President Reagan has agreed to let the House and Senate select committees investigating the Iran arms sale review his personal diary notes on the affair, committee members said today. The notes will cover the period from January 1, 1984 to December 19, 1986 when the Iran arms deal was planned and carried out and will include notes on Iran, Nicaragua and related subjects, House committee chairman Lee Hamilton said. The notes will be selected by the White House counsel and reviewed by Reagan before they are made available to committee members within a few weeks. Under terms of the agreement, committee members will be allowed to review the notes at the White House, but will not be permitted to make copies of the information. Reuter 
The U.S. Agriculture Department is seeking public comments on the question of adjusting the Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC) discount and premium schedules to improve the quality of grain it accepts as loan collateral or under price support programs. The premiums and discounts schedule are based on quality factors such as moisture content and kernel damage. The schedule stipulates the premiums and discounts used for valuing grain the CCC accepts or purchases during the year. The department said it is possible that producers could be encouraged to delivery higher quality grain to CCC by adjusting the premiums and discounts. Comments are due by April 24 and a report to Congress is required by law by May 10. Reuter 
Brazil has a foreign debt of 110.6 billion dlrs, according to the latest official figures released by the Central Bank. The figure, published in the Central Bank's quarterly review "Brazil Economic Program," refers to the situation in December 1986. The Central Bank said the registered medium and long-term debt was 101.54 billion dlrs, while non-registered debt was estimated at 9.03 billion dlrs. In the previous official figure given at the end of last year, the total debt stood at 108.8 billion dollars. Reuter 
MCF Financial Corp said it filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission covering a proposed initial public offering of 1,075,000 common shares. MCF said proceeds from the offering will be used to repay debt, to purchase loan participation interests and for working capital. MCF is engaged in the commercial finance business. Reuter 
<Cascade Importers Inc USA>'s Cascade International Europa GmbH of West Germany, said it tentatively acquired worldwide rights for the products of Madam Gre from the Bernard Tapie Group in Paris. The agreement calls for Cascade to have the rights for the manufacturing and trading of perfumes, skin care and treatment products, and cosmetics of the group, it said. Cascade said the agreement also includes the exclusive rights to trade through duty-free channels worldwide the designer Gres accessories. In addition, Cascade said it was granted an option to purchase all the assets including the plant and equipment located in France. The company said the cosmetic product line in the U.S. market alone could represent 20 mln dlrs in revenue. Reuter 
Oper shr loss 79 cts vs loss 2.32 dlrs Oper net loss 2,536,896 vs loss 6,562,472 Revs 13.8 mln vs 14.5 mln Year Oper shr loss 59 cts vs loss 2.35 dlrs Oper net loss 1,712,896 vs loss 5,747,472 Revs 43.6 mln vs 44.2 mln NOTE: 1986 excludes charge of 12 cts per share in the fourth quarter and gain of 11 cts per share in the year. Reuter 
National Distillers and Chemical Corp said it signed a definitive agreement to sell its spirits division for 545 mln dlrs to James Beam Distilling Co, a unit of American Brands Inc <AMB>. The sale of the spirits division was made under the company's previously announced plan to sell its spirits and wines businesses, it said. The wine business was sold last month for 128 mln dlrs to Heublein Inc, part of Grand Metropolitan PLC, National Distillers said. The purchase price will be paid in cash, a National Distillers spokeswoman said. The sale permits National to focus on its core businesses, chemicals and propane marketing. Proceeds from the sale will be used to repay debt and for other corporate purposes, the company said. In a separate statement, American Brands said the sale would be for 545 mln dlrs plus the assumption of liabilities. The sale would be subject to compliance with the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act and other regulatory approvals, the company said. National's distilled spirits business has sales of about 580 mln dlrs, American Brands said. National's spirits brands include Gilbey's gin and vodka, DeKuyper Liqueurs and Windsor Supreme Canadian Whisky. Reuter 
Management Science America Inc, clarifying statements made earlier today, said its loss for the first quarter could exceed 20 cts a share because of non-recurring expenses associated with the acquisition of several companies, including Comserv Inc. Earlier today, the company told a meeting of investors here that the first quarter loss would be 20 cts a share. Reuter 
The Federal Reserve will promote lower interest rates this year to sustain world economic growth, First Boston Corp managing director Albert Wojnilower said. As much as the Fed would like to take a tough line against inflation, it cannot act to slow the growth of credit without subverting national U.S. economic policy. "On selected occasions when the dollar seems steady, and, because the trade deficit is not responding, the United States decided to push Germany and Japan harder to meet their commitments to economic growth, the Federal Reserve will do its part by moving rates down," Wojnilower said in a report. "Justifiably not anticipating either a recession or seriously higher interest rates, securities market participants have seen little to fear," Wojnilower said. He said last week's "hiccup" in money and currency rates and bond and stock prices was probably caused by Japanese window dressing for March 31 end-of-fiscal-year accounts. Wojnilower said the U.S. probably enjoyed above-average economic growth in the first quarter. However, the pick-up seems to reflect an unsustainable pace of inventory building and the prospect for the full year is still for real gross national product growth of about 2-1/2 pct, he said. Reuter 
Raytech Corp said it acquired <Raybestos Industrie-Produkte GmBH> for 7.5 mln dlrs. Raybestos, with manufacturing facilities in Radevormwald, West Germany, produces friction materials for use in clutch and braking applications. Reuter 
Intercare Inc said it expects to report a substantial loss for its fourth quarter ended January 31 because of a writeoff of expenses associated with its recently terminated debt and equity offering. The company also said the write off includes expenses associated with the acquisition of U.S. Medical Enterprises Inc, and with the restructuring of certain partnerships. Intercare also said it increased its reserve against accounts receivable. Executives at the company were not immediately available to provide additional details. Intercare also said it has implemented a workforce reduction, closed two medical centers and is considering additional closings as a means of reducing a working capital deficit. Reuter 
Canada plans to monitor steel shipments flowing in and out of the country in an attempt to appease concerns in the U.S. over the high level of Canadian steel exports, Trade Minister Pat Carney said. "To help maintain our open access to the U.S. steel market, the government is taking further action to ensure we have more accurate data on exports and imports and that Canada is not used as a backdoor to the U.S. market by offshore suppliers," Carney said. Carney also said Canadian companies were being asked to exercise prudence in the U.S. market and both countries were considering establishing a joint commission to study the growing steel problem. Carney told the House of Commons she will soon announce an amendment to the Exports and Imports Permits Act to set up the monitoring program. Canadian steel shipments to the U.S. have risen to 5.7 pct cent of the U.S. market in recent months, almost double the level just two years ago, Canadian trade officials said. The increase in Canadian shipments comes at a time of growing anger in the U.S. over rising steel imports from several countries in the face of a decline in the domestic steel industry. Some U.S. lawmakers have proposed Canada's share of the American market be limited to 2.4 pct. Reuter 
United Technologies Corp said the decision by an international consortium not to develop a new engine would have no impact on 1987 or 1988 earnings. <International Aero Engines>, IAE, 30 pct owned by United Technologies' Pratt and Whitney division, has decided not to launch a superfan version of its V2500 engine. "We've told analysts that IAE's decision not to launch a full development program of the IAE superfan for certification in 1991 will have no short term impact on earnings," a United Technologies spokesman told Reuters. Short term refers to 1987 and 1988, the spokesman said. He declined to elaborate. IAE's other owners are Rolls Royce PLC, <Japanese Aero Engines Corp>, Fiat SPA and <MTU> of West Germany. Analysts are estimating United Technologies will earn 3.75 dlrs to 4.50 dlrs a share in 1987. It reported earnings of 36 cts a share in 1986, which included two large writeoffs. Reuter 
Shr profit 72 cts vs profit 14 cts Net profit 3,309,000 vs profit 609,000 Revs 72 mln vs 65 mln Year Shr nil vs loss 4.13 dlrs Net profit 1,000 vs loss 19 mln Revs 249 mln vs 269 mln NOTE: Full name Stewart and Stevenson Services Inc. Reuter 
Canada plans to offer a three-part bond issue Tuesday, April 14, which will be dated and delivered May 1, the finance department said. The issue will have a mid-term bond, a bond due in about 10 years and a long term bond. Further details, including the amount being offered, will be announced Monday. The deparment said 650 mln dlrs of government bonds mature May 1, 1987. Reuter 
General Electric Co's RCA Global Communications said it now offers RCA THRUFAX, a service that delivers telex messages to facsimile terminals. No special equipment or extra cost is required to receive telex messages, but the facsimile terminal must be registered - without charge - with RCA, the company said. The company said through the service, every telex terminal in the world will be able to reach RCA-registered facsimile terminals in the U.S., of which there are approximately 500,000. Reuter 
Centocor Inc said it entered into an agreement with <Ajinomoto Co Inc> for the exclusive distribution of Centocor's Panorex in Japan. Panorex is a monoclonal antibody, made through recombinant gene technology, for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. It has been tested in humans in Europe and the U.S. since 1982. Centocor said it intends to begin clinical trials in the U.S. this year with a modified form of the drug. Under the agreement, Ajinomoto will conduct clinical tests of the drug in Japan and both companies will jointly file for marketing approval for the product in Japan. Reuter 
