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Sumatra at last I love the new Sumatra Coffee Pods. Sumatra is a wonderful low acid coffee and I was delighted to find them in Senseo pods. The flavor is as I remember Sumatra when I used to purchase it at specialty coffee stores in California. ( I live in a VERY rural area and choices are extremely limited. Amazon shopping takes you to specialy brands and flavors and that is where Sumatra fits belongs).My only negative is there are two less pods in a package.
Good Product. Extremely effective! I don't use this tea for dieting but more so for a natural cleanse to keep the body free of harmful toxins. It is very effective have used it for years! First time users may experiece cramping but, after awhile they cease. Great Effective Product!
Horrible! There is a reason why these are not eligible for return. They are horrible! Please do not buy these cookies. I have sampled many gluten-free products, most are very good and these are by far the worst. I am out $ and feel ripped-off. Do yourself a favor and pass on these.
shipping over kill the shipping was great... packaging great and the product, wonderful. the shipping cost was out of line. If my order was sent in a USPS flat rate boxes, you can get a much cheaper shipping cost and it is just as fast as UPS. Especially to Nome, Alaska. Shippers like UPS because of the ease of them picking up the items to ship but if they did their home work, they would see that the USPS does the same and it is so much cheaper...and to Nome Alaska...faster!Thank you for letting me vent!Patty AndersenAlaska resident for 32 years
coffee My husband and I love our Senseo Coffee machine. The coffee pods are not always available in all stores and they are a bit expensive. By ordering them from Amazon on an automatic delivery system they are a little cheaper and there is no shipping cost. We are very happy with Amazon and this product. We also have gotten the Hazelnut flavor Senseo coffe pods and they are delicious.
Okay jerky I buy this jerky because it's all-natural. The taste is great but the quality of the meat is just okay. Half the pieces contain what seems like cartilage or tendons or some stringy thing I'd rather not eat and some pieces are ridiculously tough. For the price, it's not really worth it.
Very Good Flavor. The Hazelnut flavor is very good but could be stronger. I actually add two tablets to a #2 cone filter when brewing coffee. I find this is better than adding the tables to an already brewed cup of coffee.
Ridiculous customer service! I ordered this product on November 29th for my son's construction themed birthday cake on December 8. I realized that it was going to be delivered after the party and to the wrong address. I called Amazon customer service and they emailed this company to organize a refund. I received an email back from BAyside Candy accusing me of trying to rip them off. Accusing me of receiving and using the product but expecting a refund anyway. I haven't received the product, to give a review of the product itself, but as for the customer service alone, I would, under no circumstance, recommend using this company. The person who emailed me has absolutely no idea how to treat a paying customer that had no intention in stealing from them. Their attitude was appalling and disrespectful. I would rather order this product at triple the cost than ever have to deal with a company that doesn't know how to treat the people who pay their bills and keep them in business.
Huskless Popcorn Not great...still husks...just a lot smaller and more compact. All kernels didn't pop either. Stick to Orville Redenbacher both for taste and quality.
NOT GLUTEN FREE Read the ingredients list before purchasing $50 worth of cereal that is NOT GLUTEN FREE. It contains whole wheat meal. I have no idea why Amazon has this categorized as gluten free.
I liked the old man design better :) I don't normally add content to Amazon because the site is so huge, but I must say that this green tea is some of the best bagged green tea you can buy in my opinion, besides having good Sencha from Trader Joe's. Although it does not taste overtly like sencha or a nicer green tea, it definitely still carries the flavor but is accented by the lemon grass and citrus nutes they added. I always add wild flower honey or orange blossom honey, more of the wild fruity honey's taste better with this tea. Sugar tends to ruin the taste of it, so I prefer one teaspoon of honey and it is wonderful. If you like this, I would check out the ancient recipe for Hop Gar Shaolin Tibetan medicinal tea recipe Teh-Dah tea.
