class label
2 classes
LOVE this tea! This is the ONLY flavour of tea that I like. All other herbal teas are sweet or have some high note (spearmint, peppermint) that I find overpowering quickly.Unfortunately, I am finding it harder and harder to find this flavour in my local stores and now I can't find anybody who carries it. Luckily I found it on Amazon for a good price.The Tea that arrived is great. I bought enough to stock up and should last me 6 months before I have to order some more.
Great product & service The Tinkyada Brown Rice Spirals with Rice Bran are great for those who are following a gluten free diet. They are delicious and are more reasonable from Amazon than in the store. They came very quickly. Thanks.
Terrible! I bought a new bread machine and bought this collection of bread mixes as well as some single mixes to try it out. The single mixes worked well as they included yeast packaged separately in the mix. My machine states clearly not to get the yeast wet, to put it on top of the flour away from the water. The mixes in this collection have the yeast in the flour, not packaged separately. The bread failed to rise at all. Why would they package the yeast separately in the single mixes and not in the multi packs? Along with the Heartland Collection I also purchased the Baker's Choice Collection. I am throwing them all out. Don't waste your money.
Nothing grew Only two of the seven herbs grew. I was not satisfied with this product.
BEST NOODLES ON THE MARKET, AND I'VE TRIED THEM ALL. several reasons to enjoy this product.1. all natural ingredients. No preservatives, chemicals, etc.2. soft noodles are vacuum packed for freshness.3. several flavors / varieties to choose from.4. soup bowl is biodegradable- good for the environment.5. ready is 90 seconds out of your microwave.6. fast shipping.7. the taste- yes, it tastes really good. Comes with seasoning packets and sauce. You'll be surprised by the flavor.8. perfect for a quick lunch when you are busy or "on the go".* highly, highly recommended *
Gumballs The ad for gumballs on Amazon indicated they were 1" diameter, but they were in fact 1/4". Consequently, did not fit my gumball machine.
Not 4 me I like it mixed with the barbecue but only just a little bit. I like Cajun seasoning at 5 guys and hoped it would be close it was not.
Excellent! This is an excellent gumbo base. Of course I add my seasonings with it to make it my own, but it gives you an excellent start. I normally use the Zatarain's Gumbo Mix and have to strain out the rice that comes with it. I knew Zatarain's made just a base without the rice, but could not find it at any of my local stores. I was happy to buy a case of it when I found it on amazon. I make a very large quantity every Christmas for family and friends. It freezes well, also.
Very Good Low-Sodium Offering Finding delicious low-sodium foods is always a challenge. This Crown Prince salmon is delicious. Though some people complain about the occasional bones, for me, they add to the flavor and the mouth-feel. Plus, they're good for you. All in all, this is a fine product.
Love it Love the White Mocha and have tried the sauce vs. power. This is great in my coffee when I can't make it to Starbucks!
Where can I find this! This stuff amazingly makes your coffee "Wonderful". It's no longer in my area on any of the grocery shelves and I am desparately looking around for it. Coffee is not the same anymore for me without it. I shop in Jefferson, Georgia at Kroger, Food Lion, and Bells and in Commerce, GA at Quality Foods, Ingles and Wal-mart. None of these stores carry this any longer or have it on the shelf. HELP!
Fast deliver, great tea Tea helps with breastfeeding. Package arrived fast, no issues.We keep ordering this tea for the last 6 months. We keep ordering this tea for the last 6 months.
100% organic...think again. Buyer Beware!! To be considered 100% organic, it must be labeled with the USDA label showing that it meets the USDA National Organic Standards. This product is not marked with the USDA label, therefore is not 100% or even 95% organic acording to the USDA NOS. If you buy organic in the US..look up the USDA NOS and find out what '100% Organic' and 'Organic' and 'made with organic ingredients' require for labeling.
Terrible price! Amazon has always been excellent for pricing. However, I expected to get at least 2 bottles of sprinkles for $6. I just got 1. They are under $3 in the stores. I won't be ordering sprinkles again from Amazon, needless to say.
Nothing special What with the high price and nice packaging, I was expecting a lot more from this cake. I could easily bake a much better cake at half the cost and twice the quality. I don't know what all the hype is all about.It is a sponge cake with rum in it .. big deal.
