Summarize this dialog: Helen: Hey, Simo, are you there? Simon: Yep babe, what's up? Helen: I was calling you before... Simon: Sorry I was on the phone, I didn't hear you... Tell me. Helen: It's a bit embarrassing... The toilet paper is finished, could you fetch me some tissues, please? Simon: Hahaha sure, no worries! --- Summary:
Simon was on the phone before so he didn't hear Helen calling. Simon will fetch Helen some tissues as they're out of toilet paper.
Summarize this dialog: Ricky: Did u guys see what's going on outside? Shelly: A real blizzard! Tom: Haven't seen such weather in yrs! Ricky: This reminds me of a time when I was hiking in the mountains. Shelly: U went hiking? Tom: Yeah. What's so weird about it? Ricky: U don't strike us as the type. Tom: Well, I did. It was a couple yrs back, I admit. I was still a student and we went as a group of friends to the mountains. Shelly: How many of u were there? Tom: I think 5 or 6. Myself included. Ricky: So what happened? Tom: We rented a cabin in the wild. We wanted to have a weekend away. --- Summary:
There is a blizzard going on outside. Ricky went hiking a couple years ago with friends. They rented a cabin in the wild.
Summarize this dialog: Maggie: lucy Maggie: y u such a diva ๐Ÿ˜ Lucy: whats that about Maggie: johny wants to date you Lucy: he just said that if i have time we can go to that gig together Lucy: and i wanna go with my besties Maggie: you turn him down big time! Lucy: if hes into me he'll try more Maggie: see? Maggie: diva Lucy: u jealous or what Maggie: nvm Maggie: so youre going with us Lucy: if you shut up about johny then yes Maggie: OK Maggie: jeeez Lucy: you and girs come to my house and we pamper ourselves before Maggie: sure, is 6pm cool? Lucy: yass, we need at least an hour Lucy: gig starts at 8, plenty of time Maggie: catcha later Lucy: ok bye --- Summary:
Johny wants to go for a gig with Lucy. She prefers to go with Maggie and her best friends. They will meet at 6 PM at her house to prepare for the evening. The gig starts at 8 PM.
Summarize this dialog: Rose: Payday's tomorrow :D Rose: Can I start thinking about Christmas gifts now? Jake: Hahaha. Sure. When I get home, we'll talk about what should we buy for everybody. Rose: I can't wait. Rose: I love making gifts for people! Jake: Yup. Me too. --- Summary:
It's payday tomorrow. When Jack gets home, he and Rose will talk about Christmas gifts for everybody.
Summarize this dialog: Martha: how do you feel about minimalism? Jake: I used to think it's total bullshit Jake: like, it's still about spending Jake: but it's about shifting the paradigm from buying cheap to buying expensive stuff Martha: if expensive lives longer, ofc Jake: right Martha: I'm asking because I just saw this documentary about minimalism gurus Martha: and I felt mixed about it Jake: I think it's a good idea to buy things that will serve you longer Jake: but it's so difficult to be mindful about everything you buy Martha: I feel there are so many conflicting priorities when it comes to shopping Martha: if you want to buy durable stuff you usually pick brands you know, big brands Martha: and then it might not be fair trade product Jake: take leather for example Jake: if it's ecological it's cruelty free but it has higher carbon footprint than leather Martha: huh Jake: so your values clash all the time when you shop Martha: :( --- Summary:
Martha saw a documentary about minimalism.
Summarize this dialog: Albert: I've just passed the driving exam holy fuck! Albert: 4th attempt! Juliet: Congrats mate! Now nothing can stop you ๐Ÿ’ช --- Summary:
Albert has passed his driving test on the 4th attempt.
Summarize this dialog: Jaya: Hello Ravi, I haven't seen your mother in the club for almost 4 months. Is she fine? Ravi:- She is not keeping well these days. Jaya: so sorry to hear that, what happened? Ravi: She has been suffering from knee pain for almost 5 years now and the doctor has asked her to restrict movement. Jaya: Any specific reason for the pain? Ravi: Its probably arthritis. The doctor said that it can be controlled, but not cured completely. Jaya: Oh, she had always maintained a healthy lifestyle, I wonder how this happened. Ravi: She did have mild ache in her knees for the past few years but had been ignoring it. Jaya: Did you try naturopathy? Ravi: We tried almost everything. Jaya: Your mother is a strong lady. She never gives up so easily. Ravi: She is still the same, however abiding by the doctorโ€™s advice she prefers to stay at home most of the time. Jaya: Please ask her to take care and start feeling better soon. Ravi: Thanks. I'll pass your wishes to her. --- Summary:
Jaya hasn't seen Ravi's mum for 4 months in the club. Ravi's mum has been suffering from knee pain for 5 years. Ravi's mum stays at home following doctor's advice. Ravi will pass Jaya's wishes to his mother.
Summarize this dialog: Lynn: Sorry it's not worth it to have sex with some old wrinkled guy to pay your bills who rubs his old saggy balls all over u ewww fuck that ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฒ Diana: I totally agree. Diana: And sheโ€™s not even that pretty my Lord. But to each itโ€™s own if materialistic as what she craves and I guess she is fulfilling her fantasies. But I donโ€™t want no old balls on my four head LOL no thanks Steviee: Lots of sugar babies don't actually sleep with them. Sometimes it's purely friendship and companionship Wilbur: OMG!!! Wilbur:'ve got me laughing so hard! I'm crying! Haha!! I seriously just spit my soda out!!! Lmao Kellene: Lynn whatโ€™s going to happen when youโ€™re in your 60โ€™s and every man close to your age has saggy balls? Will you only date younger men then? Perhaps, this girls sugar daddyโ€™s do exactly that. Lynn: Can't even imagine :) Wilbur: you know what they say, from old egs, comes salmonela lmao :P Lynn: Yes true ๏Š Steviee: Hahahaha Wilbur: Not all of them expect intimacy some of them just want your company lol Justin: Steviee, that's what lots of sugar babies say and want the public to believe, doesn't mean its true. I don't believe what you said for a second --- Summary:
Lynn and Diana are disgusted by sugar babies, Wilbur tries justifying this lifestyle, but Justin doesn't believe it.
Summarize this dialog: Clint: are you better today? Alice: not really Alice: I have never had such a terrible flu Alice: I think I'm dying Clint: don't be silly Clint: it's just a flu Alice: I know but my whole body aches, I have fever and I'm sneezing all the time Alice: I'm home for 10 days and it seems I need more Clint: poor you :( Clint: how is it possible that vaccine did not work? Alice: I haven't taken any vaccine Clint: why? Alice: I don't know, just forgotten Alice: and now I have consequences :( --- Summary:
Alice has a terrible flu. She's forgotten to vaccinate herself.
Summarize this dialog: Marco: hi there! is this yours? Marco: <file_photo> Marco: somebody left it at my place yesterday Sandra: ooops yes its mine Sandra: its Millas present, I bought it right before your party Sandra: can you bring it over? --- Summary:
Sandra bought a present for Milla right before Marco's party and left it in his place. She asks Marco to bring it over.
