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<h1 align="center">
Nonlinear In-situ Calibration of Strain-Gauge Force/Torque Sensors for Humanoid Robots
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Hosameldin Awadalla Omer Mohamed, Gabriele Nava, Punith Reddy Vanteddu, Francesco Braghin and Daniele Pucci
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2023 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
<h2>📂 Dataset</h2>
The dataset is collected from the robot <code>iRonCub-Mk3</code> performing movements to calibrated the F/T sensors mounted on the upper arms. Each folder is holds some <code>.mat</code> files containing the measurements collected from the robot's sensors with <a href="https://github.com/ami-iit/bipedal-locomotion-framework/tree/master/devices/YarpRobotLoggerDevice"><b>YarpRobotLoggerDevice</b></a>.