66 values
A two star rating I was not expecting to give based on all the great reviews, but a two star rating is what they're getting. I had no qualms about the service. We were seated right away (5). They checked in often and our cups never went empty. So, the two stars is strictly for the food. What we had: - pot stickers - The sauce (mayo mix and something else) was sweet. I'm not a girl that like sweet sauces on her pot stickers. I like a little tang to it. - beef noodle soup - I thought this had a bit of a sweet flavoring to it as well. It was merely ok. - duck fried rice with pineapples - ok - pork fried rice with Chinese sausage - I've never had Chinese sausage before so I wasn't expecting the sweetness. - chopped chicken w/sticky rice and papaya salad - rice was hard and papaya salad's fish sauce was a little too much for me - chicken satay on a stick - ok I'm not a girl that likes her meats or soups sweet. So, forgive me if these dishes are supposed to be that way. This place wasn't my cup of tea. My husband completely disagrees. He loved it here...but he can write his own damn review. ;) Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En to-stjerners rating jeg ikke forventet å gi basert på alle de store anmeldelsene, men en to-stjerners rating er hva de får. Jeg hadde ingen betenkeligheter med tjenesten. Vi ble sittende med en gang (5). De var ofte innom, og koppene våre ble aldri tomme. De to stjernene er altså nøye med maten. Det vi hadde:<unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> sausen (mayomiks og noe annet) var søt. Jeg er ikke en jente som liker søte sauser på pottemerkene. Jeg liker å ta litt i. - Jeg trodde dette også smakte søtt. Det var bare akk. - ande-stekt ris med ananas - ok - ekornris med kinesisk pølse - jeg har aldri smakt kinesisk pølse før så jeg forventet ikke søtheten. - haka kylling w/pinky ris og papaya salat - ris var hardt og papaya salat salat saus saus var litt for mye for meg - kylling satay på pinne - ok jeg er ikke en jente som liker hennes kjøtt eller suppe søt. Så, tilgi meg om disse rettene skal være slik. Dette stedet var ikke min kopp te. Min mann er fullstendig uenig. Han elsket det her... men han kan skrive sin egen jævla omtale. ;) Er denne omtale positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
A two-star rating I didn't expect to give based on all the big reviews, but a two-star rating is what they get. I had no qualms about the service. We were seated immediately (5). They often came by, and our cups never ran out. So the two stars are particular about the food. That's what we're doing. I'm not a girl who likes sweet sauces on the potmarks. I like to put some in. - I thought this was sweet too. It was just accompaniment.--and-fried rice with pineapple--okay--squirrel rice with Chinese sausage--I've never tasted Chinese sausage before so I didn't expect the sweetness. - china chicken w/pinky rice and papaya salad- rice was hard and papaya salad salad sauce was a little too much for me--chicken satay on stick--okay I'm not a girl who likes her meat or soup sweet. So, forgive me if these dishes are meant to be like this. This place wasn't my cup of tea. My husband disagrees completely. He loved it here... but he can write his own fucking review. ;) Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I guess there is a reason why this place is called Secret Pizza...because nobody wants you to find out about it since it sucks, customer service sucks, the environment sucks, and finding the location sucks. My friends and I wanted pineapple in our pizza and they were extremely rude by saying they don't have fruit on their pizza. I think they should check their biology because tomatoes and peppers are a fruit! The sauce was tart, the crust tasted like cardboard and the wait was a waste of our time! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg antar det er en grunn til at dette stedet heter Secret Pizza... fordi ingen vil at du skal finne ut om det siden det suger, kundeservice suger, miljøet suger, og å finne stedet suger. Vennene mine og jeg ville ha ananas i pizzaen vår og de var svært uhøflige ved å si at de ikke har frukt på pizzaen sin. Jeg tror de bør sjekke biologien sin fordi tomater og paprika er en frukt! Sausen var syrlig, skorpen smakte som papp og ventetiden var bortkastet vår tid! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I guess there's a reason this place is called Secret Pizza... because nobody wants you to find out about it because it sucks... pizza sucks, customer service sucks, the environment sucks, and finding the place sucks. My friends and I wanted pineapple in our pizza and they were very rude to say that they have no fruit on their pizza. I think they should check their biology because tomatoes and peppers are a fruit! The sauce was acidic, the crust tasted like cardboard, and the waiting time was a waste of our time! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
We stumbled upon this place on Indian School. There was no wait, service was fast and great. The gyro sandwich was delicious and fresh. It is a little hole in the wall place, with middle eastern decor but also tropical beaded curtains and pictures of black and white pin-up girls. Definitely recommend. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi snublet over dette stedet på indianerskolen. Det var ingen vente, servicen var rask og stor. Gyrosmørbrødet var deilig og friskt. Det er et lite hull i murplassen, med midtøstlig dekor men også tropiske perlete gardiner og bilder av svarte og hvite pin-up jenter. Det er en anbefaling. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We stumbled on this place at Indian school. There was no wait, the service was fast and large. The gyro sandwich was delicious and fresh. There's a little hole in the masonry site, with a middle-east decoration but also tropical pearly curtains and pictures of black and white pin-up girls. It's a recommendation. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
It's cheap, it's edible & it's nothing special. Very thin patty on unseeded bun and average fries. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det er billig, det er spiselig og det er ikke noe spesielt. Veldig tynn patty på ufrøet brød og pommes frites. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It's cheap, it's edible, and it's nothing special. Very thin patty on unseeded bread and fries. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Had a great time here but I think its for one reason and one reason only....we ended up at 3 tables in VIP with bottle service...and didn't have to pay a dime for it! It pays to be with a group of 10+ girls out for a bachelorette party. Anyway, we danced danced and danced. Good music and our cocktail girl kept the bottles full and flowing. And the bouncers were even nice enough to help us out to the cab when the bride to be had a little too much to drink and could no longer speak a coherent sentence let alone walk. I can't say anything one way or another about the other parts of the club but we all had a fantastic time in VIP. GET BOTTLE SERVICE! makes life so much easier! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det var en flott tid her, men jeg tror det var av én grunn og bare én grunn. Vi havnet på 3 bord i VIP med flaskeservice og trengte ikke betale en krone for det! Det lønner seg å være sammen med en gruppe på 10+-jenter ute for et utdrikningslag. Vi danset dans og dans. God musikk og vår cocktailjente holdt flaskene fulle og strømfulle. Og sprettersene var enda hyggelige nok til å hjelpe oss ut til drosjen når bruden skulle drikke litt for mye og ikke lenger kunne snakke en sammenhengende setning om ikke å snakke om å gå. Jeg kan ikke si noe på en eller annen måte om de andre delene av klubben men vi hadde alle en fantastisk tid i VIP. FLASKEBYGGE! gjør livet så mye lettere! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It was a great time here, but I think it was for one reason and only one reason, and we ended up on three tables in the VIP with bottle service and didn't have to pay a dime for it! It pays to be with a group of 10+ girls out for a bachelor party. We danced and danced. Good music and our cocktail girl kept the bottles full and full. And the bouncers were even nice enough to help us out to the taxi when the bride would drink a little too much and could no longer speak a coherent sentence about not talking about walking. I can't say anything in any way about the other parts of the club, but we all had a wonderful time in VIP. BOTTLE BUILD! Makes life so much easier! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
This place is a vegan's dream come true! Everything on the menu is vegan by default and if you want dairy, you have to request it! the menu is pretty sizeable and includes everything from french toast for breakfast to some sweet treats for dessert! I had the Chick-un wrap which comes with a vegan aioli and some really delicious marinated kale, avocado, and a bunch of other yummy stuff. For dessert I gave their cheesecake a try, which I also had their version of an almond joy which was awesome! They also have some pretty delcious looking cookies. The service was good and I'll definitely be back.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Dette stedet er en vegans drøm som blir virkelighet! Alt på menyen er veganer som standard og hvis du vil ha meieri må du be om det! Menyen er ganske stor og omfatter alt fra fransk toast til frokost til litt søtsaker til dessert! Jeg hadde chick-un-inn-pakken som kommer med en vegan aioli og noen virkelig deilige marinted kale, avocado, og en masse andre godsaker. Til dessert ga jeg deres ostekake en prøve, som Jeg hadde også deres versjon av en glede som var fantastisk! De har også noen ganske delikate småkaker som leter etter insekter. Tjenesten var god, og jeg kommer tilbake.
This place is a vegan dream come true! Everything on the menu is vegan by default and if you want dairy, you have to ask for it! The menu is quite large and includes everything from French toast to breakfast to some sweets for dessert! I had the chick-un-in package that comes with a vegan aioli and some really delicious marinated kale, avocado, and a lot of other goodies. For dessert, I gave your cheesecake a sample, which was... uh. I also had their version of a joy that was wonderful! They also have some rather delicate cookies that search for insects. The service was good, and I'll be back.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Awesome buffet! So much variety and fresh foods. Seafood, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, soup, american, specialty salad, even antipasto I love that they peel the shrimp for you! Every other Vegas buffet I've been to leaves the shell on. They also cut their crab legs in half so it's super easy to eat. Dessert is also awesome, mini finger sweets, gelato, fresh mini carmel apples and even a crepe station! I was won over - definitely coming back!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Det var et strålende slag! Så mye variasjon og ferskvare. Sjømat, japansk, kinesisk, italiensk, suppe, amerikansk, salat, til og med antipasto Jeg elsker at de skreller rekene for deg! Hver eneste Vegas buff jeg har vært for å la skallet stå på. De skjærer også krabbebeina i to så det er superlett å ete. Dessert er også noe å drikke, søtsaker, gelatin, ferske karmeller og til og med en crepe - stasjon! Jeg ble vunnet for mye, for jeg kom definitivt tilbake!
What a glorious blow! So much variety and fresh goods. Seafood, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, soup, American, salad, even antipasto I love how they peel the shrimp for you! Every Vegas buffet I've ever been to leave my shell on. They also cut the crab bones in half so it's super easy to eat. Dessert is also a drink, sweets, gelatin, fresh cardels, and even a crepe station! I was won too much because I definitely came back!
Southside steaks = heaven. Every trip up to the Southside were sure to bring 6 or 7 Philly cheese steaks home. The ribeye steak is seasoned and juicy with delicious wiz drizzled all over the meat and bread extravaganza. I'm a huge fan of extremely hot food and the ghost pepper Philly cheesesteak is bar none the best I have ever had. Crisp peppers loads of cheese and even more meat. True authentic Philly steaks with a nice Pittsburgh twist. Reasonable prices, delicious food, and dive atmosphere. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Sørside biffer = himmel. Hver tur opp til Sørsiden var sikker på å bringe 6 eller 7 Philly oste biff hjem. Biffbiten er krydret og saftig med deilig wiz yr over hele kjøttet og brødet ekstravagant. Jeg er en stor fan av ekstremt varm mat og pepperspøkelset Philly ostesteak er bare bar ingen det beste jeg har smakt. Pepper ost og enda mer kjøtt. Sanne, ekte Philly-biffer med en fin Pittsburgh-snurr. Rimelige priser, deilig mat og dykkeatmosfæren. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
South side steaks = sky. Every trip up south was sure to bring 6 or 7 Philly cheeses home. The steak is spicy and juicy with delicious wiz yr all over the meat and bread extravagant. I'm a big fan of extremely hot food and the pepper ghost Philly cheese roast is just bar no one's best thing I've ever tasted. Pepper cheese and even more meat. True, real Philly steaks with a nice Pittsburgh buzzer. Fair prices, delicious food, and the diving atmosphere. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? My one-stop place for the perfect aperitif with friends. Saucisson and p\u00e2t\u00e9s are excellent, interesting rotating selection of cheese from Quebec, perfect cherry tomatoes and out-of-this-world bread. Seriously, Lawrence's house bread beats Joe La Cro\u00fbte, Guillaume and the likes. Obviously you can also buy meat there, even the unusual cuts, at a fair price. Strongly recommended! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Mitt enested for det perfekte aperitif med venner. Sausisson og p<unk>u00e2t<unk>u00e9er er ypperlige, interessante, roterende utvalg av ost fra Quebec, perfekte tomater og ikke-i-i-en-verden brød. Lawrences husbrød slår Joe La Cro Cro-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-L-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-L-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R., Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-B-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R. Lawrence-B-B-R., Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-R-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-R-R-R-R. Lawrence slår slår slår slår Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B slår slår slår slår slår slår slår slår slår slår slår, Lawrence-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B. Det er innlysende at du også kan kjøpe kjøtt der, selv de uvanlige kuttene, til en rimelig pris. Det aller beste! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? My sole place for the perfect aperitif with friends. Sausisson and p<unk>u00e2t<unk>u00e9 are excellent, interesting, rotating samples of cheese from Quebec, perfect tomatoes and non-in-a-world bread. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously, you can also buy meat there, even the unusual cuts, at a reasonable price. The very best! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Well, I have a candidate for Kitchen Nightmares next show. Here. Yes, here. Went for Sunday dinner on Fathers Day. We were seated right away. However, that is where it all went wrong. Waiting over an hour for salads is unacceptable. Getting bloody chicken wings a half hour after the salads is not cool. Waiting another 45 minutes for the main courses is not ideal either. So, after a 3 hour meal that was horrendously expensive for pub food, we thankfully got out of there. Servers were either rude or unavailable, which is understandable as they probably were embarrassed by the food times. Too many other places to go in Vegas to give this another try. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har en kandidat til neste program. Her. Ja, her. Predikant til søndagsmiddag på fedredagen. Vi ble satt på plass med en gang. Men det var der det hele gikk galt. Det er uakseptabelt å vente over en time på salater. Å få kyllingvinger en halvtime etter at salatene ikke er kule. Det er heller ikke helt ideelt å vente enda 45 minutter på hovedrettene. Så etter et måltid som var fryktelig dyrt for pubmat, kom vi oss heldigvis ut derfra. Servere var enten uforskammet eller utilgjengelige, noe som er forståelig ettersom de trolig var forlegne av mattidene. For mange andre steder å dra til Vegas for å gi dette et nytt forsøk. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I have a candidate for the next program. Here. Yeah, here. Preacher to Sunday dinner on Father's Day. We were put in place right away. But that's where it all went wrong. It's unacceptable to wait over an hour for salads. Getting chicken wings half an hour after the salads aren't cool. Nor is it ideal to wait another 45 minutes for the main courses. So, fortunately, after a meal that was terribly expensive for pub food, we got out of there. Servants were either rude or inaccessible, which is understandable because they were likely embarrassed by food times. Too many other places to go to Vegas to give this another try. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Awesome every time. Just get in line and get a sammich. Trust me..
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
-Hver gang. Still deg i kø og få deg et sammich. Stol på meg.
Every time. Get in line and get yourself a sammich. Trust me.
Is the following review positive or negative? ABSOLUTELY amazing salon! Clean, friendly, affordable. .. and the work is beautiful... will definately be back. A+++ OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? I DEN SÅNDLIGE ADGRUNNENDE salong! Ren, vennlig, rimelig. .. og arbeidet er vakkert... kommer til å være tilbake. A++ VAL: - negativ - positiv
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? IN THE SINGLE ADVANCED salon! Pure, kind, reasonable. ..and the work is beautiful... will be back. A++ OPTION: -negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
Sat down and first thing I notices was price. Embarrassed to walk out I gave it a try to see If any good. Ordered a margarita pizza for it was cheapest. What I got was a cheese sprinkled with basil and that was it. I questioned that this was not a margarita and all the said was this is the way they make it. Should change name on menu. At any rate the pizza was plain and a little dry. Also there was no wood oven taste. Overall we paid before tip $35 for a 12 inch pepperoni and a 12 inch margarita. Two cokes cost $7. Not worth it and was not very good. Wil
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg la ned og la merke til at det var prisen. Jeg var flau over å gå ut, og prøvde å se om det nytter. Det var billigst å bestille en margarita-pizza til den. Det jeg fikk var en ost full av basil, og det var alt. Jeg sa at dette ikke var en margarita, og alt det som ble sagt, var at det var slik de klarte det. Endre navn ved meny. Uansett var pizzaen slett og litt tørr. Det fantes heller ikke treovnsmak. Vi betalte før vi ga $35 for 12 tomme pepperoni og 12 tommer margarita. To kokain koster sju kroner. Ikke verdt det og var ikke særlig god. etter at eller
I went down and noticed that it was the price. I was embarrassed to go out and tried to see if it would work. It was the cheapest thing to order it a margarita pizza. What I got was a cheese full of basil, and that's it. I said that this was not a margarita, and all that was said was that this was how they did it. Rename by menu. Anyway, the pizza was plain and a little dry. Nor was there any wood stove flavor. We paid before we paid $35 for 12 inches of pepperoni and 12 inches of margarita. Two coke costs seven kroner. Not worth it and not very good. after or
This would have been a 4 star review until the 90 minute wait at the valet. I get it, it's check out time but to have only 6 valet on service is poor management and bad customer service especially at the end of a great stay. I won't come back for this fact alone. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette ville ha vært en 4-stjerners vurdering til 90 minutters venting ved kammertjeneren. Jeg skjønner det, det er sjekk ut tiden men å ha kun 6 ansatte på service er dårlig ledelse og dårlig kundeservice spesielt på slutten av et stort opphold. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake for dette faktum alene. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This would have been a four-star assessment of 90-minute waiting at the valet. I get it, it's check-out time but having only 6 employees on service is bad management and bad customer service especially at the end of a big stay. I'm not coming back for this fact alone. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Aloha! I know it's odd getting Hawaiian food in Vegas but apparently, they do have a huge population of Hawaiians, thus the good restaurants you'll find here. Island Flavor is one perfect example. We started with their very fresh shoyu POKE for appetizers. Half an order is half a pound for $7.25. It's hefty so it really is a steal! Color, taste, and texture of the tuna passed our standards with flying colors. With so many good things on their menu, it's rather convenient that they offer you the option to order a MIXED PLATE ($11.25) with two items and a side of rice (white or brown) plus salad or macaroni salad. Kalbi is an extra $1 but trust me when I say it's money well-spent. FURIKAKE CHICKEN and KALBI were my two choices. The chicken had a beautiful sweet and sour glazed exterior with seaweed flakes drizzled on it. Each bite had a good crisp and could make you work on a chew, but in a good way. The Kalbi beef was marinated and grilled to perfection pleasing my tastebuds while getting envious looks from others on the table who didn't order this. I looooove their macaroni salad here so don't be like my sister who opted to get a salad of greens and regretting it shortly after having a taste of my side order. The ROASTED PORK are shreds of meat doused with their own version of gravy that is out-of-this-world delicious. The taste reminds me so much of eating "lechon", a Filipino dish which is literally, roasted pork. In addition, their CHICKEN KATSU is remarkably right on the money. The breading was great in all aspects and how everything held together execution-wise was simply perfection. Our server messed up our order and gave us Korean chicken wings instead of the katsu in the beginning but she fixed it right away without even taking back the wings. Their KOREAN CHICKEN WINGS was bone-in with crispy skin outside and juicy meat inside. Flavor profile was good but I've had better. Bottom line, it's free so I can't complain. It seems like the CHICKEN KATSU LOCO MOCO is the deal here so we also ordered that to share. An order is ginormous just like everything else we had. We only consumed half of it and took the rest home but the rave reviews on this dish is true to its words. A specialty not to be missed indeed! Their GUAVA CAKE ($5) however was easily almost everyone's highlight on the table including those without a sweet tooth. Pair with it their refillable Kona coffee because there's just no other way for you to end a meal here. Ahhhfreakingmazing! Not only is it pretty in pink but the cake itself is moist and each layer of icing and guava syrup delivered its purpose giving you that tropical flavor you thought you could only get from the islands. Easily the best thing I ate here! Service was a bit spotty, almost like on island mode but nonetheless they were friendly. With onolicious food, generous portions, and reasonable pricing, it's worth the little drive off the strip. 4.5 Stars!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Aloha! Jeg vet det er rart å få hawawabi mat i Vegas men tilsynelatende har de en stor befolkning av hawai-indianere, slik at de gode restaurantene du finner her. En slik god smak er et fullkomment eksempel på dette. Vi begynte med den nye shoyuen POKE for forrett. En halv pris er en halv kilo for 7 dollar. 25 cent. Den er heftig, så den er virkelig en tyv! Farge, smak og tekst på tunfisken passerte våre standarder med glans. Med så mange gode ting på menyen deres, er det ganske beleilig at de tilbyr deg muligheten til å bestille en MIXED PLATE ($11.25) med to ting og en side av ris (hvit eller brun) pluss salat eller makaroni salat. Kalbi er en ekstra 1 dollar, men stol på meg når jeg sier at det er penger godt betalt. DET var to valg jeg måtte ta. Kyllingen hadde en vakker søt og surt glasert eksteriør med tang og tare yr på. Hver bit hadde en god skrubbe og kunne få deg til å jobbe med en tyggebit, men på en god måte. Kalibi-biffen ble lemlestet og grillet for å være perfekt til å tilfredsstille smakssnabbene mine mens jeg ble misunnelig på andre fra andre på bordet som ikke bestilte dette. Jeg har en makaronisalat her, så ikke vær som søsteren min, som valgte å få en salat grønn og angre på det kort tid etter å ha smakt min biorden. De ROASTEDE POLRK er kjøttbiter som er laget av en egen versjon av saus som er u-av-denne-verden delikat. Smaken minner meg så mye om å spise <unk>lechon<unk> en rett som bokstavelig talt er stekt svin. I tillegg er deres CHICKEN KATSSU bemerkelsesverdig rett på pengene. Brødringen var stor på alle områder og hvordan alt holdt sammen henrettelsesvise var rett og slett perfekt. Tjeneren vår rotet opp i rekkefølgen vår og ga oss koreanske kyllingvinger i stedet for kassu i begynnelsen men hun fikset det med en gang uten å ta tilbake vingene. De hadde sprø hud og saftig kjøtt inni. Jeg har hatt det bedre. Poenget er gratis, så jeg kan ikke klage. Det virker som om den KATTSØKOLOKOKOLOCO-en er avtalen her, så vi har også bestilt den for å dele. En orden er usigelig, akkurat som alt annet vi hadde. Vi spiste bare halvparten av den og tok resten med hjem, men rave-omtalene på denne retten er sanne ord. Det er en spesiell spesialitet å ikke bli savnet! Deres GUAVA CAKE ($5) var imidlertid lett nesten alles høydepunkt på bordet inklusive de som ikke har en søtsak. Ta på deg den påfyllbare Kona-kaffen deres fordi det er ingen annen måte for deg å ende et måltid her. Ahhtfreakingmaiser! Ikke bare er den pen i rosa, men selve kaken er fuktig og hvert lag med glasur og guavasirup leverte sin hensikt med å gi deg den tropiske smaken du trodde du bare kunne få fra øyene. Lett det beste jeg spiste her! Servicen var litt flekkete, nesten som på Island mode, men likevel var de vennlige. Med mat, sjenerøse porsjoner og rimelig pris er det verdt den lille turen. Det er en stjerne!