Fraudulent Yes, I know, I know, agave nectar is supposed to be the answer for for those seeking to address insulin issues, or on low-carb diets, or just want a healthy alternative to sugar, and even honey and maple syrup, let alone high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. Yes, I've done the research, am personally interested in both organic and low glycemic index products, and used agave nectar for a couple of years myself, proudly serving it to my friends.Despite the great enthusiasm for agave nectar and the endless hype from folks who should know better, I hate to tell you, but it's baloney--a very successful and clever marketing campaign to promote a sweetener that's no better for you, and very likely worse, than many of the other sweeteners it replaces.First, forget any mental image of a "nectar" naturally flowing from the majestic agave cactus; this product is created in factories through a chemical refining process, much the same way as high fructose corn syrup, from the starchy root of the agave plant and is, in fact, a refined high frustose product stripped of any nutrient value. It has a higher fructose content than high frustose corn syrup. While high fructose agave "nectar" won't spike your blood sugar levels, the fructose in it will cause: mineral depletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, obesity, and may be toxic for use during pregnancy.If you think I'm making this up or shilling for some manufacturer of a competing sweetener, just google "agave fraud" and see for yourself. I wish it were otherwise.On October 27, 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported:"[T]he Glycemic Research Institute, a Washington, D.C., laboratory, issued a warning Friday that diabetics experienced "severe and dangerous side effects" during testing of an agave nectar. "The diabetics passed out on the floor and had to be taken to the hospital," says Ann de Wees Allen, chief of biomedical research at the lab. She declined to say how much of the product the diabetics consumed during the test, saying that would be disclosed after a complete analysis of the results....The lab has stopped testing agave on humans amid safety concerns. Also, Dr. Allen says the lab refused to test four other agave products after a chemical analysis it commissioned from another lab found they were mixed with high-fructose corn syrup, which was not disclosed on the label. She declined to name the brands."Wikipedia's entry for agave notes: "the extremely high percentage of fructose can be deleterious and can trigger fructose malabsorption, metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, decreased glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia, and accelerated uric acid formation," citing:Basciano H, Federico L, Adeli K (2005). "Fructose, insulin resistance, and metabolic dyslipidemia". Nutrition & Metabolism 2 (5). doi:10.1186/1743-7075-2-5PMID PMC552336;Mayes, PA (1993). "Intermediary metabolism of fructose". Am J Clin Nutr. Nov: 58. PMID 8213607;Buemann B, Toubro S, Holst JJ, Rehfeld JF, Bibby BM, Astrup A (2000). "D-tagatose, a stereoisomer of D-fructose, increases blood uric acid concentration". Metabolism Aug (49): 969-76. PMID 10954012; andDavis, W (2008). "Yet another reason to avoid fructose". The Heart Scan Blog Dec (6).There are many discussions of this issue appearing on the internet. Decide for yourself.
Babysitter... Not so good. Only bought it because Vic Morrow was in it, and he was not in it very much. Probably will never watch it again. Very disappointed.
Price was right and no clean up. These are very handy, I know they are more expensive than buying the big box but no clean up in the morning is great, just a spoon and I'm off to work. I had bought the larger size earlier but these are a better size for me.
Absolutely loaded with trans-fat As of Nov 2007, each 16 gram serving contains 2 grams of trans fat! That is 1/8th trans-fat by weight, and more than 1/8 by calories!!! (Please consult the packaging for more current information, many manufacturors are removing trans-fat. Beware: they may legally claim 0 grams of trans fat when they have half a gram PER SERVING, which is very significant for small serving sizes. So you should look for the words "partially hydroginated" in the ingredient list. If you see "partially hydrogenated" then you know the product has artificial trans fat and you should NOT buy it.)Don't take my word for it that this is bad, because here are some quotations from the survey articleMozaffarian et al "Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease,"The New England Journal of Medicine, volume 354,pages 1601-1613 (2006).Here are a few quotations from this article:"given the 1.2 million annual myocardial infarctions and deaths from CHD ["coronary heart disease"] in the United States, near-elimination of industrially produced trans fats might avert between 72,000 (6 percent) and 228,000 (19 percent) CHD events [i.e. "heart attacks"] each year. These estimates are based on the replacement of trans fats with carbohydrates. In practice, however, trans fats in partially hydrogenated oils would most commonly be replaced with unhydrogenated (cis) unsaturated fats,6 which may have additional potential benefits as compared with carbohydrates. If such additional potential benefit is considered, greater proportions of CHD events (12 to 22 percent) might be averted."Note that the disproportionate percentage of heart disease attributable to trans-fat is astonishing, since the authors point on on the first page that trans-fat makes up only a tiny proportion of the american diet:"The average consumption of industrially produced trans fatty acids in the United States is 2 to 3 percent of total calories consumed."They conclude"On the basis of evidence from in vitro experimental studies, dietary trials, and prospective observational studies, the consumption of trans fatty acids from partially hydrogenated oils provides no apparent nutritional benefit and has considerable potential for harm."Professor Willett (one of the co-authors of the above article) is the chairman of Harvard's nutrition department, the author of the medical school textbook "nutritional epidemiology", and the most-cited author in his field. He has also written about trans-fat for a general audience in his book "Eat, Drink, and be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide for Healthy Eating."
