class label
2 classes
Easy to use! Easy to use product. Could have been set up with bigger glass containers. But worth the money.
Gave up after reading 300 pages. I'm having difficulty understanding all of the hype about this novel.The writing style is not engaging. The main character is not credible. Even though he makes his living as a thief-taker, basically a free lance bounty hunter for the city of London, he naively throws guineas and shillings at any suspect rogue who requests money. This, even though he was supposedly just scraping by, financially.I read just over 300 pages, then gave up.
easy to clean This deep fryer is very easy to clean as the container for the oil comes out and can be washed in the dishwasher. I also put the basket in the dishwasher but not the handle as I don't usually have room on the top rack. I hadn't owned a deep fryer for a long time because we don't eat many deep fried foods but for our limited needs, this works fine.
WAY outdated I bought this book and took the test but it wasnt what the book said. I found out that the test changed but the book didn't.
Doesn't live up to it's potential It's got a great begining. It has so much promise. The clown, the little jokes, it's all terrific at first. But about two thirds of the way into the film you realize it's not going anywhere with that great start. And then in the last five minuites (and it takes forever to get to those last minuites and I'm not spoiling anything here, trust me) - anyways, in the last five minuites it almost redeems itself but it's just gone too far off track to actually make it worth it.I watched this with some friends during a horror-movie-watching fest, and at that two thirds mark we started making fun of it. Up till then we'd been riveted, glued to the movie. After that, we just gave up and mocked it.With about, oh, half an hour or forty-five minuites cut out of it it might be worth it. There are some great scenes, some great ideas. And you should probably watch it at least once, so you can say you did, and out of curiosity. Plus, there really are some great scenes. But it's so definitely not worth a second watch.If it were a bit tighter, leaner, edited better, if it didn't go so far over the top on a little acid-trip diversion, then it would be such a good film. I know the acid-trip bit was intentional, but it took too long. It's like a dramatic silent pause that goes too long: everyone will be quiet, and everyone will hold their breath for only so long: then the drama goes out of it and you start laughing at what might otherwise have been something tense. Maybe that was intentional, I dunno.
An over-rated classic. Let's be honest here......had it not been for the jaw-dropping special effects (at least for the time), this mundane flick would have been quickly forgotten. As another reviewer pointed out, most of the money for the production seems to have gone for the effects, with only a token amount devoted for the cast and soundtrack. Robby the robot alone cost some $100,000 to create...not a small sum for the mid-1950's. I like Leslie Nielsen, but he was just getting started here. A bit green and it shows. Walter Pidgeon, an otherwise fine and gifted actor, was far past his prime by the time he did 'Forbidden Planet'. Leggy Anne Francis comes off more as dingy blonde prick tease than anything. And I can only assume that a booze-guzzling Earl Holliman was inserted as comic relief.The politically correct crowd will find a lot to gripe about with this film. There wasn't a single African-American in the entire cast. And apparently, females had not yet been trusted to operate, much less travel in, interstellar spacecraft, since Nielsen's crew is entirely male. And even they begin acting like immature teenage boys as soon as they get an eyeful of Anne Francis. As the only female character, she didn't do much to advance the feminist cause. This sort of thing could be found in any number of films from the 1950's. 'Forbidden Planet' most certainly was not the only one.The most annoying thing about this film is the soundtrack. OMG...what were they thinking? An overheated theremin (along with some creative use of reverb and echo) pushes out a near-constant stream of bleeps, warbles, shrieks and other noises that don't sound anything like music. Imagine a pair of white-hot sewing needles being inserted into your eardrums. This film would have been so much better served by a soaring, orchestra-based soundtrack.All in all, this is NOT a bad film, but it has some bad qualities. Worth watching at least once, if for no other reason because it's a classic. But not worth the tons of praise I've seen heaped on it over the years.
This is a great product! I admit being skeptical about this product before I bought it- I've been through 3 Littermaids for my 2 cats. I did not like the Littermaids at all. The litter was smelly, and I had to manually " reset " it everyday. Was expecting a similar painful experience with this product.I was pleasantly surprised; it really works very well. The crystals are not inexpensive, but worth the extra cost. There are no bad odors or litter spills outside the litter box. I have placed a small clip-on fan above the litter box, and with that, one tray lasts up to 2 weeks. You do have to stir up the litter once every few days, but it is very easy to do.I definitely recommend this product.
YET ANOTHER WONDERFUL ALBUM In my eyes, you can't say which Harry Connick, Jr., album is the best, because they all display perfection, and something new in every song. Whether it's his soft voice, or his excellent display on the piano, it's all here in his album produced at 25 years of age, by someone who will go down in Jazz history, Mr. Harry Conncik Jr.
Profound disappointment When I bought this DVD I thought I was buying the whole movie of Amadeus as I remember it from 1984. Instead the original movie was cut drastically, and many scenes I remember, including sample scenes from Mozart's operas, especially Don Giovanni, were missing, and only the bare bones of Salieri's "plot" was depicted.Please tell me, what happened to the rest of the movie?Or did I miss something?I tried the various options on the opening menu and could find no evidence that any more footage from the original, other than what I saw, was on the DVD. If I am wrong I would gladly keep the DVD.
Your Tool for Personal and Public Success! "To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions," "Start with the end in mind," and "we're responsible for our own lives." These are just a few of the inspirational words from Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. After reading this book, I must say that I am inspired to make positive improvements to live a happy and successful life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and would say that this will probably be one of the most influential and motivating books you could read.One of the reasons why I enjoyed reading this book was because Covey inspired me to work on myself first before trying to fix other aspects of my life. I think inspirational books should focus on the reader and not everything else in the world that someone may not have any control over. This book allowed me to examine how I can improve myself and have a better quality of life. Covey's idea of "inside-out" really touched me and made me think a lot about how I approach situations. In order to be successful with others, you first need to work on yourself, be responsible for your own actions, and change the way you react to negative things that may happen to you. This was a huge eye-opening idea to read, and has helped me become a more positive person. I believe others who read this book will also be touched and inspirited by this idea and know that this is a very worth-while book to experience.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People can relate and be appropriate for any person, no matter what they may be going through. This book is aimed at adults with a family, career, and other obligations, and most of the personal, real-world examples that Covey uses are geared toward that. Covey gives excellent examples of his own experiences with his children, friends, and job, which really help to outline and illustrate the concepts he uses. However, reading this as a college student, I could relate just as well to every aspect and idea in the book. I used the habits he suggested and implemented them in my life, and now have the tools and knowledge he specified for the rest of my life. No matter what gender, age, nationality, or race, this book can be applied to your life in some way. The core principles that this book is centered around will never change or be out-of-date, and can be looked at through a different perspective and still be life-changing.Overall, this is one of the top books I have read in my entire life. This is not a boring novel, but something that puts a fire in you to go out and make a positive change in your life. I am lucky to have read this book early in my life, so I can continue to use the principles and values for many years to come. I believe everyone should read this book and have an open mind about the possibilities that this book can have in your own personal life. You would only be selling yourself short by not reading this book, and I have only improved my relationships and life experiences because of it.
Horrible experience Very disapointed, bought DVD for my granddaughter for Christmas. She's wanted this movie for a long time. When we put the DVD to play, we can't see it. We get a message WRONG REGION. We have never seem this message. She was so upset and cried for awhile. It was terrible!
NATIONAL ANTHEMS - Gatecrasher's Embarresment Two Words: Don't Bother.What has Gatecrasher Done? They dont do annuals. If they did, theyd turn out like this. Gatecrasher's Usual albums are expressing the new tunes that come out and become publicly known and nicely mixed, with the songs nice and long, to make you feel as though you were in the club. This is some messy song-slashing, rubbish editing, and dire songs onto two miserable 80 minute "efforts"WHAT I SAY IS THAT YOU SKIP THIS ENTIRELY AND WAIT FOR THE NEXT RELEASE - GATECRASHER DISCOTECH GENERATION. Its got some great tunes, unlike this .. well you get the idea.Dont worry, I think the Next release is much better (Its already availible in UK)
Voice lessons to Go a winner I really have enjoyed working through this CD. It is easy enough for a beginner, but challenges a more advanced singer. My voice has come a long way in a short time and I look forward to it getting stronger and stronger.
The film didn't earn the 5 stars... Let me say that I thought the movie was pretty good, but the real reason EVERYBODY should check out this DVD is the feature-length commentary with director Paul Weitz, producer Chris Weitz, writer Adam Herz, and cast members Eddie Kaye Thomas, Jason Biggs, and Seann William Scott.I got this DVD a long time ago, and just recently watched the movie with the commentary. I think I laughed just as hard with the commentary as I did the first time I saw it. It really is worth checking out.
Dio's return to Sabbath, short lived but left with a solid album As a Dio fan, This was a great album. From a Sabbath point of view, I really liked the the prior two albums from Tony Martin (headless cross and TYR), and this was a change of pace back to a more Dio style music. None the less, this is a great album From the group, overlooked by many. Time Machine is one of my favorite tracks with Dio at the Helm, but as the other reviewers point out, their are many good songs. I think part of the backlash on this album may be the fact it was promoted as a "reunion" type album, and Ozzy fans of sabbath had turned their back on the band long before, and this was one more slap in their faces reuniting a band they didn't like. Hence people may have bad-mouthed it, and thus sales didn't do as great. This reunion unfortunately ended reportedly ended when ozzy reunited briefly with Black Sabbath for a couple of dates (available on Ozzy's Live and loud) at a benifit concert. Dio left reportedly mad having to open for Ozzy...And interestingly enought, Rob Halford of judus priest stepped in on vocals for a couple of songs, and reportedly has sang a couple of sabbath songs when he was touring with his solo band because of the incident. Anyway, check this album out, A return of Sabbath to the Dio perfected sound, heavy and lyrical/vocal.
