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HR Pufnstuf I grew up on Sid and Marty Krofft shows. HR Pufnstuff, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, The Lost Saucer, and oh so many more. This movie was released while the TV show was already airing (the show began airing in 1969, and the movie is copyrighted 1970), but I really don't remember if I ever saw this movie at the time. So since this this is an Amazon Prime eligible movie, I figured why not?To be perfectly honest, the opening, probably about the first 10 minutes, had me turned off, wondering what I was doing watching this. The opening songs, with just Jimmy himself, were kind of painful. The later songs, sung with Puff and the rest of the Living Island dwellers, were not as painful, and you easily start getting back into that 70s groove.But the whole thing turned around once Witchiepoo made her appearance. Billie Hayes is simply brilliant. Her conflict with Jimmy also starts to bring Jack Wild's performance to life. Mama Cass Elliot as Witch Hazel was just as wonderful, and I presume her singing performance was not done by a studio singer. Martha Raye as the Boss Witch, even with a fairly short screen appearance, deserves just as much recognition.I could go on and on, but I feel a pang of nostalgia, so I'll leave it at that. Even tho I watched it on Prime for free, I will probably buy the movie in case it goes back into non-distribution.
8 The Mormon Proposition I feel the movie "8 the Mormon Proposition" was very well produced and accomplished the purpose for which it was produced. I believe it is honest and gets the point across to expose the bigotry and hatred that religion stands for in so many areas of our society. It is because of work like this that the intolerance of groups of people are brought out into the light and educates people on the subject it is written on.
Liked it, not Loved it. I think I had expected a bit more of this movie, loving Steve Carell. It was good and watchable, but a bit glum.
This movie is called Ninja Wars I don't know why these companies always retitle these movies. So this is a movie with Sanada, Chiba, horrible dubbing, and a full screened presentation of course.I did not enjoy Ninja wars that much. Not enough Ninja's, nto enough action, and the movie is just plain hard to watch.
I wanted to like it, but I couldn't... Much as I love Jenna Fisher (that's why I watched the movie), this wasn't really a successful mockumentary. I got the jokes -- the thrust of the film is poking fun at the mindset of those who wrap up their self-importance in the guise of trying to help others -- but the comedy just fell flat here. Much as I wanted to like it, I didn't.
Despite a promising premise...will NOT get your pulse racing. Skip it! I saw PULSE (the "unrated" version) just 5 days ago, and I feel even now that I can hardly remember half of what happened in the film...so generic and uninteresting did it turn out to be.The film has a promising premise. Ghosts are using the internet to enter into our world, because they operate on a frequency that we've now been able to tune in to. I like that...it's a clean, simple concept that could have gone in a million directions. In PULSE, at least initially, it appears that the dead are someone able to infect those who encounter them online...essentially turning the living into death-craving half-zombies. Basically, they compel their occupants to commit suicide.This all gets kicked off when the boyfriend of college student Kristen Bell commits suicide, more or less in front of her. Then various friends of hers do stupid things to get themselves killed as well, even though they figure out basically what is going on fairly early on.This is one of those films where the low-budget has led the director into creating a world that isn't entirely recognizable. The main characters are all college students (I think)...but they never go to class and none of them live in apartments or dorms. They seem to prefer seedy loft-like spaces that have peeling paint, no lighting, moisture on the walls, etc. There are virtually no adults in the film at all...only poor Ron Rifkin, who must have lost a bet and was forced to play the world's most ineffectual psychiatrist. I presume he filmed his scenes with Bell in one day...and not a single moment of their time together adds anything to the film.PULSE starts out as a horror story, but by the end, you realize it has morphed into a science fiction film...an apocalyptic one at that. The concluding minutes of the film are so far removed in tone, scope and genre from the opening minutes that it is kind of flabbergasting how jarring it is.In the early going, the film generates a few chilling moments. Just the images of ghosts captured on the computer monitors are creepy, and the early scenes carry a sense of foreboding. But these same mildly successful elements are almost literally repeated time and time again, to vastly diminishing returns each time. The movie becomes tedious pretty quickly.No one gives a particularly effective performance, mostly because the characters are almost utterly generic. Bell gains no points with me for her efforts. Ian Somerhalder (who was Boone on LOST) plays a computer geek, of sorts, who seems to become something akin to a love interested for Bell...but for no discernible reason. He is also quite unbelievable in his role. Samm Levine, a star of FREAKS AND GEEKS, turns up here, and that put a smile on my face until I realized this character was a complete cipher.This film, perhaps, rises to the level of the low-budget films that make up the AFTER DARK HORRORFEST DVDs...horror films that couldn't muster up a theatrical release. It feels cheap. It feels self-important. And worst of all, it is boring. It certainly does NOT get the PULSE racing (sorry to end with a bad pun, but it's no worse than the ending of this film.)
Good French Horror Film Personally I'm really enjoying these French Horror movies of today so forgive if I am being a little biased. I watched the "Frontier(s)" when it came out on the DVD with the other "After Dark Horrorfest". At first I wasn't sure if I really wanted to watch it as most of the movies that come out under "After Dark Horrorfest" are nothing better than "okay"."Frontier(s)" is unlike any other film of those "8 Films to Die For" because it really is a good film. It has a solid production values and even thought the storyline is not the most original thing in the world, the movie still was very enjoyable. I highly recommend, it's one of those good modern day horror films.
this movie sucks (worst horror remake ever) This is without a doubt the worst horror remake ever made. I saw this film in theaters opening day and i have regret'd it ever since. it's one of the only few horror movies i just wanted to end so the pain would be overdo not buy this movieand yes it's worse than the prom night remake
Don't waste your time Love may not cost a thing, but this movie does and its not worth it. The male character goes from erkel to puff doody overnight and is never likeable. Why the hot chick goes for him after all the stupid stuff he pulls is beyond comprehension. Stereotypes abound in this movie and none of them add anything to the humorless wreck. At the end I felt sorry for the nice selfless cheerleader (one non-stereotype anyway) who ends up with the goofy jerk in the end.
Never really does get to the point. 1.2 stars. You know it's bad when the most exciting part of the movie isn't when the battles take place, but when the action breaks and the guys get to see their wives and loved ones.Never have I sat through a war-based movie more abysmal than this one.I was nearly sound asleep before the end.Cover Art: D-Characters: DDialogue: FLength: F-Overall: F1.2 stars.
One of the best bad movies The stuff is poorly edited, but a great story. Horror, humor, and low production quality combine to make a great bad science fiction movie.
Unbelievable Characters Make For Movie Gone Bad Shia LaBeouf's character is too unbelievable to be able to sit through this and Emma Stone has too expressions: happy and sad. Michael Douglas' characters narcissistic personality disorder throughout the movie makes the ending unrealisic. I was very dissapointed and suggest you watch something else.
Journey at the end of life Touching firm by Ingmar Bergman about an elderly man, at the end of his life, making a final journey that would be his own attempt to reconcile his life. The main character is 78 year old man, a doctor and an intellectual who on his way to receive an honorary doctorate degree from the university meets people and places along the way that help him reflect on his childhood, youth, marriage, career and reconcile all of that in preparation for the inevitable death. Like all Bergman's movies, this one has its own pace, metaphors and beauty. One can only hope that at the end of our lives we can all find the peace that main character in this film does. Absolute classic.
