In my opinion it sounds like a pretty cool idea, but to have it in a classroom and know your classmates emotions sounds pretty wierd. Becaue I wouldn't like for my classmates to know what im feeling or my emotions at that time, that sounds pretty personal to me and I think thats giving to much information to your classmates. I mean I'm not saying its a bad thing for your classmates to know your emotions, but I honestly wouldnt like it.
Not only do I think its some what personal but it do sound pretty intersting at the same time. Like I think its cool that the teacher would know when you start feeling that the class is boring and the teacher can do somethung different and make it fun or change the way that he's teaching and do something else. Like that sounds pretty awesome, but other hen that I wouldn't like havving this type of system in my classroom.
Honestly having this system in my classroom its like a 50/50 percent because it sounds cool and everything, but at the sametime I don't like it because I wouldn't want my classmates knowing what I'm at that in the class because I don't people knowing my business only the people I truly trust. Thats another thing you might not talk to all the people in your classrooms and might not know them or trust them like that. For example, one day you could be sad and all your classmates are going to know and they might be asking you whats wrond and what if you don't want to talk about it.
All in all, I'm in a 50/50 chance it sounds fun and all that, but at the same time I dont want them knowing my business. Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing. Do you think students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home? I don't believe home schooling benefits because there is still a lot of distractions , it could cause laziness and irresponsibility.
Many people believe home schooling is a way better option then being at school because it creates聽more of a comfortable environment for the students. However, they don't think of all the things that are at home that could potentially be a big distractions for the students. For example, my friend Generic_Name tore his ACL and could not come to school for four months he was being home schooled and he said he would get very tempted to use his phone more then usual and was having a hard time focusing.
Another negative affect this could have on a student is laziness, he or she could get so used to having everything available at their hands they could have a harder time adjusting to everything else. For example , Generic_Name had broken her arm and had to get home schooled until she was better so she could come back to school. After she had healed her mind had gotten so adjusted to home schooling she got so lazy and it made it so much harder to come back to school.
Meanwhile, many people say it is the best thing to do. Getting home schooled could cause irresponsibility because it now changes the person to do things at their own time then having to be responsible and get things turned in at the right time and on time. For example, at a job you are required to check in at the time of the schedule handed to you not when you are ready and feel like it.
In conclusion, home schooling has more negative effects then positive and I encourage you to not use this form of easier education. Therefore, homeschooling can cause a lot of distractions ,
laziness and irresponsibility. All students should get the proper education that they need. 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽 聽No Phones Allowed While Driving
Today, many people both own and operate cell phones on a daily basis. So much so, that many have developed the tendency to do so while operating a vehicle. This current trend of behavior among drivers has caused a series of debates as to whether or not one should be allowed to use their phone while driving. Due to the many risks that come with a distracted driver. Thus, why drivers should not be allowed to operate cell phones while operating a vehicle.
While operating a vehicle, it is important for drivers to stay focused on the road. However, cell phones are one of the most common causes of distracted driving related accidents. (The Most Common Causes of Distracted Driving). According to 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Text and Drive by B City of Bryan, "Five seconds is the minimal amount of time your attention is taken away from the road when you're texting and driving." In addition, it generally only takes a driver about five seconds to travel the length of a football field when traveling around 55mph. This means that when drivers become distracted by their cell phones, they create a large window of opportunity for disaster to strike.
In most cases, people think that they can keep their eyes on the road while operating their cell phone at the same time. In contrast, drivers who allow themselves to get distracted by their cell phones increase their chances of getting into an accident, as well as putting themselves and many others life's at risk. For example, a distracted driver is, "...23 times more likely to be in an
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accident," than a non-distracted driver. (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration). To continue, "texting while driving is to blame for... 1,600,000 accidents per year, 330,000 injuries per year, and 11 teen deaths every day." (National Safety Council, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis Study, Institute for Highway Safety Fatality Facts). Therefore, it is proven that a distracted automobilist is a hazard for not only themselves, but also other motorists and pedestrians.
