class label
2 classes
Awesome! Great product, I really enjoyed the quality of the ingredients! It was more than I expected for such a great deal!
Stale and annoyingly salty These noodles took a long time to arrive, and I was surprised to discover that they were made in the USA. My surprise because they tasted awfully stale to the max and the flavor packet was pure salt no flavor what so ever. The stale taste stays in your mouth for the rest of the day as well. The packages did have an expiration date printed on them of June 12, 2009. I was very disappointed - I cannot really see myself purchasing these again
Contains Chemical Sweeteners Yes, ALL Wrigley's Gums, even the ones with SUGAR, now contain at least ONE, (and many contain two or all of them) ASPARTAME, ACESULFAME-K, SUCRALOSE!WHY a gum with Sugar needs these dangerous chemical sweeteners is a mystery to me, but since they changed the logo of the packages on their gum, you can no longer buy any Wrigley's (or most other brands too) gum without one or more of these nasty chemical additives.Also note that Sucralose (AKA brand name Splenda) is NOT the same thing as Sucrose! (Sugar) The slight spelling difference is to decieve those that read ingredient labels to think they are reading Sucrose and not notice it is Sucralose.Sucralose causes severe abdominal pain, so if you have had that after chewing gum, now you know why.Aspartame has dozens of books and thousands of websites explaining what is wrong with that, as well as the other one.Very sad that I never again will get to enjoy my childhood favorites of Wrigley's Spearmint, Juicy Fruit or Big Red ever again.
Not Much Of A Deal This really isn't much of a savings versus just getting it at the grocery store or Sam's Club. Plus the package was open when it arrived and it was a few short of the 24 advertised.
Good tea, good price I really like this tea, both hot and cold. It brews to a reddish color and is very refreshing. The tea is good enough to drink without any sweetener, although some people may want to add it for personal taste. I follow the brewing time and it is not bitter or overly strong. A mild, refreshing tea.
Not happy The Jelly Belly beans are always a treat but the shipping gavbe me pause to question not only the purity of the product but they were all stuck together and had to be cooled in the large box prior to repacking to get them apart.Would not buy in this form again.
Anchovy olive martinis These Serpis anchovy olives are delicious...so firm and tastey. Every evening my husband builds me a gin martini , which just serves as a marinade for the olives. If you have a salt tooth, you will love these olives
Flawed design, bad welds. First, the good: the gadget looks nice and fits in any tea mug easily. It is pretty easy to load, and any idiot could use it. I bought one about 24 months ago and have used it probably 100 times. Over time, the tight fit between the two halves began to be less tight.A second major issue with this unit is cleaning. Sure, it's reasonable to flush the tea leaves out with water, it's not what I would call "easy"-- and it takes a lot of water! And if you want to put the tea leaves into compost, good luck getting them out without having tea leaves all over, and wet hands.So after loading it up with some tea the other day, I applied some *gentle* pressure to push the two halves together, since dry tea was dribbling out. This caused the weld holding one half-sphere to the internal plunger to fail, scattering tea everywhere, and the unit was ruined. I would not buy this again. A product I have used with greater success is theOriginal Teastick by Gamila Productsbut it is also not perfect. Still searching for the perfect tea infuser...
Completely stopped my electric grinder! I read the reviews. Some had issues with size of the crystals, but those who had electric grinders seemed to be okay with the size. My Kaloric grinder came to a complete stop, and I thought I had ruined it. Was very happy to see that when I removed the salt, the grinder worked again.
This price is insane. The 1.6 packets costs between 1.69 and 1.79 in the supermarket--at least at Publix, where I usually shop. That means that buying 24 packets at Publix costs between $40.56 and $42.96. THIS item is selling 24 1.6 packages for a whopping $79.95. In other words it costs $3.33 per packet. Talk about a rip off!
Perfect for the crunchies Have been purchasing this granola at the health food shop until I saw it on Amazon for a much lower price. The only true gluten free granola that doesn't make you feel diet restricted. My whole family sprinkles it on their yogurt and pudding and ice cream as toppings. I use it for apple cobbler. Can't seem to keep it in the house very long. A perfect gluten free product for traveling. MMmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
Worse than worthless A complete waste. Cost was $51.98 ($65.51 with shipping). Contents were probably worth 10 bucks at most and mostly tasteless. My dog didn't want it. Biggest rip-off I've encountered in a long time. I should have taken my wife out for a nice steak dinner.
