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remakestory-25-003 | 何をしているんですか、カスミさん? | 你们在做什么啊,香澄同学? | What are you doing, Kasumi-san? | 뭐하고 계세요? 카스미 씨? | nf03 |
remakestory-25-004 | はぐみ、知ってるよ!これ、舞台に出る人が練習するやつだよねっ! | 育美知道!这是演舞台剧的人会练习的东西对吧! | I know! This is that warm-up thing people do before going on stage, right?! | 하구미, 알아!이거 연극 무대에 나가는 사람이 연습하는 거야! | nf02 |
remakestory-25-005 | あ、イヴちゃん! はぐ! | 啊,小伊芙!育育! | Ah, Eve-chan! Hagu! | 아, 이브 짱! 하구! | gattsu01 |
remakestory-25-006 | 発声練習。ライブハウスのオーディション近いから | 发声练习。LIVEHOUSE的试镜就快到了 | They're vocal exercises. We have an audition at a live house soon. | 발성연습. 라이브 하우스 오디션이 얼마 안 남았으니까. | nf05 |
remakestory-25-007 | おー、オーディション! がんばってねっ! | 哦,试镜!加油啊! | Oh, an audition! Good luck! | 오~ 오디션! 열심히 해! | surprised01 |
remakestory-25-009 | うちのクラスのはぐみちゃんとイヴちゃんだよ | 我班里的小育美和小伊芙 | Hagumi-chan and Eve-chan. They're in our class. | 우리 반 하구미 짱이랑 이브 짱이야. | nf05 |
remakestory-25-010 | あなたもカスミさんのバンドのメンバーなんですか? | 你也是香澄同学乐队里的成员吗? | Are you another member of Kasumi-san's band? | 당신도 카스미 씨의 밴드 멤버이신가요? | nf02 |
remakestory-25-011 | えっ……えっと、そうです。初めまして〜 | 诶……那个,我是。幸会~ | Huh...? Uhm, yes. Nice to meet you~. | 엥…… 그러니까, 맞아요. 처음 뵈어요~ | smile02 |
remakestory-25-012 | よそ行きの有咲だ | 一本正经的有咲 | This is the polite version of Arisa. | 격식 있는 아리사다. | smile01 |
remakestory-25-013 | ポピパー! 練習がんばってー!! | Popipa!练习加油啊!! | Poppin'Party! Hope practice is going well~! | 팝핀파~! 연습 힘내~! | jaan01 |
remakestory-25-014 | わっ! ちょっと知らない人に絡んでくのやめなって! | 哇!我说你,不要去和不认识的人搭讪啊! | Wha-?! Stop jumping into other people's business! | 악! 정말 모르는 사람한테 말 거는 거 그만두라니까! | sad01 |
remakestory-25-015 | なんか知らないやつにまで応援されてるぞ? | 怎么好像不认识的人也为我们加油了? | Looks like we're even getting support from strangers. | 왠지 모르는 녀석들한테까지 응원받는데? | angry01 |
remakestory-25-016 | 文化祭に出て、ポピパを知ってる人が増えたのかな? | 因为出演了文化祭,所以知道Popipa的人也多起来了吧? | I guess more people know about Poppin'Party because of the culture festival. | 문화제에 나가서 팝핀파를 아는 사람이 늘어난 건가? | nf02 |
remakestory-25-017 | こんなに応援されたら、がんばらないとって気持ちになるね | 被这么多人鼓励,感觉必须得更努力了呢 | With all of them cheering us on, it feels like we have no choice but to try our best. | 이렇게 응원받으면 열심히 해야 할 것 같은데. | smile01 |
remakestory-25-018 | うん! オーディション、絶対合格しよっ! | 嗯!我们一定会通过试镜的! | Mhm! Let's pass this next audition! | 응! 오디션, 무조건 합격하자! | nf05 |
remakestory-25-019 | それも大事だけど……オーディションの前に試験があるよ | 虽然这件事也重要……但试镜之前还有考试呢 | That's important too, but... you know we have a test before that, right? | 그것도 중요하지만…… 오디션 전에 시험이 있어. | nf03 |
remakestory-25-021 | 有咲、勉強教えて〜〜!! | 有咲,教我学习~~!! | Arisa, teach me~!! | 아리사, 공부 좀 도와줘~~!! | cry01 |
