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Pioneer Karaoke is the best I own several Karaoke DVD's. This is another disc from the Pioneer collection. Pioneer as the best videos and the best music that are on DVD. The only problem is they stopped making the DVD's before DVD caught on. If you have ever been to a karaoke club these are generally the same videos used there. However the ones in the clubs are usually on Laser Disc.
Great for Grandkids! I LOVED these books as a young girl! Now I can pass them on to my grandkids! Boys or girls, all love them!
like the wallpaper, a bit of a yawn This story, while not without value, is overly long and doesn't quite live up to the denouement. It may simply be my modern tastes are just too jaded for the story, but not much of a thriller here.
WW II and the gays. Halfway through the book and encountered the fourth gay/lesbian. Didn't feel like reading further. Other than these encounters, seemed to hold my interest.
Deus ex machina finale The writers took the easy way out with this stupid and manipulative finale and killed all the previous joy I had with this otherwise good TV series. I am very disappointed and will now not follow Caprica.
Read to a second grade class I purchased this book to read to a second grade class. We found out about a month & a half ago that my step-daughter needed hearing aids. This came as a huge surprise to us. Not only did we have to explain all of this to her, but we wanted to teach her classmates what hearing aids are, why she needs them, and how they will help her. This book was perfect! The only issue was that the hearing aid style was outdated (there is no longer a huge box hanging around your neck) but other than that, the book was funny and kept the childrens' attention. It led a discussion and allowed the children to ask my step-daughter sincere questions. No one has made fun of her, and I am told that all of the kids think her hearing aids are 'cool'.
A very pleasing book, by a great author When you read Slaughter House-Five you'll find yourself thinking as Billy does. You also discover that is what all the controversy about the book is about and you wont be able to put it down. Kurt Vonnegut has written many good books and this is definetly one of them!!!
entertaining as usual I love all these books and have read them all twice. The author's eye for detail is amazing and her unique atmosphere and tone are hard to find in writing these days. Having said that I have two critiques: Quinn, Sookie;s significant is blander than bland in this book and actually a little, annoying. MORE ERIC AND BILL PLEASE! I am a bit tired of Sookie almost dieing in every book as well, so the twist here was nice. Finally, I have to say I love the character development in this book, and the fact that the plot seems to build on itself. I am excited to her about the new HBO series based on the books and happy to hear there are 4 more books coming!
Road to Perdition Wow, is THE ROAD TO PERDITION a slow moving movie. Deliberate, ponderous, lugubrious. Take your pick, this is one slow flick.It's 1931 and Tom Hanks plays Chicago hit-man Mike Sullivan, The Angel of Death, and surrogate son to mob boss John Rooney (Paul Newman.) When Sullivan's son Mike Jr. (Tyler Hoechlin) observes his father and Rooney's son Connor (Daniel Craig) bump off a clutch of gangsters everything changes. Connor, motivated by a mixture of sibling jealousy and a need to keep the killings a secret, decides to wipe out the Sullivan family. He succeeds in murdering Sullivan's wife and youngest son, but misses Mike and Mike Jr. The surviving Sullivans escape and embark on a journey of revenge and survival.THE ROAD TO PERDITION was taken from an illustrated novel, and I understand the filmmakers responsibility to the source material, but I would have dropped the kid and abandoned the notion of telling the story of the son's point of view. At this point in Hanks' career it's difficult enough to accept him as a physically imposing, inarticulate brute. Viewing him through the eyes of his emotionally distant son doesn't help. Hanks is an incredible actor, but he's also a movie star cast against type in this one. The story doesn't allow him the opportunity to convince us of his character.It looks great. Cinematographer Conrad Hall is a genius, especially when it comes to filming rain. The sets are gorgeous, the feeling of depression-era America is well captured. Unfortunately the movie takes forever to sprout wings, and even then it doesn't fly. The wonderful Jennifer Jason Leigh is barely seen and largely wasted as Sullivan's wife. There's are whole scenes that go nowhere in particular (the wake scene, for instance) and seem intended to do nothing more than establish atmosphere.I could go on, but I'll simply say that considering the talent involved this was a big disappointment.
The Reformers would applaud Dr. Sproul has written an excellent work on the differences between the catholic and protestant positions of justification. He does good exegesis on the text of James which describes faith and works, a passage often snatched from the rest of the canon of scripture, given meaning and then rammed back into its context. What I find most delightful about this work is the passion Dr. Sproul has as he writes concerning this crucial doctrine. It doesn't seem to be just mental gymnastics for Sproul. Calvin, Knox, and Luther would be pleased. History would testify that it was a little more than academic to those guys as well. Soli Deo Gloria.
color confusion these are a great classic shoe. not a ton of support but thats what i expected.when i opened the box i thought amazon had sent me the wrong color. i was expecting something more grey/khaki but got something that was more like army green. i guess i read khaki green in the description and overlooked the green part, ha. nevertheless i am enjoying these shoes. styyyyyyyyyyyylish.
Didn't work for me The book is well-written and organized, but the problem is the techniques are so time-consuming, if you did all of them, you'd never finish your work on time. It doesn't really deal with the boredom factor very well though it claims to.Textbooks are boring. He claims that its our approach to the textbook. This belies the fact that some textbooks are full of completely irrelevant information. There is no way to relate to it. Maybe his ideas about organizing information help. argh.Well, whatever the magic secret is, the book alone isn't enough. I think the other people who liked the book had some knowledge or ability that, added to this book, made it all come together, but me.. no.
Echoes My mom turned me on to Maeve Binchy this summer with Tara Road. I loved it. Echoes is also wonderful until you get to the end. The ending is so abrupt and disconnected it is hard to take. The women is the story is complex and mulit-layered so it's a shame that we don't get to know how she handles the next phase of her life. I'm almost afraid to try another book this one was so disappointing.
Weak Plot I was not happy with this book. I had to make myself finish it. The characters were not that interesting and, most importantly, the plot was weak. The plot went back and forth between petty stuff and universe ending stuff, it wasn't tied together very well. There was also a lot of running around hysterically and you were wondering, "what's the big deal?" There is a lot of character angst and its hard to figure out where its coming from. My biggest issue was the lack of a central theme, one big issue that is supposed to be dealt with as opposed to 3-4 big issues that are never really addressed.
ESPN whips Fever every day of the week and twice on Sunday I was a HARD CORE fever fan, I executed every line of code god knows how many times in 02 & 03, I loved it. Microsoft must have out sourced the development of 04 to intern software engineers from the University of Tijuana! This game SUCKS!!! It blew me away how ridiculous the AI, graphics, and overall game play were... Very disappointing! My money and gaming time will be spent on ESPN this year
Dogs and cats love them! Pretty expensive, given how quickly my pets go through these, but they freakin LOVE them!! So it's worth it once in a while.
