potential! A coffee bar in the middle of a southern town, the perfect Normal Rockwell moment. If only they'd gotten good coffee to order, rather than sit in pots for who knows how long. If only they had bakerys, cakes and other delicacies to wear that not so good coffee. If only serving was as fine as southern charm that surrounds the store. If only...
Seriously love this place! My husband and I go here often and are always greeted by the owner Pasqual (sp??) who is so so nice!! The Pasta Alex & Spaghetti are awesome!! Cash Only which is the biggest downfall but BYOB which is AWESOME!! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette stedet er herlig! Min mann og jeg går ofte hit og blir alltid møtt av eieren Pasqual (sp??) som er så snill!!! Pastaen Alex & Spaghettien er fantastisk!! Det eneste som er det største fallet, men uten BEGYNNELSEN, som er Å SKJE!! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This place is great! My husband and I come here often and are always met by the owner Pasqual (sp?) That's so sweet! Alex & Spaghetti, the pasta is fantastic! The only thing that's the biggest fall, but without the BOTH, which is A FAIL! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Paige is an awesome employee! She is able to multi-task always with a smile! How refreshing for fast food! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Det er en ærefryktinngytende opplevelse! Hun er i stand til å multi-oppgave alltid med et smil! For en forfriskende matdrikk! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? What an awe - inspiring experience! She's always able to multitask with a smile! What a refreshing food drink! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
Need some new kicks? No, not the kind you can find at your local Payless or the Nike Outlet. Something old school, something unique... UNDFTD is the place to be. You go in there and it's so hip you feel like a dance battle could breakout at any moment. Without a doubt this is a fun place so shop and truly a diamond in the ruff.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Trenger du nye sko? Nei, ikke den typen du kan finne på ditt sted hvor du bor, Payless eller Nike - utletet. En gammel skole, noe unikt... UNDITD er stedet å være. Du går inn dit og det er så hip at du føler at en dansekamp kan bryte ut når som helst. Dette er uten tvil et morsomt sted, så butikk og virkelig en diamant i ruffen.
Do you need new shoes? No, not the kind you can find where you live, Payless or Nike - stretched. An old school, something unique, the UNDIDD is the place to be. You go in there and it's so hip that you feel like a dance match could break out at any time. No doubt this is a fun place, then store and really a diamond in the ruby.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Only went to one game Spring Training (good seats behind home plate in the shade) but I'm a fan. Order your tickets next year early as all the good seats at most games went fast. We did a 1pm game and saw Gonzo waving and chatting with fans as we left. I think this would be a great place to grab a bunch of friends, all buy lawn seats, get there early, and hang out on a blanket on a nice cool afternoon early in Spring Training. I can't imagine what they will use the place for for the rest of the year, but they do have a Balloon Fest booked this weekend and a concert and stuff for the kids. I hope this will really take off and give us East-siders a fun place to come to. Will check out the Zipps Shuttle next time. Eats and drinks are pretty steep in price, so bring plenty of cash/credit. Great music during the game. Thumps up guys! ;) OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Gikk kun til én kamp Spring Training (gode plasser bak hjemmeplaten i skyggen) men jeg er en fan. Bestill billettene deres neste år tidlig, da alle de gode plassene ved de fleste kampene gikk fort. Vi spilte 1pm og så Gonzo vinke og prate med fans da vi dro. Jeg tror dette ville vært et fint sted å ta en gjeng venner, alle kjøper plenseter, komme tidlig og henge på et teppe på en hyggelig ettermiddag tidlig på treningen. Jeg kan ikke forestille meg hva de vil bruke stedet til resten av året, men de har en balloonfest booket i helgen og en konsert og ting for ungene. Jeg håper dette vil ta av og gi oss øst-steder et morsomt sted å komme til. Skal sjekke ut den neste Xaps Shuttle neste gang. Spis og Drikke er ganske bratt i prisen, så ta med massevis av kassakreditt/kreditt. Flott musikk i løpet av spillet. -Tumpe gutter! ;) VAKT: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? Only went to one game of Spring Training (good places behind the home plate in the shade) but I'm a fan. Order your tickets next year, when all the good seats at most games were fast. We played 1pm and then Gonzo waved and talked to fans when we left. I think this would be a nice place to take a bunch of friends, everyone buys lawn seats, comes early and hangs on a blanket on a nice afternoon early at practice. I can't imagine what they're gonna use this place for the rest of the year, but they're having a balloon party booked this weekend and a concert and stuff for the kids. I hope this will take off and give us some fun Eastern places to get to. I'll check out the next Xap's Shuttle next time. Eat and Drink is pretty steep in the price, so bring plenty of overdraft. Great music during the game. - Tumpy boys! (;) WATCH: -Negative - Positive
Fra eller
From or
cool place! it's a gas station/gift shop/restaurant/car wash/bakery! crazy! i will say it is upscale and over priced for the gifts. but it has a bakery with fresh coffee, and small baked goods! met with my wife here, we grubbed the pulled pork sandwiches. was not impressed at all. there were hard bits and chunks in our sandwiches, and it just wasn't very tasty, meat was over cooked and really chewy. Expected way better pulled pork. I'm sure the other food is great, but if you can't master pulled pork at a BBQ place. i don't think i will be coming back. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
stedet! det er en bensinstasjon/giftbutikk/restaurant/bilvasker/bakeri! gal! Jeg vil si at det er høypriset for gavene. men den har et bakeri med fersk kaffe og små bakevarer! Møtte min kone her, og vi tok oss av svinesmørbrødet. var ikke imponert i det hele tatt. Det var harde biter og biter i smørbrødene våre, og det var bare ikke veldig velsmakende, kjøtt var over kokt og skikkelig tygget. Foreslått bedre svinekjøtt. Jeg er sikker på at den andre maten er god, men hvis du ikke kan mestre å bli dratt med flesk på et BBQ-sted. Jeg tror ikke jeg kommer tilbake. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The place! It's a gas station, poison shop, restaurant, car wash, bakery! Crazy! I'd say it's highly prized for the gifts. But it's got a bakery with fresh coffee and small baked goods! Met my wife here, and we took care of the pork sandwich. wasn't impressed at all. There were hard pieces and pieces in our sandwiches, and it just wasn't very tasty, meat was over cooked and really chewed. Proposed better pork. I'm sure the other food is good, but if you can't master being pulled with pork at a BBQ place. I don't think I'm coming back. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Great times and food. Shout out to the best bartender and hostess in Las Vegas!!! Sliders were good and service was attentive and no issues with any of our orders.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Store tider og mat. Rop til den beste bartenderen og vertinnen i Las Vegas!! Sliders var gode og service var oppmerksomhet og ingen problemer med noen av våre ordrer.
Great times and food. Call out to the best bartender and hostess in Las Vegas! The Sliders were good and service was attention and no trouble with any of our orders.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Read the reviews and wanted to give this place a try. Bonus this restaurant is on Located in a seedy area of town but very welcoming inside. First thing we ordered was the lamb Samosa and was disappointed. Way salty. But the garlic naan and chicken tandoori was yummy. Learned something new though... One of my favs 'butter chicken' is called chicken makhani. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Les kritikkene og ville gi stedet et forsøk. Bonus denne restauranten er på Ligger i et frøete område i byen, men svært velkommen inn. Først bestilte vi lammet Samosa og ble skuffet. Vision salty. Men hvitløksnaanen og kyllingen var god. En av mine favoritters \"smørekylling\" kalles kylling makhani. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Read the reviews and try to give the place a try. Bonus this restaurant is in It's in a seedy area of the city, but it's very welcome in. First, we ordered the lamb Samosa and were disappointed. Vision salty. But the garlic nana and the chicken were good. One of my favorites is called chicken makhani. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Food is great food is authentic and the service is nice. Nothing wrong at all. My fav place. I'm gonna try the fuego pupusas today
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Mat er stor mat er autentisk og gudstjenesten er fin. Ikke noe galt i det hele tatt. Mitt favorittsted. Jeg skal prøve fuego pupusa i dag
Food's a big meal is authentic and the service is fine. Nothing wrong at all. My favorite place. I'm gonna try my fuego Pupusa today.
Write a positive yelp review.
Well this was my first time at Cabo. Like most restaurants serve breadsticks Cabo supplies you with tortilla chips, salsa, and bean dip while you decide on your meal. For my appetizer, I had the bacon wrapped shrimp. Like most places with this dish they put cheese in between the bacon and shrimp. The presentation lost some points with me because some off the cheese was seeping out. But they served it with crispy fried onions and a tangy sauce, close to honey mustard but with a little kick. For my main dish, I had the chicken fajitas. This dish came with grilled chicken and vegetables, flour tortillas, Spanish rice, bean dip, sour cream and guacamole. If you don't have an appetite when you come here, order this dish and share with someone else. Lastly, for dessert I had the deep fried ice cream. Nothing really special about this dish. It's one scoop of vanilla ice cream surrounded by crispy tortilla chips coated in sugar and cinnamon.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Vel, dette var min første gang på Cabo. Som de fleste andre restauranter serverer matpakker gir Cabo deg tortillachips, salsa og bønnedip mens du bestemmer deg for hva du skal spise. Til forrett hadde jeg baconet. Som de fleste andre steder med denne retten setter de ost mellom bacon og reke. Overrekkelsen mistet noen poeng med meg fordi litt av osten sivet ut. Men de serverte den med stekt stekt løk og en saus, nær honningsennep, men med et lite spark. Til hovedretten hadde jeg kyllingfajitas. Denne retten kom med kylling og grønnsaker, mel, tortillas, ris, bønnepupp, rømme og guacamole. Hvis du ikke har appetitt når du kommer hit, bestill denne retten og del med en annen. Til slutt, til dessert, hadde jeg den dype iskremen. Det er ikke noe spesielt med denne retten. Det er en skjede med vaniljeis omgitt av sprø tortilla chips dradd i sukker og kanel.
Well, this was my first time at Cabo. Like most restaurants, Cabo provides you with tortilla chips, salsa, and bean dip while deciding what to eat. I had the bacon for starters. Like most places with this dish, they put cheese between bacon and shrimp. The handout dropped a few points with me because some of the cheese was seeping out. But they served it with fried onions and a sauce, near honey mustard, but with a little kick. For the main course, I had chicken fajitas. This dish came with chicken and vegetables, flour, tortillas, rice, bean tit, sour cream and guacamole. If you don't have an appetite when you get here, order this dish and share it with someone else. Finally, for dessert, I had the deep ice cream. There's nothing special about this right. There's a vagina of vanilla ice cream surrounded by crazy tortilla chips pulled in sugar and cinnamon.
Is the following review positive or negative? Fuddruckers is overpriced fast food. The food is boring, the staff look disinterested. At least the place was clean the once time we ate there. Wendy's tastes better, is cheaper. Skip this place and just go down the road to Steak and Shake where they even bring you your food. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Fuddricks er overpriset hurtigmat. Maten er kjedelig, staven virker uinteressert. Iallfall var stedet rent den ene gangen vi spiste der. Det smaker bedre, er billigere. Hopp over dette stedet og bare gå ned veien til Steak og la dem bringe deg maten din. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Fuddricks is overpriced fast food. The food is boring, the staff seems uninterested. At least the place was clean the one time we ate there. It tastes better, it's cheaper. Skip this place and just go down the road to Steak and let them bring you your food. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Young guy with shaggy hair this morning was very friendly, efficient, and moved us in and out quickly. Upon returning this afternoon around 3, we walked into a line that was already 3 people deep and at least 2-3 more filtered in behind us. After waiting almost 45 minutes in line, we found out there were only 2 men working and only 1 of them had access to the computer. When we told the man at the desk that our battery died on us, he just sort of grunted at us and we had to ask for any sort of compensation for the inconvenience of jumping it. In the end, he took off about 2 bucks. The man, Del, moved very slowly and showed no emotion or interest in how the customers were feeling. I've worked in retail for 5 years, and I get that being understaffed is no fun, but its all in how you handle it. Del did not handle it well and his partner seemed very frustrated that he couldn't help more. We came back to this site after a good experience last year, but may not come back again. After a day of moving, the last thing any customer needs is to stand in a long, slow line with a grumpy worker.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
En ung fyr med uskarpt hår i morges var veldig vennlig, effektiv, og flyttet oss raskt inn og ut. Da vi kom tilbake denne ettermiddagen rundt klokken tre, gikk vi inn i en linje som allerede var tre personer på dypt vann og minst 2-3 mer filtrert bak oss. Etter å ha ventet i nesten 45 minutter i kø, fant vi ut at det bare var to menn i arbeid og bare én av dem hadde tilgang til datamaskinen. Da vi fortalte mannen på skrivebordet at batteriet vårt døde på oss, slengte han på en måte på oss, og vi måtte be om noen form for kompensasjon for besværet med å hoppe. Til slutt tok han av ca. 2 spenn. Mannen, Del, beveget seg svært langsomt og viste ingen følelse eller interesse for hvordan kundene følte det. Jeg har jobbet i detaljhandel i 5 år, og jeg forstår at det ikke er morsomt å være underbemannet, men det er alt i hvordan du håndterer det. Del taklet det ikke bra, og partneren virket veldig frustrert over at han ikke kunne hjelpe mer. Vi kom tilbake til dette stedet etter en god opplevelse i fjor, men kommer kanskje ikke tilbake igjen. Etter en dag i bevegelse er det siste en kunde trenger å stå i en lang og langsom kø med en gretten arbeider.
A young guy with blurry hair this morning was very friendly, efficient, and moved us in and out quickly. When we returned this afternoon at about three o’clock, we entered a line that was already three people in deep water and at least two to three more filtered behind us. After waiting almost 45 minutes in line, we found that there were only two men working and only one of them had access to the computer. When we told the man on the desk that our battery died on us, he sort of threw us, and we had to ask for some form of compensation for the trouble of jumping. Finally, he took off about 2 bucks. The man, Del, moved very slowly and showed no feeling or interest in how his customers felt. I've been working retail for 5 years, and I understand that being understaffed is not fun, but that's all in how you handle it. Del didn't handle it well, and the partner seemed very frustrated that he couldn't help anymore. We came back to this place after a good experience last year, but we may not return. After a day in motion, the last thing a customer needs to stand in a long, slow line of a cranky worker.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Stayed 5 nights 10/29-11/2 in a 1 bedroom suite. We stayed here because we had booked rooms at the Monte Carlo (for almost double the rate) when I got a phone call and was offered a great rate plus comps in exchange for attending a 1.5 hour 'tour of the property' at the same time we were already going to be in Vegas.....cancelled Monte Carlo, hello Hilton! Pros: -Great rate -Comfy bed, lots of pillows -Nice pool area -Friendly, helpful staff (AT HOTEL, not on phone) -Free parking with easy in and outs -Easy taxi service, never waited more than 5 minutes Cons: -Just received a phone call questioning my eligibility for the special rate AFTER our stay. I shut that woman down quick, what was she going to do? Charge me full price AFTER we've left?? Ridiculous, rude and insulting. -Lady who booked my reservation screwed up, had to spend total of 2.5 hours on the phone with these people to get what we needed (what we had originally worked out with the first lady) -'Tour of the property' really means high pressure sales pitch. They act as if you have come there because you already know you want to buy the timeshare (yeah right!) -Room was nice, but I have stayed in much nicer suites, I also toured the penthouse, and it was nothing ALL Overall, I enjoyed my stay and if I was my boyfriend (and didn't have to deal with these annoying, rude booking agents for hours of my life) I would have given it at least 4 stars OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Holdt seg 5 netter 10/29-11/2 i en 1 soveromssuite. Vi bodde her fordi vi hadde bestilt rom på Monte Carlo (for nesten dobbelt så høy hastighet) da jeg fikk en telefonsamtale og ble tilbudt en stor pris pluss comps i bytte mot å være med på en 1,5 times «tour of the eiendom» samtidig som vi allerede skulle være i Vegas......cancelled Monte Carlo, hallo! Pros: -Great rate -Komfortable senger, mange puter -Fice pool area -Vennlig, hjelpsom, hjelpsom stab (AT HOTEL, ikke på telefonen) - gratis parkering med lett inn og ut -Lett taxi service, aldri ventet mer enn 5 minutter Cons: -bare fikk en telefonsamtale betvile min eligens for den spesielle satsen AFTER vårt opphold. Hva skulle hun gjøre? Betale meg full pris etter at vi har dratt? Latterlig, uhøflig og fornærmende. -Lady som booket reservasjonen min skrudd opp, måtte tilbringe totalt 2,5 timer på telefonen med disse folkene for å få det vi trengte (det vi hadde jobbet med i utgangspunktet) - 'Tour of the eiendom' egentlig betyr høypresset salgstal. De fungerer som om du har kommet dit fordi du allerede vet at du ønsker å kjøpe tidssharen (ja, ja!) -Rom var hyggelig, men jeg har holdt meg i mye finere suiter, jeg har også turnert i takleiligheten, og det var ikke noe spesielt ...i ALT ALT sett, jeg nøt mitt opphold og hvis jeg var min kjæreste (og ikke måtte takle disse irriterende, frekke booking agenter i timevis av mitt liv) Jeg ville ha gitt det minst 4 stjerner ART: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? Kept five nights 10/29-11/2 in a one-bedroom suite. We lived here because we had booked a room at Monte Carlo (almost twice as fast) when I got a phone call and was offered a large price plus comps in exchange for participating in a 1.5 - hour tour of the property while we were already supposed to be in Vegas... cancelled Monte Carlo, hello! Pros: -Great rate - Comfortable beds, many cushions -Fice pool area - Friendly, helpful, helpful staff (AT HOTEL, not on the phone) - free parking with easy in and out -light taxi service, never waited more than 5 minutes Cons: -just got a phone call doubting my respect for the particular rate AFTER our stay. What would she do? Pay me full price after we leave? Ridiculous, rude, insulting. - Lady who booked my reservation screwed up, had to spend a total of 2.5 hours on the phone with these people to get what we needed (what we had been working on in the first place) - 'Tour of the property' really means high-pressure sales. They act as if you have arrived because you already know you want to buy the time bunny (yes, yes!) - Room was nice, but I've stayed in a lot of nicer suites, and I've also been touring in the penthouse, and there was nothing special... in ALT ALTally, I enjoyed my stay and if I were my girlfriend (and I didn't have to deal with these annoying, rude booking agents for hours of my life) I would have given it at least 4 stars ART:--negative--positive
My roommate and I recently moved out a couple of weeks ago after living there and being good, compliant residents for 2 years. After moving out, we get a bill in the mail for $530 for various charges and "repairs". The bill consisted of a $330 charge to completely replace the carpet, and a $120 charge to fully repaint the apartment. The carpet had already been replaced in 2011 and was installed improperly, which should not be our responsibility to pay for. It would have been perfectly clean after a proper steam cleaning. Also, none of the walls in our apartment were damaged in any way, minus a few tiny holes from frames, etc. The whole entire two years we were there, we had problems with plumbing and draining issues in the guest bathroom, which they had to come in and fix three different times. The third time, the carpet had to be replaced in the hallway/guest bedroom closet (yes there is already brand new carpet in the guest bedroom and hallway that they are saying they want to replace again) because water from the bathroom had leaked into the closet, ruining some of our things. Also, we have had numerous repairs on other things and problems with roaches. Not only is management shady, but we were paying way too much for the quality of the apartment we were in. SO STAY AWAY, IT IS NOT WORTH IT! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Romkameraten min og jeg flyttet nylig ut for et par uker siden, etter å ha bodd der og vært gode assistentleger i to år. Etter å ha flyttet ut får vi en regning i posten for 530 dollar for diverse kostnader og<unk>reparasjoner<unk> Regningen bestod av en 30 kroners avgift for å erstatte teppet fullstendig, og en 20 kroners avgift for å male leiligheten helt opp. Teppet var allerede blitt skiftet ut i 2011 og ble installert uaktuelt, noe som ikke skulle være vårt ansvar å betale for. Den ville ha vært helt ren etter en ordentlig damprensing. Og ingen av veggene i leiligheten vår ble skadet på noen måte, minus noen små hull fra rammer, osv. Hele de to årene vi var der, hadde vi problemer med rør- og avløpsproblemer på gjestedoen, som de måtte komme inn og fikse tre forskjellige ganger. Tredje gang måtte teppet byttes ut i salong/gjeste soveromsskapet (ja det er allerede helt nytt teppe i gjesteværelset og gangen som de sier de ønsker å bytte ut igjen) fordi vann fra badet hadde lekket inn i skapet og ødelagt noen av tingene våre. Vi har også vært mange ganger i gang med andre ting og hatt problemer med kakerlakker. Det er ikke bare det at det er dårlig med styringen, men vi betalte altfor mye for kvaliteten på den leiligheten vi var i. SO STAY A VÆRE, DET ER IKKE TILBEDLIG DET! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