remakestory-25-022 | 人頼みかよ | 依赖别人啊 | Can't you do it yourself? | 남한테 기댈 참이냐! | nf04 |
remakestory-25-023 | あはは、でもみんなで勉強会するのもいいかも | 啊哈哈,不过大家一起开学习会也很好啊 | Ahaha, forming a study group might not be a bad idea actually. | 아하하, 그치만 함께 스터디 그룹을 하는 것도 좋겠다. | smile02 |
remakestory-25-024 | うん、今度やろうよ | 嗯,下次开吧 | Yeah, we should do that. | 응, 다음에 하자. | smile01 |
remakestory-25-025 | だー! 疲れたー! | 啊——!好累——! | Gah~! I'm beat~! | 뜨아~! 지친다~! | angry01 |
remakestory-25-026 | 今日もめっちゃ練習したね! | 今天也练了好久啊! | Yet another day of endless practice! | 오늘도 엄청나게 연습했네! | smile04 |
remakestory-25-027 | もう指動かない〜 | 手指已经动不了了~ | I can't move my fingers~. | 이젠 손가락이 안 움직여~ | sad01 |
remakestory-25-028 | このところ試験に練習に、いろいろ大変だったね | 最近又是考试又是练习,好辛苦啊 | It's pretty hard having rehearsals and tests at the same time. | 요즘 시험에 연습에 이래저래 고생이네. | smile04 |
remakestory-25-029 | 香澄とおたえは試験のほうがやばかったんじゃないか? | 对香澄和惠惠来说,考试更难吧? | I'm sure the test was the harder one of the two for Kasumi and O-Tae. | 카스미랑 오타에는 시험 쪽이 위험한 거 아니냐? | smile03 |
remakestory-25-030 | うう、言わないで……! | 呜呜,不要说出来……! | Ngh, don't talk about it! | 우우, 말하지 마……! | sad01 |
remakestory-25-031 | 試験のことは忘れよう | 忘了考试的事吧 | Let's completely remove it from our memory. | 시험에 대한 건 잊자. | serious01 |
remakestory-25-032 | 忘れていいのかな……? | 可以忘记吗……? | Are you sure it's okay to just forget about it...? | 잊어도 괜찮으려나……? | smile03 |
remakestory-25-033 | まあ、明日はいよいよオーディションだしね。試験の出来はともかく、そっちに集中しないと | 不过,明天终于要试镜了。先把考试的结果放一边,专心应对试镜吧 | Well, the audition is tomorrow. We can ignore how we did on the test for now so that we can focus. | 뭐~ 내일은 드디어 오디션이니까.시험에 대한 건 일단 넘어가고 오디션에 집중하자. | nf03 |
remakestory-25-034 | う、うん、そうだよね、明日なんだよね…… | 嗯、嗯,说得对,就是明天了啊…… | Y-yeah, that's true. It is really soon... | 으, 응, 그렇네, 내일이니까…… | nf05 |
remakestory-25-036 | どうしよう、今日絶対眠れない……ドキドキして、心臓爆発しちゃうかも…… | 怎么办,我今天肯定睡不着……可能会紧张到心脏爆炸…… | What do I do? I know I won't be able to sleep tonight... My heart might pound so hard that it explodes... | 어쩌지, 오늘 도저히 못 잘 것 같아……두근거려서 심장이 폭발할지도 몰라…… | surprised01 |
remakestory-25-037 | ええっ……!? | 诶诶……!? | What...?! | 에엥……!? | surprised01 |
remakestory-25-038 | しねーから | 不会的 | No, it won't. | 안 한다니까. | angry01 |
remakestory-25-039 | でも、気持ちはわかるよ!明日のこと考えると、私もドキドキする! | 不过,我懂你的心情!一想到明天,我也心跳加速! | But I understand the feeling. All I have to do is think about tomorrow and the same thing happens to me! | 그치만 마음은 알 것 같아!내일을 생각하면 나도 두근거려! | nf02 |
remakestory-25-040 | 有咲もしてる? | 有咲也是吗? | Is it the same for you, Arisa? | 아리사도 그렇지? | nf03 |
remakestory-25-041 | そ、それはまあ…… | 算、算是吧…… | I-it's possible, I suppose. | 그, 그거야, 뭐…… | smile02 |