What a classic! This comedy made you laugh, made you cry, and most of all, made you smile. Everything from the diner scene to the wedding party scene had you rolling on the floor laughing. It made you love both characters for their individuality. And, indeed, the diner scene was classic!
Read The Fine Print On The Reverse Of course, I should have followed my own advice when picking up a couple of this series issued about seven years ago by St. Clair Entertainment Group, Inc. Despite what it says on some of the headers here in Amazon, these are NOT the original recordings. In small print on the back its says "This album contains new stereo recordings performed by the featured artists" and, if you read some of the other reviews for the various entries, the sound quality, not to mention the voices themselves (which, in many instances, were getting a little long in the tooth when they did them) range from horrible to mediocre to barely adequate.Also there are no liner notes nor even a discography of the contents to at least tell you WHEN they were recorded. They are, however, cheap, and if you don't mind re-makes of what were some smash Country hits by some of the best artists ever, then by all means get them.As far as I can determine, the series covered, in addition to Willie Nelson: Freddy Fender; Charlie Rich; Waylon Jennings; Buck Owens; Porter Wagoner; Kitty Wells; Lynn Anderson; Merle Haggard; Donna Fargo; Kenny Rogers; Ray Price; Jeannie C. Riley; Lee Greenwood; Roger Miller; Faron Young; David Houston; Johnny Paycheck; and Barbara Mandrell.
GREAT HORROR-THRILLER Great movie , one of the best Korean Horror - Thrillers ever . Great story-great acting BUY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
Essential, but leaving me yearning for more Having delved into modern tarot explanations, it was a blessing for me to come across this jewel from the creator himself. The reading was long, and long, and long, and boring. Only because I am the type of person that can run for 3 hours on a treadmill, did I find it also entertaining. The bottom line is though, who better to learn from then the creator of something. Waite explains and demystifies a lot; the main point, "Physician, heal thyself" Go with what comes to you.A must for anyone striving to be a diviner of the Waite deck.
Not so satisfying The Talmud is 2711 pages long, and I can imagine that one does not open a book like that without knowing *how* to study. So, I thought that this would have something like a sample page from the Talmud and some different approaches as to how to study it. For reference, I speak English as a first language (and no Hebrew or Yiddish) and wanted to have something written in English that would teach me *how* to study. That's not quite what I got. (More on that later.)There were 275 pages of prose and 35 chapters. That works out to 7.8 pages per chapter.Chapter 30 ("Methods of Study"), for example goes on for 6 pages and tells us something vague about the Franco-Ashkenazi vs the African-Sephardi exegetic method. But wouldn't it have been simpler to just take one single page from the actual Talmud itself and go over it each way? And if there were too many methods to get into, then just go over some basic differences between Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi methods? I came away knowing absolutely nothing from that chapter (and that was most of the reason that I bought the book was to know about *concrete* study methods).Chapter 32 ("Aggadah in the Talmud") goes on for 8 pages telling us that Aggadah is everything that is not Halakah. That took exactly ONE sentence to say. And if it had to be put there at the expense of showing us different study methods of the Talmud, then I would have chosen the latter form.In fact, now that I look back over this book: There is not ONE single page of the Talmud taken/reproduced for purposes of example here ANYWHERE. The book was originally written in Hebrew and then translated over to English. A lot of this waffle could have been cut out and replaced with a single translated page of the Talmud (for reference) and then some study and discussion. There are also no references to the Shulchan Aruch (which links the Torah and the appropriate Talmudic reference) here-- and that is something useful for everyday life.There are some snippets of useful/ interesting history here, and there is a list of the orders and tractates and the back of the book-- but that can be found anywhere and is not enough to buy the book alone.I'm going to talk to the (Orthodox, Chabad) Rabbi to see if there is anything that can be salvaged from this book, but as of this moment it's not looking like much.
I love the notes This bible gives me so much information for the bible study I am in. I live the notes, it is on my kindle and its very easy to find information that I need for the study.
This is a great can opener, for about a year. This worked quite well for about a year. It then became increasingly tricky to use and is now junk. The opener will pierce the can, and nothing more.How can making a can opener be this difficult?
Dont buy im really a sucker for eevrything i like every lil crappy music around but ciara goodies was ok 1 2 step rocked but she stopped wit OOH............She danced her way into the music industry but leave it to me she would dance her A** out of it!!!!!! she sucks and no doubt about it....i wasted money that couldve gone toa good cause to buy her cd and i regert it until this day.. it go tme so mad that i broke it in half...... her dance moves which i dont fink she does it all wit herslef is ok but her singing gosh her vocals jus doesnt do any work.. an amateur like me would rock ur world if u liked her singing..Go check someone out worth checking out likealicia keysKeyshia coleKelly clarksonthese have a special voice to brag bout and dont come out fake.!!
Girls Like Us is amazing! Going back in time through this book and re-living that strong wave of feminism followed by the quick backlash was nothing short of a profound experience for me. Those three women very definitely provided the sound track to my own emotional, political, life-changing journey! Many of us who came of age in the 1960s broke the old rules and made our lives up as we went along. It was quite a roller coaster ride and we made some changes affecting women that have made a difference. I loved this book!
Suspense Novel for 3rd graders? I've never read Jack Higgins before and probably won't bother to again.This book had an interesting premise (the Hitler diary), a decent beginning, then...Nothing. I can't believe I even finished it. It was like a comic book without pictures. Except, of course, comic books have better dialog. (ie. "I thought I was a good pilot, but you're a great pilot. Isn't he a great pilot, Billy?"). There are worse examples but this one was at the end so I remembered it better.How did this guy become a best-selling author?
Blu-ray: Entertaining, sexy and fun! Vittorio De Sica, the filmmaker and actor who captured the attention of the world through Italian Neo-Realism with films such as "Shoeshine", "The Bicycle Thief" and "Umberto D.".Known for his neorealist films in the '40s and '50s, by the '60s, De Sica was a man who did what he wanted to do and that meant changing genres and experimenting with various themes. And in 1961, he would go on to create a film that would feature an all-star Italian and American cast titled "The Last Judgement" (Il Giudizio Universale) and also go from creating films about the poor to the people flourishing during the post-war economic boom (known as the Italian Economic Miracle) in which Italy would transform itself to a major industrial power starting from the '50s through the '70s. A subject that De Sica would focus in his 1963 comedy film "Il Boom".While known for his neorealistic films and also his starring role in the 1957 film "A Farewell to Arms" (which De Sica received a "Best Actor in a Supporting Role" Academy Award nomination), his 1963 film "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (Ieri, oggi, domani) would win an Academy Award in 1965 for "Best Foreign Language Film".And although a comedy film, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" would showcase the poor of Italy but also those who flourished during the post-economic boom but do it with comedy and sexuality by collaborating again with actress Sophia Loren ("Two Women", "Boccasio '70', "Marriage Italian Style") and actor Marcello Mastroianni ("Divorce Italian Style", "La Notte", "La Dolce Vita", "8 1/2').To celebrate the working relationship with filmmaker Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, Kino Lorber have released three Blu-ray titles and a special four-disc DVD set featuring "Yesterday Today, Tomorrow", "Marriage Italian Style" and "Sunflower") as part of "The Sophia Loren Award Collection".With the release of "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" on Blu-ray, not only is the film included but also the feature-length documentary "Vittorio D." about the life and career of Vittorio De Sica.VIDEO:"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" is presented in 1080p High Definition (2:35:1). First of all, it's important to note that while Kino has released several Blu-rays (many which are silent films), one should not expect a complete overhaul in terms of picture quality.For "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", its important to note that the film is shot in Techniscope 2-perf, which means that for production back in 1963, the film crew went for economical means than high quality. So, expect to see a good amount of grain and colors that looks soft and not too pristine. Also, Kino doesn't go all out in trying to clean up the video of white specks or other problems in the film like the Criterion Collection or Masters of Cinema but for the most part, they do make sure that films meet a certain level before releasing it on Blu-ray.With that being said, this is the best version of "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" to date! There was an issue of green colors or an aged look in previous video releases and for this Kino Lorber release, colors are much more vibrant and black levels are very good. While the first and third story for me were the best in picture quality, still...early '60s Italy looks very good on Blu-ray! And yes, Sophia Loren also looks fantastic as well!As for "Vittorio D.", as mentioned, Kino has high standards of what films will be released on Blu-ray and documentaries typically are given the DVD treatment. Instead of adding the DVD with the Blu-ray release, Kino chose to give more space to the film, while putting the documentary in an included DVD disc. Picture quality for this documentary is good but a reminder that footage comes from various sources throughout Vittorio De Sica's life, so video quality varies. But for the most part, picture quality on DVD for the documentary is good.AUDIO:"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" is presented in Italian Dolby TrueHD 1.0. The lossless monaural track is still clear in dialogue. From Mara singing in third story to the dialogue, everything comes quite clear through the center channel. Granted, I did choose to watch the entire film in stereo on all channels for a more immersive soundscape.I didn't notice any hissing, pops or crackle and for the most part, soundtrack is what I was expecting from the lossless monaural soundtrack.As for "Vittorio D.", audio is good on the DVD is good and dialogue for the documentary is clear.Optional English subtitles are included.SPECIAL FEATURES:On both the Blu-ray and the DVD are trailers for "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", "Marriage Italian Style" and "Sunflower". Also, included are stills for the film. Of course, the most significant extra in this Blu-ray release is the inclusion of the "Vittorio D" documentary. I personally would have bought this documentary alone but the fact that it's included in this release is fantastic!EXTRAS:"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" comes with a slipcase.JUDGMENT CALL:I am a big fan of Vittorio De Sica's films and while many who are previously familiar with his neorealist films may be craving for another serious film about postwar Italy, with "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", De