Natural Help This was great at making my monthly Aunt Flo's visit easy. It took a month of daily use but I feel so much better and can tell a difference when I don't drink it for a couple days. Two weeks out of the month I was miserable and had pain now thanks to the tea life is good.
Yummy!! This is the best instant soup ever!! I have even let my meat eating friends try this soup, and they all think it is fantastic. The soup has lots of flavor and lots of fiber. Wonderful for a quick, filling lunch.
Good soup! Couscous Minestrone? Really? I passed on this one a few times before finally giving it a try, but I'm glad I did as it is pretty tasty, very filling, and as good as you would expect from Nile Spice. I like a lot of their soups and this one joins the list. It has a slightly spicy kick, no really strong flavors, but overall is tasty enough. Not my favorite, but pretty good. I like the 180 cals and almost no fat. A bit high in sodium (590 mg., 25% of daily recommended intake) as is true of many of these soups.I love Nile Spice soups because they taste good and are so quick and easy to prepare. Just add boiling water, stir and let sit for 5-10 minutes. I prefer the boiling water method to the "add water and heat in microwave" method as there are no "boil overs" and mess in the microwave this way, and they taste as good or better to me.I wouldn't call it minestrone, exactly, but I would call it good.
Sent wrong product. I do not hate the product. This is the problem. The company sent me a substitute for rice wine. Instead they sent me Marukan rice vinegar. There is a huge difference between rice vinegar and sweet rice wine. They are used for entirely different recipes. . Can this company be trusted to send the right product.>???????
Well, if this doesn't wake you up, NOTHING will. The folks at Starbucks are not exaggerating when they say their French Roast coffee is "Extra Bold." In fact, they should probably call it `Extremely Bold'...or maybe even `Ridiculously Bold.' The directions on the package recommend 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of filtered water. The result is likely to disintegrate your ceramic mug before you can drink it, but it doesn't taste too bad...that is until the bitter aftertaste kicks in and makes your throat burn. If you weaken it by adding some hot water, as the package suggests, the bitter taste becomes more pronounced, like coffee that's been left heating in the pot too long. The only way to drink this coffee is with plenty of cream and sugar. With enough cream and sugar, French Roast is pretty good; but I wouldn't recommend this particular Starbucks variety if you like your coffee black...unless you wanna stay awake for a week.
Great for newborns and diaper bags. These are wonderful for newborns, who don't drink large amounts. Small nipples, so they fit the newborn mouths well, and no mixing during that overwhelming time when they are first born. Save the nipples and rings so you can use them on new bottles, and recycle the empty bottles. Also good for diaper bags for when the babies are small (and don't need large amounts yet).
For those on a GFCF diet, these are great These cookies are great for kids on the GFCF diet. My daughter loved them. They are a bit pricey, but taste great.The cookies are a little on the light & airy side.. but the chips are yummy... the taste is good. They arent your regular chocolate chip cookies, but they will make the grade with the kids ;)
Sticky rice bamboo hat & spittoon This item is everything that I was hoping it would be. I need a little more practice in perfecting my rice making technique, though. All in all, it is what I was hoping for and expecting. I would recommend these items to anyone interested in this item.
Gross!!! You all should be ashamed for selling something this horrible! My family thought they were disgusting. I took the case of Booty Veggie to school to give away to my students. The kids ALL thought they were "Nasty".
Something's Missing I didn't care for this pumpkin soup, it taste more like pumpkin flavored corn starch.
more like oregano I was disappointed by these eucalyptus leaves - they have a stale, oregano-like smell. Ask your local florist to get you some fresh leaves!
MADE IN CHINA! I was VERY excited to find this snack and opened it right away. They tasted amazing & I couldn't believe the great price for the product! THEN I found out they are MADE IN CHINA! You've got to be kidding me! I seriously have a problem with that & will be returning the products from Mr's May's that I've yet to open. I cannot believe they are stating they're a all natural healthy snack. Who even knows what's really in them!
Tassimo Tea Pay no attention to the review that says this tea is too strong. It's not. It is a great tasting tea with a great aroma. My whole family loves it. I bought the Tassimo to make coffee, but we make more tea than anything.
