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Arrow Exciting, realalistic, intelligent great actingGood looking actors great script.Believable story a real super hero.Good balance between the evil and good in people.
Posey and Urbaniak do their best, but.... Like so many others, I originally picked up this movie because of the amazing and wonderful Parker Posey. I was charmed by Urbaniak, who was the shining piece of this otherwise irritating movie. The movie is overly long (and I usually LOVE movies that make others complain about the excess length) and rather than sweep you into the story and the characters, it brushes you off and leaves you sitting rolling your eyes and asking when it will all end. I forced myself to watch to the end, but only because of Posey and Urbaniak... without them I would have returned it unwatched and not even rewound.
Actually, negative 5 stars. It doesn't get much worse than this stinking crock of garbage
Love! LOVE this movie. Its a good mystery movie. Brendan is awesome, but he is my fave actor so I might be biased. Either way, its one of his better works.
Sharon Stone is too good for this movie One of the worst films ever. I don't know why such a movie must be made. May be studios don't know how to spend their money. Sharnon Stone's character as a mother is very, very riduclous. It isn't worth watching even one time.
Bad Imagine a film purporting to depict the youth of Adolf Hitler that never dealt with an instance of his Anti-Semitism and you will about have what The Motorcycle Diaries represents for Latin American Communism. The film, based upon the book of the same name, culled from the diaries of Ernesto `Che' Guevara (Gael García Bernal), the mass murdering top henchman of Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution, attempts to portray the monster as an all-caring near-Christ-like figure. Now, I am not one who's a PC stickler when it comes to art and truth, but the fact is this film is a) bad history, and b) even worse art. While not quite as bad a film as Monster, for its better visuals than that feminist ode to girl power via serial murder, the earlier film at least acknowledged that its subject was a mass murderer, even as it excused it. By contrast, The Motorcycle Diaries not only glosses over Che's massive crimes against humanity, but gives absolutely no hint that such evil ever resided in the man. He was Latin America's Osama bin Laden before there was an Osama bin Laden. Yet, to the recrudescent Hollywood PC Elitists he is a hero, simply because he opposed America. That, alone, to them, erases all of the blood on his hands, even though he was enamored of the Soviet Union's genocidal methods. Yet, George W. Bush, a man I certainly do not admire, is utterly reviled for his crimes against humanity, even though his `cause' is arguably only just as ignoble and ineffective as Che's ultimately was.The film, which was lauded at the Sundance Film Festival, and widely touted by executive producer and political naf, Robert Redford, follows spoiled rich kid Che's months-long trek, at age 23, across South America with an older pal named Alberto Granado (Rodrigo De la Serna), 29. The film, while filled with beautiful vistas of the countryside, is not particularly well shot by director Walter Salles nor cinematographer Eric Gautier, as there is none of the lingering sumptuousness that one finds in Lawrence Of Arabia, nor Kundun, films made by filmic masters like David Lean and Martin Scorsese. Instead, we get filmic postcards, not engaging realities. The framing of the shots sometimes seems as if it were done by a tourist who was in a hurry to get through whatever area he was traveling through. It also plumbs virtually every cliché of the two genres it inhabits- the buddy film and the coming of age road film. On the buddy side you have handsome, serious, empathetic Che, who-like George Washington, cannot tell a lie- he rips a doctor's poorly worded novel after his pal praises I- telling the old man to stick to medicine (would that someone had told Che the same thing!), and the chubby, fast-talking sidekick, Alberto, on a continual poon hunt. They get in to wacky adventures, constantly crash their motorcycle, and escape disaster by the skins of their teeth. On the road picture side, Che falls in love with a beautiful girl, but breaks her heart, the two meet strange people and grow up, chase girls, and idyllic vistas inspire the duo to talk like a bad screenwriter's imagination of what depth is, especially when at Maachu Picchu. If this insipidity is what Screenwriter's 101 feels reconstructed conversations should be, well....yeesh. In short, this is one foreign film whose subtitles do not matter vis-à-vis dubbing because they are bad either way.... Despite being made by a Brazilian filmmaker, this film is thoroughly Hollywood, and bound to polarize. Simpleminded Leftists have and will praise it to the hilt, despite its manifest flaws, all because they will not bother to check out the facts. Rightists will damn the film, sight unseen, thereby missing the chance to rip its poor artistry and only justify the many delusions of their enemies, by showing them they are correct that Rightists cannot separate art from reality, either. And so it goes....but, at least, I recognize such things. If the film did so I would not have to state it.
Lighten Up I was disappointed with The Blair Witch project after all the hype. I didn't expect much from the sequel. Maybe that's the answer. We should stop trying to be Siskel and Ebert and just watch the movie. I found it to be fun which makes it better than 90% of the movies I have seen in the past five years. I wasn't expecting Gone With The Wind. It was a good horror movie. What's wrong with that?
Terrible This movie is just awful in every way. Don't be fooled by the two name actors. It's an embarassment of script, direction, acting, soundtrack, editing, and just about anything else you can imagine.
Good for the kid inside everyone Though the Madagascar movies' audience is intended to be young children, I believe anyone can still find humor and enjoyment in the movies. My girlfriend and I can't help but act like we're six years old jumping up and down whenever we watch this movie. This latest installment of the Madagascar movie doesn't require a whole lot of knowledge about the previous movies but it certainly wouldn't hurt to watch all of them.
Car wash It was great seeing the old movie again. Richard Pryor is a classic. The Dee Luxe Car Wash was busy once more.
Great Now this is how a zombie movie should be made. I wish all zombie movies had this stuff in them.
What's the Hype? I watched this movie twice, trying each time to do so with an open mind and see what all the hype about this movie was about. And each time I failed. The characters are battery-operated stock characters lousily acted by good (or potentially good) actors. We have the strict and egotistical father, the pragmatic and kind mother who holds the family together, the angst-ridden adolescent played by someone aged 21 (as if any teen who reads Nietzsche wants to go into the air force), the boozing-womanizer-Brooklynite grandfather (a depiction of Norman Mailer?), the depressed, pseudo-intellectual uncle (who does not act or look depressed at all during the film) and the princess daughter who enters into a beauty pageant. What happens between the beginning and the end is scarcely relevant, much less interesting: Van breaks down. Grandpa dies (none too soon). Daughter makes fun of beauty pageant contestants by doing a strip tease to the tune of Rick James' "Superfreak." Une vraie piece de restistance. Ha, more like a piece de merde. Don't waste your money on this waste of talent.
Too, too long -- Adrien Brody as the macho hero? If you have never seen a version of King Kong, you may think this is a great movie (but I doubt it). It is just way too long. It takes forever to get to Kong and then you will think that he will NEVER leave Skull Island.For those who know King Kong, it will probably be a bummer to watch this. The back-stories are almost all new and they aren't that interesting. Adrien Brody, who plays the screenwriter of the movie that is going to be filmed on the expedition, ends up being the macho hero. The guy is a great actor, but give me a break!A friend said he thought the title should have been "The Island Time Forgot (featuring Kong)." The natives are really creepy on the island (nothing wrong with that part), but here is what you have to sit through before Kong is captured: 1. Tons of weeds and trees and bugs. 2. A Brontosaurus stampede that somehow doesn't kill everybody. 3. Lizards trying to eat Ann. 4. Four T-Rex's fighting Kong forever (Kong wins). 5. Insects attacking what's left of the group. 6. Bats attacking Kong but staying away from easier prey -- Ann and the writer.Lots of folks die in this version. LOTS. There are good things here and there, of course. I would recommend checking out the movie from the library and then watching 30 minutes every day while you walk on the treadmill. Otherwise, you'll get bored and kranky.
worth watching The Way Home is a movie based on a true story. A two-year-old boy disappears, presumably having wandered off, and no one can find him. Search teams are deployed, and after hours, it begins to look hopeless. Randy and Christal, his parents, have to turn to the only One who knows where their son is- and put their trust in the God who can keep him safe. They also learn a lot about what their priorities should be, and what does really matter.Our family enjoyed the movie, and it was a good opportunity to impress upon our young child the seriousness of wandering off. The only thing I didn't like is that there were places that the story line was rather slow and it got repetitious in a few places. Overall, I would recommend this as a good movie for a family to watch.I received a complimentary copy of this DVD from the publisher through [...]. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.
UGH! I feel like the director and the actors owe me my time spent watching this trash back. Do NOT waste your time on this garbage.
qwertyuiop It is way better than the first one. much better dancing. Why would anyone rate this a three
So boring,so hyped up Don't waste your time with this over 140 min. long sleeping pill.Not enough blood,action,suspense.It lacks everything.Bad actors act worse displaying stupid characters.After 30 min. you know how this movie will end and it does just like that,even worse.You maybe like it if you're into asian chick flicks.