Sica does explore socioeconomic issues but does so in the form of a comedy anthology.There is no doubt in my mind that when people came out to see this film, the fact that Sophia Loren was the most talked about thing about the entire film tells you what to expect. The curvaceous Sophia Loren wearing next to nothing is no doubt going to be quite titillating to men and the fact that even today, Sophia Loren's kinky dance during her Mara storyline continues to be a source of inspiration, especially how it was recreated in Robert Altman's "Ready to Wear" film.And while the film did win an Academy Award back in 1964 for "Best Foreign Language Film", many may be wondering if this is cinema kitsch or cinema worth owning because of Vittorio De Sica's name is behind it.First, I will say that I'm quite happy that the film is an anthology and has three separate stories. I don't know if I could have watched a feature length on either story as the first is an interesting take on a family's way to prevent jail time for the family matriarch. The answer is to keep getting pregnant and while it seems so farfetched, having friends who have had many children (all girls) in order to get a boy, I can see people of a lower socioeconomic class doing the same. But a storyline is much more comedy than drama and seeing Naples of a long ago, may interest many, but I have no doubt in my mind, many who tuned in for Sophia Loren will be happy.The second story takes on the socioeconomic boom of Italy. The short story takes place in Milan and features a very wealthy Anna in her Rolls Royce and yes, she is a brat when it comes to her possessions. The fact that she cares more about her car and would rather have the man she is having an affair with hit the boy instead of getting an accident, kind of puts a bad taste in your mouth of Anna's character but then again, the story plays on the storyline of wealthy people who don't have a heart.This second story is the weakest but it is the shortest of the three.The final third story is perhaps my favorite. Sophia Loren just dazzles the screen as the prostitute Mara and Marcello Mastroianni does a fantastic job of playing the horny Augusto. No punches are pulled as we can definitely see how badly Augusto wants to get laid and how much of a tease that Sophia Loren can play onscreen. But the fact that she is barely wearing anything in this short is possibly won many fans back then and it will do so today. The kinky dance strip routine by Loren is unforgettable and overall, both Loren and Mastroianni did a wonderful job.In the end, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" does not have the drama and the heartwrenching scenes of any of De Sica's neorealist films but that is fine! De Sica is known for taking on a variety of genres and while some of his comedies were OK, this one is a bit more accessible because its an anthology and sex is the driving force for this film and no doubt, it titillated many men back then and for those who never experienced a Sophia Loren film that showcases her beauty and sexual attraction, this film is the one you want to watch.For the most part, Vittorio De Sica did a great job in directing the film and getting the best out of his two major talents. But while I do feel that Hiroshi Teshigahara's "Woman in the Dunes" or even Jacques Demy's "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" were a better film for me compared to "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", there's no denying that this film is charming and fun!And for this Blu-ray release, the fact that Kino Lorber included the magnificent "Vittorio D." feature-length documentary is fantastic! As mentioned, I would have bought this documentary on its own but the fact that it does come with this Blu-ray release is wonderful!Overall, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" on Blu-ray features one of Sophia Loren's shining moments in film but bundled with the Vittorio De Sica documentary, easily elevates this Blu-ray release as a must-buy for Vittorio De Sica fans!Highly recommended!
Horrible experience....will not play on any DVD player. Love the movie and wanted to share with friends. DVD will not play on any type of DVD player. A different error code on each player. Will not buy from this dealer again.
Don't waste your money!!! This DVD does not help... I decided to get a nutritionist and trainer instead!! Then only way to really lose weight is to change how and what you eat plus add some exercise!
The special effects were cool... And that was about it. The first hour was filled with talking about the research team that landed on the planet. When the aliens attacked, they did things that any idiot would never do and they just died. The only character that I actually liked was the one who had the weird eyes (the killer). The creators also didn't put into account that the aliens were hurt by light. Only once did the light bother them, and that one was already dead. The only reason that I gave this 2 stars was because the special effects saved it. The rest was stupid. My suggestion is to never see this movie...ever.
One book too many This is the title that closes the chapter on Stephenson for me. I'd enjoyed Snow Crash enough to overlook the accumulating cuteness that gooed up the end, and I found sufficient merit in Diamond Age to offset the even larger splashes of the same defect marring that volume. Despite its ambitious conception, however, Cryptonomicon is a showcase of sloppy writing and errors of fact. The tone throughout is cleverness so precious it gags. Cute. It's just so preciously cute. Disappointment is compounded when a talented writer mistakes energy for effort.
ok so far with this I just used these and everything seems fine. I will check back in a month or two to ensure that they are still sticking!
Two stars for scenery No story, no directing, and no acting. thank God I didn't buy this one. Sudami
Everything she does is real Julia Roberts stars as an unrelentingly tactless, thoroughly tasteless, charm-school dropout twice divorced, the mother of three who dresses like a Las Vegas whore. We love her. She is a woman who's been disappointed a time or two and generally expects the worst, and when she doesn't get it, she's surprised. She is her own worst enemy with a foul mouth and a skanky style and a chip on her shoulder. She is also very smart and incredibly strong and knows right from wrong (and that's the chip on her other shoulder). We love her.Stir in Richard Gere or Tom Cruise (no, he's too short)... How about...no, no, NO. Give her someone near her equal. How about a real actor twice her age? How about Albert Finney (whom I first saw in the delightful Tom Jones (1963))? Together they play it like Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy without the romance. Not only does it work, it's a triumph. Finney really is brilliant. His timing is exquisite as is his ability to round his character. Did you catch the shot of him with the one eye comically magnified through his glasses? For love interest give her a bandana-wearing biker whom she turns into a house husband to take care of her kids while she takes on Pacific Gas and Electric (market cap = $28-billion). For the first time in her life she is doing something important. For the first time in her life people respect her. There's something wonderful about this because even without an education people can see, and she can know, that she's their equal and maybe a bit more.Aaron Eckhart, lately seen as the sociopathic Chad in the startlingly original In the Company of Men (1997) plays the biker house husband with fidelity and a kind of sappy warmth. She neglects him and her kids for her obsession. Susannah Grant, who penned the very clever script must have gotten a good laugh with this unusual household, the poor, stay at home neglected husband, the always on the road wife. Incidentally, don't miss the scene where he first kisses her. It was so real all I could think was this guy is kissing Julia Roberts! She is so powerfully expressive that everything she does is real. That's her gift.A significant part of the success of Erin Brockovich of course is in the compelling (and substantially true) story of David versus Goliath ("and all his relatives," as Finney quips), of good versus evil, of the "little guy" versus the corporate behemoth. I won't be giving away anything by telling you that there's a happy ending. But this is also a triumph for Director Steven Soderbergh who can now add a box office success to critical acclaim. I haven't seen any of his latest movies, (I'm looking forward to seeing Traffic), but I recall with pleasure the very interesting Sex, Lies, & Videotape from 1989. I am also looking forward to the Academy Awards presentations because I suspect the Academy is going to reward both Julia Roberts and Soderbergh by making Erin Brockovich the Best Picture of the year 2000.
A Novel of Romantic Suspense. From Karla Castro a Student of Mrs. Garcia. "Lord of the Far Island" by Victoria Holt,I love this classic novel of romanic suspense. Ellen is a girl that at her five years old is orphaned, and Agatha her cousin and her family take care of her but she is resigne to be a "poor relation" and a governess when she has 18 years old. Her live change when Philip, the son of a powerful family in London ask for her hand in marriage, but her bad luck continue and Philip been murder, with that the oportunity of be in a good social position. A few weeks later she recieved a letter from her father's family, someone called Jago Kelleway who become her guardian before her father died. She decided to visit him in a island that resulte be from the kelleway, She only want to know why her mother left her father, and what happend with her sister that she never know. She love the island and she fall in love with someone, but he has a secret and that can change her mind and the opportunity of be happy with him.
Bill Pullman is a very talented actor! Probably the Best movie ever made. It is funny, brilliant, comic ... and the actors are wonderful. I love the chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. He is absolutely the greatest actor in the world. He is really nice and cute. Beautiful movie, if you haven't seen it yet, go and buy it!!
retro kicks for the new millennium These shoes are incredibly comfortably, and look awesome. I was skeptical at first, but ever since I have received my pair of Red/White/Blue, I have not found a single flaw. These shoes will bring the old school back into your life and then some. Get a couple pairs of these things and wear a different color each day!
wrong shoes to PUT IT CRAP,i didnt get the ADDIDAS 11 ORIGINALS i requested,instead i recieved some awful T.MAC bigfoot basketball shoe,which i promptly gave to the local childrens hospital MERRY XMAS. BOB.
John, find a real issue I hate to admit that I watch his show and read his drivel. He's entertaining in his own crazy way though. But as for his latest book, let me get this straight--a middle-aged white christian male is complaining about being discriminated against in the United States of America. Boo hoo. Somewhere Rosa Parks is shedding a tear.
Fascinating stories for believers and non-believers alike Ben Kingsley's reading of Yogananda's autobiography is easy to listen to and full of fascinating stories about his life. It really helps one to appreciate the mindset and path of "renunciants" who give up most worldly concerns to follow a spiritual path. That said, Yogananda comes across as much more than a renunciant yoga; he traveled extensively in the West, established the self-realization fellowship, as well as schools in India, and was generally quite sophisticated. Some of the stories are hard to believe and would be considered science fiction out of context; but in the context of the life and culture of Yogananda they certainly make one pause to think. Highly recommended for anyone interested in enlightenment, or in the spiritual traditions and culture of India, or even in supernatural possibilities.I wound up finding it useful to have both the CD set and the book, as there were parts that I wanted to go back and re-read after hearing them on the CD.
not good the problem is for that product is sweeting inside , i changed two times and the same probems both of them.