Disgusting After Taste!! You know that bitter after taste you get while eating Kashi or drinking Almased?Yup just as gross as that- & I love Kashi, don't get me wrong.Tried it a few different ways: fat free milk, soy milk, vanilla & chocolate SlimFast, filtered Water...Just like Alamsed, that nasty taste cannot be tamed.My taste buds simply disapprove!If you are looking for high protein diet source, I am taking a Multi-Vitamin every day, eating MetRx meal replacement bars: Apple pie flavor washed down with a bottle of Slimfast for breakfast & again for Lunch. Drinking water & eating plain veggies as in between meal snacks followed by a light Dinner of less than 600 calories. I walk the track every other day & have managed to lose 14 pounds in 2 months without ever going to the gym.Good luck to everyone out there.
Salmon Trout What is 'Salmon Trout' ? Salmon and trout are two different fish. Is this a mistake or a new species I'm unaware of.
Tastes as good as the refrigerated brands We like the fact that the product isn't refrigerated and therefore a longer shelf life. Also, the product quantity is perfect for various meal options (we use the whole package and not have to worry about saving).
not like the enjoy life cookies I thought these would be more like the cookies. My son is very picky and won't eat these but LOVES the cookies.
Not a "health food" if it's made in China This product is made in China. I would not believe any claims they make regarding allergy safety and vegan/kosher. Considering Mrs. May's markets itself as a healthy product, I was shocked when I glanced at the back and noticed this product was made in China. China has proven that we can not trust their manufacturing practices. Unsafe toys, dog food, and now we're supposed to trust them making our health food?Not to mention the carbon footprint created by shipping something halfway around the world. I will not buy this product anymore.I would rather purchase the Sahale snacks that are made in the US, even if they are a bit more expensive.
Dried Cranberries These cranberries have a wonderful texture and flavor. The will make a great addition to my trail mix and sugar rolls.
Yummy Yummy Good for Your Tummy! IMPORTANT! SEE FOLLOW-UP REVIEW I am so addicted to these cookies! Love them! They are great for a meal substitute or snack . Not too sweet-just right. They are good for you too. What else could you want? No more dessert store bought cookies for us. One cookie and a glass of milk is pretty filling for me as the cookies are sizable. My son likes two at a time though. (Sometimes I do too!) We have disabilities in our home so 'easy' is a word we love. At first we tried the Morning Glory Cookies and loved those so ordered 4 more different kinds, caramel apple, banana nut, peanut butter with chocolate, fruit and nut . We all loved them all. The Caramel Apple went first though. My son's favorites are caramel apple, peanut butter with chocolate and banana nut. Frozen we heat in microwave 25 seconds. You really must freeze these because they are all natural. Someone said it reminded them of fruitcake but I didn't think that. I really like this one. I like the texture of the nuts in it. I want one right now but unfortunately we are out Darn it! It is not one of my son's favorites but mine and my Mom's. Do not hesitate to try these in any flavor. They are a bargain. We are getting the automatic monthly shipping next month which is even more of a bargain and will order probably 10 packages at least, for 3 people. I told you we love them!IMPORTANT FOLLOW-UP- I felt this was important to add. I had not finished my test yet so did not mention it before. I have a rare bile duct disease from a "botched' surgery. I have to be very careful what I eat or I get terrible pains and cramping and am prone to getting pancreatitis. The list of what I can eat is very short. I loved these so decided to eat mostly just the cookies for a week, if I could, without having any pains and still feel like I always do , which is really pretty awful. I felt they are nutritious and I would drink LOTS of liquids with them as the fiber can be very constipating, and of course, take vitamins. Not only did I feel better and had more energy than before but I had NO stomach pains at all. I can't remember the last time when I have gone a week without pains. I expected some but there were none. I will say, I did not miss other foods either and actually craved these cookies. I love sweets but have to be careful and these are enough sweet to satisfy me. My son brought a cake home and I found it to be almost sickeningly sweet and no nutritional value. With the cookies It just feels like I am eating well and enjoying it immensely at the same time. (Oh, I was 'regular" as well). These will continue to be a large part of my diet. It is so wonderful to feel better, have more energy and not have the horrible pains. Now if I can afford to buy as many as I need and for my Mom and son! I really need at least 5 cookies most days (3 meals a day plus 2 snacks) if I eat nothing else . Actually the price is very affordable for most at about 1.00 a cookie and less if you get automatic ordering which I am going to do at the first of every month. I can't believe I just now heard of these on Amazon! I am thankful to Erin for developing these cookies which are literally changing my life. God bless you Erin, and your business.