Very Good! H20 is greatest horror movies of all-time as Jamie Lee Curtis returns after 20 years. First of all forget H4-H6 even exist. Michael tracks down Laurie. But she changed her name to Keri Tate. Very good it lives up to the original!
Great bad movie!!!!! If your a big fan of bad or cheesy movies this is for you. If you don't tend to find the bad movies funny this isn't for you.
Great!!! I really enjoyed watching this movie. I think every part was cast perfectly. Daniel Radcliffe is absolutely adorable. Mr and Miss, Murdstone are perfect. Exactly as I imagined. Mr and Mrs. Mcawber, Uriah Heep, Mr. creakle, Mr. Dick and of course Miss. Trotwood are brilliant. I highly recommend this to anyone. They cut some of the slower parts but kept in my three favorite parts: "So I lost her. So I saw her afterwards, in my sleep at school ' a silent presence near my bed ' looking at me with the same intent face ' holding up her baby in her arms.", "If you please, ma'am, if you plaese Aunt, I am your nephew, David Copperfild", and of course the scene with Uriah Heep going down. I do wish they would have kept in the part with Mr. Mell. Where David does not stick up for him, but what can you do.Anyway I highly recommend this DVD.
Save your money If you have never seen a season of 24, then maybe you'd like Season Six much more than I did. I've seen much of the story line before, and what is new, I wish I hadn't seen. Did anyone really need a love interest for Cloe? Can you say zero chemistry? The characters are weak, (Jack's dad and brother - really???? Whatever.) It was rarely suspensful - felt like we've been there before- oh wait, Jack escaping, shooting a good guy to help a bad guy and nuke explosion. Yup, been there.
Truffaut IS timeless! I can't express how bad I feel about this movie not being available in the subtitled version.They are depriving us of one of the best films of all time, by one of the best directors. NOT FAIRNot only that, but the version they DO offer is so horribly dubbed and what about that price!!!!I am completely against this type of crimes.PLEASE release it in the subtitled version, and please readable subtitles with good translation. And if at all possible CRITERION please take note!
Worst transfer yet of a great film - Should be recalled The Anchor Bay version from 2001 is currently the best you can do with this title. I had high hopes for the new release, but was suspicious based on the awful cover art. Sure enough, they have a super-low bit rate, are actually zooming on the image in some areas and have problems with no English subtitles on some of the extras (the film is in French). I've shown the Anchor Bay version to friends in the last few years all of whom have been impressed by this clever caper from 1981. But when a company comes out with a new version (seven years after the last time Diva was released on DVD) it deserves a whole lot better than this. I second the call for the director of the film and whoever owns the rights to get it the heck away from Lion's Gate so Criterion or some decent production studio can take a crack at it. DO NOT BUY THIS EDITION.
Just goes to show: people will watch the same stuff over and over and over and... This movie is a pasted together bore with actors parodying themselves and the funny wedding movie genre - but not well. What makes the audience laugh are the sleazy sex jokes. Two sleazy guys - godsons of Steve Martin's and Dan Akroyd's "wild and cra-ay-zee guys - live out some adolescent's dream: victimizing women by telling lies, acting deceptively and generally being jackasses. (Only at the end with the pathetic figure of Will Ferrells' "Chaz," who victimizes women at funerals, are the Sleazies held up to light. They are actually very sad.) This is funny? Edifying? Entertaining? And the schtick: Vaughn getting buckshot in the butt? Tied to a bed and raped? (Remember "American Pie" and "band camp"?) Jacked off at the dinner table? God, that was so funny! How lame was it that they end up essentially going back to self-admitted hell?This movie is a money making formular: it is your summer neanderthal special (just like "American Pie" and going all the way back to "Porky's). You who liked it - well, Hollywood will keep on sheepherding you until you ask for better. Until then, keep handing over your money. Me, I'm asking for mine back.
"Hard Rain" was scarier... ...and I think that says it all. Of course, no self-respecting person could leave it at that. Aside from the fact that this movie contained severe storyline issues, it was not scary. At all. Not even a little bit. And, excuse me...Brandy? To the casting director, I can only say: Why? I mean, what did any of the helpless moviegoers who you forced to endure that torrid excuse for an actress ever do to you? Did someone run over your family dog the day you cast Miss Soul USA? Had your only child been abducted that fateful morning when you proudly announced, 'Congratulations, Miss Norwood'? Good God, nobody deserved that. I still have nightmares...not from the oh-so-(not)-scary scenes in the movie, but from when Brandy turned up alive! The only reason I even risked seeing "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" was the notion that she might experience a dreadful (and hopefully early on) demise...but no. The only redeeming quality of the entire movie was...wait, no. There was no redeeming anything to this pathetic excuse for a "horror" movie. And what a great story, too. (Sarcasm). As if the dialogue wasn't painful enough, someone gave Williamson the idea to (attempt to) incorporate some would-be twist into the plot. I thought I would never say this, but the man should have stuck with "Dawson's Creek." After seeing this movie, I felt violated. I would recommend renting "Bride of Chucky" rather than subjecting yourself to this flotsam. (Yeah, guys...it was THAT bad).
terrible film, one of the worst action films. I just show half hour of it. The screenplay is for laughs, especially when the young heroine as a little girlstabs in the hand the bad guy who murder her parents. The whole film is a joke. Bad ugly actors and the wholething was to common and multi used cliche. Stay away.
A wonderful movie of a fairy tale horror story I remember when the film debut on cable and was excited to see it. When I finally did I was amazed by how the movie was different from the fairy tale, but happy to see famous scenes, such as Lillian eating the apple, not left out. This film is a great horror film. This film has the right amount of violence and very little sexual situations. I asked my Gothic Literature teacher to allow the class to view it and everyone loved it. My family loves it and I recommend to everyone. I'm hoping the director will soon do a Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty tale of terror.
No Audio Output From Blu-ray Version Warning to those with older Receivers. This Blu-ray disk only has a DTS audio soundtrack in English. If you have a Receiver, like I do, that only decodes Dolby Digital 5.1, there is no audio output.The rest of this review is for the clueless producers of this Blu-ray disk. Obviously they have learned nothing from the costly lost sales of the war with HD-DVD. People like me are not going to buy an expensive new Receiver just to play a particular movie on Blu-ray. Especially with six audio formats to cover and perhaps more to come! I will rent this movie on DVD and wait for the audio wars to end. Since Blu-ray has plenty of capacity, I do not see any reason why an English Dolby 5.1 soundtrack could not be included to ensure backwards compatibility. Particularly since Dolby 5.1 is already provided on this disk in other languages. From reading various blogs and reviews, I know I am not the only potential lost sale.
Dreamworks does it again. How do you take the studio that brought us Shrek 1 and 2, combine it with Speilberg and Cruise and then remake something that was already good and come out with this stinker?SPOILERS BELOW (who cares ... skip this movie)Things I hated most about this movie:1. The scene where the 26 EMP blasts destroy everything electronic except for this one camcorder so Speilberg can get a good scene from the camcorders point of view. Does not make sense.2. Tom Cruise's son would not live on the attack on the hill. Period. Dumb scene. Again ... does not make sense.3. The aliens using people for fertilizer. Why? Dumb dumb dumb. Some idiot that played Half Life 2 and watched The Matrix thought this would be cool. It might be if it made any sense in the context of the movie.4. The aliens buried their ships underground for a millions years. DUMB. This is so dumb I am foaming at the mouth right now.5. Should I even mention Tom Cruise's character wears over a $1000 in new clean clothes to a blue collar job? I think I should. DUMB.Dreamworks owes me the 2 hours of my life that I wasted on this movie.
my favorite stooge feature but i want Colorized i own this one but i want the Colorized one.if they want to get by on the cheap put both verions.B/W and the Colorized in the case.this way people can watch the verion they like best.this way everyone is happy.be nice if it was cleaned up.all shows that have been Colorized should be released this way.i have seen a few that have... very nice!anyway this is one of there best movies.if your a stooge fan its a must have.
I've got to start reading these reviews before renting. I have a high tolerance for bad horror films and can enjoy even many stinkers in an MST3K way but this movie was truly painful. The only, and I mean ONLY, half way good scene was the 5 second one pictured on the ad. As another reviewer wrote, I and some of my friends could do a much better job with a cheap hand held camera borrowing my grandparents' old house out in the country. The "acting" was as inconsistent to the portrayed situations as was the storyline to reason. I've seen videos made by 8th graders which I thought were much better - not an exaggeration.
