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Cereal's decription does not match reality Cereal USED to have crunchy flakes, blueberries, almonds, little granola clusters. It was great and I would have given it 5 stars. Now it has next to no almonds or blueberries, and the flakes are basically Rice Krispies! Don't waste your money.
huh? Why am I getting asked to review this? i didn't order this. This is something my mom ordered...not me. Please ask her to review this.
Not appealing visually, in taste or in texture, but healthy I've been giving several organic products a go lately, but is the first PURE Organic I've tried and I have to say it's not selling me on the idea of trying more.Visually UnappealingI opened the package to see something that looked a lot like what I'd imagine beer dung to look like if it was flattened and chopped into a 3"x2" rectangle. Nuts and blueberries are visible through a brown paste, which has a slight sheen to it.Taste and TextureThe best part - you taste the nuts (walnuts, almonds and cashews) almost immediately. Actually I thought there was oats in it, but it's all in the nuts. Texture is somewhat pasty and fibrous, but thankfully not dry.Lots of fiber (3g) which according to the label may contain 'pieces of nuts, shells, stems or pits'. Not reassuring, but definitely organic!Certified organic, this bar has rice protein and agave nectar, with a few other this and that thrown in, but very little. It's considered 'raw, vegan, rich in omega-3's, a full serving of fruit, certified organic and gluten-free'. Taste however, at least for me, it lacks.Overall, I liked the idea of it, and will give the makers kudos for putting all kinds of good stuff in there, but if you need to find a quick snack that's under 200 calories and is gluten-free, consider a handful of raw almonds and a piece of fruit instead. It would taste much better and probably cost the same or less.
Great stuff from Germany I have been drinking this coffee since 1990. Needless to say, that I grew up in Germany. I ask my parents to send this coffee to me for my birthday and Christmas. It is better than any Gevalia coffee I have ever had. If you like Gevalia Coffee you will like Prodomo even better. Dallmyre just know how to roast the beans better than anyone. If you want better you must go for Kona Coffee.
No taste The mushrooms I received had absolutely no flavor. It was like soaking up cream sauce with pieces of rubber. Really disappointing.
not worth the money first time i ordered the item i was pleasantly surprised each chocolate was filled nicely with burbon and had a strong burbon taste. second time i ordered the item there was very little if any burbon in the chocolate. attempted to contact the seller and had no response. don't waste your money on this expensive item
Not the best of the k-cup flavors I do love my Keurig coffee machine, and have sampled a wide variety of coffee flavors they offer. This one is NOT one of my favorites. It's acidic, and that overpowers the vanilla and coffee flavors. You can do much better. The two best I've tried so far are Green Mountain Wild Mountain Blueberry and Gloria Jean's Mudslide (chocolatey). If vanilla is your favorite flavor, I would try the Green Mountain or Gloria Jean version, or one of the others.
Great Formula, Not so Great Price...go to Costco or Sam's.... This is a great formula if you baby takes to it. The pricing on Amazon is indeed the best one I've found online, but you can get the same amount of formula (6 of these cans almost exactly equals 4 of the warehouse size)at Costco or Sam's Club for $116 plus sales tax. Less if you have manufacturer's checks. If you really need home delivery, or don't want to pay for a warehouse membership, this is a good option, but otherwise, pass on this.
One, only because you can't give a no star review Hands down the worst "food" I have had in 6 months of Atkins eating, and very possibly vying for the worst thing I have EVER put in my mouth.It looks like powder, floury coming out of the package. But with some liquid it comes to a reasonable look, simulating the appearance of mashed potatoes. That is where the resemblance ends. On the first bite, you start out with the hope that here is a product you can use. Nearly immediatly you will notice the textural difference. There is a grainy dustyness that is apparent. But, its bound to be different, so you power on. Texture is only part of it, and the difference is not horrible, just different.Very very soon thereafter, your tastebuds will tell you the rest of the story. There is no "potato" taste. It tastes more akin to some sort of wheat product. Ok, whatever. But then you realise there is another taste. Something akin to alum powder. And it is horrible. So much so that you swallow quickly and wash it out, and take a rapid bite of something else to get rid of it. a few moments later, you will convince yourself that since you paid for this, you will try again. It couldnt have been all THAT bad. But it is. And the third little nibble 20 minutes later is equally horrible.Later that night you may notice that it drys more like a dough than a mash, and wonder what happens if you bake it. The answer is nothing good. Same taste. Not worth the time.Do yourself a favor and skip this product. I hate cauliflour, but even blended cauli is better than this. I am stumped to think of ANY food item that is not better than this. Not pickled pigs feet, for sure. I suppose Durian is a match, but I would literally rather eat worms. If you buy it, don't say I didn't warn you.
