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A guilty pleasure, but certainly not a quality film... Any movie with Meatloaf, Randy Travis and Patrick Swayze in it is definately worth watching, at least for the laughs. In that respect, BLACK DOG certainly doesn't disappoint. The acting in this movie is terrible, especially Swayze's neverending wooden facial expressions. The plot is equally bad, and is never very engaging. However, the one thing that saves this B-movie from being so bad it's unwatchable are the scences with Meatloaf quoting Bible verses while trying to kill Patrick Swayze and the hilarious bits about the black dog. So, don't expect a quality piece of cinema, but if you're bored and need a laugh, it's worthwhile.
This over the top prison fight movie sets a new standard for rough and raw prison/urban themed movies. The message it sends to other directors is that a good show can be done that is rugged and yet glossy in all the right spots. The informational pop ups are at first annoying because there is no way you could remember everything (SHOW me who they are, don't TELL me), but eventually become important to the way you view the cast and understand their motives.I wanted to not like this movie because from the first scene I realized the direction was alternative to standard Hollywood fare (i.e.; popups) and had that "you were there" feel to it that often resembles those bad modern gang movies out of Chicago - but Undisputed manages to pull it off without overdoing it and in the end it made for a great movie that will keep you interested and switching sides back and forth right up to the end.Ultimately this was a film about failure and redemption. The main characters had it all, lost it all and depending on how shallow your perspective is, gained it all back and then some. Even the supporting characters had this theme and the message is clear - keep your head up and do the best that you can and maybe, just maybe, you will succeed.Ripped from the headlines of todays professional boxers and the media scrutiny of their lives, you will feel like this movie is extreme but possible - and that makes for an interesting flick.Wesley Snipes also managed to work in his love for Oriental philosophy and mental regulation without making you roll your eyes. Thanks for toning it down a bit and making it seem real this time around.
Love this movie This movie is so cute. I could watch it over and over again. It's a fun story and fun to watch at any time.
Good reunion "The Barkleys of Broadway" is an excellent vehicle to reunite Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The merits are excellent colour and the stars themselves, mature and well cast and recreating their magic both in dance and in their obvious warmth and rapport. The drawbacks depend on whether you like MGM musicals or not. For me, the film has that overproduced and pretentious quality which was typical MGM. Oscar Levant is his usual tiresome self and there is one very high camp bit when Rogers recites the "Le Marseillaise" in a bid to demonstrate within the plot that she is a great dramatic actress. It is hard not to laugh.The print of the film is excellent and there is good choice of variable extras. The short film "Annie was a Wonder" is a sentimental and corny tale of a Swedish girl becoming an American citizen and hard to watch. The cartoon is another MGM dud with Droopy, the dog. The theatrical trailer for the film is included but best of all there is the last part of a series of documentaries about Astaire and Roger's legacy. Astaire's daughter appears and the doco captures all one would possible wish to know about how the reunion occurred.The DVD is OK value but better if purchased as part of one of the Astaire /Rogers collections.
Romantic comedy...I love it!!! I always like getting a good laugh while watching a movie. I would watch this movie over and over again because of Billy Crystal's witty dialogue. It's such a nice love story knowing that if two people are meant for each other, they will always be together.
Poor adaptation of classic pulp stories As was typical of 1990s Hollywood movie adaptations of classic pulp fiction or comic book series, the rights to the Shadow were bought, then everything that made the character great was tossed in the trash so a campy mess could be made instead of a faithful adaptation which would satisfy long time fans amd show the average movie goer walking in to the theater with no foreknowledge what made the character worthy of appearing on the silver screen in the first place.I don't understand the logic of this. If you don't want to make a faithful Shadow movie, then why bother buying the rights? Why not just create a Shadow-esque character and save the expense of buying the license? It's not like the fan base of the shadow is huge and will guarantee big box office returns, so the least they could do is make sure they catered to that small fan base.... made sure they wanted to go see this movie by doing it right, but lets see how they did it wrong;What makes the Shadow (and most other pulp fiction characters) great is the element of mystery inherent in their tales, the origins of these character is never explained in the books, they simply do what they do for their own reasons and part of the fun is getting hints as to how they began.Screen writer David Koepp destroys this element of mystery early on by telling everyone where the Shadow came from in the first 5 minutes of the film, and a revised origin at that. Another great aspect of the character is that we never find out who he really is. In the pulps he is not Lamont Cranston, but only pretends to be, but in the film, he is Lamont Cranston in order to better fill the Bruce Wayne mold. So, element of mystery; Gone!The tone is considerably brighter than the pulps too, with Kooky scientists, comic book doomsday devises, silly henchmen and side kicks, and a Shadow who has two .45 automatics which he only fires at inanimate objects. So Dark tone and pulpy feel, Gone!Finally, the film makers chose unwisely to base this movie on the radio version of the character, who has the superpower of invisiblity and is able to cloud men's mind, rather than adapting the much stronger pulp version of the character, who had no superpowers, relied on incredible deductive skills and his own private squad of agents, as well as multiple disguises to wreak havoc on the underworld. So great characters, also Gone!What's left is some campy, uneven film with great actors, great production design, some very good action sequences, but not much in the way of content or depth. It's sad that many writers in the movies just can't get these genre films right. When done faithfully, they are wonderful, and when done badly, it's a long time before anyone hears from these characters again. I hope that the rumored the Sam (Spider Man, Evil Dead filmes) Raimi produced remake will get it right, we've only had to wait 16 years for another shot at this worthy character.
You're "Dead Snow" to me The only A+ in this film is the blood & gore but the rest stinks like a TNA wrestling pay-per-view. The english dub is silly and no good. The acting is bland & forgettable. The cast themselfs are bland,stupid and even weird. The evil zombies don't really do anything until the 3rd act. The zombie fight scenes while good,don't last very long. It's very unfunny like Grown-Ups. The plot is dumb and takes forever to finish. I give this film a 1 out of 10.
Unclear if this visually stunning movie is for kids or adults Despite the dreary and dark plot, the first Lemony Snicket movie is beautifully shot, with outrageously good sets, costumes, and scenes. The flourishes of the Victorian gothic homes are wonderful. Count Olaf is a master of disguise and all of his characters are eerily well-done.Is this a kids' movie? Sure, if they read the book and enjoyed it. Probably not for younger kids. Is it an adults' movie? Yes, for the stunning scenes, but not for the ho-hum plot.
Too much camp, not enough adventure I first saw this film in it's original theater release where I was very disappointed. The books are all high adventure with a naive 1930's idealism. This movie did a good job of captuing that feel but stepped too far into the Batman and Lost in Space campyness of the 1960's. It just becomes insulting to the audiance. I still watch it every few years since I enjoy Doc Savage, Ron Ely does a good job as Doc, and the casting of the Five was decent. Find some of the old books and read them instead. If you enjoy them, watch the movie and imagine what it could have been. Memorable Quote: "Mona, you're a brick."
No thanks, Unbox Well, I downloaded this in the hope that I'd have an easy installation and kill a few minutes while my TV was broken. This could not have been more of a hassle. I'm talking about Unbox itself, not this episode in particular, because I never got to watch it. I found the Unbox software to be unwieldy, and extremely invasive. Microsoft already has a chain around my neck, I have no desire to let Amazon do the same. I was really surprised, because I love everything else about Amazon.
There is Always a Way Based on "Freak the Mighty", "The Mighty" is a wonderful portrayal of the novel. It is an inspiration to anyone who has obstacles to overcome and is willing to dare to be different. For children of all ages, but especially good for preteens and young teens.
