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Diagnosis: A Movie That Needs An Enema If this is an accurate glimpse of our future, then I'm sorry to say we're all freakin screwed. If this is an example of the future of major motion picture making, then I'm sorry to say we're all freakin double-screwed. GAMER is a movie that wanted to be The Empire State Building, but (in the misguided directing hands of Neveldine/Taylor) what looked great on paper turned out to be just another above-ground parking deck...An eyesore for the community.It's hard to even know WHERE TO START when reviewing this film because it's just so POORLY DONE. The funny thing about it is the guys responsible for this MESS (Neveldine/Taylor) are legends in their own minds and probably think they actually made "the perfect movie" with GAMER...And that really makes me LOL! There is just so much plain CREEPY, NASTY & WEIRD CRAP in this movie that you wonder what other kind of demented potential energy these two skinheads have swirling around inside their craniums...Probably the kind of stuff that would make Stephen King run away and hide in a dark closet, kicking and screaming in the fetal position while sucking his thumb. The most obvious question is: WHY?!? So you're making a videogame action movie...WHY drive it straight off into the gutter because you feel compelled to litter the screen with your sickest fantasies?The STUPIDEST thing about this film is how you're supposed to believe that in the future they broadcast crystal clear images onto the sides of buildings and you can go into your "browsing room" and control multiple image files with your feet and interact with each one while they even interact with each other...Pretty cool up to the point where these two bumbling film makers start bombarding your senses EVERY FEW SECONDS with video glitches that simulate poor connections, interrupted signals, audio/video echoes, grainy images, etc that look like someone needs to get up and adjust the rabbit ears...again and again and again. It begs the question: WHY?!? In a future filled with an abundance of technology that we can only dream of, WHY are you popping our bubble by showing us that this future comes complete with lag and connections that mock us with quality worse than when we were struggling to watch small video files over a 14.4k modem?!?And for a good laugh, just watch the "Making Of" interviews on the DVD...Neveldine & Taylor portray themselves as the guy down the street that hit the lottery, but he walks around town telling everyone that it all happened "just the way he planned it"...Yeah, right! We get it guys...You hit the lottery with Crank (a movie I absolutely love), and now you have full license to show us what you're really capable of because Crank happened "just the way you planned it"...You'd think they earn themselves a royalty of some amount every time they mention the film Crank in the GAMER inteviews! Perhaps they do.All I know is this is one of those movies that really did have all the potential in the world...But released into the hands of these two mad scientist idiots with a $60 Million budget, well, things just went right into the sewer. I do give it 2-stars: 1 for some of the weaponry and battlefield special effects, and 1 for the actors who actually agreed to show up and be seen in this movie. Obviously some of them will never work again. If Simon Cowell saw this movie, his reaction would be, "Dreadful...Just dreadful!" Strange how films can sometimes bring us closer together, but in this instance I completely and unequivocally AGREE!
why i like it Once again Noomi's's performance is excellent.It makes sense that a girl who has survived in demonstrated such resistance with the perseverance reflecting a Herculean strength, yet has revealed an inner ability to care about things that truly matter in this world at her inner core-- dresses appropriately to demonstrate her strength on the outside and her resistance to wrongful control and oppression by others in power-- to protect her inner core that has been victimized nearly forever and yet somehow in the best ways--survived.The movie gives hope for justice in this world-- when it is fought for by people who care enough to work outside the box and when the media is not oppressed as is the case throughout the trio of books.
OMFlikeG! I just watched this and I have to say, it's been a really long time since I laughed that hard! From the beginning Steve Byrne is engaging and funny but once he gets rolling...IN TEARS! I pulled a muscle in my side from laughing so hard, I woke nearly all of my neighbours and it's like 3am so bad me but holy crap he is HILARIOUS! Payday later in the week and I am soooo buying this! Absolutely brilliant!!
Very Funny Movie Great Shipping Bravo on the shipping!! Got the dvd 3 days after I ordered it and it usually takes like a week to get to my college for some reason. Movie is really really funny Highly recommended
LAME LAME LAME! I seen this movie along time ago. I thought it was pretty dumb that a man could be so stupid enough to just give give a kid one of his blank checks I mean no one would be that stupid enough to do that. and that kid was such a careless theif he just slipped that blank check in his printer of his computer and typed in a million dollars and cashes it from the bank and now he becomes rich and start living a real lavish life (temporarily) having his own house and all the stuff a kid could ever dream of. The 3 men in this movie were crooks but that kid just got away with alot and he didn't go to jail for that he should. That money didn't even belong to him and he didn't pay for what he did. Well it's just a movie that can never happen in real life. I give it a 0 stars but amazon won't let me.
Richard Donner knows how. This is a neat little film that got knocked out of the theaters too quickly. The story is standard--basicly The Gauntlet with a little Midnight Run. But it made me really appreciate what a fine director can do. Besides moving right along--essentially in real time--every scene makes sense and the action just flows.
The dark and bleak man (Possible Spoilers)So in an old and dying mining town called Cold Rock, there has been someone or something taking the young children of the towns residents and everyone says this something is called "The Tall Man". All these townsfolk are the usual cliches and whatnot, the drunks, the small time diner owner, some mysterious suited guy who keeps searching for the kidnapper and there's Julia (Jessica Biel, "Stealth") who doesn't seem to believe the Tall Man tale. That is until her son is taken by him and she then tries to get him back and find out who this man is, if he's a man at all.The first 25-30 minutes of the film are the best part, there's the set up, there's brief descriptions from people talking about the tall man, then one night Julia wakes up and finds her son David gone. She sees 'The Tall Man' with her son on his shoulder and he runs off, she gives chase and manages to find his big delivery type truck rolling down the road. So she does the logical thing and runs after it, she ends up getting put in the vehicle, frees herself from being tied up and tries to choke out the tall man as he's driving with her son asleep at his side, which crashes the truck but this tall man still gets away with David.Unfortunately this movie really goes off the tracks after Julia gets back to town, suddenly everyone is against her and she doesn't understand why. The film starts to layer "twist" on top of "twist" in an attempt to drum up continued interest, the false finishes and eventual "conclusion" are pretty umm.... bad shall we say. Biel gets props for playing a different role than she normally has as she wears virtually no make-up and gets beat up a good amount of the movie.The idea behind "The Tall Man" isn't a bad one and with some actual thought and effort this might've been far better and more interesting than it was. But sadly it goes cheap and basic with its twists and doesn't end up amounting to much, again after the first 25-30 minutes that is. *1/2 out of 4 stars.
Extremely bad movie I expected to be disappointed in the movie after I read the cast of actors. I was even more disappointed after renting the movie -- thankfully for only $1.00! Bad casting, bad acting, bad directing -- didn't even have the proper car for the movie . . . all around a dud. I have watched some bad movies in my time, and this one is one of the worst. If possible, I would give it a negative five-star rating . . .
Avoid at All Costs Could Water Bearer Films have found a print in worse condition? With weaker, more faded color? There is a note on the back cover that the "Digital color enhancement" has been copyrighted - that's enhancement? And on top of it all it looks like a poor copy of a VHS tape. The wretched quality of the picture... and the sound as well... make the DVD virtually unwatchable. A 1968 film shouldn't look as bad as this. I guess we're just supposed to be grateful that the film is available on DVD - thanks, but no thanks, Water Bearer.
Great show Needed something to fill the hole left from The Sopronos. I like that I can watch from episode one as it's in it's fifth season.
Salma Hayek was nice, that's it. Somewhat funny, too much killing and not enough thought
Great TV Series All in all Parenthood is a good family drama which takes you through the day to day lives of the Braverman clan (grandparents and then the familes of their four children). The characters are memorable and the acting is pretty good.I'd recommend this DVD set to anyone who's a fan of the show or who wants to get into it.
DVD Rainman I was terribly disappointed because I purchased the movie and it had flaws that were bad enough to interfere with the enjoyment. Also, i asked for replacement, but i got a refund which was very disappointing since they do have the movie in stock to replace it.
One tough dude This is a great film with a bad guy that you root for from start to finish. Action packed, and very smart. Great cast too!
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Believe it or not, this is the first Jay and Silent Bob film that I have seen. Well, at least that I can remember. I have to say I was intrigued by their characters although somewhat confused at times too.In this particular edition, some comic book superheroes that have been modeled after Jay and Silent Bob are going to be hitting the big screen. And of course they want a piece of it since its about them. But in finding out about this, and subsequently the internet, they also discover that there's some terrible things being said about the movie and them. Which makes them angry. Angry enough that they decide to go out to Hollywood and stop the movie. They have several adventures along the way including taking up with some strange girls and befriending an orangutan. But at every corner, there's someone trying to stop them.Characters:Jason Mewes as JayKevin Smith as Silent BobShannon Elizabeth as JusticeWill Ferrell as Federal Wildlife Marshal WillenhollyEliza Dushku as SissyAli Larter as ChrissyJennifer Schwalbach Smith as MissyBen Affleck as Holden McNeil / HimselfMatt Damon as HimselfChris Rock as Chaka Luther KingBrian O'Halloran as Dante HicksJeff Anderson as Randal GravesJay and Silent Bob are interesting characters. Being that they're stoners they have a warped sense of humor. I do like that Silent Bob is indeed silent, it adds an interesting touch to his character. Jay I found a little more annoying but I guess he provides contrast to Bob. All of the girls (Sissy, Chrissy, Missy, and Justice) weren't that great and rather unbelievable as characters actually. There were a lot of guest celebrities as well, which in a movie is kind of odd to me. It's like they're saying "hey look how popular we are." I always feel its a little conceited.The plot was rather funny. They threw together a bunch of unusual circumstances, strange people, and made a movie of it. Some aspects were a bit unbelievable but I've been led to believe that this is something that can happen quite a bit in these Jay and Silent Bob movies. For those not familiar with the movies, you should know, there is a ton of cussing and sexual innuendo in the film. It may not be appropriate for all viewers. In fact, its probably why I wouldn't rank it as a five star as I think that they went above and beyond what they needed to as far as crudeness.I'll probably take a look at the rest of the Jay and Silent Bob movies. They were mildly entertaining.Review by M. Reynard 2011
poor sequal to a real hit. The first 9 1/2 weeks was about obsession, love, and the S&M; sub culture. In another 9 1/2 weeks you have a similar idea, but it is with a cast that just doesn't work. Miki does a fantastic job with what he is dealt with here, but his female foil is just so lame you want to give up. She tries so hard to top from the bottom that you are left hoping and wishing that Miki would just tie her up some where and forget about her. A big let down.David
The writers are genius This show, 24, is the best writing ever in the entire world and in the entire history of television writing. These days the rest of Television is just the most dispicible flop shows but 24 is ethical, leaves out the porno and the language is honorable all of which the rest of TV has left me with the turning to news because the entertainment shows have gotten so indecent in their language. 24, even if they wrote a season that was less than we have seen, would be so far better than the rest of television. They could run for 50 years and still be interesting, exciting and leaving the person on the edge of their seat unable to even get out of the chair to go and get a snack.Each season of 24 is written so well that when things get bad you think it couldn't get any worse and it does - and when you think it couldn't get any worse than that it does, and it so many twists that you think the writers couldn't possibly think of another twist and they do. I can hardly wait until December 4 when season 6 is released because I'll be there to sit for 24 hours to watch unable to get out of my chair.Oh, if you haven't started watching the seasons yet start with season One. You also had better wait until you have two days off from work because you won't be able to turn off the television until you have seen the last scene and you will be left wishing there were more. You will be lucky because you will have 5 more seasons to watch. I'm always left waiting until the next December waiting for the next season and then I'm sad because I have to wait another year. AHA...such is life. I wish there were another series that were as good as that so I wouldn't have to wait so long for something interesting made for television.KC
I fell in love with Natalie Wood.... I agree this movie was a great talent launch for Dean, Sal Minio,and especially Natalie Wood. Most reviewerers see this as a great movie "Vehicle" for Dean and Sal Minio. Natalie Wood takes a "back seat" view in this movie...She will for ever be my most favortite movie star of all time. Its interesting that all three had a short, violent death...Dean in his famous Car Wreck, Sal Minio Stabed, still in his early years, and Natalie a mysterious drowning which details were never fully disclosed...fell in the water, Drowned...end of story. But after THIS movie, she went on to make wounderful movies: West Side Story, Splendor In The Grass: WOW!..Her emotional talent range was fantastic! Natalie and Elizabeth Taylor, whom had a close reseblance, I heard once, their identity was often confused by vieweres in that era. Of course Taylors Greater talent and..wild public life, placed HER in the main spotlight, for ever. But next time you see this movie try to see the emotion and depth that Natalie put into it. They didnt have "Ensamble Catagorie" for the Academy Awards back then, but they shure had my vote....I didnt get into the details of this movie because if you havent seen it, the reviews are a plenty.... Just wanted to share my view on Nataile Wood, short bright flame to soon extinguished.