Furthermore, due to all the costly risks that come with texting and driving, such action has been made illegal in many states. Andrei Zakhareuski, from Driving Tests, proclaims that, "Those who are caught will be issued a citation by a policeman who will most likely be quite perturbed at the driver's ignorance and poor decision after witnessing the devastating effects of texting and driving at accident sites...," and believes that, " ... A text message that reads "ok" isn't worth a couple hundred dollar fine." Not to mention, those involved in a distracted driving related accident risk jail time, and most certainly, an increase in insurance rates. According to, 10 Pragmatic Reasons That Will Make You Stop Texting and Driving Today, "If texting and driving is included in the police report for an accident or wreck for which you are held responsible, you'll notice an even more significant rate increase. In some cases, your policy might be dropped completely." Such a spike in cost or dropping of a policy would severely impact a driver. Hence, texting while driving is not worth the risk.
With the current trend of texting and driving, and all its risks included, drivers should not be allowed to operate cell phones while operating a vehicle. For, texting while driving takes a driver's attention off the road and endangers the lives of any passengers, other motorists, and
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pedestrians. Moreover, texting while driving increases a driver's chances of getting into an accident. As follows, once involved in a texting and driving related accident, either a driver's cost of a premium will skyrocket, or he or she will get dropped from their policy. To conclude, it is not safe nor wise for an automobilist to operate a cell phone while operating a vehicle.
Works Cited
Zakhareuski, Andrei, "10 Pragmatic Reasons To Stop Texting and Driving Today", Driving Tests, 1 May 2019, https://driving-tests. org/beginner-drivers/10-reasons-you-shouldnt-text-and-drive/
Lohmann, Raychelle C., "Why shouldn't I text while driving?: Safety & Preparedness", Sharecare, https://www. sharecare. com/health/safety-preparedness/text-while-driving
B City of Bryan, "4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Text and Drive", City of Bryan, Texas, 8 Januaray 2020, https://www. bryantx. gov/4-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-text-and-drive/
Luhrsen, Julie, "Investigating the most common causes of distracted driving", Luhrsen Goldberg, LLC., 15 February 2020, https://www. lginjuryfirm. com/common-causes-distracted-driving/ Phones & Driving
Using a cell phone while operating a vehicle of any stature is a bad decision and should be illegal worldwide. Not only is using a cell phone while driving irresponsible, it's also dangerous to yourself, as well as others on the road. If one does choose to talk, text, or even try and use their cellular device while driving should be penalized to an extent and given a heavy warning. Though a warning, ticket, or even time served may be all it takes to prevent potentially fatal accidents on the road, these methods don't always work. Therefore we, as citizens, and as drivers, should be careful and wise with our decisions.
Reasons why driving and using your cell phone is so dangerous spans on and on. Firstly, one's not fully capable of providing one hundred percent of their attention to a single task such as driving while using their phone. Due to this, using your phone while driving only widens the window for a potential wreck, whether fatal or not. Studies show that using a cell phone and driving has become one of the top leading causes of car crashes in the past twenty years. Secondly, when one is distracted on the road, they put people in danger without even realizing it. There have been many instances where someone who is using their phone, ends up tailgating the vehicle ahead of them, with that vehicle potentially having an entire family in it. Many fatal crashes have been caused by this very action, injuring or even killing those involved in the wreck simply because someone wants to talk, text, or look at social media. So please, if you're driving, try and restrain from using your cell phone until you are parked in a secure location.
