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Hormel Tamaes This [peoduct is disappointimg, being fond of Mexican spicy fopds avaiable n restaurents all over I thought it would be nice to have similar items n my pantry. Unfortunately these Tamales are so bland as to be almost taseless, requiring the adition of much spice and some jalapenas to make them satisfyimg.
So nice to know that you handle the Glucerna bars I am so grateful to Amazon for handling the Glucerna bars. I had to go through several kind to find the one that I liked. Then you could never find them at WalMart or the Drug store.That was very frustrating , because they are a good product for a diabetic.So needless to say I will be regularly be ordering these from you.Many thanks, Bev.
No pear taste.. I have bought several Revolution flavored teas.. white pomegranate and sweet ginger peach (not sweet but nice peachy ginger taste) and I loved them. However, this tea is not too good.. there is no pear flavor! not even a subtle one.. it is a bit bitter and really just like a plain white tea. If you like that, fine, but don't expect a pear taste!
not even food While the thought may be nice, the foods in this basket are food products and have more preservatives than nutritional value. Save your money and appreciation and get something else. If someone really appreciates gourmet or specialty foods, they will be horrified.
So glad we found this This is the best gluten free muffin mix I have been able to find. My whole family is impressed, even the ones who aren't GF. The mix also makes the best pancakes, gluten free mix or not. We were all very suprised, and I've already bumped up our subscription to get more.I read a review that said the muffins didn't rise and didn't look like what was on the box. I don't know if maybe they've changed the recipe since that was written, but our muffins have all turned out great, both the taste and the look.You do need to let them cool completely. If you just can't wait, you'll be scraping the muffin off of the cupcake liner. I've made banana nut and blueberry. The mix does say to add dried fruit, and I have used fresh or frozen fruit instead. I don't know if that made a difference. I haven't tried the scone recipe yet, but am looking forward to it.Of course, the cost is higher than mixes that are not gluten free, and you do have to add butter, eggs, vanilla, and milk, but I'm just thankful to have found something so good.
Awful! While I will agree that it's pretty handy to be able to sub this cup for cup, the taste is so awful and the texture so gummy that it outweighs the convenience BY FAR! Made banana muffins (with a recipe from the company) and the aftertaste is so bad I can't stomach them, even with lots of banana and sugars. Truly disgusting. If the taste were good I could overlook the gumminess bit add them together and it's beyond unpleasant. Yuck. So glad I only bought a small pack to try first!
Baby Couldn't Get Enough My baby couldn't get enough of this stuff. He ate almost the whole container in one sitting and is only 5 months old!
Nothing like Dr. Pepper Well, it may be marinated in Dr. Pepper. But it doesn't taste like it at all. Not even one little bit. Just dry, hard beef jerky for way more than you'd pay for it at the store.
This tea is fantastic I LOVE this tea, I have it every morning with soy creamer, and I can't imagine ever going back to drinking coffee. This tea is absolutely Delicious.
TWIX PB The Twix Peanut Butter Cookie Bar is really quite good, but not as good as the Original TWIX COOKIE BAR.
does not taste like real walnut preserves I love green walnut preserves. I ate them in Turkey and Armenia, and absolutely adore them. So I was very happy to find one sold in the US, and ordered 2 of them immediately. However, I am extremely disappointed. It does not taste like anything I tried before: it's sour, does not have any aroma of walnuts and taste like something very artificial. Then walnuts themselves are too dry and hard to chew.Pls let me know if you find a good brand of walnut preserves sold in the US! Definitely avoid this one!
love them for bubble tea Great straws...a bit pricy but you are paying for the individual wrapping of each straw. We use them for bubble tea.
Outstanding! This is the best gluten free chocolate cake mix I have tasted! In fact, it is an outstanding cake mix period!!
Great stuff! I usually bought this at my local drugstores until they stopped carrying it. I looked to amazon and here it is. I use it for my female boxer, she has arthritis in her left knee and after a long day of agility she could hardly walk. Someone recommended this product UNFLAVORED and after about a month of daily doses, she can run and jump all day long!! I highly recommend this product...it does take time to work though. I mix hers with her food and she now gets it twice a week for maintenance.