Excellent series This is an excellent series and the discs were in perfect conditions. Thanks for the good deal . . .
Don't waste your time - don't waste your money I bought this movie without researching it first, fully expecting it to live up to the high standard set by the printed edition of the Onion. Boy, was I in for a disappointment. The movie was tedious, repetitive, poorly written, and woodenly acted, and even with a short 80-minute run time, it felt like it had been padded out with filler. Many of the sketches started off with a good setup, but then dragged on far too long and just sort of...petered out at the end, without delivering a good punchline. The sketches were very predictable, and even many of the funnier lines were telegraphed so far in advance that I almost wanted to shout "Get to it, already!". Fans of the print edition in particular will find the publication's biting sarcasm conspicuously absent.
Sursplingly good At first I didn't won't to see Miley Cyrus in some teenage romance story. But it happen to be good. And I enjoyed it. What is sad is she is going down Lindsay Lohan path which is very disturbing. But all in all the movie was really good and it was sad that her dad dies in the movie. Buy it or rent or check it out at your local library. I just hope she remember what it is like to be a good star and don't had down the path of corruption.(that's another story.) But a must see film.
An American in London There is a strange ambiance in this movie, as if we were dealing with spies in an Cold War era..You would expect Keitel's character to walk in the next Cafe Rouge to meet a Russian couple for dinner and ...well, conversation...Dave Arnold's music is just great, adding the necessary eerie side to the foggy London streets on which our DEA man chases his prey. Great work altogether, and a must see for Americans in Europe...
Darker than I expected I expected a comedy; what I got was a dark, real dark comedy. Jumped around a little too much, keeping up takes some work. Overall pretty good.
Confused and confusing This was neither a comedy (in either the classical or in the modern sense) nor a true philosophical treatise, but attempts to be both ... and as a result, achieved neither. I hated it since it left me without a laugh, a feeling of having learned anything about the characters or myself, nor even the slightest sense of a thrill. It was utterly bathic.
It's "ok"... "XXX" could be considered a mix of "James Bond" and "The Saint" with a little extra muscle added in to give it that macho feel.This movie isn't all that bad, however, I would have liked to see a bit more action involved. In certain parts of this film it tends to become slow and boring, and the action sequences are nothing spectacular.If you plan on seeing this film for the first time, go ahead and rent it before you purchase it.
Quirky, Edgy and a favorite If you like your movies with edge - this is your film! Futterman's performance is disturbing and riveting, but it is the writing, editing and direction that are the real stars. If you are put off by movies that move freely back and forth through time, telling stories "out of order", than you will probably not like this film. But for those who can let go of the initial confusion and let the film take you on its journey without trying to figure everything out, the pay-off is wonderful.There ending could have perhaps been stronger without one scene which seems surreal to an extent which doesn't mesh with the psychological tenor of the rest of the piece. As such it is a bit ambiguous and may even detract from the otherwise driving intensity leading up to a satisfying climax for the story. Still, this is one of the best independent, gay films I've ever seen. It can be watched more than once and the viewer will pick up new levels and subtleties missed during the first watch.This film captures the dynamic of grief so profound as to push someone over the edge, without letting the film itself go over. The realism of one man's descent into near, but never quite total, madness is a wonderful ride.
Another gay gross-out, or just openly raunchy? Maybe it's both! After the success of "Another Gay Movie" (and the boys' closing toast "to the sequel"), it was almost inevitable that writer/director/producer Todd Stephens would pack Andy, Nico, Jarod & Griff off to college for more sexcapades. Opening with a satirical wink to "The Wizard of Oz"--with Nico as Dorothy, natch!--the regular players from the original return. Nico's giggly, slightly loopy Mom makes a cameo ("Some actors were afraid to return, afraid to be typecast as gay. Isn't that silly?"), as well as Muffler, whose boisterous presence is sorely missed in the film. Jonah Blechman returns as the flamboyant Nico, but the other three are replaced by new faces who are just as cute & appealing as the originals.Flown to Ft. Lauderdale on Spring break to participate in the "Gays Gone Wild" contest--the guy who gets laid the most is the winner--the boys go up against a gay clique calling themselves "the Jaspers", the embodiment of all that is evil with gay cliques. The contest forms each boys' problematic subplots: Andy meets the boy of his dreams, a sexy (and virginal) Latino named Luis; Jarod & Griff test the boundaries of their relationship based upon ground rules; and Nico embraces his queerness (his odd & unique personality, not his sexuality!).There are twice as many quest stars as the first: Drag queens RuPaul & Sandi Cove; Porn stars Colton Ford (in a "sticky" tryst with Jarod & Griff), the adorable Brent Corrigan as "Stan the Merman", and the darkly hunky Michael Lucas as the pizzaboy who REALLY delivers; and Perez Hilton (as a "born-again" gay) and the cute Jim Verraros (as a sinful young priest).It's apparent that Stephens tries to pull out all the stops in this sequel...but is it too much? It depends on your taste & degree of humor. I found such trappings as Nico's musical homage to "golden showers" cute and enormous genital crabs funny, but the projectile vomiting scene was a bit too gross.To me, AGS was a notch below the original because it commits the sin of most sequels: It's so excessive & far reaching that it sometimes smothers the charm of what the original accomplished. Still, I applauded such moments as Andy listening to his heart and abandoning his slutty behavior so he could be with Luis, or felt for Jarod's & Griff's dilemma of experimenting while staying faithful to each other.In spite of its flaws, it's an enjoyable outing, and just as crude & funny as the original.
Anime movie of the year Having already seen this film in Japanese, I can't wait to see how the English version of it will turn out. At the beginning of the movie, 200 years before the actual series starts, you get to meet up with a teenage Sesshoumaru, a new-born Inuyasha, the mighty Inu no Taisho, and Inuyasha's mother Izayoi. Shortly after saving Izayoi and his new-born son, though, the Inu no Taisho is killed, and the story switches back over to 700 years later in Kagome's time.You learn about a new sword that the Inu no Taisho possessed. It is a malicious sword named Sou'unga, which can only be handled by the late dog demon and his eldest son Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha comes across it after the seal on the evil sword is broken and it ends up destroying the city of Tokyo. After picking up the sword, Inuyasha is possessed by it, almost kills Kagome, and disappears back into the well.This movie is really quite fantastic. Although the animation might not be as good as some people are hoping for, the plot itself is actually very nicely done. Sesshoumaru actually shows more than 3 emotions during the course of the movie, and the villians actually go farther than being just some evil human dude. Even if you didn't find yourself a fan of the first two movies, I would definitely recommend this movie for your Inuyasha collection. And if you don't have an Inuyasha collection, you can just start one by buying this movie.Animation: 4 starsStoryline: 5 starsAction: 4.5 starsCharacters: 5 starsOriginality: 4.5 starsRated PG-13 for violence, swearing, and some groping.
Big Disappointment I was anxious to see this B movie mainly because of the stars and the great supporting cast of character actors. Do not buy it. The quality is zero. I could cope with only five minutes of it and discarded it. Since purchasing this, I have found the same movie complete online. The quality there is not all that good but is a lot better than this inferior copy.
Is this horror, or just really bad reality tv? Pretty lame excuse for a movie here. The acting is atrocious, the film is dark and murky so often that you don't know--or care--what is going on half the time. What happened to better lighting? I don't see what the big deal is making these types of "torture wanna be horror" movies. What happened to actually trying to scare people instead of making them want to vomit while watching? I admittedly haven't seen the other films of this type--Saw, Hostel, etc--but if they are anything like this movie, I don't want to.A group of kids arrive in Brazil planning a get away. When the bus they are traveling plunges off a cliff (man, I hate when that happens...) they find themselves stuck in Brazil for some time. They meet some people and decide to stay with some of the locals. They drink themselves silly, and decide that Brazil is better than sliced bread. Little do they know that the drinks are spiked with a little more than vodka. After their raging first night, they wake up to realize they've been drugged and that their possessions are gone. One piece of advice: beware the organ doctors here; they are a rough group, especially Zamora. It gets worse. From here, it is a struggle to find out how to get home, and where they are going, and what is going on. Will they escape the madman doctor? One only knows....The movie tends to drag on and on with each endless and seemingly absurd scene. It seems to be a movie that wants to scream out: "Hey, look at these hot people on this island with a mad doctor! Kind of cool, crazy and scary all at the same time, huh!" Too much fluff, not enough substance. This is a bare bones effort to make a scary movie, but it turns out being a grotesque reality show or something with really beautiful actors and actresses.Do yourself a favor, and go rent a real scary movie instead.