My Son will eat them! My son has autism. He is on a gluten-free, casein-free, and soy free diet, so there is not a lot of pre-packaged stuff out there that he can eat that he actually wants to eat. We have tried the Glutino pretzels, they are good but have soy. My typical son on an unrestricted diet likes them and asks for them. But my gf/cf/sf son can't have them.I brought home a few sample bags of these from a TACA meeting (Talk About Curing Autism) and my son ate them right up. I was glad to see them on this site so I could order them in bulk.I tried them and didn't think they tasted bad. Of course, they could use more salt for my taste, but my son gets enough sodium from other sources, so I'm glad that they aren't salted.
Best gluten free bread mix This is the best bread mix, I have found so far. And buying it through Amazon, saved me $10.00.
NOT GLUTEN FREE This comes up on a gluten free search, but this is not gluten free. Soy sauce contains wheat. Unless it is specifically wheat free soy sauce, which is uncommon and not indicated.
mmmmm maizena! This drink brings back memories! Always had it as a kid on a sunday morning with some delicious warm mexican bread.Has a great flavor and consistency. Very easy to make and goes great with any type of bread, cookies or any sweet treat.
Fun package of oldie, goodie items! This package was not for me, but rather for my father-in-law whom grew up during the time when these goodies were available during his childhood years. He thoroughly enjoyed everything, for at least the 'experience' as he did not like all items in there...same as when he was younger. Though he really did like those candies that were in there that he enjoyed in his youth.Great gift idea if you're looking to buy one for a friend/family member that grew up during those years. ;o)
I Agree With A. Leahy Although I'm not a former disgruntled employee, I have developed some reservations about "San Marzano" brand tomatoes. When I bought my first can of these tomoatoes at my local grocery store, I thought, great San Marzano plum tomatoes stright from Italy for under $3 for a 28oz can! Then when I got the can home and opened it, the tomatoes inside didn't look like the ones on the can. They were round, and didn't look like plum tomatoes, which resemble little eggplants. Further, after reading the label, I realized these tomatoes are from California, and have nothing to do with the San Marzano reigon of Italy at all. What a dissapointment! Buyer beware: these tomatoes are not from San Marzano, and probably aren't even plum tomatoes! As for taste, it was OK, but definately I was left wondering 'where's the great, sweet, fresh flavor people say San Marzano tomatoes should have?' If you are looking for an average tomato this brand should suffice, but if you want the real San Marzano tomatoes, please save youself the dissapointment and keep looking.
CAREFUL!!!This is by far the hottest sauce on earth!!! I purchase a few bottle for friends who did not believe this IS the ultimate hot sauce. They are now believers! Use this with caution---someone posted keep in frig after opening plus a LARGE roll of toilet paper in the freezer!!!!!
Superior taste I tried the white cheddar and lemon-herb varieties. The white cheddar was OK. A bit bland, but acceptable. The lemon-herb chips were surprisingly good. Almost too good. It's easier to stop after 1 bag with the white cheddar.The good news is that, unlike many soy-content chips, these have a very nice (not at all mealy) texture. Nor are there any red-flag ingredients to worry about. The bad news is that they are higher carb than I had hoped. Here's the breakdown for a bag of these lemon-herb chips...calories - 110 (30% from fat)fat - 3.5gcarbs - 14gprotein - 10gIf you're on a low carb diet, these probably won't fit. The cheddar chips might (10g carbs).
2 different preservatives If I would have known this product contained sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate I wouldn't have purchased it in the first place. I didn't even open it. As soon as I read the ingredients I logged on here to return. I ended up going to a health store China Town before this package arrived and found a variety of different ginseng's that came in a pack of 30 and all of them were less than $10! Some had preservatives and some didn't. Not only did I save money but I purchased a safer product compared to this one. I'm not saying this product doesn't work, but the preservatives it contains will do more harm than good over a period of time. Do the research for yourself.
$ave Your Money!! I mistakenly ordered this from this vendor, much to my chagrin. Admittedly, I was very excited about starting Yerba Mate and was a bit impulsive. I thought that I could trust Amazon to protect us from vendors who were out to rape and pillage their customer base. Not so!!! I just found this identical item at Traders Joe's for $4.99!!!! I better smoke a cigarette, because I've just been screwed!!!
The BEST banana treat I have ever had! ~ This 'six banana loaf' is probably my favorite Rise & Shine creation.It's moistness is almost unparalleled in the bread/cake realm.The consistency is a banana lover's dream.I can indulge in this loaf guilt-free, knowing what it's made from.The genius behind Rise & Shine does it again!J'aime votre travail!~
Orange flavored Craisins These Cranberries were amazing I used them in everything and then they suddenly disappeared. Ocean Spray needs to bring them back! They were wonderful in baking, salads, and the children loved them just for snacks. Sure would love to see them back in production!
Would not reorder I also ordered the black liquorice and absolutely loved it. But the mango didn't have that much flavor. I would try one of the other flavors, but not reorder this one. I gave away a bag to a friend and she passed it on to a co-worker because she was not impressed.