An all natural remedy that actually works! A nursing mothers dream come true. I saw an increase in volume within a few days. I'll steep 5 teabags in a thermal caraffe and sip all day. I don't use a sweetener but if you are accustomed to something sweet just add some honey or sugar. I highly recommend this tea!
These are just too good Had these on airplanes in the past then found at Walgreen's at Christmas and became addicted. Worth every penny and really not that high in calories for cookies. Melt in your mouth good.
Delicious! The cake mixes arrived quickly, and they are very moist. Perfect for everyday and birthdays!
Product Never Showed Up I ordered a bag of espresso grains to supplement an espresso machine that I bought my parents for their birthday. It has been three weeks and the order product still has not arrived. They have an espresso machine and no espresso. Thanks.
bad choose I drink all variety of Hawaiian coffee over 15 years and like to try something new, so this one have very bad taste and i think this mix off all junk coffee not Hawaiian and it overpriced $8.00 coffee selling for $30.00 "good business". This is My personal opinion maybe someone like it, or not tried other coffee.
Burns' nite Haggis This haggis was very good - the centerpiece of our Burns' nite feast. Made cock-a-leekie soup & clapshot to go with the haggis. Wonderful. Even the 3 & 6 year old loved it!We were concerned we wouldn't get it in time, so expedited shipping. Received it within 2 days of order. Great!
Vicks Vapor Rub I'm really curious as to what "blended black tea", means. It doesn't say it on the ingredients list, but it smells and tastes just like menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, with a nice blend of cinnamon, which it does list. In removing it from the wrapper, it had such a strong aroma of Vick's Vapor Rub, that it gave me second thoughts as to whether it was safe to drink. However, I did want to try it, so here I am, alive and still kicking. The only positive thing I can say is that it has a nice cinnamon flavor that pleasantly lingers in my mouth, and the packaging is easy on the eyes. Not sure what the manufacturers were thinking though, in putting this product out in the public arena as a beverage. The ingredients are: blended black tea, ginger root, cinnamon, cinnamon oil, clove oil, allspice, nutemeg, clove, and cardamon oil. Because of the unknown element, I wouldn't be surprised if they started marketing it, as a familiar cold remedy. Todd Wilbur?...you missed one.
this item can work for kids or adults dads this is a fun activity with your kids but if you're not good in the kitchen. You can also say I love you in a fun way.
Nasty if you ask me I have had other Gloria Jean's coffee flavors and have enjoyed them. The Cappuccino tasted NOTHING like at a real Cappuccino and was a poor excuse for a cup of coffee!
ick! I wanted to love it. It is SOOOO yeasty tasting. I have heard that it is supposed to be an acceptable substitute for cheese. There was nothing about it that reminded me of cheese. I hate that I wasted money on something I have no ability to use.
great product I have been purchasing this product for years. From 2 months to 90 years old, everyone can benefit from these cookies. For all of my children (I have 3) I have put one cookie in at least 2 of their bottles a day. They love them.
Shipping Charge I've tasted this coffee at a friend's house and it is fabulous. The $7.95 shipping fee that New Lines Sales charges for an $8.00 can of Lavazza in Blu is outrageous and ridiculous!
Not the greatest! The size shown is over estimating it a bit! I was very disappointed that I paid $50 for that little thing,
Daughter enjoys drinking this After my daughter turned one she lost interest in nursing and she refused whole milk. I saw Gerber Yogurt juice and decided to give it a try. The first time I gave it to my picky daughter she wasn't sure about it; but then she began to love it. I soon began diluting a 4 oz bottle with whole milk. Now, a 4 oz bottle will last us 2 days because I barely add any to her sippy of whole milk, just enough to give it the flavor of the juice. I am glad that amazon sells this in bulk because we have really gone through the yogurt juice since my daughter turned one. Now that my stock is about up in the cabinet I am going to try to give her plain whole milk. I am glad that I found this juice to get her to drink something.
Meh. Honestly, I've made better rum cake with a yellow cake from a box, rum flavoring, and butter-rum sauce. Save your money and pass this one up.