My roommate and I recently moved out a couple of weeks ago, after living there and being good residents for two years. After moving out, we get a bill in the mail for $530 for various expenses and<unk> repairs<unk> The bill consisted of a $3 bill to replace the carpet completely, and a $20 bill to paint the apartment. The carpet had already been replaced in 2011 and was installed out of the question, which should not be our responsibility to pay for. It would have been completely clean after a proper steam treatment. And none of the walls of our apartment were damaged in any way, minus any small holes from frames, etc. During the entire two years we were there, we had problems with plumbing and drain problems in the guest room, which they had to come in and fix three different times. The third time, the carpet had to be replaced in the lounge/housing bedroom closet (yes, there is already a completely new carpet in the guest room and the hallway that they say they want to replace) because the bathroom water had leaked into the closet and destroyed some of our belongings. Many times we have been involved in other activities and have had problems with cockroaches. Not only is the management bad, but we paid way too much for the quality of the apartment we were in. SO STAY BE, IT IS NOT WORSHIPFUL! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
My husband and I came here after the girls at my job were talking about it... the only thing we were confused was it took our forever to get our drink order and.then to bring it out with our food.... reallly... I get that you have to put on a front but does the service itself have to be bad....??? Over its cool for like a one time thing... myself being a waitress this is the dream server job... but they should not let the service itself be affected... good for a one time check it out.kind of deal... Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mannen min og jeg kom hit etter at jentene på min jobb snakket om det. Det eneste vi var forvirret var at det tok vår tid å få vår drinker og så bringe det ut med maten vår. Jeg forstår at du må sette på en front men må tjenesten i seg selv være dårlig...???? Det er over det den kan ta en stund, selv om jeg er servitør er dette drømmetjenerjobben, men de bør ikke la selve tjenesten bli påvirket... bra for en gangs skyld, sjekk det ut. VANS: - - negativ - positive
My husband and I came here after the girls at my job talked about it, and the only thing we were confused about was that it took our time to get our drinks and then bring it out with our food. I understand you have to put on a front but does the service itself have to be bad...? It's over what it might take for a while, even though I'm a waitress is this dream servant job, but they shouldn't let the service itself get affected... well for once, check it out. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? The owner's of Cactus Moon are self destructive morons. Friday nights have been developing a good country dance scene. Lots of people show up for a free lesson and dance afterwards. They have fun, buy food, drink, and have been telling friends how wonderful the place is (despite bad Yelp reviews). So, last Friday the owners waited until everybody arrived for the Friday dance -- and then announced that for now on they will only play hip-hop and top40. People that came here for their Friday night dance were furious -- and most of them stormed out. Count on at least 60 people to tell every one of their friends how callous and unfriendly Cactus Moon is. The owners could have made an announcement the previous week, so that people's night wouldn't be ruined, but that would have shown too much respect and consideration for their customers. CM owners wanted to be sure to let everyone there know that their loyal patronage isn't needed or even wanted. Oh, and the owners justified their actions by saying that dancers don't generate enough revenue. Of course it couldn't be that the food and service sucks! Businesses that treat customers with such disdain usually go out of business. The Phoenix market is just too competitive for idiots like this to survive. I cannot imagine that a bunch of oblivious young hip hoppers will save the day for CM, but we shall see what we see! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Eieren av Cactus Moon er selvdestruktive idioter. På fredager har det vært en god dansscene på landet. Mange dukker opp for en gratis lekseanse og danse etterpå. De har det gøy, kjøper mat, drikker og har fortalt venner hvor fantastisk stedet er (til tross for dårlig Yelp anmeldelser). Så, sist fredag ventet eierne til alle kom til fredagsdansen -- og så annonserte de at de foreløpig bare vil spille hiphop og topp-40. Folk som kom hit for fredagsdansen var rasende, og de fleste stormet ut. Regn med minst 60 personer til å fortelle hver eneste en av deres venner hvor ubarmhjertige og uvennlige Cactus Moon er. Eierne kunne ha kommet med en kunngjøring uken før, slik at folkenatten ikke ville vært ødelagt, men det ville ha vist for mye respekt og hensyn til kundene. CM-eierne ville være sikre på å la alle der vite at deres lojale beskytter ikke er nødvendig eller ønsket. Å, og eierne begrunnet sine handlinger med å si at dansere ikke skaper nok inntekter. Selvfølgelig kan det ikke være at maten og servering suger! Bedrifter som behandler kunder med slik forakt går vanligvis konkurs. Phoenix-markedet er for konkurransedyktig for slike idioter til å overleve. Jeg kan ikke forestille meg at en gjeng med uvitende unge hiphopper redder dagen for CM, men vi skal se hva vi ser! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? The owner of Cactus Moon is a self-destructive idiot. On Fridays, it's been a great dance scene in the country. A lot of people show up for a free lesson and dance afterwards. They have fun, buy food, drink, and have told their friends how wonderful the place is (despite poor Yelp reviews). Then, last Friday, the owners waited until everyone came to the Friday dance -- and then they announced that they're only gonna play hip-hop and top-40 for now. People who came here for the Friday dance were furious, and most stormed out. Expect at least 60 people to tell each and every one of their friends how ruthless and unkind Cactus Moon is. The owners could have made an announcement the week before so that the people’s night would not be ruined, but it would have shown too much respect and consideration for their customers. The CM owners would be sure to let everyone there know that their loyal protector is not necessary or wanted. Oh, and the owners justified their actions by saying that dancers do not generate enough income. Of course, food and serving cannot suck! Corporations that treat customers with such contempt usually go bankrupt. The Phoenix market is too competitive for such idiots to survive. I can't imagine a bunch of ignorant young hiphopper saving the day for CM, but we'll see what we see! VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Went to the Brat Haus with my family (all adults) and loved it! My favorite were the fresh, right out of the oven pretzels for sure however the brat I ordered was delicious, especially with the root beer onions on top. My daughter had the apricot onion chutney on top of her brat and that was excellent too. The fries were great and we all tried different drinks (beers and yummy concoctions that were fun). The service was great too. It is tricky to get a parking spot but I lucked out and parked on the street right in front of the place....that earned this place five stars in my book. I will be back.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg dro til Brat Haus med familien min (alle voksne) og elsket den! Favoritten min var frisk, rett ut av ovnen pretkrings for sikker om dog den brat jeg bestilte var deilig, spesielt med root øl løk på toppen. Datteren min hadde aprikosen på løk-chutneyen oppå ungen sin, og det var også utmerket. Pommes fritesen var flott og vi prøvde alle forskjellige drinker (øl og yummy-konkoking som var moro). Tjenesten var stor også. Det er vanskelig å få en parkeringsplass, men jeg parkerte på gaten rett foran huset som skaffet dette stedet fem stjerner i boken min. Jeg kommer tilbake.
I went to Brat Haus with my family (all adults) and loved it! My favorite was fresh, right out of the oven pretzels to be sure though the steep I ordered was delicious, especially with root beer onions on top. My daughter had the apricot on the onion chutney on top of her baby, and that was also excellent. The French fries were great and we tried all the different drinks (ale and yummy-coaking that were fun). The ministry was great too. It's hard to get a parking spot, but I parked on the street right in front of the house that got this place five stars in my book. I'll be back.
Is the following review positive or negative? After a few visits to CityScape, Phoenix's supposedly 'exciting urban infill' development, i must say it is even worse that I expected. Far from being an authentic urban development that takes into account the surrounding urban fabric, it is yet another suburban development dropped on our city's downtown core. I guess I was naive to expect anything different from a project conceived in a Scottsdale business park. Some observations: * CityScape's idea of urban form is to place a large-scale suburban pharmacy on one corner of the development and an elevator lobby on another corner. So much for encouraging an active street life or pedestrian activity downtown. * The supposed 'park' to replace the publicly owned Patriots Park, is not really a park, but an outdoor arcade on private property surrounded by buildings. Basically, this 'park' is designed for the office dwellers and patrons of the complex, NOT the citizens and residents of downtown Phoenix. * While I don't have a problem with Oakville Grocery per se (especially if it keeps its promise to stock locally produced goods), I do take issue with is the conceit that it is a 'grocery store' that will meet the needs of downtown residents. There is only so much demand for handmade cheeses and gourmet sandwiches in downtown (and besides the Phoenix Public Market already offers these items and more.) CityScape represents yet another failed attempt to revitalize downtown. It is basically a morphing of downtown's last two failed 'urban infill' attempts: Collier Center and Arizona Center. Both these were supposed to enhance downtown's urban fabric. Both failed miserably at this goal. The various civic 'leaders' who continue to push such misguided projects need to wake up. Instead of facilitating a downtown that ALL residents can enjoy, they have continued on the futile quest to keep suburbanites and tourists downtown after ball games or conventions by creating a suburban haven in the middle of the city. These so-called leaders need to realize that what's needed downtown isn't foisting another new mega-project on us. Rather, we as a broad-based community need to radically rethink how we approach development. Until that happen, Phoenix will never realize the potential of being 'Arizona's Urban Heart." Developments such as Cityscape don't take us closer to a true downtown; they move us further away. In Phoenix's desperate attempt to attract suburban tourists, downtown is morphing into a suburb itself. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Etter noen få besøk i CityScape, Phoenix' påståtte 'spennende by infill' utvikling, må jeg si det er enda verre at jeg forventet. Langt fra å være en autentisk byutvikling som tar hensyn til det omkringliggende bystoffet, er det enda en forstadsutvikling som er lagt ned på byens sentrum. Jeg var vel merkverdig å regne med noe annet enn et prosjekt i en næringspark i Scottsdale. Noen observasjoner: * CityScapes idé om byform er å plassere et stortstilt forstadsforstadsfora på et hjørne av utviklingen og en heislobby på et annet hjørne. Så mye til oppmuntring for et aktivt liv i gaten eller fotgjengervirksomheten i sentrum. * den antatte «parken» for å erstatte den offentlig eide Patriots Park, er ikke egentlig en park, men et utendørsarkade på privat eiendom omgitt av bygninger. Denne \"parken\" er laget for kontorfolk og folk i komplekset, IKKE innbyggerne i Phoenix sentrum. * Selv om jeg ikke har et problem med Oakville Grocery per se (særlig hvis det holder sitt løfte om å lagre lokalt produsert varer), tar jeg det ille opp at det er en «grøsserbutikk» som vil dekke behovene til sentrumsbeboere. Det er bare så stor etterspørsel etter osteser og gourmetsmørbrød i sentrum (i tillegg til at Phoenix Public Market allerede tilbyr disse varene og mer). CityScape representerer enda et mislykket forsøk på å revitalisere sentrum. Det er i bunn og grunn en omforming av sentrums to to siste mislykkede forsøk på å fylle ut en ire: Collier Center og Arizona sentrum. Begge disse skulle forsterke sentrums urbane stoff. Begge feilet mislig på dette målet. De forskjellige lederne som fortsetter å fremme slike ville prosjekter, må våkne opp. I stedet for å legge forholdene til rette for et sentrum som alle de kan bo i, har de fortsatt med det nytteløse forsøk på å holde forsteder og turister i sentrum etter ballspill eller stevner ved å skape en drabantby midt i byen. Disse såkalte lederne må innse at det som trengs i sentrum ikke er å få et nytt megaprosjekt på oss. Vi som et bredt samfunn må heller revurdere hvordan vi utvikler utvikling. Inntil det skjer, vil Phoenix aldri få oppleve potensialet av å være 'Arizona's Urban Heart <unk> Utvikling som Cityscape tar oss ikke nærmere et sant sentrum; de flytter oss lenger bort. I Phoenix' desperate forsøk på å tiltrekke seg forstadsturister, er sentrum i sentrum omformet til en forstad selv. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? After a few visits to CityScape, Phoenix's alleged exciting city infill development, I have to say it's even worse that I expected. Far from being an authentic urban development that takes into account the surrounding city, another suburban development has been laid down in the center of the city. I guess I was curious to expect anything other than a project at a business park in Scottsdale. Some observations: * CityScape’s idea of city form is to place a large suburban forefront on one corner of development and a elevator lobby on another corner. So much for encouragement to an active life in the street or in the center of pedestrian activity. * The supposed “park” to replace the publicly owned Patriots Park is not really a park but an outdoor arcade on private property surrounded by buildings. This "park" is designed for office staff and people in the complex, NOT the people in downtown Phoenix. * Although I do not have a problem with Oakville Grocery per se (especially if it keeps its promise to store locally manufactured goods), I resent the fact that there is a ‘grosser shop’ that will meet the needs of downtown dwellers. There is only so much demand for cheeses and gourmet sandwiches in the center (as well as Phoenix Public Market already offering them and more). CityScape represents another failed attempt to revitalize downtown. Basically, it's a transformation of downtown's two last failed attempts to fill out an Irishman: Collier Center and Arizona Center. Both of these were to reinforce the urban fabric of the center. Both failed miserably at this goal. The various leaders who continue to promote such wild projects need to wake up. Instead of facilitating a center in which all they can live, they have continued their futile efforts to keep suburbs and tourists in the center of the city after ball games or assemblies by creating a suburban city in the center of the city. These so-called leaders have to realize that what it takes downtown is not to get a new mega project on us. Rather, as a broad society, we need to rethink how we develop. Until that happens, Phoenix will never see the potential of being 'Arizona's Urban Heart <unk> Development like Cityscape does not get us any closer to a true center; they move us farther away. In Phoenix's desperate attempt to attract suburban tourists, the center of the center is transformed into a suburb itself. VANS: - negative - positive
Never have I ever waited this long for sushi. I will never come back to this restaurant. This is by far the worst service I've ever gotten. I came with about 5 of my friends and we ordered all you can eat and we ordered a decent amount of rolls but they came out once at a time, in thirty minute intervals. We asked nicely what was going on with our rolls but they were rude about it. It I could give this restaurant ZERO stars I would. Do not go here unless you want rude servers and horrible service. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har aldri ventet så lenge på sushi. Jeg kommer aldri tilbake til denne restauranten. Dette er den verste tjenesten jeg noensinne har fått. Jeg kom med fem venner, vi bestilte alt dere kan spise, og vi bestilte en god del ruller, men de kom ut en gang om gangen, med tretti minutters mellomrom. Vi spurte pent om hva som foregikk med vår rull, men de var uhøflige. Jeg kunne gi denne restauranten ZEROstjerner jeg ville ha. Ikke gå hit hvis du vil ha tenarar for åpne tjenere og germende tjeneste. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've never waited this long for sushi. I'm never coming back to this restaurant. This is the worst favor I've ever had. I came with five friends, we ordered everything you can eat, and we ordered a lot of rolls, but they came out one time at a time, 30 minutes apart. We asked nicely what was going on with our roll, but they were rude. I could give this restaurant ZERO stars I wanted. Don't come here if you want servers for open servants and germinating service. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? We have been here before and are a fan of Monte Cristo sandwiches so we decided to go for lunch today. The service and atmosphere was good. A few Chandler workers were having lunch but the place was not full by any means. The side potatoes were very good. But, the Monte Cristo had a funny flavor that both my wife and I picked up on. It was ok... but not something I would go back for. Something just tasted strange. It seemed overpriced too. We had two Monte Cristos and one iced tea. After the tip it was over $30. Too much for a couple sandwiches for lunch. I don't think we will go back.. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Vi har vært her før og er fan av Monte Cristo-smørbrød så vi bestemte oss for å gå til lunsj i dag. Tjenesten og atmosfæren var god. Noen få arbeidere hadde lunsj, men stedet var ikke fullt på noen måte. Sidepotetene var meget gode. Men den Monte Cristo hadde en artig smak som både min kone og jeg merket. Det var ok, men ikke noe jeg ville ha dratt tilbake for. Noe bare smakte rart. Det virket også overprist. Vi hadde to Monte Cristos og en iste. Etter tipsen var det over 30 kroner. For mye for et par smørbrød til lunsj. Jeg tror ikke vi kommer til å gå tilbake.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? We've been here before, and we're a fan of Monte Cristo sandwiches, so we decided to go to lunch today. The service and atmosphere were good. A few workers had lunch, but the place was not full. The side potatoes were very good. But the Monte Cristo had a funny taste that both my wife and I noticed. It was okay, but nothing I'd go back for. Something just tasted funny. It also seemed overpriced. We had two Monte Cristos and an iced tea. After the tip, it was over 30 kroner. Too much for a couple of sandwiches for lunch. I don't think we're going to go back.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Awful buffet! Food wasn't delicious and there wasn't a croissant in sight. Total bummer. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Det er forferdelig. Maten var ikke deilig og det var ikke en croissant i sikte. - Totalt. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? It's terrible. The food wasn't delicious and there wasn't a croissant in sight. - Totally. VANS: - negative - positive
I love this theater. I take my 5yr old here once every couple of months and have no complaints! I mean, the pretzel's could be better, but this is no Wetzel's Pretzels now is it? Come to think of it, I should Yelp them, huh? Anyway, this is a great place, very kid friendly. Only bring cash but, if you forget, they have an ATM. Good prices, of course! I usually go to Changing Hands Bookstore across the street after if there is enough time in the day (another one to Yelp). Long story short....GO to Pollack Tempe Cinemas....unless you want a brand new movie and a brand new theater and sky-high prices. I do both :) Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker dette teatret. Jeg tar med meg 5 år gamle her en gang hvert par måneder uten å ha noen klager! Jeg mener, det kunne vært bedre med pretzelen, men dette er ikke Wetzels pretzle nå, hva? Når jeg tenker over det, burde jeg vel ta dem? Dette er et flott sted, veldig barnevennlig. Bare ta med kontanter, men hvis du glemmer, har de en minibank. Gode priser, selvfølgelig! Jeg går vanligvis på Changed Hands Bookstore over gaten etter om det er nok tid på dagen (en annen til Yelp). Lang historie kort....GO til Pollack Tempe Cine mindre du vil ha en helt ny film og en helt ny teater- og skyhøye priser. Jeg gjør både :) Ble denne anmeldelsen gitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I love this theater. I bring 5 years old here once every couple of months without any complaints! I mean, it could be better with the pretzel, but this isn't Wetzel's pretzel now, right? When I think about it, shouldn't I take them? This is a great place, very child-friendly. Just bring cash, but if you forget, they have an ATM. Good prices, of course! I usually go to Changed Hands Bookstore across the street after if there is enough time for the day (another one for Yelp). Long story short. Go to Pollack Tempe Cine Cinemas... unless you want a whole new movie and a brand new theater and skyrocketing awards. I do both:) Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
We didn't have a great experience here. The food was very pricey which I am willing to pay for high quality food but this just wasn't it. I ordered the grilled cheese and it was really just a greasy mess. The bread wasn't grilled enough and I think they used oil instead of butter on it so it was just greasy instead of crispy on the outside. Hubby got the Mixed Grill which I liked better than mine but still wasn't great. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi hadde ingen stor erfaring her. Maten var veldig dyr, som jeg er villig til å betale for høy kvalitet mat men dette var ikke det. Jeg bestilte ostestesten og det var bare fett. Brødet var ikke grillet nok og jeg tror de brukte olje i stedet for smør på den så det var bare fett istedenfor sprø på utsiden. Hubby fikk Blandgrillen som jeg likte bedre enn min, men likevel ikke var stor. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We didn't have much experience here. The food was very expensive, which I'm willing to pay for high-quality food but this wasn't. I ordered the cheese test, and it was just cool. The bread wasn't grilled enough and I think they used oil instead of butter on it so it was just fat instead of crisp on the outside. Hubby got the Blandgrill that I liked better than mine, but still wasn't big. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? This buffet used to be awesome when it first opened, it had high quality stuff and tons of options. I went there recently and it tasted like a generic cheap-o buffet that Vegas is notoriously known for. Same stuff mostly, just cheaper and lower quality from what they previously provided. What was once great, has fallen. Pass. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Denne buffeten pleide å være fantastisk da den først åpnet, den hadde høy kvalitet og tonnevis med alternativer. Jeg dro dit nylig og det smakte som en billig buffet som Vegas er kjent for. Det er det samme, bare billigere og lavere kvalitet ut fra hva de tidligere har gitt. Det som en gang var stort, har falt. Passad. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? This buffet used to be amazing when it first opened, it had high quality, and tons of alternatives. I went there recently and it tasted like a cheap buffet for which Vegas is known. It is the same, only cheaper and lower quality according to what they have previously given. What once was great has fallen. Passad. VANS: - negative - positive
Pool was dirty and disgusting. Too bad since the rest seemed nice Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Basol var skitten og avskyelig. Er det ikke synd siden resten virket hyggelig Var denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Basol was filthy and disgusting. Isn't it a shame that the rest seemed nice? Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