Summarize this dialog: Mum: hungry? Steve: starving... Mum: I'll wrap something up for you. Steve: You're the best, thank you! --- Summary:
Mum will prepare something to snack on for Steve.
Summarize this dialog: Dane: Morning Zariah: Morning Dane: How are you Zariah: In general ok but I have a big pain in my back. U? Dane: From what ? I'm alright Zariah: Almost every day I have had such a pain recently. Maybe because of the bed. But to be honest I don't think so since earlier it wasn't like this Dane: Ok --- Summary:
Zariah has been suffering from back pain recently.
Summarize this dialog: James: Hey! Iโ€™ve been thinking about you ;) Hannah: Oh, thatโ€™s nice ;) James: what are you up to? Hannah: i'm about to sleep James: I miss u I was hoping to see you Hannah: have to get up early for work tomorrow James: what about tomorrow? Hannah: to be honest i have plans for tomorrow evening James: oh ok, what about Sat then? Hannah: yeah, sure iโ€™m available on sat James: iโ€™ll pick you up at 8? Hannah: sounds good. See u then. --- Summary:
James misses Hannah. They agree for James to pick Hannah up on Saturday at 8.
Summarize this dialog: Rachel: Hi caron fancy a drink tonight? Caron: yes that will be great Red Lion at 8? Rachel: you read my mind lol Caron: well I know you too well xx Rachel: see you there xx --- Summary:
Rachel and Caron are getting drinks in Red Lion at 8 tonight.
Summarize this dialog: Sara: Hey, are you free this Saturday? Sara: I thought mayble you would like to help with the event we're organizing? Victor: Unfortunately I'm busy this Saturday... Sara: Shame... Victor: Yeah, I know. Maybe if you let me know earlier, I might have changed my plans, but now it's too late. Sara: Ok. Another time then :( --- Summary:
Victor cannot help Sara with the event they're organizing as he's busy this Saturday.
Summarize this dialog: Mike: dude, wendy has grown prettier Dave:๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ Mike:๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Dave: i know right? Mike: yeah, since she came from Houston, she looks like an angel Dave: i'll have to hit on her soon Mike: haha, stay off, i hear Jerry is her lover Dave: really๐Ÿ˜• Mike: yeah Dave: since when Mike: haha, i dont know, but you can push your luck Dave: haha, i will Mike:๐Ÿ˜‰ good luck Dave: yeah, ill need it --- Summary:
Mike and Dave notice Wendy got prettier. Dave wants to hit on her, but she's with Jerry. He'll try anyway.
Summarize this dialog: Patricia: Hey, could you give me a call in an hour or so, I can't talk now. George: Yeah, of course. Patricia: Thanks. --- Summary:
Patricia cannot talk now. George will call her in about an hour.
Summarize this dialog: Mario: Iโ€™ve landed in every airport in Europe today - completely whacked out dude. Klara: Where are you now? Mario: Waiting in Luxembourg now. Eddie: Have fun dude. Moe: Only because you love flying so much ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mario: weather was good for flying everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚ Otherwise it would have been trains everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚ Moe: Mario be safe bro Mario: You too bro ๐Ÿ™‚ --- Summary:
Mario is waiting on the airport in Luxemburg now.
Summarize this dialog: Lena: that new professor is the worst! Lena: i mean, how can you give students a homework at the FIRST CLASS? Brian: this sucks ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Brian: didn't even listen to him. Brian: wait. what homework AHAHA Lena: jeez Lena: excercises on pages 12-16 Brian: he's psycho Lena: agreed. Brian: maybe he just tryna be tough Brian: lets NOT do the homework and see what happens Lena: do what you want I won't risk it Brian: no pain no gain, no game - you're lame Lena: this is a really nice poem, thanks! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† Brian: you're welcome ๐Ÿ˜š Brian: anywaysss Brian: see tou tomorrow at philosophy class Lena: they want to kill us Brian: be brave! we'll survive! I'll protect you! Lena: my hero ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜ Brian: ekhm.. Brian: see you tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰ --- Summary:
Lena and Brian don't like their new professor. They will see each other at philosophy class tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Elvina: ever been to the local theatre smbd? Averil: you mean here? The theatre with actors? And stage? Is there any? Booth: yeah, I was the other day. Pretty cool and cheap. Elvina: I got invite and dunno what to wear Booth: I guess nothing much. Its kinda light hearted. Friendly and all. Elvina: oh good to know thx Averil: im seriously shocked they have a theatre here Booth: i mean it. was rly cool --- Summary:
Elvina needs information about the dress code at the local theatre. Booth has been there before and recommends wearing something casual. Averil is surprised there even is a theatre.
Summarize this dialog: Jair: Still busy? Callum: Yes a little sorry Jair: ok --- Summary:
Callum is still busy.
Summarize this dialog: Jacob: Emily!! stop the busses .. I am not on my way.. Emily: Hurry up!! the busses are about to leave.. Jacob: Count to 10 and i will reach the parking lot Emily: 10..9..1 where are you... --- Summary:
Emily is waiting for Jacob while the buses have almost left.
Summarize this dialog: Ella: so? Molly: ? Ella: come on! pics or it didn't happen Molly: what are you going on about? Ella: I heard you met up with Chuck Molly: no... when was this suppossed to happen? Ella: friday Molly: Holly fuck that little shit made a story up Ella: ? Molly: I told him no and the little fucker made up a story Molly: Im gonna kill him --- Summary:
Chuck told Ella that he'd met up with Molly. He made up the story, as actually Molly refused to go out with him.
Summarize this dialog: Sally: did you hear Borns' new album? :o Rita: YES I DID Rita: it's amazeballs Sally: i know right??? God Save Our Young Blood Rita: definitely my fav Rita: that and Faded Heart Sally: so good Rita: i'm also pumped for Florence, her new single is out tomorrow Sally: :o didn't know about it! --- Summary:
Sally and Rita like Borns' new album very much. Rita is also excited about Florence's new single which comes out tomorrow. Sally didn't know about it.
Summarize this dialog: Gloria: <file_photo> Gloria: I'm too poor for my lifestyle Amanita: we all are, sweetie Gloria: it's so frustrating! Amanita: but I thought your salary is pretty decent Gloria: yeah but bear in mind that my therapy is expensive Amanita: maybe you need to cook more Gloria: I cook Gloria: I made sushi and tiger prawn korma Amanita: those are expensive meals Amanita: pancakes are super cheap Amanita: soups, too Gloria: maybe I should plan my meals better Gloria: thanks for the tip --- Summary:
Gloria is frustrated with her financial situation. She will try to plan her meals better.
Summarize this dialog: Haley: I found this old photo on my computer - look how cute Bella was a kitten <3 <file_photo> Jenny: awwwwwwwww Tess: omg omg omg <3 Haley: she was the cutest little baby Jenny: how old is she in that picture? Haley: About 2 weeks I think Tess: I can't believe she's so big now Haley: Yup, in cat years she's actually middle-aged Jenny: Haha, yeah, she is. But still totes adorable Haley: no doubt ;) --- Summary:
Haley sends Jenny and Tess a photo of when Bella the cat was 2 weeks old.