Memories Rush Back! My friends' childhood was the 1990's and this has so many kinds of candy that she grew up with - the room was filled with hoops and hollers as she reahed in and drew out a different piece!
not very brownie or crunchy... i was recently diagnosed w/ gestational diabetes... thus began my quest for a yummy protein bar... this isn't it. i'm giving it 2 stars because my blood sugar levels were within the desired range after having it as a snack. i'm going to try the other flavors, but this one definitely is not one i'd like to have again.
Not what I expected Maybe I missed something and it was my fault I ordered this.I have been to Japan and I have many Chinese friends and they all love these Hi-chew. They got me addicted to it; so when I went to Japan I was in heaven. The Japanese version is far superior to the American version.I ordered these seeing the picture and thinking it was actually the Japanese version. When I received them, it was a box of the ones I could easily get at Blockbuster (or Walmart now sells them for WAYYYYY less money).Needless to say I did not get what I was expecting AT ALL. They were "safe" and they tasted good as any Hi-chew does, but I was expecting the Japanese version since that is what the picture illustrated.I won't order these again. If I want the lesser American version I will get twice as many for less the price.
Stay away Worst basket ever. Comes in cheap box with bad food inside. Total rip off for over $50. No basket, box is broken, food included is small and not exciting.
Love these peanut chews This chocolate peanut candy is super delicious. It was very fresh, and it came quickly! It met all of my expectations!
Cramping I have a sensitive stomach. The first time I tried this was around 4pm. It took 6hours before it kicked in but once it did, I was up all night. The cramps were so bad I swore I would never use it again. I took loperamide to ease the discomfort and frequent trips to the potty.
not a biter biscuit! I bought these because I could not find ANY teething biscuits anywhere around here. I was hoping they would do the same job but they don't come anywhere close to Gerber's product. My daughter is six months old and although she likes them she bites off pieces with her teeth and I'm afraid that she'll choke. They don't dissolve quickly enough and were a waste of my money.
Knorrs Meat Seasoning Very disappointed. This was not the product I ordered, they told me they don't make this anymore but a new one for grilling is the same thing, it was not. The price of a small container was $29.99 (extremely expensive). Would never order this again. A ripoff.
Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chai - Perfect Chanced upon a box of this tea in Target many months ago, then couldn't find it again anywhere, Target or otherwise. Finally I had to go for Amazon, which as always thus far, came through! In fact, paid less than buying it from store. This chai tea is amazing, perfectly harmonized taste of chai and mild taste of honey vanilla sweetness.
A great alternative to table sugar So far I haven't tried this product for baking, but I have high hopes. I think it would fill in nicely for either sugar or honey, although I might cut back on other liquid ingredients if I substituted for sugar. It's got a very clean taste, unlike honey, which adds a flavor of...well, honey where I don't necessarily always want that flavor, like in my coffee. Agave nectar is also very low-glycemic, so I'd like to think that I'm doing my body a favor in the morning by not inducing sugar shock right off. I don't think I'll ever be able to adapt to drinking my coffee or tea unsweetened, and I don't trust the artificial sweeteners, so this, to my mind, is the next best thing.
Not Sugar Free!!! I have not tried these but I gave them a poor rating because of false advertising. They claim to be sugar free but they are far from it. Maltitol is a sugar which is identical in properties to sucrose (table sugar). The only difference is that Maltitol is only about 80% as sweet as sucrose. No matter how they are marketing this thing, it is a candy bar.
Camargue Salt This is a very fine salty salt - strong, toothsome, and delicious. Don't use it for cooking - that's a waste - use it a a 'finishing' salt - sprinkle over your food just before eating (and remember to reduce the salt used in cooking) - I particularly love it on freshly cut tomatoes. This is a luxury item for me, and I wouldn't be without it!
best backpack milk around I use for backpacking. Tastes like milk, not white water, like most "powdered" milks. Very high caloric content per ounce. Mixes very well with cold water. (does not mix with hot water??) I have tested on several other hikers who now use, due to taste and high calories per oz. I wish I could give this six stars. In Californi try stater bros. It is in the infant formula section.
My go-to coffee subsitute Dandelion root is reported to aid in reducing high blood pressure, which is why I drink it. I've pretty much given up coffee drinking and this is a tasty substitute, though one must acquire a taste for it. At home I use bulk roasted root but these tea bags are fantastic during travel.