Wow, What a Masterpiece!!! "Wow" is the only word to describe this movie. I have finally seen "Memento", and now I know that it's not pure hype; this movie is outstanding! This is one of my new favorite movies. If you like movies that make you think ("Fight Club," "Unbreakable"), then you will love this movie.I will be quick and brief when I describe this movie, because this is another movie where you have to be careful on how you explain it or you'll give it away. Leonard seems to be an ordinary man, but he's not. He has a certain condition where he is unable to create new memories. If he talks to someone too long, he will forget what he was talking about and whom he was talking to. Leonard has an agenda in mind; to find and kill the person who raped and murdered his wife. Leonard can remember everything before the "incident," but he cannot remember anything new. So he takes pictures of people to remember them and he tattoos important information all over on his body so he will remember things. As his quest for vengeance continues, the more the twists and surprises come about. Just when you think you know everything, you don't.This movie was brilliantly directed. The events in the movie are backwards and brief, which sort of gives us an idea of what the main character is going through. All though you do not see a lot of actors in the film, the ones who are in it deliver top-notch performances. Guy Pearce did an outstanding job and was the best actor in the movie. The screenplay was mesmerizing and made the characters seem that more realistic. There are a few extras on the DVD, but it would've been nice to have a few more in there, as always.There are no guarantees that you will like this film. Since this is such a unique film, it means that only certain people will like it. I think it's worth viewing and even if you do not like the film, I think you'll admire how it was done. Hey, I hated "Citizen Kane," but even I can appreciate how it was filmed and directed. If you don't want a film that's going to make you think, then don't see it. If you want more action than story, don't see it. Otherwise, give it a shot! Since Leonard is so dependent on facts, here's a couple for you that will help you out during the movie:FACT 1: Pay close attention to the movie. If I were you, I wouldn't take any breaks. If you do, you might forget what has happened, and you'll lose the rhythmic flow of the movie.FACT 2: Nothing is what it seems. Make sure you pay attention to every character and every conversation that takes place.FACT 3: Re-watch the movie. This is the type of movie that likes to screw around with your brain! You are very likely to be confused the first time around, but the second time should be a little more clearer.This is a remarkable film and is an excellent thriller that outdoes most films. Who are Leonard's friends and foes? Who can he trust? What is real and what is not? You'll find that out soon when you see it. "Memento" shows you that some memories are best forgotten. What a spectacular movie!!
lost I tracked this item and it shows it was delivered, but I haven't seen it, what is going to be done about it?
High Art -- disappointing I really didn't get this movie. The entire cast could have been reduced down to three people. All the druggies hanging around Ally Sheedy's character could have been removed from the movie and no one would notice the difference. The person you think is going to die at the end of the movie (due to a drug overdose) doesn't. And, the person you think isn't going to die (due to a drug overdose) does. That's pretty much the story line.
Poetry in motion. That's Selma Hayek walking away from the camera in her come & get me dress. Her swayng tush is worth the price. She plays Martha & brings out the murderous instincts of her partner, Ray (Jared Leto) in Lonely Hearts. He fancies himself a Lothario who woos then swindles lonely, wealthy women, widows with pensions etc. Then with Martha's help, murders them. Martha becomes blindly jealous when Ray gets intimate with these pigeons & it becomes their undoing. Ms Hayek & Leto do a fine job. So does John Travolta, playing Elmer Robinson, the police detective assigned to the case. It becomes highly personal & obsessive because of tragedy in his own life. James Gandolfini is his partner, a lazy, amiable detective. Really it's the same character he plays as Tony Soparano, except he's a cop instead of a sociopathic hood. Go figure.The movie spans 1927 When Elmer joins the P.D. to 1951 in the closing scenes. There is little notice of World WarII, except for the proliferation of widows with death benefits. A decent criminal police drama/thriller with a very good cast. Also a good "making of" extra on the dvd.
Good stuff on The Anime Tip A beautiful counterpart to a very well constructed sequel. (Hell, anything is better than Episode 1 or 2) A look into minor happenings of the Matrix world and relevant chapters of the main story at hand. If you dig the Matrix, or you dig anime, check this out.
Not Even Entertaining I kept waiting for the story to pull together. For the characters to be people I care about. For some type of cinematic continuity that would bring me entertainment. I didn't get any of these. It seems like the writers started off with a good idea and just couldn't put it together. Does this bring you flash backs form the 80's? No. Is there reasonable acting No.
Dont waste your time I have seen many 1800 movies, this is like a play not a movie. It dose not have dancing, partys, an all the rich stuff that go into it. Like these I have Buccaneers, The Duchess, Frenchmans's Creek, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,Dangerous Beauty, One Night With the King, The Libertine w/ Johnny depp, Now these are real good 1800 hundred movies.
tomorrow when the war began tomorrow when the war began played the first part then at the last 20 min i skipped to the end.
THIS MOVIE TOTALLY SUCKED. ITS ONE OF THE WORST EVER. This movie was horrible. It was just like being around really annoying drunk people for too long. There was no point to this movie and nothing happened at all. Only for those people who do hardcore drugs. Very dissappointing.
Explains a bit more than the Matrix films The Animatrix is most succinctly described as being seven parts sublime and two parts above average. More often than not, the various shorts of this feature rise to the occasion in splendid fashion, with only a few tarnished spots that very slightly dampen the overall shine of this production.To begin with, the animation in The Animatrix is brilliant. To those looking for eye-candy please look no further. Nearly every short features some of the most astounding visuals that have ever been seen by any fan of the animated medium. What's more is that there also exists an astounding degree of stylistic variety from feature to feature. The moving artwork here exists as sort of an animated smorgasbord, from which even the most discerning otaku will find something to his/her delight. The action from both "Beyond" and "Final Flight of the Osiris" would please the most hardened action fan, and the formalistic elements used in the animation of "World Record" are inspired. I for one will certainly carry some of the haunting imagery of The Second Renaissance within my psyche for a good time to come. The only exception to the mostly excellent visuals, in my humble view, was the animation in "Kid's Story", which just felt a bit sloppy when matched against its stately brethren. However, overall I cannot say enough great things about the general animation quality of The Animatrix.One might be inclined to think that, since the average running time for each of these short films is only a mere 9 minutes or so, that character and plot development would naturally suffer. Often enough one would probably be correct, but certainly not in this case. In reality the most powerful surprise of The Animatrix is just how much it manages to cram into so little a package. The scope of each piece is usually limited enough (unlike its mother feature, namely the theatrical Matrix film) that a full and satisfying story can be found in an impossibly short span of time. In addition, since the continuity in which these films play has already been established, they are mostly free to explore the niche-like peculiarities of the matrix universe. In fact, the only two shorts that were lackluster in plot development were "Program" and "Matriculated". The plot of the former served mostly as an excuse for an admittedly entertaining adrenaline-laden fight scene, while "Matriculated", though conceptually interesting, was poorly executed. It left me wondering whether or not the feature really had any meaning at all or if I happened to eat some bad mushrooms prior to my viewing. Despite these missteps, though, the plot movement was unexpectedly strong.The characters of each short are also by-and-far ingeniously planned. Every action taken and every word spoken lends itself to the understanding of the motivations of the players within each story arc. The characters of each minor anime flick are additionally quite easy to sympathize with, despite the brevity of their screen time. Indeed, I was very intrigued by the purpose and demeanor of the leads in "World Record" and "A Detective Story", as well as being touched by the final tenderness between lovers in the "Final Flight of the Osiris". Again, considering the length of the various individual features, the characterization cannot usually be described as anything but exemplary.Very few viewers would not be impressed by The Animatrix. It seamlessly blends an assortment of unique and dynamic perspectives into an anthology that is so close to flawless that I was left in near-awe. Virtually every component of this viewing experience lends itself considerably to building an atmosphere of electrifying excitement and profound intrigue. It belongs in an elite category of animated features that deserves to be viewed by all willing anime fans. Aside from very minor mishaps, The Animatrix is plainly worthy, 'nuff said.If you really don't like sci-fi or the Matrix films I would drop a star from what I have rated. But really I think if you hated the film due to confusement; this will explain a bit more.
