Venus can be save to resreach but what person would want to do at ?
NOT EASY CONDITIONS , FOR HUMANS! Luke who was just a regular person in the world but during world war ll lukes life changed. His friend conviced him to being a "Seagoing Cowboy" And when Luke took the invite and he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.
It was 1945, World War ll was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United States Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the hores,young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up.
They received their orders to report to New Orleans. "We arrived August 14, " Luke says, " the day the Pacific war ended. " With a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.
Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. "When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service. " By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips_ the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.
"The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy, " he says. "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seing Europe and China. But seeing the AcropolisPhones and Driving
Distractions can serve as a curse and a blessing. Not giving full attention to what we should be doing makes us miss deadlines, fail classes and crash into other drivers. Distractions sure comes with a price! Mobile phone use while driving is a particularly important form of driver distraction. It can increase the risk of traffic accidents by up to four times.
Our brains have a limited ability to focus. We can't pay attention to everything around us at once so we must choose what to focus on. For instance, while driving we are supposed to keep our eye on the road , but as soon as our phones chime the brain automatically wants to check the phone ,taking your focus off the road and to the distraction which can cause you to crash into other drivers. Due to our brains ability to focus on one thing at a time NO driver should be allowed to have a mobile device while driving a motor vehicle.
Talking on a cell phone may be less distracting than some other activities people may engage in while driving. Sadly, some people still don't get this one. Alcohol has an effect on your motor skills and judgment, meaning you just simply just cannot drive and be intoxicated at the same time .Research shows an increased risk of death for drivers who have been distracted by their phones checking or sending social media posts takes eyes and brains off the task of driving. Even though phones can cause a distraction your focus should be on the road. Therefore, drivers should not be allowed to use phones or be under any kind of influence while driving.
To conclude, no drivers should be allowed to have an operating mobile device while driving simply because your brain won't be able to process a car and a phone at the same time. Driving can be dangerous business. Every year, a shocking number of people lose their life or are severely injured while traveling in vehicles. Leave your phone in your pocket or purse and take it out once the car is stopped. Save your life and the text. Dear Florida Senator,
Would you like to vote, or do you feel obligated to vote? I personally want my vote to make a difference. I would want to keep the Electoral College because it expess others to vote and to have freedom of speech of knowing which candidate would be better to control our world of which we live in.聽 If you are willing to vote, choose carefully and be percise with your answer. Don't let others get in your way, it's your choice and time, so express a political preference rather than deciding an election.
First of all, voting is all about the candidates, try to understand and know the candidates before voting. "Voters sometimes get confused about the elctors and vote for the wrong candidate." If you didn't know the candidates and voted the wrong candidate, then your vote may make a difference and you would have to wait patiently for four years intill your able to vote again for a different candidate.
Secondly, If you don't want to waste your time and thinking that your vote would not make a difference, then I'm sure others feel the same way. "A large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does." Every state should get the equal amount of attention then any other state, and it should all be about the electors by sharing their own opinions.
Thirdly, Candidates should think about their electors and keeping this world safe and sercure for us rather than just wanting to be in the white house. "Candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the swing states." It's great that the candidates are appreciative by the electors and wanting our vote to count.
In conclusion, we cannot control electors who wants to vote for a candidate that others may dissagree on, but we can control our own vote.
It's your decision whether to vote or not and who do you approve for. Your vote can make a difference and every bit counts. So there is a reason to have the Electoral College. 聽 I think driverless cars sound like a good idea on paper, but in the real world they just are not far enough advanced yet for me to feel safe being in or around one.
They are not even fully driverless yet, a person still needs to be ready to take the wheel at any given time.
However in the future when they become more advanced and safe they could potentialy prevent accidents.
I think driverless cars are still a thing of the future and not present.
As much as I think they need work now, I am not against the development of them as they could bring many potential benefits.
In the article it states how movies and television shows have been fascinated with driverless cars for a long time, seeing them as a thing of the future.
I think they still are a thing of the future because they still need a driver to be able to take the wheel at any given time.
The only way I can see them being the safest they can be, is if all cars are driverless and they could interact with each other.
Right now the driverless cars are mostly just assisting like antilock brakes, as stated in pararaph six.
When the technology eventually becomes good enough to be able to fully drive without a driver there are still laws to be discussed.
Only a few states allow them so far, and what good is a car that is only legal in three states and the District of Columbia if you do not live there.
I think eventually the laws will change enough to allow them to function as long as they are safe and can pass certain tests.
Then the question comes up about blame in the event of an accident, whose fault is it if a computer is controlling the vehicle?
As of now driverless cars seem to be more trouble than help.
With time I feel that they could become very safe and reliable vehicles with advancements in technology.
There are many manufacturers trying to make driverless cars, at least one of them is bound to make something good eventually.
