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Candy Reese Pieces, 1 Lb As of August 27, 2008 - all prices subject to changeASIN B001C1PAWY - 44 oz bag, not currently availB000WMI6NY - 24 four ounce boxes, not currently availB000PD13GC - 36 packages, package size not stated, $32.99 + $8.95 shipping ($41.94)B000I6FY48 - 1 pound, $9.99 + $8.95 shipping ($18.94)B000QUZ9C8 - Twelve 44 ounce bags, $89.00 + $22.25 shipping ($111.25)B000NMDVU6 - 36 packages, package size not stated, $21.47 + $10.50 shipping ($31.97)B000QV0M6K - 2.75 pound bag, $9.95 + $8.75 shipping ($18.70)B000OYH2FI - 44 ounce bag, $21.95 + $6.95 shipping ($28.90)The only differences between all of these listings are that they were created by different sellers, the size of the packages, and the price. You can compare the prices and sellers for yourself. One item not currently available, B000WMI6NY, is likely to be the best deals, since Amazon usually offers free shipping with purchases of a certain dollar amount. The others, once you add shipping to the sale price, seem to me to be over-priced.First there were M&Ms;, which are good. Good enough for Reese's to take the idea and expand on it. And Reese's Pieces are so good that M&Ms; stole the idea back - and doesn't do peanut butter anywhere near as well as Reese's! Like M&Ms;, Reese's Pieces are little dots with a candy-coating; inside is a creamy peanut butter. They don't compare with M&Ms; Plain, but they beat the peanut butter out of M&Ms; Peanut Butter!- AnnaLovesBooks
NO! Very Poor Quality Ordered these as a plan for a party. They were awful and un-edible. Enouh rosemary in the bag to actually discolor the olives completely.
Better Than Ramen I purchased this item after seeing the relatively lower sodium compared to noodle soups (~500mg vs. ~2500mg). Good flavor, a little spicy but tolerable. This is a SOUP and not simply a "couscous-in-a-cup", but for those who find it "loose", should drain the liquid while the lid is still on, to yield that "couscous-in-a-cup" result. Great both ways.
There are much better pear vinegars This pear vinegar is based in white wine vinegar. I don't think it has the subtlety and exquisite taste of a pear vinegar based in golden balsamic vinegar, and they are no more expensive. I tried this in a recipe I have made many times for pear vinagrette, and the taste was clearly inferior. Sparrow Lane sells a balsamic based pear vinegar. They are also available at Whole Foods, if you've got one near you.
Good decorations, awful snacks Yes, these Peeps have been around forever, but I do not know how they have managed to survive when nowadays there are way healthier, and equally as fun snacks. The main ingredients are sugar, corn syrup (they do not use the "high fructose" now), and colorants. Nothing very good for children's health, plus they do NOT taste good. Sure, their colors catch everybody's attention, but most people (children and adults) will put them down after a couple of bites. The one star is for their decoration merits. They indeed cheer up any Easter buffet table.
Awesome cookie! I saw this cookie at Whole Foods and decided to give it a try. I'm not a huge lemon fan but this cookie is delicious! Plus vegan and gluten free to boot! I'll definately be having it again(and trying other flavors)
Not what I expected I bought this bread mix due the high rated reviews. The mix made a beautiful loaf, but the flavor wasn't the greatest. The only way I was able to eat it, was to pile it with peanut butter and jelly. As stated by one of the reviews it also contains milk, I'm lactose intolerant. I will give Pamela's a try.
Awesome! I was craving for it!! I ordered and it was here sooner than expected, super fast, amazing. And it tasted just like I remember it!!
Great Stuff Good product at a good price. Extremely easy to use by adding meats of your choice; better than most of the Gumbo you get in California restaurants!
Not What I thought. I thought I read that these had soft centers but were hard throughout, thus why I gave it one star.
Waste of Money This was an absolute waste of money, the number 2 ingredient? Flour. You can make this at home (if you like bland curry). Basically this is turmeric, flour and very little else. And I bought the hot versions which wasn't hot at all. Try Chiefs curry powder instead! I hate to write bad reviews but after reading the positive ones here I bought it and felt robbed.
Very pleased I bought these fruit pastilles as a surprise gift for a friend in Canada who loves them but can't get them where she lives. The price, including delivery charge, was much less than if I'd bought a box here in England and mailed it to her. She received the package within a few days of my placing the order and was so happy and surprised. And I was very satisfied with the service and the cost. Thank you for helping me brighten her day!
Ended 10 months of severe reflux This formula was an answer to our prayers. My son had terrible reflux from birth that was not responding to medications. We did a blood test for allergies, and they all came up negative. After a lot of research I purchased a book called 'What's eating my Child'. The author suggested that many children may have food intolerances rather than allergies. On my own I became curious if my son was intolerant to corn (because there is almost no formula without corn products as an ingredient). Baby's Only Formula is the ONLY one I could find that didn't use a corn product as their base. Also, baby's only promises that they do not use genetically modified ingredients of any kind (which I feel pretty strongly about). My son took to it well. We switched cold turkey and he had no adverse reactions. His reflux was completely gone within one week and he was off of all medications within a month. He is happy and after dealing with his pain for so many months, I can't even explain what an advocate I am of this product!