Not worth the money The product looked much nicer in the picture; I was a little embarrassed giving this as a gift. Also, it arrived on the evening of 27 Dec... a little late for Christmas.
low carb, no sugar added dark chocolate My daughter is on a low carb, low sugar diet. She still has a taste for sweets, but she has to be selective. These bars have a great chocolate taste. This is just what she was looking for in a candy bar.
Very Tasty Yum, a good brand of yeast. Happy to be able to get this online, I live in a rural area where no one has ever heard of this stuff.
Medium to Large Limas at best I can't believe I was duped into ordering this. 5 pounds of 'em and $21.67 shipping. They are nothing more than large lima beans -- at best. They are, in fact, so poorly sorted, that many in the bag are just beyond medium size. Save your money and time. Buy large lima beans in your local grocery store.
Best of the salt substitutes I've found Nu-Salt to be a near perfect sodium substitute. The taste is not identical to table salt but it's as close as I've found. In low/moderate quantities I seriously doubt I could tell the difference. It is a simple potassium salt, actually providing 530mg (15% DV) of potassium per serving - more than a banana. So not only are you eliminating sodium, you're also getting potassium, which lowers blood pressure (search, "potassium blood pressure"). Americans consume less than half the RDA of potassium, but by all means, if you are concerned, ask your Dr.IMO, this is as good as it gets. I like it.
Delicious! I bought these to try - I love potatoes and garlic so I figured it'd be a good combination. I can't agree with the reviewers who say there is too much garlic. It's barely a hit and they are certianly not salty. I'm wondering if the reviewer who found them too salty didn't blend the product sufficiently. As for garlic overload, I think only someone who doesn't like garlic much might find them unsavory. I've discovered that there are people who claim to not like something so when they know there is even a hint of it they over-dramatize it. Nevertheless, the potatoes are delicious and go wonderfully with salmon and salad. If you find them a little over flavored I'd suggest getting a regular potato mix and blending the two together :)
Where are the square ones???? Where are the square pops shown on the package? Bring them back. They were better. And no cherry flavored in 2 of the bags! Get it together, Hersheys.
right on time Just what I was lookiing for. Very prompt service and neatly packaged. I had this balsamic vinager at at restaurant and looked everywhere for it and could not find it. I went to AMAZON and viola....found it. YEA
Milk ruined my life. I found milk in bed with my ex-girlfriend. When I screamed at milk it kicked my dog on its mad dash out the house.
Disappointing This product does not smell or taste anything like frrrozen hot chocolate. It was a disappointing purchase!!
Insanely good! I love these puffs. They're crunchy and delicious and sooo flavorful. My local health food store is always out of these, so I'm delighted to find them here.I was just reading that Barbara's Bakery participates in the non-GMO project, so that's a huge plus. I hope that means that this product is non-GMO.They also don't have any MSG (under that name or any other name that I can spot). That stuff is a cheap flavor enhancer, but this brand uses real food to enhance the flavor. What a novel idea! They don't have any artificial food coloring, either.I guess there is a difference between snack food and junk food, and this actually tastes better than the stuff I grew up eating!
Not Much Flavor I've never used syrups before and I'm disappointed. It adds sweetness but hardly any flavor. I think the flavored coffees are much better.
Six boxes gone in 2 weeks, these cookies are THAT good! Having imported chocolate chip gluten free cookies from as far away as Canada and across the United States it is a joy to find Pamela's gluten free chocolate chip cookies! Unlike the overbaked, dry and sad offerings of other retailers, these are soft, delicious and completely edible! Our family LOVES them and I am forced to hide them or whole boxes will literally disappear overnight (my dear husband "the midnite muncher") isn't on a GF diet but loves these cookies anyway! Buy them, for once you won't be disappointed in a premade GF cookie!
Not what I ordered I ordered the pods on the metal can and go the ones on a cardboard box. This is misleading. I can get the card box one cheaper elsewhere.
Simply the best I love this tea. I use 1 bag and combine with one bag of either white tea or Pu-erh tea for a delicious, healthy treat. The hot cinnamon spice just makes any bland tea taste better. I will continue to order from Amazon as you cannot beat the price anywhere.
Excellent taste!! adds flavor to everything...a little cheesy taste...i'm ordering more! better than the nutritional yeast i found at Whole Foods! try it
Waste of money These looked wonderful and were a birthday present for a close friend. When they came the foil was all stuck to the candy. We tried to unwrap a couple and it made a bigger mess with the paper sticking terribly to the candy. In the end we were able to taste the tiniest piece which just made us more disappointed and angry since it was delicious. We would never order these again or do business with this company. And living in Florida was not the problem since we paid BIG prices for the candy and shipping, it was not hot and the package was literally put in our hands from the truck, so it didn't sit outside. Big Big disappointment.