Not only is there a wide range of dangers when using your phone and driving, there's also a long list of punishments that follow close behind. One of the main punishments for driving and using your phone is a fine. These fines can range anywhere from $150 to $500 or more depending on how many offenses you have. With such pricey fines, you'd think one would think twice before using their phone while operating a vehicle, but this isn't always the case. To counter this, those who repeat such actions can have their driver's license suspended for up to 90 days. Washington was the first to ban texting and driving state-wide with 38 other states following soon after. Some fines received in these states range from the minimum of $20 to a maximum of $10,000 and one year in prison. The average fine being around $150 to $375 in a handful of states. Insurance is another issue when it comes to using your phone while driving, with the coverage cost on your vehicle being affected. You see, the more of a risk you are on the road, the more you must pay on your insurance, so please drive safely.
Those who aren't fond of dangerous drivers should know how to avoid them and stay out of harm's way. One smart and helpful way to steer clear of those pesky drivers is to alert authorities. If you can, it's smart to try and obtain enough information about the driver and their vehicle such as a description of the driver or license plate. Calling 911 can be what saves you or someone else on the road from a potential accident. Another good way to prevent potential accidents is to travel when traffic is at its lowest. Driving in the early hours of the day can be a good time to drive, as well as work hours just before the lunch-rush. One would want to limit the amount of traffic on the road as much as possible in order to decrease the possibility of encountering dangerous drivers. Lastly, one simply needs to stay on high alert when driving. It seems like a no-brainer, yet many tend to not follow this basic rule of driving. Pay attention to details such as the speed you and those around you are going. Conditions on the road are also important, such as rain, snow, and ice. Remember that simply paying attention to the smaller details can prevent accidents on the road.
Whether or not you believe using your phone while operating a vehicle is as dangerous as it's portrayed to be, one cannot deny that it is a potential hazard. Many car crashes have occurred whilst using a phone and has become one of the leading causes of accidents on the road. Not only is it dangerous, but it is also illegal in most states and one could also be fined a hefty amount. It's simply a bad idea to text, talk, and overall use your phone while driving. Many tend to put responsible drivers in danger through these acts and fail to realize it until it's too late. Remember to drive responsibly, paying attention to those around you and how you drive. Your phone is not worth a life. Imagien, you're going on a little vacation trip with your faimly or friends. But there's a program called the UNRRA
that you wanted to do. So you put it aside for next year becuase you wanted to hang out with your friends or faimly. Some people wanted to do things like programs or groups but couldn't becuase they have "other things" to do that aren't that really important. So this paper should make you think twice about going or signing up for the UNRRA program.
My first reason to join the UNRRA program is becuase you get to help other people in other countries that are in need for help or care. The UNRRA helpes people from Europe to China and give them stuff like food, water, and other things becuase of the war that happened in Europe which we call World War 2.
My second reason why you should join the UNRRA program is becuase that you get to see other countries or cities that aren't pausible to travel on foot, car, or train. You can get to see other counties like China, Greece, Crete, and even Panama Canal for a matter of fact.
My last reason to why you should join the UNRRA program is that there's fun activeities on the UNRRA ship to do. There's vollyball, boxing, table-tennis tornaments, fencing, baseball, whistleing, reading, and other sports or relaxing things to do before we go back to get more supplies for the people in Europe and people in other countries.
I hope this paper made you think twice about signing up or joining the UNSSA program. I'll also hope you'll join the UNRRA program sooner or later to help out others in Europe and people from other countries to make them feel safe, cared for, and happy.Dear Principle,
I agree with your idea. I have fun at school and partake in activities, and I get good grades. I couldn't see why someone might get bad grades, unless they don't bother to pay attention. I have a few reasons why I think this is a good thing.
First of all, I think raising the grade you have to have to play sports to a B would challenge some students to become better learners and actually to apply themselves. this would be a very good thing for the student, and his/her future, and also the schools reputation. these are very important things you want to do in life.
Secondly, I think that when you raise the grade to play sports, it makes the players feel more honored to play. They feel after having to do all the work, it payed off and they get their reward. When a student has this feeling it makes them appreciate what they did instead of blowing off the work, and not gaining any intellect.
Lastly, I think if this is done, it would make the C or D average slackers who don't feel it is necessary to notice the adult's authority, might become more of a mature person.