Time Captured In A Film Congratulations are due to Mark and Melissa for their hard work capturing the Ft. Worth music scene from the 60's on film. Lots of great lines (especially from John Nitzinger:-), clips of music from that era, and home movies capture the era well. Enjoyed all of the interviews. Well done!
I am so hooked on this show! I watched the first season and it was really good and scary, but to me season 2 is way more scary than the first one. I can't wait for season 3 to come out.
Not even scary This movie was very over-rated...show me one scary part and I will give it 3 stars. It was more funny than scary....the way they cussed every 3 words.
One of the year's best Yep, it's about an "old-time" boxing trainer who runs a gym and helps out boxers who are up and coming, but looses them when they go for the big time. He finds himself training, with great reluctance, an aspiring female boxer. Their relationship goes from rocky to deep and loving (not as lovers, but as father/daughter.)I've seen a few reviews here and elsewhere that say the movie is just full of cliches. Pardon me, but can a movie be made about sports that isn't? If it's about winning or losing in any fashion, it's a cliche.What is great about MILLION DOLLAR BABY is that while it doesn have some "cliches" (the boxer actually manages to earn her way to a title fight...the grizzled trainer warms up) this is a movie that skirts the cliches with details that are true and cut to the bone.Director Clint Eastwood is often praised for telling stories without a lot of fluff. He's well known for filming fast. But what this seems to do for him as a filmmaker is to allow him to capture something that feels true and spontaneous and then he moves on...he doesn't try to work it...to make it "truer" or "more spontaneous." He knows that no moment ever brings perfect clarity. That every time a person learns a hard lesson about life, it isn't just a time of growing...it's a time of reluctantly giving up on something you've clung to for a long time. With growth, with love, with respect and with hope also comes the knowledge that you are opening up to loss, rejection, tragedy and despair.MILLION DOLLAR BABY's charactes are far to specifically realized to be relegated to "cliche" status. Eastwood plays the trainer. He's a hard, grizzled man, gravelly voiced, slow moving and simmering...in many ways a typical Eastwood hero. But we see all too soon that beneath his surface is actually a very decent fellow, capable of love and regret, capable of strong feeling (and also a good, instinctive trainer) who has simply closed himself up because of past events. It's as though his very movements have been constricted by regret. It is Eastwood's best performance ever, hands down. It's Clint, I know it is...but never has he come close to this.Hillary Swank is the boxer. Her character is too old to start boxing, but it's a dream she's had all her life and she's sacrificing almost everything to give it a shot. She also instinctively senses the Eastwood can also be the "father" that she loved and lost years ago...the only other person who supported her dreams. She's one tough cookie, but she's naive. We believe she is totally brave, and we know we wouldn't want to get in a fist fight with her, but she is also very vulnerable. She's easy to love, and she WANTS love. More than she wants to box, she wants to fit in somewhere. She isn't looking for a husband or child...she needs the uncomplicated, unquestioning love of a parent.Morgan Freeman plays Eastwood's oldest friend, a former boxer who lost an eye in a fight (and Eastwood blames himself) and has worked as a "sidekick" to Eastwood ever since, these days as a sort of manager/janitor at the gym (where he lives). We know he has a gambling problem, but he's also the guy who perhaps is the wisest of all. He's our narrator, and to some extent, he's really a dramatic device. But Eastwood's character is revealed best (especially early on) in his relationship with Freeman. And as far as I'm concerned, any film rich in the voice of Morgan Freeman is okay by me!Some have heard that the movie takes an unexpected twist as it nears its final 45 minutes or so. Well, I can't deny that it goes places we hoped in our heart (at least the heart that enjoys "sports movie cliches") it wouldn't go. But it DOES go where the story needs to take us. The movie leaves you wrung out in the end...but oddly uplifted too. We see some strong, clear, brave HUMANITY in these very flawed characters. They make tough decisions. But their love for each other is so strong, that we can't help but be happy for them that they experienced such love.The movie deserves all its accolades. It's long and moves at its own leisurely pace, but not one single time did I look at my watch. It's absurdly well acted. Swank, Eastwood and Freeman all deserved their Oscar nominations. It's beautifully photographed as well...just marvel at the shadows and colors in the gym.I can't recommend it highly enough. It's PG-13, by the way. There's one "f" word early on, and a couple of fairly brief, but coarse references to the female body. Other than that, there isn't anything overtly objectionable. I say it's okay for ages 13 and over. SEE IT!
Awesome Show First of all i would like to say that i am a huge buffy fan, and this season is definitley one of the best in the series. Good characters, and the slim set was just what i needed, it cost less but still had all the same features. The only problem with the product which is just one uncommon thing i'm sure, but my copy had one disc that was slightly messed up and i could hardly get through one of the episodes due to stopping then skipping parts. Probably just my copy that got it but i took off a star for it
More Flavor, Booty & Drama! Our favorite clock-wearing bachelor, Flavor Flav, is back with 20 more girls vying for his love. Of course there's more lying, back-stabbing & cat-fighting but there's also a porn scandal, the "defacation" incident, more celebrity guests, and the return of New York (and her mother). Flav certainly had his hands full of drama (and booty) this time.Some of the more interesting girls were:SUMTHIN - The girl who lost control of her "bodily functions" during the champagne toast after the first elimination. Boy, did Flav give her the perfect name.NIBBLZ - The "happy, well-adjusted girl who really enjoys sex". For some of the challenges, she used her booty to her advantage (and to Flav's pleasure) but her sexual tactics ultimately killed her chance to win as Flav decided that she wouldn't be a good role model for his kids.TOASTEE - She earned her nickname as she got "toasted" her first night in the mansion. Her attempt to trash Nibblz backfired horribly when Nibblz went to Flav and told him that Toastee did internet porn. Toastee denied it, of course, so Flav did some "research" to find out the truth, which he revealed during an elimination ceremony to the shock of everyone.But here's where the drama gets MUCH deeper.At the end of the 5th elimination, Flav lines up the remaining girls single file and announces a special guest who will help with the next elimination. Through the door walks New York, who is greeted by shocked expressions and declarations of "Oh, Hell No!!!" New York is back in the house (and the competition) and she's brought the drama - cat fights, near fist fights, mind games & tears - to win the love of "her man".Not to mention that New York's mother is back in the mansion and her discontent for Flav is stronger than ever. Altercations between her & Flav start the moment she sets foot in the mansion and carry on to the explosive final episode.The word on the web is that this will be the final season of Flavor Of Love but there may possibly be a sequel called "I Love New York", with you-know-who searching for her one true love out of 20 men.
Good idea, terrible acting I was very disappointed by the quality of acting in this series. That said, I really enjoy being able to download an episode or two through video on demand and try out the series. Whew, saved me buying a series which I did not enjoy.
No canned crap here. The most haunting movie I've seen in a long, long time. Million Dollar Baby sticks to your bones in that easy, effortless way of old-fashioned classics. The characters become so real, you'll forget to remind yourself otherwise. Eastwood's story is gritty and authentic, and every single performance lives up to it. It's not about boxing, it's not about contentious political ideas--it's about the meaning of love. I dare any jaded critic who thinks film is dead to walk away from this one with dry eyes.