ID was not same as advertised The od and wall thickness were correct but the ID was much larger than advertised. It will cost just as much to send the item back so it is not worth the effort to ship it.
Rent it when you have nothing else to do "Mickie Blue Eyes" is a mob-style comedy that doesn't do a very good job of covering either the mob or the comdey part of its genre. I personally enjoy James Caan and got this movie just because of him and the preview. This is not one of James Caan's better movies and the preview apparently had all the funny material from the movie within it (once you've seen the preview you have pretty much seen the only parts of the movie that were any good).
WAR IS HELL! This ultimate classic proves it... "Bataan" is one of the best war films to come out of 1940's Hollywood. This film is gut-wrenching and intense. I've seen this film many times and still enjoy it, even to this day. This film is way better than most of todays war/action films. They just don't make 'em like this anymore. This is a pure classic, simply the best...
Very Wide These shoes were extremely wide and had too much fabric around the heel. Although the color was pretty, they unfortunately looked too sloppy to keep.
These are the STANDARD of Professional Headphones I won't say much. These headphones rock. For what you pay, it's great! I LOVE THEM. No complaints whatsoever. I would recommend these to anyone looking for a great deal for quality.QUALITY BABY.
A fast, ruthless classic that's hasn't lost it's bite. Classic 50's action sci-fi. Lots of action around one facet of our lives (advertisment) that's been blown out of proportion.Though the characters don't have a real personality of their own, the conflicts that throw the hero between diffferent roles, easily fill that need. And those changes from happy personality-less opressor to opressed (and depressed) and so-on, have some hillarious scenes. Can you guess how big "chicken little" is
i KNOWS WHAt would make her cd's sell better Forget the kissing of madona. She should just become liek Christina Aguilara, and basically show more her body to sell her cds she could even put a poster inside each cd case, or forget the cd all together and just put pictures of her inside.Obviously i'm not being serious with this review, but still i do believe that this *IS* what she is doing, or trying to do. That madonna publicity stunt made her and madonna's cds sales go up; don't ask me why people would think music in any way shape or form would evolve into images of them kissing; it might be that people think of the image of them kissing when they hear the music. But anyway sooner or later she is going to do more drastic "publicity stunts" do get her sales up.Shes a ok singer, bad lyricist, and knows that she is out with the old.
The Lessons I Learned I read Little Women by:Louisa May Alcott.This book is an amazing book. It does not necessarily teach you lessons on how to live, but from reading the book you learn alot. I enjoyed this book so much. It taught me about family, love, sacrifices, hardships, and alot more.When Beth goes and visits the Hummel family and gets Scarlett Fever from the baby, you sense alot of feelings from everyone. That was a very intense part for me. Also when the Dad gets sick, and the Mom leaves that is another intense part. Alot of things happen that make you feel like you do not know what is going to happen.Then the sister's start to grow up and fall in love. You get to know them so much throughout this book. When they feel something like when Jo thinks Beth loves Laurie, the guy Jo met and become friends with, and then goes away and lets Beth have him. That hurts to know how she is feeling. But when Jo meets Professor Bhaer and starts to fall in love with him you get very excited.I was did not specifically like how the book ended becuase I wanted something else to happen that did not. But I still think this was a great book and I reccomend it to anyone searching for a book that you can not help but care about the characters.
Great movie in 3d I have a nice Samsung 3D plasma. The 3D picture is fantastic. This movie in 3D is like you were there. Loved seeing Titanic again, this time in 3D. Just like Avatar they made both movies fill your TV screen and what a difference that makes. I wish others would learn from them.
Delude yourselves if it makes you feel good... I am a former Christian who no longer believes in the concept of souls, god, hell, etc., and I readily revel in the wonders science uncovers everyday. Yet, I've had quite a few people recommend this book to me (to sway me, I suppose)--so I finally read it. (Although religious folks never read the stuff I suggest for them: do a websearch for Richard Dawkins'Good and Bad Reasons for Believing; it's a much shorter and easier read than C.S. Lewis' pedantic tome. Besides, C.S. Lewis was a Science Fiction writer, like Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard. I suggest you get your science from scientists not science fiction writers--but I digress.) This work of self aggrandizing philosophizing might possibly be a good book if your goal is to convince yourself (or others) that Christianity is the truth--but it's a really crappy book if you are actually interested in truth--the good kind...the kind with evidence that can be explained to anyone with just a wee bit of scientific knowledge--. Scientific truths are sort of like math--it's useful stuff to know--a great tool...but truth doesn't care if you believe it or not. You can believe that the value of pi is indeterminable and that the moon is made of cheese if you desire.Anyhow, let me sum of some of C.S. Lewis' nuggets of wisdom so you can assess whether this book is for you. C.S. Lewis has carfully studied the bible and Christian literature to discover what the worst sin of all is-- Just guess what the worst sin of all is, folks? It's not pedophilia, it's not starting wars by lying, it's not cruelty, it's not killing people because you've labled them evil, it's not child abuse--it's (drumroll please)--PRIDE. That's right--pride is the worse sin of all according to C.S. Lewis based upon his diligent study of Christian Doctrine. Now, to me, a person living many years after Lewis' death--I find this stuff inane. Granted, my I.Q. and education level is higher than most, but I once lapped up this stuff because, by golly, it never occurred to me that authority figures could be full of crap. At this wiser point in my life, I think that C.S Lewis was not only full of crap--but he exhibits pride to the point of arrogance in pretending to have reasoned his way to Christian truth. Do you notice, that like many cult leaders, he claims to understand mysteries of the universe without showing any evidence in support of his claims? Sort of like Hitler (another Christian, mind you), Osama, Marshall Applewhite,Charles Manson, Reverend Moon, and David Koresh (note: how telling that all gods, prophets, demons, devils, etc. are men--could this be a testosterone inspired delusion?).Let me share some other nuggets from C.S. Lewis--ah yes... here's a Christian favorite--"sinning in your thoughts is as bad as sinning in actuality." Try selling that to a jury. I would prefer that someone imagine raping me than actually doing it...I suspect most would agree. Go ahead and imagine me in hell, just don't inflict it upon me (leave the smiting to your Almighty, please.) Actual rape causes pain, suffering, and possibly pregnancy and/or AIDS.If it's the same to god, he/she/it is insane. Here on planet earth, controlling ones actions takes precedence over controlling ones thoughts (which doesn't seem to be particularly effective-- especially when it comes to more primal thinking where evolution has ensured some particularly compelling thoughts. Check out Jimmy Swaggert...or homosexuals trying to think themselves "straight".)C.S. Lewis also tells us that soldiers should serve with gaiety in a war even though they are killing people. That's right, C.S. Lewis is a warmonger. Although Osama's followers served their god happily, I suspect most soldiers have to be pretty brainwashed to ignore the suffering they cause in the fight for some "ideal" or against some "poorly defined evil." Killing people devastates the lives of loved ones no matter which god you pray to, and I can't imagine anyone finding gaiety in inflicting such suffering. (I bet non-atheist soldiers think god is on their side--no matter whose army they fight in. By the way, evidence confirms there are lots of atheist in foxholes. Also, there are lots of people praying for god to save them in many doomed situations (the Virginia miners). I suspect all doomed hijacked flights have plenty of passengers pleading for a safe landing--of course the hijackers are praying to their god for a successful mission and heavenly rewards. This god of C.S. Lewis' seems to pick and choose when it comes to prayer answering, no?Most of C.S. Lewis' advice seems aimed at men--sort of like the bible's rules about coveting wives and it's treatment of women as chattle. And not unlike the islamic view that tells guys that virgins await them in heaven--what woman wants that heaven? Religion is also a great way to control people without having to answer to anyone about the results (because they all occur in some nebulous afterlife). It doesn't seem to occur to most religious dudes that women are as intelligent (though often more trusting and gullible) than them. Who can blame them, of course, if their religion tells them that women are responsible for the fall of mankind and that god was created in man's image (testosterone proneness to wrath and revenge included)? Heck, the Mormon religion tells guys they get to be gods on their own planets--of course women are secondary and can only get to heaven via marriage and submission to their husbands. Bummer. And women seem to sin so much less then men; they hardly ever covet or kill, and they seldom rape or commit child molestation. And, most aren't particular prideful (the biggest sin of all, according to C.S. Lewis. The woman I know tend to be humble as a group and more placating and empathic then their Y-chromosomed counterparts. Heck, women never start wars, so why do men get all the goodies in the afterlife? Sounds like a scam to me! Women also seem to be the biggest consumers of religion, so if you get heaven bonus points for believing,women win there too.Maybe, Mere Christianity was wise for the time it was written. But the problem with all religious texts is that they expect you to squeeze truth out of ideals. All supernatural beliefs involve putting faith in something without being able to question it...test it...explore it...challenge it. It's all based on the same namby pamby evidence that we wouldn't even accept in a court of law--hearsay, testimony, feelings, inner knowingness, claims of miracles, revelations, guys who claim to be Gods, prophets, gurus, and bearers of secret knowledge. But if you try to test these claims--for example, say I ask a catholic to take the communion out of your mouth so we can analyze it for Human DNA...or ask a Mormon to test their holy undergarments in a double blind taser test, I am accused of arrogance. Could it be that the emperor is wearing no clothes and that's why he wants you to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?" Could it be that the zealots are trying to convince you in an effort to convince themselves? (If anyone has a supernatural claim such as the above or anything else that they can demonstrate scientifically, I encourage you google "JREF--million dollar prize." Just state what supernatural thing you can do and prove it.All religions promise you goodies if you believe; they tell you you'll be punished