Finally a green tea that really tastes good! I've tried several different brands of green teas over the years and I've been sorely disappointed in every one -- they usually have absolutely NO taste at all, barely tint the water a tiny bit of green, and taste like I'm drinking hot water. I've been on a jasmine kick lately and picked up a box of the Twinings Jasmine Green Tea at the grocery store and was really surprised to find that it has a LOT of flavor -- the jasmine flavor is not strong, I can't really smell or taste jasmine, but the tea is smooth and delicious -- it tastes more like black tea, the water tints a dark brown like regular tea. I'm going back to the store this morning just to pick up a few more boxes! Now I can have my green tea and enjoy it, too!
cider candy great candy! good dealer, but a little overpriced on shipping (with those prices, they should overnite it!)
Just awful! Tastes vary, I know, but I got this stuff at Target for my wife to use in her yogurt. I was thinking that it would be a nice surprise since we were out of her preferred brand. She tried a little handful and politely said that the brand we usually get was better. I just thought that she was being really picky until I, not wanting it to go to waste, tried some myself. Dude! This is the worst granola that I've EVER tasted. Not exaggerating! Truly awful with a weird aftertaste. I'm a really cheap/frugal guy and I just tossed it out!
Epic Fail Does not work as advertised.When I input into my centrifuges, it just made a mess instead of depleted uranium ore that I could turn into plutonium. Very inconvenient for a man who is looking to have delusions of grandeur.However, when baked in an oven, it makes a delicious treat. I recommend combining the oven-baked product with a product known as "icing". No, "icing" does not cause anything to freeze.
dissappionted To Whom It May Concern, I just received today (11-29-2011) The Holiday Wreath Gift Basket and I have to tell you I was extremely disappointed at the very least. Whoever set the price for this product should be ashamed. ($24.95 plus shipping)I understand you're in the business to make a profit but this is a sin. Shame on me this time but I will never purchase a product from you in the future and I will pass the word along to
Baby White Popcorn This "Baby White" popcorn pops small and somewhat hard. I have tried several batches with various adjustments of heat, using a "whirlypop" popcorn popper. Unsatisfactory results! I won't purchase this again.
Great find "Bugle" lovers, here is the product for you without the fat! I first tasted these in Whistler, B.C., Canada and was immediately hooked. As they say in the "Lays" ad, you can't eat just one. They are packed with flavor, not artificial tasting, and have no trans fat or hydrogenated oils. Their shape is great for dipping, but I mostly eat them alone.
Not even close... This was a waste of money, the item was late, package was torn up,and the tea was terrible, not a good product in my opinion and bad handling.
It Really Works & Tastes Good This tea tastes really good. It do has a chocolate flavor. And it really works. I love this tea however I only gave it 4 star because I do not know whether such product will have side effects. So just use this tea once or twice a month is OK but do not depend on it everyday.
Wonderful healthful product. This Agave has a delightful taste. It does not cause me to have blood sugar spikes and headaches the way sugar does.
Unreal I was ver disappointed when I opened this to fine that I paid almost $10 for a container of grits that normally cost no more than $3 plus the package didn't have a invoice or return label.
Wonderful service The price was great and shipping was quick. I would highly recommend this to others who enjoy Senseo coffee.
If you want a nightmare, then order from these people.. Folks, move along--don't buy this from these people. They are completely incompetent.As an example, here's how they dealt w/my order 2 weeks ago:1 Waited a WEEK, then called me 6 TIMES, harassing me in the middle of a work meeting.2 No one should EVER ship food 2nd day on Wednesdays--most food companies realize this. If the shipper does make a mistake, the food is sitting in a warehouse somewhere, rotting. These people actually WAIT A WEEK AND A HALF, then ship on Wednesdays! Then they try to blame the shippers for their own inccompetence!3. The owner of this company then, after all the fiasco discussed above, send a nasty email, complaining about my rudeness (yeah, why don't we call him 6 times in a row, during some inconvenient time). He also blamed the shipping being late on FedEx (um, if you shipped on Tuesday or Monday, this doesn't happen)4. Finally, he tried to claim they had upgraded me for shipping on 2nd day air, when the shipping was FREE for orders over 80 dollats.All in all, this is a really bad company. If you want headaches, then please feel free and order from these people.My advice? Order from D'Artagnans--I've dealt with them many times and they are considerate, acknowledge mistakes and at least attemt to rectify mistakes, instead of denying any fault at all.