Disappointment Reigns in Izmer! Movie Summary: Two bumbling thieves stumble into the middle of a plot to overthrow the empress of Izmer. They decide to help a pretty student mage search for the rod of Savrille which will help the empress by letting her control the red dragons and thus defeat Archmage Profion who is leading the revolt against her.My Opinion: I was disappointed by D&D. I had even heard the bad reviews before seeing it, so I was prepared. When are they going to learn that special effects do not make up for a good story, characters, and plot. I am a huge fantasy and science fiction fan. I wanted so badly for this to be good, but the story just wasn't there. The plot was convoluted and hazy and the characters undeveloped. The humor was misused and poorly timed. The Saturday morning cartoon by the same name was far superior because it had good stories and characters (If you haven't seen any episodes of this one, watch for it. It's on from time to time). Basically the movie is just really disappointing to a fan. By using the name Dungeons and Dragons, they got our hopes up. What they delivered was eye candy.Ease Your Disappointment with Some of These Fantasy Movies: The Sword and the Sorcerer - The Never Ending Story - Return to OZ - The Beastmaster - Conan the Barbarian - Conan the Destroyer - Arabian Nights - Army of Darkness - Excalibur - The Princess Bride - Princess Mononoke - Time Bandits - Labyrinth - Krull - The Clash of the Titans - GooniesDVD Quality: Widescreen anamorphic, packed with all sorts of extras including trailers and deleted scenes. All DVD releases should be this great.What You Should Do: Rent it, then check out some of the other fantasy movies I mention.
A scientifical view of that which can not be named I have to admit that, this is a difficult subject to understand i.e. quantum physics and quantum mechanics. It is even more difficult to "understand" the scientific view of that which can not be named or understood : ) .There is no chance, in my opinion, for someone to make sense of what Amit is saying in this film if there is no prior reading (and understanding or better say feeling) on subjects about spirituality (mysticism) and quantum mechanics/physics.If someone gave/will give a low rating for this film, means that he/she did not understand what is all about. So for those who are curious about this film, don't expect to see any mathematical proofs or any pie charts that will clearly explain you that yes, god exists or not. There is no such thing and there will never be such thing. Instead. equipped your selves with some knowledge on the subjects mentioned and then watch this film and then you might get something out of it AND then make a comment : ) .Thank you Amit for sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world.
pound the booty for 20 min..... it was a predator remake... a terrible one! the movie sucked. pay close attention to what they say, and there weapons (which change constintantly in there hands).. just bad, when one male soldier asks another male soldier if they have postpartum depression (depression that can happen to women after they have a baby) you start to question things. at one point, a soldier with a complete serious face, trying to act cool. said this "I really need to stop smoking these things, i used to punish the booty for 2 hrs. now i can only last 20 min". he was completely serious! just terrible... the blood was so bad that when someone got shot in the head, it looked like a spray can of red paint was shot from the back of his head.I tried to rate this as 0 stars, but this site did not allow me.
This is garbage, full of advertisements Buyer Beware! This is complete garbage. It is just advertisement. Please do not fall in this trap crap. I will definitely write more about this shortly.
Deliciously Surreal Colorful, vibrant, and sweetly charming.Must have a good sense of humour to enjoy it! :)
Do not waste your time I wanted it to be funny. I was crap. Not a lot good things to say, glad it was free. I stopped watching when she had her period at the supermarket and ran all over the store leaving a trail.
I could not get into this. Recently, I came across this movie, and thought I should try it out, but I wish I had not. Without any spoilers, there is a message in this story, and how the message was conveyed was... was... well, blah. There was, of course, the romance part of it, all horror movies have that, right? I guess this depends on what you were looking for at the time of watching, if you are looking for a lot of story and some romance in a horror movie, go for it.
SURPRISE DELIGHT, A TIGHT, BEAUTIFUL FILM ABOUT A VERY SPECIAL PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY Who would have guessed? A documentary about the LINOTYPE? A letter press typesetting machine?Who would have guessed that it could hold your attention while it spins its story? This invention (a behemoth made with the precision of a fine wristwatch) was the information revolution of its time, making print cheaper and more widely available than ever before.This machine literally changed the world.The direction and editing are brilliant. The interviews are woven together with art and skill.A story worth telling, worth hearing, and worth learning from.Five solid gold stars. I look forward to this film-maker's future work.
It made me want to get on a plane to Romania I must tell you it was very tough to watch this from a emotional and a parent point of view to see how these poor children are living. What blew me away was how the adults walking thru this subway were either kicking and punching these kids,and how they spent their days huffing spray paint, sleeping on a cardboard bed, ( what must the winter's be like in the subway ??) and drinking water from a public fountain instead of going to school. It makes me want to hop on a plance to bring one of those kids back here to Texas to at least give them a chance at life before its too late. Absolutely fantasic film even if the subject matter was dark and grim.
Dreary print and dreary production First, the print. The entire DVD appears to be overexposed by about one stop. The colors are somewhat washed out. It appears to be a poor transfer. I have watched another copy and it has the same problem. It is not a horrible problem and if you don't pay attention to photography you may not even notice it, but it is disappointing if you do.As to the production itself, it certainly is interesting in many respects and a great deal of effort has gone into recreating the period. Unfortunately the same amount of effort did not go into dramatic pacing. This is a slow plodding effort with no clear direction.If you like these period pieces simply because they are period pieces you may like this, but if you are expecting a brilliant print and a sparkling drama you will be disappointed.
Hercules: a solid gold turkey Now there are very few films that would dare stoop to the level of ridiculous camp that Hercules in New York does. This one is truly a masterpiece of garbage and is absolutely hilarious. The sacreligious dubbing of Arnold's voice only adds to the entertainment("Is this your lover?"). Arnold Stang also does a hilarious turn as Herc's geeky sidekick. All in all, this is truly a milestone for those who love good old fashioned bad movies.
Partial Season Review In my opinion, the show is just declining. I know viewers have never been higher, but the soul of the show is just gone at this point. All I hear anymore is the laugh track.
Not Worth It!! I bought this movie thinking that I was going to get some much needed "Wire" action from two of the most ruthless hustlers in the series; boy was I WRONG! This movie is garbage. I hate that I wasted my $10!
vulgar not what I expected. not my kind of humor. oh well. you don't know until you watch it. win some and lose some. didn't like it at all.
Dragonheartless I watched "Dragonheart" last night, and "Dragonheart: A New Beginning" this morning, so the original was still crisp in my mind when I forced my way through its sequel. I must say that it could have been worse (like in the case of The Neverending Story III, as compared to the original,) but it's still pretty darn bad! I read most of the other comments before deciding to write my own, and one thing I noticed that had yet to be mentioned was the script quality. I'm no great writer, but I can recognize bad writing! OK, so this movie was more geared towards kids, but Disney movies have better scripts than this! The lines that came out of Drake's mouth made me shudder... no dragon as majestic as Draco would have even considered uttering such dribble! Honestly, Drake talks (and at times even acts) like a second-grader... its such a disgrace. I'd only recommend this sequel to younger fans of the original who would be able to look beyond all the faults. Otherwise, just leave it to rot.
Unfortunate Edition This particular DVD edition of Nosferatu is an excellent example of the importance of music in setting a film's mood. I'm not sure when this "score" was "written", although it is far from effective in depicting the time period of the film. Nor does it convey the proper mood in many points during the film. With this edition's music, I got confused at times between what I saw and what I heard, and the whole thing became an unaffective joke after a while. If you want an affective, edge-of-the-seat experience out of Nosferatu, I reccomend another edition.