My experience: We call ahead and ask for the rate. We're quoted $19, to ride. We drive across the valley, just to see a "GPS fee" added to the receipt, per person. I explain to the clerk I don't need GPS, as I use an app on my phone, which I can also keep score on. He says it's not optional, but can't understand why it should be quoted in the cost of the round. Then, he can't explain why it's per person, when there's only one cart with GPS involved. More back-and-forth ensues and Ryan (if I recall correctly) is just more oblivious and parroting the company line; completely immune from any rational thought. At this point, I'm fuming over this crooked business practice and the clerk's dismissive attitude at my concern about their dishonesty. I decide - just to make sure there is no dispute when I call on Monday to get my "GPS fee" refunded - to retrieve a multi-tool from my car and remove the GPS unit from the cart. I bring it in and set it on the counter; bringing Ryan's attention to the fact that I'm leaving it safely in his care and keeping. He's baffled that the bolted-on accessory to the cart could be removed. I assure him I'll put it back on, once we've completed our round. He's completely bewildered as to what sort of sorcery I must have employed to remove the GPS and is convinced I "destroyed" the course's property. He starts giving me attitude about how he doesn't appreciate me- I interrupt with "...standing up for myself? ...making a statement?" He continues "...just coming in and doing whatever you want." I inquired "Like making shady charges to my credit card, without my permission?" It's about this time, we mutually decide it's best if I get a full refund and take my business elsewhere. Judging by the other reviews, I dodged a bullet anyway. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Min erfaring: Vi ber om å få tak i prisen. Vi er sitert $1 for å ri. Vi kjører over dalen, bare for å se et gebyr på GPS-en, pluss kvittering pr. person. Jeg forklarer kontoristen at jeg ikke trenger GPS, da jeg bruker en app på telefonen, som jeg også kan holde poeng på. Han sier at det ikke er valgfritt, men kan ikke forstå hvorfor det skal være sitert i omtalen av runden. Da kan han ikke forklare hvorfor det er per person, når det kun er én kjerre med GPS involvert. Mer back-and-forth ensuess and Ryan (hvis jeg minnes riktig) er bare mer uoppmerksom og trår over selskapets linje; helt immun fra en hvilken som helst rasjonell tanke. Nå er jeg ferdig med denne uærlige forretningspraksisen og kontoristens avvisende holdning til min bekymring for deres uærlighet. Jeg bestemmer - bare for å forsikre meg om at det ikke er noen distvist når jeg ringer mandag for å få min<unk>GPS-avgift<unk> refundert<unk> for å hente et multi-verktøy fra bilen min og fjerne GPS-enheten fra trallen. Jeg tar den inn og setter den på disken; bringer Ryans oppmerksomhet til det faktum at jeg lar den være i hans varetekt og ivareta. Han er forbløffet over at den boltete vedhengsvognen kan fjernes. Jeg forsikrer ham om at jeg skal sette den på igjen når vi har fullført runden vår. Han er fullstendig forvirret over hva slags trolldom jeg må ha brukt for å fjerne GPS-en og er overbevist om at jeg<unk>ødelagt<unk> kursets eiendom. Han begynner å si noe om at han ikke setter pris på meg. Jeg avbryter med å stå for meg selv? ... avgi en erklæring , Han fortsetter <unk>... idet han kommer inn og gjør hva du vil <unk> Id spurte<unk> for å lage lysskye gebyrer til kredittkortet mitt, uten min tillatelse<unk> Det er på denne tiden, vi må finne ut at det er best om jeg får full refusjon og tar min virksomhet et annet sted. Ut i fra de andre anmerkningene, har jeg uansett unngått en kule. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
In my experience, we ask for the price. We're quoted $1 to ride. We're going across the valley, just to see a fee on the GPS, plus a receipt per person. I'll explain to the clerk that I don't need GPS, because I'm using an app on the phone, which I can also keep score on. He says it is not optional but cannot understand why it should be quoted in the review. Then he can't explain why it's per person, when there's only one car with GPS involved. More back-and-forth ensuess and Ryan (if I remember correctly) is just more unsupervised and steps over the company line; completely immune from any rational thought. Now I am done with this dishonest business practice and the clerk’s unresponsive attitude toward my concern for their dishonesty. I decide - just to make sure there is no dispute when I call on Monday to get my<unk>GPS fee<unk> refunded<unk> to retrieve a multi-tool from my car and remove the GPS device from the cart. I take it in and put it on the counter; bring Ryan's attention to the fact that I leave it in his custody and take care of it. He is amazed that the bolted trailer can be removed. I assure him I'll put it back on when we've finished our round. He's completely confused by what kind of spell I must have used to remove the GPS and is convinced that I destroyed the<unk> class property. He's starting to say something about not appreciating me. ...make a declaration, He'll keep going as soon as he comes in and does whatever you want. Id asked<unk> to make clouded fees for my credit card, without my permission<unk> It's at this time, we need to figure out that it's best if I get a full refund and take my business elsewhere. Based on the other notes, I've avoided a bullet anyway. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Chinese takeout has never tasted better! This place raises the bar as far as quality, cleanliness and taste. The kitchen is in complete view from the dining room which is rare for any 'fast food' establishment. The biggest surprise is the fact that all food is cooked when ordered and my last bite (that I could handle because of the big portion size) was as hot as the first bite which is way more than I can say for other heat lamp restaurants. The staff is great and the lunch specials are a great value. All in all, this is a game changer in the takeout business and a great find OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Kinesisk takeout har aldri smakt bedre! Dette stedet hever bar så langt som til kvalitet, renslighet og smak. Kjøkkenet er i full oversikt fra spisestuen som er sjelden for et hvilket som helst «materi». Den største overraskelsen er det at all maten er kokt når den er bestilt og min siste bit (som jeg kunne klare på grunn av den store delen av størrelsen) var like varm som den første maten som er mye mer enn jeg kan si for andre varme lamperestauranter. Staben er flott og lunsjspesialene er en stor verdi. Alt i alt, dette er en spillskifter i takeout business og en stor finne OPA: - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Chinese takeout has never tasted better! This place raises the bar as far as quality, cleanliness, and taste. The kitchen is in full view from the dining room that is rare for any “food”. The biggest surprise is that all the food is cooked when ordered and my last bite (which I could do because of the large part) was as hot as the first food that is much more than I can say for other hot lamp restaurants. The staff is great and the lunch specials are a great value. All in all, this is a game changer in takeout business and a big find of OPA: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Make sure you specify that you want the garlic mozzarella bread with your entree ($7.99) not an appetizer($9.99) even though its not listed on the menu as an appetizer. According to the manager they got new menus in January...I wonder how much extra money they made from this mistake for almost 2 months? Oh and we were the first people to notice! Ha Food was good service horrible. Now I remember why I don't come here.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Pass på at du oppgir at du vil ha et shell mozzarellabrød med det du trenger ($ 7. 999. ikke en forrett ($ 9. 999, 999) selv om det ikke står på menyen som forrett. Ifølge manageren de fikk nye menyer i januar ...Jeg lurer på hvor mye ekstra penger de tjente på denne feilen i nesten 2 måneder? Vi var de første som la merke til det! Ha mat var god service forferdelig. Nå husker jeg hvorfor jeg ikke kommer hit.
Make sure you specify that you want a shell mozzarella bread with what you need ($7.999. not an appetizer ($9.299, 999) even if it is not on the menu as an appetizer. According to the manager they got new menus in January... I wonder how much extra money they made from this mistake for almost two months? We were the first to notice! Food was good service terrible. Now I remember why I didn't come here.
What is the sentiment of the following review? I use Parking Spot everytime I go to the airport - I used to use them all the time when I lived in Atlanta and was glad to see them here in Phoenix, but I may have to change. At nearly $11 per day now they are one if the most expensive, yet always one of the slowest. I typically see 3 buses of everyone else roll by before a parking spot bus moseys along. Each time I've had to call to see if a bus was en route. Not efficient for the price. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg bruker parkeringsflekk hver gang jeg går til flyplassen, brukte dem hele tiden da jeg bodde i Atlanta og var glad for å se dem her i Phoenix, men jeg må kanskje skifte. Med 111 dollar per dag er de nå en hvis den dyreste, men likevel alltid en av de tregeste. Jeg kan se tre busser av alle andre som kommer forbi før en parkeringsplass. Hver gang har jeg måttet ringe for å se om en buss var underveis. Ikke effektiv for prisen. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I use a parking spot every time I go to the airport, used them all the time when I lived in Atlanta and was happy to see them here in Phoenix, but I might have to change. With $11 a day, they are now one whose most expensive, yet always one of the slowest. I can see three buses out of every other bus that comes by before a parking lot. Each time I had to call to see if a bus was on its way. Not efficient for the price. VANS: - negative - positive
Good food. Never oily and has great flavors. Curry has a little heat to it, which is nice. Fresh nan. Very intimate little restaurant, perfect for lunch discussions with colleagues or a nice dinner date. Service is a little hit & miss, but it doesn't take away from the quality of the experience overall. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
God mat. Har aldri olje og har store smaksstoffer. Det er litt varmt på kuren, og det er fint. Fersk nan. Veldig intimt lite restaurant, perfekt for lunsj med kolleger eller en hyggelig middagsdato. Service er en liten hit & bom, men tar ikke fra hverandre kvaliteten på erfaringen helhetlig. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Good food. Never has oil and has great flavors. It's a little hot on the cure, and it's nice. Fresh nan. Very intimate little restaurant, perfect for lunch with colleagues or a nice dinner date. Service is a small hit & miss, but does not take apart the quality of experience in a general way. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
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Generate a positive review for a place.
Winner Winner Chicken Wing Dinner! 777 is always a good place to hit after a hard days work. They've got appetizers up the heezy all at good price. Me and my fellow employees always order a workload and still end up with a bill under $30! Some of the goods we normally order are chicken wings, shrimp, calamari, oysters.. there is a lot on the menu, but whatever you decide to order, by God I tell you, always order a side of CHEESY GARLIC BREAD! So cheesy, so garlicy, even Vampires can't get their hands off them.. HarHarHar.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Vinner Vinner Kyllingønserving med Vingage! 777 er alltid et godt sted å treffe etter hardt arbeidsdag. De har forretter i det hele til god pris. Jeg og mine arbeidskamerater bestiller alltid en arbeidsbyrde og får likevel en regning under 30 dollar! Noen av varene vi normalt bestiller er kyllingvinger, reker, kalver og østers. Det står mye på menyen, men uansett hva du bestemmer deg for å bestille, så bestill alltid en side av KJØRETØYEN BESKYTTELSE! Selv vampyrer får ikke taket på dem.
Winning Chicken Reservation with Vingage! 777 is always a good place to hit after a hard day's work. They have appetizers at a good price. My fellow workers and I always order a work load and still get a bill under $30! Some of the items we normally order are chicken wings, shrimps, calves and oysters, but whatever you decide to order, always order a side of the vehicle for protection! Even vampires can't get to them.
What would be an example of an positive review?
This place is a great. If I lived in Vegas I would be a regular for sure. Great food + great service + clean = happy me.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Dette stedet er et stort sted. Hvis jeg bodde i Vegas, ville jeg vært fast ansatt. Store mat + stor service + ren = meg.
This place is a big place. If I lived in Vegas, I'd be a regular. Big food plus big service + clean = me.
I love my Macbook Pro.. I love my iPhone.. I love my iPod.. I love almost everything Apple except the stores.. I'm sorry but this place isnt much better then Best Buy.. a bunch of think-they-know-it-all teenagers running the front of the store. Hubby washed his iPhone and needed to get a replacement.. seems reasonable right? Well some kid in the front was trying to make us an appt through a mac in the front.. ya know walking back to the genius bar seems to me to be so much easier.. He finally told us that their weren't any appts left and we would have to come back.. oh my inner b*tch came out full force, she, I mean he didn't know what hit him.. we were at the Genius Bar in moments.. they replaced the iPhone ($200) which was very cool but a real hassle getting there in the first place. Take deep calming breathes when you visit this store. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker Macbook Pro. Jeg elsker min iPhone. Jeg elsker min iPod. Jeg elsker nesten alt Apple bortsett fra butikkene. Beklager, men dette stedet er ikke mye bedre enn Best Buy, en gjeng med tenke-de-vet-i-alle tenåringer som styrer butikken. Vaske iPhonen sin og måtte få en erstatning. Virker rimelig? En fyr foran prøvde å få oss til å se gjennom en mac foran.. du vet at å gå tilbake til genibaren virker for meg å være så mye enklere. Han fortalte oss til slutt at de ikke var noen apper igjen og vi måtte komme tilbake. . oh min indre b*tch kom ut full kraft, hun, jeg mener han ikke visste hva som traff ham.. vi var på Genius Bar i øyeblikk. de erstattet iPhone (200) som var veldig kult men en virkelig hast som kom dit i første omgang. Ta et dypt, rolig pust når du besøker denne butikken. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I love Macbook Pro. I love my iPhone. I love my iPod. I love almost everything Apple except the shops. I'm sorry, but this place isn't much better than Best Buy, a bunch of thinking-de-know-all teenagers running the store. Does that make sense? A guy in the front tried to get us to look through a mac in front. You know that going back to the genius bar works for me to be so much easier. He finally told us that they weren't any apps left and we had to come back. oh my inner b*tch came out full power, she, I mean he didn't know what hit him.. We were at Genius Bar in moments. They replaced iPhone (200) which was very cool but a real rush that got there in the first place. Take a deep, calm breath when you visit this store. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Good sandwiches for reasonable prices. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Gode smørbrød for rimelige priser. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Good sandwiches for reasonable prices. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
This is a good place to buy a car if you deal with the fleet or Internet people. We have bought several Toyotas in recent years and three of four have been from here, as they beat significantly the best price we could get elsewhere. But they are absolutely thieves when it comes to service. Be very careful. First of all, you must understand that all Toyota service managers are paid on a commission basis. The more services they sell you, the more money they make. They are not service managers; they are service salesman. My two-year-old Avalon was due a free detail from Camelback. So I took it in. While sitting in the waiting room I was amazed at the steady stream of service managers who would come in and tell their waiting pigeons the long list of additional services they really needed in addition to whatever it was they had come in for. Totally unnecessary things like power steering flushes, EFI services, transmission fluid plushes, etc. These are all things for which they charge $100 to $300. Then it was my turn. My guy came in and told me I really needed new tires. He was pretty embarrassed when I pointed out that the tires I had on the car had only 2000 miles on them. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette er et godt sted å kjøpe bil hvis man tar seg av personer med flåte eller internett. Vi har kjøpt flere Toyotaer de siste årene og tre av fire har vært herfra, da de slo betydelig den beste prisen vi kunne få et annet sted. Men de er absolutte tyver når det gjelder tjeneste. Vær forsiktig. For det første må du forstå at alle Toyota-tjenestelederne blir betalt på oppdrag. Jo flere tjenester de selger deg, jo mer tjener de. De er ikke arbeidsledere; de er tjenestemann. Min to år gamle Avalon skulle få en gratis avtale fra Camelback. Så jeg tok det inn. Mens jeg satt på venteværelset, ble jeg forbauset over den jevne strøm av arbeidsledere som kom inn og fortalte venteduene deres den lange listen over ekstra tjenester de virkelig trengte, i tillegg til hva det nå var de hadde kommet for å få. overflødige ting som servostyringsstyring, EFI-tjenester, overføringsvæsketillegg osv. Alt dette er ting som de koster 100 dollar for for å få 300 kroner. Da var det min tur. Fyren min sa at jeg trengte nye dekk. Han ble ganske flau da jeg påpekte at dekkene jeg hadde på bilen bare hadde 2 000 km på seg. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This is a good place to buy a car if you take care of people with a raft or the Internet. We've bought several Toyotas in the last few years and three out of four have been from here, when they struck significantly the best price we could get elsewhere. But they're absolute thieves when it comes to service. Be careful. First of all, you have to understand that all Toyota service leaders are being paid on a mission. The more services they sell you, the more they make. They are not supervisors; they are official. My two-year-old Avalon was supposed to get a free deal from Camelback. So I brought it in. While sitting in the waiting room, I was amazed at the steady flow of supervisors who came in and told their waiting pigeons the long list of extra services they really needed, as well as what they had come to receive. redundant items such as power management, EFI services, transfer aid, etc. All of these are things that they cost $100 to get $300. It was my turn. My guy said I needed new tires. He was quite embarrassed when I pointed out that the tires I had on the car only had 2,000 km. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? There pizza is average. The customer service us sub-par and if you enjoy ranch or any extras bring your piggy bank. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Det er gjennomsnittlig pizza. Kundeservicen oss subpar og hvis du liker ranch eller noen andre kommer med sparegrisen din. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? It's an average pizza. Customer service us subpars and if you like ranch or someone else comes with your piggy bank. VANS: - negative - positive
Food ( including caviar) was not even close to the quality they claim to have. I am Russian and know how good caviar taste like and it's definitely far away from petrossian's((((( Want some good black caviar - go to New York and buy it in Brighton beach ( any) Russian store under the table )))) Foie gras what petrossian's sell - is a canned kind you can get same place in Brighton beach up to $10.00 a can! Better- order Foie gras in a Russian restaurant ( I love it on a butter toast with a piece of fried pineapple and with black currant sauce). Was not impressed, not even satisfied and definitely overpaid ((( But maybe tastes differ, may be i should have tried their tea and sandwiches... How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Matvarer (også kaviar) var ikke engang i nærheten av den kvaliteten de hevder å ha. Jeg er russisk og vet hvor god kaviar smaker som og det er definitivt langt unna petrossian's(((((ønsker noen god svart kaviar - dra til New York og kjøpe det i Brighton Beach (enhver) russisk butikk under tabellen ))) Foie grass hva petrossisk's selger - er en hermetisk type kan du få samme plass i Brighton strand opp til 10 dollar en boks! Bedre-orden Foie gras i en russisk restaurant (Jeg elsker det på en skål med smør med et stykke frityrsverte og med solbærsaus). Ikke var imponert, ikke engang tilfreds og avgjort overbetalt ((men kanskje smaken er forskjellig, kan det være at jeg burde ha prøvd teen og smørbrødene deres... VANS: - - negativ - positive
Food (including caviar) was not even close to their claimed quality. I am Russian and know how good caviar tastes and it is definitely far away from petrosian's((((wanting some good black caviar - go to New York and buy it in Brighton Beach (any) Russian store under the table )) Foie grass what petrossian's seller - is a hermetical type you can get the same place in Brighton Beach up to $10 a box! The better-order Foie gras in a Russian restaurant (I love it on a bowl of butter with a slice of frying pan and currant sauce). Not impressed, not even satisfied and definitely overpaid (but perhaps the flavor is different, I might have tried your tea and sandwiches... VANS: - negative - positive
I stopped in with a group of friends for Happy Hour after a baseball game at Giants spring training stadium. We were seated promptly and told about the happy hour specials. Our server even told us about the frozen margarita's having more alcohol than the ones on the rocks so we went with those :). For food we just snacked on the Chicken lollipops which were great good flavor and a nice spice to the sauce. Also we got the ahi tuna tacos which I thought were awesome. They had great flavor and you got 5 per plate. They were cold and the jimica taco shell was a nice crunch and change from the usual taco. Overall with happy hour prices we left very happy and enjoyed our food and didn't get a major hit in the wallet. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg kom sammen med en gruppe venner for Happy Hour etter en baseballkamp på Giants vårtreningsstadion. Vi satte oss straks ned og fortalte om de glederike timene. Vår server fortalte oss til og med om frossen margarita har mer alkohol enn de på klippene så vi gikk med de :). Til mat vi bare spiste på kylling-eple som var god smak og et godt krydder til sausen. Og vi har airicula tacoen som jeg syntes var fantastisk. De hadde god smak, og du fikk 5 per plate. De var kalde og jimica taco skall var en fin crunch og endring fra den vanlige taco. Vi var glade og fornøyde med maten vår og fikk ingen stor hit i lommeboka. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I met with a group of friends for Happy Hour after a baseball game at the Giants Spring Training Stadium. Immediately we sat down and related the joyous hours. Our server even told us about frozen margaritas having more alcohol than those on the rocks so we wore the :). For food we only ate on chicken apple that was good taste and a good seasoning for the sauce. And we have the airircula taco that I thought was amazing. They had good taste, and you got 5 a record. They were cold and Jimica taco shells were a nice crunch and change from the usual taco. We were happy and satisfied with our food and got no big hit in our wallet. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a positive yelp review.