Perfect! From beginning to end, this film has no flaws. This is due, first of all, to Anthony Mann direction. The story, very simple in its basic motivations, follows through very gently, with each scene deeply crafted. The editing correctly helps for that matter. The cinematography is nothing but marvelous. The whole film is a feast to the eyes. And then there's James Stewart and his not-so-tough manner, trying to protect not-so-innocent Shelley Winters, to deal with his hated brother Stephen McNally, who's not-so-bad, and to retrieve his so-beloved rifle. And, as if it was not enough, there's a twist of secondary plots and interesting characters that all help to take that rifle a little bit away from Jimmy since the very beginning. Maybe it's not a simple story. A great screenplay with wonderful dialogues takes care of that perversed fairy tale. Anthony Mann is, I insist, the responsible. He made this film in 1950. Also from this year is "The Furies", with Barbara Stanwick and Walter Huston, which is, incredibly enough, better than Winchester '73.
Fantastic. Never before have I seen a love story told so well before. Tears, laughter, happiness, sadness.. everything. Beautiful movie. And Stana Katic was brilliant.
Sorry,but the series was better I just got through watching this rental about 5 minutes ago...I'm really,REALLY glad that I didn't pay full price to see this at the movies.I loved Jackass when it was on MTV..... but the movie just didn't make me laugh nearly as hard;in fact I kinda felt sorry for Knoxville and the gang.I feel like everyone was trying so hard to be explicit,that they forgot about being funny.In several skits you can almost tell that they are forcing themselves to laugh alot at stuff that's only mildly amusing.However there were some funny parts,all be it far and few inbetween:the night pandas skit,Wee Man in the cone,the golfersand of course hearing Bam's dad cuss during the fireworks!By the way there SHOULD have been ALOT more Wee Man,and ALOT less of that one guy dancing as the male stripper.I can't think of his name,but he's my least favorite of the Jackass crew.Seeing that skit one time...maybe...would be funny...kinda...... BUT SIX TIMES!?Have the fast forward button on your remote handy.Some of the stunts were a little too hardcore for me A.K.A papercuts,baby croc clamping on a nipple,syringe to the back of the head,and shark stuck to arm.Also you can only think it's funny so many times to see someone throw up...then it just gets old.Lastly,I like nudity in my movies....FEMALE NUDITY! Why was there so much male nudity??Sorry but I don't,nor would I ever want to see THAT much of a Jackass.They could've at least hired a couple babes to take off their tops and even things out!It's almost like some of these guys are bisexual or something...Even with the "bonus footage" this DVD is not that great.Save your money and buy seasons 1 and 2 on DVD.They're alot funnier.
The medium is the message! DON'T THROW OUT THE VHS!! I foolishly didn't look in this section and see the previous reviews of the DVD before I bought it. Bad move. This DVD is the worst quality DVD transfer I have seen. I compared the VHS and the DVD at the same time: The DVD was out of focus, color over-modulated and the picture slightly enlarged, so that, not only do you lose the Cinemascope aspect, but you also lose 5-10% of the vertical picture. You would get a better DVD if you copied the VHS using a DVD recorder and doing it yourself. I myself have tossed the DVD, kept the box and I'll make a copy.
Cecile B. DeMille's last great cinematic epic The usual big budget film extravaganza produced and directed by Hollywood legend Cecile B. DeMille. Although quite a long film, the continuous action and the best cinematography money can buy keeps anyone in their seats. A very entertaining film despite the corny over-acting by Heston and company (you can get away with it most of the time in a biblical film). Hopefully, this film will be around for many future generations to enjoy.
Everything I Could Hope For Am I only dreaming? Or is this burning an eternal flaaaaaaame. I love everything about this show. I may, in fact, have been predetermined to love this show and yet, still, it has surpassed my every expectation. It's got gratuitous violence, and more importantly, gratuitous nonsense. Chris Elliot's Walker Texas Ranger-inspired character, Chris Monsanto, has at least 3 different origin stories over the course of the DVD. Continuity is out the window, anything to propel the weirdness into new realms of funny. This is the Enterprise and you are the crew. Get to finding those planets full of creepy marionettes, you whacko.
cool this goes great with my KISS collection. very cool item. and will show it off as much as possible thanks
Like You Never Saw It! The most remarkable thing about this DVD set is that you get a full 25 minutes in each episode. I've watched the first 7 so far, and I thought I had seen them all a million times. But I hadn't.The thing is, when you see them rerun on TV, you see maybe 20 minutes - maybe less. Let's see, if we cut this episode to 19 minutes, we can add 2 more 30 second commercials.And what's more, most of those "restored" minutes have some of the best dialog and scenes that flesh out the characters.And finally, you get a cartoon you can show your son, that has guy characters doing guy stuff. As opposed to modern day role-reversal cartoons, where the guys get rescued by the girls, or there are no responsible male characters (don't get me started).I took away one star for the cheesy packaging - why can't they give you a decent box for these things? The episodes, of course, get five stars.
Very Nice DVD Picture Quality This film received a full restoration and that's always a good sign. The picture quality Is very good and so Is the sound as well. As Noted, there Is no menu so this release waste's no time getting straight to the point, and that Is fine with me. Another quality Classic DVD.
I must give this devil his due The last time I saw a live version of Daredevil and the Kingpin was in Trial of the Incredible Hulk and it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for (sorry John Rhys Davies). After that I wasn't sure what to expect from a Daredevil movie, but this time around I was pleasantly surprised. I imagine that Daredevil was a tricky hero to capture on film since he began largely as a Spiderman copy and then as time went on developed into something much more interesting. I suppose they could have gone with the earlier version of him, but I'm glad they chose to focus on the darker devil instead of the incarnation of the early days (sorry Stiltman). Despite the fact that he was too much like Spiderman and thus a second stringer, I enjoyed Daredevil's classic 60's adventures and there was always a certain amount of fanciful moments and villains that were far from realistic, but provided much needed escapism. This film entertained me in the same way while drawing on the more recent version of the character to make him something different and more individual.I liked this film a lot and thought it got far more right than wrong. It's too bad they jumped the gun in order to get the Elektra movie off the ground while Jen Garner is hot (and how hot she is) instead of saving some of these characters and situations for later films, but I still thought this was a vast improvement over the version of the characters given to us in Trial Of The Incredible Hulk and far closer to the characters in the book than I expected. Despite some changes I thought the dedication to the comic was obvious and darned impressive and it was a lot closer than most super hero films I've watched. I do have mixed feelings about the fight scene where Murdock basically gives away his identity by flaunting his abilities in order to woo Elektra, but I must admit I enjoyed it even if it is silly. I have to give Daredevil it's due for providing me with an entertaining few hours and bringing some of my favorite characters to the screen in an entertaining way.
Ugh! By the looks of the cover you would think Bautista is the main character...WRONG...the acting in this film is absolutely horrific!! I had such high hopes for this movie. Within the first 5 mins I knew I shouldn't have even wasted the money...the acting is that bad. Although we laughed a lot because it was so predictable and bad. I wouldn't waste the time or money.
Cute movie I wouldn't say I would willingly watch it again and again and again. But it was cute and good the first time!
truthfully I honestly never thought black gay acting could get any worse than "Noah's Arc..." I stand corrected.It was as if the casting call was for:"Anyone interested in a role in an independent movie*NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY*(just come audition ya'll)"The overall flow from scene to scene was erratic. The writing has a lot of room for growth. & it even seemed as though the whole movie was shot in ONE take..."ya'll better get this scene right the first time, no do-overs."But, I give it 2 stars for originality & for being such a bold effort. I could never sit through watching it again but, the writer definitely has potential...I think he just needs a budget.
not as bad as they would have you think this is a very funny movie and has one of the best scores ever by queen. the whole movie is a tounge and cheek sci-fi outting. just give it a chance!!!
Worst movies My girlfriend insisted on me watching this piece even against my wishes. I would have rather had my testicles smashed with a cement block dropped from a two story building.
not good acting, poor chemistry, misogynistic moments This movie started out mediocre, but it did get better over the course of the 99 minutes. The lead role of Bobby Riley was miscast, and really should have gone to a more experienced actor.Let me start with the negatives. For starters, parts of the movie seemed, confusingly, to be aimed at immature preteen straight boys. We are supposed to find it funny when a married father (of girls) sexually violates a woman? And we're supposed to be okay that the gay brother goes along just to fit in? Voyeurism may not be a physical assault, but it definitely is a deep violation. This film makes light of that, and tries to minimize the offense by saying "she wanted it." Classic blame-the-victim mentality. Most disgusting was when all the brothers, even the supposedly responsible oldest brother, burst into laughter during the apology. The joke was lost on me.If I put that horrifying moment out of my head, there's still lots wrong with this movie. There are too many random extra elements. The movie is told in the form a man narrating his life as if it were a movie. That works okay, but it was distracting when Bobby broke the fourth wall too much at certain points.The chemistry between the character of Bobby Riley and his boyfriend Andy, is simply not there. It's not believable that Bobby has real feelings for Andy through most of their scenes together. When you hear the commentary, Pete Jones talks about the difficulty of playing romantic scenes as a gay character, which is more proof that he was miscast. Also, to make that relationship stronger, it would have worked much better if Andy had been the catalyst that drove Bobby to come out, and generally been more central to the storyline.What's good about the movie is the chemistry between the brothers. That truly is believable. They really capture the dynamic of guys who grew up (or grew older, anyway) together since childhood. Nathan Fillion stands out among the cast. He shines as Luke, the inappropriate yet loving older brother who really wants to understand and remain close to Bobby. You can really feel his hurt at being lied to for years, even when he expresses it in an immature way. The scene where Luke and Andy meet works really well. That's where you get the sense that beneath all his confusion, Luke really loves his brother. Mike McDonald, who plays Andy, also gets a chance to show what a really good actor he is.My overall view of the movie is that it has a few good moments, but is mostly uninteresting. I feel bad criticizing, because I appreciate the fact that a straight mand would write and star in a gay themed movie. I just wish it was a better movie.