Summarize this dialog: Jeff: Have you heard about this Christmas at Wall Street? Peter: Yup, was apparently the worst since the end of the 19th century Miranda: but it's bounced back since, no panic Jeff: I've listened to some radio podcasts about the American economy Jeff: and it's pretty scary, I mean the economic war on China that Trump is waging and all his unpredictability Jeff: but I'm not an economist Peter: I know, it's hard to say what may happen because Trump is rather unpredictable Peter: But people in my bank seem calm, at least 2019 should be calm Miranda: yup, calm, but the global economy will get weaker Miranda: and the growth will be weaker but not tragic, I suppose Jeff: and the EU? How do you think? Miranda: We just don't know what will happen to the UK and with Brexit Miranda: There are many different scenarios possible Miranda: but it seems that 2020 may be much worse Peter: I agree, I'd expect a global economic meltdown in the early 2020s --- Summary:
Jeff, Peter and Miranda wonder what American and global economy will be like.
Summarize this dialog: Alexa: I want to confess something Hunter: What is it? Alexa: I asked Ethan to Insult you :( Hunter: But why did you do that? Alexa: I was too jealous to see you with Ethan that day, dats why :( Hunter: But you could just ask me not to do something if you dont want me to? Alexa: We would talk about it tomorrow --- Summary:
Alexa asked Ethan to insult Hunter out of jealousy.
Summarize this dialog: Meg: still at school? Ann: i have extra math classes Meg: so when can i meet you? Ann: i will be home at 7 --- Summary:
Ann is still at school. She will be home at 7 so she can meet Meg then.
Summarize this dialog: Lorenna: Girls, Im sorry, I cant come to the party tomorrow :( Lorenna: Emma has a fever and I need to take her to the doctor. Ann: Oh Im so sorry about her:( Shirley: :( Shirley: how's she feeling? Lorenna: not too bad, but I need to stay at home with her for a few days. Lorenna: she's sleeping now. Ann: give her a kiss from auntie Anna! :* Shirley: and from me too! :* Lorenna: thanks! :* --- Summary:
Lorenna is not coming to the party because her daughter is ill. She is going to see a doctor with her. Ann and Shirley send kisses to the kid.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: I have a juicy gossip for you guys ;) Borys: About whom? Adam: So apparently, Iga planned a weekend getaway with her boyfriend, but they had to cancel because he couldn't talk his group into changing the date of the presentation :D Katia: And she is pissed? Adam: What do you think? That is why they aren't sitting together since Monday ;) Katia: Who would have expected such a gossip girl from you :D --- Summary:
Iga and her boyfriend are not sitting together since Monday, because they had to cancel their weekend getaway. It made Iga very angry. Iga's boyfriend failed to convince a group to change the date of the presentation.
Summarize this dialog: Samuel: Are you there, Anna? Tim: I am, but I am not called Anna. It's Tim. Samuel: Sorry, brother Tim. Anna is just the word for elder brother in my language. Tim: It's a girl's name here. Doesn't sound very brother-like. Samuel: My apologies. Tim: So what is your language? Samuel: It is Telugu, brother. Tim: is that spoken in India? Samuel: Yes, in South east India. Bangalore and Chennai and other places. Nearly 90 million speakers, brother. Tim: Is it one of those written right to left? Samuel: No, it is written left to right. It is based on Brahmin script, our writing. If you trace it back far enough it all comes from the Phoenicians, like English writing the same. Tim: Wow. Tim: So it must be pretty big, then, Teluguland? Samuel: It is 23 provinces, Anna. But we are not rich as in the north, so many people here are still working for less than a hundred dollars a whole month. Tim: So what is the word for "younger brother" if "Anna" means "elder brother?" Samuel: Thammu or Thammadu. You can call me Thammu. I am younger than you. Tim: how old are you, I would have sid about the same as me in your photo. Samuel: How old are you, Anna? Tim: 55 Samuel: Well there you are you see. I am 35 only. So you are my Anna and I am your Thammadu. Tim: Wow sorry to say it but you do look old for 35: Samuel: That is because it is not an easy life when you are not earning much money, Anna. We work very hard and have very little. But still we are thankful for what we do have. --- Summary:
Samuel's language is Telugu, which is spoken in south east India. It has nearly 90 million speakers; it's written left to right; it's based on Brahmin script. Teluguland has 23 provinces. It's quite poor. "Anna" means "elder brother" and Thammu or Thammadu - "younger brother". Tim's 55, Samuel's 35.
Summarize this dialog: Pete: What flavour yogurt did you want again? My brain is like a sieve today. Jen: Pear but only if they've got it. Otherwise don't worry about it. Pete: I'll have a look around. If they don't have pear can I get a different flavour? Jen: I don't like any other flavour. If they don't have pear just don't get anything at all then. Pete: OK. --- Summary:
Pete will get a pear yogurt for Jen if they have it.
Summarize this dialog: Eve: Where are we meeting? Charlie: at the entrance Nicole: yes, it's the best place. We would't find each other inside, it'll be too crowded Eve: ok! --- Summary:
Eve, Charlie and Nicole are meeting at the entrance.
Summarize this dialog: Jenkin: hey what is your spirit animal? Sophie: what? Jenkin: go on? Sophie: I dont know a fox lol Jenkin: are you wiley?๐ŸฆŠ Sophie: sometimes Jenkin: I am a dolphin๐Ÿฌ Sophie: I think you are a bit mad like the mad hatter๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŽฉ Jenkin: I have been reading about animal spirits its quite good Sophie: you will have to tell me about the fox.. do you decide what your animal is or does someone tell you? Jenkin: There is a pack of cards and you choose the one that you are drawn to Sophie: oh right I would choose the Fox Jenkin: well I didn't know but I was drawn to the dolphin Sophie: oh Jenkin: I will bring them over tomorrow Sophie: oh yes please that will be great ๐ŸฆŠ๐ŸฆŠ --- Summary:
Jenkin has been reading about spirit animals and he was drawn to a dolphin. Sophie would choose a fox. Jenkin will bring pack of cards with spirit animals to Sophie tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Scarlett: Hey Daisy, can you send me your RGS application? Daisy: Oh sorry I totally forgot Daisy: I'm sending it to you right now Scarlett: No worries, thanks!! Daisy: Good luck with yours Daisy: If you have any questions let me know Scarlett: Thanks a lot Daisy!! --- Summary:
Daisy is sending Scarlett her RGS application.
Summarize this dialog: Christie: how are you after the party? Katie: really tired... and you? Christie: same Christie: the party was great! Katie: Yeah, we had fun! :) --- Summary:
Christie and Katie are tired after the party. They both had fun.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: Are you working tomorrow? Carla: No, it's my day off Sam: I'm free in the afternoon, do you fancy meeting up? Carla: Yeah, sure Sam: Ok, great! Shall we go to Meanwood? Carla: Ok, there's that cafe there that does the yummy cakes. Meet you at 2? Sam: Yes - looking forward to it! Carla: See you tom! xx --- Summary:
Carla has a day off tomorrow. She will meet Sam in Meanwood in a cafe at 2 pm.