Aloha! I know it's weird to get some food in Vegas, but apparently they have a large population of Hawaiian Indians, so the good restaurants you find here. Such good taste is a perfect example of this. We started with the new Shoyu POKE for appetizers. Half a price is a pound for $7.25. It's hot, so it's really a thief! Color, taste, and text on the tuna passed our standards with flying colors. With so many good things on their menu, it's quite convenient that they offer you the opportunity to order an MIXED PLATE ($11.25) with two things and a side of rice (white or brown) plus lettuce or macaroni salad. Kalbi's an extra $1, but trust me when I say it's money well paid. THERE were two choices I had to make. The chicken had a beautiful sweet and surly glazed exteriator with seaweed on it. Every bite had a good scrub and could get you to work on a chew bite, but in a good way. The Calibi steak was mutilated and grilled to be perfect to satisfy my taste-snatches while I became jealous of others from the table who didn't order this. I have a macaroni salad here, so don't be like my sister, who chose to have a salad green and regret it soon after tasting my beeword. The ROASTED POLRK are pieces of meat made from a separate version of sauce that is u-of-this-world delicate. The taste reminds me so much of eating a dish that is literally fried pork. In addition, their CHICKEN CATSSU is remarkably right on the money. The bread was great in all areas and how it all held together executional style was just perfect. Our servant messed up our order and gave us Korean chicken wings instead of the casho at first, but she fixed it right away without taking back her wings. They had crisp skin and juicy meat inside. I've been better. The point is free, so I can't complain. It seems that the COOLOCO is the deal here, so we also ordered it to share. An order is unspeakable, just like everything else we had. We ate only half of it and brought the rest home, but the rave reviews on this dish are true words. It's a special specialty not to be missed! However, their GUAVA CAKE ($5) was easily almost everyone’s highlight on the table, including those who do not have a sweets. Put on their refilled Kona coffee because there's no other way for you to end a meal here. Ahhtfreakmaiser! Not only is it pretty in pink, but the cake itself is damp and each layer of glacava syrup delivered its purpose in giving you the tropical flavor you thought you could only get from the islands. Ease up the best I ever ate here! The service was a little spotted, almost as in Iceland mode, but still they were friendly. With food, generous portions and fair price, it's worth the little trip. It's a star!
What is the sentiment of the following review? This is a huge hotel! It is the third-largest hotel in the world with over 5,000 rooms. Consequently it can get quite chaotic, especially during check-in. That said, the rooms are very nice, the service is excellent, and there is a complete variety of food options from McDonalds in the food court, to multiple very high-line restaurants serving almost anything you would like to try. The garage and rooms are a very long walk, but overall, I was very satisfied with our two nights stay. We will definitely be back. The location on strip is very convenient, and the access to the monorail system also eases the pain. I didn't need the car while we were there. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Dette er et enormt hotell! Det er verdens tredje største hotell med over 5000 rom. Følgelig kan det bli ganske kaotisk, spesielt under innsjekking. Når det er sagt, er rommene veldig fine, servicen er utmerket, og det er en hel rekke matalternativer fra McDonalds i matretten, til flere svært høylinjede restauranter som serverer nesten alt du vil prøve. Garasjen og rommene er en lang spasertur, men generelt sett var jeg veldig fornøyd med de to overnattingene våre. Vi kommer tilbake. Det er svært bekvemt med plasseringen av rip, og adgangen til monorailsystemet letter også smertene. Jeg trengte ikke bilen mens vi var der. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? This is a huge hotel! It's the third largest hotel in the world with over 5,000 rooms. Consequently, it can become quite chaotic, especially during check - in. The maximum number of drinks to be set is the maximum number of drinks to be heard. The number of drinks to be heard is to be set. The number of drinks to be heard is to be set. The number of drinks to be heard is to be set in the number and the number of drinks to be heard. The number of drinks to be set is to be. The number of drinks to be heard is to be set and the number to be set to be set in the number of drinks to be set. The number of drinks to be heard is to be. The number to be heard is to be. The number of the number of the number of the number to be set number of the number and to be. to be. to be set is to be. to be. to be. to be set if the number to be. to be set if the whole (. to be set is to be. to be. to the whole (. to be. to the whole (. to the whole (. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the or to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the. to be. to be. to be. to the. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the. to the or. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the or. to be. to the or. to be. to be. to be. to the or. to be. to be. to the. to the. to be. to be. to be. to the. to be. to the or. to be. to the or. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. or. to be. to be. to be. to be. to the or. to the. to the or. to the or. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. if or. if or. if or. to the. to the or. if or. to the. if or. if or. to the or. to the. to the. if or or. to be. if. if. to the. to be. to be. if or. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. to be. if or. to be. to be. to be. if. to be. if or. if or. if or. to be. if. to the. to the. to. to the. to. to the. to the. to. to the. to the. to the. to the. to. to. to the. to the. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to the. to. to. to. to the. to. to. or or. or or or or or or. or or or. or. to be. or. or. or. or. or. or. to the. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. or. to be. to. to. to. to. or. or. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. or. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. or. to. to. to. to. to the. to. to. to. to. to. or. or. to. to. to. to. to. to. to the. to the. to. to the. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. to the. to. to. to. to. to. to. to. or. or. to. to. or. or. to. to. to. or. or. or. or. or. or. or. or. or. or or. to. to. or. or. or. or. to. to the. to. to The garage and rooms are a long walk, but in general I was very happy with our two sleepovers. We'll be back. It is very convenient to place the strip, and access to the monorail system also eases the pain. I didn't need the car while we were there. VANS: - negative - positive
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Generate a positive review for a place.
I wasn't really sure what to think when my bff Justin suggested we hit the Mac Shack after work. I made my way up to Durango and Warm Springs and sat in the parking lot waiting for him . Once he got there we both walked inside and I began to peruse the menu... Way to many choices for me ! lol I couldn't decide , did I want baked rigatoni? or the pepper jack mac and cheese? and then ... Shrimp Scampi linguine won out. Justin got the baked rigatoni. We headed to the soft drink machine and I was totally excited that they had the super crushed ice. My favorite! Our meal came and I took a bite of the baked rigatoni .. Oh my gosh ... SO good. Meat Sauce- Ricotta cheese ... mozzarella .. umm YUM! I have to say that I was totally happy with my decision. The shrimp scampi linguine , was delicious it wasn't over-sauced and the noodles were the perfect texture. I confess ... I ate it ALL I didn't even leave ONE bite. and did I share even one bite with justin.. yeah .. NO i didn't. We have decided to make a standing Tuesday dinner date :) I say that works just fine for me!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Jeg var ikke sikker på hva jeg skulle tenke når min buff Justin foreslo at vi traff Mac Shack etter jobb. Jeg tok meg opp til Durango og Warm Springs og satt på parkeringsplassen og ventet på ham. Da han kom dit, gikk vi inn, og jeg begynte å se på menyen. Jeg kunne ikke bestemme meg, ville jeg ha bakt rigatoni? eller pepper-pack-maks og ost? Og så vant simpe-Scampi-linginaen. Justin har bakt rigatoni. Vi var på vei til leskedrikkmaskinen, og jeg var spent på at de hadde superis. Favoritten min! Og jeg tok en bit av bakt riatoni. -Sunn gode. Kjøttsaus- Ricottaost, mozzarella, umm YUM! Jeg må si at jeg var fornøyd med min beslutning. Rekesvinesvinet linguine var deilig, den var ikke oversauced og nudlene var den perfekte teksturen. Jeg bekjenner ... Jeg spiste det bare jeg ikke engang etterlot en bit. og gjorde jeg delte selv en bit med justin .. ja .. NO jeg gjorde ikke. Vi har bestemt oss for å gjøre en standing på tirsdag middag dato ::) Jeg sier at det fungerer helt fint for meg!
I wasn't sure what to think when my buffet Justin suggested we meet with Mac Shack after work. I went up to Durango and Warm Springs and sat in the parking lot waiting for him. When he got there, we went in, and I started looking at the menu. I couldn't make up my mind. Would I have baked rigatoni? or pepper-pack-max and cheese? And then the Simpe-Scampi won the lingina. Justin baked rigatoni. We were on our way to the soft drink machine, and I was excited that they had super ice cream. My favorite! And I took a bite of baked riatoni. - So good. Meat sauce Ricotta cheese, mozzarella, umm YUM! I must say, I was satisfied with my decision. The linguine shrimp pig was delicious, it wasn't over-sauced and the noodles were the perfect texture. I confess... I just didn't even leave a bite. And I did share a piece of it with justin, yes. We've decided to make a stand on Tuesday dinner date:) I say it works just fine for me!
What is the sentiment of the following review? Control freaks seeking relief from the sweltering heat in pursuit of some good grub. That epithet pretty much described my party of four on a blistering, 112-degree day last summer, after a wearying tour on foot of nearby Taliesin West. Frank Lloyd Wright's Scottsdale digs were supremely envisioned and constructed, a conscious antidote to mediocrity and thoughtless development. It was with a heightened sense of the possible that the four of us descended on Indulge -- outfitted as a trendy, suburban roadhouse, though it anchors, along with a bank and a BevMo, one of Scottsdale's ubiquitous soulless shopping centers -- that sweltering afternoon to build our own thoughtful tributes to the master architect: juicy, individualized, belly-busting burgers, washed down with tall, cold libations. The drinks didn't disapoint: a strong margarita, a shimmering pint of Shock Top hefeweizen, and two big glasses of lemonade were quickly dispatched to our table, and they saved us from certain dehydration. From there, things went nowhere special. We ordered four burgers, each differently cloaked. The burger-topping checklist promised so much, yet delivered so little. Juilenned carrot strips were dry and lifeless. The ginger-tinged peanut sauce served on the side was a gloopy mess. Pineapple rings were canned and bland. The bottom of my toasted wheat bun was soggy, probably the result of toasting it too soon, while the top was untoasted. The one burger served on a salad was a letdown. Big thick wheels of underripe beefsteak tomatoes and watery iceberg lettuce undergirded the well-cooked medium-rare burger, providing a solid architectural foundation, but at the expense of any discernable taste. The lone bright spot was the fries: crisp, piping hot, perfectly salted, and served in a trendy conical basket with a big messy plop of tasty ketchup -- now THAT's what I'm talking about! Greasy heaven, courtesy of a few humble potatoes and some hot oil. The meat is decent, and the fries are a revelation, but the decidedly mediocre ingredients in the sides and sauces and salads were a profound disappointment. Amping up the mediocrity was the abominable pop music pervading the joint. I must be deeply indebted to the karma creditors. Otherwise, why would I have to suffer yet another meal in the company of Phil Collins and Lionel Richie? For anyone fortunate enough to find themselves in LA or on the south side of Denver, get to the Counter, where you can build your own burger with great ingredients and music that elevates, not imprisons, your spirit. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Noen av de kontrollsyke som søker hjelp mot den stekende heten for å få tak i en god næringsplante. Det brevet beskrev mitt parti på fire på en blendende, 112 graders dag i fjor sommer, etter en slitsom tur til fots til nærliggende Taliesin West. Frank Lloyd Wrights Scottsdale-graver var overmåte sett og konstruert, en bevisst motgift mot middelmådighet og tankeløs utvikling. Det var med en forsterket følelse av den mulige at vi fire dro på Indulge -- stiplet som en trendy, forstad veikro, skjønt det anker, sammen med en bank og en BevMo, en av Scottsdales allestedsnærværende sjelløse kjøpesentre -- som swelter ettermiddag for å bygge våre egne tankefulle hyllester til mester arkitekten: saftig, individualisert, magebusting burger, vasket ned med høy, kald libations. Drinkene var ikke fratake: en sterk margarita, en susende pint av Shock Top hanefarzen, og to store glass limonade ble raskt sendt til vårt bord, og de reddet oss fra visse dehydreringer. Derfra gikk det ikke noe spesielt. Vi bestilte fire burger, hver kappet. Sjekklisten for burgekontrollering lovte så mye, men leverte så lite. Jusilerte gulrøtterstriper var tørre og livløse. Den ingefærde sausen på siden var et sludder. Det ble hermetisert og brendt med femkantede ringer. Bunnen av min ristet hvetebolle var bløt, sannsynligvis et resultat av at jeg skålte den for tidlig, mens toppen var urørt. Den ene burgeren som ble servert på en salat, var en skuffelse. Store, tykke hjul av underriffsteak-tomater og vannholdige isfjell med underlag av den velstekte mellomsjeldenburgeren, som utgjør et solid arkitektonisk fundament, men på bekostning av enhver merkbar smak. Den ensomme lyse flekken var pommes frites: sprø, pipende varm, perfekt saltet, og servert i en trendy konditor kurv med en stor rotete pludder av velsmakende ketchup -- nå er det det jeg snakker om! Himmelen, takket være noen små poteter og litt varm olje. Kjøttet er anstendig, og pommes fritesen er en åpenbaring, men de avgjort middelmådige ingrediensene i sidene og sauser og salater var en stor skuffelse. Amping opp middelmådigheten var den avskyelige popmusikken som gjennomsyret jointen. Jeg må være dypt i gjeld til karmakreditorene. Hvorfor skulle jeg ellers måtte ta enda et måltid sammen med Phil Collins og Lionel Richie? For enhver som er heldig nok til å finne seg i LA eller på sørsiden av Denver, kom deg til Counter, hvor du kan bygge din egen burg med store ingredienser og musikk som hever, ikke fengsler, din ånd. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Some of the control sicknesses that seek help against the scorching heat to obtain a good food plant. That letter described my party of four on a blinding, 112-degree day last summer, after a tiring walk to nearby Taliesin West. Frank Lloyd Wright's Scottsdale grave was extremely seen and constructed, a deliberate antidote to mediocrity and thoughtless development. It was with an enhanced feeling of the four of us that went on the dance path of The drinks were not taken away: a strong margarita, a humming pint of Shock Top Rooster, and two large glasses of lemonade were quickly sent to our table, and they saved us from certain dehydrations. From there, nothing special happened. We ordered four burgers, each cut. The burger-control checklist promised so much, but delivered so little. Julish carrot strips were dry and lifeless. That ginger sauce on the side was bullshit. It was canned and broken with five - sided rings. The bottom of my toasted wheat bowl was soft, probably the result of my preponderance, while the top was untouched. One burger served on a salad was a disappointment. Large, thick wheels made of the under-rectiff steak and watery icebergs, with the backing of the well-cooked inter-raven burger, which constitute a solid architectural foundation, but at the expense of any appreciable taste. The lonely bright spot was French fries: crispy, squeaky hot, perfect salted, and served in a trendy pastry basket with a big mess of tasty ketchup -- now that's what I'm talking about! Heaven, thanks to some little potatoes and some hot oil. The meat is decent, and the fries are a revelation, but the definitely mediocre ingredients in the sides and sauces and salads were a great disappointment. Aming up mediocrity was the disgusting pop music that permeated the joint. I must be deeply indebted to the karma creditors. Why else would I have to have another meal with Phil Collins and Lionel Richie? For anyone lucky enough to find himself in LA or on the south side of Denver, get to Counter, where you can build your ownburg with big ingredients and music that raises, not prisons, your spirit. VANS: - negative - positive
$1 jello shots made from the bottom-of-the-barrel liqour. It's a Vegas tradition, no matter how much you've "matured" over the years. Who knew $20 of jello shots could be so exciting? How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
1 dollars skudd laget av den nederste delen av bommen. Det er en Vegas-tradisjon, uansett hvor mye man har<unk>moden<unk> opp gjennom årene. Hvem kunne ha visst at det kunne være så spennende å kunne geléskudd? Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
One dollar shot made by the bottom part of the bar. It's a Vegas tradition, no matter how much you have, aged over the years. Who could have known it would be so exciting to know jelly shoots? How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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Walking in, the atmosphere is great! Really nice space. My first impression was not great however, as they lost my reservation, that is never good when you are starving and ready for a good meal. However, they did move quickly to rectify the situation and found us a decent table in the bar. Now, I have been fortunate to partake of some amazing sushi from NY to LA, and for these prices, that is what I was expecting. Unfortunately, they did not deliver. It was good, it just wasn't fantastic, and for these prices, fantastic is what I would expect. The service was also just good. Little mistakes here and there that should not happen at a reastraunt of That caliber. Overall, just not what I would expect when I'm shelling out close to $500 for myself and two friends. I'm afraid that in the end, Nobu just came off as pretentious. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det er en stor atmosfære å vandre i. Fin plass. Mitt første inntrykk var imidlertid ikke stort, da de mistet min reservasjon, det er aldri godt når du er sulten og klar for et godt måltid. Men de gikk raskt for å rette opp situasjonen og fant et bord i baren. Jeg har vært heldig som har forsynt meg av en fantastisk sushi fra NY til LA, og for disse prisene, det var det jeg forventet. Dessverre leverte de ikke. Det var bra, det var bare ikke fantastisk, og for disse prisene, fantastisk er hva jeg ville forventet. Tjenesten var også bare god. Små feil her og der som ikke burde skje på en reastraunt av det kaliberet. Ikke som jeg ville forventet når jeg nesten tar meg selv og to venner. Jeg er redd for at Nobu til slutt bare så pretensiøs ut. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It is a large atmosphere in which to walk. Nice place. My first impression, however, was not much, when they lost my reservation, it's never good when you're hungry and ready for a good meal. But they quickly went to remedy the situation and found a table in the bar. I've been lucky to have partied with a fantastic sushi from New York to LA, and for these prices, that's what I expected. Unfortunately, they didn't deliver. It was good, it just wasn't great, and for these prices, amazing is what I would expect. The ministry was good too. Small mistakes here and there that shouldn't happen on a reastraunt of that caliber. Not like I'd expect when I almost take myself and two friends. I'm afraid Nobu finally just looked pretentious. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
As a European, I have a love of curry that I've had trouble filling in Phoenix so far, but Bamboo House's shrimp curry with fried rice hit the spot. I'll definitely be back! The crab puffs were yummy too! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Som europeer har jeg en kjærlighet til karri som jeg har hatt problemer med å fylle inn Phoenix så langt, men Bambushusets rekekarri med stekt ris traff plassen. Jeg kommer tilbake! Pepperfuglene var også jommy! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
As Europeans, I have a love of curry that I have had difficulty filling in Phoenix so far, but the Bambus House shrimp curry with fried rice hit the spot. I'll be back! The pepper birds were also Yommy! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
Is the following review positive or negative? The server was rude didn't return my thank you or please. While we were there another table complained about their food and my pancakes weren't fully cooked OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Tjeneren var uhøflig og returnerte verken takk eller takk. Mens vi var der, klaget en annen bord over maten deres og pannekakene mine var ikke ferdigkokte OPSJON: - negativ - positiv
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The servant was rude and returned neither thanks nor thanks. While we were there, another table complained over their food and my pancakes were not cooked OPTION: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Robert is classy and professional and offered me water on my visit, which I thought was a very nice touch. Unfortunately, he did not cut my hair the way I asked him to and the final result was disaster. You can't take a mulligan when it comes to hair so there isn't much I can do but wait for it to grow out. Robert did everything he could on his part to make the situation right and offered me a full refund. For the type of cut that I wanted, it would have been better for me to go to a styling salon instead of a barber shop. If you are looking for a stylish scissor cut I do not recommend this place. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Robert har stil og er fagmann og tilbyr meg vann på besøket, noe jeg syntes var et veldig fint preg. Dessverre klippet han ikke håret mitt slik jeg ba ham om, og sluttresultatet ble en katastrofe. Du kan ikke ta en mulligan når det gjelder hår, så det er ikke mye jeg kan gjøre, men vent til det vokser ut. Robert gjorde alt han kunne for å rette på situasjonen og tilbød meg pengene tilbake. For den typen snitt jeg ønsket meg, ville det vært bedre om jeg gikk på en stylingsalong i stedet for en frisørsalong. Hvis du leter etter en saksesaks, anbefaler jeg ikke dette stedet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Robert has style and is a professional and offers me water for the visit, which I thought was a very nice touch. Unfortunately, he didn't cut my hair like I told him to, and the end result was a disaster. You can't take a mulligan when it comes to hair, so there's not much I can do, but wait till it grows back. Robert did everything he could to correct the situation and offered me my money back. For the kind of cut I wanted, it would be better if I went to a styling salon instead of a barbershop. If you're looking for a scissors cutter, I'm not recommending this place. VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I'm so over this place. I've given it so many chances, and it's Food is bleh, drinks are expensive, atmosphere is pretentious. I know it's Scottsdale, and I'm all about the trendy, fabulous feel. But you have to deserve the crowd by delivering tasty food, good drinks, and on-top-of-it service. Culinary Dropout definitely dropped out of school when those topics were being taught. Time to restructure, Fox Restaurants. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg er så opptatt av dette stedet. Jeg har gitt den så mange sjanser, og det er bare .sos.medioacre. Det er lett å få i seg mat og drikke, det er dyrt å drikke seg en del, og atmosfæren er pretensiøs. Jeg vet at det er Scottsdale, og jeg er alt om trendy, eventyrlige følelser. Men du må fortjene publikum ved å levere velsmakende mat, gode drikkevarer og tjenester på topp. Culinary Downout droppet definitivt ut av skolen da de emnene ble undervist. På tide å restrukturere, Fox Restaurants. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I'm so busy with this place. I've given it so many chances, and it's just .so .medioacre. Food and drink are easy to consume, drinking is expensive, and the atmosphere is pretentious. I know it's Scottsdale, and I'm all about trendy, adventurous feelings. But you must earn your audience by delivering tasty foods, beverages, and services at the top. Culinary Downout definitely dropped out of school when those subjects were being taught. Time to restructure, Fox Restaurants. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
bought new cartridges for my printer thought i would be saving a bunch of money but in reality i saved maybe $5 and two weeks fromt he time i bought it . now i have printer ink issues. and cant print anything. i would just spend the extra $5 and get brand new ones
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
kjøpte nye patroner for skriveren min tenkte jeg ville spare en haug med penger men i virkeligheten jeg spart kanskje $5 og to uker frat han tid jeg kjøpte det . i har nå trykkfarge-spørsmål. og kan ikke skrive ut noe. Jeg ville bare bruke den ekstra 5 og få helt nye
Bought new cartridges for my printer thought I'd save a lot of money but in reality I was saving maybe $5 and two weeks away from him the time I bought it. i now has printing ink questions. and can't print anything. I just wanted to use the extra five and get brand new ones.