<Century Bancorp Inc> said it filed for an initial public offering of 1.6 mln shares of Class A common shares through an underwriting group managed by Moseley Securities Corp. The company said the Class A shares are non-voting except under certain limited conditions. Reuter 
Shr 98 cts vs 63 cts Net 2,602,000 vs 1,571,000 Loans 834.8 mln vs 729.0 mln Deposits 1.04 billion vs 942.1 mln Assets 1.15 billion vs 1.02 billion Reuter 
The Senate unanimously approved legislation to lift a ban on new construction of natural gas-fired power plants and other large industrial gas-burning plants. The bill, sponsored by Senate Energy Committee chairman Bennett Johnston, also repeals mandatory incremental pricing of natural gas which was designed to protect residential consumers from major price increases by forcing some industrial users to pay higher than market prices. "This legislation will open up new natural gas markets," the Lousiana Democrat said. The gas restrictions were enacted in 1978 in response to a shortage of natural gas and predictions of higher prices. "Now both oil and gas prices are severely depressed," Johnston said. In a compromise with coal producers, the bill requires new baseload electric powerplants be designed to accomodate modifications necessary to burning coal or another alternate fuel. Reuter 
The value of U.S. farmland declined again last year, but less than in the previous year, the U.S. Agriculture Department said. In a summary of its Agricultural Resources Report, the department said on February 1, 1987, the average value per acre of farmland stood at 548 dlrs, down eight pct from a year earlier. Values dropped 12 pct in 1985, it noted. Real values, which are adjusted for inflation, also declined less than in 1985, because of the low rate of inflation in 1986. Real values fell 10 pct compared to 14 pct in 1985, it said. The department said in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains, which suffered severe losses in the past five years, declines appear to be moderating. Also there are reports of stable values in some areas of the Corn Belt, it noted. The continuing downturn in values reflects the large acreage of land offered for sale relative to demand, concern about lower crop prices, and uncertainty over farm programs, the department said. Those factors tend to offset the effects of relatively high cash farm income, lower interest rates, and reduced operating expenses, it said. Reuter 
Following the lead of other major banks, Southeast Banking Corp told the Securities and Exchange Commission it would place 54.2 mln dlrs of medium- and long-term Brazilian debt on non-accrual or cash status. Based on current interest rates, it estimated in a filing that the move will reduce net income by about 800,000 dlrs in the first quarter and 3.2 mln dlrs for all of 1987. The company also said it did not believe the Brazilian debt situation would have a "material adverse" effect on it. It also said it would issue 1,080,000 common shares in connection with its acquisition of Popular Bancshares Corp. Reuter 
Williams Cos said it expected oil and fertilizer transportation volumes to be flat in 1987 but said operating profits from the pipeline unit should improve from 49.4 mln dlrs earned last year when a seven mln dlr special charge was incurred. Williams Pipeline Co took the charge against earnings in 1986 for the removal of more than 500 miles of old pipeline from service and for casualty losses. Companywide, Williams had a net loss of 134 mln dlrs on total revenues of 1.85 billion dlrs, a decline from profits of 32 mln dlrs on sales of 2.46 billion in 1985. In its annual report, Williams said its Northwest Pipeline Corp and Williams Natural Gas Co had natural gas costs that are among the lowest in the nation, averaging 2.04 dlrs and 2.07 dlrs per mcf, respectively, last year. Total natural gas reserves for both units declined to 10,010 billion cubic feet in 1986 from 11,334 billion cubic feet the previous year. The company said its Williams Natural Gas unit, which has less take-or-pay exposure than most major pipelines, should show improvement in its 1987 operating results because of changes tariff and federal tax rates. The company's gas marketing business is expected to have somewhat lower earnings in 1987 because of competition in its operating region, the annual report said. The gas marketing unit earned 26.0 mln dlrs on sales of 285.6 mln dlrs last year. Williams also said it expected a substantial decline in its debt to equity ratio this year because of more than 250 mln dlrs received in cash from the sale of Agrico Chemical Co and proceeds from the sale and leaseback of Williams Telecommunications Co. The telecommunications business, a 2,000-mile fiber optic system for long distance use, will not be profitable until late 1988, Williams said. Reuter 
Shr 38 cts vs 25 cts Net 28,339,000 vs 18,650,000 Sales 2.27 billion vs 1.97 billion Avg shrs 74,485,000 vs 74,270,000 Year Shr 1.20 dlrs vs 1.23 dlrs Net 89,301,000 vs 91,247,000 Sales 9.07 billion vs 7.91 billion Avg shrs 74,387,000 vs 74,184,000 NOTE: 1986 period ended February 22, 1986 1986 earnings include net loss of unconsolidated subsidiary of 162,000 dlrs in the quarter and 702,000 dlrs for the year Reuter 
Shr loss 70 cts vs loss 57 cts Net loss 20,616,000 vs loss 16,854,000 Revs 23.1 mln vs 60.1 mln Six mths Shr loss 1.38 dlrs vs loss 1.02 dlrs Net loss 40,780,000 vs loss 29,996,000 Revs 61.0 mln vs 114.9 mln Reuter 
Ministers from the Group of 24 developing coutries said that the debt crisis was entering a new and dangerous phase and called for the formation of a ministerial committee to examine solutions to the problem. In a statement following a meeting of the ministers, they said that the "existing (debt) strategy offers no prospect for a lasting solution to the debt problem." The statement said that there should be a new attitude and approach in respect of the existing stock of debt and called for current flows and future credits to be examined by governments, multilateral and banking institutions. The statement also said that the prospects of the least developed countries continue to deteriorate and "will improve only if commensurate financing on concessional terms is made available." Reuter 
International coffee prices could drop to between 70 and 80 cents a lb by next October if no agreement is reached to support the market, Jorge Cardenas, manager of Colombia's National Coffee Growers' Federation said. Speaking at a forum for industrialists, he said one of the reasons was that the market was already saturated and that producers will have excess production and stockpiles of 39 mln (60-kg) bags in 1987. Today, May futures in New York settled at 107.90 cents a lb. Reuter 
Pan American Corp's Pan Am World Airways said it will begin daily service tomorrow from Atlanta to New York, Washington and Miami. The company said it will offer the flights for 49 dlrs between April 9 and May 9. The 49 dlr fare is unrestricted, but is capacity controlled, Pan Am said. Pan Am said the flights are timed to connect with European- and South American-bound flights. Reuter 
Standard and Poor's Corp said it is keeping 230 mln dlrs of debt of Caesars World Inc and Caesars World Finance Corp on creditwatch with negative implications. S and P cited Caesars World's proposed recapitalization plan that calls for incurring one billion dlrs of bank and other debt to finance a 25 dlr per share special dividend and the repayment of about 222.5 mln dlrs of existing debt. It said the plan's terms would violate dividend convenants in the rated debt's indentures and likely force refinancing of those issues. Caesars was placed on creditwatch for a possible downgrade March nine following investor Martin Sosnoff's bid. Sosnoff bid 28 dlrs per share, or 725.2 mln dlrs, for the 86.4 pct of Caesars World stock he does not already own, Standard and Poor's noted. The rating agency said an increase in Sosnoff's offer is possible. If successful, the stock bid would markedly raise Caesars World's financial risk and lead to a large drop in net income and cash flow, S and P said. Caesars World currently carries BB senior debt and B-plus subordinated debt. The finance unit's subordinated debt, which is guaranteed by the parent, is rated B-plus. Reuter 
Phoenix Financial Corp said that, in connection with its previously announced reorganization, its board of directors resigned. Resigning as directors, officers and employees of the company were Mary Anne Cossa, Thomas C. Amendola and James J. O'Maller, the company said. It said Martin S. Ackerman and Joel Yonover, both attorneys, were named directors and constitute the new board. In addition, the company said Ackerman was named chief executive officer. Phoenix said it acquired a controlling interest in <Data Access Systems>, which sells and leases computer equipment. It said Ackerman, Yonover and Diane Ackerman were named directors of Data Access. Moreover, the company that it and Data Access are both in the process of reorganizing and the securities of both companies represent speculative and risk-related investments. Reuter 
Engineered Systems and Development Corp said Wells Fargo and Co's <WFC> Wells Fargo Bank has demanded immediate payment of a 1,750,000 dlr loan made to Engineered's Seaborn Development Inc unit under a revolving credit arrangment that expired on April 30, 1986. The company said Wells Fargo has also said it will sue to collect if it does not receive payment immediately. The parties involved also began negotiations to restructure the repayment over an 18 month period and the talks are ongoing, Engineered Systems also said. Reuter 
Summa Medical Corp said it intends to file a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission outling a commitment for a six mln dlr financing, signed yesterday. Summa said it expects the filing to take place before April 24. Reuter 
HBO and Co said it sent a letter of strongly urging shareholders not to sign any proxy cards sent by Andover Group. ON March 30, Andover Group, a two-man general partnership which owns about seven pct of HBO's stock, filed preliminary proxy materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission seeking to nominate an alternative slate of directors at the company's April 30 annual meeting. Andover had expressed an interest to acquire the company in September 1986 but HBO has never received an offer from them, it said. In addition, HBO said its financial condition is improving rapidly as the result of a significant restructuring implemented in 1986. It expects the company to report net income of about 40 cts per share in 1987 and a very significant increase in 1988. For the year ended December 1986, the company reported a loss of 3.6 mln dlrs, or 16 cts per share. Reuter 
