It 's a day at the beach -- with air conditioning and popcorn .
Hondartzan denbora gehiago eman beharko genuke, aire girotua eta popcorneko hotza alde batera utzita.
Frida is n't that much different from many a Hollywood romance .
Frida ez da holakoa Hollywoodeko beste asko bezala.
What sets it apart is the vision that Taymor , the avant garde director of Broadway 's The Lion King and the film Titus , brings .
Taymorrek zeukan begirada, zirkulu antzezlanean eta antzerkian. "Lehoi erregea" eta "Titus" filmean.
Stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid .
Stevensek komediante komikoak gogoko ditu. Sorpresa bat emateak ez du film hau arrakastatsua egiten . Eta aktore talde handia dugu:
Extremely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten .
Lau aktorek oso ondo antzeztu dute. Film hau erabat serio hartutako filma da. Ez da ahazten.
The film exudes the urbane sweetness that Woody Allen seems to have bitterly forsaken .
Filmak joera urbana eta xamurra du Woody Allenek baina huts egin du guztiz .
K-19 : The Widowmaker is derivative , overlong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly entertaining .
"Emaztegaia Berritzailea " , alegia , ez da ezkontzen , ezkontzeari uko egiten dio , eta ezkontzeari uko egiten dio .
It 's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit exploitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart .
Koloretsuak , bortitzak , eskaintzaileak ... , baina baita harroputzak ere .
Cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film 's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein 's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of Denmark 's Dogma movement .
Zinemagileek txisteak egiten dituzte zinean ... filmaren inguruko gauzekin, adibidez Miramaxeko zuzendariaren estilismoarekin.
It 's a rare window on an artistic collaboration .
Aukera paregabea da... elkarren artean lan egiteko.
... begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tangled plot .
...baina bere okerreko bideari ekin zion.
Perhaps the best sports movie I 've ever seen .
Inoiz ikusi dudan filmik onena.
Cho 's timing is priceless .
Cho-ren sinkronizazio maila neurriz kanpo dago.
... creates a visceral sense of its characters ' lives and conflicted emotions that carries it far above ... what could have been a melodramatic , Lifetime Channel-style anthology .
... Gure bizitako izugarrikeriak eta bestelako izugarrikeriak ez dira egokiak... - ... Lifetime estiloko antologia bat izateko.
A sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed work .
Lan sentikorra, izugarria, izugarri ona.
An edgy thriller that delivers a surprising punch .
" thriller " dibertigarri bat, eta harrigarria da
A reasonably entertaining sequel to 1994 's surprise family hit that may strain adult credibility .
1994ko abenduaren 22an ospatutako " Familia arrakastatsuak " filmaren .. .. hurrengoa izango da. helduen sinesgarritasuna zalantzan jar dezakeena.
( Reno ) delivers a monologue that manages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the situation in a well-balanced fashion .
Errepikatu zeure bizitza osoko xehetasunak.
there is truth here
Egia bat dago hemen.
a confident , richly acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002 's first great film
Autoestimua diozuna, seriotasuna, emozioak kontrolatzea, eta 2002ko lehenengo pelikula ona.
A touching , small-scale story of family responsibility and care in the community .
Familia eta komunitatearen arteko ardura sakona eta txikia da hau.
Arteta directs one of the best ensemble casts of the year
Arteta urte osoko talenturik onenetakoa da.
The casting of von Sydow ... is itself Intacto 's luckiest stroke .
Von Sydow-en papera Intakto-ren lanik onenetako bat da.
No , it 's not as single-minded as John Carpenter 's original , but it 's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the sequels .
Ez da John Carpenteren film original honen parekoa, baina askoz ere hobea, eta zirraragarriagoa.
A gem of a romantic crime comedy that turns out to be clever , amusing and unpredictable .
Komedia erromantikoko gauzarik distiratsuena ... eta azkarrena zen, eta barregarria.
Stands as one of the year 's most intriguing movie experiences , letting its imagery speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be .
Urteko esperientziarik interesgarriena da, irudiak hizketan uzten dituenean, eta jendea irudikatzen du, hau da, filmak egiten dituenean, zer izan daitekeen.
... the first 2\/3 of the film are incredibly captivating and insanely funny , thanks in part to interesting cinematic devices ( cool visual backmasking ) , a solid cast , and some wickedly sick and twisted humor ...
Film honen lehenengo bi aldiak oso txarrak dira eta izugarri dibertigarriak dira. Zentzuzko filmazioaren grabazioa eta aktore taldearen konpromisoa eta txisteak gehitu behar dira.