Jolly Rancher Sugar Free This is the best sugar free candy on the market, hands down! There is no after taste, which is very important to me. Well worth the money. I've tried many other sugar free candy and none of them come close to this one, but don't take my word for it, try it for yourself and you'll see.
Bland! I've ordered hundreds (maybe thousands) of items from the internet and this is my first review.To put it succinctly, these cakes are bland. We had six different individuals eat these cakes and not one thought they were good. Not much taste and somewhat dry...huge disappointment!
EASY baked salmon the salmon rub is the only flavor I've tried -its fast easy and has a really company level presentation and taste.
don't do it! I opened one packet (which was quite large for a serving, and shared it with 3 others in my office. We all took one spoonful and in unison said it was terrible. No one could continue eating it, and I sent back 8 of the 9 packets. Not edible, in our humble opinion.Sorry!
Highway robbery $8.99 for 1 pound of candy (cost at corner store $2.29) in a thin plastic box, I call that highway robbery!
Great gift! We purchsed some of these for father's day gifts while we were in Alaska. It was a better deal than sending fresh salmon, and it came in a decorative keepsake box. Our fathers really enjoyed the salmon and were able to eat it when they wanted since it's shelf-stable.
Product not as advertised I ordered what was advertised as a WBM Brand Himalayan Salt lamp. I own several of these and wanted another one...they are so beautiful. When this lamp was delivered is was very clear this was not a WBM Lamp but rather a cheap imposter. The box was small and plain cardboard without care & use instructions and missing the UL approval information. Upon opening the package I found a much smaller product than I expected. Very plain light pink, totally lacking the deep viberent amber color of my previous WBM Lamps.The cord was a bad joke...thin with a weak switch. Buyer beware! Insist on a genunine WBM model that has UL electrical approval for safty. Lamp was cheap but they made it up by overcharging for freight.
fake coconut It is fake coconut because if it a real coconut water when you spelt it in you white shirt the spot will go black. When I spelt this one my shirt not turn black it fake and taste so bad
Very old Walnuts These walnuts were uneatable because they were so old. I buy walnuts for snacks, but these werer unexceptable. These were worse ones that I have ever purchased.
One of my worst Amazon purchases I bought 2 boxes of these at the same time thinking I was getting a better deal than buying from the gas station. The first few I ate I didn't have any problems with. Since then, they either have mold or have been so hard that I cannot take a first bite through it (sidenote: I am an avid carnivore). They need to step up their quality control before selling this.
Better than canned I don't mind canned beans, but these are better, and I like the varieties. I got all three of the Santa Fe varieties available and my review is the same for each -- easy to prepare and yummy! Forget the cans and maintain these in your pantry. I use them for dips, for nachos, for a sidedish, instead of meat in lasagna, and whatever.
GREAT TASTE - UNFORTUNATE EXPIRATION We love Newman's Own cookies! The cream filling doesn't leave lard scum on the roof of your mouth - and the chocolate cookie tastes like chocolate. I'm surprised by other taste reviews but... oh well... the bummer is - I don't like Amazon's sell policy for food or items with expiration dates. Whether there's a policy or not, I'm not sure but I wish there was a place to check expirations. We bought the 12 pack of cookies mostly because we love them and the ones at the store have been downsized by 3 oz and the price is the same. Okay, so we bought these in September sometime and they all expire early December. So that means we'd have to basically eat a pack a week. I don't think we can do that. When we buy them in the store, the expiration date is a least a year from purchase date. Is there a way Amazon can let us check expiration dates or have it as part of the meta data so when ordering a bulk quantity, the consumer will be told that the expiration date is within three months, four months, five or whatever??? I think this can be done because we are told how many are left in the warehouse. If we're given that much meta data, then I imagine Amazon has access to the other data and it's most likely contained in the bar code they scan anyway...Please Amazon, do the right thing ok?
Yucks! Don't like this product. The salmon smells very strong, and I didn't like having to pick out all the bits of salmon skin and bones.
Over-sweetened now, like all the other dried mangoes. I used to rave about these Philippine Brand Dried Mangoes, they tasted so amazing, so unlike all the other over-sugared brands.However, my last order was 10 times better than this last one. It seems they've succumbed to the add-insane-amounts-of-sugar crowd.These used to be great, now they taste just like all the other dried mangoes - they even crunch when you bite into the crystallized sugar.I'll miss them.