Write a positive yelp review.
As the name implies, the burgers are delicious. I especially like the "build your own burger" checklist where you can select from a huge number of meats, rubs, cheeses, sauces, and toppings. If you're looking for it, chances are that it's on the menu. Their shakes are also delicious. Just beware: both the burgers and shakes are pretty large. Unless you go in hungry it's likely that you'll not finish one of them.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Som navnet tilsier, er burgerne deilige. Jeg liker spesielt godt å lage din egen checklist, en sjekkliste der du kan velge mellom en mengde kjøtt, masser, oster, sauser og fyll. Hvis du leter etter den, er det sannsynlig at den står på menyen. Disse ristene er også deilige. Vær på vakt: både hamre og rist er ganske store. Med mindre du går inn her, er det sannsynlig at du ikke fullfører en av dem.
As the name suggests, burgers are delicious. I especially enjoy making your own checklist, a checklist where you can choose between a lot of meat, pastes, cheeses, sauces and fillings. If you're looking for it, it's probably on the menu. These shakes are delicious, too. Beware: both hammers and grates are quite large. Unless you go in here, it's likely you won't finish one of them.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Ian's needs Madison and Madison needs Ian's. This place is a must-stop near the capitol square. The Mac & Cheese pizza will make you wake up in the middle of the night singing. It's just too wonderful to not do at least a bit of a dance and song for. The Gyro pizza was phenomenal, but sadly a "month of June" option only. The salad options were very poor. I built my own, and was horribly disappointed by the old mushy spinach I used as my base and some of the oldest and nastiest chicken I'd ever had. They really don't sell enough of them to keep the salad line fresh. The balsamic dressing was unforgettable... in a bad way. Stay away. The folks working are nice and helpful, considering half of the time you have NO idea what the slice is supposed to be (because it seems to be covered in chocolate covered skittles or something). Come by, grab two slices and a Sprecher's Root Beer, and you've got yourself a wonderful meal. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Ians behov Madison og Madison trenger Ian's. Dette stedet er en må-stop nær kapitél plassen. Mac & Oste-pizzaen får deg til å våkne midt på natten og synge. Det er bare for herlig å ikke gjøre i det minste litt dans og sang for. Gyropizzaen var fenomenal, men dessverre bare en måned i juni. Valgvalene for salat var svært dårlige. Jeg bygde min egen, og ble fryktelig skuffet over den gamle hundespinaten jeg brukte som base og noe av den eldste og verste kyllingen jeg noen gang hadde smakt. De selger ikke nok til å holde salaten fersk. Den balsamiske dressuren var uforglemmelig... på en dårlig måte. Hold deg unna. De som jobber ute er greie og hjelpsomme, tatt i betraktning halvparten av tiden du har NO ide om hva skiven skal være (fordi den ser ut til å være dekket av sjokoladebelagt skitt eller noe sånt). Kom innom og ta to skiver og en Sprechers øl, så har du et herlig måltid. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Ian's needs Madison and Madison need Ian's. This place is a moontop near capital space. Mac & Oste pizza makes you wake up in the middle of the night and sing. It's just too wonderful not to do at least a little dancing and singing for. The Gyropizza was phenomenal, but unfortunately only a month in June. The salad choices were very bad. I built my own, and I was terribly disappointed in the old dogspinate I used as a base and some of the oldest and worst chicken I had ever tasted. They don't sell enough to keep the salad fresh. The embalming training was unforgettable... in a bad way. Stay away. Those working outside are nice and helpful, considering half the time you have NO idea what the disc should be (because it seems to be covered in chocolate dirt or something). Why don't you come by and have two slices and a Sprincher beer and you'll have a wonderful meal. VANS: - negative - positive
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Write a positive yelp review.
If you're in Las Vegas and you're as awesome as I am, please spend an evening at Insert Coins. It sure beats a night out at one of those swanky Las Vegas clubs. Let's compare and contrast the two potential experiences. The Cover at a Swanky Vegas Club: It tends to be free if you're a girl and $20 (or more) if you're a guy. Lame. Those clubs should be paying me for my presence. The Cover at Insert Coins: It was free for girls and $5 for guys. Sort of lame, but it could be worse. The Winner: Insert Coins. It's the lesser of the two evils, which is why I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. The People at a Swanky Vegas Club: The guys usually have enough gel in their hair to glue together two bowling balls. And they tend to wear tight t-shirts with metallic prints or a dress shirts with really big stripes and maybe a skull on the back. Either fashion choice shows off their steroid influence muscles and fake tans. And yeah, they will say they are 30 and look more like 44. As for the women, you will usually see them caked with make up, Medusa like hair extensions, one size too tight dresses from Forever 21, and heels they got on sale at Macy's, but are one half size too big. They look sloppy. So they walk around in big groups so they seem more attractive. It's the Sorority Effect. Sure, they look great in a large group. But individually, no one really stands out. The People at Insert Coints: The guys were in jeans and t-shirts. The girls were in jeans and t-shirts. I actually felt totally comfortable wearing a Pac-Man t-shirt, jeans, and some Star Wars shoes. And I even got compliments from men and women on my attire. It's just that kind of joint. Winner: Insert Coins. I'll take a laid back setting over a the Jersey Shore. The Entertainment at a Swanky Vegas Club: Some random DJ who is famous for playing music off his MacBook that usually consists of electronic dance music that hasn't changed much since 1995. Sigh. The Entertainment at Insert Coins: If you're an old school gamer, hit up the old school arcades from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. I showed off my Pac-Man skills, then played some WWF wrestling game where half of the characters were currently dead, and then moved on to some Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. You can also play more current video games at the bar such as Madden, FIFA Soccer, and Tekken. And they have lounge sections with an array of choices to sit back, grab some drinks, and play video games with your friends. In the background, there was some pretty awesome late 80s and early 90s New Jack Swing type music. So people could get up and dance the night away to New Edition and their spin off acts such as Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant, and Bell Biv Devoe. Best advice ever: Never trust a big butt and a smile. Winner: Insert Coins. Duh. Anyway, if you're in Las Vegas and want a break from the strip, head to Insert Coins. It's the perfect place to sit back, grab a drink, and be awesome.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Hvis du er i Las Vegas og du er like fantastisk som meg, kan du tilbringe en kveld på Set inn mynt. Det er bedre enn en kveld på en av Las Vegas-klubbene. La oss sammenligne og kontrastere de to potensielle erfaringer. Forsiden på en danseklubb: Det er gratis hvis du er jente og 20 dollar (eller mer) hvis du er gutt. Gløde. Jeg burde betale for mitt nærvær. Det var gratis for jenter og fem dollar for gutter. Litt lamme, men det kunne vært verre. Vinner: Sett inn Coins. Det er det mindre av de to ondene, og derfor stemte jeg for Barack Obama i 2008. Folket på en svansk Vegasklubb: gutta har vanligvis nok gel i håret til å lime sammen to bowlingballer. Og de pleier å bruke stramme t-skjorter med metalliske trykk eller en draktskjorte med virkelig store striper og kanskje en skalle på ryggen. Enten motevalg er motevalg, viser det at de har en steroid påvirkning på muskler og falsk brunfarge. Ja, de sier de er 30 og ser mer ut som 44. Når det gjelder kvinnene, vil du vanligvis se dem kaker med sminke, Medusa som hår-utvidere, en størrelse for stramme kjoler fra Forever 21, og hæler de fikk på salg hos Macy's, men er en halv størrelse for stor. De ser ikke bra ut. De vandrer derfor rundt i store grupper, så de virker mer attraktive. Det er Sorority Effect. Ja, de ser flotte ut i en stor gruppe. Men hver for seg er det ingen som virkelig skiller seg ut. Folk på \"Spont Coints\": Gutta gikk i jeans og t-skjorter. Jentene var i jeans og t-skjorter. Jeg følte meg faktisk ganske komfortabel med å bruke en Pac-Man T-skjorte, jeans, og noen Star Wars-sko. Og jeg fikk til og med komplimenter fra menn og kvinner på mitt antrekk. Det er bare den slags ledd. Vinner: Sett inn Coins. Jeg tar en pause fra et Jersey Shore. The Entertainment at a Swanky Vegas Club: en tilfeldig DJ som er kjent for å spille musikk av sin MacBook som vanligvis består av elektronisk dansemusikk som ikke har endret seg mye siden. Sighh. Underholdningen på innsettingsmynter: Hvis du er en gammel skolespiller, finn de gamle skolearkadene fra 70-, 80- og 90-tallet. Jeg viste frem mine Pac-Man-ferdigheter, spilte så en WWF-kamp hvor halvparten av figurene var for tiden døde, og deretter gikk videre til noen Street Fighter II og Mortal Kombat. Du kan også spille mer nåværende videospill på baren slik som Madden, FIFA Soccer og Tekken. Og de har salonger med en rekke valg å lene seg tilbake, ta noen drinker og spille videospill med vennene dine. I bakgrunnen var det en del ganske fryktinngytende sent på 80-tallet og tidlig på 90-tallet New Jack Swing typemusikk. Så folk kunne stå opp og danse natten unna til New Edition og deres spin off-opptredener som Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant og Bell Biv Demoe. Det beste rådet noensinne: Stol aldri på en stor rumpe og et smil. Vinner: Sett inn Coins. Duhh. Hvis du er i Las Vegas og vil ha en pause fra stripen, så dra til Set inn myntene. Det er det perfekte stedet å sitte, ta en drink og være kult.
If you're in Las Vegas and you're as amazing as I am, you can spend an evening at the Set Coin. It's better than a night at one of the Las Vegas clubs. Let's compare and contrast the two potential experiences. The front page of a dance club: It's free if you're a girl and $20 (or more) if you're a boy. Glow. I should pay for my presence. It was free for girls and $5 for boys. A little paralyzed, but it could be worse. Winner, insert Coins. That's the smaller of the two evils, which is why I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. People of a Swan Vegas club: boys usually have enough gel in their hair to glue two bowling balls together. And they usually wear tight, metallic t-shirts or a suit shirt with really big stripes and maybe a skull on their backs. Whether fashion choice is fashion choice, it shows that they have a steroid influence on muscles and fake tan. Yeah, they say they're 30 and look more like 44. As for the women, you will usually see them cakes with makeup, Medusa as hair-extensives, a size for tight dresses from Forever 21, and heels they got on sale at Macy's, but half a size too big. They don't look good. So they wander around in large groups, making them appear more attractive. It's Sorority Effect. Yeah, they look great in a big group. But no one really stands out separately. The guys at "Spont Coints" were wearing jeans and T-shirts. The girls were in jeans and T-shirts. I actually felt pretty comfortable wearing a Pac-Man T-shirt, jeans, and some Star Wars shoes. And I even got compliments from men and women on my outfit. It's just that kind of link. Winner, insert Coins. I'm taking a break from a Jersey Shore. The Entertainment at a Swanky Vegas Club: a random DJ who is known to play music by his MacBook, usually composed of electronic dance music that hasn't changed much since. Sighh. If you're an old school player, find the old school arcades from the '70s, '80s and '90s. I showed off my Pac-Man skills, then played a WWF game where half the characters were currently dead, and then moved on to some Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. You can also play more current video games at the bar like Madden, FIFA Soccer, and Tekken. And they have saloons with a number of choices to sit back, have drinks and play video games with your friends. In the background, there were some pretty terrifying late '80s and early '90s New Jack Swing type music. So people could get up and dance the night away to New Edition and their spin off performances like Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant and Bell Biv Demoe. Best advice ever: never trust a big ass and a smile. Winner, insert Coins. Youh. If you're in Las Vegas and you want a break from the strip, go to the Insert coins. It's the perfect place to sit, have a drink and be cool.
I travel through Fort Mill on occassion and noticed this little place. I stopped in to check it out and the folks behind the counter were very nice. I let them know this was my first visit and they explained the $5.95 lunch special to me. It consists of a pit sandwich with your choice of meat (beef, pork, turkey, etc) or a hotdog, a side, and a drink. The photo I took is of the lunch special with a pit beef sandwich and fries. I have the say the sandwhich was great! It comes piled high with thinly sliced pit beef, fresh onion, horseradish, and mayo on a large bun. Absolutely delicious! The fresh fries arent to shabby either (cooked fresh while you wait). I have been here twice to eat so far and there has always been two people working behind the counter. Maybe they were just short handed when the other reviewer was there?!?! Try the pit beef sandwich and you will be glad you did! Make sure you get it with the horseradish as it's the only way to go and it's the traditional way to eat a pit beef sandwich. I havent tried the pork or turkey yet but really don't plan too since the beef is sooo good! It's a local busines and I'm glad to support them! PS - They have new hours which are 11-6 Mon-Fri, not sure about the weekend hours. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg reiste gjennom Fort Mill på occassion og la merke til dette lille stedet. Jeg stoppet for å sjekke det, og folkene bak disken var veldig hyggelige. Jeg lot dem få vite at dette var første gang jeg kom på besøk, og de forklarte meg spesialtilbudet på $5,95. Den består av en pit sandwich med valg av kjøtt (biff, svinekjøtt, kalkun, etc) eller en pølse, en side og en drink. Bildet jeg tok er av lunsj spesialen med pitbiffsmørbrød og pommes frites. Jeg har sagt at sanden var stor! Den kommer stablet høyt med tynt oppskåret pitbiff, fersk løk, pepperrot og majones på et stort brød. Ja, det er det beste jeg kan gjøre! Den ferske pommes fritesen er heller ikke å shabby (kokt fersk mens du venter). Jeg har vært her to ganger å spise så langt og det har alltid vært to personer som jobber bak disken. Kanskje var de bare kortkortkort da den andre anmelderen var der?!?!!! Prøv pitbiff-sandwichen, så vil du være glad for at du gjorde det! Sørg for at du får det med hesteraddasken, siden det er den eneste måten å dra på, og det er den tradisjonelle måten å spise en pitbiff-sandwich på. Jeg har ikke smakt svinekjøttet eller kalkunen ennå, men ikke plan heller, siden biffen er så god! Det er en lokalbuss, og jeg er glad for å støtte dem! - De har nye timer som er 11-6, mon-fri, ikke sikker på helgetid. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I went through Fort Mill on the occassion and noticed this little place. I stopped to check it out, and the people behind the counter were really nice. I let them know that this was my first visit, and they explained to me the $5.95 special offer. It consists of a pit sandwich with a choice of meat (swine, pork, turkey, etc) or a sausage, a side, and a drink. The picture I took is of the lunch special with the pit beef sandwiches and fries. I told you the sand was big! It comes stacked high with thinly cut pit beef, fresh onions, horseradish, and mayonnaise on a large loaf of bread. Yeah, that's the best I can do! Nor is the fresh fries shabby (cooked fresh while you wait). I've been here twice to eat so far and there's always been two people working behind the counter. Maybe they were just cards when the other critic was there?!!!!! Try the pit beef sandwich, and you'll be glad you did! Make sure you get it with the horse food, since it's the only way to go, and that's the traditional way to eat a pit beef sandwich. I haven't tasted the pork or the turkey yet, but neither have I, since the steak is so good! It's a local bus, and I'm happy to support them! - They have new hours that are 11-6, mon-free, not sure about weekend time. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
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Generate a positive review for a place.
Sehr guter Schneider, der sein Handwerk versteht. Habe hier bisher \u00c4nderungen und Reparaturen durchf\u00fchren lassen und war mit Preis und Leistung sehr einverstanden. Die Schneiderei hat mir schon einiges an Geld gespart und ich bin auch schon au\u00dferhalb der \u00d6ffnungszeiten super bedient worden (meine Hose war in der Stadt am Bein gerissen und man hat mir diese in Rekordzeit sauber gen\u00e4ht w\u00e4hrend ich in der Kabine sa\u00df). Wirklich top Service!
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Make a positive reference to a place.
Sehr Mager Schneider, der sein Handkraft værsteht. Habe hier bisher u00c4nderungen und Reparaturen durchf <unk>u00fchren lassen und krigs mit Preis und Leisung sehr einverstanden. Diesereihatt mir schon einigges en Geld gestapart und ich ich ir bin auch schon au `u00dferhalb der <unk>u00d6ffnungszeiten supersengeferdig worden (mein hose war in der Stadt am Bein gerzid und man hatt mir die in Reordzeit sauber here<unk>u00e4ht w u00e4hrend i der sarine<unk>u 00df). Topptjenst!
Sehr Mager Schneider, there late hand power weather. Habe hier bisher u00c4nderung und the repair durchf <unk>u00fchren lssen und war mit Preis und Leisung sehr severhold. Diesrei Hat mir schon eigges en Geld gestapart und ich ich ir bin auch schon au 'u00dferhalb der <unk>u00d6ffnungszeiten supersenged worden (mein horde worde in der Stadt am Ben gerzid und one had mir die inordzeit sauber heree<uunk>u00e4ht w00e4hrend in der sarine<unk>u 00df). Top earner!