This movie got me grinning .
Film honek barre-algarak sortzen dizkit.
There 's a part of us that can not help be entertained by the sight of someone getting away with something .
Gure zati batek ezin du ekidin besteak entretenitzea.
An old-fashioned drama of substance about a teacher 's slide down the slippery slope of dishonesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerful who have nothing but disdain for virtue .
Antzerki zahar bat da ... irakasle baten zintzotasunik eza,... eta gizon aberats eta boteretsuen arteko... jokabide ergela.
What 's not to like about a movie with a ` children 's ' song that includes the line ` My stepdad 's not mean , he 's just adjusting ' ?
Ez dago ezer hoberik haurrentzako abesti bat kantatzea baino... eta "Nire aitaordea ez da gaiztoa, moldatzen ari da".
This English-language version ... does full honor to Miyazaki 's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters .
Ingeles bertsio honek ohore egiten dio Miyazaki jaunaren paisaia nahasiari eta haren pertsonaien konplexutasunari.
The pleasures that it does afford may be enough to keep many moviegoers occupied amidst some of the more serious-minded concerns of other year-end movies .
Urte amaieran estreinatuko diren beste hainbat filmaren zirrararekin ... jende asko pozik joango da zinemara.
Not everyone will welcome or accept The Trials of Henry Kissinger as faithful portraiture , but few can argue that the debate it joins is a necessary and timely one .
Ez dira denok egongo ezta Henry Kissingerren epaiketak sinetsiko dutenik ere baina eztabaida hau ezinbestekoa da eta une egokian erakutsi behar da.
There are no special effects , and no Hollywood endings .
Ez dago efektu berezirik, ez Hollywoodeko bukaerarik.
Like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit .
Jatorrizkoaren antzera, bertsio honek "pablo" izendatzen du umeak asmatutako txiste zahar bat baino gehiago duen esaldi batekin.
Despite its Hawaiian setting , the science-fiction trimmings and some moments of rowdy slapstick , the basic plot of `` Lilo '' could have been pulled from a tear-stained vintage Shirley Temple script .
Gidoia Hawain kokatzen bada ere , zientzia-fikziozko sorta eta zenbait momentutan iraingarria ... "Lilo ' s Little Pony " filmaren gidoia Shirley Templeren estilokoa izan zitekeen .
A brutally honest documentary about a much anticipated family reunion that goes wrong thanks to culture shock and a refusal to empathize with others .
Film honek familia-bilera bati buruzko informazioa biltzen du oso aspergarria dena eta konplexua kultur shock batekin amaitzen da eta gizabanakoaren emozioak eta sentimenduak ez dira ulergaitzak.
Filled with honest performances and exceptional detail , Baran is a gentle film with dramatic punch , a haunting ode to humanity .
Aktoreen interpretazio zintzoaz eta xehetasun harrigarriz beteta , " Baran " film bat da, dramatikoa eta zehatza.
Sparkles in its deft portrait of Tinseltown 's seasoned veterans of gossip , wealth , paranoia , and celebrityhood .
Txistulari, aberats eta paranoikoen artean handiena Tinseltowneko beteranoa da
In its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as Jiri Menzel 's Closely Watched Trains and Danis Tanovic 's No Man 's Land .
Jiri Menzelen " Gauezko trenak " eta Danis Tanovichen " Inorena ez " lanen antzeko mezua jasotzen du:
... a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex filmmaking .
Emozio handiko eta narratibo konplexuen filmazioaren garaipena.
( Haynes ' ) homage to such films as `` All That Heaven Allows '' and `` Imitation of Life '' transcends them .
Haynesen omenaldiak " Deabruak bakarrik gida dezake " eta " Bizitzaren imitazioa " bezalako filmekin ondorioztatzen du .
Simply put , `` Far From Heaven '' is a masterpiece .
"Zeruko Erreinua" maisulana da.
An intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time .
Bakardadeari buruzko film bat da. Denbora asko ematen dugu bakarrik.
Although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film does n't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up Catholic or , really , anything .
Film oso interesgarria delako baina ez du, eta gutxiago film berriak edo halakoak kontatzen ditu.
Proves mainly that South Korean filmmakers can make undemanding action movies with all the alacrity of their Hollywood counterparts .
Hego Koreako zinemagileek... film ergelak egin ditzaketela zinemagile ohiek egiten dituztenak bezain erraz.
A very funny romantic comedy about two skittish New York middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles .
Komedia erromantikoko bi nerabe gazte maitemindu ... beren amesgaizto eta akatsekin etsita.
