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They changed the recipe! I have eaten this spaghetti mix for as long as I can remember, over 20 years. I have always bought the mix at the store and I would buy like 30 packets to last over a year. When I ran out this past time, I ordered it from Amazon a couple months ago. It does not taste like it used to at all. I don't like it. I am so upset. It's not expired, and I got a shipment after amazon got a reshipment, (it had been out of stock) so it should have been fresh. SO bummed. Haven't eaten spaghetti in like 2 months.
Delicious treat If you have a Senseo, then you know how difficult it has been lately to find the pods in stores. Thanks to amazon, I have a large stock at a great price.Exactly as I would expect from the bold Sumantra blend, with a lot of velvety, frothy crema on top that you can only get with the Senseo. Delicious and a great buy.
Nasty... I opened this package to find a dense, nearly black bar with nut bits in it. As I held it up in my hand, I thought, "Did I already eat this?"Needless to say, a bar that reminds me of a square of bear poop didn't really strike my fancy from the get go, but I was thinking maybe it would taste good even if it didn't look that great. But nope, it was bland and sour.I didn't like it. For 170 calories (if memory serves) I'll just grab a granola bar. Maybe its not perfectly organic or whatever, but I'll actually want to eat it, and when it comes to FOOD that seems to be a pretty important quality.
Flowers smell like Hate to me I have used ProFlowers on a number of occasions. However my most recent order had a bad smell to the flowers. I couldn't put my finger on it, then remembered that the company advertisers on the Rush Limbaugh show.
Tastes the way coffee should taste This was the first coffee I sampled from my Keurig coffee maker. The flavor is nutty and mild without the acidity of many drip coffees. I am not a fan of the bold, strong coffees and prefer the milder blends. This is a great early morning coffee to enjoy with your breakfast. While you can order it on Amazon, I've found it for a better price on another website provided I buy 4 boxes of 25 K cups at a time. However, I can mix and match other flavors and brands to get the 4 boxes.I like flavored coffee as well so in addition to the Nantucket, I also recommend the Southern Pecan and Wild Blueberry. I like to brew a cup of the blueberry just to make the room smell like blueberry cobbler. Also check out Gloria Jeans K-Cups, French Vanilla, 25-Count Box (Pack of 2) if you like flavored coffee.
I love Lea & Perrins Traditional Steak Sauce Lea & Perrins Traditional Steak Sauce is a wonderful sauce who's value I would put at about the same value per-ounce as A1 Sauce premium flavors. I would even pay a slight premium more if you love it as much as I do but not a huge premium.For burgers this is hands down my absolute favorite topping. A properly seasoned beef-patty w/ lettuce, Swiss cheese and Lea&Perrins; Traditional Steak Sauce make a perfect burger. This sauce is has great tangy, well-seasoned, slightly spicy-sweet flavor that is very unique. I recommend every one try it. Right now, a few local restaurants around me have it on their tables. If you see it in your area, you really should try it on anything beef. Also, you can substitute this for any A1 Sauce flavor to try it out.In my opinion, Lea&Perrins; has a done a very poor job of marketing this wonderful product in the U.S., and are really short changing themselves and their Customers. Way too often, I ask for this sauce in a Restaurant or Grocer and they'll say they have it. But, they are always thinking of the L&P; Worcestershire Sauce and are always confused there could be anything else. L&P; really could have named the product better too to make it very distinct from their truly "traditional sauce" which is, of course, "Lea&Perrins; Original Worcestershire Sauce". Their Worcestershire is great in it's own right, but these two sauces have very different flavor profiles. This is the second time this product has become commonly available in the U.S. and I am really hoping they do a better job of getting the word out this time.I love this sauce and I'm sure you'll at least like it a lot. Try it and let us know what you think. Thanks.
aerogarden Wonderful to give as a gift! Recipient loves this item. Fast delivery and great price.
Great product, insane pricing Carbquik is an amazing product. I use it for all kinds of bread like things on my low carb diet. breadsticks are delicious, the pizza crust is awesome.my only gripe with this is that its TWICE the price on Amazon. Netrition.com offers it for nearly half the price.
hard to find I use these soup packets when I cook. I have not been able to find them in the stores anymore. What a great price too!
If you're worried about consitpation.... I purchased this formula but was worried after reading the comments here that my 5 month old baby would suffer from constipation. He did. However, I really wanted to use organic formula so I added a few teaspoons of prunes to his cereal and within 12 hours - problem solved. No constipation since and he has been on this formula for about 2 weeks. I give him some prune/cereal every 4 days. If your baby is not yet on solids you might consider giving him a little apple or pear juice mixed with water. This should do the trick also. Don't let the constipation issue scare you off.