Shr 51 cts vs 56 cts Net 5,645,000 vs 6,153,000 Revs 45.9 mln vs 45.3 mln Reuter 
<UAP Inc> said it has acquired Slater Auto Electric Ltd, with two Ontario stores, and United Diesel Engine Parts Ltd, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, for undisclosed terms. It said the transactions, together with acquisitions earlier this year, will increase its annual sales by about 4.5 mln dlrs. Reuter 
Greece accused Turkish warplanes of infringing the Athens Flight Information Region (FIR) in the Aegean Sea three times. The Defense Ministry said the Turkish intrusions took place over the islands of Chios, Samos, Lesbos and Lemnos. The planes were identified and intercepted by Greek fighters, it said. Greece has charged Turkish aircraft with 10 other FIR infringements and two air space violations in the Aegean over the last two days. Reuter 
The following proposed securities offerings were filed recently with the Securities and Exchange Commission: First Interstate Bancorp <I> - Shelf offering of up to 112 mln dlrs of debt securities, including notes and debentures, on terms to be determined at the time of the sale. Pacificorp Credit Inc, subsidiary of Pacificorp <PPW> - Shelf offering of up to 250 mln dlrs of debt securities, including notes and debentures, at prices and on terms to be determined at the time of the sale. Reuter 
The U.S. Agriculture Department is currently discussing an amendment to a PL 480 agreement signed with Morocco on January 22, but the mix of commodities under the amendment has not been determined, a U.S. Agriculture Department official said. The official noted the agreement signed in January provided for the supply of about 55,000 tonnes of vegetable oil, 55,000 tonnes of corn and 126,000 tonnes of wheat, all for delivery during the current fiscal year, ending this September 30. No purchase authorizations for the commodities provided in the January agreement have been announced by the department. Reuter 
<Thorn-EMI PLC> said the New York Supreme Court dismissed six of the nine actions in a suit filed by the Beatles for royalties on their songs. It said the court dismissed charges of fraud and conversion, and claims of 50 mln dlrs in punitive damages sought by the companies, <Apple Records Inc>, <Apple Corps Ltd>, and former Beatles, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and the widow of John Lennon, Yoko Ono. Paul McCartney was not party to the suit. The Beatles brought the suit against Capital Records Inc and EMI Records Ltd, two units of Thorn-EMI. The Beatles charged the record companies with defrauding them by not paying royalties on sales of various recordings over the past 18 years. A spokesman for the company in New York said while the court dismissed six of the nine actions involving punitive damages, three actions remain, with 30 mln dlrs in claims for royalties. Reuter 
The negotiating committees for the United Steelworkers of America and LTV Corp said they have begun intensive negotiations and have made a "firm commitment" to successfully conclude these negotiations by May one. They said the talks will cover issues related to termination of pension plans by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp for both active workers and retirees, and insurance programs for both groups. The Union and LTV also said they plan to resolve all issues related to the terms of a basic labor agreement and the effective use of manpower and equipment. Reuter 
Distillate fuel stocks held in primary storage were unchanged in the week ended April three at 106.9 mln barrels, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said. In its weekly petroleum status report, the Department of Energy agency said gasoline stocks were off 200,000 barrels in the week to 248.1 mln barrels and refinery crude oil stocks rose 6.3 mln barrels to 335.8 mln. The EIA said residual fuel stocks fell 100,000 barrels to 38.1 mln barrels and crude oil stocks in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) rose 1.1 mln barrels to 520.0 mln. The total of all crude, refined product and SPR stocks rose 9.4 mln barrels to 1,561.1, it said. Reuter 
Hawkeye Bancorp's 1986 annual financial results were qualified by its auditors, according to the annual report. "...there are conditions which may indicate that the company will be unable to continue as a going concern," auditors Deloitte Haskins and Sells said in Hawkeye's annual report to shareholders. Hawkeye reported a 1986 loss of almost 59 mln dlrs, citing an increase in its loan loss provision to 34.7 mln dlrs and restructuring costs of 27 mln dlrs. However, Hawkeye, with assets of 1.09 billion dlrs at 1986 year end, said it expects "to have sufficient cash to meet its obligations for the next 12-month period." Last July the bank holding company reached a debt restructuring agreement which identifed 17 bank subsidiaries and five non-bank operations for disposition. "The restructuring has improved Hawkeye's financial condition, but it does not assure that Hawkeye will be able to survive as a going concern," the report said. Hawkeye's survival will depend on its ability to comply with provisions of the debt restructuring and regulatory agreements and on its ability to return to profitable operations, it said. There can be no assurance that Hawkeye will be able to meet these requirements. However, the company "believes it will be able to do so," Hawkeye said. Reuter 
Standard and Poor's Corp said that corporate credit quality stabilized in the first quarter of the year, even though downgrades outpaced upgrades. S and P said it reduced 79 debt ratings, affecting 63 billion dlrs of debt securities, and raised 28 ratings, affecting 12 billion dlrs of debt. However, the rating agency pointed out that last quarter's number of downgrades was the lowest since first quarter 1986. It also said the upgrades were the fewest since early 1986. It said rating changes quieted in the oil and insurance sectors, while utilities provided a positive influence. Standard and Poor's said its major downgrades last quarter were of Denmark, USX Corp <X>, Chase Manhattan Corp <CMB> and Manufacturers Hanover Corp <MHC>. It said the most negative influence on rating changes occurred in the financial institution sector, where there were 22 downgrades versus five upgrades. Notably, ratings were reduced for several of the largest U.S. bank holding companies, reflecting lower asset quality and weaknesses that were specific to those firms, S/P said. Among industrials, S and P cut 43 ratings and raised 10. Lower ratings prevailed in steel and health care, it said. Reuter 
Shr 33 cts vs 37 cts Net 2,051,000 vs 1.8 mln Assets 1.7 billion vs 1.5 billion Deposits 1.4 billion vs 1.2 billion Loans 1.1 billion vs 900 mln Note: Year-ago results restated to reflect merger with Colson Inc. Reuter 
Dome Petroleum Ltd's proposal to restructure debt of more than 6.10 billion Canadian dlrs includes provisions that may force the company to sell its 42 pct stake in <Encor Energy Corp Inc>, Dome said in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Dome said in the filing that its debt plan proposes making payments under a five year income debenture to the lender whose debt is secured by Dome's Encor shares. After the five years are up, "under certain circumstances the shares of Encor may be required to be disposed," the company said. Dome has pledged its 42.5 mln Encor shares as security for part of its debt to <Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce>, estimated last year at 947 mln dlrs. Analysts have said Commerce Bank was pressing Dome to sell the stock to pay down its debt. Dome's Encor shares had a market value of 313 mln dlrs on March 17, 1987, the company's filing said. As previously reported, Dome is seeking approval in principle for the debt restructuring plan. Dome said in the filing it proposed lenders sign a letter of understanding in early April, with implementation to be effective July 1, 1987. Dome Petroleum reiterated in the SEC filing that its existence as a going concern is dependent on continuing the interim debt plan, due to expire on June 30, and winning agreement for its proposed restructuring plan. "The company believes that the negotiation and implementation of the proposed debt restructuring plan is realistic and achievable," Dome said. "However, the final outcome of the negotiations cannot be predicted at this time," it said. Reuter 
Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. signed a letter of intent with Agip Carbone and Arco Coal Co, a unit of Atlantic Richfield Co <ARC> to exploit the coal deposits at Guasare in western Zulia state, PDVSA officials said. The Carbozulia project will include open-pit mining of the low sulphur content coal, as well as the construction of a railroad and port facilities, at an estimated total cost of 500 mln dlrs. The Agip/Arco consortium will own 48 pct of Carbozulia, while PDVSA will have 49 pct, with the remaining three pct to be held by private investors. Carboulia President Luis Urdaneta said work will begin this month on a preliminary test mine with a capacity of 500,000 mt a year. A first shipment is scheduled to be ready by third quarter 1987, he said. "The purpose of this trial shipment is to let potential customers know about the quality of the Guasare coal," Urdaneta said. Long-term plans call for Carbozulia to produce 6.5 mln mt a year of by 1995, at which time coal exports are expected to bring Venezuela some 200 mln dlrs a year. Agip Carbone President Francesco Coffrini said yesterday 60 pct of Carbozulia's coal will be exported to European markets. Reuter 
U.S. oil demand as measured by products supplied fell 2.6 pct in the four weeks ended April three to 15.73 mln barrels per day (bpd) from 16.16 mln in the same period a year ago, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said. In its weekly petroleum status report, the Energy Department agency said distillate demand was off 7.9 pct in the period to 2.90 mln bpd from 3.15 mln a year earlier. Gasoline demand averaged 6.76 mln bpd, off 3.1 pct from 6.98 mln last year, while residual fuel demand was 1.15 mln bpd, off 16.9 pct from 1.39 mln, the EIA said. So far this year, distillate demand fell 2.3 pct to 3.20 mln bpd from 3.28 mln in 1986, gasoline demand was 6.63 mln bpd, off 0.3 pct from 6.65 mln, and residual fuel demand fell 4.9 pct to 1.35 mln bpd from 1.42 mln, the EIA said. Year-to-date domestic crude output was estimated at 8.40 mln bpd, off 7.6 pct from 9.09 mln a year ago, while gross crude imports averaged 3.92 mln bpd, up 27.1 pct from 3.08 mln, it said. Reuter 