Refreshing and wholesome! This is Celestial Seasonings at their best-a plump bag of fresh tasty peppermint leaf, which brews up to a clean delicious cup of tea! Peppermint is one of the most enjoyable herbal teas with a naturally sweet, clean taste.Peppermint is an herb that has many uses in traditional herbal medicine. It is reputed to relax the muscles of the digestive system which helps relieve nausea. Peppermint combats flatulence, promotes bile flow and digestive juices, and has a mildly anesthetic effect which also eases indigestion. It is supposed to relieve anxiety and tension, soothe headaches and calm symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle.Celestial Seasonings gets extra points for their packaging: they utilize 100% natural recycled paperboard in their boxes and they don't package each tea bag individually. Instead they use a system of a waxed paper bag inside the box that stays shut when you fold it. It keeps the bags fresh and utilizes less packaging than individually wrapping each bag. The art they use on each box is beautiful as are the quotes and information they put on every surface.
Light and crispy with a fresh sesame flavor I've been eating WASA and other crisp breads for a long time, but I usually get the whole grain ones. Got these at the store once and really liked them, especially because I love sesame seeds. My family also really likes these, and my friends and guests really like them, too. In fact, I bought this case of WASA to share with them, as I prefer the really heavy, hearty WASAs. WASA breads can be served in many ways: they make great crackers to go with soups, stews or chilie, or to snack on plain or with butter spread on them. I like to eat them European style by making little open-faced sandwitches. A little cheese, maybe some meat, thinly sliced cucumber, onion or what have you. A great little snack.This is the ingredient list:Wheat flour, sesame seeds, water, yeast, canola and palm oil, sugar, salt. May contain traces of milk.Nutrition facts:Calories 60Total Fat 1.5gSaturated Fat 1.5gTrans Fat 1.5gSodium 85mgTotal Carbohydrate 9gDietary Fiber <1gSugars 0gProtein 2gThe expiration date is 31 October 2012
I did not get this item I did not receive this item. I don't know what happened, I did not get any explanation from the seller.
Traverse Bay Dried cherries. We love these cherries,I have been buying them for a couple of years.I have them out in a dish,we eat them as snacks, as well as in baked goods, on cereals, salad's etc.I just received a box yesterday, but to my surprise, I guess I goofed and we got the Dried Cranberries instead. Don't know about them yet, but I guess they can't be returned.
FUN & FUNNY awesomeI've been watching Beatlejuice for as long as i can remember. ive seen it so many times its now easy for me to quote lines. this is a great humorous movie that will forever and always be even better the more times i watch it. definately a classic.Michael Keaton is ghoulishly funny in this wonderful blend of horror and humor. Enjoyable family viewing on a Halloween night. Invite the neighborhood goblins over.
Sticky Rice Maker I have had a desire for Sticky Rice for many years, ever since my time in South East Asia in the early 60s. Until I came on this product, and the rice from Import Foods, I had almost forgot how it was supposed to taste. This kit brought all the memories back from those days, and the food taste from that region that I really love. I can see no other way to make rice taste like it should.
Balance Bars The bars I recevied were past the "Best when used by" date by. Also, the bars were the original formula and not the new formula.
impossible to melt I bought the Ultimate Dark chocolate because I like a high % of cocao, and less sugar. According to the ingredient list, this should have been a great hot chocolate, but of all the chocolates I've tried, this one just wouldn't melt and mix with milk properly!! I don't taste the chocolate when I'm drinking it, and find a half inch of chocolate at the bottom of my cup!! I've tried other hot chocolates like Mariebelle, Ghirardelli, Teuscher, Lindt, etc... and never had this problem, so it makes me wonder why the Ultimate is different.
Walnuts? where are the walnuts? I am very disappointed in the quality of these walnuts. They are pure sugar and have very little toffee flavor and the walnuts are all bits and pieces of left over walnuts. I could not find 1 walnut halve in an entire package.
Sweet tea These teas have an amazing fruit flavor that shines both hot and iced. Sweet by nature, they need little or no sweetening. I am sure to buy these teas again and again.