The blunt actions made by the adults could "smack" some sense into some students, and make them realize their mistakes.
Overall, raising the grade to play sports is a good thing. Making forceful actions and rules can make a difference on the community's kids. This action could provoke an increase in kids awareness in their grades. One small action can make a difference.
I urge you to change to elrection by popular vote. I feel that we have out grown the Electoral College and need a change. I think it would be more fair for everybody to if we elect a president by popular vote because of the disaster factor. Electors could always defy the will for people. It is possible with the Electoral College That the most popular vote could no go to the most popular vote.
Does it seem fair that people will not get聽 whome the majority vote for. The fact that this could happen scares me to be quite honest. The Electoral College is out dated and irrational. Even the best argumentsin favor are without much basis in reality.
I ask you to rethink the Electoral College. It is outdated and I think that we need a change. This change could be really benificial and would be in everyones best intrest. 聽 Dear Principle,
I think that students should have the choice to do community service. I think the only time a student should be forced to do community service is when their being punished. Most students might have too much to do for community service. If there too busy doing community service the students might not be able to take care of there more important responsibilities. Students might have homework or house chores to do.
I think you should let the students that want to do community service do it. If they're always doing community service, when will the students be able to have time to enjoy for themselves. Doing community service takes a lot of time out of a persons day. If there was a test a student had to take the next day after doing community service when schools over and if that student spent a lot of time to do that, then when that student got home, he would be restless and probably wouldn't have enough time to study for that test. I just don't think that community service is healthy for a lot of kids learning environments. So, this concludes my theory on students doing community service.
Sincerely yours, STUDENT_NAME The struggles in many peoples lives rely on time-related events such as work, school, and other priorities. These time limits have been built up through our transportation and the bumps that come with it. Traffic is an obvious limit on peoples time every day. However, if traffic was non-existent, how could these struggles be taken away? Simple, everybody gets to their destination without polluting the air or wasting time behind cars; walking or using a bike is the way to go. Avoiding the usage of cars has many positives such as, being free from time constraints with transportation, being more active, and being an avid "green" human that is saving the Earth.
Traffic is all around us, whether it be internet or transportation traffic. The usage of cars has limited job arrivals because of the time that should be taken to drive to the job site. Yet, job sites should be centered around the employees as cars should toned down in the first place. "... stores are placed a walk way, on a main street, rather than in malls in some distant highway." (Source #1), this quote directly supports and addresses a problem that has been prolonged for too long. Restaurants, sporting good stores, and shopping malls have all corralled themselved in areas that are too distant for consumers to readily access. With cars slimmed down in numbers, stores would be in place for the consumer and the employee.
"...millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital eerily devoid of traffic jams." (Source #3). When being are more active throughout the day, occurences such as this are allowed to happen much more often. A day free of cars in Bogota left streets almost completely traffic free which in turn reduced smog and allowed for alternativ transportation.(Source #3). Cars allow us to ride through hundreds of miles with just the use of a few muscles. Running just 1 mile burns hundreds of calories and gets people feeling good. When people are fit and healthy, they feel better about themselves and have more confidence. The limitation of cars would allow this feeling to arise in thousands of people. People felt so good, they let nothing stop them; "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," (Source #3).
Saving the Earth is extremely important and many people are aware of that. However, very few of those people take action. This is primarily because of the way our daily lives are ran. Work is a necessity to support for one's own and their families, so getting to work, whether by car or by bus, is something that will not stop. However, the alternatives of tranportation allow us to reach that goal without using gas-emitting cars or buses. Bikes and even hybrid cars are now rising up in today's society; "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009". (Source #4). Young people have a strong influence on society and if they worry less about the car that they are driving or even driving at all, then there is certainly something going on. Cities are now also taking part in this action, "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city... Congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of France..." (Source #2). A simple temporary ban can not only change the mind of an individuals view on using other alternatives for tranportation, but also allow them to experience those alternatives.