Intl Basil Doesn't Work In All Aero Gardens The International Basil kit only works in the 7 pod gardens, which is not specified anywhere in the product description. After realizing that the basil was not sprouting, I discovered the reason why - this kit is not compatible with the 6 pod garden - the pods are shorter and do not reach the water! Very disappointed - my rating is due to the product description.
Works With Just About Anything The Fine Ground Sea Salt is a sea salt works for just about anything. Whether it is cooking or baking, this salt is going to work for just about any recipe. It even has the nutritious value ofSayulita Sea Salt - Organic Coarse - 16 oz - by RealGoodSalt. It is a salt worth getting as its versatility is worth the purchase.
Turkish Crap, not German! I have been eating 3lbs bags of Haribo for years, enjoying this candy exclusively. Tonight I ate a handful from the bag and nearly gagged, this stuff was disgusting! I looked on the back of the bag and saw MADE IN TURKEY! Amazon has never cheated me before, but this was shameful. I will NOT eat Haribo products again, and have already tossed that worthless bag of gunk into the compost. Shame on Haribo for producing candy in Turkey and sending the filth to the USA! Shame of Amazon for being part of that scam.
superb I purchased this decaf by mistake at the supermarket and loved it.Only after going through half the can did I notice it was decaf!Tastes just like regular ILLY but is also decaf ... soo if you want good decaf I recommend this.
Quality product and reasonably priced. I was buying local until the store where I purchased espresso beans decided not to carry them. I also tried Starbucks for a while because it was convenient but more expensive. After looking online for a reasonably priced bean I found these. I have a Rancilio Silvia and Rocky grinder and they work just as well as any other bean I have tried except for maybe one local shop were I can get them fresh roasted. Of course they are also much more expensive.I order these with lead time so I can get free shipping and this saves me time because they are delivered. The crema and taste is just as good as anything else I can get. What more could you ask for at a comparable price?
Delicious! I'm not exactly sure how good these are for you??? but I do know they taste great!! I bought these because I never have time for breakfast in the morning, and I'm also sort of a "choco-holic", and these with coffee, or better yet: hot chocolate are excellent! :)
oh god, my mouth I assumed this was a drink? It has nutrition facts on it.. what a horrible taste. I managed one sip.
Great to cook with This is great coconut oil. I now use this oil exclusively for all of my cooking needs. It has a nice mild flavor that enhances everything I cook. I am very happy with this product and will continue to purchase it.
delicious I asked for this for Christmas, and received this as well as the ginger one. It is so good!! Good for salads, stir-fries, plain rice, marinades, etc... I am an Asian food lover, and this is the best product I have ever tasted. I could eat it by the spoonful!! I wonder if anyone has ever tried it in a soup?? I am sure it would be good in anything you put it on. It is truly addicting........great product!!
A Big No Show I ordered this product, waited ten days and then finally decided to track it. Tracking showed that the product had been taken all over the US and finally was brought to my doorstep where DHL was unable to deliver it. Why? No one seems to know the answer to that question. Of the five products I ordered, all of which were to go to the same address, only one has arrived in the now 12 days since the original order was placed. So, while these rice crackers may be delicious, I'll never know as they are now out of stock and unavailable. After spending way too much time to finally get a refund for them, I don't think I'll be ordering from Amazon again. As for the other products that I ordered and haven't received, Amazon is going to send them to me again - in 10 to 14 days. My advice, use Amazon to find out about products and then order directly from the manufacturer. Amazon has gotten too big to provide good customer service and is making too much money to care.
Milk Oh my god. It's so hot! Milk was a bad choice.
Rice Crakers I bought this for my son who was on a Gluten Free diet. I could not read the ingredients. I bought it because of the name "Rice". When I received it, it was not made of rice but of gluten. Called the company and they said this is just a name brand of oriental crackers.