Financial analysts say they are pleased with congressional moves to trim next year's federal budget deficit but believe the actions will do little to help improve the U.S. trade deficit or buoy the economy. The House of Representatives is expected to vote tomorrow to approve a trillion-dollar budget blueprint for the coming fiscal year that reduces the deficit by 38 billion dlrs. Similarly, the Senate Budget Committee has approved a plan that would cut federal red ink by about 37 billion dlrs next year. "In terms of the economy, 37-38 billion dlrs is infinitesimal, so cuts of this magnitude will have little impact on the economy and the trade deficit," said Stanley Collander, a Touche Ross federal budget policy analyst. "At best, it will have a small positive effect," Collander said in an interview. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker has repeatedly told Congress that cutting federal red ink would go a long way to help reduce the massive trade deficit and also help ease some of the downward pressure on the value of the dollar. The U.S. government has attempted to remedy the trade imbalance by driving down the value of the dollar. But Volcker has warned that a further fall in the dollar's value is fraught with danger. Such a decline, he has said, could refuel inflation as imported goods become more expensive and chase away foreign capital needed to finance the federal budget deficit. In addition, in February, U.S. officials meeting with other major industrialized nations in Paris agreed that the value of the dollar had dropped enough and that world exchange rates should be stabilized at around current levels. As part of that agreement, Japan and West Germany agreed to take steps to stimulate their economies and the United States agreed to cut its budget deficit. The alternative to driving down the dollar any further as a way to deal with the trade deficit, Volcker said recently, is to reduce U.S. consumption, particularly federal spending. "If you don't deal with the budget deficit, everything else you do is going to be counterproductive," Volcker said in recent testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. Volcker also said he would prefer to further tighten the government's purse strings than have the Fed tighten the credit supply if action was needed to fight inflationary pressures or to assure the continued flow of foreign capital into the United States. Analysts say that Fed tightening now could choke off the current modest economic expansion and threaten a recession. Kemper Financial Services economist John Silvia stressed that any deficit reduction was better than none. But he said the size of the cuts under consideration were not enough to give the Federal Reserve Board the flexibility it needs to steer the economy or to keep the value of the dollar from plunging further in world exchange markets. "There's no doubt that some deficit reduction helps, but if your objective is to stabilize the dollar and perserve the Fed's flexibility to conduct monetary policy, then the answer is, it's not enough," Silvia told Reuters. The U.S. trade deficit has become one of the government's most vexing and persistent problems. The 1986 deficit was 169.8 billion dlrs and there is as yet little indication that this year's figure will be any lower, though administration officials have predicted it will drop by about 20 to 30 billion dlrs by year's end. In the past, Volcker has joked that he never lost sleep worrying whether Congress would cut too much fat from the federal budget. On the other hand, he also has made it clear he is not attached to the gradually declining deficit ceilings set for the 1986-1991 period by last year's Gramm-Rudman balanced budget law. While the new law set a ceiling of 108 billion dlrs for next year's federal deficit, both the House and Senate Budget Committees have conceded that their budget plans would fall short of the deficit reduction goal by about 25 billion dlrs. "For political reasons, 35 to 40 billion dlrs is about the most you're going to get" out of Congress at the present time, said Touche Ross's Collander. "To do something more than that would be extraordinary, remarkable and very, very difficult." Collander said the real danger for Congress was to end up short of the deficit reduction goal set by its Budget panels. "To an extent, this has become the minimum acceptable reduction level," he explained. "Anything less than that will now look like a failure to Wall Street." The budget plan now under debate on the House floor would lower an estimated 171 billion dlr deficit for the year beginning on October one to about 133 billion dlrs by cutting defense and domestic programs by 38 billion dlrs from their anticipated spending levels for next year. The Senate Budget Committee has called for a deficit of nearly 134 billion dlrs with about 18.5 billion dlrs in new taxes and about the same amount in spending cuts. Reuter 
Ford Motor Co said it has extended to April 30 its buyer incentive program on 1986 and 1987 Ford Escort and Tempo, and Mercury Lynx and Topaz. Consumers will have a choice of 3.9 pct to 9.9 pct annual percentage rate financing or a cash rebate of up to 600 dlrs. Earlier Ford extended its incentive program to April 30 on its Taurus and Mercury Sable and several lines of light trucks. Reuter 
4th qtr ended Jan 31. Shr profit 72 cts vs profit 14 cts Net profit 3,309,000 vs 609,000 Revs 72 mln vs 65 mln Year Shr profit nil vs loss 4.13 dlrs Net profit 1,000 vs loss 19 mln Revs 245 mln vs 269.1 mln Reuter 
Robert A. Alexander resigned yesterday as chairman, president and director of ORS Corp following his conviction in the United States District Court in Tulsa of seven counts of mail and wire fraud, the company said. The company, which will appoint an interim president, said Alexander plans to appeal the conviction. The company said it was not charged in Alexander's indictment. Reuter 
Shr 98 cts vs 63 cts Net 2,602,000 vs 1,571,000 Assets 1.15 billion vs 1.02 billion Deposits 1.04 billion vs 942.1 mln Loans 834.8 mln vs 729.0 mln Return on avg assets 0.92 pct vs 0.63 pct Reuter 
Colombia's coffee export registrations remain open and there are no plans to close them since a new marketing policy means an unlimited amount can be registered, Gilberto Arango, president of the private exporters' association said. "The philosophy of the new policy is not to close registrations. Nobody so far said may would be closed," he told Reuters. On March 13, Colombia opened registrations for April and May for an unlimited amount. Without giving breakdowns, Arango said private exporters had registered 1,322,804 bags this calendar year up to April 6, or roughly 440,000 bags per month, slightly lower than the average in recent years. He estimated the amount of bags registered by the national coffee growers' federation at about the same, meaning a total of about 900,000 bags registered and sold per month by Colombia. "The only change that could happen is, because of the volume, we would be told that from such a date, registrations would be for June shipment, etc" Arango said. Reuter 
<Alberta Energy Co Ltd> said it filed a preliminary prospectus for an issue of convertible debentures, which may total 100 mln dlrs depending on market conditions. It said it had not yet determined the interest rate, conversion terms, maturity date or size of the issue. Reuter 
Shr 32 cts vs 34 cts Net 902,178 vs 662,647 Deposits 174.7 mln vs 134.4 mln NOTE: Per share amounts adjusted to reflect 10-for-one stock split effective Sept 16, 1986. Reuter 
Selas Corp of America said it signed a letter of intent for a three mln dlr sale and leaseback of its corporate offices and plants. The sale is subject to a number of conditions, including approval by the board and the unidentified buyer. Reuter 
William Rodman, a 43-year-old New York investor was indicted for allegedly plotting to manipulate the price of three over-the-counter stocks to drive up their prices and create interest in the companies. Rodman was also charged with securities and wire fraud stemming from the alleged manipulation of the stocks of Memory Metals Inc <MRMT>, Memory Protection Devices Inc <MPDI> and <Intravision Inc>, beginning in January 1984. The indictment charged that Rodman and other unnamed co-conspirators bought and sold the stocks through 100 accounts in at least 35 broker-dealer firms. Reuter 
Brazilian Finance Minister Dilson Funaro, who suspended interest payments to creditor banks two months ago, said creditors had to trust him when he said Brazil would achieve a trade surplus large enough to continue servicing its debt. Speaking to reporters at the Brazilian Embassy, Funaro said he would not seek approval of Brazil's economic program outside his country, but added, "At the same time we show credibility, you (the banks) are going to have to trust us." Asked if creditor banks would accept Brazil's refinancing needs based on a new economic program not endorsed by the International Monetary Fund, Funaro said, "What other options do they have?...They have to try to see our program." Funaro, who is in Washington to attend the Interim Committee and Development Committee meetings of the World Bank and IMF, said he unveiled his refinancing proposals to the major creditor banks in New York yesterday. According to Funaro, the creditor banks "agreed on the need to find a solution to the crisis." He did not elaborate. Funaro said the commercial banks agreed on Brazil's need for economic growth and added that creditors were aware that Brazil cannot continue to export the 24 billion dlrs in net capital that it transferred over the past three years. He also said that he told bankers about Brazil's needs to ensure a seven pct average growth and eight billion to 11 billion dlr trade surplus until 1991. Administration officials familiar with the negotiations said Brazil's new economic measures did not make much sense based on current conditions in that country, and added that they saw long and difficult negotiations ahead. Lewis Preston, chairman of J.P. Morgan and Co. Inc., told Reuters he remains hopeful that Brazil and its foreign bank creditors will reach a debt rescheduling agreement before the end of the year. But Preston, who did not attend the meeting between Funaro and creditor banks yesterday, added the onus is still on Brazil to put its economic house in order first. "They haven't even come up with a plan yet," Preston said after Morgan's annual meeting in New York today. Funaro, however, said most creditor banks had representatives in Brazil who were well aware of Brazil's new economic measures, designed to curb a surge in inflation and spending and a sharp drop in exports. Funaro called Brazil's program very responsible and very strong, adding that "it is very different from other years, there has been a tremendous change." Based on Brazil's current economic situation - suspension of interest payments on 67 billion dlrs owed to banks, 200 pct inflation and the need of four billion dlrs in new loans every year until 1991 - he said he was faced with two options. REUTER... 