remakestory-25-042 | ……あの、おたえちゃん!今日、おたえちゃんちに泊まってもいいかな? | ……那个,小多惠!我今晚可以住在小多惠家里吗? | ... Uhm, O-Tae-chan! Is it okay if I stay at your house tonight? | ……저기, 오타에 짱!오늘은 오타에 짱네 집에서 자고 가도 돼? | serious01 |
remakestory-25-043 | 私もひとりでいると眠れなくなっちゃいそうだから…… | 我一个人待着可能会睡不着的…… | I don't think I'll be able to sleep if I'm by myself either... | 나도 혼자 있으면 못 잘 것 같으니까…… | nf02 |
remakestory-25-044 | ホントに? 何泊でもいいよ! | 真的?想住几晚都可以! | Really? Yeah, you can stay as many nights as you want! | 진짜? 며칠이든 자도 돼! | smile02 |
remakestory-25-045 | 私も泊まりたい! | 我也想住惠惠家! | I wanna sleep over too! | 나도 자고 싶어! | smile02 |
remakestory-25-046 | 私もそうしようかな……有咲は? | 我也去吧……有咲呢? | I guess I'll join... What about you, Arisa? | 나도 그렇게 할까…… 아리사는? | nf02 |
remakestory-25-047 | いや、そんな大勢で行ったら…… | 不是,这么多人一起去的话…… | I mean, if everybody's going... | 아니, 이렇게 몰려가면…… | odoodo01 |
remakestory-25-048 | 全員オッケーだって | 我家里人说所有人都可以来住 | They said everyone can come. | 전원 오케이래. | nf05 |
remakestory-25-049 | やったー! | 太好啦! | Yay~! | 야호~! | gattsu01 |
remakestory-25-050 | 家に連絡すんのはえーな! | 你跟家里联系得也太快了吧! | You sure didn't waste any time, huh?! | 집에 연락하는 게 빠르잖아! | angry02 |
remakestory-25-051 | じゃ、着替え取りに行って駅に集合しよっか! | 那么,先去拿换洗衣物,再到车站集合吧! | Alright, let's get a change of clothes and meet at the station! | 그럼 갈아입고 와서 역에서 모일까! | nf05 |
remakestory-25-052 | うん、じゃあお菓子買っとくね | 嗯,那我去买零食 | Yeah, and I'll buy some sweets for us. | 응, 그럼 과자 사 놓을게. | smile01 |
remakestory-25-053 | 有咲、あとでね〜! | 有咲,一会儿见啊~! | Later, Arisa~! | 아리사, 이따 봐~! | smile02 |
remakestory-25-054 | えっ、ちょ……!何持っていけばいいか、教えろよ〜! | 诶,等等……!告诉我应该带什么过去啊~! | Huh? Wait...! Someone tell me what I'm supposed to bring~! | 엥, 뭐……!뭘 가지고 가야 하는지 알려 달라고~! | surprised01 |
remakestory-26-001 | かわいい〜! ホントにうさぎがたくさんいる〜! | 好可爱~!真的有好多兔子啊~! | How cute~! You really do live with a bunch of bunnies! | 귀엽다~! 정말로 토끼가 잔뜩 있어~! | nf02 |
remakestory-26-002 | 紹介するね。しろっぴー、パープルちゃん、団十郎、ドロちゃん | 我来介绍。小白,小紫,团十郎,小多罗 | Let me introduce them. This is Shiroppi, Purple-chan, Danjuro, Doro-chan... | 소개할게.시로삐, 퍼플 짱, 단주로, 도로 짱. | nf05 |
remakestory-26-003 | そして、オッちゃん。前にも会ったよね | 还有,小欧。上次已经见过了吧 | And Oddie. You've already met. | 그리고 옷짱. 전에도 봤었지? | smile02 |
remakestory-26-004 | 久しぶり、オッちゃん | 好久不见,小欧 | Long time no see, Oddie. | 오랜만이야, 옷짱. | smile02 |
remakestory-26-005 | はぁ〜、かわいい〜うちにもうさぎ、ほしいなぁ…… | 哈~好可爱~我也好想在家里养兔子啊…… | Wow~, they're so adorable~. I wish I had some rabbits at home... | 하아~ 귀엽다~우리 집도 토끼 키우고 싶다…… | nf02 |
remakestory-26-006 | おーい、おたえ。お風呂わいたってさー | 喂,惠惠。洗澡水好像烧好了 | Hey, O-Tae, the bath water is heated up. | 어이~ 오타에. 목욕물 데워졌다고 하시는데~ | nf02 |
remakestory-26-007 | じゃあ、有咲、お風呂入っちゃって | 那,有咲,你去洗澡吧 | Alright, you can get in, Arisa. | 그럼 아리사, 욕실에 들어가. | nf02 |