WORST CHICKEN season fry ever! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT! AT LEAST NOT THE ONE FOR THE FRIED CHICKEN. I just got done using this product. It's horrible. The chicken doesn't have any taste in it and it's like biting a rope or a stale chips! HORRIBLE!
balsamic glaze Wow, worst tasting balsamic ever. So disappointed in it. Tastes like pure sugar. Will probably end up throwing it away.
warranty is a joke I purchased this beautiful waiters corkscrew a few years ago. I used it perhaps once a month. It fell apart, the metal strip in between the two pieces of olive wood broke. I contacted Laguiole directly, I no longer had the receipt. Their very curt reply was that the only warranty was through wherever I had purchased it. They would not even allow me to ship it to them to look at. I have purchased many things in my life, and when something breaks after a month or two, it has always been the manufacturer I have had to deal with.With a company manufacturing and selling such supposed quality items as these, they should work with customers that have had one fall apart. I was told they would not accept it if I mailed it to them. They claim to have a lifetime warranty, but won't accept me sending them back a broken item? Fine, there are other top quality manufactures I will use for top quality corkscrews, cutlery and other such items. I'm done with Laguiole, its not acceptable at this price.
Bought for mom. She likes malted but hates chocolate! Wanted non chocolate malted for my mom. Found this and bought it for her. She is happy with the product.
Poor Packaging When I received this package the bottle had leaked all over the inside. This bottle was placed in an envelope and it should have been in a box. I am very disappointed that this product was not packaged and shipped better as I lost half of liquid due to it leaking so bad.
Beware! Bad batch made me sick 4/10/11! I love heath bars, and they agree with me quite well.Unfortunately, I ordered this item and even without eating a whole one, I got sick from it and have been all night, and am still.The bar was "off" with a slightly odd taste and the center was a bit "chewy" rather than crisp. Odd enough that I set it aside after eating part of it. Soon I was queasy and I slept badly, and now 12 hours later it feels like there are knives in my intestines and I'm having diarrhea.Amazon was good about it, gave me a full refund and told me to dispose of them, which I will do. Into the trash they go.The lot number is a bit smudged on the box, but appears to be40PR2BB 01 2012I don't blame amazon, but I feel like I've been poisoned. And no, I didn't eat anything else, it was utterly clear what has made me ill. Also, the same day I had some heath miniatures I also bought from amazon, and they were great!I suspect that I'm not the only person to get a bellyache from this batch.These should be recalled, IMO.
Lingondberries The lingonberries jam is very tasty. I had no idea what to expect the jam to taste like. It is pleasantly lite in taste. I am quite happy I purchased this product and I will purchase it again and again.
A family friendly snack Yesterday was the first time I have had jerky in years. It is better than I remember. Possibly it is this brand that is better than others that I have tried. Who knows?Here's what the label says. One 1 ounce serving contains 0.5 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 20 mg cholesterol, 590 mg sodium, 3 g carbohydrates, 0 g fiber, 3 g sugar, 15 g protein.
candy box I was so excited to get this box so I could share with my kids some of the candy that I used to get, but this candy was so hard and stale that I had to throw most of it away. There were a couple of things in the box that were ok but most of the candy wasnt worth what I paid for it. I would love to have some candy that would remind me of the old days, but I will have to order somewhere else so I can actually eat it.
Get these if need a POWERFUL LAXATIVE I purchased these at a local store, and had half a bag for lunch. They tasted OK, but were definitely not worth the after effects. Within about 7 hours after eating these my stomach started feeling awkward. Shortly after I started having cramps and severe watery diarrhea several times throughout the evening and late night. Looking at the ingredients, the thing that stands out is carboxymethylcellulose AKA cellulose gum. The package I purchased said cellulose gum on the ingredients list, but on the web sites it is listed as carboxymethylcellulose. You will find they are synonyms if you Google them. All I had for breakfast that day was a bowl of dry corn flakes, and didn't have time to eat dinner before my stomach started cramping. If you look up this ingredient, or look it up along with "side effects" you will find it is undigestible and can cause side effects such as bloating and diarrhea. Never again. All I can say is please post a review if this happened to you to others are forewarned!
TOTALLY SATISFYING These cookies are fantastic. They taste so good. I had been looking for years to get some more and was very happy to find them!!
RX USA Whole sale Inc.Does not respond! I purchased 3 cases of Carnation Instant Breakfast VHC 24 cans in a case from RX USA Whole sale Inc., for my elderly Mother. When I got to using the last case for her the cans were dented some very badly so I could not use them. I tried to contact them through phone and e-mail but they did not respond. So I would never order from them again! They seem to be a company that does not care!
Price Check Please!!! You can get the exact same box of Planters Nuts from Sams Club for $11.72!!!!! They are tasty with a good mix of different nuts. If only Amazon can watch those prices.