Great movie turned bad Just to let you know, this movie is one of my personal favorite ghost movies. That said, I feel I need to tell you some details about this terrible DVD. The packaging is fine, nothing great, but it works. The picture and sound quality are good and make it a good cinematic experience. However, the menu is complete trash, the extras are EXTREMELY embarassing, and to play the movie you actually have to click on scene selections and click on the first chapter because there is no PLAY button! What's the problem here? As I recall, this film is on AFI's top 100 funniest movies ever made, so don't you think they could make a better DVD than this garbage? I am so sick and tired of these movie companies getting away with selling us trash.This double sided disk is no good. Pick what format you want the first time you watch it, and stick with that side the whole time...because if you switch each time, both sides get scratched! Personally, I think fullscreen is for idiots who think they're getting the whole picture when they're not. You people put no actual thought into making DVDs, you just slap some crap together and think its fine. No, it's not fine! Clean up your acts!
Fast growth, would get different herbs than included Everything grew faster than expected, however the herbs included were not ones I could get alot of use out of. Would've preferred cilanto, chives, and italian parsley over 3 different kinds of basil. Love the dill, it was huge. I made the mistake of putting oregano, tyme, & mint close together, they just ended up in a tangled mess that I couldn't use since they grew long and stringy instead of up. Once they got big I've had to add alot of water every other day and once or twice did not get a low water level lite in time, so keep an eye on it like any other plants. I love the idea of having fresh stuff without worrying about chemicals sprayed on it from stores, wish I had room for more, it does take up space, also lights are super bright and light up half the house. For those who say pods didn't grow: Initially i noticed one of my pods was bone dry, I removed the black plastic bars inside that were preventing it from getting enough water, then could tell it was thoroughly wet.
Snacks These are delicious little treats but didn't last long in this household, highly recommend. Arrived properly packaged and in damaged, also very fresh.
Way over priced At first, I wasn't able to find these anywhere, so I ended paying $$$ for these. I then went to the Dollar Store randomly and found the exact same bag for $1.00. I was very disappointed!
Just okay The soup is okay. It would be much better without the chips. They have an odd flavor and they mush up with the rest of the soup. I won't order this one again.
Jolly Rancher Sugar Free Candy I have purchased and used this product for over two years and would say that it has a taste that is great. Their is no artificial taste that is present in many of the sugar free candies that I have purchased.
Bare Fruit is Barely Edible I've tried LOTS of dried mangos - this has to be the worst. Tastes like slightly flavored cardboard. Definitely not an older child or adult snack.Since I purchased an entire case (stupid me) I'm going to try adding the mango pieces to various recipies. Maybe a mango chutney. Otherwise this was a total waste of money and is going in the trash.
nice tea Good tasting, rich tea - several cups' worth per teabag. And outstanding customer service from Generation Tea, thanks guys!!
Tastes like rotten melon, looks the color of the dead Do not buy! Does not compare to what you order from a coffee shop. When prepared, it has the color of dead zombie flesh and tastes like a rotten honeydew melon. Green Tea flavor is not detected. Disgusting and unpalatable.
Substitutions are not always acceptable. I am not completely sure that the tea I received was in fact Lipton's Red Rose tea. The box containing the tea said Canadian Red Rose tea. Is this product the same tea produced by Lipton?Why is the box different from the pictured product? Why is the taste different?
My twins hates it! I wouldn't say my twins are picky eater, but they wouldn't eat this one. They eat just about every Gerber's organics.
Great way to eat seafood on the go This canned salmon is the real deal. It doesn't have a pungent fishy smell and it consists of mostly large chunks. Yes there's skin and bones, but the bones are brittle and edible (not to mention full of minerals). I can eat it straight out of the can with just a little salt and pepper. For WILD CAUGHT (farmed raised salmon isn't real food) alaskan salmon, this stuff is great.
Next best thing to breastmilk! I am so happy to have found a product as wonderful as Enfamil with Lipil! After 6 weeks of breastfeeding my son, I endured complicatiosn which made it so that I would no longer be able to breastfeed. At first I was very concerned about this, as I had not wanted him to be formula fed, but my pediatrician recommended Enfamil with Lipil, and my son is healthy, strong, advanced for his age, and thriving in general. We did try one other formula which made him constipated and gassy, but the Enfamil makes him have bowel movements just like when he was on breastmilk. I feel very good about feeding my son Enfamil with Lipil. It is a quality product and I recommend it to any mother who is unable to breastfeed or simply chooses not to.
Not of the strong, black ilk This coffee was a disappointment. It is extremely weak and even, when I use 2 pods together (as suggested in the manual) to create an "expresso" it still is very weak. Also, (I think though that this must be the home cafe machine), the coffee has the taste of water.
Tastes bad I do not like the taste of these pretzels at all. I wish I didn't have 24 packages of them. Hopefully the birds will like them.