eternally for being not believing the right untestable claim or a false prophet. They tell you that you are arrogant to ask questions...yet I think those who ask questions aren't arrogant; they're intelligent and often eager to share the information they've gained. Most scientists seem eager to share information with those who can comprehend it and test it. Most religious people hide behind "god's mysterious ways." I think there are obvious reasons why belief in the supernatural (god, souls, hell, alien abductions, etc.) decreases as intelligence and education increase. But I also think that religious people have more kids passing on whatever genes influence religiosity (especially religous people who think god doesn't want them to use birth control.) I think relion makes people stupid and makes them focus on an afterlife at the expense of the only verifiable life they have. Scientists indulge them in these fantasies, mainly because religious people can be scary. I know I seldom speak out, but I'm not the kind to tell a kid there is no Santa either.But why do religious people imagine they'll feel something in an afterlife when they won't have a working brain to do so? Neurologists have well documented that consciousness occurs within the brain; no one has given evidence of consciousness outside of a body. Neurologists have pretty much shown that all consciousness, feelings, experiences, etc., are brain dependent. We can duplicate most every religious type experience with drugs and brain stimulation in various area. Brain damage can make people believe all sorts of really crazy things, like Capgras delusion, where one's mother and other close associates are seen as imposters (the sight and emotion part of the brain lose their connection). Or many of those experiencing dementia claim that the image in the mirror isn't them. Religion causes delusions too.Science, like knowledge and technology, evolves. Antiquated religious notions can't. I am just amazed that people who understand that the earth is spherical and orbiting despite our perceptions still invest so much in supernatural claims. And the problem with supernatural claims is that they tend to contradict each other and without evidence. The only way to determine one's superiority to the other is confirmation bias, it seems. If I want something to be true I am readily drawn to evidence which supports these desires. Humans are very great at fooling themselves--think of optical illusions.How can people who readily accept paternity tests, and fly in planes, and think test tube babies and cloned sheep are no big deal--people who use the internet--how can they still believe that "evil" and "good" exist outside the mind of human beings? Our technology and science would make us indistiguishable from gods to generations past (my dog thinks I'm god as far as I can tell) but still we make up our own gods, even as his/her role seems to diminish further with each new scientific discovery.Science is built from the bottom up--on that which works--it's honed, refined, and added to --no designer needed. Today's internet had no overlord planner--it evolved from the technology that came before. C.S. Lewis offers something that is untestable, and that you can only build more untestable, nebulous, knowledge on top of. It's a waste of time, I think, unless you're hoping to bolster your own tentative beliefs.Why do Christians always want people to read this book, but they never seem to read the imminently more readable scientists of our times like Dawkins, Shermer, Blackmore, and, for beginners, Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World? Truth is gathered from the evidence--you can't assume what it is and then try to make the evidence fit those facts. Atheists seem to be more widely read in both the religious arena and the science arena from what I can tell--I certainly am; whereas religious folks stick to the stuff that encourages their particular belief--just like the Amish stay away from the modern world and things that might tempt them away from their heavenly path. It seems a waste of brainpower which could advance knowledge. Moreover, it causes the part of the brain responsible for logical thinking to whither.If you are going to explore beliefs without evidence, you might also try try homeopathy, out-of-body transcendence, levitation, astrology, and satanism; check out the Koran; the bhagvad gita; fairies are fun too. Try out Zeus as your god for a week. Try fearing Hades and praying to Allah. See if you get better results than you get from your current beliefs. They are all equally likely from a scientific perspective. Yes, a lot of this stuff is old and discredited--but many people claim these beliefs to be true. How about alien made crop circles? If you base your beliefs on feelings, depth of belief indicated by believers, or fear of hell (by the way...everyone is going to hell in someone else's religion), what makes you and C.S. Lewis believe you've stumbled upon the undefinable, untestable, but actual "truth?" Pride? Arrogance? Stupidity? Youth? Brainwashing? Death of logic neurons in the brain? Were you suckered in by the promise of heaven and afraid to question due to a fear of hell?Consider this: no wise writer of religious texts thought to offer up some cool things that science later discovered on its own--no supreme being thought to include information about DNA, microbes, atoms, and solar systems in any of their religious texts. Kind of incompetent for an almighty. Sure you can bend vague prophesies and use formulas to find secret codes in the bible. Sure you can play your records backwards and hear demons supposedly. But that's not stuff smart people give credence to. We don't burn people because they are witches anymore and we don't perform exorcisms on people with Tourette Syndrome.And here's a final piece of wisdom from C.S. Lewis: Humans are unlovable -- "creatures like us who actually find hatred such a pleasure that to give it up is like giving up beer or tobacco ..." I don't know about you, but I find pleasure in none of these.
A Season With Many "John Hurt Moments"! I have to admit it. I'm a "Coupling" freak. This BBC comedy import about the trials and tribulations of the dating & mating rituals of six British singles is a wonderful piece of entertainment. I can watch this series over and over again and still keep finding enjoyment from both the big laughs and the soap opera-ish drama. It dosn't seem to get old no matter how many times I watch it. Whenever, I come to the end of the final season, I always have just a twinge of sadness. It's seems like the show is being wrapped up, yet it leaves you wanting more.The main story arc of Season 4 (SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU HAVN"T SEEN SEASON 3!!) revolves around Susan's pregnancy. At the very end of Season 3, Susan announced to boyfriend, Steve Taylor "Times up Steve, I think it's someone else's turn to be a child." And that pretty much sums up, what Susan and Steve fight about, over the course of six episodes as Steve must get over his fears of impending fatherhood (including dreams of ax welding fetuses) and the emotional commitment that comes along with it.Other storylines include Sally and Patrick's eventual recognition, that they really are ment for each other. The only thing getting in the way is Patrick's long & storied sexual past (well documented and locked away in the cupboard) and Sally's jealousy and lack of self-regard. Meanwhile the insanely self-involved, Jane is introduced to the desperate new guy, Oliver Morris (replacement for the departing Richard Coyle's Jeff). During the course of the season an interesting flirtation begins to grow between these two and actually adds a little depth to Jane's wacky character.There are some wonderful episodes. I love the insanely long and out of control phone call from "Nightlines", where the entire cast gets to comment about the various inter-relationships. "Bedtime" is also hilarious, while we watch both a literal and figurative game between Sally and Patrick, over where to spend the night. We also get a sequel of sorts, when Jane's eternally perturbed, former psychiatrist raises the ghost of the "Lesbian Spank Inferno" in the very funny episode, "Circus of the Epidurals". A personal favorite of mine is "The Naked Living Room", where Oliver's fear of Jane seeing his flat "unedited", leads us to some very sexy (and funny!) scenes.To be perfectly honest, while Season 4 is quite enjoyable, it is a tad sub-par to the preceding three. But thats' like complaining, that your favorite baseball team is only hitting triples, instead of homeruns, everytime it comes up to bat. One problem might be Richard Coyle's sudden departure from the cast. It seems to have upset the show's perfect chemistry. The other problem is in the last episode, where it appears that Series Creator, Steve Moffat is trying to both tie up the storylines with broad stokes, but still leaves some nagging details unanswered. In other words, we are sort of left hanging. Will Sally & Patrick make it as a couple? What's with Jane's mysterious comments about, who she really cares about? And what's with the uncharacteristicly serious tone of Steve's last words about the birth? The last show of the Series leaves us wanting more!Despite these small complaints, "Coupling" is still a wonderfully funny show, that will leave you addicted to big laughs. I only wish there was another season! Highly recommended!
Wonderful This is probably the finest Brahms cycle I have heard. Walter is good with 2 & 3 but is let down by his orchestra and the sound. Not only is the sound on this release excellent, Jochum has Walter's lyricism and is more muscular when needed. Morover, his tempi and phrasing are flexible unlike Abbado, Klemperer etc which means he makes the music really sing. Till I listen to Sanderling, to me this is at the top. When I play any symphony in this cycle, I don't feel like switching it off, it is so gripping.
Often complicated but all in all a must read. Very well thought out and great
Rosemary's Baby Ripoff Yes. This movie rips off Rosemary's Baby. I didn't like Rosemary's Baby. This movie is worse. Compared to this film, I highly recommend Rosemary's Baby. I enjoyed Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron's performances. Forget the story. These two people drive the movie. These two very beautiful people.Spencer (Depp) is an astronaut. His wife, Jillian, (Theron) is a loving wife and second grade teacher. They are the epitome of all-Americans. While he's in space, his ship loses contact for 2 minutes. These 2 minutes end up changing their lives forever. No kidding. 2 minutes. This is the movie. 2 minutes. What happened in those two minutes? Jillian begins to worry. He won't talk about it. His flight partner died afterward because of it, and the guy's wife killed herself. When Jillian becomes pregnant with twins, she learns that the other wife was also pregnant with twins when she killed herself. Odd. Jillian digs deeper into this mystery until she uncovers a horror that she never imagined.The ending. Nope. Didn't like it. Didn't like the end of Rosemary's Baby either. No vindication! Not for Rosemary or for Jillian! What happens to Jillian makes me even madder, though. See for yourself. I hope none of you watch it and say, "Oh, how poignant." Ick!! I recommend this movie solely based on the perfomances. Those are worth (I suppose) at least a look see. And, hey, if all you want to do is stare at Depp (Or Theron), by all means, get this movie. It's great for that.
Not good I'd give it no stars if I could - absolute crap, could have written the script when I was 10. Maybe worth it for 3 good seconds of actual flying footage.