Awful I LOVE picholine olives. Love them. I'm not really sure how these can even be advertised as such.I don't know what they're brined in, but it smells like toxic waste, and let me tell you, it doesn't taste much better. They must have been pasteurized or something. Instead of the firm, almost crunchy texture of a good picholine, they were mushy to the point where many of the olives were already crushed in the bag, despite the excellent shipping job.I wish I had heeded the other feedback and passed on these. They were a total waste of money, and I was very disappointed. If I could give this product negative stars, I would.
yick-- too bitter! I originally tried the variety pack that came with my Keurig and it had the Bold Organic from coffee people which was excellent-- I went online to buy some and saw all the great reviews for Black Tiger which steered me to buy it instead of the Organic. Boy, what mistake-- it was VERY bitter and I was stuck with two boxes of it! If you like your coffee with a bite then go for it. This is bitter even at the mug setting. If you like your coffee smooth avoid this like the plague! After two months of trying to use this up, I'm finally finished with it. I was the only one in my family that would go near it-- it was like swallowing a bitter pill every day. Never again! I thought I should warn those out there from being swayed by bitter-coffee lovers.David
The BEST peppermint tea I have ever had.... I was raised on tea, by a tea-loving mother and English grandmother, however, I do not consider myself an expert. I know you can go further down the tea-fanatic trail than I have gone. Despite my attempts, my own children refused tea, and I was resigned to the fact that passing on love of tea ended with me.I picked up the Traditional Medicinals Organic Peppermint at the now-gone Henry's chain looking to add variety - as a kid my mother plucked mint plants from the field to dry and turn into tea (I was also raised on chamomile tea procured in the same manner), and have never found a peppermint tea with the same flavor... until now. The tea tastes fresh, it is not too sweet or too strong, nor too weak as some brands I have tried resemble spearmint instead of peppermint. It is perfect on it's own, or with a bit of honey and cream to appease a strong sweet tooth. Best of all, I cannot keep my kids from drinking it, and they have begun branching out, and sampling other teas and even chai as well. It IS expensive, however, so buying in bulk from Amazon is the best money-saving option, as it is eligible for Super Saving Shipping and (for now) tax free to my state. I recommend trying one box to see if it is to your liking - I have found the tea at Sprouts, Trader Joe's and Wild Oats, so similar stores should have it as well.
Not sweet Rich dark chocolate but not sweet at all. If you like hot chocolate from restaurants or theme parks like Disneyland, avoid this. As a person who loves Ghiradelli Ice Cream and chocolate candy, I was extremely disappointed.
Its "Amazing" because it is amazing! I am a repeat customer of Pamela's Amazing Bread Mix.It is truly amazing and my son loves it. It is moist andhas a wonderful taste. We give it a "high 5".
Not what thay should be. I bought a can of these about a mounth ago and thay were great. I wanted more so I bought a case of them on Amazon and thay are not the same quality. The taste is the same but the Latte center is about 1/4 of what the ones in the can were. Must be cutting costs or somthing. Won't order again.
Did anyone say Kona? Hawaii and Jamaica produce the world's best coffee. Aren't we lucky that Senseo offers the Kona blend. It's heavenly!
Green Tea Gelcaps Really good product. Contains all the health benefits of green tea. May help to lose weight or control appetite. May help maintain stamina.
kinda pricey! Love these candies, but why wouldn't I just buy these at Kmart for $2.29 a bag? Seems a bit pricey.
These are preserves, NOT jelly! If you're like my mom and have an intestinal condition that is aggravated by hard rough food or SMALL HARD SEEDS, don't buy this. The product is tasty enough, but she can't eat it due to it being packed with zillions of hard, miniscule seeds!Did someone change the rules? Last I checked, Preserves = ground up fruit. Jelly = seedless, pulpless... JELLY!Red Currant Jelly is easy enough to find in the store, and it doesn't have any seeds. Is making black currant jelly a crime against nature or something? I can't find it anywhere!Is there anyone out there who makes a seedless Black Currant jelly? Anyone? *cricket cricket*Poor mom. She was so disappointed.Both the people who make this and the people who sell this need to find the highest points in their houses and jump off them onto something sharp for labeling fruit preserves as jelly.
yummy I discovered Sharwood's Puppoddums while I was in Ireland this last Spring, and have been trying to get my hands on them since I got home.I just love Puppodums, and where I live it's very hard to find ANY decent Indian food, and when I find it, it's a restaurant.These puppodums really do puff up nicely in just a few seconds and they're just delicious.
sugar cubes Complete waste of money. Cubes were so small as to be unusable for any decorative purpose. Seller should have stated that these are "store bought" cubes with tiny, tiny decor added, some of which didn't survive shipping.
