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Oily residue bubbles to the surface This will certainly change the color of your food, but when used in a straightforward butter-cream mix in sparing quantity, it bubbled a nasty looking oily brown residue to the surface of the cream and the residue just sat there looking nasty. Will never use this product again.
Emerald nuts I discovered these pecans in the grocery store and became addicted to them at that time. I mix them with dried fruit pieces and put them on salads or over hot oatmeal cereal or just for snacking. Then they disappeared from shelves and I was heartbroken. Google led me to them at Amazon and I was able to order more, I hope they contnue to be available! I do plan to try some of the other flavors but I'm very high on the pecans.
Poor pump and customer service I bought this as a Christmas present, thinking it would be a cool way to grow tomatos and jalapenos inside (I got the Salsa Garden kit).One of the tomato plants didn't germinate. Aerogarden was quick to send a replacement, but it was too late to plant it. I ended up transplanting of the seedlings from the side that germinated to the other side.Within a couple weeks, the pump started rattling. I called in multiple times and never got to a live person. Emails went unanswered.Finally a couple weeks ago (it's the last week in March), the pump started to make so much noise I thought the dishwasher was on! We finally got ahold of someone at Aerogarden (we left a message and they called us back a couple days later). They said they'd send a new pump. They also recommended that we switch from tap water to some sort of bottled water.The change to RO water did not help the plants, if anything they really didn't like it.Today the pump finally died. I've transplanted the plants to dirt, where they'll likely die. We called AG again, and they said that a pump had been sent and that they would send us another salsa garden kit.To make matters worse, when I tried to pull the pump out following the directions in the manual (I was cleaning out the basin so it wouldn't stink), the pump cover broke!Ugh!Now I'm using the grow light to help sprout some new seeds to plant outside in my garden. At $150, it is a heck of an expensive grow lamp!Harvest? Well, there are about 2 dozen green tomatos and a few ripening ones. We've only got one pepper that's growing. Color me disappointed!
Sugar in the Jerky Short and Sweet: this jerky is quite sweet, compared to commercial jerky. In a one ounce portion, there are seven (7) grams of carbohydrates. For those on a low-carb diet, that is a significant amount.I notice that in the more "natural" jerkies, they tend to use more sugar. Perhaps it helps the texture and make the jerky a little less likely to dry out.It does show this on the label, which Amazon makes available, so don't make the same mistake I did and buy impulsively.If you are trying to find a beef jerky without preservatives, and from animals raised without antibiotics, etc, then this product is acceptable, if a little sweet. But if you are on a high protein diet, avoiding carbohydrates, then beware.
Tender and Tasty I ordered these lobster tails recently, being a little leery that they weren't cold water lobster tails. Anyway, I had nothing to worry about. The lobster tails were tender and tasty, not chewy and bland as some I have ordered from other places in the past.As usual, Omaha's customer service and delivery were excellent as well.
Keebler Pecan Sandies When I was growing up, my mother used to buy these cookies for us. They were crunchy, light and had a great flavor. I have recently bought a bag of thes cookies and they are absolutely terrible. How disappointing!! They are tasteless, greasy and dense. I will not buy again!!!!!!
Taste like chemicals! I should have known better, but I tried this anyway. This doesn't taste like pistachio at all. It taste like chemicals. A little drop of it got on my hand, and no matter how many times I washed them, the smell would not go away. I threw it away. I'm just glad it was only $3. Yuck...
Spicy and delicious!! This sauce has a great Mexican taste beyond its peppery fire, and the bold color, even though created by dyes, is just plain fun to look at. The splash of red on fresh veggies, lettuce, and other dishes is a treat for the eye as well as the palette. A little salty and acidic, its bright flavor goes great with finished Mexican dishes if you want to kick them up, as well as in soups, beans, chili, and added to salsa when you think it needs a little heat. This sauce is not incredibly hot as some are (the kind that work better as dares, really, or can only be taken in a very diluted form), but it's not for the babies either.It's just right for most people, who like some spice, and putting it on the table lets you make milder dishes, and let the individual diners decide how spicy they want it; likewise, it helps you make those Mexican dishes spicier and tastier if you want to cook with the sauce. The price is great--just over a dollar per bottle, but the large quantity works better for restaurants than individual use.
overprices and faulty weight advertiesed Walden Farms dressings are very tasty. When I ordered this, it said 12 12oz. bottles...and the weight is still listed at 10.4 lbs., package wt. still says 11 lbs. Imagine my surprise when the $9.00+ was for only one bottle!! I can purchase this same dressing locally for under $4.00. Buyer beware!
delicious I loved sugar daddy's when I was a kid.I am now 65 still love them.As a child it took me a long time to eat one Now I can eat one at 1 sitting!!!! My 1st order I actually ate 2 a day.Have better control of myself this time,not eating them every day will last longer!!
Just what the Dr. Ordered Thanks for the Menudo. I just had a craving for it here in Afghanistan. It really hit the spot. Don't worry, I'll share it with my friends. Thanks again for supporting your troops!!