Stainless Steel (316) Bar 1/4 x 1 1/2 x 12 as advertised for $13.16 If you know what grade 316 stainless is and are familiar with its proffered and how to machine it,all I can say its they delivered what was promised without any problems: an unpolished rectangle/flat bar 1/4" thick, 1 1/2" wide, 12" long for a little over $13.00.For background stainless steel 316 is one of the most corrosion resistant of all the common "austenitic" (any grade of stainless in the 300 range) stainless steels. It is sometimes called marine grade stainless because it resists corrosion even in the presence of saltwater. It is often called A4 stainless on metric sized fasteners.If you plan on using this for a project requiring machining -- like drilling or milling -- keep a couple things in mind:1) Don't even think about trying to drill without coolant. If you value your drill bits life, use LOTS of it, literally keep flooding the area with coolant from start to stop. If you don't have any real coolant, try regular olive oil.2) You can drill this with high speed steel drill bits, but cobalt bits will last longer because this process generates heat that cobalt can deal with better than high speed steel. If possible use a drill with an angle around 135 and if you can use a shorter "screw machine" or "stub" length drill rather than the standard "jobber" length.3) Drill a with lot slower rpm than you are used to for regular steel or (especially aluminum) and keep the pressure on. If you need to disengage from the cut, pull it back completely out of the hole immediately -- never let the drill just stay rotating in the hole without a good bit of pressure applied. It is much easier to do this on a drill press or mill than with a hand held drill because you can maintain pressure without flexing the bit (which can cause it to snap) more easily on a press.4) Make sure your bits are SHARP. Don't even bother trying if your bit is the least bit dull or worn.5) You can do this even if you've never machined/drilled a significant hole in a real metal before -- I first learned about metal cutting using Titanium 6al4v, which is a lot like this material as far as drilling / milling strategy goes. I never understood why people said it was so difficult to machine until later when I worked on mild steel and aluminum -- if you're used to those metals or try to machine this like it is those metals, you will likely be quite frustrated.6) This product comes unfinished (scratchy). If you want it to look half decent, use a disc or belt sander, start at 80 grit and work your way up to 400 to 600. It should look pretty decent by then. If not, move on to buffing with buffing wheels and appropriate compounds.I hope this provides a decent review of my transaction, plus what this stuff is used for and what to do with it so people can decide whether its appropriate for whatever project they're working on.
Cerulean Sins is better than Narcissus in Chains For those fans of Ms. Hamilton, it will be hard to believe but Cerulean Sins is actual better than her last entry in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series. Sadly, it's only better by a hair due to a slightly more cogent plot even if that plot is pale rehash of Burnt Offerings. As well, it looks like an editor actually worked on CS because the typos and grammatical mistakes do not leap off the page in this latest offering.Even sadder is that fact that what made NiC so horrid is still laced throughout the book. Numerous sexual encounters that push this book so far past erotic romance that it misses erotica altogether and goes straight to porn. Possibly this is due to the complete lack of romance between the characters or more probably because the sex is more often than not something you'd see in an video tape from the back room of a seedy adult book store.Gratefully none of these encounters are with Micah, the latest of Anita's significant others. In point of fact, there is a pleasing absence of abnormal genitals describe, thank goodness. Ms. Hamilton seems to have gone to great efforts to restrain herself in that respect.In summary, those expecting a miracle in the form of Ms. Hamilton writing returning to it's more creative origins after reading Narcissus Chains will be disappointed. Those readers who loved Ms. Hamilton's last book will be pleased.
Where is the Story? This book was a whooooole lot of navel gazing, ridiculous feats of math (repeated ad nauseum) and then more navel gazing. In the first few pages a little girl vanishes, and apparently we are supposed to spend the entire length of a novel on how agonizing that is. I thought that by listening to the audio version I would at least be able to get through it when I had nothing else to do. Unfortunately, driving in silence was more entertaining. Read the spoilers and get the whole story in a paragraph. Don't worry, you won't miss anything.
Wrong Reviews Like the previous reviewer said, Amazon has really messed up by allowing reviews not related to this product. I emailed Amazon asking them to only post reviews of Blu-Ray and HD DVD's. Amazon does not want to listen to their Customer.
Hummzinger is a Winner I've tried several other Hummingbird feeders which leak or I have a problem with ants. Returned several other feeders on the market which have leaked even though they were kept out of the sun or harsh elements and you know when you have a feeder that leaks, it attracts not only ants, but wasps. Heard about the Hummzinger from my friend who gave rave reviews about it and she was right. I haven't had one problem with this feeder and the birds do perch on it. It traps any crawling insects such as ants, due to a moat in the middle. It is worth any every penny of your purchase.
For Classroom Use The sound was low and slightly hard to understand. However, the information is good and well thought out. If you are looking for a good video to show your kids and keep their interest...this is not it. Plenty of people can disagree and that's fine. Most of my classes were asleep in ten minutes or less. I personally liked the stance taken and point of view. The information contained is excellent.
Not what it promises to be I read this book as my intro. to out sourcing. Davies is a good salesman. After further research we hired an Indian firm to do our accounting (including payroll), our customer service and some programming functions.Things went bad from the start. The call center people were incompetent, our payroll was wrong five months out of six, and the programming was full of errors. Than there were the anti-offshoring nuts who kept calling in bomb threats and sent me emails loaded with viruses. We finally gave up and brought everything back home. Too bad we had to lose half our customers to learn our lesson. You get what you pay for after all.
Family Fun This was a cute cute movie! We only rented it, but we WILL be buying it in the near future! And thequality of amazon on demand was unbelievable!
Swante I liked this book because the author is good and indians died. I liked the part where Taggart noticed a bush was not where it used to be so he knew it was an indian, so he took aim and when the bush moved again he fired wounding the indian. In my oppinion that was the best part.
A great "MOVIE" I remember renting this movie about a hundred times as a kid. It is a great action movie with good flying scenes. In response to some of the other comments, remember, this is a Hollywood movie! It was made for entertainment. If you want a show that is realistic and 100% truthful, watch the Discovery Channel or National Geographic. Putting down a movie just because it is not totally accurate according to your experiences in the Army is just plain wrong. I was on a Trident Sub for over 4 years and I think Crimson Tide was a good "movie". And I'm also a pilot...great flying in the movie.
Emmet Otters Jugband Christmas Emmet Otter's Jug-Band ChristmasIt was in great shape and the movie is fantastic.My little one loves it. ;)Thank You,Sharon
Excellant Movie Go would have to be one of the best movies of 99 It was funny, clever, lots a action and had a groovy soundtrack. This is one not to miss
A Love Story Writ Large Following in the tradition of many renowned novelists of the twentieth century, Michael Chabon sets his love story, "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay," in a large city. Mr. Chabon contributes much here to the urban legend that is New York City. A troika of major characters, Joe Kavalier, Rosa Saks, and Sammy Clay, joins with a cast of minor characters so believable that they seem like neighbors. The comic book characters drawn by these three come to life as well.Mr. Chabon's prose is passionate and, yes, purple in places, a narrative device used to lift the lyricism off the page. Sometimes I looked up unfamiliar words; sometimes I didn't. I found Leo Rosten's "The Joys of Yiddish" useful for looking up Golem of Prague and some Yiddish words. I enjoyed all the references to Harry Houdini; for the reader who wants to know more about him, I highly recommend "Houdini!!!" by Kenneth Silverman. Mr. Chabon provides a clue to his extensive research in his Author's Note and gives excellent suggestions for reading more about New York City during the 1930s to 1950s; Prague during the 1930s to 1940s; magic, magicians, and escape artists; the Antarctic; the Kabbalah; radio and comic books; and Levittown. "Kavalier & Clay" is a tender love story writ large that caresses some controversial themes with sensitivity, humor, and grace.
Cute Placemat Very cute and the characters entertain my 16 month old while I make meals.
I LOVE IT! I love this book! It's so educational and it taught me things I'd never know if I hadn't read it! This is my recommendation to readers 13 and up, I suppose. Buy it today, keep it a lifetime! Just order it here on Amazon, the greatest online shopping place!
Who wrote this? The translator of this version of Aurelius is not named nor can this name be found in this listing. This translation uses the "thee, thou, doth" biblical language of the King James version. A much less arched translation is the one by Maxwell Staniforth which was published by Penguin Classics. However, the recent printings of this almost lyrical version is missing Staniforth's excellent introduction that began the its original publication so used copies are the only resort. They are well worth it.
Not for Self-Learners Good idea, lots of content and information but heavily flawed. To add to the complexity of learning a new, dead language, the authors add a glossary organized not in the order of the English alphabet, but in the Pali order. Why not waste time looking up words? Good idea! They also fail to provide meanings for many of the words introduced in each lesson, so buy a dictionary, as many are also not in the glossary. Actual translations of the texts, if they couldn't provide the meanings of the words, would have been nice, but this is also missing. I suspect they didn't let someone who doesn't know Pali try this one out or else it is targeted for a classroom situation.
our favorite book we received this book as a gift 5 years ago for our first daughter and I am buying another copy now that our second is 2 years old as it has been loved so much it is starting to show. The photos are great and the classic rhymes timeless. Would recommend for any child!!
young stevie - WOW! The man could already play more than well. He was still crawling on this Live recording, BUT YOU CAN ALREADY FEEL THE STRENGTH OF HIS MUSIC.A MUST BUY FOR YOU !
They're great. Sizing was good. I usually wear 8 1/2 extra wide shoes. The mediums have plenty of room. They are not shoes I would wear all day because I need more support for all day wear. They are great for quick trips out or wearing around the house.