Stone Soup The Sun Bird Sweet and Sour mix packet I purchased had a recipe for sweet and sour pork on the back. I liked the idea. I also liked the relatively low sodium level for a mix. The instructions were printed in extremely small type, and I had no idea what I was getting into when I purchased the rest of the ingredients--pork, an onion, a green pepper and two carrots. I saw soy sauce, canned pineapple, catsup, cornstarch and sugar mentioned, but I always have those things on hand.By the time dinner was ready, I'd spend twenty minutes slicing, peeling and chopping, and had dirtied three bowls, two whisks, two measuring cups, a slotted spoon, a wooden spoon, a pair of tongs and my wok. I'd also used a LOT of cornstarch and another twenty minutes mixing the pork marinade (which called for 2 T of soy sauce, upping the sodium content considerably), mixing the sweet and sour sauce, marinating the pork, trying to brown the wet pork, removing the pork, adding the vegetables, adding the sauce back along with the pineapple, stirring frantically while the sauce was reducing and trying to judge when the sauce was thick enough. I was exhausted, the sink was full of dirty bowls and utensils and the kitchen was HOT.The chopping and the dirty wok go with the territory of Oriental cooking and I expected them, and I knew I'd have to make a pot of rice, but I certainly didn't expect to have to work so hard nor provide so many of the sauce ingredients to make dinner from a mix. I wouldn't complain if the results had been spectacular, but they weren't. Dinner was just OK. The finshed dish was bland and I added some red pepper flakes to perk it up. I must say I was disappointed both in the method and in the results. I've made sweet and sour pork from scratch before; it was only a little more work than this sauce packet recipe and the flavor was a lot better.It wasn't terrible, hence the two stars, but certainly not worth the time and effort. I'll stir fry with orange juice and soy sauce before I'll use this mix again. And in future, I'm going to read the back of packets much more carefully!
DELICIOUS! Absolutely delicious! I highly recommend this cookie for peanut butter lovers! All natural ingredients and NO hydrogenated oils or refined sugar! Sinfully good! Excellent choice for people on restricted diets.
Very little taste My child rarely has candy so her perception of "sweet" is more geared to fruit than to junk food. Still, she won't eat these laces and told me they have almost no taste at all. I tried some and have to agree with her.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this tea!!! Most of the negative reviews on here are because the tea taste like a red hot candy. That is the exact reason that I LOVE it so much. I just adore this tea. It has replaced my morning coffee.
One of the best coffee pods on the market I love this coffee! It brews very well in the Senseo coffee maker. The reason I can not give this 5 stars is the high price.
fasr The delivery was so fast. I haven't had time to use it yet but was really impressed with the quickness it got to me. 3 days. WOW!Char from WA
Frozen tree Ordered as a gift for family in Chicago.It will not be bringing any good fortune as I'm told the plant arrived frozen and nearly dead. Returned. Now waiting for refund. Waste of time and money.
Shipping out of sight I learned after the fact that the same product was 2.98 cheaper at a wholesale club and the $9.98 was a rip-off. I will never order from this company again and I hope Amazon takes them off their vendor list.
Great soup, like homemade! Not spicey. Can't find this product anywhere in this state, so I purchased from Amazon. What a lifesaver. Great flavor and easy to prepare. I'm on Weightwatchers so a nice treat with lunch.
Crafts My daughter uses this for her arts and crafts for school. She was VERY happy to get this in the mail. She used it all in a day or so because she loved it that much!
Not recommend This product was moldy when I received it. Well packaged but not able to try it. Would not recommend it.
FANTASTIC COFFEE! I'm extremely happy with my purchase of Reggie's Roast Jamaican Blue mountain Coffee. After years of drinking supermarket brand coffee, I decided to take the plunge and see what all of the hoopla surrounding this coffee was about. I bought some of Reggie's Roast and fell in love after my first sip of this earthy, non-acidic, mild coffee. This company does not over-roast its coffee (this makes the coffee taste bitter and burnt)like so many other companies routinely do. I've had the unfortunate experience of buying many coffees, cheap and expensive, that have gone into the garbage after one pot because the roasting in sub par.Jamaican blue mountain is the greatest coffee bean in the world. When you couple this with the roasting perfection of this brand, you cannot go wrong.
Black Treacle I bought this stuff to use on toast. It is pretty good, actually. To be honest about it, I really thought this would be like the Golden Syrup, which of course, it is not. So I bought the Golden Syrup which I prefer over treacle; after all, I do not cook . . . I only cook things up.
Great product!! This will quell any nausea you may encounter from motion sickness. I used it along with marezine and ginger root pills and had great results .