NOT the same as original Almost the same, but not quite. The mg. of menthol is a lot less in the new. Different taste than the original and different texture.
Mom says it is yucky My family eats and likes 100% whole wheat pasta, crackers and bread, so I thought we'd like this mac n cheese, too. This product tastes awful. What a bummer to own 12 boxes of yucky mac n cheese! I tried mixing it with other mac n cheese to make it tastier, but nothing can overcome the bad taste of this pasta. I finally threw the remaining Hodgson Whole Wheat Macaroni in the trash and kept the cheese packets to sprinkle on popcorn.
kinda bland and a little sweet I'm sure plenty of folks would love this product but it's not for me. It's a little bland and a little too sugary for me. When I say a little, I do mean a little. It's not extremely bland or really sugary but I like a stronger stick with more spice. Maybe they assumed I was a sissy for ordering the turkey sticks. I was hoping for a healthier version of the stuff I like.
Toffee Peanuts--Emerald Universally Lousy I can see the appeal of these honey roasted peanuts since they have 3x the salt and sugar of other brands, but for me the salty-sweetness was excessive, leaving a burning sensation in my throat. These peanuts contain almost 30% sugar by weight, and the sugar and corn syrup annihilate the honey flavor that I appreciate in other brands. I also found several small and one large chunk of peanutless coating in my container, forcing me to watch out lest I end up with a mouthful of sugar. While these might be a replacement for a candy bar, the low peanut content (only 3.2oz) makes them expensive, and the chunks of coating make them defective.A two-star product: I over-correct for the perfect reviews of the sugar-fiends.
This stuff is good on penne, but won't you get drunk. The truth in advertising police should go and knock down the door of the Antica Italia Pasta sauce company. When I drink flavored vodka, I expect to be able to shake or stir, but this stuff is too thick for drinking. I added tonic, ice, and a lime, but still to no avail. Try Stoli or Vox instead.
Disappointed I wish there was a 0 star rating. Carob is a healthy alternative to chocolate and that's why I ordered this item. However, when I received the carob chips today, I read the ingredients before opening the package and was GREATLY disappointed to find that they are made with PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED palm kernal oil!!! TRANS FAT!!!! So much for being healthy. I am going to try sending them back.
Excellent flavor, environmentally-friendly packaging We ordered this from Amazon because it is so difficult to purchase decaf white tea locally. Excellent flavor. We appreciate that the tea is in bags without the strings. Box flap explains 'bag only' as it is less material for land fills. This is a recommended product.
Spicy and tart seasoning Spicy and tart seasoning for fruit and vegetables, like sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. Tajin seasoning transforms avocados with an amazing burst of flavors. Delicious!! Tajin product arrived promptly and in perfect condition from this seller. I will order again, since I have not been able to find this product locally.
Amazing!!! I admit, I only bought this product (instead of Oreos) because there were FEWER cookies in the bag (thus fewer calories). And I was blown away! These are sooooo much better than Oreos! And organic. Amazing.
Senseo Sumatra Lend Coffee and Aotmatic Replenishment Program Excellent product and I love the automatic replenishment program. My wife always had trouble finding this coffee at a good price and now we have not only the desired product but at a good price and delivered to our doorstep. Can't beat it.
Not my first, nor second choice... I've only tasted O.N.E. and Vita Coco.Taste wise, I suppose they're both okay - it's an interesting (as in quirky...) taste. No bad experience either way.BIG NEGATIVE: Vita ADDS Vitamin C.* Could American companies please stop trying to "improve" perfectly good products?* I have no idea what quality the vitamin C is (...don't want it)* I already take a good quality Vitamin C in supplements I researched and chose for myself (...don't want it!)* For the moment, I'll stick to O.N.E. - you can keep the added vitamin C (...did I mention I don't want it?)Nothing beats Natural - and by 'natural', I mean relatively UNprocessed with ZERO additives!
Need more description Sorry, but this product is not acceptable, it has MSG and we don't use this chemical in our foods. If I had seen this ingredient on your site I would not have ordered it. Please make sure to include ingredients on your food items, it will save lots of returns
Not so great Great tasting gluten-free bread is hard to find. This is not one of them. The consistency is awful and once I tried it, I understood why my daughter couldn't eat it. We did try it toasted and it was better, but I would never buy it again.