Misinformed... This DVD is not what I expected at all. In fact, the Monday Night Wars DVD was so much more in depth and better produced, and it is half the length. I wish that this DVD would have been three DVD"s of just documentary. Keep the matches, they aren't very good anyway. The fact of the matter, is that the WWE produced and distributed this DVD, so they have no intention of pointing any fingers at themselves.The beginning of this documentary was well done, with Jim Crocket and David Crocket talking about their father and the taking over of the business, but after that, it completey takes a left turn.This is zero mention of how Vince Jr wanted to take over the WHOLE wrestling industry in the early 80's and was intent on moving into other territories ironically enough against his own father's wishes, which caused so many wrestling factions to shut down when Vince stole his talent and moved into their territories.Nor does it talk about how Vince Jr told the cable operators that if they showed Starrcade '87 instead of the intial Survivor Series that he would ban them from having any rights from airing Wrestlemania VI the following year, which in effect caused massive losses from pay-per view and box office receipts. This indirectly led to JCP having to sell to Ted Turner who appointed people that had zero knowledge of wrestling or promoting it.Nor does the DVD talk about how close the WWE was to bankruptcy in 96 with 6 million in losses. You see, the people at WWE that produce these DVD's have a warped sense of reality and short memory. They are very biased to make the WWE look like they were honest and had intergrity, when in actuality it is just the opposite. And you know what? That is fine. It is business. It happens everyday and nobody can fault the WWE for trying to put its competitors out of business. However, be truthful about it and tell it how it is. There is no shame in it, but when you cover it up and act like it never happened, it creates a lot of mistrust in those telling the story.The reality is, that the WCW killed itself. Everyone is accountable and they all had a hand in the demise of WCW. Jim Crockett with his lavish spending habits and territorial miscalculations; Jim Herd who had ZERO understanding of the wrestling business; Bill Watts who was past his prime and ran the WCW like it wa stuck in the 70's & 80's; Ole Anderson & Dusty Rhodes who ridculous storylines, bad booking, and putting over their friends; Eric Bishoff who got drunk with power, wasted millions on celebraties who brought very little to the party, and had no faith in anyone besides Kevin Nash & Hulk Hogan who had creative control and headlined EVERY PPV; and especially Vince Russo whose moronic ideas lost the company $62 million in one year!!! The fact is, the booking and storylines in the 98, 99, and 2000 were the end of WCW, because they let major personalities go over to the WWE and flourish while playing the same song over and over.When Ted Turner sold his equity in Time Warner and had no power anymore that was effectively the end of WCW, because he loved wrestling and would never let it die, but Vince JR wants you to think that HE destroyed WCW on his own. NONSENSE!
Ice Cube adds charm to an otherwise bad movie If I was gonna recommend this movie Ice Cube would be the only reason. He has charm in the movie. He's the only charm the movie has. He gets used by a pretty women for rides to work. Then when her ex husband won't take the kids. Ice Cube volunteers to take them to see their mom at some party. When one of them makes sure they can't get on the plane. Ice Cube trys to get them on a train and they ruin that as well. So he drives them in his favorite new truck and they destroy that too.Through most the movie they do horrible things and act the way an evil kid would in an horror movie. Then the movie trys to put them over as cute and harmless in the 2nd act and that doesn't work at all. Then after all he went through with them, the mom treats him like crap when he finally gets there. Ice Cube plays the most patient guy in the world to put up with that %## and her evil kids. If the script was better Cube could pull off a kids movie. He's certainly better here than Vin Diesel was in the Pacifer. Ice Cube is the only reason to actually sit through this.
Most Boring Zombie Movie Ever Made The positive Amazon reviews for Autumn were paid for, the negative ones voted down by people involved with the movie. It's voted 3/10 on IMDB by hundreds of voters, 'nuff said.As you probably know, most new zombie films aren't going to be as good as 28 Days Later. But Autumn is one of those movies that doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as the 2002 Danny Boyle classic.The cinematography is uninspiring, the lighting is awful, and there doesn't seem to be any color correction. The sound quality is poor, the editing is terrible, and the use of slow motion during the action sequences is annoying. There are also inconsistencies like the story taking place in Canada, yet half of the survivors have British accents. Even if this wasn't a low-budget movie, there's one reason why this film will bore you: the zombies aren't scary.For most of the film, the zombies aren't dangerous. They mill around the town like bored cows, and the survivors casually walk past them. Even when the zombies become aggressive towards the end of the film, they're still not scary. The survivors only have to push them down and briskly jog away to escape. The only character that you actually see killed by a zombie has to stand still and allow them to do so.I've been a fan of lead actor Dexter Fletcher, ever since his work in Layer Cake as well as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. He delivers a great performance, though it's not enough to save the film. I'm not sure how the budget allowed for the casting of David Carradine, but it's not surprising that he's in the movie for only a few minutes.It's funny that another reviewer describes it as a brilliant film deserving of five stars. Newsflash: real horror fans don't watch zombie movies for Oscar performances and deep philosophical themes. If the zombies aren't threatening, they aren't scary. Nobody wants to watch a zombie film that isn't suspenseful.This wasn't even worth a Redbox rental, I can't imagine why anyone would want to own a copy of the DVD.
Hot in our private mental parts The end of the third series had been dramatic with the killing of Mitchell by George. But nothing is simple in this fourth series. Nina has disappeared because after giving birth to a girl she does not have time to name she is destroyed by some vampiristic mob. George is paranoid about the prediction that the baby is the saviour of humanity and has to be killed by the vampires when they come to take over the world, he understands it as if she had to be killed for vampires to be able to take over. He is unable to survive very long in that paranoia and thus he leaves Annie and the baby with an unfinished job, in his mind at least. If he knew the truth he would really be frightened. But the house is a real crossroads for vampires, werewolves and ghosts, provided they are all detached from the real monstrous things they may represent and they are trying to live human lives.A young werewolf comes back, Tom , and he is known of us so he is easily accepted and integrated even before George disappears. But he is still a kid and he has to learn how to fight and kill vampires since werewolves have that divine task to do.The vampire is more difficult to find. He is Hal, but in fact this is a nickname and they learn in due time he is an old one who has decided to leave the flock and wean himself, which he has been doing for fifty five years now, a short time after all when compared to the extreme length of his living dead survival he calls a life. And being this old one he is also the future king of the vampires when they take the world over. He is Prince Harry, a common name for a prince since Shakespeare and quite popular nowadays.But this series has a new tone in a way because it is the series in which the old ones are coming to take over the world and they have to be destroyed. But the problem is the prediction. The baby called Eve by George on his death bed is the saviour of humanity. But is she the one who can protect humanity by being alive against the vampires? Or is she the one who can stop and destroy all the old ones by dying? Or is she the one who can open the gates to vampires by dying? The same question is at the heart of these questions: must Eve live and protect humanity or die and save humanity as well as destroy the old ones?In fact this question is not even accurate. Little by little we know the baby Eve has to die but the real question is how? Especially when the ghost of an eighteen year old Eve comes up into the picture to explain to Annie why she, Eve, must die.Of course it is all more complicated than that and our three main heroes will be joined by the ghost of Alex, a girl Hal had courted a little bit and who was killed by a certain Cutler, a vampire obsessed by making history and who trapped Harry into drinking her blood, which send Harry back on a frenzy of submissiveness to the oldest one of them all, the one from whom all vampire DNA comes and who finally arrives on earth to fulfil the prophecy.To spice up the tale we have flash-forwards into the future as it is going to be if the vampires take over. Something pretty scary since human beings will have to be eliminated except the number necessary to feed the vampires. Humanity will become the bleeding cattle of the newcomers. This is very similar to the means used in other series or in novels to achieve the same objective: to make the heroes save the present because there is no future without a present that is alive and well. I am thinking of Terminator of course, the whole saga, including the TV series of the John Connor's mother's diaries. I am thinking of Supernatural in which angels and archangels send the heroes Dean and Sam into the future the way it would be if they did not accept to play the game of the Apocalypse. I am thinking of many science-fiction books by Stephen King and others, including Ron L. Hubbard, that use the vision of the future to make us understand that we have to save the present.But here the present can only be saved by Annie, Tom and Hal. And it is saved of course, and the baby is sacrificed to save humanity. And it is the fire of god that does the business. They forgot to tell us clearly that this fire came from god but we can subsume it all by ourselves, can't we? The old ones will be destroyed of course because there are two ways to destroy vampires, a stake in the heart or fire. Now you have to watch the eight episodes if you want to know how and where and when and by whom.Three survivors: Hal, Tom and Alex, a phenomenal ménage à trois with an immediate emergency: to wean Hal from his having drunk some blood. We also discover another type of humans, but are they humans, people or beings who are supposed to keep the secret hidden and to collect all the evidence they can and that could reveal that secret to the world: the world is under the menace from vampires and among us we have quite a few vampires and werewolves. Those we can see, though the vampires are invisible in mirrors and cameras and telephone webcams, etc. The third type of monsters, if they are monsters of course, are ghosts and those are invisible, sorry folks, there must always be a cheater somewhere in any games and ghosts are the cheaters, and we are the losers of course.Who will win in the next series? The vampires, the werewolves or the ghosts? I am ready to bet on werewolves because they are sexy animals, whereas ghosts are immaterial and vampires are killing machines and blood suckers. Though the series is discreet about the intimate life of the heroes, when speaking of suction, there is better and more pleasurable things to do than suck blood. At least George was a practising believer as for that.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
For musicians, particularly rock guitarists. I enjoyed this DVD, but bought it primarily because I am a U2 fan. I agree somewhat with other reviewer's notes for this product, as Jack White's portayed attitude/facial expression is abrasive by comparison and he doesn't seem to add much value to the discussion at first. However, if you watch this with an open mind and if you like his stuff already, it is decent and you can dig where he's coming from. He just comes off as a punk kid amongst rock history legends; maybe it is intended. Different music styles and generation differences might skew how one views this DVD. All said, it was worth the money, and I recommend that any fan of these guys, or rock history in general, at least watch this production once. It opened my interests enough to check out more of White's music and you can't go wrong be delving into more Led Zep! U2 will remain favorite, for me. A couple U2 gems in there, and a old video clip of U2 that I never knew existed.