Only 5 flavors... not 10. While I love the 5 flavor mix, I miss the old 10 flavor mix I used to be able to get, and when I found this I thought my problem was solved since the 10 flavor mix isn't in stores around here. However when I got the package there were only 5 flavors... Dissappointed.
Disgraceful I would never buy anything from this seller again.........all three bags of "Allsorts" hade been opened.......the contents were old and stale..............It is a total disgrace that anyone would take advantage of the Amazon system in this way.I would rate this with zero stars if the program let me.
Inconsistent quality I have been purchasing this product for about 9 months. The taste of the product is inconsistent from lot number to lot number. I have gotten 3 cases where the chips had no flavor at all. Have contacted the manufacturer 2 times. Have not received a response from my latest inquiry. I don't recommend purchasing.
We loved it Is it as good as a restaurant? No. Is it as good as food in Thailand? No. But it comes in a box and takes 3.5 minutes to make. Is it still good? Yes! We thought it tasted great. It is gluten-free, is easy to make and is tasty. My daughter (who is 4) loved it and she is a super picky eater. To find something quick for her to make, that is confirmed gluten-free (she has celiac), and that she likes is truly a relief for me. I bought them to test to see if she would eat them. I got this Peanut flavor and the Pad Thai. I sort of liked the Pad Thai better, but both were yummy (the Green Curry was too spicy for me). The portion is just right for one person. She ate her box, and I ate mine. We were both happy. I thought it was a successful test.
The best way to make Fri-Chik Okay, here is the best way to cook this stuff. Get some Nutritional Yeast or Brewer's Yeast. Coat the Fri-Chik in the yeast and fry. Mmmmmm Mmmmmmmm Good!
The Best... This is my 2nd order of these particular beans, and I'm getting ready to order a 3rd this week. I think that says it all, but feel free to read my other review...
Good as the coffee shop This tasted just as great as the full sugar version I tried at a coffee shop. Yet, no calories! Very happy with this flavor.
Didn't work for us... When I saw these wagon wheels, I thought the kids (3 and 5) would enjoy the fun shape. My kids regularly eat whole-grain pasta, but my kids refuse to eat these- and I agree that it has a gritty texture- we've tried multiple times and it's either too soft so that it falls apart, or part of the pasta wheel is uncooked- maybe this is a poorly designed shape? I usually enjoy products from this Hodgson Mill...
Love these beans My sister got me onto these beans which I cannot find anywhere else. They are so good, not to mention how convenient and easy they are. It's not a problem ordering them since I don't mind keeping a supply on hand.
Waaay overpriced!! Wow, this is so overpriced! The items inside the basket are about what you would find in a wal-mart gift basket.
Worst Drink Mix Ever If drink disaster has a taste, this is it. BB pina colada mix was so bad, I thought it was expired. Using Splenda is a bad idea, Bob. If you read these reviews, sCRAP this recipe and if you gotta go sugarless, try stevia, much smoother...
"Organic"? I am not convinced this product is organic and will therefore not buy it again. The packaging on this product leaves me wondering how organic "Healthyway Organic Goji Berry" really is. There is no independent verification authority to confirm that this product is really organic. As far as I can tell, it is not certified organic by any authority other than the supplier and distributor A&D. I contacted A&D and they said it is certified organic by the EU. They did not however provide any evidence of this. Leaving me to wonder if this product is really organic or not. The 'Nutrition Facts" on the label have some strange entries like "Quantity of Heat" and "Thick Protein" which I do not understand. They sound like direct translations of Chinese to English. It is a "Product of China" as are most goji berries I have seen. My concern at a time when there is so much bad publicity related to food products coming out of China is that this product may be "organic" in name only and not in fact. I will eat the pound I bought and hope that it is truly organic as A&D claims.