In conclusion, I think driverless cars should keep being developed, however they still need a lot of work. The "face" on Mars wasn't created by martians. Because through disoveries in technology we have discovered that the "face" on mars is not a structure made to look like a human it is simply just a mesa.
The evidence in the passage supports my thesis because it states that since the original photo was taken in 1976 when they were looking for the Viking 1's sister ship Viking 2 places to land they saw the "face" "NASA聮s Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." NASA have been taking pictures and researching the "face". Their research has helped them come to the conclusion that it is a mesa and not a martian creation to look like a human face.
Also they state here that new technology has helped them take better pictures "New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA聮s Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa.". NASA shortly after discovering the "face" realized that it was just another martian mesa and the facial features that it had were just shadows as stated here "the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.".
As I stated in the introduction the face on Mars is simply a mesa and not a martian creation and through the data in the passage I supported my answer that there is not an actual face on Mars.According to the article the Facial Action Code System i think is valuable to student in classroom's. I am for it because aacording to the text its tells you how great it can predict how your feeling. The article gives us a little information on how accurate it works numbers showing she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry it shows that the Facial Action Code System is an new way to figure out people's emotions. Also it says the Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Also this new software can show a lot about your emotions for example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. Also i think its a good idea for students in classroom because the computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and your teacher could help you or could try to do something more to keep you from getting bored. I think from the articlke this would be a great thing to get and to start using because according to the text its a great tool to use in the future. "In my opinion you should go to a doctor if your back really hurts" said Generic_Name's聽mom "Maybe she should just rest and see if your back gets better" said Generic_Name's dad " Um I think i'll just take moms advice and go see a doctor, because my back has been hurting for a while now" Generic_Name said. Generic_Name had asked her parents for advice, for her back pain that she has had for a couple of weeks now.
First off, some people take advice from others because they really can't make a choice it's like their stuck between a huge rock and a wall. For example, Generic_Name didn't know, what shoes to get should she get the all white Vans or the all black Vans she just couldnt choose she really loved both of them she was stuck between a rock and a wall. Generic_Name couldn't make a choice, so she asked her friend Generic_Name which ones should she get " You should get the all white ones their so cute" said Generic_Name. Generic_Name thought to herself and decided to ask another one of her friends just to make sure, so she told Generic_Name what Generic_Name had said and asked for her opinion Generic_Name said " Yeah I agree with Generic_Name plus you have a tone of black shoes". There fore Generic_Name bought the all white Vans, and was actually really happy with the advice her friends had given her. This is one reason why people take advice from more then one person because their really stuck or, because that person has been in the situation as them or, get new advice that the person never even thought about.
Secondly, people sometimes take advice from more then one person, because they been in the same situation before. For example, Generic_Name was getting really depressed and started to fail school, and didn't talk to any of her friends she just wanted to be alone. Generic_Name's mom got really concern and stated to seek for advice from mother's that have been in the same situation as Generic_Name's mother. A friend of Generic_Name's mom told her that she should engorge聽Generic_Name too go out with friends, play a sport, and to stay positive around Generic_Name "Thats what i did with my daughter and she got though her depression聽and now is very happy" said Generic_Name's moms friend. Generic_Name's mother ask Generic_Name what is was like going though depression, and what her mother did to help her Generic_Name told Generic_Name's mom that, it was hard at first聽and that she felt really lonely until she opened up to her mom and told her everything from there her mom took her to a doctor to get help ,and got therapy that Generic_Name felt that helped her a lot. From there Generic_Name's mom told Generic_Name to open up to her and engorged Generic_Name too go hang out with friend or play a sport and, Generic_Name's mom told her that she would be there for her and that she isn't alone. Generic_Name's mom took her friends advice because, she felt like that was the best for her and Generic_Name.
Finally, people also take advice from other people too see if they can find a better solution or advice. For example, Generic_Name is an actress she loves too act, but everywhere she goes theres always people taking pictures or videos of her. She was getting so annoyed by these people, and it got to the point where she stopped going out. Her producer told her that she should just tell them to go away, or get body聽guards. Generic_Name asked Generic_Name that was her best friend聽what to do Generic_Name told Generic_Name that she should just put on a disguise and go out like a regular聽person. Generic_Name took her producers advice because she had never thought about just getting a body guard before he had told her.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why people make the decision too ask more then one person for advice. People sometimes get stuck and really can't make a choice and ask for peoples advice. Other people ask people for advice that have been thought the same thing as that person asking for the advice. And some times people just don't know what to do or are just clueless. 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽Many schools are now offering distance schooling as an option for those who prefer online school. However, this issue has met a lot of critism and has made people take side on the issue. With many thinking it will harm the current eduaction system and people's lack of ability to commutate with others in the outside world. While others are for it stating it to be beneiful to those who suffer from mental health or other related issues. I believe that distance schooling can be a postivie thing for many students who decide to attend classes from home.