Awful Indecipherable rubbish.I bought this door stop because it is on everyone's list of Great Books. I read 200 or so pages and had to stop, I'd rather have a root canal without anesthesia than read the rest of it. I am a college educated English major, but how this random witlessness can share a shelf with Steinbeck, Vonnegut, Hemingway, Orwell or Forster and a number of other fine authors escapes me.
Possibly the best This burner performs quietly and flawlessly. Even in critical operations (disc to disc on the fly with multiple applications running in the background) it didn't fail me once. Just make sure you assign it a DMA and use quality media, as this sucker spins at over 9000 rpm.
Absolutely Rockin' This new blink cd is so awesome. They've got the hit single "feelin' this" and their set to shoot their next single, and my favorite song "i miss you." It's kind of like the "adam's song" and "Stay together for the kids" song on this record. If you are a fan of blink or even punk rock in general, this album is a must have. Trust Me!!!
Racial stereotyping at its finest. I read this book years ago when living in the Yukon Territory and it was hard to swallow. It perpetuates the myth of the "Noble Savage" while littering the pages with racial and cultural stereotypes. It assumes that, just because the protagonist claims some Native ancestry, he automatically knows how to survive in a wilderness in which he has never set foot before. It claims that all Native people are actually teaching their children survival techniques, like how to make stone arrowheads, etc. like they did thousands of years ago,while forgetting that 10,000 years ago we were all making stone tools. Or worse, that this knowledge is inherited. By this argument one could say why even go to school when all you really need to know is passed down through your genes? And what is with the scalping, and shooting down aircraft with a bow? In what universe is this possible?Maybe I am being too serious here, after all it's just a story, and not a very good one at that, but I can do without these knuckle dragging, chest thumping, flag waving, male dominated fantasies. This is just Rambo with a Native American twist.
don't buy Don't waste your money on it. When I used it the first time, it didn't put any color on my hair. I gave it a second try, still didn't work. It's really frustrating to see your gray hair still the same after you suffer from covering your head with a mud paste for several hours! I don't want anybody else suffer again!
pan classic Disney always has great movies for several generations. My 3 yo daughter loves it and we sing all the songs together. she loves disney world even more when we visit.
hot cd favorite songs:"Hot Damn" Clipse F. Pharrell, Ad-Liba, & Roscoe P. Coldchain"Frontin" Pharrell F. Jay-Z"Pop S***" ODB F. Pharrell"Loser" N.E.R.D. F. Clipse"Hot" Roscoe P. Coldchain F. Pusha-T & Boo-Bonic"Rock N Roll" Fam-Laygood
Do not expect this to be your only knitting guide I tried to teach myself to knit using only this book- don't try it, it doesn't work. I ended up buying some cheap, simple books with big pictures to show me how to follow the instructions in the "Complete" guide. The previous reviewer who said that the authors sometimes omit crucial information is absolutely right-simply telling you to "turn your work" doesn't make much sense if you're a brand new knitter and you can barely cast on. This doesn't mean that this is a bad book by any means, but it definately does NOT live up to the purpose of Complete Idiots Guide series- you must have some previous experience or outside help to learn to knit.
mp3-CD Player I purchased this player a few weeks ago as a tool to use during my workouts. It works pretty good. The only thing I noticed that was different from the last Philips player I had is that this one isn't as loud. Otherwise I am faiarly comfortable with the purchase overall.
Incredible! Eye-opener. NOW I GET IT! If you were to tell me a tiny yellowed 20-year-old plus paperback that looks like it came from a B-rated garage sale would impact me in a hugely profound way, I would have laughed and not believed it at all. Then I might have humored you and bought it for a nickel and thrown it away when I got home.Well I sure learned the lesson of the ages: Never judge a book by its cover!Deborah Tannen presents an incredible and insightful objective analysis of the subtle nuances of "linguistics". Linguistics is the "firewood" of speech communication. I never, ever, realized the peculiar mechanics behind a "normal" conversation, much less a conversation that deteriorates into a major misunderstanding or conflict. This book stands at the gateway as an incredibly informative toolkit that can be used to positively revolutionize communicating within any type of personal relationship.The very instant I began understanding differences in communication styles and other mechanical aspects of communication, I was able to reclaim ground lost to arguments, mistrust, fear, and anger. This book gave me a full toolbox to not only repair broken communication, but to also adapt my conversation style to effectively speak and listen in situations and with people I never thought I could be possible. I don't have to change the world to get them to understand me, I learn how to change me and the way I present myself to the world. And miraculously, the world understands.Just as an example, imagine that you and your spouse have been at odds about something very important to you. Instead of insisting that there's something wrong with her or him, and struggling to make the point over and over so they understand, you were able to reach into a toolbox and pull out a wrench, make a few adjustments, then suddenly it's like talking to a different person. That's how profound conversational style can effect another person. Here's the irony: if you think the loose screws were in your spouse's head, better think again. You use these wrenches on your own loose screws.I approached a conversational topic with a loved one that had been like dropping a lit match into a box of roman candles. Before I started this next conversation, I picked up a handy tool from Tanner's kit. An opportunity presented itself rather suddenly, and I "framed" my idea with three simple words "I'm being direct". The worried expression literally fell from her face, she looked me dead in the eyes and said with a smile "OK." I paused and thought to myself "what just happened?" I had her undivided attention AND a SMILE. How hard can it be to talk about anything with a loved one who's smiling at you and giving you her undivided attention?She listened attentively with her eyes square looking into mine, and I did just as I said. I was unquestionably direct. Not only did I get her approval, she became enthusiastic and eager to join me with this endeavor. My head was spinning. "Wait? Did I just hear you right?" was my first thought, but before I could say anything else, she had my hand and was pulling me out of my chair to start moving with my idea.This book is amazing. Not only has it drastically improved my communication ability, it's also enhanced my observations and "feelings" about the state of mind of the person I choose to talk with. It allows me to make small adjustments to keep communication forthright and on target.If you've ever spoken the title of this book in exasperation, you need to read it!
Not a must read This book is not what you should think of when you see the name Nora ROberts. I sugest that if you have never read a Roberts then don't let this be your first. The plot is some what simple and will not capture your atention for long. I sugest you read Sancuary, Homeport, Sweet revenge. If you are looking for somthing out of this world and in my opion one of nora's best then Devine evil is the book for you!
good book... I didn't exactly ROFLOL, but there are funny places in the book that at least made me chuckle, and all the rest of the literary requirements (plot, characterization, not overusing cliches, etc.) were there.I had not read any of the other Guardians of the Flame novels, but that probably made it better for me--I get tired of unedited books that insist on telling *everything*. "The protagonist breathed in and while breathing out noticed the gnat whirring to and fro. Finishing that complete cycle, the protagonist breathed in again." It was nice to think that there was something I didn't know--histories, alliances, hates, stories.Of course, I now plan to read the rest of those books :)
Does not work This product does not work. My nails did grow a little but then would split and easy break off. Not to mention the brown spots that developed under my nails. It looked like under my nails were bleeding and then the blood dried. My nails started to hurt after about a week.In addition, I had to reapply it several times a day as it kept coming off. I definately would not recommend this product.