Crunchy delights My first encounter with these darling little treats was while watching Everyday Italian on the Food Network starring Giada De Laurentiis, my favorite chef of the past few years. She crumbled them into deserts, coffees, made pumpkin ravioli with it, baked amaretti apples and always praised their magical taste. Upon finally purchasing a box myself I was blown away by the hypnotic and addictive taste of marzipan in these little gems.Amaretti Cookies are packed as a pair, wrapped in wax paper with Italian writing and insignias, praising its originality. They are two small crackling cookies per wrapper and they are a crunchy shell of delight. The taste is strangely addictive, after having a few I couldn't stop thinking about them! I have even purchased three more boxes two days after getting the first one. They taste like the holidays, spicy and lusciously laden with almonds and crispy sugary goodness with a tiny tang of bitterness of the almond. They flavor is royal and time stopping, on busy days, one bite of this cookie and I am transfixed into magical fields of luxurious old world taste that has been popular to Italians for years.Incredibly aromatic crispy almond cookies that are a luscious addiction to coffee, tea or wine and are great for cooking and baking with. They really grew on me, I think I am an addict to their taste now, no wonder Giada is so smitten with them!- Kasia S.
Fabulous These candies are the best! Fun shapes and great taste, can't ask for more then that in a candy :)
Exactly perfect Fantastic tea promotes lactation. Tasty sweetened with honey, hot or cold. Make a big batch of iced tea to have on hand (simply leave 5-6 tea bags in pitcher, in fridge over night). Whether it increased my milk quantity or not, it cant hurt.I had a hard time finding this tea locally. I went to three stores. Now that my baby has arrived, I am not able to get out as easily. Thankful I was able to order on amazon.
Pretty good snack! This is a pretty good snack bar. I much prefer the crunchy kind and these work well in that regard. Not a lot of almond flavor...would have given higher rating if it were. I like Kashi's pecan flavor the best.
Does not taste like real Thai food We love thai food, I thought we can try cook it ourselves with the help,of the sauce. Does not taste the same
Atomic Fireballs Rule Atomic Fireballs are my favorite candy that doesn't have chocolate. These are bigger than the ones I'm used to buying as bulk candy at the grocery store. More cinnamon goodness. :)
Warm, Fragrant and Soothing I really like this tea. It has a naturally sweet taste without the use of any added sweeteners. (There are no artifical sweeteners added to this tea. Check out the complete ingredients list shown in the Label Information area.)I don't find the licorice flavor to be overly strong, but you will need to like the flavor of licorice to enjoy this blend. The hint of cinnamon, ginger and pepper adds a touch of warmth to the blend, while the orange, clove and cardamom boost the spicy sweetness of the tea. This is now my favorite organic herbal tea and I can't wait to try the Egyptian Licorice Mint tea too.
Melissa's dried coconut chips I didn't care for the coconut chips. The coconut taste was not as I had hoped. It was much too dry also. I did not use it in baking or other types of cooking; only right out of the bag.
Amazing This is absolutely wonderful. My grocery store doesn't have it so when I saw it on the AMAZING Amazon, I ordered it. I have ordered it ever since and will continue.
:( I usually buy these at whole foods and the quality is excellent. The raspberries are tart just like I like them. I ordered these online at a much better price and the raspberries didn't taste the same :( barely any tartness. I was very disappointed! will no t buy again
Terrible! I bought these because we had great luck with another brand of gluten-free cookies and thought these were worth a try also. They were TERRIBLE, so bad in fact that nobody would eat them. I contacted Amazon and they graciously refunded me. I will stick with the original brand from now on, even if these are less expensive.
I love Them HelloI was very happy with the product,they sent it to me fast and it arrived in very good shapeThe price made it worth to buy from here and to have it shipped to me.Give amazon a try,they are very good at what they do.David Mosley
Super Thick! These fruit leathers are very thick. Most of the adults that have tasted don't like them, but all the kiddos love them! They're a great healthy alternative for a child with a sweet tooth. I do not recommend for adults though.
not fun These are aggravating to use as they do not stay closed and spill coffee everywhere. Will not order again.
nasty i was tricked by the other reviews. i've only tried the sweet and hot and that was terrible. probably the worst tasting beef jerky i've ever had. i decided to try something new this time around, that was a mistake.
The worst shopping experience I have ever had! I bought these along with some Kit Kats for a relative living in the USA as a gift and tea bags and Kit Kats may seem like an odd gift but they were actually quite symbolic and would have meant a lot. I say would have..... I emailed the company explaining that they were a gift and requested that if possible that an invoice not be added to the package. Well weeks passed and my gift still hadn't been delivered, I emailed the company and didn't get any response. More weeks passed and by this time the "gift" was well and truly ruined. Cheers you guys!!Eventually the pack of tea was delivered, the box squashed but no kit kats - so not only was the gift delayed with delivery - I mean I could have bought these myself in the UK and posted them over in a few days if I'd have known, but the invoice was in the box and a note stating that a refund had been made for the cost of the Kit Kats. No email from the company to let me know of course. Out of the four emails I actually sent them, i didn't get one response. Nor had the money been credited back to my account and the invoice stated that it was refunding an amount that didn't correspond with the cost of my purchase.I have to say that I have never, ever been treated as badly by a company. The disappointment was even worse when I was told that actually the items i had ordered are readily available in shops in the area where my relative lives - so I sort of felt really annoyed by this stage.I had to contact Amazon who as always were brilliant and they refunded me my money and offered me a 5 voucher off of my next US purchase which is real customer service, I must add that i didn't use their goodwill voucher because why should Amazon be at a loss because their site was abused by such appaling trades people?? Thank you though Amazon! British Delight's you are the consumers worst nightmare and if you was in the UK you'd have had Trading Standards visiting you.Just amazed that you can treat people like this!