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Meh, totally forgettable. I've had much worse and much better. If your in a pinch come here, but was hesitant to consume raw fish. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Det er helt ørt. Jeg har hatt mye verre og mye bedre. Hvis din i en knipe kom hit, men var nølende til å konsumere rå fisk. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? It's crazy. I've had much worse and much better. If yours came here in a pinch but hesitated to consume raw fish. VANS: - negative - positive
Quite surprised there are no reviews of this Chipotle yet. Its been open for a month or two. My lovely Wifey and I stopped in on the way back from Cali on Monday at around 8. It was my first time inside and I was a little surprised that it is not quite the "standard" Chipotle set up. There is no wall dividing where the line backs up with the rest of the restaurant. There wasn't much of a line when I was there but imagine it could get annoying if you were at one of the tables in the areas with someone literally standing right next to you while you are eating. On top of this the tables "next to the line" are high tops, so I imagine the folks in line are that much more in your space. When I went they were out of barbacoa so that was a bummer. Other than that its your standard Chipotle. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Rart at det ikke er noen anmeldelser av denne Chipotle ennå. Den har vært åpen i en måned eller to. Min kjære kone og jeg stoppet innom på vei hjem fra Cali mandag kl. 8. Det var første gang jeg var inne, og jeg var litt overrasket over at det ikke er akkurat det som er blitt gjort. Det er ingen vegginndeling der linjen rygger sammen med resten av restauranten. Det var ikke mye av en linje da jeg var der, men tenk deg at det kan bli irriterende hvis du var på en av tabellene i områdene med noen rett ved siden av deg mens du spiser. På toppen av dette er tabellene, nærmere linjen, høye topper, så jeg tror at de som står i kø, er så mye mer på rommet ditt. Da jeg gikk, var de tomme for barbacoa, så det var en ulykke. Bortsett fra det er det din standard Chipotle. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm surprised there aren't any reviews of this Chipotle yet. It's been open for a month or two. My dear wife and I stopped by on our way home from Cali Monday at 8. It was my first time in, and I was a little surprised that this is not exactly what has been done. There's no wall division where the line backs up with the rest of the restaurant. There wasn't much of a line when I was there, but imagine if you were on one of the tables in the areas with someone right next to you while you're eating, it could be annoying. On top of this, the tables are closer to the line, high peaks, so I think the people standing in line are so much more in your room. When I left, they were out of barbacoa, so it was an accident. Other than that, it's your standard Chipotle. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
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The previous comments are spot on. No parking, horrible management, drug dealers and nasty ppl having Alex in hot tubs. Management does not care - Hannah and other blonde manager are rude and act as if ur an in convince. Why is it still fairways the gold course it looked over is dead and smells. Can't wait to get outta here...sleep with a gold club near ur bed Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
De tidligere kommentarene er på plass. Nei, parkering, grusom styring, narkolangere og tullepler som har Alex i badekar. Management bryr seg ikke - Hannah og andre blonde managere er uhøflige og oppfører seg som om ur en i overbevise. Hvorfor er det fortsatt rett og slett at den gullbanen den så over, er død og luktet. Gleder du deg ikke til å stikke herfra og ligge med en klubb i nærheten av ur sengen Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The previous comments are in place. No, parking, terrible steering, drug dealers and kooks that have Alex in a bathtub. Management doesn't care - Hannah and other blond managers are rude and act like clock one of convinced. Why is it still simply that the gold course it looked over is dead and smelled? Aren't you excited to get out of here and sleep with a club near the watch bed? Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
3 ladies came with a field supervisor. They were scheduled for 10 am and they were there perfectly on time. I walked the house with the supervisor and showed them what I wanted cleaned. Let me tell you they went above and beyond and scrubbed my entire house! It's never been cleaner! They were thorough but did not waste any time. I would highly recommend Pristine Cleaning to anyone. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
3 damer kom med feltstyrmann. De var planlagt til ti am og var der perfekt i tide. Jeg gikk inn sammen med tilsynsføreren og viste dem hva jeg ønsket å bli rengjort. La meg fortelle deg at de gikk over og utover og vasket hele huset mitt! Det har aldri vært rengjort! De var grundige, men kastet ikke bort tiden. Jeg anbefaler Pristine Cleaning til alle. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Three ladies brought in a field mate. They were scheduled for 10 am and were there perfect in time. I went in with the probation worker and showed them what I wanted to be cleaned. Let me tell you, they went over and out and cleaned my whole house! It's never been cleaned! They were thorough, but they didn't waste any time. I recommend Pristine Cleaning to everyone. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
I went to Sams Club & requested a 1 day pass due to my Costco membership was about to expire & I wanted to decide if I wanted to stick with Costco or switch to Sams club.I went on a Monday afternoon & I was the only person standing at the customer service counter. Two woman behind the counter just stared at me. No hello. No how can we help you so I said I would like to get a 1 day pass. The lady asked for my id with no please & entered my info into their computer system & handed me the 1 day pass with no eye contact, the only thing she had to say to me was anything I purchased would be 10% more when it was rang up. Well that whole experience pretty much did it for me. My impression of Sams Club was ruined just from my few minutes of experience with customer service. Yes I did shop & yes I really liked the store & the different things they offered compared to Costco but because customer service sucked so bad I am sticking to Costco. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg gikk til Sams Club & ba om 1 dags pass grunnet mitt Costco-medlemskap var i ferd med å gå ut & Jeg ville bestemme om jeg ville holde meg til Costco eller bytte til Samsklubb.I gikk på en mandag ettermiddag og jeg var den eneste som sto på kundebenken. To kvinner bak disken bare stirret på meg. Ikke noe hallo. Hvordan kan vi hjelpe deg så jeg sa at jeg gjerne vil ha 1 dag fri. Damen ba om min id uten please & kom min info inn i sitt datasystem & ga meg 1 dag pass uten øyekontakt, det eneste hun hadde å si til meg var noe jeg kjøpte ville være mer ti prosent når det ble tatt opp. Vel, hele den erfaringen gjorde det for meg. Mitt inntrykk av Sams Club ble ødelagt bare etter mine få minutter med erfaring med kundeservice. Ja Jeg gjorde butikk & ja Jeg likte virkelig butikken & de forskjellige tingene de tilbød sammenlignet med Costco men fordi kundeservice sugde så dårlig at jeg holder meg til Costco. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I went to Sam's Club & asked for a passport for one day because my Costco membership was about to go out & I would decide whether to stick to Costco or switch to Samsclub.I went on a Monday afternoon and I was the only one standing on the bench. Two women behind the counter just stared at me. No hello. How can we help you so I said I'd like to have a day off? The lady asked for my ID without please & came into her computer system & gave me a day pass without eye contact, the only thing she had to say to me was something I bought would be more 10 percent when it was recorded. Well, the whole experience did it for me. My impression of Sam's Club was destroyed only after my few minutes of experience with customer service. Yes I did shop & yes I really liked the store & the different things they offered compared to Costco but because customer service sucked so badly that I stuck to Costco. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Very confused by this spot. When I lived up town (2012), I remember this place being very different. The location is so so amazing so I hope they really step their game up. They are right across from the brand new park Uptown. They advertise their dishes to be "comfort food with a touch of cajun" but that really doesnt come through at all. It is simply a Greek restaurant called French Quarter. Having said that, they do have very good daily lunch specials and numerous local beers on tap up at the bar. I have stopped in here a few times for a quick lunch while at work and ordered the chicken tips. The best part was the gravy. Everything else... so-so. -Ian M. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Veldig forvirret av dette stedet. Da jeg bodde i byen (2012), husker jeg at dette stedet var helt annerledes. Stedet er så fantastisk så jeg håper de tar seg sammen. De ligger rett overfor den nye parken. De reklamerer oppvasken for å være bekvem mat med et snev av cajun<unk> men det kommer egentlig ikke i stand i det hele tatt. Det er rett og slett en gresk restaurant som kalles « det franske kvarter ». Etter at de har sagt det, har de svært gode lunsjspesialer og en rekke lokale øl på oppstilling i baren. Jeg har vært her et par ganger for en lunsjpause på jobben og bestilt kyllingpenger. Det beste var sausen. Alt annet... så-sos. -Ian M. Ble denne anmeldelsen gitt eller negativt? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Very confused by this place. When I lived in the city (2012), I remember that this place was quite different. This place is so amazing, so I hope they get it together. They're right across from the new park. They advertise the dishes to make comfortable meals with a touch of cajun<unk> but it doesn’t really work at all. It is simply a Greek restaurant called “the French Quarter. ” After that, they have very good lunch specials and a number of local beers lined up at the bar. I've been here a couple of times for a lunch break at work and ordered chicken money. The best was the sauce. Everything else... so-sos. - Was this review given or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I've always loved this bar and have gone since it opened. Love Paul, the best bartender in the world. Once he waits on you, you pretty much never have to tell him your order again. Great apps! But I must admit I haven't gone lately due to having to pay to park after 5pm. Think its ridiculous. Great people watching ! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg har alltid elsket denne baren og gått siden den åpnet. Elsk Paul, verdens beste bartender. Når han venter på deg, trenger du aldri å fortelle ham hva du bestiller igjen. Flotte apper! Men jeg må innrømme at jeg ikke har måttet betale for å parkere etter kl. 17. Det er latterlig. De store mennesker som ser på ! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? I've always loved this bar and gone since it opened. Love Paul, the best bartender in the world. When he waits for you, you never have to tell him what you order again. Great apps! But I have to admit, I haven't had to pay to park after 5:00. That's ridiculous. The great people watching! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
OK, it's a travesty to not like this place. I get it. The concept of tapas is fabulous for grazers like myself, and I would be all over it if there wasn't a single thing on the menu not involving the flesh of dead creatures. OK, an exaggeration. But it's very meat-heavy. This much-raved about sangria? We had the white. Yes, there were chunks of fruit in it - like most sangria. It wasn't knocking me out, especially for however much that was for the pitcher. It was a lot. I was not aware of the "cozy" seating until too late. Maybe I'm an asshole, but in general I have no desire to be slammed up against a group of strangers, screaming to be heard in a conversation with my friends. Well, no matter - this place seems to have plenty of followers. You guys can have my seat. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
OK, det er en parodi å ikke like dette stedet. Jeg skjønner. Tappa er et eventyr for beitere som meg selv, og jeg ville vært over det om det ikke var en eneste ting på menyen som ikke var med i kjøttet av døde skapninger. OK, en overdrivelse. Men det er veldig kjøtthugde. Er det så mye snakk om Aria? Vi hadde det hvite. Ja, det var fruktbiter i den - som de fleste sangria. Det var ikke å slå meg ut, spesielt ikke for alt som var for kannen. Det var mye. Jeg var ikke klar over det før for sent. Kanskje jeg er en drittsekk, men generelt sett har jeg ikke noe ønske om å bli møtt med en gruppe fremmede som skriker til å bli hørt i en samtale med vennene mine. Uansett har dette stedet mange tilhengere. Dere kan få mitt sete. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
OK, it's a travesty to not like this place. I see. The tap is a fairy tale for grazers like myself, and I'd be over it if there wasn't a single thing on the menu that wasn't in the flesh of dead creatures. Okay, an exaggeration. But it's very meaty. Is there so much talk about Aria? We had the white. Yes, there were pieces of fruit in it, like most sangria. It wasn't knocking me out, especially for everything that was for the pot. That's a lot. I didn't realize until too late. Maybe I'm an asshole, but in general, I don't want to be met with a group of strangers screaming to be heard in a conversation with my friends. Anyway, this place has a lot of followers. You can have my seat. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Used to go to the location in north Phoenix and Greenway and 7th street. Lovely restuarant, great food, always our choice for breakfast. Went to this one a couple of years ago and will never go back. Small, cramped, the corned beef hash, which used to be my favorite, was terrible, and staff was rude. Not a fancy location by a Motel 6, but a lot of "Scottsdale attitude" being tossed around. Very, very disappointing! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Pleide å gå til stedet i nord Phoenix and Greenway og 7. gate. Herlig gjenfødt mat, god mat, alltid vårt valg av frokost. Gikk til denne for et par år siden og vil aldri gå tilbake. Liten, smal, med kjøtthasjen, som jeg likte best før, var forferdelig, og personalet var uhøflige. Ikke et fancy sted ved en Motel 6, men mange scowsdale holdning <unk> blir kastet rundt . Veldig, veldig skuffende! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Used to go to the place up north Phoenix and Greenway and 7th Street. Wonderfully reborn food, good food, always our choice of breakfast. Went to this a couple of years ago and will never go back. Small, narrow, with the meatshake, which I liked most in the past, was terrible, and the staff were rude. Not a fancy place at a Motel 6, but many scowsdale attitude <unk> gets thrown around. Very, very disappointing! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
Ho-hum. What a varied couple of experiences we had here. The first time my partner and I visited Ruby Burma I swore that it was the first time I had ever said "there's a party in my mouth" and meant it. Honest to goodness, the tea leaf salad is nothing compared to anything I've EVER tried. If you've never tried Burmese food, get on it, NOW! We were even able to go grab a bottle of vino to match our meal since it's BYOB (and the SAQ is across the street!) That time the service was a bit slow- but honestly nothing to think twice about. Thrilled about the food the first time round' I decided I would bring a group of my girlies to kick off our ladies night. I suppose I jynxed the affair since I talked the place up so much- it took us over two hours (we were a table of five) to eat. By the time we even ordered we had already polished off the first bottle of wine; the waitress informed us it would take about twenty minutes to get our food since the cook was alone and they were preparing a large takeout order. Ho-hum. An hour and another bottle of wine later five hangry and tipsy foodies got their meals from one especially sassy waitress. In general, the food on the table seemed to be up to its high standards, although I found my coconut soup was tepid and the noodles were way overcooked. The cherry on top was when we went to go pay- I was the last at the table to pay- the waitress now informs me that there was corking fee (which there wasn't last time...?) and she just assumed I'd take it since I brought the wine. Ho-hum. Ok. Rant over. Maybe avoid this place on a weekday? They seem to be understaffed on weekdays. You should still try Burmese food.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Ho-hum. For et par forskjellige opplevelser vi hadde her. Første gang partneren min og jeg besøkte Ruby Burma sverget jeg at det var første gang jeg hadde sagt: Det er en fest i munnen min - og mente det. Du milde, tebladsalaten er ingenting sammenlignet med alt jeg har prøvd. Hvis du aldri har prøvd burmesisk mat, så sett i gang! Vi klarte til og med å gå og ta en flaske vino for å matche måltidet siden det er BYGG (og SAQ-en er på den andre siden av gaten!) Den tiden tjenesten var litt treg, men ærlig talt ingenting å tenke på. Jeg var glad for maten første gang jeg bestemte meg for å ta med en gruppe jenter for å sparke i gang damekvelden vår. Jeg antar jeg misyxet affæren siden jeg snakket stedet opp så mye- det tok oss over to timer (vi var et bord på fem) å spise. Da vi ennu hadde bestilt hadde vi allerede polert av den første vinflasken; servitrisen fortalte oss at det ville ta omkring tyve minutter å få vår mat siden kokken var alene og de holdt på med å lage en stor bestilling på mat. Ho-hum. En time og en annen flaske vin senere fem hungersnabb og matriks fikk sine måltider av en spesielt søtsaker. Generelt sett så det ut til at maten på bordet var opp til den høye standarden, selv om jeg fant at min kokosuppe var lunt og nudlene var langt overkokt. Kirsebæret på toppen var da vi skulle gå lønn- jeg var den siste ved bordet til å betale- servitrisen informerer meg nå om at det var avgift (som det ikke var siste gang...?) Hun antok at jeg ville ta den siden jeg kom med vinen. Ho-hum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kanskje unngå dette stedet på en ukedag? De ser ut til å være underbemannet på hverdager. Du bør fortsatt prøve å spise mat.
Ho-hum. What a couple of different experiences we had here. The first time my partner and I visited Ruby Burma, I swore it was the first time I'd said, "There's a party in my mouth," and I meant it. My goodness, the tea leaf salad is nothing compared to everything I've tried. If you've never tried Burmese food, go ahead! We even managed to go and have a bottle of vino to match the meal since it's BYGG (and the SAQ is on the other side of the street!) That time the service was a little slow, but honestly, nothing to think about. I was happy with the food the first time I decided to bring a group of girls to kick in our lady’s night. I guess I mixed the affair because I talked the place up so much-- it took us over two hours (we were a table of five) to eat. When we had yet ordered we had already polished from the first bottle of wine; the waitress told us that it would take about twenty minutes to get our food since the cook was alone and they were making a large order for food. Ho-hum. An hour and another bottle of wine later five hunger naps and matrixes were fed by a special sweet. In general, the food on the table seemed to be up to the high standard, although I found my coconut soup to be warm and the noodles were well overcooked. The cherry on top was when we were going to go pay- I was the last one at the table to pay-the waitress now informs me that there was a fee (which was not the last time...) She assumed I'd take it since I brought the wine. Ho-hum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maybe avoid this place on a day of the week? They seem to be understaffed on weekdays. You should still try eating food.
Generate a positive review for a place.
This is not a luxury spa so you don't go for the atmosphere per se. However, they do a great job, have very friendly service, and are very inexpensive. I like full blown spas every once in a while but this is where I go every two weeks for maintenance manicure & pedicures.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Dette er ikke et luksusspa så du ikke går for atmosfæren per se. De gjør imidlertid en god jobb, har svært god service og er svært billige. Jeg liker fullblåste spaser av og til, men det er her jeg går annenhver uke for vedlikehold manikyr og pedikyr.
This isn't a luxury spa so you don't go for the atmosphere per se. However, they do a good job, have very good service, and are very cheap. I like full blown walking sometimes, but this is where I go every two weeks for maintenance manicures and pedicures.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Two days ago we attempted to have dinner at Boulud in Las Vegas. We were unable to get the waiter's attention for a half hour; when he finally arrived he was surly........and informed us that our dinner entree was unavailable. The sommelier also tole me that they had no Australian wines..the were "depleted" because they were popular. I overheard other patrons who were unhappy with their $42 fish dinners. The place was chaotic. We left and ate elsewhere......avoid this place like the plague. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? For to dager siden prøvde vi å spise middag på Boulud i Las Vegas. Vi var ikke i stand til å få kelnerens oppmerksomhet for en halv time; da han endelig ankom var han surly ........... og informerte oss om at middagen vår i nøden var utilgjengelig. Sommelieren tolte meg også at de ikke hadde noen australske var<unk>forfalsket<unk> fordi de var populære. Jeg overhørte andre kunder som var misfornøyde med sine 42 dollars fiskemiddager. Stedet var kaotisk. Vi dro og spiste et annet sted... bort fra dette stedet som pesten. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Two days ago, we tried to have dinner at Boulud in Las Vegas. We were unable to get the waiter’s attention for half an hour; when he finally arrived he was surly ........... and informed us that our dinner in distress was unavailable. The summerman also had to tell me that they had no Australian wines. They were faked '<unk> 'cause they were popular. I overheard other customers complaining about their $42 fish dinners. The place was chaotic. We went and ate somewhere else... away from this place like the plague. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Wow! I look 10 years younger with these lashes! I have had nothing but compliments....I absolutely love Tierney, She's the sweetest, kindest person in the business. She has an array of different styles for you to choose from and will explain which would look better on you. She also tells you how to take care of them so that they will last much longer. Her office is great. Very clean and tidy and nicely decorated. She's easy to set appointments with and is always punctual. I have a crazy schedule and she always stays late to fit me in! She's my lash lady for life!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Se her! Jeg ser ti år yngre ut med disse piskene! Jeg har bare hatt komplimenter. Jeg elsker Tierney, hun er den søteste, snilleste i bransjen. Hun har en rekke forskjellige stiler som du kan velge mellom, og som vil forklare hva som ville se bedre ut på deg. Hun forteller også hvordan du kan ta vare på dem, slik at de vil vare mye lenger. Kontoret hennes er flott. Veldig ren og ryddig og fint dekorert. Hun er enkel å avtale avtaler med og er alltid punktlig. Jeg har en sprø timeplan, og hun er alltid sent ute for å passe meg inn! Hun er min førstedame for livet!
Look at this! I look ten years younger with these whips! I've only had compliments, I love Tierney, she's the sweetest, kindest in the business. She has a variety of styles that you can choose from and that will explain what would look better on you. She also tells you how to take care of them so that they will last much longer. Her office is great. Very clean and neat and well decorated. She's easy to make deals with and always on time. I have a crazy schedule, and she's always late to fit in! She's my First Lady for life!
What is the sentiment of the following review? Friendly, prompt service. I told them I needed to be done in 30 minutes and not only were they able to do it, they also kept an eye on the clock for me. The pedicure included callous removal and a massage. Highly recommended! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Vennlig og rask tjeneste. Jeg sa til dem at jeg måtte være ferdig på 30 minutter og ikke bare var de i stand til det, de holdt også øye med klokken for meg. Pedikyren inkluderte ubarmhjertig fjerning og en massasje. Det aller aller aller helligste! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Friendly and swift service. I told them that I had to be finished in 30 minutes and not only were they able to do so, but they also kept an eye on the clock for me. The pedicure included ruthless removal and a massage. The Most Holy of All! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Worst managed restaurant EVER!!!! Doesn't matter when you arrive there is always a wait. I would understand if a restaurrant is crowded but this happens ever time we go to this location. When you wait twenty-thirty minutes and 30% of the tables are empty that is just POOR MANAGEMENT. Busy hours rarely change, so staff yourself better instead of inconveniencing your customers. Love the food but absolutely refuse to go back to this location. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? !!! Det spiller ingen rolle når du kommer, at det alltid er en ventetid. Jeg ville forstå om det er trangt om det er en omstreifer her, men dette skjer alltid når vi drar til dette stedet. Når du venter 20-tretti minutter og 30 % av tabellene er tomme som bare er FOLK LEDELSE. Det forekommer sjelden at arbeidstiden endrer seg, så bemann deg selv bedre i stedet for å gjøre det vanskelig for kundene dine. Jeg elsker maten, men nekter å dra tilbake til dette stedet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? !!!! It doesn't matter when you come, that there's always a waiting period. I'd understand if it's tight if there's a drifter here, but this always happens when we go to this place. When you expect 20 or 30 minutes and 30% of the tables are empty that's just NATION. It is rare for the hours to change, so instead of making it difficult for your customers, work better at your job. I love the food, but I refuse to go back to this place. VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
It's hard to know where to start here. How about with AMAZING!!!!! This was my first trip to Montreal in 20 years. This place was highly recommended to me and it exceeded all expectations. We had made reservations about a month ago for the bar where you can watch the food prep. The room is small, narrow and loud. Sitting at the bar makes it a little more difficult to hear and I had to focus in on the waiter more. Tip #1, listen to your waiter. He/she will definitely use French as their 1st language but English is no problem. With the loudness, you do have to focus in more on what the waiter has to say. They know what's fresh and how to order. Oddly enough, we started with a snow crab appetizer. Not know for seafood, but we were told the crab season just opened and they had just got a shipment this morning. It was soooooo good! Simply prepared, it came with homemade tarragon mayonnaise to dip in. The crab meat was sweet and succulent. The dish was a lot of fun too. They served a hot bowl of water with hand cloths to clean up after. Now for the granddaddy of them ALL! The guinea hen for 2. This is the absolute ultimate in fowl. The guinea hen body is roasted to succulent perfection. The legs and wings are removed prior to cooking and are seared and confited then reassembled with a wood skewer. The bird is served whole with carving knives. Again, it's a super fun dish that was even tastier. The bird is served on a mashed potatoes and mushroom and root vegetables. The mashed and vegetables were incredibly rich but it was like eating drugs or something. Once you start you can't stop. Do not plan on going out to party after this meal. You will want to curl out and chill for sure. I can't speak highly enough of this place. Canadiens and the people of Montreal were incredibly welcoming and made us feel right at home. The bread, beer, wine and attention to detail were incredible as you would expect from a Martin Picard restaurant. Next time, Sugar Shack!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Det er vanskelig å vite hvor man skal begynne her. Hva med AMAZING!!!!!!! Dette var min første tur til Montreal på 20 år. Dette stedet var anbefalt for meg, og det overgikk alle forventninger. Vi hadde for en måned siden tatt noen forbehold for baren der du kan se matforberedelsen. Rommet er lite, smalt og høyt. Å sitte ved baren gjør det litt vanskeligere å høre og jeg måtte fokusere mer på servitøren. Tips #1, hør på kelneren din. He/hun vil definitivt bruke fransk som sitt 1. språk men engelsk er ikke noe problem. Med høylytthet må man med mer fokus på hva servitøren har å si. De vet hva som er ferskt og hvordan man bestiller. Merkelig nok begynte vi med en forrett på snøkra. Vi vet ikke hva sjømat er, men vi fikk vite at krabbesesongen nettopp åpnet og at de nettopp hadde fått en sending i morges. Det var så godt! For å være enkelt forberedt kom den med hjemmelaget tarragonmagonmajones til å dyppe i. Krabbekjøttet var søtt og saftig. Retten var også mye moro. De serverte en varm bolle med vann med håndkluter for å rydde opp etter seg. Nå til bestefar av dem alle! Dønhøa for 2. Dette er det aller høyeste antall hønsefugler. Marshønskroppen blir stekt for å oppnå en nøyaktig perfekt tilstand. Leggene og vingene er fjernet før koking og er søm- og sammenslynget så sammenslått med et treslag. Fuglen serveres hel sammen med helleristninger. Det er en kjempemoro rett som var enda mer smakfull. Fuglen serveres på potetmos og sopp og rotgrønnsaker. Masken og grønnsakene var utrolig rike, men det var som å bruke narkotika eller noe. Når du begynner, kan du ikke stoppe. Ikke ha planer om å gå ut og feste etter dette måltidet. Du vil sikkert ha lyst til å være på vakt og slappe av. Jeg kan ikke snakke for mye om dette stedet. Kanadiens og folket i Montreal var svært imøtekommende og fikk oss til å føle oss hjemme. Brødet, ølet, vinen og oppmerksomheten rundt detaljer var utrolig, slik man kunne vente av en Martin Picard-restaurant. Neste gang, Sugar Shack!