Best Cinnamon Tea Ever My husband and I both love teas of all kinds, but this one is the best for true cinnamon taste. Nothing from the grocery store will compare. It not only smells wonderful, but it has a rich, spicy taste that is so perfect for a cold winter afternoon, all snuggled up by the fireplace. I love having a cup of this with a fresh scone or a piece of pie. Honestly, it reminds me of Christmas now since I have bought this for my husband as a stocking stuffer for the last few years since he loves it so much.
It's very green! I didn't realize that it had so much artificial color in it and mineral oil. These are things I try to stay away from. However, I have used the product for about a week now. I plan to throw it out. I really haven't seen any difference other than my scalp itching like crazy and green residue everywhere. I am disappointed that it is not an all natural product.
Absolutely delicious -- and addictive One of the best store-bought cookies I've ever tasted ... and I'm a very choosy chocolate lover.
Deceptive packaging-it does have GMO ingredients Either these folks are completely ignorant or they think putting " no genetically engineered ingredients" on the front of the package will cause us to to ignore their list of ingredients on the back. Canola oil is made from genetically modified rapeseed. They also say it may have Safflower or Sunflower oil, but I'drather not take part in that lottery. I'd like to send back this lot, but I'm not willing to bet, they would not have the nerve to sell it to the next unsuspecting soul, so it will go straight into the trash can ,where it belongs.
Not for hot air poppers I blame Amazon.com not Ammish country for recommendig this otherwise good popcorn when I bought a hot air popper. the instructions with the popper said don't use small kernel light popcorn. they were right. it all just flew out of the popper before it had a chance to pop
I Really Like It As An Ice Tea I have been using this tea for around 2 years now and recently discovered that I really enjoy it as an iced tea. I brew up some concentrate (about 5 bags in a cup), then add the concentrate and additional cold water (to taste), chill, and then drink. When I'm ready for a glass I simply pour myself some and add a little sweetener if desired. My favorite is a little real maple syrup.Sometimes I struggle drinking enough fluid each day. I have found this to be a way that I readily drink enough and enjoy it. This in and of itself helps my lactation.A friend of mind who is a certified lactation consultant said that she often recommends this to women who are feeling ill and need to be sure they are drinking enough fluids to maintain a milk supply.
Perfect for cake pops I used these sprinkles to decorate cake pops for my daughter's first birthday. The pink really stood out and sparkled against the white frosting. It kind of disappeared and blended into the chocolate frosting, but I kind of expected that. I'll use it for future cake pops, and also cupcakes, frosted cookies, etc.
I liked it I really like "Chicago Style" popcorn. This brand is pretty good. Big fluffy kernals and well coated, no old maids. It's not exactly the treat you get in Chicago at Garret's, but it's fresh and very tasty. Garret's 2 gallon bag costs $56.00 compared to $13.10 here. It's a great treat to eat while watching a movie. I think I have to try the flavors too!
did not taste like the one we bought in Costco this candy was ok, but it had a different taste than the one we had previously bought at Costco, even though it was supposed to be the same flavor. But, the one in Costco said "new improved recipe" perhaps this one was the old recipe. I was disapointed. But the quality of the candy was fine. Just not the same as the one I already had. So, this candy is not being eaten any nearly as fast.This candy was a brighter red color, and not as soft. However, this candy did have a stronger strawberry flavor.
Best coffee we've ever had We drink the mild roast and the taste is smoothe and mellow. Easy to use since the coffee is contained in tea-bag type pods. We get two cups of coffee per pod.
Not as good as I hoped I had high hopes for these chips, I love the Kettle Brand and I love cheddar. But they were TOO crisp,they were sharp and hard. And the taste was salty but it didn't remind me of good aged cheddar at all.
I really did not like these cookies.. I am not trying to be mean or anything but these cookies very very dry and tasted very unpleasant.
DANGEROUS! My baby liked these cookies alright and she is the appropriate age for them, HOWEVER, they are TOO SMALL FOR BABIES! The cookies are just small enough that she can easily stuff the whole thing in her mouth. The first time she did this and began to choke I thought it was just a fluke. I had to fish the cookie out of her mouth. The next time I gave her one of the cookies, she did the same thing so I immediately threw the rest of the package away. We have since gone back to buying Earth's Best teething biscuits which are much safer.I wouldn't recommend these to anyone!