I hate amazon.com I watched this movie on tv, thought it was awesome, and ordered the vhs from amazon for $9.95. That was in October, it was backordered for FOUR MONTHS, and just recently amazon decided to cancel my order for me. The price now, just days after my order was cancelled, is $35.95!! This practice should be illegal, I think someone should be thrown in jail for this.
WTF this movie sucked. It ended in like 56 minutes. there was not one part that was scary. that one monster that was supposed to be the husband of that lady died almost instantly along with the rest of the non scary zombies that didnt really kill anyone.I hate this movie
Inspiring and moving Kinsey is the story of Alfred Kinsey, sex researcher of the 1950s, who broke the barrier of sexual secrecy in the U.S. with his books based on explicit interviews with a large sampling of people. The release that his work won for many was not without difficulties, some because of Kinsey's own mistakes. Directed and acted with honesty and sensitivity I found this film to be inspiring and moving.
Worth Seeing Don't look for special effects in this film. The eerieness is created by the black and white and actor facial expressions, especially at the beginning at Dracula's castle. Excellent performances by Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. The same actor who played Dr. Waldman in Frankenstein, plays Van Helsing.The main confrontation between Van Helsing and Dracula is not as spectacular as some of the later versions of the film though. The ultimate destruction of Dracula is done off-screen and loses dramatic effect.Not having read Brahm Stoker's novel, I am not sure how true to the book this one is (there was a movie called Brahm Stoker's Dracula that was very different from this one) but just seeing Bela do Dracula is worth it.
Oh what should have been... Ever watch a movie and feel that there was a good movie in there somewhere and they just missed it? This is one of those... Can't blame Coogan or Duff or Thirlby though... Oh well...
Good show Love downtown abbey and was caught up to current episode. Someone told me to check this out and I'm glad they did. The characters are well developed and storyline is very compelling. Definitely a good way to spend an hour!
The Objective: Confuse the audience The Objective is supposedly about a Special Forces team sent on a mysterious mission to Afghanistan to investigate what might or might not be a UFO. But let's be honest: director Daniel Myrick had access to film in a desert/mountainous region and wanted to make a movie out of it.Undercover CIA agent Benjamin Keynes (Jonas Ball) narrates in hushed whispers this doomed mission, which may or may not be a suicide run to discover a terrorist known only as Muhammad. Unless of course it's THAT Muhammad, in which case discovering him would be a pretty big deal since, you know, he's a divine prophet.Thrown into the mix are Vimanas, the ancient Indian flying saucers, ghostly Arabs in black garb, and many, many blurry shots taken by an infrared camera. The best scene is the arrival of the UFOs, which chant calls to prayer, and the moment when our lone hero launches a signal flare only to discover he's already launched/is currently launching/will launch thousands more as he approaches a singularity. But those trippy moments are all too brief.This is not a good film. Big on ideas, short on a coherent plot, when The Objective does standard combat ops its pitch perfect; when it tries to do just about anything else it's an inchoate mess of swear words, blurry camera angles, and bright red gore props. We never find out what the "aliens" want, what the original mission was, or why the audience has to suffer through over an hour of men trudging through the desert before we get an explanation as to why they're there. The Objective might have a clear goal, but it's not sharing it with anybody.
This is okay This was an entertaining movie, but it could have aired on TV. It was one of the few, that I didn't see before purchasing, had I seen it first, I would have waited for it to come to TV and recorded it.
Corny Set up but OK story As is typical Vaughan production, lots of inuendos and a corny set up but overall I liked it. Cameron Diaz was exceptional and Ashton Kutcher was funny. The ending was cute.
Boring, borderline pretentious and painful Opting for greatness, does not make things great. Shades of Rosemary's Baby, Birth and other Manhattan psychological thrillers have inspired this to tedium. Nothing really ever happens. Lots of noisy post-partum screaming, discordant and overplayed piano music, constant infant crying and grimacing all add together like some expensive pharmaceutical ad for a migraine pill. Run away.
simple and sentimental This series is good for kids or young adults, as long as they have access to the more original arthurian legends to balance it out. The acting, directing, and writing are precious and overly sentimental and the retconning of the arthurian legend seems so unnecessary as to make one wonder why they didn't just create a whole brand new story with new characters and call it something else entirely. I'm disappointed that they made Arthur, Gwynn, Merlin, and Morgana all the same age. It's like watching Young Hercules with all that entailed. If you're a true fantasy fan, don't waste your time with this, especially if you like the more classical stories of Camelot and King Arthur.
Gripping, but...... A young woman is getting married. Her wedding should be a celebration, but simmering beneath the surface is her battle with depression, which mars the day of the wedding. Her sister seems to be the most aware and tries to help her get through the day. The second half of the film focuses on the sister and her fear of a star named Melancholia which may be on a collision course with earth. The first part of the movie was quite good, with the bouts of depression interfering with a well-planned wedding, and the expectation that her condition will make it quite difficult for the marriage to work. The film loses a little something in the second half, because the storyline then veers into another direction, and just doesn't seem consistent with the real-life drama of the first part. This is solid work, but should have stuck with the promise of the first half.
Check it Out I really enjoyed this movie. The writing was good. I love the acting. My lady and I watched it twice. Thumbs up!
M. Night's Worst M. Night Shayamalan started to rise once he directed The Sixth Sense. While Unbreakable didn't hit high at the Box Office, it was still a fairly good movie. Signs, on the other hand, was box office gold. Once he directed The Village, however, he began on a slippery slope by giving us a twist that ruined what otherwise should've been a good movie. Then we got the convoluted and strange Lady in the Water. "The Happening," was supposed to be M. Night's return. A comeback movie. Instead of being a comeback movie, however, it turns out to be quite possibly the worst movie M. Night has ever done.The Happening begins very simply, and quite morbidly. In the opening scenes we're treated to death and mayhem as a series of construction workers kill themselves by hurdling off the top of a building. It's actually quite bloody. Although, you probably won't believe any of the extras at the beginning are shocked or disturbed by it.What could be causing this catastrophe? Is it a terrorist attack? At first there's only speculation. When more breakouts happen, it becomes clear what has to happen, the characters need to get out of the northeast. Mark Wahlberg plays a science teacher who can only speculate while John Leguizamo plays his best friend and Zooey Deschanel plays as Mark Wahlberg's wife.It's when a supporting character (whose name you don't really learn but he's played by Frank Collison) finally offers the suggestion that its the plants releasing toxins and making people kill themselves that M. Night jumps the shark. How this supporting character knows its the plants releasing toxins is never really explained. He just... knows. It brings up the obvious question: If the plants can release toxins that make people kill themselves... why not just release toxins that kill the humans?The biggest problem with the movie is that it takes itself too seriously. The premise of trees releasing toxins to make human beings kill themselves is already an absurd premise, but it's made more absurd with how serious the characters take it. And they all run around as though they don't really even want to be in the movie. As if the premise wasn't enough, when the characters discover the wind carries the toxin they try to outrun the wind.The biggest letdown is the ending. There's no closure. The event simply ends, but there's no explanation as to why it ends. The movie builds, but there's no resolution whatsoever.I rarely like to describe a movie as just dumb. But The Happening was just that... dumb. The theme of mother nature taking revenge isn't such a bad idea for a movie, but the execution here is absurd and downright implausible. Certainly it is a movie, but if something like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull can come off as something believable despite its fantasy, it shouldn't be that hard for a movie that was clearly meant to be down to earth like The Happening.If anything works for The Happening it would be that there is a creepy old woman (though she has almost nothing to do with the movie at all) and the music score which manages to be chilling and haunting. On the whole, however, the movie is incredibly absurd. Even when suspending your reality, The Happening is just hard to sit through. It isn't a long movie, but it certainly feels like it. This is probably the worst movie M. Night has done. It'll take a lot to come back from this one.