It's hard to know where to start here. What about AMAZING!!!!!!! This was my first 20 - year - old trip to Montreal. This place was recommended for me, and it exceeded all expectations. We had taken some reservations a month ago for the bar where you can see the food preparation. The room is small, narrow and high. Sitting at the bar makes it a little harder to hear and I had to focus more on the waitress. Tip #1, listen to your waiter. He/she will definitely use French as her first language, but English is not a problem. With loudness, you need to focus more on what the waitress has to say. They know what's fresh and how to order. Strangely enough, we started with an appetizer on a snow crease. We don't know what seafood is, but we were told that the crab season just opened and that they had just received a broadcast this morning. It was so good! To be simple, it made with homemade tarragon maones to dip in. The crab meat was sweet and juicy. The court was also a lot of fun. They served a hot bowl of water with handcloths to clean up after themselves. Now Grandpa of them all! The door for 2. This is the highest number of birds in the world. The chicken’s body is roasted to achieve an exact perfect condition. The legs and wings are removed before boiling and then stitched and folded with a wooden beat. The bird is served whole with rock carvings. There's a really fun dish that was even more tasty. The bird is served on mashed potatoes and mushrooms and root vegetables. The mask and vegetables were incredibly rich, but it was like using drugs or something. When you start, you can't stop. Do not plan to go out and feast after this meal. You will want to be alert and relaxed. I can't talk too much about this place. The Canadians and the people of Montreal were very accommodating and made us feel at home. The bread, the beer, the wine and the attention to detail were incredible, as one might expect from a Martin Picard restaurant. Next time, Sugar Shack!
Is the following review positive or negative? Try the crispy fish tacos they are delicious! They are perfectly battered and crispy and garnished beautifully.The carne asada quesadilla was very good as well. I love that you can also get all the chips and salsa you'd like without it costing a few extra bucks. Skip the burritos though. They taste like the enchiladas that Pollo Loco just added to their menu. Definitely not worth the $8 price tag. And last but not least, the drinks! My mouth just waters at the pure thought of them. I'm personally not a fan of margaritas but man oh man! The drinks were stirred and executed perfectly! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Smak på den sprø, sprø fisketakosen de er deilige! De er perfekt mishandlet og sprø og pyntet og nydelige. Jeg elsker at du også kan få alle chips og salsa du vil ha uten at det koster noen ekstra dollar. Hopp over burritene. De smaker som enchiladaene som Pollo Loco nettopp har lagt til sin meny. Ikke verdt prisen. Og sist, men ikke minst, drikkene! Min munn vanner bare ved deres rene tanke. Jeg liker ikke margaritaer, men mann å mann! Drikkene ble opphisset og utført på en fullkommen måte! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Taste that crazy fish taco they're delicious! They're perfectly battered and crazy and decorated and beautiful. I love that you can also have all the chips and salsa you want without costing me a few extra dollars. Skip the burritos. They taste like the enchiladas that Pollo Loco has just added his menu. Not worth the price. And last but not least, the drinks! My mouth waters only with your pure thought. I don't like margaritas, but man to man! Drinks were aroused and performed in a perfect way! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
The food was slow coming out to add to that its wasn't very well prepared and on top of it all the wait staff was very rude and seemed as if they didn't know how to handle there selfs professionally. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Maten var sene frem at komme ut for å legge til at den ikke var særlig godt forberedt og oppå det hele ventestaven var veldig frekk og syntes som om de ikke visste hvordan de skulle håndtere der selv profesjonelt. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The food was slow to come out to add that it was not well prepared and on top of it the whole waiting staff was very rude and seemed as if they did not know how to handle it even professionally. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
I don't usually go for self-service setups that involve food... why pay extra to eat out if I'm going to be doing the work anyways? Yoforia is a happy exception to this. The yogurt, which comes in every flavor from chocolate to mango, is delicious, and the toppings are interesting and tasty as well. They even have fresh fruit, if you are craving a healthy-ish dessert. Servings are sold by the ounce. Prices are a tad on the expensive side but still reasonable: you can get a decent-serving for about four dollars. The quality of the yogurt is certainly worth it.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg pleier ikke å gå for selvbetjenings- oppsetninger som involverer mat, hvorfor betale ekstra for å spise ute hvis jeg skal gjøre jobben likevel? Yoforia er et godt unntak fra dette. Yoghurten, som kommer i alle smaksvarianter fra sjokolade til mango, er deilig, og drikken er interessant og velsmakende. De har også friske frukter, hvis dere har ønske om en ny mat, hvis det er slik at du ønsker den. Servering blir solgt av et gram. Prisene er en tad på den dyre side, men likevel rimelig: man kan få en skikkelig servering for ca. 4 kroner. Yoghurtkvaliteten er virkelig verdt det.
I don't usually go for self-service programs that involve food, why pay extra to eat out if I'm gonna do the job anyway? Yoforia is a good exception to this. The yogurt, which comes in all flavors from chocolate to mango, is delicious, and the beverage is interesting and delicious. They also have fresh fruits, if you want a new food, if you want it. Serving is sold by a gram. Prices are a tab on the expensive side, but still reasonable: you can get a decent serving for about $4. The Yogurt quality is really worth it.
What is the sentiment of the following review? New does NOT mean improved! How disappointing! Liked the old better. Margaritas are not up to par. I've been common to Salty for at least eight years. My daughter turned 21 and wanted find out why we liked the place so much. How embarrassing! Nothing like before. Salsa? What the hell! They used to have amazing hot salsa and for free. Will not be back. So long se\u00f1orita! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? NÅ IKKE betyr noe som er blitt forbedret! Så skuffende! Likne den gamle bedre. Margaritas er ikke opp til par. Jeg har vært vanlig i Salting i minst åtte år. Datteren min ble 21 og ville finne ut hvorfor vi likte stedet så godt. Så pinlig! Ikke som før. Salsa? Hva i helvete! De pleide å ha varme salsaer og gratis. Kommer ikke tilbake. Så langt se - u-U-l-l-fororita! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? NOW NOT meaning anything that has been improved! How disappointing! Looks like the old one better. Margaritas aren't paired. I've been a regular in Salting for at least eight years. My daughter turned 21 and wanted to find out why we liked the place so much. How embarrassing! Not like before. Salsa? What the hell! They used to have warm salsas and free. I'm not coming back. So far, look - u-U-l-fororita! VANS: - negative - positive
Sorry Lulu's it's nothing personal. I've been to a lot of asian restaurants in my day and I can honestly say that the cost value of this place is by far the worst. They charge an average amount for some less than decent food. It's a go to place for a lot of college kids but personally it does not suit my tastes. The Pad thai is too sweet and is supposed to be one of their best dishes. I've tried their other noodle dishes but I've got to say I'm still not convinced. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Lulu er lei for at det ikke er personlig. Jeg har vært på mange asiatrestauranter i min tid, og jeg kan si at kostnadsverdien av dette stedet er det verste. De tar et gjennomsnittlig beløp for noe mindre enn mat som ikke er sømmelig. Det er en avtale for mange college-barn, men det passer ikke for meg. Pad thai er for søt og skal være en av deres beste retter. Jeg har prøvd de andre nudlerrettene deres, men jeg må si at jeg ikke er overbevist. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Lulu's sorry it's not personal. I've been to a lot of Asian restaurants in my time, and I can say that the cost of this place is the worst. They charge an average amount for something less than food that is not decent. It's a deal for a lot of college kids, but it's not for me. Pad Thai is too cute and is supposed to be one of their best dishes. I've tried your other noodle dishes, but I have to say, I'm not convinced. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
My boyfriend called for delivery we didn't know exactly what we wanted, so we were kind slow and hesitant, but the lady had an attitude on the phone , .. She said 45 min to an hour every time i call for dilivery its never that long... And then she ask if their was a problem which confuses me.... the food is amazing though.I never had a problem with chin chin before until now, I don't like rude employees especially at a restaurant cause who knows whats happening to our food.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Kjæresten min ringte for levering vi visste ikke nøyaktig hva vi ønsket, så vi var snille trege og nølende, men damen hadde en innstilling på telefonen .. hun sa 45 min til en time hver gang jeg ringer for å dilivery dets aldri så lenge ... og så spør hun om deres var et problem som forvirrer meg ... maten er utrolig likevel. Jeg har aldri hatt et problem med hake før før nå, jeg liker ikke uhøflige ansatte spesielt på en restaurant som vet hva som skjer med maten vår.
My boyfriend called for delivery we didn't know exactly what we wanted, so we were kind of slow and hesitant, but the lady had a setting on the phone..she said 45 minutes to one hour every time I called to tell her to dilivery it's never that long... and then she asks if their problem was confusing me... the food is incredible anyway. I never had a problem with the chin before now, I don't like rude employees especially at a restaurant that knows what happens to our food.
Not very impressive. Male bar staff unattentive to customers. Chicken tenders served for our non-profit fundraiser. We will be somewhere else next year. See Amy H. review (8-11-13), I ditto her reaction. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ikke særlig imponerende. Mannsbart personale uaktuelle for kundene. Kyllinger som serveres for vår ideelle innsamling. Vi er et annet sted neste år. Se Amy H. anmeldelse (8-11-13), Jeg ditto hennes reaksjon. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Not very impressive. Mannable staff out of the question for customers. Chickens served for our ideal collection. We'll be somewhere else next year. See Amy H. review (8-11-13), I ditto her reaction. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
I had the worst customer service experience of my life at the Aveda store in Southpark Mall in Charlotte, NC. I will never shop with Aveda again, and I will tell everyone I know to avoid Aveda as well. I've had better customer service at Wal-mart. Hopefully the problem is isolated to the Southpark store only and not other Aveda stores.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg har mitt livs verste kundeserviceopplevelse i Aveda-butikken i Southpark Mall i Charlotte, NC. Jeg vil aldri handle med Aveda igjen, og jeg vil fortelle alle jeg kjenner å unngå Aveda også. Jeg har fått bedre kundeservice på Wal-Mart. Forhåpentligvis er problemet isolert bare for Sørpark-butikken og ikke andre Aveda-butikker.
I have the worst customer service experience of my life at the Aveda store in Southpark Mall, Charlotte, NC. I will never trade with Aveda again, and I will tell everyone I know to avoid Aveda, too. I've got better customer service at Wal-Mart. Hopefully, the problem is isolated only from the South Park store and not other Aveda stores.
What would be an example of an negative review?
VERY hit or miss. They use a superior system (lammscloth) to get your car clean. However, it never seems to get certain types of debris (bird droppings, leaf stains) fully removed. My wheels never come out looking great, lots of brake dust and build up always remain. I've found myself using a brush at home to get clean. The workers that dry off the often use "shortcuts", make sure to have them dry off the inside door seals. They are supposed to do this and other smaller detailing things, but causually "forget". Overall, the employees are not very thorough, less so than Autobell. They ran a "groupon" special, which expired on 2/4. Coincidently, they were closed 2/4 AND 2/5. So now I'm out 2 free washes.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
MÅNÅ HA eller MÅN. De bruker et overlegent system (lammsduk) for å få bilen din ren. Den ser imidlertid aldri ut til å få visse typer rusk (fugleskitt, bladflekker) helt fjernet. Hjulene mine ser aldri store ut. Massevis av bremsestøv og opprustning blir alltid stående. Jeg har brukt en børste hjemme for å bli nykter. De arbeiderne som tørker av den ofte brukte<unk> snarveier<unk> sørg for å få dem tørre av innerdørs forseglinger. De skal gjøre dette og andre mindre detaljer, men caavan<unk>forget<unk> De ansatte er ikke særlig grundige, i mindre grad enn Autobell. De kjørte en <unk>grokon<unk> spesial, som gikk ut 2/4. De var lukket 2/4 og 2/5. Så nå er jeg ute to gratis vasker.
MONTH HA or MON. They use a superior system (lammsduct) to clean your car. However, it never seems to have certain debris (bird droppings, leaf stains) completely removed. My wheels never look big, lots of brake dust and equipment always standing. I used a brush at home to clean up. The workers who wipe off the used<unk> shortcuts make sure they dry off the inner door seals. They're gonna do this and other minor details, but the caavan<unk> passed on<unk> The staff are not very thorough, to a lesser extent than Autobell. They ran a <unk>grokon<unk> special, which expired 2/4. They were closed 2/4 and 2/5. So now I'm out two free sinks.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Thanks to Anthony Bourdain we discovered the malaysian beauty that is Laksa, a mild curry noodle soup that is served with egg noodles, rice noodles, fish ball, shrimp, and crispy tofu, sometimes referred to as Curry Mee depending on the restaurant. Laksa is unlike any curry you've ever tasted, its not as spicy and lemongrassy as a thai curry, its not a sour sort of acquired taste that is a japanese curry, its delicate, its buttery, and absolutely freaking delicious. The Laksa here is hands down the tastiest Laksa I've ever had. It ruined me, I cant eat it at any of the other local places I used to go to. You can feel confident ordering from either the thai or malaysian side of the menu. I'm incredibly picky about my thai food; gratefully this place never dissapoints. My favorites aside from the Laksa are, the Roti with curry dipping sauce. The Roti is buttery and flaky like some kind of perfect biscuit/pancake hybrid, the dipping sauce is the same curry thats used in the laksa which I've already told you is delicious. The Thai Omelet with chicken is thin, crispy and never greasy, add a little sriracha and its just the way I like it! I also love their pad ki mao and the beef rendang; the sauce on the rendang will make your lips tingle just enough to make you sure you want more. When they ask what kind of rice you want make sure you say "coconut" and then make sure your friends do too, some fool always tries to order the brown rice and then ends up eating all your coconut rice. They have a full bar, a large lounge area, and patio outside for the smoking diners. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Takket være Anthony Bourdain oppdaget vi den malaysiske skjønnheten som er Laksa, en mild karris nudelsuppe som serveres med eggnudler, risnudler, fiskeball, reker og sprø tofu, noen ganger omtalt som Curry Mee avhengig av restaurant. Laksa er ulik karri du noen gang har smakt, den er ikke så krydret og sitrongressy som en thai karri, den ikke en sur type ervervet smak som er en japansk karri, dens delikate, dens smøraktig, og absolutt deilig. Laksa her er hænger ned den ængste Laksa jeg har havt. Det ødela meg, jeg kan ikke spise det på de andre stedene jeg pleide å dra til. Du kan føle deg trygg på å bestille fra enten thai- eller malaysiansiden av menyen. Jeg er utrolig kresen på thai-maten min, og dette stedet har aldri dissapunkter. Mine favoritter bortsett fra Laksa er, Roti med karri dyppet saus. Roti er smøraktig og flassende som en slags perfekt kjeks/pannekake-hybrid, dippingssausen er den samme karien som brukes i laksaen som jeg allerede har fortalt deg er deilig. Det thailandske omelet med kylling er tynt, sprøtt og aldri grettent, legg til litt sriracha, og det er akkurat slik jeg liker det! Jeg elsker også deres pad ki mao og biff rendang; saus på rendang vil gjøre dine lepper forkrøplet akkurat nok til å sørge for at du vil ha mer. Når de spør hva slags ris du vil ha, så pass på at du sier <unk>coconut<unk> og så passer på at vennene dine også gjør det, er det en eller annen dust som alltid prøver å bestille brunrisen og så ender opp med å spise all din kokosris. De har full bar, stor salongareal og bek for røkehus utenfor. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Thanks to Anthony Bourdain, we discovered the Malaysian beauty of Laksa, a mild - colored carris noodle soup served with egg noodles, rice noodles, fishballs, shrimps, and crisp tofu, sometimes referred to as Curry Mee depending on the restaurant. Salmon is different from the curry you have ever tasted; it is not as spicy and lemon grassy as a Thai curry; it is not a sour type of acquired taste that is a Japanese curry, its delicious, its buttery, and absolutely delicious. The salmon here is down the biggest Laksa I've ever seen. It ruined me, I can't eat it in the other places I used to go. You can feel confident to order from either the Thai or the Malaysian side of the menu. I'm incredibly picky about my Thai food, and this place never has distinctions. My favorites besides Lachza are, Roti with curry dipped sauce. It's a perfect place to use, and it's a perfect place to use, but it's a perfect place to use, and it's a perfect place to use. The Thai chicken omelet is thin, crisp and never cranky, add a little bit of srriracha, and that's exactly how I like it! I also love their pad ki mao and beef rendang; the gravy in rendang will make your lips crippled just enough to make sure you want more. When they ask you what kind of rice you want, make sure you say <unk>coconut<unk> and then make sure your friends do it too, there's some jerk who's always trying to order the brown ice cream and then ends up eating all your coconut rice. They have full bar, large salon area, and pitch for smokehouses outside. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Avoid the salmon patty sandwich unless you have lead stomach. My hubby ate here the first night and was sick the entire stay with food poisoning. Not wanting to believe that it came from this place, I ate the same thing 2 nights later since they make killer french fries, but I paid for it the next morning. This pretty much ruin our whole vacation. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Unngå laksemarkssmørbrødet med mindre du har mageoverflate. Naboen min spiste her den første natten og var syk hele oppholdet med matforgiftning. Jeg ville ikke tro at det kom fra dette stedet, men spiste det samme to netter senere, siden de lagde pommes frites, men jeg betalte for det neste morgen. Det ødelegger hele ferien vår. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Avoid the salmon sandwich unless you have a stomach surface. My neighbor ate here the first night and was sick all the time with food poisoning. I wouldn't believe it came from this place, but I ate the same thing two nights later, since they made French fries, but I paid for it the next morning. It's ruining our entire vacation. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
This is my regular Sunday brunch place. I am 90% gluten and dairy free except when I go here. The cinnamon french toast is better than well....lets say a hot man. The skillets are wonderful and the wait staff is usually very friendly. My only wish is the coffee was a smidge milder. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette er mitt vanlige søndagsbrunsjsted. Jeg er 90% gluten og meierifri unntatt når jeg går her. Kanelmynte-toasten er bedre enn bra. Kandidaten er flott, og ventestaven er vanligvis svært vennlig. Jeg ønsker bare at kaffen var mildere. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This is my usual Sunday brunch spot. I'm 90% gluten and dairy-free except when I walk here. The cinnamonmint toast is better than good. The candidate is great, and the waiting staff is usually very friendly. I just wish the coffee was milder. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Came here in search of Christmas lights and decor today! They had a nice array of items with many deals like 30% off ornaments. We came out with an impressive selection of outdoor lights and decor. My one year old was in awe of the finished product. The staff is always super helpful and everywhere right when you need them! This location is nice and organized. I also love the my lowes card that keeps track of your past purchases like paint color, etc! Comes in handy more often than not! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kom hit på jakt etter julelys og pynt i dag! De hadde en fin samling gjenstander med mange avtaler som: 30 % av pynten. Vi kom ut med et stort utvalg av lys og innredning. Mitt ett år gamle barn var imponert over det ferdige produktet. Personalet er alltid til stor hjelp og overalt når du trenger det! Stedet er fint og organisert. Jeg elsker også laveskortet mitt som holder styr på dine fortidskjøp som malingsfarge osv. Det er nyttig oftere enn ikke! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Come here looking for Christmas lights and decorations today! They had a nice collection of items with many appointments that: 30% of the decoration. We came out with a wide range of lights and furnishings. My one - year - old child was impressed with the finished product. The staff are always very helpful and wherever you need them! The place is nice and organized. I also love my low card that keeps track of your past purchases like paint, etc. It's useful more often than not! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a positive yelp review.