Top-notch action powers this romantic drama .
Akzio filmak , kontu sexyekin ere bai.
Beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart .
Beresfordek umoreaz eta erromantizismoaz hitz egiten du, eta bidaia sinestezin batean garamatza.
It really is a shame that more wo n't get an opportunity to embrace small , sweet ` Evelyn . '
Lastima da kanpoko batzuek ezin dutela Evelyn agurgarria besarkatu .
I stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - feeling a part of its grand locations , thinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights .
Guzti honen edertasunaz ez nuen gehiagorik pentsatu eta ondorioztatu baizik ez nuen egin , hango kokapen bikainetaz jabetu nintzen eta sorkuntzan aurrera egin nahi izan nuen, jendea elkarrizketatu eta inspiratu, nire barnean begiratuz,
Probably the best case for Christianity since Chesterton and Lewis .
Kristautasunaren adierazpenik onena Chesterton eta Lewis-en ondoren.
A gently funny , sweetly adventurous film that makes you feel genuinely good , that is to say , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative Hollywood practices .
Film barregarri eta abenturaz betea. Film honek atsegina ematen du. Hollywoodekoak direnez, ez dut uste... film hau ikusleek ikustea merezi duenik.
Would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial New Yorker if 26-year-old Reese Witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , Melanie Carmichael , with a massive infusion of old-fashioned Hollywood magic .
New Yorkeko gazte honek biziki gozatuko luke... 26 urteko Reese Witherspoon agertokira aterako balitz... fantasiazko Melanie Carmichael izar famatua erakustera.
Visually fascinating ... an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty .
Ikusgarria da. Askotan ipuin paregabeak idazten dituzte. guraso eta seme-alabekin. leialtasuna eta eginbeharra.
A lyrical metaphor for cultural and personal self-discovery and a picaresque view of a little-remembered world .
Auto-kontzientzia eta kulturaz beteriko sentsazioaren metafora bat azpimarratu nahi dut.
Schütte 's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his death offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues Brecht faced as his life drew to a close .
Schütten azken argazki dramatikoak ... Brecht hil baino hiru egun lehenago ... bere bizitza laburraren bukaeran izandako arazoei buruzko informazioa ematen du.
A slick , engrossing melodrama .
Melodrama bitxia da, gero eta interesgarriagoa.
S1M0NE 's satire is not subtle , but it is effective .
S1M0NEren satira ez da sotila, baina eraginkorra da.
It 's a quirky , off-beat project .
Proiektu bitxia da.
While some will object to the idea of a Vietnam picture with such a rah-rah , patriotic tone , Soldiers ultimately achieves its main strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conflict that came to define a generation .
" Soldaduak " filmaren helburua estrategikoa zen: pertsona kopuru handia hiltzea ...
Even if you do n't know the band or the album 's songs by heart , you will enjoy seeing how both evolve , and you will also learn a good deal about the state of the music business in the 21st Century .
Taldea eta diskoaren kantuak ez badituzue ere ezagunak, gustatuko zaizue musika trantsizioa ikustea. Eta XXI. mendeko musika industriaz ere asko ikasiko duzue.
The solid filmmaking and convincing characters makes this a high water mark for this genre .
Film hau egundoko filmik onena da.
Films about loss , grief and recovery are pretty valuable these days .
Gaur egun onuragarria deritzote gizarteari laguntzen dion filma egitea.
Seen in that light , Moonlight Mile should strike a nerve in many .
Horren argitan, Moonlight Mile ikusleak harritu egin dira.
It 's endlessly inventive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage .
Irudimentsua da, argia, eta izugarri basatia.
It is definitely worth seeing .
Merezi du berrikustea.
An impeccable study in perversity .
Lizunkeriaren izu-ikarak gainditzen zaitu.
Far From Heaven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it 's a work of enthralling drama .
"Zeruko Erreinua" opera fikziozko eta erromantiko bat da, baina hori baino gehiago, dramatika bat da.
A movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart .
Begiak liluratzen dituen filma bat, eta gainera, bihotzean ukitzen duen filma bat.
Stuffed to the brim with ideas , American instigator Michael Moore 's film is a rambling examination of American gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition .
Ideiak argitzeko Michael Mooren filma amerikar arma kulturaren errebantxa bat da ohiko moduan erabiliz, gurutziltzatzearen bitartez.
Affectionately reminds us that , in any language , the huge stuff in life can usually be traced back to the little things .
Gogorarazten digu edozein hizkuntzatan gauzak aurki daitezkeela txikitan .