American Brands Inc's 545 mln dlrs acquisition of National Distillers and Chemical Corp's liquor business is expected to be one of a series of acquisitions by the tobacco company, analysts said. "They were very frustrated with their inability to get Chesebrough. They said they were looking for an acquisition. It doesn't surprise me that they came up with another one," said Allan Kaplan of Merrill Lynch and Co. American Brands failed late last year in its 2.9 billion dlrs bid for Chesebrough-Ponds Inc when Unilever N.V. agreed to buy the company. But since then, Wall Street has been speculating that American Brands would find another candidate to help reduce its earnings exposure to tobacco. "This is just typical," said George Thompson of Prudential-Bache securities. "There's going to be more to come here. American Brands had to make an acquisition because tobacco is still a significant part of earnings. Their position is a little less favorable than Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds," he said. cash flow from its low growth tobacco, but the tobacco business does require great amounts of capital expenditures. It can therefore use its funds to make acquisitions. Analysts said the National Distillers' spirits company, which makes Gilbey's gin and vodka, Old Grandad and Old Crow whiskey, is not quite the type of acquisition they envisioned. "The distilled spirits business has been in a steady gradual decline for sometime, as has the tobacco business," said Thompson. REUTER... 
Bundesbank board member Claus Koehler called on central banks of major industrialised nations to cooperate closely on exchange and interest rate policies. In a lecture at the University of Surrey, pre-released here, Koehler said that the only alternative to cooperation was protectionism and control on capital movements. "Central banks have sufficient experience of exchange market transactions to steer exchange rates where they want to have them," he said. He added that West German growth forecasts would have to be revised downward because of the recent dollar drop to 1.80 marks from above two marks at the start of 1987. Koehler said that transactions on foreign exchange markets had parted company with transactions in goods, services and investments. It was the scale of speculative transactions that determined market trends. Speculative inflows could cause monetary aggregates to grow. To reverse such a rise in the money stock, interest rates would have to be lowered to allow funds to drain off. "In other words, the monetary policy measures required are different from -- and sometimes diametrically opposed to -- those needed when the money stock is increasing as a result of mounting economic activity," Koehler said. The dollar fall was one means of reducing the massive U.S. Current account deficit. But attempts to keep the depreciation going by talking the dollar down posed problems. The sharp drop of the dollar had led to an immediate steep rise in the cost of U.S. Imports and a sharp fall in the cost of European imports. But the volume effect of falling imports to the U.S. And rising imports to Europe would take time to make itself felt compared with the price effect. "Hence the depreciation of the dollar may well be going further than would be necessary to adjust the current account over the medium term," Koehler said. A reduction in the U.S. Current account deficit would occur only if the growth rate of GNP was higher than domestic demand. In Japan and West Germany by contrast, domestic demand should rise faster than GNP. "In Germany this did indeed happen in 1986," Koehler said. If a further appreciation of the dollar was to be prevented, the U.S. Current account deficit could be offset by an inflow of foreign funds into the U.S.. But only if there was an appropriate interest rate differential would Europe and Japan look for financial investment in the U.S. When selecting monetary policy instruments, a central bank had to pay greater heed than in the past to the impact its measures might have on expectations and consequent decisions. Koehler said the Bundesbank was changing money market rates by operating on the open market rather than adjusting leading interest rates because of the signal this gives to the market and its substantial impact on exchange rates. It was not only important to achieve the domestic goals of price stability, economic growth and full employment but also to tackle international problems like the exchange rate problem, the debt problem and the current account problem. A strategy had to be designed that helped "the safeguarding of non-inflationary economic growth in an international monetary system largely free of disruptions," Koehler said. Given the system of floating exchange rates, it was necessary for central banks to agree to intervene. It sufficed to tell the market where central banks saw exchange rates over the next few years and intervention points should not be set, because they were only testing points for the market, he said. In order to keep the international monetary system free of disruptions central banks should not only intervene jointly but also cooperate on interest rate policies, Koehler said. REUTER 
Australia's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 8.4 pct of the estimated workforce in March from 8.2 pct in February and 7.9 pct a year earlier, the Statistics Bureau said. The number of jobless rose to 650,700 from 631,900 in February and 593,200 a year earlier, the Bureau said. Unadjusted, the number of unemployed rose to 702,600 from 699,600 in February but the rate eased to 9.0 pct from 9.1, reflecting a slight increase in the estimated workforce. In March 1986, 640,400 persons, or 8.5 pct of the workforce, were out of work. REUTER 
CSR Ltd <CSRA.S> said its sale of <Delhi Petroleum Pty Ltd> will not affect the other oil and gas interests it manages or operates. CSR sold Delhi, which holds an average 25 pct in the Santos Ltd <STOS.S>-led Cooper-Eromanga Basin onshore gas and liquids joint ventures, to an Exxon Corp <XON> unit for 985 mln dlrs on April 1. In a statement to clarify the position, CSR said it will retain its Roma Gas unit, the associated Roma-Brisbane gas pipeline and the Bula oilfield on Seram, Indonesia, plus exploration interests in Queensland and Hainan Island, China. REUTER 
The Agriculture Ministry declined comment on a local newspaper report that Japan had agreed to hold talks on its closed rice market in the new GATT round. "We have no idea about the report and cannot comment," a spokesman told Reuters. Nihon Keizai Shinbun, quoting unnamed government sources, said Japan would tell U.S. Agriculture Secretary Richard Lyng and U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter of its intentions. The two are due to visit Japan later this month for farm talks. The U.S. Has been pressing Japan to discuss the rice issue at the new round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade talks. But Japan has said GATT is not the right forum. Imports of rice to Japan are banned under the Foodstuff Control Act. Nihon Keizai said Japan's plan resulted from worries about mounting trade tension with the U.S. At the GATT talks, Japan will try to persuade the U.S. That its rice policy is justified, it said. The 93-nation world trade body began the Uruguay trade round last September. It will take four years to negotiate. REUTER 
<Showa Denko Ltd> said it is exporting aluminium billet casting equipment and technology to countries that have recently begun aluminium smelting. A company official said it won a 500 mln yen order to deliver 10 sets of casting equipment to Venezuela's Venalum by end-1987. He said it received an order for one set from Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. Last year and expects further orders from the Bahrain smelter. Showa Denko withdrew from smelting last year but expects to increase its sales of equipment and technology, he said. REUTER 
New Zealand's ruling Labour Party government has just completed its three-year economic reform which threw thousands of people out of work, yet its popularity has risen as the September deadline for the election draws closer, a recent poll shows. An Eyewitness/Heylen Poll, conducted for Television New Zealand's Eyewitness news broadcast on April 2, showed Labour had the support of 50 pct of voters compared with the opposition National Party's 46 pct. The figures had been reversed in a poll a month earlier. The poll showed 40 pct of the canvassed voters thought the economy would improve over the next year, up 12 points on last month's result. The increase came in a week when the government turned seven departments into nine profit-oriented corporations run by businessmen who promptly sacked some 4,000 employees, including half the country's 1,700 coal miners. The latest survey confounded those who proclaimed Labour's days were numbered because of perceived insensitivity to its traditional backers, the workers, political analysts said. The poll indicates people are swinging behind the party and the arguments of Finance Minister Roger Douglas, who has presided over the deregulation of the economy and the construction of one based on market forces without subsidies or currency controls, the analysts said. The economic reforms, by a party increasingly regarded in New Zealand as more akin to the West European-style Social Democrats than working class socialists, have rattled the National Party, which is now regretting it was not as innovative in the decade it ruled until Prime Minister Robert Muldoon was ousted in 1983, one analyst said. The National Party was further shaken, the analyst said, when the Press, a Christchurch daily, said on April 2 the party was "on the verge of flying apart" with the prospect of a coup attempt against leader Jim Bolger by Muldoon. Bolger said the article was an April Fool's joke. Labour's reforms have brought unexpectedly strong tax revenues, a lower budget deficit and less state borrowing, an improvement in the balance of payments, a reduction in foreign debt and improved productivity, economists said. Inflation should peak at 19.5 pct in the quarter ended March 31 and fall to about eight pct within a year, they said. Labour's reforms have hit every sector, but the most dramatic was the "corporatisation" of seven government departments on April 1, which critics argue is the first stage step towards the sale of state assets, the analysts said. The move stops short of privatisation, as the state will retain ownership, but the new corporations are expected to be financially self-supporting and pay dividends. Arguments have already broken out over money. One utility, Electricorp, said its assets are worth less than 3.8 billion dlrs yet the Treasury wants 8.5 billion for them. No agreement has been reached on the value of assets of the former forest service, the analysts added. Chairman Alan Gibbs said in a speech the forest service had been losing 100 mln dlrs annually, yet due to economies it now employed less than 30 pct of its previous workforce and the new corporation would pay the state a dividend of at least 20 mln dlrs in its first year. Uncertainties have also arisen over the government, as the only shareholder, retaining the right to order the new corporations to undertake certain projects although the full cost must be met by the state, the analysts said. Deputy prime minister Geoffrey Palmer said managers would be held accountable for performance, with the government paying for projects undertaken for social or environmental reasons. This policy has already caused problems, the analysts added. For example, Electricorp has refused to spend several hundred million dlrs to build a hydro project at Luggate, further up the Clutha river from the Clyde high dam now under construction in Central Otago. Prime Minister David Lange said this week that Labour MPs had decided last year that Luggate be built and it was important that the government honour its promises. "But it is also a matter of importance that we do not see many more jobs lost because of economic distortion than we would save by having that promise honoured to the last," he added. REUTER 