Summarize this dialog: Lily: I need to rent a pop corn machine Daniel: :D Lily: for our office Christmas party Daniel: very Christmasy Lily: We will screen Love Actually :P Daniel: oh I get it now Lily: Do you know someone who rents them? Daniel: I'll check! --- Summary:
Daniel will find out who rents a pop corn machines on Lily's request.
Summarize this dialog: Louis: hey mum Louis: mum? Sara: yep, what's going on? Sara: I'm on a pretty boring meeting right now :P Louis: I was wondering what I could buy Lilly and Stephen Louis: I mean for the wedding Louis: I don't have any idea :( Sara: Don't they have a list somewhere? Sara: so that everyone can check what they actually need? --- Summary:
Louis doesn't know what he should give Lilly and Stephen as their wedding gift. Sara advises him to check if they have a gift list.
Summarize this dialog: Chris: I tried jogging today! Matt: and the key word is "tried"? Matt: not to mention that you have the weirdest habit to stat the conversation 5 minutes before my work ends :P Matt: good (or bad) thing is that I need to stay a bit longer today ;) Chris: Sorry :P Chris: I have no other friends ;) Matt: it's not a problem for me, you're the one getting a short conversation ;) Chris: Anyway, I was certain that I'd just collapse after 50m or so but I did quite well :) Matt: I would collapse :P Matt: I'm taking pills that slows my heart rate and that doesn't bode well with any kind of physical effort :P Matt: my heart doesn't know what to do then :P Chris: Medication is a different thing. Chris: I just don't understand how I can run better when I eat 1/3 of what I should... Matt: power of mind ;) Matt: and it's your first try in a while Matt: your body doesn't know what to expect :P Chris: I need to analyse my performance Chris: Maybe I can get even better than that! Matt: back in the days when I was still playing football my first performance after a long break was always spectacular Matt: I always felt like a physical god Matt: but the next ones were just horrible and I felt like I was dying :P Chris: Oh, you killjoy :D Chris: You're basically saying that I'll crash during my next jog :D Matt: that's what I'm here for Matt: a reality check :P Matt: anyway, done with my work for today, finally can head home! Matt: cya later Chris: cya! --- Summary:
Chris started jogging again. He performed better than expected. Matt can't jog now because of his heart medication effects but he recalls that when playing football in the past, he also performed very well after a break.
Summarize this dialog: Eric: Yo yo Dan: Yo man Eric: Have you watched Punisher season 2? Dan: Yeah, it was cool Eric: I think the first one was better but the second one did some things better Dan: Like what? Eric: Like showing Frank as the actual Punisher and not just a guy seeking vengeance for his family Dan: Yep, season 1 was kinda weird Eric: Anyway I think they should have given Jigsaw more scars Dan: Yeah Eric: Anyway it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil Dan: I know... shame shame shame Eric: Netflix's walk of shame Dan: They're as blind as Matt Murdock but without the radar XD --- Summary:
Dan has watched Punisher season 2 and Eric finds the first one better than the second one. They both think it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil.
Summarize this dialog: Geri: I need to buy some new shoes Hilary: what kind? Geri: some nice heels Geri: something sexy Hilary: I sa spome great ones at the mall yesterday Geri: great! thanks Geri: wanna go together check them out Hilary: ok maybe 2morrow Hilary: after work? Geri: sounds good Geri: we can get some frozen yogurt Hilary: Oh yeah Hilary: I love that place! Geri: it's been a while since I had some Hilary: it's a plan Geri: ok I'll be in touch Hilary: ok :) --- Summary:
Geri and Hilary will go to check out some sexy heels for Geri tomorrow after work. They will also have some frozen yoghurt.
Summarize this dialog: Jacob: Hey, guess what, top management is coming from France next week. Alex: Hey, again? They just announced it? Jacob: Yeah, we got an invitation via Outlook to the meeting. Jacob: And mandatory formal dress code required. Alex: OMG, I wonder what they're goin to announce this time. Jacob: The usual, cost savings, lean office, lack of salary reviews... Jacob: You know how it is, their visits never result in anything positive. Alex: That's true, changes for the worse. --- Summary:
Top management of the company where Jacob and Alex work is coming from France next week. Jacob got an invitation to the meeting with them via Outlook. Formal dress code is required.
Summarize this dialog: Joana: wana play some games? Sandy: what games? Joana: maybe dixit? Joana: or carcassonne? Sandy: why not? Joana: ok, I'll bring them 2 u Sandy: great :) --- Summary:
Joana will bring Sandy some games like dixit and carcassonne.
Summarize this dialog: Jenny: Are we going to that concert on Saturday Jeremy: sure, it's the only opportunity to hear them Joan: but we could start with a drink Jenny: I don't know anything affordable nearby Jeremy: and Barcelona? Jenny: Where is it? Jeremy: 8th av Jenny: perfect --- Summary:
Jenny, Jeremy and Joan are going to a concert on Saturday and agree to have a drink at Barcelona located at 8th avenue beforehand.
Summarize this dialog: John: do we have practice today? Matt: yea think so John: great thanks see ya there Matt: see ya --- Summary:
John is not sure if there is practice today but Matt claims there is.
Summarize this dialog: Blake: where r u men? George: comin'! Blake: good --- Summary:
George is coming to a meeting with Blake.
Summarize this dialog: Steve: Bought the new Dream Theater album 5 minutes ago. I hope it's good. Rob: I have it here on my desk, ready for the first listening. Steve: Ok, I'll tell you later what I think about it. Rob: Same here. See you later! --- Summary:
Steve and Rob will talk about new Dream Theater album, after they finish listening.
Summarize this dialog: Alex: Hon, could you buy some milk? Martin: You kiddin me, I just bought two yesterday Alex: Well, I have nothing for my defense, I'm just craving milk lately:D Martin: You're lucky that I love you, two milks coming up in couple of hours, I gotta finish the project Alex: You are my hero! --- Summary:
Martin will get Alex two bottles of milk after he finishes the project.
Summarize this dialog: Jeremih: hey, tell your sis to text back Hansel: haha, thats your issues bro, dont drag me into it Jeremih: she's mad at me Hansel: for what Jeremih: i dont even know๐Ÿ˜” Hansel:๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜‚ Jeremih: youre laughing Hansel: haha, ill tell her but next time i wont interfere Jeremih: Okay bro, thanks --- Summary:
Hansel will tell his sis to text Jeremih back.
Summarize this dialog: Peter: Can you send me the link of your beauty shop? Joy: Definitely Joy: It is https:// ********* Joy: Hope you will like it and feel free to ask any questions. Peter: Okay. Let me look at it. --- Summary:
Joy sent Peter the link to her beauty shop.
Summarize this dialog: Emma: How was New Year's Eve? :) Josh: nice, just a bunch of close friends at my place Emma: sounds cosy Josh: yeah we had some wine and played board games Emma: sounds lame :P Josh: haha nope just getting older Josh: huge parties and dance clubs are not that exciting anymore Emma: oh come on you are not 70 Josh: not 20 either ;) Emma: haha Josh: how was yours? Josh: I saw some pictures on fb, did you go away? Emma: yeah we drove to the seaside, visited bunch of clubs Emma: ended up on the beach for midnight Josh: wasn't it freezing? Emma: had my beer jacket on :D Josh: lol Emma: I have a cold now Josh: that's the risk of a beer jacket! --- Summary:
Josh spent New Year's Eve with his close friends at his place. They drank some wine and played board games. Emma spent that evening by the sea and went clubbing. At midnight she was at the beach. She is ill now.