License to Drive a great movie to have on DVD License to Drive Rules!It's about time this movie came out for DVD. This is the movie that put the Cory and Cory era in over drive. Me being a guy was a big fan of the Cory's. Just for the record I like girls, I just found them super cool. I hope the DVD has a lot of extras with cometary form both. Hands down a must have on DVD.
trash Today is the first time I have ever heard of this "documentary" and my heart just sank. I played it off Netflixand was sick to my stomach.I am nearly 70 years old and it wasn't until Obama ran for president the first time that I became reawakened to whatAmerica is at its underbelly. Not just here and there people, but whole congregations of them. I grew upin rural midwest, didn't have a tv in our home until I was a junior or a senior, and so while I was not completelyoblivious to what was taking place (like the Joe McCarthy follies) it wasn't until I saw in college reruns ofthe many bulldog-type sheriffs and women with Sunday-go-to-church hats on their heads screaming at black kids and beating others with billy clubs that I finally became aware of what America was - corrupt in its soul.Before I watched the film I did a little research, and I found lots but most of it has to do with the film. I wantedsome honest background on the guy. Wikipedia is the only one who wrote without bias, and there wasn't a whole lot there. In fact, some of it was written by the piece of durt who put this documentary together.These are some of the things I learned 1) He was a member (make that card-carrying member) of the Communist Party.Yes so, That is neither against the law nor was it unusual for blacks in particular to join along with their supportersbecause they were being treated like dirt and not given jobs in America, the land of opportunity. 2) he and theother card-carrying communists - and this includes that rascal Bill Ayers too - were anti-white. See aboveexplanation. 3) Obama looks just like Davis. Well, no he doesn't but then he doesn't look like his real motheror father either. The only relative he looks like is his grandfather Dunham. And again, so what if Davis is hisfather. The ONLY place I have heard this suggested outside of this documentary is over in the barack obama forumon Amazon, which is run almost entirely by birthers. I guess they figured they would cover all the bases. If youwon't believe he was born in Kenya, how about "he was born to a communist right here in Hawaii" That is just finewith me; now can we get over this idea that he is an alien. But hey, you believers. Davis admits to having fiveor six kids with his wife. Surely one will give someone some DNA samples for a little bit of money. Ask Araipo.He might have the cheek to do it. He of course, will not tell you the results.4) As with that family values guy Dinesh D'Souza this director also suggests that being born of someone makes them acopy cat actor later in late. I can tell you from my own experience, this is not the case many many times. Whynot look at Obama's work. He is pretty much who he says he is, without apology. So you are unimpressed withcommunity organizers. Big deal. Vote for Mitt the Twit. You are welcome to him. So you think that even thoughhe taught Constitutional Law at the prestigious Univ of Chicago, he doesn't know or care what the Constitution says.So you think he is a communist, Marxist, ratfink because he wants to provide what EVERYONE in the industrialized worldhas except us - a communal form of medical insurance. So you think that wanting to provide for the underdogis un-American. So, you are the reason why I hold my nose when I drive through the South.Grow up, get a brain, stop being a dolt. Recognize that you and yours are not the only people who inhabit this worldor even this country, and that they are as valuable in the site of God as you are.5)
Silly, campy fun I have to say that this movie made me laugh so hard at some points. I give it four stars because while I agree with the other reviewers that it is not an epic and it is somewhat silly, it is such a relief to see a spy spoof that is funny and clean.I am one of those weird people who dislike grossout factors in some supposedly funny movies today. I won't name names.But this movie has slapstick which I enjoy and campy behavior which I love. Frankie Avalon is loveable and a doof and the fellow that plays the rich guy that Frankie's character helps out (he also played Dobie Gillis, I think) is very funny and cute. Vincent Price did a wonderful job of comedy in this, while he can also be somewhat frightening. The cameo by Annette Funicello is wonderful too. The Supremes' theme song is also worth a listen.Sometimes I yearn for the days when comedy was based on pratfalls and funny lines rather than how disgusting the writers can be in the space of one hour and 45 minutes. I also have to agree with another reviewer that it is nice to see women who are shaped like women, not sticks, and are still seen as sexy women.This is a movie that will make you giggle and smile a lot. Catch it on AMC or try to rent it if you aren't sure, but I would say the DVD is worth the money.
Bride Of Chucky review & rant 4/10 Coming back with the reviews of The Childs Play franchise. You have the 1st movie a classic nothing wrong with it you have likeable characters, fast pace an idea of a killer doll that works. The 2nd movie was just a solid sequel Alex Vincent was good again you had a likeable teenage character the 3rd movie was a good sequel & I'll never understand the hate it gets I liked Justin Whalin as Andy I liked The Military School setting it also wrapped everything up there was no opening left for a sequel. I know Don Mancini said part 3 is his least favorite but dude you went on to direct Seed Of Chucky have you drew any money outside of The Childs Play franchise. It makes me think what did he do for money in between 1991 to 1998. Anyway Don Mancicni thought going in a more goofy direction would be a great idea. Made on a budget of $25 million made $50 million directed by Ronny Yu he'd go on to direct Freddy vs Jason I'd rather watch Freddy vs Jason than this movie. Stars Brad Dourif as the voice of Chucky, Jenifer Tilly as Tiffany Catherine Higel as Jade, Nick Stable as Jesse, John Ritter as Warren Kincaid, Alexis Arqutte as Damien & Gordon Michael Woovett as David. The story is you this lady named Tiffany who bribes a cop to get the doll remains from The Police Evidence Locker. I really don't know what killed the cop. Tiffany takes the doll home & puts it back together I'm sorry I don't like the Leather Face look for Chucky. Then you are introduced to Damien some kind of hency for Tiffany I guess. Then you are introduced to our leads Jesse & Jade Jade's Uncle who is The Cheif Of Police has his men follow her cause he's strict on who his Niece dates. You know wht this feels like Scream. Childs Play doesn't need to borrow any tricks from Scream. You have Tiffany try to perform voodoo to bring Chucky back & she's reading Voodoo For Dummies which I guess is trying to be funny & it wasn't funny to me the humor in this movie & the next movie isn't funny at all. So you have Tiffany hancuff Damien to the bed Chucky comes back to life takes a pillow sits on it suffocates Damien we find out that Chucky when he was human was Tiffany's Boyfriend. Tiffany wants to get married Chucky basically refuses Tiffany gets mad throws Chucky in a Play Pen. She buys a girl doll & throws it in The Play Pen Chucky breaks out kills Tiffany in the bath tub Tiffany is brought back as a doll. Then Chucky figures out oh we need to get this Amulet I was buried with in New Jersy. The 1st Childs Play took place in Chicago & this BS about a Amulet I thought the only way to transfer your soul was to the person you 1st told who you really are. Tiffany know Jesse so she has him take 2 dolls to NJ & Jesse takes Jade with her. Warren Jade's Uncle breaks int the van where Chucky & Tiffany set a trap that fire nails at his face why have John Ritter in this movie for him to be killed & make a referance to Pinhead. That's another thing being self aware like Scream. You have this cop pull them over he finds pot in the van & Jesse tells Jade to go get some food. That cop is calling in what he found Chucky takes some sheet paper lights it up puts it in the cops gas tank this was the only good part of the movie. Jesse & Jade get the cops death pinned on them. They find out from their friend David that The Police are locking the border & that Jade's Uncle Warren has gone missing. You have Chucky & Tiffany talking like a real couple which was stupid but I liked where Chucky was going through the radio stations & complains about the current music scene. You have Warren still alive he pops up Chucky finsihes the job. Then you are introduced to this con artist couple who steals Jesse's money. Then you have Tiffany throw a bottle of champange at the glass ceiling where shardes of glass kill the con artist couple. Jesse & Jade both call David. Chucky proposes to Tiffany they do it & this scene is the only 1 I laughed at. You have David come into the picture they play who done it like Scream. He smells a foul oder finds Waren he takes the gun makes Jesse & Jade pull over some cops drive up David tries to flag them down & he is hit by a Semi & goes off into CGI land. Chucky & Tiffany pop up they tell Jesse to drive. Chucky shoots at the cop cars & they lose them in the persuit. Chucky & Tiffany kill an old couple steal an RV. They tell them about their plan Jesse & Jade cause Chcuky & Tiffany to argue. Jesse hits the break & Chcuky goes out head 1st Jade knocks Tiffany into a hot stove Jesse wreaks The RV. Chcuky takes Jade to get The Amulet Jesse takes the burnt up Tiffany Doll. Jade get the amulet Jesse trades Tiffany for Jade Chucky throws a knife in Jesse's back Chucky does the soul transfer thing Tiffany stabs Chucky stop him. They start fighting. Chucky stabs Tiffany in the heart. Chucky is knocked in the grave site. A PI shows up. I like this scene where Brad Dourif says "Go ahead kill me I always come back but dying is such a b it c h!" He is shot & killed The PI lets them go then we have an ending that leaves it open for a sequel a doll baby pops out of Tiffany. I'm sorry that I skipped through the plot I mean it's a poor sequel they forgot about having likeabl;e characters characters that felt like normal people in favor of pretty faces. The Tiffany character did nothing for me I'd rather have Chucky on his own I didn't like the comic relief & self aware route the series took. A self aware movie isn't a bad thing cause I like Scream & Austin Powers 1&2. Brad Dourif is the best part of the movie. The gore is good & that's it. Ronny Yu I don't get why they got him to direct he did an alright job. Brad Dourif was good. Jenifer Tilly was hot but not much in the acting department. Nick Stable I didn't care for. Katherine Heighel wasn't any good must of been her 1st role. John Ritter was given nothing to do. Gordon Michael Woovett was forgettable. Alexis Arquette was given nothing to do. If they absoultly needed to do a sequel they should've done it where Andy was an adult married had a kid his wife buys their kid a Good Guy Doll & go from there. This movie also has a featurett I know it's like 5 minutes but still that's more than what 2 & 3 has. If you like this movie that's fine if I don't like a movie it's against the movie not against the fans. Every movie has a fan & hater. Bride Of Chucky for me was the beginning of the end
Factory error? Two discs have same episodes A great series but my star is for the manufacturing process. It has been found that the last two discs of our set, even though they look different on the outside, are actually the same episodes. Episodes 6 - 10 are missing. Anyone else finding their set the same?
among the worst This is among the worst movies I've ever seen. I can't think of a powerful enough word to describe how idiotic the "plot" is. Sin eater? Please...more like $$$ eater. Save your money. I wouldn't even rent it.Plot...zero. Special effects...non-existent. Creepy factor...it was a joke & not even a little creepy. Seriously folks, I'm not that hard to please & this movie pissed me off it sucked so bad.Cheers...
fanofwestern this is the most funniest western comedy i ever enjoyed, i just love every scenes. three actors are so good and other characters as well.
Hilarious Billy Madison is hillarious. The story is so stupid and the comedy is great like no other film. This is one of Adam Sandler's best films to date.In this great movie, Billy goes back to grades K-12(he's in his 20's), to prove to his father that he is not an idiot and that he can become chairman of his father's hotel chain. He goes back to school and the man that wants to become chairman makes a plan so Billy won't be able to finish school in the weeks assigned, and he'd become chairman. His plan works and then Billy challenges him to a so called Olympics type thing of everything you'd learn in high school.I won't give away anymore except you must watch this movie. You will really love it. Enjoy.HAPPY VIEWING!