The Chamber of Secrets Should Not Have Been Opened The same story continues, but this time around they deal with a snake. It even has a language of its own. Give me a break! But the way they made the film, it seems so real. I don't like it because it is scary, but I love the school setting. It took me back to the days when I was a student. The teacher is so self-absorbed that it is ridiculous. I probably won't review the rest because I don't remember the other storylines, and there is a huge snake towards the end. That's why I stopped watching, but I'm sure Harry will win because that's just how it happens in movies...real life is different: you win some, you lose some.
What did I just watch? Before beginning I must admit that I found myself rooting for the stars of this movie and thats why I finished it but I must also say that of all the movies I have seen I would put this in the lower 5. I mean lets see- this guy kills people, slides all over the place, and rings down a rope all while holding a baby. He catches things on the highway while driving a car, he kills people plenty of people while parachuting. He has s-x, holds the girl to his body and apparently cu-s while assasinating more people. He kills people with carrots! He flies out of the front of a car and breaks the window of the car behind him landing straight into th van and kills more people- and the killing continues- from the first to the very last scene. Also, the plot left me slightly confused. Blah!
Mr President. Thanks for leting me in this rating, i love it.one thing i like about the movies is the way he act as the president,he just song like he is the real president of the USA.Also like the way he handle his men to fight against his ememies.i like him in movies like that.thanks again.Tina.
Surprisingly good Most gay movies seem to go for the over-the-top dramatic story or the ridiculously absurd comedy. This movie was very normal in comparison to most modern attempts at movies. It was the normalcy I think that makes this movie endearing. You could put yourself into these characters and see the world from their eyes. It was a surprisingly good watch. Go Longhorns!
Boring Weak plot and cinematography. Could not watch it all. It may of improved, but I don't like waiting for a movie to "capture" me.
Hideous. The Way of the Gun (Christopher McQuarrie, 2000)The Way of the Gun gets my vote for "most boring action film of 2000" by a pretty wide margin. McQuarrie, who wrote one of the finest mysteries ever filmed (The Usual Suspects), takes his own turn at the directorial helm here, and let's hope he learned from the many mistakes he made in his debut.It's a relatively simple premise-- two down-on-their-luck small-time crooks, Parker, and Longbaugh (Ryan Phillippe and Benicio del Toro, respectively) decide to kidnap the surrogate mother of an extremely wealthy family. Her two rather inept bodyguards, Jeffers and Obecks (Taye Diggs and Nicky Katt) pursue the two outlaws and their charge with much blowing up of things and lots of shots fired.Why such a can't-miss premise with such a stellar cast (including Juliette Lewis as the kidnap victim and James Caan as a very honked-off surrogate father) could have taken such a boring turn is beyond me. Perhaps McQuarrie requires a Bryan Singer behind the camera to make his visions come to life. He, on the other hand, takes excellent actors and manages to make them lifeless. I didn't think that was possible with Nicky Katt, but there ya go.I didn't think I'd see a worse film this year than After the Storm, but here it is. (zero)
It was ok it was entertaining, that's it, thought it would be more interesting or fun but overall it was a good movie
too many changes in diet and they single out MEAT as the sole source of the reason They removed a lot of variables at once and came to the conclusion that one variable (meat) was what was previously causing the health issues.This book will do well with the weak minded and those in needs of fix.
Disappointing - watch THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES instead A bit disappointing in that it seems to just gloss over this disease. The movie centers around a few days before he decides to bench himself and see a doctor, to SORT OF getting the diagnosis from the doctor (done in a very read between the lines of what I'm not saying) and then the day at the ballpark where he gives his famous speech - and I'm not sure it was even all of his speech, though it looked like it could've been an actual clip from the moment. This movie doesn't go into the progression of the disease, what he did with himself once he quit baseball, how long he lasted until it killed him...Also - the actress who plays his wife (Jean Hagen) stunk. She was constantly blinking fast and making stupid looking faces (though maybe that was just her face).Not a top notch movie...but it was ok. Unfortunately, this is the only movie on Lou Gehrig that Amazon seems to offer.I would suggest instead that you watch the movie "The Pride of the Yankees (1942)" starring Gary Cooper (not available on Amazon at this time). There is another movie on him out there (also not on Amazon video but avail. for purchase as VHS) that I haven't seen yet, but hope to, entitled: "A Love Affair: the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig story" starring Blythe Danner as Eleanor.
Don't buy unless you've watch it This was TERRIBLE on so many levels that anyone who is sober and/or above the age of 14 will hate this. I went to see it today and I was the only person in the entire theater. Considering that it was just released, I should have took it as an omen. 10 minutes into it, I seriously thought about sneaking into another theater but I stuck it out. I only wish I could get my money back. It's hard to decide what is worse, the acting or the direction.
Fabulous Lost Boys Tim Olphant is one of my all time favorite actors. He has been pigeonholed into playing maniacal villains or strangely unapproachable anti-heroes. In this he is at his best and believe it or not, is Very Funny. The whole cast does a fabulous job of entertaining. I fell in love with Rossif Sutherland, he steals your heart. Having known junkies in my previous life I can say these guys nailed it! A tragic comic treat!
Visual Knockout Imagine that you are going to a cimema today and they lost the film that was scheduled to play INSTEAD they played " One The Town" I wonder what the result would be.?This is one of the all time great Musicals..on stage or in film..Comden a Green pull out all stops and the colorful cast make it happen..All the aforementioned numbers are stunning and also the duet between Kelly and Ellen at the dance studio and "Your Awful" with Betty Garrett and Sinatra is peerless.What a show, One of a Kind..Timeless
Bizarrely, insightful The depiction of how a man can go through life completely numb to his own feels, incapable of taking control or acting for himself is outstanding.
What happened to Aprils sensitivity and love at the end? To start I loved this movie, Helen Hunt used a wonderful cast - not a bad actor amoung them. Colin Firth of course is absolutely spot on his part! He takes you into Franks head and your heart breaks for him when he sees April has cheated on him. Every movie I see him in I am amazed all over again how he can take you on such a ride as any character he is playing.Helen Hunt great job on your directorial debut.What I could not understand was the adoption at the end. Here you have two beautiful very young children starved for a mothers love - why wouldn't you surround Jimmy Ray and Ruby with all the love you have and continue to try to have a child with beautiful Frank?? This new addition to the family will take attention away from two already needy children.I still watch the movie at least once a week because Helen Hunt, Bette Medler, Colin Firth, and Freddie are so great in their roles. Matthew Broderick does a great job as the man child. But the end just always upsets me. But as I said at the beginning I really do love the movie well worth purchasing - it has made a wonderful addition to my Colin Firth collection.
