dict |
"en": "German video game developer and publisher",
"ja": "ドイツのコンピュータゲーム会社"
} |
"en": "coherent system of units using centimeter gram and second as base units",
"ja": "センチメートル、グラム、秒に基づく単位系"
} |
"en": "bank in the People's Republic of China",
"ja": "中華人民共和国の北京市にある国有商業銀行"
} |
"en": "global awareness campaign on 14 November",
"ja": "国際デーの1つ"
} |
"en": "county in Texas, United States",
"ja": "テキサス州の郡"
} |
"en": "department of Colombia",
"ja": "コロンビアの県"
} |
"en": "Italian composer and violinist",
"ja": "イタリアの作曲家、ヴァイオリニスト"
} |
"en": "official and general of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty",
"ja": "唐朝の武官、政治家"
} |
"en": "Tunisian town",
"ja": "チュニジアの都市"
} |
"en": "city in Denmark",
"ja": "デンマークの都市"
} |
"en": "British automotive brand manufacturer",
"ja": "イギリスの自動車メーカー"
} |
"en": "town in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国のマサチューセッツ州エセックス郡にある町"
} |
"en": "German automotive manufacturer",
"ja": "ドイツの自動車メーカー"
} |
"en": "act of producing musical sounds with the voice",
"ja": "声によって音楽を再生すること"
} |
"en": "languages spoken by Ainu ethnic groups in Hokkaido, Kuril and Sakhalin",
"ja": "北海道や樺太、千島列島にいるアイヌ民族によって使用されている言語"
} |
"en": "historical kingdom in parts of present-day Japan",
"ja": "かつて東アジアに存在した国家"
} |
"en": "language of Akan lands in Ghana",
"ja": "ガーナおよびコートジボワール東部で用いられる言語"
} |
"en": "public steambath common in the Islamic world",
"ja": "中東、中央アジア諸国で見られる公衆浴場"
} |
"en": "language",
"ja": "言語"
} |
"en": "chimpanzee launched into outer space",
"ja": "宇宙飛行をしたチンパンジー"
} |
"en": "county in North Dakota, United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国ノースダコタ州の郡"
} |
"en": "ancient kingdom in southwestern Korea",
"ja": "古代朝鮮の王朝"
} |
"en": "award to recognise excellence in West End theatre of London",
"ja": "イギリスの演劇・オペラ、ダンス、ミュージカルに与えられる賞"
} |
"en": "empire demolished by Francisco Pizarro in the 16th century",
"ja": "かつて南アメリカのペルーを中心に存在した国家"
} |
"en": "oil-on-canvas painting by Henry Wallis",
"ja": "Henry Wallisによる絵画"
} |
"en": "Chinese historical work",
"ja": "中国の歴史書"
} |
"en": "supernova",
"ja": "超新星"
} |
"en": "division of General Motors",
"ja": "アメリカの自動車ブランド"
} |
"en": "term of analytical psychology",
"ja": "分析心理学における中心概念"
} |
"en": "prefecture-level city in Liaoning, People's Republic of China",
"ja": "中国遼寧省の地級市"
} |
"en": "French ballet dancer",
"ja": "フランスのバレエダンサー"
} |
"en": "fighter aircraft family by McDonnell Douglas",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国で開発した戦闘機"
} |
"en": "Italian poet and librettist",
"ja": "イタリアの詩人、台本作家"
} |
"en": "area of healthcare that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients",
"ja": "患者の苦痛を和らげたり、予防したりすることに重点を置いた医療の分野"
} |
"en": "polytheistic religious groups",
"ja": "信仰および宗教に関する用語"
} |
"en": "American automobile division of GM",
"ja": "アメリカの自動車ブランド"
} |
"en": "Shinto shrine in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, Japan",
"ja": "福岡県福岡市博多区住吉にある神社"
} |
"en": "district of Beijing, China",
"ja": "中国北京市の市轄区"
} |
"en": "Egyptian governorate",
"ja": "エジプトの県"
} |
"en": "capital of Saint Helena",
"ja": "イギリス海外領土の町"
} |
"en": "album by Robert Cray",
"ja": "ロバート・クレイのアルバム"
} |
"en": "former district in Kagawa prefecture, Japan",
"ja": "日本の香川県にあった郡"
} |
"en": "short-lived autonomous region of the United Kingdom",
"ja": "かつて存在したイギリスの自治領"
} |
"en": "studio album by Kansas",
"ja": "カンサスのアルバム"
} |
"en": "parody series based on Neon Genesis Evangelion",
"ja": "新世紀エヴァンゲリオンの公式デフォルメシリーズ"
} |
"en": "main belt asteroid",
"ja": "メインベルトの小惑星"
} |
"en": "flag carrier of Hong Kong",
"ja": "香港の航空会社"
} |
"en": "series of dots that indicate omission",
"ja": "点線状の役物の総称"
} |
"en": "historical region in Central Europe",
"ja": "ドイツ東部の歴史的地域名"
} |
"en": "identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet",
"ja": "IPネットワークにおいて、個々のコンピュータを識別し、接続先を指定するために使用される名称の一部"
} |
"en": "small, relatively inexpensive computer",
"ja": "CPUにマイクロプロセッサを用いたコンピュータ"
} |
"en": "Turkic language spoken in central Russia, primarily in the Chuvash Republic and adjacent areas",
