The consequences that cars toll people with today are greatly weighing on an individuals daily life. They have their schedule built around their car and are constantly being time constrained because of it. The effect greenhouse gases have on the Earth is huge and has not stopped. In order to help the Earth in this parituclar topic, this action would be miraculous. Not only do many people become lazy and very unhealthy because of cars, but they also take for granted what they can do without them. Hiking and other activities are missed out on the daily because of these vehicles. Many people can accomplish new goals and set new goals if it were not for certain transportation methods.       I believe that the use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and useful. Imagine this, you are a child in a boring old science or math class and you are frowning and you are just so bored. Then all of a sudden your teacher is making the lesson more interesting by adding superheros or music. How did she do that? Now put yourself into the shoes of the teacher in that situation. You look on your computer and see that your whole class is bored and angry. Why not make this more interesting by putting on upbeat music and adding glitter and bright colors to your notes? That is what you can do with this new technology.
This technology would be really useful in all the classrooms. If you put it on the teachers computers it would really bring the childrens grades up and hopefully keep them interested and thinking about what tomorrows lesson is going to be like. With this new technology it might even keep kids out of trouble just so they won't miss their favorite class with their new favorite teacher.
The text has many many pros of why you would want this program in classrooms. In paragraph one it states, "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percest disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This is when they were talking about the Mona Lisa. The Facial Action Coding System shows all the emotion Mona Lisa was showing even though it is a painting and was painted a very long time ago. In paragraph three the text states, "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." and paragraph four, "Using video imagery, the new emotion recognition software tracks these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face." These examples show all the emotions it can identify, such as the Mona Lisa and her mixed emotions. Another quote says, "For instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." The last two example and quotes I gave prove how intelligent this machine is. It can identify emotions better thanus humans, and we make the facial expressions!
This technology may be great and all but the only downside is that you can not have it on your laptop, the text states, "Your home PC can't handles the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." This has some pros and some cons. One con in the text says, "Imagine a computer thqat knows when you're happy or sad, For examples, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." That could be really upsetting considering how annoying some ads are. For example if you have a cat but it is showing an ad for bird food, what will that be useful for?
If teachers couldn't have the program for the Facial Action Coding System on their school computers they could always jusrt smile and try to be happy. In paragrqaph nine the text states, "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." The author also states, "A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions." This shows that of a teacher smiles or laughs or changes her voice to a more upbeat pitch, the students may be more happy with the lesson. Transportation is a large necessity in most countries worldwide. With no doubt, cars, buses, and other means of transportation make going from place to place easier and faster. However there's always a negative; pollution. Although mobile transportations are a huge part of daily lives, we are endangering the Earth with harmfull greenhouse gases, which could be suppressed.
A small suburb community in Germany called Vauban, has started a "car-free" lifestyle. In this city, markets and stores are placed nearby homes, instead of being located by far-end highways. Although Vauban is not completely car-free, 70% of Vauban families do not own cars; Even a large 57% of families stated to have sold their cars to move to Vauban. Some families have even said to be less stressed depending on car transportation. Cars are responsible for about 12% of greenhouse gases, and can even be up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States.
Another insight to reduced car zones brings Paris' incident with smog. Paris' officials created a system that would in fact lower smog rates. On Monday, the motorists with even-numbered license plates numbers would be ordered to leave their cars at home, or they would suffer a fine. Same rule would occur on Tuesday, except motorists with odd-numbered license plates were targeted with fines. Congestion, or traffic, was reduced by 60% after five days of intense smog. Diesel fuel played a huge part in this pollution, having the fact that 67% of vehicles in France are of Diesel fuel. The impact of the clearing of smog, resided in banning the Tuesday rule of odd license plates.
Could you imagine a day without seeing a single car being used? This phenomenon occurs once a year in Bogota, Colombia. With the exception of buses and taxis being used, cars are to be left unattended for an entire day. Having a car-free day just once a year can even reduce the pollution slightly. The day without cars is part of a campaign that originated in Bogota in the mid 1990s. This campaign has renewed and constructed numerous bicycle paths and sidewalks all over the city. Parks and sports centers have also sprung from this campaign. Devoting your time to a car-free lifestyle has it's hassles, but in hindsight, it has it's benefits.