Don't waste your time. Probably the stupidest of the Zorro "chapters". Zorro a woman? Gimme a break!!!
"Elizabeth Taylor's Finest Performance" Elizabeth Taylor won her second Academy Award as Best Actress in 1966 for her portrayal of acid-tongue, foul-mouthed Martha in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf". The film is one of the best movies Hollywood has ever made, and it stars an ensemble of actors rarely seen together in film. Liz's husband at the time, Richard Burton, co-stars as George, the man Martha belittles and disrespects, and Sandy Duncan and George Segal are cast in the supporting roles as Honey and Nick, who are invited to George and Martha's late one night. The film was raw for its time as it featured language never before heard on film. The movie is based on the Broadway play starring Uta Hagen, and many thought Liz could never pull off such a demanding role. For Martha Liz gained 30 lbs, wore a grey wig, and virtually became this character. Liz's portrayl is one of the best female performances on the big screen and it solidified her as an actress with a caliber that many do not possess. Even Joan Crawford became a fan of Liz's after viewing the film.The movie still holds the record as being the only film that received Oscar nominations for every award that it was eligible for. It won five Oscars, including one for Sandy Dennis.Mike Nichols directed the film, and he is known by modern audiences as the director of "The Birdcage" starring Robin Williams, and as being Diane Sawyer's husband.The DVD is full of bonus features, including commentary by Nichols, documentaries on the film, screen tests, and more.Come in and have a few drinks with George and Martha: your life will never be the same!
Can Life Imitate Art? This movie was made during a rather poignant time in Rex's life. Not an MAreicna made movie but it was the first since Rex's involvement with the suicide of American Actress Carol Landis. They claimed he was her lover and she comitted suicide when he wanted to break it off. IT was mentioned that she was carrying his child too. All this reached second wife Lili Palmer who was on the East coast acting in the theater. Rex denied it, Lili supported him throughout the trial and no one will know the truth. This movie is about a man who is accused of killing his lover and how his wife finds out and stands by his side. The ending is truly suspenseful! Get this Video!
c rated series Season 6 is no doubt the worst of the six. At season 4 it was already clear that the producers are unable to acquire good acting talent and Sutherland's suffering from nepotism increases with each season. The plot could have been made realistic were it not for Sutherland's invincibility, awful playscript and poor acting performance. The script needs an extreme makeover in terms of vocabulary and whitty lines to prevent viewers like me going braindead having to listen to it.A "C" rated series with no depth and a producer and actor that clearly seems full of himself and it.
What a massive disappointment I wanted to love this show. I was genuinely intrigued by the idea of a sequel to Phantom of the Opera, but that's what the show should have remained: an idea, and nothing more, because the show itself is a disaster. Sure, the music is alright, the acting is decent, but it's utterly impossible to overlook the plot holes in this production. There's just too many parts that simply don't add up. Raoul as a drunk? The paternity of Christine's child? The questionable mental health of Meg Giry? I realize that over time, people change... but the drastic, melodramatic changes we see in the characters from Phantom in Love Never Dies are just too much to believe.I'm giving LND two stars simply because the costuming and set design are quite well done, so if you'd like to watch a show that knows how to dress its characters and place them in attractive sets, then this is the show to watch. Beyond that, there's not much else going for this show.My advice: rather than spending your cash on Love Never Dies, purchase the 25th anniversary Phantom of the Opera celebration filmed at the Royal Albert Hall, starring Ramin Karimloo, Hadley Fraser, and Sierra Boggess. You'll get beautiful costumes, gorgeous set design, incredible talents, AND a show without glaring plot/characterization issues. Now THAT is a show worth your time and money.
Potent Film with Certain Foundation for Heated Debate... Galileo Galilei and scientists alike announced through in-depth research that the Earth was not flat and faced heavy persecution. Their different thinking broke the standards of the 16th century pious beliefs, which had been used a long time before scientists questioned the validity and reliability in what they observed. This offended the Catholic Church who proclaimed that they held the highest truth, a truth deeply rooted in unquestioned morality. The questioning of the religious beliefs triggered a witch-hunt of the scientists that disagreed with the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. However, the truth eventually emerged, as Galileo's theories are still the instruments of current astronomical research that continues to evolve the human existence beyond the earth.The Catholic Church and Lutheran Church persecuted people with different ideas of Christianity. Those who desired to exercise their own freedom of religion sought refuge in America where they could exercise their freedom to express their own ideas of religion. After the War of Independence, the founding fathers formed the Congress that drafted the 10 amendments. The first amendment brings the people freedom of speech, which includes religion. However, the very same ideas that sought freedom in America later turned from being the persecuted to the persecutor, as these notions harassed new different thinkers. The notion of cyclical history comes to mind when scientists like Alfred Kinsey are being silenced based on morality and unfounded facts.Kinsey (Liam Neeson), a biologist, was brought up under strict puritan rules, as his father consistently proclaimed being the ultimate source of knowledge. In a sense he grew up with similar persecuting standards as Galileo, but instead of conforming to the rules he broke the bond with his father when he accepted a partial scholarship to Bowdoin to study biology. Kinsey's father wanted him to become an engineer, which has a certain level of irony to it, as his father believed that all modern inventions at the beginning of the 20th century were evil. The pursuit of the biology degree brought him through Harvard to Indiana University where he took a position as an assistant professor while studying stag beetles and later the American Cynipidae also known as the gall wasp.Years of research and collecting the American Cynipidae allowed Kinsey to meticulously catalogue his gall wasp library. During this time Kinsey met his wife Clara (Laura Linney) with whom he had three children. However, before having the children they had difficulties in the bedroom, as Clara assumed it was because they physically would not fit together. This was an unacceptable answer for Kinsey who approached the problem, as if there were an answer, which there was. It simply was painful for Clara to have sex as her hymen was too thick, and with a quick procedure by a doctor she had this fixed. Consequently, Kinsey continued to help other couples with problems of sexual nature, but realized that he did not have any real answers to the questions that were posed to him.In the 1940s, Kinsey got his chance to do teach a marriage course in regards to sex and the social aspects of sex between husbands and wives. As the class went on his interest deepened through the vast number of questions people asked in regards to sex. This concluded in Kinsey beginning to research the taboo ridden topic, which so many have been taught to avoid at all costs except for the purpose of having children. Kinsey opposed the abstinence with his statement, "society has interfered with what should be a normal biological development..."The sex research forced Kinsey to travel uncharted waters, as he had to find a way to collect data that were valid and reliable. Through this process he design an interview style that had to be nonjudgmental in order for the interviewee to reveal everything without having to feel any negative feelings. This process gave them surprising facts about sex, as they also encountered homosexuality, extramarital affairs, and premarital affairs. They also found evidence of deviant sexual practices, which most of the society rightfully did not tolerate such as pedophilia. An important note to this is that Kinsey was only collecting data, he did not advocate harmful sexual practices. However, in the eyes of the society Kinsey was in the end drawn into the mud, as much of his intentions was misunderstood.Nonetheless, Kinsey helped breaking the ice of the forbidden issue that in the end opened up the society to understanding this hushed, but normal behavior. If Kinsey did not push the envelope the society might have continued its intolerance towards sexual issues, an intolerance that would force many to hide their true identity in the fear of repercussions and prejudice based on hatred and fear. For example, John Edgar Hoover created a profiling center for homosexuals and other undesirables. The very same intolerance would function as a shield that would have protected many of the Catholic priests that have been uncovered to molest children. It is thanks to Kinsey and researchers alike that it has become acceptable to discuss this taboo topic in media, where horrendous crimes such as child molesting can be caught. Yet, there are still many who believe that Kinsey was wrong to do what he did, and they are naturally free to have their own opinions. As they should let the truth be unveiled from darkness and not let erotophobia, i.e., learned negative emotional response to information of sexual nature, affect any decision-making that could help human beings discover a better future.Kinsey is a political and potent film that will undoubtedly make many feel awkward and uncomfortable. Yet, it is also an important film, as it displays the importance of learning the truth and not hiding behind groundless rules and laws based on fictionalized morality. The film also has historical value to our contemporary society where many laws often are passed based on morality, which ends up hurting a fraction of the society and slows the progress of humanity. When this happens, history seems to be have drifted into oblivion as prejudice and intolerance continues to haunt the society. Hopefully, the film Kinsey offers an opportunity for debate and insightfulness, and not continued narrow-mindedness.
Mass murder as entertainment My core problem with this show is that it presents FBI agent Booth as a hero.The U.S. invaded Afghanistan under a false pretext. We had troops pre-positioned to invade the country on 9-10-2001, then came the 9/11 attacks and we went in. The invasion was premeditated; 9/11 just provided the justification.Then the Kean Commission lied endlessly in its 9/11 report. Even the members of the commission said they didn't tell the truth. So, if someone like myself knows that the Kean Commission's report is a lie, how come FBI agent Booth (a trained investigator) doesn't know the same thing? Answer is, he DOES know. Yet he went to Afghanistan anyway and killed 50+ as a sniper.That's really foul, people. A guy who shoots 50 people knowing he has no honest justification for doing so is a mass murderer. Booth is as profoundly flawed as any lead character I've ever seen in a television program.
Robert Zimmerman's Blues First and foremost, INCREDIBLE! Really, Socrcese has outdone himself. This is without a doubt one of the best music biographies ever, it even rivals The Beatles Anthology. I am a big fan of Dylan, and have read a lot, but this really pulled the veil off the mystery and showed another side of Dylan. Pun intended! The quality is great. The content great. And the music is sublime! My only gripe is the extras on disc one the Dylan Performances are not the entire performance, just a replica from that section of the film. On disc two, however, are entire performances, and they are great! If you are a Dylan fan you will love this disc! I hope and pray he will continue with Dylan's history! I would love to see the films and interviews about The Rolling Thunder tour. And a current day Bob looked great and was ernest and honest...
. . . . This was a good movie, although I can't say that I was overly impressed with it. I suppose it's hard for films like these to stand up to the awe and majesty of other films like Star Wars and the like. I'm not saying that it was a bad movie. Not at all. The story is interesting, the characters appealing, and Hollywood actually managed to produce some lines that could be considered witty. When I say that I wasn't overly impressed, I wasn't overly unimpressed either.
Well made but average Shaw Brothers Kung Fu flick with several fairly creative deaths Well made but average 1976 Shaw Brothers Kung Fu flick. Production values are very good for the time and the movie features most of the major actors working for Shaw Brothers when it was made. The highlights are actor Fu Sheng fighting spinning wooden men in tight corridors and several fairly creative deaths.
nothing new There is nothing new about this movie. Actually, it was pretty boring. My boyfriend and I walked out in the middle of it. The story has been repeated over and over in other movies and the humor .....or the lack of it...is much more to be desired.