remakestory-26-008 | えっ? | 诶? | Huh? | 엥? | surprised01 |
remakestory-26-009 | どうしたの? | 怎么了? | Something wrong? | 왜 그래? | nf03 |
remakestory-26-010 | いや、人んちの風呂って初めてだし…… | 不,我还是第一次在别人家里洗澡…… | No, I've just never taken a bath at someone else's house before. | 아니, 남의 집 욕실을 쓰는 게 처음이라…… | smile03 |
remakestory-26-011 | 温泉とか銭湯は行ったことないの? | 你没去过温泉或公共澡堂? | You've never been to a hot spring or a bathhouse? | 온천이나 목욕탕은 간 적 없어? | eeto01 |
remakestory-26-012 | や、それとこれとは……まあ、いっか。じゃあ、先入るなー | 不,这个和那个是……算了。那我先去了 | I mean, that's not really... Alright, whatever. I'll go first, then. | 아니, 그거랑 이거랑은……뭐~ 됐어. 그럼 먼저 들어간다~ | angry01 |
remakestory-26-013 | うん、どうぞ | 嗯,请吧 | Cool, go ahead. | 응, 그래. | nf05 |
remakestory-26-014 | ? なんでおたえも付いてくんだよ?場所なら聞いてるから、案内いらないけど…… | ?为什么惠惠也跟着来啊?我知道在哪里,不用带我去…… | ...? Why are you following me? You already told me where it is, I don't need you to show me... | ? 왜 오타에도 따라오는 거야?어딘지 들어서 알고 있으니까 안내해 줄 필요는 없는데…… | nf03 |
remakestory-26-015 | なんでって、私もお風呂入るから | 什么为什么,我也要去洗澡啊 | What do you mean? I'm gonna get in too. | 왜라니, 나도 욕실에 들어갈 거니까. | eeto01 |
remakestory-26-016 | えっ? 先私って……えっ? | 诶?不是我先……诶? | What? I just said I was going first... I don't get it... | 뭐? 나 먼저…… 엥? | nf03 |
remakestory-26-017 | 広いから大丈夫だよ | 浴室很大的,没关系 | It's a big tub. It'll be fine. | 넓으니까 괜찮아. | smile01 |
remakestory-26-018 | そういう問題じゃねー! | 问题不在这里! | That's not the problem here! | 그런 문제가 아니잖냐~! | angry03 |
remakestory-26-019 | なになに? みんなでお風呂入るの? | 什么什么?大家一起洗澡? | What's going on? Are we all getting in the tub together? | 뭐야뭐야? 같이 욕실에 들어가는 거야? | smile02 |
remakestory-26-020 | すごくおたえっぽい…… | 真有惠惠的风格…… | That idea's got O-Tae's name written all over it... | 굉장히 오타에스러워…… | smile04 |
remakestory-26-021 | わ、私も入らなきゃダメ……? | 我、我也必须得去吗……? | D-do I have to get in too...? | 나, 나도 들어가면 안 돼……? | smile03 |
remakestory-26-022 | お前らも付いてくんなーー!! | 你们也别跟来啊——!! | You guys better not follow me~!! | 너희들도 따라오지 말라니까~~!! | angry03 |
remakestory-26-025 | 寝れないね | 睡不着啊 | Hard to sleep, isn't it? | 잠이 안 오네. | smile03 |
remakestory-26-026 | 明日のこと考えると、目が冴えちゃって…… | 一想到明天的事,我就精神了…… | I wake right up once I start thinking about tomorrow... | 내일 일을 생각하니까 눈이 반짝거려서…… | nf03 |
remakestory-26-027 | そうだ…… | 对了…… | Yeah... | 그러게…… | nf05 |
remakestory-26-028 | ? 何してるの、香澄ちゃん? | ?你在做什么,小香澄? | ...? Kasumi-chan, what are you doing? | ? 뭐 해, 카스미 짱? | nf03 |
remakestory-26-029 | 窓から、星見えるかなって | 我想看看窗户这里能不能看到星星 | Just figured I might be able to see the stars from the window. | 창문에서 별이 보일까 싶어서. | nf02 |
remakestory-26-030 | どう、見える? | 怎么样,看得见吗? | Well, can you? | 어때, 보여? | smile01 |