Great Buy! I had to make the switch from Coffee to tea due to my health, so I thought that buying a tea in bulk that I enjoyed would be a good idea, and I was glad this was the item I bought. Half the price of grocery stores, and the order came rather quickly. The tea tastes great and haven't had any issues with staleness. Each tin lasts me up to 3 weeks (I drink a lot of tea) and then the tins make great storage for craft odds and ends, or my favorite use is (after a thorough rinsing and drying) packing grain salads for lunch boxes. I would absolutely buy this product again.
bait and switch or....bait and steal I have a beef wiH these people. I ordered siX packs of these boxes as it says on the iTem description....andI only got ONE! ONE BOX!!! I contacted them and they told me I only ordered ONE box. So I asked them toread the posted AMAZON description of the items for sale...and they told me....get a hold of this! That theorder, MY order was for one 6 pack of Special K snack bar!!!! THAT aMAZON HAD HAD THE DESCRIPTION WRONG! If that is right who on earth would pay $11.98 for one six snack bar pack? that is like you guys out there paying the $23.00+ for ONE box of these snacks ... BUYER, BEWARE!
The Box is not for Keeps Do not buy this if you want a box for keeps. It is made of cheap plywood and was already warped when it was delivered.Tea, however, is excellent.
Okay, not great All right, we today became beneficiaries of a free coffee maker from Senseo, thanks to a generous tip from a favorite of my Amazon friends.But this brand of coffee packets that came with the machine is nothing to write home about. At retail, the packs cost about 23 cents, if we order enough to avoid shipping charges.The smell of this fresh-brewed coffee is fantastic. The taste is less than I had hoped for. I think I'll try Target's Archer Farms, as suggested by another reviewer.
Perfect snack food I like these with chicken salad, peanut butter or with a a little cream cheese and a pickle. Totally good for you. It is part of my hypogycemic diet and keeps me feeling satisfied while I'm dropping pounds.
Not So Hot. Amazon did a great job on getting this basket to me on time.However, the product itself is unimpressive. The box is flimsy cardboard (not the attractive wood that the photo suggests). I can't comment on the flavors of the included items but I can say that quantities leave MUCH to be desired. The (4) coffee "packages" resemble single serve packets that are available in cheap motels. I think this would be a DECENT product at the $20-$25 price point.I am not sure I would want to give this to someone I care about.This is the second (and last) disappointment that I have experienced with this company.
Disappointed - OVERPRICED. The piture makes this item appear much larger than it actually is in person, and it was "vacuum" wrapped, so the presentation is nothing like it is in the picture. After inspecting the four items in the basket and doing some research, I'd estimate the value of this basket to be more like $30...not $70 (plus an additional $10 sipping cost!) This item is worth about half the cost. On a positive note, I received the item the very next day from the shipper with standard shipping, howver the box they shipped it in was not taped well at all and itlooked like the delivery driver sat on it the entire way here.
Questionable freshness of Market Spice Tea Received tea on June 27 and was disappointed that tea has a use by date of 8/29/12. I have never received tea with such a short expiration date.
Dirt Compared to the Old Recipe I started using Wilton's dyes when I was thirteen, and a set lasted me until I was twenty-nine because they were so powerful. Then I had to buy these awful new gels to replace them. I can't get a brown darker than my skintone--and I'm Irish, okay? I get sunburned indoors. I had to put three quarters of a teaspoon in just to get a purple. And it WILL water down your frosting.I'm utterly perplexed by all these positive reviews. Did I get the dud package? Does anybody know if I can get the old, thick paste dyes anywhere?
baby food Nestle` sweet tasty but there is not sugar ,baby love it.Better than gerber.Like Mellin ,Milupa or Plasmon brand.
Not what you think I really like Turkish Delight, I used to eat it all the time in England. Thing is, I spent about 8 dollars total for these three bars, and these are in fact the tiny little palm size bars. They actually packed them into a much larger box so I was pretty surprised when I opened them at how small they are. So yes, the product is good, but I wouldn't buy it from here.
Great coffee - fash delivery ! I love this coffee, its the best I have every had. Delivery was really quick.
Glico Collection- Overpriced and Not What I Expected I bought this Glico Collection to try out other unusual flavors of Pocky and other related products. I received what is available in their current stock:2 2.82 oz Glico Chocolate Pocky3 1.16 oz Glico Strawberry Pocky1 1.16 Sweet Milk Pocky1 3.53 oz. Chocolate Almond Crush Pocky1 Glico Coconut Chocolate Pocky1 Toppo Cocoa Sticks 2.5 oz.1 Glico Roasted Pretz 2.46 oz.1 Glico Corn Pretz 2.46 oz1 Glico Salad Pretz 2.46 oz.1 Hello Kitty Strawberry Chocolate Sticks1 Orange Hi-chewI've tried the Sweet Milk-- it was OK and tasted like condensed milk dipped sticks.My favorite is the Chocolate Almond Crush- very addicting, chocolatey and nutty.Strawberry is good too.I wish I bought my own mix from another online store. This Glico pack is not worth it as I can buy the other varieties cheaper at an Asian supermarket that are well stocked with Pocky coming from regional Glico Pocky flavors.