Not As Good As I Thought Good But BoringGood Reason:I Liked The Wy The Girl In The Story Had A Lot Of Potential About How She Wanted To Play Football And Continue To Play Instead Of Doing What Her Mam Wants Her To Do.Boring Reason:It Was About One Storyline "Football"It Was A Good Film But Just A Bit Boring
Awesome Love skateboarding, but also love the story line of friendship and over coming dofficulties and and prevailing to something great, rising above
Interesting for a short movie, not great as a feature film. This was an interesting movie to see and it had its moments but for the most part it was a script and dialog starved visual experience. The film itself was very well done but there just seemed as though there wasn't enough story there to do much with. If you are a Bill Murray fan and liked his comedy movies such as "Ground Hog Day" then this movie will probably disappoint you. Bill Murray's character not only seemed unhappy about his circumstances in the film but you got the feeling that Bill Murray himself was truly not enthusiastic about his role in this movie. However, it does not seem as if it was really Bill Murray's fault since this movie script didn't provide very much for him to work with in the first place.The actress Scarlett Johansson did a very good job in her part as the bored and unhappy wife of a photographer who is working in Japan at that time. It was difficult to take your eyes off of her during her performances and she was the brightest star in this movie. I also see a very promising future for the talented Sofia Coppola as a director. I do not believe that it had been her intent for Lost In Translation to become the "big feature film" that the media made it out to be.Lost in Translation would have been a very good film to see as an independent type of short film or as a supplimental movie shown on HBO or any other pay cable channel but it did not really satisfy my expectations as a full length, major feature film for theaters or DVD.
Great movie The reinvention of James Bond starts off perfect. Bond is edgy and has the classic Bond swagger. The blu ray is great quality and is a must have for HD owners.
AWESOME!!! White Collar is one of the best shows on TV. Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay are so awesome together!! They really make you feel for their characters and have me laughing all the time. They rock!!
Nick Stabile is soooo HOT! I loved this movie because it was so unexpected. Very funny and scary enough. Tilly is one of today's best actresses but most underrated. And back to Mr. Stabile, OH MY GOD. If I ran into him the word no would not be in my vocabulary.
Wonderful film I love this movie, and am so glad to have this DVD. It is beautiful, thought provoking, and quite different from so many mainstream films.
More of the same Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, 128')>>>Alfred Hitchcock was known as the most controlling of directors, particularly when it came to women. The female characters in his films reflected the same qualities over and over again: They were blond. They were icy and remote. They were imprisoned in costumes that subtly combined fashion with fetishism. They mesmerized the men, who often had physical or psychological handicaps. Sooner or later, every Hitchcock woman was humiliated (Roger Ebert).<<<Anybody who cares for the above will be happy with Vertigo, whoever doesn't will find her- or himself in a minority. So consider this a minority view.216us - Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, 128') -More of the same - 5/12/012
Digital Copy is CRAP I really like the movie. However, the Ultraviolent digital copy process is ridiculous! Too many steps to download. Can only play through the Paramount manager, which must be downloaded as well. Can't find the movie file on my computer. Will not play through iTunes nor will it play on a mobile device unless that device is connected to the web and the movie streamed from Paramount.In the future, I'll boycott all Paramount blu-ray releases and only purchase HD versions of movies through iTunes.
American Pie Wanna Be.....and a bad one at that. Total waste of your time. The story is very familiar by now. College partying, a few topless women, normal teen movie stuff. All the cast is unfamiliar. Women are not even decent looking. The entire movie is boring to say the least. It never grabs your interest. How people like this mindless crap I will never know. Lots of decent movies in this class, this isn't one of them.
Chucky Cheese... Yep, this is the original movie that started the (now ridiculous) franchise! The story opens with serial killer and all around creepazoid, Charles Lee "Chucky" Ray (Brad Dourif) being shot by a cop (Chris Sarandon) in a toy store. With his dying breath, Charles asks the great voodoo gods to allow his soul to enter a doll's body. Sometime later, a mom (Catherine Hicks) buys the doll from a homeless guy in an alley. Chucky soon befriends her son and begins weaving his evil web of terror and revenge. Though I can't take CHILD'S PLAY completely seriously, it does have it's creepy charms. Chucky is at his best when seen running by in the background or when we see a tiny plastic hand turn a doorknob. He doesn't fair as well in close-ups. After all, he's just not that scary! Like the Zuni warrior doll in TRILOGY OF TERROR, Chucky becomes downright silly when over-exposed! That's why the sequels are such a joke. Thankfully, Tom Holland used restraint and didn't have Chucky in every frame of this one or it would have been a disaster! Anyway, CP is a good, cheesy spooker with atmosphere and humor. Worth owning...
It's The Japanese Way I watched the making of this movie before I saw it in theatres. It was some HBO special or something like that. Well, they were interviewing the director who is Japanese and he had some interesting things to say.One was the Japanese culture believes their ghosts look like the ones in "The Grudge". They have long hair, and pale skin. Does "The Ring" come into mind? The director also started talking about why some of their stories never have resolutions at the end. He actually criticized American movies at the time too. He was saying how our movies always have to solve their problems for it to be considered a good film. They want it to be more like the good guy doesn't always win, which is true.Then when I went and saw "The Grudge", I watched for what the director was talking about. In the end, I liked the movie because each every movie is different and I think we should respect other cultures' ideas as well.Maybe "The Grudge" wasn't the scariest movie, but now we get the idea of how they believe in ghosts and hauntings.
Fair to middlin' I'd probably like this movie a lot better if I didn't feel it was such a disservice to the novel it's based on.Delroy Lindo does give a standout performance as Rodney, but I just wasn't that impressed with Keitel. I guess it's a testament to Price when I say that the Rocco Klein of his novel felt more lifelike, more deeply conflicted, and more rounded than Keitel's Klein seemed on screen.I found it irritating that there were certain surreal elements added to the script which seemed to compromise the grittiness of the story. The additions didn't make the movie funnier, they just made it strange.As a side note, less than ten years old, the soundtrack already seems incredibly dated.Don't even rent this one, go read it. If you're dead set on spending your loot, buy two copies of "Do the Right Thing."
Top-notch fun! It's a story of good vs. evil, familiar in all those comforting ways and yet still original enough to be highly entertaining. The cast is interesting (including Lian Neeson and Robbie Coltrane) and fun to watch, the fantasy gorgeous. Truly enjoyable!
One of the best movies of its type to come along in years I really like this movie. Granted, it's a little predictable, and in places maybe Travolta seems a little flat. It has a few other flaws as well. But there are a lot of reasons to like a movie and sometimes you have to make allowences.What works about it? Matthew O'Leary and Vince Vaughn; the helpless kid & the bad guy. As the movie progresses, the kid gets more and more loveable and the evil dude becomes ever more despicable. Everything you need for this type of movie to be successful; a couple of very good actors in the right roles, convincingly earning, in this case, our sympathy or our bile. Even if the movie holds up in no other way for you, these two actors are sure to do their part. Settings, production, background, or script aside, these two deliver.Predictable? Somewhat, sure. How many movies aren't? As for Trovolta perhaps being a little off, hey, the man is very busy. Besides, he was supposed to be low-key in this role, the emphasis of the movie being his son's plight. I think ultimately he served that role very well.So despite its flaws, this movie still works, and I think quite well. If you haven't seen it you should consider doing so.
Expect stupidity and you will laugh laugh laugh Ok, so I went into an almost empty movie theater and laughed and laughed and laughed at this movie. I looked around me to see poeple dumbfounded, so I laughed some more. I guess you have to understand the humor to get this movie. I agree with the rater who compared this to Airplane. Remember Hot Shots part Deux? Well, this movie compares, with just stupid fun. Don't expect a kung fu flick. Expect to watch a stupid movie, and you will be satified. This movie is not for everyone. Sometimes, it just pays not to take things so seriously.