Great for iced tea! Over the years I have tried making iced tea out of dozens of different herbal teas and most just end up tasting like lightly-flavored water. This Yogi Sweet Thai Delight tea is the first I've tried that I will make again. As a matter of fact, I intend to have a jug of it in the refrigerator all summer! The taste is amazingly sweet (but not in a sugary way) and a little nutty (actually "coconut-ty.") I don't use sweeteners or milk in my tea as a rule, but even if I did I wouldn't want to add sugar to this tea, it's perfectly sweet as it is.Since there's no recipe for iced tea on the box, I just winged it and put 8 tea bags into a gallon of boiling water, then turned it down and let it steep covered for about twenty minutes. You could probably also make it the way my Mom made tea in the summer, by putting the bags in a gallon jar, adding room temperature water, sealing it and setting it in the sunniest place in the yard for the day.However you make it, you really should try this tea iced. I'm not a huge tea drinker normally, but I'm completely hooked on this one.
These are great Everyone in my family of five LOVES these bars! I just had to order a case because my husband eats them every day for breakfast, and he is having trouble finding them in local stores when he needs them.
Much better than their teabags. If you like their teabags, this is really worth a try. The leaves in the teabags seem to be the tea that is rejected when they package the loose tea. This tea has a brighter taste than the tea bag Lipton.
More Sticks and Dips These little things also use the "stick and dip" theme to make a snack that is very more-ish. Basically, I can't stop until I have finished the pack. Like theMeiji - Yan Yan with Chocolate Dip 2.0 Oz., they are not too sweet about the sticks, but the dipping sauce is pretty much loaded with sugar.Again, reading and eating this are not advisable as combined activities, unless you don't mind pink splotches on your books.A great little snack, and a great way to give yourself a sweet pick-me-up with something a little different.
Sweet & Sour Sauce This is the greatest tasting Sweet & Sour sauce. I wish it were still available. I would by it by the case.
Good on a cold day My daughter who is in high school loves to take these soups for lunch. This and some chips or crackers and she is set.
Disappointed This did not come in the same finish as shown. It came in a red finish - I think it was supposed to be a cherry finish but it was actually red. Amazon will not give a refund or exchange for this because it's considered a food product. So I'm stuck with a product that I don't like and don't want.
hard to find Could eat the whole can--like candy. Great alone or mixed with other fruit. Very hard to find in my area.
Yuk I only made it 1/3 of the way through the Kashi Chocolate Peanut Roll. I enjoy eating other brand 'energy' and 'protein' bars (all of which have at least HALF the amount of sugar that this bar has) and hoped that this one would be tasty. It was extremely stiff to bite into, and much of the outer coating of rice fell off as I was trying to lever a bite from the roll. The dry aftertaste is like stale unsalted peanuts and with no hint of chocolate.
Blah I have used the Gluten Free Pantry brand in the past and this doesn't hold a candle, but it is cheaper, you get what you pay for
Not very MISO I ordered this with hope of having a decent MISO soup in a bowl but the taste is not there it is very bland and dose not have any flavor you would expect from a tradition MISO. If your looking for something similar to a restaurant style or flavor avoid this product. Additionally the plastic bowls these items ship in crack and break apart easily.
Ingredients not as described This is a Thailand made product and includes Vanillin (a petrochemical derivative and substitute for vanilla) - a fact that is missing from the product ingredients listed on the page as of 9/6/2012."IngredientsMalt Extract, Milk, Cocoa, Whey, Tapioca Syrup, Palm Oil, Vitamin Mix, Calcium, Thiamine, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin D3, Iron, Lactose, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Zinc."Totally overpriced in the US for a product that has worse ingredients. Should have walked to a local grocery chain and bought the american product - at least would have known the ingredients before.
Buyer beware - item not as pictured The image for this item shows a 10.5 oz box of Family Size tea bags. This item is actually a 3.1 oz box of regular size tea bags. You do get 576 tea bags (12 boxes, 48 tea bags per box), they are just a different size than what is pictured.