As soon as we step inside the restaurant , we are back to Japan. Happy place!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Så snart vi kommer inn i restauranten, er vi tilbake til Japan. Happy-sted!
As soon as we get into the restaurant, we'll be back to Japan. Happy place!
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? While the first time I came here was a solid 3 stars, the second time was very enjoyable. This time I ordered the cheese board and just like the last time, there were like 3 cheeses, pistachios, another kind of nut, jam, bread, etc. Very good and plentiful. Last time, we ordered the warm mixed nuts that were really good but I couldn't eat too much of it. My husband ordered this pork dish that had hominy, and I don't remember what else but it was freakin awesome. I kept eating out of his skillet. Yum. My $10 specialty cocktail was knock me on my ass strong but good. I gave it to my husband after while because I would have been drunk just off the one. I guess that is a good problem to have. The service was top-notch. She was just the right amount of attentive and did a great job. The decor was bright and modern. I really enjoyed this last experience. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Første gang jeg kom hit, var en massiv trestjerner, og andre gang var veldig hyggelig. Denne gangen bestilte jeg oste ombord og akkurat som forrige gang, det var som 3 oster, pistasjer, en annen type nøtt, syltetøy, brød osv. Veldig godt og rikelig. Forrige gang bestilte vi de varme nøttene som var veldig gode, men jeg kunne ikke spise for mye av det. Mannen min bestilte en svinekjøtt som var deilig, og jeg vet ikke hva annet, men det var helt rått. Jeg fortsatte å spise av hans pyttlet. Det er sant. Jeg fikk en sterk, men god start. Jeg ga den til mannen min etter hvert, for jeg ville ha vært full bare av den ene. Det er vel et godt problem å ha. Tjenesten var topp-nots. Hun var akkurat den rette mengden av oppmerksomhet og gjorde en stor jobb. Dekoren var lys og moderne. Jeg likte virkelig denne siste opplevelsen. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? The first time I came here was a massive tree star, and the second time was very nice. This time I ordered cheese on board and just like last time, it was like 3 cheeses, pistachios, another kind of nut, jam, bread, etc. Very good and plenty. Last time we ordered the hot nuts that were really good, but I couldn't eat too much of them. My husband ordered a pork that was delicious, and I don't know what else, but it was awesome. I continued to eat of his pew. It's true. I got a strong, but good start. I eventually gave it to my husband because I would have been drunk with just one. I guess it's a good problem to have. The service was top-nots. She was just the right amount of attention and did a great job. The decor was light and modern. I really enjoyed this last experience. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a negative yelp review.
I've eaten here many times, mainly because we liked the restaurant prior to it becoming the Attic. I will admit the food is really good, the beers are great, and the decor is my style. So why the two stars then? The biggest problem this place has is customer service. It is poor, at best. The two times we have been there the staff were either rude or they ignored their tables. Very well could have been understaffed but it happened twice. This is a real shame because the food is excellent and I love the location. The only thing keeping me from coming back is the poor service I've experienced both times I've been there.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg har spist her mange ganger, hovedsakelig fordi vi likte restauranten før den ble attisk. Jeg innrømmer at maten er veldig god, ølene er store, og dekoren er min stil. Så hvorfor de to stjernene da? Det største problemet dette stedet har er kundeservice. Den er fattig, i beste fall. De to gangene vi har vært der, var staben enten uhøflige eller så ignorerte de bordene sine. Det kan godt godt ha vært underbemannet, men det skjedde to ganger. Dette er en skam, for maten er fantastisk og jeg elsker stedet. Det eneste som hindrer meg fra å komme tilbake er den dårlige tjenesten jeg har opplevd begge gangene jeg har vært der.
I've eaten here many times, mainly because we liked the restaurant before it turned to art. I admit, the food is very good, the beer is big, and the decoration is my style. Then why the two stars? The biggest problem this place has is customer service. It's poor, at best. The two times we've been there, the staff was either rude or they ignored their tables. It may well have been understaffed, but it happened twice. This is a disgrace because the food is amazing and I love the place. The only thing that keeps me from coming back is the bad service I’ve experienced both times I’ve been there.
The day started out sunny, 78 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, so I knew there wouldn't be a better night to fire up the Q, only one problem, I had nothing that formerly had a mother or a face to fire up on the Weber. But no worries "yelp" to the rescue and after quick search of butcher shops throughout the valley my decision was made as to where I would get my dead cow from. They have two locations in the valley, so I chose the one off south Rainbow, which is in a new developing area, but was the closest to me. It was very clean and neat upon arrival. Don't expect the huge meat rack that you'll find at a Whole Foods because this is a neighborhood joint. Everything appeared to be high quality meat, and as it turned out I wasn't disappointed either. GREAT selection of beef and better yet the prices were far better than what you'll find at Whole Foods, which I personally find to be over priced and over rated. For me I would rather give my money to these local business owners who pour their heart and soul into the operation instead on being, #34 next in line please. The husband and wife team were quick to serve us, even when they got busy they were still super nice and answered every question about the beef I could ask. They' ll also make great recommendations if you aren't sure what you're looking for if you ask them. So I chose a few pounds of rib-eye and some Italian to get the party started, and what a great night it turned out to be. Now the only problem I have is finding away to get myself up off the couch! Did I mention they'll cut your meat to size and order you items like gulf shrimp to purchase? Once my cholesterol count is back in check I'll be back for those 2" rib-eyes I should of had them cut me the first time around! Bon appetit What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dagen begynte med sol, 78 grader og ikke en sky på himmelen, så jeg visste det ikke ville være en bedre natt å fyre opp Q-en, bare ett problem, jeg hadde ingenting som tidligere hadde en mor eller et ansikt å fyre opp på Weber. Men ingen bekymringer<unk>yelp<unk> til redningsredningen og etter å ha lett raskt etter slakterbutikker i hele dalen bestemte jeg meg for hvor jeg skulle få min døde ku fra. De har to steder i dalen, så jeg valgte den utenfor sør Regnbue, som ligger i et nytt utviklingsland, men som var det nærmeste jeg kom. Det var meget rent og pent ved ankomsten. Ikke forvent deg det store kjøttstativet du finner på en Whole Foods fordi dette er et sted i nabolaget. Alt så ut til å være kjøtt av høy kvalitet, og det viste seg at jeg ikke var skuffet heller. Det er et stort utvalg av kjøtt, og prisene var mye bedre enn det du vil finne på Whole Foods, som jeg selv synes er overpriset og overpriset. For meg vil jeg heller gi pengene mine til lokale forretningseiere som heller sitt hjerte og sjel inn i operasjonen istedenfor å være, #34 Next in line please. Manns- og konelaget var snare til å tjene oss, selv når de hadde det travelt, var de fortsatt kjempefine og svarte på alle spørsmål om det biffen jeg kunne stille. De vil også gjøre store anbefalinger hvis man ikke er sikker på hva man leter etter hvis man spør dem. Så jeg valgte et par kilo med throw-eye og en italiener for å få i gang partiet, og for en flott kveld det viste seg å være. Nå er det eneste problemet jeg har, å finne bort for å komme meg opp av sofaen! Nevnte jeg at de skjærer kjøttet ditt i størrelse og bestiller ting som en gulp? Når kolesterolverdien er tilbake i sjakk, kommer jeg tilbake etter de to par- par-øyene jeg burde ha fått dem til å skjære meg i første runde! Bon appetit Hva er det denne anmeldelsen innebærer? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The day began with sun, 78 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, so I knew it wouldn't be a better night to light up the Q, just one problem, I had nothing before that that had a mother or a face to light up on Weber. But no worries, I decided where to get my dead cow. They have two places in the valley, so I chose it outside the south rainbow, which is in a new developing country but which was the closest I ever came. It was very clean and neat at the time of arrival. Don't expect the big meat rack you'll find at a Whole Foods because this is somewhere in the neighborhood. Everything seemed to be quality meat, and it turned out that I was not disappointed either. There's a great variety of meat, and the prices were much better than what you'll find at Whole Foods, which I think is overpriced and overpriced. For me, I'd rather give my money to local business owners who pour their heart and soul into the operation instead of being, #34 Next in line please. The husband and wife team were quick to serve us, even when they were busy, they were still great and answered every question about the steak I could ask. They'll also make big recommendations if you're not sure what you're looking for if you ask them. So I picked a couple of kilos of Thorow-eye and an Italian to get the party started, and what a great night that turned out to be. Now the only problem I have is to find my way out of the couch! Did I mention that they cut your meat in size and order things like a goop? When my cholesterol level is back in check, I'll be back after the two pairs of islands I should have had them cut me in the first round! Bon appetit What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I absolutely love this place. A great place to take your family. Everything on the menu is Delis!! I would recommend the sweet tea or the coo laid How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker dette stedet. Et stort sted å ta familien din. Alt på menyen er Delis!!! Jeg vil anbefale den søte teen eller kåken. Hvordan vil denne omtalen bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I love this place. A big place to take your family. Everything on the menu is Delis! I would recommend the sweet tea or the crib, and how will this review be described for emotion? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? I have only been here a few times, but they have some of the best pizza I have ever had. The biancoverde and the classic margherita are my favorites! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg har bare vært her et par ganger, men de har noen av de beste pizzaene jeg har smakt. Jeg liker å ha den store og den klassiske margeritaen og den klassiske margeritaen! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I've only been here a couple of times, but they have some of the best pizzas I've ever had. I like having the big and the classic margarita and the classic margarita! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
This is a little gem. Sometimes it's best to do one thing and do it really well. America's does carne asada REALLY well!! The meat is tender and flavorful and delicious!! I had a carne asada burrito and it was probably the best I've ever had. But let me speak of the guacamole.....mmmmmm!! If you like guac, this is awesome guac!! It's got just enough kick in it and it is very tasty. Their chips are fresh and crispy and a nice compliment to the guac. My daughter loved the cheese quesedilla and ate the whole thing. When we got in the car to leave she said she wanted to come back the next day! That's high praise from a six year old! The shop is a cute little house with several tables inside and a nice seating area outside. Parking can be a little of a challenge. There is only one way in and it's the same way out. So if you're leaving and someone is coming in, get the picture. The staff is always friendly and accomodating. They make you feel at home. The prices are reasonable so you don't break the bank either. Thank you America!!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Dette er en liten edelsten. Noen ganger er det best å gjøre én ting og gjøre det bra. Amerikas do carne asada JORD!!!! Kjøttet er mørt og smakfullt og deilig!!! Jeg hadde en karne asada burrito og det var nok den beste jeg har hatt. Men la meg snakke om guacamole! Hvis du liker guac, er dette fantastisk guac!! Den har akkurat nok spark i seg og er veldig god. Pommes frites er ferske og sprø og en kompliment til guacen. Min datter elsket osten quesedilla og spiste hele greia. Da vi satte oss i bilen for å la henne gå, sa hun at hun ville komme tilbake neste dag! Det er ros fra en seksåring! Butikken er et søtt lite hus med flere bord inne og et fint sitteområde utenfor. Det kan være litt av en utfordring å parkere. Det er bare én vei inn, og det er samme vei ut. Så hvis du skal dra og noen kommer inn, vel... Du skjønner bildet. Staben er alltid vennlig og imøtekommende. De får deg til å føle deg hjemme. Prisene er rimelige, så du ikke får banken i stykker heller. Takk skal dere ha, Amerika! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
This is a small gem. Sometimes it is best to do one thing and do well. America's do carne asada JORD!!!! The meat is tender and tasteful and delicious! I had a guy asada burrito and it was probably the best I ever had. But let me talk about guacamole! If you like guac, this is amazing guac! It's got just enough kicks in it and it's really good. French fries are fresh and crisp and a compliment to the guac. My daughter loved the cheese quesedilla and ate the whole thing. When we got in the car to let her go, she said she would come back the next day! That's the praise of a six-year-old! The store is a cute little house with more tables inside and a nice seat outside. Parking can be quite a challenge. There's only one way in, and that's the same way out. So if you're gonna leave and someone comes in, well... you get the picture. The staff is always friendly and approachable. They make you feel at home. The prices are reasonable, so you can't break the bank either. Thank you, America! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
Write a positive yelp review.
Great swordfish. Wonderful Sour Dough French Bread. Be sure to try their Artichoke appetizer. It is grilled and served with a pesto sauce. I found the fried catfish to be a bit salty though.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Store sverdfisk. Vidunderlig dough fransk brød. Pass på å prøve deres Artichoke forrett. Den blir grillet og servert med en saus. Jeg syntes at den stekte malleen var litt salt.
Big swordfish. Wonderful dough French bread. Make sure you try your Artichoke appetizer. It is grilled and served with a sauce. I thought the fried catfish was a little salty.
Generate a positive review for a place.
+500 points for the inspired genius of Chandelier, a 3-4 story crystal-draped bar which forms the centerpiece of the main casino complex. Unprecedented masterpiece of extravagant design in the same league as classic Las Vegas magnificence like the original Stardust neon sign (which, in one of its later forms was salvaged from the demolition, and still exists somewhere in the Neon Museum). You would think the vast sparkling draperies must be plastic, for weight and safety reasons. But touch them--they're solid glass. +300 points for GREEN FELT gaming tables - only Paris, Cosmo, and Caesar's have them as far as I know--everywhere else they're beige, brown, purple, maroon... ugh. -200 points for the pervasive, inescapable stench of cigarette and cigar smoke and the presence, at each crowded table, of at least one heavy smoker. +100 points for soft, padded walls in the halls.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
+500 poeng for det inspirerte geniet av Chandelier, en 3-4 etasjers krystalllagt bar som utgjør midtpunktet i hovedkasinokomplekset. Upresist mesterverk av ekstravagant design i samme liga som klassiske Las Vegas storskap som det originale stjernestøv neonskiltet (som i en av sine senere former ble berget fra rivingen, og fortsatt eksisterer et sted i Neonmuseet). Man skulle tro at de enorme, musserende mineralene må være av plast, av vekt og sikkerhetsgrunner. Men rør dem - de er massive glass. +300 poeng for GRØN FELT spilltabeller -bare Paris, Cosmo, og Caesar's har dem så vidt jeg vet - alle andre steder er de beige, brune, lilla, rødbrune... ugh. -200 poeng for den gjennomtrengende, uunngåelige stanken av sigarett- og sigarrøyk og tilstedeværelsen ved hvert bord av minst én storrøyker. +100 poeng for myke, polstrede vegger i hallene.
+500 points for the inspired genius of the Cruvier, a 3-4-story crystal-laden bar that is the center of the main casino complex. Unprecise masterpieces of extravagant design in the same league as classic Las Vegas grandeur as the original stardust neon sign (which in one of its later forms was salvaged from demolition, and still exists somewhere in the Neon Museum). It would seem that the huge sparkling minerals must be plastic, for weight and safety reasons. But touch them-- they're solid glass. +300 points for GREEN FULL gaming tables - only Paris, Cosmo, and Caesar's have them as far as I know - everywhere else they are beige, brown, purple, reddish brown... ugh. 200 points for the penetrating, inevitable stench of cigarette and cigar smoke and the presence at each table of at least one heavy smoker. +100 points for soft, padded walls in the halls.