Great! When it comes to coca teas, all the McMate collection is the best! coca teas have the intrinsic value of health attached to themI find the coca tea a lot more interesting and you are getting the pure food, minerals and supplements into your body as well
Don't buy this sticking "pasta" I like wheat free pasta and tried this one. It's horrible. It's sticks to the bottom of the pan while you're trying to boil and it sticks to each other despite me adding olive oil to the water. It never cooked properly. I had to throw some away as well. This product sucks, especially when you're used to Trader Joe's excellent Rice spiral pasta.
Not for flavoring food. The salts are varied and interesting but the problem is that the grains are come out HUGE which means that while you can cook with the salts, you can't do what would be really fun - FLAVOR FOOD with them. Gnashing salt while you eat is not pleasant. Not recommended.
World Almonds These are a good quality almond. I see many reviews talk about how these are not crunchy. That is good because you received raw almonds. If you want them crunchy, go roast them in the oven.
Horrible taste - not fresh - not Indian!! I bought this ready to eat Indian food expecting to re-kindle my home town memories - but I dont know what these people had in mind while cooking this lousy, bad tasting food. It smelt really odd and tasted even odder!! Where is Kohinoor??? Does no one on amazon know about this delicious ready to eat Indian Maharaja style cuisine? I had it just once and keep thinking about that authentic flavour.......!!
Great for cookies! The expresso powder was just what myc chocolate cookies needed! They were very chocolatey and moist! They would not have been so good without the powder.
By far, one of the best mustards in the world! I love this product. I grew up using this mustard but then moved to another area where it was not carried by the local supermarkets. Then I found it again, and life is good.My wife is a yellow mustard person, and dislikes any of the spicy brown mustards I usually eat. But when I found Kosciusko mustard again just recently I was raving about it so much she actually tried it. And said she liked it. Then two weeks ago I walked into the kitchen and found her making herself a sandwich and she was using the Kosciusko's! I was shocked! I started to make fun of her, asking if she grabbed the wrong mustard by mistake. She said she likes it.Imagine that, all those years of living in a drab, unexciting existence using plain old yellow mustard, and she has finally seen the light. I am so proud.Thank you Kosciusko Mustard Company.PS: There is only one problem I can see with your product. It only comes in a 9 ounce jar. That is not nearly big enough. At the moment I have one half used jar in the fridge, and two unopened back-up jars in the pantry. Please start selling it in a larger jar.
Good and good for the baby It tastes fine and the baby loves it. has DHA and is organic - which is important when having berries (but redundant when it comes to bananas)
Big bag small taste The reviews were helpful.I still wanted to try them.You must have something to dip these in.Excellent in garden salads as croutons.
not as tasty as I thought would be! disappointed about this, I was really expected something else, kind of strange taste, I would definitely not buy again. sorry!
New Slim Fast Optima Hurts my Stomach I have been drinking Slim Fast ready to drink shakes for several years. They have been great for managing my weight. I normally drink the Slim Fast Optima in Milk Chocolate flavor for my lunch. I normally enjoy it and look forward to it. However, about a month ago, I noticed that the box looked different. I thought it was just a change in the box. Then, I tasted it and it was a little bit different. At first I didn't like it but I got used to it. Well, I started having terrible excruciating pains in my stomach every day. The first week I thought it was just a bug. It kept on for another three weeks and I tried everything. I was cutting out some herbs that I'd been taking but no luck. Then, last night I was going to the gym to work out. I felt tired and decided to drink a shake for a little extra energy. Fifteen minutes later, my stomach was killing me. It hurt so bad that my back felt like it was hurting too. That's when I realized it has to be the new Slim Fast Optima. I'm sad about having to quit it but I can't stand that kind of pain. I may try the meal bars instead but I wish Slim Fast would go back to the old formula.
All that glitters is not gold What a letdown!!! I had this hamper shipped to my wife and daughter in Seattle, as we could not be together for Christmas.The first reaction was one of delight, it LOOKED magnificent. Upon closer inspection they found it was 90% wrapping, and 10% product. The disappointment was huge! What a rip off. I am usually very pleased with Amazon and their partners, but this is one that definitely needs to be looked at!! That definitely spoiled our Christmas!!!
Be brave and just try it ! Put it in Yogurt or Applesauce My secret weapon to perform hard work with a great attitude. Guanine (a caffeine analog) gives a long lasting stimulant boost while theobromine provides the attitude adujstment of chocolate. A wonderful delight that got me to quit coffee which is jittery, short-acting and just pale in comparison.Guanine is oil-based so it's hard to dissolve in water but that allows for slow-release in your body. Be brave, depending on your body size use a teaspoon to a tablespoon. If you can consume a tablespoon of coffee you can certainly consume a tbsp of this.Instead of trying to dissolve into liquid put it in Yogurt or Apple Sauce. Makes a great low calorie breakfast that stays with you and reduces hunger.Truly an amazing product that leaves a six-hour silly grin on my face with motivation to clean the garage !
So-so The best thing about this expensive decaf is the shiny, purple packaging. The flavor is nothing special, certainly not as good as my favorite decafs from Durango Coffee, which cost about half as much. Save your money.
My Favorite Candy Sweet and tangy. Original Spree is my absolute fovorite. Great for anyone with sweet tooth.