Tuesday night ramen night! This place was very busy tonight. We got there shortly before 6pm and although we were seated right away, service was real slow for ramen night. By the time we left around 7:30pm, i noticed several people were waiting for tables. It's near the Fashion Square Mall, garage parking underground make it easy to visit this resturant. Plenty of sign around, I found this place no time. Ramen has four flavor choice. I went with Goma. Broth was very close to Japanese miso ramen. I didn't try miso as I was told it taste too much like miso soup miso, not ramen miso. Shishito peppers distinctive smell was trying to fight against ramen broth, althought they added nice spice but I thought they could have picked different peppers to add spiciness to the soup if they wanted. Noodles were cooked just right, this type of noodles went really good with the broth they had for goma ramen. I added onsen egg for additional $1. They know how to make real onsen tamago. It's jusst soft boild egg but to master the timing and create just right softness and runny yolk, one really need to know how to cook egg right, and they do here. Their chashu was also really good as well. They used good quality pork belly for chashu. I like the decor of this resturant, and clean bathroom is always nice. Rare to have really good ramen in Arizona but this one is really good. Next time I want to try shyoyu flavor.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Tirsdag kveld, vær og natt! Dette stedet var veldig travelt i kveld. Vi kom rett før kl. 18.00 og selv om vi satt med en gang, var det veldig tregt med service for ramen natt. Da vi dro rundt klokken halv halv åtte, la jeg merke til at flere ventet på bord. Det ligger like ved kjøpesenteret Fashion Square, parkeringskjelleren gjør det lett å besøke denne reservatet. Jeg fant dette stedet på null tid. Ramen har fire smaksvalg. Jeg ble med Goma. Brot var svært nær japansk miso ramen. Jeg har ikke prøvd miso, som jeg ble fortalt at det smaker for mye som miso suppe miso, ikke ramen miso. Shishitopeppers karakteristiske lukt prøvde å kjempe mot ramenbuljong, selv om de tilsatte god krydder, men jeg trodde de kunne ha plukket forskjellige paprikaer for å gi sæd i suppen hvis de ville. Nudler var kokt riktig, denne typen nudler gikk veldig godt med den buljongen de hadde til goma-væren. Jeg har lagt til et ekstra egg for kr. De vet hvordan man kan lage ekte \"onsen tamrogn\". Det er bare litt bløtkokt egg men å mestre timingen og skape akkurat riktig mykhet og rennende plomme, man trenger virkelig å vite hvordan man koker egg riktig, og de gjør her. Deres chashu var også veldig bra også. De brukte god kvalitet svinekjøtt til chashu. Jeg liker dekoren på denne hvileresten, og det er alltid fint med rent bad. Det er ikke bra væren i Arizona, men denne er veldig god. Neste gang vil jeg prøve et parsex.
Tuesday night, night and night! This place was really busy tonight. We arrived just before 6:00 p.m., and even though we were sitting at once, it was very slow with service for the ramen night. When we left about 7:30 p.m., I noticed that more were waiting for tables. It's right next to the shopping mall, Fashion Square, the parking garage makes it easy to visit this reservation. I found this place in no time. Ramen has four choices. I went with Goma. Brot was very close to Japanese miso ramen. I haven't tried miso, as I was told it tastes too much like miso soup miso, not ramen miso. Shishitope peppers ’ characteristic smell tried to fight the ramen broth, even though they added good spices, but I thought they could have picked different peppers to put sperm in the soup if they wanted to. Noodles were cooked right, this kind of noodles went very well with the broth they had for the gum weather. I added an extra egg for NOK They know how to make real tamrogs. It's just a little soft-boiled egg but to master timing and create just the right softness and runny plum, you really need to know how to cook eggs right, and they do here. Their chashu was also very good. They used good quality pork for chashu. I like the decoration on this bedside, and clean baths are always nice. It's not good in Arizona, but this one's really good. Next time, I'm gonna try a couple sex.
What is the sentiment of the following review? My husband and I didn't have high hopes for the food based on the reviews, but we decided to try this place out anyways because we were hoping for some awesome cocktails close to our house. We would have been much better off driving a little further to Joyride instead. We should have known things would be bad when we arrived to an almost empty dining room 8pm on a Saturday night. It was just us and a guy sitting at the bar. Three staff members sat at a nearby table chatting it up while they were doing some prep work. Our waitress was sweet and earnest, and she definitely kept this from being a one star review. My paloma cocktail was completely unremarkable, but my husband thought his whiskey cocktail was decent. The food was totally disappointing though. The street corn tasted like it came straight from the can or freezer which likely explains all the accumulated fluid at the bottom of the dish. The jicama and watermelon salad was pretty flavorless. At least it came out quickly. My cucumber and avocado torta didn't have any cucumber and just a few pieces of under-ripe avocado. It also had some tomato, onion and mayo but that was it! I can't believe they didn't put any queso fresco or jalapeno on the torta. Needless to say, I've had much better tortas for half the price ($9). My husband got the $16 steak entree which he thought was way too citrusy. The beans and rice on the side weren't even as good as what we make at home. I would be surprised if this place stayed in business much longer. The idea behind the restaurant is good, but the execution is lacking. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Mannen min og jeg hadde ikke store forhåpninger til maten basert på kritikkene, men vi bestemte oss for å prøve dette stedet uansett, fordi vi håpet på noen kule cocktails nær huset vårt. Vi hadde hatt det mye bedre av å kjøre litt lenger til Joyride i stedet. Vi burde ha visst at det ville være ille når vi kom til en nesten tom spisesal klokken 8 en lørdag kveld. Det var bare oss og en fyr som satt i baren. Tre ansatte satt ved et bord i nærheten og chattet det mens de gjorde et forberedende arbeid. Servitrisen vår var søt og alvorlig, og hun sa at hun ikke ville bli en eneste stjerne. Min palimacocktail var helt umerkelig, men mannen min syntes whiskyen hans var anstendig. Maten var ikke så stor. Maisen smakte som om den kom rett fra boksen eller fryseren, noe som sannsynligvis forklarer all den oppsamlede væsken nederst i skålen. Det var ganske smakløst med jicama og vannmelonsalat. Iallfall kom det ut raskt. Min agurk og avocado tortta ikke hadde noen agurk og bare noen få biter av undermoden avokado. Den hadde også litt tomat, løk og majones, men det var det! Jeg kan ikke tro at de ikke la noen queso freske eller jalapeno på den andre. Jeg har hatt mye bedre karakterer for halvparten av prisen (cirka kr). Mannen min fikk biff til 16 dollar, som han syntes var for sitrus. Bønnene og risen på siden var ikke engang like gode som det vi lager hjemme. Jeg ville bli overrasket om dette stedet holdt seg i forretningslivet lenger. Tanken bak restauranten er god, men henrettelsen mangler. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? My husband and I did not have high hopes for food based on criticism, but we decided to try this place anyway, because we were hoping for some cool cocktails near our house. We'd be much better off driving a little farther to Joyride instead. We should have known that it would be bad when we arrived at an almost empty dining room at 8 p.m. on a Saturday night. It was just us and some guy sitting in the bar. Three employees sat at a nearby table chatting it while doing a preparatory work. Our waitress was cute and serious, and she said she didn't want to be a star. My palima cocktail was imperceptible, but my husband thought his whiskey was decent. The food wasn't that big. The corn tasted as if it came straight from the can or freezer, which probably explains all the collected liquid at the bottom of the bowl. It was rather tasteless with jicama and watermelon salad. At least it came out fast. My cucumber and avocado tortta had no cucumber and only a few pieces of underripe avocado. It also had some tomato, onions and mayonnaise, but that was it! I can't believe they didn't put any queso frisco or jalapeno on the other one. I have had much better grades for half the price (about NOK). My husband got $16 steak, which he thought was for citrus. The beans and rice on the side were not even as good as what we make at home. I'd be surprised if this place stayed in business longer. The thought behind the restaurant is good, but the execution is lacking. VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? I live on the other side of town from Conflict Kitchen and have been very eager to try the current Cuban cuisine. Finally had the opportunity and I'm sorry to report that I was disappointed. My mother came from Cuba to the U.S. at age 15, and I grew up eating her delicious meals along with some amazing Cuban food in Miami and Atlanta. Needless to say, the bar has been set very high. Over the weekend, I went with friends to C.K. and we ordered a huge variety; Picadillo, Ropa Vieja, Shredded Pork, Yuca, Tostones, Maduros, black beans and rice and some guava and cream cheese pastries. One word of advice Conflict Kitchen...never, ever, ever add cinnamon to Picadillo! It doesn't belong there and it is too overpowering. Good Picadillo is easy to make ... I can make it! The raisins, green olives, cumin, garlic, onion and green peppers are all that is needed to season the beef. The shredded beef and pork were decent. The yuca (kinda like a potato) was perfect, except for the portion size of about 3 tablespoons served over a filler of black beans and rice. Honestly, we had more meat in our order than yuca! Someone in a previous post mentioned that the Tostones had the texture of cardboard, but that is kind of typical for tostones. I thought they were very good - as well as the sweet plantains (Maduros). Loved the lime/garlic sauce served with the tostones. The pastries were okay, but kinda dry. Come to think of it, a lot of the food seemed "dry". Maybe C.K. should try to use a little more oil. Still searching for Cuban food, as I know it, in Pittsburgh. Can't seem to be found:( I give Conflict Kitchen props for the concept and very much enjoyed reading the literature that was handed out. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg bor på den andre siden av byen fra Conflict Kitchen og har vært ivrig etter å prøve den nåværende cubanske kjøkken. Endelig hadde muligheten, og jeg beklager å måtte si at jeg var skuffet. Mor kom fra Cuba til USA da jeg var 15 år, og jeg vokste opp med å spise hennes store måltider sammen med litt utrolig kubansk mat i Miami og Atlanta. Baren har blitt satt svært høyt. I helgene var jeg sammen med venner til C.K. og vi bestilte en stor variasjon; Picadillo, Ropa Vieja, Shredded Pork, Yuca, Tostones, Maduros, svarte bønner og ris og litt guava og fløteostkaker. Et råd til Konflikt i kjøkkenet... Aldri, aldri, aldri, aldri, aldri legg til kanel til Picadillo! Den hører ikke hjemme der og er for overmektig. Det er lett å få til gode saker. Jeg klarer det! Rosinene, oliven, karve, hvitløk, løk og grønn paprika er alt som trengs for å rense kjøttet. Det makulerte kjøttet og svinekjøttet var anstendig. Yukaen (som ligner en potet) var perfekt, bortsett fra størrelsen på porsjonsstørrelsen på omkring tre spiseskjeer som ble servert over en fyllefil med svarte bønner og ris. Vi hadde mer kjøtt i vår rekkefølge enn yuca! Noen i en tidligere post nevnt at Tosteinene hadde tekstur av papp, men det er ganske typisk for stein. Jeg syntes de var meget gode - så vel som de søte plantasjer (Maduros). Elsket kalk-/gjelsausen servert med to-steinene. Det var greit med kaker, men det var ganske tørt. Kom til å tenke på det, mye av maten syntes utstr<unk> Kanskje C.K. bør forsøke å bruke litt mer olje. Jeg er fremdeles på leting etter kubansk føde, slik jeg kjenner den, i Pittsburgh. Kan ikke synes å finnes:(Jeg gir Conflict Kitchen rekvisitter til konseptet og satte stor pris på å lese litteraturen som ble delt ut. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I live on the other side of town from the Conflict Kitchen and have been eager to try the present Cuban kitchen. Finally, there was the opportunity, and I regret to say that I was disappointed. My mother came from Cuba to the United States when I was 15, and I grew up eating her big meals with some amazing Cuban food in Miami and Atlanta. The bar has been held very high. On weekends, I spent time with friends of C.K. and we ordered a great variety; Picasso, Ropa Vieja, Shredredred Pork, Yuca, Tostones, Maduros, black beans and rice and a little guava and cream cheese cookies. A word of advice to conflict in the kitchen never, never, never, never, never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, add cinnamon to Picadillo! It doesn't belong there. It's too overpowering. It's easy to do good stuff. I can do it! The rosins, olives, cumin, garlic, onions, and green peppers are all that is needed to clean the meat. The shredded meat and pork were decent. The yuka (like a potato) was perfect, except for the size of about three tablespoons served over a drunk with black beans and rice. We had more meat in our order than yuca! Some in a previous entry mentioned that the Tosteins had cardboard textures, but that is quite typical of stone. I thought they were very good - as well as the sweet plantations (Maduros). Loved the lime/gold sauce served with the two stones. Cookies were okay, but they were pretty dry. I thought about it, a lot of the food seemed out of hand. Maybe C.K. should try to use a little more oil. I am still looking for Cuban food, as I know it, in Pittsburgh. Can't seem to exist: (I give the Conflict Kitchen props to the concept and really enjoyed reading the literature that was distributed. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
I can not describe to you how terrible my experience with this place was. I was absolutely appalled. I came in as part of a group of six and the place was empty. The fellow working asked if we had reservations, and gave us attitude when he learned that we didn't. We apologized and were about to leave when he said it was okay and he'd find room... The service was slow, he critiqued our menu selections and yelled at one of our group (who had a late lunch) for just ordering a salad. Its not like he needed to up-sell, we all were drinking as well. After being there for an hour, I asked our server if the food would be out soon, as we had an event to get to. A nearby table of two who were seated well after us got their meals a full 15 minutes before we did. The food was adequate. A bit saltier than it needed to be, but good. I would have probably enjoyed it if I weren't so bamboozled by the behavior of the fellow working there. We ate quickly. When we asked for the bill, I indicated to the server that there something wrong on my bill and then tried to act like it was my fault. At this point I was a bit short with him. Not unkind, but losing patience. Let me preface what comes next by saying that I did leave a tip. After I'd settled and my friends were in the process of doing the same, I stepped outside to let others know we were done dinner. Once I was out of earshot, the server remarked to my friends that I was a bitch.The waitstaff called me a bitch. To my friends. We left absolutely incredulous. Never again.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Jeg kan ikke beskrive hvor forferdelig min erfaring med dette stedet var. Jeg var helt forferdet. Jeg kom inn som en del av en gruppe på seks, og stedet var tomt. Vi spurte om vi hadde reservasjoner, og ga oss en holdning da han fikk vite at vi ikke hadde det. Vi ba om unnskyldning og skulle til å dra da han sa at det var greit og han ville finne rom... Tjenesten var langsom, han kritiserte menyvalgene våre og kjeftet på en av våre (som hadde lunsj sent) for bare å bestille en salat. Det er ikke som om han trengte å komme på avveie, vi drakk alle også. Etter at jeg hadde vært der i en time, spurte jeg serveren vår om maten snart ville være ute, ettersom vi hadde en begivenhet å komme til. Et bord med to, som satt godt etter at vi hadde spist måltidene deres 15 minutter før oss. Maten var tilstrekkelig. Litt saltere enn det trengte å være, men godt. Jeg ville nok likt det om jeg ikke var så bedratt av oppførselen til den fyren som jobbet der. Vi spiste fort. Når vi ba om regningen, viste jeg til serveren at det var noe galt på regningen min, og prøvde så å oppføre seg som om det var min feil. På dette tidspunktet var jeg litt kort hos ham. Ikke uvennlig, men å miste tålmodigheten. La meg si det neste ved å si at jeg la igjen et tips. Etter at jeg var kommet til ro og vennene mine var i ferd med å gjøre det samme, gikk jeg utenfor for å la andre få vite at vi var ferdige med middagen. Da jeg var ute av hørevidde, sa tjeneren til vennene mine at jeg var ei hurpe. For mine venner. Vi forlot helt ubarmhjertige. Aldri mer.
I can't describe how terrible my experience with this place was. I was horrified. I came in as part of a group of six, and the place was empty. We asked if we had reservations and gave us an attitude when he learned that we did not. We apologized and were about to leave when he said it was okay and he wanted to find rooms... The service was slow, he criticized our menu choices and yelled at one of our (who had lunch late) to just order a salad. It's not like he needed to get lost, we all drank. After being there for an hour, I asked our server if the food would soon be out, since we had an event to attend. A table with two sitting comfortably after we had eaten their meals 15 minutes before us. The food was sufficient. A little saltier than it needed to be, but good. I'd like it if I wasn't so deceived by the behavior of the guy who worked there. We ate fast. When we asked for the check, I would show the server that there was something wrong on my bill and then try to act as if it were my fault. By this time I was a little short with him. Not unkind, but losing patience. Let me say the next thing by saying I left a tip. After settling down and my friends were doing the same, I went outside to let others know that we had finished our dinner. When I was out of earshot, the servant told my friends that I was a bitch. To my friends. We left without mercy. Never again.
Generate a negative review for a place.
This feels like a converted apartment building and I am pretty positive it is. The shuttle driver was rude when I tried to get a ride into town and the vending machine is where an old laundry station was.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Dette føles som en ombygd leiegård, og det er jeg ganske sikker på. Ferjesjåføren var uhøflig da jeg prøvde å kjøre inn til byen og automaten er der en gammel vaskestasjon var.
This feels like a converted apartment building, and I'm pretty sure it is. The ferry driver was rude when I tried to drive into town and the machine is where an old laundry station used to be.
One of my favorite nightspots in Vegas. Knocking back a few exquisitely-crafted cocktails here while playing a spirited game of spot-the-hooker is my idea of an evening well spent. The lack of a fifth star is due to the uneven service. Sometimes it's great. Sometimes you're waiting 20 minutes for your drinks. All in all, though, a can't-miss for the cocktail lover. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En av mine favorittnattspotts i Vegas. Å ta tilbake noen fine cocktails mens jeg spiller en spiritistisk lek med å slå i stedet, er min idé om en god kveld. Mangelen på en femtestjerne skyldes tjenesten for ujevnheter. Noen ganger er det flott. Noen ganger venter du 20 minutter på drinkene dine. Alt i alt, men en kan ikke-misse for den som elsker drinker. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
One of my favorite Vegas night pots. Taking back some nice cocktails while I play a spiritistic game of punching instead is my idea of a good night. The lack of a fifth - star star is due to the service of unevenness. Sometimes it's great. Sometimes you wait 20 minutes for your drinks. All in all, but you can't give up on the one who loves drinks. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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What would be an example of an negative review?
I tried their food once...terrible! I love their chinese food from China A gogo, so figured this might be decent...not even close to my other regular haunts such as Ohana Hawaiian BBQ and Aloha Island grill on MD Pkwy and the one on Sahara.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg har prøvd maten deres en gang... forferdelig! Jeg elsker deres kinesisk mat fra Kina A gogo, så jeg tenkte dette kanskje var anstendig... ikke engang i nærheten av mine andre vanlige tilholdssteder som Ohana Hawaii BBQ og Aloha Island grill på MD Pkwy og den på Sahara.
I've tried your food once... terrible! I love their Chinese food from China A gogo, so I thought this might be decent... not even near my other usual habitats like Ohana Hawaii BBQ and Aloha Island grill at MD Pkwy and the one in the Sahara.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Total jerks, horrific customer service, no manners at all. Highly recommend using ANYONE else. Even their front office people that answer the phone were rude, I think his name was Bren?? I dunno, just had a horrible experience with them OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Totale idioter, forferdelig kundeservice, ingen høflighet i det hele tatt. Høyest anbefalt å bruke NOEN andre. Selv folk som tok telefonen var uhøflige, tror jeg han het Bren? Jeg vet ikke, hadde nettopp en forferdelig opplevelse med dem OVER: - negativ - positiv - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? Total idiots, terrible customer service, no courtesy at all. The highest recommended use of SOME others. Even people who answered the phone were rude, I think his name was Bren? I don't know, just had a horrible experience with them Over: negative - positive - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? I love the self bathing section,but I do need to get my dogs groomed once in a while. Diana on of the groomers took care of both my dogs. My Maltese is kind of difficult to do since he likes to jump around and jerk away from the groomer. She had patience to deal with him and his haircut was very good. My other dog the Morkie hates her nails trimmed I warned her she might bite. Diana took it in stride and told me not to worry. She is very professional in her dealings with customers and upfront with you. She let me know what to expect in the service I was paying for and the time frame when they would be done. I like that I had no hidden "surprise fee" after the fact. I will be back for the grooming package, but in between the grooms I can give them a bath myself to save money. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg elsker selvbadsseksjonen, men jeg må få stelt hundene mine iblant. Diana på stellerne tok seg av begge mine hunder. Mitt malt er vanskelig å gjøre siden han liker å hoppe rundt og runke fra stuten. Hun var tålmodig med ham, og hårklippen hans var veldig god. Den andre hunden min, Morkie, hater neglen sin. Jeg advarte henne mot å bli bitt. Diana tok det i skrittet og sa at jeg ikke skulle bekymre meg. Hun er veldig profesjonell i sin omgang med kunder og påstand mot deg. Hun lot meg få vite hva jeg kunne forvente i tjenesten jeg betalte for og tidsrammen når de skulle gjøres. Jeg liker at jeg ikke hadde noen skjult, overraskende gebyr etter det faktum. Jeg kommer tilbake til stewarding pakken, men mellom brudgommene kan jeg gi dem et bad selv for å spare penger. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I love the bath section, but I have to get my dogs taken care of sometimes. Diana at the Caretakers took care of both my dogs. My paint is hard to do because he likes to jump around and jerk off from the stump. She was patient with him, and his haircut was very good. My other dog, Morkie, hates his nail, and I warned her not to get bit. Diana took it in her crotch and told me not to worry. She's very professional in her dealings with clients and allegations against you. She let me know what I could expect in the service I paid for and the time frame when they were to be done. I like that I had no hidden, surprise fee after that fact. I'll come back to the stewarding package, but between the grooms, I can give them a bath myself to save money. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? Nothing better than hot donuts right out of the fryer. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Ikke noe er bedre enn donuts rett ut av frisyren. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? There's nothing better than doughnuts right out of their hair. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? We recently went for the Sunday Brunch and it was amazing. Everything on the help your self area was fresh and A-1, and the Chicken Fried Chicken with an egg on top was one of the more delicious things I've ever had. Big bloody mary and champagne bar also which aren't that expensive. Overall you'll drop a bit of cash, but its worth it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Vi var nylig ute på søndagsstevnet, og det var fantastisk. Alt om hjelpen ditt selv-område var friskt og A-1, og Hønsekyllingen med et egg på toppen var noe av det deiligste jeg har hatt. Stor, blodig Maria og champagnebar også som ikke er så dyrt. Du kan miste litt penger, men det er verdt det. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? We just went out to the Sunday convention, and it was amazing. Everything about your self-help area was fresh and A-1 and the Chicken Chicken Chicken with an egg on top was one of the most delicious things I've ever had. Big, bloody Maria and a champagne bar that's not that expensive. You might lose some money, but it's worth it. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
I've been to hob twice. Once a couple months ago months ago we went with a huge party and my order never came out after a hour I had to go to work. Well I was walking out the door and my food came out. I told them to keep it. I just left hob a hour ago decided on giving it another try. It was busy. Service was slow but it shouldn't take 40 minutes to put in our order and another 30 minutes for wings and nachos to come out. The nachos were dry like hey been sitting under the heater and the wing were cold on the outside and warm in the middle. Our server never came back to see us or how our food was. If you like sitting around waiting for cold food this is your place.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg har vært å hobb to ganger. En gang for et par måneder siden for noen måneder siden dro vi med en stor fest og min bestilling kom aldri ut etter en time jeg måtte gå på jobb. Vel, jeg gikk ut døra, og maten kom ut. Jeg ba dem beholde den. Jeg bare forlot hobb for en time siden bestemte meg for å gi den et nytt forsøk. Det var travelt. Servicen var treg men det skulle ikke ta 40 minutter å sette i vår rekkefølge og ytterligere 30 minutter for vinger og nachos å komme ut. Nachosene var tørre som hei vært sittende under varmeovnen og vingen var kald på utsiden og varm på midten. Tjeneren vår kom aldri tilbake for å se oss eller hvordan maten vår var. Hvis du liker å sitte og vente på kald mat, er dette din plass.