Henry - portrait of a bad film ! Warning - this film contains scenes which may be disturbing to some viewers, that's what it says on the front cover, but where are they ? The only thing that's disturbing about this film is that I payed 10 for a film which is the worst I have seen for a long time. I don't recommend this film to anyone. The acting is dreadful, filming is bad and the script is terrible. Do not buy this film.
Hard to get close to this film About 10 minutes into this film I realized that I had no idea what the characters looked like. Then I realized that every shot was either a long shot, or we saw the sides of their heads and mostly their hair, or we saw the characters through a glass or reflected in a glass. There was one close up of Juliette Binoche but that was all the director gave us. I left the film feeling as if I never was able to get close to the characters I was watching. Which was too bad because their performances were wonderful.Whenever the balloon came into the picture it was also at a distance. There seemed to be no connection between each of the characters or of the balloon. This film has serious intimacy issues. Right afterwards I saw the film "Bella" and was struck by how powerful a close up shot could be.
Wrong Movie This DVD does not contain the original movie with Charles Boyer. It is a later version with a lower quality of cast and poor acting.
Wonderful! This Alaska DVD really portrays the beauty and wonder of Alaska and the mystery of glaciers and icebergs. The video really gives an inside look of the interesting continent and its beautiful nature. Highly recommend.
imagination is really important A hauntingly beautiful Australian film about the power of belief, and of the love between siblings. Rex Williamson (Vince Colosimo) is an opal miner prospecting in the outback town of Cooper Pedy. When his daughter Kellyanne's (Sapphire Boyce) imaginary friends go missing after a visit to the family's mine claim, he searches for them, and gets accused of attempted theft from a neighbouring claim in the process. Faced with his father being charged with attempting to steal from someone else's claim, and the family being shunned by the community as a result, as well as his young sister becoming ill through grief for her imaginary friends, Rex's son Ashmol (Christian Byers) sets out to put things right. This review really doesn't do justice to this heart warming and unusual tale. This is an Australian co-production with the BBC, so watch out for some familiar faces in atypical roles.
NO DTS MA????????? wont think twice to check the audio format since its bluray thinking your getting FULL HD content WRONG!!!! whos idea was this?????? SUMMIT!!! I wont even rent it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vhs Quality Dvd disc. The movie was a good entertaining movie when I was a kid. This dvd product looks like a 1985 vhs quality tape. It is of extremely poor quality. The movie is a decent and intelligent movie. I am sending the dvd? Back.
I Wanted To Believe This movie is a pile of crap. Too Dark. Too Dingy. The tension between Mulder and Scully too intense and far far far too late in the game. Carter and Spotnitz did not do justice to the legacy and now they may have buried their heads beneath the icy indifference of a Hollywood serial killer known as "The Box Office Return". Pity, I really did want to believe....again. Technically excellent picture and sound.
Really Boring. Dont waste your money The most boring movie I've ever seen. Enough has been said around here. Dont waste your time or money. Supposed to be shocking. It isn't, its just plain.
This DVD set is LONG overdue! Many fans, like myself, have been waiting for MacGyver to be released on DVD for years. Most of the shows on during the same time (mid 1980s) have already been released (Knight Rider, Magnum PI, etc). For those who don't know, MacGyver (played by Richard Dean Anderson) is a rugged government agent who works by improvising special trinkets and gadgets to get out of sticky situations (instead of using, say, guns). Part private-eye, part environmentalist, think of MacGyver as an "overgrown Boy Scout" and you have a pretty good idea of the character.The First Season was on TV in 1985 and although it had a slow start, the ratings soon took off. In the first season, MacGyver travels all over the world and gets himself out of more than his fair share of trouble. This show is a classic of the 1980s science/action genre (Knight Rider is another good example), and should be enjoyable to those who remember the series. Unfortunately, the special effects, music, and dialogue (not to mention Richard Dean Anderson's hair styles) may seem a bit campy and dated by today's standards. The computer-effects and digital camerawork that are commonplace in action-packed television shows today were not used in the mid 1980s. Still, the show was good fun and it's great it's finally on DVD!
Low budget - not worth watching I love all of the actors in this movie... in their other movies. This movie looks as low budget as a PBS re-enactment documentary. In fact, I started to think that it was after the first 10 minutes of b-role and narration - and the actual actors being shown only in small vignettes. I'm thinking that this movie maybe was a chance for the actors to take paid vacations. You're better off watching the Mel Gibson version of Hamlet.
Great show I wish they would keep going with the show. I love it.Highly recommend this video series to anyone who loves flying.
people are too shallow I am surprised that people are impressed by such mediocre film like "Final Flight of the Osiris" and found "Matriculated" too abstract or boring. That's the problem man, people are just too shallow. "Final Flight of the Osiris" is basically just Hollywood-esque plot garnered with Final Fantasy technology. Very superficial, very crappy story. Perhaps the reason why people love it so much is 'cos it almost feels like watching a Hollywood productions with the standard hero/heroine love affair nonsense.Well, on the other hand, "Matriculated" in my opinion, while not graphically superior to the aforementioned film, certainly stands out for its extremely thought provoking story line. I cannot see why people cannot make out its meaning. I'll probably shed some light on it. Human beings in this film tried to convert the robot to their side, and actually succeeded in doing so. But it is not out of empathy, but rather selfishness. Human beings simply cannot accept a robot as his own kind. When the robot(after being infused with human emotions) tried to complete the union of the souls (a healing process for the dying human girl)in the dream sequence, the human girl rather screamed and fled into oblivion, and thus leading to eternal death of the girl. What can the robot do, but stare blankly at the girl, trying to comprehend the meaning of it all?The other stories range from dull to ok, but "Final Flight of the Osiris" and "Matriculated" are two polar extremes.
Terrible DVD When I received this DVD, I was not impressed, The cover art work was cheesey, and the video itself was just as bad. What a disappointment. I returned it without hesitation. I had this title on VHS tape and thought I would upgrade to DVD. I will never purchase another DVD from this company. For the price it is junk. It is sad because these old serials are great. I would suggest shopping somewhere else for this DVD.
Californication: Season Three This is the BEST series ever!!! I am addicted to this show and highly recommend it to adults 18 years and older due to adult language and situations. I do not miss an episode of this fantastic romantic comedy. David Duchovny is a sexy hunk of man that can't seem to help him self when it comes to flirting and hooking up with beautiful women. David has only one problem, he seems to forget that he has a teenage daughter living with him and a girlfriend, who is also the mother of his daughter. David is madly in love with his girlfriend Karen but he always seems to put his self in the wrong place at the right time! This is a must see show! You will become addicted after two shows...watch and see.