Delicate and Delicious I was not sure what to expect upon receiving a box of this tea as a gift during the holiday season, and indeed the ingredients struck me as rather unusual. Being a person who generally likes my tea and coffee black with no flavoring whatsoever, I was rather suspicious of the orange, grapefruit, and other extra 'scents'. However, I was delighted with the concoction. The extras are definately present, giving a slightly citric quality to the tea but are not the least bit overpowering and provide a unique aroma that is quite pleasing.I do recommend steeping it for a long time to get the most out of the leaves, especially if you are to get the citric scents that make it so unique.
Choking hazard We use a lot of Earth's Best products and are quite happy with most of them. Not so these teething biscuits. My daughter fulfilled all the "requirements" listed on the box, e.g. she can crawl, gums food, etc., but she still got a big piece of these stuck in her throat and started chocking. There is nothing more scary than finding your nanny hold your child upside down trying to get a piece of food out.I don't recommend these. They should be recalled, or at least not called "teething" biscuits, more like "toddler" biscuits.
This stuff Smells so baaaad This tea smells so bad I cant get the smell outta my house. I know Valerian root doesn't smell like roses but this smell is putrid. The affects work ok but not the best
came complete or did it? This gardenia tree looked so cute online and we love gardenias. It arrived with a note to hurry and purchase a tray to go under the pretty pot which has 2 draining holes. It was a surprise this was not included. The plant did however come complete with ectoparasites (something like green scales clinging to the branches) and white flies. It was also not as mature as shown in photo - more like 3 branches with scant green and yellow leaves.
Delicious Beans Eden Organic Navy Beans, No Salt Added, 15-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)These beans are delicious, healthful and inexpensive!The fact that they are organic and have no salt added is a double plus! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend these beans and any others made by Eden.
You get what you pay for The main reason I wanted to get this tea set was for the box and not necessarily for the tea. I have been looking for a nice tea box for my wife to match our cherry cabinets. Surprisingly, it is a lot harder finding a nice quality box with a window.Again to reiterate, I have not tried the tea so I will not comment on that. The box however is very poorly built. The picture is a lot nicer than what we received. There is no way I could give this to my wife as a gift. The inside compartments were bent and it looks like someone from elementary school pasted the inside lining because the felt was crooked and did not even cover the entire inside of the box. The stain outside was uneven, especially at the lip where you are suppose to open the box.I had originally bought this because I saw a 5 star rating for this product. Even though ratings are subjective, this product is far from a 5 star rating.
Product is not dried properly and can rapidly mold These apricots are of high quality, however they seem to be packaged too moist, and rapidly develop a white mold. The spooky part is, the mold looks like sugar, and some folks, especially kids, might mistake it for a normal condition. A couple of other things are odd: There is no expiration date on the package, and each bag has a hole in the bottom, looking as if it has been punctured by a needle. After a month or so in storage, all 8 of my remaining bags were in the same decomposing condition.Please see attached pictures under product information, images section.
Works for me.. I was pumping and bringing home abt 15-16oz a day then literally overnight my supply decreased to 6-8oz a day. Trying to pump when I got home wasn't working out! I was upset and frustrated thinking that I couldn't feed my baby; and I really didn't want to resort to formula. I tried drinking more water, eating more oatmeal..nothing seemed to work. So a friend recommended Mother's Milk and my milk has INCREASED!!! I started Friday night and I now have that FULL feeling again. It's Monday morning now and about 11:30 - pre-Mother's Milk I would have pumped abt 2-3oz. in one session...post-Mother's Milk 6oz in one session. Now the taste to me...a combinations of dirt and licerious, it's awful! But I would drink mud if it would help my milk supply! My little one is 6 months now and I trying to make it to her first b-day. Hopefully this review will sway you to at least try it, it does work!
Not as described I love AmeriColor, but instead of receiving the soft gel paste in brown I received AmeriColor Airbrush food color in brown. Not the same thing.
Tasty treat I love this product and being able to have a fulfilling breakfast on the run is a plus!
Tasty Cracked Mollusc I like gluten free baking and am aware of some pitfalls.....drum roll please....THE XANTHUM GUM. But more about that later.Bought these from a grocery store and a third of the box was broken. These are very fragile. I like to dip my cookies in milk or a cup of tea and when you do, an awful lot of fat appears on the top of the liquid. You cant eat more than a couple of these without serious guilt.As you chew, a weird slimy texture coats your tongue. I wondered if i had bitten into a mollusc of some kind but its the xanthum gum. If you add too much, you are left with this weird unctuous shitake mushroom slug texture. Cookies ended up in the trash.The lemon flavor is better as the tangy lemon acidity washes away the effect of the xanthum gum but the pecan is too sweet and fails to counterbalance it.