Is the following review positive or negative? Been in Vegas for over 10 years. This was probably one of the best food experiences I've had living here. Thank you. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Har vært i Vegas i over 10 år. Dette var nok en av de beste matopplevelsene jeg har hatt her. Takk. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Been in Vegas for over 10 years. This was probably one of the best food experiences I've ever had here. Thank you. VANS: - negative - positive
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What is the sentiment of the following review? This place is pretty lively when we went. The atmosphere gave me a Dallas's vibe. The food was good. I had a chicken cesar salad. My friend got some shrimp pasta dish, that was pretty good. Must try their brownie. It's freshly made with your choice of ice cream on top. It's very good, but only when it is hot. When it gets cold, it won't taste as good. So eat it fast. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Dette stedet er ganske livlig da vi dro. Atmosfæren ga meg en følelse. Maten var god. Jeg spiste cinsarsalat. Vennen min kjøpte en rekepastarett, det var ganske bra. Prøv å ta en på brunsj. Den er nylaget med ditt valg av iskrem på toppen. Det er veldig bra, men bare når det er varmt. Når det blir kaldt, smaker det ikke like godt. Så spis det fort. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? This place is pretty lively when we left. The atmosphere gave me a feeling. The food was good. I had cissar salad. My friend bought a shrimp pasta, that was pretty good. Try brunch. It's freshly made with your choice of ice cream on top. It's very good, but only when it's hot. When it gets cold, it doesn't taste as good. Then eat it quickly. VANS: - negative - positive
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This place had little selection. I was excited there was an asian market that opened right next to my place. However, when I checked it out cause I needed some last minute vegetables for the sinigang I was going to make I noticed that the vegetables they had were basically rotting already. The sitaw (chinese long beans) I was going to buy there had brown spots all over them already and were definitely over priced. I can see that they had all the canned filipino foods people may need to make some filipino dishes which is a good thing. But I think this place definitely needs more products in order to really blossom. This store has potential to explode but not with the little selection of vegetables and filipino foods they have. It is at a convenient place right next to Mountain's Edge neighborhood, but they need to defintely up their products. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Stedet hadde lite utvalg. Jeg var spent på at det var et asiatmarked som åpnet rett ved siden av meg. Men da jeg sjekket det opp fordi jeg trengte noen siste små grønnsaker til sinilangen jeg skulle lage, la jeg merke til at grønnsakene de hadde, var råttene fra før. Den sitawen jeg skulle kjøpe der, hadde brune flekker overalt allerede, og var avgjort overpriset. Jeg kan se at de hadde all den hermetiske, feminipine mat folk måtte ha for å lage noen filipino-retter som er bra. Men jeg tror dette stedet trenger mer produkter for å virkelig blomstre. Denne butikken har potensial til å eksplodere, men ikke med det lille utvalget av grønnsaker og filipino-mat de har. Den ligger på et egnet sted rett ved siden av Fjells Edge bydel, men de må definere opp i produktene sine. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The place had little selection. I was excited that there was an Asian market that opened right next to me. But when I checked it out because I needed some last - minute vegetables for the singles I was making, I noticed that the vegetables they had were already rotten. The sitaw I was going to buy there had brown spots everywhere already, and was definitely overpriced. I can see that they had all the canned, femininpine food people had to have to make some philipino dishes that are good. But I think this place needs more products to really bloom. This store has the potential to explode, but not with the small variety of vegetables and philipino food they have. It's in a suitable place next to the Edge of the Mountain, but they have to define in their products. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Definitely for a younger crowd, loud rooms , uncomfortable beds, poor dated decorating , holes around plugs in the drywall , worn out drapes that didn't close properly and depending where you are located gets noisier closer to the street, pool or bars. Younger staff also lacking customer service skills. The only plus it has is the location in Scottsdale and the reason I booked there , really close walking to Camelback and tons of shops, they call this the entertainment district now and there is tons of nightclubs and sports bars all close. Very pricey and really just ok quality for room service food. Spa massage was extremely disappointing the masseuse was also very young and seemed to have very little experience, 160.00 for an hour and deep massage it was not. I would not return to this hotel. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? For en yngre folkemengde, høye rom, ubekvemme senger, dårlig datert interiør, hull rundt plugger i veggen, utslitte gardiner som ikke lukket seg skikkelig, og avhengig av hvor du befinner deg, kommer du nærmere gaten, bassenget eller barene. Yngre ansatte mangler også ferdighet i kundeservice. Det eneste pluss at det er stedet i Scottsdale, og grunnen til at jeg booket der, veldig nær Camelback og tonnevis av butikker, kaller de dette underholdningsdistriktet nå, og det er tonnevis av nattklubber og sportsbarer tett på. Veldig prisete, og egentlig bare god kvalitet for romservice mat. Spamassasje var ekstremt skuffende massøren var også svært ung og så ut til å ha svært liten erfaring, 160.00 for en time og dyp massasje var det ikke. Jeg vil ikke tilbake til dette hotellet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? For a younger crowd, tall rooms, uncomfortable beds, poorly dated interiors, holes around plugs in the wall, worn-out curtains that didn't close properly, and depending on where you are, you're getting closer to the street, the pool or the bars. Younger employees also lack customer service skills. The only plus that it's the place in Scottsdale, and the reason I booked there, very close to Camelback and tons of stores, they call this entertainment district now, and there's tons of nightclubs and sports bars close to it. Very prized, and really only good quality for room service food. Sparuating was extremely disappointing the masseur was also very young and seemed to have very little experience, 160:00 for an hour and a deep massage. I don't want to go back to this hotel. VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? While in Phoenix for White Sox Spring Training, I hit up ASU's Mill Avenue to check out the bar scene. It's comparable to downtown San Diego: clean, lit up, lots of people, brick sidewalks, and lots of young women. I found this place and went for the rooftop view. It's pretty nice but only 3 floors up (don't expect a view even close to SD's Altitude or SD's Manchester Grand Hyatt). I was expecting a more dressed up scene but when the music started and the crowd hit the dance floor, it was a bunch of casually dressed college girls grinding on each other. I didn't expect a college bar from such a nicely presented place. I'd check it out for a drink before you head off to another bar. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Mens jeg var i Phoenix for White Sox Spring Train Train, fant jeg Asheus Mill Avenue for å sjekke barscenen. Det kan sammenlignes med San Diego sentrum: ryddig, lyst opp, mange mennesker, mursteinsfortau og mange unge kvinner. Jeg fant dette stedet og gikk til utsikten over taket. Den er ganske fint men bare 3 etasjer opp (ikke forvent utsikt selv nær SD's Altitude eller SD's Manchester Grand Hyatt). Jeg forventet en mer oppkledd scene, men da musikken begynte og publikum kom på dansegulvet, var det en gjeng av uanstendig kledde collegejenter som slipte på hverandre. Jeg forventet ikke en collegebar fra et så pent sted. Jeg ville sjekket det ut for en drink før du drar til en annen bar. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? While I was in Phoenix for the White Sox Spring Train Train, I found Asheus Mill Avenue to check the bar scene. It can be compared to downtown San Diego: neat, bright, many people, brick sidewalks, and many young women. I found this place and went to the roof view. It's pretty nice but it's only three stories up (don't expect a view even near SD's Altitude or SD's Manchester Grand Hyatt). I expected a more dressed scene, but when the music started and the audience came on the dance floor, there was a bunch of obscenely dressed college girls grinding each other. I didn't expect a college bar from such a nice place. I'd check it out for a drink before you go to another bar. VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? I joined a friend of Mine here for Her birthday dinner. Reservations had to be made so I assumed it was pretty upscale. Especially after reading the reviews. The Pro's: atmosphere is simple yet intimate and sophisticated. Server was knowledgeable over the entire menu. Including the wine list. Food was heavenly! Felt like I was showcasing dishes from Iron Chef or some other food challenge show. Like a food orgasm of flavor and textures in My mouth!!! The Con's; small portions & extremely pricey!We easily spent $70 per person. Parking was confusing! No street parking, parking garage around the block. Teeter House will validate so make sure to take your ticket with you. Food prep time was a bit long (over 30 minutes). Overall GREAT upscale dining experience, Great for a nice date nite. Just make sure your date has some class & some cash.... OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg slo meg sammen med en venn av Min her for bursdagsmiddagen hennes. Reserveringene måtte foretas, så jeg antok at det var ganske mye bedre. Spesielt etter å ha lest opp kritikkene. Pro'ene: Atmosfæren er enkel, men fortrolig og sofistikert. Server var kunnskapsrik over hele menyen. Her er vinlisten. Det var et himmelsk paradis! Det føltes som om jeg viste tallerkener fra Iron Chef eller et annet matcidance show. Som en matorgasme av smak og teksturer i Min munn!!!!! The Con's; små porsjoner & ekstremt prisfulle! Vi har lett for å bruke $70 per person. Det var forvirrende å parkere! Ingen gateparkering, parkeringshus rundt kvartalet. Teeter House vil validere så pass på å ta billetten med deg. Matpreptiden var litt lang (over 30 minutter). STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE STORE SØDØD I SØNDIG SØK - Flott for en fin date. Bare sørg for at datoen din har en eller annen klasse & noen kontanter. ... VALG: - negativ - positiv
What will the following article show? I hooked up with a friend of Min's here for her birthday dinner. The backup rings had to be made, so I assumed it was a lot better. Especially after reading the criticisms. The Pros, the atmosphere is simple but intimate and sophisticated. Server was knowledgeable all over the menu. Here's the wine list. It was a heavenly paradise! I felt like I was showing plates from the Iron Chef or some other math dance show. Like a food orgasm of flavor and textures in My mouth!!!!!! The Con's; small portions & extremely pricey! We tend to spend $70 per person. Parking was confusing! No street parking, parking garage around the block. Teeter House wants to validate, so be sure to take the ticket with you. Food delivery was a little long (over 30 minutes). Great big, big big big, big, big big, big big, big big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, Just make sure your date has some class & some cash.... OPTION: -negative - positive
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From or
Service outweighs the food, and not in a good way. While we had made a slight error in not including two toddlers in our reservation at 5:30 on a Sunday, they stuck us at a high table. We asked the hostess if we could sit at the standard size table (same size - 6) next to ours and was rudely told that it was reserved for another party. When we asked for clarification, seeing that we had two children under 2 and the table was about a foot taller than the high chairs, she said it was in another servers zone and they can't do anything about it. Okay, I get that there could be issues with zones, but maybe try being nice and not jerks about it? Next, we ordered guacamole - 1 jalape\u00f1o and one without (for the kids) they placed the jalape\u00f1o one in front of the kids and said it was without, but said it was the opposite. Luckily we caught it. Last complaint, the time it took to get our food was extremely long. Luckily its right on the park there and we spent our time on the grass with the kids while we waited. I should note the waitress was very nice and attentive, but the rest of the experience was definitely the low point of our trip. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Tjenesten oppveier maten, og ikke på en god måte. Mens vi hadde gjort en liten feil ved ikke å ta med to småbarn i reservatet vårt klokken 05:30 en søndag, satte de oss ved et høyt bord. Vi spurte vertsinnen om vi kunne sitte ved standard størrelsestabellen (samme størrelse - 6 ved siden av vår og fikk frekt beskjed om at den var reservert for en annen part. Når vi ba om en forklaring, siden vi hadde to barn under to og bordet var omtrent en fot høyere enn de høye stolene, sa hun at det var i en annen tenarar sone og de kan ikke gjøre noe med det. Jeg forstår at det kan være problemer med soner, men prøv å være snill og ikke tulle med det? Deretter bestilte vi guacamole - 1 jalape<unk>u00f1o og en uten (for ungene) plasserte de jalape<unk>u00f1o en foran ungene og sa at den var uten, men sa at det var motsatt. Heldigvis fikk vi tak i den. Siste klage, den tiden det tok å få maten vår var veldig lang. Heldigvis til høyre i parken der, og vi tilbrakte tiden på gresset med ungene mens vi ventet. Jeg burde legge merke til at servitrisen var veldig hyggelig og oppmerksom, men resten av opplevelsen var definitivt det lave punktet på turen vår. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The ministry outweighs the food, not in a good way. While we had made a small mistake by not bringing two young children to our reservation at 5:30 one Sunday, they put us at a high table. We asked the landlady if we could sit at the standard size table (the same size - 6 next to ours and were rudely told that it was reserved for another party. When we asked for an explanation, since we had two children under two and the table was about one foot taller than the high chairs, she said it was in another server zone and they can't do anything about it. I understand there may be a problem with zones, but try to be nice and not mess with it? Then we ordered guacamole -1 jalape<unk>u00f1o and one without (for the kids) placed the jalape<unk>u00f1o in front of the kids and said it was the other way around. Fortunately, we got it. Last complaint, the time it took to get our food was very long. Fortunately, to the right in the park there, we spent time on the grass with the kids waiting. I should notice that the waitress was very nice and attentive, but the rest of the experience was definitely the low point on our trip. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Absolute worst attitude from bartender "Rob". This is in the Omni hotel, perhaps finest in pittsburgh, I expected the complete opposite. Food and atmosphere were good and as expected, pricey pub fare. please just get rid of the rude bartender. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Beste innstilling fra bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar ro Dette er på Omni hotel, kanskje fineste i pittsburgh, Jeg forventet det hele motsatt. Mat og atmosfære var gode og som forventet, prisbelønte pubtilbud. Bare kvitt deg med bartenderen. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? The best attitude from bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bare bare bare bare bare bare bare bare This is at the Omni hotel, maybe the finest in pitsburgh, I expected it all the other way around. Food and atmosphere were good and, as expected, prized pubs. Just get rid of the bartender. VANS: - negative - positive
I LOVE YOU PEPPERMILL Once again you made me so happy to be in Vegas. Had an early AM flight and probably couldn't check in and decided to grab some breakfast. I got the 2 eggs and turkey sausage. Scrambled eggs were cooked perfectly and it came with 4 Turkey Sausage patties. I also had them melt shredded cheddar cheese on top of the hash browns. As the side I got the blueberry was the most amazing muffin I've ever had. They also have whipped butter, so it didn't tear the muffin or toast if you got that. My friend got the corn beef hash. She really liked it. It was a GIANT portion. It comes with basted eggs, which means sunny side up and then finished under the salamander. Its still runny though. The cocktail girls now wear black satin dresses instead of the awesome velvet ones. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg er glad for å være i Vegas. Hadde en tidlig flyreise og kunne sannsynligvis ikke sjekke inn og bestemte seg for å ta litt frokost. Jeg har to egg og torris. Eggerøre ble perfekt stekt og det fulgte med 4 løps-pølser. Jeg har også fått dem til å smelte oppsmelt cheddarost på hasjbrunene. Siden jeg fikk blåbær-muffins, var den mest fantastiske muffinsen jeg har smakt. De har også piskesmør, så det rev ikke muffinsen eller skålen om man fikk den. Vennen min har hasjen. Hun likte det virkelig. Det var en stor andel. Den kommer med bastede egg, som betyr solsiden opp og deretter ferdig under salamanderen. Det er fortsatt bare en liten del av den. Pikecocktail - pikene har nå på seg svarte satinkjoler istedenfor de kule. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm happy to be in Vegas. Had an early flight and probably could not check in and decided to have some breakfast. I have two eggs and torris. Scrambled eggs were perfectly fried and it came with four race sausages. I've also had them melt Cheddar cheese on the hash browns. Since I got blueberry muffins, the most amazing cupcake I've ever tasted. They also have whip butter, so it didn't rip the muffin or the bowl if you got it. My friend has the hash. She really liked it. That was a big cut. It comes with bassid eggs, meaning the sun’s side up and then finished under the salamander. It's still just a small part of it. The girls now wear black satin dresses instead of the cool ones. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? There are a lot of choices here - definitely one of the better buffets in Vegas. They have food from many different styles, hence the wold "Carnival World". The crab legs are very good. Good desserts too. Would recommend. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Det er mange valgmuligheter her - helt klart en av de bedre taperne i Vegas. De har mat fra mange forskjellige stiler, og derfor har de wold<unk>Carnval World<unk> Kongebeina er meget gode. -Gode desserter også. Vil anbefale. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? There's a lot of options here, definitely one of the better losers in Vegas. They have food from a variety of styles, which is why they have wold<unk>Carnval World<unk> The royal legs are very good. - Good desserts too. I'd recommend. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
I met David Frers of The Living Room through a mutual contact. We were looking to get some things framed and matted for the place where I work. David was able to provide us with different options and price ranges to accomodate our budget. We were able to get the job done in a short amount of time with the least amount of hassle and the framed pieces look great! We will definitely use him the next time a project like this comes up and I personally will take my things to him to be matted and framed.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg møtte David Fruers fra The Living Room gjennom en felles kontakt. Vi ville ha noen ting innrammet og tatt for stedet der jeg jobber. David kunne gi oss ulike alternativer og prisområder for å øke budsjettet vårt. Vi klarte å få jobben gjort på kort tid med minst mulig hast og de innrammede bitene ser store ut! Vi skal bruke ham neste gang et prosjekt som dette dukker opp, og jeg personlig vil ta mine ting til ham for å bli klippet og innrammet.
I met David Madamers from The Living Room through a mutual contact. We'd have some things framed and taken for the place where I work. David could give us different options and price ranges to increase our budget. We were able to get the job done in a short time with the least haste possible and the framed pieces look big! We're gonna use him next time a project like this comes along, and I will personally take my things to him to get cut and framed.
I was so surprised with this place this past weekend. The customer service was terrible! You go to Bellagio knowing it is going to be an expensive weekend but are happy to spend the money because you expect excellent service. However, the service was terrible and the people working at this hotel were rude and acted like they hated their job. I would never stay at this hotel again which is a shame because this used to be my favorite hotel in Las Vegas. Not anymore. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg ble så overrasket over dette stedet i helgen. Kundeservicen var forferdelig! Du drar til Bellagio, for du vet at det kommer til å bli en dyr helg, men du bruker gjerne pengene fordi du forventer å få en utmerket service. Tjenesten var imidlertid forferdelig og de som jobbet på dette hotellet var uhøflige og oppførte seg som de hatet jobben sin. Jeg ville aldri bodd på dette hotellet igjen, noe som er synd, for dette var favoritthotellet mitt i Las Vegas. Ikke nå lenger. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I was so surprised at this place this weekend. The customer service was terrible! You go to Bellagio because you know it's going to be an expensive weekend, but you're happy to spend the money because you expect excellent service. However, the ministry was terrible and the people who worked at this hotel were rude and behaved like they hated their jobs. I would never live in this hotel again, which is a shame, because this was my favorite hotel in Las Vegas. Not anymore. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I have to argue with the deli counter workers every single time I want meat cut. When did this become an issue? If cutting meat is not your job, what is? Tired of this! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg må argumentere med tollerne hver gang jeg vil ha kjøttkutt. Når ble dette et stridsspørsmål? Hvis det ikke er din oppgave å skjære ned på kjøttet, hva er da det? Trøtt av dette! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I have to argue with the tax collectors every time I want meat cuts. When did this become an issue? If cutting the meat is not your job, what is it? Tired of this! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Go for a lowerkey Las Vegas club experience (i.e. the staying up till 7am at a bar?!?). But they put plastic tops on the mixed drinks???? Cause of skeezee roofie guys? WTF? Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Gå for å ha en nøkkel i klubben Las Vegas (dvs. oppholde seg til kl. 7 på en bar?????). Men de puttet plastikk på blandingsdrinkene????????? Årsak av hykkere gutter? Hva? Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Go to the Las Vegas club for a key (i.e. stay until 7 a.m. in a bar? But did they put plastic on the mixing drinks?? Cause of hycker boys? What? Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I ordered my cake on a last minute decision to have a wedding cake for my wedding reception in Las vegas. I ordered the cake over the phone and it was delivered to the restraunt where we were having our reception. The cake turned out amazing I couldnt be happier Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg bestilte kaken min på en avgjørelse i siste liten om å få en bryllupskake til bryllupsfesten min i Las Vegas. Jeg bestilte kaken over telefonen, og den ble levert til restene der vi hadde mottakelse. Det viste seg at jeg kunne ikke være lykkeligere Var denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I ordered my cake for a last-minute decision to get a wedding cake for my wedding party in Las Vegas. I ordered the cake over the phone, and it was delivered to the leftovers where we had reception. It turned out that I couldn't be happier was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Very Friendly and cheap! I thought the meat was great as was the sauces. Some of the vegetables were meh but thats just my opinion. Overall I am surely coming back OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Vennlig og billig! Jeg syntes kjøttet var stort som sausene. Noen av grønnsakene var meh, men det er bare min mening. Jeg kommer sikkert tilbake OVALG: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? Friendly and cheap! I thought the meat was as big as the sauces. Some of the vegetables were meh, but that's just my opinion. I'm sure I'll be back OVALG: negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Style over substance. All looks and poor food quality. The keyword would be OLD. Everything tasted stale or had a weird skin on it from age, including the smoked salmon, all the pastries. Very poor fruit options nothing remotely exotic or fun. Maybe we came on a bad day but either way we felt like it was highway robbery. Left the place hungry because nothing tasted was fresh. Very strange because we came at 9am, its hard to imagine food sitting around for too long that early in the day. Probably all from the day before. Doh. The omelets weren't bad.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Omstendelig stoff. Bare utseende og dårlig mat-kvalitet. Nøkkelordet ville være å gå på. Alt smakt gammelt eller hadde en rar hud på seg fra alderen, blant annet laksen, alle bakverkene. Veldig dårlige fruktalternativer ingenting som helst utenom det beste eller det beste. Kanskje vi kom på en dårlig dag, men uansett følte vi at det var ran. Forlot stedet sulten fordi ingenting smakte ferskt. Meget merkelig fordi vi kom klokken 9 om morgenen, dets vanskelig å forestille sig mat sittende rundt for lenge så tidlig på dagen. Trolig alt fra dagen før. Doh. Ommeletene var ikke så ille.