Arbuckle's makes great coffee I have kept these foil packages in the freezer for up to a year and gotten perfectly fresh coffee when I ripped it open. I use one pack per 8 cups of water for regular strength and 2 packets for 10 cups water for stout coffee. Never have had a complaint one when I serve this up.I tend to keep a box of Breakfast Blend and one flavored on hand for those days where there just isn't time or inclination to measure out spoonfuls... C'mon - we all have days like that, right!! :)For taste, convenience and shelf life, I highly recommend!All the best,Jay
Great taste and easy easy easy! Love this product - the flavor is great and it's something I can take to work and store without refrigeration. They need to figure a better way to seal the very top as they sometimes come loose and you get macaroni everywhere.
Had dishwater that tasted better My biggest regret is that I have to give a one star. I love coffee and have enjoyed it literally world over. The Jablum was a gift from a friend who had just gotten back from Jamacia. I ground and brewed the beans in exactly the smae manner as I do all my other coffees and upon settling back to taste the coffee I did not stay settled long!To be concise this had to be one of the worst cup of coffee I have ever had in my entire life.Now going back to preparation; when I ground it the beans were dry and excuded very little oil or aroma. Not at all like the Hawaiian Blue Mountain I have flown in from Kauai each month which gives off a rich aroma combined with visable oils resulting in a rich pleasing cup of enjoyment.This is the second bag I have tried and they get worse each time. Have done four caffres with this pound altering the amount of beans etc and did get one pot that was passable with the first cup almost enjoyable, but the taste faded quickly with any cooling.The bottom line is; if this bean was readily available in grocery stores at a tenth of the price I would probably get any store brand Columbian over it - at ten times the price I would refer back to the old saying that goes something about a fool and his money.
poor substitue I teach pasta class and make sauces. A student brought in a can to try based on the lower cost. We found the tomatoes to be watery and very acidic, a very poor substitue for the real thing - I will stick to DOP.
Delicious! These are a delicious, low-carb alternative to buttered popcorn. As opposed to the usual semi-spherical shape of other Just-the-cheese products, these are more globular puffs of cheese. I much prefer this form factor to the semi-spherical. There was also much more in each bag, which was awesome.
Not good for a Luna Bar This is one of the worst Luna Bars I've tasted. The flavor is more like grape than raspberry. No almond flavor at all. Would not purchase again.
great tasting herbal tea I really like the taste of this herbal tea. I have been buying it for years.
Cookie Shortbread crumbs I also received the shortbread swirls in a crumbled state. The almond ginger cookies arrived fine in the same box and are excelllent. I didn't realize food products could not be returned until I just tried to return them.I wouldn't mind if these were simply broken, but they are crumbs. Pretty expensive bird food! Pamela's are the best Gluten Free cookies I have found, but I guess it is better to buy them at the grocery store for a higher price, than feed a whole case to the birds.I rate the cookies 5 but shipment of them 1.
too spicy and hot i tried this taste after good experience with the other tastes, but this one is not tasty at all.I do not recommend it.
poor quality control.... moldy My kids love these, and we've ordered them often - but as was the case with at least one other reviewer, this batch came in with some mold. (I freeze them as soon as they arrive, so had the have been moldy upon arrival.)too bad - but at this price, won't run the risk of having to toss out product.
Buy them! Amazingly good crackers. We were looking in the organic food aisle at Kroger a few months back for the little ones and found these crackers. They taste better than Cheez-Its and Cheese Nips, AND they're organic and healthier for you. I wish they sold these with less of a baby/toddler theme, though; they'd probably sell more if they did.
Love Blue Mountain Coffee, Hate JABLUM While in Jamaica, my wife and I drank Blue Mountain Coffer every day and loved it. We even went on a bike tour of the Blue Mountains, and purchased some coffee. It came in a plain clear plastic bag, and we could see the darkness of the roast. We enjoyed that coffee.In Ocho Rios, we bought some bags of JABLUM. You can't see the darkness of the roast, and all you can smell is the burlap bag. When we opened it up, it was a very light roast, not much fragrance, and once brewed, the coffee tasted a lot like dirt. We were very disappointed.