Hospital Corp of America said it received a letter today from an investor group offering to buy the company for 47 dlrs a share. Based on 82 mln outstanding shares, the offer is worth about 3.85 billion dlrs. But the company said that it would take more than five billion dlrs to consummate the merger and retire certain company debt. It said it does not believe the offer is in the best interest of shareholders, but added that it is referring the matter to its board for discussions and would respond in due course. Hospital Corp of America said the letter was sent by Charles Miller and Richard Ragsdale, two former officers of <Republic Health Corp>, and Richard Scott, a partner in a Dallas law firm. The investors' letter stated that based on discussions with several major financial institutions they were confident financing for the transaction could be arranged, Hospital Corp of America said. But it said the letter did not indicate that the investors had made arrangements to obtain financing. It said no further significant details were outlined in the letter. Hospital Corp of America, a manager and owner of hospitals, earned 174.6 mln dlrs or 2.08 dlrs a share, on revenues of 4.93 billion dlrs in 1986. Reuter 
<Goodman Fielder Ltd>, an Australian food products and supermarket firm, is planning a 100 mln U.S. Dlr multi-option note issuance facility, lead manager BT Asia Ltd said. Under the three-year "evergreen" facility, which can be extended annually, notes will be issued by its subsidiaries <Goodman Fielder New Zealand Ltd> and <Goodman Fielder Industries Ltd> and guaranteed by the parent company. The facility is underwritten up to 75 mln dlrs at a maximum of 17.5 basis points over the London interbank offered rate. The underwriting fee is 10 basis points, BT Asia said. The facility will allow the issuers to opt for notes not exceeding 50 mln Australian dlrs and 50 mln New Zealand dlrs on a non-underwritten basis, but the outstanding total is limited to 100 mln U.S. Dlrs, BT Asia said. The notes, in denominations of 100,000 U.S. Or Australian or New Zealand dlrs, will have maturities of one to 12 months. The borrower has a further option to issue, also on a non-underwritten basis, medium term notes with maturities of one to three years, it added. The management fee was not disclosed and syndication is expected to close tomorrow. REUTER 
Japan's little-known Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) has emerged as an international force to be reckoned with, political analysts said. MPT, thrust into the spotlight by trade rows with the U.S. And Britain, is in a position of strength due to its control of a lucrative industry and its ties with important politicians, they said. "The ministry is standing athwart the regulatory control of a key industrial sector, telecommunications and information," said one diplomatic source. "They are a potent political force," the diplomatic source said. But MPT is finding domestic political prowess does not always help when it comes to trade friction diplomacy, analysts said. "The ministry was a minor ministry and its people were not so internationalized," said Waseda University professor Mitsuru Uchida. "Suddenly they're standing at the centre of the world community and in that sense, they're at a loss (as to) how to face the situation." Most recently the ministry has been embroiled in a row with London over efforts by Britain's Cable and Wireless Plc to keep a major stake in one of two consortia trying to compete in Japan's lucrative overseas telephone business. The ministry has favoured the merger of the two rival groups, arguing the market cannot support more than one competitor to Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co Ltd, which now monopolizes the business. It has also opposed a major management role in the planned merger for any non-Japanese overseas telecommunications firm on the grounds that no such international precedent exists. The ministry's stance has outraged both London, which has threatened to retaliate, and Washington, which says the merger plan is evidence of Japan's failure to honour pledges to open its telecommunications market. Washington is also angry over other ministry moves which it says have limited access for U.S. Firms to Japan's car telephone and satellite communications market. Much of MPT's new prominence stems from the growth of the sector it regulates. "What has been happening is an important shift in the economy which makes the ministry a very important place," said James Abegglen, head of the consulting firm Asia Advisory Service Inc. A decision to open the telecommunications industry to competition under a new set of laws passed in 1985 has boosted rather than lessened MPT's authority, analysts said. "With the legal framework eased, they became the de facto legal framework," said Bache Securities (Japan) analyst Darrell Whitten. Close links with the powerful political faction of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) nurtured by former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka are another key to MPT's influence, the analysts said. "Other factions ignored MPT (in the 1970s), but the Tanaka faction was forward looking and ... Recognized the importance of MPT," Uchida said. Many former bureaucrats became members of the influential political group, he added. The ministry also has power in the financial sector due to the more than 100,000 billion yen worth of deposits in the Postal Savings System, analysts said. MPT has helped block Finance Ministry plans to deregulate interest rates on small deposits, a key element in financial liberalisation, since the change would remove the Postal Savings System's ability to offer slightly higher rates than banks, they said. Diplomatic sources, frustrated with what they see as MPT's obstructionist and protectionist posture, have characterized the ministry as feudal. Critics charge MPT with protecting its own turf, limiting competition and sheltering the former monopolies under its wing. Providing consumers with the best service at the lowest price takes a back seat to such considerations, they said. But many of the ministry's actions are not unlike those of its bureaucratic counterparts in much of the Western world including Britain, several analysts said. "The United States is really the odd man out," Abegglen said. "For a government to take the view that it wants to keep order in utilities markets is not an unusual and/or unreasonable view," he said. REUTER 
Members of prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) have shunned his support in their campaigns for upcoming local elections. "His presence will do more harm than good," an LDP candidate in Tokyo told Reuters. The candidate is one of several conservatives who have rebelled and joined the public outcry against Nakasone's proposal for a five pct sales tax. Political analysts said Nakasone might have to step down before the Venice summit of industrial democracies on June 8-10 if the LDP lost too many major local seats. Nakasone's popularity has dropped sharply since he led his party to its greatest-ever election victory last July, and analysts said the proposed tax was one reason for the decline. Over 2,500 local seats will be filled during two rounds of polling. The first round is on Sunday, the second on April 26. Political analysts said a seat to watch would be the governorship of Fukuoka, southern Japan. The LDP and two centre parties are challenging the incumbent governor, Hachiji Okuda, who is supported by the opposition socialist and communist parties. The proposed tax is a key campaign issue. "The LDP and the centrist parties should have about 1,350,000 votes against 700,000 for Okuda. But Okuda is the incumbent and has the sales tax weapon," said Rei Shiratori, professor of political science at Dokkyo University. "Nakasone will serve out his term to the end of October if the LDP wins in Fukuoka," he said. Analysts believe the opposition is likely to win the governorship of the northern island of Hokkaido. But Kenzo Uchida, professor of political science at Hosei University, said, "Nakasone can afford to get fairly tough if the LDP loses only in Hokkaido." The opposition parties are campaigning to scrap the sales tax proposal. The tax is one of the main pillars of Nakasone's plan to overhaul the tax system, which has remained unchanged for 36 years. It is also a key element in plans to boost Japanese domestic demand and cut back on exports. Without the tax revenue the government would have less to spend on stimulating the economy. REUTER 