Premium fabric. Only looks and poor food quality. The key word would be to go on. Everything tasted old or had a strange skin on it from its age, including the salmon, all the pastries. Very bad fruit options nothing but the best or the best. Maybe we came on a bad day, but whatever it was, we felt it was robbery. Left the place hungry because nothing tasted fresh. Very strange because we came at nine o'clock in the morning, his difficult to imagine food sitting around for too long in the morning. Probably from the day before. Doh. The remelts weren't so bad.
Healthy convenient and AFFORDABLE! The best quick healthy lunch I'm the area!!! I'm hooked. Staff is so friendly make eye contact and always smiling! Thank you cafe zupa for helping is stay healthy and happy. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Sunn og frisk! Den beste, hurtigfriske lunsjen Jeg er området!!!! Jeg er avhengig. Staben er så vennlig å få øyekontakt og alltid smil! Takk for at du kan ha et godt og lykkelig sted å bo og være til hjelp. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Healthy and healthy! The best, quick lunch I am the area!!!!! I'm an addict. The staff kindly make eye contact and always smile! Thank you for having a good and happy place to live and help. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Went with Acrilics that were done elsewhere that still looked perfect and asked for cuticle removal and gel on top of the whole thing, even though it would be a bump it was ok. The guy started by cutting my perfect Acrilics nails taking them off (hurt like hell) the owner/manager came by saying "beauty hurts hahaha" I asked why he was removing, I did not understand what he said, then when he was done with the cuticles, he brought he gel colors for me to choose and I said that I did not want to put gel anymore because he had already removed the nails and now I just wanted regular polish. The owner/manager came back and they both started insisting that I had to do the gel and I finally said NO! And explained that I did not get what I wanted in the first place so I wanted the simplest thing. So they accepted - after lots of insistence - and for the first time ever I did not tip. Will never go back, never recommend to anyone. Horrible. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Vitne med acrilikk som ble gjort andre steder som fortsatt så perfekt ut og ba om kutiklefjerning og gel oppå hele greia, selv om det ville være en hump det var ok. Fyren startet med å kutte min perfekt Acrilics negl ta dem av (hurt som helvete) eier/manager kom ved å si: \"skjønnhet eck hahahaha<unk> jeg spurte hvorfor han fjernet, jeg forsto ikke hva han sa, da når han var ferdig med kutiklene, han tok med seg han ge farger for meg å velge og jeg sa at jeg ikke ønsket å sette gele lenger fordi han allerede hadde fjernet neglene og nå ville jeg bare ha vanlig puss. Eier/manager kom tilbake og de begge begynte å påstå at jeg måtte gjøre gelen og jeg sa til slutt nei! Og forklarte at jeg ikke fikk det jeg ønsket meg i utgangspunktet, så jeg ønsket det enkleste. Så de godtok - etter mye hold - og for første gang noensinne noensinne jeg ikke tipset. Vil aldri vende tilbake, aldri anbefale noen. Fælt. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Testify with acritics that were made elsewhere that still looked perfect and asked for cow-tape removal and gel on top of the whole thing, even if it would be a bump it was okay. The guy started off with the perfect cut of his fingernails. Owner/manager came back and they both started saying I had to make the gel and I finally said no! And explained that I didn't get what I wanted in the first place, so I wanted the simplest. So they accepted - after much credence - and for the first time ever I didn't tip. Never going back, never recommending anyone. It's awful. VANS: - negative - positive
My husband and I stopped in for the lunch special. I ordered the Chili Mint Rice Noodles (heat level 5), and my husband ordered the Yellow Curry (heat level 4). Both dishes were served "bento box style," and included rice, salad, egg roll and two wedges of orange. The soup of the day was a vegetable soup (and tasty). Both of our entrees were tasty but mine was not as spicy as expected. Additionally, the portions were pretty small (probably not more than 2 oz. of protein in either dish). Our biggest disappointments were the egg rolls (which were swimming in a sweet and sour sauce and soggy), and the salad (which was swimming in ranch dressing). Ranch dressing in a Thai restaurant? Really? Had we been told how the specials were served, we would have ordered a la carte and shared soup and one entree. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mannen min og jeg kom innom for å spise lunsj. Jeg bestilte Chili Mint rissnudler (nivå 5), og min mann bestilte Yellow Curry (varmenivå 4). Begge rettene ble servert<unk>bentoboksstil,<unk> og inkluderte ris, salat, eggrull og to kiler med appelsin. Dagens suppe var en grønnsakssuppe (og velsmakende). Begge barna våre var velsmakende, men mine var ikke så sterke som ventet. Dessuten var delene ganske små (antagelig ikke mer enn 2 oz. av protein i begge retter), Våre største skuffelser var eggerullene (som svømte i en søt og sur saus og såld), og salaten (som var svømmende i dressing på ranchen). Ranchbading på en thai-restaurant? Vil du? Hvis vi hadde fått vite hvordan de spesielle tilbudene ble servert, ville vi ha bestilt en la carte og delt suppe og en slik matrett. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
My husband and I stopped by for lunch. I ordered Chili Mint rice noodles (level 5), and my husband ordered Yellow Curry (heat level 4). Both dishes were served in the<unk>bentobox style, and included rice, lettuce, egg roll, and two wedges of orange. Today’s soup was a vegetable soup (and tasty). Both of our children were tasty, but mine were not as strong as expected. Moreover, the parts were quite small (probably no more than 2 oz. of protein in both courses), Our biggest disappointments were the egg rolls (that swam in a sweet and sour sauce and sold), and the salad (swimming in dressing at the ranch). Ranchbathing in a Thai restaurant? Do you? If we had learned how the special offers were made, we would have ordered a la carte and shared soup and such a dish. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? First time here and already it's by far much better than some of the other places I've been to here in Madison. Instantly greeted, we sat and were served drinks quickly. The red salsa has a great smoky flavor and kick to it. Ordered the fish tacos and were really impressed! No fried undistinguishable fish here...just flavorfuly steamed fish with fresh toppings. I should mention I moved here from Chicago about 1.5yrs ago and have been sorely disappointed in the Mexican places here, will certainly be back to try the other items on the menu. The other reviews about the service need to relax, the food is good! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Første gang her og allerede er det langt bedre enn noen av de andre stedene jeg har vært her i Madison. Vi hilste på hverandre og satt og drakk oss en rask prat. Den røde salsa har en stor røyksmak og spark til den. Bestilte fisketakosen og var virkelig imponert! Ingen fisk her. Bare en mild, dampkokt fisk med fersk drikke. Jeg burde nevne at jeg flyttet hit fra Chicago for ca. 1,5yrer siden og har vært svært skuffet over de meksikanske stedene her, vil sikkert være tilbake for å prøve de andre tingene på menyen. De andre omtalene om servicen behov for å slappe av, maten er god! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? First time here and already it's far better than any of the other places I've been here in Madison. We greeted each other and sat down and had a quick talk. The red salsa has a great taste of smoke and kicks it. Ordered the fish tacos and was truly impressed! No fish here, just a mild, steamed fish with fresh drinks. I should mention that I moved here from Chicago about 1.5yres ago and have been very disappointed in the Mexican places here, I'm sure I'll be back to try the other things on the menu. The other references to service need to relax, the food is good! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? I went to this restaurant with a few people and it didn't blow me away. We had started out with calamari and a salad which i thought was average and for my entree, i ordered the grilled mahi mahi and I was disappointed. Being Bobby Flay's restaurant maybe I had high expectations, but even so I wouldn't expect my fish to be dry and overcooked. Yeah it was busy that night, but my boyfriends sixteen spiced chicken was very tender and juicy. How hard is it to cook fish? it's pretty simple, so if i were to recommend something, it would be order everything else but the fish. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg var på en restaurant med noen få, og det blåste meg ikke bort. Vi hadde begynt med calamari og en salat som jeg trodde var vanlig, og jeg bestilte mahimahimahi, og jeg var skuffet. Jeg var Bobby Flays restaurant, kanskje jeg hadde høye forventninger, men jeg ville ikke forventet at fisken min var tørr og overkokt. Ja, det var travelt den kvelden, men kjærestene mine var veldig skjøre og saftige. Hvor vanskelig er det å koke fisk? Det er ganske enkelt, så hvis jeg skulle anbefale noe, ville det være orden alt annet enn fisken. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I was at a restaurant with a few, and it didn't blow me away. We had started with calamari and a salad that I thought was common, and I ordered mahimahimahi, and I was disappointed. I was Bobby Flay's restaurant, maybe I had high expectations, but I wouldn't expect my fish to be dry and overcooked. Yeah, it was busy that night, but my girlfriends were really fragile and juicy. How hard is it to cook fish? It's quite simple, so if I were to recommend something, it would be order anything but the fish. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Stopped in for our first visit on our anniversary. The service, atmosphere, food, and drinks were excellent. We enjoyed some delicious bruschetta, pizza, pasta, and a decadent cookie desert. The server was very friendly, let us sample some of the items, and gave us some advice on where to go and what to do in Tempe. Looking forward to our next trip.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Vi var innom på vårt første besøk i årsdagen vår. Tjenesten, atmosfæren, maten og drikken var svært god. Vi likte godt bruschetta, pizza, pasta og en kakeørken. Serveren var veldig vennlig, la oss prøve noen av gjenstandene, og ga oss noen råd om hvor vi skulle gå og hva vi skulle gjøre i Tempe. Ser frem til neste tur.
We stopped by for our first visit on our anniversary. The ministry, atmosphere, food, and drink were very good. We enjoyed the gristle, pizza, pasta, and a cake desert. The server was very friendly, let us try some of the items, and gave us some advice on where to go and what to do in Tempe. Looking forward to the next trip.
Write a positive yelp review.
Was craving some bibimbap for lunch, so turned to my Yelpers for guidance. I knew of a couple Korean places in the area, but this place came in at the top of the review filter. I had wanted to stop by here in the evening and check out the bar portion of "barstaurant". That will still happen, I'm sure. Great menu. Nice selection of options, except for my colleague, who prefers chicken over beef. No chicken on this menu! I'm fine with that. The roasted barley water, was a nice refreshing palate cleanser. The side dishes were wonderful. I personally like my kimchi much spicier, but it was good balance for those less masochistic eaters. The bibimbap was awesome! Lots of fresh veggies, and wonderfully tender marinated beef! I was only slightly disappointed with the fried egg over medium. I wonder if they would crack it raw into the pot, or do sunny side up. I will definitely ask next time. Cooking the yolk into my hot rice is my favorite part of the dish! I was a little surprised that there was only one other table occupied at lunch. No complaints. Was a very relaxing little lunch getaway. The waitress was super friendly and helpful. The atmosphere is hip and the little touches like small tin bowls for your drink, and a trash canister on the table, set it apart just enough to make it a memorable experience. I'm looking forward to a happy hour or dinner time visit, with a larger party. I love the social dining experience of Korean eateries!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg vil ha bibimbap til lunsj, så jeg vendte meg til Jelpers for å få veiledning. Jeg visste om et par koreanske steder i området, men dette stedet kom øverst i gjennomgangsfilteret. Jeg hadde hatt lyst til å stikke innom her om kvelden og se på bardelen av <unk>barstaurant<unk> Det vil fortsatt skje, er jeg sikker på. Den store menyen. Fine valg, bortsett fra kollegaen min, som foretrekker kylling fremfor oksekjøtt. Ikke noe kylling på denne menyen! Det er greit for meg. Det stekte lakevannet, var en velsmakende ganerenser. Sideoppvisningene var fantastiske. Jeg liker kimchien mye piggere, men den var god balanse for de mindre masochistspiserne. Sibimbapen var helt rå! Masse ferske grønnsaker, og nydelig mulm, rått kjøtt! Jeg ble bare litt skuffet over egget over medium. Jeg lurer på om de ville knekke den rå i gryten, eller ta solsiden opp. Jeg spør så avgjort neste gang. Å koke plommen i min varme ris er min favoritt del av retten! Jeg ble litt overrasket over at det bare var ett bord til som var opptatt til lunsj. Ingen klager. Det var en veldig avslappende liten matpakke. Servitrisen var kjempevennlig og hjelpsom. Atmosfæren er hoften og de små berøringene som små boller til drikken din, og en søppelkassette på bordet, sett den fra seg akkurat nok til at den blir en minneverdig opplevelse. Jeg gleder meg til en happedtime eller middagstidsbesøk, med et større parti. Jeg elsker den sosiale spisekosten som er forbundet med det å spise mat!
I want bibambap for lunch, so I turned to Jelpers for guidance. I knew about a couple of Korean places in the area, but this place came at the top of the review filter. I'd like to stop by the other night and look at the bar part of Barstaurant<unk> It's still gonna happen, I'm sure. The big menu. Nice choices, except for my colleague, who prefers chicken to beef. No chicken on this menu! It's okay with me. The cooked sheets were a tasty palate cleaner. The page showings were fantastic. I like the kimchi a lot better, but it was a good balance for the less masochist eaters. The Simibamba was awesome! Lots of fresh vegetables, and beautiful smolder, raw meat! I was just a little disappointed with the egg over medium. I wonder if they'd break it raw in the pot, or take the sunny side up. I'll definitely ask next time. Cooking the plum in my hot rice is my favorite part of the dish! I was a little surprised that only one more table was busy for lunch. No complaints. It was a very relaxing little lunch. The waitress was super friendly and helpful. The atmosphere is the hip and the small touch like little bowls for your drink, and a garbage can on the table, put it down just enough to make it a memorable experience. I'm looking forward to an hour or dinner visit with a bigger party. I love the social food that comes with eating food!
Write a negative yelp review.
I was recommended to Dr. Tsai by a former co-worker who had great things to say about him when I was new in town and needing to find a new general care practitioner. Dr. Tsai might be the best doctor ever, but I'll never know because of how rude his receptionist was. I called to ask about making an appointment, said I had never been in there before and that I was pointed to Dr. Tsai by a co-worker. The receptionist proceeded to ask the usual question of what kind of insurance I had and as I was digging my cards out of my purse I told her that I had already looked up Dr. Tsai on my insurance plan and he was in my network. I told her what kind of insurance I had and was ready to give her my info when she rudely cut me off and said "We aren't accepting new patients right now." I understand that, it happens. But I asked why she even bothered to ask what kind of insurance I had - obviously it didn't matter- if they weren't taking new patients. Why didn't she just say that up front? Rudely again she said, "well if you had medicare we would take you," I replied that I did not and she just hung up on me! No goodbye, no have a nice day, no sorry for the inconvenience, nothing. She just hung up! I understand doctors get full and can't always take new patients, but there are more polite ways for staff to explain it. They could also - POLITELY - just say when they answer that they aren't accepting new patients unless they have medicare. Easy and simple. The receptionist was just plain rude and acted as though I was inconveniencing her by even calling. Sadly, rude front of the house staff just seems to be the norm in this city.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg ble anbefalt til dr. Tsai av en tidligere kollega som hadde mye å si om ham da jeg var ny i byen og trengte å finne en ny allmennlege. Dr. Tsai er kanskje den beste legen noensinne, men jeg får aldri vite på grunn av hvor uhøflig resepsjonisten hans var. Jeg ringte for å spørre om å avtale en avtale, sa at jeg aldri hadde vært der inne før og at jeg ble pekt på Dr. Tsai av en kollega. Resepsjonisten stilte det vanlige spørsmålet om hva slags forsikring jeg hadde, og da jeg gravde kortene mine ut av vesken min fortalte jeg henne at jeg allerede hadde lett etter dr. Tsai på forsikringsplanen min og han var i mitt nettverk. Jeg fortalte henne hva slags forsikring jeg hadde og var klar til å gi henne min info da hun uhøflig kuttet meg av og sa: \"Vi tar ikke imot nye pasienter akkurat nå\" Jeg forstår det, det skjer. Men jeg spurte hvorfor hun spurte om hva slags forsikring jeg hadde. Det spilte ingen rolle om de ikke tok nye pasienter. Hvorfor sa hun ikke bare det der foran? Da sa hun lei seg igjen: \"Hvis du hadde medisiner, ville vi tatt deg med,\" \"jeg svarte at jeg ikke gjorde det, og hun bare la på! Nei, adjø, nei ha en fin dag, ikke beklag for bryet, ingenting. Hun bare la på! Jeg forstår at leger blir fulle og ikke alltid kan ta nye pasienter, men det er mer høflige måter for ansatte å forklare det på. De kan også - POLITELIG - bare si når de svarer at de ikke tar imot nye pasienter med mindre de har lege. Enkelt og greit. Resepsjonisten var rett og slett uhøflig og oppførte seg som om jeg ikke kunne forlede henne ved å ringe. Dessverre virker det som om det er normen i denne byen å være uhøflig foran staben.