I've been hobbling twice. Once, a couple of months ago, we left with a big party and my order never came out after an hour I had to go to work. Well, I walked out the door and the food came out. I told them to keep it. I just left the Hobb an hour ago decided to give it another try. It was busy. The service was slow but it was not to take 40 minutes to put in our order and another 30 minutes for wings and nachos to come out. The nachos were dry as hi-hit sitting under the heater and the wing was cold outside and warm in the middle. Our servant never came back to see us or what our food was like. If you like to sit and wait for cold food, this is your place.
Generate a negative review for a place.
This place is awful. The service was terrible. Our waiter took 15 minutes after we got there to take our order. It seems that the waiters take the order and someone else does the rest (another person brought the food, drinks, refills, etc.). We never saw our waiter again until he handed us the bill. The food is spicy, even if you order mild. It just didn't have a good taste to it. Agave, which was the name of this previous restaurant, was much, much better. The food is expensive, too. If you want this type of quality food, just to to Del Taco or Taco Bell...cheaper and taste the same, or even better.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Dette stedet er forferdelig. Tjenesten var forferdelig. Kelneren vår tok 15 minutter etter at vi kom for å ta bestillingen. Det ser ut til at servitørene tar bestillingen, og at noen andre gjør resten (en annen har med seg maten, drikkevarene, påfyllene osv.). Vi så aldri servitøren igjen før han ga oss regningen. Maten er sterk, selv om man bestiller mild. Det hadde bare ikke en god smak. Agave, som var navnet på denne tidligere restauranten, var mye, mye bedre. Maten er kostbar også. Hvis du vil ha denne typen mat, bare til Del Taco eller Taco Bell... bedre og smakt det samme, eller enda bedre.
This place is terrible. The ministry was terrible. Our waiter took 15 minutes after we came to take the order. The waiters seem to take the order and someone else does the rest (another brings the food, drinks, refills, etc.). We never saw the waitress again until he gave us the bill. The food is strong, even if you order it mildly. It just didn't have a good taste. Agave, the name of this former restaurant, was much, much better. The food is expensive, too. If you want this kind of food, just for Del Taco or Taco Bell... better and tasted the same or better.
It was a quiet Friday morning and I chose this place because it was close to the office I was visiting. Great looking little place in a mini-mall. There were so many options on the menu that I didn't know what to choose. Since I had never been to a Good Egg, I went the safe way and picked a veggie omelet. Quite tasty. What made this place more than the food was the very hospitable employees. Very nice and my waitress JoJo seemed to be a very sweet person. If in this area again, I will certainly return to the Good Egg. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det var stille fredag morgen, og jeg valgte dette stedet fordi det var nær kontoret jeg var på. Det er et flott, lite sted i en mini-malle. Det var så mange alternativer på menyen at jeg ikke visste hva jeg skulle velge. Ettersom jeg aldri hadde vært på et godt egg, gikk jeg trygt fram og plukket en omelett med grønnsaker. Det er ganske godt. Det som gjorde dette stedet mer enn maten, var de som var svært gjestfrie. Veldig hyggelig og servitrisen min JoJo var en veldig søt person. Hvis jeg i dette området igjen, vil jeg helt sikkert returnere til Gode Egg. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It was quiet Friday morning, and I chose this place because it was close to the office I was in. It's a great little place in a mini-malle. There were so many options on the menu, I didn't know what to choose. Since I had never been on a good egg, I went out safely and picked an omelette with vegetables. It's pretty good. What made this place more than food were the very hospitable ones. Very nice and my waitress JoJo was a very sweet person. If I ever again in this area, I'm sure to return to Good Eggs. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a positive review for a place.
We had a reservation months in advance and they let us in on time. The hostess showed us around the restaurant, kind of like a mini-tour, which made it feel really exclusive and classy. The interior is amazing and they gave us a seat in the upstairs back room where most big parties were seated (or so it seemed). First of all, the service was excellent. The servers seemed genuinely happy to serve us and were very helpful. I thought they would be more condescending because, well, it IS Gordon Ramsay's restaurant... But no, they were down to earth, happy to answer questions and made suggestions as well. They also recommended how to have the meat cooked but never pressured any of us at our table to get it done that way. I was also thoroughly impressed by the "meat trolley" that came out. It was amazing. They had their cuts laid out for display, and the waitress explained each and every cut, how it prepared and how it would be cooked. Lastly, the food. I order the bone-in rib eye (24oz) with a side of tempura and garlic aioli. The rest of my party had the beef wellington and the kobe american rib cap. When I first cut into the rib eye, i thought it had been overcooked. I asked for medium. But it became red when I cut further into the meat. It was very succulent. I also had a bite of the beef wellington which was also amazing. The best thing on the menu was the toffee dessert. The moment we all took a bite out of it, our lives had changed. Do NOT leave that place without trying the dessert.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Vi hadde en reservasjon måneder på forhånd, og de slapp oss inn i tide. Vertsinnen viste oss rundt på restauranten, litt som en mini-tur, noe som gjorde at det føltes veldig eksklusivt og elegant. Interiøret er fantastisk og de ga oss en plass i bakrommet ovenpå hvor de fleste store partier satt (altså syntes det). For det første var tjenesten utmerket. Det virket som om serverne var glade for å tjene oss og var til stor hjelp. Jeg trodde de ville bli mer nedlatende fordi det er Gordon Ramse's restaurant... Men nei, de var kommet ned til jorden, lykkelige over å kunne svare på spørsmål og komme med forslag også. De anbefalte også å få kjøttet kokt, men presset aldri noen av oss til bords for å få det gjort på den måten. Jeg ble også imponert over den lille trolleyen som kom ut. Det var utrolig. De fikk skåret skåret ut til utstilling, og servitrisen forklarte hver og hver bit, hvordan den forberedte seg og hvordan den skulle kokes. Endelig, maten. Jeg bestiller ben-inn-ribbe øye(24oz) med en side av tempura og asioli. Resten av partiet mitt hadde Biff Velsington og kobe American Riccap. Da jeg først skar inn i brystøyet, trodde jeg det var for stekt. Jeg ba om middels. Men den ble rød da jeg skar videre i kjøttet. Det var veldig sukkulent. Jeg tok også en bit av Bed Soveskapet som også var fantastisk. Det beste på menyen var toffee-dess. I det øyeblikket vi alle tok en bit av det, hadde våre liv endret seg. Forlat ikke det stedet uten å prøve på desserten.
We had a reservation months in advance, and they let us in on time. The hostess showed us around the restaurant, kind of like a mini-trip, which made it feel very exclusive and elegant. The interior is fantastic and they gave us a seat in the back room upstairs where most large parties sat (i.e., thought so). First of all, the ministry was excellent. The servers seemed happy to serve us and were very helpful. I thought they'd be more condescending because it's Gordon Ramse's restaurant... But, no, they had come down to earth, happy to answer questions and make suggestions as well. They also recommended boiling the meat, but never pressed any of us to the table to get it done that way. I was also impressed by the little trolley that came out. That was amazing. They were cut out for exhibitions, and the waitress explained each piece, how it prepared and how to cook. Finally, the food. I order bone-in ribs eye (24-oz) with a side of tempura and asioli. The rest of my party had Biff Velsington and Kobe American Riccap. When I first cut into my chest, I thought it was too fried. I asked for medium. But it turned red when I cut the meat. It was very succulent. I also took a piece of Bed the Bed Sleeping Room that was also amazing. The best thing on the menu was toffee-dess. The moment we all took a bite of it, our lives had changed. Don't leave that place without trying on dessert.
Is the following review positive or negative? Totally in the mood for fish and chips. So where else should I go while staying at Mandalay. So I ordered the fish and chips and a Guinness and its MEH not extraordinary just a basic gut fill of soggy fries and ok fish that was huge like whale size. Service was good but they were really pinchy on the tarter sauce and when I asked for more it literally took 15 min to arrive. All in all I won't be going back. And please place a shamrock on the pour or don't call yourself traditional Irish. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg har lyst på fisk og chips. Så hvor ellers skal jeg gå mens jeg bor på Mandalay. Så jeg bestilte fisken og chipsen og en Guinness og dens MH ikke bare en enkel magefill med soggles og ok fisk som var kjempestore som hvalstørrelse. Servicen var bra, men de var skikkelig klype på tartersausen, og da jeg ba om mer, tok det 15 min å komme. Alt i alt kommer jeg ikke tilbake. Og sett et scoomrock på pour eller ikke kall deg selv for tradisjonell irsk. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I want fish and chips. So where else am I gonna go while I'm living at Mandalay? So I ordered the fish and chips and a Guinness and its MH not just a simple stomach rag with saggles and all-out fish that were huge as whale size. The service was good, but they were really pinching the tarter sauce, and when I asked for more, it took 15 minutes to come. All in all, I'm not coming back. And put a scoomrock on the pier or don't call yourself traditional Irish. VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Call me crazy, but I'm OVER buffets. We came here because Golden Gate is gross and this was the next closest thing. I got the Famous meatloaf hash something-or-other. It was really good. A lot of food! My fiance though. He got the chicken and waffels. Not only was it beautiful when it came out (it was just so decorated.) It was possibly the best tasting thing I've ever had. It's more than enough food for 2 people. I cant recommend it enough. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Kall meg gal, men jeg er over. Vi kom hit fordi Gyldenporten er grov og dette var det nest nærmeste. Jeg har Bemoe kjøttpudding-hasjen noe-eller-annet. Den var virkelig god. Mye mat! Min forlovede. Han fikk kylling og waffels. Ikke bare var det vakkert når det kom ut (det var bare så dekorert). Det var muligens den beste smakssmakingen jeg har smakt. Det er mer enn nok mat for 2 personer. Jeg kan ikke sette det nok. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Call me crazy, but I'm done. We came here because the Golden Gate is rough and this was the next closest. I got the Bemoe meatloaf crock something-or-other. It was really good. A lot of food! My fiancée. He got chicken and waffles. Not only was it beautiful when it came out (it was just so decorated). It was probably the best taste I've ever tasted. There's plenty of food for two people. I can't put it enough. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
I am here a lot for shows as part of work and we've tried Cocina twice now for burritos before the concerts. I heard they rock. The pork one is just ok. That's not my problem, though. My problem is the first time they forgot my friend's quesadilla. Then they forgot it again. It was an hour before she got it, and we were all done with everything. They comped her but seriously, it's cheese and tortilla. This week (Wednesday night) I gave Cocina another shot. Two of us this time. I ordered the pork no onions and it had onions. The waitress sent it back and then (after awhile) the cook brought out a chicken no onion. He immediately realized it was wrong again. By this time the opening band started and I had to get in there to cover the show. Finally the waitress brought me my burrito inside of Crescent an hour after I ordered. By now I had a few beers and wasn't hungry. It wasn't good either. Kitty the waitress seems cool and claims it's not her fault. First time said it was the kitchen. Second time said there were new changes in the kitchen. I don't want excuses, I want great service.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Jeg er her mye for show som en del av jobben og vi har prøvd Cocina to ganger nå for burritos før konsertene. Jeg hørte at de rocker. Det er ikke mitt problem. Mitt problem er første gang de glemte min venns quesadilla. Så glemte de det igjen. Det var en time før hun fikk den, og vi var ferdige med alt. De tok henne, men alvorlig talt, det er ost og tortilla. Denne uken (var dag kveld) gav jeg Cocina en ny sjanse. To av oss denne gangen. Jeg bestilte svinekjøttet ikke løk og det hadde løk. Servitrisen sendte den tilbake, og så (etter en stund) kom kokken med en kylling som ikke hadde løk. Han skjønte straks at det var galt igjen. På dette tidspunktet startet åpningsbandet og jeg måtte inn dit for å dekke showet. Til slutt kom servitrisen med burritoen min en time etter at jeg hadde bestilt. Nå hadde jeg et par øl og var ikke sulten. Det var ikke bra heller. Servitrisen virker kul og påstår at det ikke er hennes feil. Første gang sa det var kjøkkenet. Andre gang sa at det var nye endringer på kjøkkenet. Jeg vil ikke ha unnskyldninger, jeg vil ha en stor tjeneste.
I'm here a lot for shows as part of the job and we've tried Cocina twice now for burritos before the concerts. I heard they rock. That's not my problem. My problem is the first time they forgot my friend's quesadilla. Then they forgot again. It was an hour before she got it, and we were done with everything. They took her, but seriously, it's cheese and tortilla. This week (was day evening) I gave Cocina a second chance. Two of us this time. I didn't order the pork onion and it had onions. The waitress sent it back, and then (after a while) the cook brought a chicken that had no onions. He immediately realized that it was wrong again. At this point the opening band started and I had to go in there to cover the show. Finally, the waitress brought my burrito an hour after I ordered. Now I had a couple of beers and I wasn't hungry. It wasn't good either. The waitress seems cool and claims it's not her fault. First time said it was the kitchen. The second time said there were new changes in the kitchen. I don't want excuses. I want a big favor.
Is the following review positive or negative? Read a review that said 'Not bad' Not bad? Very few better in Montreal Consistent Quality Smiles What more could you want? Oh yeah, excellent pizza...and a great wine selection...from your own fridge. Not the cheapest pizza in town, but one of the best, so the value is there! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Lese en omtale som sa \"Ikke dårlig\"? Ikke dårlig? Det er få bedre i Montreal Consistent Quality Smils Hva mer kan du ønske deg? Ja, utmerket pizza og et stort vinutvalg fra ditt eget kjøleskap. Ikke den billigste pizzaen i byen, men en av de beste, så verdien er der! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Read a review that said, "Not bad"? There are few better in Montreal Consistent Quality Smiles What more can you wish for? Yes, excellent pizza and a large wine sample from your own refrigerator. Not the cheapest pizza in town, but one of the best, so the value is there! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is there such a thing as "too classy?" If so, the WYNN not only crossed that line, but it built a solid-gold-barricade to keep out the huddled masses yearning to take a peek at the lobby while having the audacity not to purchase a single thing. The least these would-be gawkers can do is pop into one of the WYNN's eateries and order a unique snack, like unicorn flanks or an omelet made from the last remaining Dodo eggs. Maybe a souvenir is more their speed. In which case, patrons are welcome to visit the WYNN's very own Ferrari Dealership. What's that you say? Only Sheiks and former Latin American Dictators can afford such a vehicle? Fair enough. Maybe you should just relax in the WYNN's spa, where you can experience the world's most unique treatments. Rumor has it that, if you know just how to approach their masseurs, they'll arrange for a clone of the late Liz Taylor to give you a scalp massage using only her feet. If, for some reason, you find yourself in the presence of Steve WYNN himself, be sure to take in his sweet, one-of-a-kind natural scent, which only blooms at night. But be warned: DO NOT look him directly in the eye, as he perceives such actions as a threat. If he begins to pound his chest or pull up grass, stand your ground but look down as a sign of deference. All in all, it's a pretty classy place. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Finnes det noe som heter \"toto-classy\"<unk> I så fall gikk ikke WYNNEN bare over den linjen, men den bygde en solid gullbarre for å holde unna de sammensveisede massene som lengter etter å ta en titt i lobbyen samtidig som den har motviljen mot ikke å kjøpe en eneste ting. Den minste disse bed-bed-bead gawkers kan gjøre er å sprette inn i en av WYNNs eterier og bestille en unik snack, som enhjørningsflanker eller en omelett laget av de siste gjenværende Dodo-eggene. Kanskje en suvenir er mer fart i dem. I så fall er vertente velkommen til å besøke WYNNs egen Ferrari Forhandlership. Hva er det du sier? Bare Sjeiker og tidligere Latin-Amerikanske diktaturer har råd til et slikt kjøretøy? Det er nok. Kanskje du bare burde slappe av på WYNN's spa, hvor du kan oppleve verdens mest unike behandlinger. Ryktene sier at hvis du vet hvordan man nærmer seg massørene sine, vil de sørge for at en klone av den avdøde Liz Taylor gir deg en massasje med bare føttene hennes. Hvis du av en eller annen grunn befinner deg i nærvær av Steve WYNN selv, så pass på å ta til deg hans søte, en-av-a-din-en-av-a-din-naturlig duft, som bare blomstrer om natten. Men vær advart: IKKE se ham direkte i øyet, da han oppfatter slike handlinger som en trussel. Hvis den begynner å slå seg på brystet eller pløye opp gress, bør du stå på bakken, men se ned som et tegn på at den har en viss innstilling. Alt i alt er det et pent klassested. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is there something called "tototo-classy\"<unk> THE WYNN did not just cross that line, but built a solid gold bar to keep away from the tightly knit masses who long to look in the lobby, while at the same time being reluctant not to buy a single thing. The smallest of these Bed-bed-bear gawkers can do is to pop into one of WYNN's etheries and order a unique snack, like unicorn flanker or an omelet made from the last remaining Dodo eggs. Maybe a souvenir will speed them up. In that case, hostette is welcome to visit WYNN's own Ferrari Dealership. What are you saying? Only Sheikhs and former Latin American dictatorships can afford such a vehicle? That's enough. Maybe you should just relax at WYNN's spa, where you can experience the most unique treatments in the world. Rumor has it that if you know how to approach your masseurs, they'll make sure a clone of the late Liz Taylor gives you a massage with her bare feet. If for some reason you're in the presence of Steve WYNN yourself, be sure to take in his sweet, one-a-din-a-din-a-natural scent, which only blooms at night. But be warned: DO NOT look directly into his eye, since he sees such acts as a threat. If it starts beating its chest or plowing up grass, stand on the ground, but look down as a sign of a certain attitude. All in all, it's a nice class spot. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? best people watching in my life ever! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? De beste mennesker som har sett meg i mitt liv! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? The best people ever to see me in my life! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Took forever to get our basic ice cream order. Was at the window waiting for 10 minutes. Charged me $1 to sprinkle ten cents of candy in it. Then they were tiny and she forgot the bottled water! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det tar evigheter å få vår vanlige iskrem-orden. Var ved vinduet og ventet i ti minutter. Jeg betalte meg for å strø ti cent sukkertøy i den. Så var de små, og hun glemte vannet på flaske. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It takes forever to get our regular ice cream order. I was at the window waiting for ten minutes. I paid to put ten cents of candy in it. Then they were small and she forgot the bottled water. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Came here to grab a beer and something to eat - portions are huge. Will have to come back more hungry to do this place justice. Having the Head Hunter IPA, quite good, and a buffalo chicken salad, quite large, but tasty and full of chicken! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kom for å ta en øl og noe å spise - porsjoner er kjempestore. Må komme tilbake mer sulten for å gjøre dette stedet rettferdig. Å ha hodejegeren IPA, ganske god, og en bøffelhønsesalat, ganske stor, men velsmakende og full av kylling! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Came for a beer and something to eat - servings are huge. Gotta come back more hungry to make this place fair. Having headhunter IPA, quite good, and a buffalo hen salad, quite big but tasty and full of chicken! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
I think this place is closed. I had a monthly order set for my grandmother, who turned 100 this year, to get flowers. They closed down and stopped sending her flowers without ever telling me. These people, whoever they are, wherever they may be, are complete jerks.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Jeg tror dette stedet er stengt. Jeg hadde en månedlig bestilling på bestemor, som fylte 100 år i år, til å få blomster. De sluttet å sende blomster uten å fortelle meg det. Disse folkene, hvem de enn er, hvor de enn måtte være, er idioter.
I think this place is closed. I had a monthly order for my grandmother, who turned 100 this year, to get flowers. They stopped sending flowers without telling me. These people, whoever they are, wherever they are, are idiots.