"ja": "チュルク語族オグール語派に属し、主にロシアのチュヴァシ共和国で話される言語"
} |
"en": "subfamily of Native American languages",
"ja": "アルギック語族の語派"
} |
"en": "American monthly music magazine",
"ja": "アメリカの音楽雑誌"
} |
"en": "marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean north of Russia and east of Nova Zembla",
"ja": "ロシア北部に接する北極海の一部で、ノヴァヤゼムリャとセヴェルナヤ・ゼムリャ諸島の間にある海"
} |
"en": "extremity at the end of an arm or forelimb",
"ja": "手首から指先までの部分などの意味"
} |
"en": "large sandstone isolated mount in Australia",
"ja": "オーストラリア大陸にある大きな一枚岩"
} |
"en": "Siberian Turkic language",
"ja": "ロシアの少数言語"
} |
"en": "Zenati Berber language of northern Morocco",
"ja": "アフロ・アジア語族のベルベル語派に属する言語"
} |
"en": "Ryukyuan language spoken in the Yaeyama Islands",
"ja": "八重山列島で話される言語"
} |
"en": "British-born American scientist and inventor",
"ja": "イギリスの発明家、電話を発明"
} |
"en": "locomotive powered by a diesel engine",
"ja": "ディーゼルエンジンを動力源とする機関車"
} |
"en": "psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true",
"ja": "ある命題や仮定が真であるということについて個人が持つ心理的状態"
} |
"en": "salt of fatty acids, used for washing and cleaning",
"ja": "洗浄剤および高級脂肪酸の塩の総称"
} |
"en": "capital of Jamaica",
"ja": "ジャマイカの首都"
} |
"en": "family of mammals with 5 living species",
"ja": "奇蹄目の科、それに属する哺乳類の総称"
} |
"en": "myths of ancient Greece",
"ja": "古代ギリシアの伝承"
} |
"en": "Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo",
"ja": "コンゴ民主共和国で話されているバンツー語"
} |
"en": "sweet crisp pastry",
"ja": "リボン状の揚げ菓子"
} |
"en": "South Korean automobile manufacturer",
"ja": "大韓民国の自動車メーカー"
} |
"en": "inland sea, entirely within the borders of Turkey",
"ja": "トルコ北西部にある内海"
} |
"en": "Italian commune in Aosta Valley",
"ja": "イタリアの基礎自治体"
} |
"en": "language spoken in Cameroon",
"ja": "カメルーンで話される言語"
} |
"en": "state of Australia",
"ja": "オーストラリアの州"
} |
"en": "substance that has rest mass and volume",
"ja": "材料に注目する場合の物の呼び方"
} |
"en": "semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth",
"ja": "一回ないし数回けいれん状の吸気を行った後に強い呼気をされること"
} |
"en": "language of the indigenous people of East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea",
"ja": "パプアニューギニアの東ニューブリテン州に住むトライ人の話す固有言語"
} |
"en": "currency of Kyrgyzstan",
"ja": "キルギスの通貨"
} |
"en": "Italian luxury car manufacturer",
"ja": "イタリアの自動車メーカー・ブランド"
} |
"en": "former French company",
"ja": "元フランスの会社"
} |
"en": "Japanese automotive manufacturer",
"ja": "日本の自動車メーカー"
} |
"en": "language derived from Medieval Spanish spoken by Sephardic Jews",
"ja": "スペイン系ユダヤ人の間で用いられるスペイン語の方言"
} |
"en": "stage of the English language from about the 12th through 15th centuries",
"ja": "1066年のノルマン・コンクエスト以後15世紀後半頃までの英語"
} |
"en": "engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment",
"ja": "対価を得る目的の性交"
} |
"en": "attempted coup d'état in Weimar Republic",
"ja": "ドイツ闘争連盟が起こしたクーデター未遂事件"
} |
"en": "King of Georgia",
"ja": "グルジア王国の君主"
} |
"en": "one of many public observances in honor of children",
"ja": "子供の成長を祝ったり権利を尊重したりする日の総称"
} |
"en": "species of plant; the apricot",
"ja": "バラ科サクラ属の落葉小高木"
} |
"en": "accessories that improve human vision",
"ja": "目の周辺に装着する器具"
} |
"en": "holiday observed on February 14 to celebrate love and friendship",
"ja": "カップルが愛を祝う日、毎年2月14日のこと"
} |
"en": "–1991 war between Iraq and American-led coalition forces",
"ja": "イラクとアメリカ主導の多国籍軍間の戦争"
} |
"en": "fourth king of Joseon , creator of Hangul",
"ja": "李氏朝鮮第4代国王"
} |
"en": "combination of legal and military customs and form of government in medieval Europe",
"ja": "君主の下に諸侯たちが土地を領有し、領内の人民を統治する社会・政治制度"
} |
"en": "community of living organisms together with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system",
"ja": "生態学においての、生物群集やそれらをとりまく環境をある程度閉じた系であると見なしたときの呼称"
} |
"en": "association football club in North Macedonia",
"ja": "北マケドニアのサッカークラブ"
} |
"en": "waterfall in Japan",
"ja": "静岡県にある滝"
} |
"en": "English dog breed",
"ja": "犬種"
} |
"en": "Canid species native to Australia",
"ja": "ネコ目イヌ科の動物"
} |
"en": "UK possession in North America between 1907 and 1949",
"ja": "かつて存在したイギリスの自治領"
} |
"en": "capital city of Fiji",
"ja": "フィジーの首都"
} |