A versatile, vegan, gluten free bread mix When I first started eating gluten free, I was happy with GF's Pantry's White Bread. As time went by however, I started looking for more taste, less crumble, and more versatility. I found it with Pamela's Wheat Free/Gluten Free Bread Mix. The addition of sorghum flour lends a honey-whole wheat taste and a nice structure to the finished product. I have made beautiful baked goods with this (all by hand, no stand mixer) including cinnamon buns, yummy chewy pizza crust, pie crust, French bread, pretzels, and the BEST gluten free bagels I have ever had. It's also vegan. So those with dairy or egg intolerance can play with it too! Amazon's Subscribe and Save program makes this an affordable option that I can share with my whole family. It's not just called, Mom's bread, now.
1025 mg sodium per 35 calorie stick = insane I wondered why I was feeling sluggish. I checked the sodium from Buffalo Bills website and each stick has 35 calories, 2 grams of protein and 1025 mg sodium. They also have un-chewable sections, like a slim j.
The most perfect candy ever This is the best candy ever - too bad they have discontinued the flavor, but all of the other flavors are good as well
TINY EXPENSIVE bars loaded with UNhealthy, HUNGER CAUSING Ingredients I first opened a slimfast bar box when I returned home hungry. The first thing I noticed was the TINY size of the bars in the box. Is this one size fits all? I'm a pretty tall guy. One of these bars is NEVER going to do it!!The second thing I noticed were the ingredients...1. CORN SYRUP.2. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.These are the first two ingredients!!! THAT MEANS THESE BARS AS MADE MOSTLY OF CORN SYRUP!! It has been my experience that what they say about glycemic indexes is absolutely true. Anything that is very sweet will cause a person to feel much more hunger later. Plus, do a search for "High Fructose Corn Syrup" to find out if it is good for you.THERE IS ALSO PLENTY OF HYDROGENATED PALM KERNEL OIL!! Do a search for "hydrogenated palm kernel oil health risks"AND LOOK AT THE CARB TO PROTEIN RATIO OF A 23g PEANUT BUTTER SLIMFAST SNACK BAR (FROM THE SLIMFAST SITE)...Sugars 13gDietary Fiber 0gCarbohydrates 15gProtein 1gWow! Again, anything that is high in carbs and low in protein will cause a person to feel much more hungry later!!!! The Opposite of what you want when you are dieting.These are tasty bars. Much more like a candy bar in flavor than a granola bar, but apart from the fact that they are tiny, I do not "get" the name "Slim"fast. ANY mini size regular candy bar would do exactly the same thing. And that's why I gave them 1 Star!!Even better to find any good protein bar made with ingredients that are a lot more nutritious for the human body. Any bar that is high in protein and/or fiber, and low in carbs and sugars would curb the hunger far longer than these ever could...For Example, MY Personal Favorite Protein Bar happens to be Pure Protein Bars. I am NOT making any money telling you this (wish I could). I only prefer Pure Protein bars because they do NOT have calcium caseinate protein, which my digestion has never handled very well...LOOK AT THE PROTEIN TO CARB RATIO OF A 50g PURE PROTEIN BAR (CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER)...Sugars 2gDietary Fiber 1gCarbohydrate 16gProtein 20g
Really Good Sugar Free Candies - Recommended! Being diabetic, I am always on the watch for sugar free snacks. The "GoLightly Hard Candy" is a great addition to my snaking list.At only 45 calories and 0 Net Carbs for 4 pieces, these do not impact my blood sugar levels or ruin my diet. These are sweetened with Splenda, so they are slightly less sweet than regular candies, but do not cause the "laxative" effect other dietetic candies can have.There are serveral types of available and they are all good!Highly recommended!
LUV LUV LUV THIS SOUP!!! Bought a case of this soup & am sooo happy I did! It's just THE perfect thing to have when I get one of my "just have to have it" Thai food cravings which, invariably, occur when our local Thai restaurant is closed! No problem with this can on-hand to the rescue! It's perfect as it is just from the can & not too spicy at all! I eat everything in the can & I love that the lemon grass & Thai ginger pieces, galangal, are tender enough to eat! Makes a perfectly tasty & quick meal for two when I add a little bit of shredded chicken breast, some corn, can of Asian straw mushrooms & a cup or two of Thai Jasmine rice! Very filling & just hits the spot & satisfies that craving! Can't beat the price of less than $3.00 a can! Going to definitely order another case for this coming winter season! Nothing like a steaming hot pot of delicious Thai goodness on a chilly winter's evening but it's also good anytime of the day & I admit I've even made this for breakfast! Highly recommend, if you love Thai soup as much as I do & your Thai restaurant is closed! Great by itself but also makes for a wonderful soup base to creatively add whatever protein or veggie you want!