Awesome Sauerbraten. Simply put this is a great place with great food. Good beer and wonderful staff. This is my second time here and if I lived in Pittsburgh I'd be a regular. It's worth driving 50 miles for. The strudel is straight from Germany and worth saving room for. Get the vanilla bean ice cream and you'll be happy. If your only here for a day, eat here. Unless you just flew in from Germany. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Skålsølbraten. Dette er rett og slett et flott sted med god mat. God øl og gode folk. Dette er andre gang her, og hvis jeg bodde i Pittsburgh, ville jeg vært stamgjest. Det er verdt å kjøre 50 km for. Studelen er rett fra Tyskland og verdt å redde rom til. Hent vaniljebønne-iskremen, så blir du lykkelig. Om din eneste her for en dag, så spis her. Med mindre du bare fløy inn fra Tyskland. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The salsa brat. This is just a great place with good food. Good beer and good people. This is the second time here, and if I lived in Pittsburgh, I'd be a regular. It's worth driving 30 miles for. The Stud is straight from Germany and worth saving rooms for. Get the vanilla bean ice cream and you'll be happy. If you're the only one here for a day, eat here. Unless you just flew in from Germany. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
The staff is composed of 80 year old ladies that are beyond annoying. Place is nice though Service: 1/5 Place:5/5 Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Stavet består av 80 år gamle damer som er over irriterende. Plassen er fin Selv om Tjeneste: 1/5 Sted:5/5 Ble denne vurderingen gitt positivt eller negativt? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The staff is made up of 80-year-old women who are over annoying. The space is fine although Service: 1/5 Place:5/5 Was this assessment given positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Wow... what a change in 1 year. We had a great time a year ago when we celebrated my birthday there. Decided to book again, despite all the negative reviews. They told us over the phone we would have a room by the pool with a private patio. We were on the first floor no where near the pool and our patio wasn't private. It was open and most people were walking through it as a shortcut rather than following the sidewalk. They keys didn't work, so we took this as a sign that, this room wasn't for us. They offered us another room, closer to the pool upstairs. No balcony or patio, but that's fine. We got up there, and there was a pair of goggles under the entertainment center from previous guests that we noticed right away, little hairs in the shower tub, and even though we tried to ignore it all... the last straw was the 4 long hairs on our pillows as we got in the bed to sleep. We called FD and they offered us a refund. We are now celebrating our 1 year anniversary NEXT week at a different resort. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
For en forandring på 1 år. Vi hadde det flott for et år siden da vi feiret bursdagen min der. Bestemte seg for bok igjen, til tross for alle de negative anmeldelser. De fortalte oss over telefonen at vi skulle ha et rom ved bassenget med en privat bevoktning. Vi var i første etasje, ikke i nærheten av bassenget, og gårdsplassen var ikke privat. Det var åpent og folk flest gikk gjennom det som en snarvei i stedet for å følge etter fortauet. Nøklene fungerte ikke, så vi tok dette som et tegn på at dette rommet ikke var for oss. De tilbød oss et annet rom, nærmere bassenget ovenpå. Ingen balkong eller hage, men det er greit. Vi kom opp dit, og det var et par briller under underholdningssenteret fra tidligere gjester som vi så med en gang, små hår i dusjbadet, og selv om vi prøvde å ignorere det hele... det siste strået var de 4 lange hårene på hodene våre mens vi kom i sengen for å sove. Vi ringte FD og de tilbød oss en refusjon. Vi feirer nå vår ettårsjubileum N EKST - uke på et annet feriested. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
What a change in a year. We had a great time about a year ago when we were celebrating my birthday there. Decided on a book again, despite all the negative reviews. They told us over the phone that we should have a room by the pool with a private guard. We were on the ground floor, not near the pool, and the courtyard was not private. It was open, and most people went through it as a shortcut rather than following the sidewalk. The keys didn't work, so we took this as a sign that this room wasn't for us. They offered us another room, closer to the pool upstairs. No balcony, no garden, but it's okay. We got up there, and there were a couple of glasses under the entertainment center from former guests that we saw right away, little hair in the shower bath, and although we tried to ignore it all... the last straw was the four long hairs on our heads as we came to bed to sleep. We called FD and they offered us a refund. We are now celebrating our one - year anniversary of the NEXT week at another resort. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Was ok, broth pretty good, tasty wings, but when I go they are CHEAP on the beef, like 4 wimpy slices, and charged $4 more for 4 more slices! Other times when I go with people who are regulars service and portions are great. Playing favorites at a restaurant isnt for me. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ok, buljong er ganske bra, men når jeg går er de CHEAP på oksekjøtt, som fire saftige skiver, og fire dollar til for fire skiver til! Andre ganger når jeg er sammen med folk som er regelmessige gudstjenester og deler av dem, er det flott. Jeg liker ikke å spille favoritter på en restaurant. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Okay, broth's pretty good, but when I go, they're gonna be CPE on beef, like four juicy slices, and four more dollars for four more slices! Other times when I'm around people who are regular and part of their services, it's great. I don't like playing favorites in a restaurant. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Short review for a short visit to the new Casa Reyna restaurant attached to the fantastic grocery store located upstairs/next door. We stopped in for some chips, salsa and tacos after a long drive to town and experiencing the Incline. We sat at the bar since it was in between lunch and dinner and no one was really there. The chips and 2 salsas (salsa roja and peanut/guajillo) were pretty awesome. The roja was spicy and fresh and the peanut/guajillo was sweet and savory at the same time and a nice change of pace. The chips were fantastic. Thin, super crispy, practically perfect and made from scratch in house. The tacos were solid but inconsistent. The corn tortillas were fresh and tasty and doubled up on each taco. Carnitas was easily the star of the show with plenty of seasoning and properly cooked with slight crisp and very tender meat. The lamb barbacoa was well cooked but didn't offer much in the way of flavor or salt beyond the meat itself. Definitely needed some spice in there. The least successful was the lengua which was unfortunately chewy and lacking the the luscious texture I love in great tongue. Pleasant interior feel, very clean and comfortable. Good overall experience and I'd highly recommend stopping in to give them a shot. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kort omtale ved kort besøk på den nye Casa Reyna-restauranten som er festet til den fantastiske dagligvarebutikken som ligger ovenpå/nesten dør. Vi kom innom for å kjøpe chips, salsa og taco etter en lang kjøretur til byen og oppleve Incline. Vi satt i baren siden det var mellom lunsj og middag, og ingen var der. Poppene og 2 salsaer (salsa roja og peanøtter/gull) var ganske kule. Rojaen var kryk og frisk og peanøtt/guajilloen var søt og velsmakende samtidig og en fin omveksling av takt. Det var fantastisk med brikkene. Tynne, sprø, nesten perfekt og laget av skrapestein i huset. Tacoene var massive, men uforståelige. Maistortillaene var ferske og velsmakende, og de var mange på hver taco. Carnitas var lett stjernen i serien med rikelig med krydder og skikkelig kokt med lett sprø og svært mørt kjøtt. Lammebarbacoaen var godt kokt, men bød ikke mye på smaks- eller salt-måten utover selve kjøttet. Jeg trengte absolutt litt krydder der. Den minst suksessrike var den language som dessverre var tygg og manglet den luscious teksturen jeg elsker på stor tunge. I det indre, i det indre, veldig ren og komfortabel. God erfaring, og jeg anbefaler å stoppe inn for å gi dem en sjanse. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Brief review of a short visit to the new Casa Reyna restaurant, which is attached to the fantastic grocery store that lies upstairs/almost door. We stopped by to buy chips, salsa, and tacos after a long drive into town and experience Incline. We sat in the bar since it was between lunch and dinner, and no one was there. Popps and 2 salsas (salsa roja and peanuts/gold) were quite cool. The roja was crutch and fresh and the peanut/guajillo was sweet and tasty at the same time and a fine change of pace. It was amazing with the pieces. Thin, crisp, almost perfect and made of scrapstone in the house. The tacos were massive, but incomprehensible. The corntolls were fresh and tasty, and they were many on each taco. Carnitas was the light star of the series of rich spices and thoroughly cooked with slightly crisp and very tender meat. The lamb barbacoa was well cooked, but did not offer much in the taste or salt way beyond the meat itself. I definitely needed a little spice there. The least successful was the drug that, sadly, was chewy and lacked the luscious texture I love on a large tongue. Inside, inside, very clean and comfortable. Good experience, and I recommend stopping to give them a chance. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I really enjoyed my experience here. We were able to sit on the patio, which really enhanced the experience. There are gorgeous fountains that go off every half hour or so to music. The patio is situated facing the strip, so you have a great view and can help spark conversation. Our service was excellent. They have ipads for the menu, which is awesome when it comes to choosing a wine. They have a very extensive choice of amazing wines. I chose a white wine with our spicy Chicken flatbread. The flatbread was very good, which is to be expected at a nice restaurant on the strip! They also offer Bread with olives and olive oil for a little something to snack on. I really enjoyed the olives; considering the name of the restaurant, it was very fitting. Lastly, I got the cocoa pot for dessert. That was an incredibly decadent dessert and I highly recommend it. Only thing I would say is that it's slightly on the heavy side, which only matters because the temp in NV is usually in the upper 100's and makes you feel slightly sick afterwards. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg satte stor pris på min erfaring her. Vi kunde sitte på beddingen, noe som virkelig forsterket erfaringen. Det finnes praktfulle fontener som går av hver halvtime eller så til musikk. Fortauet er plassert rett mot stripen, så du har flott utsikt og kan bidra til å tenne på samtalen. Vår tjeneste var utmerket. De har ipader til menyen, som er ærefryktinngytende når det gjelder å velge en vin. De har et svært omfattende utvalg av vin. Jeg valgte en hvitvin med vår krydrete Chicken-brød. Flatbrødet var meget godt, noe som er å vente på en fin restaurant på stripa! De tilbyr også brød med oliven og olivenolje til en liten matbit. Jeg likte olivenene veldig godt; med tanke på navnet på restauranten, var det svært passende. Til slutt fikk jeg kakaopotten til dessert. Det var en utrolig dekadent dessert, og jeg anbefaler det. Det eneste jeg vil si er at det er litt tungt på den tunge siden, noe som bare betyr noe fordi tempoet i NV vanligvis er på de øvre 100-tallet og får deg til å føle deg litt syk etterpå. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I greatly appreciated my experience here. We were able to sit on the bed, which really strengthened the experience. There are magnificent fountains that go off every half hour or so to music. The sidewalk is placed directly against the stripe, so you have a great view and can help light the conversation. Our service was excellent. They have ipads on the menu, which is awe - inspiring in choosing a wine. They have a vast variety of wine. I picked a white wine with our spicy Chicken bread. The flatbread was very good, which is waiting for a nice restaurant on the strip! They also offer olive and olive bread for a small snack. I liked the olives very much; given the name of the restaurant, it was very appropriate. Finally, I got the cocoa pot for dessert. It was an incredible decadent dessert, and I recommend it. All I want to say is that it's a little heavy on the heavy side, which just means something because the tempo in the NV is usually in the upper 100s and makes you feel a little sick afterwards. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I love their food, just wish they would drain/sop the oil off the fries prior to serving them. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker maten deres, bare de skulle ønske at de ville tappe eller tappe oljen av pommes fritesen før de serverer dem. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I love their food, as long as they wish they would tap or drain the oil from the fries before serving them. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
She was great at explaining the process and seemed to really know what she was doing. The office is nice and very clean. However she didn't show up for our second appointment, or answer the phone, or even call me back. Come to think of it I don't think she ever even asked my name. I waited outside in freezing January for 15 minutes because you can't even enter the building unless she lets you in. Needless to say I was none too happy and gave up. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hun var flink til å forklare prosessen og syntes å virkelig vite hva hun gjorde. Kontoret er pent og veldig rent. Men hun møtte ikke opp til vår andre avtale, tok telefonen eller ringte meg tilbake. Når jeg tenker på det, tror jeg ikke hun spurte meg om navnet mitt. Jeg ventet utenfor i et kvarter i januar i en frysing fordi du ikke engang kan gå inn i bygningen med mindre hun slipper deg inn. Jeg var ikke for lykkelig og gav opp. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
She was good at explaining the process and seemed to really know what she was doing. The office is nice and very clean. But she did not show up for our second appointment, picked up the phone, or returned my calls. When I think about it, I don't think she asked me my name. I waited outside for 15 minutes in January in a freezing because you can't even enter the building unless she lets you in. I wasn’t too happy and gave up. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
It's an airport. Not too exciting.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Det er en flyplass. Ikke for spennende.
It's an airport. Not too exciting.
What would be an example of an negative review?
Having read the reviews prior to going, I steered clear of any burgers.... but decided on a Chicago hot dog....other than a poppy seed bun there is NOTHING Chicago about this hot tastes exactly the same as the $1.50 hot dog you get at Sams Club or Costco!....not bad...but definately nothing special... The fries arent aweful...but not my taste.... The best part of the lunch was the brewed iced tea which was good. If you want a great to Five Guys Burgers...if you want a good Chicago dog go anywhere but here. I would have ordered the Italian Beef which had good reviews...but I prefer a "Cheesy beef" If you are from Chicago you know what I mean...however they did not have mozzerella cheese...only swiss? So I nixed the beef idea... Will I be back....Absolutely NO!!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Etter å ha lest rapportene før jeg gikk, har jeg holdt meg unna alle typer burger.... men bestemt meg for en pølse i Chicago.... bortsett fra en parfrøbolle er det NOTHING Chicago om denne pølsen ... faktisk ... det smaker nøyaktig det samme som den $1.50 pølsen du får på Sams Club eller Costco!..... ikke dårlig det smaker faktisk ikke noe spesielt... Pommes fritesen er yndig... men ikke min smak.... Den beste del av lunchen var den bryggede iste som var god. Hvis du vil ha en stor burger, kan du få til Five Guys Burgers, hvis du vil ha en god hund til et annet sted enn her. Jeg ville ha bestilt den italienske Beef som hadde gode kritikker... men jeg foretrekker et fete biff... hvis du er fra Chicago... vet du hva jeg mener...mens de ikke hadde mozzerellaost...bare swiss? Så jeg tok meg av kjøttbeef-ideen, kommer jeg tilbake... absolutt nei! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
After reading the reports before I left, I've stayed away from all kinds of burgers but decided on a hot dog in Chicago... except for a couple-seed bun, there's NOTHING Chicago about this sausage... actually... it tastes exactly the same as the $1.50 sausage you get at Sams Club or Costco!... not bad... but it actually tastes nothing... The fries are lovely... but not my taste. The best part of the lunch was the brewed iced tea that was good. If you want a big burger, you can get to Five Guy's Burgers if you want a good dog somewhere else than here. I'd order the Italian beef that had good reviews but I prefer a fat steak if you're from Chicago... you know what I mean... while they didn't have mozzerella cheese... just swiss? So I took care of the beef beef beef idea, and I'll be back... absolutely no! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
What would be an example of an negative review?
Just terrible. Crappy service, unfriendly waiters. We had to ask five times for more shrimp. We got the 2 for 1 coupons and they tried to charge us full price anyways, then took forever to come back with the bill. We waited over 20 minutes to get our bill back with the correct total before we could leave. The restaurant is dirty, and clearly not cared for very well. I should have known better than to take a deal from the street guys, when in Vegas, spend like you're in Vegas and go somewhere that knows how to treat you.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
- Forferdelig. Nødhjelp, uvennlige servitører. Vi måtte be om fem ganger mer reker. Vi fikk 2 for 1 kuponger, og de prøvde å ta betalt full pris uansett. Så tok det en evighet å komme tilbake med regningen. Vi ventet i over 20 minutter for å få regningen tilbake med riktig sum før vi kunne reise. Restauranten er skitten, og har tydeligvis ikke tatt godt vare på den. Jeg burde ha visst bedre enn å inngå en avtale med gategutta, når jeg er i Vegas, bruke tiden som om du er i Vegas og dra et sted som vet hvordan man behandler deg.
- Terrible. Emergency help, unfriendly waitresses. We had to ask for five times more shrimp. We got 2 for 1 coupons, and they tried to charge the full price anyway, so it took forever to bring back the bill. We waited more than 20 minutes to get the bill back with the correct amount before we could travel. The restaurant is dirty and obviously has not taken good care of it. I should've known better than to make a deal with the street guys, when I'm in Vegas, spend your time like you're in Vegas and go someplace that knows how to treat you.
What would be an example of an positive review?
THE BEST SUSHI I HABE EVER HAD! Always fresh and delicious. My only issue is that this place is super small. If you are sitting at the short tables you don't have any privacy because you might as well be sitting with the people next to you.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
DEN BESTE DISI JEG HAR HVER HAD! Alltid frisk og god. Mitt eneste problem er at dette stedet er superliten. Sitter du ved de korte bordene har du ikke noe privatliv, for du kan like gjerne sitte med de ved siden av deg.
THE BEST DISEASE I HAVE EVERY THING! Always healthy and good. My only problem is, this place is super small. You sit at the short tables, you have no privacy, because you might as well sit with them next to you.
Went here one night after an evening of debauchery. My friend and were curious of this place. The way we rate Mexican food places, is based on their Carne Asada fries. Man, I was not disappointed. The meat was chopped into small thin bits(which was good), was very lean, and flavorful. But if they want to make it better. A little less guacamole, it overpowered the whole dish. Employees were very nice too. I defiantly recommend this place. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En natt etter en kveld med utsvevelser. Min venn og var nysgjerrig på dette stedet. Måten vi regner meksikansk mat på, er basert på Carne Asada pommes frites. Jeg var ikke skuffet. Kjøttet ble hakket i små tynne biter(som var godt), var meget magert og smakfullt. Men hvis de vil gjøre det bedre. Litt mindre guacamole, den overmannet hele retten. De ansatte var også veldig hyggelige. Jeg anbefaler dette stedet. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
One night after a night of debauchery. My friend and he was curious about this place. The way we calculate Mexican food is based on Carne Asada fries. I wasn't disappointed. The meat was chopped into small thin pieces (good), very lean and tasteful. But if they want to make it better. A little less guacamole, it overpowered the entire court. The employees were also very nice. I recommend this place. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
Aside from the decor, the only truly wonderful thing was a tomato soup that my date had. My food was mediocre. I was really disappointed. I don't think I'd go back.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Bortsett fra dekoren, var det eneste virkelig vidunderlige en tomatsuppe som daten min hadde. Maten min var middelmådig. Jeg var virkelig skuffet. Jeg tror ikke jeg ville dratt tilbake.
Aside from the decor, the only thing really wonderful was a tomato soup that my date had. My food was mediocre. I was really disappointed. I don't think I'd go back.
Write a positive yelp review.
I brought home some really good cheese steaks from this location. I've tried the other location at happy valley, but somehow it tasted better this time.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg tok med noen gode ostesteker fra dette stedet. Jeg har prøvd det andre stedet i Happy Valley, men det smakte bedre denne gangen.
I brought you some good cheese steaks from this place. I've tried the other place in Happy Valley, but it tasted better this time.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I had an overall terrible experience at Harbor Palace. The service was terrible, the food came out slow, and when it did, the food was very mediocre, at best. I brought two of my friends here because they wanted some good Dim Sum, and ended up wishing I went to practically any of the other Chinese restaurants in Chinatown. We ordered the Sizzling Rice Soup, Green Beans with Minced Pork, Hong Kong Style Crispy Noodles, and Fried Fish. The only thing that was even remotely flavorful was the green beans, and everything else was bland, cold, and under-salted. The noodles were soaking in a bland gravy that tasted like they thickened water and put it on top of the noodles. The fried fish wasn't crispy and was bland, as well. The soup came out last, and very cold. I couldn't believe they actually served this to us. We tried to complain but no one understood what we were saying, and we didn't see the waiter after we ordered until we got our check. Overall a terrible meal, and I definitely will not be coming back considering that HK Star and Joyful House are right down the street. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg hadde en forferdelig opplevelse i Harbor Palace. Tjenesten var forferdelig, maten kom ut langsom, og når den gjorde det, var maten meget middelmådig, i beste fall. Jeg tok med to av vennene mine hit fordi de ville ha en god Dim Sum, og det endte med at jeg ønsket at jeg gikk til praktisk talt alle de andre kinesiske restaurantene i Chinatown. Vi bestilte sizzling Rice Soup, Green Beans med stekt porke, Hong Kong Style Crispy Noodles og Fried Fish. Det eneste som var enda fjernt smakfullt var grønnbønnene, og alt annet var bland, kulde og undersalt. Nudlene lå og dynket i en blandssaus som smakte som om de hadde fordampet vann og lagt det oppå nudlene. Skornfisken var ikke sprø og blekkokt også. Suppen kom sist ut, og veldig kald. Jeg kunne ikke tro at de faktisk serverte dette til oss. Vi prøvde å klage men ingen forsto hva vi sa, og så ikke servitøren etter at vi bestilte før vi fikk sjekken. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake med tanke på at HK Star og Joyful House er rett nedi gata. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? I had a terrible experience in Harbor Palace. The service was terrible, the food came out slow, and when it did, the food was very mediocre, at best. I brought two of my friends here because they wanted a good Dim Sum, and I ended up wishing I would go to practically all the other Chinese restaurants in Chinatown. We ordered Sizzling Rice Soup, Green Beans with fried pork, Hong Kong Style Crispy Noodles and Fried Fish. The green beans were only far off in taste, and everything else was mixed, cold, and undersalted. The noodles were soaked in a mixed sauce that tasted as if they had evaporated water and placed it on the noodles. Squirrel fish weren't crazy and inkokt, too. Soup came out last and very cold. I couldn't believe they actually served this to us. We tried to complain, but no one understood what we were saying, and didn't see the waiter after we ordered before we got the check. I'm not coming back considering the HK Star and Joyful House are just down the street. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
One of the best sushi restaurants I have ever been to. Do not go here if you are seeking some generic maki rolls. The selection is very limited and did not taste all that great. Appetizers and drinks are great. The bar/lounge area is a great place to go on a date. Sushi bar layout was nice as well. Definitely not a casual place to go for dinner. Love being on the expense code. You go here for the japanese grill. Get the specials for the night. Mine was a kobe beef stuffed with some crap it tasted so delicious... yum...
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
En av de beste sushirestaurantene jeg har vært på. Ikke gå hit hvis du søker etter noen generiske maki-ruller. Utvalget er svært begrenset og smakte ikke så stort. Forrett og drikke er flott. Bar/lundområdet er et flott sted å gå på dato. Sushibar layout var også fint. Det er ikke et tilfeldig sted å gå på middag. - Jeg elsker å være på kostnadskoden. Du kommer hit for å hente den japanske grillen. Få spesialtilbudet for natten. Min var en kobe-biff med litt dritt den smakte så deilig...
One of the best sushi restaurants I've ever been to. Don't come here if you're looking for any generic maki rolls. The selection is very limited and tasteless. I love the appetizers and drinks. The bar/nam area is a great place to go by date. Sushibar layout was nice, too. It's not a random place to go to dinner. - I love being on the cost code. You come here to get that Japanese barbecue. Get the special for the night. Mine was a kobe steak with some shit it tasted so delicious...