Disappeared from stores; now can get again. Good product, better than McCormick! Good service from seller.Can't get this product (Bits) any more from the stores in the Phoenix area. Don't like the chips. I suppose McCormick has bought out all of the shelf space. Hope it stays available on the net. It tastes more baconey than the dried up bacon that the competitors have. Clearly superior!
My shells had expired before they ever shipped We love Annie's white cheddar at our house. That's why I bought the case. I was certainly disappointed with the chalky consistency of the product we received. Then we noticed the date stamped on the cheese powder package--it had already expired months before I even ordered it. My kids won't eat it. Very disappointing.
Good, if you like MSG and nothing else. Note that the description provided by the...(?)...producer or merchant of this product says it's filled with "gurlic." Maybe that's true. However, the primary ingredient of this "seasoning" is nothing but MSG. Then it has pepper. Then some more MSG. Then maybe a few specks of some type of powder, which I presume is some derivative of MSG. Then it has one flake of oregano. Then it has MSG. Then it has one speck of parsley flakes. Then it claims to have onion powder, but I think it's just more MSG. Finally, it has MSG-powder, MSG-salt and MSG-flakes. Perfect stuff for your next MSG-induced nightmare headache, the likes of which you've never known. Other than that, you'll probably like this stuff.Edited to respond to the lone critic who claims this does NOT have MSG...an individual I can only surmise is a shareholder or employee of Goya...so, here's the ingredient list for you people, since he, while claiming it has no MSG (not true), failed to provide it himself:Ingredients: Salt, Granulated Garlic, Tricalcium Phosphate (prevents caking), Monosodium Glutamate, Oregano, Black Pepper, Tumeric, Onion Powder, Spices.Note that "spices" can also be termed to include MSG as well, but here they go the extra measure and at least spell it out for you...something this other reviewer must have missed or be unable to read.So, there you have it. Enjoy your MSG.
I feel cheated The ad shows a picture of regular (mamri) brooke bond box which is not available in stores so I ordered it for $14 with shipping. Note that the description does not tell you its 'Orange Pekoe'.What I got was the same orange pekoe which is available in stores for $3 !!!If I wanted the same tea, I would have walked to the nearby store.
Fatally flawed I found the plot was short on coherence and the characters lacked depth. Plus it looked like I peed myself when it spilled onto my lap.I do not recommend this product.
Makes the BEST caramel corn EVER On its own I wouldn't eat it. I agree...It's chewy, as if it's stale.But...I used it as a healthier alternative to caramel puff corn (like cheetos without the cheese) and it made the absolute best caramel corn on the face of the planet. Seriously. This stuff is $2/bag at the only store where I can find it, so this is a much better price.
I guess you don't bake with it? I've tried it to sweeten oatmeal and I've tried it to bake cookies. In both cases it tasted horribly bitter with a very sick sweet after taste. From research I found that can happen with baking. I thought it was designed for baking though. My wife likes it even less than I do. Now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of the box.
Sweet Lemons! We have tried lots of gluten-free goodies with our daughter (who can't tolerate dairy or wheat) and she absolutely loves these. She insists on them for her bedtime snack.
Not wholesome Amazon sent me the wrong thing (separate packages of cranberries, tart cherries, and bing cherries--not a dried fruit mixture as advertised) but seeing the ingredient list on these is enough to have me avoid the Melissa brand altogether. Ingredients include high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, juice concentrate, partially hydrogenated oil. Yuck.
Weak Vanilla Flavor After researching brands of vanilla bean paste, I decided to go with this one as it consistently has the best reviews. However, I'm not happy with this product at all. The vanilla taste just isn't there. It's great for adding the vanilla bean "look" to my recipes, but I found that even if I use a lot, I still can't achieve a good level of vanilla flavor. I used about 1/3 of the bottle for a frosting recipe but it still didn't have the vanilla flavor I was seeking. I had to add vanilla extract for that.I thought it would be thicker and have more vanilla beans in it, but it's about the consistency of maple syrup. It shouldn't be called a paste, as it really isn't. Pastes are very thick and don't run. I won't be buying this again.
Worked Great! I used this product to turn white icing into a nice dark green color for an Alligator cake. I put most of the bottle into the icing and you couldn't even taste it. Several people asked how I was able to get such a great dark green!