Ridiculous price $9 for a bag of marshmallows? That's highway robbery. And it's an "Addon" item supposedly because its such a low price. This is a ripoff.
Very Bitter Capers I normally use (in brine) are not bitter. These Zuccato brand, packed in salt are very bitter! I mean spit it out bitter. I don't know if that's a normal attribute of capers in salt, but I do know that I don't want to use anything that tastes like these.
Dry, bitter coffee Unfortunately, this coffee is strong, but not flavorful. It's OK (not great) if taken black, but once cream is added, it somehow makes the burnt, dry taste of this coffe even more pronounced. I am looking for a coffee that has a rich, nutty, full-bodied flavor even with milk. It's hard to get any flavor at all with K-cups because of the almost non-existant brewing time of the Keurig machine. Due to this problem, one has to buy very strong K-cup roasts to get any flavor at all. However, I am sure that there is a K-cup out there that is strong enough to come through the quick brewing process and taste rich and flavorful rather than just burnt-tasting and nothing else.
NOT so fine tea Despite the upper crust British sounding name, Bentley's fine teas are not so fine. The tea is barely more than colored water; we have tried lots of different types and brands of tea and this was the most disappointing. The presentation is nice to look at, but the tea is not so nice to drink.
PG? Not! I loved this movie as a kid, but now ordering it for my 9 year old, I was shocked to watch it again and hear not only several profane words, but the "f" bomb, as well as many sexual references. I think they were a bit lax in their rating system back then-- definately more of a PG-13.
DIfficult to deal with The company messed up my order, then would not respond to my request to return the item.
NOT USER FRIENDLY A BAD mix from a GOOD company. Hodgson Mills makes many good products. This IS NOT one of them. It is NOT the "gluten free" version of Bisquick or any other quick baking mix. There is nothing quick about this. All that is in this product is a few varieties of Gluten free flours. There is no sugar, baking powder, baking soda, egg, guar or xanthan gum (nothing to hold the finished product together for those of you who are new to Gluten Free Baking). Items you try to make with this mix as is will fall apart and taste bad. In other words, this is a mix you HAVE to experiment with in order to make things come out looking or tasting good at all. Most of us who have to eat Gluten Free foods are looking for shortcuts like every other busy person on the planet. This mix will add to your busy time, not relieve you. Try Bob's Red Mill Baking Mix or the Gluten Free Pantry Baking Mix for a better experience.
Great! I got this assortment for my parents, and they were a huge hit. They loved the flavors. The cookies were gone in about 24 hours, and they've requested them for any occasion, or no occasion at all - they just want some more! Recommended!
The Best! These are the best chips I have ever tasted in my life. They are thin, lightly salted and crispy. These beat Lays by a long shot. As long as I can get these I'll never buy Lays again.
Great product Easy to use, taste great, highly recommend for the use of a quick drink. Can add other liqueurs to make different drinks.
Starbucks tea at a discount My wife likes the tea at Starbucks, we bought a tin there, but the price is rather high, as you would expect at Starbucks. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they carry the brand at Amazon at a much better price.4-stars as the tea bags are slightly different from the pricey ones from Starbucks - I can't tell the difference though my wife can!
This one grows on you I bought this based on others reviews. The first time I tried it, I wasn't sure about it. It wasn't what I expected. But I bought it and wasn't going to waste it. It is now my favorite. I used to drink coffee all day as I worked at my computer. Now I drink Genmaicha.
Delicious GF cookies Buy these cookies !!! They are wonderful. Do you miss eating KitKats? Many GF cookies taste like they are made from sand, not these.
below average Flavor is bland needed to nearly double the amount to get it where I liked. Warning as well product has Maltodextrin its the equivalent of sugar for diabetics. Will not buy again may be fine for those who like there Chai with a weaker flavor
yum! bought these for my girlfriend for her birthday.she used to live in England and missed them.needless to say she was very happy when she opened them.she gave me an orange cream and i was in heaven.yum
Don't pay for "expedited" delivery I paid over $13.00 for "expedited" delivery and the product still took FIVE days to arrive. Would not buy from them again.