Disappointed Andis Purchaser After 3 1/2 months after purchasing this hair dryer, the unit has burned out. This was not the first time I have experienced this same problem with this same dryer. A year ago I purchased the same dryer and the had the same problem. Would I ever buy another Andis product...NO!
Secret History The best book I have read in ages and the first I read by Donna Tartt. Her second book was not nearly as good which was disappointing. With the right actors the Secret History could be a block buster...Gynneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Matt Dillon. Hurry and cast it before they get too old to play the roles.
they ruined Jackie Chan this movie ruined Chan. he wasnt good at all, his character was likable but the movie went nowhere, oh, wow, a tuxedo, if you put it on you get superhuman super powers, what a croc and in the mix Jennifer Love Hewitt who is so [***] and annoying that she ruins the whole thing. didnt go nowhere,just sat there in the closet and didnt move. its a toilet flusher, is what it is. dont expect to see any action from Jackie Chan because he was used with special computer, thingys. horribly made and directed. my god!!!
Book on Discontinued MMO's This book concentrated on two online games, one that has gone to the MMO game graveyard. Very disappointing book. I would not recommend this to anyone.
A good mid-sized drive for the desktop I got down to my last GB of free space and when it came time to upgrade, I went with a name I trusted in Maxtor.As with all Maxtor retail drives, it came with the necessary hardware and software to install and setup the drive.The SATA interface allows for better airflow as it uses a much smaller cable than older versions of ATA. It also allows for faster data transfer and quick access with the 7200 RPM rating.80GB is more than I'll need on my desktop anytime soon, so size is not an issue. My old 10GB drive just could not handle many installed apps.Considering the features and the brand name, I give this drive thumbs up.
night of the living whales pen...? I just couldn't get into this, the badly done overdubbed voices just killed the feeling for this attempt at 3 kids who become zombies to score with chicks.If you understand French, or German or whatever this movie is, you might be able to hear how it was originally done, but the over dubb actors make it as bad as trying to watch a badly dubbed kung fu flick.
Ma & Pa Kettle meet Walt Whitman There is some undeniably fabulous writing in this book...the opening sequence had me in love and I anxiously looked forward to the rest, but instead it lead to an overworked tedium of mundane antics punctuated by moments of brillance. It seems to me he would have been more effective in getting to the heart of the American experience in poetry rather than novel. And more concise too.
Popcorn fan This was for my husband. He loves popcorn and the whirly pop is the only thing he likes to pop it in. Well while we were on vacation the older kids broke his. We sure don't know how because we have had it for ever and never any problem with it. Anyway we ordered one and it came in damaged. You could tell it was damaged in shipping. I got on line and they sent me out another one and we used the label to ship the damaged one back for free. Kodos to Amazon! Well my husband got his whirly pop a day later. They upgraded the shipping for free. Needless to say my husband is very happy with his whirly popper.
Not much of a Horror Movie I basically bought this because of Jensen Ackles (am a huge fan!). I'm a horror fan as well but this movie disappointed. Although Jensen was good as usual, it's a pity the movie wasn't. It started promising enough but went downhill about half way through. Rent it instead.
Great Book for Younger Readers This book is a novel but not one for the serious readers of history and historical novels. This is a great book for an adolescent but not for the developed critical thinker and or reader. Thank you.
Caution for those who are hearing impaired If someone in your house is hearing impaired, or just wants to view the words along with the movie, DON'T BUY THIS VIDEO, unless you like hearing the words in English and reading subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. I didn't see this listed anywhere, and assumed (yeah, I know) that there would be more subtitle options, but got cheated when we opened the DVD (now not eligible for a refund) and made this discovery.This is a review on the DVD, not the actual movie, which we love.
Balance of political correctness Even with a skilled author, this book doesn't fulfill its' potential because it is locked into a specific political dogma. The events portrayed are unbelievable and the 'bad' characters too sterotypical. Although I agree with the author's theme that gun control in the US is a farce, it would have been much more effective to make such a case without allowing the constraints of politics to become an interference. However, if you consider yourself an entrenched political liberal or a socialist, this is your book.
Lots of Bugs in this thing First problem is that it does not simplify fractions.A serious bug is when merely adding decimal (floating point)numbers, for some reason it converts the result into a fraction. For example 2.5 + 3.9 becomes 32/5 instead of 6.4.
Must be seen in your mind's eye To all of those folks out there that walked out of the theater wanting their money back because they didn't see a witch or blood or people being torn limb from limb, WAKE UP! In order for this movie to terrify you, you have to have an alert and productive mind. Remember Psycho? Did you actually see the lady in shower get stabbed? Did you see buckets of blood? Of course not but it scared you just the same.The Blair Witch Project used the same tactics. Three people wander off to get film on a legend that they've heard. The town of Burketsville had an unusually high death rate of young children for a time. After interviwing some of the locals, the film crew decides to venture into the woods to find the shack that the so-called Blair Witch was using. The crew gets lost and has to spend the night in the woods where something appears to be following them. Trying to descibe this film any further than that just wouldn't be helpful to you at this time. It is a story that reveals itself in the visual, not just auditorially.What could be scarier than being lost in the woods at night? The scariest things you can imagine are in your own mind. That's why kids are afraid of the dark. Their minds are young, fertile and active. They don't even know what they're afraid of, they just are. This film uses that same principle.Our minds have become lazy from having everthing being presented to it on a silver platter. No time to think, just keep feeding it images so it doesn't have to do any work on it's own!I don't think I've ever seen a more frightening movie and I've seen them all. I love horror and I'm always fascinated by the many different ways that Hollywood comes up with to scare us. Granted at this point, most horror these days is just is some madman running around slashing teenagers or weirdo cults worshipping satan. No imagination. Get with it gang.The scariest things are the things you can't see!
DO NOT MISS THIS MASTERPIECE... Horror-movie legend Wes Craven teams up with spine-tingler Kevin Williamson to deliver the most memorable horror movie for the 90's. Scream is everyone one could ask for in a scary movie: fresh faces filled to the brim with talent, scenes that leave you on the edge of your seat, a soundtrack as good as the movie, and an opening that leaves the viewer petrified. For anyone who loves scary movies, add this one to your collection ASAP.