Fattening, sweet cookies that were poorly packaged Length:: 1:54 MinsI cannot recommend these unhealthy cookies. They contain too much fat, sometimes canola oil (more healthy), sometimes palm oil (less healthy). They are very sweet. The chocolate is not as good asValrhona Manjari Dark Chocolate Bar - 64% - 1 box, 20 2.46 oz barsorScharffen Berger Semisweet 62% Cacao Baking Chocolate Bar 9.7oz.orGhirardelli Intense Dark Premium Dark Chocolate Assortment 50 Pack. It is however palatable. The cookie layer was soggy. I have eaten the UK equivalent of these Mallomars (Chocolate Marshmallows) as a child and the base was much crisper. The base tasted stale. The cookies were broken, some stuck together, others fell apart.Unhealthy foods like this are to be avoided, except perhaps for children's parties, but even then this package was so badly handled that the cookies were not presentable. Instead get ideas for healthy food fromEveryday Cooking with Dr. Dean Ornish: 150 Easy, Low-Fat, High-Flavor Recipes. If you must eat cookies, thenKashi TLC Cookies, Oatmeal Dark Chocolate, 8.5-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 3)might be a healthier alternative.I note that the Chocolate Marshmallows that I had as a child were individually wrapped in foil and according to Wikipedia, under the heading Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats some use a shortbread base (firmer) with an Italian meringue which is stiffer than the marshmallow. It also reports that Nabisco only makes Mallomars from October to April, either for marketing reasons or because they do not keep well in warm tempratures - it would be good from someone from Nabisco to verify if this is the case. Clearly my Mallomars suffered from poor storage and inadequate packing, as did those of many other reviewers.
Go for the Real Thing Originally I had bought the "full-sodium" Miso-Cup soup packets that contained 690 mg of sodium and it tastes identical to what you would get at a restaurant. When I saw the reduced sodium packets, I was excited because Im always looking for more healthy alternatives. This Miso Cup reduced sodium is disgusting. It not only has no flavor but the bits of soy and whatever else is in there, doesn't get soft and just floats at the top of the soup like rocks. Now, I have a huge box of these soup packets and am not really sure what to do with them. I've tried preparing it different ways, but still haven't been able to finish a single cup of it. My advise? Go for the full-sodium Miso-Cup. Yeah, it has more sodium, but it tastes great and is high in protein, vitamins and minerals.
wrong information This is suppose to be sweet paprika but it is HOT. I runed my Bar-B-Q because I thought this was sweet and used it as I would if it was sweet. the information on the can is misleading.
rgw5944 I bought this raspberry tea on the previous recommendation however after brewing a pitcher of it, I find there is ZERO raspberry flavor in it. I tied 2 different strengths, brewing with 4 bags and 2 bags with the same result, Tastes like straight black tea. Wasted $20. I guess I'll have to stay with Walmart brand instant raspberry tea. At least it has a good flavor although there is a little to much sugar for my preference.
not much taste I was disappointed with this product. It was very bland tasting. Also, straws were not included which makes it very hard to use in lunches and on the go.
mildly flavored good tea this is a mildly flavored ti kuan yin and makes a good evening cup of tea.
Good for the kids and the fids I love the just veggies and was so excited to learn about the other items from Just Tomatoes. They are great for that extra something in a stew or casserole and my quaker parrot LOVES these. It is the only way I can get him to eat his veggies. I highly recommend this item.
ok there is better one they are ok wouldnt buy them again they were less then i thought there would be small bag
Brings me back to 10,000 feet What a yummy little cookie. I remember these on my flight. I even saved the wrapper to ensure I buy the right kind. These are it. Delicious with coffee or milk!
My Favorite Tea Brand There are lots of tea companies however this one is my clear favorite. Unlike other natural tea companies this brand actually taste good and uses unbleached tea bags. What is the point of selling natural tea in a bleached tea bag? The green tea and lemon grass go together perfectly. The quotes on the back of each packet is fun to read as well. Good choice in quotes.
Oh yum Love the Pears and Raspberries blend! It is a great sweet blend. As I have said on many reviews before we are loyal Earth's Best fans.
impressed I only wish they were smaller packages since i can't seem to stop halfway...good price on sale, not sure i'd pay the full price for these. a bunch did arrive pretty small pieces, but i wouldn't expect them to stay intact through shipping!more chewy than crunchy, but very tasty and addictive
good flavor, perfect crunchy texture My 10 month old loves these. I've tried the Veggie Dip as well as the Garden Tomato. Actually, my hubby loves them too so I find myself running out pretty quickly!I love the fact that these are tasty, healthy, provide teething relief since they are crunchy, yet soft enough for our (as yet) toothless baby to "chew", melt in her mouth pretty quickly so there's no choking hazard, and are easy for baby to pick up with her own hand. Sometimes when my daughter is in a fussy mood and wont eat anything else, I put some of these in front of her and while she's concentrating on feeding herself, I sneak in a few spoonfuls of food. Very satisfied with this product and would definitely recommend.
Want some Cardboard? YUCK! I bought these in hopes that my kids would like to eat them on their way out the door. So dissapointing! These are so gross! I can barely even tolerate them. We eat so healthy so it is not that we aren't used to healthy good food. WE always eat whole wheat and we are always eating fruits and Vegi's. You all can't say that it is because we aren't used to healthy eating. Now, back to the cookies...they just are gross. I don't know what else to say, they are dry and tasteless discs comparable to cardboard. So very bummed out that they aren't what we were hoping for. Back to granola bars I guess. :( O and just cause it says cookies does not mean it is good.
Husband loves them! My husband has been dragged into my Vegan world because of our health and he was a great meat and potatoes kind of guy. However, he loves pasta and noodles of all kind so I have been able to entice him with some of the great products Amazon sells. He also likes it because it's quick and easy to cook and he's the cook!I am not quite as big a fan-I find them a little on the bland side so I add vegetables and spices to liven up mine.