A drama of great power , yet some members of the audience will leave the theater believing they have seen a comedy .
Drama hutsa da, baina ikusleak triste daude, komedia bat ikusi dutelakoan.
The large-frame IMAX camera lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior scientists to grown-up fish lovers .
IMAX kamera bikaina da hondar mugikorretarako. Film hau ikaragarria da oso interesgarria, zientzialari gazteek eta arrainzaleek erakutsita...
The result is more depressing than liberating , but it 's never boring .
Emaitza etsigarria da, baina inoiz ez da aspergarria.
A story about intelligent high school students that deals with first love sweetly but also seriously .
Institutuko ikasle argi batzuen istorio bat da. Lehen maitasunari buruzko hitz goxoak baina serioak.
It is also beautifully acted .
Antzezpen bikaina da.
It is n't that the picture is unfamiliar , but that it manages to find new avenues of discourse on old problems .
Ez da berria, baina arazo zaharrak konpontzeko bide berriak aurkitzen saiatzen ari da.
Same song , second verse , coulda been better , but it coulda been worse .
Bigarren bertsioa da. Hobeagoak izan litezke. Baina txarragoak ere izan litezke.
It 's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual Spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team .
Teknikoki tailer ederra da, eta espektro guztiz ona da. Talentu aparteko talde bat osatu dugu, sortzaile berrien indar guztiekin.
Wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too .
Wilco-ren zaleek primeran pasako dute eta filmak sekulako arrakasta izango du.
Tsai has a well-deserved reputation as one of the cinema world 's great visual stylists , and in this film , every shot enhances the excellent performances .
Tsai da ezaguna mundu zinemako artista bikainen artean . Eta film honetan eszena bakoitzak bere funtzionamendua hobetzen du.
The date movie that Franz Kafka would have made .
Franz Kafkak egin zezakeen pelikula bat.
The fact is that the screen is most alive when it seems most likely that Broomfield 's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer .
Egia esan, pantaila handiagoa animatzen du ... Broomfieldek elkarrizketatzen dituen guztiak edo bera ez dira luzaroan egongo.
Leguizamo and Jones are both excellent and the rest of the cast is uniformly superb .
Leguizamo eta Jones oso onak dira eta gainontzekoak ere bai.
I liked this film a lot ...
Film hau asko gustatu zait.
... there is enough originality in ` Life ' to distance it from the pack of paint-by-number romantic comedies that so often end up on cinema screens .
" Bizitza " filman originala da , baina " Bideoa " filmean ez da izaten zinearen arteari lotutako komedia erromantikoak.
A solid and refined piece of moviemaking imbued with passion and attitude .
Zinearen erabilera sofistikatua da.
Nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one part recipe book .
Nettelbecken lanak erromantiko eta emozionalen bertsio osoa du . Erromantiko eleberri bat, errezeta liburu bat.
With or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and destiny , told well by a master storyteller
Sexua izan ala ez , maitasun eta patu txundigarri bat, historia idazle handi batek kontatua.
On the surface a silly comedy , Scotland , PA would be forgettable if it were n't such a clever adaptation of the bard 's tragic play .
Azalean, barregarri bat, baina eskarmentu handiko artista bat.
A weird , arresting little ride .
Ibilbide bitxia eta ederra.
A fine film , but it would be a lot better if it stuck to Betty Fisher and left out the other stories .
Film ona da, baina hobe dugu Betty Fisherri buruz hitz egitea eta beste istorio batzuk ez aipatzea.
A first-class road movie that proves you can run away from home , but your ego and all your problems go with you .
Road movie-ren ikuskizun bikaina da. Zuk etxetik ihes egin dezakezu baina zure egoa eta arazoak horiekin batera doaz.
You might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see `` Simone , '' and consider a DVD rental instead .
Egiazta dezakezu gutun hau "Simone"ren bideoan sartu aurretik ? Eta alokatu DVD bat.
Well cast and well directed - a powerful drama with enough sardonic wit to keep it from being maudlin .
Aktore eta zuzendari bikainak. Drama gogorra, eta hori barregarria da.
A backstage must-see for true fans of comedy .
Komedia zaleok ez duzue besterik behar.
There 's back-stabbing , inter-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing .
Atzetik emandako sastadak, arraza-arteko desirak eta batez ere dantzak eta kantuak.
The film sounds like the stuff of lurid melodrama , but what makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from Paul 's perspective .
Film hau da melodrama bitxia, baina interesgarria da Pauloren ikuspegitik.