I was recommended to Dr. Tsai by a former colleague who had a lot to say about him when I was new in town and needed to find a new general practitioner. Dr. Tsai may be the best doctor ever, but I'll never know because of how rude his receptionist was. I called to ask for an appointment, said I'd never been in there before and that I was pointed at Dr. Tsai by a colleague. The receptionist asked the usual question about my insurance policy, and when I dug my cards out of my purse, I told her that I had already been looking for Dr. Tsai on my insurance plan and he was in my network. I told her what kind of insurance I had and was ready to give her my information when she rudely cut me off and said, "We're not accepting new patients right now." I get it, it's happening. But I asked her why she asked me what kind of insurance I had, and it didn't matter if they didn't take new patients. Why didn't she just say that in front? Then she said, "If you were on medication, we'd take you with us." I said, "I didn't do it, and she just hung up on me." No, goodbye, no, have a nice day, not apologize for the inconvenience, nothing. She just hung up on me! I understand that doctors get drunk and can't always take new patients, but there are more polite ways for employees to explain it. They can also - POLICELY - just say when they respond that they do not accept new patients unless they have a doctor. Just like that. The receptionist was simply rude and acted as if I could not mislead her by calling. Unfortunately, it seems to be the norm in this town to be rude in front of the staff.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Being in Charlotte the last 15 weeks I needed a new place top stay that was not going to show up as a huge expense to my client but better than the HGI. Welcome to the Double tree. Located right off the West Trade Street exit on 77 South it's easy on easy off. The hotel is on the edge of the "happening" area of the city but there is a trolley that runs every 10 minutes up to 10(ish) nightly or a 5 minute cab ride to some of the best restaurants in the area. The hotel has nice rooms that are clean and spacious. The bathrooms have the Kholer water saving toilets and the giant water saving shower heads with good pressure. The other thing I love is a good heating and cooling system that evenly cooled the room. The bar is small but I am never there except for a quick nightcap. You have a choice of getting the extra points or breakfast vouchers. Here is my suggestion that works every time for those that stay in the same hotel for weeks at a time. If you are there for a week, book for 3. Take the breakfast vouchers. Then check out at the end of the week. The next week you can elect the points, use one of those quality white out tapes and presto..... It gives new meaning to the Hilton Double Dipping concept. I give this place a solid 4 stars for friendly staff, good parking and great rooms. Oh, and remember to ask for you warm cookie.......
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Siden jeg var i Charlotte de siste 15 ukene, trengte jeg et nytt toppopphold som ikke ville bli en stor kostnad for min klient, men bedre enn HGI. Velkommen til Doubletreet. Den ligger rett ved West Trade Street-utkjørselen på 77 South. Den er lett å ta lett på. Hotellet ligger i utkanten av det <unk>forhasende <unk>-området i byen men det er en trolley som går hvert 10. minutt opp til 10(i kveld) nattlig eller en 5 minutters drosjetur til noen av de beste restaurantene i området. Hotellet har fine rom som er rene og rommelige. Badeplassene har Joler vannspareklossene og kjempevannsparende dusjhoder med godt trykk. Det andre jeg elsker er et godt varme- og kjølesystem som avkjøler rommet jevnt. Baren er liten, men jeg er aldri der, bortsett fra en kveldsdrink. Man har et valg mellom å få ekstrapoengene eller frokostoverslagene. Her er mitt forslag til at arbeide hver gang for de som oppholder seg på samme hotell i flere uker av gangen. Hvis du er der i en uke, bok for 3. Ta frokosten. Sjekk ut i slutten av uken. Neste uke kan du velge poengene, bruke et av de kvalitetshvite opptakene og Presto... Det gir ny betydning til Hilton-konseptet «Dobbeltklikkdykking». Jeg gir dette stedet en solid 4-stjerners for vennlig personale, god parkering og flotte rom. Å, og husk å be om å få deg varm informasjonskapsel...
Since I was in Charlotte for the last 15 weeks, I needed a new peak stay that wouldn't be a huge expense to my client, but better than HGI. Welcome to the Double Tree. It's right next to the West Trade Street exit on 77 South, which is easy to take lightly. The hotel is located on the outskirts of the bustling <unk> area of the city, but there is a trolley that goes every 10 minutes up to 10(night) nightly or a 5-minute taxi ride to some of the best restaurants in the area. The hotel has fine rooms that are clean and spacious. The water parks have the Joler water - pare blocks and super - water - saving shower heads with good pressure. The other thing I love is a good heating and cooling system that cools the room evenly. The bar is small, but I'm never there, except for a nightcap. There's a choice between getting the extra points or the breakfast estimates. Here is my suggestion that each time work for those who spend weeks in the same hotel. If you're there for a week, book for three. Take your breakfast. Check out at the end of the week. Next week you can pick the points, use one of the quality white tapes and Presto... It gives new significance to the Hilton concept of double-dink diving. I'm giving this place a solid four-star friendly staff, good parking and great rooms. Oh, and remember to ask for you hot cookie...
What is the sentiment of the following review? The hostess greeted us as we entered for our reservation (from Opentable. com) and promptly led us to a table. I'm in a wheelchair and they had placed us in a very accessible yet private area. The decor here is beautiful. I believe that it alone is a stress reliever. The Wait Staff folks are knowledgeable, competent, quick, and friendly. Our food was superb. The different flavors were brought together perfectly. Each item was served at the proper temperature in an eye appealing manor. My Wife and I had a very relaxing and stress less evening. We lingered over coffee and dessert. We went home satisfied and calm. In my opinion this is not a place I would bring children. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Vertsinnen hilste på oss da vi gikk inn for å ta imot vår reservasjon (fra Opentable. ) og snarlig førte oss til et bord. Jeg sitter i rullestol, og de plasserte oss i et svært tilgjengelig, men privat område. Dekoren her er vakker. Jeg tror at det alene er en stressavlastning. De som har personalet, er kunnskapsrike, kompetente, raske og vennlige. Maten vår var fantastisk. De ulike smakene ble satt sammen på en perfekt måte. Hver ting ble servert ved den rette temperatur i en prektig mann. Min kone og jeg hadde en svært avslappende og stresset kveld. Vi dvelte over kaffe og dessert. Vi dro hjem, tilfreds og rolig. Dette er visst ikke et sted jeg ville ta med barn. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? The hostess greeted us as we went in to accept our reservation (from Opentable). ) and soon led us to a table. I am in a wheelchair, and they put us in a very accessible but private area. The decor here is beautiful. I think it's a stress relief alone. Staff personnel are knowledgeable, competent, quick, and kind. Our food was amazing. The different flavors were put together in a perfect way. Each thing was served at the right temperature in a fine man. My wife and I had a very relaxing and stressful evening. We were dwelling on coffee and dessert. We went home, content and calm. I guess this isn't a place I wanted to take kids. VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
I had high expectations as I had heard wonderful things but honestly the terrible computer graphics/hologram at the end just ruins the whole show. There were some cool acrobatics but I've seen better in some of their traveling shows. Apparently what they were best known for was the vertical fighting scene which is the finale, and since the performer died in 2013 they replaced it with a ridiculous 1980s video game looking thing where you can't even tell what is happening... Seriously, if they no longer feel safe doing that then just do a new scene with a normal fight or something. The graphics was just stupid and confusing and made me just feel very disappointed in what would have otherwise been a very cool show. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg hadde høye forventninger da jeg hadde hørt fantastiske ting men ærlig talt den forferdelige datagrafikken/hologrammet på slutten bare ødelegger hele showet. Det var noen kule akrobatikker, men jeg har sett bedre i noen av reiseshowene deres. Det de var best kjent for var visstnok den vertikale kampscenen som er finalen, og siden utøveren døde i 2013 byttet de det ut med et latterlig videospill fra 1980-tallet som ser ut som en ting hvor man ikke engang kan si hva som skjer... Seriøst, hvis de ikke lenger føler seg trygge hvis de gjør det, så bare gjør en ny scene med en normal kamp eller noe. Grafikken var bare dum og forvirrende og fikk meg bare til å føle meg veldig skuffet over det som ellers ville ha vært et veldig kult show. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I had high expectations when I had heard wonderful things but honestly, the horrible computer graphics/hologram at the end just ruins the show. There were some cool acrobatics, but I've seen better in some of their travel shows. What they were best known for was apparently the vertical battle scene that is the finale, and since the fighter died in 2013, they replaced it with a ridiculous video game from the 1980s that looks like a thing where you can't even tell what happens... Seriously, if they don't feel safe anymore if they do, just do another scene with a normal fight or something. The graphics was just stupid and confusing and just made me feel very disappointed at what otherwise would have been a very cool show. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? This was the final nail in the coffin for LV partying. Seriously, this is considered the best of nightlife in LV?? Negatives: Top 40s music confetti every 10 minutes every loser with $200 can get in about 1000 bouncers positives: every loser with $200 can get in so getting drinks from them is easy apparently they people smoke up in the club if you tip the DJ (could be a negative, depending on your personal opinion) After a long weekend in LV I realized that its like one giant amateur night for partying. Sort of like New Years is everywhere else. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Dette var sluttspikret i kisten for LV-festing. Er dette det beste nattelivet i LV? Negative: Topp 40s musikk confetti hvert tiende minutt hver eneste taper med 200 dollar kan få inn rundt 1000 spretterspositive: hver eneste taper med 200 dollar kan komme inn så det er lett å få seg drinker fra dem Det er tydeligvis lett å se at folk røyker opp i klubben hvis man tipper DJ-en (kunne være en negativ, avhengig av din personlige mening) Etter en lang helg i LV innså jeg at det var en kjempemessig amatørkveld for festing. Som om det er New Years overalt ellers. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This was the final nail in the LV-festing coffin. Is this the best night life in LV? Negative: Top 40's music confetti every 10 minutes every loser with $200 can get in around 1,000 bouncers: every loser with $200 can get in so it's easy to get drinks from them It's obviously easy to see people smoking up in the club if you're guessing the DJ (could be a negative depending on your personal opinion) after a long weekend in LV I realized it was a giant amateur night for partying. Like there's New Years everywhere else. VANS: - negative - positive
After 3 dining visits with my wife and once with a friend for his birthday lunch , I feel confident saying that this place Firkin, rocks and shocks you with the overall experience . From the greeting to the eating , every person in service has great manners and knowledge with natural appeal . NOT PHONY. My wife and I are both in the service industrial complex as well and fully appreciate the craft that Firkin service has mastered . The kitchen has plus plus attention to freshness , quality of taste and presentation with emphasis on particulars such as accompaniments to the dishes weather it be malt vinegar with the fish n chips or a suggestion of sweet potato fries that are amaze craze . My momma ordered the pineapple curry wings as one of her choices for the all you can eat chicken wings and surprised me when she raved about them . By far no disappointment from the kitchen . The food servers have all treated us very special and we all agree that Jennifer W. is swift and sweet . I enjoy that firkin chose coca cola to offer and wifey likey the specialty drinks like Queen of hearts . The dining room design and fun side, like the shuffleboard and wi-fi are a nice touch as well .We have lived and dwelled in this neighborhood for quite some time and are most excited about the Firkin addition . Keep it up youz guys and ladies . Word up ! Say I Frankie Nikelz. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Etter tre middagsbesøk med min kone og en gang med en venn i bursdagslunsj, føler jeg meg trygg på å si at dette stedet Firkin, steiner og sjokkerer deg med den generelle opplevelsen . Fra hilsenen til spisingen , enhver som er i tjeneste har store manerer og kunnskap med naturlig appell . PHONY. Min kone og jeg er begge i serviceindustrien og setter stor pris på det håndverket som Firkin Service har mestret. Kjøkkenet har i tillegg pluss oppmerksomhet på friskhet , smaks- og presentasjonskvalitet med vekt på detaljer slik som vedheng til rettene vær det er malteddik med fisken n chips eller et forslag på søtpotet pommes frites som er amaze craze . Mormoren min bestilte innsnevringsvingene som en av hennes valg for alt man kan spise kyllingvinger og overrasket meg da hun snakket om dem. Langtfra ikke noe særlig ut av kjøkkenet . Vi er alle enige om at Jennifer W er rask og søt. Jeg liker at firkin valgte coca cola å tilby og kone liker å drikke som hjerter dame. Spisestuen design og moro side, som shuffboard og wi-fi er et fint preg også .Vi har bodd og holdt til i dette strøket en god stund og er mest begeistret for Firkin tillegg . Fortsett med det, gutter og damer. Ord opp opp i ! Si: «Jeg er nizker. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
After three dinner visits with my wife and one time with a friend in a birthday lunch, I'm sure to say that this place, Firkin, rocks and shocks you with the general experience. From the greeting to the eating, everyone on duty has great manners and knowledge with natural appeal. PHONY. My wife and I are both in the service industry and treasure the craft that Firkin Service has mastered. In addition, the kitchen has plus attention to freshness, taste and presentation quality, with emphasis on detail such as that of dishes there is malt vinegar with the fish n chips or a proposal for sweet potato fries that are amaze craze. My grandmother ordered the narrowing turns as one of her choices for all you can eat chicken wings and surprised me when she talked about them. Far from nothing much out of the kitchen. We all agree Jennifer W is fast and cute. I like it when fourkin chose Coke to offer and wife likes to drink like a lady of hearts. The dining room design and fun side, like shuffleboard and wi-fi is a nice touch too. We've lived and lived in this neighborhood for a long time and are most excited about the Firkin amendment. Keep it up, boys and ladies. Set it up! Say, "I am a nizker. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Really nice restaurant in old Montreal. This is a really nice place to take a date. The wine selection is wonderful. For me, the beer selection is pretty weak, but that's pretty much what I find all over Montreal, so it's hard to ding the place on that. Food was great, and I'd go back here any day. The free wifi was nice too. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Det er en fin restaurant i gamle Montreal. Dette er et veldig fint sted å ta en date. Vinutvalget er herlig. For meg er øl-utvalget ganske svakt, men det er stort sett det jeg finner over hele Montreal, så det er vanskelig å finne stedet på det. Maten var stor, og jeg dro tilbake hit når som helst. Den frie wifien var også fin. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? There's a nice restaurant in old Montreal. This is a very nice place to take a date. The wine selection is wonderful. For me, the beer committee is pretty weak, but that's pretty much what I find all over Montreal, so it's hard to find the place on it. The food was big, and I came back here any minute. The free wi-fi was nice, too. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I called this practice about a year ago to set up an appointment. Had never been to the clinic, but it was close to home. I ended up having to cancel, without rescheduling. They called me repeatedly after that to get me to reschedule. That should have been the first red flag. Eventually I set up another appointment for a x-rays and an exam, both of which are fully covered under my dental insurance program. Front office staff was very nice, no complaints about that, as was the gal who took my x-rays. Dr. Jarvis examined my teeth, then gave me the typical song and dance about how I should get the work done on my teeth ASAP. The estimate was around $1300. Then in came the dental hygientist who wasn't so friendly. Before I left the office, I was assured that they'd checked my insurance and it would cover everything...even remarking what great coverage I had. Fast forward one month later, I get an invoice in the mail for $50. I called them; they said they'd look into it. No call back. I called them again and they told me it was my deductible (which I should not have had). Turns out it wasn't my deductible; I was charged for some sort of fancy x-rays they took that weren't covered under my insurance! They continued to send me invoices. I ended up paying the damn bill just to get them off my back. Still, the invoices kept coming. I finally called their accounting offices (which is a third-party outfit in CA) and finally got someone to recognize that the bill had been paid. Obviously, I will not be going back. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg ringte denne praksisen for et år siden for å avtale en avtale. Hadde aldri vært på klinikken, men den var nær hjemmet. Jeg endte opp med å måtte avlyse, uten å måtte planlegge på nytt. De ringte meg gjentatte ganger etter det for å få meg til å avtale en ny avtale. Det skulle ha vært det første røde flagget. Etter hvert fikk jeg en ny avtale om røntgen og eksamen, som begge er fullstendig dekket av mitt tannlegeprogram. Det var veldig hyggelig av kontorpersonalet, og det var ikke noe å klage på. Det var også jenta som tok røntgenbildene mine. Dr. Jarvis undersøkte tennene mine, og ga meg så den typiske sangen og dansen om hvordan jeg skulle få arbeidet gjort på tennene mine så fort som mulig. Anslaget lå på rundt 13 000 kroner. Så kom tannpleieren som ikke var så vennlig. Før jeg forlot kontoret, ble jeg forsikret om at de hadde sjekket forsikringen min, og det ville dekke alt... selv om jeg bemerket hvilken stor dekning jeg hadde. En måned senere får jeg en faktura på posten for 50 dollar. Jeg kalte på dem; de sa de ville se på det. Ingen tilbakekall. Jeg ringte dem igjen og de sa at det var min fradragsberettigede. Det viste seg at det ikke var min fradragsberettiget; jeg ble tatt for en slags fancy røntgenbilder de tok som ikke var dekket av forsikringen min! De fortsatte å sende meg fakturaer. Det endte med at jeg betalte regningen bare for å få dem vekk fra ryggen min. Fremdeles kom fakturaene stadig. Til slutt ringte jeg regnskapskontorene deres (som er et tredjeparts-antrekk i CA) og fikk til slutt noen til å erkjenne at regningen var betalt. Jeg drar ikke tilbake. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I called this practice a year ago to make a deal. I'd never been to the clinic, but it was close to home. I ended up having to cancel, without having to plan again. They called me repeatedly after that to get me to reschedule. It should have been the first red flag. In time, I received a new X - ray and exam, both completely covered in my dental program. It was very nice of the office staff, and there was nothing to complain about, as was the girl who took my X rays. Dr. Jarvis examined my teeth and then gave me the typical song and dance on how to get the work done on my teeth as quickly as possible. The estimate was about NOK 13,000. Then came the dental hygienist who wasn't so friendly. Before I left the office, I was assured that they had checked my insurance, and that would cover everything... even though I remarked what a big cover I had. A month later, I get an invoice for the mail for $50. I called them; they said they would look at it. No recall. I called them again and they said it was my deductible. It turned out that it wasn’t my deductible; I was taken for some fancy X rays they took that weren’t covered by my insurance! They kept sending me invoices. I ended up paying the bill just to get them off my back. The invoices kept coming. Finally, I called their accounting offices (which is a third-party outfit in CA) and finally got someone to acknowledge that the bill was paid. I'm not going back. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? We were there for New Year's eve, arrived at the time of our reservation and were told it would be a half an hour and someone would bring out food while we waited. Nice thought. After an hour and no food we were seated on a heated patio where you were either right under a heater or in a draft. Better to go for lunch or sometime when it if far less crowded. I had scallops which were good but for $32, I expect more than just 4 scallops. My wife had a half portion and got two scallops for $18. Maybe a vegetable would have been nice. Quality was great but expensive. This is a place to eat if you are looking for great food, are on an expense account, and aren't looking for quiet atmosphere. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Vi var der til nyttårsaften, kom frem i reservatet vårt og fikk beskjed om at det skulle bli en halv time og noen skulle hente mat mens vi ventet. Fin tanke. Etter en time og uten mat satt vi på en oppvarmet terrasse hvor du enten hadde rett under en varmeovn eller i en kladd. Det er best å spise lunsj eller en dag når det er mye mindre folk. Jeg hadde sko som var bra, men for $32, jeg forventer mer enn bare 4 hasj. Min kone fikk en halv porsjon og fikk to hasjmynter for 18 dollar. Kanskje en grønnsak ville vært fin. Kvaliteten var stor, men dyr. Dette er et sted å spise hvis du er på utkikk etter god mat, er på konto og er ikke ute etter stille atmosfære. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? We were there for New Year’s Eve, arrived on our reservation and was told that it would be half an hour and someone would pick up food while we waited. Nice thought. After an hour and without food, we were sitting on a heated terrace where you either had it right under a heater or in a draft. It's best to have lunch or a day when there's a lot less people. I had good shoes, but for $32, I expect more than just 4 hashish. My wife was given half a serving and received two hash coins for $18. Maybe a vegetable would be nice. The quality was great, but expensive. This is a place to eat if you are looking for good food, are in your account, and are not looking for quiet atmosphere. VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Ordered mushroom swiss burger, protein style (no bun) with a side of fries and a soda. fries were a huge portion, they had different dipping sauces. burger was great although a bit too pink for what I typically eat. noone asked me how I liked it cooked so this must be their style of doing it. one tip: the burger was extremely salty. it wasn't the cheese, onions, or mushrooms so it had to be the burger. we would come back again if the salt factor was modified.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Bestilt soppswiss burger, proteinstil (no bun) med side pommes frites og brus. Pommes frites var en stor porsjon, de hadde forskjellige dippesauser. burger var stort, selv om det var litt for rosa for det jeg spiser. Ingen spurte meg hvordan jeg likte den kokt, så det må være deres stil å gjøre det. en tips: burgen var salt. Det var ikke osten, løken eller soppen, så det måtte være burgen. ville vi komme tilbake igjen hvis saltfaktoren ble modifisert.