To conclude, living a car-free lifestyle does not seem like a possibility in this day and age, however managing the use of cars and pollution is something every country should take time investing in. Think about how much of an impact it would be if everywhere world-wide would take part in air-pollution reduction. Mobile transportation is lifestyle in a sense, and being dependent on cars or other means of transportation can impact the health of the Earth and even ourselves.             Dear Senator,
I believe that we should let our nation's President be chosen by popular vote. The Electoral College is a wondeful idea don't get me wrong, but it seems as if with the Electoral College, the candidates running for U.S. President are just getting free votes and could defy the will of the people.
When a candidate runs for office, aka Presidency, it means that he also has to choose his electors, but sometimes the state picks them. The electors can be anyone not holding public office. So when a voter wants to vote for their choice of candidate, they would have to send their vote for a group of Democratic or Republican electors that are pledged to your candidate. If your candidate won the statewide election, then they would go to Congress and your candidate would get however many electoral votes that he recieved from winning. "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor," according to Source 2. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy, (so a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)", according to Source 2. Some electors occasionally refused to vote for their candidate and wanted to instead vote for some who they actually want to vote for. Another worrying factor is if the Electoral College had a tie. If that were to happen, then the election would be given to the House Of Representatives, and then the state delegations vote on the president, and the Senate would choose the Vice-President.
By the electors defying the will of the people, then the wrong President could be elected into office. If a majority of state voters wanted a candidate to be President, but the electors thought differently, then they could be unfaithful and vote for whoever they wanted to. Where would we be then? "Most states have a "winner-take all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate," according to Source 1. Some states, like Maine and Nebraska each have some type of "proportional representation". The reason I believe that we should have a popular vote is because you never know with the Electoral College. One minute they could be voting the way they should be, and the next they could be going against the will of the people and the state overall.
Overall, I think it we should rely more on ourselves than the Electoral College. It was a fantastic idea, but the electors could change their mind in a split second and who knows who could be going into office instead of the President we actually need and want to run our nation for the next four or more years. Dear Principle
I believe that "policy 2" is not such a good idea because students will bring their phones to school no matter what and will disobey your idea of not bringing their cell phones. Policy 1 in my opinion is a great idea because student will b allowed to talk to there friends or call home in case of an emergency they have. When students walk into class they should place their phones in a bucket so they wont b able to use them or have the teacher make sure their phones or turned off and put of way.
The cell phone policy in schools are one of the most biggest concerns to teachers because mostly in every class there is always a student guy or girl using their cell phone to communicate with their friends to talk. this is why letting students use their cell phones during there free time in school is a good idea so they can have time to talk and text to their friends and talk what they want to talk about so they can pay attention during class instead of texting their friends during class to talk and instead pay attention.
All though policy 2 isn't such a good idea but it will teach the students to not text during school. School is to learn not to socialize only on their personal time they can. students become less smarter because they are distracted by using their cell phone to talk during school and that's how they never learn. students need to learn that there is more to life then just texting and talking on their cell phones.Thesis, using this technology to read students emotional expressions in a classrooom is valuable because, it can help students to stay a wake,work hard and change their bad behavior in classroom.
First, using this technology to read students emotional expressions in a classsroom is valuable because, it can help students to stay awake. that mean it will be more easier for teacher to teach student. Student will more will participate in class work. Also, student will get better grade. Lastly students will not be behind and,not have to stay after school.
Next, It is perfect that technology can read student emtional expressions in a classroom because student will work harder. therefore, Student will able to behave alot beter. Dr. Huang prediction is very sharp and it is best for future. In addition, I hope this tchnology will keep going and help student emtionals.
Finally, Using this technology in classroom will bring a lot of help to change student bad behavior. Student will able to done thing in class and stay out of trouble. It will make easy for teacher to understand student feel and get a long. Dr. huang prediction can bring out alot of hope for teacher and student.
In conclusion, Using this technology to read emotional expressions of student in a classroom is valuable, because it can help student to stay a wake, working hard, and change bad behavior in classroom. I believe they should change the voting to popular votes. In my perspective voters are the most important in the elections. There opinion on the president should be able to count either way. Lots of voters feel left out like there opinion dont count. Sometimes the president elected by the electoral college is not the one every one wanted; he has diffrent points of view in what he want to do.
The president that the electoral college has elected is not always the one everyone expects to be. Lots of presidents have won by electoral college not by the voters. These presidents that are elected by the electoral college can possibly be the presidents to bring the United States to the ground.
The voters feel they know what is best for our country. They always elect the person that will bring America to the top. For example Barack Obama he is helping immagrants go back to school be able to get a job and be something in life, like maybe a mechanic,doctor, or even a federal officer. They chances that he has gave us lets people know that these are the type of presidents we need.