Amazing Originally, I didn't want to see this movie. I thought it would be another silly hollywood romance with the added burden of too much comedy (Carrey). But when I actually saw it, I was just blown away by the understated acting talent evident in every single member of the cast. I thought Carrey should have gotten an academy award. The basic story has been described indepth by others -- but the important thing to get from this film is that nothing that ever happens to us is wasted or really to be regretted. Even the worst relationships teach us something, and have some good, good memories.
Undeserving of so much praise This movie's success all hinges on schtick. Here's what needs to happen for you to like this flik. If you can ignore the glaring faults of this film as a film, and simply enjoy the "When animals attack!" sort of voyeuristic aspect of it, and not get sick from the terrible camera work, then you'll probably like it.However, personally I didn't like it because: it was obvious to me when the actors were "acting". Mostly the movie is them running around arguing, then getting freaked out. Most of it was unscripted, though there were certain things that needed to be discussed, divulged, spoken, etc., at certain points in the movie. To me it was painfully obvious when this sort of thing was happening. Check out the long-haired guy's line about "why was my stuff covered in that blue stuff?" It's so forced.That's the main problem with this movie is the same thing that everyone says is so unique and great about it: there's no script. So, what you got is some kids screwing off in the woods. It all seems ultra-natural because, well, it actually is a bunch of footage of these three people screwing around. But, when it comes time to make an interesting and compelling movie, the efforts to do so just didn't work for me. The forced plot points, the planted creepy things, the background story, and especially the shaky premise.They're supposed to be film students, yet none of the footage is good enough for an actual documentary, rather it's only good enough for a mock-documentary horror flik that's relying on schtick for it's appeal.If I would have found it scary at all I could have forgiven everything else, but it didn't even scare me.
Too funny to be fake If you're in the mood for a hilarious movie about real life, look no further than EXPORTING RAYMOND. You don't have to be a fan of EVERY BODY LOVES RAYMOND or even documentaries to enjoy this film. You just can't make this stuff up!Rosenthal's natural comedic timing and demeanor permeates this fish out of water tale better than anything that Hollywood would ever put out on their own. The guy can't not be funny! He just is!I hope to see more of Rosenthal's directorial efforts as well as in front of the camera.
Love this show! Love this show! Great suspense, not gory or violent and has no sex. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Very addicting show!
3 hours too long I was really looking forword to this movie. All the things I heard about it on tv and read about it made it sound like it was going to be one of those epic remakes with some great computer generated stunts and other eye candy effects. Plus a great story line that kept the movie moving. Boy was I disappionted. I hope to save you, rent it first. If you like and think its worth the money then buy it. But I didn't find it worth the three hours of my time to watch it.
The fear of the unknown This is the most unconventional episode of the series, which looks like a film, and an expected pilot for a new gothic series : "The unknown". A dreamlike tale about two women who murder their blackmailer in a lake. They take refuge to a country house where a mad inventor creates a timeslanting device that brings the dead back to life. A new score composed by Dominic Frontiere, re-used in "The invaders", five outstanding actors and the most sophisticated cinematography (thanks to Conrad Hall and William Fraker) ever seen for the last episode of the first season. This episode also makes reference to Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", Henri-Georges Clouzot's "Les diaboliques", the Val Lewton's horror films and William Shakespeare's "A midsummer night's dream", recited by David Mc Callum : "Such tricks hath strong imagination, That, if it would but apprehend some joy, It comprehends some bringer of that joy; Or in the night, imagining some fear, How easy is a bush supposed a bear !" - Theseus, Act V., Sc. I.
Powerful, sad, and compelling A super-depressing, but well acted, and very engrossing Swedish drama about an late-middleaged couple struggling with the husband's sudden onset of Alzheimer's-based dementia. They are both high-level musicians, and the love of art intertwines their love for life, and each other. This film is very good and certainly worth watching (it's more of a Eurpoean art film than an American-style disease-of-the-month flick), but it is definitely a big old downer, so be prepared.
casino royal One of the worst movies I have ever purchased. I quit watching the first time I watched. I tried one more time and forced myself to keep watching thinking that it had to get better. I still could not finish the movie. e-bay or Good Will will get this. A donation is best as this movie is not woth the time and energy to post on E-bay
Great movie My husband had been bugging me to order this film. He really enjoyed it, and I like it because it has Robert Mitchem in it.
When it all turns out just right... You know the story of the band that has everything against it, but manages - through determination, luck, camradery and musical skill - to break into the big time and then lives happily ever after?This is that story except the band has no musical skill.Garage Days is the story of five friends who come to learn that their love of music transcends making a living as a band or even being very good at playing. What they do succeed at is finding out what it means to have friends and lovers and that relationships that will last a lifetime can come upon you at the most strange times and circumstances...and often with the person you least suspect.The film has the humorous rough edge found in many Australian productions, an earthy good-humour driven as much by the culture as the screenplay. The cast of relative newcomers are convincing in their roles, even if the characterizations are a bit thin.Sit back and enjoy the humour and joyfullness of this well-made film.
Item does not work it appears to be used. I have tried to contact the Friends people and all they want is for me to return the DVD at my cost. They sent me a DVD that is scratched and skips and freezes. I have asked for a refunf 2 times and no answer. They sent the first DVD and it was formatted for another country. This company is the first I have ever written a negative review. They deserve it shop with caution when using Friends THIS COMPANY IS DISHONEST AND DOES NOT STAND BY THERE PRODUCTS. THEY SEND NICE E-MAILS WITH NO SALUTION FEEL FREE TO CALL ME.Larry907-841-9880
this was not what the book was about. The book was about the cigarette industry. the movie was changed to the gun industry. The cigarette industry has a monopoly on the negative information that people know about cigarettes. I was taken aback when the movie ignored the details of the book. This movie should not used the titled from the book. The book told us a story about the power and influence of the cigarette company. How they lied to us about the safety of their product. How they addicted young americans (10-12 years old) so that their product will have a long lasting clientel. Nicotine is used to addict the smoker. The industry of death corrupts our legal system and our government. This movie makes a statement that confirms the book original intent. which is that the cigarette companies are the worst scum on this earth.
little prince I like the old story. I bought a used copy. It was like new, and delivered quickly. I love Gene Wilder, who plays the Fox, who talks about the importance of 'anticipation'.
Fakery created to dupe the masses [...]At best, it's a documentary on the sorry state of government-run alleged "schools" that so many can be fooled by a greedy gasbag politician who himself uses 20 times the average amount of energy as the homes of the Normal-American Community.It may be too late already, but WAKE UP, America! Sheesh, it's just embarrassing.
Erotic and campy with a great soundtrack 4.5 stars (1/2 star deducation for disk quality) I've been a fan of Charlaine Harris's mysteries long before the Southern Vampire Series came out. That being said, I viewed the coming of the series with some mixed emotions. I really needn't have worried, while the series is a loose interpretation of the books, I think the producers and actors depict the heart of the story with grit and humor.This 12-episode disk roughly coincides with the first Sookie Stackhouse novel, "Dead Until Dark" which introduces you to Bon Temps Louisiana, Sookie, and her family. The novel takes place right after the vampires 'come out' since the Japanese have invented a synthetic blood product called "True Blood" which meets all their dietary needs without having to feed on humans. There's a movement to grant vampires full rights of citizenship and of course, the right and left wingers are lining up on either side. A lot of action occurs in this short span of time. The body count is pretty high, including two waitresses from the local bar, Merlotte's, Sookie's grandmother, three vampires, and one of their fang-bangers. The local police are stymied about who committed the crimes and the anxiety level is near a fever pitch.Meanwhile, people are getting addicted to vampire blood, which turns out to be better than cocaine. "Drainers" are killing vamps for their blood and addicts are paying a large chunk of change to get the life-expanding and libido-boosting formula.Sookie herself is learning about love for the first time. A telepath, she's never been able to get close to a man since she knows what they're thinking. The vampire, Bill Compton, is the first individual who she cannot read. This worsens her reputation in the hidebound little town that seems to thrive on gossip.The acting's on-key for the campy, scary, erotic nature of the stories. For me, the cast is very close to the vision I had in my head of the characters. The music's also great, adds the perfect Southern Louisiana touch to the whole story.My one-star deduction is for the video quality. A couple of the DVDs had long pauses in the middle and the sound quality had slight variances. Acceptable, but not good enough for a 5-star rating.Rebecca Kyle, August 2009
Not totally bad, but... I own about 10 different bellydance DVD's, some of which I'd recommend to beginners, but this isn't one of them. There are a lot of problems with this workout video, and I can't quite understand why four people have given it 5 stars each, but... to each his/her own. Here's my take on it:The small problems - during the stretching session, the voiceover sometimes doesn't prompt you to move from one position to the other, and if you're not looking at the screen (hard to do when hanging your head), you end up behind. The camerawork is sometimes shoddy as well - the dancers are performing a foot movement, but the camera is pointed at the dancer from the hips up. Also, there's this weird "cutting" thing that happens - sometimes there are three women on screen, and then - oops - only one, which is irritating when you like one woman's hand movements better than the center dancer, and then suddenly, she disappears. Along the same lines, please note that the production values are poor overall - this looks like digital video to me, and the "set" is a stark white room. That wouldn't bother me so much, except there's an annoying graphic (the word "ultimate") that appears vertically on one side of the screen through the entire workout - very annoying. Some people commented that they liked the music. Anything that chants - feel the goddess inside you, feel the chemical reaction - is NOT for me.The bigger problems - this isn't a "workout" DVD so as much as a "dance" DVD. Jehan does a better job than say, Rania, of introducing true bellydance dance technique and terms, but if your goal is a fun cardio workout, this isn't for you. Some of the costumes the dancers wear - particularly the dark skirts - obscure the legs so it's hard to see proper position - you can hurt yourself this way during the faster segments. Also, while the workout is separated into 7 sections (warmup, strength, sensuality, joy, passion, energy, cooldown), you can't really do one or two sections and feel like you've worked out. It's all or nothing - not the best if you're in a time crunch. Final note: although I'm coordinated enough for my other bellydance DVD's, I get lost every so often with this one, so you might not want to start your bellydance career with this DVD.I can understand why people like Ultimate Fitness in terms of learning bellydancing - it's truer to the art than Rania or the Goddess series. But it also seems to take the goddess bit a little too seriously. If you're bent on buying this, just be clear that DANCING is your goal because it's not the best out there for a cardio workout. Beginners looking for a fun new way to exercise might be better off with Bellyqueen.