Eggless never tasted so good We were suddenly faced with need for eggless noodles. Alternatives were tasteless, slippery "yolk-frees". Then I stumbled onto these from Manischewitz and they have flavor worth my delicious home-made pasta sauces. Now we don't miss the fresh pastas any more. Who said healthy had to be boring.
Fabulous hot or chilled Good Earth Green Tea, Lemongrass, Decaffeinated, 25-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)is my go to tea. I drink it hot, warm, and make a very strong brew which I chill and enjoy in a wine glass in lieu of wine. To be sure I do not run out I have it automatically sent in a pack of 6 monthly.
Great Tea, but not a great price. This is an awesome tea, but I found it much cheaper at my local organic grocery. Order here if you need it and don't have time to run to the store, otherwise, stock up when you go to the grocery.
Far too salty By the time my salt limit has been hit, there is still barely any seasoning on my food. Also, while I understand that you're only supposed to use a little bit, it pours too quickly, and I find myself with a thick layer of salt on my food. I think I will stick to using this to marinate meat and for french fries.
The BEST sauce EVER! My husband and I always have this at a local eatery, and WOW, it works with eggs, french fries, burgers, you name it. It's not as much Hot as it is SPICY and the balance of the garlic is a beautiful thing. It doesn't drown out the taste of your food as much as it adds to it or enhances it. It also doesn't have that obnoxious jalapeno taste that many hot sauces have. A must buy for the hot sauce or bbq sauce fan, or someone like me that just loves breakfast.
disapointing i have bought this candy for several years now. this year the consistency has changed and not in a good way. the candy is tough, difficult to bit into. you end up having to put the whole thing in your mouth and gumming it. i much prefer the consistency the candy had in the past.
FARMER BROS FAJITA - THE BEST! This is the best seasoning for fajitas, tacos, and much much more! Not too salty and just enough kick! Won't use anything else.
Brinjal Pickle (Egg Plant Relish) makes life worth living! Patek's Egg Plant Relish (formerly called Brinjal Pickle) is my all-time favorite relish. A wonderful complement to poultry and many meats (especially ground chuck), I alone go through several jars a year, combining it most often with chicken. It is sweet, and only mildly hot, allowing its delicious spiced flavors to be thoroughly enjoyed. It has a wonderful aroma and aromatic after-taste on the back of the palate that provides an almost transcendental experience. Yet, used in moderation, it doesn't overpower, but rather enhances the meat dish.This is not a relish that everyone enjoys, however. Its taste is unique, and not the fire-hot peppery blast that many people seem to enjoy and be seeking.
sweet glad i was able to find a new copy of this video came quick and in great packaging.
why did price change I bought this 2 months ago and paid 37.99 per case and now its over 60.00 for 6 cans..that is crazy...what happened?????Why is Amazon changing so much???? Do not buy it cheaper at Walmart...
Amazing! Initially an overproducer, I was horrified when a mistake by my doctor in prescribing me the wrong birth control caused a dramatic drop in my supply where I wasn't even close to keeping up with my son while he was away at daycare. My lactation consultant recommended this tea to me and I ordered it right away. Earlier this week, I was pumping at best half of what I had previously pumped and we had started tapping into my freezer stash, which was scary to me. By Wednesday the tea had arrived and I immediately started drinking it. Thursday was my lowest day ever, I was able to pump only 6 oz total all day long and I was so discouraged. This morning I woke up with my breasts feeling very full like they had before my supply began to reduce and I just completed my first pumping session and was able to pump about a half ounce MORE than I typically pump! I drank the tea 3 times on Wednesday and 5 times on Thursday. Once I feel like my supply has completely regenerated, I will probably reduce the tea to 2 or 3 times a day, but this tea is amazing! What started out as a terrible and scary week (giving up breastfeeding was a very sad thought) has ended on a high note!
great american spice company stay away from Great American Spice company. They don't answer their 888 number, local number or emails. They have been investigated by their state attorney general for not shipping items. They settled.If they don't care about their customers ask yourself why should you buy from them.
Just perfect! I love the Torani syrups. You can put them in hot or cold drinks and they mix well!
Bad Service on Amazon I have just received notice of shipment of this item. I was purchased on the 1st of March. It took 11 days to ship!!!!!!!!!! This is the second time that I have ordered something on Amazon that did not ship for a long time after it had been ordered. This is awful, and I don't think I plan on ordering anything from Amazon in the future! They also never tell you when something is backordered till a few days after you order. This is unacceptable!!!Gloria Souyias
Canola Oil I came across this searching for Paleo-friendly products on Amazon. "Canola" oil is NOT Paleo. Admittedly, the product does not specifically advertise as Paleo, but really, canola oil is very unhealthy. Skip this and ask for Wilderness Family to re-stock their mayo.