Love the taste and smell I wasn't sure what to expect with this tea but I gave it a shot. After about 30 seconds of the packet seeping in the water, I was in love with the smell. I couldn't wait to try the tea and I'm glad someone sent me this tea as a gift...its delicious! It has this subtle sweet taste with just a hint of spice and is very calming to drink. I'm a huge fan of tea and coffee in general and this will now be one of my favorites to keep on stock.
Not much luck with this I've only had Kim Chee purchased already prepared and jared... and I love it. But the one brand is my only reference, When I prepared this package it wasn't close to the flavor I was used to. I've tried 2 packages and varied the amount of salt in the presoak... which changed the flavor a lot, so I'll try again, but my hopes aren't real high.
herbs galore I have strong allergies to mold and potted plants (w/soil) cause me headaches so we are trying this hydroponics as an alternative and we are thrilled so far. Very easy to use and takes up little space. If you love fresh herbs but no outside space and / or have allergies to soil.... Aero Garden is a great alternative.
Very Tasty - BUT BEWARE Long story short - these are very tasty. We have purchased a number of flavors from this brand, this is my favorite.BUT... as noted by another reviewer - these contain MSG in the form of "Yeast Extract".It has become a popular means of hiding MSG lately by calling it different things, as a person who now finds himself having to use more caution in what I consume I find the whole process of hiding in plain site very bothersome.Also, the bag is not very large, but half of it is air. This may well help in shipping, but when paying a premium price for 'organic' it just seems more deceptive.
great spicy rice.... This rice is very tasty, easy to make and has great spicy flavor. Good price and great with vegetables and chicken dishes.
Love Hint Water, but NOT this flavor I adore Hint water products. Honeydew hybiscus is by far the best, I also really enjoy the cucumber and watermelon. This flavor is absolutely horrid. Out of all the flavors I tried, this one is disgusting. Do yourself and try another flavor or get a multipack to try out what you like.
Great fir being gluten free I recently found I that I have an allergy to gluten products. I wasn't really a fan of the products I found on my local groceries shelf, I thought I would give this a try. They taste pretty good, not as good as the normal every day kind you get off the shelf. Be careful not to overcook them as they can be dry. I made these with dairy free white chocolate chips and another batch with walnuts mmm did they taste good! I would buy again as Amazon is the best price I have found it!
stupid prices Who's the nut that thinks someone is stupid enough to buy this coffee at such elevated prices?you should be ashamed of yourself.
No No No This is not Lobster....Fish base but not Lobster Save your money on this one. Has an interesting color but the flavor is strictly fish base not lobster. Not a particularly good fish flavor either.
OLD & CRUMBLED The bars I received were crumbled on one end & light tan in color, which indicates OLD chocolate. That end of the bar tasted awful. I have seen that a million times & I recognize what it means. The other end of the bars had melted & reset, but still tasted OK & were the correct color for fresh chocolate. A second set was sent to me at no charge, however, the same was true of those. Also appeared that the company was not too happy with my complaint, as the second set arrived in a small, smashed box with a tiny piece of bubble wrap floating around loose in the box & had not been secured to the bars with tape to protect them.
Product not as advertised Well, I can't speak for others who may have had a different experience, but myFresh Whole Rabbitdid NOT arrive whole. No head, no entrails, no paws. For just a few dollars more I could have purchased a fully intact one at my local pet store. Granted, I did go with the "Buy it Used" option, to save a few bucks, which may account for some of the wear-and-tear. Buyer beware.
Tastes like burnt popcorn... My dd has celiac's and while I don't often try to replace foods, I do like to have easy, crunchy snacks for her. I love flax so I thought these would be great. They are horrible and taste just like burnt popcorn. Even my husband agreed that is what we tasted. I threw the box away.
Great for energy shots. Ok, I'll admit right up front that I probably don't use this as it's meant to be used. It seems to be designed for candy-making. But they work beautifully for beverage-making, too, as part of the flavoring. At least for small beverages.I use caffeine, neotame, and flavors to create energy shots at home (think 5-hour Energy, and you'll know what it is that I'm making). LorAnn orange oil and Peppermint oil are the primary flavoring ingredients -- and they are frakking strong. It only takes me less than .25mL to flavor a shot. Well worth the price for that.