Confusing Action Melodrama It's hard to tell who is after who in this badly edited mess! The only saving grace in this espionage "thriller" about the CIA trying to guard Asian political-exiles are the stars (especially James Caan. If it wasn't for him, I'd give this film only one star!) The dialogue is good, but then, good lines should enhance the story. (What story? This movie is mixed up about it's plot!)And where did Sam Pekinpah get the ridiculous idea that ninjas would come right out in the open & charge gun-wielding killers, with swords in hand?!! First, if ninjas were still in operational existence, they'd update themselves. (See "You Only Live Twice." This James Bond film has ninjas, with machine guns!) The historical ninjas used guns. (When the Portugese introduced firearms to Japan, ninjas quickly included muskets into their arsenal.) Lastly, ninjas are notorious for ambushing their opponents. (That's why they wear black! It's so they can't be seen at night!) Peckinpah showed Mexican revolutionaries armed with machetes getting the jump on gun-armed, but sleeping, professional killers in "The Wild Bunch." Well, that's how ninjas in historical times would have done it & if Peckinpah had any respect for martial-arts, that's how he should have featured the ninjas: Gun-armed & ambushing, not out in the open & charging!This was touted as a martial-arts extravaganza, but it's really Peckinpah's sarcastic answer to the '70's martial-arts movie boom. Martial-arts weren't meant to go up against guns, any more than boxing is. Nobody says that boxing is useless! I think Peckinpah was just too drunk to get his research right!"The Wild Bunch" & "Villa Rides!" are my favorites, but "Killer Elite" is just a waste of time!
Mildly entertaining slasher similar to "Scream" in effect. One could do worse than watching "I Know What You Did Last Summer". In fact, it's not all that bad for what it sets out to do. Perhaps I was not expecting much, and this may be why I found this movie to be somewhat entertaining. Alright, granted, Ryan Phillipe is a total wuss and his character is therefore incredibly unrealistic, but one usually has to suspend their sense of realism when watching these types of movies anyway. That being said, Phillipe's character is incredibly obnoxious and certainly over the top considering the actor chosen for this particular character's role.At any rate, the movie takes place at or near the Outer Banks of North Carolina, which is incidentally a beautiful place. The plot basically consists of a group of young people (supposedly in their upper teens) and they are having a nice little time out for the 4th of July, the summer before they go to college. Of course, things go bad and they have a little trouble when they accidentally run over someone on a highway close to the beach. Frantically, the teens decide what to do with the body, and they decide to dispose of the body and keep it a secret for all-time. However, did someone witness the killing and/or the cover up? Are the main characters going to be blackmailed or is something far more sinister afoot?The creators of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" succeeded in creating a decent slasher, but this movie is nothing special. The kills are average for this type of flick. The acting was okay except for Ryan Phillipe who was horribly miscast. All and all, one could do worse than watching "I Know What You Did Last Summer", but one could do a lot better as well. The movie progresses fairly well, but the main problem with this movie is the ending when the killer's identity is revealed. They really did not do a good job with this aspect. For the entire movie, there is suspense regarding the killer's identity, and then, all of the sudden, the killer's identity was revealed in a very unspectacular way. Clearly, the best thing this movie had going for it was the mystery surrounding the killer, his motive, and the consequent suspense associated with the killer's disposition. Therefore, when the killer's identity is revealed to the audience, all the mystery and suspense dissipates. In this sense, "I Know What You Did Last Summer" is very much like the "Scream" movies as I would argue that the revelation of the killers' identity in the "Scream" movies has the same effect. The same could be said for the movie "Urban Legend" as well. All three movies had the mystery and suspense associated with the killer as the best thing that the movies had going for them, but when this revelation was made, the endings of both movies were consequently anticlimactic. That being said, all three movies are also fairly entertaining, but just nothing to write home about. Hence, the two star rating for "I Know What You Did Last Summer" which indicates a slightly below average to average horror flick with some entertainment value.
BO...RING! I wish I could say this movie was like watching paint dry but that would've been more exciting. It's just about an alcoholic private investigator (Michael Shannon) who follows a man with a kid. There's some spoilers there but not interesting enough to mention. The only positive thing about this was I didn't pay for it. I saw it on On Demand and fast forwarded through most of it.Save your time and your money. Watching a faucet drip is more entertaining.
Painful on the eyes There is a place fearful to those of us who enjoy good and solid films. This is a place where a person can watch a film and after about ten minutes desire to pull their own eyes out. Truly Silver Hawk is one of the worst films I have ever seen. After the first 10 minutes I truthfully felt like jumping out of a window for wasting 5 dollars at Blockbuster. I later found the will to live by watching Spiderman 2, Blade, and Batman Begins.I have no idea what the director or the actors were thinking of when they took on this assignment. So as not to rant and rave forever about the emotions I felt upon watching this.....horrible thing called a DVD here are my problems with it.The movie is basically a take off of the whole Bruce Wayne style hero who is wealthy aristacrate by day hero by night. In this case though Michelle Yeoh's character, Lulu aka Silverhawk fights crime ONLY in broad daylight. I don't think that night time even exists in this movie. The action scenes are overdone and never present themselves as really anything of danger. At one point Silver Hawk saves a bride at an outdoor wedding by catching a falling peice of plywood with her fingers.There really is no plot, and Silver Hawk's war on crime seems really like pretend to begin with, as the film never presents itself as something that can be taken seriously. What is also disappointing is the fact that Michelle Yeoh, Michael Jai White, and Luke Goss have played in major films before.My best advice for anyone even considering watching this film is.....life is to precious to loose time on a movie this bad.
Really enjoyable Saw this a while ago on encore and was not dissapointed! This film is in black and white, but has a few surprises along the way. I enjoyed it throughout and loved the way the black and white made it more scary. The atmosphere is intense too but enjoyable as the characters are creatively done. The film is good at least. 5 stars
Great movie great acting Movie had lots of action. Characters were well developed and why they did what they did had a twisted but logical reason. Good guy bad guy hit man who made it through the movie with his NEW love.
I saw the first half of it and couldnt stop laughing. I thaught it was really funny but there was alot of very ignerant stuff init.
This is a pinchy movie, ese. I am disedified that this movie is well regarded. As storytelling, it gets an F-. The family that Robin Williams gets a little obsessed with? The father is some yuppie flake who's got about the same presence as a guy in a dandruff commercial. The wife seems to have read a book that says the secret to great dramatic acting is to act like you're on downers all the time and can't bring yourself to wake up. "Where is your son!" The detective yells in her face, once its become clear that jeopardizing shenanigans are afoot. She blinks and slowly shakes her head and says in a voice devoid of emotion, "He's... at a friend's house..." The kid himself, who all the fuss is about is basically just a kid, who commands about as much interest as most kids - zero. Robin Williams doesn't have sexual designs on the kid. He doesn't have sexual designs on the mother, and though he does end up taking some - shall we say, artistic? - photos, he doesn't have sexual designs on the father. So what is his angle? Well, suffice it to say that his own family was not so hot, so he's become a trifle obsessed with what he sees as the perfect family. Maybe its part of the whole idea that the family he does get obsessed with is nothing to write home about and in fact makes the viewer vaguely nauseous. Maybe, as in Taxi Driver, what the misguided protagonist sees and what is really there are two different things. Maybe you are supposed to want to puke on these people and hope that Robin Williams cuts them up real bad with his stilletto, homes. Maybe.