Bad. Very bad. I'd had the honey-mustard ones and loved them, and was about to order them again when this variety caught my eye. They sounded delicious.Well, it stops there. These are truly inedible. They are so overseasoned and so oversalted, they make your eyes water. The only way to eat them at all is to vigorously rub each one with a napkin first, and even then, it's not an enjoyable experience.Can't believe I'm stuck with a whole case of these things. I won't even get through one bag. My advice... never buy a case of anything unless you know for a fact you love it. Even if you DID enjoy another variety of the same product.
My son's favorite snack! My son is gluten/casein free and LOVES these pretzels. I even know some friends who tried them and liked them so much- they want to buy some for themselves- and they aren't even on a G/C free diet.These bags are a great deal. I compared all the sizes of the bags and prices on Amazon.If your child has food problems, buy a bag from the local health food store, try them out and then come back to Amazon and buy a case or two. Definitely the best deal.
Great Salad Dressings!!! If you are looking for something new - You have to try this! The salad dressings are great! I love the Wilted Lettuce Dressing...it reminds me of home! Also, I have been cooking everything with the Zest Sauce and the Real McCoy Mustard Sauce. No more same old same old. I am going to send this as gifts this year to all of my cooking friends.
Great Beverage...But Not to be Trusted With Responsibilities! When my Tuscan Whole Milk arrived last week, I was overcome with joy. I wept openly and hugged my mailman for quite some time. I sat down on my loveseat, propped my feet up on the ottoman, and enjoyed approximately 7 of the included 128 fluid ounces. It was a transcendent experience to say the least! I felt that I had to share the good news with the rest of the neighborhood. "Okay, Tuscan Whole Milk," I said to the jolly little jug, "please answer the phone while I am out, and be sure to feed my cat within the hour. If Mother calls, please wish her a happy birthday." I took the jug's silence to mean that it understood my request and would comply with it fully. After spending several hours going door-to-door to spread the Tuscan gospel amongst my neighbors, I returned home...to betrayal! The jug of milk was sitting right where I had left it! My cat was quite hungry and noticeably unhappy with me. I checked my caller ID device and saw that my mother had called shortly after I left the house! By now it was 5:30 PM - way past my mother's bedtime - and I would not be able to speak to her until the next day. Let me say that she was quite disappointed that I was not home to answer her traditional birthday phone call. I tried to explain how it was Tuscan Whole Milk's fault, but she would have none of it. I was inconsolable, and decided to drown my sorrow in 121 fluid ounces of warm, delicious Tuscan Whole Milk. If you choose to purchase this item, please learn from my mistake. Drink the milk, but do not trust it with any household chores or responsibilities. Please think of your dear mother and your cat, and make the right decision.
Makes Baby Happy My son developed an allergy to regular formula and his pediatrian recommended putting him an elemental formula. We tried Nutramigen first and found that it had a very strong smell that my son did not like. Alimentum was the answer. I usually buy the Alimentum from Amazon, but if I get coupons from Similac, then I will purchase them at Babies R Us. As other reviewers have stated the formula is pricy, but it works for my son.
tea for woman's It's perfect tea for special days.I ordered a big pack a month ago. It really helps ease menstrual symptoms and there are just herbs...I will buy it again.
Burnt Offerings! These cookies obviously have good quality ingredients, but every cookie in every bag was burnt! And I'm not talking nicely browned. These were just this side of black on the bottom and extremely crisp as a result. Too bad. If not burnt I suspect they'd be really good. The manufacturers should have tossed the batch instead of peddling them to unsuspecting customers.
Placebo? I don't think so!! IT WORKS!!!! This product was recommended to me by a few nurses & lactation consultants. I wasn't going to get as I'm not much of a "wholistic medicine" person and read that fenugreek products are more of a placebo type of drug. That is, as a placebo, the benefit of the drug is a mental / emotional one not a proven factual/medical one. I have to disagree & highly recommend this product. I have numerous issues against me in the breastfeeding department... I'm an older mom, I have thyroid issues, had fertility issues and my child was not accomodating to breastfeeding. For a few weeks, and per the advice of a few professionals, I was doing an insane "booby boot camp" to increase my supply. I was attempting to do this at EACH feeding: breast feed for 10-15 minutes per side, bottle feed with a formula supplement, and then pump for 20 minutes. Doing this took a minimum of 2 hours and was done at every 3 hour increment. Insane!!! My child also would not breast feed unless I used a nipple shield as well. I believe that all this was caused when I was in the hospital, she wouldn't feed well and the hospital 1) got her hooked to the nipple shield, 2) got her started down the bottle / formula route since she was a tiny baby, and 3) NEGLECTED TO TELL ME that I needed to pump to keep my supply up. The combo of the events was a powerfully negative effect on my milk supply, breastfeeding abililty, and well being. Needless to say, I was a physical and emotional wreck, but I was willing to do the booby boot camp to try to increase my milk supply and ultimately exclusively breastfeed my baby.So here's the point: After drinking the tea ONE time, I had immediate results. My pumping supply increased about 3x. Now, my supply is fine. Even better, I'm no longer on booby boot camp and not providing supplement of formula OR expressed breast milk to my daughter. Next stage is getting her off the nipple shield, but everything is in phases. Plus, it's now some crazy early hour, I really should be sleeping, but I wanted to leave feedback so others don't suffer like I did.For what it's worth, I also recommend Dr. Harvey Karp's book "Happiest Baby on the Block". The calming recommendations have been a life saver for me. Did I mention that my husband travels for work and is gone unpredictibly for days at a time? Oh, and we moved when I was 8 months pregnant.TRUST ME: The book & the tea have been hugely helpful. Sanity and sleep never felt better!!Best of luck to everyone. Welcome to the sisterhood!!!