EXPEDITED SHIPPING RIP-OFF This is the second request for a review alraedy submitted. I have not changed my mind. I paid $!4.99 fror Expedited Shipment. The seller sent the package of two batteries by regular letter mail, which cost $0.59 The batteries are OK--work well--but arrived too late for use on the trip for which they were bought...and the seller pocketed the nearly- $14.00 change! So, overall,items good; service and ethics of seller bad.
A really useful book This book is thoughtfully written and practical for anyone needing to find out about Special Education and Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. Knowing that you are not alone when you find out that your child has different gifts and abilities to most children is comforting. The information is well presented, the examples of real-life situations are thought provoking, and the Resource section is good.
Nancy Drew again The Haunted Carosel is another creative game by HER interactive. The game is easy to play in an order and play through the game feeling like your getting somewhere and figuring out important things along the way. I liked the interactive game playing the midway games and the computor game on Nancy's laptop....The script was more deceptive than in some of the other games and lead you to believe it was someone else. The characters were all suspisous and kind of eclectic....It was a fun game........
Buy a portable DVD Player! I bought this for my 6 year old after Christmas as her cousin received one and loved it. I ran all over town trying to find the PVD's (which are hard to find a good selection of). I ended up purchasing some online. By the time the PVD's arrived, the player was no longer working. We have replaced the batteries several times. On a rare occasion, it will turn on, but that is very rare. We are very disappointed with this unit. I should have listened to my husband and bought the DVD player!
Beware Panasonic Service Rip-Off---STAY AWAY!! As the owner of a very similar Panasonic digital camcorder (the PV-DV702), all I have to say is that when everything is working well, this is a great camcorder.Negatives:(1) The heads on these mini-DV digital camcorders are so sensitive that any microscopic particles on the heads will cause the digital image to break-up--usually at the worst possible time. Constantly cleaning the heads with a head-cleaning tape becomes a joke after a while (and I baby my camcorders like no one else I know).(2) Panasonic service is a total rip-off. Only ONE (1) place in the entire USA is authorized to repair or clean your digital camcorder--the Panasonic Factory Service center in Elgin, IL.!! They use a FLAT RATE to service ANY Panasonic model digital camcorder. I found this out when my Panasonic digital camcorder began eating all my tapes, including brand new Sony tapes (head cleaning had absolutely no effect). Since it was just out of warranty, I called Panasonic to be told that it will cost nearly $300 (flat rate) for them to service it--even if all it needs is a de-magnetizing of the heads!!! TOTAL RIP OFF! I called Panasonic customer service to complain, and a head honcho was supposed to call me back--of course no one ever called me back.Sony also has flat rate pricing for repair, but at about 30% less than Panasonic. To the best of my knowledge, JVC's rates are based on hourly charges.(3) You have to use the digital camcorder as a PLAYER that patches into your TV using patch cords--further dirtying and wearing out the heads! Brilliant engineering.**What I did: my Panasonic digital camcorder is now a paperweight. I purchased a JVC VHS-C (analog of course!) model GR-SXM260u camcorder from Amazon, and it was the best move I made! It was 1/4 the price of the Panasonic digital camcorder, and I have no-fuss recording (no more prima-donna digital heads) that is RELIABLE and I just pop it into the included VHS tape adapter and pop that into the VCR to watch. Gee, what was I thinking when I bought the Panasonic digital camcorder???Sheeple who enjoy getting ripped-off will like this product from Panasonic.
Fat-free literature: tasteless without substance A true account of this man's life might truly be interesting if written by a more subjective source. The hyberbole and bravado laced in this tale exposes it for what it is- another con, this time on the reader! There might be some basis in fact to some of these stories, but what we are left with are simply written "vignettes" without any insight into the man who generated these charades. The book ends apruptly without any resolution. This material might have made a mildly interesting (if poorly written) magazine piece.
Another Chore Generally when I pick up a novel I expect to get something out of it. Having to read this for my English class I found it to be a chore. Rhys expanded on a character who was ment to be a mystery. Although it did have it's moments (the uprising of the slaves) it lacked in the delopement of Rochester of Antionette (Bertha). I cannot say it was not teh worst piece of litureture I have read for nothing compare with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, but I did feel left a little empty as to why some of things happened the way they did. I would recoomend this novel to anyone who as enough time to comprehend the true nature of it.
The 48 Laws of Power It is a character changer. Once you read this book, you will not be the same. It is truly full of power.
I rate this 0 stars, pity there's no 0 star rating This is the worst CD I have ever heard! It's absoultely terrible! I can't belive that it's number 11. This woman has no talent! All of the songs sound the same, and the best way to describe her voice is a cat being strangled. Miseducation? Ha, I'd say that.
BAD COPY This particular product (not the authorized version) of the was a very grainy copy, the copy was blotchy like it had been posterized. Also several scenes are missing.
Battery life Purchased two batteries for E-volt 500 camera six months ago - one is still holding a charge but the other was only good for a couple of months. Bought on the cheap - get what you pay for.
A grognard's bible of La Grande Armee 1795-1815 It has to be one of the most readable and yetcomprehensive books on Napoleons' brilliant instrument of warhis La Grande Armee. Colonel Elting breaks down the entire army into its componentunits such as Artillery,Line Infantry, Dragoons,Curassiers etc, and intricitly describestheir formations,recruiting and life styles of the common soldiers in both peace times and in battle.the book follows the Army from its early triumphs to the final defeat at Waterloo and includes a sad final postscriptof its demise. A excellent book that is a must to any Napoleonic collection
Lost in the hype? I hate to be the voice of dissention, but I'm writing this review during yet another consecutive sleepless night as a DIRECT result of these bottles. In a bottle system, priority #1 is supposed to be effective delivery of the food into the baby. Turning my baby's fomula (and more, see below) into frothy, foamy whip that is sure to be spit up and have my baby wailing in gas-induced discomfort is a BIG negative in my book, no matter how "cool" this system is supposed to be. I've humored my wife so far by using these after she decided that since some book told her these were the best, it must be so. Everytime I feed our 1 month-old, the output of the nipple into her mouth is a frothy foam (every single #1 and even #2 nipple has done this). Guess what that foam equates to in her stomach? She's squirming and making churning stomach noises after SECONDS of feeding, and openly crying in discomfort after only an ounce. Even worse, we thought it might have been the formula, but it even does this with my wife's pumped BREAST MILK!!!The system may be neat, trendy-looking and convenient to some, but I'm sorry, I'm insisting that we become un-trendy and un-cool by switching back to something that doesn't make my baby's stomach into a frothy latte everytime she feeds! The whole reason I'm online right now it looking for something better...
Another sequel..... Not much really needs to be said but, I'm sure you are all asking the same question as I am...When is Michael going to die! I love the original Halloween movies but come on kill him already and end this series before you screw it up anymore. The same goes for Friday the 13th I mean Jason X with Jason...in space?! Jason needs to die, Mike Myers needs to die and Freddy Krueger needs to die. We love the old movies but please stop reviving them somehow just let them die!