Summarize this dialog: Andy: Working late til 4 xx Sue: no worries xx Andy: be there by 8 xx Sue: No probs babes xx --- Summary:
Andy is going to work late so he won't see Sue before 8.
Summarize this dialog: Stewart: Can you believe he even said that about the forests? Raking? Really? Shari: Yes. I can believe that this is an ignorant man. He proves it daily. This just one more example! Stewart: He just has no clue. Shari: I mean, there are so many people dead and all he can think to do is criticize the forestry department? With a totally inappropriate suggestion? Puhleeze. Stewart: I can't wait to vote for anyone else but him. Shari: I know what you mean. Half my friends voted for him just to see what would happen! Well, guess what? Stewart: Yeah, but we couldn't go another 4 years with a Democrat. The country would go broke! Shari: Maybe, but at least we wouldn't be hated around the world and led by an ignorant piece of shit! Stewart: You've got a point! Shari: I'm not sure he will finish out his term, with all the legal problems, but he seems to be able to hold off the big stuff. Somehow. Stewart: I know. How is that even possible? Shari: I'm not sure. I mean, he's breaking amendments to the constitution here! Stewart: Only on the fringe. Shari: Maybe. Stewart: We have to make the best of it now. Nothing we can do. Shari: Except vote him out! Stewart: Exactly. But that's not for a while. Shari: Closer every day. If only there was a good candidate. Stewart: From your mouth to the Dem National Committee's ears! Shari: LOL! Stewart: We should volunteer. Get out the voters or something. Shari: Good idea. Stewart: Let me see what's out there and I'll let you know. Shari: Great! --- Summary:
Stewart and Shari find the current president ignorant and incompetent. They hope he gets voted out. Stewart is going to see what possibilities there are of volunteering in the upcoming elections.
Summarize this dialog: Lydia: <file_photo> Camila: Say whaaaaat? Lydia: Would you believe it? Camila: But how? Lydia: I added him on Facebook. He accepted my invitation. I viewed his profile aaaand... "engaged"! Camila: What a bastard... But I don't get it... He knew you would see it. Lydia: I don't know... Maybe it's a sort of open relationship? Camila: Does he still write to you? Lydia: Yes, but I'm trying to ignore him. Camila: Gosh... If this girl knew... Lydia: Yeah... I'm embarrassed now. Camila: You shoulnd't, you didn't know. It's not your fault. And nothing happened. You two just texted. Lydia: But how... It was so dirty. Camila: C'mon, how would you know. I can't believe he is still texting you, now... When you know everything... Lydia: That's weird, I know. Do you think I should talk to him? Camila: I wouldn't pull any punches. Lydia: But we work in the same company. I don't want it to be awkward. Camila: You're kidding? You should talk to him. It's not fair what he's doing and it cannot be like that anymore! Think about this girl! Lydia: Yeah, you're right. This scumbug will regret that he met me. --- Summary:
Lydia has exchanged sexual messages with him. Lydia does not feel like pursuing the affair because he is engaged. Lydia will have a word with him because what he is doing is unfair.
Summarize this dialog: Daria: I got a new job Kelsey: wooow where? Daria: For a law firm! Kelsey: You go girl! Kelsey: So fast for a new graduate Kelsey: Well done!! Daria: Yeah!! Kelsey: Congrats! ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ Daria: Thx ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ --- Summary:
Daria has a new job at a law firm.
Summarize this dialog: Boris: Due to the number of PTO requests this week, we had to decide who will be allowed to take off based on seniority. Sarah: I understand. Boris: Unfortunately, you are too low on the totem pole and we will have to deny your request. Sarah: Oh, that's too bad! Is there any compromise? I really wanted to have some time with my family. Boris: I can give you first choice of dates the week after, but that's the best I can do. Sarah: What if someone cancels? Boris: That is a rare, but yes, I will come to you first. Sarah: Thank you. Boris: Again, I'm very sorry. Sarah: Could you amend my request for the following week, Monday through Wednesday? Boris: Certainly. That should be no problem. Sarah: That's great, at least I'll have a long weekend! Boris: Very true. No problems from my side. Sarah: Do I need to initial the change? Boris: Yes, please come see my assistant at your earliest convenience. Sarah: Certainly, no problem. Boris: Thank you for being so flexible. Sarah: Sure, I understand we can't all be off. You are just trying to be fair. Boris: That's it exactly. Sarah: Thank you again for explaining it so well. Boris: My pleasure. Have a nice holiday and enjoy your time off. Sarah: Thank you! --- Summary:
On the following week, Sarah will get her time off from Monday to Wednesday.
Summarize this dialog: Blair: Remember we are seeing the wedding planner after work Chuck: Sure, where are we meeting her? Blair: At Nonna Rita's Chuck: Can I order their seafood tagliatelle or are we just having coffee with her? I've been dreaming about it since we went there last month Blair: Haha sure why not Chuck: Well we both remmber the spaghetti pomodoro disaster from our last meeting with Diane Blair: Omg hahaha it was all over her white blouse Chuck: :D Blair: :P --- Summary:
Blair and Chuck are going to meet the wedding planner after work at Nonna Rita's. The tagliatelle served at Nonna Rita's are very good.
Summarize this dialog: Alan: i sent you an email Alan: why haven't you replied? Ruth: never got it Ruth: please send it again Alan: sending it right now Alan: it has an attachment Alan: if you can't open it let me know Ruth: just got it and didn't have trouble opening the attachment Alan: that's great --- Summary:
Ruth got an email with an attachment from Alan.
Summarize this dialog: Oscar: A coffee at Tristano's? Payne: Why not. in 15 mins? Oscar: let's make it half an hour ok? Payne: great, i'll be there Oscar: see you there --- Summary:
Payne and Oscar will have a coffee at Tristano's in half an hour.
Summarize this dialog: Frank: Hey Hope: Hi :) Frank: I love you Hope: I love you too <3 Frank: Well, I HOPE so! Hope: FRANKly, I really do ;) <3 --- Summary:
Frank loves Hope and Hope loves Frank.
Summarize this dialog: Luke: Hey sis, send me the pic of the parrot you painted yesterday? Gina: <file_photo> Gina: If you want better quality I need to send you PDF file. Luke: It's ok. This parrot looks fantastic!!! I can't believe you've discovered your talent so late! Gina: Haha thanks? <file_other> Catch a PDF. Luke: Thanks! --- Summary:
Luke is amazed by Gina's talent for painting. Gina sent Luke a PDF file with a picture of the parrot she painted yesterday.