She Devil The Worst Meryl Streep Movie I love Meryl Streep and think she is the greatest living actress of today, but, She Devil is horrible and the person responsible for making it a terrible movie is Roseanne Barr. Roseanne can't act, she couldn't act in her TV series either (John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf were the only two good things about the show). Do Not buy this piece of crap, it's the worst.
Amazing! Amazing, amazing work from all the actors, very believable. The only issue I had was that it seemed too short, there was a lot more story they could have probably told.
Absolutely Fabulous movie!!! As a huge Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts fan, you can see why this is my all time favorite movie. Hugh Grant is funny without trying to be. He has such a natural wit about him. This movie has it all, humor, charm, and melt-your-heart moments that we all secretly hope for in our own lives. Not to mention a terrific soundtrack featuring the song "She" by Elvis Costello.A famous movie star Anna Scott(Julia Roberts)finds herself in a bookstore in Notting Hill London owned by William Thacher(Hugh Grant). A few moments after she leaves he once again bumps into her and thus begins the story. To him, she is a fantasy and to her, he is a normalcy she has never had.And the supporting cast........HILARIOUS!!!! Only one word to say here....SPIKE!!!! He alone keeps your side in stitches. And what about little sister Honey??? Another outrageously funny character.This is a wonderful movie and if you haven't seen it you are truly missing out.
LOVE THIS MOVIE....DVD bites! One of the great films of the 90s brings what all Stern fans know already - that he's a great person, humanitarian and funny as hell - into the general public's eye. That said, stick with the HBO or USA showings or buy it on VHS. The DVD has nothing else to offer - no extras (and this movie could have TONS of extras). ...
The funniest movie ever! This movie was absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Jay and Silent Bob rule in every way imaginable. Featured hilarious camios from just about every major star in hollywood. Not for those with old and dry sense of humor but would definitely recommend to anyone with a crude sense of humor.
One of the worst movies that I've ever seen! I sometimes think that I'm the only person in the world that hates this film, but I detest it thoroughly. I had no idea what I was in for when I saw it during its theatrical run. One of my main objections is that the film minimizes, if not glamorizes, the impacts of prostitution. Prostitution is a very ugly, exploitative scene in real life, not the lighthearted fun that the film portrays. Not the best moral message, to be sure.Aside from that, the other problem I have is with the characters. EVERYONE is a jerk in this movie. Nobody is appealing or likeable. Not even Cruise's Joel, who I found to be as much of a self-centered @#$%&*/ as everyone else. Unfortunately, he followed up by playing the same kind of obnoxious characters ("Top Gun", "Days of Thunder"). It took "Jerry Maguire" and "Rain Man" for me to gain any respect for him.Anyway, the combination of a creepy, amoral theme and obnoxious characters in what is supposed to be a comedy is a total turn-off. Keep the kids away!
OH MY!!!!! I wont go over the plot as that has already ben well discussed. I will say that even with all of the negative reviews the plot sounded liked something I would like and of course I figured it cant be that bad if ashley judd and harry connick were main characters. Well, it may not be the worst film ever as some have said, but it is close.....Frankly, it was not scary or even suspensful...I saw the caption which said if bugs scare you this is not the movie for you....Well, did we ever actually see any bugs, except for the brief 1/2 second cut in's? Nope. The entire film was very boring....the first 45 minutes are downright awful as nothing at all happens other then watching people talk in a dingy motel room...when the actual plot comes out after the first 45 minutes it simply was awful...a complete and utter waste of time....Not scary (even if you get creeped out by bugs there should be little reason for this to creep you out), not suspensful, not entertaining...the ending completely sucked....Do not waste your time on this flick...I have a movie collection with over 3000 movies. I do have the SE Edition of this actually only watched it for the first time recently. I also recorded it to my DVR and had a copy on an external hard drive as well.....After watching it, I can assure you the SE disc will never be used again and I have already deleted it from my DVR and external hard drive...Yes, it was that bad.....It was simply awful. Very surprised that ashley judd and connick did this flick and I am sure both regret doing it as this movie has to go down as one of the worst ever and surely both wish they had passed on this flick......People, feel free to watch it..heck, everybody has different opinions on movies....but just remember, you were warned.....You'll have more fun sitting in your yard watching the grass grow then you will watching this movie......
Rory O'Shea Was Here This movies centers around Michael Connolly and Rory O'Shea. When we first meet Michael, who suffers from cerebral palsy, which effects his speech and uses an electric wheelchair to get around, he's sitting watching the world go by then into his life comes Rory. Rory suffers from Duchene's muscular dystrophy, which allows him to only move two fingers of his right hand and his head, and we see that Rory is all bad attitude and cheeky wit. He soon turns things around at The Carrigmore Home for the Disabled much to the dismay of the head of the home, Eileen. He blares his music in the middle of the night, he is rude to Eileen and Annie, the head nurse, and drives Michael crazy by showing up and bugging him. It is during a therapy session that Michael learns that Rory can understand everthing that he says and this starts a friendship that neither of them expected. Rory starts showing Michael there is more to life then sitting in front of a window watching the world go by. (This is shown by them going off on their own to a pub, nearly getting into a bar fight, meeting Siobhan for the first time and getting into a night club by using wit and cunning.) You also see there is a difference in their family life. Rory's father, a middle class man, is loving, caring and is very concern about his son where Michael's father, who is a high class lawyer, and Michael's hero, has never come to see him and has just abandoned him. Seeing that Rory has been turned down three times to get housing, Michael decides to apply and turns down speech aides in place of having Rory come to live with him as his interpreter. They get their way and have trouble finding the right place. They turn to the one person Rory thinks will help them. Michael's father. They get housing and hire Siobhan to help them. A friendship blooms between the three of them and Michael falls in love for the first time. Rory also falls in love but things turn bad when they find out that Siobhan doesn't love either of them. Michael and Rory's friendship nearly ends but Rory convinces Michael not to give up and it takes a crisis to put their friendship back together.This film was very well done and James McAvoy and Steven Robertson did an excellent job.
When Sheep Attack So I see this movie at Blockbuster. It's got a pretty ridiculous 3-D prismatic cover that features a herd of demonic sheep and it's called "Corn". I couldn't resist...The tagline on the video box, "It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature" is borrowed from an old margarine commercial. This thing has got to be awful, right? Well, the reality is that it's not quite as bad as you might imagine. It ends up being a weird Rosemary's Baby kind of story about genetic manipulation and aggression. Not done with the same panache of 28 Days Later, it still strives for a unique story. In the end, "When Sheep Attack" might have been a better title, and it's pretty boring at times... but I think two stars is fair.
Don't Mention the Holocaust Someone should call B'nai B'rith .. I can't believe I watched an entire movie about Israel and not once did anyone mention the Holocaust. Clearly this is a movie by self-hating Jews; the ones who actually think for themselves. Shame on them. (They're probably French. You'd never find people like that in America).The movie is pretty good though ... if you like thinking for yourself. And, it doesn't have one of those holier-than-thou Narrator Voices telling you which side of the fence you should be on. (Although, I guess, that's pretty obvious really).