"Johnny Mack Brown Series ... Branded a Coward (1935) ... Poverty Row (2008)" Poverty Row presents "BRANDED A COWARD" (1 July 1935) (57 mins/B&W;) (Fully Restored/Dolby Digitally Remastered) -- Johnny Mack Brown was an All-American college football player and film actor --- Born and raised in Dothan, Alabama, Brown was a star of the high school football team, earning a football scholarship to the University of Alabama --- Playing the halfback position on his university's Crimson Tide football team, Brown helped his team to become the 1926 NCAA Division I-A national football champions --- In that year's Rose Bowl Game, he earned Most Valuable Player honors after scoring two of his team's three touchdowns in an upset win over the heavily favored Washington Huskies.His good looks and powerful physique saw him portrayed on Wheaties cereal boxes and in 1927, brought an offer for motion picture screen tests that resulted in a long and successful career in Hollywood --- He appeared in minor roles until 1930 when he was cast as the star in a western movie entitled "Billy the Kid" and directed by King Vidor, the film also features Wallace Beery as Pat Garrett.Brown went on to make several top-flight movies under the name John Mack Brown, including The Secret Six (1931) with Wallace Beery, as well as the legendary Lost Generation celebration of alcohol, "The Last Flight" (1931), and was being groomed by MGM as a leading man until being replaced on a film in 1931, with all his scenes re shot with Clark Gable in his place --- Rechristened Johnny Mack Brown, "Fighting Kit Carson" (1933) he returned to making exclusively westerns and eventually became one of the screen's top B-movie cowboy stars, making 127 western films during his career, including "Ride 'Em Cowboy" (1942) with Abbott and Costello --- Brown also starred in four serials for Universal Studios (Rustlers of Red Dog (1935), Wild West Days (1937), Flaming Frontiers (1938) and The Oregon Trail (1939) and was a hero to millions of young children at movie theaters and on their television screens --- Altogether, Brown appeared in over 160 movies between 1927 and 1966, as well as a smattering of television shows, in a career spanning almost forty years --- In recognition of his contribution to the motion picture industry, Brown was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6101 Hollywood Blvd --- In 1969, Brown was inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame.(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)Under the production staff of:Sam Newfield - DirectorA.W. Hackel - ProducerEarle Snell - ScreenwriterWilliam Nobles - CinematographerRichard Martinsen - Short Story AuthorOur story line and plot, long running Johnny Mack Brown series turned out in the early '30s --- the storyline is not your normal or regular Johnny Mack Brown film, as half way through the picture our hero acts like a coward...witnessing his family being killed by "The Cat", a notorious outlaw gang...20 years pass and he still has bad memories of that event, as outlaws rob a local saloon and he hides behind the bar shaking --- will our hero snap out of this during a stage holdup and save the girl from a runaway and the loot --- does Syd Saylor give Johnny Mack the big build up and have him elected marshal --- will he learn that "The Cat" is behind the lawless events in the territory --- is there going to be a final showdown that will surprise everyone with a twist of an ending --- special footnote actor Johnny Mack Brown had a long film association with producer A.W. Hackel in a series of sixteen B-Westerns for the independent Poverty Row's Supreme Pictures, many directed by Sam Newfield --- A. William Hackel also produced a series of Bob Steele B-Westerns --- meanwhile back to another great Johnny Mack B-Western provided by Supreme Pictures during their heyday of the early '30s.the cast includes:Johnny Mack Brown ... Johnny HumeBillie Seward ... Ethel CarsonSyd Saylor ... OscarLloyd Ingraham ... Joe CarsonLee Shumway ... Tom HumeRoger Williams ... Henchman TexFrank McCarroll ... Dick, a robberYakima Canutt ... 'The Cat' (original)Mickey Rentschler ... Young Johnny HumeRex Downing ... Young Billy Humerest of cast listed alphabetically:Edward Peil Sr. ... Bit RoleBarney Beasley ... Barfly (uncredited)Jack Cheatham ... Bartender (uncredited)Charles K. French ... Mayor (uncredited)Joseph W. Girard ... Bit Role (uncredited)Ray Henderson ... Barfly (uncredited)Bob Kortman ... Bit Role (uncredited)Carl Mathews ... Saloon robber (uncredited)Artie Ortego ... Saloon robber (uncredited)James Sheridan ... Bit Role (uncredited)Arthur Thalasso ... Calls Johnny a coward (uncredited)Wally West ... Barfly (uncredited)SPECIAL FEATURES:BIO:1. Johnny Mack BrownDate of Birth: 1 September 1904 - Dothan, AlabamaDate of Death: 14 November 1974 - Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, CaliforniaIf you crave action, drama and plenty of adventure check out other western double features by Johnny Mack Brown:JOHNNY MACK BROWN WESTERN DOUBLE FEATURES FROM VCI ENTERTAINMENT:1. Raiders of San Joaquin/Law of the Range (VCI #7226)2. Pony Post/Ragtime Cowboy Joe (VCI #7238)3. Brand A Coward/Rogue of the Range (VCI #7244)4. Guns in the Dark/Partner of the Trail (VCI #7260)5. Bar Z Bad Men/Between Men (VCI #7282)6. Bad Man from Red Butte/Rawhide Rangers (VCI #8348)7. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie & Lone Star Trail (VCI #7308)8. Crooked Trail & Boot Hill Brigade (VCI #7309)9. Arizona Cyclone & Man From Montana (VCI #7325)10.A Lawman Is Born & The Gambling Terror (VCI #7327)11.Chip Of The Flying U & Oklahoma Frontier (VCI #7329)12.Silver Bullet & Law and Order (VCI #7331)13.Raiders of the Border & Texas Kid (VCI #7333)14.Under Cover Man & Stagecoach Buckaroo (VCI #7335)JOHNNY MACK BROWN FOUR FEATURE:CLASSIC WESTERNS: Crooked Trail; Boot Hill Brigade;Bury Me Not On the Lone Prairie; Lone Star Trail (VCI #5520)JOHNNY MACK BROWN - UNIVERSAL CLIFFHANGER/SERIALS:1. FIGHTING WITH KIT CARSON (VCI #8419)2. FLAMING FRONTIERS (VCI #8442)3. OREGON TRAIL, THE (VCI #8439)4. RUSTLERS OF RED DOG (VCI #8397)Ask Amazon.Com to carry the above five titles as they are not available on Amazon as of yet...you can order and pick up your copy now from VCI Entertainment...if you enjoyed this collection, why not pick up other copies of Johnny Mack Brown Double Features.Bobby J. Copeland's book published by Empire Publising on "Johnny Mack Brown: Up Close & Personal" is chuck full of answers to all the questions his fans had from early on --- when you went to see him on the big screen, you got exactly what the marquee said...plenty of thrills, adventure and loaded with action --- Johnny Mack was a natural for the western, his riding abilities and fight scenes were of the the same caliber as Buck Jones and Bob Steele --- Johnny Mack sets the saddle better than Duke Wayne --- seems Johnny got better with the more films he made and the scripts were always top notch --- he was one of the best-liked people in films, what you saw on the screen is what he really was, a great human being.Hats off and thanks to Les Adams (collector/guidelines for character identification), Chuck Anderson (Webmaster: The Old Corral/B-Westerns.Com), Boyd Magers (Western Clippings), Bobby J. Copeland (author of "Trail Talk"), Rhonda Lemons (Empire Publishing Inc) and Bob Nareau (author of "The Real Bob Steele") as they have rekindled my interest once again for B-Westerns and Serials --- If you're into the memories of B-Westerns with high drama, this is the one you've been anxiously waiting for --- please stand up and take a bow Western Classics --- all my heroes have been cowboys!Total Time: 57 min on DVD ~ Poverty Row ~ (11/29/2007)
Just not enthralling enough to keep the interest of viewers. While watching In Love and War, one will most surely get up many times and leave the room to do something else, preferably something tie consuming. A no-no by many accounts, the attempt by Richard Attenborough to recount the story of Ernest Hemingway and his love affair with a WWI nurse starts as something promising. Yet, the promise is broken in the first four minutes, and the viewer is left to dwindle among the every-so-long plot, which seems to have no sense of balance. While the movie may be accurate as far as the real story goes, it is certainly not entertaining enough. The actors do what they can to contribute emotion and gumption into their characters, yet this, along with well-designed sets and scenery, is not enough to give moviegoers what they want. Only for solid fans of Bullock and/or O'Donnell, and no one else.
Classic Hollywood Storytelling Steven Soderbergh's "The Good German", depending on your age and knowledge of film can either be seen as a daring, new experimental film shot in black & white or a tribute to classic war time Hollywood films of the 1940s, most noteably "Casablanca". I belong to the latter.Capt. Jack Geismer (George Clooney) is an American journalist, who use to live in Berlin before the war. After the war he was giving a choice of being stationed either in London or Berlin. According to Geisman there was no choice. He knew he wanted to go back to Berlin to try and find his lost love Lena (Cate Blanchett) who may or may not have been involved with the Nazis.Intrigue soon follows as Geisman's driver, Tully (Tobey Maguire) is found dead. He allegedly had information regarding a German scientist Emil Brandt. In order to thicken the plot a bit we find out Emil was married to Lena, and it was her really the killers were looking for. Tully was having an affair with Lena and promised to get her out of Berlin. This all takes place before Geisman finds out about Tully and Lena and wants to rekindle their faded flame.To say more about the plot would be a mistake. I'd ruin the entire film for you. But I have to admit I think the visuals and the effect Soderbergh was going for is a bit more interesting to talk about then the plot itself. The movie was shot on actually camera equipment used in during the 40s. The film has such a crisp look to it, that if it were not for the strong language and graphic sexual content, this could have been one of the lost films of 1946 suddenly found. Soderbergh did his homework on this one. I'm not much of a fan of his work. I didn't enjoy titles such as "Full Frontal", "Kafka" or his "Ocean" movies (I haven't seen 13 yet) but I did like "Traffic" (which I think deserved the best picture Oscar over "Gladiator") and "Erin Brockovich". Here though Soderbergh must be given his due credit. The film is more than an imitation. It is compelling enough where it could stand on its own without the gimmick of the camera equipment.But not just the look of the film captures the spirit of the times we have to give credit to Clooney and Blachett. I was never much of a Clooney fan but when I say "Good Night and Good Luck" I found a new respect for him and he is quite good in this film. He definitely recalls Bogart, though the part is a little different. Bogart was usually an outsider who didn't want to get involved. Remember his line in "Casablanca"? "I stick my neck out for no man." Here Clooney's character wants to get involved. It was the whole point of his journey.Blanchett on the other hand I've always admired. She is one of the great actresses working today. If we want to compare this to "Casablanca" we could say she brings Ingrid Bergman to mind but for some reason I thought of Greta Garbo. That mysterious woman appeal that Garbo excelled at seems to be what Blanchett was going for.A lot of people didn't seem to like this film. I came across mostly negative reviews from the critics and the public didn't seem to embrace it either. Why do I like it? I have no clue. I could just be the simple reason I like what Soderbergh was going for. I enjoy Hollywood films from the time period. Or it could be it was just a good movie. Maybe a combination of both. Either way "The Good German" is worth watching.Bottom-line: Steven Soderbergh's tribute to classic Hollywood films of the 1940s does a great job of recreating the look and feel of the films from the era but the story is good enough to work on its own.
Brilliant, and thats the truth, RUTH! Excellent film. One of the 5 best movies I've ever seen. Excellent acting From Ruby davis to Danny Aiello to Robin Harris.
Just one little thing... My only complaint is that the DVD cases, the circle part that holds the actual discs, were all broken! The tiny circle parts were all completely chipped. So when I open the case I have to be careful to catch the discs. Not cool.BUT the discs weren't scratched and work perfectly. Great show!!
Not quite as good as the original, but VERY close. This movie cracked me up, just like the first one! I had wanted to see it ever since January, and I was NOT dissapointed when I saw it. I don't care that the critics gave it a low rating. The chemistry between Chan and Tucker is just as strong as before. They make an awesome team. Can't wait for Rush Hour 3!!!!
boring, tedious, cliched, trite, insipid and disappointing Note: this review is spoiler-free.My father and I, who I watched this with, both had high hopes for the movie, although we didn't know much about it. It has a GREAT cast of talented actors, and for all we knew was about "space flight". By the end of the second act, we both agreed that this was turning in to one of the worst, most boring movies we had seen in years. From there on, it got both better and worse, speeding up the pace but ultimately hurting what was already a tedious movie.Oh where to start. It's hard to decide, since I cannot think of one thing this movie even did right. How 'bout the dialogue- it can only be described as cheesy and hammy. It almost never adds anything to the plot, and half the time (mostly during the second act) rates quite high on the cheese-o-meter. Sitting there with my father, who happens to be one who appreciates a well-written movie, it was almost embarrasing to sit through it. The plot was dragging at an extremely slow pace, muddled with weak sub-plots (which seemed to want to turn in to the main plot due to the weakness of the actual plot, hurting it even more); the movie just seems to go on forever before you really figure out where it's trying to go.Then suddenly, as if the writers realized the script was becoming tediously slow and boring, the movie completely changes gear in to one big fast-paced space action scene. None of it relates to the rest of the movie in any way, making you regret even watching the first two "acts", and making the third "act" seem as if it totally came out of left field. But even this part of the movie is badly written and terribly cliched, and ultimately disappointing. And then at the very end, they pull an Armageddon on us. Utterly sappy, and hardly any moral ambiguity about it. Just a cheap way to end the movie.Seeing as how this movie has quite a few decent-to-good reviews, it's hard for me to honestly say you *won't* enjoy the movie. But I honestly cannot understand how anybody could find enjoyment in this sappy, slow-paced, tedious and awefully-written movie with one of the most under-developed ambiguous plots I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.. It simply has no artistic merit whatsoever as a film.1/5 stars.