Enjoyable disagreement Since Chesterton and Shaw so vehemently disagreed with each other on many topics, one would expect this quick text to be filled with antagonism. Instead, it is a delightful explanation of Shaw's background, biography and beliefs, told in a gentle, light-hearted manner. Chesterton shows a great respect for his adversary, while making clear his own views through quite a few of the one-sentence quotables for which he is well known.
Junk Science from the religious right As a licensed psychotherapist, I would like to state that aside from "homosexual activists," the mainstream Psychiatric community has debunked Socrides "research" on this book for a number of reasons. An internet search under Socarides, and especially the work of Dr. Gregory Herek, the preeminent social psychologist, points out the flaws in Socarides work, and "conversion therapy" in general. Good science is not based only on antidotal evidence from one's own clinical practice. Subjects were taken from a pool of patients already in conversion therapy. No follow up is provided as to the end result of his "successes". This methology is akin to the 1950's 'study" that proclamed that all convicts had listened to rock and roll, and therefore rock and role must be the root of all criminal behavior. Socarides has aligned himself with the quasi-professionals who are mouthpieces for the evangelical right. These include NARTH, and Dr. Joseph Necalosi, who aside from being disavowed from numerous professional organizations, has only been published in scientic Journal's that must be paid for publication, a scientific "vanity press." Evangelicals will flock to this book only because it reinforces their "agenda" to disprove that homosexuality is a variance of sexual behavior, that is neither pathological, nor ego-dystonic. Dr. Herek's extensive, and award winning research gives the ultimate rebuttal to this somewhat feeble work. That's what real science is about.
What about the vocal delivery of this CD? Everybody talks about the book. No one talks about the reading of this book by the reader, Irene Sutcliffe. I have not listened to the CD, but before I buy this CD, I want to see some review of the vocal delivery. Is her reading enticing, annoying, off-putting, etc?
Tragic Adventure Story I remember several years when Newsweek ran an excerpt from Jon Krakauer's book, Into Thin Air, not too long after that deadly season on Mt. Everest. It sounded like an interesting story.I forgot about it until I was high up in the Cascades of Central Oregon on a vacation and wanted something to read. I picked this book up (sticking with the mountain theme of course!) and found it to be one that was difficult to put down.First, it's a book that you'll enjoy even if you're not a climber. There's not anything overly technical in the book. It's more of a humans vs. the elements story.Into Thin Air is written with great hindsight and had to have been painful and yet cathartic for the author to write, as he was part of the expedition. He paints a very clear picture from a unique perspective of what it is like to climb Everest and what type of person takes on the challenge. You get a look at the climbers coming together and starting the ascent from base camp. You get to see who these people are and then how they react in a life and death struggle.The book shows how small mistakes, a creeping sense of invincibility and even a little greed all came together to form a major disaster. Into Thin Air is also triumphant in the stories of those who barely survived, but still got down the mountain, which as Krakauer says, is the hardest part of a summit run.This is definitely a book to have if you enjoy true stories of outdoor adventure, and you can't beat the price!
Perennial perfection in literature I've read this book a couple of times since it appeared so many years ago. It's easily one of the best works of fiction in the English language. It's thoughtful, thought-provoking and an enthralling story about someone finding himself in context of his family, culture, religion and society. I've read nearly everything Potok has written besides and love most of it, but this is surely the jewel in the crown.When I purchase a Kindle for someone as a gift, this is the book that I give them to "ice the cake."
Sick parents My mum watches this. I cannot believe how the parents can do this crap to their children. Most of the parents are overweight while their daughter is not. They try to live their life through their daughter, because they could never have the life. Many of the children do not want to do it, yet the parents make them. The child have over excessive amounts of make up that makes them look like 3 year old prostitutes. How TV networks allow this kind of crap, or how parents can do this, makes one wonder how insane this world is. I would never let my wife do this crap to my daughter and if she ever did, I would have nothing to do with her. I think the parents have a few nuts and bolts loose in their brains.
4.5 stars? You must be joking. All I can figure is that the people who are giving this movie 4 and 5 stars saw a different movie than the one I saw.I gave it two stars simply because I found Zach Braff's character Andrew very realisitic. Then again, Zach Braff is a 20-something actor living in L.A. figuring out his life. His character, Andrew Largeman, is a 20-something actor, living in L.A., trying to figure out his life. Not much of a stretch there. But I'll give him a little credit for being a cute dorky guy who actually wrote and directed a film.But 4.5 stars???? No way.Natalie Portman giggles and nauseates her way through this movie, while Andrew walks around in a slightly befuddled state while all around him get high on whatever illicit drugs happen to be available. Yes, I know, he's kicking his own over-medicated state. I get it. It's not that funny.If you are over the age of 18, this movie is not for you.
Greenies for my dog I have used them for years. My dog can't wait to get one each morning. She does a "Greenie Dance". She jumps around and wiil do about anything to get the Greenie. This was the first time I ordered them on amazon and I'm glad I did. I got the lowest price ever and they were delivered the fastest.
Deluxe Chalet, indeed. Looked around for a long time for a great bird feeder. Chose this one and am very happy with the decision. The only thing i would change is the rope that hangs it up (should be a loop and not a knot).
love it What can I say it's a great song to dance to. I love it and think it's the best dance song yet. Hey I'm a Madonna fan so sue me.
Brazil There is a reason for this film's relative obscurity...IT IS AWFUL. I thought I had discovered an overlooked gem starring Robert DeNiro, but was unable to sit through this "retro-futuristic" farce in my first and so far only attempt at viewing. DeNiro's character shows up somewhat late in the film with neither plot nor character development up that point. I usually like films of this genre, such as the Omega Man or Soylent Green. I cannot understand why others have given it such good reviews.
Will Smith Shines in a Harrowing, if Flawed, "Legend" Though it stoops for unearned sentimentality at the end, "I Am Legend," until then, is a spine-tingling vision of a future devoid of humanity. And hope. Will Smith turns in a landmark performance as Dr. Robert Neville, the sole survivor in a New York City decimated by a man-made plague. During the day, Neville and his faithful dog travel the city for sustenance and spiritual survival. The images of a downtown Manhattan crumbling and decaying are downright chilling. But in the dark corners await bloodthirsty monsters that were transformed by the plague from ordinary humans to something more primitive, feral and terrifying. Director Francis Lawrence (Constantine) and gifted cinematographer Andrew Lesnie (The Lord of the Rings) construct nerve-frying, blood-freezing sequences in an abandoned building and a New York seaport at night when Neville finds himself face to face with the cannibalistic creatures. But Neville's true fight is not with them or with the disease he so fervently tries to cure; it's with his own dissipating sanity. Where the film works best is when it let's Smith work his Hanksian magic, chronicling Neville's daily routine (talking to Manicheans as if they were real, waiting in seeming vain at the aforementioned seaport for any sign of life) to fight off absolute desolation. Smith finds the ravaged, fragile soul of a man fighting for one more day, one more fleeting chance that hope will reveal itself. When Lawrence and his screenwriters stick with this bleak, desperate story for survival, "I Am Legend" connects with unexpected emotional body blows. The predictable deus ex machina ending blunts the emotional impact shows, but until then, "I Am Legend" is a harrowing vision of a future where hope hangs by a vulnerable thread.
embedded desktop integration I am using the case study and guidelines in this book to engineer my own small system interface as a demo to employers AND as demo to potential clients for new product prototype implementation(just getting started on my own business). I find this book to be of excellent value in what the author provides. I would recommend it to anybody who is engineering PC to embedded microcontroller based interfaces.