And I HATE this Movie !!!!!!!!!!! When I first saw the cover of this movie I thought "wow a zombie flick I'v haven't seen yet owe joy". What I didn't realize is that I was about to embark on one of the worst movie experences since Ishtar. First the effects were real bad, they looked like they were out of ... Specers. The story was bad, something about trying to resurect a dead love ala Reanamator. And I think that was Rob Zombie ???? Who knows? Who cares ? All I know is stay away save your cash and the time you will never get back from watching this thing. And to the ones who gave this movie more then one star "Stay off the drugs !!!!"
Amazing Movie! This movie was very short unfortunately but was very suspenseful and scary. Would recommend to anyone that can keep up with stop and not get destracted because you will get very confused if you don't pay attention because it changes scenes a few times.
fun science and appealing personal relationships The show gets better and better as you move from the first season into subsequent ones.The science is fun ( I can't vouch for its accuracy) and the interpersonal relationships are complex, interesting and appealing. The only drawback is that the stories all involve unpleasant violence, even if it is not graphically shown
The evil twin of Lethal Weapon Great movie if you like older comedies where actual jokes replace constant sexual inuendo. Takes the comedy/action aspect of Lethal Weapon and spoofs it, making sure to shoot the Joe Pesci style character as much as Leon Getz truly deserves. When you need a movie to ignore the fact that you have 4 papers due for college the next day, this is the kind of spoof that really helps you out.
Buffy, Angel, Drusilla and Spike, Oh My! The second season is even hotter than the first with the addition of two new evil vamps Spike and Drusilla. They bring delightful chaos to Sunnydale. The main story arc revolves around Buffy and Angel's relationship in which Angel turns evil once he experiences true happiness after shagging Buffy for the first time.Spike and Drusilla revel in Angel's new persona and help him try to destroy Buffy and the world. The dialogue once again is funny, witty and clever. All the characters get fleshed out and grow even more in the second season. Willow gives up her crush on Xander and starts dating a really cool werewolf named Oz; Xander starts a secret romance with prissy and popular Cordelia Chase; Buffy's mom finally finds out she's the Slayer; even Spike grows in his first season when he gives up world destruction to be with Drusilla. Now, that's love!
Glad I didn't pay to see it Ok the acting was horrible, it was definitely an amateur work but I guess exposure for the lead actress Sherial McKinney et al. She looks so much like a younger Halle Berry, without trying but also seemed to try to act like her as well. the story reminded me of a cross between Boomerang with the Eddie cheating on her and coming back and it reminds me about a reverse role of the movie where the guy can read women's thoughts. It doesn't explain how that happened for her to hear men's thoughts other than she woke up in the library and read a bunch of books. It was predictable in that you knew how the movie ended. I can't believe I watched this but I skipped through this after the first five minutes. I surfed the net most of the time.
A Poor Tribute to Gloria This compilation has poor video quality and - the largest sin of all - it leaves out the final reel of "Don't Change Your Husband"! If you are a silent film lover, leave this mess alone and buy the higher quality DVD's which are available for most of the titles. Now I still have to buy a copy of "Don't Change Your Husband" to get the entire film.
One of the best TV shows of all time. First off let me say The Riches really is one of the best shows in TV history as far as I am concerned. It is fresh and original which is a rare these days. Eddie Izzard is a freakin' genius. Until now I have kept every episode on my Tivo and now I can just buy the DVD. Kudos also go to Minnie Driver for some of the best acting of her career. The story lines of The Riches have more twists and turns than a twisty turny thing.A bargain at double the price. I can't wait.
Great deal I am very happy with my purchase. The product is perfect and a must-have for any fan of 'The Closer'.Nana
Wow, stay away from this one!! I just watched "Slipstream" last night. It sucks, bad! All the other reviews are right on. Its garbage. To the one guy that apparently liked this bomb, well thats his choice! I'm a huge Anthony Hopkins fan and love movies in generally, but this was hard to watch!! Stay away!!
The best birthday gift ever!! I would choose to watch a Doris Day film over anything Hollywood produces these days, and the upcoming release of some of those films to DVD is long overdue! The fact that it's being released on my birthday is fitting, seeing as how I'm one of her biggest fans! Happy birthday to me!Now I can wait patiently while they tap into the reservoir of her other wonderful films and release them as well, but please don't make us wait too long.
Ben and J Lo killed this movie..... Well by the time this film was made, The public had had enough of when these two were going to get married or not. Actually the fact that they both are disfunctional human beings might answer that question, so if you can get around that and just look at this movie, It's horrible. The young girl who was the daughter could not act and is just annoying. The death of her mother in the movie was rather tasteless and the rest of the film where Ben makes out with Liv Tyler's character just makes you want to say "Oh Gross."In the time since this film was made, Kevin Smith;s movies seem to draw fewer and fewer crowds and maybe he's becoming like James Cameron, the fire was there and now it's gone. The film maker rose too fast and now he is falling down, maybe to never get up again, at least not fully.
Had potential but didn't work I just watched this movie yesterday and I had high hopes for it because of the subject matter. A sociopath who likes to feed women to death.....how could that not make a good story? Well, the makers of this film managed to bungle it from almost the very beginning.First, there was the inclusion of scenes of the detective getting it on with his girlfriend. Okay, they needed to show some nudity and sex to attact young males to see their movie, but it really didn't have anything to do with the plot. I can see a little connection between the detective's sexual practices to that of the sociopath's, but it wasn't presented in a way that could lead to some sort of deeper understanding of the detective's mind.There were a ton of mistakes in the plot that either didn't fit in with the rest of the movie , or didn't make any sense whatsoever. Would you accept a cup of coffee from your nemesis, whom you know to be a serial killer, and then drink it? I literally winced as the detective drank it down. How can a person, who isn't even a US citizen, automatically buy a gun from a gun shop and carry it out? There are many more mistakes that I can point out but I will save you the pain of having to read about them.Needless to say, please avoid this film if you like a well developed plot that isn't full of holes and mistakes. I gave it two stars because I'm feeling generous.
JEFF THE JUMP HARRISSSSSSSSSSSSS THEY HAVE OLD VOICES which i dont find appealing and the graphics are not up to date. I'm not saying it wasn't funny but maybe because im so used to all our high-tech, i found saeson one old. Now if your a hardcore fan than go for it you'll like but if it's new to you don't.
Blazfemmy!!! Ok, first the music is done by Billy Corgan. That egg headed freak knows about as much about music as nuns know about birth control. The dead sea scrolls or secret sayings of Jesus are heresy. If Jesus wanted us to know these things, he would not want me to learn them in a Billy Corgan music video. They would be in the bible. I know the bible, and this stuff is not in the bible. The Catholic Church is hiding some things from us, but they are not lost in the couch cushions. They will be reveal to me, and maybe even you when the time is right.Patricia Arquette, David Arquette's wife, has some of the worst hair in movie history. Anybody who gets their hair cut in he salon must also find in acceptable to have her hair styled by Stevie Wonder. She looks like a bleach blonde chicken. But I must admit it was a relief to see a preist make out with a woman rather than a little boy.