Half the cans arrived bent The soup was a good price compared to grocery stores but half the cans were seriously bent in the middle. It appeared that Amazon was shipping what the big buyers were rejecting. I bought 48 cans of soup shipped in three different shipments so there was no reason cans on the inside should be bent in the middle. I was very disappointed but had been warned by previous feedback. Won't buy again.
This product "cuts the mustard" This is a very good, inexpensive mustard. I happened upon it in a very upscaleFallot Dijon Mustard, authentic imported jar traditional mustard 7 oz jargrocery. I picked it for a silly reason-- the label--restrained and...well...French looking. Delighted with the taste, I was surprised that it is smooth instead of grainy. I have found no mustard I like as well, but it is hard to locate. Very nice to see it here on Amazon now, and at a reasonable price!
What I imagine dishwater tastes like... I love tea. I was so excited to try this, because of health benefits, as well as the supposedly delicious taste. I bought the whole case with the intention of enjoying some myself and giving some as presents. The reviews were so positive, and I thought the vanilla would have to make it wonderful no matter what. But, I was wrong. To my taste, this tea is awful. It's nearly tasteless (which I do not consider a benefit in tea), but what I did taste wasn't very nice. After one cup, I threw away the box I'd opened and put the unopened boxes where people could take them if they wanted. I wouldn't have given it to anyone as a gift.
Great for the spicy food aficionado! Do you like to munch on some popcorn while watching a movie at home? Do you like serious heat in your food (i.e. Dave's insanity sauce)? Then you'll love this spicy popcorn.Just be sure to share this with other people who can handle the heat. It'd certainly be a waste to toss half a bag of this popcorn.
Worst tofu product ever As a vegan, I have tried just about every tofu product on the market, and nothing ever came close to the terrible texture of these noodles.The smell when you opened the bag was not pleasant, but if you wash them off and parboil, that goes away, but is replaced with a slightly sweet smell that I disliked almost as much.But I kept an open mind, cooked the noodles for a few minutes, added my favorite sauce and fresh ground pepper with some soy cheese grated on top. Whoever said it was like eating rubber bands was exactly on target, they are incredibly chewy and just don't taste that great either. Even as a low calorie food, it seems like a waste to spend 40 calories on these noodles.
Picture is misleading! I feel very misled by the picture of this microwave popcorn. I ordered this as a gift thinking that I was ordering what was shown in the picture. Instead of a cute tee pee box I got a plain old bag of microwave popcorn. I had the same experience with the sweetgrass and sage incense that I ordered from this store. Totally different look and package than what was shown.
BAD!!! This jerky is very very bad. Its so salty that u can't actually taste the jerky. The meat seems to be very rubbery with no taste whatsoever.
This is the shizz We love this canned salmon. Delish. Low in sodium. Very fresh tasting, considering it's from a can. And of course, it cannot be compared to wild caught fresh salmon. But it's a tasty alternative to the ubiquitous tuna fish.Even better, I can't find this brand and packaging in my local stores. So ordering this from Amazon is a major hoot.
EH besides salad topping what the hell am i supposed to with little pieces of pork flesh
Less of a kick than the chews I bought the ginger chews at the market a few months before trying these hard candies, and I was expecting the same potency. The chews really have a burn to them when you eat them. These hard candies are much more mild. I like both, but for something you can actually enjoy for a few minutes, these are great. Wish they were perhaps a LITTLE more potent though.
Does this product contain Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH)!?? Where does this milk powder come from? Bob's Red Mill grinds flour in the Northwest but many of their products are "packaged" at their location but are not made there.This buttermilk powder did nothing for me. It didn't make a better biscuit or waffle and it made my loaf bread less tasty than if I had used regular milk powder. This wasn't a successful product for me and I still have not finished the first package. I won't restock it when/if I run out of it.