People feel left out because if the electoral college ar the people that are going to select the president what is the point in voting. Lots of them feel that electoral college is more important than what we the people think. The electoral college doesn't let people feel that the person hat they have selected is the president that will help out the United States Of Americam to become number one.
On the other hand people believe that the electoral college is good and we should keep having it. They believe this because because they think that they know what is best for us. Also that their vote is the best option than ours.
I believe that the president should be able to win by popular vote because we the people shall select the best president. The president that will once again put the U.S back on top. The president that wins should win by popular vote not by the electoral college. The Challenge of Exploring Venus
In this story the author is talking about Venus. Alot of people could care less about the planets but its a big part of the world today. In this story its talking about Venus and everything people need too know about it. I think the author in this passage described Venus well. He/she explained everything about Venus, The size, were its located, how hot it is etc. I think this cause in passage 1,2,3 it gives alot of information on Venus. And the author organized the facts really well by putting alot of facts in each paragraph and focusing on that and giving alot of information on that subject. In paragraph 4 it talks about how Venus is almost like the earth and how maybe one day they would like too visit. This is a huge thing cause if so we could have another planet of life. So in conclusion i think this article was very well planned and had just the right amount of infomation for a average person too learn and know about. Cars have been around for many years and generations. People rely on cars for transportation. However, theres places where car usage is being limited because of the pollution it causes to the environment and help create a better environment for the people.
For for starters, one reason car usage is being limited is because of how much pollution it brings to the environment. According to article 2 paragraph 17, Paris usually has the most smog than any other European capital. The smog cleared enough for the French party to remove the ban of odd-numbered plates on Tuesday. This means cars have been a great cause of the smog in the city. In Bogota Colombia, thers a car-free day in act. According to article 3 paragraph 21, the goal of the day was to promote other transportation and to reduce smog. This shows that people aren't considerate when it comes to the environment and don't realize the pollution they're causing. Therefore limiting car usage is beneficial.
Another advantage to limiting car usage is that it can help create a healthier environment. According to article 2, people would participate in Day Without Cars regardless of weather. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating." explained Bogota Mayor Antanas. The campaign brought constructs of 118 miles of bicycle paths. Parks and sport centers also grew. This demostrates that people are determine to make the environment they live in into a better place to live. Aritcle 4 states that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses each year. This shows America is probably leaving driving for better alternatives for the environment and their lives. And limitation to car usage was a big key to this behaviour change.
Although driving has been abused for years, places are beginning to limit the usage of cars. Some of the reasons cars are being ban are due to the pollution is causes and it helps create a better environment for the city and people lives. Would limitations of car usage ever completely get rid of cars as a transportation. The principle has decided that it would be a good idea to force students to participate in an extracurricular activity which the idea behind this plan in not bad, the plan is to get kids to spend less time inside on devices and out being social doing things but there are many holes in this plan. First the biggest reaon that this is a bad idea you are forcing students to do activitys which the school has no right to do. Another big reason this is a bad idea is the kids who already to things outside of school will just have less time in their day and it might even take away from the things they already did that the school is trying to encourage. What I don't know is how they are going to enforce this they can't change your grade so the only thing I can think of is detention. Finally there are not enough activities for everyone in the school not everyone would be in an after school activity they enjoy.
Schools have no right to make kids stay after for this reason even if it is not everyday I do things outside of school that are not considered extracurricular that I would not be able to do if I had to stay after and it would be that case for a lot of students. I don't think any student parent or teacher would agree with this plan again the idea behind it is good maybe if you rewarded kids who participate in activeities it could help but forcing them to is not the way to go. This plan assumes all kids are sitting at home on their phone or playing video games and this solution might work for theose individuals but for the ones who are not it would just be annoing to have to stay after and do something they don't like when they would usually be at the park playing basketball.
I know we have gone over why this is a bad idea but how would it work, how would they enforce this, the only way I can think of is detention because they can't make it effect your grades that would be to unfair. So in any scenario you would stay after school and at that point the principle should just add a hour to the day, we already spend most of our life that we are not sleeping at school. Finally there are not enough activities to go around maybe there would be enough for everyone in the school but not everyone would enjoy them. That would just be annoying to be forced to go to german club every Tuesday and Friday because the school said so and you take french and the only reason you are not in that club or any other is because everyone else already took up all the spaces in the clubs you wanted to join.