Harney & Sons are top notch Harney and Sons blends some of the best teas we have tried. It is clear the company takes care in using top quality tea (whole leaves, no dust), flowers/blossoms and flavorings. Over the years, we have tried several of its teas and it's hard to pick a favorite. The packaging is nice, with each bag sealed in its own foil pouch to ensure freshness.This tea have a very rich and complex black tea flavor with no bitterness upon cooling. We brew it for six minutes to extract the full flavor. The bergamot taste is mild, however, so if you are looking for a hearty citrus flavor, you may want to buy a small amount and give it a try.
GREAT gum . . . Company made a mistake taking this gum off the shelf as it is delicious, whitens teeth and is sugarless with sucralose rather than aspertame, which anyone who wants to stay healthy will avoid like the Plague. What were they THINKING?
Customer Service Skills Lacking I placed an order for 4 separate Kringle's to go to 4 separate addresses. One of the orders was never sent by the company. They basically ruined somebody's Christmas gift. A couple days after Christmas, all I got was an apology and they said they would refund the one Kringle purchase. You'd think they'd do something to make up for their mistake, especially considering how many orders I placed. Enjoy the money you got from this years Kringle purchase, because it will be the last time I'll ever place an order there. There are other bakeries that do mail order. You apparently want my money more than you want my business.
way too much sugar and too little cocoa bean If you had a real hot chocolate in Europe before tasting the rich aroma of cocoa beans and were lucky enough to try some of the ready made cocoa mixes from Switzerland or Germany (e.g. from companies like Hachez, Lindt, Movenpick) than this Double Chocolate product from Ghirardelli is a bitter disappointment. It is way too sweet (too much sugar) and has too little cocoa beans in it (to maximize profits). I am almost done with one of the 16oz tins and will not buy this product again nor can I recommend it. Too be quite frankly honest, it is not just Ghirardelli Hot Cocoa mix that is too sweet, it is pretty much impossible to find a good-quality-lower-in sugar-and-richer-in-cocoa hot cocoa mix in the States. And no, I am not willing to pay 12 bucks for a hot cocoa tin from Godiva, that is a rip off.
Not what was expected Bigelow stopped making their Green Tea with Mango in Iced Tea sized pouches, so was looking for substitute mango iced tea and ordered Walters Bay Ceylon Premium Iced Tea, Mango Flavored. What arrived was product that was made in 2006 with the expiration date coming up, brewed very dark and what might be said somewhat bitter, even when diluted in half and cut down brewing time; not the taste I was seeking as another reviewer of a non-Biglow Mango Tea had mentioned.
Love this tea One of my favorite teas - and I drink many kinds, but this is the one I keep going back to other than the green teas. This tea is very soothing after a meal - wonderful taste.
Cantastic...not! Chef Boyardee must have cheated his way through culinary school, 'cuz this stuff rots! There were very few meatballs...the sauce was way to acidic...and the pasta was quite mushy. Check out Campbell's spaghettios with meatballs if you need a fix.
Not What I expected Well, we just opened our box for a New Years breakfast. Not what I expected. First, there was no wooden box. Secondly, it was not the typical smoked salmon we are used to. As stated previously, this is packed in brine liquid. The fish did not appear to be smoked in either flavor or appearance. Although it is salmon, it tastes and smells more like a can of tuna. I give one star only because ZERO is not an option. I will not purchase this again.
Why Bob, why? I just made a batch of these biscuits, the dough worked fairly well, I didn't have the recommended pastry cutter, but made do with cutting in the butter. My issues with this mix: the instructions don't tell you have many biscuits it should yield, they don't rise at all and resemble what my father used to call "hard tack" (dense bready biscuits meant for storage on sea cargo vessels). Bob's likes his bean flours in the mixes, I get it's probably to add some nutrient value to the otherwise nutrient poor rice flour and to add some body to the flour mix. The thing that gets me whenever I've tried any of Bob's bread-like mixes, chocolate chip cookies, biscuit mix, wonderful bread, etc. is that the smell while the product bakes is sooo off. It overwhelms my ability to want to taste the actual food, where I have to force myself to try it, almost a gag response. As far as I can tell it isn't that I am intolerant to the bean flours, it just doesn't smell like food that I want to eat. It smells like burning playdoh, completely off-putting. Bob's gluten-free flours and oats are super; these bean flour mixes just don't work for me in baked goods. Sorry if this was rant-like, I'm trying to distract myself while my I air out my apartment from baking these biscuits I'm not sure I can force myself to eat, maybe they'll be better cold.