Tic Tacs I was pleased with the fast shipment, however, they were supposed to be orange tic tacs and they were all white. I didn't know this until the bridal shower when people opened them b/c the package was a dark orange and made the tic tacs appear to be orange too. Too late to send back at that point.
No Tomatoes Did EVERYTHING according to instructions. Plants grew but flowers (that lead to tomatoes) that were supposed to appear by 4 weeks did NOT appear by 4 MONTHS (when I gave up)!!
No flavor I purchased this tea two days ago on sale and it tastes like it was on sale for a reason. After steeping the tea as the directions say, the tea had no flavor whatsoever and doesn't even smell like chai.I would definitely advise against buying this tea. Even using two teabags at once produced only bitter flavor. There's really nothing good about this tea.
Tart, sweet. Perfect for oatmeal I bought these after reading the good reviews and using the Subscribe & Save option.Packaging: They arrive in a box shown in the picture. Inside that, they are in a sealed bag. Once you open the bag, they recommend keeping them frozen or refrigerated. I put most of the bag in a air tight jar that has a twist-off lid for easy access and in the fridge. There was a lot leftover in the bag so i put the remaining in a Ziploc freezer bag and placed in the freezer. It would have been nice if the cherries came in a resealable freezer bag but I understand why they didn't. There is a date on the bag also. I'm guessing this is the "best if used by" date.Taste: They are not your sweet cherries. They are a little tart but also a little sweet. Just how I like them.Bottom line: I use these in my oatmeal, in sandwiches, in trail mix, and straight out of the container. For the price I paid (~$18) and the amount you get (4lb). It is definitely worth it. This is the 2nd 4 pound box I have bought in a year.
Oops I bought chocolate through the mail in August in New Mexico. I didn't even think about the fact that it would need to be insulated/refrigerated. When it arrived, it was melted. I do however remember the chocolate bar being delicious the last time I had it...alas....not this time.
communication with vendor a little differentV Vendor was pleasant but they could not tell me when the product would arrive. Better tracking thru ups would be a definite improvement. If you order this produce (which is very good and unique in flavor) be prepared to wait and wait and wait.
Utterly disgusting. I usually love Kashi foods, but this hot cereal is completely flavorless. To make things worse, it has a terrible sticky, pasty consistency. I couldn't stomach more than one bite. I recommend Quaker High Fiber oatmeal instead. This was just disgusting.
Way too much sugar! I prefer the no sugar added dried mango. This has no mango taste and the sugar is bad for you.
Horribly disappointing This stuff has no distinguishable flavor to it, just a stagnant sweetness. It is just terrible. Black cherry, my arse. Yuck! And, these are its good points.
the best tea for milk I start drinking this tea two weeks after I started breastfeeding my baby. I didn't have enough milk, but after only few days drinking this tea I started pomping almost 6 oz from one breast. It's worth every dollar and it also taste delicious. Overall great product. I would recommend it to every mother who is breastfeeding.
The Best! The best mints out there. Small. Powerful. A good value (50 per packet). AND it's in a nice small plastic container - unlike altoids or tic-tacs, it's not going to rattle around in your pocket. And unlike other no-cal mints, this doesn't taste like artificial sweetner. You can't beat it. Now why has it become so hard to find?!?!?!
No thanks I was disappointed in both the color and the taste of this flavor. As long as I kept the packaging on it, I could eat it, but I definitely don't look forward to opening the next one.As for taste, I'll go back to another flavor.
Superb! Fabulous marriage of convenience and quality. Rich, full flavor from the touch of a button! A dream come true.
Working well and GREAT customer service!!! ***UPDATE ON NOISE ISSUE***I finally contacted customer service at AeroGarden about the noisy pump. CJ suggested that I try to remove the green filter cover and see if that eliminated the gurgling noise. Voila, it worked! Now just a dull hum most of the time--MUCH better. They're also sending out 2 replacement seed pods since 2 of my plants didn't thrive like the rest. Now that's great customer service!!!ORIGINAL REVIEWMy husband bought this for me for Christmas and I love being able to grow herbs year-round in the kitchen. Everything is sprouting nicely after just a few weeks. HOWEVER, the motor on the water pump is VERY noisy--I may even move the garden to another room so we don't have to listen to the gurgling noise all the time. This seems to be a pretty common complaint with this item.
Soothing and calming--perfect for a stressful day I love this tea. It has a wonderful flavor thats naturally sweet from the stevia. This is a lifesaver on moody pms days, or any time you need a little stress relief. After one cup I can tell a difference, I feel calmer and more in control. Excellent tea!!
delicious tea This tea is absolutely delicious. Strong, spicy, cinnamon with just the right amount of natural sweetness. Perfect for a very large mug.
Love this creamer! I love Hazelnut creamers and this was exceptionally good. I like getting a carton because I run out so fast. It's the only way I will drink coffee!
finally good bread I really enjoyed this bread. It was easy to make without a bread maker and lasted along time in the refrigerator. It also made good toast!