Very Bad Movie Usually I'm a great fan of black humour. This movie is pretty black... but really does lack the humour!
The Exorcist (The Version You've Never Seen) (1973)-Like nothing we have ever seen! The Exorcist (The Version You've Never Seen) (1973)- I originally saw this five star horror movie when first released in New York back in 1973. For those of you old enough to remember, I too was one of those lunatics who stood on line in the freezing cold to see this great film. Crazier still is the fact that I thought it was worth the wait at the time!This great DVD includes some really frightening footage that was not included in the theatrical version of the movie. In addition, the entire film has been digitally restored at 1.85 and plays beautifully on a new HDTV system, filling the entire screen. Watching this film on a new large screen HDTV is just like a night out at the movies.
Gets better with each viewing Bones is one of those series that gets better with each viewing. I didn't see the first season when it first came out so I watched it on Netflix. I watched this season on Netflix also. I hope to eventually buy each season. I like the whole romance between Hodges and Angela. The interaction with all the characters is so great. I liked the introduction of Brennan's brother and father. Each episode has it's own identity and can be viewed even if you have never watched the show before.
Uninspired thriller This really isn't a "bad" movie - just incredibly formulaic and predictable. The people who made this flick had the good sense to cap it under 90 minutes. John Travolta always pleases as the "good guy," and Vince Vaughn is genuinely creepy. I guess. But Hollywood continues to churn out these weak thriller films.
Homeland Enjoyed the story line, but as the season progressed it seemed like the use of the f word was heard more and more.
The definitive DVD version of the definitive vampire film Filmed in 1922, the director F.W. Murnau set out to film an adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel Dracula. Although he couldn't get the rights to the novel, he pursued filming it anyway, changing the names of the characters and some of the plot points in the process. Stoker's widow sued the makers of Nosferatu for copyright infringement and won. All known prints of the film were destroyed as per the settlement. The German character actor Max Schreck played the vampire (now named Count Orlok) and was ready for international stardom. Since the film didn't make it to the theaters, fame eluded him in his lifetime.Luckily years later, a print surfaced and the reputation of Nosferatu was restored. But why does it get such acclaim? A lot of viewers today find it old and dated, without the shocks and scares of modern gore-fests you currently see in the theaters and video stores. That's a shame because Nosferatu influenced a lot of those movies.Modern viewers are more used to a "sexy" vampire. Since illicit sex is often the theme in vampire films, it makes more sense to be seduced by an attractive, exotic vampire. Count Orlok doesn't match that description in the least. He is repulsive-looking and resembles a rat.And yet the underlying sex theme is still there. As it's pointed out on a DVD commentary, Count Orlok is the doppelgänger of Hutter, the male lead. Both vie for the attentions of Ellen. Though she is married to Hutter, she doesn't return his affections as strongly as he gives her. But to save the town, she gives herself freely to the vampire.Of course, others see different themes in Nosferatu. Some view Count Orlok as a precursor to Hitler and the plague to Nazism, which would come a few years later. He even seems to give a Nazi salute as he dies.And still others point out the many viewpoints through windows and the use of forbidding shots of nature, which show an influence of 19th century German painters like Caspar David Friedrich. Not to mention the equal influences of early 20th century German Expressionism with its use of stark shadows and unlit corners.But you don't need to see any of that at first. You can enjoy it on its own merits as a very creepy horror film. One of my earliest memories of watching horror films was watching Nosferatu one October Saturday afternoon on TV. The scene where the vampire's shadow ascends the stairs on the way to his prey gave me nightmares for weeks and lingered in my memory until I saw it again twenty years later on video.How ironic that Nosferatu is called A Symphony of Horror, when it's a silent film. But the audio tracks offered on the DVD from Image Entertainment do embellish the film well. Hitting the audio button on your DVD while the film plays will take you to your choice of three audio tracks recorded especially for this DVD. The first is a modern, quirky score by The Silent Orchestra. The second is a more traditional organ score by Timothy Howard. The third track is an illuminating commentary of the film by Lokke Heiss.The goodies on the DVD don't stop there. The print itself has been remastered from high quality 35mm film and is restored to its original running time, as well as to its original color tints (although I think I preferred it in just black & white). A favorite feature of mine is the photo album of the locations used in Nosferatu as they appear in the film and how they look today.
Unique & Intriguing Movie, But the DVD is Lacking This movie is one of a kind. I've never seen a film about Asian American youth before. Sure there are Asian American movies like "Joy Luck Club" and "The Picture Bride", but this is different because it deals with Asian American youth in explicit detail. I grew up an Asian American, and I can see a lot of my personal experiences and a lot of stories from friends and family in this movie. The general population loves to stereotype Asians as smart nerdy mathematicians, but they don't know the dark side of Asian Americans. This film covers both sides of the story. More movies like this should be made... maybe a sequel, um I heard from the grapevine that there might be one coming. Needless to say that I love this movie, easily one of my favorites of all time. The casting is great and the acting is superb. Jason Tobin and Roger Fan leads the way, and a great casting job with John Cho, Parry Shen, Sung Kang, and Karin Anna Cheung. I've watched this movie numerous times, and to think this movie isn't a big budget film with sfx and choreographed wire-fu.There is a problem, not with the movie, but with the DVD. It just has features movie and a commentary. It would be so much better if they had extra stuff like behind the scenes, making of, interviews with cast and director, etc... I wanted more from the DVD, because it's such a great movie, probably a landmark film for Asian Americans since "Joy Luck Club". I like the packaging of the DVD, good graphic design work, but the content of the DVD needs more stuff. This movie deserves a better edition DVD with all the trimmings. Anyway, that's my opinion.
Funky Monkey is Funny Monkey This show is very cute. The monkey and other scenes are just absolutely funny. There are a few "get real" plots but that goes for most movies now days. If you have kids at home be prepared to watch this movie over and over again. The husband likes it too, but I think he is ready to hide it for awhile. Buy it you won't regret it. It's a fun movie.
Brandi's Left out to Dry Poor Brandi. She may not be the brightest star in the solar system and she's got a knack for putting her foot in her mouth. She was guilty earlier in the season of saying some pretty caustic things to Kim Richards. But she's right that the verbal slings hurled at Game Night went both ways; yet no one in the group could or would hear her. She was attacked first. In my view, it was bold and perhaps foolish of her to show up to Dana's in the first place, but she earns points for her determined spirit. Then the games began and the Richards sisters were upon her.I wouldn't normally bother to say so much about an episode of RHOBH, but Kim's nasty comments about not wanting Brandi to be on her team and Kyle's laughter in response to her sister's cruelty, all while Brandi sat not 15 feet away from them, is horribly reminiscent of the worst parts of being a girl in high school. An outsider, trying to find her place in a very tight clique, is ridiculed, laughed at, then smacked down when she dares to fight back. Adding insult to injury, Brandi is aggressively lobbied by her "friends" in this episode to apologize to the troublemakers, then chided when she dares to ask that they apologize for starting the whole business. Brandi went way too far in calling Kim a meth head, but at the end of this episode, it's Kyle and Kim who are seen for the bullies they truly are.
The Oxford Murders `The Oxford Murders' is quite simply one of the worst films I have seen in years. A sad way to start any review, but true never the less. The acting is terrible, from all concerned, it is wooden and infuriating to watch. The Dialogue is sloppy, inauthentic, stilted and detracts from the meagre plot. You are brought crashing out of the weak storyline by the combination of poor dialogue and terrible acting, which could've have been delivered with more humanity by a wooden marionette puppet. The direction is jerky and tries too hard to be clever where you'd be happy with a coherent narrative and clear plot execution. The storyline and script is flawed in the extreme, there are so many holes in this film from the outset that it left me infuriated to watch it. It is hard to pinpoint one example as they were numerous and glaringly obvious. The police talk to the professor and student about case developments at regular intervals when they are also prime suspects for gods sake! This film is meant to be set in 1993 and yet the set designers and researchers feel it was appropriate to use 80's police cars and equipment and litter the film with other out of sync settings and props. I could go on, but suffice it to say that as far as murder mysteries go this is dire and as an afternoons viewing goes this is a waste of time and you can easily find anything to do that would be more productive than watch this flawed, infuriating and ridiculous film.Feel free to check out my blog which can be found on my profile page.