Yummy I got this working through the various packets of Asian Home Gourmet, so far they've all been good and no MSG!This is a meat marinade, I used it on Chicken Thighs. The flavor is a subtle buttery tangy one, not at all hot or spicy.This stuff is somewhat of a paste (there is an inner packet) and a bit difficult to use. I found the best way to use it is to squeeze it all out in a large bowl, then toss your meat in and mix it up that way. Trying to pour it on or mix it up on a flat surface isn't going to give you a good result. One issue is that the oil separates from the rest of the paste and no amount of kneading the packet is gong to get it back, but mix it in a bowl and the oil does its job.The directions say it is good for 2lbs of meat, I'm a bit skeptical on that. You could do one pound and feel that it is not wasted.Flavor is good, easy to use once you know what to do. Another winner from Asian Home Gourmet.
Sort of like weird fizzy rocks. Expensive Fizzy Rocks Peaches are my favorite fruit, and after having wonderful experiences with the other "Just Tomatoes" products, I was looking forward to trying these. I expected something like the concentrated flavor of peaches in a tasty, very crunchy package.Sadly,my expectations were not met. At all.The package I had was not crunchy in the usual sense: the little cubes were tough to bite into, and little bits of cube stuck to your teeth. The cubes were barely sweet and had no discernable taste of peaches. After an initial handful, no one in our family would go near the things. I ended up throwing the remaining cubes into a batch of cupcake batter, figuring that it might add a bit of extra nutrition. It did that, but even better, the chocolate cupcakes have a mild taste of peach.But there is no way I would buy these again as a subtle cupcake flavoring. I'll eat the strawberries and blueberries, and leave these peaches to find a nice home with someone else.
Addicting! I remember my grandfather giving me these when I was a little girl. I never seen them again until recently (I'm 51 years old now) and saw these at the bottom shelf of the "Asian" isle. At first, I purchased them out of nostalgia, then I opened the package and ate one biscuit...and had to contain myself to just ONE serving (=5 biscuits)! They were just as good as when I was 5, they weren't sugary or too over the top as some butter biscuits can be. They are very light, a slight coconut taste and good as heck. Together it brought back good memories and am glad I was able to find them again, I just hope the store I bought these from doesn't discontinue selling them; but now, I know what they are, the maker and can also get them online particularly since any Asian markets in my area is over an hour away. Shame isn't it?
Just Skip It I'm a nut butter addict, so I was excited to try a nut butter that was finally low-cal. But, of course, I was just disappointed. It says it's "all natural," but it leaves a really distinct, gross, artificial after-taste. It doesn't really taste like peanut butter- and it just does not come close to any nut butter. I personally think it's awful. Plus it's expensive! Forget about the calories and eat regular nut butter- it definitely tastes better!
Shirataki noodle Horrible. Felt like you were eating rubber. Had to take the trash out after throwing the package out because it smelt like dead fish. Ate one package threw 5 out.
seed relief This powdered Fennel is just the ticket for those of us who can not eat seeds!Italian cooking needs a little jolt of Fennel,now and then.It adds great flavor to the food.
I thought I'd never eat real Raisin Bread again I feared I'd never eat raisin bread again since I'm trying very hard to be wheat free/gluten free. Although I paid way too much, $6.99 at New Seasons Market in Portland, Oregon, it was worth it. Tried it this morning, and it was like biting into my childhood of eating raisin toast. I made a piece for my husband who avoids my gluten free breads with a "No Thank You, that's for you". He requested a second piece with jelly, making mmmmm.....sounds as he chewed it up. I highly recommend this product. Amazon price is very good if you can use a case.
Husbands Favorite Tea This is my husbands favorite flavor of instant tea. He drinks it at work everyday. I had not been able to find it at our local store for several weeks and was very happy to find it at Amazon. I now order it twelve boxes at a time and he never has to be without it.
Name of product is misleading Okay, yes, I know the brand is Dr. Kracker and maybe that should have been a clue as to the texture of this product. However, I have had flatbreads made by other companies that were actually the texture of a pita. These are VERY crunchy and don't have a whole lot of flavor. Additionally, they were shipped and arrived expired. If you are shopping for a super-healthy cracker, this may be it. If you are looking for a whole grain flatbread with the texture of a pita, keep shopping - this is not it. My next venture for this product is to grind it up and use as bread crumbs on top of broiled tilapia.
Columbia Roast My favorite blend was the Dark Roast until I tried the Columbia blend which I find to be full bodied and rich tasting.
Best Food Coloring I found the food coloring very easy to work with. Didn't stain my hands and colors were bright and deep.
made me sick I was so hoping to love this product after reading some of the good reviews, however, these made me so nauseous and sick. i don't think i can ever drink tea again because of how sick these made me feel. It might have just been a reaction to my system, and my system only....but i'm throwing my box away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o(
Very good! I've tried several flavors and the orange is really quite good. Sweet and sour and they really do give you energy but don't make you feel "jumpy" like the caffeine drinks. Highly recommended!