Love this tea I was served this by a friend and now I can't stop having it at least once a day. No need to add sweetners and no caffeine. Great complex flavor.
Worst Merchant on Amazon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not order from Marshall Creek Spices... It takes forever to receive the merchandise and then comes with postage due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terrible service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zatarain knows New Orleans Love this item. I usually just add 1 lb of a variety of sausages and in about 30 minutes I have a awesome New Orleans style meal. Love the taste and seasoning it perfect.
Almost as good as a Starbucks Doubleshot Tastes pretty good, but it's still not Starbucks. I like ordering this with free shipping and the GROCERY coupon codes Amazon runs occasionally. Last time I got $10 off 2 cases. Then its worth the price. Their chocolate espresso beans are great!
Taste like real grapefruit I will second the notion that these are very sour. I can't eat too many of these like I can the gummi bears. After a few of these my mouth feels like it has tasted real grapefruit, and in fact real flavorings are part of these treats. I'm not sure why there is sugar coating on these, though. I don't find these too sweet at all.The texture is on the soft side, not hard like those jumbo cherry gummis (which I didn't care for), and after trying these now for a week I must say these are quite good.
Hideous over-powering orange flavor Well, where to begin.First, I have been drinking tea (green, black, oolong, white, etc.) for more than 15 years as either loose leaf (whole leaf) or bagged. My number one love is green tea ... specifically Japanese Sencha. I have consumed many grades and types of steaming (mild, medium and "deep"). I have also tried many of the products offered by "Two Leaves and a Bud" by way of Whole Foods (who do not offer this).This is the first offering by Two Leaves that I sadly have to say is dreadful. Before you think I'm a jerk, let me say that they offer some awesome bagged teas. This just isn't one of them (IMHO).The orange that they add KILLS all of the beauty that the Sencha could potentially offer. What's worse is they suggest a steeping time of 4-minutes. Ludicrous. Most mild steamed (which this is) or medium steamed Sencha's steep for no more than 3-minutes. Four minutes will produce an acrid bitter brew unless the Sencha is a superior grade (which this doesn't appear to be).Even after steeping this for about 3 minutes, the taste is still overwhelmingly sharp & "bitty" (just a weaker sharp). I can not believe that the people at Two Leaves have ever had a good cup of loose leaf Sencha. I can't. If they have, they wouldn't offer this.I can only assume they add so much orange to it because the Sencha grade is poor. Otherwise, why not sell it without the orange flavor like the wonderfulTwo Leaves and a Bud, Tamayokucha Extremely Green Tea, Tea Bags, 100 Countthey offer? The Tamayokucha is excellent! No orange flavor needed, and I bet none is needed here either.Bummer is that I was dumb enough to buy the 100 count box (my bad). There is no way I can drink the rest of it and I would feel horrible if I gave it away to someone. They would think I had no taste in teas.My advice: buy a single box of this first. If you like it, switch to coffee.
A Great Tasting Sweetener, at last!! I could not believe how good this nectar tastes. I was expecting it to have an aftertaste or be bitter, like most artificial sweeteners. I was pleasantly surprised at first taste. I then had my husband taste it because he doesn't like artificial sweeteners, and he loved it, too! It will come in handy on the Perricone Weight Loss diet, because of it's low glycemic index. The price for the case here on Amazon is really good, too, so I'm stocking up.If you are a diabetic, this is the best tasting sweetener with the lowest glycemic index out there right now.
Great for cooking with If you are reading this you probably know aboutHuy Fong, Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, 17-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 6), which is a great condiment and a must-have at my table. Huy Fong also makes Chili Garlic sauce (i.e. the one on this product page) which is a better sauce to cook with. The blend of Chili & Garlic is a wonderful flavor combination for stir-fries etc. You can also use it as a condiment, although it is not as fine and blended as a condiment sauce. While Sriracha is a great condiment I find that it's not that great for cooking use - the flavor seems to change due to heat. The Chili Garlic sauce is much better for cooking use.I hope you find this helpful!
Big, Chewy & Delicious I happened upon this item while browsing for a healthy snack. These as not only healthy, but so tasteful. Now our son & his family order them on a regular basis!
Nice mild exotic taste, no sweetener required... Received my first Yogi Egyptian Licorice Herbal tea as a sample from Yogi Teas, and just loved it so had to have more.Found it from the local natural food store for a little while but then they said it was discontinued, and they only carried the Egyptian Mint Licorice which, in my opinion, was not nearly as good - the mint simply overpowered the licorice (although, to be fair to that product, I am not a mint-lover). Was so very extremely pleased to find YELHT here at Amazon at such an affordable price (as long as ordering bulk and Super Saver Shipping discount applied). Worked out to be less than Yogi tea at the big box store, and it was delivered to my door.This tea definitely tastes of black licorice to me, which I personally love - reminds me of fennel seed from my garden, not sure why as fennel is not one of the ingredients - only licorice root, cinnamon bark, orange peel, ginger root, cardamom seed, black pepper, and clove bud (all organic) along with tangerine flavor and cinnamon oil (all natural). It is also already sweet - adding sweetener makes it too sweet. I like this combination, and hope Yogi has not actually discontinued it. If so, sad day.My adult daughter loves it too... she had to wait to enjoy it until after her pregnancy and after she was done breastfeeding as there is a specific warning on the box about not drinking this tea during pregnancy or while nursing.