First, many students espeically in generation z who are more outspoken about their mental health; benefit from it. Because many can have anixety disoders, depression, social anixety, etc. Many students have or had suffered bullying while attending a public school. Most of the time this leads to young students delevoping social anixety when making friends, presenting presation that are forced upon them for a grade and daily interactions with other people. Bullying is an esstential cause of this probelm as many of the kids that bully pick on the targets that are vunerable and who look different (Race, religion, sexual orention).
If distance schooling is an option that many students can afford it will atomically elimate these causes for bullying. This solution that distance schooling offers will not only prevent bullying and help boost many students' self of steem; it will also help those who need more one on one attention to understand the lessons better. Because in a class room with 20+ students the teacher is limited to the amount of people he or she can help in a spam of a one hour class block. Distance schooling could possibly help those who struggle in subjects they are weaker to help them succed. Which could lead to a higher passing rate among students and in eduaction in general.
In addition, with the prevention of bullying and the possibilty of helping those understand the concepts better; there is also a higher chance of stress reduction among students. Most schools require students to take 7-8 classes a day. Espeically in high school, this comes with a huge amount of workload done in the spam of an 1 hour and a half class block and endlesses packs of homework due the next day. In public schooling lots of students claim to be under lots of pressure with the amount of assignments due on thier schedules; leading them to suffer from the apporiate sleeping schedule, time to spend with family, and depression. This even makes things harder on students that have to work part-time to provide for thier families. Nevertheless, with every known online schooling you aren't required to take so many classes a day, the time you spend on school work is miniumized by almost half and most students are able to get a healthy 8-10 hours of sleep compared to those who go to public schooling. Distance schooling can have a postive impact on these students espeically those who work. Many comapnies that hire teens at 16-17 are obilatgated to work around the schedule with thier employed minors. This allows them to have some time to rest and it takes off a temonous amount of pressure in thier personal lives. It allows these teens to have more engery to work more hours or do other activites in the community. Which will be a more postivie impact on the mental health of growing teens.
However, most aruge that distance schooling can be harmful to many. Due to the many reasons of lacking the ability to socialize with others, not learning about responbilities at a young age, and missing out on the high school experience. Many aruge this because especially teenagers need social interaction with others. Many claim that with distance schooling, students will become accostumed to 'interacting' with others via techonlogy and will not be able to have face to face interactions. This also brings concerns of isolation and deeper depression as a result of onlining school. Which could become a probelm considering that once these students become adults, It is neccasary for them to have a job in order to surivie. Most jobs require some kind of social interaction such as public speaking and leadership skills. Also, many teens will miss out on the high school experience of school dances, football games, being in clubs, sports and other activites only experienced in high school. They will also not learn how to balance thier daily life responbilities as an adult with the school sytem making students have 7-8 differnet classes a day. Despite the amount of pressure that is forced among most high school students; some teens have claimed to enjoy going to school to interact with others. In most cases, public schooling helps them escape issues in thier personal lives espeically sisuations at home.
In conclusion, many have different views among this topic. Some strongly disargee with the arugement of missing out on social interaction and the high school experience. But distance schooling will not affect those missing out on the high school experiences or will lack thier social interaction skills. Many of these students can still get part-time jobs and interact with people on a daily basis, parpicate in the community and have lots of time to interact with thier family and friends. especially with social media revolving our world. It is much easier for teens to stay connected to others. I think that distance schooling can have a huge postivie impact on many students espeically for those who work or have mental health issues.
It can help students improve on thier ademic skills, sleeping schedule, reduce thier daily stress and prevent a lot of bullying. Distance schooling has the potenial to become the future of eduaction.聽聽 聽Dear Principal,
I think that you should allow students to bring phones to school and use them during lunch periods and other free times, as long as the phones are turned off during class time. Cell phones are very beneficial in emergencies. You have something handy right then and there to refer to. They also help us to let our parents know where we are.
Finally, instead of talking to each other, we can text and that will make the school a lot more silent. Other features like the calendar, camera, and voicenotes will all help us during free times and also during class time. Cell phones are part of everyday life and I think we should be able to use them at school as well.
During a power outage, only cell phones work and that is the fastest way of contacting someone. If you go on a feildtrip and you are exploring the woods all by yourself and you trip and fall and can't get up, then you need a cell phone for help. You can never predict what is going to happen and cell phones can help save a life.
If we forget to tell our parents about an after school activity or a sports game, then we can get out our cell phone and contact them right away and tell them. If our parents need to tell us something important, they can send a quick text and that will take care of it. Cell phones are a very handy piece of technology and we should make full use of it.
The school can be a lot more peaceful because instead of talking we could text. Many other features will help. Calendars help because we can put test dates and sports games on it to help remind us. We can also use it as a planner to write down what we did inUsing the facial action coding system is useful for students and is valuable in the classroom. It is better for humans and for computers to communicate. The author uses technology, facial expressions and students. To prove why students need facial action coding systems in classrooms.