Summarize this dialog: Tina: Hi, darling? Are you ok? Steve: Hi, babe. I'm fine. You? Tina: OK :-) Love you :-* Steve: Love you, too. Tina: How about pasta for dinner? Steve: Sounds great! Tina: With broccoli, ham, cheese and cream? Steve: Scrumptious. Tina: Your favourite. Steve: Indeed. Tina: But there is a snag. Steve: Too perfect to be true? Tina: It's not about that. We'd need to do some shopping after work.Can you handle it yourself? Steve: Can we handle it together? You know how scatterbrained I am when it comes to shopping lists. Tina: I do know! Steve: Together? Tina: Fine. Will you be leaving work on time? Steve: Guess so. I don't expect any problems. Tina: Ok. Let's meet in the car park, shall we? Steve: Sure. Tina: Miss you :-* Steve: Miss you, too :-* Tina: See you later :-) --- Summary:
Tina and Steve are having pasta for dinner. They'll meet in the car park after Steve finishes work. They'll do the shopping together.
Summarize this dialog: Rudi: Hetta, did you see the last trump video Henrietta: nope Henrietta: what did he do now? Rudi: <file_video> Henrietta: OMG Henrietta: what a jerk Rudi: it gets worse Rudi: <file_other> Rudi: the whole interview is here Henrietta: can't believe he said that about a congress woman Rudi: yeah Henrietta: do you wonder where the limit is? Rudi: wdym Henrietta: if he will say something that will actually get him kicked out of the white house Rudi: not really Henrietta: fuck Rudi: yeah --- Summary:
Trump is acting like a contemptible fool and it is getting worse. Rudi has sent Henrietta the link to his interview.
Summarize this dialog: Cole: hey roomie XD XD Luis: dude we are in the SAME DAMN ROOM Cole: its funny XD Luis: -_- Cole: pass me my pillow xD Luis: not until you say it to my face Cole: dude cmon Luis: ... Cole: oh youre not gonna talk to your roommate now Luis: im not gonna text an idiot whos practically sitting just a few inches from me -_- Cole: xD --- Summary:
Cole and Luis are sitting in the same room and yet they're texting each other.
Summarize this dialog: Daniel: Hi sis. Daniel: Just wanted to let you know that I passed driving license exam Daniel: It went well :D Kate: Congratulations!!!! Kate: :) :) :) Kate: Dad will be proud! --- Summary:
Daniel has passed driving license exam.
Summarize this dialog: Andrew Simmons: I'm sending you the list (with specific times) for our individual meetings tomorrow. In case you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. Andrew Simmons: <file_other> Samuel Anderson: I have an appointment with a doctor so I wonโ€™t be able to come to the meeting. Andrew Simmons: Then please bring your plan to our next class. Katherine Jackson: I also wonโ€™t be coming, because I have a retake. Andrew Simmons: Alright. For those who are coming. The meetings will take place in my office, room 104. --- Summary:
The individual meeting with Andrew Simmons takes place tomorrow in room 104. Samuel Anderson and Katherine Jackson won't attend it because he has an appointment and she has a retake.
Summarize this dialog: Tanya: are you better today? Rosie: better, but not good Tanya: it's great to hear that Tanya: i was worried --- Summary:
Rosie is better, but still not well.
Summarize this dialog: Ty: do you speak French? Veronica: no Ty: pity, I need a translator --- Summary:
Ty needs a translator. Veronica doesn't speak French.
Summarize this dialog: Emily: shit, I'm waiting to see my doctor and you won't believe who's waiting with me Emily: <file_gif> Adam: who then? Emily: a nun and a blind crazy man Emily: it feels spooky Adam: haha XD --- Summary:
Emily is at a doctor's office. There is a nun and a blind crazy man waiting as well.
Summarize this dialog: Lisa: Is it safe? Mary: Don't worry. Aquarium is kept in a safe place. Sarah: He will enjoy it for sure. Lisa: He was asking for it for ages. Mary: True, now he is old enough to have it Sarah: How do we transport that? Mary: Easy sister, Frank will help us. Lisa: That's great! Sarah: I can't wait to see his face. Lisa: Me too! Mary: Good teamwork you all. Sarah: Okay, I will call you later Lisa: See you --- Summary:
Frank will help Sarah and Mary transport the aquarium that is a gift for someone.
Summarize this dialog: Mario: i heard u were out Conor: yes Mario: who with Conor: some friends from college Mario: can u bring me something to eat Conor: -_- .. i knew u wouldnt text without a reason Mario: xD Conor: what do u want Mario: a bucket of fries from kfc Conor: u do know ur gonna pay for it urself Mario: i know i know -_- Conor: yeah okay, fine --- Summary:
Mario wants Conor to bring him a bucket of fries from KFC as the latter one is out, and Mario will pay for it himself.
Summarize this dialog: Inga: Hello Ditty! So you are back. Saw the lights last night. Ditty: Hello Ditty, yes, I came back last night. How are you? Inga: Didn't want to wake you up this morning. But I've got some mail for you. Inga: Thanks. We are fine. Just surviving this terrible winter. And you? Ditty: What mail? Andy was emptying my letter box. Ditty: Thanks for not waking me up! Still jet-lagged. Inga: I collected a parcel for you. Just before Xmas. Ditty: Santa had found me! Ditty: When are you back from work today? Ditty: Or is Hans at home in the afternoon? Ditty: Stupid me. It can wait. Inga: Am back around 6 pm. As usual. Inga: Hans is away. Ditty: OK I'll be home. Just knock and I come over to collect it. Inga: Fine. Ditty: Thank you, Inga! --- Summary:
Ditty came back last night. Inga has a parcel for Ditty. Inga will be back from work today at 6 p.m. and Ditty will come to collect the parcel.
Summarize this dialog: Damian: guys did u watch Chelsea game Jacob: no Mason: nah, i was busy all afternoon Damian: Higuain scored twice! so happy for him Damian: I know it was just Huddersfield, but finally something positive happened Jacob: having a striker makes a difference Damian: yup Mason: but cmon huddersfield is abysmal Damian: don't be like that, im happy for the team, maybe this will be a turning point Jacob: no, I don't think so Mason: ha good luck with that --- Summary:
Chelsea won a game with Huddersfield this afternoon. Higuain scored twice. Damian's happy about it and he hopes it will be a turning point for Chelsea.
Summarize this dialog: Jay: Bro. Have you heard that diamond is in Kenya? Joe: Yeah man. I know what you are thinking Jay: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Joe: Bro. I dont have some cash to buy some tickets for the event. Jay: Come on! Stop worrying about cash. Jay: I will lend you then you can refund later. Joe: Okay. Jay: And guess what? Joe: What Jay: I have convinced Ruth and Paulette to accompany us Joe: Really? Jay: Do i look like i am joking๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Joe: It's game on bro!!!!!! Jay: Yeah. You know me. Jay: But it is time you start paying me. Jay: I can't be hooking up you with new girls every time we have a concert.๐Ÿ˜‚ Joe: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ cut the crap Joe: Just wait next time. I'll be the one doing the connections. Jay: Okay. Can't wait. --- Summary:
Jay will lend Joe money for the ticket for the event. Ruth and Paulette will accompany them.