Buyers BEWARE! I placed an order online with Barry Farms on December 29th. Their website stated that orders would be processed and shipped within 48 hours or at most 7 days. After my initial order confirmation, I heard nothing from the company about when my order would be shipped. I emailed them to ask about my order on January 9th and was responded to on January 12th (14 days after my order was placed) stating that one of my items was back-ordered. Their website specifically states that they do not hold orders for back-ordered items. I then called the company and told them I needed the items (with or without the backordered items) no later than January 22nd. They ensured me that it would arrive by then. I received an email on January 18th informing me that my order had shipped without the backordered items and I would be receiving a refund for the missing items. However, the package did not arrive on the 22nd as promised, forcing me to purchase the items elsewhere. I then emailed the merchant and asked for a refund of the shipping charges since they do not accept returns. I was refused, stating that since the error was with UPS, they were not at fault (even though their website says they ship within 7 days, which they did not, and do not hold for back-ordered items, which they did). This is unacceptable behavior from any merchant. I should have been able to return my items for a full refund or at minimum received a refund for the shipping charges. Now I am out $28 for items I no longer need and cannot use.
The most awful beef jerky Ive ever eaten Im on a low carb diet and these looked perfect as so many other jerky products out there are loaded with sugar so I gave them a shot. I bought a pack of 12 of the Hot and Spicy flavor, took a bit of the jerky and almost had to spit it out. This stuff is extremely dry and crumbly and has a very strange texture as you chew it. The taste is awful as well. It honestly tasted like dirt and was disgusting. Ive never been so let down in a product before. I dont even think I will be able to give the rest away to friends theyre so bad and will just feed them to the dogs.
Partially Hydrogenated Oils These chips contain Partially Hydrogenated oils. If you are looking to eat these for health benefits, you're better off with chocolate. Otherwise, find a brand with no hydro.
Very Watery I gave this as a present to my father-in-law. On the positive side, the order went through fine and I received the order quickly. The downside is that the mix isn't very good. It's fairly watery, a little sweet, certainly not the World's Best. I should have suspected something was amiss, especially with a name like World's Best Bloody Mary Mix. Just can't trust anyone these days, guess I won't be buying Honest John's Hair Regrowth Syrum now.
It's still just fizzy water Badoit is refreshing and has delightfully small bubbles. Is it worth this much money? Well, writing from Paris, where Badoit is cheap and plentiful, people seem to like Perrier and San Pellegrino just fine. Given that home carbonation can make perfectly good soda for very little money, I would have to suggest saving your hard-earned cash for a decent bottle of wine.
Mixed Nut Nuts were purchased to make snack, fruit, cheese & wine gift baskets. It provided variety that was used as a filler. Great for the holidays.
not enjoyable Not rich and complex like other Sumatra coffees I have tasted.First cup of fresh bag had an overwhelming sour taste. I plan on returning this bag of coffee as I don't think I can sacrifice 2.5lb worth of mornings to it's lack of character.
What do you expect? I'm 24, and I remember these at peewee baseball food stands and similar places when I was a kid. They were a hit at our Halloween party, and taste just as I remembered.
Meh. After having to add butter to make it stick anyway, the cheese powder is kind of a gross addition. If you're expecting the same taste you get from pre-packaged flavored popcorn, this isn't it. The kids like it enough, but I can't eat it.
Cheaper at Sams Club as well Well I guess its back to Sams Club cuz they are $2.00 cheaper. Gotta go with the good prices. Knew this couldn't last forever.
Where Was This When I Was Living In A Dorm! Holy cow, that's hella-good! The spices are just right! It taste like Panera's low-fat vegetarian black bean soup! It is also so filling! I make it with boiled water and I love how I can just throw a couple in my bag and no matter where I am I have a healthy meal! Just add fruit and veggies! Vegans, students, campers, busy folks, lazy cooks, throw away your ramen! This stuff ROCKS!
WOW - just really bad.....(and I like their brownies!) So I do love my sweets but I try to eat healthier versions of them, so I tried these. But, really, the flax seed COMPLETELY overwhelms the muffins, so much that that's ALL you taste! Maybe the whole wheat contributes to this, too - I don't know. But you DEFINITELY cannot taste the blueberries, and they are just bland, bland, bland....Wanted to like them, but I couldn't. Try their brownies, though - not as fluffy or creamy as a regular brownie, but still very good and chocolate-y! (satisfies your chocolate urge, but you don't feel the need to eat the whole pan!)
