English sentence
Swahili Translation
Hearing the monster's footsteps, they began running in all directions.
Kusikia nyayo za mizimu, wakaanza kukimbia pande zote.
We could hear the groans of the injured man.
Tuliweza kusikia miguno ya mtu aliyejeruhiwa.
Finding a solution that worked was a process of trial and error.
Kupata suluhisho lililofanya kazi ilikuwa mchakato wa kubahatisha.
His official title at the company is Assistant to the President.
Jina lake rasmi katika kampuni hiyo ni Msaidizi wa Rais.
My stomach started growling right there in the meeting. It was embarrassing.
Tumbo langu lilianza kuguruma papo hapo kwenye mkutano. Ilikuwa aibu.
Meetings are to be held on the afternoon of July 15 (Tuesday), all day July 16 (Wednesday), and the morning of July 17 (Thursday).
Mikutano inapaswa kufanywa alasiri ya Julai 15 (Jumanne), siku nzima Julai 16 (Jumatano), na asubuhi ya Julai 17 (Alhamisi).
It would help us if you would reserve the following hotel during our conference.
Ungetusaidia kama ungetuhifadhia hoteli ifuatayo wakati wa kongamano letu.
The artist captured the charm of the lady.
Msanii huyo aliteka nadhiri za huyo binti.
Our company has annual sales of a thousand million yen.
Kampuni yetu ina mauzo ya yen elfu milioni.
We are, in large measure, responsible for students' success in the entrance exam.
Tunawajibika kwa kiwango kikubwa ufanisi wa wanafanzi katika mtihani wa kuingia.
We are entitled to vote at the age of twenty.
Tunastahili kupiga kura katika umri wa miaka ishirini.
We sang songs in chorus.
Tuliimba nyimbo kwa kwaya.
We did our best only to fail.
Tulifanya bidii yetu tu kutofaulu.
We have to bring our teaching methods up to date.
Lazima tuboreshe mbinu zetu za kufundisha.
We're booked for the whole month on Broadway.
Nafasi zote zimehifadhiwa kwa mwezi mzima Broadway.
We are familiar with the legend of Robin Hood.
Tunajua hadithi ya Robin Hood.
We were granted the privilege of fishing in this bay.
Tulipewa pendeleo la uvuvi katika ziwa hili.
Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars.
Jumla ya deni letu ni dola elfu kumi.
Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace.
Kusudi letu la mwisho ni kuanzisha amani ulimwenguni.
This new product of ours is a serious blow to our rival company.
Bidhaa hii mpya yetu ni pigo kubwa kwa kampuni yetu pinzani.
In case the shipment is delayed, we have special delay insurance.
Ikiwa usafirishaji umechelewa, tuna bima maalumu ya kucheleweshwa.
The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts.
Mpango uliotangazwa Jumanne inatoa wito wa dola bilioni 54 kwa kupunguzwa kwa ushuru.
Would you like some fruit?
Ungependa matunda?
Technology has failed to ease the conflict between man and nature.
Teknolojia imeshindwa kupunguza mzozo kati ya mwanadamu na maumbile.
Science is based on careful observation.
Sayansi inategemea uchunguzi wa makini.
We're goin' home.
Tunaenda nyumbani.
I delighted in going to his farm during the summer vacation.
Nilifurahi kwenda shambani mwake wakati wa likizo ya kiangazi.
In summer, eggs soon go bad.
Wakati wa kiangazi mayai huharibika haraka.
May I help you ma'am?
Naweza kukusaidia ma'am?
Because the store is so small, he has to wear many different hats, from accountant to stock boy.
Kwa sababu duka ni ndogo sana, lazima afanye kazi nyingi tofauti, kutoka kwa mhasibu hadi kijana wa kukagua bidhaa.
I want something with which to write.
Nataka kitu cha kuandikia.
I'm just a boy who makes mistakes.
Mimi ni mvulana tu anayefanya makosa.
My papa said no.
Baba yangu alisema hapana.
The prince was turned by magic into a frog.
Mfalme aligeuzwa na uchawi kuwa chura.
The king was famous for his splendid palace.
Mfalme alikuwa maarufu kwa sababu ya kasri lake kuu.
The royal palace was built on a hill.
Kasri la kifalme lilijengwa juu ya kilima.
May I take your size, madam?
Naweza chukua kipimo chako, Mama?
After his wife left him, Harold went nuts.
Baada ya mkewe kuachana naye, Harold alichanganyikiwa.
Instead of beating around the bush, Jones got straight to the point.
Badala kuzunguka, Jones alieleza moja kwa moja.
The sky had become threatening before I got to the station.
Anga ilikuwa ikitishia kabla sijafika kituo.
Unlike Great Britain, the Upper House in the United States is an elected body.
Tofauti na Uingereza, Bunge la Juu huko Amerika ni taasisi iliyochaguliwa.
English isn't easy to master.
Kiingereza sio rahisi kuelewa.
I like English best.
Napendelea Kiingereza.
I would have liked to see the ending of the film, but I had to leave the theater.
Ningependa kuona mwisho wa filamu, lakini ilibidi nitoke nje ya thieta.
Lack of exercise may harm your health.
Kukosa mazoezi kunaweza kudhuru afya yako.
There is no limit to the universe.
Ulimwengu ni mkubwa hauna mpaka.
I drank too much and the ground seemed to spin under my feet.
Nilikunywa sana na ardhi ilionekana kuteleza chini ya miguu yangu.
A festival is held at the rice harvest.
Sherehe hufanyika wakati wa mazao ya mchele.
A single step, and you will fall over the cliff.
Hatua moja, na utaanguka juu ya mwamba.
Where's the nearest department store?
Duka la karibu zaidi liko wapi?