Summarize this dialog: Samantha: How are you doing today? Robyn: better, but I really exaggerated with bier last night Samantha: was it really only bier? Robyn: sure, why? Samantha: I don't know, your eyes, behaviour Robyn: you want to say I took drugs? Samantha: I'm only asking, I don't have anything against drugs Robyn: but I have and I never take them Samantha: ok, sorry, I didn't intend to offend you Robyn: I just drank too much, that's eat Samantha: much too much Robyn: yes, I lost control a bit Robyn: I am sorry for that Samantha: important that you feel better today --- Summary:
Robyn drank too much beer last night and lost control. She is feeling better today.
Summarize this dialog: Darcy: have you ever been to Egypt? Adam: why would you think Ive been to Egypt? Darcy: you travel a lot Adam: if you say so, ive only been to a few countries. why do you ask? Darcy: Aaron has a connecting flight in Cairo and might leave the airport for a few hours to pass the time. Adam: I see. Should be worthwhile as long as hes careful. Darcy: thats what im thinking --- Summary:
Aaron has a stopover in Cairo. He can pay a short visit to the city between flights provided that he is careful.
Summarize this dialog: Gino: Should I wear the white or the black shirt? Renee: What else are you wearing? Gino: Black trousers, black shoes. Renee: Definitely rethink the outfit. Either way you'll look like a waiter! LOL! Gino: Don't want that... so what then? Renee: Stick with the black pants and see if you have another colored shirt? Gino: What about the shoes? Renee: Not much you can do but black is there? Gino: No... Renee: Just trying to avoid you looking like one of the help! Gino: I get it...just not sure. What about blue trousers? Renee: White shirt, brown shoes? Gino: I can do that! Renee: Just make sure you're pressed, neat, clean and smart and you'll be fine. --- Summary:
Gino wants Reneeโ€™s advice on what to wear. She gives some hints so that he doesn't look like a waiter and recommends wearing black pants, a white shirt and brown shoes.
Summarize this dialog: James: I am driving there, need a ride? Richard: That's perfect, thanks, what time should I be ready? James: 6:15? Richard: I'll be waiting! --- Summary:
James will pick up Richard at 6:15.
Summarize this dialog: Ella: did you send me mms? i can't open it for some reason :/ Caleb: yeah, I sent you a pic of Maya Caleb: she's playing a mouse in a school play and I wanted to show you her costume Caleb: she looks sooo adorable in it! :-) Ella: aww...:) can you send me this photo via email? Caleb: done :-) --- Summary:
Caleb sent Ella a pic of Maya to show her the girl's costume as a mouse in a school play.
Summarize this dialog: Javier: hey, just a reminder, sign the attendance form when you arrive so everyone knows you were there Marco: ooh, okay then Javier: wonderful. : --- Summary:
Marco will sign the attendance form, when he arrives.
Summarize this dialog: Josh: Hey.. Michelle: Hi Josh: so, are we still on for tomorrow night at the movies. Michelle: Yeah, pick me up at 7 Josh: cool, cant wait, Michelle: Me too --- Summary:
Michelle and Josh's plan to go to the movies tomorrow night is still valid. Josh will pick Michelle up at 7.
Summarize this dialog: Yaz: Hi babes, you off out Friday, I need to get my freak on! Tania: Why the hell not, college work is really doing my head in with the deadlines! Yaz: Seen Sophie lately, her and lover boy are looking well serious! Tania: Yeah, saw her in the canteen a couple of days ago, she's thinking of breaking up before Uni. Cutting ties etc Yaz: Well, maybe not so serious after all then! Tania: Best to go there single, in my opinion! Yaz: Yeah, not got much choice in the matter. Maybe I'll meet my dream woman there!๐Ÿ˜€ Tania: Why the hell not?! I can't wait to get out of here and up to Manchester, only 4 months and a bit, now! Yaz: Christ, that came around quick, just the little matter of A Levels and getting into Exeter to deal with. I need such high grades for my course, medicine is a cut-throat world. Tania: Hope not! If anyone is suited to becoming a Dr love, it's you, I am positive of it! Yaz: Hope you're right, babes! Anyway, pub Friday at 8ish? Tania: Hell, yes! See you! --- Summary:
Yaz and Tania will go to a pub on Friday around 8. Sophie is thinking of breaking up with her boyfriend before Uni. Tania is going to Manchester in 4 months. Yaz wants to study medicine in Exeter, so she needs high grades.
Summarize this dialog: Anna: The more I study the more I think it makes no sense Anna: We learn about historical moments in our civilization Anna: We learn names and dates, we learn about great moments of human race and we learn about our mistakes Anna: We learn all of it and get idealistic Anna: We develop utopian concepts of how world should look like Anna: And all of it makes us miserable when we face reality. We face corruption, politics, war, conflicts hatred, egoism Jerry: Wow. That was kind of depressing... Anna: Ignorance is a bliss you know... Jerry: I get it. The less you know, the happier you are. Jerry: However I try to look for positives. Anna: So do people doing HIV tests Jerry: Hahaha. Dark humour. I luv it. Anna: The only thing that makes me feel better is actually dark humour. Jerry: I feel you :D --- Summary:
Anna is disappointed as she learns the history our civilization. Dark humour cheers her up.
Summarize this dialog: Robin: Btw, do you know anything about that poker platform? Jacks: Which one? The Bulls Eye one? Robin: Yeah Jacks: I played on it several times, it's good! Robin: I'm trying to read up on the game Jacks: It takes time, but once you get into it it's fun Jacks: I made a few bucks on it Robin: Nice Robin: Any well worth tricks to share? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jacks: Well it's more about strategy mate Jacks: I can send you a few links to some good sites Jacks: Check this out Jacks: <file_other> Jacks: <file_other> Jacks: <file_other> Robin: Cheers! I'll take a look --- Summary:
Jacks played poker on the Bulls Eye platform and made some money. Robin will read up on strategies for the game on sites recommended by Jacks.
Summarize this dialog: Ralph: Have you prepared a speech for Ulrich's wedding? Sergio: Yes, it took me a long time Ralph: What are you going to mention? Sergio: I'll mostly just talk about how he's been a great friend over the years. Ralph: Yeah, he is a great guy. He deserves this. Sergio: I'm a bit nervous about it though--giving a speech. Ralph: You'll be fine. He'll know you put a lot of thought into it. --- Summary:
Sergio needed a long time to prepare a speech for Ulrich's wedding. He's going to talk about their long-lasting friendship and is nervous about giving a speech. Ralph is sure it will be fine.
Summarize this dialog: Edward: I dont wanna go on that business trip tomorrow Lauren: I am stressed af Kate: I don't think its gonna be that bad Lauren: The boss is coming with us Kate: Yea well Kate: I am ok with him Edward: You think its gonna be just a few meetings with clients ๐Ÿ˜ถ Kate: Not only Kate: We're going to an expo Kate: I hate the expo stuff Kate: We have to pretend to be nice Kate: But people coming to our booth actually have nothing to do with what we're doing Lauren: True Edward: Expos are not as stressful as meetings tho Kate: Ye well Kate: We cant complain rn Lauren: we have to go anyway Lauren: ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ Kate: See y'all there then --- Summary:
Edward doesn't want to go on the business trip tomorrow. Lauren's stressed about it, because their boss is coming with them. Kate think it's going to be ok. There will be meeting with clients and an expo.