Fabulous Salsa I have consumed countless jars of Hell on the Red salsa. It is delicious with any corn chip. I like Tostitos scoops so I can get more salsa, though. One note: This salsa is not chunky. It's fairly thin. This does not negatively impact its wonderful flavor. I recommend this to anyone who is prone to sitting down with a bag of chips and taking out a whole jar of salsa by themselves.
Worth the money I received this product in a timely manner and have been enjoying it from the day I got it. My family is sold on it and we have given a few out to other family members to enjoy as well. I will be ordering it again. Thanks
Best noodle soup available Annie Chun's Udon soup is simple to make and extremely tasty. I'm always looking for easy-to-make lunch items for work, and this one is tops. The noodles come in a vacuum-sealed packet; they need to be soaked in hot water in the plastic bowl. After you drain the water, you add the seasonings and fresh water and then microwave it. It takes less than 5 minutes total and tastes delicious. The noodles come out slightly al dente but still soft and filling - so much higher quality than any other packaged noodle soup. The broth is not overly salty and has a nice, subtle heat due to the dried chilies. It really is a perfect at-work lunch solution when I want something more satisfying than a cheap ramen.
whats up with the new price??????????????? I bought this in April and it was half as much as you are charging now. When did the price go up and why did the price go up? I will not order this again because your new price is the same that is in the store so I will support my local store. I wish I knew the price was doubling and I would have stocked up more. I like this product but the old product that I bought was sweeter and took a whole lot less to make my coffee sweet.
BEEF JERKY This beef jerky had little flavor. I order alot of jerky and this was one of the worst.
Dry granola !!!! Granola was very dry and not too sweet. Need milk. I prefer Costco's granola -- it taste much better. I would not recommend the purchase of this product. Now I got to find way to get rid of the other 5 packages. Also bought the fruit and nut one. Hope that's better.
gluten free eaters deserve better I found the baked product dense and bitter.I'm not GF, I just happened to try this because it was heavily discounted at the store and I like other Red Mill products. I regularly make my own yeast breads with white (wheat) flour, spelt, white rice flour, and/or whole wheat.I followed the directions carefully, and the bread rose in the pan prior to baking like it was supposed to. The directions say it should bake 60-65 minutes or until bread reaches 205 degrees. It did reach 205 around that time and I removed it from the oven.The directions are easy to follow and work, but I found this dense and tasteless. If it has flavor, that flavor is bitter. It is bitter like dark molasses (which is an ingredient). I like molasses cookies; this is just too bitter. I had to make coffee to eat a couple pieces. I threw the rest out.If I was Gluten-Free, I'd probably experiment to make this less dense or less bitter. I can easily imagine that the other reviewers suggestions of adding a whipped banana or more spices or giving it extra time to rise would help. But I expected more from Red Mill.
Tasty and simple to make It could not be easier to enjoy refried beans. If you are putting a Mexican meal together on the spur of the moment, Santa Fe's Refried Beans are an easy to prepare side dish answer. They are faster to cook than canned beans, and I prefer their taste and consistency to most canned products. Enjoy!
Not a good replacement I had purchased a recurring shipment of ONE Coconut Water with Amazon, but that product was discontinued with Amazon. This is one of the replacement products suggested. It is awful! I love the ONE Coconut Water. It tastes just like the water from a fresh coconut, and chilled makes it even better. This product tastes like it has tomato juice added to it. All the product Nutrition Facts are comparable, identical in most cases, but the taste is not. I will be canceling this automatic shipment immediately.
Waste of money These looked wonderful and were a birthday present for a close friend. When they came the foil was all stuck to the candy. We tried to unwrap a couple and it made a bigger mess with the paper sticking terribly to the candy. In the end we were able to taste the tiniest piece which just made us more disappointed and angry since it was delicious. We would never order these again or do business with this company. And living in Florida was not the problem since we paid BIG prices for the candy and shipping, it was not hot and the package was literally put in our hands from the truck, so it didn't sit outside. Big Big disappointment.
Calm sent me to urgent care my personal experince was that my blood pressure drop so much that end you calling in sick and going to urgent care. and this happened to my girl friend only she stay home and got a major headache.it only happened with Calm not with anyother product of [...]
Great candy bar! This was delicious and is very close to the old Candy Bar Choc-O-Lite. Not exactly the same, but the closest candy out there to it.