Generally speaking, Japanese women are modest.
Kwa ujumla wanawaje wa kijapani sana kiasi.
No sooner had we finished working on one tough problem than the president sent us yet another straight from the top.
Mara tu tunapokamilisha kushughulikia shida moja ngumu ndivyo rais alitutumia nyingine kutoka juu.
Please return one set to us with your signature.
Tafadhali rudisha seti moja kwetu na saini yako.
He said to me, 'Study hard, or you won't pass the test.'
Aliniambia, 'Soma kwa bidii, au hutapita hiyo mthiani.'
If you don't study hard, you'll continue to get poor scores.
Usiposoma kwa bidii, utaendelea kupata alama duni.
One murder makes a villain, millions a hero.
Mauaji mamoja yanafanya mtu katili, mengi yanamfanya shujaa.
Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger.
Badala ya kwenda mwenyewe, nilituma mjumbe.
The amount of paper produced by a country is closely related to its cultural standards.
Kiasi cha karatasi inayozalishwa na nchi inahusiana sana na viwango vyao vya kitamaduni.
I went to the South Pacific for a summer of romantic adventure.
Nilikwenda Kusini mwa Pasifiki kuvinjari kimahaba wakati wa majira ya joto.
Medical science has made a dramatic advance.
Sayansi ya matibabu imepiga hatua kubwa.
It is hard for an empty sack to stand straight.
Ni vigumu kwa gunia tupu kusimama wima.
The stomach is one of the internal organs.
Tumbo ni moja wapo ya viungo vya ndani.
The data to be discussed below was collected in the following way.
Takwimu za kuzungumziwa hapo chini zilikusanywa kwa njia ifuatayo.
The smaller the body, the more likely the person will suffer from the ill effects of radiation.
Mwili ukiwa mdogo, kuna uwezekano kuwa mtu ataumia kwa athari za mnunurisho.
Greetings are the basis of good manners.
Salamu ni msingi wa tabia nzuri.
It is not until we lose our health that we recognise its blessing.
Sio hadi tupoteze afya zetu ndio tutambue baraka zake.
We were sweating in the heat.
Tulikuwa tukitokwa jasho kwa joto.
I am not the Christ but I am sent ahead of him.
Mimi si Kristo, bali nimetumwa ili nimtangulie.
We elected Jeffrey captain of our team.
Tulimchagua Jeffrey kama Kapteni wa kikosi chetu.
Crime is certainly on the increase in many of our big cities.
Uhalifu unazidi kuongezeka katika miji yetu mingi.
In the London underground there is a warning to "mind the gap" when boarding the train.
Chini ya ardhi kuna tahadhari inayosema "kuwa maakini na uwazi" unapopanda treni.
In London, the police are always worried about finding a bomb on the train or subway.
Mjini London, polisi sikuzote huhofia kukuta bomu kwenye treni au kituo chaa chini ya barabara.
On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram.
Aliipowasili London, alinitumia telegramu.
During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.
Wakati akiwa London, ataenda kumtembelea binamu yake.
It is Mrs. Lee, Susan's mother, in London.
Ni Bibi Lee, mama ya Susan, Uingereza.
Robert is the fifth wheel on the safety committee.
Robert ndiye gurudumu la tano kwenye kamati ya usalama.
Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States.
Los Angeles ndio mji wa pili mkubwa nchini Amerika.
Lola danced with grace.
Lola alicheza dansi kwa madaha.
The surprise party for Laura is not tonight, but tomorrow night.
Sherehe ya mshtuko kwa Laura sio usiku wa leo, lakini kesho usiku.
Roy looks happy when his girlfriend calls him.
Roy anaonekana kufurahi wakati rafiki yake wa kike anamwita.
Can you take his place, Leo?
Je, unaweza kuchukua nafasi yake, leo?
The horse that won the race was owned by Mr Johnson.
Farasi walioshinda mbio hizo wabamilikiwa na Bw Johnson.
The rangers decided to go to the sailor's rescue.
Askari waliamua kwenda kumuokoa mbaharia.
The bike ride told on Louie.
Mwendesha baiskeli alimsema Louie.
The other girls are jealous of Lily because she is extremely pretty.
Wasichana wengine wana wivu na Lily kwa sababu ni mrembo sana.
Meanwhile, the foolish uncle was sitting in the living room.
Wakati huo, mjomba mjinga alikuwa amekaa sebuleni.
Richard said his mother was ill, which is a lie.
Richard alisema mama yake ni mgonjwa, ambapo ni uongo.
Liz has been dead for eight years.
Liz aliaga miaka nane iliyopita.
The lion is the king of the jungle.
Simba ndiye mfalme wa msitu.
Europe is now reported to be entirely free of new cases of this disease.
Uropa sasa imeripotiwa kuwa haina kisa kipya cha ugonjwa huu.
Yo, my man!
Yo, mtu wangu!
Hence 50 percent of the muscle can give way to fat.
Kwa hivyo asilimia 50 ya misuli inaweza kutoa mafuta.
By and by, the bitter north wind began to blow.
Taratibu upepo mkali wa kaskazini ulianza kuvuma.
Molly has a large clock.
Molly ana saa kubwa.
Of course I remember the news quite well.
Ni vyema nakumbuka taarifa vizuri sana.
I'll be deeply affected by his death.
Nitaathiriwa sana na kifo chake.
Hello, is this the personnel department?
Hujambo, hii ndiyo idara ya wafanyakazi?
I barely escaped being hit by the truck.
Nili epuka kunipigwa na lori.
I don't have enough RAM.
Sina RAM za kutosha.
Meg is curious to know everything about Japan.
Meg ana shauku ya kujua kila kitu kuhusu Japan.