Toast will not be the same again It's really hard to find a quality dark marmalade in San Diego, but I had to have it as per an age-old family tradition on Boxing Day (December 26th).Product looks great. It looks better than great, it looks like home (Norfolk).Love it.
Love this flavor from Genisoy. The mint cuts the sweetness a little. The chocolate is full and robust. Nice amt of protein to add to the day's intake. This is one of my favorite Genisoy flavors.
surprisingly tasty - like kind I make really tasty - surprisingly close to the one that I used to make from scratch. Needs to be really cold for best taste.
OLD TASTE I believe I've been ripped off, this candy taste old and the liquid cherry center is different that what I bought in the stores the limited time it was out. DON'T BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Salty I had high expectations but it was extremely salty and tasted nothing like movie theater popcorn. Next time I try popping it ( I do have 23 more packs to go through) I'll try cutting back on the salt in the packet. I don't know how this popcorn got such ratings. I'll give it another shot though out of the love I have for popcorn.
good comfort snack I love this soup but can not purchase it nearby. Lot's of green and a light refreshing flavor. It's low calorie, low fat, high protein. I sometimes have one for breakfast and it satisfies me until lunch or eat one during those late morning or mid afternoon craving times. A twelve pack gives you 36 servings, perfect! It comes in a nice display box, easy to slide into your cupboard or pantry.
cardboard meets apple spice I really love their other products but this one just isn't a winner. I tried every combination possible (microwave, hot water, hot milk) hoping that the favor would change, especially since I bought 8 boxes of the stuff. But no luck! I can't seeing throwing the stuff away so I will donate it and hope that it bring someone else's taste buds alive.
Chip lover The chips that were delivered have little to no barbeque seasoning on them which makes them pretty bland. I get seasoning on every third chip. Keep in mind it is the seasoning that makes the chips worth buying.
Nana's Peanut Butter Cookie I have been purchasing Nana's cookies for some time. They are healthy cookies. They also taste really good. They are a much better price at Amazon compared to the grocery stores.
Love this product My family keeps asking for me to make up a pitcher of green iced tea. It is so easy to brew and have ready in the refrigerator when they need some refreshment. I like the flavor and the fact that it is decaffinated. Because my family loves it, we are not drinking as much pop or juice which is a big plus.
My favorite sardines so far I prefer the skinless and boneless variety of sardines because they usually have less salt and less saturated fat than the others. Plus, these wild caught Moroccan sardines are tender and plump. I don't even need crackers to enjoy them with the tomato sauce. It does say on the box that salt is added, but there is only 100mg of sodium (4% RDA) per serving with about 2 servings per can. Very healthy and great tasting.
I prefer mild roast... But this is still pretty darn good. Senseo is my favorite way to start the day!
like it we havent tried the coffee yet or the tea but the packaging was attractive. I thought that it would have been a little larger but for the price it was a good value
skin and bones I actually prefer to have them, they add healthful nutrition. For example, bones give much needed calcium in its natural form.
Product was great, but the packaging is a mess Box was crushed on one corner such that one of the cannisters was broken open and there was fine powder everywhere.
NOT the real Worcestershire Sauce Despite being sold under the same label, the Lea & Perrins available in the U.S. is NOT the real thing - as others have noted, it contains high fructose corn syrup. Aside from high fructose corn syrup being ridiculously bad for you, it does change the flavor. Not to mention, it's a false claim, as the American version is not 'the original'. See if you have any friends in England to send you the real stuff :)
Tea Tastes Like Perfume I bought this tea for the health benefits, and although I am not the biggest fan of tea, I knew that this tea was extremely overbearing and is very hard to drink. This team smelled like perfume, as well as tasted like it. It left my mouth smelling like I drank a bottle of perfume and it just wasn't pleasant at all. I can usually handle things that taste bad, but this was an exception. If you can get over the strong taste, however, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Dissapointed when learned it contains Carrageenan! Carrageenan is a thickening agent. It's the vegetarian equivalent of casein, the same protein that is isolatedfrom milk and used to thicken foods. Casein is also used to produce paints, and is the glue used to holda label to a bottle of beer. Carrageenan is the magic ingredient used to de-ice frozen airplanes sitting ontarmacs during winter storms.Very dissapointed Blue Diamond uses this crap on a such a great non-dairy alternative.
Soy flavor Been trying out different brands of powdered, canned, uht milk lately. I gave this one a try and it is my least favorite. I can taste what seems to me like a Soy milk(which I couldn't stomach).ALSO the prices I've seen online are total ripoffs, $3.50 or so at walmart in Mexican isle.
Tasty We love Caramel Kiss flavor, we mix it half and half with our regular coffee and drink it each morning.