Snappy Chips These chips arrived packaged well. I did not have broken or smashed chip bags. The taste is great. They were fresh. I will order them again
Great for me as I am allergic to peanuts BUT This tastes great. I am allergic to peanuts and have missed peanut butter. Soy Butter tastes just like peanut butter. I have ordered this from Amazon when it was available for free shipping with Super Saver, however now it's over 13.00 shipping and i cannot afford that. If you go to the manufacture's site (do a google search for I.M. Healthy) you can get free shipping if you buy enough jars. The shelf life unopened is 2 years so that is a better deal for me. Sorry that I can't buy it on Amazon any longer because i like to pay by check.
Good meatless product I would recommend this product to anyone who chooses a vegetarian diet. It is tasty and versatile. I use it grated as a sandwich spread, thinly sliced in stir fries, sliced with stuffing (for holiday meals), and occasionally breaded and fried as an entree. Do not expect it to be "chicken" but expect it to be an alternative to chicken. I use it often.
Not for all Licorice Lovers I have been a licorice lover most of my life, but combining a mint flavor with licorice does not work for me. I have a case of this stuff I have to eat...
very tasty They taste a little like a wheat cracker with a nutty kick. Very crunchy.These make a great little snack, either alone or with some cheese or tunafish spread on top. They are a healthier alternative to chips or crackers. It's good for post-bariatric surgery patients, too, because they provide some protein while also being low in net carbs. I will be ordering them again.
One of the better cookies out there Glutino Gluten-Free Cookies, Shortcake Dreams, 4.4-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 12)These cookies are a real treat after trying some other brands. All of the Glutino brand products are very tasty, there are a variety of cookies that are all very good.
Convenient and Delicious I love the ease in using this product. You just pop it in and you have a delicious cup of fresh coffee in a couple of minutes.
It didn't last This little tree arrive in good condition, but it just gradually dropped leaves until nothing was left. Very disappointing. Maybe it didn't get enough light in my apartment.
Excellent oolong tea from Numi. I have been drinking Iron Goddess of Mercy for years. Perhaps I can't get over how cool a name this tea has :)! However, I only would try Rishi brand and in a bind, I ended up buying Numi, and I love it. There is a slight difference in aroma and after taste between the 2 brands, and while I really still love Rishi, I love this one almost just as much and with some raw honey, it is a delicious drink to keep you going all day !!!
Doesn't taste like peanut butter I'm not sure what these taste like (besides cardboard), but it's not peanut butter. Even the squirrels hesitated to eat what I couldn't of this "cookie".
MACMATE arrived quickly from Bolivia and it is what I expected it to be. i am still drinking it!
Bland, not much nutrition I was disappointed in this product. Really bland, not much nutrition, boring. I am going to donate the rest of my boxes to a shelter.
Misleading Half alcohol - half extract. It would have been nice if the seller had stated the ingredients in the web information.
Sweet Cherri-O What a great snack and wonderful flavor- both tangy & sweet in the same bite! Looking forward to using them in my cooking. I highly recommend them.
kinda not good had kind of a chemically taste, like cleanser.. maybe the extruder hadn't been rinsed well..? preservative? probably would have been tasty otherwise...
Try them before you buy bulk! I normally LOVE all of the Robert's American Gourmet snack foods so, without even thinking, I took a chance and ordered these without having purchased a single bag from the market. BIG mistake on my part ... I can't even imagine how I'd get through a whole case of these. My children and the neighborhood kids, who eat just about anything you set out for them, won't even touch them. I really like the shape and the 'softness' of the crunch (which is where the two stars came from) but these have a really odd cheese smell to them & an even stranger flavor that seems to linger around in my mouth long after I've stopped eating. I thought that I would try snacking on them a couple different days, to see if it was just me or maybe they would have an acquired taste, but I got the same thing every time I'd eat a few. I normally have to portion our Robert's snacks, so we don't empty a whole bag in one sitting ... I really have to choke these ones down. As much as I tried to like these, they were a total waste of my dollars.
Dry These are far from my favorite. At first I thought they were ok and I didn't realize what great good tasting gluten Free cookies are out there to buy.
my parents' present ! My parents loved them.It is not too sweet and small !when I put in yogurt and pancake, it's my favorit!
pretty bland I did not like these crackers. The cheddar flavor was barely there and there was a weird aftertaste.
Completely undelicious Ginger flavor tastes more like ginko which is what dirt and green (if green could be a flavor) combined tastewise. So overall, is completely undelicious. Try a box before you commit to the 6 pack :(