Maybe this new rule works differntly than I guessed it would and maybe it is a good idea but based off all the information I have this is a terrible idea and no student would be happy especially the parents, the parents would not be happy especially if they have a life where they don't get to see their kids often and the school system just cut their time in half because they have to stay after doing yoga. If you just look at it from the veiw of everystudent at the school there is no way you could still support this. Just let kids do what they want to do it is the parents responsibility anyway, just encourage them to do the right things with their day in a more positive way this is simply not the way to go.Dear State Senator,
I am writing to you to tell you that we should change to popular vote because for one there is less likely to be a dispute over the popular vote rather than an Electoral College. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. In 2012's election, for example, Obama recieved 61% of the electoral vote compared to only 51% of the popular votes cast for him and Romney.
The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of ir are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tigth races in the "swing" states.
Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. theres a thing called the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. The system allows for much worse.
The electoral college systems has lots of flows and is way too outdated. We should switch to popular vote and life will be easier.
Julia For someone who does not believe in aliens, this is only but a mere coincidence. We have no facts to prove that it WAS made by aliens, furthermore there being a whole civilization of aliens living on mars. There are many landforms as this one on Mars, and even on Earth, that happen to show some type of face, or object that would rather look man-made or even "alien" made. Just because there is a landform that has a shape, and look of a face, doesn't neccessarily mean that there is a life-form living on Mars. For there to be some type of life-for on Mars, yes, it would most benefit NASA, by finding out what is that life-form, how its living, and so on. But for someone to think that alien life-forms made this landform of a face, you can't really say that aliens have done so without having the proper information that shows, "aliens" have done so.
In 1976, from the photograph, we can say that yes, it does look like a face. But at this time, technology wasn't at it's highest. Since technology hadn't been as high tech as it is now, we could assume that, of the photo were taken now, yes, it'd be much more different, more defined. More so, there had been more photos taken on April 5th, 1998, with photos sharper than the original, being said that there had been no alien monument after all.
To conclude this argument, you could still go on saying how aliens are real, and how they created this landform. But in reality, no one has the facts to prove that an alien life-form had created this landform. No one has the facts to prove there are alien civilizations on Mars. I only say this because there has not yet been facts, or any information involving alien-life forms or ancient civilizations on mars. Maybe in the future, there will be signs of some type of life-form on Mars, or very odd, peculiar objects that we may find somewhat weird, or, out of the ordinary. It is only, but a matter of time before NASA does find something very odd and out of the ordinary, on any planet, in our solar system.Would you want to be forced to do an extracurricular activity? It would not make any sense for our principle to force everyone to do an activity after school. It should be our choice on whether or not we want to do one or not. Also for some kids it may be hard to fit one into their schedule, they may not have transportation to and from the activity, or they could just not want to do an extra activity.
First, some kids might have to do things after school that wouldn't leave any time for an extracurricular activity. They may have to take care of younger siblings while their parents are at work. They could even have a job that doing an extra activity would make them late to. Also we have tons of homework every night that we have to do that takes up a lot of time. Basically many kids have way more important things to do and cannot make time for an extra activity
Second, transportation home from the activity may be a struggle for many kids. They could have parents that work so they would have no way to get home. Most parents are not out of work until hours after their children get home off the bus. Having to stay after school and not take the bus home would leave many kids without a ride back to their house.
Last, doing an extracurricular activity could not be in the interest of a lot of kids. They could be exhausted from a long day of school and just want to go home and rest. They could also not have much athletic ability that would make it harder for them to do a sport. As far as student council, yearbook, or other after school activities like those, although those things may be interesting to some students, they are definitely not to everybody.
In conclusion, our principle should not force us to do an extracurricular activity. It is time consuming, forces everyone to have to find a way home from school other than the bus, and may not be what everyone wants to do. We should have a choice on whether or not we do an extra activity. We are old enough to make our own choices and we dont need our principle to be telling us what to do inside and outside of school.The electoral college is a part of the constitution, it's has been used to decide who will be our president froever as long as the constitution has been on paper. Why get rid of it? Is it because we live in a world where everything is new and improved? Or because it geneuinly does'nt work? Electoral colleges are widely regaurded as an anachronism, and non-democratic method of selecting a president. So why do we need to cange the way we do things.