Inception gets the Pub, Memento started it. Mostly Christopher Nolan gets pub for being the man behind Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, but with the popularity of Inception people, are starting to get a handle on the dark twisty directing style that is really his bread and butter. Also, seeing as I am actually unsure yet as to whether I will pay to go see Inception, I decided to temper that by retro reviewing this one.Memento was not the first movie he directed, but it is the movie that really put him on the map and was his first movie to actually have a cast and a budget. (even though it was a small one) He made some smart casting decisions by casting the always great Guy Pierce as Lenny and surrounding him with a cast of solid supportive character actors. Oddly, he snagged two of the cast from the previous years Sci/Fi smash the Matrix. Carrie-Ann Moss and Joe Pantoliano both had major roles in that movie, and are the two major supporting actors in Memento. They both give excellent performances. Also, you can see a cameo by Jorja Fox in this film as Lenny's wife when she is shown in the flashback scenes. She is more commonly recognized in her role on CSI as Sara Sidle. The acting will not be a disappointment in this film which is important since this is primarily a character and dialogue driven film. Guy Pierce particularly sells this film with his continually ability to make the fact his characters memories keep disappearing believable. The acting however, is not what makes this movie distinctive as a Christopher Nolan vehicle.What Christopher Nolan loves to do, and does well, is winding a plot that makes it difficult to separate the reality from the fiction. He is striving for more than just a simple plot hook with a twist at the end. He is trying to craft a movie that makes the audience completely engage with the characters, yet been completely in the dark about what is real and what isn't. A Nolan film is unmistakeable in its artistic value. Its dark gritty, and his style is very distinct. Its hard to describe but you know it when you see it and by all accounts Inception might be his opus when it comes to this style and reality bending. But this all started with Memento, which deals with something nearly as fragmentary and illusory as dreams, memory. If you are a lover of the movie Inception, then you owe it to yourself to watch the movie that started Nolan on this path, and if you have seen it then you should go re-watch it, Memento is truly a great movie.
Read the book instead The book "The Ruins" by Scott Smith is a great horror story, full of menace and a sense of dread but the film version doesn't achieve this atmosphere. Although quite faithful to the book (Smith also wrote the screenplay), the filmmakers seem more interested in seeing how graphic they can get with the leg amputations and self-mutilation scenes. There are a few good creepy moments, like when the girls discover that the cell phone ringing is something else entirely, but those moments are rare. The acting is good and the sets are impressive but the movie isn't scary, which is what the main premise of a horror film should be.
Mercifully short, at least Return to House On Haunted Hill: I guess with a title like that, there probably was no possible way you could end up with a GREAT movie, but considering the filmmakers apparently had access to some pretty cool sets, a decent cinematographer, a reasonably good special effects budget for a direct to DVD release, and an attractive, competent cast, they might've ended up with an okay movie at least. But no, this movie is just plain bad. It is, however, mercifully short, with the actual running time minus the credits clocking in at 75 minutes or so (though if you must know, there is a post-credits sequence, which will either elate you or depress you dependent on what you thought of the movie). The filmmakers just seem to give up at the hour mark, which results in the least suspenseful conclusion I think I've seen in any movie like this. The only cast member to return is Jeffrey Combs and all he really does is appear and smirk menacingly every now and then before someone gets killed. The plot revolves around the search for an evil statue that's supposed to be in the heart of the house, the location of which is hilariously literal, and therein lies the real problem: Incredibly bad, unbelievably lazy script. It includes all the kinds of cliches of the horror genre the Scream movies delighted in mocking: Minorities die first (including an offensive death by...lesbianism?), people separate from the group and go off by themselves, somebody trips while being chased, etc., etc. Oh, I won't even go on about this movie. It's lame. Don't watch it. Only the least demanding of horror fans will find something to like here.
"if each prayer were accepted and each wish granted" How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!The world forgetting, by the world forgot.Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;-From "Eloisa to Abelard" by Alexander PopeWhen Clementine (Kate Winslet) no longer believes in her relationship with Joel (Jim Carrey), she opts for a "memory erasing" procedure to rid herself of his memories. When Joel learns how far her impulsive behavior can go (which he tells her time and again is what he likes about her), he decides to go through a similar procedure. Midway through the procedure, he decides that he does not want to let go of he memories with her and struggles in his mind to bring her back to him. Well this part you will figure out after a good 30 mins or more of the movie has passed. What this movie initially requires is patience and rewards you with a fascinating turn of events.You walk away from the movie full of thoughts about what you would do if such opportunity were granted to you! The answer lies within the story; every memory - no matter how painful it is - is worthy. You will question the basis of the relationships. What brings two people together: destiny, fate, chance, or maybe you just belong together! Watch this movie - it could be a life experience.
It came quick and in good condition, but not my kind of thriller, at a certain point it's just disturbing You'll know what i mean when you get to that part.. and no it's not the part about the dog,
Punk: Attitude is Good Got this for my son, a Ramones wannabe. He was very happy with it, mainly for the interview footage.
Whats good about this entry in the Friday the 13th saga For the DVD they gave the box new cover art. Thats the best thing about this whole DVD nuff said!!!
Beautiful????Classical?????NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It`s stupid......... I got this movie on my birthday and guess what???I was very excited to see it.I can`t belive how dissapointed it was.How did you people loved this movie anyway???Read here.It was......:1.Boring2.Stupid3.Stinker4.Bad music(agree with the girl who wrote"how can you love this movie")5.Not beautiful6.Not classical7.Barbie as Rapunzel(better in 8236482734682%times)8.Why you people loved it???9.You must never get it10.Bad and scary and has very bad music.To get a good DVD,get:-Barbie in the Nutcracker-Barbie as Rapunzel-Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper-Barbie FairytopiaI hope the next movie Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus looks good.I hope the next movie Barbie Fairytopia Mermaidia after Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus looks good too.Sorry people........Barbie of Swan Lake belongs to the trash.It reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stinks.TRUST ME.DON`T GET IT.IT`S BAD.IT HAS VERY BAD MUSIC.SCARY THINGS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.EVEN SCARY MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.IT`S STUPID.PLEASE TRUST MEAND DON`T TRY TO BEAT MY REVIEW.BECAUSE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH.IT REALY BELONGS TO THE TRASH.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!P.S.Barbie could make a better story than this stupid one who belongs to the trash.Trust me........*******MAGIC PRINCESS*******
A solid Bruce Willis actioner... I enjoyed the performances of Bruce Willis and Kevin Pollack. Ben Foster is good as Mars, maybe a tad over the top but not excessively so. Michelle Horn, who seems to not be doing acting any longer, is fairly good as Pollack's daughter.There are a few unexplained premises in the plot, but, hey, this is an action film. Not everything has to make total sense...
sorry, it's boring I like Greta Gerwig, but this movie was not a good vehicle for her. I didn't end up caring much for her character or any of the other chracters. And it kind of dragged. A little uneveness is okay if it keeps you entertained, but I was mostly bored.
A Truly Lousy, Mean-Spirited Sequel What was great about the original Saw, was that there was a great twist ending and the gore was hinted at, not really graphic, leaving the viewer to conjure up the worst in their imagination. This was a similar tactic used in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, what was not seen seemed so much worse. With Saw 2, things took a little more graphic turn, there was still a nice twist ending, and the story wasn't as heavy handed, there was a "fun" element to the story. Saw 3 cranks up the gore, and slaps the viewer with a heavy, very melancholy storyline. Saw 3 is so depressive, there is really no one to cheer for, you really don't care who lives or dies as there is really no character development, and the two new main characters/victims are so unlikable you begin to lose interest. While I agree Saw 3 wraps up loose ends from Saw 2, it ends up presenting so many new questions that it doesn't feel like a complete film. Now you will have to see part 4 when it comes out to see how the storyline of part 3 wraps up. I don't care any longer, I am done playing Jigsaw's game. Unless your idea of entertainment is seeing broken bones being pushed through the skin, or toolbox brain surgery, stay away from this bloody mess of a film.
Way to Go Ashton! This complete season 1 is the best! If you don't own you better go get it! Since Ashton shut down Punk'd you can no longer see it on MTV so instead buy the DVD and you can watch the madness again and again!