The dog did not like it either This is nutritionally a good product, but taste wise, close to cardboard. The beans stay hard and the noodles are almost not edible. It failed the taste test from two human adults and one usually hungry eats anything puppy. The puppy left it an went for kibble instead.I purchased it as part of several soups from that company. I do like the potato leek, but not this one!
A Tim Burton Classic! Adam and Barbara (Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis, as a very convincing couple with great chemistry), are dead. Now they can't leave their sprawling New England home. Good thing they've got the "Handbook for the Newly Deceased" to help guide them on their way through the beuracratic world of the dead.They've got a problem. A new living family (Cahterine O'Hara, Jeffrey Jones, and Winona Ryder) is inhabiting their house. Worse than that, they're remodeling the place. What's a pair of ghosts to do? When they can't scare them out, they call on the help of the famous Bio-Exorcist: Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton in his best role ever).What results is a mixture of dark comedy and sweet special effects (for the late 80's at least) set in front of stunningly imaginative and interesting scene design.Beetlejuice is a classic, and if you haven't seen it yet, now's your chance. Since this is an old DVD there really aren't many special features. Just a lot of written "Notes" on the film, but even those are pretty cool.
carob chips The chips have palm oil, containing a lot of saturated fat. This was not mentioned in the website. More information should have been provided.
Good mix of Yogi teas, with alot of licorice I like yogi teas and figured that an assortment during the winter would be nice, however I found that 3 of the 4 teas contained licorice root which i am not particularly fond of tasting. However, if you like licorice root, then this is a good assortment!
black specks This onion powder when mixed with a small amount of water contains many small black specks that under magnification look like animal waste. None of the other onion powder I have looks like this. I will try to contact the mfgr but meanwhile, will not use or recommend. It could cause disease.
Just awful I've yet to find a truly tasty low carb cereal. At best these are tasteless and overly hard (too crunchy and dry).They smell a bit like sawdust and probably taste no better.I love that they are loaded with protein, unfortunately I found them barely edible.
good mortadella it was delicious, I still have some saved in a vacuum sealed package for future enjoyment and for my fiends
really good feta First of all i must specify that my review is based on the fact that i cant eat any food without feta.In addition to having tasted any feta in greece i had the (not so) luck to taste feta in france when i went on vacation.I believe dodoni (and not dodino as wrongly stated on the title of the product) is the best feta in greece definitely.After all what you pay is what you get and so i find its price ok compared to its quality.Try it and you wont get disappointed:)
Amazing This paste is wonderful in so many different foods. I combine it with lemon and rub it on a roast chicken or baked cut up chicken or on a thanksgiving turkey. I combine it with chipotle peppers with some adobo sauce and spread it on thinly sliced pork for a few hours then grill it for tacos al pastor along with grilled thinly sliced red onions and sliced grilled pineapple. I use it as part of the seasonings for the chicken that goes in tamales. I use it for about a dozen other recipes. This stuff is amazing and brings life to so many dishes.This spice blend originates in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico (according to my Mom) and is widely used in Mexican cooking. It was originally a Mayan condiment but has spread in use. It consists of Annatto seed along with a number of other spices. It is commonly also called Recado Rojo.Once opened, I store the leftover paste in the refrigerator for best results. That keeps it tasting fresh and helps keep it from drying out.
good fish These sardines are GOOD! Tender brisling sardines with a bayleaf in every can packed in olive oil make for a quick snack or lunch at work. The bayleaf gives just the right hint of added flavor to a nutritious meal full of calcium and omega 3s. Well worth the price. Try em!
Very Yummy for Gluten Free Product It is very moist, which is what I like. You can really taste the spices too, which I love. It is very good for a gluten-free product.
Burritos These burritos ROCK! We have them at least once a week. YUMMY! And easy too.
Not that good I was very happy to see a suger free option for cake but disappointed when I tried it. It leaves a bad aftertaste. It is not light and fluffy. It has the texture of cornbread. Will not purchase again.
Better Brownies are out there... These brownies had a strange wet texture, as if they weren't completely cooked. I am a brownie fan, and I must say I was very disappointed with this product. I have since tried other companies, and believe me when I say that there are much better brownies that are much more worthy of your dollar available out there.