Summarize this dialog: Robert: Hi mate! Are you still at your office? If you are how about grabbing some coffee? I'm meeting Darek at 5pm, but I will be around at 3pm already :) Gabriel: Hi Robert! Sorry for late response, didn't see your message. Also I've quit the office about a month ago, sorry. How are you doing? Robert: I casually came to visit my old pals. Long story. I thought I could catch you somewhere, but maybe next time then ;). How are you doing? Where are you nowadays? Gabriel: I'm OK. I'm at home, looking into what I'm doing next...Well I hope you will enjoy your meeting --- Summary:
Robert texts Gabriel to arrange a get-together with him in the office at 3 pm, before he is meeting Darek. But Gabriel left the office a month ago and is at home now, so they will not meet today.
Summarize this dialog: Susan: Hi Tom Tom: Hi Suz, how's ur day? Susan: Not 2 good, my presentation was a disaster, but let's leave that 4 later. Susan: Becky's school just called. Tom: What happened? Susan: She has a fever. She saw the school nurse. Susan: I need u 2 pick her up. I don't have the car today & I can't leave the office earlier. Tom: OK, I'll pick her up and take her 2 my mother's house, b/c I need 2 return 2 the office. Tom: John won't let go if I don't finish this project on time. Susan: Thanks hun, see u @ home. --- Summary:
Susan's presentation was a disaster. Tom will pick up Becky from school as she has a fever and will take her to his mum's house. He needs to return to the office later on.
Summarize this dialog: Ethan: who's going to see solstafir? Noah: solstafir! when? Noah: i had no idea they were playing Archie: I'm not :D. Leo: i'm going ofc! Ethan: 21.11 Noah: that's a wednesday... ehh... Noah: i'll have to see, might have to stay late at work... Leo: nooo you have to come Ethan: yeah you have to! Archie: There are better concerts :P. Noah: i know, i would really like to see them, but yeah Leo: archie... :P Ethan: don't mind him :P Noah: i'll see and let you know, it would really suck to miss them Leo: yup! Ethan: yup! x2 --- Summary:
Ethan and Leo are going to see Sรณlstafir on 21.11. Noah would like to go too, but he might have to stay late at work.
Summarize this dialog: Marleen: Hello my dear, I'll be leaving in half an hour to go to town. If you have any idea for a present for Rita let me know. Marleen: Text me here with your ideas for a present for her. Barry: But I've got none! I leave the choice entirely to you. Barry: I'm at home now. Marleen: Am at Kaiser's. Lovely silk kerchiefs. What do you think? Barry: One can't have too many! Marleen: But isn't it a bit too personal? Barry: Not at all. Marleen: <file_photo> Marleen: Which? Barry: The one with yellow pattern, definitely. She loves yellow. Marleen: The most expensive of the five. Barry: How much? Marleen: 39 Barry: Oh come on. Not so bad. Marleen: Shall we go 50/50? Barry: OK --- Summary:
Marleen will be leaving in half an hour to go to town. She will get a present for Rita - silk kerchief with a yellow pattern from Kaiser's. It costs 39, and Barley will share the cost 50/50 with Marleen.
Summarize this dialog: Johnatan: yoo guys Darren: B-) Lucas: hey wassup Johnatan: beer? now? Darren: hell yeah B-) Lucas: I'm free in the evening --- Summary:
Lucas, Johnatan and Darren are going to get some beer.
Summarize this dialog: Tricia: The cake is still not ready. Zandra: Which cake? Tricia: For your daughterโ€™s birthday, Tam ;) Zandra: Oh, of course, there are so many of them, I donโ€™t even know whatโ€™s going on. Tricia: Sure thing, you need a hand ;] Zandra: Thank you so much, what would I do without youโ€ฆ Zandra: But what about the cake, the party is tomorrow! Tricia: You finally realized thatโ€ฆ ;) Tricia: They promised to have it tomorrow at Tricia: Zandra: . Zandra: The party starts at Tricia: , itโ€™s way too late! Tricia: Iโ€™ll send Erwin to get it, heโ€™ll deliver it to us by bike ;D Zandra: Bikeโ€ฆ God save us allโ€ฆ Tricia: Heโ€™s a good driver and has a special bag, it will be ok, I promise :* Zandra: Ok, how about the rest? I have all decorations, starting with them in the morning after kids go to grandma Zandra: I know nothing about the food and outside attractions Tricia: Food Iโ€™m taking care of, outside thing will be done by a company, they come and organize everything, donโ€™t worry Zandra: Youโ€™re the best, I have to make for it <3 Tricia: Nooo, no way, itโ€™s nothing. Tricia: I know itโ€™s not easy for you with 4 children. Zandra: Noo, itโ€™s not, but I regret nothing :* Tricia: And thatโ€™s the most important thing! --- Summary:
Zandra's daughter, Tam, has a birthday tomorrow. The party starts at Tricia's place, so Erwin will deliver a birthday cake by bike. Zandra is taking care of the decorations, Tricia of the food and a company of the outside attractions.
Summarize this dialog: Sarah: omg Laura! sorry you didn't get any replies!!! Did you manage? Laura: hahaha! Awksssss... no worries, I solved it Sarah: awkward silence <crickets> Laura: hahaha no it's all good really!! Raf: Laura, I'm so sorry!!! been so swamped, totally forgot to text you back! where are you?? Sarah: Exotic little island called Linate :D Laura: Sarah which hotel are you at??? I'm here too!!! --- Summary:
Neither Raf nor Sarah remembered to reply to Laura but she managed anyway. Both Sarah and Laura are in Linate.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: 10 minutes and I'm going in Adam: Never been so afraid of any exam Dave: Everything's gonna be fine man. Dave: We all are nervous here but we believe in you and keep our fingers crossed. Adam: Wish me luck Dave: GOOD LUCK! --- Summary:
Adam is going to take an exam in ten minutes.
Summarize this dialog: Paul: Do you have your keys? Lena: Yup. What's up? Paul: I will be home later than I thought, so just don't wait for me and get home. Lena: What happened? Paul: I'll call you in 15 minutes and then I'll tell you. Lena: Ok. --- Summary:
Lena has her keys. Paul will be home later than he thought. Paul will call Lena in 15 minutes and tell her what happened.
Summarize this dialog: Lena: Do you like Felix Laband? Bob: very much Nigel: me too, I went to the concert last night when he was in Paris Lena: was it good? Nigel: very! --- Summary:
Nigel was at Felix Laband's concert in Paris last night. Bob likes him too.
Summarize this dialog: Bradley: haha look a cat invaded the pitch at Goodison <file_other> Jill: hahahaha Julia: what a sweet little black ball of fur Jill: here's the video :D <file_other> Julia: haha Bradley: and the commentary :D Bradley: that's the best entertainment Everton fans have had all season :D --- Summary:
A sweet little black cat got into the pitch during the Everton's football match.
Summarize this dialog: Ewan: Uncle I graduated! Uncle Jayson: My nephew gradumacated! Uncle Jayson: How time flies congrats! Ewan: Haha thanks! Gradiated! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Uncle Jayson: ๐Ÿ˜‚ --- Summary:
Uncle Jayson is pleased with Ewan's graduation.