A Afterlife Success Many movies, have dealt with the figure of death and the dead, from the Good angel clarence in "It's a Wonderful Life," to Brad Pitt's abysmal turn as Death himself in "Meet Joe Black." However, Tim Burton has presented the world with the most interestng look at the dead with Beetlejuice. In the first moments of the movie, Barbara and Adam Maitland go to town, And die in the oddest possible way. They return to thier house, and find them selves confined to it's premises. Thier leaving sends them to a strange desert world Populated by multi-layered sandworms. Eventually, they find that they are dead, and must remain in their home for 128 years, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the family of NYC artisans that moves in and remodels the place. After consulting with thier "caseworker" Juno,(Sylvia Sidney at her chain-smoking best) they hire a bio-exorcist,Betelguese (pronouced "BeetleJuice," hence the title) who agrees to help. Unfortunately for the Maitlands, Beetlejuice is an extremely PO'ed demon who refuses to return to the underworld. The visuals and special effects of this movie are completely stunning, and Micheal Keaton gives a performance that must have been a blast to play. Beetlejuice is a beer swilling,cussing,moral-majority's worst nightmare with superpowers, "Beetlejuice" is one of Tim Burton's Best works, and something he should be proud of.
Not a hit! No one in my family liked this. I wasted much of what I purchased. Just didn't like the flavor! I SOUNDED good...
Poor product care I purchased this as a gift with another bonsai. The other arrived in perfect condition, this did not. It was packaged improperly and over half of the branches arrived broken. I will be contacting the seller for a replacement or refund.
Cheaper in the stores... Ok, you have or want a Pod machine. Many choices, the Senseo is the best of them. Why you want to buy one is likely because you want barista coffee that's easy, cheap, or fast. The Senso does that, but it's not better than espresso. Maybe as good, that's for you to determine.That's the usual tradeoff: fast (easy), cheap, and good: pick any two. That is my Shiny scale (see below).Ok, I can pick up these 18-pack pods about $4-5 in the supermarkets. Why pay more with Amazon? You live in Alaska or something?If you like the other makers' pods, go ahead and buy them. I've had the Cafe Express ones in my Senseo, and they work fine. I've also brewed some bag green tea in it, though it can seep out the sides if you're not careful. You can NOT use tamped coffee, however. Tried it, and cleaned up the mess afterward.The purist complaint with the Senseo is that their coffees are not up to barista standard. I don't know who is writing their stuff, but I have been drinking coffee since 9, and I like it so much that my drip brewer sits in the corner. It's not espresso, but it doesn't' claim to be. This system is worth more than what I paid for it at Costco, which was $40 at Xmas. Actually, it was a Xmas gift, so technically I didn't buy it.I think the dark roast is better than the medium, but I do like the mild roast when I am in the mood for nothing shocking. I have tried the flavored coffee, but think I'd rather add flavored syrup.The system brews at 3 bar, or thereabouts, and true espresso machines will be over 7 bar. Also, it's pumping steaming water thru, not just steam, but will produce a very pleasant crema (that oil/coffee foam at the top of the glass). Add milk before, there is no steamer/milk foamer.If you want a real espresso machine, buy a $500 one (Rancilio Silva is the my recommendation at that price range) and learn how to be a barista (10 hours of practice, working at Starbucks, or take a class). Amortize the cost of the machine over 20 years and you'll be wildly happy. The Senseo will likely last 4-5 years, I guess, but if it's for occasional good coffee, better than your drip system can produce, you'll be well pleased. I recommend it, and I have one.Shiny scale:Fast/easy: 9Good: 7cheap (value): 8And for comparison, the Rancilio Silva is:Fast:easy: 7Good: 10
Health Inspectors Close Restaurant Serendipity 3 Frrrozen Hot Chcolate Mix Gift Package and several packs of the hot chocolate mix.In October, 2007 I purchased the gift set along with several packs of the hot chocolate mix to be used as stocking stuffers at Christmas. Sometime in late November or early December I read a very short article in our local paper that read:"Health inspectors close restaurant""While serendipity may be the art of finding pleasant things by chance, what health inspectors found at celebrated eatery Serendipity 3 was not very agreeable.""Officials closed the restaurant Wednesday night after it failed its second inspection in a month. An inspector spotted a live mouse and mouse droppings, fruit flies, house flies and more than 100 live cockroaches.""Both inspections revealed rodent and fly infestation and conditions conducive to pest infestation, including stagnant water in the basement, the department said."Needless to say, approximately $60 of hot chocolate mix was thrown away. I would never purchase any products from Serendipity 3 again, even if it was a "must have" by Oprah. If there were a half star or less, it would be rated for this product.
a natural jerky but lacking This turkey jerky is good in the fact that it is preservative-free, no MSG, no nitrates and all-natural. But, I was disappointed - it's too dry and difficult to eat. Not a great pleasure to the mouth, but okay in general.
Looks so much better than it is. So, the tea didn't taste bad, and the box is adorable, but the "flowers" were mostly just brown crap and aren't at all like the photographs. The idea was interesting, but the actual product, not so much.
Shoumei White Tea is okay I really prefer the Shoumei Green Tea which is one of the only green teas I can find that isn't bitter. The white tea doesn't have any sweetness to it and isn't much fun to drink. I only drink it because it's good for me.
Yummy and Refreshing!!! This tea is so delicious, refreshing, and did I mention how easy it is to make? It's soooo easy. Drop the bag in cold water.... presto.... Blueberry Iced Tea. I added a little Splenda and ice, and it was sooo tasty on these hot summer Texas days. My husband can't get used to the flavors in his tea, but men can fear change sometimes. Anyway, it's really good tea. Enjoy!!