Win2k Users Beware! Before I get flammed, I should say that I played this game on Win98 first and was blown away. Very cool graphics, gameplay is nice too. But my main problem with the game is that it does not support Win2k or WinXP. How stupid is that? Especially in light of the fact that it was released in September right before WinXP was released. Apparently, the company (THQ) is not concerned about the market of new computer buyers. Which most new computers will be pre-loaded with. I feel that I must warn any gamer thinking they can buy this game and make it run on Win2k or WinXP. If you go to the THQ forum and look at the number of post about this, you will see that it is a major problem. You will see numerous posts of how people have had to tweak there machine settings all different ways just to get the game to run for an hour or so before it crashes. No one should have to modify their machine settings to such an extent to get any game to run! I strongly warn any gamer with Win2k or Xp to not buy this game! Win98 and Win95 users have fun, Win2k and WinXP users play with something else like Unreal Tournament, which is now 2 years old but runs on Win2K. If anyone cares, I am running a 667 Pentium III, 256 MEG of RAM with a VisionTek GeForce 3 video card and SoundBlaster Live X-Gamer sound card.
Brilliant The greatest book ever to be put to print. The first time I read it I became utterly depressed, but I knew the book was too good to be merrely dismissed as depressing. So I reread it and found it a harrowing novel. Helplessness is the best word to describe the feeling of this novel.
dont disregard it because of it's name. I read this book on the third week of a six week challenge i was doing, called "daniel's challenge". the challenge basically involved eating no sugar (besides healthy natural ones) and eating no meat (or meat products) or dairy. The basic gist of the diet is that you eat as many fruits and vegetables and beans/legumes and you want and if your still needing nourishment you eat nuts (sparingly) and grains. Because that is what we are meant to eat.I decided to do this "diet" because I was sick of feeling gross about my body (i was NOT overweight at all), but i've always felt that I didn't look/feel the best i could about myself. after only days of this diet i felt OUTSTANDING. My runs in the morning were easier, I was losing extra weight that I didn't even know I had. I felt alive and invigorated. That's how I knew that this was a good thing. I've never been a big meat eater, and i would have considered myself to be a better eater than most. But this was a new level of feeling completely happy and in control of who I am and what I put in my body. The average american takes NO NOTICE as to waht they are putting in their bodies. These are our temples nd we only get one. However we load them with chemicals we don't know the affect they have on our bodies, and junk our machines don't need to run smoothly. This stuff inhibits our physical and spiritual health.anyway...that's when I picked up this book. totally turned off by the title and what those words insinuate, i didn't want to read it. Then I heard a good friend I trust speak good things of it, so I gave it a try.This book although it swears (uncalled for) and they have a dumb attitude at the beginning. Towards the middle you realize that they used this title as a marketing ploy. What they really wanted to do was spread their message of truth. For some reason the American public eats a certain way and is very closed minded about healthy change. The authors are right on the mark with the eating parts of the book. I am vegan because it is the healthiest way to eat for our machines. Fruits and vegies have almost everything we need. We can eat as much as we want and not get fat, because they are made for our bodies. Fat vegans eat fattening food. Such as some kinds of vegan cookies, that have 160 calories for two of them, just like oreo's. They may be healthier but the have the same amount of calories. Thats how they get fat. I am a vegan eater because I KNOW that it's the best thing for my body (lots of fruits and vegies). End of story. I love animals, and I wouldn't eat them (a very recent thing), mostly because of the insanely inhuman things that are done to them. But that is not why I am a vegan. as a side note I believe that animals are on this earth for us to eat sparingy...such as when we don't have enough to eat. But not on a daily basis. or any sort of regular basis. only for emergency times when we don't have fruits and veggies.I used to be like those people who would think these girls are crazy and "everybody is different", blah blah blah. All those reviews are written by people who are afraid to say that this is the way to the best you possible (it is), becuause they son't want to believe it. The book speaks truth. If you haven't tried it, then you can't possibly know. I don't eat most of the things they recommend. I don't use this as my bible, however they have good points, the main points that they are saying are true. Try it first. and don't blindly believe anyone. Find out for yourself through research on what truly is the best for our bodies and spirits.by the way one of the author's has a master's in holistic nutrition. There is a lot of opinion in this book, but I should hope that we are all smart enough to realize that almost everything ever written is opinion. science is based on some facts and mostl opinion it is constantly changing, and they are constantly contradicting themselves (scientist). You have to find the basic truths (principles) and live our lives by them. this book is based on a basic truth.
"We are what we have lost." In this his debut film, director Alejandro González Iñárritu crafts a complex story in a manner that he also uses in his two subsequent films, 21 Grams (2003) and Babel (2007). All three films are long, tell three separate stories that collide, unfold in a non-linear and no-chronological manner, and explore the darkest aspects of human nature. The international English title for Amores Perros is "Love's a Bitch," which is unfortunate in my opinion because this rather jocular curse obscures the tragedy that stalks every character in this film. The figurative expression also misses the central role of dogs, dog-fighting, and how and why dogs come off as better than humans in Iñárritu's narrative. Octavio loves his sister-in-law Susanna, hates his brother, and immerses himself in the seedy world of dog-fighting. Daniel leaves his wife Julieta for the super-model Valeria, but tragedy and surreal superficiality leave them both with only ruin and regret. El Chivo is a homeless wino who appears like a ghost as a background figure throughout the film, until we learn his story of broken family relationships that center around his daughter Maru. Tragic fate and bad choices bring these stories together. One way to view this film is through the closing caption provided by Iñárritu himself: "We are what we have lost." In Spanish with English subtitles. 153 minutes.
And you will know us by the trail of BORING All the ingredients that I enjoy in trail of dead. Are suddenly, like the bands name dead. It's like their not even trying. I get the feeling that all the passion was taken away from this album. Conformist and mediocre.
Much better Shampoos out there for cheaper Haven't seen my hair looking this bad in a long time. Somehow Wen manages to make my hair both oily and frizzy. Horrible. Going back to my old shampoo, Raspberry Back to Basics. Half the price and actually makes my hair look good.
An overrated author. Fitzgerald did not create a masterpiece with this horrifying wonder of modern literature. In the story his over use of meaningless description and verbosity indicates to the reader that he was trying too hard, and it would be unrealistic to believe that this is a natural voice. As an example of writing style, I would expect it from someone in grade 6, with a dictionary. The sentences are basic and blunt, and interspersed with horrendously redundant words that were probably put there to make the author look smart, since they were more than 5 letters long of course!. If the author was alive, I would suggest he re-write the story without the blatant attempt at Dickens verbosity and write it in an actual voice that is readable and consistent.
Sweet Deal! Great earbuds for an excellent deal! I'd highly recommend these earbuds. I use them on my iPod Touch 2nd Generation. I have small ears and most earbuds hurt after a while. These are very comfortable and provide excellent sound quality.
Extremely valuable resource The unique way this dictionary-like book is indexed is fantastic. You can look up topics to find related words. For instance, you forget the name of a certain phobia - head to the phobia subsection of the psychology section. Need graphically violent words for the murder story you're writing? head to the violence subsection of the dark side section. I can't stress enough how useful this book is.
Absolutely exceptional and Green's best work For me, this is the quintessential romantic comedy novel. I have read this novel dozens of times and not once have I not enjoyed myself. This is how you write a first person POV romantic comedy. Everyone should learn from the style, setting, diction, and voice that Jane Green employs with Mr. Maybe. But I should stop gushing like a school girl and explain why this novel is so much fun to read.We'll start with the obvious: Libby. Libby is an absolute joy to read. She is a shining example of how to write a fun, vibrant protagonist without slipping into the usual Mary Sue traps that young writers, or stubborn writers, tend to get caught in. She is down to Earth enough to be funny and sarcastic, but nice and sweet enough to make the reader feel welcome. She has a good job and a good financial standing, but not to the point of being filthy rich and alienating poor starving artists like me. In my opinion, Green absolutely nailed it because Libby sounds like a real woman you could bump into on the street. She's happy enough but she wants more. She has dreams and goals and failures like any normal woman, and she struggles with the single life in a way that isn't cliche or obnoxious. Libby has dimensions to her that evolve over the course of the novel. She is characterized so well that you want her to find the right guy, in the end.Next, we have Nick. Oh, Nick. Sweet, sweet Nick. He is perfect, and yet, not perfect, if that makes any sense. I found myself lamenting the fact that he was a character because the way Green characterizes him made me fall head over heels for him by his first scene. Like Libby, Nick has more than one layer. On the surface, he seems like the best guy ever, but he has commitment issues and doesn't know what he wants, which sends Libby spiraling into an area she shouldn't have gotten into but is totally understandable. I especially enjoyed the fact that he's a starving artist who isn't portrayed as pretentious or elitist. He's down to earth like Libby and yet has a unique spark of life that always brings me back to reading about his romance with Libby.Then there's Ed. I love that Green also took the time to show us that he isn't just the blatantly wrong choice that you often encounter in other romantic comedies. He has many good qualities and he does treat Libby well even if he doesn't understand her or love her for who she is. I really appreciated that he didn't turn into some horrible monster or remain a flat character. Ed is simply a victim of his own naivete and social class. I felt genuinely sorry for him at the end of the novel, and I commend Green for managing to write the ending in a way that didn't make me hate Libby or Ed.The supporting cast, such as Libby's best friend Jules, her husband, and her annoying client, are also welcome additions to the reading experience. I love that Jules' subplot took me by surprise and had an actual impact on the story instead of being added in for the sake of drama. It was very well done.I also love the setting as well as Libby's sense of style. There were plenty of hilarious mishaps and vivid images to keep the mind busy as the story progressed.In conclusion, I cannot recommend Mr. Maybe enough. That may sound dramatic, but honestly, this is one of those rare novels that I always scoop up when I want big laughs and sweet, dramatic moments of romance. It's like a comfortable t-shirt. You slip it on and your mind is at ease for just a little while.