There are global warming films that are much better than this one. I found this film slow-moving and its slowness caused the target to get lost. While the concept of looking back was a good one, I feel that its execution in this film left something to be desired. After a half hour I started skipping hoping for something better but did not find it. MUCH BETTER FILMS ON THE SUBJECT ARE AVAILABLE.
What a start! I'm hooked! Some of the characters are very like able and others not so much. The various story twists keep us interested, waiting to se what happens next.
Just Don't Get It Would people find Ellen as funny if she was straight? I give her two stars since she doesn't use the shrieking obscenities I hear from other prominent female comedians, but she just hasn't said anything I find that funny.I thought Rosie O'Donnell had more edge but was only a middling talent herself.But as lesbian talk show hosts, they conquer America.I just don't get it.(And I'm not sexist: I liked Elaine Boosler and loved Carol Leifer).
Not a HAPPY movie End of Days is very dark and spooky. The only thing it has to show for is its amazing special effects. Other than that renting it would be a waste of time.
Pow Wow Highway This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is loaded with spiritual insights, and mixed with lots of laughter and intrigue. Fabulous acting and endearing characters. Beautiful movie, I highly recommend it.
Good ideas...but that's it I gave this one 2/5 because it does have some original ideas, otherwise I would have given it lower. The movie has a great idea going...it's just not implemented well...or should I say, in a horror fashion. I know a lot of people in reviews like to say "the ideas weren't implemented well" but that's really the only thing I could think. Bulbous, protruding phallus members belonging to homicidal maniacs? Bring it on, I said. Unfortunately, this one has the vulgarity and nudity typical to most of my favorite horror movies, but not enough gore and too many alterations to make the reader try to feel the effects of whatever drugs these kids were on. So, while the film didn't "bring it on," per se, it'll definitely be one I'll be thinking about in the near future...so I'll know what to avoid.
One star too much... Having enjoyed tremendously the first three seasons, the fourth would have been better left alone. I'm sorry I bought this fourth season, as it really makes you yearn even more for the earlier three seasons. The lack of Jeff's presence is made painfully clear by the bumbling, well meaning but totally ineffective newcomer who shouldn't even try to fill Jeff's shoes. The total professionalism that Jeff showed by withdrawing from the series is soo very understandable!! The series would have become a cult classic if it had ended after the third season!! No one remembers the series that faded out... this show deserved soooo much better than to become a cheap copy(!) of the UNWATCHABLE US series 'friends'.
HOORAY, PART THREE!!!!!!!!! SOUTHPARK is one of those shows that most people either love or hate.It's easily misleading to the haters because it has so much profanity and gross bodily gestures, as well as stabs at anything Americans hold sacred (i.e. Church, liberties, etc).During an interview, the creators made the comment that nothing could be held sacred in this series because that would have destroyed the spirit of their show.The purpose of SOUTHPARK is sometimes satirical, and, this is one of the two levels of the show. On the base level, we've got the high school jokes and usual crude humor. For those who appreciate satire, there are deeper levels of meaning.To understand SOUTHPARK, you have to understand that they lift ideas and themes from old movies, making fun of actors, celebrities and so forth. It would take forever to list the 30+ episodes but here are some of the top ones:(1) SUCCUBUS: could it be true? Has Chef found true love and changed his ways for good? No way. Instead, an evil succubus has turned him into a wuss and the boys have to race with the clock before the wedding takes place, casting Chef's soul into Hell;(2) THE RED BADGE OF GAYNESS: the boys are doing a Civil War reenactment when Cartman makes a bet that he can get the Confederacy to win. If they do, Stan and Kyle become his slaves for a year. So, Cartman gets the Confederates drunk and the army marches all the way to Washington because Cartman hates Stan and Kyle "so very much".;(3) MR. HANKEYE'S XMAS SPECIAL: more endearing that most xmas movies. Look for xmas time in Hell and silver bells;(4) KORN'S GROOVY PIRATE MYSTERY: a spoof on SCOOBY DOO mysteries with Korn as the mystery solvers. Look for all the Cartman xmas songs, the Wonder Twins spoof and somoeone losing their glasses.;(6) TWEEK VS. CRAIG: the boys bet who can win this fight. Meanwhile, the teacher of welding tells them to "Stop screwing around" and has dramatic flashbacks of his deceased pilot wife.;;(8) ARE YOU THERE, GOD? IT'S ME, JESUS: the son of God feels that the new millenium is his big chance to shoot up his polls. The people of SOUTHPARK demand a sign so Jesus tells them that he's going to have a kick ass party with Rod Stewart in Las Vegas. God also makes an appearance and looks nothing like you thought!; and(9) JAKOVASAURS: a spoof on Jar Jar de Binks; an irritating lost race of duck like humanoids are found. The last two. Highly irritating that the whole town gives them an award to send them off to France. Looks for lots of clumys antic a la Jar Jar de Binks.
Excelente Buena respuesta por parte del vendedor. Lo recomiendo, tiempo de entrega cumplido según lo indicado. Cumple las especificaciones y descripciones
Black August Black August was a very interesting and riveting movie. Gary Dourdan is a wonderful actor and made it so realistic.
Loving This New Series! I wasn't sure I would like the series after the Closer ended and Brenda left the series, but I have still really enjoyed the shows and look forward to them each week.
Just in Praise of Dobson I have loved this movie for a very long time,and no matter what your movie tastes may be,this movie is very entertaining. In this film,what has always interested me most was how,in 1973 of all times, a black woman was able toflex so much power in a government agency.Cleopatra Jones moves with such grace andpower you'd think the FBI worked for her.Nonetheless Tamara Dobson is a refreshingalternative to the fierce and sometime maniacalcharacters portrayed by Pam Grier. While both actressesdisplayed power, Dobson comes across more classyand refined, whereas Grier wasted no time gettingdown and dirty. This movie is not high cinema, butit is by far one of the best films of the blaxploitation genre. If you have little or no experience with thegenre, "Cleopatra Jones" raises the bar astronomically andeverything afterwards will be a staggering disapointment.I wish there were more action, and the martial artssequences are laughable at best (trademark blaxploitation).This is a very fun film, not to be taken tooseriously. I would recommend it just for thesake of watching Dobson in action. I have neverseen anyone else in films who is as captivating.Mind you, I said captivating, not beautiful(although she is that and more). Beautifulactresses are a dime a dozen, buthow many of them could make you turn the volumedown completely and be content just with watching hergraceful movements and total control of everyscene. Not many. Tamara Dobson is a delight inthis film, and in the sequel, Cleopatra Jones andthe Casino of Gold. I wish she had been moresuccesful in her acting efforts, but at leastthis film stands as a gem of the blaxploitation era.
American Snoozer Wasn't funny. Wasn't good at all. I kept watching to see if maybe by chance something good would happen. It did! They rolled the credits & the suffering was over.
Don't waste your time or money Has to be one of the worst movies ever made. Nothing worth viewing here. I would give it zero stars if possible.