VERY unhappy... I have not even tried this yet, but am very unhappy with it. The picture shows a jar/shaker/glass or plastic/container...and what you get is a mylar bag that cannot be resealed. It must not come with an oxygen absorber in the sealed mylar pouch either, as the expiration date on the pouch is January 2014.
Delicious! I've been looking for a good cinnamon flavored coffee since last fall, when I had some "snickerdoodle"-flavored coffee at my brother's house. His came from a friend who roasted and flavored his own beans, so it wasn't really available. So, the search was on.This is it.I'm a huge fan of Coffee Masters anyway, so I was thrilled to find that they carry a couple of cinnamon-flavored coffees. I haven't tried the other oneCoffee Masters Flavored Coffee, Cinnamon Nut Swirl, Whole Bean, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4), but I don't think I need to, now that I've found this.The cinnamon flavor is just right -- not too strong, but assertive enough that you can tell it's there. There's just a hint of a slight vanilla taste, too, which I enhanced by adding some French vanilla creamer. A couple of packets of sweetener (we're talking an 18-oz mug here!), and the total package tastes like a liquid version of those wonderful cinnamon treats you can find at the mall (starts with "cinna-" and ends with "-bon").One thing I like about all the Coffee Masters flavors I've tried is the lack of a bitter "charred" taste. What you get is a robust roasted flavor with no "burnt" overtones. We're talking super tasty coffee! Exactly what I was looking for!
Not that great This item has plenty of vegetables, but for some reason, doesn't taste great. When I bought this item, I was looking forward to have more of "paneer", or Indian cottage cheese, but there are hardly any cubes of paneer in this dish. So, the image of this dish shown on cover is pretty misleading. This dish is primarily made of beans, peas, carrots and some very hard potatoes. This dish is more expensive than some other packed Indian food on sale and frankly, the price of dish is not at all reasonable.
great product till this moment i bought more than 8 bottles .its great product rich in flavour .you can use it to get a very very close starbucks pumpkin spice latteand much cheapergreat dealer
Poor bags The bags wewe too thin and some already had holes in them so that the leaves came out. If they had offered it as loose tea, then ok, but not acceptable as teabags. The tea had a nasty spoiled taste and I finally discarded it. Poor choice!
Not so much... Tastes like granola.That's pretty much all I could say in a positive review. Now let me get to the negatives:1) The granola has an almost stale characteristic to it. I don't think I'd call it rock-hard, but they've taken crunchy a little over-board. You have to soak it in milk for at least ten minutes before it becomes palatable. (I suspect that it is the lack of fat that makes it this way).2) If you didn't read it on the package, you wouldn't really know there were apples in this. There is no apple taste to speak of, and I'm not sure where they're hiding. And if you didn't see the little dried pink strawberries, you wouldn't know there were strawberries in there either. It just tastes like granola -- nothing special.3) The bag isn't any good. I realize this is taking the review to the extreme, but this stuff is packaged in a clear plastic that is difficult to open (and virtually impossible without scissors). After you get that first bowl-full, you've gotta be careful to avoid creasing or ripping the plastic at the top of the open bag. If you fail, the plastic tears down the side of the bag, and you have a big granola mess. Now maybe you're not as clumsy as I am before my first cup of coffee, but I tend to be a little cranky in the morning when my granola bag tears and I have to find another container to store the stuff in (assuming the dog isn't eating it off the floor for me).4) Not exactly cheap, is it? Folks, this 12-ounce bag is really small - probably no more than five modest servings.
The olives were rancid We're terribly disappointed. This was the second time we ordered this product - the first 5lb bag was incredible - we snarfed them all down. The olives were firm and full of flavor, had a nice greek olive scent. The second one was terrible - they tasted rancid and smelled terrible. We ended up throwing them all away - we were afraid we'd get sick. We will not be ordering again - very disappointed that the product was not even edible.
Bait & switch! Not the real thing if from The Spice Lab! Das Salt fleur de sel is the best of those I've tried. Awesome as finishing salt and a touch on chocolate ice cream can't be beat.Update 5/10/2011: Amazon will not let me delete the review I wrote in 2010 (it keeps the date) and start over, so all I can do is give this added information. Since my first purchase, I've tried a few other brands of fleur de sel de Guerande. Das Salt is the best.Unfortunately, the salt sold by Spice Lab is NOT Das Salt even though he uses a Das image and description & says it is by Das Salt. Seriously, if it ships from The Spice Lab it is NOT Das Salt. What you will get from The Spice Lab is repackaged salt in an unsealed container and a lot of trust-me-trust-me-trust-me crap about how honest the seller is -- from him, of course. No real surprise the seller misrepresents the product -- would you buy it if he advertised it as it is: repackaged salt, who knows how, from who knows where?This section is product reviews, not seller reviews, so buyer beware. My first review was for Das Salt fleur de sel, not the stuff you will get from The Spice Lab, but you'd never know it. I guess because Mr. Spice Lab says he is selling Das Salt, the reviews still apply but as noted, he is NOT selling Das Salt. Some of the reviews here were written for the real deal and not for that you will get from Spice Lab.Update 5/19/2011. After multiple complaints, it must be that Amazon made Spice Lab take down their falsely advertised product because Amazon is back to selling Das Salt from Das. The reviews follow the product, not the seller. I will leave this post as negative in case dear Brett from Spice Lab tries his trickery again. My praise for Das Salt is HIGH. My low rating is for FAKE Das salt sold by Spice Lab.
sorghum hocus pocus A wasten of money and time. We tried air popping--no more than 5% popped. we tried skillet popping--same. Have yet to find it already popped in bags--maybe that will redeem it, but not return my wasted time and money. Birds and squirrels seemed to like it.