SHIPMENTS ALWAYS ARRIVE DAMAGED Amazon should work on the shipping packaging. Most of my shipments of the Sencha Shot arrive as a damaged carton of loose and heavily dented cans. It's a good thing that the cans are made of heavy bimetal or they would probably leak in shipment. I like the product but I'm getting tired of receiving damaged shipments.
Heavy duty This is certainly worth the money, it is easy to use and it doesn't drip sauce all over the place :)
Poor The runts that I received did NOT match the picture. The picture is the classic style, but I was sent the new style. Either change the picture or send what is depicted. This was almost a case of false advertising.
Their Eden brand I love Eden brand. They are top notch, quality products and these navy beans are no exception. Great for quick prep of meals usually soups.
Where are the breadsticks?! Maaan, what happened to the Boboli breadsticks?? That was like MY DINNER for years. I can't beleive they discontinued those. My heart will go on...
What I was looking for :) It was what I was looking for, shipping took a little to long than what I expected.
No salt added Sardines - great Sardines are a really healthy food and I love them. Since I am now on low salt diet, I could not eat them. These sardines taste great and are not overly salty. (Fish has some salt in it.) I'm just sorry it took so long to receive them.
How Did This Thought Process Go... As with the great majority of previous reviewers of this "Anniversary Edition" of Perry Mason, I see little or no point to it's release other than trying to make more money by holding the "Extras" hostage in this set.As long as the full season sets continue to be released, even if it takes 6 months between releases and we are only given a half-season at a time, I will continue to buy them. But this "collection" is ill-advised AND ill-timed. If the studio wanted to issue a collection as a "teaser" BEFORE the complete seasons were released---that would make some sense. If they wanted to release a collection AFTER all the full seasons had been released to attact those fans who either were not interested in having ALL 230+ episodes---that would make some sense. But to release this set A YEAR AFTER the actual 50th anniversary and AFTER the first two full seasons had been released and fans were eagerly awaiting the third season---well, that is a strategy DESIGNED to annoy people. While the studio and distributers will probably not see a fall-off in complete season box sales as a result of this manouever, they certainly have ticked a large number of people off!
Wonderful tea! While I love cinnamon rolls, I'm not a huge fan of red hots, cinnamon gum, etc. but this tea is delicious! It tastes like a very mild (not hot at all) red hot. Everyone I have served it to has loved it--even those who aren't fans of hot tea. Please note that this is not an herbal tea--it is caffeinated and has black tea mixed in, which is delicious.
Good taste but too hard for me The taste of the cola flavored gummy bears is ok, the regular harbi gummy bears have a much better flavor. I wont be buying these again as they were just too hard and chewy, not anywhere as soft as you get from the local store. If you like your gummy bears chewy these are for you, if you want a soft gummy bear look elsewhere.
The Cans are Great Taste & Price I've semi-recently discovered SlimFast and absolutely love it. It's a great product and has a wonderful taste. It's helped me lose over 30lbs in 2 1/2 months. My review is for the metal cans, not the new plastic bottles.Then they changed the packaging.The new packaging is smaller and lighter, sure, but it's almost MUCH more expensive and you receive less product. SlimFast, please focus on customer relations.
Added Sugar, too moist, would not buy again. I have purchased dried mangos locally and they are amazing, dried, chewy, no sugar added, my kiddo loves them. Mangos are naturally high in sugar, like grape juice so no sugar needed for a sweet snack.These mangos have sugar added, probably as an anti caking element, which is better then some random ingredient, but they don't taste good anyway. They are not fully dried like the mangos I get locally, they are quite moist. Think of like what you normally get for a dried apricot (which are awesome), they aren't quite that moist, but I wouldn't call them dried.I love the chewy aspect of properly dried mangos, and these don't have it. They are kind of boring in taste too, normally mangos have a bit of "tang" to them, these don't. I definitely will not buy them again, and would not recommend them. I suppose there are people who like this type of mangos, perhaps because they have not had better (In my humble opinion).Id give one star, but they are technically dried and mangos so they are "as described" they are just not good.
Very disappointing I agree with the other user that gave this a bad rating. I hated the flavor of this soup, which was disappointing since I love black beans and I love Amy's products. It hardly tasted like black bean soup, it was so sweet and bitter at the same time... tangy, but not in a good way. After I forced myself to finish most of it, I suffered from really bad heartburn afterwards. Some people may like the taste, but I definitely did NOT enjoy it. Like the other user said, the only reason this soup deserves 2 stars is because it is healthy.I tried McDougall's Black Bean & Lime soup before and I thought it tasted pretty good; definitely a good alternative to Amy's black bean vegetable.Dr. McDougall's Vegan Black Bean & Lime Soup, 3.4-Ounce Cups (Pack of 12)
For Amateurs. To me, this isn't really even a hotsauce. It's strictly kid stuff with all the heat and power of a mitten. As for its flavor, I don't think much of it. I'm not sure what buying a moped recipe like this does for someone. I wouldn't even bother with it.
Tasted really bad These tasted really bad. They weren't expired, and there's only 3 steps to making them, so I don't know how they turned out so disgusting, but they did. There was a lingering bitter taste and no fudge taste to it.