Better than restaurant Aloo Gobi Perfect for a quick, easy meal, very tasty, and as you can control how much oil you use, you can make a much lower fat version of restaurant Aloo Gobi. You just need potatoes, cauliflower, and preferably some fresh cilantro on hand, and you are set. Delicious.
Wonderful, light tea This tea is a wonderful, light flavored tea. With all the companies that mix different flavors with White tea, it's wonderful to taste the fresh, clean flavor of pure white tea. I drink a lot of tea, and white tea is my favorite. It's not as heavy as dark tea, but it is still flavorful and complex. I highly recommend this to everyone, and especailly those who may not like other teas. I think everyone will enjoy this refreshing drink.
Mis-priced The original price of this product is incorrect. The Jelly Belly site has it listed (not on sale but original cost) for less than the represented "sale" price here.
Expensive The shipping weight of this item was listed as 4.8 ounces, and I misread this as the weight of the bars. The actual weight of the bars, as received, is one ounce each. This is very expensive, $61.92 a pound, for cocoa butter.
Are these compatible with the senseo machine? These are smaller than the senseo pods. Is there a special holder/adapter for these pods. It appears that the hot water runs around the pod.
Nothing like real carnival style popcorn With all the rave reviews, coupled with the fact that these pre-packs include all the right ingredients, I assumed the result would be at least 75% authentic carnival style popcorn for my popcorn maker. After all, I have used packs like this for over 10 years (at a previous employers Ag Equipment business), of which was amazing! This product is not. On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate it about a 2. It is edible; although extremely salty. Tastes nothing like carnival style popcorn, severely lacking in butter flavor. The only positive aspect of this product is the convenience in the pack itself. So if you're used to buying cheap jiffy-pop, over the stove style popcorn, this would be better. I Would not recommend.
A fine black emergency cuppa SCOTTISH BREAKFAST TEA BY TAYLORS OF HARROGATE is a mighty fine cuppa, if you like it thick, black and rich. As it should be, for breakfast or anytime. Especially tea time. I find this comparable, but not up to the level of,Twinings Irish Breakfast Tea, Tea Bags, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)(see my reviews of all Twinings) because TAYLORS, while solid and substantive, lacks that certain light crisp aroma one finds with TWININGS.Nevertheless, let it not be claimed that I unnecessarily bash a good tea. TAYLORS might not have anything necessarily Scots about it, unless you think "Scots" should indicate solid and only just up to par - but it is tasty and when well minded is not bitter at all. This is one area that causes me massive distress: TWININGS has never been bitter, and never will be. TAYLORS can get bitter simply by steeping it too long, so beware of that.Lastly, I find TAYLORS to be on the pricey side, though I know half of that is actually Amazon's fault. While the 50-count teabag is not astronomically high, I still find it ... uncomfortable. Taylors really ought to find a way to lose the bitterness, add aroma, keep costs down and hand all that to the consumer on a fine tea tray. With chocolate bickies, if you don't mind. My personal secret: I keep a stash of Taylors Scottish in the back of the breadbox I use as my tea-stash. It comes in handy on a cold night when a good, black, fast cuppa is required.
A Delicious and Healthy Snack! When I first tasted this snack I couldn't believe it! Not only was it healthy, but it was utterly delicious! The only problem I had was with the cost at the local store. As usual, Amazon.com stepped in and saved the day with a great price and selling me a sufficient quantity to last a while. I highly recommend this product for people who like snacks, but like to eat healthy!
I Like John West quality! John West brand sardines & herring are tasty and excellent quality. The Skippers (2 layer sardines packed in safflower oil) are tasty. If you compare the Skippers to King Oscar 2-layer in olive oil, this may be a tie score and dependent on your tastes and uses. I like the King Oscar version a touch better. Neither the JW or KO sardines are cheap but the quality and flavor are worth the cost, imho.
I love the product but hate the metal Item again was badly packaged!! Several cans had dents on them!! As if Bisphenol A used in the coating of the inner lining of the can is not bad enough, i have to deal with the release of metal into the fruit juice from the dents!! I
nasty nasty, disgusting and gross. wasnt worth my package of beef for this one. i usually love hamburger helper and was very surprised how awful this was. the cheese topping you mix and add to the top did me in. horrible taste and the entire thing was very salty...not sure if it was from the cheese or adding my own seasonings. i scraped off what i could of the cheese and made eggs the next morning with the leftover hashbrowns, which wasnt bad but very salty.
Delicious! These Haribo Raspberry candies arrived fresh and moist - perfect! You can't beat the price, and they shipped free with the rest of my order.
EXPIRED packages ! I purchased several Senseo coffee pod packages. Two of them (10 medium roast coffee pods) were expired months ago (printed as 03/08/07 at the bottom of the packages) while others printed, for example, as 07/30/08
Almost worst jerky I've ever had! This stuff is terrible! It's not hot & spicy in any way, unless you can count the coating of chili powder all over it & the bag. The jerky itself has NO flavor at all. I repeatedly tried it over and over, hoping it was just a bad piece/batch/bag, but it was all the same - terrible, terrible flavor. If you think this will be ANYTHING like Jack Link's peppered jerky, or ANY peppered/hot jerky for that matter, you're going to be very disappointed.