Oh, It's So Good! This amaretto coffee is wonderful, with a nice mellow flavor. The almond flavors are layered between toasted almonds and amaretto flavoring. It became one of my favorite coffees as soon as I smelled it, and when I tasted it, I was hooked. If you like flavored coffees with a true, rich blend, you will love this one.
Maldon Flaked Sea Salt I read an encouraging review so went for it. Others may appreciate it; I did not.For it would not work in my salt mill. I would turn the mill several times, yet but little salt would come out.I needed larger crystals.
All bars moldy inside individual pkgs! My first box of plain Oskri coconut bars were delicious and a huge hit backpacking. So I ordered these for a change. Another person ordered a box of the plain ones the same day. Both of us received significantly defective products. It's one thing for bars exposed to air to get moldy, but for all 18 bars to reek of mold as soon as you open the sealed individual packaging indicates a serious problem at the factory. So I would not advise buying this brand. Mold can do terrible things to your health, if inhaled or ingested. This company needs to get their quality control act together.
Good flavor, too runny though Baby loved this one, but as he has progressed I had to cut this one out because it is too runny and if I have to move the spoon quickly out of the way of his grabby hands, it is all over! I think they could use a little less water maybe a little more potato to make it more the consistency of the turkey dinner one.
The Last Word in Over the Counter Red Table Salsa In a world filled with a crazy assortment of chipotle, corn, mango, ghost habanero, and raspberry tainted hot sauces, it is reassuring to find Hell on the Red Party Dip on the shelf at your local grocer. This stuff is so good, it gives you a sense of superiority when you push past the indecisive masses and head directly for its simply designed jar. And, like the jar, there is no fancy stuff here. The ingredients on the label are: tomato, onion, jalapeno (includes carrot, onion, vinegar, salt, spices), red pepper, water, garlic, salt, citric acid, and sugar. This is the only hot sauce I have ever tried that even comes close to restaurant grade salsa. It even surpasses the red sauce at the vast majority of tex-mex establishments I have been to (and I live in Houston, Texas which is arguably the tex-mex capital of the world). It's not too chunky and not too runny and it tastes real and fresh, not like it was made to have a post-apocalyptic shelf life. There is no great disparity between their "mild" and their "hot" and, if the store is out of mild, I will grab the hot. I prefer to eat mine chilled on corn chips and I can eat a whole jar in one sitting, no problem. The stuff is addictive. In the twenty years I've been eating Hell on the Red, I've gone through literally thousands of jars of this consistently high quality and unfalteringly replicated salsa. WARNING: If you judge your hot sauce only on the heat, look elsewhere. Hell on the Red is not some childish novelty product designed to be eaten only on a dare. This is salsa that is made to taste elegantly sublime. And it does.
Very Pleased! Item arrived the next day in excellent condition; I was very pleased with the product and service. These whirly pops have the best taste ever!
I must be doing something wrong I love the idea of this product but I am definitely doing something wrong. I've tried 3 seed kits and I haven't had a terrific amount of luck. If all that you're interested in is basil, you have it made. Not much else seems to grow very well. My chives were a failure as were my purple basil, cilantro, and parsley. I called and complained to the company and they were kind enough to send to me another seed pack. The sweet basil flourished but everything else pretty much floundered.Truth be told, I would recommend growing your own basil, parsley, rosemary, cilantro, and chives during the warmer months. If you're fortunate enough to live in a large city, you can buy herbs from your grocery store for a relatively low price during the off seasons. I live in Houston and our Central Market sells organic herbs for $.99/bunch. I wrap my herbs in paper towels and bag them in plastic bags the day that I purchase them. They last for a few weeks. I definitely get my money's worth without having to spend a bundle on an Aerogarden. One caveat though, buy basil and use it within 3-4 days. It's great in salads too!
How does one justify the cost? OK... USDA Prime is the good stuff, rarely available in neighborhood grocery stores. But some stores (like mine) do carry Prime at the meat counter, at $16 - $24 a .lb depending on your cut.How does anyone justify dropping $30 + a pound (plus shipping!) for a piece of meat that is MAYBE, NOMINALLY better than Choice if your pallette can even differentiate?!?At these prices go to a high end steak joint and saveur the whole experience.
This Product is ok. It would have been better if it would contain some protien.Also detailed allergy information would help.[...]
Delightful! Really good popcorn at a good price! The kernels are light and fluffy... Plenty of butter and salt. I eat one bag every night and save money. Plus with amazon prime it ships right to my door for free! Nice to avoid the holiday rush.
I love squid jerky I've been hooked on it for some time now . I first had it when I lived in pittsburgh . Now I'm no longer in the city its great to know I can still get my squid jerky .. thanks =]]
Best gluten free chocolate chip cookies These are by far the most delicious gluten-free chocolate chip (chunk) cookies out there. Easy to make as well. Super fast shipment from the seller and packed nicely. Easy transaction. Buying more today.