The Victim Annie lands on Kyle's front porch deep within the woods after being chased by two murderous cops, but as each of their stories begin to change, it will be left up to Kyle to determine the real victim... Genre favorite Michael Biehn stars as our crowbar-wielding hero in THE VICTIM, his second outing as both writer and director. Unfortunately, the audience is the one true victim in all of this. THE VICTIM is a mess from the very beginning. The poorly scripted characters and dialog are far from believable, faults that become that much more apparent throughout the grossly overacted performances. When the awkward sex scenes and confusing flashbacks are also taken in to account, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain involved in the plot. The end credits only seem to confirm the cast and crew's half-serious tone, but this isn't clear at any other point in the film. While Biehn and Blanc show a definite appreciation for the genre, this creative team will require much more outside experience to shore up many of the flaws in production.-Carl ManesI Like Horror Movies
Season 3 -worst of the lot For fans of the previous seasons, season 3 leaves a lot to be desired--a whole lot. The once outcast Veronica is now the apple of everyone's eye. The once charismatic Logan is whipped. The once best.father.ever Keith now trades creepily sexual banter with his daughter. The once intriguing plot lines are now reduced to entitled Veronica all the time. What happpened to the ensemble cast? The funny, snarky dialog? The emotional intensity? The sharply drawn sense of place? That's what I want to know because it certainly is not here in Season 3.
High $$ I agree with the others who gave this a single star. This is not a full season and so it should be priced as such. I bought the first season for around $20 it didn't have a lot of episodes that season, so I felt the price was fair. To pay more than $20 for season 4 is way to much in my opinion.
This Vampire Movie Sucks... Quick review - poor remake. expensive 3D Blu Ray at $31.99.The 3D is not at all exciting or innovative, the basic movie is lame, and I'll probably never watch this again.In my fervor to add 3D movies to my small library, I jumped at this as I remembered the original as fun and stylish.Would have been better off saving my money for another, better title. SAVE YOURS. Pre-Order Titanic 3D!!!!
No Saving Graces for this Rubbish! I have to say that I HAVE seen worse films than this - Dogville with Nicole Kidman, Lauren Bacall et al and Titus with Anthony Hopkins to name just two. But, Cuba Gooding CANNOT carry a film ON HIS OWN, especially one which has NO REAL PLOT,NO BACK-UP STORY,NO OTHER ACTORS OF NOTE, ABSOLUTELY ZERO! He is NOT a Lead Actor whatever his fans may say and I am sure he has many. He is OK in a secondary or third role BUT NEVER as the lead. It's NOT that the story of a supposed Conspiracy with Middle-East and US Government involvement has been 'overdone', as it is always an interesting one if played right BUT this was played wrong, lacked action, and also that certain 'oomph' to make it a success?
horrible ok. first things first. the original darko movie is one of may favorites ever. that being said, this movie is still horrible. if this movie was even "good" like so many of the reviews say that it is, i would have liked it. it was not good. the acting was not good (i just read a review saying the acting was great. i dont get it). the story line was hard to follow and stupid. it's almost like they had a sixth grader trying to revamp the original movie. horrible. the storyline takes on a sci-fi channel made for television twist near the end that will crack you up if you never saw the original DD movie, and piss you off if you were a fan. i may be a "fan boy" like some reviewers who liked this movie will say, but my girlfriend just "likes" the first movie (not a big fan of it) and puts up with it when i watch it once or twice a year, but she begged me to turn this one off. and i agreed that we should, but i at least had to see it through to the end.some people just have the inability to dislike movies. if you are one of these people, i still think you will have a hard time sitting through this film. at one point i thought a scene was skipped, that's how awkward this movie jumps around. and then the guy who played the vampire "Jasper" (my gf pointed it out, i swear) gets a rash from a meteorite. it's so stupid!!!! and what was with the guy on the windmill who sam visited in his dreams? dumb dumb dumb dumd dumb.
insufferable slapstick comedy As if one were needed, "Heyy Babyy" [sic] is a two-hour-plus remake of the 1987 hit "Three Men and a Baby" (which was itself an adaptation of a French film from 1985). This Bollywood production features three swinging bachelors from India who share a swanky apartment in a high class quarter of Sydney, Australia. One day they find an abandoned baby on their doorstep, along with a note declaring that one of the men - it's not stated which - is the girl's father. Naturally, this leads to all kinds of predictable slapstick hijinks as the three inept and bumbling playboys take on the new and unanticipated role of "fathers" to this adorable tyke.It's hard to convey just how grueling - nay, excruciating - an experience sitting through "Heyy Babyy" turns out to be. What with all the pratfalling and mugging and fast-motion photography, "Heyy Babyy" makes even the most inane Three Stooges short look like a Noel Coward play in comparison. Suffice it to say the script is unbelievably banal, the comic ideas antiquated and poorly executed, and the acting so cheesy and over-the-top that, after only a few minutes' exposure to this drivel, you`ll be agreeing with the French as to the comic genius of Jerry Lewis.Yet, the only thing more insufferable than "Heyy Babyy" when it's in a playful mood is "Heyy Babyy" when it`s being all high-minded and sanctimonious, cranking up the goo to almost unimaginable proportions, as this "angel sent from God" turns three self-indulgent and immature womanizers into hyper-sensitive and morally responsible young men - and the audience into a bunch of oohing and aahing sentimental slobs.So if your idea of a good time is religious symbolism mixed with poop jokes (and padded out to an unendurable length with endless musical numbers), by all means feel free to indulge yourself in all that "Heyy Babyy" has to offer in that regard. Otherwise, run for your life as far and as fast as you can the moment "Heyy Babyy" appears on a screen near you.
MediaGab Review Dirty Harry meets Grumpy Old Men, really that about sums up this movie. Blood Work is a detective movie that Clint Eastwood is at the heart of. A FBI Profiler Terry McCaleb (Eastwood) tries to runs down a suspect outside of a homicide crime scene but has a heart attack before he can catch him. He has to have heart transplant in order to live. He learns that the heart he got was from a murdered woman.The sister of the murdered woman tracks Terry, who is now retired from the FBI down and pleads with him to look into the investigation. So with a license or the authority he takes on the investigation. The investigation goes from one unbelievable twist to another.I found this movie to move way to fast. The twists and the conclusions that Eastwoods makes from the clues are really hard to swallow. In particular the part when the sister asks for his help. He basically jumped to this womans rescue without even thinking about what he was getting himself into. He was only sixty days post-op from his transplant surgery.I think this was Eastwoods last hurray at a detective movie. At least I hope. He should stick to directing as he states he wants to do more of in the making of special feature. I think he wanted one more Dirty Harry moment before he stepped behind the camera.
Far from Fair and Balanced I find the 5 star reviews astonishing.I found this to be a biased, carefully edited election year attempt to discredit the leading, some what conservative news network.Hollywood is desperate to discredit anything that doesn't follow the liberal mindset.If you watch this film remember it is biased and question what you see, as you should any where.I'm sorry I wasted my time.
True Grit I watched the first True Grit some time ago. It was very entertaining because John Wayne liked to ham it up.This version was a true western in every sense. The performances by Jeff Bridges and all were excellent.
One of the funniest shows ON TV If you enjoy fantasy football and somewhat racy comedy, the League is for you. Great cast, funny episodes, and one of my favorite shows on TV.
The Most Terrifying Movie. Ever! Hollywood has finally made a worthy sequel. After the disappointing and comical "Blair Witch Project", Joe Berlinger adds his fascinating vision to the story of the Blair Witch.One of my biggest complaints about the original "Blair Witch Project", was its originality. I mean, who wants to see a group of "nobody kids" filming a documentary in the woods? Not me! The shaky camera work often left me wondering - what's going on, why can't I see the witch? How am I supposed to be scared if I can't see what's going on.The ending left me completely baffled. First, you see the guy standing in the corner, then the camera falls to the ground and the movie ends. What happened?! It would have been so much scarier if you could have actually seen the witch fly out on her broomstick and kill the kids. Now, THAT would have been scary.Joe Berlinger knows what it takes to make a great movie, and he shows his mettle with the astonishing "Books of Shadows - Blair Witch 2". What I love most about this movie, is how Berlinger completely ignores every aspect of the original. Gone is the horrible acting and flawed story of the first movie. This time we have interesting characters and a complex story that keeps you guessing, right until the end. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out what happened!This movie is most appreciated when viewed in the "DVD" format. For those of you that are not familiar with the "DVD's" - they serve the same purpose as the old VHS tapes, but "DVD's" are smaller and easier to store. The "DVD" contains some "behind the scenes" features that point out all of the hidden messages and clues to the Blair Witch. Spooky stuff!Don't waste your time on the silly "Blair Witch Project"... "Book of Shadows - Blair Witch 2" is the real blockbuster.Please join me in counting the minutes until "Blair Witch 3" comes out. 1, 2, 3, 4...
The Very Best Sci-fi Series Loved this series from the first episode. All of the characters were great. The stories were awesome. Tons of action, humor, character development, bad aliens, loved the city of Atlantis, and I sincerely wish their were more seasons! Don't miss it. The Stargate franchise should be very proud of their achievements in this wonderful series.
Dudes, ya gotta see this movie! Okay first of all, most of you reading this should know the plot and if you don't I have no idea why you would buy a movie you haven't seen. also other reveiws can tell you about it. but this movie is great. its hilarious and i can see how some people might think its stupid, but that is why it is funny. if you like stupid humor like saving silverman or zoolander (two other great movies) i would suggest seeing it and/or buying it. i'm not sure about the DVD because it has no special features, but at least get the VHS or wait until a special edition DVD comes out hopefully. its a great movie and don't knock it, cause you really have to expand your mind to both sophistication and stupidity............and it has Zach from Saved By the Bell! yea!
The Plan comes up short Watched every episode of BSG and own the entire series on DVD. The Plan comes up short. This is a movie where new scenes are edited in with scenes from the series. For me it seemed like it skipped around from even to event, with Cavil lurking in the background or speaking one on one with another character in a dark room, making his plans that never seem to work out as well as intended. It had a weird disjointed quality. I didn't feel the new scenes added anything beyond what had already happened in the series.
disappointing Fox musical I am a huge fan of the Fox musicals of the 1930s, 1940s and some from the 1950s - especially those starring Alice Faye, Sonja Henie, Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda and Marilyn Monroe. The Girl Next Door features two talented and pleasant stars in Dan Dailey and June Haver and the color looks great, but the songs, the dance routines and the cartoon sequences are surprisingly uninspired. Add Dennis Day to the mix, and the film suffers even more. I never understood his appeal. When I think of Dan Dailey, Mother Wore Tights and When My Baby Smiles At Me comes to mind. June Haver shines in The Dolly Sisters, I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now and Look For The Silver Lining (at Warners). With great musicals as these waiting for release, I wonder why this minor effort made it to DVD? I guess it's worth watching if you truly love movie musicals, but I can't imagine ever sitting through it again.