My Favorite is Back!! This was my favorite as a child. I would put one in my mouth and let it disolve.Ghiradelli stopped making them when their packaging machine was broken when then moved from San Francisco to San Leandro (about 15 years ago). Rather than repair or rebuild it they just stopped making them. Despite years of protests from candy lovers. Now a new company is making them.If you never had them before you may think "so what?" But if you grew up with them and miss them you will be thrilled.
Fresh Peanuts But Too Hard Virginia Diner Gourmet Unsalted Virginia Peanuts, 40-Ounce TinI got these peanuts because I am on a salt restricted diet and I love peanuts. Both my wife and I found that the flavor was that of fresh roasted peanuts but the nuts were too hard to chew. I don't have any idea of what was responsible. We will not be purchasing any more. Not recommended
Not for the long run I am an avid loose tea user, but I feel like an idiot after the tea ball came apart into 4 pieces (the 2 mesh halves plus the chain and the clasp for the side). For the life of me, I cannot get it to seal the way it is supposed to. I am ready to invest in a much higher quality infuser basket that is just 2 pieces at the most and a no-brainer to use. I am the mother of four; I like things simple and reliable :)
Old I've had chocolate covered coffee beans before and they were great. It's pretty hard to mess up this combination. (Unless you manage to eat too many at once.) Unfortunaltly, they seem to have done it with my order. The chocolate covering the beans I received was so old that it had gone grey and started disintigrating right off the coffee beans. Nearly half of the bags in my package had powder in the bottom of the bag from disintigrated chocolate. While the others were old, but intact.
bitter poppy seed apparently there is no way of fixing bitter poppy seed. Maybe someone has an idea? I still have half a package
A Better Bar This granola bar, like the others in the Kashi line, are far, far lower in sugar (or corn syrup) that any other brand of granola bar I've seen. However, healthiness is never enough for me! These also taste good. They are quite crunchy, but I've found that children in my healthy food classes like them--a lot!P. Gould, co-author of Feeding the Kids: The Flexible, No-Battles, Healthy Eating System for the Whole Family (Fork and Spoon Field Guides)
STALE, STALE, STALE!!! I took a chance on ordering the licorice allsorts from Amazon assuming that because they had just started selling this item last week I would have a good chance of getting a bag of fresh candy. WRONG! This stuff tastes like it has been on someone's shelf for a couple of years and while it is not rock hard yet, it is pretty darn close.I am very disappointed.Update July 13, 2006: A friend of mine ordered some of the Allsorts from Amazon (against my advice) and - big surprise - their order was also stale. It is really too bad because if these allsorts were fresh they would be the best tasting I have ever had. I hope Amazon can get it together and get a fresh batch of these candies because then they would be worthy of a 5 star rating.
Definitely not "fresh", homeboy! I ordered this whole rabbit believing it would be "fresh" as described. However, upon opening the package it became clear to me that, in fact, this whole rabbit was not fresh, nor was it dope or funky or in the least bit on the one. It could not rhyme. It had no fresh beats. Where's it's Kangol and slick silk suit??? It was definitely not FLY! I demand a refund!
Very tasty and healthy! What first attracted me to this snack were the ingredients. Roasted Corn, Peas, Carrots, Red Bell Peppers & Tomatoes. That's it. No sugars, oils, salt, trans fat, preservatives, etc... I grabbed these up along with the Crunchies Freeze-Dried Edamame's (those weren't very good at all) and was extremely pleased with the flavor and texture.Some of the vegetables work better freeze-dried as a standalone snack then others. For instance, the Corn, Peas and Red Bell Peppers are a real delight. Light, airy and crunchy, the roasted sweet flavor of these vegetables make you want to go back for more. The Carrots & Tomatoes add excellent flavor, but as a freeze dried product they are extremely hard and more difficult to chew (which is why the 1 star deduction). I think if more work were done to find vegetable that are more enjoyable to eat in a freeze dried state then the 'Carrots and Tomatoes' this would be a more enjoyable product. Although they are two of my favorite vegetables to eat, I find myself sifting through them in this assortment.
Exactly what I wanted The minute boba are fantastic for at home use. They cook quickly in five minutes are are perfectly chewy. I can make as little or as much as I want. I would definitely order again.