Great in theory... PROS:- Environmentally friendly- AffordableCONS:- Gap where front and back of diaper meets allows blowouts at the sides and around the legs (I'm doing 3x as much laundry since switching to these).- Adhesive tabs irritate baby (she fusses every time I put one on her, and she has red marks above her legs where the tabs touch her skin)- Absorbent layer works great on pee, but not so great on poop (which tends to just slide around inside the diaper and make a mess - that is, what poop doesn't blow out the leg openings)I love the idea of biodegradable, environmentally friendly diapers, and I think Seventh Generation is *this* close to having a great product. But they need to address the design of their diaper (adding some waterproof tabs at the top of the leg openings, improving poop handling, and softening the adhesive tabs) before I'll become a convert.For now, it's back to Pampers Swaddlers.
Not very absorbent... I was very excited when I ordered these towels, but I must say I've been disappointed. When I washed them before using them, a LOT of lint came off in both the washer and dryer, and they're still shedding lint. In addition, they're neither as soft nor as absorbent as much cheaper towels you can get from Target or Kmart. In contrast, we also got the Eloquence towels, and I have been THRILLED with them - very absorbent, and very soft.
Great at first, Died Quickly After using some much cheaper Lenmar rechargeable NiMH batteries, I picked up a couple of these. The 2650mAh rating set them apart from the competition. I also picked up a set of Energizer 2450mAh batteries and cycled all 3 brands through my charger and into my digital camera (Canon Powershot 540) as needed.Initially the Duracell batteries were fantastic in and lasted substantially longer than the others (although not nearly as long as alkaline batteries). Oddly though, they didn't last very long. At present, the Lenmar and Energizer batteries are still working as well as the were originally and the pair of Duracell batteries are dead and will no longer charge.I don't know if I got a pair of duds or if these results are indicative of the brand.In any case, I haven't been too thrilled with any of the three brands because they seem to lose their charge over a matter of days (not weeks) when sitting on the shelf
Waste of Time & Money This book was written for those clueless people who have no conception of how any business works. It is perhaps the most useless book I read (or tried to read).I learned more about the PI business from one short conversation then from this entire book.
Size I was hoping to get a size "13" of the Fubu Men's 6" ThugBlack but could not find my size. Please is there any way of getting size 13 of this shoe?Thanks
Terrible Tuner 1. Tuning Problems:Beware of this product. My $25 Grundig pocket radio outperformsit! I live in Boston which admittedly is full of radio signal overlap.So okay its a little harder to tune a radio station here. This productdoes as bad a job of tuning as any I have ever seen. The signalleakage is all over the dial. It gets about 4 stations clearly in alocation that has hundreds of stations.2. Using it for IPod speakers:It is a very clean looking design but as far as using it for ipodplayback remember that it doesn't have any remote controlfeatures or playback info so you are restricted to turning youripod on and letting it play away. You better really believethat life is random ;-)
Who Were Shake-speare? Disappointing. Mr. Allen starts by positing a collaboration between the man from Stratford and Edward, the 17th Earl of Oxford. By the end of the book, it's no longer a possibility but definite -- and without supporting evidence. Frankly, I can't imagine a more unlikely collaboration. I think the author is influenced by the thought that "Shakespeare" is a group effort, possibly headed by Edward Oxford. He struggles with it, as all of us interested in the controversy do. But as far as I can see, his case is unproven.
Josh Groban When Groban first appeared he was new and exciting. Now he has just become boring, and predictable.everything he sings sounds the same. His voice is just to monotone... to put it directly he is a one trick pony.Yet his concerts are sold out events and his recording sell like crazy.However Josh you have just lost a fan... You are so boring, your voice is actually depressing.
Totally Negative This CD bites only for one reason. It only has songs on it!! I buy his CDs for the acts, not the songs. And to be perfectly frank, the only good song on it is "The Goat Song"
Very disappointed Purchased Poulan Pro PP4218AVX 18-Inch 42cc 2-Cycle Gas-Powered Anti-Vibration Chain Saw with Case. Mixed 2 Cycle oil with gas as instructed. Started first time, made a couple of test cuts worked fine. Started 2nd time fine, but after only 2 hours of use, would not start. Took it to a Poulan dealer paid 35.00 for inspection and estimate, scored cylinder, more to repair than to replace. NOT HAPPY AT ALLPoulan Pro PP4218AVX 18-Inch 42cc 2-Cycle Gas-Powered Anti-Vibration Chain Saw with Case
SE We have been using this product for our small dog for over ten plus years with no complaints. It's great
Insane people don't care about their lives My daughter says...The story of Catch-22 opens with the introduction of Captain Yossarian. Captain Yossarian, quirky and extremely paranoid, is the protagonist of the tale. Throughout the story, he is paranoid that everyone around him is trying to kill him. Yossarian's only wish is to fly the required number of missions, seeing as he is an American bombardier during World War II, and return home. However, due to the prideful actions of his Colonel, Yossarian has difficulty fulfilling his goal. Colonel Cathcart continually raises the number of missions his bombardiers have to fly in order to increase his own glory. Catch-22 is an accounting of the actions Yossarian takes to try and escape death, as well as the story of all the interesting, slightly odd, people he meets.When the number of required missions is first raised, Yossarian travels to the Army doctor to try and get the doctor to certify him as insane. However, Doc Daneeka refuses to allow Yossarian to get out of his missions due to the now-infamous Catch-22. According to the army's regulation Catch-22, any soldier who tries to get out of fighting by pleading insanity is showing personal concern. By showing this concern, the person proves himself sane, because insane people don't care about their lives. Men who are truly insane have no trouble flying more missions. However, since the only way to be "grounded" is to request that you are, and the act of asking implies sanity, no person can get out of flying their missions. Yossarian, therefore, has no choice but to continue to fly the ever-increasing number of required missions.Yossarian, foiled in his attempt to plead insanity, attempts a number of other measures. First, he pretends to have some sort of liver problem and is checked into the hospital. In order to avoid being bored, Yossarian forges the name "Washington Irving" on a number of the soldiers letters home he is asked to censor instead of writing his official signature. This action leads to a huge problem later on in the book as all the officers try to discover who Washington Irving really is. That problem is only compounded as various other soldiers began copying Yossarian. When he is finally thrown out of the hospital, Yossarian moves a line on a map of Italy to avoid flying a dangerous mission.Through the next section of the book, Yossarian has to deal with