Visuals a good movie do not make. While films are a visual medium, the look of a movie needs to be placed within a set context for it to be effective. The Cell does nothing of the sort. A friend and I sat laughing through most of it, jokingly putting forth stupid plot twists and inane, cliched dialog only to bust out into braying laughter when the movie actually did what we had been mercilessly ragging it for. Do not waste your time or money with this garbage, see The Silence of the Lambs instead.
MacArthur deserved a longer film Beautifully filmed, but MacArthur, an epic American general, should have been a 3-hour film instead of the 130 minutes they sliced it into. I kept sensing they had cut scenes. Fux pas: Gregory Peck (1) points to Lingayen Gulf in Luzon and vows to land at Leyte, (2) salutes President Truman at the 1950 Wake Island meeting when we all know MacArthur infuriated Truman by failing to salute, and (3) keeps saying "please" when he gives orders. I just can't imagine General MacArthur saying "please" as he barks the commands. But overall, a good film.
Wire Paladin Paladin Lives On and hasn't aged a day. Boone is perfect in this unusual western series. I am nearly finished disc six and don't look forward to the end. These episodes (some penned by Gene Rodenberry)stand up well and contain some great guest appearances by June Lockhart, Warren Oates, Charles Bronson, Victor McLagen and a host of recognizable character actors.
It's a gas!! I saw a lot of hype on this before it came out, so I was expecting a lot from it. It wasn't the best I've seen, but if you like "Hostel" then this is definitely worth the money.
My child's new favorite DVD! Love it. I recently purchased Start to Finish and now this is the only DVD my kid asks for. The characters Whoops and Bubbs are very funny and entertaining. They bring you on four separate little journeys to explore how things are done & created, hence the name from Start to Finish. I love it because my child is totally engaged and learning something new at the same time. When I gave her a glass of milk, she started to tell me how it was made, I almost died. It was fantastic! It has a magically Sesame Street quality to it - I highly recommend it.
Magnificent! James Mason at his best! I was thinking about how great an actor James Mason was and decided to go fishing on Amazon to see what else I could find on him and came across this absolute GEM. Throw in director Joseph L. Mankiewicz and musical score by Bernard Hermann...plus an outstanding supporting cast and you have one great movie. Mankiewicz and Hermann also worked together on 1947's "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," another great film - no - the most romantic film ever made. If you listen closely to Hermann's musical score in Five Fingers, you will also hear some parts that reappear again in Mason's greatest ever acting role and performance, 1957's "North by Northwest." Listen for the oboes and you'll see what I mean. Michael Rennie is also excellent in this film as the British counter-espionage expert. Another good WWII film with Rennie is "Sailor for the King" where he plays a British Navy admiral. Anyway, back to Five Fingers. What a great film to discover! But with Mason, can you ever go wrong? One of the greatest actors ever....oh, those golden vocal chords. He is just absolutely excellent. The plot also is great. I never once found myself questioning its legitimacy. The only part of it I will say I had a question about: the existence of Ultra...the reading of the German codes...was not disclosed until 1970. In fact, right after the war ended, Winston Churchill went to British code-breaking center Bletchley Park and ordered everything pulled out into the center courtyard, burned, and everyone sworn to an oath of secrecy forever....they did this in Churchill's presence. So...how does a film made in 1952 disclose the British breaking of diplomatic codes prior to Ultra's disclosure in 1970? After all, Five Fingers is based on a true story. Maybe the explanation is that the German diplomatic codes were not part of the Ultra operation. That is certainly possible. It must have been the case if we are to accept this story to be completely true, which it claims to be. Or another way to look at it is that the German author of the book that served as the basis for this movie was actually the first to disclose Ultra indirectly. But then...he was German so how would he have known? Ah! Another plot within a plot! In sum, if you want a truly great film with great acting, great music, great plot, and great script, then Five Fingers is for you. It is thoroughly enjoyable. I loved all of it. If only movies today would rely on these solid foundations instead of all those ridiculous special effects. RIP James Mason. One of the real greats of the movies.
You ain't seen Nothin' Yet Think you've seen it all with Teresas' table flipping last season? Think again! This season starts off with plenty of action and cat fighting all the way around! It's Joe Gorga VS Joe Guidice as newbies Joe and Melissa Gorga play host to their sons christianing. Teresa attempts to wish her brother Joe Gorga and his lovely wife congrats on their latest arrival, but Joe Gorga is having none of that as he finds his sisters well wishes are a little too late for him to swallow! For those of you thinking the new season would be boring without Danielle Staub...I say Danielle? Danielle who???
Just ok I didn't know what I was going to expect from this movie. Not the biggest fan of Lindsay Lohan, but also am not much of a Lindsay-hater. So...As someone has previously stated, this ain't not Freaky Friday or maybe even Mean Girls though is DEFINITELY superior to Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. But you know what, I left this movie feeling positive and decided that the movie was alright.We all know the story so I'll skip that. Laughs are there sometimes. Not really a hilarious movie, but there are a couple of laughs here and there. What I did like in this movie was the heart in it. The Lindsay Lohan character starts off to be a little vain and conceited about her luck, but the Chris Pine character is just so likable. He has constantly been going through a lot of bad luck, but doesn't fret about it too much. When he does gain good luck, he just embraces it but uses it to try and make Lindsay's bad luck much better. Later on, we discover that Lindsay's character does have a bit of a heart too.For a little cutesy movie, its likable. Not quite a big comedy, but likable.***1/2 out of *****
This is NOT a date movie **Spoilers Galore**Based on the trailers, this movie looked fun. It definitely starts out fun. Calvin, the main character, is struggling to rid himself of writer's block. Per his shrink's advice, he begins to focus on creating a character as a form of practice to ease himself back into writing. Ruby Sparks, Calvin's creation, is his dream girl. He sees her in his dreams and begins to describe her on paper.Suddenly, Ruby appears downstairs and is cooking him breakfast. He of course freaks out and begins to think he's crazy. When he discovers that other people can also see Ruby, he basically decides WTF and stops questioning his own sanity. Once he accepts that Ruby is "real" (albeit his creation), she becomes his girlfriend. Things go well for the new couple but eventually, Calvin becomes clingy and Ruby begins to demand more space. Since Calvin can control her every mood and thought by writing about her, he makes her want to be near him all the time. The result? A VERY clingy Ruby.Before he knows it, Calvin is having to control her every mood by writing about it. He writes, and Ruby acts that way immediately. Eventually, Ruby discovers that Calvin is controlling her through his writing and the movie takes a creepy, dark detour for about fifteen minutes. This detour runs completely counter to the rest of the plot and character development and almost kills off the movie. Fortunately, the plot takes another unexpected twist and redeems itself (but just barely).I haven't written a review of a movie for amazon in years. For some reason, i felt compelled to with "Ruby Sparks." it's just such an odd little movie. Enjoyable? Yes. Date movie? No way. Trust me, no one wants to talk about Calvin's control issues or Ruby's clingy problems when they've only rented this movie as a way to get on first base. Rent this with a friend or by yourself on a rainy day. It's well-acted and worth the viewing to see Annette Bening and Antonio Banderas in totally insane cameos.
call for help, it's a total nightmare in here Oh man, the Reno 911 movie was pretty average if you ask me. I'm not a big fan of the TV show either, but I fail to see how the majority of the segments in this film were supposed to be funny. It's probably just not my style of humor. A group of cops walking around trying to kill or arrest a chicken on a street wasn't really funny to me. A whale exploding on a beach isn't funny either. The Rock (WWE wrestler) making a special appearance to discipline the cops and show them right from wrong ONLY to be blown up wasn't really funny to me either.A bunch of cops sitting around in a variety of hotel rooms and "being bad" wasn't funny, nor was the Asian woman who kept throwing up all over the place. The skinny teenage guy who was walking around the streets on roller skates failed to entertain me as well. His choice of words didn't make any sense. The guy trying to remove an alligator from his filthy swimming pool was rather strange. The topless woman walking around on the beach was nice, though.What I really don't understand is why this style of comedy is so sloppy all the time. I mean, you can barely hear what the cops are saying to each other because they keep mumbling under their breath, and it's hard to make out the words they're saying. For some reason, that's entirely okay to the producers. Maybe this is supposed to be part of the typical "reality television" style, I don't know.It wasn't fun trying to figure out what the cops were saying to each other though, nor was it funny in any way, shape or form. Let's just say, comedy has now hit rock bottom if this show was popular enough to make a movie out of it.
Some great actors..in a dreadful movie. Let's just get this out of the way. I hate this movie. In light of all the other terrible, terrible movies I've watched I probably shouldn't hate this one as much as I do, but there's just no other way to put it. I love low budget fare. I'm fine with an independent movie with no budget and a cast of first time actors that winds up being a little lack-luster. To have this lavish a set, and respectable veterans like Jeffrey Combs, Danny Trejo and David Keith, and still make such a dull chore of a movie, I find it inexcusable. I feel a great deal of my dislike come from how poorly written it all seems. The story is riddled with plot holes, the main characters come across as extremely unlikable, and with nearly every action they make, you're left asking "Why? Why would anyone do that? Did anybody read the script and ask whether it was a good idea?" As a zombie movie fan, I just can't steer you far enough away.
Obnoxious, unpleasant, and painful to watch I don't usually give one-star reviews...this is the first and probably only time I will do so. I saw this "film" when it came out, at the theater, and the anger and disgust I felt toward it at the time has not gone away (if anything, it's only increased), and so I feel compelled to write this review, even though it's a number of years later, and vent some of my outrage.Let me start by saying that most bad movies are bad because, for whatever reason, they just don't work, and they're either boring or simply not funny. Off the top of my head, I can think of several films made by ex-SNL cast members which fit in this category. Those type of films I can excuse. They are what they are, and they generally don't aim very high to begin with.This, though, is something else entirely. This is a movie that aims to be more than a mere gross-out comedy. It aims for a kind of social commentary, and to say something meaningful about men, about women, about the way they relate to one another, etc etc. The only problem is, it doesn't know what to say, or how to say it, and so it fails miserably, both as social commentary and as entertainment.The main male characters are repellant, obnoxious, truly hateful people, and I would not want to know, be around, or have anything to do with any of them. There's no reason why any one else with any class or intelligence, male or female, would either, despite what the filmmakers would want us to believe. The "dialogue" is crude, simplistic, and painfully unfunny, and it is downright unpleasant to hear. And yet, at the same time, it's implied that these are witty, urbane, intelligent adults, and that despite their smugness, crudeness, and narcissism, we're supposed to identify with and even like them. Ha! Nothing could be more preposterous...except maybe the so-called plot twist at the end.I could go on, but I won't, except to say that this is a bad movie on every level, and without exaggeration, one of the worst I've ever seen.