Even if you like curry ... This is apparently falling into that "love it or hate it" category. It seems like a good idea. I love curry. I love chocolate. And here was a curry chocolate bar! Yummy! But no ...Two great tastes do not always taste great together. I thought I was really going to like this, but I thought it was terrible. There is almost no blend of the curry/chocolate flavors. It tastes like putting a big spoonful of dry curry powder in your mouth, and then taking a bit of a chocolate bar. I couldn't taste the coconut at all.I have had some of the other Theo Chocolate bars, like theBread & Dark Chocolate, and theFig, Fennel & Almond, and they were great. This one was not.
Do you like Beans? Bob's flour is one of the first mixed GF flours that I tried. The only problem is that everything I put it into, ended up tasting like beans or lentils. I tried to thicken soups, tasted like beans...tried to make cake, tasted like beans. I seriously thought I had some sort of taste bud problem. I always cut the bag open and poured it into a container, so I couldn't check the ingredient label. In desperation, I went to the supermarket and looked at the bag. Sure enough, Bob mixes "GARBANZO BEAN FLOUR" into this mix. So caution, if you like bean-tasting food, then this is the best flour for you!! Instead, I'd highly recommend Gluten-Free Pantry's Beth's Flour mix. It's amazing in both texture and taste, and works as a substitute for any recipe that calls for flour.
great product and gluten free High in iron and fiber. Get "Going Wild in the Kitchen" for recipes with teff flour. My family loves it. Great price, too!
diseased plant Plant showed up about a week after ordering and was covered in a white fungus or mold.. I don't know what to do about it and I don't want to put it near my other plants. I bought it from 9greenbox and I contacted them but am waiting to hear back from them.. The tree does not look like the photo at all and is in a pot that seems way too small for the tree. The tree seems rather weak looking in terms of health and beauty.. I was looking forward to it and was hoping I would get the brussels tree from brussels because the last bonsai I had bought was actually from them and was a great plant.. Do not buy from this seller if you are looking to get the brussels tree..
excellent product This is quick, easy and above all tasty. I use it as a side and also add cooked meat to make a main dish.
Didn't like it In my opinion, this type of olive isn't good for an olive spread. Of course, I had no way of knowing that until I bought it and tried it. For this reason, I don't recommend it.
Good dressing, expired I cannot find this salad dressing in my area anymore, I have ordered 2 times on Amazon and it must be ordered in a case of 6 bottles, which is fine, however when it arrives all of the bottles have the same expired date. I ordered this in Dec. and all the bottles expired in Jan. the next month. In order for it to get used we have to give it away. This happened both times.Very disappointed for this to happen both times. Will not order again.
Total rip-off! I ordered this for a custodian at the high school I teach at, she was still working while on the wait-list for a liver transplant. It was so cute, and I knew it would really be a pick-me-up for her. It was supposed to arrive in ten business days, but never came at all, not while she was still working, or even after she got worse and was home bound waiting. I know this is true, because I didn't know her home address, so I told them to deliver it to the school....so I know it never came. I have e-mailed the company several times, and they have never replied, although they still spam me with info on new items...as if I would ever order from them again. Buyer beware - the company I bought mine from was a total rip-off!
mediocre this coffee was only slightly above Dunkin Donuts brew. I compared it to two other brands; those i finished the quantities. these were disposed of.
Really good. Can't find anywhere but Amazon I've ordered several Haribo products from Amazon. The first was a 5 pound bag of gummi peaches, which were excellent. I didn't think they could be beat. I saw these shortly after the bag of peaches was finished and had to give them a try. Although they are not quite as good as the peaches, they still have a very unique apple flavor, like nothing you've ever tasted before. I would highly recommend these apple gummi candies if you like the haribo gummi peaches or similar items.
Didn't care much for it I love baba Ghanoush, and make it from time to time and also buy it refrigerated and love it, but didn't care much for this. Very bland and you have to add garlic, lemon, and olive oil yourself. Buy it in the tub from a hippy food store.
Tasty Nostalgia These candy cigarettes are great - exactly like I remember them as a kid. Very fun to eat. Not all of them have red tips, but I don't think they ever did.Free bonus - the case is perforated so you can fold it up into a fun display, like you might see in a store.
Rooibos Tea and Spices. Rooibos is Afrikaans for "red bush." Grown in South Africa's Cederburg Mountains and harvested during the summer, this tea acquires its unique red color as a result of fermentation (in mounds) and oxidization, when it is spread out to dry in the sunlight; naturally it is green.Rooibos is known for its health benefits stemming from its rich content in vitamins, antioxidants, flavanoids and minerals (inter alia, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, potassium, fluoride, manganese and alpha-hydroxy) and has a long tradition of medicinal use among the local Native population; among other things, it is known to help cure asthma, hay fever and other allergies, acne, eczema, colics, indigestion, insomnia, and nervous tension. Containing very few tannins and no caffeine, rooibos has a distinctive aroma and amber color.This tea blends well with various spices and condiments; my favorite mixture is a delicious loose leaf blend sold by my local tea store, which features orange peel, cinnamon, grated coconut, finely minced chili and red pepper. For a more commercial alternative, though, Tazo's Red Bush tea is a great choice as well: a rich, exquisite blend of rooibos, hibiscus, orange peel, rosemary, several lemon ingredients (lemon myrtle, verbena and balm), as well as a number of sweet spices. Enjoy!