Keen demand for gold stocks and quality industrials pushed the Australian share market to all-time highs in active trading, brokers said. A higher close on Wall Street, a strong local dollar and easier domestic interest rates boosted sentiment in the industrial sector, while demand for gold stocks continued despite a slightly softer bullion price. Brokers said Western Mining featured in trading, gaining 30 cents to 9.00 dlrs after announcing a five-for-eight bonus issue. By the close of trading, the all ordinaries index had risen 12.5 points above yesterday's close to a record 1,771.6. The all industrials index gained 20.8 points to 2,639.3 and the all resources 6.2 to 1,110.2. The gold index passed yesterday's record close by 73.6 points to reach 3,156.2. National turnover was a high 206.7 mln shares worth 376.3 mln dlrs, with rises outnumbering falls five to three. Turnover was boosted by a large number of special sales, including one for 5.0 mln Kalimantan Gold at 65 cents, 5.95 mln Minora Resources at 23 cents, 3.57 mln Barrier Reef at 65, and about 13 specials in Elders IXL totalling more than 2.0 mln shares, brokers said. Elders rose 14 to 5.64 as more than 6.0 mln traded following news it will float Courage hotels. Elsewhere in the industrials sector, investors concentrated on banking and insurance stocks and those in the food and alcohol and tobacco sectors. ANZ gained 12 cents to 3.70 dlrs, Westpac and National Australia four each to 5.06 and 5.64, and FAI 10 to 10.60 after reaching a high of 10.90. Goodman Fielder advanced 10 to 4.60, Southern Farmers 20 to 8.40, and Arnotts 10 to 4.70. Amatil gained 10 to 10.70 and Rothmans 20 to 7.20. Others to gain included Bell Group, up 15 to 10.85, IEL, 16 higher at 5.36, and Wormald, up 20 at 3.65. Coles Myer rose 20 to 7.00 after reports it plans to expand overseas. REUTER^M 
Following is the text of a statement by the Group of Seven -- the U.S., Japan, West Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada -- issued after a Washington meeting yesterday. 1. The finance ministers and central bank governors of seven major industrial countries met today. They continued the process of multilateral surveillance of their economies pursuant to the arrangements for strengthened economic policy coordination agreed at the 1986 Tokyo summit of their heads of state or government. The managing director of the International Monetary Fund also participated in the meeting. 2. The ministers and governors reaffirmed the commitment to the cooperative approach agreed at the recent Paris meeting, and noted the progress achieved in implementing the undertakings embodied in the Louvre Agreement. They agreed, however, that further actions will be essential to resist rising protectionist pressures, sustain global economic expansion, and reduce trade imbalances. In this connection they welcomed the proposals just announced by the governing Liberal Democratic Party in Japan for extraordinary and urgent measures to stimulate Japan's economy through early implementation of a large supplementary budget exceeding those of previous years, as well as unprecedented front-end loading of public works expenditures. The government of Japan reaffirmed its intention to further open up its domestic markets to foreign goods and services. 3. The ministers and governors reaffirmed the view that around current levels their currencies are within ranges broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and the basic policy intentions outlined at the Louvre meeting. In that connection they welcomed the strong implementation of the Louvre Agreement. They concluded that present and prospective progress in implementing the policy undertakings at the Louvre and in this statement provided a basis for continuing close cooperation to foster the stability of exchange rates. REUTER 
Honda Motor Corp <HMC.T> will sell cars equipped with four-wheel steering in Japan from tomorrow and will export the cars to the U.S. And Europe later this year, company officials said. They told a press conference shipments to the U.S. Will begin around July and to Europe around October. Four-wheel steering will be available on the Prelude saloon at an added cost of 80,000 yen, they said. Honda expects to sell 48,000 Prelude saloons in Japan and to ship 80,000 to the U.S., 10,000 to Canada and 20,000 to Europe by year-end. REUTER 
British Airways Plc <BAB.L> is issuing a 100 mln stg eurobond due May 6, 1997, paying 9-1/2 pct and priced at 101-1/2, lead manager Union Bank of Switzerland said. The non-callable bond is available in denominations of 1,000 and 10,000 stg and will be listed in London. The selling concession is 1-1/4 pct while management and underwriting combined pays 3/4 pct. Payment date is May 6. REUTER 
The Bank of France said it has invited offers of first category paper today for a money market intervention tender. Money market operators were divided over whether the Bank of France will use to occasion to cut its intervention rate, which has stood at 7-3/4 pct since March 9. Some thought a price cut unlikely while others said there was room for a further 1/4 point cut by the bank. REUTER 
RIO TINTO-ZINC CORP PLC 1986 PRETAX PROFIT 601.7 mln stg vs 614.4 mln
Year to December 31, 1986 SHR 78.91p vs 83.05p DIV 16.5p making 23.5p vs 22p PRETAX PROFIT 601.7 mln stg vs 614.4 mln NET ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT 245 mln stg vs 257 mln TURNOVER 3.34 billion stg vs 3.09 billion Note - Accounts have been restated Full name of company is Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp Plc <RTZL.L> Group operating profit 529.4 mln stg vs 470.7 mln Operating costs 2.81 billion stg 2.63 billion Share of profit less losses of related companies 104.4 mln stg vs 165.0 mln Interest receivable/other income 41.5 mln stg vs 47.4 mln Interest payable 73.6 mln stg vs 68.7 mln Tax 274.8 mln stg vs 277.1 mln Leaving 326.9 mln stg vs 337.3 mln RTZ' investment in Australian associate CRA has been equity accounted for 1986 and 1985 figures restated on the same basis after the reduction of RTZ's interest to 49 pct in October 1986. REUTER 
The value of turnover on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) soared to a record 17.11 billion dlrs in the first three months of 1987 from 7.50 billion in the corresponding months of 1986, the ASX said. Its statement did not give the previous peak. First quarter volume also rose sharply, to 9.95 billion shares from 4.31 billion a year earlier, it said. The record volume reflected increased investment in Australian companies by local and overseas institutions and the popularity of gold mining and other resource sector shares, the ASX said. In the nine months ended March 31, turnover value climbed to 38.52 billion dlrs from 20.72 billion a year earlier, the ASX said. Volume in the nine month period rose to 24.07 billion shares against 13.15 billion a year earlier, it added. REUTER 
China is likely to succeed in joining GATT despite policies that contradict free trade, because western countries support its entry, western diplomats said. China applied to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in July 1986. The organisation, formed in 1948 to integrate the world's free market economies, now regulates 80 pct of world trade. The GATT secretariat is expected to submit a list of detailed questions to China next month at the start of long and complex entry negotiations, the diplomats said. One diplomat said China's prospects are good, with its application supported by the United States, Japan and the European Community for political and economic reasons. "The fear is that if China was refused entry, it would draw back the bamboo curtain and go back to the way it was," he said. Another said the Soviet Union was waiting in the wings. "If GATT accepted China, it would be hard not to accept the Soviet Union," he said. "China's agreement will be seen as a model for the Soviet Union. GATT is not a political body." But serious problems have to be tackled during the talks, including China's pricing system and trade subsidies. GATT is based on free trade and aims to lower tariffs and promote trade, with prices alone dictating who buys what. One diplomat said it was very hard in China to establish the real cost of goods because many prices are set by the state and often contain subsidies. "Even when you go in person to a factory or a company to try to find out the real cost of something, officials do not give you a clear answer. The political meaning is evident. They do not want to answer," he said. China's position, as set out in a memorandum to GATT in February, is that it is gradually reforming its price system to bring prices in line with real production costs and replace administrative controls with market ones. Another diplomat said countries with centralised economies such as Hungary and Yugoslavia had joined GATT. However, China would not apply for membership on similar terms, but rather as a less developed country entitled to preferential treatment. He added that the economies of Hungary and Yugoslavia are small, while China's is huge and its weight would be felt. "It (China) is the world's number two producer of coal, for instance," the diplomat said. "It could have a very large impact on world trade." Another sticking point is the subsidies China pays its companies to export so it can earn foreign exchange to pay for vitally needed technology, equipment and raw materials. A Japanese trader said China lost money on every tonne of grain it exported, because it had to make up the difference between a low world price and a high domestic price. A western diplomat said an official of a foreign trade bureau of a major inland Chinese city told him export subsidies might be as high as 100 pct for some products. "When I asked what the subsidy figure was for the whole country, he referred me to the Ministry of Finance, adding with a grin that they would not tell me," he said. He said officials were unwilling to give figures because of the sensitivity of the subject. "Unless something is done to change this, China will find many countries in GATT putting restrictions on imports from China," the diplomat added. In a major speech on the economy late last month, Planning Minister Song Ping made an indirect reference to this problem. "While trying to expand exports to earn more foreign exchange, we must improve economic accounting practices and reduce the cost of exports," he said. One diplomat said China's freedom to change its foreign trade and pricing system to bring them more in line with GATT principles could conflict with domestic pressures. China has said there will be no major price reforms this year following widespread discontent in 1985 and 1986 from a public used to stable prices since the Communist takeover in 1949. "So the question is how fast and how thoroughly can China reform its economy?," the diplomat said. "How can it balance the requirements of GATT membership with domestic political needs?" But he added the advantages of China's entry would in the end outweigh these problems. "China's entry would force it to modernise and become more a part of the world economy," he said. "Just as China would get increased access to foreign markets, so it would have to give more access to its domestic market to foreign countries." REUTER 
Burmah Oil 1986 pre-tax profit 105.9 mln stg vs 79.6 mln.