A spectacular thriller from David Cronenberg Though David Cronenberg has calmed down a bit from his "King of Venerial Horror" days of Videodrome, Shivers, Scanners, The Fly, Naked Lunch, and the like; he's still managed to craft his best film in years with Eastern Promises. Re-uniting with his A History of Violence star Viggo Mortensen (in a much deserved Oscar nominated role), Eastern Promises tells the story of a mid-wife named Anna (Naomi Watts) who finds the journal of a Russian teenager who died during childbirth. Soon enough, Anna learns that the girl had ties to a Russian mob family, headed by an old-school boss (Armin Mueller-Stahl). Her search for the truth leads her to the boss' volitale son (Vincent Cassel) and his associate Nikolai (Mortensen), who appears to both warn and help Anna at the same time. Frequently compelling and occasionally blood-curdlingly violent, Eastern Promises is one of those oh so rare films that actually manages to stay with you after the credits roll, and actually surprise you when something unexpected occurs. Mortensen is spectacular in a finely nuanced performance that is undoubtedly the best of his career. Even the smaller details, from his body full of tattoos, to his accent, to his sheer physical nature, are superbly detailed and authentic. As for Cronenberg, he seems to have transcended from being regarded as a master of the horror genre to a master of the thriller, and his brilliantly orchestrated bath house knife fight is brilliant film making. All in all, you won't see many films, mainstream or not, of the past couple years that are better than Eastern Promises, and here's hoping that this isn't the last collaboration between Mortensen and Cronenberg.
dean martin is #1 if you like austin powers then you should get this box set. you will see where it all began.
The Naked Copy Warner had the impertinence to sell the best western of Anthony Mann in a discoloured, washed-out color.I can't understand how many viewers rated this dvd five stars. Didn't they notice that it has another colour completely different from the original?
Why Jason? I am a huge fan of Jason Statham ("Crank" notwithstanding). But 15 minutes into the plot had my sides aching from laughter at the absurity of the characters and storyline. Why any of the actors choose to become involved in this movie is a mystery. I firmly believe that none actually READ the script prior to signing a contract. This movie was pitifully, make that PAINFULLY, ridiculous in its attempt to combine a Lord of the Rings / Chronicles of Narnia essence and wrap it in a new package.The characters are stilted and the plot uneven. The entire oddity looks like it was filmed and spliced together by an epileptic with ADD.Ray Liotta may look scary and intimidating, but his ability to ACT the part of the villian leaves much to be desired. John Rhys-Davies (shaking my head), I just want to pinch his cheeks as I would a confused grandfather. Leelee Sobieski never has really been one with the ability to chose the correct script, but she makes a passable effort as some sort of wizard/warrioress-in-training. Burt Reynolds - dear heavens, the gods of mockery and ridicule certainly were smiling on him during the filming of this. Matthew Lilliard provided his usual overbearing, buffoon-like persona. His few attempts at creating a warrior-facade definitely made me giggle.I humbly beg Uwe Boll to cease making movies immediately and forever.
Implausible, ridiculous and very strange The entire premise of the film is centered around an angel who decides that God's decision to destroy all humans via demon possessed humans is immoral and risks his life in order to save the mother and her unborn son (who incidentally enough, has powers to save the human race).Once you suspend your disbelief at the ridiculousness of God being so inefficient and messy by using flesh eating demons to kill us off instead of putting on a nice natural disaster, you begin to realize how cliche the characters are, how cheesy the special effects are and how stupid the rest of the plot is.The only cool part of the film was the granny demon. I'll never look at elderly people in the same way again :D
Unwatchable- this show makes me weep for society Full disclosure- I have watched the prior seasons of this show, and found it somewhat entertaining, if unrealistic. This season though, is totally unwatchable. The show has become a sad caricature of itself and is so offensive I stopped watching after two episodes. It is now an adolescent boy's fastasy of a world where women enjoy being raped, it's okay for teachers to screw their students, and the law of cause and effect does not exist. I hated it so much that I will never watch this show again.
Matt Smith Finally Won Me Over The Doctor escapes from the Pandorica Box. He finds out that the universe is ending one bit at a time and the Earth is the last thing to end. With the help of Amy, Rory, and River Song, he saves the universe by sacrificing his life. He dies and then he is thrown back in time time where he gets to see his past with Amy being eliminated one day at a time. The Doctor has a brilliant plan to have Amy remember him so he won't die. This works. The Doctor cheats death and now the story continues on to the next season. Now Amy is married to Rory and River Song gives hints that she may be married to the Doctor.This is the episode that really won me over for Matt Smith. Matt Smith is the Doctor to me now. Smith had huge shoes to fill when he took over David Tennant's role as the Doctor. Smith's performance is extremley good. He had to be very funny and very serious at the same time and he done it perfectly. I was giggling at him when he was really farce. I was cheering for him when he saved the universe. And I was very touched when he talked to Amy before he died. Matt Smith has won me over as the legitimate Dr Who. I'm sure Matt Smith will really shine in season six.
Great shape... not a problem at all It was shipped in a timely manner and was in great shape when I did get it.... Thank you
One too many theories The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a joke. Nigel Turner, the producer of these so called assassins is one person the Kennedys will never invite to their home. I, too, find the conspiracy theory irresistible especially since the "real" assassin (Oswald) himself was assassinated. The mafia, LBJ (absolutely ludicrous), the CIA, would have been more intriguing assassins then Lee Harvey Oswald, a mentally unstable individual. Yet Turner will find all these inconsequential individuals and present a case that has never been proven or tried in court, that they knew of a "plot" to murder President Kennedy. Oswald's mistress, that just made me laugh...Barr McLellan (there's a hole in his story), and so forth with the other interviewees who never once convinced this viewer of a planned "conspiracy". . Maybe those gruesome autopsy photos will make you wonder a bit but every shred of evidence in the JFK assassination points to Oswald as the shooter. He committed the crime, Oswald is the guilty party. Who these other men are that planned, but never pulled the trigger, I have no idea, but I'm guessing that any conspiracy theorist will find new ammunition in this. To me, this is a load of crap and need to vent my anger somehow because I wasted time on it.
Original take on an old genre Ever since Orson Welles unintentionally fooled audiences with his 1938 broadcast of 'War of the Worlds', the mockumentary has been an interesting subgenre of film making.When it is done well, such as the BBC's 1992 'Ghostwatch', it can be extremely effective. But the show must be both believable and entertaining at the same time.Blair Witch Project takes an original, but generally unsuccessful try at it. When the film came out, it made use of 'viral marketing', i.e. using the Internet to essentially create an fabricated urban legend to convince people, by word-of-mouth, that the the story of a film crew that mysteriously vanished was true.As a result, a mini-sensation occurred that propelled what is essentially a student-grade film, into the mainstream. Some people, just like those listening to Welles in 1938, were convinced the story was true.But once the film is taken out of this sensational environment, what is left is a pretty banal, torpid film. The movie is a lot like watching somebody's vacation video. In fact, the film could be titled 'Lost in the Woods', since it seems most of the middle part of the movie focused on the fact the trio couldn't find their way back. The psychological aspect of the movie is interesting, but not enough to compel somebody to watch it strictly for entertainment purposes.With the Internet/urban legend hullabaloo stripped away, Blair Witch Project is shown to be what it is - a film that is mildly interesting and not very entertaining. Instesd, grab 'Ghostwatch' if you can.