Why should i be loved? Neve Campbell is no new-comer to sex-themed movies . She was afterall the star of Wild Things , the movie that introduced to us the briefly sensational Denise Richards and was one of the best to come out that year no matter how many plot twists at the end . A further lead role in Investigating Sex and even her presences in the spicy comedies of Three To Tango and Drowning Mona show that the young actress is not challenged by this kind of material . In James Toback's When Will I Be Loved she plays Vera , a super cool , uber-confident young girl who has conquered life's insecurities .Still , for all it's silk texture , the movie and characters just don't feel real . When Ford , out of the blue , asks his girl to do an italian millionaire for cash , she doesn't get angry or ask him to break up but after a three-line dialogue she accepts ( ?!? ) and they end up making up on the sofa . At the end the film brutally displays that ofcourse they didn't love each other yet at the same time never does it justify why in the world they were together in the first place . " He is young , he is good-looking..." says Campbell at one point . She doesn't even seem to convince herself . A man gets murdered on another scene of the movie . Vera reacts with the same horror of a person who just realized that the milk went bad .This is an indie film with a tight budget and it's plus is suppose to be the words and well written thoughts about life , human communication , and sexual awakening yet the actors can't possibly give more than one dimension to the persons they are playing because the script doesn't give them what it takes to do so . You have the sleazy rich old man who thinks he can buy anything with his money , the sleazier boyfriend who wants his money and between them , a mysterious girl whose actions just...don't make sense .
Bones Season 2 After watching and really enjoying season One of Bones I couldn't wait for this one. In fact I even ordered the DVD well in advance. Dr. Temperence and Booth are wonderful, the Jeffersonian Institute has a new Boss who's really gets her hands dirty unlike the previous one who was mainly an administrator. The plots in each episode are wonderful with unexpected twists and sometimes shocking. If you liked Season 1 then you will love season 2.
Very Good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This movie is the best. But not better than the first one. I think it stands out as off beat, or not as good as the first one because we all are use to having a sequal that has a new cast, new story, but the same killers. Scream 2 is a continuation of the first. I liked it!
Honestly when i first watched this i didint like it at firsti stiopped it in the middlei actually missed alot of the movienow that i have finished iti really like itelizabeth taylor and richard burton didAMAZINGGGGGGG jobsthis movie had great acting
DEFECTIVE! The DVD we ordered arrived on time but DID NOT work at all. We tried it in every player in the house. The DVD is completely defective and unusable. IT was a gift for my sister's birthday and she was pretty disappointed.
One of The Best Westerns You'll Ever Watch! The only problem with this is it is not on DVD and given the rightful restoration job it deserves. A fine cast, a great premise. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his finest performances as a common man placed in an uncommon situation. A simple, honest farmer, and good man who works part-time as the small town's law officer, he is placed in a position where he must make a tough stand and face almost unbeatable odds. The story is compelling, because it is the type of story where an ordinary man must become a hero. A man faced with evil, a man who won't back down just because he is afraid. His job is to protect a two-bit town that is being besieged by outlaws and the locals are too old, too afraid and either unwilling or unable to help him. He must face the odds alone. And that is the stuff that good westerns are made of! Henry Fonda does an excellent job as an injured outlaw leader who sees their two trains heading towards each other on the tracks, but is unwilling to throttle down or veer off and avoid the inevitable collision. Why isn't this amazing western on DVD?
Skyline DVD I saw the trailer and was excited. The special effects were first rate . . . . everything else . . . not so much. To me, the movie broke solidly down the middle. The men actors I found lacking, while the women actors were pretty good (especially Scottie Thompson). I don't think an all star academy award winning cast would have saved this stinker. I watched, hoping it would get better but it didn't. The alien invasion was more believable than the characters and dialog.Wish I could have liked it.
Um...no... I like the first film, even though it had it's flaws. I was somewhat bored by the second film, yet it had some moments that were entertaining. This movie seemed to try harder at first than the second film did, but it boils down to a piece of crap that ties onto one little (yet very hot) scene with the first movie. I was appalled that in the ending credits Tarantino, Rodriguez, and Lawrence Bender all get Exec. Producer credits for this film. I can just see all three of them on the set, rolling their eyes. I can't believe how this turned out after the first and second movie. None of the characters are very likeable, Danny Trejo and Orlando Jones (!?) are both in this giving it a little push, but it doesn't last. Don't see this film. If you're interest is strong, I won't stop you, but you are warned.NOT A KIDS FILM!
Orchestrated confabulations in a fish-tank A dentist, Verónica, has a car accident on the way home from a family get-together. Has she hit a dog, or a child? What should she do? Lucrecia Martel's remarkable third feature follows the traumatised heroine as she floats through her habitual daily routines. The result is a psychological thriller that segues from the mystery of an individual crime to a compelling exploration of communal guilt.Following the accident,due to amnesia ,a bump to the head,anxiety and guilt,she seems to suffer from a `fugue state'.She's unable to recognize her old life,she even sits in the waiting room of her own dentist practice.She runs up the stairs from her husband,not knowing who he is.Surrounding her is the ambient sound track,electrical noises,noises in nature,a cacophony of voices.These get filtered out as her life clicks back into place.Cinema for Martel is a process of thinking,forcing us to face unpleasant facts.This demands close attention, demonstrates Martel's extraordinary cinematic vision and skill with actors.Her camera is like a microscope. Her story -unacknowledged class warfare- is rendered mostly through images and body language; lead actress María Onetto gives a remarkable performance, but for much of the film she hardly speaks at all.The cleaners and gardeners and servants are all natives:we rarely see a face and never get a name.An Indian boy has disappeared,a body has been found bunging up the canal.You never see this dead body.Although, you could make the case that the "nothing" happened after the accident,the film gives evidence to support a cover-up by her husband and family.As well as being a parable about the evasions of Argentina's dictatorship years,it's also about social class in contemporary Argentina.She comes out the other side of discombobulation,emerging back into her former life,like a laundered conscience.The film is situated in the northwestern Salta landscape of earlier films.Another name for the film might have been Through a Glass Subtily.The shadowy servants are only ever partially in view.These people's stories are filtered through windows,glass doors and water.The film implies Argentina is like a house full of ghosts.We hear a bed-ridden character say:"If you don't look at them,they just go away" as one native child steals away from her bedroom.This film may take a few viewings to appreciate,but worth it for that.
Zero stars is more like it This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I rented it due to the cast list featuring many of my favorites. I thank every God, god and goddess there is that I didn't actually purchase it! It is hideous. I usually quite enjoy shocking movies and such. But this was too much. It just didn't stop, one hideous scene after another. Pure crap for the entire movie. There was not one redeeming element throughout. Don't buy it. Trust me. Or trust all the other reviewers who've said the same thing!30 Helens agree... this movie completely sucked!!!
"24": Season One Catching "24" when it first aired on telvision was always a problem. Often times I would miss certain episodes and feel a little incomplete for enjoying a show I wasn't seeing all of. Luckily, the first season is on DVD (in record time, in comparison to other shows, i.e. X-Files, the Simpsons) and it's all there to watch and get addicted to again. Kiefer Sutherland plays government agent Jack Bauer who is put in charge of uncovering a plot to assassinate presidential candidate David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) sometime before the day is out. Unfortunately for Bauer, stopping this plot becomes more complicated when his own family is placed in danger. There are a lot of nifty little things to like about the show (including it's usage of split screen effects during key sequences, cliffhangers that make you want to see what happens next), and all of it is balanced out by strong performances from the cast, and some really shocking turnabouts that are dripping over with tension. By the time "24" reaches it's brutal and tragic season finale, you may be already waiting for season two...
Great Show! I am in love with the Bones crew. This show just gets better and better. They've gone above Season 1 with Season 2. The addition of Cam was a surprise, but turned out to be a pleasant one. The thread with serial killers and family made the season fun to watch!
I loved it and so did my students I used this as part of World History course to highlight many concepts such as effects of technological change, social change, etc.An old classic video that students can appreciate.I used the disks at least 25 times and never had problems with quality of disks.