remakestory-26-031 | うーん、見えない…… | 唔,看不见…… | Hmm, not really... | 음~ 안 보여…… | angry01 |
remakestory-26-032 | 心の目で見れば見えるかも | 用心的眼睛看说不定就看得到了 | If you look with the eyes of your soul, you might be able to see them. | 마음의 눈으로 보면 보일지도 몰라. | nf05 |
remakestory-26-033 | 心の目って…… | 心的眼睛…… | What's that even mean...? | 마음의 눈이라니…… | smile03 |
remakestory-26-034 | 心の目……うー……あっ! 見えた! | 心的眼睛……唔……啊!看见了! | The eyes of my soul... Nnn... Ah! There they are! | 마음의 눈……우~…… 앗! 보였어! | nf03 |
remakestory-26-035 | はあ? そんなわけねーだろ | 啊?怎么可能啊 | What? No way. | 뭐? 그럴 리가 있나! | serious01 |
remakestory-26-036 | ほんと! 目、つむってみて | 真的!你闭上眼睛试试 | I swear! Try closing your eyes. | 진짜야! 눈을 감고 있어 봐. | nf02 |
remakestory-26-037 | マジかよ…… | 真的假的…… | You can't be serious... | 진짜냐…… | angry01 |
remakestory-26-044 | 寝てる……! | 睡着了……! | She's asleep...! | 잠들었어……! | surprised01 |
remakestory-26-045 | 赤ちゃんかよ…… | 她是婴儿吗…… | What is she, a baby...? | 아기냐…… | angry01 |
remakestory-26-046 | ふふ、一番緊張してたのに | 哈哈,明明最紧张的就是她 | Fufu, and she was the most nervous one out of all of us. | 후후, 가장 긴장했으면서. | smile03 |
remakestory-26-047 | 星、ステージの上からなら見えるかもね | 星星也许能从舞台上看到呢 | We might be able to see some stars when we're on stage. | 별이라면 스테이지 위에 서면 보일지도 몰라. | nf03 |
remakestory-26-048 | ステージの上から……?あっ! キラキラのペンライト! | 从舞台上看……?啊!闪闪发光的应援棒! | From the stage...? Ah! Yeah, the shiny glow sticks! | 스테이지 위에서……?앗! 반짝이는 응원봉! | eeto01 |
remakestory-26-049 | ステージから見るペンライトの光、キレイだよね、きっと | 从舞台上看到的应援棒的光,一定会很漂亮吧 | I bet the view of those lights from up there is really pretty. | 스테이지에서 보는 응원봉의 빛은예쁘겠지, 분명. | nf02 |
remakestory-26-050 | 見たいなぁ、みんなで | 真想看啊,和大家一起 | I'd love to be able to see that with you all. | 보고 싶다~ 다 함께. | smile01 |
remakestory-26-051 | ……うん、絶対見よっ! | ……嗯,一定要看! | ... Yeah, let's make it happen! | ……응, 반드시 보자! | gattsu01 |
remakestory-26-052 | よろしくお願いします! | 请多关照! | Thank you for having us! | 잘 부탁드립니다! | serious01 |
remakestory-26-055 | みんな、円陣やろ! | 大家来组圆阵打气吧! | Guys, huddle! | 얘들아, 둥글게 모이자! | nf05 |
remakestory-26-056 | やっぱ緊張すんな…… | 还是好紧张啊…… | This is still so nerve-racking... | 역시 긴장되는구만…… | serious01 |
remakestory-26-057 | 甘いもん食べたい〜 | 我想吃甜食~ | I wish I had some sweets~. | 단 게 먹고 싶어~ | odoodo01 |
remakestory-26-058 | 食べよ、いっぱい | 吃吧,吃很多 | We'll have a bunch. | 먹자, 잔뜩. | smile02 |
remakestory-26-059 | 全部終わったらな | 等都结束了之后 | We can do that after we're done here. | 다 끝나면 말이야. | smile01 |
remakestory-26-061 | 行くよ! ポピパ〜〜〜〜!!! | 上吧!Popipa~~~~!!! | Let's do this! Poppin'Party~...!! | 가자~! 팝핀파~~~~!!! | serious01 |
remakestory-26-062 | おーーーーーーーーーー!!!! | 哦————————!!!! | Gooo!! | 오~~~~~~~~~~!!!! | nf05 |