Ordered mushroom candy burgers, protein style (no bun) with side fries and sodas. French fries were a large portion, they had different dip sauces. Burger was big, even though it was a little too pink for what I eat. Nobody asked me how I liked it boiled, so it must be their style to do it. a tip: the burger was salty. It wasn't the cheese or the onions or the mushrooms, so it had to be the burger. we'd come back again if the salt factor was modified.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Stopped by here for a friend's going away party. We all decided on Happy Hour because that's what we enjoyed doing. We got there around 6ish and there wasn't too many people in the bar area. we had a great turnout, about 20 of us showed up for the celebration. I ordered Grilled Calamari and BLT Camelback Burger. The calamari was okay, it didn't have a big portion like I hope, but I loved their special sauce. The burger is whole other story, while the Angus beef tasted excellent, the buns holding the meat looked a bit odd, it's a flat bread type with poppy seeds on top of the bun. It actually hold the meat quiet nicely, surprising to say that at least. Overall I had a good experiences in this steak house inside a Marriott Hotel. Can't wait to come back again for another try of other great Happy Hour menu choices. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Stoppet her for at en venn skal dra på fest. Vi bestemte oss alle for Happy Hour fordi det var det vi likte å gjøre. Vi kom rundt seks, og det var ikke så mange i baren. Vi hadde et stort oppmøte, og omkring 20 av oss kom til feiringen. Jeg bestilte Grilled Calamari og BLT Camelback Burger. Calamarien var ok, den hadde ikke en stor del som jeg håper, men jeg elsket spesialsausen deres. Burgeren er helt annen fortelling, mens biffen smakte utmerket, bollene som holder kjøttet så litt merkelig ut, det er en flat brødtype med valmuefrø oppå brødet. Den holder faktisk kjøttet rolig og rolig, for å si det mildt. Jeg hadde en god opplevelse i dette biffhuset på en Mardiott Hotel. Gleder meg til å komme tilbake igjen for et nytt forsøk på andre store Happy Hour-menyvalg. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Stopped here to have a friend go to a party. We all decided on Happy Hour because that's what we liked to do. We arrived around 6:00, and there weren't that many in the bar. We had a big turnout, and about 20 of us attended. I ordered Grilled Calamari and BLT Camelback Burger. The Calamari was okay, it didn't have much that I hope, but I loved their special sauce. The burger is quite a different story, while the steak tasted excellent, the bowls that hold the meat a little strange, there's a flat kind of bread with poppy seeds on top of the bread. In fact, it keeps the meat calm and calm, to say the least. I had a great time in this steakhouse at a Mardiott Hotel. I can't wait to come back for another try at other great Happy Hour menu options. VANS: - negative - positive
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I will boil it down to just a few words... You wont find a better used book store in Phoenix. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg vil koke det ned til bare noen få ord, du vil ikke finne en bedre brukt bokbutikk i Phoenix. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'll boil it down to just a few words, you won't find a better used book store in Phoenix. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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What would be an example of an positive review?
I love this place. I love the value, location and customer service. Unlike some other places, you never have to wait to be seated and if you do it is brief. You also dont have to wait for the food too long. Which is a plus when you come here hungry. I love that Saturday and Sundays are happy hour all day and the evenings on the weekday are happy hour also. The things to try are: screaming orgasm wet dreams roll honey roll
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg elsker dette stedet. Jeg elsker verdi, sted og kundeservice. I motsetning til andre steder behøver man aldri å vente på å bli sittende og hvis man gjør det er det kort. Du trenger heller ikke vente for lenge på maten. Som er et pluss når du kommer her sulten. Jeg elsker at lørdag og søndager er happy hour hele dagen og kveldene på hverdagen er happy hour også. De tingene man kan prøve seg på er: man kan skrike seg i drømme, man kan få en drøm, og man kan få en rull av seg selv
I love this place. I love value, place and customer service. Unlike other places, one never has to wait to stay seated and if he does, it is short. You don't have to wait too long for food either. Which is a plus when you come here hungry. I love that Saturdays and Sundays are happy hours all day and the nights of everyday life are happy hours too. The things you can try to do are: you can scream in your dreams, you can have a dream, and you can have a roll of yourself.
Bottom line: best pizza at the best price. My boyfriend and I stop in and get their lunch special (2 pieces of pizza w/ a drink for $3.99). I like that the slices for the lunch special are larger than the slices you get if you just order a whole pizza from them (although their whole pizzas are a great deal too). So basically you're getting 4 slices when you get 2 for the lunch special. All for $8 for the two of us. As far as dining-in, I don't usually like to. The place is run-down and not so cute. But I love supporting local businesses and this is a great one. Beats Domino's or the recently stingy Papa John's any day. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Poeng: beste pizza til beste pris. Kjæresten min og jeg stikker innom og tar en lunsjspesial (2 pizzabiter w / en drink for tre dollar sedler. Jeg liker at skivene til lunsj spesialen er større enn skivene man får hvis man bare bestiller en hel pizza av dem (selv om hele deres pizzaer er en god del også). Så du får 4 skiver når du får 2 for lunsj spesialen. Alt for $8 for oss to. Når det gjelder spise-in, så liker jeg vanligvis ikke å. Stedet er nedslitt og ikke så søtt. Men jeg elsker å støtte lokale virksomheter, og dette er en flott en. -Smart Domino's eller den nylig stikkende Papa John's når som helst. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Score: best pizza at the best price. My boyfriend and I are gonna stop by for a lunch special (2 slices of pizza w / a drink for three dollars. I like that the lunch slices are larger than the slices you get if you only order a whole pizza of them (although their whole pizzas are a lot too). So you get 4 slices when you get 2 for lunch special. All for $8 for the two of us. When it comes to eating-ins, I don't usually like to. The place is run-down and not that sweet. But I love supporting local businesses, and this is a great one. - Smart Domino's or the recent stabbing Papa John's any day. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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Service was horrible! Starting with the host experience, not pleasant. We ordered the ribeye, filet, salmon, oysters, etc... 80% of the food came out cold! When we told the waitress, who by the way should choose a different career, she said "no problem, the chef will put the food back on to heat it up"! I asked for the manager who said was new and still learning the ropes! This is all on a Saturday night! He offered nothing for the inconvenience so we left! We went to Mastro's for the second night in a row and had another perfect meal! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Tjenesten var forferdelig! Fra vertsopplevelsen, ikke hyggelig. Vi bestilte ribbeøye, filet, laks, østers osv. 80 prosent av maten kom ut i kulde! Da vi fortalte servitrisen, som forresten skulle velge en annen karriere, hun sa<unk>no problem, kokken vil sette maten på igjen for å varme den opp<unk>! Jeg spurte etter den manageren som sa at det var nytt, og som fremdeles lærte seg tauene! Dette er alt på en lørdagskveld! Han ofret ikke noe for bryet, så vi dro! Vi dro til Mastro's for andre kveld på rad og fikk et nytt perfekt måltid! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The ministry was terrible! From the host experience, not pleasant. We ordered ribs, fillet, salmon, oysters, etc. 80 percent of the food came out in the cold! When we told the waitress, who, by the way, was going to choose another career, she said, "No problem," the chef will put the food back on to warm it up. I asked for the manager who said it was new and who was still learning the ropes! This is all on a Saturday night! He didn't sacrifice anything for his trouble, so we left! We went to Mastro's for the second night in a row and got another perfect meal! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? After a night of Yelp's Nerdy Dancing and walking around the Linq; the BF and I found ourselves here as we've been on this whole wanting to watch "lounge acts" vibe. We entered on a fairly busy night - as it was the 2nd week of Linq's Bloq Party - you immediately get the "Commonwealth vibe" with the wallpaper and paintings. You surely know it's CW's little sister. We didn't order a specialty cocktail but, rather our Jameson and ginger BEER!!!! Yaaaaaas, they have ginger beer! We sat along the edge of the bar and just enjoyed the music from - I wanna say "Ekho" or something like that - and that saxophone player straight killed the game with his swag and way of performing. He even walked through the room, almost serenading couples! Def a great old school vibe the (new) Strip has in store for the tourists and locals alike. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Etter en natt med Yelps Nerdedans og gå rundt i Linq; fant BF og jeg oss her som vi har vært på hele denne viljen til å se på<unk>lounge actions<unk> vibe. Vi gikk inn på en ganske travel kveld, da det var den andre uken av Linqs Bloq's Bloq Party - du straks får - Commonwealth vibe - med tapet og malerier. Du vet sikkert at det er CWs lille søster. Vi bestilte ikke en cocktail, men heller vår Jameson og ingefær!!!!! Yaaaaas, de har ingefærøl! Vi satt langs kanten av baren og bare likte musikken fra - jeg vil si -- jeg vil si -- jeg vil si -- eller noe sånt -- eller noe sånt -- og at den spilleren direkte drepte spillet med sin swag og måte å opptre på. Han gikk til og med gjennom rommet, nesten som en parjeger! Def en stor, gammel skole vibe den (nye) Stripen har i vente både for turister og lokalbefolkning. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? After a night of Yelps Nerdance and walk around Linq, BF and I found ourselves here as we've been all over this will to look at the<unk>lung actions<unk> vibe. The number of cases in this area is the total number of cases in the world. I'm sure you know it's CW's little sister. We didn't order a cocktail, we ordered our Jameson and ginger!!!! Yaaaas, they have ginger ale! We sat along the edge of the bar and just liked the music from -- I'd say -- I'd say -- or something -- or something -- and that player directly killed the game with his swap and manner of acting. He even walked through the room, almost like a parhunter! Def a large old school vibe the (new) strip awaits tourists and locals alike. VANS: - negative - positive
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Come rain or shine, Tonya will capture great photos! Since my time in Charlotte, Tonya was one of the first people I met. I was there during the beginning stages of what would become her epic adventure of taking photos and making the images come to life! It's fun to see her at the Yelp events. She helps ease any awkwardness between strangers to strike a pose. In addition, I recently hired her to snap some shots of my growing family: dog & chickens. She is a busy woman, but it's easy to set up a mutually agreeable time. Her energy is contagious and she easily directs you on what to shy or shutter bug alike. Lastly, the turn around time frame is insane! Many of the photographers I know don't deliver for weeks; it was less than a week and I had my digital images in hand...hand delivered in fact. Great personality, great shots...what more could you ask for?! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kom eller regn, eller Tonya vil fange store bilder! Siden jeg var i Charlotte, var Tonya en av de første jeg traff. Jeg var der i begynnelsen av det som skulle bli hennes eventyr om å ta bilder og gjøre bildene levende! Det er gøy å se henne på Yelp-arrangementene. Hun hjelper til med å lette enhver besværlighet mellom fremmede for å vinne. I tillegg har jeg nylig ansatt henne for å ta noen bilder av min voksende familie: hund og høns. Hun er en travel kvinne, men det er lett å sette opp en gjensidig avtaletid. Energien hennes er smittsom, og hun forklarer deg lett hva du skal gjøre... camera oxy eller skotter bug memblem. Og til slutt er tidsrammen for vendingen helt vanvittig! Mange av fotografene jeg kjenner leverer ikke på ukevis; det var under en uke og jeg hadde mine digitale bilder i hånd ...hånd levert faktisk. Store personligheter, flotte bilder... Hva mer kan du be om?!! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Come or rain or Tonya will capture big pictures! Since I was in Charlotte, Tonya was one of the first people I met. I was there at the beginning of what was going to be her adventure to take pictures and bring them to life! It's fun to see her at the Yelp events. She helps ease any inconvenience between strangers to win. In addition, I have recently hired her to take some pictures of my growing family: dog and chicken. She's a busy woman, but it's easy to set up a mutual appointment. Her energy is contagious, and she will easily explain to you what to do... camera oxy or Scots bug memblem. And finally, the time frame for the turn is insane! Many of the photographers I know don't deliver for weeks; it was less than a week and I had my digital photos in hand...hands actually delivered. Big personalities, great pictures, what more can you ask for?! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? This is our go-to neighborhood pizza place. They make a crispy crust barbeque chicken pizza that is amazing, along with many others, and will customize just to your liking.. It is sooo much better tasting than the other local pizza places, Nellos included. Good wine and beer list. Only down side is the service is average, so don't expect much as it is staffed with mostly local high school girls (if you ask more than the basic questions they are lost). Food is so worth it, though. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Dette er vårt vanlige sted. De lager en deilig, sprø pizza og mange andre pizzaer, som er laget av barbequefrique og er helt utrolige, og de vil være skikk og bruk bare etter din smak. Den er sooo mye bedre smaksmaking enn de andre lokale pizzastedene, Nellos inkludert. God vin og øl-liste. Bare nedsiden er tjenesten er gjennomsnittlig, så ikke vent mye da den er bemannet med stort sett lokale videregående jenter (hvis du spør mer enn de grunnleggende spørsmålene de er tapt). Maten er imidlertid så verdifull. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? This is our usual place. They make a delicious, crisp pizza and many other pizzas, made of barbequefrique, and they are amazing, and they will be the custom of your taste. It's sooo much better tasting than the other local pizza places, including Nellos. Good wine and a beer list. Only the downside is the average service, so do not expect much when it is manned by mostly local high school girls (if you ask more than the basic questions they are lost). Food, however, is so valuable. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? it avoids getting only a one star due to its convenient proximity to the grad school. food- meh, though they do have condiments on the table, including mayo, which the HORRIBLE tron never has. drinks- same as anywhere else in terms of price and variety barstaff- HORRIBLE- ive only been three times, but everyone ive had to deal with there has the ever dreaded bitch/bad attitude/crusty look/wench feel to her- or maybe mostly only the main woman who seems to be there who, each time ive been, has stood in front of me trying to pull a customer and then minutes after ive been standing there asks me, "did you need anything?" wtf? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? den unngår å få bare en én stjerne på grunn av dens nærhet til den videregående skolen. næringsmiddel-meh, selv om de har smaksstoffer i tabellen, herunder majones, som HORRIBLE-tronen aldri har. drikke-samme som et annet sted i pris og varen bartaff- HORRIBLE- ive har bare vært tre ganger, men alle iv måtte forholde seg til det har den noensinne fryktede tispe/bad holdning/uaktsomhet utseende/uaktsomt utseende/vift følelse for henne- eller kanskje mest bare hovedkvinnen som synes å være der som hver gang iv har vært, har stått foran meg og prøvd å trekke en kunde og deretter minutter etter at iv har stått der spør meg, - har du trenger noe - wtf? VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? it avoids having a single star because of its closeness to high school. food-meh, even if they have flavours in the table, including mayonnaise, which the HORRIBLE throne never has. The same as the one that was used for Wtf? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? very nice place with a European flavor. Big choice of very tasty crepes served in a large portion. Outdoor seating! Pleasant people to serve you. Can Vegas appreciate such a great new spot? Hope so. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Et fint sted med et europeisk smak. Stor forskjell på velsmakende crepes servert i en stor del. Utendørs! Folk som tjener deg. Kan Vegas sette pris på et så flott nytt sted? Det er slik. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? It's a nice place with a European taste. A big difference between tasty crepes served in a large part. Outdoors! People who serve you. Can Vegas appreciate such a wonderful new place? That's the way it is. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I have many complaints about our dinner at Jean George, the food was mediocre, and overpriced. Other reviewers have described the restaurant accurately. My complaint is the poorly designed ladies room, there is no place to stash your purse except the floor. Then if you take your purse to the table bathroom bacteria is transferred to the table. How many women have had to put their clutch on the floor then the table? Yuk, I imagine the whole restaurant is contaminated. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har mange klager på middagen hos Jean George, maten var middelmådig og overpriset. Andre anmeldere har beskrevet restauranten nøyaktig. Min klage er det dårlig utformete dametoalettet, det er ingen andre steder å gjemme veska di enn gulvet. Dersom du så tar med vesken din til bordbadet, overføres bakterien til tabellen. Hvor mange kvinner har måttet sette sin egen clutch på gulvet og bordet? Yuk, jeg antar hele restauranten er forurenset. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I have a lot of complaints about the dinner at Jean George's, the food was mediocre and overpriced. Other critics have accurately described the restaurant. My complaint is the poorly formed ladies' room, there's no place to hide your purse but the floor. Then, if you take your bag to the table bath, transfer the bacteria to the table. How many women have had to put their own clutch on the floor and the table? Yuk, I guess the whole restaurant's contaminated. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? This is an awesome place for Korean food at a reasonable price in the downtown area. I've tried a bunch of dishes, but my favorites are the fried chicken (Dak Tuikim), chili chicken (Dak Ball), and tuna kimbap (Chamchi Kimbap). The short ribs (Galbi) and dumplings (Mandu) are really delicious too! There are maybe 10 tables and counter-seating, but it feels really authentic of a small Seoul restaurant - complete with MNET playing on the flat-screen (that's one of the Korean music networks). It's really hot in the restaurant though, and if you're eating spicy food, you'll be sweating heavily. Plan accordingly and wear layers so you can semi-undress. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Dette er et ærefryktinngytende sted for koreansk mat til en rimelig pris i sentrum. Jeg har smakt på en haug med retter, men favorittene mine er frityrstekt kylling (Dak Tuikim), kylling (Dak Ball) og kimbap (Chamchi Kimbap). Kortribbene (Galbi) og melbollene (Mandu) er virkelig deilige også! Det er kanskje 10 bord og kontrasittende, men det føles egentlig autentisk av en liten Seoul-restaurant<unk> komplett med MNET som spiller på flatskjerm (det er et av de koreanske musikknettverkene). Det er varmt på restauranten, og spiser man sterk mat, får man mye å drikke. Planlegg da og bær lag slik at du kan halv-oppkaste. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? This is an awe - inspiring place for Korean food at a reasonable price in the center. I have tasted a lot of dishes, but my favorites are fried chicken (Dak Tuikim), chicken (Dak Ball) and kimbap (Chamchi Kimbap). The short ribs (Galbi) and dumplings (Mandu) are delicious too! This is perhaps the 10 and the total of the 10 to the white and the total of the whole (with the whole of the whole). It's hot in the restaurant, and if you eat strong food, you get a lot to drink. Then plan and carry layers so you can half-throw up. VANS: - negative - positive
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