No Longer Any Good Over a decade ago, Lion's brand coffees were okay (personally I never thought they were as good as some people did; but whatever, they were at least acceptable). Lately, this brand has tanked to the point of undrinkability. I would advise you not to waste your money; and advise the Lion's Brand company to reconsider marketing swill to a formerly loyal customer base.
great tea Wonderful product. Lowers blood pressure especially for diabetics. Tastes really good. I make a pitcher of 8 cups, keep it in the fridge and drink it instead of clear water.
Hot or Cold I tried one case about 2 months ago and absolutely love it. I has a great kick and is excellent hot of cold. I just received cases 3 and 4 (one for work and the other for home). It has a very smooth hot chocolate taste when heated in the microwave.
This is not hull-less popcorn! Or even close. Bought 6lbs of this popcorn based on reviews that the hulls are softer on this Baby White than on regular popcorn. Not only are the hulls just as tough as regular popcorn, the corn pops up so tiny that it's about 1/3 hull, 2/3 popped corn per kernel! I was hoping to use this as a healthy snack for my kids who love popcorn but not the hulls.I popped this using every tip I could find on the internet; all experiments still resulted in a tough hull.
Food Express I like this item very much. I am hoping it has the same nutritional value as the canned....yes I did say canned as opposed to fresh as advised in Dr. Budwig diet of drinking a few tablespoons of asparagus juice daily to keep cancer away. I love asparagus and this is just a fine replacement. I have found I can even add some to egg salad without overpowering it. I can also sneak it into salad dressing as an emulsifier instead of mustard. It has a myriad of uses ...soups, stews...anywhere anything! Not a very strong asparagus taste...the more you use the more pronounced the flavor. I've bought the Kaiser shake n spice shaker to sprinkle it on my food ...handier than the bag it comes in. The Kaiser brand has a cap which is why I bought it but any shaker will do. And it mixes well with flax seed oil. I had a salad with this yesterday eve and all night and this morning my mouth has been in heaven and my stomach happy.
Smelled Delicious, Wish I Could Have Tried It The spices smelled heavenly when they arrived. However, the product was poorly packaged, and the seal was broken with the spices leaking out into the box. And, no, I wasn't going to try a food that was that poorly packaged. Personally, I think sanitarily made and packaged food products are just as important as products that taste good.
Bad Candy My son and I ate one each and they were so old and hard they had little to no taste so I set that box aside and was very disappointed. I used to eat these when I was a kid and have always loved them. I have orded some from other places and they were very good but ordeding from amazon was very easy so I tried it, This is the only disappointment I have ever had from amazon. slogo10
Abysmal Instant Soup I'm surprised by the good reviews for this product; this is the worst instant soup mix I have ever had. I am including such awful foods as ramen and lipton instant soup.The broth is completely flavorless and couldn't be saved even with the addition of siracha. The noodles have a weird taste to them, although I would not be offended by the gummy quality, the overall effect is disgusting $3 instant soup.Stick to top ramen!
Down with Tuscan milk Friends, I implore you, do not be swayed by the siren's song of the Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl. oz., and its creamy allure. For too long now have we Sicilians labored to craft a good milk, a kind milk, a milk that can only be described as the true bovine elixir forged from the udder of the Gods themselves.Yet those damnable, hated Tuscans with their fine art galleries and culture you can buy at the local Pottery Barn...what know they of the true spirit of quality milkcraft? I say to you all...good consumers, fine consumers, wise consumers...do not let the temptation to imbibe this...this horrid lactose abomination...do not let it consume you. Once you have tasted true Sicilian milk, my friends, you will see the error of your ways.Sicilian Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz. Grazi!
Stale Beans The beans were stale and this company has no one to complain to.Your only choice is to return it.
just what i was looking for... ...great to grab a handful for a snack, or with oatmeal in the morning. will order again soon. very good product.
Vita Coco has changed for the worse This stuff used to be sourced in Brazil and it was delicious. Now the juice comes from Asia and is sugary, sweeter, thicker, and unpleasant. Economics-driven outsourcing I guess. Avoid it!
Seaweed We were expecting this would be the same as Trader Joe's seaweed, but definitely not the same stuff. Very sweet and odd taste.