Best Cocoa Powder Available A while back I went on a quest to find the best cocoa powder, and the Cacao Barry Extra Brut won hands-down. It has a very deep, rich chocolate flavor, without any off-notes or bitterness. Despite what you may read elsewhere, this dutch-process cocoa actually has a stronger chocolate flavor than the natural cocoa powders I have tried, so it is a good substitute for them. I recommend it for any baking or cooking recipes.
ingredients not listed There are many ingredients NOT listed for those of you like my husband who has allergies he can not have this products and it is NOT returnable.
Alternate use Great little product. I actually used these to act as supports when I stacked a cake. Way easier than dowels to cut with the same results!
candy I love it! If I would have went to the grocery store and purchased 30 candy bars, that would have been almost $30.00, as the candy bars are from .85-$1.00.
Yummy green tea I know green tea is good for you so until now I've forced myself to drink it. I'd even "hide" it in black tea but could still taste it. I drink this plain, and at will!! It's really good hot or iced. Compared to the whole foods stores, you'll save a bundle buying in the 6-pack AND amazon ships SO fast. Couldn't be happier with this purchase.
ooops! Leonidas Belgian Chocolates: 1 lb Milk Chocolates AssortmentWell...they sounded great to me! The reviews were great too! Off they went for Mothers' Day (shame on me). The "giftee" said they were " the most ***awful chocolates I've ever had! I tried several...no carmels, no creams, no nothing! Just a pound of solid chocolate...don't ever give me anything else unless I ask for it!" She needn't worry...I'm done.
Partially Hydrogenated Oils!!! aka Trans Fats Be aware of the Legal Disclaimer at the bottom of this product's ingredient list. It warns that it is not fully disclosing ALL of the ingredients in Fantastic World Food's products for a reason. I had been buying this product for years from health food shelves and never thought to thoroughly read the ingredients until recently when my eyes fell upon "partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil" right there on the box of their Vegetarian Chili mix. This is Trans Fats, and no amount of this chemically modified fat is safe for the body! If you are trying to avoid that ingredient and looking to purchase this food based on its false health food marketing, you can verify this bad news for yourself by checking out the product in the natural food section of your store. This is a very poor business practice as they know people are avoiding trans fats like the plague... hence the legal disclosure. Inexcusable!
Melted candy - YUCK! How disappointing to get this and find a bag full of melted candy. I suppose it is still edible and can be passed out for Halloween, but I expected the quality to be better. And I know it didn't melt here because it is Michigan in October - it's cold!
Haribo Gummi's were awesome! I just recently tried these Raspberries from Haribo and they were great. Looked online and bought a case. Not dissapointed! They were fresh and delivery was quick.
Picture is misleading. Product is just pellets I expected the product to have dried dates, longan, and goji inside the packets. Instead the packets only had tan colored small pellets. The 'tea' tasted like herby sugar water... If anyone here is Chinese, think Ban Lan Gen taste...okay, but not a tea. I'm going to just get dates and longan separately and soak in boiled water. At least then I'd know what's actually in the mix...
Godsend You know how you get thirsty when you have a sore throat but it's much too painful to drink anything? This is the answer to that. Which makes it, in my opinion, nothing short of a godsend. It's extremely soothing -- feels like cotton candy going down your throat -- and the hydration probably helps you get over your illness faster. Not sure if this one really tastes that different from the original Throat Coat flavor, since the licorice taste in this one is very strong, too (which I love!)
be aware My issue with this product is that not all the jars have the same texture and consistency, what makes me wonder, some are fresh, and some are not... some jars had the spinach smooth, some other jars had it dry and "stiff". I want to make sure that what I give to my baby is good and fresh. This product did not convinced me 100%. I have to say I am happy with the squash, peas, among others.
Was looking to replace TJ Dutchess Grey Tea. Way dissapointed! The reason why I went looking for Lady Grey Tea is because in December Trader Joe's discontinued their Dutchess Grey Tea. This was one of my all time favorites. So I did some research and ended up at this product and bought the 6 pack box. It's NOTHING like Dutchess Grey. Dutchess was deep, dark and flavorful while Lady Grey is bland and kinda watery. It reminds me of 7-up actually. I'm not sure what everybody else is raving about. Anyway, if you feel you must buy it, I suggest just getting the one box to try out first.