Jackie Chan does it better The general consensus seems to be that Tony Jaa is the next Jackie Chan. I flat out disagree. At the very least, Tony Jaa lacks the cinematic charm and appeal of Jackie Chan, and at worst he lacks the martial arts abilities.This film had no plot or story, the script may as well have been ad-libbed, and the acting was horrific. But that apparently doesn't mean much because Tony Jaa is capable of "tricking". I've seen him perform, and I think he'd get his [...] kicked in a real Muay Thai fight; his background is TKD spattered with enough MT to make him look somewhat beliveable. Otherwise, all he does are tricks. And they're not even very good tricks. FLashy kicks and spins which will appeal to a non-martial artist while the real martial artists just shake their heads and giggle uncontrollably at the stupidity of what he thinks is good for fighting.Let Jackie Chan be Jackie Chan, and leave this one on the shelf.
Too many inconsistencies! First, a little story background: the start of the series is roughly 15 years after a plague has wiped out all persons who have reached puberty. (I got to this number by guesstimating the age of the lead and subtracting 13 from it, which is roughing the age for entering puberty, plus or minus a little.) I feel the need to add this part because others have indiciated that it is a few years after and that is highly inaccurate.I am trying to get through this, but I really think I am going to end up throwing this out. I loved Babylon 5 and I wanted to like this work, but I don't.One problem is the inconsistencies, which others have pointed out, but to which I will make additions. Early in the series, an automobile shows up and the main characters hop in and drive. If everyone over 13 died and if the gasoline supplies ran out quickly (Implied throughout the story), then how did they know how to drive? You can't learn it from a book and you need enough gas to practice. You also have to be physically big enough to fit in the seat and reach the gas pedals, so driving early, when gas supplies were still plentiful is unlikely.The bigger issue, to me, is food. If the system for moving thing around has completely broken down (again, implied), then you would have a great many more deaths than just the adults. You'd have massive starvation once the canned goods ran out. Few of us know how to farm.Another issue is the wimpiness of some of the women. There's alot of rape or almost rape of secondary characters going on in this series. In all this, not one woman can defend herself by sticking her fingers in the assailant's eyes. Come on, people! We aren't all victims and surviving on our own without our parents would make the survivors strong. (There are two strong women but one is protected in NORAD and the other is crazy.)This is just the beginning, but it is important that science fiction not have too many glaring holes. This series has holes like a sponge. If you like your science relatively accurate in your science fiction, pass on this one.
Dont watch movies like this anymore I dont watch movies like this anymore, so I wouldnt recommend it. The south park guys are funny, but I have moved on in my life.
Buyer Beware of Compatibility Issue This isn't a review of the product--because after spending $50, I can NOT view it on my Blu Ray machines. I just purchased it, after the April 3d US release date, so I assumed it would be the US version. And as far as I can tell from the packaging it is--but still it won't play on either of my two Blu Ray machines.The pity is I loved this series when I viewed it on TV, so I guess I'll have to try the DVD version and see if it will play.Bottom line: Buyer Beware of Compatibility Issues. TRULY DISAPPOINTED & UNHAPPY!
How do people like this movie I do not see how there are all of these positive reviews for this movie. It is awful. I do not want to write a lot because what I have to say has been said by others who gave it ONE STAR. Read those one star reviews because those are the reviews that truly show this movie for what it really is.
Beware of False Prophets But this isn't one of them. Harper enlightens and unravels the 2012 enigma like no other. Great narration and direction, great script, wonderful music, a joy to behold in these times of wonder.
The title of this movie should have been Kroll This movie had the potential of being right up there with Titanic, Star Wars, Jaws and From Justin to Kelly in terms of blockbuster hits but they missed out big time. J-Abs and Nooks partner Kroll was the lead character in this movie and right before the release they decided to rename the movie Krull b/c they wanted the auidence to focus on the film making rather than the Star of the movie Kroll. Don't think this kept Kroll down however. Kroll goes to the movie studio collects his 7 figure check then procedes to super impose Liam Neelson into all the scenes he was in b/c if you change the name that is the justice due you. Needless to say this movie was a flop but Kroll gots paid and is still better than any of you. You would have been so lucky to see this James Dean style actor at work but you won't cause Kroll took his money and is stiing on an island in Cabo with the ladies and laughing all the way to the bank.
I am an idiot I live in Australia and this doesn't work on my playstation 3, should have read the description more carefully. But seriously why can't blu ray be more like hd dvd and be region free it is just stupid, how can you call yourself a next generation medium when it still has the same annoying problems as it's previous medium. As well as hd dvd looks way sharper, in closing blu ray sucks balls! Love this movie though
little spirit dvd I am a movie addict and found this on amazon. My kids are getting older and I thought maybe they might like it because it's not just a cartoon.We watched it and it was really a good xmas movie.I am glad I took the chance on it. I would recommend it for anyone looking for a new movie for xmas.
Holy S%&t this kiss @$$ Finally the movie is on DVD the way it's suppose to. This version is the fullscreen not that annoying widescreen. It's uncut and uncensored which means it may show Chung Li's full shower sceen which they alt too cause if they still edited it then that will disappoint adults cause it an't like by doing such a stupid editing job on this film it can be for kids cause the movie has profanity, blood, and violence.Character profiles is in the special features and soundtracks from the American and Japanese music.
Same Old 24 Every year I buy 24 on DVD. I was hooked instantly by the first season, as many others were hooked. Season 2 was good as well but during seasons 3 and 4, I had to constantly convince myself to take the series as entertainment only and overlook some of re-ocurring plot twists that drive the show. Season 5 was one of the better ones with the elimination of some very key chracters from years passed and a stunning plot twist.But Season 6 dipped the series back to mediocrity as I found myself convincing my brain to again accept the retreaded incidents that the writers use to push the story along and try to keep viewers engaged. (WARNING: SPOILERS UPCOMING DO NOT READ ON IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN SEASON 6 YET)Jack is returned from prison in China after a deal negotiated by President Wayne Palmer in which we are told the US paid a hefty price (which is never revealed). The president then asks Jack to sacrifice his life to stop a series of bombings ravaging the country. As patriotic as ever, Jack agrees to do so. Of course Jack escapes and begins hunting down multiple nuclear suitcase bombs in the possesion of terrorists and preventing them from detonating the devices.So with a plain and stereotypical plot of stopping extremist Islamic terrorists (backed by rogue Russians) from detonating nuclear suitcase bombs on US soil, the series resorts to the tiring antics of CTU and politcal infighting at the White House to keep the plot moving. Sound familiar?Don't get me wrong I love this show as stated before I have all 6 seasons on DVD, but the writers really need to come up with new ways to keep it's loyal fans and attract new viewers. Some of the tired, re-tread and re-hashed themes:*Disagree with a Jack Bauer plan because saving the country 5 times in the past and countlessly proving his loyalty doesn't count for anything.*CTU perimeters contain absolutely nothing*no-name CTU agents are useless and have a high mortality rate.*CTU headquarters breached once again*CTU computers hacked once again*CTU love interests and personal issues, as always, stop the plot dead in it's tracks. NUCLEAR BOMB people! FOCUS! Let's worry about Morris' drinking problem tomorrow. Nadia and Milo can work on their feelings later too (well Milo not so much).*CTU agents complete disregard for security protocol, no wonder why the computer get hacked over and over again.*Ability to get anywhere in LA in 10 minutes except when Jack or other agents in the field need back up.It's gets harder and harder to accept these faults as ways to move the plot forward.I honestly believe that no President would continue to allow CTU to operate. While they seem to resolve whatever issue that faces them, it is often their own ineptitude that leaves a swath of destruction and death before the emergency is resolved. In my mind, any President worth his salt would disband the unit and have Jack handpick a new team that is strictly black ops but has all the Federal resources it requires to operate.I watched Season 6 out of devotion to the series but it desperately needs an injection of new ideas and plot lines that revolve around Jack. The current format has run it's course.