the deaths of several of his closest "friends." Snowden, the young Nately, and Hungry Joe are all bombardiers like Yossarian who ultimately get caught by one accident or another and die. With these deaths, Yossarian simply refuses to fly any more missions. This has a profound influence on the other soldiers stationed with Yossarian, and they silently begin to support him. Because of this, Colonel Cathcart offers to make a deal with Yossarian. If Yossarian will return back to the states and tell everyone how wonderful his superior officers are, they will let him go home. At first he considers the offer, but then realizing that it would be selling-out his fellow soldiers, Yossarian refuses.Instead, when the chaplain brings Yossarian to the living quarters of Orr, Yossarian realizes that Orr is not lost at sea like everyone believes. Instead, Orr carefully planed his escape by practicing crash landings on every flight he made. This time, instead of returning to the base, Orr had made his was to Sweden. Yossarian decides that he will run away to Sweden and join Orr there so he does not have to continue to risk his life fighting in the war.Review:Unlike most books about World War II, Catch-22 does not attempt to describe specific battles and provide insight in the course of a war. Rather, it deals with the human interactions that are a part of war. Catch-22 is more than just a war novel, it is a novel about why people act the way they do when put into certain situations. I really enjoyed reading Catch-22.One of the most dominant themes in Catch-22 is that of insanity. In almost every chapter of the book there are examples of people using insane argumentation to make logical points. Catch-22 takes a look at the way people form so-called reasonable assumptions and proves how everyone, it seems, is crazy in their own way.In the very beginning of the book, Yossarian travels to the hospital and meets the army Clergyman. Once he decides that the man is not insane, Yossarian warns him that insanity is contagious, and, indeed, by the end of the book it seems that Yossarian is correct. By the second chapter, Yossarian has determined that war itself is madness. Men fight and die for a crazy notion of patriotism and that doesn't seem to bother anyone. Yossarian's friends think he is crazy because he recognizes the insanity around him, however Yossarian realizes that it is this awareness that will ultimately save his life. Because Yossarian knows he is in constant danger because of those surrounding him, he is prepared to defend himself against anything at any moment.The presence of the Catch-22 itself is a prime example of insanity in the book. It employs insanity to come to an insane conclusion, yet on the surface appears to be a logical chain of reasoning. Even doctors in the book are figures of madness. Yossarian is evaluated by a psychiatrist who determines that he is insane, however, because Yossarian went to the doctor under a different name, the doctor sends a different soldier home even though he knows that person is not the one he diagnosed as crazy.Another example of irrational circular logic occurs when Yossarian proposes to Luciana. Luciana refuses to marry Yossarian because she believes he is insane. She thinks he's insane because he wants to marry her. Luciana tells Yossarian he is crazy, yet she justifies this belief with irrational thinking, proving herself delusional.Perhaps the best irony of the book however, is that Orr, supposedly the craziest of all the men, ends up being the sanest. In the beginning, Orr tells irrational stories and walks around with strange objects in his mouth. He does this so if anyone ever asks him why he has a certain object in his mouth, he can say that he doesn't have that thing in his mouth and pull out something else. He is, of course, utterly sensible in this belief. Orr is also, however, believed to be the luckiest man in the unit, because he is always crashing his plane and making it out alive. In the last chapter of the book, Orr crashes his plane in the ocean and disappears. Yossarian is at first shocked by this news, then stunned, as he realizes that Orr was not actually crazy. Rather, Orr feigned insanity in order to disguise his escape plans. The last time he crashes, Orr went to Sweden instead of simply dying like everyone thought. In the end, Orr used his insanity as his cover, and as his ticket to freedom.Typically, I am not a fan of any book dealing with historical wars. Catch-22 however, caught my interest quickly and held it throughout the book. I would recommend this book to everyone, no matter what kind of genre they usually enjoy.
Daughter if Joy it did not load on my reader, tried many time, read first page, on the second pager, on an error message, to close and retry again..... gave up and deleted book from ereader...
one star is generous Romance novels are supposed to have improbable plots and be written rather heavy-handedly. This book, like Rasey's others, raises (or is it lowers?) the bar for utter badness, in plotting, characterization, and writing, even in cover art. Her narrative stumbles along like it was dragging an anchor, and her dialogue reads like it was written by someone who's never listened to two real human beings converse. Perhaps if Rasey would quit publishing her own books and work with an editor . . . . One star is a generous rating.
Romantic Vampire, follows his life through the ages. This is the best of Miller's vampire books. It follows Valerian from his life, through his death and his search for his beloved. I loved this book more then any of her other's.
Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You I'm still getting through this book, but I find it very very useful for the middle school girls' Bible study that I lead with two other women. It gives me a lot more insight into the lives of biblical women than I would otherwise have, and that helps us to have good discussion in Bible studies. At times, however, the author is a bit wordy and seems to repeat his points in some of the chapters. Overall, it's a great resource and helps me learn more about being a woman and a Christian.
Agreed with all the 1-star rating on this product I came to Amazon to try to find out how much it would cost me if I were to replace our broken InSinkErator hot water stainless steel tank. I am glad I did and after reading the reviews, I realized I am not the only one experiencing the problems resulted from their poorly designed products.I purchased the HC-1100 series hot/cold water dispenser in June 2006 for ~$500. At this price, I was expecting this product to last a lot longer! In 2008, we had the problem with the dispenser valve not shutting off and water continuously flowing out (just like many of the reviewers described). Call Customer Service and since it was still under warranty, they send someone to our home (warranty said in-home service) to change to a new dispenser. We were happy with it and went on with life for another 1.5 years. Now in April 2010 and not under warranty, (warranty expired after 3 years), the hot water tank leaked for couple weeks and finally now only cold water comes out. it's like they designed this product to last just long enough after the warranty expires! This is not acceptable for a product that costed $500 (my dishwasher lasts longer than that). Our usage of this unit is moderate.Will never buy InSinkErator products again!! and advise anyone thinking about it DON'T DO IT. You have many unhappy customers examples here and you will be one of them too if you buy into their products.