Just didn't understand it Summary:The town of Northfork, Montana is being evacuated as it is going to be flooded because the government is building a damn in the area. The government has contracted with 6 men (3 groups of 2) who used to live in the town to evacuate all of the residents: Walter O'Brien (James Woods) and his son, Willis O'Brien (Mark Polish), Marvin (Graham Beckel), Matt (Josh Barker), Eddie (Peter Coyote), and Arnold (Jon Gries). If they succeed in evacuating their allotted families (6- each) they will be given a certain amount of lakeside property on the new lake that is going to be created by the dam.Of course, each pair has to deal with some Northfork residents that refuse to leave, including a man who has built an ark and plans to ride out the flood, an old-timer that has nailed his feet to the floor of his house, and a young couple too concerned with having sex to want to leave.There is also the issue of Mrs. O'Brien, Walter's wife and Willis's mother, who has passed away and is buried in the Northfork cemetery. The O'Brien's have to decide if they are going to leave her there or dig her up and move her, as many of the other former inhabitants have done.The efforts of these six men make up around half of the movie. The rest of the movie is made up of some rather strange events surrounding what appears to be the death of a boy named Irwin (Duel Farnes), who was supposed to be adopted but was returned to the local Northfork priest, Father Harlan (Nick Nolte) to take care of him because he was so sick.Apparently (I'm not sure if this is really what was going on, it's really just my best guess), as Irwin is dying he is imagining that he is something of an angel and is visiting with another group of 'angelic' people that can take him away with them when they leave Northfork. Included in the group is hermaphroditic Flower Hercules (Daryl Hannah), gregarious Cup of Tea (Robin Sachs), eccentric Happy (Anthony Edwards) who knows just about everything, and silent Cod (Ben Foster (I)). Irwin eventually convinces them that he is the angel they are looking for and they eventually take him away with them, or rather, he dies (like I said, I'm not sure which it really is).My Comments:If the director and the writers (the Polish brothers) had left out the part about Irwin and the angels or done a better job of explaining what was going on, this movie would have been much more understandable and, as a result, I would have liked it more. As it stands, however, I don't think anyone really understands what was happening in the movie. After seeing it I read a number of other reviews hoping to see if someone would explain what was happening. I was relieved to find that there were as many interpretations about the movie as there were reviews that I read; I was not alone in not really understanding the movie.The problem with trying to interpret the movie is that you can't simply believe that all of the angel's (Flower Hercules, Cup of Tea, etc.) are in Irwin's imagination because the six men that are trying to evacuate the town also happen to have a pair of angel's wings, which Irwin claims to have lost when he was a child, having had them removed by a surgeon. Also, Walter O'Brien sees the angels at one point. So, you can't ever really be sure whether the angels are a figment of Irwin's imagination or if the whole angelic part is real.If the story had stuck with the efforts of the six evacuators, I think the movie would have been pretty good and I likely would have given it at least 3 stars, if not 4. There really was plenty in that story to fill an entire movie. But combining the evacuators with Irwin's death/escape made the movie pretty unintelligible. It really was like two movies that were spliced together with only a couple of places where they were linked (the angel wings and the sighting).As for the acting, I thought it was superb. This is one of the reasons why I really wanted to like this movie. I thought pretty much everyone in the movie did a great job. Also, the cinematography and art direction were great. There are some incredible scenic shots and a lot of interesting sets and settings for the film. I really think this movie had potential, I just wish I could have more readily understood what was supposed to be happening. If the movie was designed so as not to be intelligible, well, then it's just a bad movie.Overall, you may want to see this movie if you're interested in seeing some of the landscape of Montana, though the lenses they use frame it as being very stark. Also, there are a number of really good actors in this film and each does a pretty good job. However, unless you can find some way to decipher what is actually going on, I wouldn't really recommend it for the storyline - the meshing of the Irwin story line with the evacuators just doesn't make any sense. This is an example of a movie that had potential but lost it in its pursuit of artistic license.
Not up to standard This is very much a child's dvd. It has nothing to do with previous Warner Animation series starring Superman. It is not from the Paul Dini team, and isn't going to hold the interest of anyone over the age of 7. Buy it for the kids, just don't watch it with them.
Puritanical high society searching for new experiences The sequences when the dealer awake in the forest under a deep dark night and hear sharp screams of pain, are disturbing. The convincing acting of Ralph Bates is great.I like the love story between Alice and Paul accompanied by the romantic score of James Bernard. I enjoy the scene when they arrive from the ball by night and talk and dream together in front the fountain of her garden. I like the fine shots of the landscapes in autumm.
Horrendous! This movie is painful to watch. Sadly, these 2 actors have irreparably damaged their careers making this film. I would give Fey another chance but I'm afraid the true carroll might have been exposed.
A Great Movie! Driven is a movie about a young, troubled Formula 1 racer, who gets help from a retired man (Stallone), who was a great racer himself, back in the day.This movie has the craziest crash scenes, some of the best actors, and is overall a great movie. While having a small romance twist to it, Driven is well-balanced.The DVD has many great features, including about a half hour or more of deleted scenes, how the movie was made, at least an hour of the director's comments and way more.Fans of racing or not, this is an awesome movie for everyone.
Good movie Great sci-fi movie, I loved the new characters, The action was great, What's sad about this movie is how robocop's partner died from those basterd cops shooting at her, it brouht me tears to my eyes,
Gutlessness disguised as courage It may be that this project once had something significant to say, and that the something was squeezed out in the process of revision, a process of figuring out how to avoid offending potential moviegoers. The target is the Ku Klux Klan, which has just killed a reporter who had ferreted out their secrets.What were those secrets? Plans to exclude African American votes from the elections? Assaults on uppity darkies who sat at white-reserved lunch counters? Lynching of blacks who'd ogled white women?Er, no. The big secret was that the leaders of the Klan enjoyed a wide profit margin in the sale of those white-sheet uniforms.The makers of the movie wanted to have it both ways. They attacked a target which it was politically correct to attack, but then they had a hard time figuring why it should be attacked. Because it persecuted blacks? But the potential audience might not much like blacks, or Jews, or any of the other real-life victims of the Klan. So the word "negro" is never used. I think I briefly glanced one black man in a crowd scene. Otherwise, for the purposes of this movie, black people didn't exist. The Klan members weren't the only racists.
Uh...... A girl that takes her most prized possesion, a porcelin doll in a glass case, to her job. Unfortunately, she volunteers to teach blind 1st graders. She tells the children not to touch, but.....This is May, a little girl who grew up to be a weird woman. She is repulsive, pathetic, and psychotic.Let me put it this way, this is a long movie, too long for the anti-climax. When she makes her human doll out of human parts, cool. When she digs out her own eye for the doll, cool. When the 'doll' comes to life and moves his arm? Aw c'mon now. It would have been better if she had just died next to this lifeless, stinky thing.I would not watch it again. The chick with the great legs was hot though. You know the legs that May admired too.
Run for Cover I saw this movie in the early fifties and thought it was great. Well things haven't changed in all those years,it still holds a a great punch today. The photography of the country is magnificent and the story line is powerful. Great to see olive bringing back so many of these Paramount classics.Vista Vision was the go back then. Thank goodness we now have Blu-Ray.A great print.I look forward to seeing a lot more of these Paramount Classics.Keep up the good work Olive .Ken Barrett.Mooroolbark Vic.Australia
completely lost in translation.... Wow... I loved the korean movie and I thought hey I loved it so I'll give it a chance but this was competely horrendous and it makes me sad that such a great movie was ruined. I really hope everyone just skips this movie and stick to the original.
17 Again Witty, hilarious, and inspiring. Zac Efron is incredible in this touching story of how a man who loses his way in life finds redemption with the ones he loves.