Very Dissappointed I just attempted to use this product for baking a couple of days ago and was so very dissappointed. I have used a few different brands of Date Sugar and have never had a clumping problem. I believe most of the companies who produce date sugar have to cut some oat flour into it so it doesn't just form one sticky lump. This is how Bob's Red Mill Date Sugar is...one big 24-oz block of sticky lump. I had to pound and pound on the mound of date sugar and attempt to whittle away at it with a knife. I thought I had pulverized it enough to bake with it and boy was I wrong. When I poured the batter into loaf pans, it had big red clumps of date sugar poking out of the batter. I picked out what lumps were visible but when I cut into the finished product, it had patches throughout that were sticky and felt like the bread was not done. I could tell these patches were from the clumps of date sugar. I was so very sad I bought this product.
Extreme disappointment In Sept of 2008 I ordered my customary case of this popcorn....after realizing that the name had been changed but the ingredients were the same. At least half of that case of 3-packs were dry and burned when cooking. These bags were tough and tasteless, not light and fluffy as I had come to expect. I have not received satisfactory treatment from the manufacturer, but I'll be persistent and hope to get at least half of my money refunded as half of the popcorn went into the trash.
This is the best coffee I've experienced on planet earth. period. I am not a raving optimist and am a highly ciritical comsumer. I have never before publicly rated any product 5 stars. This is a 5-star product.Why? It tastes good :)Seriously, it has near-zero acidity, an inviting aroma, and can be drunk without prior consideration as a "dessert coffee" just as easily as a "breakfast coffe". It's as versatile as a swiss-army-knife and as refined as the highest grade Damast linen.I have had 7 other distinct Kona coffees purchased on my behalf on the Kona island and brought home for me to try. All others Konas were compared to this one and found lacking (in some cases seriously lacking). No "Kona blend" will ever again be found acceptable once you drink this coffee.So, not only is it a 5-star coffee among general coffees (including the "Charbucks" of the world...yech!), but it is a 5-star coffee among other high-achiever coffees.
worst tasting cracker ever how anyone could think these crackers are even edible is beyond me! There is absolutely no flavor to the cracker as you are eating it and worse yet, there is a horrible sour after taste.
Great stuff but OVERPRICED here. I love this stuff...I eat about a bag a week of it. Healthy and nutritious...Quinoa is a gluten-free complete protein. OVERPRICED, though. I get it at Whole Foods for $6.99. $7.99 at New Seasons (Portland, OR) but they offer a 15% discount for a case, which makes it $6.79 a bag as opposed to $7.15 per bag, case price, on Amazon.Not a huge difference, but what burns me is that Amazon says the regular price is $55.80 a case, which is $9.30 a bag--30% above RETAIL!A while back they were selling this for a discounted price you would expect on Amazon...something like $25 a case. That was a great deal. I should have bought a truckload then.
Beer nut bonanza Beer nuts are an incredible and healthful snack as long as you don't overeat them. Each 1.25 oz. package is just the right amount for a delicious "break" between meals. I don't know why stores do not have this item. The package is also convenient to put in a brief case or any other carry item.
Not quite what I expected Very dry hard jerky, which I can deal with ... however so thin and dry it tasted more like a beef chip rather than actual beef jerkyWill post pictures ,was really disappointed as I was pretty hopeful i found a good jerky based on other review but i clearly should have listened to those saying the product isnt how it used to be
these pods fit the senseo holder and it's great Coffee!!! I'm not a fan of Senseo brand coffee pods so I've been using espresso pods from Green Mountain (not great but way better then senseo) for some reason they quit making them so I was searching for pods that fit the Senseo after reading the review I took a shot in the dark and ordered a box of them from Amazon and fell in Love I use them with the espresso pod holder I got from amazon (not the single pod holder that comes stock)and have been enjoying the best espresso I've had in years. I liked them so well I just ordered 2 more boxes
Disapointed I feel that the picture misrepresents the product that I received.Approx.80% were black and 5% each of the other colors.Not good value.Seller does not disclose % of each color so no recourse.
Not good! I have tried almost all of the Senseo flavors now, and I have to say that the Cappuccino may be the worst. The flavor is very bitter. Not that I would expect an actual cappuccino to come out of my Senseo machine, but I thought it would at least taste okay. It does have a nice, smooth texture, but I just can't enjoy the taste. Also, the pods tend to leave behind a little mess with some of the cream that leaks out and they leave a lot more water in the holder than normal pods do.
The COFFEE! Excellent coffee. Aroma, Flavor, Body are exceptional. The best brand I found for my morning Turkish coffee. Strongly recommend it for serious coffee lovers.
You'll lose weight I like white cheddar. I can eat half a pound of it at one sitting. I like soy. I can chug plain varieties of it by the quart.But 'Just the Cheese Rounds, Cheddar Plus Soy' as a snack? It's hard to get down one of these calcified nuggets, let alone a portion.As an added bonus, an aftertaste will naturally curb your appetite for hours.