Very weak... and a hint of plastic? The sachets come individually wrapped in plastic baggies. For a large cup (say ~16 oz), you'd need 3-4 sachets to brew a tea that wasn't obviously weak. I tried it well before the box's expiration date, so that wasn't the problem. As the tea soaked in the water, it seemed to develop a faint taste of plastic. Not sure where that's coming from. Could be the baggie it was in or the sachet, which is made out of some kind of plastic fabric.
You have to have these! Made with xylitol, and this kills bacteria in your mouth all day and night if you take these mints. Los fights candida,
Good value The price for Splenda has been going up and this was the best deal I could find at the time. I looked again now and I am finding better deals but it might change again. All in all if you like this product look around the site and find the best price. If you haven't used this product before I would find a smaller quantity to try first.
Better than Coffee If you're out there looking for a tea that can rival coffee than this is for you. I like my black tea strong and hearty and this is my favorite. Just a wee bit stronger than Irish Breakfast IMO and with a great flavor. I am a bit picky when it comes to teas and coffees but had to give this one an A+++ for every catagory. You won't be disappointed. Also, you can actually find this on most grocery store shelves compared to some other brands and the price is compariable to others.
Bettlejuice...Bettlejuice...BETTLEJUICE! What happens when you say his name three times? Michael Keaten stars in this comedy about two couples that live in an old two story house. While coming back from a supply store, the couple suddenly get caught inside of a "broken-up" bridge and then just before they start to tumble down into the lake, a board catches them. But just when they've got their hopes up, and small dog steps on the board and the car starts to slide off the bridge and into the lake waters. A few minutes later...They find themselves back into their home, they find that somehow somehad light the fireplace, as if done by magic. From then on, they find a weird-looking dead guy known as Bettlejuice. The only way they can get him for help is to call him by his name three times and he will appear at their survice. But they soon wish that they have never called his name, because Bettlejuice was once a troublemaker but he is the only one who can save them, on the account that they said his name three times. They can't leave their houses or else they will find theirselves in another world with giant sandworms. This is a stellar comedy that you should see! Michael Keaton is awesome as he plays the leading role of Bettlejuice.
Best Chai tea ever! I love tea, but never been a fan of Chai tea. Then my sister sent me this brand, and it is delicious! A wonderful rich flavor similar to hot chocolate, but not so sweet. No transfats, no gluten, no hydrogenated oils. 99% caffeine free, so you can enjoy it in the afternoon. I haven't tried the vanilla or chocolate yet, but am sure going to. Try it by buying the smaller packets, and if you like it, it's available at Sam's Club in a big can for a very cost-saving price.
Sabor Hot & Spicy Mango Slices i ordered these two days ago and sure enough they were here today as promised. I was ready to eat some spicy mango slices until i tasted it and it just tastes like sugar with dull pepper. it has no kick and is def not hot. don't waste your money on this . its def not worth it !
White Cheese from Ezine This is one of the best white cheese brand from North-West (Ezine is very close to ancient Troy) of Turkey. It is delicious then feta.
Good Tim Burton Flick I like Tim Burton movies in general. But this is a good one too if you're just into movies. It's funny, and has great visuals (for the time it was made).
sadly disappointed To whom it may concern:At least once a week our family has a taco night. Out of about every box of 12 shells, only about 2 are suitable for tacos, rest fit for nachos, due to breakage. Is there not a better way to package these shells? Thank you,Joan Mitchell
Awful product I've been buying this product for about a year by the 12 units case. The last 2 cases have been horrible, I should have stopped buying them when I got the first bad one. 2 of the 12 cans were banged and when I opened them the artichokes were spoiled, awful smell and color. The rest of the 10 cans all of them taste weird, don't know if over ripe. I ate them anyway they didn't seem spoiled just unpleasant taste that i disguised with dressing. Next case same weird flavor. I will buy them at the grocery store from now on by the unit, price is even cheaper in some stores.