Nice additions, nice bugs... I've got nice stuff to say about this game, but first you need to know that this is a game full of glitches. Obsidian didn't do enough test playing here. After weeks of gaming, all of a sudden my game freezes up all the time. I can't go more than about three minutes without my system freezing. It freezes when I save, leaving corrupt files. It freezes when the level is too big or there's too much action hapening (which is always). Looking at various blogs, every site lists glitch after glitch after glitch. Characters showing up and not talking when a dialogue screen pops up. Glitches with lightsabers. Trouble with characters in your party getting killed when you spar them to advance the story line.Perosonally, I've tried everything to fix my lock-up glitch, but I pretty much have to flush my 42 hours and start over. Not a pleaseant prospect. I haven't seen this many glitches since I played Enter the Matrix on Xbox last year.Aside from the glitches, you'll also be a bit lost at the story line. You're playing a character with memory loss, and the interaction and discussion with other NPCs never really fill you in. It's a good 20+ hours before any of that back story starts to make any sense.On the positive side, I love the game play. The new prestige classes and lightsaber forms are sweet. The improved interface, the new powers and combat options, those are great, too. You can even play a martial artist who is on par with a jedi or a blaster king. It's a fun game if it lets you play it.If you liked the first KOTR and don't mind random, stupid glitches either slowing you down or (in my case) ruining yoru entire experience, get this game. Otherwise, go get GTA San Andreas...
Flat-out stupid, not to mention bad teen comedy "American Pie" is just another rehash of teen sex comedies, rating up with "Porky's" as one of the most worst films of the last two decades.Three sex-crazed teenage boys make a pact to lose their virginity by prom night. (See the similarities?) They then start to plan how to do it, starting off with many dirty nauseatingly raunchy sex jokes (masturbation, sexual orientation) that aren't even funny and it goes downhill from there."American Pie" is stupid, raunchy, and crude, to say the least. If you people think this is hilarious, I suggest you consult a psychiatrist. Only Alyson Hannigan gives a good performance, while the others fail miserably.Rated R for crude sexual humor, language, and for some nudity.
Dissapointment This gun sucks. The bb got stuck in it the first day 2 times! The safety keeps turning on by itself after every shot. This gun is weak and unaccurate. This is a rip-off.Do not by this gun!
Words, words, words Burton goes to great length to include every tedious detail imaginable, as he talks about early weapons, ancient peoples, metal ages, and early swords.The first 50 pages give the history of weapons prior to the use of metal. The next 70 pages are dedicated to the various metal ages world-wide. Then 20 pages are given to a discussion of the basic types or styles of swords from the East to West. The last 140 pages deal with the sword as it appears among ancient peoples around the world up to the time of Rome.This book is heavy on background information which includes sighting endless sources and scholars and peripheral issues. Burton frequently uses Latin, Greek, and even Hebrew and argues against some scholar or other over the meanings of words. It's like one huge annotated bibliography. For someone not interested in remote details it is painfully tedious. So much of the information is so obscure the average college grad without a very specialized interest would be hard pressed to find very much of it useful or interesting.I shall conclude with a sample to demonstrate my point. The first several lines of Chp 7: The Sword: What is it? This sums up the whole book.Having now reached the early Iron Age, which ends pre-hisotry annals, it is advisable to answer the question--'What is a Sword?' The word--a word which, strange to say, has no equivalent in French--is the Scandinavian Svard (Icel. Sverd); the Danish Svaerd; the Angleo-Saxon Sweord and Suerd; the Old German Svert, no Schwert, and the Old English and Scotch Swerd. The westward drift of Egyptian Sf, Sefi, Sayf, Sfet, and Emsetf, gave Europe its generic term for the weapon. The poetical is 'brand' or 'bronde,' from its brightness or burning; another name is 'laufi,' 'laf,' or 'glaive,' derived through French from the Latin gladius. Of especial modern forms there are the Espadon, the Flamberg, Flammberg, or Flamberge, the Stoccado, and the Braquemart; the Rapier and the Claymore, the Skeyne and Tuck...[you get the idea]
I know why I bored myself to death last summer The plot is so full of holes that the whole story trips over into them and never comes up again. The actors do their best to convince us that this is supposed to be scary, but it fails. Better avoid it like a bad rash.
Perfect Twinkle Toes This was perfect for the 3 year old's first ballet class. She looked like a perfect little ballerina. Only problem, as with most shoes with ties for kids that age is that come undone easily.
Not reliable. Pretty good as kettle.But on/off button is unreliable.Mine died in 1 month.
Small, neat design, but very poor sound quality. I have a question for those people that rated this item with 5 stars: did it get 5 stars because sound came out of it when you hooked it up, or did you actually compare it to ANY other speakers?? Yes, it has a small, neat design, but it sounds bad. Try comparing this speaker before you buy and I guarantee you'll immediately see what I mean. The Bose VCS-10 sounds so much worse than even the cheapest ($50) bookshelf speaker you can pick up from any of your local stores. The center channel is such an important part of your surround-sound system - I wouldn't even use this in the $30 Kmart all-in-one surround-sound system. If you want something that looks pretty, buy a nice ornament and put it on top of a decent-sounding center-channel speaker :-)
The Perfect Wagner Critic If we're going to have a voice worthy of critiquing the great master, it might as well be Shaw. For those who have not read any Shaw, he's a wickedly entertaining writer, though a bit high brow at times. This is a book for the Wagnerite and the layman alike, but expect to get a little insulted if you belong to the latter category. As to the philosophies in this little book, just about everyone who likes the Ring has their own unique opinion about its deep political/spiritual meanings, including Shaw. And although everything he writes seems obvious enough to him, I can't say I'm completely convinced by all his ideas. The book is certainly worth reading, however, just to hear the Shaw's elegant take on the musical masterpiece. (also, at least some of his ideas must be right) Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the book is its attack on Gotterdammerung, the beloved finale of the Ring. Shaw argues it is nearly devoid of underlying meaning and is a superficial conclusion to an otherwise philosophically sound work. As a final note, I appreciate the Mark Twain-like ascerbic criticism of society which seems incorrigibly imprinted in Shaw's style. This book is entertaining, and in certain places, profound. I give it four stars. (maybe 5 if he hadn't criticized Brahms!)
Late Night Reading In Raising Dragons, Bryan Davis has infused fantasy into every teenager's normal high school experience. The result is riveting. The adventure mixes believable characters with heart-thumping suspense. Readers will be furiously reading late into the night.
A Sad Story... The first time I listened to This Love, I was like WOW! Best song ever. Then I heard She Will Be Loved, good song too. Then Harder To Breathe, and I ran out to buy this. But I was greatly disappointed. Except for the 3 singles, the CD is plain BAD and repetitive. The CD enraged me, how come could it get so bad? And then they got commercial and did crappy videos that make me and my brother mad. I'm sorry for these guys, they should have tried harder.P.S. I gave this disc to my friend's girlfriend. Of course, she only listens to 4 tracks.