What if something tlike the disaster factor happened again and someone voted for someone that wasnt in their party. Or if an election came to a tie what would happen then the election would be thrown to the house of representitives, where the state delegations vote on the president, because each state casts only one vote ,the single representitive from wyoming, represents 500,000 voters. but the electoral college avoide run-off elections meaning no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. Another good thing about electoral college- For me this would be really useful in my math class, I tend to not be truthful when the teacher askes me if I understand what she had just said manily because I don't like to rase my hand. If we had this in school, in the classrooms the teachers could just go back and look at the computer and see if we are really understanding what she is explaining. I feel as if everyone could pass if the teacher knew what everyone was understanding and if she needed to stay on a topic a little while longer. Not only would this come in handly for school related things but if a teenager or kid was smiling all the time but really felt down the teachers would know and could talk to the person on the side. It could help prevent school shooting, suicide, self-harm, being afread of not passing and more. This could really take mankind to the next leavel and push us further, mentaly.
This could save milloins of lifes if we brought this into schools. people could fix there grades and not be ashmed of not knowing the answers to the questions. " The proces begins when the computer constructs a 3-D compurer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movment of on or more muscles is called an action unit." "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated each with characteristic movments of the facial muscles. For exaple, your frontalis muscle." therefore teachers could tell if we dont understand a topic, pulling us aside later on before moving on and letting us get extra help. They could pull us aside and ask us if everything was going alright at home if we look really upsed or sad, anger, or even disgust.
We could change lifes if we get this, there wont be school shootings and it could be more safe for kids to go to school and we wouldn't feel like it could be our last day. We as students have the right to feel safe, to feel like we can acomplish what we need to acomplish without feeling ashamed. This could be a new start to a new begining. Venus is one of the most intersting and eye cathhing planets known to Earth by scientist. It is considered the "twin" of planet Earth making it a very special planet in our solar system. Do not let that fool you though, even if it is called the "twin" of Earth it is still very different in many ways from our planet. In this essay I will be Discussing about the issues brought up by the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." Is Venus really worth studying even despite the dangers it presents?
Venus is one of the closest planets to Earth. It is very simialr to Earth in both density and size too. Since Venus is so close compared to most planets around Earth humans have found alot of interest in the planet. Humans have sent many unmanned spacecrafts to Venus but none of the spacecrafts have survived the landing for more than a few hours. There are many reasons why is it challenging for us to make a succeful exploration for many reasons. Veus has a very thick atmosphere of aproxametly 97% carbon dioxide and with clourds of sulfuric acid. Another factor to consider is that it ha a temperature on the averages of 800 degress Fahrenheit and over with atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than which experinced here at Earth. The weather experienced in Venus is also very dangerous. There are many errupting volcanoes, very powerful earthquakes and lighting striking very frequent. These conditions make it almost impossible for Venus to sustane life and making explorations. With all of these very difficult situations to take in consideration the question is brought up agin. Many scientist have been thinking and discussing about more frequent visits but why? Well it is because as it says in paragrapgh 4 "Astonomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". there are many theroies that Venus may have long ago been probably covered by large oceans and maybe could have ad a chance of supporting many various forms of life because Venus shows some features and characterisitcs alike those of Earth. Scientists from NASA have been brainstorming with ideas of how to make explorations to Venus possible and more likely to survive. Well an idea in paragrapgh 5 explains"Imagine a blimp-like vehcile hovering 30 or so milea above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vechicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfreindly ground conditions by staing up and out their way." This may seem like a good idea but it has its flaws. hovering over the clouds would make it difficult for them to collecet any rocks or anything to sudy and it would also be hard to view the floor and write descriptions of what has been seen.
Even though Venusis a very interesting planet and it shares alot of Earths characteristics I believe that there wasnt enough evidence to support the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. If there was actually ideas and details that would make it seem like it is possible for there to be a safe and sucessful exploration instead of ideas that have a slight chance of working I would have agreed.A driverless car seems so cool and nobody would never have to really do anything. But, there are consequences that comes with that project. Well one if a person is going to buy one of those driverless would really have to think about it like do i really need it or what will happen while i have this car. A driverless is alright but what if the manufactures made it that the driver could still have control when ever they want. Without the car alerting them its time to take over whenever the driver gets tired of driving they would just hit a button and the will drive on its own.
What if the driver gets into a(n) accident? Who would pay for the damaged car because it wouldn't be right for the driver to pay. The manufactures were the ones who made the car. So, therefore they shoul have thought like if the car startsto not function right it is the vechiles fought not the driver. It wouldn't make sense for the driver to pay. The manufactures would really have to be the ones to apy for the damaged. If were the driver that had to pay they were the ones that wanted the car but on the other hand it's not the drivers fault for the carnot functioning right.