WOW1 This cd kicks butt!! This is a great cd. It is by far their best cd yet. Their songs are more "Grown up" but it still has the Backstreet sound that older fans have come to love. The Backstreet Boys added their hearts and souls into this album. I really like all of the songs. It would be hard to pick a "Fav". The new sound is different and it works well for them. Most groups change so much after the first album or two and it is hard to decide if it works. That is not the case with "Never Gone". They have worked hard on this cd and it shows, with deepth, emotion, and powerfull lyrics. Makes these songs memorable. They know how to reach out to their fans and touch on lifes emotional journey's.Buy this cd. You will love it!!
This is CRAZY! Got the 17" pan for Christmas. First time using it, I was baking fish. When I pulled the pan out of the oven it was CRAZY warped! I've never seen a pan do this. By the time we finished dinner, the pan had flattened back to it's original shape. I'm just glad I wasn't baking a cake in it...I would have been soooooo mad if the warping had created a huge mess in my oven AND ruined a cake!!!! What on earth would cause this warping??May not be keeping this one around. Sorry, Cuisinart:(
Sweaty I really like the idea/concept, because I love just strolling around in sandals. But the problem for me was my feet got too sweaty inside. This isn't a problem for regular sandals since there's a lot of air, but when it's enclosed like a shoe it gets all sweaty. Suppose you could wear socks, but that defeats the purpose of sandals.
Robert James Waller should have left well enough alone. If ever there was a book that shouldn't have been written, this is it. This epilogue was terrible. The Bridges of Madison County was such a triumph. It was perfect. It left you wanting more, but in a good way. It made you wonder "what if" and allowed you to let your mind wander in a million different directions. Robert James Waller should have left well enough alone. It wish I had never read this epilogue. What a disappointment.
A mundane crime thriller that revolves around one ridiculous twist Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. has had one of the strangest acting careers in a long time. Ever since he won at the Academy for his performance as Rod Tidwell in 'Jerry Maguire,' he has been caught in a sort of downward spiral. This has sent the once-promising actor deep into the realm of straight-to-video nonsense, like his previous films 'The Devil's Tomb' and 'The Way of War.' Why he's been doing this is a mystery. No talent agent is bad enough to actually think these scripts are worth while or think they're anything more than a guaranteed failure. Maybe it's bad luck, maybe it's laziness, maybe Cuba just doesn't want the spotlight he deserves.Whatever the reason for his failing success, it has led him straight to 'Ticking Clock.' In it, he plays Lewis Hicks, a journalist who gets put on the trail of a sadistic serial killer after his own girlfriend is viciously murdered. With the killer's journal in hand, Lewis must race against time to rescue the murderer's next victims. As the path begins to weave its way around and to a young orphan boy, Lewis begins to discover a deeper mystery surrounding the murders.In the crime-thriller subgenre, there are really only a few good ways to go about writing a story. One maintains consant mystery, concealing the identity of the killer until a final reveal that should be a shock to the audience. The other is to reveal the killer from the start and use his intentions and motivation as the mystery. With 'Ticking Clock,' however, both approaches are mostly thrown out, revealing the killer's identity, his motive, and everything else pretty much immediately. This is a problem because the mystery is what is usually keeps a viewer watching in a film like this. If you don't have it, the audience just won't care. Here, the writers knew what they wanted to accomplish with an interesting (though ridiculous) twist, but didn't give enough reason to stick with it in the first two acts. By the third act, the audience is fairly apathetic with the story & characters and will most likely not even care about the twist, which the entire film revolves around.This major flaw is not the only problem with the film. No, a more detrimental issue to its success comes from the extremely amateurish direction by Ernie Barbarash, a man very familiar with mediocre straight-to-video thrillers with his work on 'Cube Zero' and 'Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming.' If you look at a film like 'Se7en' (which, by the way, 'Ticking Clock' actually compares itself to on its DVD sleeve along with 'Silence of the Lambs'), you will see a perfect a example of how to craft a stunning & dark crime thriller. With 'Se7en,' David Fincher used the gritty city setting as almost another character, having the actors play off the direction in a way that added a deep realism to the film. Barbarash, with 'Ticking Clock,' blows his opportunity to do this by squandering the Baton Rouge & Las Vegas settings he had at his disposal, instead limiting the entire film to a few boring settings like living rooms & back alleys. Add this to the rather annoying cinematography by Phil Parmet and 'Ticking Clock' is just all around unpleasant to watch.Unfortunately, there isn't much else to cling onto to try to save the film from being a total disappointment. The script is boring & contrived, providing nothing much that hasn't been done better many times before. The lack of mystery & thrills for the first two acts gives no real drive to continue watching for anyone but completionists who don't like to leave a film unfinished. Even the ridiculous, supernatural twist isn't original, and ends up hurting the film anyway due to the number of plot holes it creates. For being so crucial to the film's success, one would think the filmmakers would be willing to do what they can to seal plot holes (like a simple case of incorrect eye colour, for example). Even the once-talented Cuba Gooding, Jr. has nothing much to offer thanks to how poorly his character was written. Let's face it, an actor can only do so much with what they're given. Take De Niro & Pacino as examples in supremely disappointing 'Righteous Kill' from a couple years back. Add in some shoddy gore FX, CGI that looks like it should be in a mid-90s sci-fi flick, and a mundane cast of supporting actors, and you have nothing more than a sad excuse for a crime thriller here.Overall, 'Ticking Clock' is just one of those films that will be stuck on the Blockbuster shelvse for a few months trying to bait renters into biting onto the former star power of Cuba Gooding, Jr. Sadly, it will do nothing but disappoint with its unoriginal & unthrilling story and amteurish filmmaking.Final Verdict: 3.5/10. Hopefully Cuba will get another chance in the spotlight some day.-AP3-
A joke of Jedi Proportions It's funny, everyone you talk to who saw this says, well it was better than Episode 1 and 2. Well, yeah. but that isn't saying much.Sure, it takes place in the Star Wars Universe but shows little of the creativity, liveliness or spirit of the first three films. The dialogue is horrible, the performances are wooden and again the effects are so busy that you have a headache about 30 minutes in. Lucas somewhere along the way forgot that made the first three so much fun and that is characters you care about.The only thing that would have saved this yawn-fest is if he had let Lawrence Kasdan write the scripts as he did the original.Skip it and watch Episodes 4, 5 and 6.
Children's favorites is ok I bought this CD specifically for "I'm gettin nuttin for Christmas" and the song is a shortened, disappointing version of the original. It only has one verse. My daughter's response when listening to the song: "He's not singing it right." The rest of the CD is ok.
WORST organizer made! If there was an option to pick "no stars" for this item I would! This has got to be the worst organizer made. On top of serving no purpose, Toys R Us AND the manufacturer are not willing to work with me in exchanging it for something functional! The bins sit on 2 wooden poles per rack. There is no center support in each rack therefore when you load the bins; they fall down onto the rack below and so on. It is very frustrating and it only sits in my son's room to collect dust until I throw it out this weekend! I highly recommend avoiding this organizer and manufacturer! What a waste of money and energy!
good story, great fighting, bad voice for 13 this is my fav. DBZ movie and i have to say the fighting in this one is great, and the final attack that kills 13 is the best attack ive seen from DB/Z/GT. the only thing i hate about this movie is the voice for 13, what the H3ll were they thinking!?! but of cource you can just watch the jap. verson and its all good. its still worth buying, so get it now
Great Addition to my Compost Pile! I think a lot of the negative reviews have pretty much summed it up. What concerns me about books like this is that some people think since it is historical that it is factual. Nobody forces the author to stick with the truth. Some of the reviews sound like people are not familiar with what the Bible says and are swallowing what the author says as truth. It wouldn't be a bad book if the characters were made up. But to take a man like David and write about him in such a way that causes some people to hate him by the end of the book is offensive. No, I don't think he was perfect - he obviously had his faults. BUT - God says He loved him and was a man after his own heart. One of the things that God loved is that when David did mess up he was quick to repent. He was human like us with a lot of temptations being a powerful king BUT he knew that and was always asking for God's help and forgivness. You can't read the Psalms and not hear that. God wants us to love what He loves. To try to get people to hate David, I believe is a scary place to be when you think of how many unknowing people she can influence with her words. For this reason I'm not even going to give this book away because I don't want to be part of warping someone's view of what God says about David. It will make great compost for the worms.
Zenith DVD-Player DVD2200 - BE WARNED! I purchased player 6/30/99. It's assembly date states April 1999. I now come to find out player will not play newer and some future DVD movie releases. Zenith is aware of problem but is unwilling to recall. E,G,. The Sci-Fi Movie "MATRIX" cannot be played in this machine. Per retailer (where purchased) other movie titles are likely to have same problem. Zenith using old LASER Tecnology and is unwilling to correct problem, even on new purchases. BE WARNED! DO NOT PURCHASE!
Great read! I really enjoyed this book. This book is great for the beach or a rainy or lazy day. The characters kept me wanting to read more. I read the first book in the trilogy (The Bachelor) and can't wait to read the third book.
THE AUDIO SUCKS!!! Hands down this is the worst sounding dvd that I have ever purchased. The irony of it all is that this live concert was one of the best sounding LP's from it's time period. It is a shame that with all of the sales that this recording generated in both LP and CD format it wasn't given a better transfer to dvd. Don't waste your money on this dvd, enjoy the cd or LP.