Enjoyable & Seductive The story, based on a novel of the same name, is similar to that of the film 'The Fluffer' only not as dark. This film is along the veins of "Between Love and Goodbye" and not his comedies, such as the amazing 'Violet Tendencies'.The synergy of the male actors (including love interest #2, Michael Medico) is its strength, and it holds the film up well. The main actor, Matthew Ludwinski (as Adam), was enjoyable and believable in his role... and, obviously, not hard on the eyes. Director Casper Andreas did a splendid job as porn director/love interest #1, Nick. I thought it was great/interesting to see him in a role outside of his evolving/continuing role of 'Markus' in several of his other films (though, I do love that character). The seduction of Adam in to the industry is as seductive as the romantic/sexual interactions with these two lead men.I found the pace off at times, though, as it tried to interject comedy via Allison Lane (as 'Candy') in to the more serious cinematic piece, which unfortunately gave the film a few unbalanced moments.Finally, the film is wonderfully shot; it looks stunning! I highly recommend checking it out.
Great movie. Seen this movie growing up as a young adult in New Zealand. Till this day this movie is still one of my favorites. The comradery that develops between the main characters is captivating, and the ending is one that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The movie starts in the outback of Western Australia during World War I and later moves to northern africa and turkey. The viewer gets a good taste of Australian culture set in the early 1900's and this alone makes the movie worth watching. I believe this is one of Mel Gibson's first starring roles and is probably one of his best acting jobs. Great movie that belongs in anyone's library who appreciates different culture and perspective on world war I. If you like a good laugh, and latter a cry, then this is the movie for you!
Incompetent as Well as Stupid This is one of the worst big-budget movies ever made. While the weak story line is pumped up by pretentious screaming and overacting, a not uncommon feature of some oh-so-serious dramas being made lately, what sets this film apart is its incompetence. It is truly startling how poorly constructed and amateurish Oliver Stone's latest effort is. The camera work at times is downright childish. Watching the football scenes becomes painful. How many slow-motion downfield passes can you show in one film? Avoid at all costs. (And keep the kiddees away, this film borders on being x-rated.)
White Men Can't Jump Cut Too much bubblegum sticking to these "Sidewalks". The characters here, all urban lovers, most seasoned veterans who have been through the mill ( marriage, live-in relationships and divorce ) discussing ever so sincerely whether to have sex on the first date. A 6 year marriage and the commitment implied by a 2nd date have pretty much the same emotional heft here.Non sequiteurs abound. Heather's character doesn't want to get divorced because her mom stoically refused to do same for the sake of the children. Oh, but Heather's character doesnt have children.Can movies be on prozac? There is some kind of mood control going on here. You would think Edward Burns is afraid his face will crack if he displays an emotion; not an eyebrow moves, whether he's getting dumped or if he's getting the all clear signal from the new alpha-chick.
Pretty Good This is definately not the worst movie, but I still say that the funniest movie still goes to "Scary Movie". But yes this is funny and I do recommend it. I like the movie, but the only part I don't like is that it gets slow for a while to me. But I think it's worth viewing.
Get it for Monroe This is a very mediocre movie. If it did not have the divine Marilyn and sir Olivier in it, if others had played their parts, nobody today would remember this flick. As it is, Olivier does well playing an ultra stuffed-shirt aristocrat, as there is nothing more to the character than that. The only real virtue of the movie is Marilyn, who in this movie, even more so than many of her others, is . . . how should I put this . . . Totally HOT.
Great Blend of Light & Dark Humor I hadn't heard anything about this movie before I saw it so I didn't expect anything other than the usual Hollywood silliness. I was absolutely delighted to find it a winner. I thought the basic depiction of the ATC's was accurate enough, keeping in mind that it was all exaggerated to make dramatic, humorous, and at times, farcical, points. I do agree that in real life there would have been an awful lot of `say again's in response to Falzone's super-efficient instruction, and my suspension-of-disbelief ability got a bit strained at times. However, it's not a documentary. The ATC background is a set-up for the character-driven plot, and all the characters are multi-dimensional and wonderful, including all the supporting players, and I understood and loved them all. John Cusack is terrific as the tightly-controlled controller Falzone, and Billy Bob Thornton is hilariously morbid as the completely-in-control Russell Bell who gets on, and frays, Falzone's last nerve. Angelina Jolie is perfect as the spiraling-out-of-control tarty lush, as is Cate Blanchett as the housewife who's trying to retain control with her `life of the mind' evening classes. I didn't love the hokey ending, and I'm not saying it was the best movie I've ever seen, but as a comedy that managed to capture human strengths and frailties, not to mention paranoia, it was great.
I forgot it That's usually my definition of a bad movie--if I don't remember it, then it was pretty bad. I do remember that this wasn't just campy or had weaknesses, but that in fact it had little redeeming value at all. Hence, I can't remember much about it.
CSI Seventh Season As usual with this series, it's great. I don't always get to watch the series during the regular season, but do always buy it when it goes to DVD. It's laid out nicely and easy to follow.
junk I tried giving this movie a chance... watched it all the way thru... even though I was going to shut it off multiple times... this is probably the worst movie I've watched ever...
Ummm. Well, it was great 40 years ago This is a flick I remember seeing at the local drive-in as the 4th feature of a monthly horror night. By the time it was shown, our packed car was sound asleep, except for me, but it was definitely worth staying awake. I thought this was the funniest and weirdest movie around, and probably the only comedy-horror-adventure movie featuring two gorgious women and dozens of very, very stupid jokes. I've been looking for it on VHS and DVD for several decades now, so I plunked down my $15 without even thinking about it.Ooops! Like I say, that was 40 years ago, and a lot has changed. Principal change? Not funny anymore. Even the single best line ('Oy, have YOU got the wrong vampire') wasn't even all that great...absolutely hilarious in memory - on the TV screen? Uhhh, not so much. And while the Count's son was so extraordinarily fey back in the sixties, again, today? Not nearly so much..........A lot was made of the fact that this was Sharon Tate's last movie before being murdered. For that, it's probably worth existing as a historical document on a library shelf, and that is precisely where my copy's headed. My plan is to donate it to the local bibliothèque in the hope that it will spare some other poor unfortunate soul from purchasing what is now pretty much a P.O.S.As a movie I give it one star, as a piece of history, two.
hollow cost yes its a serious topic-yes it happened--yes it was horrible beyond belief-- but this movie is lets see what phrases come to mind unwatchable ...-- poorly edited poorly costumed even !!--everyone looked `dressed` even naked bodies look too arranged ! such amateurish nonsense-- again not the topic !! just this shoddy treatment of it ----nothing is believable at all-- bad acting all around-- poorly shot badly written scenes drift into meaninglesness & come and go with nothing compelling about them-- is there a plot here --or are we just supposed to be disgusted by all the goings on --look --its a movie-- it has to be entertaining or compelling or something besides ill conceived and poorly done to recommend it ! trying to sit thru this rambling idiocy is torture enough ! i`m sure the producers meant well-- but geez ! like louie b mayer said-- if u want to send a message-- call western union !! avoid this like the plague !or watch schindlers list again !
Horrible Out of all of Tyler Perry's movies, this one was a mess, and on top of that, I thought it was a movie not a play. Wanting a refund!
snoring all the way this movie is just terrible, I don't think any kind of horror film can get any worst than this one
NOBODY'S ANGELS.... Diaz, BArrymore and Liu managed to achieve the impossible: they lended no credibitily to the renowed TV Show original characters !! Their performance was so boring, lifeless, commercial, that after this nothing more could be saved from this movie. A total waste of time.