Remarks by two leading central bankers sparked renewed speculation in financial markets that a cut in the West German three pct discount rate may be under discussion, currency dealers said. Bundesbank board member Claus Koehler said in a speech that monetary growth resulting from speculative capital inflows required cuts in interest rates. Separately, West Berlin state central bank president Dieter Hiss told journalists that the discount rate could fall below its lowest ever point of 2.75 pct. He made clear that he was not making a forecast on interest rates, however. Currency dealers here and in the Far East said the dollar gained slight background support from the speculation. But German dealers noted that the Bundesbank kept the 3.80 pct rate unchanged at which it offered liquidity to the money market this week, dashing some expectations that it may either offer lower fixed rate money or offer a reduced minimum rate and let the strength of banks' demands set the allocation rate. It allocated 6.1 billion marks in new liquidity, much less than the 14.9 billion leaving the market as a prior pact expired. This further weakened sentiment the Bundesbank could move to a more accommodative monetary stance, dealers said. Koehler said in a speech in Surrey, England, speculative capital inflows may cause monetary growth, regardless of whether central banks intervened or exchange rates fell. "In other words, the monetary policy measures required are different from -- and sometimes diametrically opposed to -- those needed when the money stock is increasing as a result of mounting economic activity." Though Koehler was known to be the most liberal of the generally monetarist Bundesbank board, his comments marked the first time cuts in rates had been concretely suggested as a counterpoint to overly strong monetary growth, dealers said. REUTER^M 
XYVision Inc is issuing a 25 mln dlr convertible eurobond due May 5, 2002 paying an indicated coupon of between 5-3/4 and six pct and priced at par, lead manager Credit Suisse First Boston Ltd said. The issue is callable after 30 days at 106 pct declining by one pct per annum to par thereafter. It is not callable for three years unless the conversion price exceeds the stock price by 130 pct. The selling concession is 1-1/2 pct while management and underwriting each pay 1/2 pct. Final terms will be set on, or before, April 15. The issue is available in bearer and registered form in denominations of 5,000 dlrs. It will be listed in Luxembourg while the payment date is May 5. REUTER 
The Soviet trade deficit with the West almost quadrupled last year, reaching 2.72 billion roubles compared with 713 mln in 1985, official figures showed. Statistics published by the monthly journal Foreign Trade showed Soviet trade turnover for 1986 fell to 130.9 billion roubles from 142.1 billion the previous year, a drop of 7.8 pct. Moscow's trade surplus with East Bloc countries continued to grow in 1986. Western analysts attributed the deficit rise with the West to the world oil price slump, which hit Moscow's main export and cut hard currency earnings needed for purchases in the West. REUTER 
Year 1986 Shr 33.54p vs 34.2p. Final div 9.5p, making 14p vs 12.75p. Pre-tax profit 105.9 mln stg vs 79.6 mln. Net profit before minorities 56 mln vs 52.1 mln. Turnover net of duties 1.32 billion stg vs 1.46 billion. Minorities 800,000 stg vs same. Extraordinary debit 20.4 mln vs 28.2 mln. NOTE: Company's full name is The Burmah Oil Co Plc <BURM.L> REUTER^M 
Pests and disease, which destroyed 1.1 mln tonnes of wheat in China in 1986, are threatening crops on 11.64 mln hectares this year, the China Daily said. About 14.54 mln hectares of wheat were affected in 1986. The paper said abnormal weather conditions had encouraged the spread of wheat midges in 2.47 mln hectares in Shanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Anhui, Hebei and Jiangsu. In Henan, Shandong and Hebei wheat aphids are affecting 4.67 mln hectares, wheat red mite 2.8 mln hectares and wheat powdery mildew 1.7 mln hectares. REUTER 
Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp Plc <RTZL.L>, RTZ, said the predicted rise in industrial production in the U.S. And Europe should boost its 1987 performance. Consumption of some base metals and their dlr prices are showing signs of improvement, although iron ore markets have weakened. The oil price in U.S. Dlrs is above the 1986 average, and if sustained, should improve energy earnings. The company was commenting in a statement on its 1986 results which, on a restated basis, showed net attributable profits lower at 245 mln stg after 257 mln the previous year. Pretax profits also dipped to 601.7 mln stg after 614.4 mln. RTZ said the excellent performance of its expanding range of industrial businesses in 1986 was offset by the collapse in oil prices. Industrial businesses contributed 202 mln stg to net profit, a 40 pct increase from 144 mln in 1985, and 60 pct of the total. Trading performance improved at wholly-owned subsidiaries RTZ Borax Ltd, RTZ Cement Ltd, RTZ Chemicals Ltd and RTZ Pillar Ltd. First time contributions from recent investment and acquisitions mainly in speciality chemicals and minerals also aided performance. Metals activities contributed 83 mln stg to net profit. 
State-owned Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO) has signed contracts with three U.S. Firms to supply equipment and services for its tenth and eleventh nuclear power plants, a KEPCO spokesman said. Combustion Engineering Inc <CSP> will supply pressurised light-water reactors, General Electric Co <GE> will provide turbines and <Sargent and Lundy Engineers> will supply engineering and design services, he said. Work on the two plants, at Yongkwang in the southwest of the country, is due to start around June 1988 and be completed in 1995 and 1996. The firms will receive a total of 430 mln dlrs, or 11.5 pct of the construction cost of 3.74 billion dlrs. The three suppliers were chosen from 13 bidders after tenders closed in April 1986. South Korea operates six atomic stations, is building another three and has plans for about 20 by the year 2000. REUTER 
Group shr 35.99 yen vs 38.28 Net 21.01 billion vs 21.08 billion Current 47.73 billion vs 48.06 billion Operating 55.04 billion vs 54.99 billion Sales 792.71 billion vs 864.28 billion NOTE - Company forecast for current year is group shr 37.70 yen, net 22 billion, current 52 billion and sales 800 billion. REUTER 
The state-owned People's Construction Bank of China is making its first foreign borrowing, 300 mln dlrs to finance a large ethylene plant in Shanghai, the People's Daily said. The newspaper's overseas edition said the plant will produce 300,000 tonnes of ethylene a year. It said the bank last year started foreign exchange services for the first time on an experimental basis in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Xiamen, but it gave no more details. REUTER 
<Equiticorp Hongkong Ltd> is planning a 30 mln U.S. Dlr transferrable loan facility to raise working capital, lead managers <Manufacturers Hanover Asia Ltd> and <Manufacturers Hanover Ltd>, said. The two year loan with bullet repayment carries interest at 5/8 of a percentage point over the London interbank offered rate. It will be guaranteed by parent company <Equiticorp Holdings Ltd> of New Zealand, the managers said. Syndication is proceeding and managers and participants are being invited to participate at four levels with management fees ranging from 15 to 30 basis points, it said. REUTER 
The maximum export rebate granted at yesterday's EC sugar tender marked no change in policy over producer complaints that they are not obtaining the EC intervention price in exporting sugar outside the Community, EC Commission sources said. The maximum rebate was 46.496 Ecus per 100 kilos for 118,350 tonnes of sugar, down from 46.864 Ecus the previous week, but the change is explained by world market conditions. Producers claim the rebate was short of the level needed to obtain a price equivalent to the intervention price by over one Ecu per 100 kilos, and was 0.87 Ecu short the previous week, the sources said. They said this was despite the fact that the Commission had to accept 785,000 tonnes of sugar into intervention from operators protesting that rebates are too low. Operators have now until early May to withdraw this sugar. But they have not given any sign of planned withdrawals unless the Commission reviews its export policy, they said. REUTER 
CIBC Australia Ltd is issuing a zero coupon eurobond with a total redemption amount of 125 mln Australian dlrs due May 15, 1992 priced at 54 pct, sole lead manager CIBC Ltd said. The issue is available in denominations of 1,000 and 10,000 Australian dlrs and is guaranteed Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. The selling concession is 3/4 pct, while management and underwriting combined pays 5/8 pct. The payment date is May 15. REUTER 
The current year has opened well, with trading prospects remaining favourable, Burmah Oil Co Plc <BURM.L> said in a statement with its 1986 results. The company plans to maintain a steady rate of investment in its marketing operations and to obtain improved profit margins on its liquified natural gas, LNG, project. Burmah has the financial capacity to continue making acquisitions within its business sectors, it added. The rationalisation programme, including sale of the Bahamas oil terminal and all peripheral activities, is now complete. Pre-tax profit for 1986 rose to 105.9 mln stg from 79.6 mln. REUTER^M 
Year 1986 Consolidated net profit 67 mln Swiss francs vs 42 mln. Dividend 100 francs per registered share vs 80 francs and 10 francs per participation certificate vs eight. Consolidated turnover 4.55 billion francs vs 4.54 billion. Parent company net profit 38.2 mln francs vs 26.4 mln. Parent company turnover 2.20 billion francs vs 2.29 billion. Note - Company's full name is Gebrueder Sulzer AG <SULZ.Z> REUTER 
Mitsubishi Corp <MITT.T> said it will issue a 50 billion yen unsecured seven-year convertible bond and a 30 billion yen unsecured nine-year convertible bond on the domestic capital market through public placement with Nikko Securities Co Ltd as lead manager. Coupon and conversion price for both par-priced bonds will be set at a board meeting to be held later this month and payment is due on May 14, Mitsubishi said in a statement. The seven-year bond matures on September 30, 1994, and the nine-year bond on September 30, 1996. Mitsubishi's share price fell 30 yen to 1,200 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today. REUTER 
The British Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has granted licenses for two airlines, <Brymon Airways> and <Eurocity Express>, to fly three lucrative European routes from the 20 mln stg London docklands airport. Brymon plans to offer five flights a day from the London City Airport to Paris, and three to Amsterdam and Brussels. Eurocity will also operate flights to Duesseldorf and Rotterdam. The airport is due to open in October, and is only a 20-minute taxi ride from the capital's financial district, the City, compared to an hour to get from the City to the nearest existing airport, Heathrow. REUTER 
The leaders of two of Japan's top business groups said in separate statements the Group of Seven (G-7) accord reached in Washington yesterday is of deep concern to Japan because it shows the major industrial nations regard the yen's current level as appropriate. Eishiro Saito, chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren), said the yen's present rate is well above adequate levels. He did not elaborate. Takashi Ishihara, chairman of the Japan Committee for Economic Development, said the accord will not prevent the yen from rising further. "We do not understand why the G-7 approved present rates as the yen has risen excessively since the Paris accord," Ishihara said. G-7 members Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S. And West Germany said in a statement they consider their currencies are now within ranges broadly consistent with economic fundamentals. Saito called on each G-7 member nation to prepare to intervene in the market strongly enough to ensure exchange rates are stabilised at appropriate levels. REUTER