Fountain of one Really by seeing the picture I assumed that the order was for all the items shown in the photo. The delivery was fast, but I feel the amount of items should be better specified.
Sweet and tangy I love this tea. The Good Earth tea bags result in a slightly tangy, sweet tea without needing to use sugar. I will frequently have several cups of this tea in the winter and in the summer it makes a good iced tea. I have several friends who have diabetes and they have all really liked it when I serve it. Unlike a lot of other herbal teas, this tea is based on spices rather than on rose hips which tend to upset my stomach. I highly reccommend this tea to anyone that likes herbal teas and likes to watch their sugar intake. The caffinated Good Earth original tea is also very good, giving you a caffine hit and a slightly sweetened tea without using sugar. Both teas have a very pleasant taste without being overwhelming. The Good Earth original tea reminds me a bit of the really great Seattle Spice Market tea.
Past their expiration date! I recently received these potato chips and they were past their expiration date. They were also packaged very poorly and the box was smashed and one of the bags was open. I complained to Amazon and they said they would send another which would be fresh. They did replace it and the packaging was much better, but still the expired date on the chips! Come on Amazon, you can't send out old food! And why would they waste the money shipping out another item with an expired date? The date is printed right on the box that holds the chips!
Overpriced!!!!! These cost $1 a pack at wal-mart or slightly more at the grocery store! If you buy them here almost $3 a pack! REDICULOUS!
Damaged cans!!! I just ordered this product for the first time and I was really bummed when I got it yesterday. 7 cans out of 12 were dented pretty good. Amazon was nice and gave me a full refund. Really sucks the can were damaged i was looking forward to making some organic pumpkin pie.
Dolmades on the go These little guys are a good solution to Greek Cuisine on the go or for areas where you may not find a Greek restaurant nearby. The stuffed grape leaves are submerged in oil so keep that in mind before buying them. Leaves did an excellent job of holding up and tasted fairly decent for a canned food item. I was amazed by how many stuffed leaves actually fit in the can. I think i remember counting 8 or 9 after eating them all. Perfect item to be shared for a tasty appetizer.
Totally Yummy Yummy in our tummies! These are probably the best gfcf cookie I've tried. Great price at amazon.com too!
Fat free and taste free, sorry to say! REally wanted to like this but it has no taste. Now I am stuck with 4 canisters.
Have never recieved, and for some reason I can't track. I ordered this product a week ago and I have not recieved it yet. I don't know where it is. My credit card has been charged and their has been no tea as of yet on my doorstep. I am not happy. I go to the tracking site and it can't even tell me where it is. I don't see a number anywhere to call. I fear I've been duped.
Not vegaterian - has fish oil and gelatin I liked these tubs for a few months and then realized that they contain fish oil and gelatin. Why put these products in a VEGETARION seeming food? Beware! I'm going to review all of Gerber's products carefully now. Totally dissapointed with Gerber.
Really pretty awful tasting I bought this based on the other reviews and am incredibly disappointed. It is basically tasteless! I usually make my own bread from scratch (both white and wheat) and hoped to be able to just throw this in my bread maker when I'm in a hurry. We threw it out!
Sooooo Good ! Have to admit I doctored the sauce a bit by adding Cruzan Coconut Rum (1/3 rum to 2/3's sauce) and used it on shrimp. Excellent! With the added rum I'd rate it a 5. I actually bought the sauce at Williams Sonoma which they have since discontinued. I was thrilled when I read the label and saw the Restaurant Lulu info. I'll certainly buy more now.
Belly Flops flopped Simply too many coffee flavored belly flops--unless you like coffee flavor. Won't purchase again. Other flavors good and it was fun to eat unusually shaped jelly beans
Attractive gift with quality contents I ordered this for my elderly in-laws and they were impressed with the package. Most of the contents were high quality albeit very small quantities. One item, fruit-flavored hard candies was not acceptable as the wrapper adhered to the candy and could not be easily removed, so the item had to be thrown out. The container is attractive and can be reused for storage of items.A nice gift but a little pricey for the amount you get. For my in-laws it was just right, as they are hard to buy for and enjoy small treats.