$20 for canned salmon with a smokey flavor in a fancy box I should have paid more attention to the 1 and 2 star reviews. I can only assume the 5 star reviewers are fools who have never had proper smoked salmon or lox. This stuff comes with a couple of ounces of liquid, tastes like and has the consistently of canned salmon with smokey flavor which is available at any large grocery store for $4.It is dry, stiff/flaky, not meaty-soft-smooth. I believe the salmon costs $4, the box costs $8, and the rest is profit. Amazon should get this garbage off their site or relabel this product as smoky-canned-salmon in a vacuum packed bag shipped in a fancy box.Private selection salmon at kroger costs just as much per ounce and is proper smoked salmon or lox. This stuff is dog or cat food and fit for the garbage bin. Save your money or flush it down the toilet.
Awful Stuff! Candied Calabrian tangerine covered in pure dark chocolate 200 g.This is just a terrible tasting product. The chocolate is waxy and tasteless. The fruit is not sweet; it is chewy and tough. Total product is tough and tasteless, a huge disappointment. And at this price?! Ach!
Doesn't cut appetite If you're looking to have your appetite cut, this isn't the product. It's definitely saffron- and I love the smell- but it's a really expensive experiment!!
ENOUGH TRANSFAT TO STOP A TRAIN IN ITS TRACKS; ENOUGH SUGAR TO INDUCE DIABETIC SHOCK, ENOUGH FLOUR TO BLOCK AN ARTERY BUT that irresistible dickensian odor as it warms . . .British culinary experience is not world noted. From London's bangers and mash to Liverpool's scouse to Glasgow's haggis, this Isle of Bad Teeth is not normally sought for its kitchen fare.And so within this small can it comes to us.In Dickens we read of the ravenous appetites consuming the most bizarre items, of Tiny Tim's bag of lard boiled with brandy and a plum, of whatever it was Fagin gave his small boys in London's slums. Here we share a taste of those delights.Do not let this discourage you. Let a can of this sit (opened) in a pan of bubbling hot water, alongside a can of evaporated milk. This in itself makes an adequate holiday pot-pourri, filling your house with cozy warmth, and this is undoubtedly the only safe manner to consume it: olfactory rather than gustatory, considering the transfats, sugars and flour. (Remember my child the warm mothering spirit of Adele Davis, she ofLet's Eat Right to Keep Fit, warning us of the three white poisons: salt, sugar and refined flour, oh yeah and fats).Yet, for those who truly find this "to die for" place the pudding on one bowl, pour the milk on top, add extra cinnamon, and as desired, honey or molasses over all, and enjoy.Best thing since Indian Pudding!
delicious I love this coffee and have it shipped on auto delivery. I was always searching for a substitute for "Snickerdoodle" and this is the closest I have found. The Cinnamon Nut flavor is wonderful and doesn't taste artificial. The four-bag purchase also affords me the benefit of giving some as a gift, which I like to do as a hostess gift and also stocking stuffers at Christmas.
overpaid this product is much cheaper in the store. about half the price. i thought i would be receiving bigger tubs.
Not worth the money I just received my redwood bonsai. I didn't expect it to be in the greatest condition but this was extreme. Not 1 leaf on it! Sure I can send it back but I would like to speak to someone about it. Will it get leaves? It's always a hassle sending items back.
Far from our favorite snack I feed my baby Earth's Best baby food so I figured I would try some snacks that they make. I have had other flavors of the Crunchin Blocks and like them. However the honey ones are absolutely terrible. The first box I got tasted like chemicals so Amazon.com sent me a replacement. It doesn't taste much better than the first to me. My son is not crazy about them either which says a lot because he loves his snacks! Would not buy these again.
Had terrible effects on our daughter This isn't one of those reviews where the person says "don't buy this," because clearly this works for a lot of people, but it had a terrible effect on our daughter.Our daughter was 4 weeks old and what I'd call "half colic." She only screamed for about 2 hours out of every day and she was occasionally able to go for an or two at a time where she was awake and not crying. At the time she was on a breastmilk / part formula (Similac with iron) by order of the pediatrician because she was having trouble gaining weight. When we told the doc about how fussy she was, he recommended we try Similac Alimentum. Big mistake. Within 12 hours of going on it, our daughter began spitting up the formula like she was a fountain. She stopped having bowel movements, began crying for 3-4 hours straight, and couldn't sleep despite the fact she was clearly exhausted. To say this stuff was disastrous would be an understatement. We're back on breastmilk and just counting ourselves lucky that we can have only 2 hours of crying.
My favorite tea I don't work for Celestial Seasonings. Just thought I'd get that out of the way. Not that anyone else who has left feedback does work for them! I am not implying any such thing! But I do not. I just love this tea. I have found that one tea bag makes one 8 oz. cup of tea. The first thing I notice when I sip CS Vanilla Hazelnut is a nutty flavor I have never experienced with any other. I am not a big tea drinker to begin with, coffee being my drink of choice, but I have at least one cup of Vanilla Hazelnut every evening after dinner and I could not care less if I have dessert to go with it, that's how satisfying I find it to be.