Great taste This is my favorite snack. I love its mild spicy taste. It tastes great, specially when there is no salsa available!
Disappointed My review is 'don't bother.'I put this on my wish list after seeing it on (I think) the 'Cool Tools' website. I wish I would have read Joseph Rukaj's review so I would not have received the 'almost right' size as I prefer the Trader Joe's PB. Regardless, I have sufficient hand strength to hold it securely during use but, I still need to finish mixing the PB with a knife, spoon, spatula, whatever, like before because the peanut butter is merely 'stirred,' not really mixed.What use is a tool that requires you to finish the job with the tool you bought the first tool to replace? Clever doesn't count for much if it doesn't solve the problem. I'd return it if I could.
These teas are good, but... The price here is too high! I bought this same amount of these exact teas for $10.99. Amazon is turning into a Grand Wayne Ripoff Central!
A Bit Stinky Reminds me of the "Fruit Bars" from my childhood that first came out around the time "Fruit Roll Ups" did. They seem to have some kind of strong odor to them, but if you can get past that they don't taste so bad.
Organic Peppermint Tea Traditional Medicinals makes some really nice tea, and their organic peppermint is one of the best. It is strong; none of that weak fare you get at your local grocery store. You can really taste the peppermint oil on your tongue, almost as if it were brewed from fresh peppermint. It is not sweet; add some honey or raw sugar if you like it that way. Excellent for your digestive track and memory, peppermint tea is a wonderful study aid and will help you stay focused without getting the jitters of caffeine.A first class tea, and easy to recommend to anyone who enjoys herbals.
Not what was expected Product (very weak in flavor) arrived in time as promised. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for (discounted price), as this is not the same as McCormicks. No Savings as you must double the usage.
PB Twix...NOM! Got a case of these fit my hubby for Christmas, because I can't usually find them in the stores here West of Atlanta. They are delicious shipping was quick!
Good stuff, very high protein Compared to other jerky that I've tried (not many), most of the pieces are pretty tender for jerky and very roughly squarish, as opposed to long strips. This snack has a very high ratio of protein in it with very little fat and a hint of sugar (probably as a preservative as well as taste). I also find it difficult to leave the bag alone, and can quickly finish a bag off. Taste is good though I probably prefer peppered more.Nutritional Info:Servings per container: 3.5Calories: 80Calories from fat: 10Total fat: 1g (2%)Saturated fat: 0gTrans fat: 0gCholesterol: 20mg (7%)Sodium: 590mg (25%)Total carbohydrate: 3g (1%)Dietary fiber: 0%Sugars: 3gProtein: 15g
Ugh Looked good on the package, seemed worth trying for a quick dinner at work. All I can say is "ugh". The noodles are acceptable. The sauce is dreadful - a mixture of salt and plastic.
Venison Jerky review... The product was really good and arrived fairly quickly. The kicker was, the sample they sent as a "Thank you" was even better than the original product I purchased. They'll be hearing from me again.
Don't waste your money. I trusted the other good reviews, but this tastes awful and has a bad aftertaste. Yuk.
Delicious Delicious, smooth coffee. No bitterness with a delightful coffee taste. I use it in an espresso pot and my drip coffee maker; however, be aware that if you have a fast running drip coffee maker such as "Bunn", this product will not work because it is too finely ground.
Very good! This is a very good Bancha, don't let it steep too long and follow the directions for heating the water.
didn't like the taste I was drawn to the natural-ness of this bar but I just don't like the taste and texture. It's gluey-mushy, whereas I prefer bars that have bits of rice or crunch in them. Unfortunately I'm trying to make it through this entire box that I bought.
Best Substitute for Refined Sugar LOVE IT! I have been using agave nectar for about 6 months now. I am a cook and I substitute this in all of my recipes instead of using refined sugar. Nobody can ever tell a difference. I am very picky when it comes to anything tasting like sugar, so when people say Splenda tastes like sugar I cringe because it has such a terrible aftertaste. I experiment all the time and have never found anything closer to the natural flavor of sugar than this Agave Nectar! In my family, we all use the darker Agave nectar on our pancakes as well. I especially love using this in my salad dressings that call for sugar because it mixes so much better than sugar does. Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts!! I hope you love this as much as I do! Cheers